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- Personalized 3-D Color Menu Utility Version 1.1 12-1-88 Page 1
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- 3DMENU is a menu creation program that will customize a 3-dimensional,
- color menu system to your exact specifications. Its intuitive interface
- will guide you easily through the creation and modification of your own
- personalized menu system.
- 3DMENU has these advantages:
- o Easy to use, with an intuitive user interface
- o 4 levels of sub-menus allow for a virtually unlimited number of menu
- options
- o Pop-up menu options and sub-menus with 3-dimensional effect
- o Unique color display which can be easily customized to suit your
- preference
- o Uses standard DOS batch files, making conversion from an existing
- DOS batch file menu system effortless
- o Built in mouse support
- o NOT copy protected
- o NOT memory resident
- o Pay only if you find the software useful
- Personalized 3-D Color Menu Utility Version 1.1 12-1-88 Page 2
- ------------
- 1. Create a 3DMENU directory on your C: drive.
- Command: MD C:\3DMENU
- 2. Copy 3DMENU.EXE and MENU.BAT files into the 3DMENU directory.
- 3. Edit your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file and include a path to the C:\3DMENU
- directory:
- a) If your AUTOEXEC.BAT file DOES NOT contain a PATH command,
- insert the following line:
- b) If your AUTOEXEC.BAT files DOES contain a PATH command,
- modify it to include a path to C:\3DMENU.
- NOTE: If you want the menu to appear after every re-boot,
- ---- insert the command MENU as the last line of your
- 4. Execute your modified AUTOEXEC.BAT file to set the path.
- Command: C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT
- 5. Type MENU to run 3DMENU (unless you have already included the
- command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file)
- Personalized 3-D Color Menu Utility Version 1.1 12-1-88 Page 3
- ------------
- 1. Customizing your menu system:
- Press the F10 key to modify the current menu. (The current menu
- is the menu in the foreground, displaying the date and time.)
- 2. Selecting a menu option:
- You can select a menu option by:
- Using Keyboard:
- a) Pressing its corresponding number;
- b) Pressing its corresponding F-key; OR
- c) Highlighting the option using the cursor keys and
- then pressing enter.
- Using Mouse:
- Highlight selection and press left button.
- The right button is equivalent to the ESC key.
- 3. Changing colors:
- Press the ALT key to change menu colors. The pop-up window
- that appears after pressing ALT is self-explanatory.
- Press ALT-S to save your current choices.
- 4. Returning to DOS:
- Press CTRL-X to exit from the menu and return to the DOS environment.
- Personalized 3-D Color Menu Utility Version 1.1 12-1-88 Page 4
- -------------------
- You are encouraged to copy and share this program with other users,
- ON THE CONDITIONS that the program is not distributed in modified form,
- and that no fee or consideration is charged for use, copying, or
- distribution. (Clubs and user groups may charge a nominal fee for
- expenses and handling while distributing 3DMENU.)
- COMMERCIAL USERS: A $39 license fee per system is required if used in
- a place of business or incorporated into another product.
- Custom versions of 3DMENU (including EGA/VGA graphics versions with
- customized company logos) are available.
- Volume discounts, site licenses, and commercial licenses are also
- available.
- PRIVATE USERS: If you are using this program and find it of value,
- your contribution of ($39 suggested) will be appreciated.
- Send contributions to:
- Tony Minichillo
- 528 McRoberts Avenue
- Toronto, Ontario
- In appreciation of your honesty, you will receive a complete user guide,
- including tips on this program's use. Additionally, you will be
- registered to receive updated versions of 3DMENU when available, as well
- as information about new programs developed in future.
- This program is provided "AS IS", without any warranty, expressed or
- implied, including but not limited to fitness for a particular purpose.
- Copyright (c) 1988 Tony Minichillo. All Rights Reserved.
- Personalized 3-D Color Menu Utility Version 1.1 12-1-88 Page 5
- Version 2.0 is Coming!
- Version 2.0 of 3DMENU is currently being developed with the
- goal of turning 3DMENU into the ultimate user friendly PC
- menu system.
- Features planned for Version 2.0 include:
- o Enhanced graphics display
- o Greater user customization
- o Screen saver option (with enhanced graphics animation)
- o Password protection on menu options
- o More menu levels
- o Enhanced mouse support
- o Smaller program with faster execution
- o Parameter passing to menu options
- o Context sensitive help to guide users through these enhanced features
- o Other user suggested enhancements and more!
- Registering your copy of 3DMENU version 1.1 is the only way
- to guarantee your acquisition of version 2.0.
- By registering your copy 3DMENU ver 1.1 you will automatically
- receive 3DMENU ver 2.0 free of charge, when it becomes
- available.
- Personalized 3-D Color Menu Utility Version 1.1 12-1-88 Page 6
- o You receive a CURRENT copy of the program on a floppy
- diskette
- o You receive a complete user guide, including tips on
- this program's use
- o You receive technical support (by phone or letter) for a
- period of one year following registration
- o You will receive the next updated version of 3DMENU when
- available
- o You will receive advance information about new programs
- developed in future
- o Your input and ideas help shape future versions of
- 3DMENU and other programs
- Shareware is a unique marketing approach. You are
- encouraged to freely distribute unmodified copies of 3DMENU
- in the U.S. and Canada. As a registered user, you will
- receive an $8 commission for every new 3DMENU user who
- registers and quotes your registration number.
- Tony Minichillo
- 528 McRoberts Avenue
- Toronto, Ontario
- DATE:___________
- ____________________________
- ____________________________
- ____________________________
- Description Price
- License for 3DMENU $ 39.00
- additional licenses @ $29.00 ____.__
- TOTAL Charge: $ ____.__
- Disk format [ ] 5 1/4 [ ] 3 1/2
- Make checks payable to Tony Minichillo. Please mark checks
- "3DMENU".