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- Copyright 1989, 1990 McAfee Associates
- 4423 Cheeney Street
- Santa Clara, CA 95054
- 408 988 3832 (voice)
- 408 988 4004 (BBS)
- Executable Program (CLEAN.EXE):
- CLEAN contains a self test at load time. If CLEAN has been
- modified in any way, a warning will be displayed. The program will
- still continue to repair and clean infected programs, however. In
- addition, versions 55 and above are packaged with a VALIDATE
- program that will authenticate the integrity of CLEAN.EXE. Refer
- to the VALIDATE.DOC instructions for the use of the validation
- program.
- The validation results for V61 should be:
- SIZE: 54,959
- DATE: 3-31-1990
- Check Method 1 - 7861
- Check Method 2 - 0A98
- You may also call the McAfee Associates bulletin board at 408
- 988 4004 to obtain on-line SCAN.EXE verification data. The
- VALIDATE program distributed with CLEAN may be used to authenticate
- all future versions of CLEAN.
- Notes on Version 61:
- Version 61 is able to detect five new viruses reported since
- March 1, 1990. The first virus was submitted by Dave Chess of IBM.
- It is a destructive COM and EXE infector called the Saturday the
- 14th virus. The virus activates every Saturday that falls on the
- 14th of any month and causes the first 100 sectors of the A, B, and
- C drives to be overwritten. The net result is loss of all of the
- control information for the media assigned to those drives. The
- Partition table, Boot Sector and FAT will be destroyed. The virus
- is 685 bytes long and is memory resident.
- The second new virus is the 1392 virus which was also
- submitted by Dave Chess of IBM. The virus does little damage,
- other than corruption of the infected programs, but it does display
- the following message: "SMA KHETAPUNK - Nouvel Band A.M.O.E.B.A."
- No idea what this means. The virus changes the date of infected
- files to the date of infection; it is memory resident; it infects
- both COM and EXE files, including COMMAND.COM and is 1392 bytes
- long.
- The third new virus is the XA1, or Christmas Tree virus. It
- was submitted by Christoff Fischer of West Germany. It is an
- encrypted virus that only infects COM files. It activates on April
- the 1st and destroys the partition table of the hard disk. From
- December 24th till January 1st it will draw a full screen picture
- of a christmas tree when an infected program is executed. It is
- not memory resident.
- The fourth and fifth new viruses were discovered in Spain and
- are called the 1720 and 1210 viruses. The 1720 infects both COM
- and EXE files, while the 1210 only infects EXE files. Little is
- know of these viruses at this point other than that the 1720
- appears to be destructive. The viruses were named after their
- respective lengths.
- In addition to the above new viruses, version 61 fixes a bug
- which caused it to mis-identify the Korea Virus.
- CLEAN-UP kills and removes computer viruses, and in most
- instances it repairs infected files, re-constructs damaged programs
- and returns the system to normal operation. CLEAN-UP works for all
- viruses identified by the current version of McAfee Associates'
- CLEAN-UP searches the entire system looking for the virus that
- you wish to remove. When found, the infected file is identified,
- the virus is isolated and removed, and for the more common viruses,
- the infected file is repaired. If the file is infected with a less
- common virus that cannot be separated from the file, the infected
- file is wiped from the disk and deleted from the system. A warning
- message is displayed by CLEAN-UP before erasing any files, and you
- have the option of overriding the erase function.
- The common viruses that CLEAN-UP is able to remove
- successfully and repair and restore the damaged programs are:
- * Jerusalem B Alabama Jerusalem A Ping Pong
- Jerusalem E Stoned Dark Avenger Pakistani Brain
- Suriv03 Payday Alameda 1701
- 1704 Disk Killer Ping Pong-B Ashar
- Sunday 1260 4096
- These viruses account for the overwhelming majority of
- infection occurrences. All other known viruses will be identified
- and isolated by CLEAN-UP and the infected files' area of disk will
- be wiped clean and the files will be removed from the system.
- * Note: EXE viruses cannot be successfully removed
- from all infected .EXE files in 100% of the cases. A
- few EXE programs will be damaged beyond repair by the
- infection and they will have to be deleted. In all
- cases, however, the virus in the file will be killed and
- rendered harmless by CLEAN-UP.
- Before running CLEAN-UP, verify the suspected virus infection
- by running VIRUSCAN (SCAN.EXE) Version 55 or greater. SCAN will
- identify the virus strain and sub-strain and will display the I.D.
- to be used as input to the CLEAN-UP program. CLEAN-UP uses this
- I.D. to determine which virus to seek out and remove. The I.D. for
- each virus is displayed inside a set of brackets - [ ]. For
- example, the I.D. for the Disk Killer virus will be displayed by
- SCAN as [Killer]. This identical identifier must be used in the
- command line of CLEAN-UP in order to remove the Disk Killer
- virus.
- Also, before you begin the disinfection process, you must
- power down the infected computer and then re-boot the computer from
- a clean, write-protected system diskette. This step is very
- important. It will remove the virus from control in memory and
- prevent the virus from continuing to infect during the clean-up
- process.
- To run CLEAN-UP type:
- CLEAN d1: d2: ... dn: [virusname] /a /many
- where:
- dn: - Drive designators for drives to be cleaned.
- (up to 10 drives may be cleaned with one command)
- [virusname] - The virus I.D. (brackets must be included)
- /a - Option to check all files
- /many - Option to allow cleaning multiple floppies
- Examples:
- CLEAN C: D: [Jeru] will clean Jerusalem from C and D
- drives
- CLEAN C:\TEMP [Dav] /a Will clean Dark avenger from
- C:\TEMP and will search all file
- extensions for the virus
- CLEAN-UP will display the name of each infected file as it is
- found. When the virus has been removed from each file, a
- "successful" message will be displayed.
- NOTE: If a file has been infected multiple times by a
- virus, clean will display the name of the file and
- the "successful" message for each infection
- occurrence. Thus, multiple lines will be displayed
- for each file infected more than once.
- After running CLEAN-UP, run SCAN again, this time with the /a
- option, to ensure that all remnants of the virus have been removed.
- After cleaning the fixed disk drives, SCAN all floppies and
- if any infections are found, remove them with CLEAN-UP.
- The clean-up I.D.'s for each of the known viruses are listed
- in brackets below:
- Oropax [Oro] Pakistani Brain [Brain]
- 4096 [4096] Chaos [Chaos]
- AIDS Trojan [AIDS] Virus-90 [90]
- Amstrad [Amst] Devil's Dance [Dance]
- Holland Girl [Holland] Datacrime II-B [Crime-2B]
- Do-Nothing virus [Nothing] Sunday virus [Sunday]
- Lisbon virus [Lisb] Typo COM virus [Typo]
- DBASE virus [Dbase] Ghost / Ghostball Boot
- Ghost COM Version [Ghost-C] New Jerusalem [Jeru]
- Alabama [Alabama] Yankee Doodle [Doodle]
- 2930 [2930] Ashar [Brain]
- AIDS / Taunt [Taunt] Disk Killer / Ogre [Killer]
- 1536 / Zero Bug [Zero] MIX1 [Mix1]
- Dark Avenger [Dav] 3551 / Syslock [Syslock]
- Vacsina [Vacs] Ohio
- Typo Swap / Israeli Boot
- Datacrime II [Crime-2] Icelandic-II / System [Ice-2]
- Pentagon 3066 / Traceback [3066]
- Datacrime-B [Crime-B] Icelandic [Ice]
- Saratoga [Toga] 405 [405]
- 1704 Format [170X] Fu Manchu / 2086 [Fu]
- 1280 / Datacrime [Crime] 1701 / Cascade [170X]
- 1704 / Cascade-B [170X] Stoned / Marijuana [Stoned]
- 1704 / Cascade [170X] Ping Pong-B / Cascade Boot [Ping]
- Den Zuk Ping Pong / Bouncing Dot [Ping]
- Vienna-B [Vienna-B] Lehigh [Lehigh]
- Vienna / DOS-62 [Vienna] Jerusalem-B [Jeru]
- Yale / Alameda [Alameda] Friday 13th COM virus [13]
- Jerusalem-A / 1813 [Jeru] Suriv03 / Jerusalem-E [Jeru]
- Suriv02 [jeru-D] Suriv01 [April]
- Taiwan [Taiwan] Halloechen [Hal]
- Perfume [Fume] Joker [Joke]
- Icelandic-3 [Ice-3] 1260 [1260]
- Virus-101 [101] V2000 [2000]
- Saturday 14th [Sat14] 1720 [1720]
- 1210 [1210] Christmas Tree [XA1]
- 1392 [1392] Korea [Korea]
- 2000-B [Solano]
- CLEAN-UP is a required registration shareware product. It may
- be use in a home environment for a registration fee of $35. Please
- use the enclosed REGISTER.DOC file for registration information.
- For corporate, organizational or agency use, however, a corporate
- site license is required. For site license information please
- contact:
- McAfee Associates
- 4423 Cheeney Street
- Santa Clara, CA 95054
- 408 988 3832 (voice)
- 408 988 4004 (BBS)
- 408 970 9727 (Fax)
- Version Notes
- Version 60:
- Version 60 identifies four new viruses that have been reported
- from widely dispersed parts of the world. The first virus, the
- Solano 2000, or Dyslexia virus, was widely and suddenly reported
- in Solano County California in late February and Early March 1990.
- The first person to isolate and submit the virus was Edward
- Winters. The virus is 2000 bytes long, but bears no resemblance
- to the V2000 virus from Bulgaria. The virus infects only COM
- files, is memory resident, and infects each file as it is executed.
- The virus randomly reverses contiguous numeric data in the video
- buffer. No other damage has been observed.
- The second virus, ItaVir, was submitted by Andrea Salvia and
- Emilio Caravaglia of Milan Polytechnic in Milan, Italy. The virus
- is 3,880 bytes long, infects only EXE files and is not memory
- resident. The virus is activated based on the amount of time it
- has been in the system (apparently a random time greater than 24
- hours) and when activated, it sequentially writes all values
- (between 0 and 255) to all I/O ports in the system. The result is
- a dramatic confusion of all peripherals. The video monitor will
- flicker and if the monitor is VGA, will also hiss. The boot sector
- is also wiped out and the system will be non-bootable on power-up.
- The third virus, Vcomm, was submitted by Yuval Tal from
- Rehovot, Israel. It is a non-memory resident EXE infector and is
- 1074 bytes long. After the virus is first executed, it infects one
- other EXE file and then modifies the in-memory Command Interpreter
- so that the DOS COPY command no longer works. No other disruptions
- have been reported from this virus.
- The fourth virus is a boot sector infector submitted from
- Korea. Limited analysis has been done so far on this virus other
- than developing an identifier. The virus has been named the Korea
- Virus.
- Version 59:
- Version 59 now removes a number of new variations of the
- Vienna, Yankee Doodle and Vacsina. These variations were submitted
- by researchers in Eastern Europe. The variations of the Yankee
- Doodle and Vacsina appear to be earlier trial versions of these
- viruses. They don't appear to be harmful, other than corrupting
- the programs that are infected and there have been no reported
- incidents of infection in the U.S. or Western Europe. The
- variations of Vienna are likewise apparently harmless.
- A completely new virus has also been added to the scan
- list. Called the V2000 virus, it works as follows:
- It installs resident in memory and then searches for and
- infects the Command Interpreter (COMMAND.COM). It will then infect
- any COM or EXE file whenever the file is opened. Thus, the
- executable files are infected whenever they are executed, copied
- or manipulated in any way. The virus hides the length increase of
- infected files, much like the 4096, so the user will not see the
- increased file lengths in the listing displayed by the DIR command.
- The virus is very virulent and has caused system crashes and
- lost data, as well as causing some systems to become non-bootable
- after infection.
- The 4096 virus has been added to the list of viruses that can
- be removed without erasing the infected program.
- Version 57:
- CLEAN57 has been substantially modified to allow removal of
- viruses that use variable encryption techniques. Two such viruses
- surfaced for the first time in January. These viruses cannot be
- accurately identified and removed with simple I.D. strings. The
- changes to SCAN now allow these two viruses to be positively
- identified, and identification and removal of future viruses that
- use similar techniques has been simplified.
- Both of these encrypted viruses were written as "experimental"
- viruses. One surfaced on a number of bulletin boards in Minnesota
- under the name of COM_AIDS.ZIP. I have named it the 1260 virus,
- although it is based in part on the original Vienna virus. The
- other was written by Patrick Toulme in Washington D.C. (author of
- Virus-90). He has called the new virus Virus-101. Neither of
- these viruses was designed to be destructive - they just attach
- themselves to other programs. However, there is no such thing as
- a "harmless" virus. All viruses corrupt the code of the host
- programs, and none enter your system under invitation. And none
- have yet successfully been contained. Even the most well designed
- and coded "harmless" virus will cause problems in some mix of
- hardware/BIOS/DOS-Version/Memory-resident-programs etc. The
- Pakistani Brain is a prime example of this. For this reason we
- oppose the public distribution of any kind of virus. Once
- released, they cannot be controlled. In addition, many lazier
- hackers can easily modify "harmless" viruses to become destructive,
- and many instances of such modification exist. Thus, V57 of CLEAN
- removes both of these viruses.
- In addition to the above two viruses, V57 removes the Joker
- and Perfume viruses from Poland, the Icelandic-3 found by
- Fridrik Skulason in Iceland and the Halloechen virus reported by
- Christoff Fischer at the University of Karlsruhe in West Germany.
- These are detailed in VIRLIST.TXT.
- The 1260 Virus has been added to the list of viruses that can
- be removed without erasing the infected program.