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- Turbo 4 Implementation of WWIV
- Modification to Common.pas
- by Steve Lesner
- Sysop of ACC: (203) 531-4289
- 20 hrs online at 300/1200/2400
- Original Author: Wayne Bell
- The following code is a modification of Wayne Bell's Common include file
- from version 3.21D. It has already been unitized and should not need any
- altering. You will have to Unitize YOUR copyies of BBS.PAS, PART1.PAS,
- PART2.PAS, PART3.PAS , and DLOADS.PAS. Note that I left out the Dos module
- due to Memory constraints. You see, after you Unitize the BBS with all its
- PART?.PAS files plus the DLOADS, you will be running a BBS that takes up
- about 350K of memory. Borland is suppose to implement Chain files soon and
- that should rectify this problem. But if you have the memory, WWIV will
- now fly !!
- Okay, now for the meat of it. You should read the Turbo 4 manual concerning
- Chain files and Upgrading your old Turbo 3 programs. There are a few things
- you will need to do that Borlands upgrade will not!
- 1) Change all occurences of the Var Type Str to a Var of Type Astr. This
- means areas such as "Procedure xxx (Var Whatever:Str);" should change to
- "Procedure xxx(Var Whatever:Astr);". DO NOT CHANGE STATMENTS SUCH AS
- "Str(i,s)" to "Astr(i,s)". This is a function call. The reason for
- this change is that Turbo 3 should never have allowed a Variable to be
- declared as Type Str (As Wayne was guilty of). It now conflicts with
- the Function Str(x,y); Do note that everything else other than the
- Function Str should be changed such as Local Vars of Type Str too!
- 2) In your Dloads and BBS modules, take out the logic that calls the Dloads
- chain so that you do not Iport before calling Dloads and you do not have
- a Return before returning to the BBS. This was only needed for Chains
- and is true of any other Units (Old CHains) you decide to add to the BBS.
- 3) Your Main Code in BBS.PAS should look like this:
- begin {Main Loop}
- checkbreak:=false; { Takes the place of $C-}
- getdir(0,i);
- async_init; { Initalize the Port instead of}
- init; { worrying about Ret Values Returned}
- { by chains}
- repeat
- getcaller;
- if not doneday then
- begin
- if getuser then
- newuser;
- macok:=true;
- if not hangup then
- if logon then
- readmail;
- end;
- flush(sysopf);
- if thisuser.age=0 then
- getnewinfo;
- while not hangup do
- mainmenu;
- term_ready(false); delay(500);
- if useron then
- logoff;
- if cdet and (not doneday) then
- hangupphone;
- if enddayf then
- endday;
- enddayf:=false;
- until doneday;
- close(sysopf);
- term_ready(true); delay(100); pr('ATZ');
- remove_port;
- halt(elevel);
- end. {Main Loop}
- The main difference is that the Ret variable is gone! It is also gone
- in this Common4u.pas file so get rid of all references to it. You may
- also want to get rid of the Chain procedures and any calls to them since
- they are not needed. Here is a look at my Interfaces that I used:
- Part1:========================================================================
- {$R-} {Range checking off}
- {$B+} {Boolean complete evaluation on}
- {$S+} {Stack checking on}
- {$I+} {I/O checking on}
- {$N-} {No numeric coprocessor}
- {$V-}
- Unit Unit0; {Part1 renamed to Unit 0 for sanity's sake}
- Interface
- Uses
- Crt,
- Dos,
- Turbo3,
- Common;
- procedure printfile1(fn:astr; var abort:boolean);
- procedure inli(var i:astr);
- function filename(mrec:messages):astr;
- procedure inmsg(var mrec:messages;an:anontyp;var title:astr;tr,mp:boolean);
- procedure readmsg(mrec:messages;rname:boolean; var next:boolean);
- function greater(mrec:messages):boolean;
- function maxage(x:integer):integer;
- function boardacpw(nb:integer):boolean;
- function boardac(nb:integer):boolean;
- procedure isr(uname:astr;usernum:integer);
- function ctp(t,b:integer):astr;
- procedure vali(un:integer);
- procedure vallastuser;
- procedure iscan;
- procedure savebase;
- function tnum:integer;
- procedure deletem(ntd:integer);
- procedure readm(cn:integer; var next:boolean; var unvali:boolean);
- function mln(i:astr; l:integer):astr;
- function mn(i,l:integer):astr;
- procedure inu(var i:integer);
- procedure ini(var i:byte);
- {The Implementation of Your Converted Unit goes here!}
- Part2:========================================================================
- {$R-} {Range checking off}
- {$B+} {Boolean complete evaluation on}
- {$S+} {Stack checking on}
- {$I+} {I/O checking on}
- {$N-} {No numeric coprocessor}
- {$V-}
- Unit Unit1; {Part2 renamed to Unit 1 for sanity's sake}
- Interface
- Uses
- Crt,
- Dos,
- Turbo3,
- Common,
- Unit0;
- function checkpw:boolean;
- procedure finduser(var usernum:integer);
- procedure post;
- procedure p1;
- function p2:boolean;
- function rmail(n:integer):astr;
- procedure dsr(uname:astr);
- procedure ssm(dest:integer; s:astr);
- procedure rsm;
- procedure chbds;
- procedure pmsg(x:integer);
- procedure pdfinf;
- procedure forwardmail;
- procedure bed;
- procedure bem;
- procedure bei;
- procedure dlbed;
- procedure dlbem;
- procedure dlbei;
- procedure chstb;
- procedure chsta;
- procedure chstc;
- procedure chstd;
- procedure chste;
- procedure chstg;
- procedure mmacroo;
- procedure readamsg;
- procedure logon1;
- function vote1x(qnum:integer; var vd:vdatar):boolean;
- procedure wmsg;
- procedure email(touser:integer; xx:boolean);
- function forwardm(n:integer):integer;
- procedure smail2(na:emary);
- procedure chcolors;
- procedure initp1;
- procedure getcallera(var c:char; var chkcom:boolean);
- procedure beephim;
- procedure imail(i:integer);
- {The Implementation of Your Converted Unit goes here!}
- Part3:========================================================================
- {$R-} {Range checking off}
- {$B+} {Boolean complete evaluation on}
- {$S+} {Stack checking on}
- {$I+} {I/O checking on}
- {$N-} {No numeric coprocessor}
- {$V-}
- Unit unit2; {Part3 renamed to Unit 2 for sanity's sake}
- Interface
- Uses
- Crt,
- Dos,
- Turbo3,
- Common,
- Unit0,
- Unit1;
- procedure readmail;
- procedure newuser;
- function getuser:boolean;
- procedure vote;
- procedure ratio;
- function logon:boolean;
- procedure reqchat;
- procedure yourinfo;
- procedure prg(x:boolean);
- procedure wamsg;
- procedure removem;
- procedure boardlist;
- procedure delmail;
- procedure gfiles;
- procedure chpw;
- procedure mmacro;
- procedure default;
- procedure logoff;
- procedure endday;
- procedure smail(tf:boolean);
- procedure ulist;
- procedure getnewinfo;
- procedure chuser;
- procedure oldusers;
- procedure pstat;
- procedure initvotes;
- procedure boardedit;
- procedure mailr;
- procedure changestuff;
- procedure dlboardedit;
- procedure init;
- procedure movemsg(var cn:integer);
- procedure hangupphone;
- procedure zlog;
- procedure autoreply;
- {The Implementation of Your Converted Unit goes here!}
- BBS:==========================================================================
- {NOTE:
- I used the command "TPC /$V- /$L- /M BBS" to Compile.
- This will build all modules, only if necessary.}
- {$R-} {Range checking off}
- {$B+} {Boolean complete evaluation on}
- {$S+} {Stack checking on}
- {$I+} {I/O checking on}
- {$N-} {No numeric coprocessor}
- {$M 32150,0,0} {Declared here suffices for all Units as well!}
- {$V-}
- Uses
- Crt,
- Dos,
- Turbo3,
- Common,
- Dloads,
- Unit0,
- Unit1,
- Unit2,
- {The rest of the procedures and functions not listed in Unit0-2 go here}
- {The main code should be similar to my above example and will go here after}
- {any other functions or procedures not included in the above modules.}
- Note that I have not included Dloads in this source. I have made too many
- changes to it to be of any use. With the above examples, and Borlands
- Upgrade program, you should have little or no problems. Also note that
- without the Dos Module incorporated, you will need to disbale the calls
- in all Units to the Dos Module Functions. This means that you will lose
- Functions such as Terminal mode, Validate users outside the BBS, The Edit
- Routines as well as the '=' function. This loss is better than adding more
- memory overhead as far as I'm concerning, but you could certainly include it
- if you like.
- 90% of this code is owned and distrubuted by Wayne Bell, not me. I do
- claim responsibilty for one of the First Sysops to succeed in this conversion.
- The conversion was completed in early Novemeber of the Year 1987. If you find
- this to be helpful to you, then an upload to my board will suffice any $$$ and
- I earnestly request that you do so for your own conscience!! Enjoy and don't
- forget to Post my BBS on your Board!! Thank you!
- Steve Lesner
- Common Begins Here:===========================================================
- {$I-} { I/O hecking OFF }
- {$R-} { Range checking OFF }
- {$S-} { Stack checking OFF }
- {$V-} { Var-str checking OFF}
- {$B+} {Boolean complete evaluation on}
- {$N-} {No numeric coprocessor}
- Unit Common;
- Interface
- Uses
- Crt,
- Dos,
- Turbo3;
- { global declarations for Async}
- type
- astr = String[160]; { generic string type for parameters }
- { note the change from Waynes str => Astr }
- const
- buffer_max = 5120;
- var
- Async_OriginalVector : pointer;
- buffer : Array[0..buffer_max] of char;
- Async_Open_Flag : Boolean; { true if Open but no Close }
- Async_Port : Integer; { current Open port number (1 or 2) }
- base : Integer; { base for current open port }
- Async_Irq : Integer; { irq for current open port }
- Async_Buffer_Overflow : Boolean; { True if buffer overflow has happened }
- Async_Buffer_Used : Integer;
- Async_MaxBufferUsed : Integer;
- { buffer is empty if Head = Tail }
- Buffer_head : Integer; { Locn in buffer to put next char }
- Buffer_tail : Integer; { Locn in buffer to get next char }
- Buffer_newtail : Integer;
- { End of Async declarations }
- CONST strlen=160;
- maxusers=500;
- comptyp:array[1..8] of string[14]=
- ('IBM ','Apple ','TRS-80 ','Z-80 CP/M ',
- 'Commodore ','Atari ','Dumb Terminal ','Other ');
- restrictions=(rlogon,rchat,rvalidate,rbackspace,ramsg,rpostan,
- rpost,remail,rvoting,rmsg);
- acrq='@'..'G';
- newtyp=(rp,lt,rm);
- deflts=(spcsr,onekey,wordwrap,pause,mmnu,ansi,color,music);
- pnr=record name:string[40]; number:string[14]; hs:byte; end;
- anontyp=(no,yes,forced,dearabby);
- ansttype=(postn,emailn,pana,sanm,cosysop,lcosysop);
- opts=(alert,smw,nomail);
- dlnscan=set of 0..39;
- emary=array[1..20] of integer;
- clrs=array[false..true,1..8] of byte;
- slr=record
- ttime:byte;
- mallowed:integer;
- emails,posts:byte;
- anst:set of ansttype;
- end;
- messages=record
- ltr:char;
- number:integer;
- ext:byte;
- end;
- smalrec=record
- name:string[25];
- number:integer;
- end;
- userrec=record
- name:string[25];
- realname:string[14];
- deleted:boolean;
- pw:string[8];
- ph:string[12];
- waiting:byte;
- laston:string[10];
- loggedon:integer;
- msgpost:integer;
- emailsent:integer;
- feedback:integer;
- linelen:byte;
- pagelen:byte;
- defaults:set of deflts;
- ontoday:byte;
- illegal:byte;
- ttimeon:real;
- dlnscn:dlnscan;
- sl:byte;
- ac:set of restrictions;
- ar:set of acrq;
- qscan:array[1..19] of messages;
- qscn:array[1..19] of boolean;
- macro:array[1..2] of string[79];
- comptype:byte;
- option:set of opts;
- vote:array[1..9] of byte;
- sbn:byte;
- dsl:byte;
- uploads,downloads:integer;
- uk,dk:integer;
- age:byte;
- sex:char;
- note:string[39];
- forusr:integer;
- cols:clrs;
- res:array[1..72] of byte;
- end;
- boardrec=record
- name:string[30];
- filename:string[12];
- sl:byte;
- maxmsgs:byte;
- pw:string[10];
- anonymous:anontyp;
- ar:acrq;
- key:char;
- postsl:byte;
- end;
- msgstat=(validated,unvalidated,deleted);
- messagerec=record
- title:string[30];
- messagestat:msgstat;
- message:messages;
- owner:integer;
- date:integer;
- mage:byte;
- end;
- systatrec=record
- boardpw:string[8];
- sysoppw:string[8];
- hmsg:messages;
- users:integer;
- lastdate:string[8];
- callernum:integer;
- activetoday:integer;
- callstoday:integer;
- msgposttoday:integer;
- emailtoday:integer;
- fbacktoday:integer;
- uptoday:integer;
- closedsystem:boolean;
- comport:byte;
- maxbaud:integer;
- dloadpath:string[79];
- gfiledate:string[8];
- lowtime,hitime:integer;
- res:array[1..200] of byte;
- end;
- blk=array[1..255] of byte;
- mailrec=record
- title:string[30];
- from,destin:integer;
- msg:messages;
- date:integer;
- mage:byte;
- end;
- gft=record
- num:integer;
- title:string[40];
- filen:string[12];
- end;
- smr=record
- msg:astr;
- destin:integer;
- end;
- vdatar=record
- question:string[79];
- numa:integer;
- answ:array[0..9] of record
- ans:string[25];
- numres:integer;
- end;
- end;
- ulrec=record
- name:string[25];
- filename:string[12];
- password:string[10];
- dsl:byte;
- maxfiles:integer;
- end;
- ulfrec=record
- filename:string[12];
- description:string[60];
- res:array[1..17] of byte;
- nacc:integer;
- ft:byte;
- blocks:integer;
- owner:integer;
- date:string[8];
- daten:integer;
- end;
- strptr=^strrec;
- strrec=record
- i:astr;
- next,last:strptr;
- end;
- zlogt=record
- date:string[8];
- active,calls,post,email,fback,up:integer;
- end;
- Str255=String[255];
- Str66=String[66];
- CONST dcols:clrs=((7,7,15,15,15,112,15,143),(7,7,11,14,5,31,2,140));
- var sf:file of smalrec;
- uf:file of userrec;
- bf:file of boardrec;
- mailfile:file of mailrec;
- ulf:file of ulrec;
- uboards:array[0..19] of ulrec;
- maxulb:integer;
- sysopf:text{[1024]};
- {! 4. Use the n^ew standard procedure SetTextBuf to set Text buffer size.}
- { This has not caused a crash yet but should be changed!}
- slf:file of slr;
- seclev:array[0..255] of slr;
- systatf:file of systatrec;
- systat:systatrec;
- sr:smalrec;
- thisline,chatr,buf,spd,irt,lastname,ll,i:astr;
- thisuser,user:userrec;
- boards:array[1..19] of boardrec;
- fw,extramsgs,mread,board,numboards,t,usernum:integer;
- pap,lil,realsl,ftoday,ptoday,etoday:integer;
- c,ID:char;
- hungup,useron,next,chatcall,doneday,echo,hangup,incom,outcom:boolean;
- extratime,chattime,timeon:real;
- mailread,smread,macok,lan,enddayf,ch,quit,beepend:boolean;
- smf:file of smr;
- srl:array[0..maxusers] of smalrec;
- vqu:array[1..9] of boolean;
- ldate:integer;
- cmd:char;
- bread:byte;
- bchanged:boolean;
- mary:array[0..200] of messagerec;
- cf:text; cfo,okt:boolean;
- elevel:byte;
- curco:byte;
- sll:astr;
- andwith:byte;
- checkit,comd:boolean;
- function freek(d:integer):integer;
- function cs:boolean;
- function so:boolean;
- function lcs:boolean;
- function nma:integer;
- function okansi:boolean;
- function commpressed : boolean;
- procedure dump;
- procedure remove_port;
- procedure term_ready(s:Boolean);
- procedure set_baud(r:integer);
- procedure iport;
- function cinkey1:char;
- function cinkey:char;
- procedure o1(c:char);
- procedure o(c:char);
- function timer:real;
- function nsl:real;
- function sysop1:boolean;
- function sysop:boolean;
- procedure sl1(i:astr);
- procedure sysoplog(i:astr);
- function tch(i:astr):astr;
- function time:astr;
- function date:astr;
- function value(I:astr):integer;
- function cstr(i:integer):astr;
- function nam:astr;
- function leapyear(yr:integer):boolean;
- function days(mo,yr:integer):integer;
- function daycount(mo,yr:integer):integer;
- function daynum(dt:astr):integer;
- function dat:astr;
- function cdet:boolean;
- procedure checkhangup;
- procedure getkey(var c:char);
- procedure pr1(i:astr);
- procedure pr(i:astr);
- procedure sdc;
- procedure stsc;
- function xclr(c:integer):astr;
- procedure setc(cl:byte);
- procedure ansic(c:integer);
- procedure prompt(i:astr);
- procedure pausescr;
- procedure print(i:astr);
- procedure nl;
- procedure prt(i:astr);
- procedure ynq(i:astr);
- procedure mpl(c:integer);
- procedure tleft;
- procedure prestrict(u:userrec);
- procedure ff(i:integer);
- procedure topscr;
- function empty:boolean;
- procedure skey1(var c:char);
- function inkey:char;
- procedure oc(c:char);
- procedure outkey(c:char);
- procedure ptime;
- procedure skey(var c:char);
- procedure dm(i:astr; var c:char);
- procedure cls;
- procedure wait(b:boolean);
- procedure chsl;
- procedure swac(var u:userrec;r:restrictions);
- procedure acch(c:char; var u:userrec);
- procedure chac(var thisuser:userrec);
- procedure chbac;
- procedure chdsl;
- procedure tfile;
- procedure inli1(var i:astr);
- procedure chat;
- function yn:boolean;
- procedure input1(var i:astr; ml:integer; tf:boolean);
- procedure input(var i:astr; ml:integer);
- procedure inputl(var i:astr; ml:integer);
- procedure onek(var c:char; ch:astr);
- procedure onek2(var c:char; ch:astr); {Added because I use a Modified}
- {Message Editor}
- procedure centre(var i:astr);
- procedure wkey(var abort,next:boolean);
- procedure printa1(i:astr; var abort,next:boolean);
- procedure printa(i:astr; var abort,next:boolean);
- procedure printacr(i:astr; var abort,next:boolean);
- function ctim(rl:real):astr;
- function tlef:astr;
- function cstrr(rl:real; base:integer):astr;
- procedure savesystat;
- procedure pfl(fn:astr; var abort:boolean; cr:boolean);
- procedure printfile(fn:astr);
- Procedure Print_File (fn:astr); {Another Addiitional Mod}
- procedure Async_Init;
- { initialize variables }
- procedure Async_Close;
- { reset the interrupt system when UART interrupts no longer needed }
- function Async_Open(ComPort : Integer;
- BaudRate : Integer;
- Parity : Char;
- WordSize : Integer;
- StopBits : Integer) : Boolean;
- { open a communications port }
- {----------------------------------------------------------------------------}
- const
- UART_THR = $00; { offset from base of UART Registers for IBM PC }
- UART_RBR = $00;
- UART_IER = $01;
- UART_IIR = $02;
- UART_LCR = $03;
- UART_MCR = $04;
- UART_LSR = $05;
- UART_MSR = $06;
- I8088_IMR = $21; { port address of the Interrupt Mask Register }
- var
- Async_BIOS_Port_Table : Array[1..2] of Integer absolute $40:0;
- { This table is initialized by BIOS equipment determination
- code at boot time to contain the base addresses for the
- installed async adapters. A value of 0 means "not in-
- stalled." }
- const
- Async_Num_Bauds = 8;
- Async_Baud_Table : array [1..Async_Num_Bauds] of record
- Baud, Bits : integer
- end
- = ((Baud:110; Bits:$00),
- (Baud:150; Bits:$20),
- (Baud:300; Bits:$40),
- (Baud:600; Bits:$60),
- (Baud:1200; Bits:$80),
- (Baud:2400; Bits:$A0),
- (Baud:4800; Bits:$C0),
- (Baud:9600; Bits:$E0));
- PROCEDURE DisableInterrupts; inline($FA {cli} ); {MACROS}
- PROCEDURE EnableInterrupts; inline($FB {sti} );
- procedure BIOS_RS232_Init(ComPort, ComParm : Integer);
- { Issue Interrupt $14 to initialize the UART }
- { See the IBM PC Technical Reference Manual for the format of ComParm }
- var
- Regs : registers;
- begin
- with Regs do
- begin
- ax := ComParm and $00FF; { AH=0; AL=ComParm }
- dx := ComPort;
- Intr($14, Regs)
- end
- end; { BIOS_RS232_Init }
- {----------------------------------------------------------------------}
- { }
- { ISR - Interrupt Service Routine }
- { }
- {----------------------------------------------------------------------}
- procedure Async_Isr; INTERRUPT;
- { Interrupt Service Routine }
- { Invoked when the UART has received a byte of data from the
- communication line }
- { re-written 9/10/84 to be entirely in machine language; original source
- left as comments }
- begin
- Inline(
- $FB/ { STI }
- { get the incomming character }
- { buffer[Buffer_head] := Chr(Port[UART_RBR + base]); }
- $8B/$16/base/ { MOV DX,base }
- $EC/ { IN AL,DX }
- $8B/$1E/Buffer_head/ { MOV BX,Buffer_head }
- $88/$87/buffer/ { MOV buffer[BX],AL }
- { Async_Buffer_NewHead := Buffer_head + 1; }
- $43/ { INC BX }
- { if Async_Buffer_NewHead > buffer_max then
- Async_Buffer_NewHead := 0; }
- $81/$FB/buffer_max/ { CMP BX,buffer_max }
- $7E/$02/ { JLE L001 }
- $33/$DB/ { XOR BX,BX }
- { if Async_Buffer_NewHead = Buffer_tail then
- Async_Buffer_Overflow := TRUE
- else }
- {L001:}
- $3B/$1E/Buffer_tail/ { CMP BX,Buffer_tail }
- $75/$08/ { JNE L002 }
- $C6/$06/Async_Buffer_Overflow/$01/ { MOV Async_Buffer_Overflow,1 }
- $90/ { NOP generated by assembler for some reason }
- $EB/$16/ { JMP SHORT L003 }
- { begin
- Buffer_head := Async_Buffer_NewHead;
- Async_Buffer_Used := Async_Buffer_Used + 1;
- if Async_Buffer_Used > Async_MaxBufferUsed then
- Async_MaxBufferUsed := Async_Buffer_Used
- end; }
- {L002:}
- $89/$1E/Buffer_head/ { MOV Buffer_head,BX }
- $FF/$06/Async_Buffer_Used/ { INC Async_Buffer_Used }
- $8B/$1E/Async_Buffer_Used/ { MOV BX,Async_Buffer_Used }
- $3B/$1E/Async_MaxBufferUsed/ { CMP BX,Async_MaxBufferUsed }
- $7E/$04/ { JLE L003 }
- $89/$1E/Async_MaxBufferUsed/ { MOV Async_MaxBufferUsed,BX }
- {L003:}
- { disable interrupts }
- $FA/ { CLI }
- { Port[$20] := $20; } { use non-specific EOI }
- $B0/$20/ { MOV AL,20h }
- $E6/$20 { OUT 20h,AL }
- )
- end; { Async_Isr }
- procedure Async_Init;
- { initialize variables }
- begin
- Async_Open_Flag := FALSE;
- Async_Buffer_Overflow := FALSE;
- Async_Buffer_Used := 0;
- Async_MaxBufferUsed := 0;
- end; { Async_Init }
- procedure Async_Close;
- { reset the interrupt system when UART interrupts no longer needed }
- var
- i, m : Integer;
- begin
- if Async_Open_Flag then
- begin
- { disable the IRQ on the 8259 }
- DisableInterrupts;
- i := Port[I8088_IMR]; { get the interrupt mask register }
- m := 1 shl Async_Irq; { set mask to turn off interrupt }
- Port[I8088_IMR] := i or m;
- { disable the 8250 data ready interrupt }
- Port[UART_IER + base] := 0;
- { disable OUT2 on the 8250 }
- Port[UART_MCR + base] := 0;
- EnableInterrupts;
- SetIntVec(Async_Irq + 8,Async_OriginalVector);
- { re-initialize our data areas so we know the port is closed }
- Async_Open_Flag := FALSE
- end
- end; { Async_Close }
- function Async_Open(ComPort : Integer;
- BaudRate : Integer;
- Parity : Char;
- WordSize : Integer;
- StopBits : Integer) : Boolean;
- { open a communications port }
- var
- ComParm : Integer;
- i, m : Integer;
- begin
- if Async_Open_Flag then Async_Close;
- if (ComPort = 2) and (Async_BIOS_Port_Table[2] <> 0) then
- Async_Port := 2
- else
- Async_Port := 1; { default to COM1 }
- base := Async_BIOS_Port_Table[Async_Port];
- Async_Irq := Hi(base) + 1;
- if (Port[UART_IIR + base] and $00F8) <> 0 then
- Async_Open := FALSE
- else
- begin
- Buffer_head := 0;
- Buffer_tail := 0;
- Async_Buffer_Overflow := FALSE;
- { Build the ComParm for RS232_Init }
- { See Technical Reference Manual for description }
- ComParm := $0000;
- { Set up the bits for the baud rate }
- i := 0;
- repeat
- i := i + 1
- until (Async_Baud_Table[i].Baud = BaudRate) or (i = Async_Num_Bauds);
- ComParm := ComParm or Async_Baud_Table[i].Bits;
- if Parity in ['E', 'e'] then ComParm := ComParm or $0018
- else if Parity in ['O', 'o'] then ComParm := ComParm or $0008
- else ComParm := ComParm or $0000; { default to No parity }
- if WordSize = 7 then ComParm := ComParm or $0002
- else ComParm := ComParm or $0003; { default to 8 data bits }
- if StopBits = 2 then ComParm := ComParm or $0004
- else ComParm := ComParm or $0000; { default to 1 stop bit }
- { use the BIOS COM port initialization routine to save typing the code }
- BIOS_RS232_Init(Async_Port - 1, ComParm);
- GetIntVec(Async_Irq + 8, Async_OriginalVector);
- SetIntVec(Async_Irq + 8, @Async_Isr);
- { read the RBR and reset any possible pending error conditions }
- { first turn off the Divisor Access Latch Bit to allow access to RBR, etc. }
- DisableInterrupts;
- Port[UART_LCR + base] := Port[UART_LCR + base] and $7F;
- { read the Line Status Register to reset any errors it indicates }
- i := Port[UART_LSR + base];
- { read the Receiver Buffer Register in case it contains a character }
- i := Port[UART_RBR + base];
- { enable the irq on the 8259 controller }
- i := Port[I8088_IMR]; { get the interrupt mask register }
- m := (1 shl Async_Irq) xor $00FF;
- Port[I8088_IMR] := i and m;
- { enable the data ready interrupt on the 8250 }
- Port[UART_IER + base] := $01; { enable data ready interrupt }
- { enable OUT2 on 8250 }
- i := Port[UART_MCR + base];
- Port[UART_MCR + base] := i or $08;
- EnableInterrupts;
- Async_Open_Flag := TRUE; { bug fix by Scott Herr }
- Async_Open := TRUE
- end
- end; { Async_Open }
- {End of Async Routines}
- function freek(d:integer):integer;
- var r:registers;
- begin
- r.ax:=$3600;
- r.dx:=d;
- msdos(r);
- freek:=trunc(1.0*r.bx*r.ax*r.cx/1024.0);
- end;
- function cs:boolean;
- begin
- cs:=cosysop in seclev[thisuser.sl].anst;
- end;
- function so:boolean;
- begin
- so:=thisuser.sl=255;
- end;
- function lcs:boolean;
- begin
- lcs:=cs or ((lcosysop in seclev[thisuser.sl].anst) and ((board=thisuser.sbn) or (thisuser.sbn=0)));
- end;
- function nma:integer;
- begin
- nma:=seclev[thisuser.sl].ttime;
- end;
- function okansi:boolean;
- begin
- okansi:=ansi in thisuser.defaults;
- end;
- function commpressed : boolean;
- begin
- commpressed := (buffer_tail<>buffer_head);
- end;
- procedure dump;
- Begin
- disableinterrupts; {Replaces the old inline $FA}
- buffer_head:=0;
- buffer_tail:=buffer_head;
- enableinterrupts; {Replaces the old inline $FB}
- end;
- procedure remove_port;
- {This routes all WWIV 3 calls to the new Close Port routine}
- Begin
- Async_Close;
- end;
- procedure term_ready(s:Boolean);
- var x:byte;
- begin
- x := port[4+base] and $FE;
- if s then x:=x+1;
- port[4+base] := x;
- end;
- procedure set_baud(r:integer);
- var rl:real; a:byte;
- begin
- if (r>=300) and (r<=9600) then begin
- rl:=115200.0/r;
- r:=trunc(rl);
- a:=port[3+base] or 128;
- port[base+3]:=a;
- port[base]:=lo(r);
- port[1+base]:=hi(r);
- port[3+base]:=a and 127;
- end;
- end;
- procedure iport;
- {This routes all WWIV 3 calls to the new Intialize Port routine}
- Begin
- Async_init;
- Write(Async_open(1,2400,'N',8,1));
- end;
- function cinkey1:char;
- var t:char;
- begin
- if buffer_Head = buffer_Tail Then
- t:=#0
- else begin
- disableinterrupts;
- t:=buffer[buffer_Tail];
- buffer_Tail:=(buffer_Tail+1) mod (buffer_max+1);
- enableinterrupts;
- end;
- cinkey1:=t;
- end;
- function cinkey:char;
- var t:char;
- begin
- t:=cinkey1;
- cinkey:=chr(ord(t) and andwith);
- end;
- procedure o1(c:char);
- begin
- while (port[base+5] and 32)=0 do;
- port[base]:=ord(c);
- end;
- procedure o(c:char);
- begin
- if outcom and (c<>#1) then
- o1(c);
- end;
- function timer:real;
- var reg:registers;
- h,m,s,t:real;
- begin
- reg.ax:=44*256;
- msdos(Dos.Registers(reg));
- h:=(reg.cx div 256);
- m:=(reg.cx mod 256);
- s:=(reg.dx div 256);
- t:=(reg.dx mod 256);
- timer:=h*3600+m*60+s+t/100;
- end;
- function nsl:real;
- begin
- nsl:=(nma*60.0+extratime+chattime+timeon-timer);
- end;
- function sysop1:boolean;
- begin
- if (mem[0:1047] and 16)=0 then sysop1:=false else sysop1:=true;
- end;
- function sysop:boolean;
- begin
- sysop:=sysop1;
- if rchat in thisuser.ac then sysop:=false;
- if systat.lowtime<>systat.hitime then begin
- if systat.hitime>systat.lowtime then begin
- if (timer<=(systat.lowtime*60.0)) or (timer>=(systat.hitime*60.0))
- then sysop:=false;
- end else begin
- if (timer<=(systat.lowtime*60.0)) and (timer>=(systat.hitime*60.0))
- then sysop:=false;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure sl1(i:astr);
- begin
- writeln(sysopf,i);
- end;
- procedure sysoplog(i:astr);
- begin
- if (realsl<>255) or incom then
- sl1(' '+i);
- end;
- function tch(i:astr):astr;
- begin
- if length(i)>2 then i:=copy(i,length(i)-1,2) else
- if length(i)=1 then i:='0'+i;
- tch:=i;
- end;
- function time:astr;
- var reg:registers;
- h,m,s:string[4];
- begin
- reg.ax:=$2c00; intr($21,Dos.Registers(reg));
- str(reg.cx shr 8,h); str(reg.cx mod 256,m); str(reg.dx shr 8,s);
- time:=tch(h)+':'+tch(m)+':'+tch(s);
- end;
- function date:astr;
- var reg:registers;
- m,d,y:string[4];
- begin
- reg.ax:=$2a00; msdos(Dos.Registers(reg)); str(reg.cx,y); str(reg.dx mod 256,d);
- str(reg.dx shr 8,m);
- date:=tch(m)+'/'+tch(d)+'/'+tch(y);
- end;
- function value(I:astr):integer;
- var n,n1:integer;
- begin
- val(i,n,n1);
- if n1<>0 then begin
- i:=copy(i,1,n1-1);
- val(i,n,n1)
- end;
- value:=n;
- if i='' then value:=0;
- end;
- function cstr(i:integer):astr;
- var c:astr;
- begin
- str(i,c); cstr:=c;
- end;
- function nam:astr;
- var s:astr; i:integer; tf:boolean;
- begin
- s:=thisuser.name;
- tf:=true;
- for i:=1 to length(s) do
- if s[i]<'A' then
- tf:=true
- else begin
- if (s[i]<='Z') and not tf then
- s[i]:=chr(ord(s[i])+32);
- tf:=false;
- end;
- nam:=s+' #'+cstr(usernum);
- end;
- function leapyear(yr:integer):boolean;
- begin
- leapyear:=(yr mod 4=0) and ((yr mod 100<>0) or (yr mod 400=0));
- end;
- function days(mo,yr:integer):integer;
- var d:integer;
- begin
- d:=value(copy('312831303130313130313031',1+(mo-1)*2,2));
- if (mo=2) and leapyear(yr) then d:=d+1;
- days:=d;
- end;
- function daycount(mo,yr:integer):integer;
- var m,t:integer;
- begin
- t:=0;
- for m:=1 to (mo-1) do t:=t+days(m,yr);
- daycount:=t;
- end;
- function daynum(dt:astr):integer;
- var d,m,y,t,c:integer;
- begin
- t:=0;
- m:=value(copy(dt,1,2));
- d:=value(copy(dt,4,2));
- y:=value(copy(dt,7,2))+1900;
- for c:=1985 to y-1 do
- if leapyear(c) then t:=t+366 else t:=t+365;
- t:=t+daycount(m,y)+(d-1);
- daynum:=t;
- if y<1985 then daynum:=0;
- end;
- function dat:astr;
- var ap,x,y:astr; i:integer;
- begin
- case daynum(date) mod 7 of
- 0:x:='Tue';
- 1:x:='Wed';
- 2:x:='Thu';
- 3:x:='Fri';
- 4:x:='Sat';
- 5:x:='Sun';
- 6:x:='Mon';
- end;
- case value(copy(date,1,2)) of
- 1:y:='Jan';
- 2:y:='Feb';
- 3:y:='Mar';
- 4:y:='Apr';
- 5:y:='May';
- 6:y:='Jun';
- 7:y:='Jul';
- 8:y:='Aug';
- 9:y:='Sep';
- 10:y:='Oct';
- 11:y:='Nov';
- 12:y:='Dec';
- end;
- x:=x+' '+y+' '+copy(date,4,2)+', '+cstr(1900+value(copy(date,7,2)));
- y:=time; i:=value(copy(y,1,2));
- if i>11 then ap:='pm' else ap:='am';
- if i>12 then i:=i-12;
- if i=0 then i:=12;
- dat:=cstr(i)+copy(y,3,3)+' '+ap+' '+x;
- end;
- function cdet:boolean;
- begin
- cdet:=(port[base+6] and 128)<>0;
- end;
- procedure checkhangup;
- begin
- if outcom and not cdet and (not hangup) then begin
- hangup:=true; hungup:=true;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ptime;
- var i:astr;
- begin
- if useron then begin
- i:=thisline;
- nl; nl; print(dat);
- print('Time left: '+tlef);
- print('Time on : '+ctim(timer-timeon));
- nl; prompt(i);
- end;
- end;
- procedure skey(var c:char);
- begin
- case ord(c) of
- 6:if macok and (buf='') then dm(thisuser.macro[2],c);
- 4:if macok and (buf='') then dm(thisuser.macro[1],c);
- 20:ptime;
- 127:c:=#8;
- end;
- end;
- procedure getkey(var c:char);
- var t:real; b,tf,t1:boolean;
- begin
- lil:=0;
- if buf<>'' then begin
- c:=buf[1]; buf:=copy(buf,2,length(buf)-1);
- end else
- if not empty then c:=inkey
- else begin
- t:=timer; t1:=false; tf:=false;
- c:=#0;
- while (c=#0) and not hangup do begin
- c:=inkey;
- if ((timer-t)>180) and (c=#0) then begin nl;
- print('Call back later when you are there.');hangup:=true;
- sysoplog('!-! Timeout !-!');
- end;
- if ((timer-t)>90) and (not tf) and (c=#0) then begin tf:=true; outkey(chr(7)); end;
- checkhangup;
- end;
- end;
- if checkit then
- if (ord(c) and 128)>0 then begin
- checkit:=false;
- andwith:=127;
- c:=chr(ord(c) and andwith);
- end;
- skey(c);
- end;
- procedure pr1(i:astr);
- var c:integer;
- begin
- for c:=1 to length(i) do o1(i[c]);
- end;
- procedure pr(i:astr);
- begin
- pr1(i+#13);
- end;
- procedure sdc;
- var f:integer;
- begin
- f:=curco and 7;
- if (curco and 8)<>0 then f:=f+8;
- if (curco and 128)<>0 then f:=f+16;
- textcolor(f);
- textbackground((curco shr 4) and 7);
- end;
- procedure stsc;
- begin
- textcolor(14); textbackground(0);
- end;
- function xclr(c:integer):astr;
- begin
- case c of
- 0:xclr:='0';
- 1:xclr:='4';
- 2:xclr:='2';
- 3:xclr:='6';
- 4:xclr:='1';
- 5:xclr:='5';
- 6:xclr:='3';
- 7:xclr:='7';
- end;
- end;
- procedure setc(cl:byte);
- var i:astr;
- procedure adto(ii:astr);
- begin
- if (i[length(i)]<>';') and (i[length(i)]<>'[') then i:=i+';';
- i:=i+ii;
- end;
- begin
- if cl<>curco then begin
- if ((curco and (not cl)) and $88)<>0 then begin
- i:=#27+'[0';
- curco:=$07;
- end else i:=#27+'[';
- if (cl and 7)<>(curco and 7) then adto('3'+xclr(cl and 7));
- if (cl and $70)<>(curco and $70) then adto('4'+xclr((cl shr 4) and 7));
- if (cl and 128)<>0 then adto('5');
- if (cl and 8)<>0 then adto('1');
- i:=i+'m';
- curco:=cl;
- if okansi and outcom then pr1(i);
- sdc;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ansic(c:integer);
- begin
- if c=0 then c:=1;
- if okansi then
- if color in thisuser.defaults then
- setc(thisuser.cols[true,c])
- else
- setc(thisuser.cols[false,c]);
- end;
- procedure prompt(i:astr);
- var c:integer; cc:char;
- begin
- checkhangup;
- if not hangup then begin
- for c:=1 to length(i) do begin
- if i[c]=#10 then
- if okansi then
- if (curco<>thisuser.cols[color in thisuser.defaults,1]) then
- ansic(0);
- if (not ((i[c]=chr(7)) and (incom))) and (i[c]<>chr(12)) and (i<>#1) then write(i[c]);
- o(i[c]);
- if i[c]>#31 then thisline:=thisline+i[c];
- if i[c]=#8 then if length(thisline)>0 then thisline:=copy(thisline,1,length(thisline)-1);
- if i[c]=chr(12) then begin lil:=0; clrscr; end;
- if i[c]=chr(13) then begin pap:=0; thisline:=''; end;
- if i[c]=chr(10) then begin
- lil:=lil+1;
- if (lil>=thisuser.pagelen-1) then begin
- lil:=0;
- if pause in thisuser.defaults then pausescr;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure pausescr;
- var i:integer; cc:char;
- begin
- ansic(5); prompt('(-More-)'); ansic(0);
- getkey(cc);
- for i:=1 to 8 do
- prompt(#8+' '+#8);
- end;
- procedure print(i:astr);
- begin
- prompt(i+chr(13)+chr(10))
- end;
- procedure nl;
- begin
- prompt(chr(13)+chr(10))
- end;
- procedure prt(i:astr);
- begin
- ansic(4); prompt(i); ansic(0);
- end;
- procedure ynq(i:astr);
- begin
- ansic(7); prompt(i);
- end;
- procedure mpl(c:integer);
- var n:integer; i:astr;
- begin
- if okansi then begin
- ansic(6);
- i:='';
- for n:=1 to c do i:=i+' ';
- n:=wherex;
- prompt(i);
- gotoxy(n,wherey);
- if outcom then
- pr1(#27+'['+cstr(c)+'D');
- end;
- thisline:=copy(thisline,1,length(thisline)-c);
- end;
- procedure tleft;
- var x,y:integer;
- begin
- if okt then begin
- stsc;
- x:=wherex; y:=wherey; window(1,1,80,4);
- gotoxy(72,3);if chatcall then begin
- write('CHAT ON');
- if alert in thisuser.option then begin
- gotoxy(72,3);
- write('ALERT ');
- end;
- end else write(' ');
- gotoxy(56,3); if sysop1 then write('Sysop Available') else
- write('----- ---------');
- if useron then begin
- gotoxy(35,3); if thisuser.ontoday<>1 then write('ML=',extramsgs+seclev[thisuser.sl].mallowed-mread,' ');
- gotoxy(45,3); write('TL=',(nsl/60):7:2,' ');
- end;
- if hangup then begin
- gotoxy(72,3);
- write('HANG UP');
- end;
- gotoxy(74,1);
- if beepend then write('(-*-)') else write(' ');
- window(1,5,80,25);gotoxy(x,y);
- if timer<timeon then timeon:=timeon-24.0*60*60;
- if not ch and (nsl<0) and useron then
- begin nl; print('Time expired.'); hangup:=true; end;
- checkhangup;
- sdc;
- end;
- end;
- procedure prestrict(u:userrec);
- var r:restrictions;
- begin
- for r:=rlogon to rmsg do
- if r in u.ac then write(copy('LCVBA*PEKM',ORD(R)+1,1)) else write(' ');
- writeln;
- end;
- procedure ff(i:integer);
- begin
- while wherex<i do write(' ');
- end;
- procedure topscr;
- var c:char; x,y,i:integer;
- begin
- if (usernum<>0) and okt then begin
- stsc;
- x:=wherex; y:=wherey;
- window(1,1,80,5);
- for i:=1 to 4 do
- begin
- gotoxy(1,i);
- clreol;
- End;
- gotoxy(1,1);
- write(chr(186),' ',nam); ff(35);
- with thisuser do begin
- write(realname);ff(50);write(ph);ff(65);
- if laston<>date then write(laston) else write(ontoday,' ');
- ff(79); write(' ',chr(186));gotoxy(1,2);
- write(chr(186),' SL=',sl);ff(10);write('AR=');
- for c:='A' to 'G' do if c in ar then write(c) else write(' ');
- write(' LO=',loggedon);
- ff(28);write('P=',msgpost);ff(35);write('E=',emailsent);
- ff(42);write('F=',feedback);ff(48);
- write('W=',waiting);ff(53);
- if not useron then write('"',pw,'"') else write('SC=',thisuser.linelen,'X',
- thisuser.pagelen,' ',thisuser.sex,' ',thisuser.age);
- ff(68);write('FW=',fw); ff(74); write('D=',thisuser.dsl);
- gotoxy(80,2);write(#186);
- gotoxy(1,3);write(#186,' AC='); prestrict(thisuser);
- gotoxy(17,3);write('C=',comptyp[thisuser.comptype]);
- gotoxy(80,3);write(chr(186));
- gotoxy(1,4);write(chr(200));
- for i:=2 to 79 do
- write(chr(205));
- write(chr(188));
- end;
- window(1,5,80,25);
- gotoxy(x,y);
- tleft;
- sdc;
- end;
- end;
- function empty:boolean;
- begin
- if incom then empty:=not commpressed else empty:=true;
- if keypressed then empty:=false;
- if hangup then begin dump; empty:=true; end;
- end;
- procedure skey1(var c:char);
- var b:boolean;
- begin
- case ord(c) of
- 59:chsl;
- 60:chac(thisuser);
- 61:begin
- if outcom then incom:=not incom;
- writeln; if incom then writeln('<INPUT ENABLED>')
- else writeln('<COM DISABLED>');
- writeln;dump;
- write(thisline);
- end;
- 62:begin chatcall:=false; thisuser.option:=thisuser.option-[alert]; end;
- 63:hangup:=true;
- 64:tleft;
- 65:begin b:=ch; ch:=true; extratime:=extratime-5*60; tleft; ch:=b;end;
- 66:begin b:=ch; ch:=true; extratime:=extratime+5*60; tleft; ch:=b;end;
- 67:begin
- if thisuser.sl=255 then if realsl<>255 then begin
- thisuser.sl:=realsl; writeln;writeln;writeln('<SECLEV RESTORED>');
- writeln; write(thisline); end
- else else begin
- thisuser.sl:=255; writeln;writeln;writeln('<TEMP SYSOP GRANTED>');
- writeln; write(thisline);
- end; topscr;
- end;
- 68:if ch then
- ch:=false
- else begin
- chat;
- end;
- 71:if ch then tfile;
- 84:chdsl;
- 85:chbac;
- 90:begin b:=ch; ch:=true; extramsgs:=extramsgs-10; tleft; ch:=b; end;
- 91:begin b:=ch; ch:=true; extramsgs:=extramsgs+10; tleft; ch:=b; end;
- 93:begin beepend:=not beepend; b:=ch; ch:=true; tleft; ch:=b; end;
- end;
- end;
- function inkey:char;
- var c:char;
- begin
- c:=chr(0); inkey:=chr(0);
- if keypressed then begin
- read(kbd,c); if c=chr(27) then
- if keypressed then begin
- read(kbd,c);
- skey1(c);
- if c=#68 then
- c:=#1
- else
- c:=#0;
- end;
- inkey:=c;
- end else begin
- if commpressed and incom then begin
- inkey:=cinkey;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure oc(c:char);
- begin
- if c<>#0 then write(c);
- o(c);
- end;
- procedure outkey(c:char);
- begin
- if (c<>chr(12)) and (not ((c=chr(7)) and (incom))) then if c<>#0 then write(c);
- if (not echo) and (c>=' ') then c:='X';
- o(c);
- if c=chr(12) then begin clrscr; lil:=0; end;
- if c=#7 then begin o(#0); o(#0); o(#0); o(#0); end;
- end;
- procedure dm(i:astr; var c:char);
- begin
- buf:=i;
- if buf<>'' then begin
- c:=buf[1];
- buf:=copy(buf,2,length(buf)-1);
- end;
- end;
- procedure cls;
- begin
- outkey(chr(12));
- end;
- procedure wait(b:boolean);
- var c:integer;
- begin
- if b then begin
- prompt('[WAIT]');
- sll:=thisline;
- writeln; writeln;
- end else begin
- writeln; thisline:=sll; write(sll);
- sll:=''; for c:=1 to 6 do sll:=sll+chr(8)+' '+chr(8);
- topscr;
- prompt(sll);
- end;
- end;
- procedure chsl;
- var ij,i:astr; c:integer;
- begin
- wait(true);
- write('Enter new SL: ');
- readln(i); if i<>'' then thisuser.sl:=value(i); writeln;
- if thisuser.sl=99 then begin
- write('Board #? '); thisuser.sbn:=0;
- readln(i); thisuser.sbn:=value(i);
- writeln;
- end;
- realsl:=thisuser.sl;
- wait(false);
- end;
- procedure swac(var u:userrec;r:restrictions);
- begin
- if r in u.ac then u.ac:=u.ac-[r] else u.ac:=u.ac+[r];
- end;
- procedure acch(c:char; var u:userrec);
- begin
- case c of
- 'L':swac(u,rlogon);
- 'C':SWAC(u,RCHAT);
- 'A':SWAC(u,RAMSG);
- '*':SWAC(u,RPOSTAN);
- 'P':SWAC(u,RPOST);
- 'M':swac(u,rmsg);
- END;
- end;
- procedure chac(var thisuser:userrec);
- var c:char; ij,i:astr; cc:integer;
- begin
- wait(true);
- writeln('LCVBA*PEKM');writeln;write('Which? '); read(kbd,c); c:=upcase(c); writeln(c); writeln;
- acch(c,thisuser);
- wait(false);
- end;
- procedure chbac;
- var c:char; ij,i:astr; cc:integer;
- begin
- wait(true);
- write('Which board? '); read(kbd,c); c:=upcase(c); writeln(c);
- if c in ['A'..'G'] then
- if c in thisuser.ar then
- thisuser.ar:=thisuser.ar-[c]
- else
- thisuser.ar:=thisuser.ar+[c];
- wait(false);
- end;
- procedure chdsl;
- var ij,i:astr; c:integer;
- begin
- wait(true);
- writeln('UL=',thisuser.uploads,'-',thisuser.uk,'K DL=',thisuser.downloads,'-',thisuser.dk,'K');
- write('Enter new DSL: ');
- readln(i); if i<>'' then thisuser.dsl:=value(i); writeln;
- wait(false);
- end;
- procedure tfile;
- var i:astr; ii:integer;
- bf:file of byte; cr:boolean;
- begin
- if cfo then begin
- cfo:=false;
- close(cf);
- write('<CLOSED>');
- end else begin
- assign(cf,'gfiles\chat.msg');
- assign(bf,'gfiles\chat.msg'); cr:=false;
- {$I-} reset(bf); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then cr:=true
- else begin
- if filesize(bf)=0 then cr:=true;
- close(bf);
- end;
- if cr then rewrite(cf) else append(cf);
- cfo:=true;
- i:=#13+#10+#13+#10+dat+#13+#10+'==============='+#13+#10;
- writeln(cf,i);
- write('<OPEN>');
- end;
- end;
- procedure inli1(var i:astr);
- var cp:integer; c:char; cv,cc:integer;
- begin
- cp:=1;
- i:='';
- if ll<>'' then begin prompt(ll); i:=ll; ll:=''; cp:=length(i)+1;end;
- repeat
- getkey(c); checkhangup;
- case ord(c) of
- 32..255:if (cp<79) then begin
- i[cp]:=c; cp:=cp+1; outkey(c);
- end;
- 8:if cp>1 then begin c:=chr(8);
- prompt(c+' '+c); cp:=cp-1;
- end;
- 24:begin
- for cv:=1 to cp-1 do prompt(chr(8)+' '+chr(8)); cp:=1;
- end;
- 7:o(#7);
- 23:if cp>1 then repeat
- prompt(chr(8)+' '+chr(8)); cp:=cp-1;
- until (cp=1) or (i[cp]=' ');
- 9:begin
- cv:=5-(cp mod 5); if (cp+cv<79) then
- for cc:=1 to cv do begin
- prompt(' ');
- i[cp]:=' '; cp:=cp+1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- until (c=#13) or (cp=79) or hangup or (not ch);
- if not ch then begin c:=#13; ch:=false; end;
- i[0]:=chr(cp-1);
- if c<>chr(13) then begin
- cv:=cp-1;
- while (cv>0) and (i[cv]<>' ') and (i[cv]<>chr(8))do cv:=cv-1;
- if (cv>(cp div 2)) and (cv<>cp-1) then begin
- ll:=copy(i,cv+1,cp-cv); for cc:=cp-2 downto cv do prompt(chr(8));
- for cc:=cp-2 downto cv do prompt(' ');
- i[0]:=chr(cv-1);
- end;
- end;
- nl;
- end;
- procedure chat;
- var c:char; tf:boolean; sp,xx:astr; x:integer; t,t1:real;
- begin
- sp:=thisline; ch:=true; chatcall:=false; tf:=echo; echo:=true;nl;nl; t:=timer;
- thisuser.option:=thisuser.option-[alert];
- if chatr<>'' then
- begin
- writeln(' *** Reason for Chat: ',chatr,' ***');
- chatr:='';
- end;
- ansic(5); print('Sysop''s here, go ahead '+ thisuser.realname + ' ...'); nl;
- repeat
- inli1(xx);
- if (xx='/quitchat') or (xx='/QUITCHAT') then begin
- t1:=timer; while (abs(t1-timer)<4.0) and (not keypressed) do;
- if not keypressed then ch:=false;
- end else if cfo then writeln(cf,xx);
- until (not ch) or hangup;
- nl; ansic(5); print('Chat mode completed, standby for return ...'); nl;
- chattime:=chattime+timer-t; ch:=false; echo:=tf;
- if hangup and cfo then begin
- writeln(cf); writeln(cf,'<HANGUP>');
- end;
- prompt(sp); thisline:=sp;
- if cfo then begin cfo:=false; close(cf); end;
- end;
- function yn:boolean;
- var c:char;
- begin
- if not hangup then begin
- ansic(3);
- repeat
- getkey(c);
- c:=upcase(c);
- until (c='Y') or (c='N') or (c=chr(13)) or hangup;
- if c='Y' then begin print('Yes'); yn:=true; end else begin print('No'); yn:=false; end;
- if hangup then yn:=false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure input1(var i:astr; ml:integer; tf:boolean);
- var cp:integer;
- c:char;
- r:real;
- begin
- checkhangup;
- if not hangup then begin
- r:=timer;
- cp:=1;
- repeat
- getkey(c);
- if c=#1 then r:=timer;
- if not tf then c:=upcase(c);
- if (c>=' ') and (c<chr(127)) then
- if cp<=ml then begin
- i[cp]:=c;
- cp:=cp+1;
- outkey(c);
- thisline:=thisline+c;
- end else else case ord(c) of
- 8:if cp>1 then begin
- c:=chr(8);
- outkey(c);outkey(' '); outkey(c);
- cp:=cp-1;
- if length(thisline)>0 then thisline:=copy(thisline,1,length(thisline)-1);
- end;
- 21,24:while cp<>1 do begin
- cp:=cp-1;
- outkey(#8);outkey(' '); outkey(#8);
- if length(thisline)>0 then thisline:=copy(thisline,1,length(thisline)-1);
- end;
- end;
- if (timer-r)>300.0 then hangup:=true;
- until (c=#13) or (c=#14) or hangup;
- i[0]:=chr(cp-1);
- nl;
- end;
- end;
- procedure input(var i:astr; ml:integer);
- begin
- input1(i,ml,false);
- end;
- procedure inputl(var i:astr; ml:integer);
- begin
- input1(i,ml,true);
- end;
- procedure onek(var c:char; ch:astr);
- var i1,i:astr; tf:boolean;
- begin
- i1:=thisline; tf:=false;
- repeat
- if not(onekey in thisuser.defaults) then begin
- if tf then prompt(i1);
- input(i,3);
- if length(i)=1 then c:=i[1] else c:=' ';
- end else begin
- getkey(c);
- c:=upcase(c);
- end;
- tf:=true;
- until (pos(c,ch)>0) or hangup;
- if hangup then c:=ch[1];
- if onekey in thisuser.defaults then print(''+c);
- end;
- procedure onek2(var c:char; ch:astr);
- var i1,i:astr; tf:boolean;
- begin
- i1:=thisline; tf:=false;
- repeat
- getkey(c);
- c:=upcase(c);
- tf:=true;
- until (pos(c,ch)>0) or hangup;
- if hangup then c:=ch[1];
- prt(''+c);
- end;
- procedure centre(var i:astr);
- var n,n1:integer;
- begin
- if pap<>0 then nl;
- if i[1]=#2 then i:=copy(i,2,length(i)-1);
- n:=length(i); n1:=1;
- while (n1<=length(i)) do begin
- if i[n1]=#3 then begin
- n:=n-2;
- n1:=n1+1;
- end;
- n1:=n1+1;
- end;
- if n<thisuser.linelen then
- i:=copy(' ',1,
- (thisuser.linelen-n) div 2)+i;
- end;
- procedure wkey(var abort,next:boolean);
- var cc:char;
- begin
- while not (empty or hangup or abort) do begin
- getkey(cc);
- if (cc=' ') or (cc=chr(3)) or (cc=chr(24)) or (cc=chr(11)) then
- abort:=true;
- if (cc=chr(14)) then begin abort:=true; next:=true; end;
- if (cc=chr(19)) or (cc='P') or (cc='p') then begin
- getkey(cc);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure printa1(i:astr; var abort,next:boolean);
- var c:integer;
- begin
- checkhangup;
- if not hangup then begin
- abort:=false; next:=false; c:=1;
- if not empty then wkey(abort,next);
- while (not abort) and (c-1<length(i)) and (not hangup) do begin
- checkhangup;
- if i[c]=chr(8) then pap:=pap-1 else
- if i[c]=#3 then begin
- if i[c+1] in [#0..#8] then
- if okansi then
- ansic(ord(i[c+1]));
- end else
- if i[c]<>chr(10) then pap:=pap+1;
- if not empty then wkey(abort,next);
- if i[c]=#3 then
- c:=c+1
- else
- outkey(i[c]);
- c:=c+1;
- end;
- end else abort:=true;
- end;
- procedure printa(i:astr; var abort,next:boolean);
- var s:astr; p,op,rp,rop,nca:integer; crend:boolean;
- begin
- abort:=false;
- crend:=(i[length(i)]=#1) and (i[length(i)-1]<>#3);
- if crend then i:=copy(i,1,length(i)-1);
- if i[1]=#2 then begin
- centre(i);
- printa1(i,abort,next);
- nl;
- end else begin
- wkey(abort,next);
- if i='' then nl;
- while (i<>'') and (not abort) and (not hangup) do begin
- rp:=0; nca:=thisuser.linelen-pap-1; p:=0;
- while (rp<nca) and (p<length(i)) do begin
- if i[p+1]=#8 then rp:=rp-1 else
- if i[p+1]=#3 then
- p:=p+1
- else
- if (i[p+1]<>#10) then rp:=rp+1;
- p:=p+1;
- end;
- op:=p; rop:=rp;
- if (rp>=nca) and (p<length(i)) then begin
- while ((not (i[p] in [' ',#8,#10])) or (i[p-1]=#3)) and (p>1) do begin
- rp:=rp-1; p:=p-1;
- end;
- if p=1 then
- if not (i[1] in [' ',#8,#10]) then begin rp:=rp-1; p:=p-1; end;
- end;
- if abs(rop-rp)>=(thisuser.linelen div 2) then p:=op;
- s:=copy(i,1,p); delete(i,1,p);
- if (s[length(s)]=' ') then s[0]:=pred(s[0]);
- printa1(s,abort,next);
- if ((i='') and crend) or (i<>'') or abort then
- nl
- else
- printa1(' ',abort,next);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure printacr(i:astr; var abort,next:boolean);
- begin
- if not abort then
- if i[length(i)]=#1 then
- printa(i,abort,next)
- else
- printa(i+#1,abort,next);
- end;
- function ctim(rl:real):astr;
- var h,m,s:astr;
- begin
- s:=tch(cstr(trunc(rl-int(rl/60.0)*60.0)));
- m:=tch(cstr(trunc(int(rl/60.0)-int(rl/3600.0)*60.0)));
- h:=cstr(trunc(rl/3600.0));
- if length(h)=1 then h:='0'+h;
- ctim:=h+':'+m+':'+s;
- end;
- function tlef:astr;
- begin
- tlef:=ctim(nsl);
- end;
- function cstrr(rl:real; base:integer):astr;
- var c1,c2,c3:integer; i:astr; r1,r2:real;
- begin
- if rl<=0.0 then cstrr:='0' else begin
- r1:=ln(rl)/ln(1.0*base);
- r2:=exp(ln(1.0*base)*(trunc(r1)));
- i:='';
- while (r2>0.999) do begin
- c1:=trunc(rl/r2);
- i:=i+copy('0123456789ABCDEF',c1+1,1);
- rl:=rl-c1*r2;
- r2:=r2/(1.0*base);
- end;
- cstrr:=i;
- end;
- end;
- procedure savesystat;
- begin
- reset(systatf); write(systatf,systat); close(systatf);
- end;
- procedure pfl(fn:astr; var abort:boolean; cr:boolean);
- var fil:text;
- i:astr;
- next:boolean;
- begin
- if not hangup then begin
- assign(fil,fn);
- {$I-} reset(fil); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then print('File not found.') else begin
- abort:=false;
- while not eof(fil) and (not abort) and (not hangup) do begin
- readln(fil,i);
- if cr then
- printacr(i,abort,next)
- else
- printa(i,abort,next);
- end;
- close(fil);
- end;
- nl;nl;
- end;
- end;
- procedure printfile(fn:astr);
- var abort:boolean;
- begin
- pfl(fn,abort,true);
- end;
- procedure print_file (fn:astr);
- {This is a modification procedure that allows Ansi Graphics. Take it out}
- {If you do not want to use it, otherwise have fun with Real ANSI!!}
- Var fil:Text; i:char; abort,next:boolean; c:Integer; r:registers;
- begin
- if not hangup then begin
- assign(fil,fn);
- {$I-} reset(fil); {$I+}
- if ioresult<>0 then print('File not found.') else begin
- abort:=false;
- while ((not eof(fil)) and (not abort) and (not hangup)) do begin
- checkhangup;
- if (not empty) then wkey(abort,next);
- read(fil,i);
- If outcom then o1(i);
- With r Do Begin
- DX := Ord(i);
- AX := $0200;
- MsDos (r);
- End;
- end;
- close(fil);
- end;
- end;
- topscr;
- end;
- END.