home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {$R-} {Range checking off}
- {$B+} {Boolean complete evaluation on}
- {$S+} {Stack checking on}
- {$I+} {I/O checking on}
- {$N-} {No numeric coprocessor}
- {$V-}
- Unit UnitX; {PartX renamed to Unit X for sanity's sake}
- Interface
- Uses
- Crt,
- Dos,
- Common,
- Unit0;
- procedure readq(filen:astr);
- procedure docitystate;
- procedure dozipcode;
- procedure dophone;
- procedure dostreet;
- procedure dojob;
- procedure doscreen;
- procedure finduser(var usernum:integer);
- procedure post;
- procedure p1;
- function p2:boolean;
- function rmail(n:integer):astr;
- procedure dsr(uname:astr);
- procedure ssm(dest:integer; s:astr);
- procedure rsm;
- procedure chbds;
- procedure forwardmail;
- procedure chcolors;
- procedure mmacroo;
- procedure readamsg;
- procedure logon1;
- function vote1x(qnum:integer; var vd:vdatar):boolean;
- procedure wmsg;
- procedure smail2(na:emary);
- procedure initp1;
- procedure getcallera(var c:char; var chkcom:boolean);
- Implementation
- procedure readq(filen:astr);
- var ff,ff1:text; a,s,store:astr; i,x:integer; fuku,abort:boolean;
- begin
- assign(ff,filen);
- {$I-} reset(ff); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- store:=copy(filen,1,pos('.',filen)-1)+'.ASW';
- assign(ff1,store); {$I-} append(ff1); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then rewrite(ff1);
- writeln(ff1,'User: '+nam);
- repeat
- fuku:=false;
- readln(ff,a);
- for i:=1 to length(a) do begin
- if a[i]='*' then begin
- prompt(copy(a,1,i-1));
- x:=80-i; inputl(s,x);
- writeln(ff1,copy(a,1,i-1)+s);
- fuku:=true;
- end;
- end;
- abort:=false;
- if fuku=false then printacr(a,abort,next);
- { if fuku then writeln(f1,copy(a,1,length(a)-1)+s) else writeln(f1,a);}
- until (eof(ff)) or (hangup);
- close(ff); close(ff1);
- end;
- end;
- procedure finduser(var usernum:integer);
- var t,i,i1:integer;
- nn:astr;
- begin
- input(nn,25);
- usernum:=value(nn); if usernum>0 then begin
- reset(uf);
- if usernum>filesize(uf)-1 then begin
- print('Unknown User.');
- usernum:=0; end
- else begin
- seek(uf,usernum);
- read(uf,user);
- if user.deleted then begin
- print('Unknown User.');
- usernum:=0; end;
- end;
- close(uf); end
- else begin
- i:=1; i1:=systat.users; t:=(i1+i) div 2;
- while ((i1-i)>1) and (srl[t].name<>nn) do begin
- if srl[t].name<nn then
- i:=t
- else
- i1:=t;
- t:=(i1+i) div 2;
- end;
- usernum:=0;
- if srl[i].name=nn then usernum:=srl[i].number;
- if srl[i1].name=nn then usernum:=srl[i1].number;
- if srl[t].name=nn then usernum:=srl[t].number;
- if nn='NEW' then usernum:=-1;
- if usernum=0 then print('Unknown User.');
- end;
- end;
- procedure post;
- var b:messagerec; i:astr; mesag:messages; a:anontyp; c:char;
- begin
- if (thisuser.sl<boards[board].postsl) or (rpost in thisuser.ac) then
- print('Your access privledges do not include posting.')
- else begin
- if not rep then irt:='';
- if ((ptoday>=seclev[thisuser.sl].posts) and (thisuser.sl<55)) then
- print('Too many messages posted today.') else begin
- a:=boards[board].anonymous;
- if (a=no) and (pana in seclev[thisuser.sl].anst) then
- a:=yes;
- if rpostan in thisuser.ac then a:=no;
- inmsg(mesag,a,i,true,false);
- if mesag.ext<>0 then begin
- b.message:=mesag;
- b.title:=i;
- b.owner:=usernum;
- b.date:=daynum(date);
- b.mage:=maxage(thisuser.sl);
- if rvalidate in thisuser.ac then
- b.messagestat:=unvalidated else b.messagestat:=validated;
- if rmsg in thisuser.ac then b.messagestat:=deleted;
- iscan;
- if tnum>=boards[board].maxmsgs then deletem(1);
- mary[0].message.number:=tnum+1;
- mary[tnum]:=b;
- bchanged:=true;
- thisuser.msgpost:=thisuser.msgpost+1; ptoday:=ptoday+1;
- systat.msgposttoday:=systat.msgposttoday+1;
- sysoplog('+'+i+' posted on '+boards[board].name); topscr;
- print('Message posted on '+boards[board].name+'.');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure docitystate;
- begin
- repeat
- nl;
- print('Enter your city & state seperated by a comma');
- prompt(':');
- inputl(thisuser.citystate,26);
- until (pos(',',thisuser.citystate)<>0) or (hangup);
- end;
- procedure dostreet;
- begin
- repeat
- nl;
- print('Enter your mailing address: <House number> <Street> [APT#]');
- prompt(':');
- inputl(thisuser.street,21);
- until (thisuser.street<>'') or (hangup);
- end;
- procedure dozipcode;
- begin
- repeat
- print('Enter your zipcode (9 digit if available)');
- print(' ##### or #####-####');
- prompt(':');
- input(thisuser.zipcode,10);
- until (thisuser.zipcode<>'') or (hangup);
- end;
- procedure dojob;
- begin
- repeat
- print('Enter your occupation');
- prompt(':');
- inputl(thisuser.occupation,40);
- until (thisuser.occupation<>'') or (hangup);
- end;
- procedure doscreen;
- var v:astr;
- begin
- nl;prompt('How many columns wide is your screen (32-80, <CR>=80) :');
- ini(thisuser.linelen);
- if thisuser.linelen=0 then thisuser.linelen:=80;
- prompt('Number of lines per page (4-25, <CR>=25) : ');
- input(v,2);
- if v='' then thisuser.pagelen:=25;
- if v<>'' then thisuser.pagelen:=value(v);
- if thisuser.pagelen>25 then thisuser.pagelen:=25;
- if thisuser.pagelen<4 then thisuser.pagelen:=4;
- end;
- procedure dophone;
- var right:boolean;
- begin
- repeat
- right:=true;
- print('Enter your VOICE phone number in the');
- print('form:');
- print(' ###-###-####.'); prompt(':');
- input(thisuser.ph,12);
- if (copy(thisuser.ph,5,12)='000-0000') or (copy(thisuser.ph,5,3)='555')
- or (copy(thisuser.ph,5,12)='111-1111') then
- begin
- print('GEE - I almost believe you.');
- thisuser.ph:='';
- end;
- if (length(thisuser.ph)<>12) or (thisuser.ph[4]<>'-') or
- (thisuser.ph[8]<>'-') then begin
- print('Please enter the phone number correctly!'); right:=false; end;
- until (right) or (hangup);
- end;
- procedure p1;
- var c:char; tries,i,ii,t:integer; s,s1,s2:astr; tf:boolean; fi:text; pasw:astr;
- done:boolean; choseansi,chosecolor:boolean;
- procedure showstuff;
- begin
- nl;nl;printf(systat.gfilepath+'system');
- nl;nl;printf(systat.gfilepath+'newuser');
- tries:=0; pasw:='';
- while (systat.boardpw<>pasw) and (not hangup) do begin
- prompt('Newuser password :'); echo:=false; input(pasw,38);
- echo:=true; tries:=tries+1;
- { if (pasw='OFF') or (pasw='BYE') then tries:=systat.tries+1;}
- if tries>=(systat.tries) then
- hangup:=true
- else
- if (systat.boardpw<>pasw) and (pasw<>'') then
- sl1('Wrong newuser password: '+pasw);
- end;
- end;
- procedure doname;
- var i:integer;
- begin
- repeat
- if systat.alias then print('Enter your first & last name, or your alias.') else
- print('Enter your first & last name. Handles are not allowed!');
- prompt(':'); input(thisuser.name,21); tf:=false;
- nl;
- if not (thisuser.name[1] in ['A'..'Z']) or (thisuser.name='') then tf:=true;
- for i:=1 to systat.users do if srl[i].name=thisuser.name then begin
- tf:=true;
- print('That name is already being used.');
- end;
- assign(fi,systat.gfilepath+'trashcan.txt');{$I-} reset(fi); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- s2:=' '+thisuser.name+' ';
- while not eof(fi) do begin
- readln(fi,s1); if s1[length(s1)]=#1 then s1[length(s1)]:=' ' else s1:=s1+' ';
- s1:=' '+s1; for i:=1 to length(s1) do s1[i]:=upcase(s1[i]);
- if pos(s1,s2)<>0 then begin print('"'+copy(s1,pos(s1,s2),length(s1))+'" may not be used!');
- tf:=true; end;
- end;
- close(fi);
- end;
- if tf and (not hangup) then begin
- print(chr(7)+'Sorry, can''t use that name.');
- t:=t+1;
- sl1('Unacceptable name : '+thisuser.name);
- end;
- if t>=3 then hangup:=true;
- until (tf=false) or hangup;
- end;
- procedure dorealname;
- begin
- repeat
- nl; print('Enter your REAL first & last name.');
- prompt (':');
- inputl(thisuser.realname,21);
- if (thisuser.realname='=') or (thisuser.realname='same') then
- thisuser.realname:=thisuser.name;
- until (thisuser.realname<>'') or (hangup);
- end;
- procedure docomputer;
- var right:boolean;
- begin
- repeat
- print('What kind of computer do you have?');
- prompt(':');input(thisuser.computer,14);
- until (thisuser.computer<>'');
- end;
- procedure dosex;
- begin
- nl; prompt('Your sex (M,F) ? ');
- onek(thisuser.sex,'MF');
- end;
- procedure doage;
- begin
- repeat
- nl;
- prompt('What is your age in years? ');
- ini(thisuser.age);
- if thisuser.age<7 then print('Aren''t you a little too young?');
- if thisuser.age>99 then print('Yeah, sure. That old!');
- until (thisuser.age>6) and (thisuser.age<100) or (hangup);
- end;
- procedure dowherebbs;
- begin
- repeat
- print('Where did you hear about this BBS?');
- prompt(':');
- inputl(thisuser.wherebbs,40);
- until (thisuser.wherebbs<>'') or (hangup);
- end;
- procedure doansi;
- begin
- begin
- choseansi:=false;
- prompt('Can you display ANSI graphics (Y/N) ? ');
- if yn then begin
- thisuser.defaults:=thisuser.defaults+[ansi]; choseansi:=true;
- prompt('Do you have a color monitor (Y/N) ? ');
- if yn then begin thisuser.defaults:=thisuser.defaults+[color]; chosecolor:=true; end else chosecolor:=false;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure dopw;
- begin
- tf:=false;
- repeat
- nl; print('Enter a password that you will use to log on again');
- prompt(':'); input(thisuser.pw,20);
- if length(thisuser.pw)<3 then
- print('Must be 3 characters in length.')
- else begin
- prompt('Is this correct (Y/N) ? ');
- tf:=yn;
- end;
- until tf or hangup;
- end;
- procedure doitall;
- begin
- showstuff;
- doname;
- dophone;
- dorealname;
- docomputer;
- dosex;
- doage;
- docitystate;
- dostreet;
- dozipcode;
- dojob;
- dowherebbs;
- doansi;
- doscreen;
- dopw;
- end;
- begin
- t:=0;
- thisuser.defaults:=[onekey,wordwrap,mmnu];
- doitall;
- repeat
- done:=false;
- cls;
- cl(5);print('User Information Change');
- nl;
- print('[A] System Name - '+thisuser.name);
- print('[B] Real Name - '+thisuser.realname);
- print('[C] Phone # - '+thisuser.ph);
- print('[D] Computer - '+thisuser.computer);
- print('[E] Sex - '+thisuser.sex);
- print('[F] Age - '+cstr(thisuser.age));
- print('[G] City, State - '+thisuser.citystate);
- print('[H] Address - '+thisuser.street);
- print('[I] Zip Code - '+thisuser.zipcode);
- print('[J] Occupation - '+thisuser.occupation);
- print('[K] Heard from - '+thisuser.wherebbs);
- prompt('[L] ANSI - ');
- if choseansi then prompt('Enabled') else prompt('Disabled');
- if (chosecolor) and (choseansi) then prompt(' w/ Color') else prompt(' w/o Color');
- nl;
- print('[M] Screen size - '+cstr(thisuser.linelen)+'X'+cstr(thisuser.pagelen));
- print('[N] Password - '+thisuser.pw);
- nl;
- prt('Selection (A-J) to change, or Y when done :');
- case c of
- 'A':doname;
- 'B':dorealname;
- 'C':dophone;
- 'D':docomputer;
- 'E':dosex;
- 'F':doage;
- 'G':docitystate;
- 'H':dostreet;
- 'I':dozipcode;
- 'J':dojob;
- 'K':dowherebbs;
- 'L':doansi;
- 'M':doscreen;
- 'N':dopw;
- 'Y':done:=true;
- end;
- until (done) or (hangup);
- end;
- function p2:boolean;
- var c:char; tries,i,ii,t:integer; s,s1,s2:astr; tf,tf1:boolean; fi:text; pasw:astr;
- begin
- tf1:=false;
- if not hangup then begin
- with thisuser do begin
- deleted:=false; waiting:=0; laston:='Never.';loggedon:=0; msgpost:=0;
- emailsent:=0; feedback:=0; linelen:=80; pagelen:=25;
- ontoday:=0; illegal:=0;
- option:=[]; dsl:=systat.newdsl; downloads:=0; uploads:=0;
- ttimeon:=0.0; for i:=1 to 70 do res[i]:=0; note:='';
- filepoints:=systat.newfp;
- dlnscn:=[]; for i:=0 to 39 do dlnscn:=dlnscn+[i];
- forusr:=0;
- sl:=systat.newsl;
- ac:=systat.newac; ar:=systat.newar;
- for i:=1 to 20 do vote[i]:=0; qscan[1].ext:=1;
- qscan[1].ltr:='A'; qscan[1].number:=-32767;
- for i:=2 to 39 do qscan[i]:=qscan[1];
- for i:=1 to 39 do qscn[i]:=true;
- macro[1]:='This is the Ctrl-D Macro';
- macro[2]:='This is the Ctrl-F Macro';
- sbn:=0;
- cols:=dcols;
- end;
- tf:=false;
- nl;prompt('Please wait while I save your record ... ');
- reset(uf);
- ii:=0;
- for i:=1 to filesize(uf)-1 do begin
- seek(uf,i);
- read(uf,user);
- if user.deleted and (ii=0) then ii:=i;
- end;
- if ii=0 then usernum:=filesize(uf) else usernum:=ii;
- seek(uf,usernum);
- write(uf,thisuser);
- close(uf);
- isr(thisuser.name,usernum);
- print('Saved.');nl;
- lastcaller:=nam;
- prompt('Your user number is ');cl(3);PRINT(cstr(usernum));
- prompt('Your password is "');cl(4);PROMPT(thisuser.pw);cl(1);PRINT('".');
- print('Please remember these, you will need them to log on again.');
- nl;prt('Press any key to continue ...');getkey(c);nl;nl;
- nl; nl;
- cls;
- readq(systat.gfilepath+'newuser.inf');
- { if incom then begin}
- topscr;
- if systat.app then begin
- printf(systat.gfilepath+'newapp');
- irt:='New User Application';
- end;
- nl; tf1:=true;
- { end;}
- end;
- p2:=tf1;
- end;
- function rmail(n:integer):astr;
- var tu,cn,c:integer; f:file; mr,mr1:mailrec; u:userrec; dm:boolean;
- begin
- dm:=true; mailread:=true;
- seek(mailfile,n); read(mailfile,mr); tu:=mr.destin;
- if mr.msg.ext>128 then begin
- for c:=0 to filesize(mailfile)-1 do begin
- seek(mailfile,c); read(mailfile,mr1);
- if (mr1.msg.ltr=mr.msg.ltr) and (mr1.msg.number=mr.msg.number)
- and (mr.msg.ext=mr1.msg.ext) and (c<>n) and (mr1.destin<>-1) then
- dm:=false;
- end;
- end;
- if dm then begin
- assign(f,filename(mr.msg)); {$I-} erase(f); {$I+} cn:=ioresult;
- end;
- mr.destin:=-1; mr.from:=0; mr.mage:=0;
- seek(mailfile,n); write(mailfile,mr);
- reset(uf);
- if (tu>0) and (tu<filesize(uf)) then begin
- seek(uf,tu); read(uf,u); u.waiting:=u.waiting-1;
- seek(uf,tu); write(uf,u);if tu=1 then fw:=fw-1;
- end;
- close(uf);
- rmail:=u.name+' #'+cstr(tu);
- end;
- procedure dsr(uname:astr);
- var i,rn:integer; sr:smalrec;
- begin
- rn:=0;
- for i:=1 to systat.users do
- if srl[i].name=uname then
- rn:=i;
- if rn<>0 then begin
- for i:=rn to systat.users-1 do srl[i]:=srl[i+1];
- systat.users:=systat.users-1; savesystat;
- rewrite(sf); for i:=0 to systat.users do write(sf,srl[i]); close(sf);
- end else sl1('*** Couldn''t delete "'+uname+'"');
- end;
- procedure ssm(dest:integer; s:astr);
- var x:smr; u:userrec;
- begin
- {$I-} reset(smf);{$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then rewrite(smf);
- seek(smf,filesize(smf)); x.msg:=s; x.destin:=dest;
- write(smf,x);
- close(smf);
- reset(uf);
- if (dest>0) and (dest<=filesize(uf)) then begin
- seek(uf,dest); read(uf,u);
- if not (smw in u.option) then
- begin u.option:=u.option+[smw]; seek(uf,dest); write(uf,u); end;
- end;
- close(uf);
- if (dest=usernum) then thisuser.option:=thisuser.option+[smw];
- end;
- procedure rsm;
- var x:smr; i:integer;
- begin
- {$I-} reset(smf); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- i:=0;
- repeat
- if i<=filesize(smf)-1 then begin seek(smf,i); read(smf,x); end;
- while (i<filesize(smf)-1) and (x.destin<>usernum) do begin
- i:=i+1; seek(smf,i); read(smf,x);
- end;
- if (x.destin=usernum) and (i<=filesize(smf)-1) then begin
- print(x.msg);
- seek(smf,i); x.destin:=-1; write(smf,x);
- smread:=true;
- end;
- i:=i+1;
- until (i>filesize(smf)-1) or hangup;
- close(smf);
- end;
- end;
- procedure chbds;
- var i:astr; i1,ii:integer;
- begin
- repeat
- nl;nl;CL(4);prompt('Boards to Q-scan marked with ''');cl(8);
- prompt('*');cl(4);print('''');
- nl; for ii:=1 to numboards do if boardac(ii) then begin
- if thisuser.qscn[ii] then begin CL(8);prompt('* ');end else prompt(' ');
- if boards[ii].key=' ' then BEGIN CL(4);PROMPT(cstr(ii));END else BEGIN CL(4);PROMPT(boards[ii].key);END;
- PROMPT(' ');
- CL(2);PROMPT(' : ');CL(3);PRINT(boards[ii].name);
- end;
- repeat
- prt('Enter board #, Q, or ? :'); input(i,2);
- ii:=value(i);
- if (ii>0) and (ii<=numboards) then
- if (boards[ii].key=' ') and boardac(ii) then thisuser.qscn[ii]:=
- not thisuser.qscn[ii]
- else
- else begin
- i1:=0;
- for ii:=1 to numboards do if boards[ii].key=i then i1:=ii;
- if (i1<>0) and (i<>' ') then if boardac(ii) then
- thisuser.qscn[ii]:=not thisuser.qscn[ii];
- end;
- until (i='Q') or (i='?') or hangup;
- until (i='Q') or hangup;
- end;
- procedure forwardmail;
- var u:userrec; n:integer; i:astr; tf:boolean;
- begin
- nl;
- print('If you forward your mail, all mail');
- print('addressed to you will go to that person');
- print('Now enter the user''s number, or just');
- print('hit <CR> to deactivate mail forwarding.');
- prt(': '); input(i,4);
- n:=value(i);
- nl;
- if n=0 then begin
- thisuser.forusr:=0;
- print('Forwarding deactivated.');
- end else begin
- reset(uf); tf:=true;
- if n>=filesize(uf) then tf:=false else begin
- seek(uf,n); read(uf,u);
- if u.deleted or (nomail in u.option) then tf:=false;
- end;
- if n=usernum then tf:=false;
- if tf then begin
- thisuser.forusr:=n;
- print('Forwarding set to: '+u.name+' #'+cstr(n));
- end else
- print('Sorry, can''t forward to that user.');
- close(uf);
- end;
- end;
- procedure chcolors;
- var mcol,ocol:byte; c,c1,c2:integer; cl:boolean; i:astr; done:boolean; ch:char;
- function colo(n:integer):astr;
- begin
- case n of
- 0:colo:='Black';
- 1:colo:='Blue';
- 2:colo:='Green';
- 3:colo:='Cyan';
- 4:colo:='Red';
- 5:colo:='Magenta';
- 6:colo:='Yellow';
- 7:colo:='White';
- end;
- end;
- function dt(n:integer):astr;
- var i:astr;
- begin
- i:=colo(n and 7)+' on '+colo((n shr 4) and 7);
- if (n and 8)<>0 then i:=i+', High Intensity';
- if (n and 128)<>0 then i:=i+', Blinking';
- dt:=i;
- end;
- function stf(n:integer):astr;
- var i:astr;
- begin
- case n of
- 0:i:='Other';
- 1:i:='Default';
- 2:i:='Unused';
- 3:i:='Yes/No';
- 4:i:='Prompts';
- 5:i:='Note';
- 6:i:='Input line';
- 7:i:='Y/N question';
- 8:i:='Blinking';
- 9:i:='Other';
- end;
- i:=cstr(n)+'. '+i;
- while length(i)<20 do i:=i+' ';
- stf:=i;
- end;
- procedure liststf;
- var c:integer;
- begin
- nl;
- for c:=0 to 9 do begin
- prompt(stf(c)); ansic(c); print(dt(thisuser.cols[cl,c]));
- end;
- nl;
- end;
- begin
- cl:=color in thisuser.defaults;
- nl; if cl then print('Set multiple colors.')
- else print('Set B&W colors.');
- ch:='?'; done:=false;
- repeat
- case ch of
- 'Q':done:=true;
- '?':liststf;
- '0'..'9':begin
- nl; print('Current:'); c1:=value(ch); nl;
- prompt(stf(c1)); ansic(c1); print(dt(thisuser.cols[cl,c1]));
- nl; nl; print('Colors:'); nl;
- for c:=0 to 7 do begin
- prompt(cstr(c)+'. '+colo(c)+' '); setc(c); print(colo(c));
- end;
- ocol:=thisuser.cols[cl,c1]; nl;
- prt('Foreground? '); onek(ch,#13+'01234567');
- if ch=#13 then
- mcol:= ocol and 7
- else
- mcol:=value(ch);
- prt('Background? '); onek(ch,#13+'01234567');
- if ch=#13 then
- mcol:=mcol or (ocol and 112)
- else
- mcol:=mcol or (value(ch) shl 4);
- ynq('Intensified? ');
- if yn then mcol:=mcol or 8;
- ynq('Blinking? ');
- if yn then mcol:=mcol or 128;
- nl; nl; prompt(stf(c1)); setc(mcol); print(dt(mcol));
- nl; prompt('Is this correct? ');
- if yn then thisuser.cols[cl,c1]:=mcol;
- end;
- end;
- if not done then begin
- nl; prt('Colors: 0-9,Q,? : '); onek(ch,'Q?0123456789');
- end;
- until done or hangup;
- end;
- procedure mmacroo;
- var mc,c:char; n1,n,mcn,mn:integer; i:astr;
- begin
- nl; prt('Which (D,F,Q=Quit) :'); onek(c,'QDF');
- if c<>'Q' then begin
- nl;nl; mc:=c; print('Enter your macro now, Ctrl-'+mc);
- print('to end macro. 79 Character limit.'); nl;if mc='D' then mcn:=4 else mcn:=6;
- n:=1; i:=''; macok:=false; if mc='D' then mn:=1 else mn:=2;
- repeat
- getkey(c);
- if (ord(c)<32) then
- if not((c=#8) or (c=#10) or (c=#13) or (c=#14) or (c=#9) or (c=#16) or
- (c=chr(mcn))) then c:=chr(0);
- if c=#8 then if n<2 then c:=#0 else begin
- oc(#8); oc(' '); oc(#8);
- n:=n-1; c:=#0; if i[n]<#32 then begin
- oc(#8); oc(' '); oc(#8);
- end;
- end;
- if (c<>#0) and (c<>chr(mcn)) then begin
- if (c=#16) or (c=#14) or (c=#9) or (c=#27) or (c=#2) then begin
- cl(3);prompt('^'+chr(ord(c)+64));cl(1);
- end
- else oc(c);
- i[n]:=c; n:=n+1;
- if c=#13 then oc(chr(10));
- end;
- until (c=chr(mcn)) or (n=80) or hangup;
- nl;
- if n=80 then begin
- print('Macro limit is 79 chars.');
- print('That much saved.');
- end;
- i[0]:=chr(n-1);
- print('Ctrl-'+mc+' macro is now:'); prompt('"');
- for n1:=1 to length(i) do
- if i[n1]>=' ' then
- prompt(i[n1])
- else
- begin cl(3);prompt('^'+chr(64+ord(i[n1])));cl(1);end;
- print('"'); dump;
- prompt('Is this what you want? ');
- if yn then begin thisuser.macro[mn]:=i; print('Macro saved.') end
- else print('Macro not saved, then.');
- macok:=true;
- end;
- end;
- procedure readamsg;
- var filv:text; i,n:astr; ii:integer; ll:integer; s:array [1..3] of astr; wa:integer;
- begin
- nl;nl;assign(filv,systat.gfilepath+'auto.msg'); ll:=0;
- {$I-} reset(filv); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then commandline('No Auto-Message!') else begin
- readln(filv,n);
- if n[1]='@' then
- if postn in seclev[thisuser.sl].anst then n:=copy(n,2,length(n))+' (Posted Anonymously)'
- else n:='Anonymous';
- if n[1]='!' then
- if so then n:=copy(n,2,length(n))+' (Posted Anonymously)'
- else n:='Anonymous';
- cl(5); prompt('Auto message by: '); cl(3); print(n);
- for ii:=1 to 3 do begin
- readln(filv,i); s[ii]:=i; if length(i)>ll then ll:=length(i);
- end;
- close(filv);
- end;
- if okansi then for ii:=1 to ll do prompt('─'); nl;
- for ii:=1 to 3 do begin cl(0); print(s[ii]); end;
- if okansi then for ii:=1 to ll do prompt('─');
- nl;nl;
- (* if systat.quote then begin
- wa:=0;
- systat.quoteptr:=systat.quoteprt+1;
- nl;nl;assign(filv,systat.gfilepath+'quotes.msg'); ll:=0;
- {$I-} reset(filv); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then commandline('Sorry, none available!') else begin
- readln(filv,n);
- if n='' then wa:=wa+1;
- if systat.quoteprt=wa
- *)
- end;
- procedure logon1;
- var fil:file of astr; lo:array[1..8] of astr; num:integer; i:astr; ul:text; c:char;
- abort:boolean; var d1,d2:zlogt; zf:file of zlogt; n,z:integer; C1:INTEGER;
- begin
- realsl:=thisuser.sl; realdsl:=thisuser.dsl;
- { assign(fil,systat.gfilepath+'laston.dat');
- reset(fil); for num:=1 to 8 do read(fil,lo[num]);
- abort:=false;
- cl(5);
- print('Last few callers:'); nl;
- if cs then c1:=0 else c1:=4;
- repeat
- c1:=c1+1;
- if lo[c1]<>'' then printacr(lo[c1],abort,next); i:='';
- until (c1=8) or (abort);
- if (spd<>'KB') then begin
- seek(fil,0); for num:=2 to 8 do write(fil,lo[num]);
- i:=#3+#3+cstr(systat.callernum)+': '+#3+#1+nam;
- write(fil,i);
- end;
- close(fil);} cls;
- cl(3); prompt('You are caller '); cl(2);
- prompt('#'); cl(4); print(cstr(systat.callernum));
- if systat.callernum=32767 then begin
- sysoplog('[> Value passed to number of callers was higher than the maximum');
- sysoplog(' integer value. Caller number was reset to 1.');
- systat.callernum:=1;
- end;
- if thisuser.laston=date then thisuser.ontoday:=thisuser.ontoday+1
- else thisuser.ontoday:=1;
- if systat.lastdate<>date then begin
- nl; print('Running daily maintance ...');
- commandline('Creating ZLOG.DAT ...');
- assign(zf,systat.gfilepath+'zlog.dat');
- {$I-} reset(zf); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- rewrite(zf);
- d1.date:='';
- for n:=1 to 97 do
- write(zf,d1);
- end;
- d1.date:=systat.lastdate;
- d1.active:=systat.activetoday;
- d1.calls:=systat.callstoday;
- d1.post:=systat.msgposttoday;
- d1.email:=systat.emailtoday;
- d1.fback:=systat.fbacktoday;
- d1.up:=systat.uptoday;
- for n:=95 downto 0 do begin
- seek(zf,n);
- read(zf,d2);
- seek(zf,n+1);
- write(zf,d2);
- end;
- seek(zf,0);
- write(zf,d1);
- close(zf);
- systat.lastdate:=date;
- assign(ul,systat.gfilepath+'ysysop.log'); {$I-} erase(ul); {$I+} num:=ioresult;
- sl1('');
- sl1('Total Time On........: '+ cstr(systat.activetoday));
- sl1('Calls Today..........: '+cstr(systat.callstoday));
- sl1('Messages posted today: '+cstr(systat.msgposttoday));
- sl1('Files u/l today......: '+cstr(systat.uptoday));
- close(sysopf);
- commandline('Patching System Log ...');
- rename(sysopf,systat.gfilepath+'ysysop.log');
- assign(sysopf,systat.gfilepath+'sysop.log');
- rewrite(sysopf); writeln(sysopf); close(sysopf); append(sysopf);
- assign(ul,systat.gfilepath+'user.log'); rewrite(ul); writeln(ul); close(ul);
- with systat do begin
- activetoday:=0; callstoday:=0; msgposttoday:=0; emailtoday:=0;
- fbacktoday:=0; uptoday:=0;
- end;
- nl;
- enddayf:=true;
- end;
- end;
- function vote1x(qnum:integer; var vd:vdatar):boolean;
- var cv,tv,ii:integer; ij,i,i1,i2:astr; c:char; abort,next,bb:boolean;
- begin
- i2:=' '; cls; bb:=false;
- if vd.numa=0 then print('Inactive question.') else begin
- cl(5);PROMPT('Question ');cl(2);PROMPT('#');cl(4);PRINT(cstr(qnum)+':');
- nl; cl(7);print(vd.question); nl;
- tv:=0; for ii:=1 to vd.numa do tv:=tv+vd.answ[ii].numres;
- prompt('Users voting: ');cl(3);print(ctp(tv,systat.users)); if tv=0 then tv:=1;
- nl; CL(0);print('0:No Comment');
- ij:='Q0';
- ii:=1; abort:=false;
- while (ii<=vd.numa) do begin
- ij:=ij+cstr(ii);
- i1:=copy(vd.answ[ii].ans,1,25);
- i1:=i1+copy(i2,1,25-length(i1))+#3+#2+' :';
- i:=copy(cstr(vd.answ[ii].numres),1,3);
- i1:=i1+copy(i2,1,3-length(i))+i+' '+ctp(vd.answ[ii].numres,tv);
- printacr(#3+#4+cstr(ii)+#3+#7+':'+#3+#3+i1,abort,next);
- ii:=ii+1;
- end;
- nl;nl;
- i:='Your vote: '+vd.answ[thisuser.vote[qnum]].ans; print(i);
- if not(rvoting in thisuser.ac) and (not hangup) and (thisuser.sl>10) then begin
- ynq('Change it? '); if yn then begin
- nl; prt('Which number (0-'+cstr(vd.numa)+') ? ');
- onek(i[1],ij);
- i[0]:=#1; ii:=value(i); if (i<>'') and (ii>=0) and (ii<=vd.numa) then begin
- if thisuser.vote[qnum]<>0 then
- vd.answ[thisuser.vote[qnum]].numres:=vd.answ[thisuser.vote[qnum]].numres-1;
- thisuser.vote[qnum]:=ii;
- if ii<>0 then vd.answ[ii].numres:=vd.answ[ii].numres+1;
- bb:=true;
- cls; print('Current Standings for question #'+cstr(qnum)+' : '); nl; print(vd.question); nl;
- tv:=0; for ii:=1 to vd.numa do tv:=tv+vd.answ[ii].numres;
- print('Users voting: '+ctp(tv,systat.users)); nl; if tv=0 then tv:=1;
- abort:=false; ii:=1;
- while (ii<=vd.numa) and (not abort) do begin
- i1:=copy(vd.answ[ii].ans,1,25);
- i1:=i1+copy(i2,1,25-length(i1))+' '+#3+#2+':';
- i:=copy(cstr(vd.answ[ii].numres),1,3);
- i1:=i1+copy(i2,1,3-length(i))+i+' '+ctp(vd.answ[ii].numres,tv);
- if ii=thisuser.vote[qnum] then printacr(#3+#8+'*'+#3+#4+cstr(ii)+#3+#7+':'+#3+#3+i1,abort,next) else
- printacr(' '+#3+#4+cstr(ii)+#3+#7+':'+#3+#3+i1,abort,next);
- ii:=ii+1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- dump;
- end;
- vote1x:=bb;
- end;
- procedure wmsg;
- var filvar:text; ii:integer; li:array[1..3] of astr; n:astr;
- begin
- nl;print('Enter three lines:'); nl;
- for ii:=1 to 3 do begin
- cl(9); prt(cstr(ii)+':'); cl(0); inputl(li[ii],77);
- end;
- n:=nam; if pana in seclev[thisuser.sl].anst then begin
- nl; ynq('Anonymous? ');
- if yn then
- if realsl=255 then
- n:='!'+n
- else
- n:='@'+n;
- end;
- prompt('Is this alright? ');
- if yn then begin
- assign(filvar,systat.gfilepath+'auto.msg');
- rewrite(filvar); writeln(filvar,n);
- for ii:=1 to 3 do writeln(filvar,li[ii]);
- close(filvar); print('Auto-message saved.');
- if (realsl<>255) or incom then begin
- sysoplog('Changed Auto-message');
- for ii:=1 to 3 do sysoplog(' '+li[ii]);
- end;
- end else prompt('Nothing saved.');
- end;
- procedure smail2(na:emary);
- var f:messages; a:anontyp; i:astr; c1,t,cp,e:integer; mr:mailrec; us:userrec;
- begin
- if na[1]<>0 then begin
- a:=no; if sanm in seclev[thisuser.sl].anst then a:=yes;
- irt:='Mass Mail.';
- inmsg(f,a,i,false,true);
- if f.ext<>0 then begin
- {$I-} reset(mailfile); {$I+}
- if (ioresult<>0) then
- {! 45. IOR^esult now returns different values corresponding to DOS error codes.}
- rewrite(mailfile);
- e:=filesize(mailfile);
- if e=0 then cp:=0 else begin
- cp:=-1; t:=e-1;
- seek(mailfile,t); read(mailfile,mr);
- while (t>0) and (mr.destin=-1) do begin
- t:=t-1; seek(mailfile,t); read(mailfile,mr);
- end;
- cp:=t+1;
- end;
- seek(mailfile,cp);
- mr.msg:=f; if lan then mr.from:=-usernum else mr.from:=usernum;
- mr.title:=i; mr.date:=daynum(date);
- mr.mage:=maxage(thisuser.sl);
- c1:=1; nl; print('Sending mail to:');
- while (na[c1]<>0) and (c1<=20) do begin
- mr.destin:=na[c1];
- write(mailfile,mr);
- if na[c1]=1 then begin
- thisuser.feedback:=thisuser.feedback+1;
- ftoday:=ftoday+1;
- fw:=fw+1;
- end else begin
- thisuser.emailsent:=thisuser.emailsent+1;
- etoday:=etoday+1;
- end;
- seek(uf,na[c1]); read(uf,us);
- us.waiting:=us.waiting+1; seek(uf,na[c1]); write(uf,us);
- if na[c1]=usernum then thisuser.waiting:=thisuser.waiting+1;
- i:=us.name+' #'+cstr(na[c1]);
- sysoplog('Mult-mail sent to '+i);
- print(' '+i);
- c1:=c1+1;
- end;
- close(mailfile); topscr;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure initp1;
- var a:integer; filv:text; i:astr; d:astr;
- begin
- wantout:=true; lastcaller:='No one';
- ldate:=daynum(date);
- ch:=false; lil:=0; thisuser.pagelen:=20; buf:=''; chatcall:=false;
- spd:=''; lastname:=''; ll:=''; i:=''; chatr:=''; textcolor(0);
- cursoroff; textcolor(0);
- assign(systatf,'status.dat');
- reset(systatf); read(systatf,systat);close(systatf);
- if systat.users>200 then delay(100) else delay(900);
- assign(uf,systat.gfilepath+'user.lst');
- assign(sf,systat.gfilepath+'names.lst');
- assign(sysopf,systat.gfilepath+'sysop.log');
- {$I-} append(sysopf); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin
- rewrite(sysopf);
- writeln(sysopf);
- end;
- assign(mailfile,systat.gfilepath+'email.dat');
- iport;
- assign(smf,systat.gfilepath+'shortmsg.dat');
- assign(cf,systat.gfilepath+'chat.msg'); cfo:=false;
- reset(sf); for a:=0 to systat.users do read(sf,srl[a]); close(sf);
- for a:=systat.users+1 to maxusers do begin
- srl[a].name:=''; srl[a].number:=0; end;
- assign(ulf,systat.gfilepath+'uploads.dat');
- reset(ulf); maxulb:=-1;
- while not eof(ulf) do begin maxulb:=maxulb+1; read(ulf,uboards[maxulb]); end;
- close(ulf);
- hangup:=false;
- incom:=false; outcom:=false;
- echo:=true; doneday:=false;
- assign(bf,systat.gfilepath+'boards.dat');
- reset(bf);
- numboards:=filesize(bf);
- { assign(xp,systat.gfilepath+'expro.dat');
- reset(xp); numprotocals:=-1;
- while not eof(xp) do begin numprotocals:=numprotocals+1; read(xp,protocals[numprotocals]); end;
- close(xp);}
- for a:=1 to numboards do
- read(bf,boards[a]);
- close(bf);
- assign(slf,systat.gfilepath+'seclev.dat'); reset(slf); for a:=0 to 255 do read(slf,seclev[a]);
- close(slf);
- assign(uf,systat.gfilepath+'user.lst');
- reset(uf);
- if filesize(uf)>1 then begin seek(uf,1); read(uf,user); fw:=user.waiting;
- end else fw:=0;
- close(uf); textcolor(7); first_time:=true;
- sl1(#3+#9+'-------------------->'+#3+#3+'System booted at '+time+#3+#9+'<-----------------');
- end;
- procedure getcallera(var c:char; var chkcom:boolean);
- var rl,rl1:real; i:astr;
- begin
- if commpressed then c:=cinkey;
- if c='2' then begin
- chkcom:=true; rl:=timer; star;
- while (c<>#13) and (abs(rl-timer)<0.2) do c:=cinkey;
- end;
- if chkcom then begin
- if (answerbaud<2) or (not returna) then pr(systat.answer);
- cursoron;
- writeln('Answering Phone-Force: [1] 300 [2] 1200 [3] 2400 [4] 4800 [5] 9600 [H] Abort');
- delay(50); dump; rl1:=timer; i:=''; rl:=0.0;
- repeat
- chkcom:=false;
- if answerbaud>2 then begin
- spd:=cstr(answerbaud);
- chkcom:=true;
- answerbaud:=0;
- end;
- if keypressed then begin c:=readkey;
- if upcase(c)='H' then begin
- chkcom:=true;
- pr('A');
- delay(200);
- dump;
- end;
- case c of
- '1':spd:='300';
- '2':spd:='1200';
- '3':spd:='2400';
- '4':spd:='4800';
- '5':spd:='9600';
- end;
- chkcom:=true;
- end;
- c:=cinkey;
- if (rl<>0.0) and (abs(rl-timer)>2.0) and (c=#0) then c:=#13;
- if (c<#32) and (c<>#13) then c:=#0;
- if c<>#0 then
- if c<>#13 then begin i:=i+c; rl:=timer; end else begin
- if i=cstr(systat.result300) then begin spd:='300'; chkcom:=true; end;
- if i=cstr(systat.result1200) then begin spd:='1200'; chkcom:=true; end;
- if i=cstr(systat.result2400) then begin spd:='2400'; chkcom:=true; end;
- if i=cstr(systat.result4800) then begin spd:='4800'; chkcom:=true; end;
- if i=cstr(systat.result9600) then begin spd:='9600'; chkcom:=true; end;
- if i=cstr(systat.nocarrier) then chkcom:=true;
- rl:=0.0;
- end;
- if c=#13 then i:='';
- if abs(timer-rl1)>45.0 then chkcom:=true;
- until chkcom;
- if abs(timer-rl1)>45.0 then begin c:='X'; lmsg:=true; end;
- clrscr;
- end;
- if spd<>'KB' then incom:=true;
- end;
- END.