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- Telemate Phone Directory Convertor v2.0
- By Kevin Carr
- Using FONDIR 5.2 by Henry Clark
- For use with Telemate 2.00
- ==============================================================================
- Program Purpose:
- This batch file/data files will convert from any of the supported dialing
- directory formats to a Telemate 2.00 Dialing Directory.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Support for:
- 1) ProComm 2.4.3
- 2) ProComm Plus 1.1
- 3) Qmodem 4.1
- 4) Telix 3.11
- 5) GT PowerComm 15.00
- 6) Pibterm 4.1
- 7) Boyan 4.0
- 8) PC-Talk4 1.39
- 9) Rcomm 2.1
- 10) K9-Express 8.6
- 11) Mirror 3 1.01
- 12) PC Anywhere 3.11
- 13) Carbon Copy Plus 4.01
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Files Included:
- TM-PDC.BAT -- Batch File to run
- TM-PDC.DOC -- This documentation
- 1.DAT - 13.DAT -- Data files needed
- FONDIR52.ZIP -- You should unzip this file. Henry Clark
- has full rights and copyright on this file.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- How to run TM-PDC:
- At the DOS prompt, type: "TM-PDC # FILENAME.EXT"
- '#' is one of the 13 numbers above. 'FILENAME.EXT' is the filename of the
- dialing directory to convert. The filename MUST NOT include an extension!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Problems:
- Some data entries in your Telemate dialing directory may be truncated.
- Telemate has 30 character BBS Name field, 15 character phone number field,
- 16 character password field, 30 character memo field, and 8 character
- script field. If your old dialing directories have fields larger than
- these, the coresponding field in the new Telemate dialing directory
- will have part of it chopped off. Also, if your dialing directory
- contains more than 1000 dialing entries, then more than one dialing
- directory will be created. The dialing directory names will be like:
- TM.FON, T1.FON, T2.FON, T3.FON, etc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Warning:
- I am not liable for any damages caused by this program or any other
- program that this program uses. You are using it at your own risk!
- Also, not all communication programs listed have been tested, but I
- do not see any reason why they should not work. If you have any
- problems, please report them to me at the BBS or address listed below.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyrights & Support:
- TM-PDC is a public domain utility, and can be modified as needed.
- Kevin Carr, P.O. Box 797381, Dallas, Texas, 75379-7381, USA.
- 214-492-6565, 12/24/96/14400 bps, 24hr, RelayNet: UTOU.
- FONDIR 5.2 - Phone File Translate, Copyright (c) 1988, 1989 by
- Henry C. Clark. Software Mechanics, P.O. Box 832052, Richardson,
- Texas, 75083, USA. 214-881-2627, 12/24/96/14400 bps, 24hr, 124/1119.
- Telemate, Copyright (c) 1989 by HU Tsung, Winfred. Tsung Hu,
- 10530 Keating Crescent, Windsor, Ontario, N8R 1T5, Canada.
- "Boyan, Procomm, Procomm +, Qmodem, Gt-Powercomm, Telemate, Telix
- Pibterm, PC-Talk4, Rcomm, K9-Express, Mirror 3, PC Anywhere,
- and Carbon Copy Plus" are all Copyrighted by their respective authors.
- ==============================================================================
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- FONDIR Phone List Translator Utility Registration Form and
- Payment Invoice #890701 for Version 5.2
- Name _______________________________________
- Address _______________________________________
- _______________________________________
- _______________________________________
- Phone _______________________________________
- Version ________________ Date Received ________________
- Check one :
- ( ) Enclosed is U.S. ____________ Dollars for ___________ copies
- at U.S. 20 Dollars each.
- ( ) Enclosed is U.S. ____________ Dollars for ___________ copies
- of customized versions at U.S. 50 Dollars each.
- Enter customization parameters : _______________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________________
- ( ) Enclosed is U.S. 400 Dollars for 20 or more copies
- on a site license ( make your own copies, documents ).
- Send this form with check or money order to :
- Hershel Enterprises, Inc.
- Software Mechanics, FONDIR
- P.O. Box 832052
- Richardson, TX 75083-2052
- U.S.A.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------