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- CopyWrite supports all of the IBM PS/2 models except
- those with a speed of 33 Mhz.
- Listed below are notes regarding this edition, which do
- not appear in the printed manual. We recommend that
- you print this file and keep it with your printed
- manual.
- An Australian, Mr. Anthony C Harvey, is selling
- counterfeit copies of our software.
- He has advertised using our company name. He has
- printed labels and manuals duplicating the appearance
- of our products, and he has negotiated cheques made
- payable to Quaid Software Ltd. We are pursuing civil
- and criminal remedies against Mr. Anthony C Harvey.
- Customers in possession of counterfeit copies of our
- software obtained from Mr. Anthony C Harvey or
- Aardvark Utilities should request a refund from:
- Mr. Anthony C Harvey, c/o
- Aardvark Utilities,
- PO Box 514, Hawthorn 3122
- Victoria, Australia
- It is possible he has changed his address and company
- name.
- Starting with the November 1988 edition the "Unguard"
- utility now UNPROTECTS diskettes protected by the
- Everlock copy protection system by AZ-TECH.
- Rescue was developed to remove copy protection. For
- those familiar with the Unguard utility, Rescue is used
- the same way. Instructions on the use of "Rescue" are
- listed below.
- For two drive systems you will need the original
- program diskette, and a blank formatted diskette that
- will be referred to as the Rescued backup diskette.
- ■ Insert your CopyWrite diskette into Drive A:, and
- the Rescued backup diskette into drive B:.
- ■ To start the Rescue program, at the DOS prompt type
- "a:rescue" [enter]. Once Rescue has loaded, remove
- your CopyWrite diskette from drive A:, and replace
- it with the program diskette.
- ■ The cursor will point to the function "Source
- drive". If the Source drive is NOT set to a:, use
- the [+] [-] keys to change it to a:.
- ■ Using the cursor down key move the cursor to the
- function "Source product", and enter the source
- product name from the list included with your
- CopyWrite package.
- ■ Using the cursor down key move the cursor to the
- function "Target drive". Using the [+] or [-] keys
- change the target drive to b:.
- ■ Using the cursor down key move the cursor to the
- function "Strip copy protection" and press the enter
- key.
- As Rescue processes the copy protected program, it will
- display the files it reads from the original diskette,
- and writes to the target.
- A successful Rescue will report:
- Success.
- I have stripped the copy protection.
- Press any key to proceed.
- For this type of system it is recommended that you
- create a separate subdirectory for the package you want
- to Rescue. These instructions make two assumptions,
- first that your hard drive is c:, and secondly you are
- not currently running the program from your hard drive
- already.
- ■ Create the subdirectory your program will be loaded
- into using the DOS command mkdir. If you already
- have a subdirectory for your program skip this step.
- ■ Change to the subdirectory your program will be loaded
- into using the DOS command chdir.
- ■ Insert your CopyWrite diskette into Drive A:.
- ■ To start the Rescue program, at the DOS prompt type
- "a:rescue" [enter]. Once Rescue has loaded, remove
- your CopyWrite diskette from drive A:, and replace
- it with the program diskette.
- ■ The cursor will point to the function "Source
- drive". If the Source drive is NOT set to a:, use
- the [+] [-] keys to change it to a:
- ■ Using the cursor down key move the cursor to the
- function "Source product", and enter the source
- product name from the list in your CopyWrite
- package.
- ■ Using the cursor down key move the cursor to the
- function "Target drive". Using the [+] or [-] keys
- change the target drive to c:
- ■ Using the cursor down key move the cursor to the
- function "Strip copy protection" and press the enter
- key.
- As Rescue processes the copy protected program, it will
- display the files it reads from the original diskette,
- and writes to the target.
- A successful Rescue will report:
- Success.
- I have stripped the copy protection .
- Press any key to proceed.
- CopyWrite supports all of the IBM PS/2 models except
- those with a speed of 33 Mhz, as well as the Tandy 1000
- computers (EX, SX, HX, and TX) having a DMA chip ( the
- DMA chip comes with the memory expansion boards), using
- both 5.25" diskettes, and 3.5" diskettes. CopyWrite
- will support 3.5" diskettes on machines other than the
- PS/2 provided their drive designation is either A: or
- B: (this is required because CopyWrite needs direct
- access to the floppy drive controller card). This
- means CopyWrite cannot support 3.5" diskette drives
- that require device drivers to be loaded (i.e.
- driver.sys that comes with DOS 3.2 and later).
- Since many software publishers have abandoned the use
- of copy protection, there is less requirement to revise
- CopyWrite. We no longer do so monthly, but at
- irregular intervals as changes in technology or copy
- protection require.
- CopyWrite is 100% compatible with the following
- computers:
- Compaq Portable and Deskpro
- Compaq Portable 286 and Deskpro 286
- Compaq Portable I and II
- IBM PC, PC XT, and PC AT
- IBM PS/2 model 30, 50, 60, 80, 50z, 55, 70
- ( but not 33 Mhz machines )
- Micronics 80386 20Mhz
- Sperry PC
- Tandy 1000 EX, SX, HX, TX with DMA chips
- Tandy 1200
- Toshiba T3100
- Zenith Z-150 and Z-160
- We have had reports that CopyWrite is also compatible
- with the following computers. However, if there is a
- problem with CopyWrite on these computers we may be
- unable to duplicate the problem in order to correct it.
- We will do our best to solve any problems with these
- computers:
- AT&T 6300 (will not run Prolok disks)
- Columbia
- Corona
- Eagle (later models only)
- Kaypro PC
- Leading Edge PC
- Olivetti M24 (will not run Prolok disks)
- Panasonic Sr. Partner
- Sequa
- Tandy 3000
- Tava PC
- Vectra HP
- Any computer not listed above may not be compatible
- with CopyWrite. Machines that have an Accelerator
- board are most likely incompatible with CopyWrite.
- CopyWrite will not copy high density diskettes. If you
- have a computer not listed above and you have found
- that CopyWrite runs without problems on it please
- contact us with the make and model so that we can
- inform other customers of its compatiblity. Thank you.
- Fastback and Concentric Information Processor are no
- longer supported. Also, dBase III version 1.1 is
- backed up using UnGuard only and not using CopyWrite
- and loading Ramkey into memory first.
- With this edition of CopyWrite, you should be able to
- backup your Prolok 2 and Everlock protected software.
- To backup Prolok 2 protected software you do it by
- using CopyWrite and then loading Ramkey into memory
- before using the backup, or by using UnGuard on each of
- the .exe files on the program disk. For Everlock
- protected software use CopyWrite or Unguard.
- Consult the manual for the full list of supported
- programs. Additions to the software list are shown
- below.
- CopyWrite contains generic routines for removing copy protection
- from the following schemes:
- Protection Use Versions
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Program Name & version How Notes Date
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- SuperLok by Softguard Unguard up to and including 3.00
- Everlock by AZ-Tech Unguard up to and including 1.94
- ProLok II by Vault Unguard
- Accolade Rescue source product: accol
- Electronic Arts Rescue source product: elecarts
- Epyx Rescue source product: epyx
- The Learning Company Rescue source product: learn
- Mindscape Rescue source product: mind
- Origin Systems Rescue source product: british
- Sierra Rescue source product: sierra
- (install) means that you must first install the product on your
- hard drive, and then unprotect it.
- Epyx and Accolade use very similar copy-protection.
- You may try 'accol' and 'epyx' as the source product for both these companies.
- 688 Attack Sub by Electronic Arts rc six88 (install)
- Abrams Battle Tank by Electronic Arts rc btank
- Advanced Flight Trainer by Elec Arts rc chuckaft
- After Burner by Sega cw
- After Burner by Sega rc sega
- APBA Baseball (stats program) V1.2 un stats.exe
- Arkanoid by Taito un arkanoid.com
- Arkanoid II by Taito un doh.com
- Auto-Mate Plus V3.02 by Royal Digital un amp.com
- Award Maker Plus by Baudville Inc. rc toolwork
- Axe of Rage by Epyx cw
- Axe of Rage by Epyx rc epyx
- Battle Chess by Interplay rc battlchs
- Battle Tank, Abrams by Electronic Arts rc btank
- Battlehawks by LucasFilm rc bhawks
- Battletech by Infocom rc btech
- Block Buster by Mindscape cw
- Block Buster by Mindscape rc mind
- CAI by CAI rk
- Championship Boxing by Sierra cw
- Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer rc chuckaft
- Convert ZX cw,un convert.com
- Curse of the Azure Bonds by S.S.I. rc azure
- Cycles by Accolade rc cycles
- Data Manager Series by Timeworks cw
- Downhill Challenge by Broderbund cw
- Downhill Challenge by Broderbund cw TANDY version
- Downhill Challenge by Broderbund rc broder
- Dr.Doom's Revenge by MicroProse cw
- Dr.Doom's Revenge by MicroProse rc doomrev
- Duel by Accolade cw
- Earl Weaver BaseBall by Electronic Arts rc earlball
- F-15 Strike Eagle II by MicroProse cw
- F-15 Strike Eagle II by MicroProse rc f15two
- Faery Tale Adventure Book 1 rc fairy
- Fast! V4.2 by Field Audit System cw/un faspro.com
- Ferrari Formula One by Electronic Arts rc ferrform
- Heavy Metal by Access Software rc hvmetal
- Jack Nicklaus Greatest Golf by Accolade rc jack18
- John Madden Football by Elec Arts rc madfoot
- Jordon vs Bird One on One by Elec Arts rc jordbird
- Kindercomp V1.1 by Spinnaker cw
- L.A. Crackdown by Epyx cw
- L.A. Crackdown by Epyx rc epyx
- Lakers vs Celtics by Electronic Arts rc lakecel
- Last Ninja V1.1 by Activision rk
- Legacy of the Ancients by Elec Arts rc legaci (install)
- Life&Death by Software Toolworks rc lifedeat (install)
- Lombard Rally by Mandarin Software rc lomb (install)
- Lotus Student Spreadsheet un 123.com
- MAI Basic Four V3.0 by PC Link un pclink.com
- Might and Magic II -New World Computing cw
- Might and Magic II -New World Computing rc mmtwo
- One on One, Jordon vs Bird by Elec Arts rc jordbird
- Operation Wolf by Taito un opwolf.com
- Out Run by Sega cw
- Out Run by Sega rc sega
- PHM Pegasus by Electronic Arts rc pegs
- Pipe Dream by Lucasfilm rc pipedrem
- Radar II ver 4.0c rk
- Red Storm Rising by MicroProse cw
- Red Storm Rising by MicroProse rc reds
- Renegade by Taito un renegade.com
- Rick Dangerous by MicroPlay cw
- Rick Dangerous by MicroPlay rc ricky
- Rocky's Boots by Learning Company rk
- Shinobi by Sega cw
- Shinobi by Sega rc sega
- Silpheed by Sierra rc silf
- Sky Shark by Taito un skyshark.com
- Snap II by Edtech un snapII.exe
- Space Rogue by Origin Systems rc spacerog
- SPSS/PC+ v2.0 advanced statistics rc spsspcv2 (install)
- SPSS/PC+ v2.0 base rc spsspcv2 (install)
- SPSS/PC+ v2.0 tables rc spsspcv2 (install)
- Steel Thunder by Accolade rc thund
- Street Sports Basketball by Epyx cw
- Street Sports Basketball by Epyx rc epyx
- Superstar Soccer by Mindscape rc mind
- Test Drive II, the Duel by Accolade cw
- Their Finest Hour by LucasFilm rc finest
- Tongue of the Fatman by Activision rc tung
- Train by Accolade cw
- Ultima IV by Origin Systems rc british
- Under Fire by Avalon Hill cw
- Vette by Spectrum HoloByte rc myvette
- Wayne Gretzky Hockey by Bethesda rc greatone (install)
- Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? cw
- Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? cw TANDY version
- Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? rc broder
- Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? cw TANDY version
- Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? rc broder
- Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? cw TANDY version
- Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? rc broder
- Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? cw
- Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? cw TANDY version
- Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? rc broder
- Special Cases
- =============
- (install) means that you must first install the product on your
- hard drive, and then unprotect it.
- SPSS/PC+ v2.0 advanced statistics
- SPSS/PC+ v2.0 base
- SPSS/PC+ v2.0 tables install SPSS/PC on your hard drive (assume c:),
- make the SPSS/PC sub-directory the default for c:,
- run Rescue from the CopyWrite disk in a:,
- put a blank formatted floppy in drive a:,
- select these menu parameters.
- Source drive c:
- Source product SPSSPCV2
- Target drive a:
- copy the new files from a: to c:
- Fast must rename .exe to .com file.
- Fast! V4.2 rename .exe file to .com file and use a
- dos copy to transfer it onto a copywrite
- copy of the diskette.
- Cogo v4.12L by CivilSoft must use dos assign a=c prior to running.
- Micro TSP v6.0
- When unprotecting this program using a hard disk make
- sure you copy the 'install' diskette, 'disk 1', and then
- 'disk 2' onto your hard disk in that order. Delete the
- file 'tsp.exe' from you hard disk. Run the unguard
- program using 'tsp.exe' as the source file.
- Novell Netware v2.11
- This product uses the both a SuperLok copy protection
- and some protection of their own. Start by making
- yourself a backup copy of the "gendata" diskette using
- the CopyWrite program. Delete the file getdata.com from
- your CopyWrite backup. Run "Unguard" using the
- "gendata" diskette as the source diskette, and
- "getdata.com" as the source file. Unguard will create a
- file called "getdata.com", and "getdata.qxe" copy these
- files onto your CopyWrite backup of the "gendata"
- diskette. Once you have used the CopyWrite backup
- diskette to install the Novell Netware the CopyWrite
- backup diskette will no longer work. You may want to
- make yourself a working archive again.
- Alpine Encounter
- Is a "flippy disk". In order to make a backup using
- CopyWrite, you need to set the number of sides option
- to 1. Then make a backup of one side of the original
- diskette to a blank diskette. When that is done turn
- over the original diskette to side 2 and make a backup
- of that side to another blank diskette. In the end you
- will have two diskettes as backups for the original
- one "flippy diskette". Be sure to label each backup
- diskette so that you know which is Side 1 and which is
- Side 2.
- Amnesia
- If you are just making a backup of the original disk,
- then you need to use SoloBoot to run the backup you
- make. If you use the install that comes on the
- original Amnesia program disk then you can use Ramkey
- to run it from the hard drive after you install it.
- Backgammon 5.0
- At the end of the CopyWrite procedure you will receive
- the message "Abort, Retry, or Ignore?". Select the "A"
- for abort and that will bring you back to DOS. The
- copy you made will run like the original. Just reboot
- your system to load it.
- Crossword Magic
- At the end of the CopyWrite procedure you will receive
- the message "sector not found error reading drive...
- Abort, Retry, Ignore?". Choose the "I" to ignore.
- This will return you to the CopyWrite menu. Now exit
- to DOS. The backup CopyWrite made is good and will
- run like the original.
- Disk Optimizer v1.4
- Before using UnGuard to make your backup, use DOS and
- copy all the files from the original disk to the target
- disk. Then delete optimize.com from the target disk.
- Now run UnGuard. Instead of creating one new file,
- UnGuard will create optimize.qxe and a new
- optimize.com.
- Microreality V2.0 rev. B
- You should read the Special Case section of the printed
- manual under the ".Com and .Exe Files" heading. Those
- notes apply to this program as well.
- Vault Corporation emerged from bankruptcy on March 24,
- 1988. The appeal of Vault Corporation from the trial
- court decision mentioned in the printed manual was
- decided by the appeals court in our favor on June 21,
- 1988. Short of an appeal to the Supreme Court, this
- will probably end the litigation on the subject of
- making backup copies of computer software. As it now
- stands, there is no legal barrier to the sale or use of
- CopyWrite, as long as it is used for backup purposes.
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- using data displayed on your computer screen.
- The Envelope Please ... is a revolutionary new
- resident program that captures the name and
- address at the top of a letter, and with one
- keystroke, prints it on an envelope in your
- printer.
- The Envelope Please... works with most
- popular IBM software including WordStar,
- Symphony, dBASE and resident software such as
- SideKick.
- Point at the address portion of a letter
- on screen, put an envelope in your printer,
- and print.
- Need a return address printed in the top left
- corner of your envelope? The Envelope
- Please... will print that too! And for dot
- matrix printers that won't normally feed an
- envelope, The Envelope Please... will print
- sideways!
- The Envelope Please... the better way to
- print most popular size envelopes using Epson
- and compatible dot matrix printers, most daisy
- wheel and HP and compatible laser printers and
- an IBM PC, XT or AT. (The program uses about
- 15k of RAM)
- The Envelope Please... $39 US.
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────
- Disk Explorer recovers accidentally deleted
- files and directories automatically!
- Every computer user will one day know the
- sinking feeling that follows accidental
- deletion of a file, program or directory.
- What many people don't know however is that as
- long as nothing has been written to the disk
- since the deletion, the data is still on the
- diskette. In these circumstances, recovery is
- possible and Disk Explorer will do it quickly.
- For the more technically inclined, Disk
- Explorer will also let you see what's really
- on your disk, view and change formats, change
- the status of files, change data in any
- sector, correct bad tracks and much more.
- Disk Explorer, the program every computer user
- should have, just in case is available for $75
- US.
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────
- Quaid Analyzer is a professional quality
- debugger.
- With the Quaid Analyzer, you can:
- -See occurrences of any interrupt, with it's
- meaning shown on screen.
- -View memory as text or instructions,
- scrolling as easily as you do with an editor.
- -Run until a memory location or I/O port is
- changed.
- -Protect your hard disk from accidental
- destruction.
- -Analyze software without the source, even
- when it uses countermeasures to thwart
- tracing.
- -See all stages of the boot load.
- The Quaid Analyzer is a software tool
- occupying 100kb RAM. It runs on an IBM PC and
- most MS-DOS systems without hardware
- modifications. The Quaid Analyzer is
- available for $200 US.
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────
- OmniEdit is a powerful two dimensional editor,
- word processor, calculator and communications
- package. It will allow you to capture and
- move rectangular areas within other DOS files,
- justify paragraphs, search and replace, and
- "undo" the last function performed. In
- addition, it can send and receive files using
- the Xmodem protocol. OmniEdit uses DOS files,
- without any special markers, so you can use it
- with just about any other software. The price
- is $50 US.
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────
- All products listed above or revisions to your
- existing Quaid software are available from
- Quaid Software Ltd. by calling (416) 961-8243
- with your credit card or by printing and
- sending the order form below with payment to:
- Quaid Software Limited
- 45 Charles Street East Third Floor
- Dept. 740
- Toronto Ontario M4Y 1S2
- When ordering revisions, cut off the top of
- the original master diskette including the
- label and return it with your order. This
- will prevent any delay of your order when
- going through customs.
- All checks from outside of the U.S. and
- Canada must be drawn on a US bank account.
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Please rush me: Qty Price Total │
- │ │
- │ CopyWrite ___ @ $75 US _____ │
- │ CopyWrite Revision ___ @ $25 US _____ │
- │ The Envelope Please... ___ @ $39 US _____ │
- │ Disk Explorer ___ @ $75 US _____ │
- │ Quaid Analyzer ___ @ $200 US _____ │
- │ OmniEdit ___ @ $50 US _____ │
- │ │
- │ │
- │ __ Check __ Money Order │
- │ │
- │ __ VISA __ MasterCard __ Amex __ Diners Club │
- │ │
- │ Credit Card #:___________________ Exp Date______ │
- │ Name:____________________________________ │
- │ Address:_________________________________ │
- │ City:____________________________________ │
- │ State:__________________ Zip:____________ │
- │ Phone number:____________________________ │
- │ Signature:_______________________________ │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘