home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ==( io/src/iascii.c )== */
- /* ----------------------------------------------- */
- /* Pro-C Copyright (C) 1988 - 1990 Vestronix Inc. */
- /* Modification to this source is not supported */
- /* by Vestronix Inc. */
- /* All Rights Reserved */
- /* ----------------------------------------------- */
- /* Written NA 24-Feb-88 */
- /* Modified VvA 28-Mar-90 See comments below */
- /* ----------------------------------------------- */
- /* %W% (%H% %T%) */
- /*
- * Modifications
- *
- * 28-Mar-90 VvA - adjustments for locking modes, transactions
- * 06-Feb-90 VvA - return IOEOF in lastkey for autonum
- * 02-Feb-90 VvA - adjust return vals in lastkey
- * 01-Feb-90 VvA - Enabled openmode in open_file()
- * 12-Dec-89 Geo - V2 version with variable lines
- * 25-Oct-89 Geo - 1.32 Merge
- * 3-Aug-89 VvA - Modified for generic IO interface
- * 26-Jul-89 BF/BC - Patched (by the terrible twosome)
- * 23-Mar-88 Geo - Rejigged, code shrunk (yes it was)
- */
- /*
- * -- D R A F T -- ASCII Sequential I/O via general IOGEN.C interface
- * WARNING Brian C reckons this is incorrect 13-Dec-89
- */
- /*
- * This module handles the interface between the i/o calls from within
- * PRO-C and an ASCII file with fixed length records, but varying length
- * fields within the records
- */
- # include <iodef.h>
- # include <iomsg.h>
- # include <proc.io>
- # include <bench.h>
- # include <iosup.h>
- /* Open control (Geo will correct this into o_open & o_creat 13-Dec-89) */
- # ifndef QNX
- #include <fileio.h>
- # endif
- #ifdef QNX
- #include <file_io.h>
- #define OPN_FILE(fname) sopen(fname, O_BINARY | O_RDWR | O_CACHE, SH_DENYNO )
- #define CRT_FILE(fname) sopen(fname, O_CREAT | O_BINARY | O_RDWR | O_CACHE, SH_DENYNO, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE)
- #endif
- #ifdef MSC
- #define OPN_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_BINARY | O_RDWR )
- #define CRT_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_CREAT | O_BINARY | O_RDWR, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE)
- #endif
- #ifdef PC
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <sys\types.h>
- #include <sys\stat.h>
- #define OPN_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_BINARY | O_RDWR )
- #define CRT_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_CREAT | O_BINARY | O_RDWR, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE)
- #endif
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #define OPN_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_RDWR | O_BINARY)
- #define CRT_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE)
- #endif
- #ifdef __WATCOMC__
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <io.h>
- #include <sys\types.h>
- #include <sys\stat.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #define OPN_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_BINARY | O_RDWR , S_IREAD | S_IWRITE)
- #define CRT_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_CREAT | O_BINARY | O_RDWR, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE)
- #endif
- #ifdef LC
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #define OPN_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_RAW | O_RDWR)
- #define CRT_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_CREAT | O_RAW | O_RDWR)
- #endif
- #ifdef __ZTC__
- #include <io.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <sys\stat.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #define OPN_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_RDWR)
- #define CRT_FILE(fname) creat(fname, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE)
- #endif
- #ifdef DC
- #include <dos.h>
- #define OPN_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_RDWR)
- #define CRT_FILE(fname) creat(fname, 2)
- #endif
- # ifdef UNIX
- # define OPN_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_RDWR)
- # define CRT_FILE(fname) open(fname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666)
- # endif
- # ifndef USELOCK
- /*# define USELOCK*/ /* Dummy out this if no locking */
- # endif
- /* Function prototypes */
- # ifdef ANSI
- static int isdeleted(char *, int);
- static int i_addrec(int, char *);
- static int i_close_file(int, char *);
- static int i_commit(int, char *);
- static int i_delrec(int, char *);
- static int i_filename(int, char *);
- static int i_findkey(int, char *);
- static int i_firstkey(int, char *);
- static int i_init_file(int, char *);
- static int i_lastkey(int, char *);
- static int i_lockrec(int, char *);
- static int i_login(int, char *);
- static int i_logoff(int, char *);
- static int i_nextrec(int, char *);
- static int i_open_file(int, char *);
- static int i_prevrec(int, char *);
- static int i_rereadrec(int, char *);
- static int i_rollback(int, char *);
- static int i_selectinx(int, char *);
- static int i_transact(int, char *);
- static int i_unlock_rec(int, char *);
- static int i_updrec(int, char *);
- static int read_rec(int, char *);
- static int write_rec(int, char *);
- static void checkopen(int);
- # else
- static int isdeleted();
- static int i_addrec();
- static int i_close_file();
- static int i_commit();
- static int i_delrec();
- static int i_filename();
- static int i_findkey();
- static int i_firstkey();
- static int i_init_file();
- static int i_lastkey();
- static int i_lockrec();
- static int i_login();
- static int i_logoff();
- static int i_nextrec();
- static int i_open_file();
- static int i_prevrec();
- static int i_rereadrec();
- static int i_rollback();
- static int i_selectinx();
- static int i_transact();
- static int i_unlock_rec();
- static int i_updrec();
- static int read_rec();
- static int write_rec();
- static void checkopen();
- # endif
- /* EXTERNs */
- extern long lseek();
- extern char *alloc();
- extern struct fd_def fd[]; /* iogen.c */
- /*
- * Plus any externs required by the file manager for error codes etc.
- */
- /* structure for ASCII file specific values */
- struct asc_def
- {
- long offset; /* Current offset into file for Read/Write */
- int nextrec; /* Next Record to Read */
- char *localbuf; /* Local Record Buffer for Read/Write */
- int max_f; /* Number of fields in Record */
- int f_idx[128]; /* Offset of All Fields into Record. Sequential */
- int f_len[128]; /* Length of All Fields in Record. Sequential */
- int locked;
- long lockoff;
- };
- static struct asc_def afd[MAX_FILES];
- /*
- static FILE *fdbg = NULL;
- */
- /*
- *
- * Interface Functions
- *
- */
- /*
- * Sets up File Name extension - dummy function here
- */
- static int i_filename(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * File initialization - all descriptors start out as -1
- */
- static int i_init_file(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- int n;
- for (n = 0; n < MAX_FILES; n++) /* initialize all descriptors to -1 */
- fd[n].fd_num = -1;
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * File open function - required parameters are in fd structure
- */
- static int i_open_file(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- int fds;
- struct fd_def *fptr = &fd[fd_sys];
- struct asc_def *aptr = &afd[fd_sys];
- /*
- * If the desired mode is OUTPUT, then delete any existing files.
- */
- if (fptr->openmode & OUTPUT_FLAG)
- unlink(fptr->filname);
- if ((fds = OPN_FILE(fptr->filname)) < 0)
- fds = CRT_FILE(fptr->filname);
- if (fds < 0) /* failed to open or create */
- {
- errmsg(FileNotFound_s, fptr->filname);
- return(IOERROR);
- }
- fptr->fd_num = fds;
- aptr->localbuf = alloc(fptr->rec_len);
- aptr->nextrec = -1;
- aptr->locked = 0;
- aptr->lockoff = 0L;
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * File close function
- */
- static int i_close_file(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- close(fd[fd_sys].fd_num);
- fd[fd_sys].fd_num = -1;
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Select an index to perform processing on - done in IOGEN.C
- */
- static int i_selectinx(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Check and error message for unassigned descriptors
- */
- static void checkopen(fd_sys)
- int fd_sys;
- {
- if (fd[fd_sys].fd_num < 0)
- abort_mess("Invalid file descriptor in GET_REC");
- }
- /*
- * Find a record by key value
- * - For partial match, the first record GTE than given key will be returned.
- */
- static int i_findkey(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- int ilen, olen, klen, ktype;
- char *src, *key;
- struct fd_def *fptr = &fd[fd_sys];
- struct asc_def *aptr = &afd[fd_sys];
- struct keyinfo *kptr = &fd[fd_sys].keys[fd[fd_sys].cur_key];
- checkopen(fd_sys);
- if (lseek(fptr->fd_num, 0L, FDIR_BEGIN) < 0L)
- return(IONOKEY);
- klen = kptr->seglen[0]; /* key information */
- ktype = fptr->flds[kptr->fldindex[0]].fldtype;
- key = buffer + kptr->segstart[0];
- src = aptr->localbuf + kptr->segstart[0];
- ilen = (ktype == CHRTYP) ? fstrlen(key, klen) : klen;
- aptr->nextrec = 0;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (read_rec(fd_sys, aptr->localbuf) != IOGOOD)
- return(IONOKEY);
- aptr->nextrec++;
- if (fptr->exact) /* compare field length and match the key */
- {
- olen = (ktype == CHRTYP) ? fstrlen(src, klen) : klen;
- if ((ilen == olen) && !memcmp(key, src, olen))
- break; /* found one... lengths and key match */
- }
- else /* partial match only, return first record that is GTE keys */
- {
- if (ktype == CHRTYP && memcmp(key, src, ilen) <= 0)
- break;
- else if (ktype == INTTYP && *(int *)key <= *(int *)src)
- break;
- else if (ktype == LNGTYP && *(long *)key <= *(long *)src)
- break;
- else if (ktype == FLTTYP && *(float *)key <= *(float *)src)
- break;
- else if (ktype == DBLTYP && *(double *)key <= *(double *)src)
- break;
- }
- }
- aptr->offset = (long) fptr->rec_len * (long) (aptr->nextrec - 1);
- if (i_lockrec(fd_sys, buffer) != IOGOOD)
- return(IOLOCKED);
- bytecpy(buffer, aptr->localbuf, fptr->rec_len); /* copy to real buffer */
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Find first record in the file - first physical record for ASCII file
- */
- static int i_firstkey(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- int stat;
- struct fd_def *fptr = &fd[fd_sys];
- struct asc_def *aptr = &afd[fd_sys];
- checkopen(fd_sys);
- if (lseek(fptr->fd_num, 0L, FDIR_BEGIN) < 0L)
- return(IOERROR);
- if ((stat = read_rec(fd_sys, aptr->localbuf)) != IOGOOD)
- return(stat); /* allows return of IOEOF for ELEMOD */
- if (isdeleted(aptr->localbuf, fptr->rec_len) == TRUE) /* rec deleted */
- {
- aptr->nextrec = 1;
- return(i_nextrec(fd_sys, buffer));
- }
- if (i_lockrec(fd_sys, buffer) != IOGOOD)
- return(IOLOCKED);
- bytecpy(buffer, aptr->localbuf, fptr->rec_len); /* copy to real buffer */
- aptr->nextrec = 1;
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Find last physical record in the file
- */
- static int i_lastkey(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- int stat;
- struct fd_def *fptr = &fd[fd_sys];
- struct asc_def *aptr = &afd[fd_sys];
- checkopen(fd_sys);
- if ((aptr->offset = lseek(fptr->fd_num, 0L, FDIR_EOF)) <= 0L)
- return(IOEOF);
- do /* skip back past any deleted records */
- {
- aptr->offset -= (long)fptr->rec_len; /* one record previous */
- if (lseek(fptr->fd_num, aptr->offset, FDIR_BEGIN) < 0L)
- return(IOEOF); /* reqd for autonumbering */
- if ((stat = read_rec(fd_sys, aptr->localbuf)) != IOGOOD)
- return(stat);
- }
- while(isdeleted(aptr->localbuf, fptr->rec_len) == TRUE);
- if (i_lockrec(fd_sys, buffer) != IOGOOD)
- return(IOLOCKED);
- bytecpy(buffer, aptr->localbuf, fptr->rec_len); /* copy to real buffer */
- aptr->nextrec = 1;
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Find next record in the file
- * - Although IOGEN does checking for duplicate key records in an EXACT
- * search, ASCII sequential files are not indexed; thus this function
- * will continue traversing the file to find all occurrences matching
- * the original exact-matched key.
- */
- static int i_nextrec(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- int ilen, olen, klen, ktype;
- long iosignal;
- char *src, *key;
- struct fd_def *fptr = &fd[fd_sys];
- struct asc_def *aptr = &afd[fd_sys];
- struct keyinfo *kptr = &fd[fd_sys].keys[fd[fd_sys].cur_key];
- checkopen(fd_sys);
- if (fptr->exact) /* get key information */
- {
- klen = kptr->seglen[0];
- ktype = fptr->flds[kptr->fldindex[0]].fldtype;
- key = buffer + kptr->segstart[0];
- src = aptr->localbuf + kptr->segstart[0];
- ilen = (ktype == CHRTYP) ? fstrlen(key, klen) : klen;
- }
- do
- {
- aptr->offset = (long) aptr->nextrec * (long) fptr->rec_len;
- iosignal = lseek(fptr->fd_num, aptr->offset, FDIR_BEGIN);
- if(iosignal < 0L)
- return(IOEOF);
- if (!fptr->exact)
- {
- if(read_rec(fd_sys, aptr->localbuf) != IOGOOD)
- return(IOEOF);
- aptr->nextrec++;
- }
- else /* following exact match, retry exact match */
- {
- do
- {
- if (read_rec(fd_sys, aptr->localbuf) != IOGOOD)
- return(IOEOF);
- olen = (ktype == CHRTYP) ? fstrlen(src, klen) : klen;
- aptr->nextrec++;
- }
- while(ilen != olen || memcmp(key, src, olen) != 0);
- }
- }
- while(isdeleted(aptr->localbuf, fptr->rec_len) == TRUE); /* rec deleted */
- if(i_lockrec(fd_sys, buffer) != IOGOOD)
- return(IOLOCKED);
- bytecpy(buffer, aptr->localbuf, fptr->rec_len); /* copy to real buffer */
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- * Find previous record in the file
- * - No checks are done at this level (as for nextrec) for exact key match.
- */
- static int i_prevrec(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- struct fd_def *fptr = &fd[fd_sys];
- struct asc_def *aptr = &afd[fd_sys];
- checkopen(fd_sys);
- do
- {
- aptr->nextrec -= 2;
- aptr->offset = (long) aptr->nextrec * (long) fptr->rec_len;
- if (lseek(fptr->fd_num, aptr->offset, FDIR_BEGIN) < 0L)
- {
- aptr->nextrec = 1;
- return(IOTOF);
- }
- if (read_rec(fd_sys, aptr->localbuf) != IOGOOD)
- {
- aptr->nextrec = 1;
- return(IOTOF);
- }
- aptr->nextrec++;
- }
- while(isdeleted(aptr->localbuf, fptr->rec_len) == TRUE); /* deleted rec */
- if(i_lockrec(fd_sys, buffer) != IOGOOD)
- return(IOLOCKED);
- bytecpy(buffer, aptr->localbuf, fptr->rec_len); /* copy to real buffer */
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * re-read/reposition record pointer function - dummy function here
- */
- static int i_rereadrec(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Read a record from ASCII sequential file
- */
- static int read_rec(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- int stat;
- struct fd_def *fptr = &fd[fd_sys];
- stat = read(fptr->fd_num, buffer, fptr->rec_len);
- if (stat < 0)
- return(IOERROR);
- else if (stat != fptr->rec_len)
- return(IOEOF);
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Write a record to ASCII sequential file
- */
- static int write_rec(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- int stat;
- struct fd_def *fptr = &fd[fd_sys];
- stat = write(fptr->fd_num, buffer, fptr->rec_len);
- if (stat != fptr->rec_len)
- return(IOERROR);
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Check for deleted records in ASCII sequential file
- */
- static int isdeleted(pp, plen)
- char *pp;
- int plen;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < plen; i++, pp++)
- if(*pp != '\0')
- break;
- if (i == plen)
- return(TRUE);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /*
- * Record add function
- */
- static int i_addrec(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- do
- {
- afd[fd_sys].offset = lseek(fd[fd_sys].fd_num, 0L, FDIR_EOF);
- }
- while(i_lockrec(fd_sys, buffer) == IOLOCKED);
- return(write_rec(fd_sys, buffer));
- }
- /*
- * Record update function
- */
- static int i_updrec(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- struct fd_def *fptr = &fd[fd_sys];
- struct asc_def *aptr = &afd[fd_sys];
- int iosignal;
- aptr->nextrec--;
- aptr->offset = (long) aptr->nextrec * (long) fptr->rec_len;
- lseek(fptr->fd_num, aptr->offset, FDIR_BEGIN);
- iosignal = write_rec(fd_sys, buffer);
- aptr->nextrec++;
- return(iosignal);
- }
- /*
- * Record delete function
- * - deleted records are not removed from the file, but simply zeroed out
- */
- static int i_delrec(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- int iosignal;
- struct fd_def *fptr = &fd[fd_sys];
- struct asc_def *aptr = &afd[fd_sys];
- zerorec(aptr->localbuf, fptr->rec_len);
- aptr->nextrec--;
- aptr->offset = (long) aptr->nextrec * (long) fptr->rec_len;
- lseek(fptr->fd_num, aptr->offset, FDIR_BEGIN);
- iosignal = write_rec(fd_sys, aptr->localbuf);
- aptr->nextrec++; /* Always point to next record */
- return(iosignal);
- }
- /*
- * Lock Record
- */
- static int i_lockrec(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- long iosignal;
- struct fd_def *fptr = &fd[fd_sys];
- struct asc_def *aptr = &afd[fd_sys];
- if (fptr->lockmode == NOLOCK)
- return(IOGOOD);
- /*
- if (fdbg == NULL)
- fdbg = fopen("lok.log", "w");
- fprintf(fdbg, " LOCK - %ld\n", aptr->offset);
- */
- # ifdef USELOCK
- if (aptr->locked == 1)
- i_unlock_rec(fd_sys, buffer);
- iosignal = lseek(fptr->fd_num, aptr->offset, FDIR_BEGIN);
- if(iosignal < 0L) /* this should not happen */
- return(IOLOCKED);
- if (lockf(fptr->fd_num, F_TEST, (long) fptr->rec_len) != 0)
- return(IOLOCKED);
- /*
- * Now Re-Lock the same area with just read locks.
- * If we don't do this, then the read() called in read_rec() to get
- * the next record will sleep, but we want it to be able to read.
- * The lock above is responsible for catching any locked regions.
- * Re-locking below means that all records in the file can be read ok
- * but the above locking() call will find the record is locked.
- */
- iosignal = lseek(fptr->fd_num, aptr->offset, FDIR_BEGIN);
- if (lockf(fptr->fd_num, F_LOCK, (long) fptr->rec_len) != 0)
- return(IOLOCKED);
- aptr->locked = 1;
- aptr->lockoff = aptr->offset;
- # endif /* USELOCK */
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Unlock Record
- */
- static int i_unlock_rec(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- struct fd_def *fptr = &fd[fd_sys];
- struct asc_def *aptr = &afd[fd_sys];
- if (fptr->lockmode == NOLOCK)
- return(IOGOOD);
- /*
- if (fdbg == NULL)
- fdbg = fopen("lok.log", "w");
- fprintf(fdbg, "UNLOCK - %ld\n", aptr->lockoff);
- */
- # ifdef USELOCK
- if (lseek(fptr->fd_num, aptr->lockoff, FDIR_BEGIN) < 0L)
- return(IOLOCKED);
- if (lockf(fptr->fd_num, F_ULOCK, (long) fptr->rec_len) < 0)
- return(IOERROR);
- aptr->locked = 0;
- aptr->lockoff = 0L;
- # endif /* USELOCK */
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Login - dummy call
- */
- static int i_login(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Logoff - dummy call
- */
- static int i_logoff(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * End (Commit) transaction
- */
- static int i_commit(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Rollback transaction
- */
- static int i_rollback(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Start transaction
- */
- static int i_transact(fd_sys, buffer)
- int fd_sys;
- char *buffer;
- {
- return(IOGOOD);
- }
- /*
- * Assign section
- */
- void assign_IO_AS(dbnum)
- int dbnum;
- {
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][0] = (int(*)())0; /* Empty */
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][1] = i_init_file;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][2] = i_open_file;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][3] = i_close_file;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][4] = i_addrec;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][5] = i_delrec;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][6] = i_findkey;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][7] = i_firstkey;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][8] = i_lastkey;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][9] = i_lockrec;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][10] = i_nextrec;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][11] = i_prevrec;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][12] = i_unlock_rec;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][13] = i_updrec;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][14] = i_commit;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][15] = i_login;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][16] = i_logoff;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][17] = i_rollback;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][18] = i_transact;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][19] = i_selectinx;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][20] = i_rereadrec;
- Fntab[dbnum - 1][21] = i_filename;
- }