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- -----------
- -------- CALLNET --------
- -----------
- Version 2.0
- For the System Operator of PCBoard
- using NET/Mail, Procomm Plus and DSZ,
- to automate network mail transfers as
- part of a scheduled event.
- Copyright (c)1989 by Edward Thigpen
- CALLNET2.DOC Page 2 November 1, 1989
- ----------------
- The files contained herein are Copyright (c)1989 by Edward Thigpen and
- are donated to the public domain with the condition that NO FEE
- whatsoever may be charged for duplication or distribution, including,
- but not limited to disk duplication charges, download time, or connect
- time while downloading, or use of the files. Distribution must include
- the original and complete, unaltered ZIP file.
- You use the scripts at your own risk. They are provided AS IS with NO
- WARRANTIES of any kind. They are straight ASCII text and may be
- altered by anyone with basic programming skills. Therefore you should
- fully test the scripts and any revisions you make prior to using them
- in unattended transfers, as unexpected results may occur.
- Certain names and products mentioned in this text are trademarks of
- their respective companies.
- ----------------
- My sincerest appreciation to Lloyd Osteryoung of Cecil's Nite Owl in
- Palm Beach Gardens, FL, for providing the need for a package of script
- files as these, and for his unending patience while testing various
- ideas and additions. As we all know, providing a top notch bulletin
- board system with state-of-the-art features is an expensive and time
- consuming process. Yet, Cecil's Nite Owl meets these standards while
- remaining free of charge to its callers, reaffirming the basic premise
- of bulletin boards, the free and open exchange of ideas.
- My appreciation also goes out to Mark Findlay, author of the NET/Mail
- software package that allows all of us all over the country, and now
- Europe, the means to communicate in an open forum. Mark's package is
- tops in its field, operating almost flawlessly since its inception!
- ----------------
- Files in CALLNET2.ZIP (except this documentation file) as displayed
- using the -V parameter in PKZIP:
- Searching ZIP: CALLNET2.ZIP
- Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Attr Name
- ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- ----
- 1044 Implode 636 40% 11-01-89 11:01 bf8a8c40 --w README.NOW
- 247 Shrunk 178 28% 11-01-89 11:01 7e637db3 --w NETSEND.BAT
- 28 Stored 28 0% 11-01-89 11:01 987af400 --w IN.BAT
- 29 Stored 29 0% 11-01-89 11:01 61a9bd91 --w OUT.BAT
- 66 Shrunk 58 13% 11-01-89 11:01 c32462ee --w MCALL.BAT
- 928 Implode 463 51% 11-01-89 11:01 e8b73ac8 --w PROFILE.ASP
- 14053 Implode 3062 79% 11-01-89 11:01 646ef5bc --w DCWAS24.ASP
- CALLNET2.DOC Page 3 November 1, 1989
- ----------------
- CALLNET uses a common sense approach in automating the process of
- exchanging mail packets between node and hub systems. It is designed
- to be called from the PCBoard's overnight event, allowing the use of
- Telenet's PC Pursuit service or to take advantage of discount, late
- night long distance rates. The main script file used is designed to
- watch for potential errors and, in most cases, to recover from problems
- such as noisy phone lines or busy systems. All of this is accomplished
- while maintaining *courtesy* toward other system operators trying to
- access the same hub by limiting the number of dialing retries.
- If CALLNET fails to connect to the hub system for whatever reason, fear
- not. Recovery during the next event is a painless, automatic process,
- as long as your script is properly configured. A log file is
- maintained for the entire session to call your attention to problems
- such as bad or missing prompts, or conflicting schedules with other
- nodes. More on the log file later in the documentation.
- Briefly, CALLNET will attempt to access Telenet and a distant PC
- Pursuitable city up to ten times, and once connected to the distant
- city, will attempt access to the hub bulletin board up to ten times.
- Failure results in a ten minute wait before a retry. Assuming failure
- again, CALLNET, when configured to do so, will attempt one last round
- by dialing direct (1+) to the hub system. Failure again results in a
- warning message in the log file, with recovery expected during your
- next event, or through manual processing.
- Once successfully connected to the hub, CALLNET watches for appropriate
- messages in ensure that all processing is taking place as expected.
- Failure to "see" key prompts will result in the declaration of a fatal
- error, and one retry to transfer mail. (Note: Retry will take place
- ONLY if originally connected through PC Pursuit. This feature is to
- reduce the chance of a long distance bill the size of the national
- debt.) Assuming success, CALLNET will return to DOS and return control
- to the batch file, NETSEND.BAT, to complete the import process and
- reboot your bulletin board.
- In a worse case scenario, your bulletin board is unavailable for calls
- (and will not answer for any reason) for about thirty minutes and your
- connect time on PC Pursuit is about twenty minutes (or about 10 hours
- during a month of complete failures!), keeping your PC Pursuit charges
- well within the maximum flat rate charges. Of course, monthly PC
- Pursuit connect time will vary, depending on the amount of network mail
- being transferred. Our experience at Cecil's Nite Owl during the past
- five months has shown that NET/Mail transfers use less than eight
- hours of the thirty hour per month cap recently instituted by Telenet.
- As provided, CALLNET will shell to DOS three times during each session.
- OUT.BAT is executed to upload your mail packet to the hub system, and
- IN.BAT is executed to download your packet from the hub. MCALL.BAT is
- used to update your opening screen once the mail is *successfully*
- transferred. If you do not have the necessary software to update your
- opening screens, MCALL.BAT will have to be disabled, as discussed
- further in this text.
- Copyright (c)1989 by Edward Thigpen
- CALLNET2.DOC Page 4 November 1, 1989
- ----------------
- - Do not add carriage returns to the end of your string
- assignments. CALLNET provides carriage returns (^m)
- in the appropriate places.
- - The telephone number of your hub MUST be in the exact
- format ###-###-####. If you are using a hub within
- your own area code, the format MUST be ----###-####.
- This requirement applies whether or not the direct dial
- feature is implemented.
- - Using PC Pursuit, the first five characters in the
- string assigned to S1 (line 23) MUST be the PC Pursuit
- city code. Example, assuming your hub is located in
- Washington, DC, the first five characters is S1 MUST
- be DCWAS. For a Seattle hub, S1 must contain WASEA
- as the first five characters.
- - You may prevent certain lines in the script files
- from being executed by placing a semicolon (;) at the
- beginning of the line. If you wish to activate the
- direct dialing feature in CALLNET, place a semicolon
- at the beginning of line 176, so that is reads:
- - When calling hubs that do NOT feature color graphics, it
- will be necessary to place semicolons in front of lines
- 200 through 205, and line 208 to prevent CALLNET from
- bombing at missing graphics prompts.
- The scripts in CALLNET should be installed and run from a hard disk
- drive. Each line in a script must be read, all while the system is
- "watching" for prompts and special characters coming from the host
- system. Floppy drives will slow reaction time considerably and in most
- cases will cause the routines to fail.
- On the same note, waiting for Procomm Plus to beep a number of times
- when certain events (such as connecting to a host system) occur may
- cause the scripts to terminate. The alarm in Procomm Plus should be
- turned off, and the alarm time should be set to zero seconds. If you
- use PROFILE.ASP provided the alarm will be disabled for you.
- There are seven different retry counters operating within the main
- script file, using the integer values N0 through N6. While each serves
- a unique purpose and each controls a unique function. Altering one may
- have a domino effect on the remainder and care should be taken when
- changing any of the code involving integers.
- The log file, NETMAIL.LOG in our script, does not have to be deleted
- after each session. If you decide to keep it, new log information will
- be appended to the end of the existing file. Once you are up and
- running without any problems you may find storing a month's worth of
- log information a waste of space.
- Copyright (c)1989 by Edward Thigpen
- CALLNET2.DOC Page 5 November 1, 1989
- ----------------
- First things first, you will need to configure the batch files to your
- system's specifications. Below are copies of each batch file with an
- explanation of each line. OUT.BAT, IN.BAT and MCALL.BAT must reside in
- your Procomm Plus subdirectory or path.
- ----------------
- echo off ; turn echo off
- cls ; clear the screen
- m: ; log to drive m:
- cd\netmail ; log to netmail subdirectory
- export nodelist ; execute export
- cd\pcplus ; log to pcplus subdirectory
- pcplus /fdcwas24 ; execute pcplus, profile and dcwas24
- copy netmail.log prn ; dump log file to printer
- copy netmail.log n:\s1 ; copy log file to d/l directory
- del netmail.log ; delete log file
- cd\netmail ; log to netmail subdirectory
- import ; execute import
- cd\netmail\files ; log to files subdirectory
- del nodelist.was ; delete yesterday's nodelist
- ren nodelist nodelist.was ; rename nodelist
- l: ; log to drive l:
- cd\pcb ; log to pcb subdirectory
- board ; execute board.bat
- ----------------
- DSZ port 2 rz NODEMAME.IN ; be sure to configure to your specs!
- ----------------
- DSZ port 2 sz NODENAME.OUT ; be sure to configure to your specs!
- ----------------
- echo off ; turn echo off
- l: ; log to drive l:
- cd\pcb ; log to pcb subdirectory
- mailcall mailcall.cfg ; execute mailcall to update screen
- cd\ ; log to root directory
- m: ; log to drive m:
- cd\pcplus ; log to pcplus subdirectory
- Copyright (c)1989 by Edward Thigpen
- CALLNET2.DOC Page 6 November 1, 1989
- ----------------
- Change Line 7 to the proper COMM port for your modem.
- Change Line 9 to the proper baud rate.
- Note: The main script provided, DCWAS24.ASP is geared
- to users of PC Pursuit at 2400 baud!
- ----------------
- Change Line 13 to include any drive, path and name you wish
- to use for the log file maintained during the call. Insure
- that any changes are reflected in NETSEND.BAT!
- Line 22 (S0) should be changed to your local Telenet access
- phone number. Be sure to use the special numbers reserved
- for 2400 baud calls is you are running at 2400 baud.
- Line 23 (S1) *MUST* include the PC Pursuit city code as the
- first five characters. The characters after the first five
- can be anything you wish. This format is REQUIRED if you
- wish the scripts to function properly, and was designed in
- this manner to allow expansion and linking of scripts.
- Line 24 (S2) should be changed to the area code and phone
- number of the hub system. As discussed earlier, calls to
- hubs within your area code uses the format ----###-####.
- The scripts look at the right most eight characters when
- determining the hub phone number.
- Line 25 (S3) should be changed to your first and last name
- as registered on the hub system. Remember, do not add a
- carriage return character (^m), as it is added to the end
- of the string when used by the script.
- Line 26 (S4) should be changed to your password on the hub
- system.
- Line 27 (S5) should include the "OPEN" command as well as
- the door number for your hub's NET/Mail door.
- Lines 28 and 29 (S6 and S7) are used internally by the script.
- Line 30 (S8) should be changed to your PC Pursuit ID code.
- Again, do not add a trailing carriage return.
- Line 31 (S9) should be changed to your PC Pursuit password.
- If you are *not* calling through PC Pursuit, delete the semicolon (;)
- at the beginning of line 48 so that the script bypasses the PC Pursuit
- logon procedures. You will also need to *add* a semicolon to the start
- of Line 176, the first command under DIRECT:. When calling local
- numbers, it is necessary to change Line 181 to read "ATDT".
- Copyright (c)1989 by Edward Thigpen
- CALLNET2.DOC Page 7 November 1, 1989
- If you are calling a hub that does not support graphics, and thus, does
- not begin with a graphics prompt, place semicolons at the beginning of
- Lines 200-205 *and* Line 208. These lines are also marked with
- asterisks in the far right column.
- Operators not using the mail call routines will need to disable Line
- 294 by placing a semicolon at the beginning of the line.
- ----------------
- Before you try your script, place a "live" call to your hub and insure
- that your user record reflects EXPERT mode. The scripts are not
- designed to account for added prompts and the time delays associated
- with novice user levels.
- You should also inform the operator of your hub that you will be
- debugging your scripts for awhile and arrange a time when the system is
- usually available for repeated calls.
- If, on you *first* call since midnight, you do not get a "Press enter
- to continue" prompt, it would be wise to change Line 199 to read:
- WHEN "More?" "n^m"
- This change will eliminate the potential for fatal errors once
- connected to the hub system.
- ----------------
- Above all, test your scripts and any changes during live sessions. DO
- NOT install them in your event file until you are sure everything is
- functioning properly. It took us about a week to get all the kinks out
- of our routines, but that was during the creation process when various
- points of error checking were added. You should be able to install the
- routines in your event within a couple of days after making any
- necessary changes.
- As provided, the script DCWAS24.ASP runs successfully when calling the
- DC Information Exchange in Washington, DC. Anytime we missed our "mail
- runs", due to vacations and a recent move to a new location, the
- recovery of missed mail was completely painless, and automatic as part
- of the next scheduled event after the system went back online.
- Copyright (c)1989 by Edward Thigpen
- CALLNET2.DOC Page 8 November 1, 1989
- ----------------
- Below are descriptions and reasoning behind the NETMAIL.LOG entries.
- @@ Telenet Inbound Failure @@
- The local Telenet number (S0) is incorrect or busy.
- @@ Telenet Wakeup Failure @@
- Telenet failed to respond to the wakeup command. If
- you are not running 2400 baud, this wakeup command
- will have to be changed.
- @@ Telenet Login Failure @@
- Telenet failed to recognize your terminal type input.
- @@ Telenet Distant Node Busy @@
- Nodes to the distant city are busy or out of service.
- Another possibility is incorrect PC Pursuit ID or
- password strings.
- @@ Outbound Node Failure @@
- The hub system is busy or the number entered is incorrect.
- @@ Direct Dial Failure @@
- The hub system is busy or the number entered is incorrect.
- Repeated busys indicate conflicting schedules between nodes.
- @@ HUBFAIL: Graphics Prompt @@
- The script did not see the graphics query within the 15
- second limit. Is your hub a graphics system?
- @@ HUBFAIL: Name Prompt @@
- The script missed and could not recover from a missing
- name prompt. Noisy lines?
- @@ HUBFAIL: Password Prompt @@
- The password prompt was not seen. Possibilities include
- noisy phone lines or your name is not recognized.
- Copyright (c)1989 by Edward Thigpen
- CALLNET2.DOC Page 9 November 1, 1989
- @@ HUBFAIL: Mail Check Prompt @@
- The prompt to check for your mail was missed.
- @@ HUBFAIL: Main Command Prompt @@
- The main command prompt was missing or garbled and the
- script was unable to recover.
- @@ HUBFAIL: Door Locked Message @@
- The NET/Mail door was in use on another node.
- @@ HUBFAIL: DSZ Upload Prompt @@
- The DSZ initialization string was not found.
- @@ HUBFAIL: Upload Questionable @@
- Messages confirming a successful upload were not found.
- @@ HUBFAIL: Importing Conference @@
- Message in preparation for your download were not found.
- @@ HUBFAIL: DSZ Download Prompt @@
- The DSZ initialization string was not seen. The hub is
- allowed up to ten minutes to prepare the download, more
- than enough time for even large mail packets.
- =============================
- NET/Mail Transfer Failure
- =============================
- CALLNET was not successful in transferring mail with the
- hub system for whatever reason. If your scripts are
- properly configured, recovery will be automatic during
- the next event.
- Copyright (c)1989 by Edward Thigpen