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- "Gabela" "Angola"
- "Gabiro" "Rwanda"
- "Gabon" "" "Gabon"
- "Gaborone 94,705 (1986)" "Botswana"
- "Gabriel I." "Mauritius"
- "Gabrovo" "Bulgaria"
- "Gaferut (I.)" "Micronesia"
- "Gagnoa" "Ivory Coast"
- "Gago Coutinho, I." "Sao Tome and Principe"
- "Gal Oya (R.)" "Sri Lanka"
- "Galana R." "Kenya"
- "Galapagos Is." "South America" "tame_s"
- "Galati 286,110 (1984)" "Romania"
- "Galcaio" "Somalia"
- "Galle" "Sri Lanka"
- "Galway" "Ireland"
- "Gambia R." "Senegal"
- "Gambia R." "The Gambia"
- "Gambia, The" "" "The Gambia"
- "Gambier, Iles" "French Polynesia"
- "Gan" "Maldives"
- "Ganale-Dorya (R.)" "Ethiopia"
- "Gandak R." "Nepal"
- "Ganges R." "Bangladesh"
- "Ganges R." "India"
- "Gao" "Mali"
- "Gaoua" "Burkina Faso"
- "Gardo" "Somalia"
- "Garissa" "Kenya"
- "Garonne R." "France"
- "Garoua" "Cameroon"
- "Gata, Cape" "Cyprus"
- "Gatooma" "Zimbabwe"
- "Gatun L." "Panama"
- "Gavle" "Sweden"
- "Gaya" "Niger"
- "Gaza" "Gaza Strip"
- "Gaza Strip" "" "Gaza Strip"
- "Gaziantep 478,635 (1985)" "Turkey"
- "Gbarnga" "Liberia"
- "Gdansk 467,670 (1985)" "Poland"
- "Gdansk, Gulf of" "Poland"
- "Geba, R." "Guinea-Bissau"
- "Geneva *377,313 (1985)" "Switzerland"
- "Geneva, L." "Switzerland"
- "Genil, R." "Spain"
- "Genoa 742,442 (1984)" "Italy"
- "Gent 234,653 (1985)" "Belgium"
- "George Town 248,241 (1980)" "Malaysia"
- "George Town" "The Bahamas"
- "George, L." "Uganda"
- "Georgetown 8,200 (1986)" "Cayman Islands"
- "Georgetown *187,056 (1976)" "Guyana"
- "Georgetown" "Saint Vincent"
- "Georgetown" "The Gambia"
- "Gera 132,303 (1985)" "East Germany"
- "German Democratic Republic" "East Germany"
- "Germany, East" "" "East Germany"
- "Germany, Federal Republic of" "West Germany"
- "Germany, West" "" "West Germany"
- "Ghadamis" "Libya"
- "Ghaghra R." "Nepal"
- "Ghana" "" "Ghana"
- "Ghanzi" "Botswana"
- "Ghardaia" "Algeria"
- "Ghat" "Libya"
- "Ghats, Eastern" "South Asia" "tasi_s"
- "Ghats, Western" "South Asia" "tasi_s"
- "Ghazni" "Afghanistan"
- "Ghazza, Wadi" "Gaza Strip"
- "Giamama" "Somalia"
- "Gibraltar (U.K.) 26,479 (1981)" "" "Gibraltar"
- "Gibraltar, Bay of" "Gibraltar"
- "Gibraltar, Strait of" "Gibraltar"
- "Gibraltar, Strait of" "Morocco"
- "Gibraltar, Strait of" "Spain"
- "Gibson Desert" "Australia" "toce"
- "Gijon 255,969 (1981)" "Spain"
- "Gikongoro" "Rwanda"
- "Gilbert Is." "Kiribati"
- "Gilgit" "Pakistan"
- "Ginger Islands" "British Virgin Islands"
- "Gisborne" "New Zealand"
- "Gisenyi" "Rwanda"
- "Gitarama" "Rwanda"
- "Gitega" "Burundi"
- "Giuba R." "Somalia"
- "Giurgiu" "Romania"
- "Gizo" "Solomon Islands"
- "Gjirokaster" "Albania"
- "Glama R." "Norway"
- "Glasgow 733,794 (1985)" "United Kingdom"
- "Gliwice 213,084 (1985)" "Poland"
- "Gloucester, Iles" "French Polynesia"
- "Goascoran, R." "El Salvador"
- "Goat Point" "Antigua and Barbuda"
- "Goba" "Ethiopia"
- "Gobabis" "Namibia"
- "Gobi Desert" "East Asia" "tasi_e"
- "Godhavn 8,425 (1976)" "Greenland"
- "Godivari R." "India"
- "Godthab" "Greenland"
- "Goiania 928,046 (1985)" "Brazil"
- "Golan Heights" "Syria"
- "Golfito" "Costa Rica"
- "Gonaives" "Haiti"
- "Gonave, Golfe de la" "Haiti"
- "Gonave, I." "Haiti"
- "Gonder" "Ethiopia"
- "Gongola R." "Nigeria"
- "Good Hope, Cape of" "South Africa"
- "Goodlands" "Mauritius"
- "Goose Green" "Falkland Islands"
- "Gor'kiy 1,399,000 (1985)" "Soviet Union"
- "Gore" "Chad"
- "Gore" "Ethiopia"
- "Goroka" "Papua New Guinea"
- "Gorzow Wielkopolski" "Poland"
- " 116,128 (1985)" ""
- "Goteborg *704,052 (1985)" "Sweden"
- "Gotland (I.)" "Sweden"
- "Gottwaldov" "Czechoslovakia"
- "Goure" "Niger"
- "Gozo (I.)" "Malta"
- "Graham Land" "Antarctica" "tant"
- "Gran Chaco" "South America" "tame_s"
- "Granada" "Nicaragua"
- "Granada 259,779 (1986)" "Spain"
- "Grand Bahama I." "The Bahamas"
- "Grand Bassam" "Ivory Coast"
- "Grand Cayemite" "Haiti"
- "Grand Cayman I." "Cayman Islands"
- "Grand Harbour" "Malta"
- "Grand River N.W." "Mauritius"
- "Grand River S.E." "Mauritius"
- "Grand Turk 3,098 (1980)" "Turks and Caicos"
- "Grand Turk I." "Turks and Caicos"
- "Grand-Bourg" "Guadeloupe"
- "Grande Comore (I.)" "Comoros"
- "Grande, R." "Bolivia"
- "Grande, R." "Mexico"
- "Grande, Rio" "United States"
- "Graz *394,981 (1981)" "Austria"
- "Great Abaco I." "The Bahamas"
- "Great Artesian Basin" "Australia" "toce"
- "Great Basin" "North America" "tame_n"
- "Great Bear L." "Canada"
- "Great Bermuda I." "Bermuda"
- "Great Britain (United Kingdom)" "" "United Kingdom"
- "Great Dividing Range" "Australia" "toce"
- "Great Exuma I." "The Bahamas"
- "Great Inagua I." "The Bahamas"
- "Great Karoo" "Southern Africa" "tafr_s"
- "Great Lakes" "North America" "tame_n"
- "Great Plains" "North America" "tame_n"
- "Great Sandy Desert" "Australia" "toce"
- "Great Slave L." "Canada"
- "Great Sound" "Bermuda"
- "Great Victoria Desert" "Australia" "toce"
- "Great Zab R." "Iraq"
- "Greater Antilles" "Caribbean" "tcar"
- "Greco, Cape" "Cyprus"
- "Greece" "" "Greece"
- "Greenland" "" "Greenland"
- "Greenland Sea" "Greenland"
- "Greenland Sea" "Iceland"
- "Greenville" "Liberia"
- "Grenada" "" "Grenada"
- "Grenadine Is." "Saint Vincent"
- "Grenoble *392,000 (1982)" "France"
- "Grenville" "Grenada"
- "Grevenmacher" "Luxembourg"
- "Greymouth" "New Zealand"
- "Groningen *207,019 (1985)" "Netherlands"
- "Groot R." "South Africa"
- "Grootfontein" "Namibia"
- "Gros-Morne" "Martinique"
- "Guacanayabo, Golfo de" "Cuba"
- "Guadalajara 1,626,152 (1980)" "Mexico"
- "Guadalcanal (I.)" "Solomon Islands"
- "Guadalquivir, R." "Spain"
- "Guadeloupe" "" "Guadeloupe"
- "Guadiana, R." "Portugal"
- "Guadiana, R." "Spain"
- "Guaillabamba, R." "Ecuador"
- "Guam" "" "Guam"
- "Guana Island" "British Virgin Islands"
- "Guangzhou *5,669,640 (1982)" "China"
- "Guanipa, R." "Venezuela"
- "Guantanamo 174,383 (1985)" "Cuba"
- "Guapore, R." "Bolivia"
- "Guarda" "Portugal"
- "Guatemala" "" "Guatemala"
- "Guatemala (City)" "Guatemala"
- " 754,243 (1981)" ""
- "Guaviare, R." "Colombia"
- "Guayaguayare" "Trinidad and Tobago"
- "Guayama" "Puerto Rico"
- "Guayambre, R." "Honduras"
- "Guayamouc, R." "Haiti"
- "Guayape, R." "Honduras"
- "Guayaquil 1,387,819 (1984)" "Ecuador"
- "Guayaquil, Golfo de" "Ecuador"
- "Gudena R." "Denmark"
- "Guelta Zemmur" "Western Sahara"
- "Guera" "Western Sahara"
- "Guiana Highlands" "South America" "tame_s"
- "Guija, Lago de" "El Salvador"
- "Guinea" "" "Guinea"
- "Guinea, Gulf of" "Northern Africa" "tafr_n"
- "Guinea-Bissau" "" "Guinea-Bissau"
- "Gulu" "Uganda"
- "Gun, Embalse de" "Venezuela"
- "Gunners Quoin (I.)" "Mauritius"
- "Gustavia" "Leeward Islands"
- "Gustavia (Guadeloupe)" "Anguilla"
- "Guyana" "" "Guyana"
- "Gweru" "Zimbabwe"
- "Gydan Mts." "Soviet Union" "tsov"
- "Gydnia" "Poland"
- "Gyongyos" "Hungary"
- "Gyor 128,684 (1985)" "Hungary"
- "* denotes urban area population" ""