home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {$R-} {Range checking off}
- {$B+} {Boolean complete evaluation on}
- {$S+} {Stack checking on}
- {$I+} {I/O checking on}
- {$N-} {No numeric coprocessor}
- {$V-}
- Unit Unit0;
- Interface
- Uses
- Crt,
- Dos,
- Common,
- Qwik;
- procedure star;
- procedure tcenter(i:astr);
- procedure ansig(x:integer; y:integer);
- procedure ansic(c:integer);
- procedure savebase;
- procedure updateuser;
- procedure beephim;
- function mln(i:astr; l:integer):astr;
- procedure inu(var i:integer);
- procedure ini(var i:byte);
- procedure movemsg(var cn:integer);
- function mn(i,l:integer):astr;
- procedure titles(var cn:integer);
- function forwardm(n:integer):integer;
- procedure imail(i:integer);
- procedure autoreply;
- procedure email(touser:integer; xx:boolean);
- procedure deletem(ntd:integer);
- procedure readm(cn:integer; var next:boolean; var unvali:boolean);
- function tnum:integer;
- procedure iscan;
- procedure inmsg(var mrec:messages;an:anontyp;var title:astr;tr,mp:boolean);
- function filename(mrec:messages):astr;
- procedure printfile1(fn:astr; var abort:boolean);
- procedure wfcmenu;
- procedure mmkey(var i:astr);
- function greater(mrec:messages):boolean;
- function maxage(x:integer):integer;
- function boardacpw(nb:integer):boolean;
- function boardac(nb:integer):boolean;
- procedure isr(uname:astr;usernum:integer);
- function ctp(t,b:integer):astr;
- procedure inli(var i:astr);
- procedure readmsg(mrec:messages;rname:boolean; var next:boolean);
- Implementation
- var
- msgval:boolean;
- procedure star;
- begin
- textbackground(0);
- tc(9);write('■ ');tc(11);
- end;
- procedure tcenter(i:astr);
- var p,x,y:integer;
- begin
- p:=40-(length(i) div 2);
- x:=wherex; y:=wherey;
- x:=p;
- gotoxy(x,y);
- writeln(i);
- end;
- procedure ansig(x:integer; y:integer);
- begin
- pr1(#27+'['+cstr(y)+';'+cstr(x)+'H');
- gotoxy(x,y);
- end;
- procedure ansic(c:integer);
- begin
- cl(c);
- end;
- procedure savebase;
- var f:file;
- begin
- if (bread>0) and bchanged then begin
- assign(f,systat.gfilepath+''+boards[bread].filename+'.BRD');
- reset(f,sizeof(messagerec));
- blockwrite(f,mary[0],mary[0].message.number+1);
- truncate(f);
- close(f);
- bchanged:=false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure updateuser;
- var s:astr;
- begin
- repeat
- nl;
- print('Enter your city & state seperated by a comma');
- prompt(':');
- inputl(thisuser.citystate,26);
- until (pos(',',thisuser.citystate)<>0) or (hangup);
- repeat
- print('Enter your mailing address: <House number> <Street> [APT#]');
- prt(':');mpl(30);inputl(thisuser.street,30);
- until (thisuser.street<>'') or (hangup);
- repeat
- print('Enter your zipcode (9 digit if available)');
- print(' ##### or #####-####');
- prt(':');mpl(10);input(thisuser.zipcode,10);
- until (thisuser.zipcode<>'') or (hangup);
- repeat
- print('Enter your occupation:');
- prt(':');mpl(40);inputl(thisuser.occupation,40);
- until (thisuser.occupation<>'') or (hangup);
- repeat
- print('Where did you hear about this BBS?');
- prt(':');mpl(40);inputl(thisuser.wherebbs,40);
- until (thisuser.wherebbs<>'') or (hangup);
- end;
- procedure beephim;
- var rl,rl1:real; ch:char;
- begin
- beepend:=false;
- rl:=timer;
- repeat
- sound(900);delay(20);sound(500);delay(20);sound(200);delay(20);nosound;
- rl1:=timer;
- while (abs(rl1-timer)<0.9) and (not keypressed) do;
- until (abs(rl-timer)>30.0) or keypressed;
- end;
- function mln(i:astr; l:integer):astr;
- begin
- while length(i)<l do i:=i+' ';
- mln:=i;
- end;
- procedure inu(var i:integer);
- var s:astr;
- begin
- input(s,5); i:=value(s);
- end;
- procedure ini(var i:byte);
- var s:astr;
- begin
- input(s,3); i:=value(s);
- end;
- procedure movemsg(var cn:integer);
- var mr:messagerec; i:astr; c1,c2,c3,ob:integer; done:boolean;
- begin
- nl; nl; if (cn>0) and (cn<=tnum) then begin
- print('Move message'); c1:=0; done:=false;
- repeat
- prt('To which board (1-'+cstr(numboards)+') ?=list, Q=Quit :');
- input(i,3);
- if (i='') or (i='Q') then done:=true;
- if i='?' then begin
- nl;
- for c2:=1 to numboards do begin
- cl(3);prompt(cstr(c2));cl(4);prompt(': ');cl(1);
- print(boards[c2].name);
- end;
- nl;
- end;
- c1:=value(i);
- if (c1>0) and (c1<=numboards) then done:=true;
- until done or hangup;
- if (c1>0) and (c1<=numboards) then begin
- mr:=mary[cn];
- mary[0].message.number:=tnum-1;
- for c2:=cn+1 to tnum+1 do
- mary[c2-1]:=mary[c2];
- bchanged:=true;
- savebase;
- ob:=board;
- board:=c1;
- iscan;
- if tnum>=boards[board].maxmsgs then deletem(1);
- mary[0].message.number:=tnum+1;
- mary[tnum]:=mr;
- bchanged:=true;
- savebase;
- board:=ob;
- iscan;
- if cn>tnum then cn:=tnum;
- print('Moved.');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function mn(i,l:integer):astr;
- begin
- mn:=mln(cstr(i),l);
- end;
- procedure titles(var cn:integer);
- var abort,next:boolean; nl:integer; i:astr;
- begin
- nl:=0;
- abort:=false;
- while (not hangup) and (not abort) and (nl<10) and (cn<=tnum) do begin
- if mary[cn].owner=usernum then i:='['+cstr(cn)+']' else
- i:='('+cstr(cn)+')';
- while length(i)<8 do i:=' '+i; i:=i+' '+mary[cn].title;
- if greater(mary[cn].message) then i[1]:='*';
- if mary[cn].messagestat<>validated then if lcs
- then begin
- i[1]:='N'; i[2]:='V';
- end else
- i:=copy(i,1,9)+'<<< NOT VALIDATED YET >>>';
- printacr(i,abort,next);
- nl:=nl+1;cn:=cn+1;
- end;
- cn:=cn-1;
- end;
- function forwardm(n:integer):integer;
- var chk:array[1..maxusers] of boolean; cur:integer; u:userrec; done:boolean;
- begin
- for cur:=1 to maxusers do chk[cur]:=false;
- cur:=n; done:=false;
- while not done do
- if chk[cur] then begin
- done:=true;
- cur:=0;
- end else
- if (cur<filesize(uf)) and (cur>0) then begin
- seek(uf,cur); read(uf,u);
- if u.deleted then begin
- done:=true;
- cur:=0;
- end else begin
- if u.forusr=0 then begin
- done:=true;
- if ((nomail in u.option) and not cs) or ((n=1) and (u.waiting>50))
- or ((n<>1) and (u.waiting>15)) or ((cur=usernum) and not so) then
- cur:=0;
- end else begin
- chk[cur]:=true;
- cur:=u.forusr;
- end;
- end;
- end else begin
- done:=true;
- cur:=0;
- end;
- forwardm:=cur;
- end;
- procedure email(touser:integer; xx:boolean);
- var mr:mailrec; t,e,cp:integer; f:messages; a:anontyp; i:astr; us:userrec; ok:boolean;
- procedure nope(i:astr);
- begin
- if ok then print(i);
- ok:=false;
- end;
- begin
- ok:=not xx;
- reset(uf);
- if (touser>0) and (touser<filesize(uf)) then begin
- seek(uf,touser); read(uf,user); close(uf);
- if ((remail in thisuser.ac) or (thisuser.sl<=10)) and (user.sl<>255) then
- nope('Your access privledges don''t include sending mail.');
- if (etoday>=seclev[thisuser.sl].emails) and (thisuser.sl<55) and (user.sl<>255) then
- nope('Too much E-mail sent today.');
- if (user.sl=255) and (ftoday>=5) and (not so) then
- nope('Too much feedback sent today.');
- if (touser=usernum) and (not so) then
- nope('Can''t E-mail yourself');
- if (((user.sl=255) and (user.waiting>50)) or ((user.sl<>255) and
- (user.waiting>15))) and (not so) then
- nope('Mailbox full.');
- if (nomail in user.option) and (not cs) then
- nope('Mailbox closed.');
- if user.deleted then
- nope('Deleted user.');
- if xx then ok:=true;
- if ok then begin
- a:=no; if sanm in seclev[thisuser.sl].anst then a:=yes;
- inmsg(f,a,i,false,false);
- if f.ext<>0 then begin
- {$I-} reset(mailfile); {$I+}
- if (ioresult<>0) then
- rewrite(mailfile);
- e:=filesize(mailfile);
- if e=0 then cp:=0 else begin
- cp:=-1; t:=e-1;
- seek(mailfile,t); read(mailfile,mr);
- while (t>0) and (mr.destin=-1) do begin
- t:=t-1; seek(mailfile,t); read(mailfile,mr);
- end;
- cp:=t+1;
- end;
- seek(mailfile,cp);
- mr.msg:=f; if lan then mr.from:=-usernum else mr.from:=usernum;
- mr.destin:=touser;
- mr.title:=i; mr.date:=daynum(date);
- mr.mage:=maxage(thisuser.sl);
- write(mailfile,mr);
- if touser=1 then begin thisuser.feedback:=thisuser.feedback+1;
- ftoday:=ftoday+1; fw:=fw+1; end else begin thisuser.emailsent:=
- thisuser.emailsent+1; etoday:=etoday+1; end;
- close(mailfile); reset(uf); seek(uf,touser); read(uf,user);
- user.waiting:=user.waiting+1; seek(uf,touser); write(uf,user);
- if touser=usernum then thisuser.waiting:=thisuser.waiting+1;
- i:=user.name+' #'+cstr(touser);
- close(uf); topscr;
- if useron then sysoplog('Mail sent to '+i);
- print('Mail sent to '+i);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure imail(i:integer);
- var user:userrec; ori:integer;
- begin
- ori:=i;
- if i>0 then begin
- reset(uf); seek(uf,i); read(uf,user);
- if user.deleted then begin
- print('That user is deleted.');
- close(uf);
- end else begin
- if user.forusr<>0 then begin
- i:=forwardm(i);
- if i>0 then begin
- seek(uf,i); read(uf,user); close(uf);
- print('That user is forwarding his mail to '+user.name+'.');
- ynq('Confirm Email ['+user.name+' #'+cstr(i)+'] ? ');
- if yn then
- if ori=1 then
- email(i,true)
- else
- email(i,false);
- end else begin
- print('Can''t E-mail that user.');
- close(uf);
- end;
- end else begin
- close(uf);
- ynq('Confirm E-mail ['+user.name+' #'+cstr(i)+'] ? ');
- if yn then email(i,false);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure autoreply;
- var i:integer; c:char;
- begin
- if lastname='' then print('Can''t Auto-reply now.') else begin
- i:=length(lastname);
- while (lastname[i]<>'#') and (i>1) do i:=i-1;
- i:=value(copy(lastname,i+1,5));
- if i=0 then print('It seems I can''t do that now.') else imail(i);
- end;
- end;
- procedure deletem(ntd:integer);
- var filvar:file; t:integer;
- begin
- assign(filvar,filename(mary[ntd].message));
- {$I-} erase(filvar); {$I+} t:=ioresult;
- for t:=ntd+1 to tnum do begin
- mary[t-1]:=mary[t];
- end;
- mary[0].message.number:=tnum-1;
- bchanged:=true;
- end;
- procedure readm(cn:integer; var next:boolean; var unvali:boolean);
- var i:astr; ratall,rname:boolean; x:integer; s:astr;
- begin
- nl;nl;
- ratall:=true; next:=false;unvali:=false; msgval:=true;
- if mary[cn].messagestat<>validated then begin unvali:=true; msgval:=false; end;
- (* if mary[cn].messagestat<>validated then begin unvali:=true;
- msgval:=false;
- if systat.clearmsg then cls;
- prompt(' Title: '); cl(3); prompt(mary[cn].title);
- for i:=1 to (31-length(mary[cn].title)) do prompt(' ');
- cl(0); print('Msg# '+cstr(cn)+' of '+cstr(tnum));
- {I:=cstr(cn)+'/'+cstr(tnum);while length(I)<7 do I:=I+' ';I:=I+':';
- prompt(i);cl(8);print(' <[ Not Validated ]>');}
- lastname:='';
- if not lcs then ratall:=false;
- end; *)
- if ratall then begin
- if systat.clearmsg then cls;
- prompt(' Title: '); cl(3); prompt(mary[cn].title);
- for x:=1 to (31-length(mary[cn].title)) do prompt(' ');
- cl(1); print('Msg# '+cstr(cn)+' of '+cstr(tnum));
- {I:=cstr(cn)+'/'+cstr(tnum);while length(I)<7 do I:=I+' ';I:=I+':';
- prompt(I);cl(3);print(' '+mary[cn].title);}
- irt:=mary[cn].title;
- if postn in seclev[thisuser.sl].anst then rname:=true else rname:=false;
- readmsg(mary[cn].message,rname,next); tleft;
- if greater(mary[cn].message) then thisuser.qscan[board]:=mary[cn].message;
- end;
- end;
- function tnum:integer;
- begin
- tnum:=mary[0].message.number;
- end;
- procedure iscan;
- var f:file; n:integer;
- begin
- if bread<>board then begin
- assign(f,systat.gfilepath+boards[board].filename+'.BRD');
- {$I-} reset(f,sizeof(messagerec)); {$I+}
- if (ioresult=0) then begin
- blockread(f,mary[0],1);
- blockread(f,mary[1],mary[0].message.number);
- end else begin
- rewrite(f);
- mary[0].message.number:=0;
- blockwrite(f,mary[0],1);
- end;
- close(f);
- bread:=board;
- bchanged:=false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure inmsg(var mrec:messages;an:anontyp;var title:astr;tr,mp:boolean);
- var li:array[1..120] of astr; t1,t,maxli,lc:integer; filler,spc,ti,i:astr;
- saveline,exit,save,abortit,ab,nx:boolean; c:char; filvar:text;
- procedure ptl;
- begin
- if systat.clearmsg then cls else nl;
- prt('Title: '); mpl(30); inputl(title,30);
- end;
- procedure listit(linenum:boolean);
- var l:integer; abort,next:boolean;
- begin
- l:=1;
- abort:=false;
- while (l<>lc) and (not abort) do begin
- if linenum then print(cstr(l)+':');
- printa(li[l],abort,next);
- if (pap<>0) AND (NOFEED=FALSE) then nl;
- l:=l+1;
- end;
- cl(3);prompt('-=> ');cl(4);prompt('Total lines: [');cl(2);prompt(cstr(lc-1));cl(4);print(']');
- saveline:=false;
- end;
- procedure rpl(var i1:astr; i2:astr);
- var c1,c2:integer; i3:astr;
- begin
- if i2[1]='/' then delete(i2,1,1);
- if i2[length(i2)]=#1 then i2:=copy(i2,1,length(i2)-1);
- if i2[length(i2)]='/' then i2:=copy(i2,1,length(i2)-1);
- c1:=pos('/',i2); i3:=copy(i2,1,c1-1);
- delete(i2,1,c1);
- if i2[length(i2)]='/' then i2:=copy(i2,1,length(i2)-1);
- c2:=pos(i3,i1);
- if (length(i1)-length(i3)+length(i2))>(thisuser.linelen+10) then
- print('Line would be too long')
- else
- if c2>0 then begin
- delete(i1,c2,length(i3));
- insert(i2,i1,c2);
- end;
- end;
- var ii:integer; filv:text; s:astr;
- begin
- if freek(0)>10 then begin
- lc:=1;spc:=' ';
- filler:='-------------------------------------------------------------------------------';
- ll:=''; maxli:=systat.maxlines;
- if tr then ptl else ptl;
- end else begin
- title:=''; tr:=true;
- print('Not enough disk space');sysoplog('Hard DISK FULL - Not enough space to save message');
- end;
- if (title<>'') or not tr then begin
- nl;nl;
- prompt('Enter message now. You may have ');cl(3);prompt(cstr(maxli));cl(1);print(' lines maximum.');
- prompt('Enter "');cl(0);prompt('/H');cl(1);
- print('" for help with commands. "/S" to save your message.');
- cl(3);if (okansi) then
- print(copy('[───:────:────:────:────:────:────:────]────:────:────:────:────:────:────:────]',
- 1,thisuser.linelen)) else
- print(copy('[---=----=----=----=----=----=----=----]----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----]',
- 1,thisuser.linelen));
- repeat
- repeat
- saveline:=true; exit:=false; save:=false; abortit:=false;
- inli(i);
- if (i[1]=^J) and (i[2]='/') then i:=copy(i,2,length(i));
- ti:=copy(i,1,3); if ti[length(ti)]=#1 then ti:=copy(ti,1,length(ti)-1);
- ti[1]:=upcase(ti[1]); ti[2]:=upcase(ti[2]); ti[3]:=upcase(ti[3]);
- if ((ti='/RL') or (ti='/R')) and (lc>1) then begin print('Replace:'); saveline:=false; lc:=lc-1; end;
- if (ti='/EX') or (ti='/E') then begin exit:=true; saveline:=false; end;
- if (ti='/ES') or (ti='/S') then begin exit:=true; save:=true; saveline:=false; end;
- if ti='/C:' then begin
- i:=copy(i,4,length(i)-3);
- if i[length(i)]<>#1 then i:=i+#1;
- i:=#2+i;
- end;
- if (ti='/T:') and (maxli-lc>2) then begin
- i:=copy(i,4,length(i)-3);
- if i[length(i)]=#1 then i:=copy(i,1,length(i)-1);
- li[lc]:=#2+#3+#3+'.-'+copy(filler,1,length(i))+'-.'+#1;
- li[lc+1]:=#2+#3+#3+'| '+#3+#0+i+#3+#3+' |'+#1;
- li[lc+2]:=#2+#3+#3+'`-'+copy(filler,1,length(i))+'-''';
- saveline:=false; lc:=lc+3;
- end;
- (* if (ti='/UL') and (so) then begin
- print('Enter file name to upload: ');mpl(40);inputl(s,40);
- assign(filv,s);
- {$I-} reset(filv); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then print('File not found.') else
- while not eof(filv) do begin
- readln(filv,n);
- dm(' '+n,c);
- end;
- close(filv);
- end; *)
- if (ti='/AB') or (ti='/A') then begin
- exit:=true; abortit:=true; saveline:=false; end;
- if (ti='/CL') or (ti='/C') then begin
- saveline:=false; lc:=1;
- print('Message cleared.... Start over...');
- end;
- if ((ti='/SU') or (ti='/ED')) and (lc>1) then begin
- prt('Replace string on what line (1-'+cstr(lc-1)+') ? ');
- input(i,4); if (value(i)>0) and (value(i)<lc) then begin
- print('Enter replacement string (format: StringtoReplace/NewString)');
- prt(':'); inputl(s,74);
- {rpl(li[lc-1],copy(i,4,80));}
- rpl(li[value(i)],s);
- print('Edited line: '); ab:=false;
- printacr(li[value(i)],ab,nx);
- end;
- saveline:=false;
- end;
- if (ti='/HE') or (ti='/H') or (ti='/?')
- then begin printf(systat.gfilepath+'prhelp'); saveline:=false; end;
- if ti='/CO' then begin saveline:=false; printf(systat.gfilepath+'color'); end;
- if (ti='/LI') or (ti='/L') then begin
- ynq('With line numbers? '); if yn then listit(true) else listit(false);
- end;
- if saveline then begin li[lc]:=i; lc:=lc+1; if lc>maxli then begin
- print('You have used up your maxium amount of lines.');
- exit:=true;
- end;
- end;
- until exit or hangup;
- if hangup then abortit:=true;
- if (not abortit) and (not save) then
- repeat
- prt('Message Editor Command - [S,L,A,C,R,I,D,T,U,?] : '); CL(5);
- case c of
- 'L':begin prompt('With line numbers? '); if yn then listit(true) else listit(false); end;
- 'T':ptl;
- 'D':begin
- prompt('Line number to delete (1-'+cstr(lc-1)+')? ');
- input(i,4);t:=value(i); if (t>0) and (t<lc) then begin
- for t1:=t to lc-2 do li[t1]:=li[t1+1]; lc:=lc-1;
- end;
- end;
- 'R':begin
- prompt('Line number to replace (1-'+cstr(lc-1)+')? ');
- input(i,4);t:=value(i); if (t>0) and (t<lc) then begin
- print('Old line:'); ab:=false; printa(li[t],ab,nx);
- print('Enter new line:'); inli(i);
- if (li[t][length(li[t])]=#1) and (i[length(i)]<>#1) then
- li[t]:=i+#1 else li[t]:=i;
- end;
- end;
- 'U':begin
- prompt('Line number to update (1-'+cstr(lc-1)+')? ');
- input(i,4);t:=value(i); if (t>0) and (t<lc) then begin
- nl; ab:=false; printa(li[t],ab,nx); nl; print('Format: oldstr/newstr');
- prompt('Update: '); inputl(i,70); rpl(li[t],i);
- nl; ab:=false; printa(li[t],ab,nx); nl; nl;
- end;
- end;
- 'I':if (lc<maxli) then begin
- prompt('Line number to insert before (1-'+cstr(lc-1)+')? ');
- input(i,4); t:=value(i); if (t>0) and (t<lc) then begin
- for t1:=lc downto t+1 do li[t1]:=li[t1-1]; lc:=lc+1;
- print('New line:'); inli(li[t]);
- end;
- end;
- 'A':begin
- prompt('Abort? ');
- if yn then abortit:=true else c:=' ';
- end;
- 'S':save:=true;
- 'C':if lc>maxli then begin print('Too long.'); c:=' '; end else
- print('Continue...');
- '?':printf(systat.gfilepath+'editor');
- end;
- until (c='S') or (c='A') or (c='C') or hangup;
- until abortit or save or hangup;
- if lc=1 then begin abortit:=true; save:=false; end;
- if save then begin
- case an of
- no : ti:=nam;
- forced : if so then ti:='!'+nam else ti:='@'+nam;
- yes : begin
- ynq('Anonymous? '); CL(1);
- if yn then
- if so then
- ti:='!'+nam
- else
- ti:='@'+nam
- else
- ti:=nam;
- end;
- dearabby: begin
- nl;print('Post as:'); print('1. Abby');
- print('2. Problemed Person'); print('3. '+nam);
- nl;prompt('Which? '); onek(c,'123N'+#13);
- case c of
- '1' : ti:='+'+nam;
- '2' : ti:='-'+nam;
- '3',#13,'N': ti:=nam;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if ti=nam then lan:=false else lan:=true;
- prompt('Saving...');
- while (lc>1) and ((li[lc-1]='') or (li[lc-1]=chr(10))) do lc:=lc-1;
- mrec:=systat.hmsg; mrec.number:=mrec.number+1; if mrec.number=-32767 then
- mrec.ltr:=succ(mrec.ltr);
- if mrec.ltr>'Z' then begin
- mrec.ltr:='A';
- mrec.ext:=mrec.ext+1;
- if mrec.ext>=128 then mrec.ext:=1;
- end;
- systat.hmsg:=mrec;
- if mp then mrec.ext:=mrec.ext+128;
- i:=filename(mrec);
- assign(filvar,i);
- rewrite(filvar);
- writeln(filvar,ti); ti:=dat; writeln(filvar,ti);
- if irt<>'' then begin
- writeln(filvar,' RE: '+#3+#9+irt+#3+#1);
- writeln(filvar); writeln(filvar); writeln(filvar);
- end;
- for t:=1 to lc-1 do
- writeln(filvar,li[t]);
- close(filvar); savesystat;
- cl(5); for t:=1 to 9 do begin prompt('<'); delay(20); prompt(#8+' '+#8+#8); end;
- cl(9);
- end else begin print('Aborted.'); mrec.ext:=0; end;
- end else begin print('Aborted.'); mrec.ext:=0; end;
- end;
- function filename(mrec:messages):astr;
- begin
- filename:=systat.msgpath+mrec.ltr+cstr(mrec.number)+'.'+cstr(mrec.ext);
- end;
- procedure printfile1(fn:astr; var abort:boolean);
- begin
- pfl(fn,abort,false);
- end;
- procedure wfcmenu;
- begin
- clrscr; tc(1); (* Dark Blue *)
- gotoxy(1,1); write(' ─────────────────');
- gotoxy(59,1); write(' ────────────────');
- gotoxy(1,2); write('────────────────────');
- gotoxy(59,2); write(' ────────────────────');
- gotoxy(1,3); write(' ─────────────────');
- gotoxy(59,3); write(' ────────────────');
- if systat.special then for i:=22 downto 0 do begin
- TC(14);
- gotoxy(22,1+i);
- write('┌─┬─┐ ┌── ┬ ┌── ┌──┐ ┌──┐ ┬──┐ ┬──┐');
- tc(12);
- gotoxy(22,2+i); write(' │ ├─ │ ├─ │ ┬ ├──┤ ├─┬┘ │ │');
- tc(4);
- gotoxy(22,3+i); write(' ┴ └── └── └── └──┘ ┴ ┴ ┴ └┘ ┴──┘');
- gotoxy(22,4+i); clreol;
- end else
- begin
- TC(14);
- gotoxy(22,1);
- write('┌─┬─┐ ┌── ┬ ┌── ┌──┐ ┌──┐ ┬──┐ ┬──┐');
- tc(12);
- gotoxy(22,2); write(' │ ├─ │ ├─ │ ┬ ├──┤ ├─┬┘ │ │');
- tc(4);
- gotoxy(22,3); write(' ┴ └── └── └── └──┘ ┴ ┴ ┴ └┘ ┴──┘');
- gotoxy(22,4); clreol;
- end;
- tc(10);
- gotoxy(13,5); writeln('Telegard BBS System, By Carl Mueller and Jeff Randolph');
- gotoxy(33,7); textcolor(14); write('- WFC Commands -');
- WRITELN;textcolor(15);
- writeln(' >Log-on system A>nswer phone B>oard edit />Short Log');
- writeln(' F>ile Board Edit E>dit a text file D>Drop to DOS #>Menu Edit');
- writeln(' I>nit Votes L>og of today M>ail read P>Setup config');
- writeln(' Q>uit to DOS R>ead feeback X>Init modem T>erminal');
- writeln(' U>ser editor Y>esterday''s log Z>log report =>External Utl');
- textcolor(14);
- writeln(' - System Status -');textcolor(3);
- writeln(' Time : Disk space : Comm port :');
- writeln(' Date : Files waiting: # of users:');
- writeln(' Total calls: New user''s pw: Max baud :');
- writeln(' Board : Sysop status : Hours :');
- TEXTCOLOR(14);writeln(' - Today''s Status -');TEXTCOLOR(15);
- writeln(' Activity : # of posts : Email sent:');
- writeln(' Calls : Uploads : Feedback :');
- {writeln(' Last Caller:');}
- textcolor(11);gotoxy(16,16);write(cstr(systat.callernum));gotoxy(16,17);
- if systat.closedsystem then write('Closed') else write('Open');
- gotoxy(41,14);write(cstr(freek(0))+'k');gotoxy(41,15);write(cstr(fw));
- Gotoxy(41,16);if systat.boardpw='' then write('None') else
- write(systat.boardpw);gotoxy(62,14);write(systat.comport);gotoxy(62,15);
- write(cstr(systat.users));gotoxy(62,16);write(systat.maxbaud);gotoxy(62,17);
- if systat.lowtime=systat.hitime then write('None') else
- write(tch(cstr(systat.lowtime div 60))+':'+tch(cstr(systat.lowtime mod 60))+' to '+
- tch(cstr(systat.hitime div 60))+':'+tch(cstr(systat.hitime mod 60)));
- gotoxy(18,19);write(cstr(systat.activetoday));gotoxy(18,20);write(cstr(systat.callstoday));
- gotoxy(43,19);write(cstr(systat.msgposttoday));gotoxy(43,20);write(cstr(systat.uptoday));
- gotoxy(64,19);write(cstr(systat.emailtoday));gotoxy(64,20);write(cstr(systat.fbacktoday));
- { gotoxy(18,21);write(lastcaller);}
- textcolor(3);
- end;
- procedure mmkey(var i:astr);
- var c:char;
- begin
- repeat
- repeat
- getkey(c);
- until (((c>=' ') and (c<chr(127))) or (c=chr(13))) or hangup;
- c:=upcase(c);
- outkey(c);
- thisline:=thisline+c;
- if (c='/') or (c='1') then begin
- i:=c;
- repeat
- getkey(c);
- until ((c>=' ')and(c<=chr(127))) or (c=chr(13)) or (c=chr(8)) or hangup;
- c:=upcase(c);
- if c<>chr(13) then begin outkey(c); thisline:=thisline+c; end;
- if (c=chr(8)) or (c=chr(127)) then prompt(' '+c);
- if c='/' then begin cl(6); input(i,50); end else if c<>chr(13) then i:=i+c;
- end else i:=c;
- until (c<>chr(8)) and (c<>chr(127)) or hangup;
- nl;
- end;
- function greater(mrec:messages):boolean;
- begin
- if mrec.ext>thisuser.qscan[board].ext then greater:=true else
- if mrec.ltr>thisuser.qscan[board].ltr then greater:=true else
- if (mrec.ltr=thisuser.qscan[board].ltr) and (mrec.number>thisuser.qscan[board].number) then
- greater:=true
- else greater:=false;
- end;
- function maxage(x:integer):integer;
- begin
- maxage:=255;
- if x<20 then
- maxage:=5
- else if x<30 then
- maxage:=14
- else if x<40 then
- maxage:=90
- else if x<60 then
- maxage:=120;
- end;
- function boardacpw(nb:integer):boolean;
- var i:astr;
- begin
- boardacpw:=false;
- if (thisuser.sl>=boards[nb].sl) and
- ((boards[nb].ar='@') or (boards[nb].ar in thisuser.ar)) then
- if boards[nb].pw='' then boardacpw:=true else begin
- prt('Password? '); mpl(10); input(i,10);
- if i=boards[nb].pw then boardacpw:=true else print('Wrong.');
- end;
- end;
- function boardac(nb:integer):boolean;
- begin
- boardac:=false;
- if (thisuser.sl>=boards[nb].sl) and
- ((boards[nb].ar='@') or (boards[nb].ar in thisuser.ar)) then boardac:=true;
- end;
- procedure isr(uname:astr;usernum:integer);
- var t,i,ii:integer; sr:smalrec;
- begin
- ii:=systat.users; i:=0;
- while (ii-i)>1 do begin
- t:=(ii+i) div 2;
- if uname<srl[t].name then
- ii:=t
- else
- i:=t;
- end;
- if srl[ii].name<uname then i:=ii;
- for ii:=systat.users downto i+1 do
- srl[ii+1]:=srl[ii];
- sr.name:=uname; sr.number:=usernum;
- srl[i+1]:=sr;
- systat.users:=systat.users+1;
- savesystat;
- rewrite(sf); for ii:=0 to systat.users do write(sf,srl[ii]); close(sf);
- end;
- function ctp(t,b:integer):astr;
- var i,i1:astr; n:real;
- begin
- i:=cstr((t*100) div b); if length(i)=1 then i:=' '+i; i:=i+'.';
- if length(i)=3 then i:=' '+i;
- n:=t/b+0.0005;
- i1:=cstr(trunc(n*1000) mod 10);
- ctp:=i+i1+'%';
- end;
- procedure inli(var i:astr);
- var cp,rp:integer; c,c1:char; cv,cc:integer; escp:boolean;
- procedure bkspc;
- begin
- if cp>1 then begin
- if (i[cp-2]=#3) and (i[cp-1] in [#0..#9]) then begin
- cp:=cp-1;
- CL(1);
- end else
- if i[cp-1]=#8 then begin
- prompt(' ');
- rp:=rp+1;
- end else
- if i[cp-1]<>#10 then begin
- prompt(#8+' '+#8);
- rp:=rp-1;
- end;
- cp:=cp-1;
- end;
- end;
- var ccc,d:char;
- begin
- write_msg:=true;
- ccc:='1';
- escp:=false;
- rp:=1; cp:=1;
- i:='';
- if ll<>'' then begin prompt(ll); i:=ll; ll:=''; cp:=length(i)+1; rp:=cp;end;
- repeat
- getkey(c);
- case ord(c) of
- 32..255:if (cp<strlen) and (rp<thisuser.linelen) then begin
- i[cp]:=c; cp:=cp+1; rp:=rp+1; outansi(c); thisline:=thisline+c;
- end;
- 27:if (cp<strlen) and (rp<thisuser.linelen) then begin
- escp:=true; i[cp]:=c; cp:=cp+1; rp:=rp+1; outansi(c); thisline:=thisline+c;
- end;
- 8:bkspc;
- 2:dm(' -'+#14+'/'+#14+'l'+#14+'\'+#14,c);
- 19:dm(' '+nam+' ',c);
- 24:begin
- cp:=1; for cv:=1 to rp-1 do prompt(#8+' '+#8);
- rp:=1;
- if ccc<>'1' then begin
- c1:=ccc;
- i[cp]:=#3;
- cp:=cp+1;
- i[cp]:=chr(ord(c1)-ord('0'));
- cp:=cp+1;
- CL(ord(i[cp-1]));
- end;
- end;
- 23:if cp>1 then repeat
- bkspc;
- until (cp=1) or (i[cp]=' ') or ((i[cp]=chr(8)) and (i[cp-1]<>#3));
- 14:if (not (rbackspace in thisuser.ac)) then begin
- prompt(chr(8)); i[cp]:=chr(8); cp:=cp+1; rp:=rp-1;
- end;
- 10:if (not (rbackspace in thisuser.ac)) then begin
- prompt(c); i[cp]:=c; cp:=cp+1;
- end;
- 16:if okansi and (cp<strlen-1) then begin
- getkey(c1);
- if c1 in ['0'..'9'] then begin
- ccc:=c1;
- i[cp]:=#3;
- cp:=cp+1;
- i[cp]:=chr(ord(c1)-ord('0'));
- cp:=cp+1;
- CL(ord(i[cp-1]));
- end;
- end;
- 9:begin
- cv:=5-(cp mod 5); if (cp+cv<strlen) and (rp+cv<thisuser.linelen) then
- for cc:=1 to cv do begin
- rp:=rp+1; prompt(' ');
- i[cp]:=' '; cp:=cp+1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- until (c=chr(13)) or ((rp=(thisuser.linelen)) or (cp=strlen) and (wordwrap in thisuser.defaults)) or hangup;
- i[0]:=chr(cp-1);
- if (c<>chr(13)) and (cp<>strlen) and (escp=false) then begin
- cv:=cp-1;
- while (cv>1) and (i[cv]<>' ') and ((i[cv]<>chr(8)) or (i[cv-1]=#3)) do
- cv:=cv-1;
- if (cv>(rp div 2)) and (cv<>cp-1) then begin
- ll:=copy(i,cv+1,cp-cv); for cc:=cp-2 downto cv do prompt(chr(8));
- for cc:=cp-2 downto cv do prompt(' ');
- i[0]:=chr(cv-1);
- end;
- end;
- if (escp) and (rp=thisuser.linelen) then cp:=strlen;
- if cp<>strlen then nl;
- if cp=strlen then begin rp:=1; cp:=1; i:=i+chr(29); end;
- if c=chr(13) then begin
- if (rp=(thisuser.linelen)) then i:=i+chr(29) else i:=i+chr(1);
- if (escp=true) and (i[length(i)]<>#1) then i[length(i)+1]:=#1;
- {false}
- end;
- write_msg:=false;
- end;
- procedure readmsg(mrec:messages;rname:boolean; var next:boolean);
- var f,n,rn,d:astr; filvar:text; abort:boolean; kkk:boolean;s:astr; i:integer;
- begin
- kkk:=false;
- lastname:=''; next:=false;
- f:=filename(mrec); rn:='';
- if (wantfilename) and (cs) and (not hangup) then begin
- prompt(' File: ');cl(5);print(f);end;
- assign(filvar,f); {$I-} reset(filvar); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then begin cl(5);print(#7+'--> Message not available'); kkk:=true;
- end else
- if (not hangup) then begin
- readln(filvar,n);
- readln(filvar,d); lastname:=n;
- if ((n[1]='@') and rname) or ((n[1]='!') and so) then
- n:=copy(n,2,length(n)-1)+' (Anon)'
- else
- if (n[1] in ['!','@']) then
- begin
- lastname:='';
- n:='Anonymous'; d:='In-Active';
- end;
- if (N[1]='+') or (n[1]='-') then begin
- rn:=copy(n,2,length(n)-1);
- if n[1]='+' then n:='Abby' else n:='Problemed Person';
- if not rname then begin d:='?'; rn:=''; lastname:=''; end;
- end;
- abort:=false;
- s:=' By: '+#3+#5+n;
- for i:=1 to (31-length(n)) do s:=s+' ';
- s:=s+#3+#1+'Status: '+#3+#3; if not readingmail then if msgval=true then s:=s+'Public' else s:=s+'Unvalidated' else
- s:=s+'Private';
- printacr(s,abort,next); if not abort then begin
- if rn<>'' then BEGIN prompt('Real NN: ');cl(5);print(rn); END;
- s:=' Date: '+#3+#5+d;
- for i:=1 to (31-length(d)) do s:=s+' ';
- if not readingmail then
- s:=s+#3+#1+'Board: '+#3+#3+boards[board].name else
- s:=s+#3+#1+'Board: '+#3+#3+'E-mail';
- printacr(s,abort,next); nl;
- { if okansi then begin
- cl(2); s:=' '; for i:=1 to 68 do s:=s+'─';
- printacr(s,abort,next);
- end; }
- if lcs then msgval:=true;
- while (not abort) and (not eof(filvar)) and (msgval) do begin
- readln(filvar,n);
- reading_a_msg:=true;
- printa(n,abort,next);
- reading_a_msg:=false;
- end;
- if not abort then nl;
- end;
- end;
- if kkk=false then close(filvar); nl;
- end;
- end.