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- "Ra's al Khaymah" "United Arab Emirates"
- "Raba R." "Hungary"
- "Rabat" "Malta"
- "Rabat *841,800 (1981)" "Morocco"
- "Rabat (Victoria)" "Malta"
- "Rabaul" "Papua New Guinea"
- "Radom 214,910 (1985)" "Poland"
- "Rafah" "Gaza Strip"
- "Raitea (I.)" "French Polynesia"
- "Rajshahi *171,600 (1981)" "Bangladesh"
- "Raleigh *609,300 (1984)" "United States"
- "Ralik Chain" "Marshall Islands"
- "Ram Allah" "West Bank"
- "Ramechhap" "Nepal"
- "Ramla" "Israel"
- "Rancagua" "Chile"
- "Randers" "Denmark"
- "Rangoon 2,458,712 (1983)" "Burma"
- "Rangpur *155,964 (1981)" "Bangladesh"
- "Rann of Kutch" "South Asia" "tasi_s"
- "Rapti R." "Nepal"
- "Raraka (I.)" "French Polynesia"
- "Ras Tanura" "Saudi Arabia"
- "Rasht 260,000 (1982)" "Iran"
- "Ratak Chain" "Marshall Islands"
- "Ratnapura" "Sri Lanka"
- "Rauma" "Finland"
- "Ravi R." "Pakistan"
- "Rawaki (I.)" "Kiribati"
- "Rawalpindi *794,893 (1981)" "Pakistan"
- "Rawson" "Argentina"
- "Recif I." "(Sov. Union)"
- "Recife 1,289,627 (1985)" "Brazil"
- "Red R." "United States"
- "Red R." "Vietnam"
- "Red Sea" "Northern Africa" "tafr_n"
- "Red Sea" "Southwest Asia" "tasi_sw"
- "Redange" "Luxembourg"
- "Ree, L." "Ireland"
- "Regina *175,700 (1986)" "Canada"
- "Regina" "French Guiana"
- "Remich" "Luxembourg"
- "Rempart, R." "Mauritius"
- "Rennell (I.)" "Solomon Islands"
- "Rennes *234,000 (1982)" "France"
- "Republic of China (Taiwan)" "" "Taiwan"
- "Resistencia *262,000 (1985)" "Argentina"
- "Retalhuleu" "Guatemala"
- "Reunion" "" "Reunion"
- "Revue, R." "Mozambique"
- "Rey, Isla del" "Panama"
- "Reykjavik *130,175 (1984)" "Iceland"
- "Rhine R." "Europe" "teur"
- "Rhodes (I.)" "Greece"
- "Rhone R." "France"
- "Rhone R." "Switzerland"
- "Riaba" "Equatorial Guinea"
- "Ribeira Grande" "Cape Verde"
- "Riberalta" "Bolivia"
- "Ridyadh" "Saudi Arabia"
- "Riga 883,000 (1985)" "Soviet Union"
- "Rijeka 159,433 (1981)" "Yugoslavia"
- "Rimatara (I.)" "French Polynesia"
- "Rincon" "Netherlands Antilles"
- "Rio Claro" "Trinidad and Tobago"
- "Rio Cuarto 118,000 (1985)" "Argentina"
- "Rio de Janeiro" "Brazil"
- " 5,615,149 (1985)" ""
- "Rio de la Plata" "Argentina"
- "Rio Muni" "Equatorial Guinea"
- "Rio Negro, Embalse de" "Uruguay"
- "Riobamba" "Ecuador"
- "Ritidian Point" "Guam"
- "Rivas" "Nicaragua"
- "River Cess" "Liberia"
- "Rivera" "Uruguay"
- "Riviere des Anguilles" "Mauritius"
- "Riyadh 1,200,000 (1980)" "Saudi Arabia"
- "Riyaq" "Lebanon"
- "Rizokarpaso" "Cyprus"
- "Road Town 2,479 (1986)" "British Virgin Islands"
- "Robert, Le" "Martinique"
- "Robertsport" "Liberia"
- "Rocadas" "Angola"
- "Roche Noire" "Mauritius"
- "Rock Sound" "The Bahamas"
- "Rockhampton" "Australia"
- "Rocky Mountains" "North America" "tame_n"
- "Rodez" "France"
- "Rodhos" "Greece"
- "Rokel R." "Sierra Leone"
- "Roma" "Lesotho"
- "Romania" "" "Romania"
- "Rome 2,828,692 (1984)" "Italy"
- "Ronde I." "Grenada"
- "Rongelap (I.)" "Marshall Islands"
- "Ronne Ice Shelf" "Antarctica"
- "Rosalie" "Dominica"
- "Rosario *1,016,000 (1985)" "Argentina"
- "Rosario" "Paraguay"
- "Rose Belle" "Mauritius"
- "Rose Hill" "Mauritius"
- "Roseau 20,000 (1981)" "Dominica"
- "Rosia" "Gibraltar"
- "Ross Ice Shelf" "Antarctica"
- "Ross I." "Antarctica" "tant"
- "Ross Sea" "Antarctica"
- "Rosso" "Mauritania"
- "Rostock 245,606 (1985)" "East Germany"
- "Rostov 986,000 (1985)" "Soviet Union"
- "Rota (I.)" "Northern Mariana Islands"
- "Rothera (U.K.)" "Antarctica"
- "Rotorua" "New Zealand"
- "Rotterdam *1,023,363 (1985)" "Netherlands"
- "Rotuma (I.)" "Fiji"
- "Rouen *380,000 (1982)" "France"
- "Round I." "Mauritius"
- "Rovaniemi" "Finland"
- "Rovieng Tbong" "Cambodia"
- "Roxa, I." "Guinea-Bissau"
- "Ruaha R., Great" "Tanzania"
- "Rub al Khali" "Southwest Asia" "tasi_sw"
- "Rud-e Atrak (R.)" "Iran"
- "Rud-e Dez (R.)" "Iran"
- "Rudolf, L." "Ethiopia"
- "Ruenya R." "Zimbabwe"
- "Rufiji R." "Tanzania"
- "Rufisque" "Senegal"
- "Ruggell" "Liechtenstein"
- "Ruhengeri" "Rwanda"
- "Ruhondo, L." "Rwanda"
- "Rukwa, L." "Tanzania"
- "Rum Cay" "The Bahamas"
- "Rumphi" "Malawi"
- "Rumpungu R." "Burundi"
- "Rungwa R." "Tanzania"
- "Rupununi, R." "Guyana"
- "Rurutu (I.)" "French Polynesia"
- "Ruse" "Bulgaria"
- "Rusizi R." "Burundi"
- "Rusizi R." "Rwanda"
- "Russia (Sov. Union )" "" "Soviet Union"
- "Russkaya (Sov. Union)" "Antarctica"
- "Ruvironza R." "Burundi"
- "Ruvubu R." "Burundi"
- "Ruvuma R." "Tanzania"
- "Ruvuma, R." "Mozambique"
- "Ruvuvu R." "Burundi"
- "Ruvuvu R." "Rwanda"
- "Ruyigi" "Burundi"
- "Rwanda" "" "Rwanda"
- "Rwanye, L." "Rwanda"
- "Rweru (L.)" "Burundi"
- "Rweru (L.)" "Rwanda"
- "Ryukyu Is." "Japan"
- "Rzeszow 139,659 (1985)" "Poland"
- "* denotes urban area population" ""