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- "Ca Mau" "Vietnam"
- "Caacupe" "Paraguay"
- "Cabimas *210,577 (1986)" "Venezuela"
- "Cabinda" "Angola"
- "Cabo Bojador" "Western Sahara"
- "Cabras Island" "Guam"
- "Cacheu, R." "Guinea-Bissau"
- "Cadiz 167,014 (1986)" "Spain"
- "Cadiz, Golfo de" "Portugal"
- "Caen *182,000 (1982)" "France"
- "Cagayan de Oro 275,938 (1984)" "Philippines"
- "Cagliari 224,508 (1984)" "Italy"
- "Caguas *274,600 (1982)" "Puerto Rico"
- "Caicos Islands" "Turks and Caicos"
- "Caicos Passage" "Turks and Caicos"
- "Cairns" "Australia"
- "Cairo 5,875,000 (1983)" "Egypt"
- "Cajamarca" "Peru"
- "Calabar" "Nigeria"
- "Calais *101,000 (1982)" "France"
- "Calcutta *9,194,018 (1981)" "India"
- "Caledon R." "Lesotho"
- "Caledon R." "South Africa"
- "Calgary *641,900 (1986)" "Canada"
- "Cali *1,323,944 (1985)" "Colombia"
- "Calicut *546,058 (1981)" "India"
- "California, Golfo de" "Mexico"
- "Calliaqua" "Saint Vincent"
- "Camaguey 260,782 (1985)" "Cuba"
- "Camanoe I., Great" "British Virgin Islands"
- "Cambay, Gulf of" "South Asia" "tasi_s"
- "Cambodia" "" "Cambodia"
- "Cameroon" "" "Cameroon"
- "Camopi" "French Guiana"
- "Camopi, R." "French Guiana"
- "Campeche, Bahia de" "Mexico"
- "Camu, R." "Dominican Republic"
- "Canada" "" "Canada"
- "Canadian Shield" "North America" "tame_n"
- "Canary Islands (Spain)" "Western Sahara"
- "Canberra 273,600 (1985)" "Australia"
- "Canelles R." "Saint Lucia"
- "Caniapiscau R." "Canada"
- "Canillo" "Andorra"
- "Canouan I." "Saint Vincent"
- "Canton (Guangzhou)" "China"
- "Cap-d'Ail" "Monaco"
- "Cap-Hatien" "Haiti"
- "Cape Coast" "Ghana"
- "Cape Town 1,912,000 (1985)" "South Africa"
- "Cape Verde" "" "Cape Verde"
- "Capesterre" "Guadeloupe"
- "Capitan Arturo Prat (Chile)" "Antarctica"
- "Caqueta, R." "Colombia"
- "Caracas *3,184,958 (1986)" "Venezuela"
- "Caravela, I." "Guinea-Bissau"
- "Carche, I." "Guinea-Bissau"
- "Carcipano" "Venezuela"
- "Cardiff 278,900 (1985)" "United Kingdom"
- "Caribbean Sea" "Caribbean" "tcar"
- "Caribbean Sea" "Middle America" "tame_m"
- "Carlisle Bay" "Barbados"
- "Carmona" "Angola"
- "Carolina 147,835 (1980)" "Puerto Rico"
- "Caroline Islands" "Micronesia"
- "Caroni, R." "Venezuela"
- "Carpathians (Mts.)" "Europe" "teur"
- "Carpentaria, Gulf of" "Australia"
- "Carriacou I." "Grenada"
- "Cartagena *491,368 (1985)" "Colombia"
- "Cartagena 172,751 (1981)" "Spain"
- "Cartago" "Costa Rica"
- "Carter" "Barbados"
- "Casablanca *2,408,600 (1981)" "Morocco"
- "Casamance R." "Senegal"
- "Cascade" "Seychelles"
- "Cascade Range" "North America" "tame_n"
- "Casey (Australia)" "Antarctica"
- "Caspian Sea" "Iran"
- "Caspian Sea" "Soviet Union"
- "Caspian-Aral Basin" "Soviet Union" "tsov"
- "Cassai, R." "Angola"
- "Castelo Branca" "Portugal"
- "Castle Bruce" "Dominica"
- "Castle Harbour" "Bermuda"
- "Castries 40,451 (1970)" "Saint Lucia"
- "Cat I." "The Bahamas"
- "Catalan Bay" "Gibraltar"
- "Catalina Point" "Guam"
- "Catio" "Guinea-Bissau"
- "Cauca, R." "Colombia"
- "Caucasus (Mts.)" "Soviet Union" "tsov"
- "Caura, R." "Venezuela"
- "Cavalla R." "Liberia"
- "Cavally R." "Ivory Coast"
- "Cayenne *38,093 (1982)" "French Guiana"
- "Cayey" "Puerto Rico"
- "Cayman Brac" "Cayman Islands"
- "Cayman Islands" "" "Cayman Islands"
- "Cayo" "Belize"
- "Cayon" "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
- "Cebollati, R." "Uruguay"
- "Cebu 552,155 (1984)" "Philippines"
- "Cebu I." "Philippines"
- "Cedar Grove" "Antigua and Barbuda"
- "Celebes (I.)" "Indonesia"
- "Celebes Sea" "Indonesia"
- "Celebes Sea" "Philippines"
- "Central African Republic" "" "Cent. African Rep."
- "Central America" "Middle America" "tame_m"
- "Central Lowlands" "North America" "tame_n"
- "Central Plateau" "Southwest Asia" "tasi_sw"
- "Central Uplands" "East Asia" "tasi_e"
- "Ceram I." "Indonesia"
- "Cerf I." "(Sov. Union)"
- "Cerro de Pasco" "Peru"
- "Ceske Budejovice" "Czechoslovakia"
- "Cestos R." "Liberia"
- "Ceuta" "Spain"
- "Ceuta (Spain)" "Morocco"
- "Ceyhan R." "Turkey"
- "Ch'ongun" "North Korea"
- "Ch'unch'on 163,217 (1985)" "South Korea"
- "Chabelley" "Djibouti"
- "Chad" "" "Chad"
- "Chad Basin" "Northern Africa" "tafr_n"
- "Chad, L." "Cameroon"
- "Chad, L." "Chad"
- "Chad, L." "Niger"
- "Chad, L." "Nigeria"
- "Chah Bahar" "Iran"
- "Chalchuapa" "El Salvador"
- "Challengers" "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
- "Chalna" "Bangladesh"
- "Chambeshi R." "Zambia"
- "Champerico" "Guatemala"
- "Chanca, R." "Portugal"
- "Chang Jiang R." "China"
- "Chang-hua" "Taiwan"
- "Changi" "Singapore"
- "Channel Is." "United Kingdom"
- "Chao Phraya, Mae Nam (R.)" "Thailand"
- "Chargin-gang (R.)" "North Korea"
- "Chari R." "Cameroon"
- "Chari R." "Cent. African Rep."
- "Chari R." "Chad"
- "Charikar" "Afghanistan"
- "Charity" "Guyana"
- "Charleroi 211,943 (1985)" "Belgium"
- "Charlestown" "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
- "Charlotte Amalie" "U.S. Virgin Islands"
- " 11,842 (1980)" ""
- "Charlotte Town" "Grenada"
- "Chartres" "Falkland Islands"
- "Chateaubelair" "Saint Vincent"
- "Chateaux, Pointe des" "Gualeloupe"
- "Cheb" "Czechoslovakia"
- "Cheju-do (I.)" "South Korea"
- "Chelyabinsk 1,096,000 (1985)" "Soviet Union"
- "Chemin Grenier" "Mauritius"
- "Chenab R." "Pakistan"
- "Chengdu *4,025,180 (1982)" "China"
- "Chepo, R." "Panama"
- "Cherskiy Range" "Soviet Union" "tsov"
- "Chhukha Dzong" "Bhutan"
- "Chi R." "Thailand"
- "Chi-lung" "Taiwan"
- "Chia-i" "Taiwan"
- "Chiang Mai 101,594 (1980)" "Thailand"
- "Chicago *8,035,000 (1984)" "United States"
- "Chiclayo 349,249 (1985)" "Peru"
- "Chihuahua 385,603 (1980)" "Mexico"
- "Chile" "" "Chile"
- "Chillan 126,581 (1985)" "Chile"
- "Chilwa, L." "Malawi"
- "Chimbote 255,078 (1985)" "Peru"
- "Chin-do (I.)" "South Korea"
- "China" "" "China"
- "China Sea, South" "East Asia" "tasi_e"
- "Chinandega" "Nicaragua"
- "Chindwin R." "Burma"
- "Chingola *145,869 (1980)" "Zambia"
- "Chingoni" "Comoros"
- "Chinhoyi" "Zimbabwe"
- "Chinit R." "Cambodia"
- "Chinko R." "Cent. African Rep."
- "Chiomoio" "Mozambique"
- "Chipata" "Zambia"
- "Chiquimula" "Guatemala"
- "Chira, R." "Ecuador"
- "Chiriqui, Golfo de" "Panama"
- "Chiriqui, Laguna de" "Panama"
- "Chirripo, R." "Costa Rica"
- "Chisamula I." "Malawi"
- "Chisimayu" "Somalia"
- "Chitipa" "Malawi"
- "Chitre" "Panama"
- "Chittagong *1,388,476 (1981)" "Bangladesh"
- "Chixoy, R." "Guatemala"
- "Choiseul" "Saint Lucia"
- "Choiseul (I.)" "Solomon Islands"
- "Choiseul Sound" "Falkland Islands"
- "Choluteca" "Honduras"
- "Choluteca, R." "Honduras"
- "Chongqing *6,511,130 (1982)" "China"
- "Chonju 426,498 (1985)" "South Korea"
- "Chota-Nagpur Plateau" "South Asia" "tasi_s"
- "Choybalsan" "Mongolia"
- "Christchurch *299,373 (1986)" "New Zealand"
- "Christiansted" "U.S. Virgin Islands"
- "Chubut, R." "Argentina"
- "Chukchi Sea" "Soviet Union"
- "Chur" "Switzerland"
- "Churchill R." "Canada"
- "Ciego de Avila" "Cuba"
- "Cienfuegos 109,304 (1985)" "Cuba"
- "Ciudad Bolivar *249,675 (1986)" "Venezuela"
- "Ciudad Guayana *442,442 (1986)" "Venezuela"
- "Ciudad Juarez 544,496 (1980)" "Mexico"
- "Clarence Town" "The Bahamas"
- "Clerf R." "Luxembourg"
- "Clermont-Ferrand" "France"
- " *256,000 (1982)" ""
- "Clervaux" "Luxembourg"
- "Cleveland *2,788,400 (1984)" "United States"
- "Cluj-Napoca 299,786 (1984)" "Romania"
- "Clutha R." "New Zealand"
- "Clyde R." "United Kingdom"
- "Coamo" "Puerto Rico"
- "Coast Mts." "North America" "tame_n"
- "Coastal Plain" "North America" "tame_n"
- "Coatepeque, Lago de" "El Salvador"
- "Cochabamba 317,251 (1985)" "Bolivia"
- "Cockburn Harbour" "Turks and Caicos"
- "Coco, R." "Honduras"
- "Coco, R." "Nicaragua"
- "Cocoa Point" "Antigua and Barbuda"
- "Cocos Island" "Guam"
- "Codrington" "Antigua and Barbuda"
- "Cohoha (L.)" "Burundi"
- "Cohoha (L.)" "Rwanda"
- "Coiba, I." "Panama"
- "Coimbra" "Portugal"
- "Coloane" "Macau"
- "Coloane, Ilha de" "Macau"
- "Cologne" "West Germany"
- "Colombia" "" "Colombia"
- "Colombo 643,000 (1984)" "Sri Lanka"
- "Colon" "Panama"
- "Colonia" "Micronesia"
- "Colorado R." "United States"
- "Colorado, R." "Argentina"
- "Columbia R." "United States"
- "Comayagua" "Honduras"
- "Comilla 126,130 (1981)" "Bangladesh"
- "Communism Peak" "Soviet Union" "tsov"
- "Como R." "Gabon"
- "Comoros" "" "Comoros"
- "Conaco, R." "Ecuador"
- "Conakry *197,267 (1967)" "Guinea"
- "Concepcion 280,713 (1985)" "Chile"
- "Concepcion" "Paraguay"
- "Conception I." "Seychelles"
- "Congo" "" "Congo"
- "Congo Basin" "Southern Africa" "tafr_s"
- "Congo R." "Angola"
- "Congo R." "Congo"
- "Congo R." "Zaire"
- "Connecticut R." "United States"
- "Constanta 318,799 (1984)" "Romania"
- "Constantine 438,000 (1987)" "Algeria"
- "Constitution R." "Barbados"
- "Conway Reef" "Fiji"
- "Cook Strait" "New Zealand"
- "Coolidge Airfield" "Antigua and Barbuda"
- "Cooper Island" "British Virgin Islands"
- "Copenhagen *1,358,540 (1985)" "Denmark"
- "Coppename R." "Suriname"
- "Coral Harbor" "U.S. Virgin Islands"
- "Coral Sea" "Australia and Oceania" "toce"
- "Cordoba *1,055,000 (1985)" "Argentina"
- "Cordoba 298,621 (1986)" "Spain"
- "Corfu (I.)" "Greece"
- "Corinto" "Nicaragua"
- "Corisco, I." "Equatorial Guinea"
- "Cork *149,792 (1981)" "Ireland"
- "Cormandel Coast" "South Asia" "tasi_s"
- "Coro" "Venezuela"
- "Corozal" "Belize"
- "Corrib, L." "Ireland"
- "Corrientes 197,000 (1985)" "Argentina"
- "Corsica" "France"
- "Corsica (France)" "Italy"
- "Corubal, R." "Guinea-Bissau"
- "Coruh R." "Turkey"
- "Costa Rica" "" "Costa Rica"
- "Cotonou" "Benin"
- "Cotopaxi (Mt.)" "Ecuador"
- "Cottbus 125,784 (1985)" "East Germany"
- "Cotton Ground" "Saint Kitts and Nevis"
- "Courantyne R." "Suriname"
- "Courantyne, R." "Guyana"
- "Crab Hill" "Barbados"
- "Craiova 267,474 (1984)" "Romania"
- "Crete (I.)" "Greece"
- "Crete, Sea of" "Greece"
- "Crocus Hill" "Anguilla"
- "Crooked I." "The Bahamas"
- "Cros Islet" "Saint Lucia"
- "Cross R." "Nigeria"
- "Cruz Bay" "U.S. Virgin Islands"
- "Cruz, Cabo" "Cuba"
- "Cuamba" "Mozambique"
- "Cuando, R." "Angola"
- "Cuando, R." "Zambia"
- "Cuango, R." "Angola"
- "Cuanza, R." "Angola"
- "Cuareim, R." "Uruguay"
- "Cuba" "" "Cuba"
- "Cubango, R." "Angola"
- "Cubango, R." "Namibia"
- "Cucuta 357,026 (1985)" "Colombia"
- "Cuenca" "Ecuador"
- "Cuiaba 283,075 (1985)" "Brazil"
- "Cuilo, R." "Angola"
- "Cul de Sac (R.)" "Saint Lucia"
- "Culebra, I." "Puerto Rico"
- "Cumana" "Venezuela"
- "Cunene, R." "Angola"
- "Cunene, R." "Namibia"
- "Curacao (I.)" "Netherlands Antilles"
- "Curayay, R." "Ecuador"
- "Curepipe" "Mauritius"
- "Curieuse I." "(Sov. Union)"
- "Curitiba 1,285,027 (1985)" "Brazil"
- "Cusco 235,857 (1985)" "Peru"
- "Cuyuni, R." "Guyana"
- "Cuyuni, R." "Venezuela"
- "Cyangugu" "Rwanda"
- "Cyprus" "" "Cyprus"
- "Czechoslovakia" "" "Czechoslovakia"
- "Czestochowa 247,785 (1985)" "Poland"
- "* denotes urban area population" ""