home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {$R-} {Range checking off}
- {$B+} {Boolean complete evaluation on}
- {$S+} {Stack checking on}
- {$I+} {I/O checking on}
- {$N-} {No numeric coprocessor}
- {$V-}
- Unit Unit2;
- Interface
- Uses
- Crt,
- Dos,
- Common,
- Unit0,
- UnitX,
- Unit1,
- BoardEdt,
- SysopUt,
- FileSc,
- MenuEdt;
- procedure bulletins;
- procedure chuser;
- procedure pstat;
- procedure mailr;
- procedure init;
- procedure hangupphone;
- procedure zlog;
- PROCEDURE scan2(var cn:integer; iread:newtyp; var quit:boolean);
- procedure scan1;
- procedure getcaller;
- procedure qscan(var quit:boolean; tf:boolean);
- procedure nscan;
- Implementation
- procedure chuser;
- var n:integer;
- begin
- if checkpw then begin
- prt('Which user? ');
- finduser(n);
- if n>0 then begin
- thisuser.sl:=realsl;
- reset(uf);
- seek(uf,usernum);
- write(uf,thisuser);
- seek(uf,n);
- read(uf,thisuser);
- close(uf);
- realsl:=thisuser.sl;
- usernum:=n;
- if spd<>'KB' then sysoplog('#*#*#*# '+#3+#8+'Changed to '+nam);
- topscr;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure pstat;
- var c:char;
- begin
- outkey(chr(12));
- with systat do begin
- print('New User Pass : '+boardpw);
- prompt('Board is : '); if closedsystem then print('Closed') else print('Open');
- print('Number Users : '+cstr(users));
- print('Number calls : '+cstr(callernum));
- print('Date : '+lastdate);
- print('Time : '+time);
- print('Active today : '+cstr(activetoday));
- print('Calls today : '+cstr(callstoday));
- print('Messages today : '+cstr(msgposttoday));
- print('Email sent today: '+cstr(emailtoday));
- print('Feed back today : '+cstr(fbacktoday));
- print('Up today : '+cstr(uptoday));
- prompt('Sysop : '); if sysop then begin sprompt(SYSTAT.SYSOPIN); end
- else begin sprompt(SYSTAT.SYSOPOUT); nl; end;
- print('Files waiting : '+cstr(fw));
- print('Disk free space : '+cstr(freek(0))+'k');
- prompt('Sysop hours : ');
- if lowtime=hitime then
- print('None')
- else
- print(tch(cstr(lowtime div 60))+':'+tch(cstr(lowtime mod 60))+' to '+
- tch(cstr(hitime div 60))+':'+tch(cstr(hitime mod 60)));
- end;
- if not useron then begin
- nl;nl;print('Hit any key');
- getkey(c);
- end;
- end;
- procedure mailr;
- var ii:integer; mr:mailrec; abort,a:boolean; c:char; u:userrec; is:astr;
- begin
- readingmail:=true;
- {$I-} reset(mailfile); {$I+} c:=' ';
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- reset(uf);
- ii:=filesize(mailfile)-1; c:=' ';
- while (ii>=0) and (c<>'Q') and (not hangup) do begin
- seek(mailfile,ii); read(mailfile,mr);
- if mr.destin<>-1 then begin
- repeat
- seek(uf,mr.destin); read(uf,u); if systat.clearmsg then cls;
- cl(1);prompt(' Title: ');cl(3);print(mr.title);
- cl(1);prompt(' To: ');cl(9);print(u.name+' #'+cstr(mr.destin));
- a:=true;
- readmsg(mr.msg,a,next);
- prt('Mail Read (R:e-read,D:elete,Q:uit,<space>,?) : ');
- if next then c:=' ' else getkey(c); c:=upcase(c); print(c);
- if c='D' then begin
- close(uf); is:=rmail(ii); reset(uf);
- if usernum=mr.destin then thisuser.waiting:=thisuser.waiting-1;
- end;
- nl;nl;
- until (c<>'R') or hangup;
- end;
- ii:=ii-1;
- end;
- close(mailfile);
- close(uf);
- end;
- readingmail:=false;
- end;
- procedure init;
- var a,b,c:integer;
- vdf:file of vdatar;
- vd:vdatar;
- fi:text;
- i:astr;
- f:file;
- ch1:char;
- begin
- if daynum(date)=0 then begin
- clrscr;
- writeln('Please set the date & time, it is required for operation.');
- halt;
- end;
- initp1;
- assign(vdf,systat.gfilepath+'voting.dat');
- {$I-} reset(vdf); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- for a:=1 to 9 do begin
- read(vdf,vd);
- vqu[a]:=vd.numa<>0;
- end;
- close(vdf);
- end else for a:=1 to 9 do vqu[a]:=false;
- a:=freek(0);
- {errorptr:=ofs(erhnd);}
- {!^ 62. Use the new ExitProc facility to replace ErrorPtr references.}
- end;
- procedure hangupphone;
- var rl:real; try:integer;
- procedure dely(r:real);
- var r1:real;
- begin
- r1:=timer;
- while abs(timer-r1)<r do;
- end;
- begin
- try:=0;
- term_ready(false);
- while (try<2) and cdet do begin
- dely(2.0);
- pr1(#1#1#1);
- rl:=timer;
- while (cinkey<>'0') and (abs(timer-rl)<2.0) do;
- dely(0.8);
- pr(systat.hangup);
- try:=try+1;
- dely(0.3);
- end;
- end;
- procedure zlog;
- var d1:zlogt; n:integer; i:astr; zf:file of zlogt; abort,next:boolean;
- function f(x,n:integer):astr;
- var i:astr;
- begin
- i:=cstr(x);
- while length(i)<n do
- i:=' '+i;
- f:=i;
- end;
- begin
- assign(zf,systat.gfilepath+'zlog.dat');
- {$I-} reset(zf); {$I+}
- if ioresult=0 then begin
- abort:=false;
- read(zf,d1);
- cl(3);printacr(
- ' Date Calls Active Posts Email Fback U/L %Act T/user',abort,next);
- cl(2);printacr(
- '-------- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- --- ---- ------',abort,next);
- while (not abort) and (d1.date<>'') do begin
- i:=d1.date+f(d1.calls,8)+f(d1.active,8)+f(d1.post,8)+f(d1.email,8)+
- f(d1.fback,8)+f(d1.up,8)+f(trunc(100.0*d1.active/1440.0),8);
- if d1.calls>0 then i:=i+f(d1.active div d1.calls,9);
- printacr(i,abort,next);
- if eof(zf) then
- abort:=true
- else
- read(zf,d1);
- end;
- end;
- close(zf);
- end;
- PROCEDURE scan2(var cn:integer; iread:newtyp; var quit:boolean);
- var unvali,uv,pq,donescan,abort,next:boolean; i:astr; t:integer;
- b:messagerec;
- begin
- quit:=false;pq:=false; unvali:=false;
- donescan:=false;
- repeat
- if iread=lt then begin cn:=cn+1; titles(cn); iread:=rp; end;
- if iread=rp then begin
- topscr;
- rep:=false;
- cl(5);prompt('['+(cstr(cn))+'] ');cl(3);
- prompt('Read:(W,P,T,Q,B,D,A,M,1-'+cstr(tnum)+',<CR>) :');cl(5);
- input(i,4); t:=value(i);
- if (i='R') then begin t:=cn; i:=cstr(t); wantfilename:=false; end;
- if (i='L') then begin t:=cn; i:=cstr(t); wantfilename:=true; end;
- if (i<>'') and (t=0) then case i[1] of
- 'P':post;
- 'T':iread:=lt;
- 'Q':begin quit:=true; donescan:=true; end;
- 'B':donescan:=true;
- 'D':if lcs and (cn>0) and (cn<=tnum) then begin
- deletem(cn); cn:=cn-1;
- end;
- 'A':autoreply;
- 'M':if cs then movemsg(cn);
- 'W':begin rep:=true; irt:=irt+' (Msg #'+cstr(cn)+')'; post; end;
- '?':begin
- nl; cl(5);
- print('- Message Commands -'); nl;
- print('#:message to read <CR>:next msg');
- print('T:itles Q:uit P:ost A:uto-reply');
- print('R:e-read B:next board in N-scan');
- print('W:rite reply to current message');nl;
- if so then begin
- cl(5);print('- Sysop Functions -');
- nl;
- print('L:ist message with filename');
- print('D:elete message');
- print('M:ove message to different base');nl;
- end;
- end;
- end else begin
- if (t>0) and (t<=tnum) then begin
- cn:=t;
- iread:=rm;
- end else if i='' then begin
- t:=cn+1;
- if t<=tnum then begin
- cn:=t;
- iread:=rm;
- end else begin donescan:=true; pq:=true; end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (iread=rm) and (cn>0) and (cn<=tnum) then begin
- readm(cn,next,uv); if uv then unvali:=true;
- if next then cn:=cn+1 else iread:=rp;
- mread:=mread+1; tleft;
- if (mread>=extramsgs+seclev[thisuser.sl].mallowed)
- and (thisuser.sl<>255) and (thisuser.ontoday<>1) then begin
- print('You have read all your messages.');
- hangup:=true;
- end;
- if (mread+5=extramsgs+seclev[thisuser.sl].mallowed) and (thisuser.ontoday<>1) then
- print('5 messages left until forced logoff');
- end else if iread=rm then iread:=rp;
- if (iread=rm) and (cn=tnum+1) then begin donescan:=true; pq:=true; end;
- until donescan or hangup;
- if unvali and lcs then begin
- ynq(chr(7)+'Validate messages here? ');
- if yn then for t:=1 to tnum do
- if mary[t].messagestat<>validated then
- mary[t].messagestat:=validated;
- bchanged:=true;
- end;
- if pq and (thisuser.sl>=boards[board].postsl) and not (rpost in thisuser.ac)
- and ((ptoday<seclev[thisuser.sl].posts) or (thisuser.sl>55)) then begin
- nl; ynq('Post on '+boards[board].name+'? ');
- if yn then post;
- end;
- nl;
- end;
- procedure scan1;
- var cn:integer; i:astr; quit:boolean;
- begin
- iscan;
- print(cstr(tnum)+' msgs on '+boards[board].name);
- if tnum<>0 then begin
- prt('Start listing at (Q=quit)? ');
- input(i,4);
- cn:=value(i); if cn<=0 then cn:=0 else if cn>tnum then cn:=tnum else cn:=cn-1;
- end else i:='S';
- if i='S' then scan2(cn,rp,quit) else
- if (i<>'Q') then
- if i='N' then begin
- cn:=1;
- while (not greater(mary[cn].message)) and (cn<tnum) do
- cn:=cn+1;
- cn:=cn-1;
- if greater(mary[cn].message) then scan2(cn,lt,quit);
- end else scan2(cn,lt,quit);
- savebase;
- end;
- procedure getcaller;
- var c:char; x:smr; chkcom:boolean; rl,rl1,rl2:real; i:astr; wfcm:boolean; duh,txt:integer;
- procedure init1;
- begin
- if (systat.init<>'') then begin
- clrscr;textcolor(9);write('■ ');textcolor(11);rl2:=timer;
- write('Initializing modem');
- wfcm:=false;
- set_baud(systat.maxbaud);
- pr(systat.init);
- dump;
- end;
- end;
- procedure i1;
- begin
- init1; c:=#0; rl:=timer;
- repeat
- c:=cinkey;if abs(timer-rl)>4.0 then begin init1; rl:=timer; end;
- until c=#13; delay(50);
- end;
- begin
- duh:=0; txt:=0;
- wfcm:=false; wantfilename:=false; windowon:=systat.bwindow; nopfile:=false;
- buf:=''; enddayf:=false; delay(50); close(sysopf); append(sysopf); reading_a_msg:=false;
- dump; mailread:=false; smread:=false; andwith:=255; checkit:=false;
- curco:=7; sdc; window(1,1,80,25); beepend:=false;
- outcom:=false; useron:=false; ll:=''; chatr:='';
- hangup:=false; usernum:=0; chatcall:=false; hungup:=false;
- term_ready(true); if answerbaud<2 then i1; clrscr;thisline:=''; okt:=false;
- if systat.users>0 then
- begin reset(uf); seek(uf,1); read(uf,thisuser); close(uf); usernum:=1; end
- else with thisuser do begin
- linelen:=80; pagelen:=25; defaults:=[]; option:=[];
- end;
- repeat
- if (wfcm=false) and (lmsg=true) then lmsg:=false;
- if not wfcm then begin wfcmenu;wfcm:=true; end;
- if daynum(date)<>ldate then
- if (daynum(date)-ldate)=1 then
- ldate:=ldate+1
- else begin
- clrscr;
- textcolor(9);write('■ ');textcolor(11);writeln('Date corrupted.');
- halt(1);
- end;
- randomize; incom:=false; outcom:=false;
- hangup:=false; hungup:=false; irt:=''; lastname:=''; macok:=true; cfo:=false;
- spd:='KB'; c:=#0; chkcom:=false;chattime:=0.0; extratime:=0.0;
- sdc; bread:=0; lil:=0; cursoroff; if systat.special then duh:=duh+1;
- if duh=30 then begin
- duh:=0; txt:=txt+1; if txt>13 then txt:=0; tc(txt);
- tc(txt);gotoxy(1,1); write(' ─────────────────');
- tc(txt);gotoxy(59,1); write(' ────────────────');
- tc(txt+1);gotoxy(1,2); write('────────────────────');
- tc(txt+1);gotoxy(59,2); write(' ────────────────────');
- tc(txt+2);gotoxy(1,3); write(' ─────────────────');
- tc(txt+2);gotoxy(59,3); write(' ────────────────');
- end;
- textcolor(11);
- gotoxy(16,15);write(time);gotoxy(16,16);write(date);
- if (time='04:00:00') and (nightly) then begin
- sl1('[> Ran nightly events at '+time);
- exec('\command.com','/c night.bat');
- sl1('[> Returned from nightly events at '+time); iport;
- i1;
- end;
- gotoxy(41,18);if sysop then write('Available') else write('Not here ');
- textcolor(3);gotoxy(2,24);
- if lmsg=true then begin lmain:=true; lmsg:=false; wfcm:=false; end;
- if answerbaud>2 then c:='A';
- if returna=true then begin returna:=false; c:='A'; end else
- if answerbaud<2 then c:=inkey;
- if c<>#0 then begin
- cursoron;
- c:=upcase(c);
- wfcm:=false;cls;
- CL(1);
- case c of
- '#':Menu_edit;
- 'U':if usernum=1 then dosj('U');
- ' ':begin
- write('Log on? '); rl2:=timer;
- while (not keypressed) and (abs(timer-rl2)<60.0) do;
- if keypressed then c:=readkey else c:='N'; c:=upcase(c); writeln(c);
- if c='Y' then begin
- c:=' '
- END else c:='@';
- end;
- 'Q':begin elevel:=0; hangup:=true; doneday:=true; end;
- 'L':begin close(sysopf); printfile(systat.gfilepath+'sysop.log');
- pausescr; append(sysopf);
- end;
- 'Y':begin printfile(systat.gfilepath+'ysysop.log'); pausescr; end;
- 'A':chkcom:=true;
- 'M':mailr;
- 'T':begin term; if returna=false then if answerbaud<>1 then i1; end;
- 'B':boardedit;
- 'I':initvotes;
- 'E':dosj('E');
- '=':exec('\command.com','/c sysop.exe');
- 'P':changestuff;
- 'F':dlboardedit;
- 'R':if (systat.users>0) and (thisuser.waiting>0) then begin
- writeln('Feedback: '); nl; nl;
- macok:=true; readmail; macok:=false;
- reset(uf); seek(uf,1); write(uf,thisuser); close(uf);
- end;
- 'Z':begin zlog; pausescr; end;
- 'X':if answerbaud<>1 then i1;
- 'D':SysopShell;
- '/':begin clrscr; printfile(systat.gfilepath+'user.log'); pausescr; end;
- 'V':begin voteprint; printfile(systat.gfilepath+'votes.txt'); end;
- end;
- curco:=7; sdc; window(1,1,80,25); clrscr; dump;
- end;
- if c<>' ' then c:=#0;
- if (c<>#0) or commpressed or chkcom then begin
- getcallera(c,chkcom);
- if c='X' then Begin WfcM:=False; if answerbaud<2 then i1;
- If QuitAfterDone then begin elevel:=0; hangup:=true; doneday:=true; end;
- End;
- end;
- until incom or (c=' ') or doneday;
- etoday:=0; ptoday:=0; ftoday:=0; if not doneday then begin
- window(1,1,80,25);
- writeln('Baud = '+spd);
- end;
- curco:=7; sdc;
- if incom then begin
- outcom:=true;
- set_baud(value(spd));
- delay(700);
- end else begin term_ready(false); incom:=false; outcom:=false; end;
- timeon:=timer; ftoday:=0;
- dump;
- if windowon then window(1,1,80,21) else window(1,1,80,24);
- lil:=0; okt:=true;
- thisuser.defaults:=thisuser.defaults-[ansi];
- thisuser.cols:=dcols; curco:=$07;
- andwith:=255; checkit:=true; beepend:=false;
- end;
- procedure qscan(var quit:boolean; tf:boolean);
- var cn:integer; i:astr;
- begin
- iscan;
- i:='#'+cstr(board);
- cn:=1; nl;
- cl(3);
- print('[:New-scan '+boards[board].name+' '+i+' - '+cstr(tnum)+' msgs:]');
- if (tnum<>0) then begin
- if not tf then tf:=boardacpw(board);
- if tf then begin
- while (not greater(mary[cn].message)) and (cn<tnum) do
- cn:=cn+1;
- if greater(mary[cn].message) then scan2(cn,rm,quit) else quit:=false;
- end;
- end;
- cl(4); print('[:'+boards[board].name+' New-scan done:]');
- savebase;
- end;
- procedure bulletins;
- var filv:Text; i:astr;
- begin
- nl;
- assign(filv,systat.gfilepath+'bulletin.msg');
- {$I-} reset(filv); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then print('There are no bulletins today.') else
- begin
- close(filv);
- printf(systat.gfilepath+'bulletin');
- repeat
- prt('Enter Bulletin Selection (#,?,Q=Quit) : ');
- input(i,3); if i='' then i:='Q';
- if i='?' then printf(systat.gfilepath+'bulletin');
- if (i<>'Q') and (i<>'?') then printf(systat.gfilepath+'bullet'+i);
- until (i='Q') or (hangup);
- end;
- end;
- procedure nscan;
- var quit:boolean;
- begin
- nl;
- ynq('Global new-scan? ');
- if yn then begin
- nl; cl(5); print(')[ New-scan All ](');
- board:=1; quit:=false;
- while (board<=numboards) and (not quit) and (not hangup) do begin
- if (thisuser.qscn[board]) and not (boards[board].key='%') then
- if boardac(board) then qscan(quit,false);
- board:=board+1;
- end;
- nl; cl(5); print(')[ Global New-scan Done ]('); nl;
- board:=1;
- end else qscan(next,true);
- end;
- END.