9You have destroyed huge quantities of life of the planet.ΦáΦâ
m┴ximum free dy2You permitted great destruction of living systems.planet.ΦáΦâ
m┴ximum free dy3You failed to stem the destruction of biodiversity.lanet.ΦáΦâ
m┴ximum free dy6You have done a fantastic job preserving biodiversity.et.ΦáΦâ
m┴ximum free dyAYou made great progress in the struggle to preserve biodiversity.m┴ximum free dy-You reversed the destruction of biodiversity.eserve biodiversity.m┴ximum free dy<You have managed to make solar energy a major safety hazard.sity.m┴ximum free dyCUnder your administration, solar energy became much more dangerous.ximum free dy,More people died falling off of their roofs.me much more dangerous.ximum free dyCYour administration eliminated the safety problems of solar energy.ximum free dy2Solar energy is no longer a serious safety hazard. of solar energy.ximum free dy>Some progress was made in reducing deaths due to solar energy.ergy.ximum free dyABecause of you, thousands of people died unnecessarily in floods.y.ximum free dyAThe problem of flood deaths grew much greater during your tenure.y.ximum free dy&As far as floods go, things got worse.greater during your tenure.y.ximum free dy8Death from floods is now all but forgotten on the earth.r tenure.y.ximum free dy7You energetically attacked the problem of flood deaths..r tenure.y.ximum free dy4You made some progress in the battle against floods.hs..r tenure.y.ximum free dyGThe earth's forests have been shattered under your callous stewardship.m free dy/You failed to protect the forests of the earth.our callous stewardship.m free dyDDestruction of precious forests continued under your administration.ip.m free dyJYou reversed the tide of deforestation and greatly increased forest lands.ree dy1You made good progress in reforesting the planet.y increased forest lands.ree dyAYou made some progress in your attempts to reverse deforestation.st lands.ree dy5Vast numbers of people died of heavy metal pollution.forestation.st lands.ree dy;Deaths due to heavy metal poisoning increased dramatically.ation.st lands.ree dy.More people died due to heavy metal poisoning.dramatically.ation.st lands.ree dyCYou successfully eliminated heavy metals as an environmental toxin. lands.ree dy@You acheived some success in your struggle against heavy metals.in. lands.ree dy7You made little progress against heavy metal pollution.y metals.in. lands.ree dyEVast areas of coastal land are now under water due to global warming.ands.ree dyIGlobal warming became much worse, inundating large areas of coastal land..ree dyGGlobal warming grew worse, leading to some inundation of coastal areas.d..ree dy'You completely reversed global warming.ome inundation of coastal areas.d..ree dyYou reversed global warming.al warming.ome inundation of coastal areas.d..ree dy You stopped global warming cold.arming.ome inundation of coastal areas.d..ree dyKYour policies ignored acid rain, resulting in the destruction of lake life.ee dyJThe problem of acid rain grew much worse and much lake life was destroyed..ee dy?Acid rain got worse, with further destruction of life in lakes. destroyed..ee dy<You made tremendous strides in the battle against acid rain.es. destroyed..ee dy=You acheived some success in your struggle against acid rain.s. destroyed..ee dy+You made little progress against acid rain.against acid rain.s. destroyed..ee dy:Land abuse reached record highs under your administration.in.s. destroyed..ee dy/You failed to attack the problem of land abuse.nistration.in.s. destroyed..ee dy;Land abuse grew slightly worse during your years in charge.n.s. destroyed..ee dyBLand abuse has been almost eliminated as an environmental problem.stroyed..ee dy4You made good progress against continued land abuse.ental problem.stroyed..ee dy3Your work against land abuse yielded small results..ental problem.stroyed..ee dyIHuge numbers of people died because of lung disease due to air pollution...ee dyKAir pollution became worse during your administration, killing many people.ee dyCContinuing air pollution took its toll in the form of lung disease. people.ee dy:Air pollution has been all but eliminated from the planet. disease. people.ee dyCGreat success was achieved in bringing air pollution under control. people.ee dy-Your policies reduced air pollution somewhat.llution under control. people.ee dyCThe oceans have been stripped of all life because of your policies. people.ee dy8Marine life has suffered greatly under your stewardship.r policies. people.ee dy(The damage to marine life has continued.our stewardship.r policies. people.ee dy4You have restored marine life to its original state.hip.r policies. people.ee dy:Your battle to save marine life achieved moderate success.policies. people.ee dy)Life in the oceans has improved somewhat.moderate success.policies. people.ee dy<Your handling of pesticide pollution has been a catastrophe.licies. people.ee dy.Deaths from pesticides have increased greatly.a catastrophe.licies. people.ee dy0The problem of pesticides has become even worse.catastrophe.licies. people.ee dyDYou have almost eliminated pesticides as an environmental pollutant.people.ee dy5Pesticide damage to the environment has been reduced.ntal pollutant.people.ee dy:Your efforts led to a small reduction in pesticide deaths.pollutant.people.ee dyAThe material quality of life has plummeted. People are miserable.nt.people.ee dyHYour administration has led to great economic hardship around the globe.le.ee dy=Your policies hurt the global economy and made people poorer. the globe.le.ee dyKYour work has led to greatly improved standards of living around the world.ee dy>People are much better off now than when you came into office.nd the world.ee dy@There was some improvement in the economic well-being of people. the world.ee dy=Your mishandling of radioactive waste has created a disaster.le. the world.ee dy9Radioactive waste problems mushroomed during your tenure.ter.le. the world.ee dy:You did little to solve the problems of radioactive waste.er.le. the world.ee dyBYou have eliminated radioactive waste as an environmental problem.he world.ee dyAYour struggle against radioactive waste yielded positive results..he world.ee dyDBecause of your work, radioactive waste is not as serious a problem. world.ee dyBPreventable radiation now kills huge numbers of people every year.m. world.ee dyBMany people are dying because of your mistakes with nuclear power.m. world.ee dy:The dangers of nuclear power grew worse under your tenure.r power.m. world.ee dyBYou have completely eliminated radiation as a danger to humankind.m. world.ee dyDYou made progress insuring that nuclear power plants pose no threat. world.ee dy:Your policies reduced the overall danger of nuclear power.no threat. world.ee dyKPeople are dying like flies from skin cancer that you could have prevented.ee dy+Skin cancer remains a major cause of death.r that you could have prevented.ee dy+Now skin cancer deaths are on the increase.r that you could have prevented.ee dyHYour brilliant strategy saved the ozone layer and clobbered skin cancer.ed.ee dy;You made good progress in the race to save the ozone layer. skin cancer.ed.ee dy6Because of you, fewer people are dying of skin cancer.ayer. skin cancer.ed.ee dyDYour policies failed completely to tackle the problem of starvation.cer.ed.ee dyJYour attempts to solve the problem of starvation were a miserable failure..ee dy9Under your leadership, even more people starved to death.iserable failure..ee dy0You have won a great victory against starvation.to death.iserable failure..ee dy*You have brought starvation under control.ation.to death.iserable failure..ee dy.Because of you, fewer people starve each year.n.to death.iserable failure..ee dyKYour profligate and unsustainable policies have sold out humanity's future.ee dySustainability has gone down.able policies have sold out humanity's future.ee dyBThe world is even less sustainable now than it was when you began.s future.ee dyDYour wisdom has given us a sustainable world, a world with a future.future.ee dy<You made much progress in making the world more sustainable. future.future.ee dyAThe world is now working on a more sustainable basis than before.re.future.ee dy