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- "T'ai-chung" "Taiwan"
- "T'ai-nan 639,888 (1986)" "Taiwan"
- "T'ai-tung" "Taiwan"
- "T'ana (L.)" "Ethiopia"
- "T'ao-yuan" "Taiwan"
- "Ta'izz" "North Yemen"
- "Tabiteuea (I.)" "Kiribati"
- "Tabligbo" "Togo"
- "Tabora 214,000 (1985)" "Tanzania"
- "Tabou" "Ivory Coast"
- "Tabriz 852,000 (1982)" "Iran"
- "Tabuaeran I." "Kiribati"
- "Tacna 125,848 (1985)" "Peru"
- "Tacuarembo" "Uruguay"
- "Tacuarembo, R." "Uruguay"
- "Tacuari, R." "Uruguay"
- "Tadine" "New Caledonia"
- "Tadjoura" "Djibouti"
- "Tadjoura, Golfe de" "Djibouti"
- "Taedong-gang (R.)" "North Korea"
- "Taegu 2,030,672 (1985)" "South Korea"
- "Taejon 866,695 (1985)" "South Korea"
- "Tafahi (I.)" "Tonga"
- "Taguersimet" "Western Sahara"
- "Tagula (I.)" "Papua New Guinea"
- "Tagus, R." "Portugal"
- "Tagus, R." "Spain"
- "Tahaa (I.)" "French Polynesia"
- "Tahiti (I.)" "French Polynesia"
- "Tahoua" "Niger"
- "Taipa" "Macau"
- "Taipa, Ilha da" "Macau"
- "Tai Pang Wan (bay)" "Hong Kong"
- "Taipei 2,507,620 (1986)" "Taiwan"
- "Tai Po" "Hong Kong"
- "Taiwan" "" "Taiwan"
- "Taiwan Strait" "Taiwan"
- "Taiyuan *2,176,880 (1982)" "China"
- "Tai Yue Shan (I.)" "Hong Kong"
- "Takamaka" "(Sov. Union)"
- "Takla Makan Desert" "East Asia" "tasi_e"
- "Takoradi" "Ghana"
- "Takutu, R." "Guyana"
- "Talca 137,621 (1985)" "Chile"
- "Talcahuano 217,660 (1985)" "Chile"
- "Tamale" "Ghana"
- "Tamana (I.)" "Kiribati"
- "Tamanrasset" "Algeria"
- "Tamatave" "Madagascar"
- "Tambacounda" "Senegal"
- "Tamega, R." "Portugal"
- "Tampere *252,949 (1985)" "Finland"
- "Tampico *389,940 (1979)" "Mexico"
- "Tampoc, R." "French Guiana"
- "Tana R." "Kenya"
- "Tanga 172,000 (1985)" "Tanzania"
- "Tanganyika, L." "Southern Africa" "tafr_s"
- "Tangier *304,000 (1981)" "Morocco"
- "Tanjungkarang-Telukbetung" "Indonesia"
- " 284,275 (1980)" ""
- "Tanna (I.)" "Vanuatu"
- "Tano R." "Ghana"
- "Taongi (I.)" "Marshall Islands"
- "Tanta 344,000 (1983)" "Egypt"
- "Tanzania" "" "Tanzania"
- "Taoudenni" "Mali"
- "Tapajos, R." "Brazil"
- "Tapanahoni R." "Suriname"
- "Tapeta" "Liberia"
- "Tarawa 21,390 (1985)" "Kiribati"
- "Tarawa (I.)" "Kiribati"
- "Tarif" "United Arab Emirates"
- "Tarija" "Bolivia"
- "Tarim Basin" "East Asia" "tasi_e"
- "Tarkwa" "Ghana"
- "Tarnow 114,110 (1985)" "Poland"
- "Tarrafal" "Cape Verde"
- "Tartus" "Syria"
- "Tashi Gang Dzong" "Bhutan"
- "Tashkent 2,030,000 (1985)" "Soviet Union"
- "Tasman Sea" "New Zealand"
- "Tasmania (I.)" "Australia"
- "Tatabanya" "Hungary"
- "Tatakoto (I.)" "French Polynesia"
- "Taungdwingyi" "Burma"
- "Taunggyi 107,907 (1983)" "Burma"
- "Taupo, L." "New Zealand"
- "Tauranga" "New Zealand"
- "Taveuni (I.)" "Fiji"
- "Tavoy" "Burma"
- "Tawkar" "Sudan"
- "Tawzar" "Tunisia"
- "Taza *146,500 (1981)" "Morocco"
- "Tbilisi 1,158,000 (1985)" "Soviet Union"
- "Tchibanga" "Gabon"
- "Te Anau, L." "New Zealand"
- "Tebicuary, R." "Paraguay"
- "Tegucigalpa 597,512 (1986)" "Honduras"
- "Tehran 5,734,000 (1982)" "Iran"
- "Teixeira Pinto" "Guinea-Bissau"
- "Tekeze R." "Ethiopia"
- "Tekong Besar (I.)" "Singapore"
- "Tel-Aviv Yafo" "Israel"
- " *1,607,800 (1985)" ""
- "Telimele" "Guinea"
- "Tema" "Ghana"
- "Tematangi" "French Polynesia"
- "Temburong R." "Brunei"
- "Tempisque, R." "Costa Rica"
- "Temuco 168,120 (1985)" "Chile"
- "Tenao" "Monaco"
- "Tenkodogo" "Burkina Faso"
- "Tensift, Oued, (R.)" "Morocco"
- "Teplice" "Czechoslovakia"
- "Teraina I." "Kiribati"
- "Terraba, R. Grande de" "Costa Rica"
- "Tesilirmak R." "Turkey"
- "Tete" "Mozambique"
- "Tetouan *371,700 (1981)" "Morocco"
- "Teuco, R." "Argentina"
- "Teyateyaneng" "Lesotho"
- "Thailand" "" "Thailand"
- "Thailand, Gulf of" "Thailand"
- "Thamarit" "Oman"
- "Thames R." "United Kingdom"
- "Thanh Hoa" "Vietnam"
- "Thar Desert" "South Asia" "tasi_s"
- "Thasos (I.)" "Greece"
- "Thaya R." "Austria"
- "The Bahamas" "" "The Bahamas"
- "The Bight" "The Bahamas"
- "The Bottom" "Netherlands Antilles"
- "The Flatts" "Bermuda"
- "The Gambia" "" "The Gambia"
- "The Hague" "Netherlands"
- "Therese I." "Seychelles"
- "Thessaloniki *706,180 (1981)" "Greece"
- "Thies 117,333 (1976)" "Senegal"
- "Thika" "Kenya"
- "Thimbu 30,000 (1984)" "Bhutan"
- "Thithia (I.)" "Fiji"
- "Thjorsa R." "Iceland"
- "Three Points, Cape" "Ghana"
- "Thule" "Greenland"
- "Thun" "Switzerland"
- "Thunder Bay" "Canada"
- "Thyolo" "Malawi"
- "Tianjin *7,790,160 (1982)" "China"
- "Tiber R." "Italy"
- "Tiberias" "Israel"
- "Tiberias, L." "Israel"
- "Tibesti Mts." "Northern Africa" "tafr_n"
- "Tibet, Plateau of" "East Asia" "tasi_e"
- "Ticino R." "Switzerland"
- "Tidjikdja" "Mauritania"
- "Tien Shan (Mts.)" "East Asia" "tasi_e"
- "Tien Shan (Mts.)" "Soviet Union" "tsov"
- "Tierra del Fuego" "Argentina"
- "Tigre, R." "Peru"
- "Tigris R." "Iraq"
- "Tigris R." "Syria"
- "Tigris R." "Turkey"
- "Tihama" "Southwest Asia" "tasi_sw"
- "Tijuana 429,500 (1980)" "Mexico"
- "Tikal" "Guatemala"
- "Tikrit" "Iraq"
- "Tiladummati Atoll" "Maldives"
- "Tilburg *222,720 (1985)" "Netherlands"
- "Tillabery" "Niger"
- "Timbuctu (Tombouctou)" "Mali"
- "Timisoara 309,258 (1984)" "Romania"
- "Timor I." "Indonesia"
- "Timor Sea" "Indonesia"
- "Tinhosa Grande" "Sao Tome and Principe"
- "Tinhosa Pequena" "Sao Tome and Principe"
- "Tinian (I.)" "Northern Mariana Islands"
- "Tipperary" "Ireland"
- "Tirane 215,857 (1985)" "Albania"
- "Tista R." "Bangladesh"
- "Tisza R." "Hungary"
- "Titicaca, L." "Bolivia"
- "Titicaca, L." "Peru"
- "Titograd" "Yugoslavia"
- "Tlemcen" "Algeria"
- "Tobago" "Trinidad and Tobago"
- "Tobruk" "Libya"
- "Tocantins, R." "Brazil"
- "Toco" "Trinidad and Tobago"
- "Tocuyo, R." "Venezuela"
- "Tofua (I.)" "Tonga"
- "Togo" "" "Togo"
- "Tokelau Is. (N.Z.)" "Kiribati"
- "Toku I." "Tonga"
- "Tokyo *11,904,374 (1986)" "Japan"
- "Tolbukhin 109,066 (1985)" "Bulgaria"
- "Tombouctou (Timbuctu)" "Mali"
- "Tonga" "" "Tonga"
- "Tongatapu (I.)" "Tonga"
- "Tongsa Chu R." "Bhutan"
- "Tongsa Dzong" "Bhutan"
- "Tonkin, Gulf of" "Vietnam"
- "Tonle Basak (R.)" "Cambodia"
- "Tonle Sab (R.)" "Cambodia"
- "Tonle Sap (L.)" "Cambodia"
- "Torino 1,059,505 (1984)" "Italy"
- "Tormes, R." "Spain"
- "Torniojoki (R.)" "Finland"
- "Toronto *3,274,200 (1986)" "Canada"
- "Tororo" "Uganda"
- "Torreon *407,271 (1979)" "Mexico"
- "Torres Is." "Vanuatu"
- "Torres Strait" "Papua New Guinea"
- "Torsa R." "Bhutan"
- "Tortola (I.)" "British Virgin Islands"
- "Tortuga I." "Haiti"
- "Torun 188,026 (1985)" "Poland"
- "Totness" "Suriname"
- "Toto" "Guam"
- "Totoya (I.)" "Fiji"
- "Touba" "Senegal"
- "Toulon *410,000 (1982)" "France"
- "Toulouse *523,000 (1982)" "France"
- "Tours *255,000 (1982)" "France"
- "Townsville" "Australia"
- "Tralee" "Ireland"
- "Treinta y Tres" "Uruguay"
- "Trencin" "Czechoslovakia"
- "Trent R." "United Kingdom"
- "Triesen" "Liechtenstein"
- "Trieste 244,980 (1984)" "Italy"
- "Trikala" "Greece"
- "Trincomalee" "Sri Lanka"
- "Trindade" "Sao Tome and Principe"
- "Trinidad" "Bolivia"
- "Trinidad (I.)" "Trinidad and Tobago"
- "Trinidad and Tobago" "" "Trinidad and Tobago"
- "Trinite, La" "Martinique"
- "Triolet" "Mauritius"
- "Tripoli 200,000 (1981)" "Lebanon"
- "Tripoli 587,400 (1980)" "Libya"
- "Trisuli R." "Nepal"
- "Trivandrum *520,125 (1981)" "India"
- "Trois Rivieres" "Haiti"
- "Trois-Rivieres" "Guadeloupe"
- "Tromso" "Norway"
- "Trondheim 134,019 (1985)" "Norway"
- "Trou d'Eau Douce" "Mauritius"
- "Trou du Nord" "Haiti"
- "Troyes *125,000 (1982)" "France"
- "Trujillo 421,345 (1985)" "Peru"
- "Truk Islands" "Micronesia"
- "Truman Airport" "U.S. Virgin Islands"
- "Trusan R." "Brunei"
- "Tsetserleg" "Mongolia"
- "Tsevie" "Togo"
- "Tshabong" "Botswana"
- "Tshane" "Botswana"
- "Tshaneni" "Swaziland"
- "Tshuapa R." "Zaire"
- "Tsuen Wan" "Hong Kong"
- "Tsumeb" "Namibia"
- "Tsushima I. (Japan)" "South Korea"
- "Tuamotu, Iles" "French Polynesia"
- "Tubmanburg" "Liberia"
- "Tubuai (I.)" "French Polynesia"
- "Tug Der" "Somalia"
- "Tugela R." "South Africa"
- "Tuira, R." "Panama"
- "Tulear" "Madagascar"
- "Tulkarm" "West Bank"
- "Tuma, R." "Nicaragua"
- "Tumaco" "Colombia"
- "Tumbes" "Peru"
- "Tumen R." "North Korea"
- "Tunapuna" "Trinidad and Tobago"
- "Tunduru" "Tanzania"
- "Tundzha R." "Bulgaria"
- "Tunis 596,654 (1984)" "Tunisia"
- "Tunisia" "" "Tunisia"
- "Tunja" "Colombia"
- "Turkey" "" "Turkey"
- "Turks and Caicos Is." "" "Turks and Caicos"
- "Turks Island Passage" "Turks and Caicos"
- "Turks Islands" "Turks and Caicos"
- "Turku *258,669 (1985)" "Finland"
- "Turneffe Is." "Belize"
- "Turrialba" "Costa Rica"
- "Tutong" "Brunei"
- "Tutong R." "Brunei"
- "Tuvalu" "" "Tuvalu"
- "Tuz Golu (L.)" "Turkey"
- "Tyre" "Lebanon"
- "Tyrrhenian Sea" "Italy"
- "* denotes urban area population" ""