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- ▐▐▐▐ Nukewar Key Defs ▌▌▌▌
- · Written · by · ßseudo<ode ·
- This key defs are provided for those of us who do not have a mouse.
- Note: It would also be helpful to have the file NUKEDOCS.ZIP, which, although
- it only concerns itself with mouse commands, provides info needed to play,
- Which I am too lazy too put in here (particularly all those hints).
- 1,2,3,4,5... selects or deselects a leader at the window with all the leaders
- displayed. A face marks a selected opponent. Choose up to four, as the rest
- will be chosen randomly.
- Cntrl-Q Quit
- S Sound
- P Propoganda
- B Build Weapons
- Enter Equivalent of Clicking on NukeWar icon
- F1 10 Megger (Deploy Delivery System)
- F2 20 Megger
- F3 50 Megger
- F4 100 Megger
- * F5 Launch a 10 Megger, or Deploy Warhead
- * F6 Launch a 20 Megger, or Deploy Warhead
- * F7 Launch a 50 Megger, or Deploy Warhead
- * F8 Launch a 100 Megger, or Deploy Warhead
- INS Select a 5th city <?>
- Note: When targeting cities for propoganda or a launch, you have
- to use either 5,6,7,8,9 or INS to select a city first (not
- the function keys, the numbers... Im sorry if im being mono-
- tonous but I dont wanna screw things up for you too much...).
- Just try em all (5-9, or INS)
- when selecting a city till you come to the one
- You want to glow, or the one you want to defect to you...
- A little X with pulsate on the city you select.
- I am also having problems figgering out EXACTLY how to launch
- stuff youve readied... they do center around f5,6,7 and 8 though.
- Timing is very important in this game, as you must follow specific steps
- to do things such as using bombers and missles. This is probably better
- explained in the txt file by THG, namely, NUKEDOCS.ZIP...
- [ The NP-1 Bomber
- ] The Grim Reaper Bomber
- , LNDS Defense (not as cool as Mega Laser, I guess).
- . Mega Laser Cannon Defense
- / Nukewar Info
- Major note dude: When you hit ENTER, it ends your turn
- and pops up with the globe... followed by crazed politics.
- MAKE SURE you have selected what you want before hitting
- ENTER, which is your green light.
- A run down of what you might do:
- Select and Propogandagate (ok, bad grammar) a city
- Build, Deploy, Select a City, and launch a missle
- Build, Deploy, Select a City, and launch a Bomber.
- Build and Deploy a Defense initiative.
- Building and Deploying take each take up a move of their own.
- You can select and launch whatever in one move (duh, lets select something
- and not nuke him till we are all glowing).
- Finally, as you know, the little 0-99 in the windows while playing rep
- how much this guy likes you... if its high, use shift and (1-4) to give
- them the appropriate face, which represents your manner towards them.
- But BE CAREFUL, just because you just nuked Tricky Dick and Now he loves
- you doesnt mean he does not have an ace up his sleeve.
- --Well, hey, I guess THG is rich, or someone thinks that we're shit if we
- dont have a mousey... but oh well... hope this helps guys. And hey,
- What the hell, once you learn how to play, making 'em (I mean the game
- guys, not your sex life, I dont know what kinky things your into)
- tends to become fun.
- - Thanx THG, for the game. And oh yea... Someone answer me this...
- Is the game titled Shadow of the Beast ever coming out for the IBM?
- Its out (in awesome graphix and sound) for the Amiga.
- - Well, I dont want to bore or piss anyone off, so later guys. Any
- questions? Im on a few local boards... just find me and cuss at me
- if there's an error in the file.
- Welp, enough bullshit... Ill let you go, Im sure by now Ive made my point
- (I talk alot).