home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ---( bench/loginmod.c )------------------------ */
- /* Pro-C - Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Vestronix Inc. */
- /* Modification to this source is not supported */
- /* by Vestronix Inc. */
- /* All Rights Reserved */
- /* ----------------------------------------------- */
- /* Written JZ Jan-87 */
- /* Modified Nig 30-Jan-90 */
- /* ----------------------------------------------- */
- /* %W% (%H% %T%) */
- /*
- * Modifications
- *
- * 30-Jan-90 Nig - Rearranged the Change Password setup
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <bench.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <proc.io>
- #include <fileio.h>
- #include <dllist.h>
- #include <field.h>
- #include <passwd.h>
- # include <time.h>
- # define TRUE 1
- # define FALSE 0
- # define MYVER "2.0"
- # define MAXLOCKTRYS 10
- /*
- */
- #define USER 0
- #define MODULE 1
- PERMS pperms[] =
- {
- { 'a', PERM_ADD },
- { 'c', PERM_CHANGE },
- { 'd', PERM_DELETE },
- { 'i', PERM_INQUIRE },
- { 0, 0 }
- };
- extern int ichar; /* Global INPUT_W Return Value - 0 for CR */
- static int keymatch = USER;
- int uhand;
- int mhand;
- USER_ENT tmpuser;
- MOD_ENT tmpmod;
- USER_ENT *tmpuptr;
- MOD_ENT *tmpmptr;
- char buffer[80];
- char pwdfile[128];
- char pwdtmpf[128];
- char pswdfile_path[128];
- int tempfd;
- char userfield_mask[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
- FIELD userfield = {
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- userfield_mask,
- 0,
- text_input,
- };
- char modfield_mask[] = "BQQQQQQQQQQQQQ";
- FIELD modfield = {
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- modfield_mask,
- 0,
- text_input,
- };
- char pwdfield_mask[] = "!!!!!!!!";
- FIELD pwdfield = {
- 0,
- 0,
- 1,
- pwdfield_mask,
- 0,
- text_input,
- };
- unsigned int checkperms(prjname, argc, argv, user, password)
- char *prjname;
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- char *user;
- char *password;
- {
- unsigned int newperms = PERM_INIT;
- char *module;
- int retry;
- int chgflag = FALSE;
- int i,j;
- setvars(prjname);
- module = basename(argv[0]); /* Figure out module name from argv[0] */
- /*
- * Input user info if not already passed to program
- *
- * -cp indicates the user wants to change his password
- */
- if ((argc == 1) || ((argc == 2) && (!strcmp("-cp", argv[1]))))
- {
- if (argc == 2)
- chgflag = TRUE;
- input_pwd(user, password);
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(user, argv[1]);
- strcpy(password, argv[2]);
- decrypt(password, PASSKEY);
- }
- if (chgflag)
- {
- newperms = readfile();
- if (newperms == PERM_NOTMPFILE || newperms == PERM_LOCKED)
- {
- errmsg("Password change cannot be made now. Try again later.");
- chgflag = FALSE;
- newperms = PERM_INIT;
- }
- }
- do
- {
- newperms = passwd(pwdfile, user, password, module);
- retry = FALSE;
- /* validate user's password and determine perms in this module */
- if (chgflag) /* use list operations */
- {
- strcpy(tmpuser.user, user);
- strcpy(tmpuser.pwd, password);
- if ((newperms == PERM_INIT) && (tmpuptr = (USER_ENT *)dll_find(uhand, &tmpuser)))
- {
- if (!strcmp(tmpuser.pwd, tmpuptr->pwd))
- {
- newperms = PERM_EXISTS;
- strcpy(tmpmod.mod, module);
- for (tmpmptr = (MOD_ENT *)dll_find(mhand, &tmpmod);
- tmpmptr != (MOD_ENT *)0 && (!strcmp(tmpmptr->mod, tmpmod.mod));
- tmpmptr = (MOD_ENT *)dll_next(mhand))
- {
- if (!strcmp(tmpuser.user, tmpmptr->user))
- {
- for (j = 0; tmpmptr->perm[j]; j++)
- {
- for (i = 0; pperms[i].code; i++)
- if (pperms[i].code == tmpmptr->perm[j])
- newperms |= pperms[i].perms;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- switch (newperms)
- {
- if (chgflag)
- {
- unlink(pwdtmpf);
- close(tempfd);
- }
- case PERM_NOACC:
- errmsg("Password file \"%s\" is not readable! See system administrator.", pwdfile);
- break;
- errmsg("Password file \"%s\" is invalid. See system administrator.", pwdfile);
- break;
- default:
- if (newperms <= PERM_NONE)
- {
- if ((retry = warning(99, "Incorrect Login.\nTry Again ?")))
- input_pwd(user, password);
- else
- {
- if (chgflag)
- {
- unlink(pwdtmpf);
- close(tempfd);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- while (retry);
- if (chgflag)
- {
- chg_win(tmpuser.user, tmpuser.pwd);
- dll_del(uhand);
- dll_add(uhand, &tmpuser, ADD_SORT);
- writefile();
- strcpy(password, tmpuser.pwd);
- decrypt(password, PASSKEY);
- }
- encrypt(password, PASSKEY);
- return(newperms);
- }
- /* Remove the . extension from a filename */
- char *basename(name)
- char *name;
- {
- int i,j;
- int len = strlen(name);
- buffer[79]=0;
- for (i = len, j = 79; ((i > 0) && (j > 0)); i--, j--)
- {
- if (name[i - 1] == '/' || name[i - 1] == '\\' || name[i - 1] == ':')
- break;
- if (name[i - 1] == '.')
- buffer[j - 1] = 0;
- else
- buffer[j - 1] = name[i - 1];
- }
- #ifdef MSDOS
- strlwr(buffer + j);
- #endif
- return(buffer + j);
- }
- /* Create a window to input user name and password */
- void input_pwd(user, password)
- char *user;
- char *password;
- {
- create_w(8, 20, 8, 40);
- border_w(0, NORMAL);
- disp_w(2, 3, NORMAL, "This Module Is Password Protected.");
- disp_w(3, 3, NORMAL, "Please Enter Your Password Below.");
- disp_w(5, 3, NORMAL, "User Name:");
- disp_w(6, 3, NORMAL, "Password:");
- userfield.frow = 5;
- userfield.fcol = 20;
- userfield.fhelp= 12;
- userfield.fbuff = tmpuser.user;
- *userfield.fbuff = 0;
- input_wx(&userfield, K_ESC, 0);
- if (ichar == K_ESC)
- {
- *user = '\0';
- delete_w();
- return;
- }
- strcpy(user, userfield.fbuff);
- pwdfield.frow = 6;
- pwdfield.fcol = 20;
- pwdfield.fhelp = 13;
- pwdfield.fbuff = password;
- *pwdfield.fbuff = 0;
- input_wx(&pwdfield, 0);
- delete_w();
- }
- /*
- * Create window to input new password
- */
- void chg_win(user, password)
- char *user;
- char *password;
- {
- char password2[PWDARLEN];
- int conspwd = FALSE;
- create_w(10, 19, 6, 44);
- border_w(0, NORMAL);
- disp_w(2, 3, NORMAL, "Input New Password for");
- disp_w(2, 26, NORMAL, user);
- disp_w(4, 3, NORMAL, "Password:");
- disp_w(5, 3, NORMAL, "Password:");
- /*
- * Input 2 passwords until they are consistent. Passwords are not
- * shown on the screen.
- */
- while (ichar != K_ESC && !conspwd)
- {
- pwdfield.frow = 4;
- pwdfield.fcol = 20;
- pwdfield.fhelp = 14;
- pwdfield.fbuff = password;
- *password = 0;
- while (!*password)
- input_wx(&pwdfield, K_ESC, 0);
- if (ichar != K_ESC)
- {
- encrypt(password, PASSKEY);
- pwdfield.frow = 5;
- pwdfield.fcol = 20;
- pwdfield.fhelp = 1;
- pwdfield.fbuff = password2;
- *password2 = 0;
- while (!*password2)
- input_wx(&pwdfield, K_ESC, 0);
- encrypt(password2, PASSKEY);
- }
- if (ichar != K_ESC)
- {
- conspwd = (!bytecmp(password, password2, PWDLEN));
- if (!conspwd)
- errmsg("Passwords were not consistent. Please re-enter.");
- }
- }
- delete_w();
- }
- /*
- * Parse through password file to validate user and password and obtain
- * the user's coded permissions in module
- */
- unsigned int passwd(file, user, pswd, module)
- char *file;
- char *user;
- char *pswd;
- char *module;
- {
- FILE *fp;
- unsigned int perms = PERM_INIT;
- char *ptr;
- int c;
- int pswd_ok = FALSE;
- if (!access(file, 04))
- {
- if (fp = fopen(file, "r"))
- {
- if (validfile(fp))
- {
- for (;;)
- {
- /* investigate the first non-space on the line */
- c = eatspace(fp);
- /* end of file */
- if (c == EOF && feof(fp))
- break;
- /* is this a comment or empty line ? */
- if (c == '#' || c == '\n')
- eatline(fp);
- /* should be a good line */
- else
- {
- ptr = parsename(fp);
- switch (strlen(ptr) == 1 && eatspace(fp) == ':' ? ptr[0] : '#')
- {
- case '0':
- if (pswd_ok)
- eatline(fp);
- else
- pswd_ok = parseuser(fp, user, pswd);
- break;
- case '1':
- if (pswd_ok)
- perms |= parseperms(fp, user, module);
- else
- eatline(fp);
- break;
- default:
- eatline(fp);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!pswd_ok)
- perms |= PERM_NONE;
- }
- else
- perms = PERM_INVFILE;
- fclose(fp);
- }
- else
- perms = PERM_NOACC;
- }
- else
- {
- if (errno == ENOENT)
- perms = PERM_NOFILE;
- else
- perms = PERM_NOACC;
- }
- return(perms);
- }
- /*
- * Parse the string in the filestream only allowing name characters
- * ie. only alpha, numeric, or '_' characters allowed
- * Returns pointer to static buffer where name is stored.
- */
- char *parsename(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- int len, c;
- eatspace(fp);
- len = 0;
- c = getc(fp);
- while ( isalnum(c) || c == '_')
- {
- if (len < sizeof(buffer) - 1)
- buffer[len++] = (char) c;
- c = getc(fp);
- }
- buffer[len] = 0;
- if (c != EOF || !feof(fp))
- ungetc(c, fp);
- return(buffer);
- }
- /*
- * Parse the password in the filestream
- */
- char *parsepwd(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- int len;
- for( len = 0; len < PWDLEN; buffer[len++] = getc(fp) );
- return(buffer);
- }
- /*
- * Parse the string in the filestream up to the next ':', newline or
- * end-of-file. Returns pointer to static buffer in which string is
- * stored.
- */
- char *parsestr(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- int len, pos, c;
- eatspace(fp);
- len = pos = 0;
- while ((c = getc(fp)), (c != ':' && c != '\n' && (c != EOF || !feof(fp))))
- if (len < sizeof(buffer) - 1)
- {
- buffer[len++] = (char) c;
- if (c != ' ' && c != '\t')
- pos = len;
- }
- buffer[pos] = 0;
- if (c != EOF || !feof(fp))
- ungetc(c, fp);
- return(buffer);
- }
- /*
- * Advance the filestream pointer to the next non-space character
- */
- int eatspace(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- int c;
- while ((c = getc(fp)) == ' ' || c == '\t')
- ;
- if (c != EOF || !feof(fp))
- ungetc(c, fp);
- return(c);
- }
- /*
- * Advance the filestream pointer to the next line
- */
- int eatline(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- int c;
- while ((c = getc(fp)), c != '\n' && (c != EOF || !feof(fp)))
- ;
- return(c);
- }
- /*
- * Parse a user line in the password file returning TRUE if the input
- * user and password match those in the password file line.
- */
- int parseuser(fp, user, pswd)
- FILE *fp;
- char *user;
- char *pswd;
- {
- char *tmp;
- char pout[PWDARLEN];
- int pswd_ok = FALSE;
- getc(fp);
- tmp = parsename(fp);
- if (tmp && *tmp && eatspace(fp) == ':' && !strcmp(user, tmp))
- {
- getc(fp);
- tmp = parsepwd(fp);
- decrypt(tmp, PASSKEY);
- strcpy(pout, tmp);
- if (tmp && *tmp)
- pswd_ok = (strcmp(pswd, pout) == 0);
- getc(fp);
- tmp = parsestr(fp);
- }
- eatline(fp);
- return(pswd_ok);
- }
- /*
- * Parse a module line in the password file.
- * If the user and module given match those found in the line, the coded
- * permissions are returned. Otherwise, the code for PERM_EXISTS is
- * returned.
- */
- unsigned int parseperms(fp, user, module)
- FILE *fp;
- char *user;
- char *module;
- {
- char *tmp, *ptr;
- int c, i;
- unsigned int tmpperms, perms = PERM_EXISTS;
- getc(fp);
- tmp = parsename(fp);
- /* Only continue if modules match */
- if (tmp && *tmp && eatspace(fp) == ':' && !strcmp(module, tmp))
- {
- getc(fp);
- tmp = parsestr(fp);
- if (tmp && *tmp && eatspace(fp) == ':')
- {
- getc(fp);
- tmpperms = PERM_EXISTS;
- /* Read in perms, convert them to an int, and store for later */
- for (ptr = tmp; *ptr; ptr++)
- {
- c = *ptr;
- c = isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : c;
- for (i = 0; pperms[i].code; i++)
- if (pperms[i].code == (char) c)
- tmpperms |= pperms[i].perms;
- }
- for (;;) /* Parse through all associated users */
- {
- tmp = parsename(fp);
- if (!tmp || !*tmp)
- break;
- else if (!strcmp(user, tmp))
- /* Continue only if user names match */
- {
- perms = tmpperms;
- break;
- }
- if (eatspace(fp) == ',')
- getc(fp);
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- eatline(fp);
- return(perms);
- }
- /*
- * Read the password file into 2 lists - a user list and a module list
- */
- int readfile()
- {
- FILE *fp;
- int c;
- char *ptr;
- int stat = PERM_INIT;
- int i;
- tempfd = TCRT_FILE(pwdtmpf);
- for (i = 0; i < MAXLOCKTRYS && tempfd < 0 && errno == EEXIST; i++)
- tempfd = TCRT_FILE(pwdtmpf);
- if (tempfd < 0)
- {
- if (errno == EEXIST)
- stat = PERM_LOCKED;
- else
- }
- else
- {
- if (!access(pwdfile, 06))
- {
- if (fp = fopen(pwdfile, "r"))
- {
- if (validfile(fp))
- {
- zerorec(tmpuser.user, NAMEARLEN);
- zerorec(tmpuser.pwd, PWDARLEN);
- zerorec(tmpmod.mod, MODARLEN);
- zerorec(tmpmod.perm, PERMARLEN);
- zerorec(tmpmod.user, NAMEARLEN);
- uhand = dll_open(usercmp, sizeof(USER_ENT));
- mhand = dll_open(modcmp, sizeof(MOD_ENT));
- for (;;)
- {
- /* investigate the first non-space on the line */
- c = eatspace(fp);
- /* end of file */
- if (c == EOF && feof(fp))
- break;
- /* is this a comment or empty line ? */
- if (c == '#' || c == '\n')
- eatline(fp);
- /* should be a good line */
- else
- {
- ptr = parsename(fp);
- switch (strlen(ptr) == 1 && eatspace(fp) == ':' ? ptr[0] : '#')
- {
- case '0':
- getc(fp);
- strcpy(tmpuser.user, parsename(fp));
- if (strlen(tmpuser.user) && eatspace(fp) == ':')
- {
- getc(fp);
- strcpy(tmpuser.pwd, parsepwd(fp));
- if (strlen(tmpuser.pwd))
- dll_add(uhand, &tmpuser, ADD_SORT);
- }
- eatline(fp);
- break;
- case '1':
- getc(fp);
- strcpy(tmpmod.mod, parsename(fp));
- if (strlen(tmpmod.mod) && eatspace(fp) == ':')
- {
- getc(fp);
- strcpy(tmpmod.perm, parsename(fp));
- if (strlen(tmpmod.perm) && eatspace(fp) == ':')
- {
- getc(fp);
- strcpy(tmpmod.user, parsename(fp));
- if (strlen(tmpmod.user))
- {
- tmpmod.writeflag = FALSE;
- dll_add(mhand, &tmpmod, ADD_SORT);
- while (eatspace(fp) == ',')
- {
- getc(fp);
- strcpy(tmpmod.user, parsename(fp));
- if (strlen(tmpmod.user))
- {
- tmpmod.writeflag = FALSE;
- dll_add(mhand, &tmpmod, ADD_SORT);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- eatline(fp);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- stat = PERM_INVFILE;
- fclose(fp);
- }
- else
- stat = PERM_NOACC;
- }
- else
- {
- if (errno == ENOENT)
- stat = PERM_NOFILE;
- else
- stat = PERM_NOACC;
- }
- if (stat != PERM_INIT && stat != PERM_NOFILE)
- {
- unlink(pwdtmpf);
- close(tempfd);
- }
- }
- return(stat);
- }
- /*
- * Determines whether the password file is valid - based on a CRC check
- */
- int validfile(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- #ifdef CRC
- int c;
- char *crcstr;
- long oldcrc;
- long newcrc;
- int valid = FALSE;
- long datstart = 0L;
- /*
- * Read the header information and ignore it for the crc check.
- * The old crc is found on the first line that isn't a comment.
- */
- crcstr = alloc(sizeof(long) + 1);
- /* investigate the first non-space on the line */
- c = eatspace(fp);
- /* is this a comment or empty line ? */
- while (c == '#' || c == '\n') {
- eatline(fp);
- c = eatspace(fp);
- }
- /* end of file */
- if (c == EOF && feof(fp))
- valid = FALSE;
- else
- {
- /* should be a good line - contains the old crc */
- strcpy(crcstr, parsestr(fp));
- datstart = ftell(fp);
- oldcrc = atol(crcstr);
- /*
- * The crc calculation ignores the header since it is composed of
- * comments but takes the remainder of the file into account.
- */
- newcrc = crc_calc(fp);
- if (oldcrc == newcrc)
- valid = TRUE;
- fflush(fp);
- rewind(fp);
- fseek(fp, datstart, 0);
- }
- return(valid);
- #else
- return(TRUE);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Write out the password file
- */
- int writefile()
- {
- FILE *fp;
- int stat = IOGOOD;
- if (fp = fdopen(tempfd, "r+"))
- {
- #ifdef CRC
- writelist(fp);
- fflush(fp);
- rewind(fp);
- #endif
- writehdr(fp);
- writelist(fp);
- fclose(fp);
- unlink(pwdfile);
- renfile(pwdtmpf, pwdfile);
- chmod(pwdfile, 0666);
- }
- else
- {
- errmsg("Couldn't open file for writing.");
- stat = IOERROR;
- }
- return(stat);
- }
- /*
- * Write the lists into the password file
- */
- void writelist(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- fprintf(fp, "\n# Users: <0>:<user-name>:<password>\n\n");
- writeusers(fp);
- fprintf(fp, "\n# Modules: <1>:<module-name>:<permissions>:[<name>[,<name>[...]]]\n\n");
- writemods(fp);
- }
- /*
- * Write the password file header
- */
- void writehdr(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- unsigned long crc;
- unsigned long curtime;
- #ifdef CRC
- crc = crc_calc(fp);
- fflush(fp);
- rewind(fp);
- #endif
- fprintf(fp, "# Version %s\n", MYVER);
- time(&curtime);
- fprintf(fp, "# Last Modified: %s\n", asctime(localtime(&curtime)));
- #ifdef CRC
- l_to_a(buffer, crc, 10);
- fprintf(fp, "%s\n\n", buffer);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Write out the user list
- */
- void writeusers(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- for (tmpuptr = (USER_ENT *)dll_seek(uhand, 0, SEEK_SET); tmpuptr != (USER_ENT *)0; tmpuptr = (USER_ENT *)dll_next(uhand))
- {
- fprintf(fp, "0:%s:%s\n", tmpuptr->user, tmpuptr->pwd);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Write out the module list
- */
- void writemods(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- MOD_ENT *curwrptr;
- struct dll_entry *curpos;
- for (curwrptr = (MOD_ENT *)dll_seek(mhand, 0, SEEK_SET); curwrptr != (MOD_ENT *)0; curwrptr = (MOD_ENT *)dll_next(mhand))
- {
- curwrptr->writeflag = FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Write multiple users with the same perms in a module on the same line
- */
- for (curwrptr = (MOD_ENT *)dll_seek(mhand, 0, SEEK_SET); curwrptr != (MOD_ENT *)0; curwrptr = (MOD_ENT *)dll_next(mhand))
- {
- if (curwrptr->writeflag == FALSE)
- {
- fprintf(fp, "1:%s:%s:%s", curwrptr->mod, curwrptr->perm, curwrptr->user);
- curwrptr->writeflag = TRUE;
- curpos = dll_getpos(mhand);
- tmpmptr = (MOD_ENT *)dll_next(mhand);
- while (tmpmptr != NULL && (!strcmp(tmpmptr->mod, curwrptr->mod))) {
- if (!cmpperms(curwrptr->perm, tmpmptr->perm))
- {
- tmpmptr->writeflag = TRUE;
- fprintf(fp, ",%s", tmpmptr->user);
- }
- tmpmptr = (MOD_ENT *)dll_next(mhand);
- }
- dll_setpos(mhand, curpos);
- putc('\n', fp);
- fflush(fp);
- }
- }
- }
- void setvars(prjname)
- char *prjname;
- {
- search_path(prjname, pswdfile_path, ".pas");
- strcpy(pwdfile, pswdfile_path); /* Build name of password file */
- strcat(pwdfile, ".pas");
- strcpy(pwdtmpf, pswdfile_path); /* Build name of temporary password file */
- strcat(pwdtmpf, ".tmp");
- }
- /*
- * User list compare function
- */
- int usercmp(u1, u2)
- USER_ENT *u1, *u2;
- {
- return(strcmp(u1->user, u2->user));
- }
- /*
- * Module list compare function
- */
- int modcmp(m1, m2)
- MOD_ENT *m1, *m2;
- {
- return(strcmp(m1->mod, m2->mod));
- }
- /*
- * compare perms - strings are equivalent as long as the same perms
- * occur in each string regardless of their order
- */
- int cmpperms(perm1, perm2)
- char *perm1;
- char *perm2;
- {
- char *pos1;
- char *pos2;
- int pfound = FALSE;
- int match = FALSE;
- pos1 = perm1;
- pos2 = perm2;
- if (strlen(perm1) == strlen(perm2))
- {
- if (!strcmp(perm1, perm2))
- match = TRUE;
- else
- {
- /* check that every perm found in the first string also occurs
- * in the second string
- */
- while (*pos1) {
- while (!pfound && *pos2) {
- if (*pos1 == *pos2)
- pfound = TRUE;
- pos2++;
- }
- if (!pfound)
- break;
- else
- pfound = FALSE;
- pos1++;
- pos2 = perm2;
- }
- if (!(*pos1))
- match = TRUE;
- }
- }
- return(!match);
- }