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- echo off
- cls
- rem --- make sure the user specified valid drive letter (we allow A to H)
- rem for both the source and dest drives.
- if %1a == a goto noDriveSpecified
- if %1 == a: goto checkDest
- if %1 == A: goto checkDest
- if %1 == b: goto checkDest
- if %1 == B: goto checkDest
- if %1 == c: goto checkDest
- if %1 == C: goto checkDest
- if %1 == d: goto checkDest
- if %1 == D: goto checkDest
- if %1 == e: goto checkDest
- if %1 == E: goto checkDest
- if %1 == f: goto checkDest
- if %1 == F: goto checkDest
- if %1 == g: goto checkDest
- if %1 == G: goto checkDest
- if %1 == h: goto checkDest
- if %1 == H: goto checkDest
- goto notOnThatDrive
- :checkDest
- if %2a == a goto noDriveSpecified
- if %1 == a: goto begin
- if %1 == A: goto begin
- if %1 == b: goto begin
- if %1 == B: goto begin
- if %2 == c: goto begin
- if %2 == C: goto begin
- if %2 == d: goto begin
- if %2 == D: goto begin
- if %2 == e: goto begin
- if %2 == E: goto begin
- if %2 == f: goto begin
- if %2 == F: goto begin
- if %2 == g: goto begin
- if %2 == G: goto begin
- if %1 == h: goto begin
- if %1 == H: goto begin
- :begin
- echo ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ LHX: ATTACK CHOPPER Installation ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ This will create a directory called %2\LHX on your destination disk, ║
- echo ║ and will install LHX in that directory. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ If you don't want to install LHX now, press Ctrl-Break. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- pause
- rem --- create \lhx on the current drive.
- echo
- echo Creating directory %2\LHX...
- if not exist %2\lhx\*.* goto go_on
- rem --- \LHX dir already exists.
- :directoryExists
- echo
- echo There is already a \LHX directory on drive %2. If you don't want to
- echo install LHX: ATTACK CHOPPER into that directory, press Ctrl-Break.
- echo Otherwise, press any key to install LHX: ATTACK CHOPPER into %2\LHX.
- pause
- goto go_on2
- :go_on
- md %2\lhx
- :go_on2
- rem --- make sure source drive contains Disk One
- :1
- if exist %1\lhx1.lib goto 2
- echo
- echo Insert LHX Disk One in drive %1.
- pause
- goto 1
- :2
- rem --- if all files are on one disk, do one-disk install.
- if exist %1\lhx4.lib goto oneDiskInstall
- rem --- copy program disk files, including next batch file, to dest disk.
- echo
- echo Copying LHX Disk One...
- copy %1\*.* %2\lhx
- if not exist %2\lhx\part_two.bat goto installationError
- rem --- run next batch file
- %2\lhx\part_two %1 %2
- rem --- one-disk install (for 3.5" disk).
- :oneDiskInstall
- echo
- echo Copying LHX files...
- copy %1\*.* %2\lhx
- if not exist %2\lhx\lhx4.lib goto installationError
- rem --- installation was successful!
- :installDone
- cd %2\lhx
- echo
- echo LHX is now installed on your destination disk. To run it, type "LHX".
- %2
- goto done
- rem --- user didn't specify a drive letter followed by a colon.
- :noDriveSpecified
- echo
- echo Installation Error: To install LHX, you must specify the drive
- echo containing the floppies that you are installing FROM, and the drive
- echo you are installing TO. For example: if you are installing from
- echo floppy drive A: to hard drive C:, then you should type
- echo INSTALL A: C:
- echo ...and press Enter.
- goto errorDone
- rem --- user specified invalid drive letter.
- :notOnThatDrive
- echo
- echo Installation Error: Each drive letter must be a letter from A to H,
- echo and must be followed by a colon. For example, "INSTALL A: C:" will
- echo install LHX from floppies on drive A: to hard drive C:.
- goto errorDone
- rem --- general installation error.
- :installationError
- echo
- echo Installation Error: Perhaps there isn't enough space on your destination
- echo disk. LHX installation requires at least 720k free space.
- goto errorDone
- rem --- goto here after an error is detected, to print a message and exit.
- :errorDone
- echo
- echo LHX was not installed correctly.
- :done