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- Second Front IBM
- Version 1.0
- Here are some clarifications to the rules that came up after they were printed.
- When you run the game from floppy disks, you must put a SAVE subdirectory on
- your save game disk. Use the DOS command MKDIR to create the subdirectory.
- Place a formatted save disk in drive A. Type A: & press Enter. Type MKDIR SAVE
- & press Enter. See your DOS manual for more info on this command.
- Second Front takes at least 560,000 bytes of free memeory to run in EGA mode.
- If you have a problem with the game, run the DOS command CHKDSK and see how
- much free memory your computer has. You may have to remove device drivers
- and resident programs to free up enough memory to run Second Front in EGA
- mode.
- The MOSCOW SCENARIO victory conditions in the manual are incorrect for the
- Axis player. Kalinin is worth 1 Pt and Tula is worth 1 Pt.
- The General Orders Phase listed in the rules is shown as the Axis or Soviet
- Action Phase on screen.
- The CV of Units and HQs have two values.
- Unit CV:#:# = CV Value : Number of formations in the unit.
- HQ CV:#/# = CV Value / Number of Air Units attached to HQ
- The Axis Western Front, Italian Front, and O.K.W. HQs all have the value of
- their air units figured into their CV values for calculating special events.
- No other HQ has the value of their air units added to their CV value.
- All independent Artillery and Flak units are considered to be motorized. An
- Artillery unit with a readiness of 90 or more has its firepower multiplied by
- 4. An Artillery unit with a readiness of less than 60 has its firepower
- multiplied by 1/2.
- Units recover readiness at the rate of ten times the effective supply level of
- their hex.
- The Axis can have a maximum of 48 regular German corp, 3 SS German corp, 39
- reserve German corp, 6 Finish corp, 8 Rumanian corp, and 2 Italian corp.
- The Russians can have a maximum of 70 regular infantry corp, 8 mechanized
- corp, and 20 reserve corp.
- Only the Finnish HQ can create units north of Leningrad. Other Axis, Axis
- Ally, or Soviet HQ's may not create units north of Leningrad.
- Soviets cannot build mechanized corps in 1941 and can only have a maximum of 8
- mechanized corp at one time. On the third turn the Soviet army reorganizes and
- losses all of its mechanized corps. They reorganized historically because they
- did not have the training and logistics to support the mechanized corp.
- The computer will always transfer Axis allied units into a HQ of their own
- nationality.
- When you change the aircraft type on a HQ, the type changes, but no aircraft
- appear on the display. All transferred aircraft are considered damaged on the
- turn that they transfer. They are repaired at the normal rate.
- When you change the tank type on a unit, the unit gets the tanks immediately,
- but looses some readiness.
- If you change the type of tank a factory is producing, the factory takes 3
- weeks to retool. The computer will retool factories according to historical
- factors in 1 week.
- When game is set to BOTH COMPUTER players, you can interrupt the game by
- pressing the space bar any time during the turn. The computer will finish the
- current turn and then return to the SELECT TYPE OF ACTION menu.
- In EGA mode, the color of the map will change to indicate the current weather
- conditions: Yellow background is clear, Brown background is rain (mud), and
- Grey background is snow or blizzard. During blizzard conditions trees will
- turn white.
- Additional Command Keys that are not on the Command Summary Menu:
- ALT+Q = Exit to DOS.
- ALT+H = Examine Heavy Industry (From replacement pool screen).
- ALT+H = Change HQ (For highlighted unit)
- ALT+A = Examine Artillery Factories (From replacement pool screen).
- ALT+A = Air Transfer Mode (From HQ's only).
- ALT+O = Examine Oil/Resources (From replacement pool screen).
- P = Set replacement level for currently highlighted HQ.
- / = Help Key (Gets you to Command Summary Menu).
- Playtesters: David A. Lucca, Larry S. Webber, Don B. McClure
- Final Development: George G. MacDonald