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- Who was known in his heyday as "The Clown
- Prince of Comedy"?Red Skelton
- What actress wound up in a pink jail cell in
- 1982?Sophia Loren
- What fellow thespian did Vivien Leigh marry
- in 1940?Laurence Olivier
- What showman perished in his private plane,
- dubbed "The Lucky Liz"?Mike Todd
- What buxom blonde had been billed as "The
- Baby Vamp" as a child burlesque player?Mae West
- What innkeeper did a 17-year-old Elizabeth
- Taylor make her first husband?Nick Hilton
- What actor's face was tragically scarred in
- a 1957 car accident?Montgomery Clift's
- What country was Lorne Greene the top
- newscaster for in the '40s?Canada
- Which of Elizabeth Taylor's husbands had
- been best man at her previous wedding?Eddie Fisher
- Who was married to Tony Curtis from 1951 to
- 1962?Janet Leigh
- What blond bombshell died of cerebral
- edema at the age of 26?Jean Harlow
- What surname follows John, David, Keith and
- Robert?Carradine
- Which of Clark Gable's features were most
- popular with caricaturists?His ears
- What wife did Frank Sinatra and Mickey
- Rooney share?Ava Gardner
- What former husband of Ava Gardner was once
- the father-in-law of singer Tommy Sands?Frank Sinatra
- What star was discovered at Top's Cafe, 6750
- Sunset Boulevard, in January, 1936?Lana Turner
- Who came into the world as William Claude
- Dunkinfield?W.C. Fields
- What director did Queen Elizabeth II grant a
- knighthood in 1979?Alfred Hitchcock
- Who reunited Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin in
- 1976 after a 20-year estrangement?Frank Sinatra
- Who accepted her best actress Oscar orally
- and in sign language?Louise Fletcher
- Who came into the world as Francesca Mitzi
- Marlene de Charney von Gerber?Mitzi Gaynor
- What actor famed for his gangster roles had
- been a bagman for a real-life gangster?George Raft
- Whose gossip column was titled "Hollywood"?Hedda Hopper's
- What's the British Film Academy's Oscar
- called?Stella
- Who went home to Mexico after "Pepe" blew it
- at the box office?Cantinflas
- What 1972 film proved a boon to banjo sales?"Deliverance"
- Who divorced David McCallum to marry Charles
- Bronson?Jill Ireland
- Who came into the world as Harlean
- Carpentier?Jean Harlow
- Whose biography was entitled "Monty"?Montgomery Clift's
- Whose portrait in infancy appeared on
- Mellins baby food jars way back when?Humphrey Bogart's
- What actor did Elizabeth Taylor call "the
- Frank Sinatra of Shakespeare"?Richard Burton
- Who came into the world as Samuel Goldfish?Samuel Goldwyn
- What Hitchcock film did the mischievous
- director describe as his "fun picture"?"Psycho"
- What's Diane Keaton's real name?Diane Hall
- What film were Bogie and Bacall making when
- they fell in love?"To Have and Have Not"
- What distinguishing mark does actress Anne
- Francis bear?A mole on her right cheek
- How old was Marilyn Monroe when she died?Thirty-six
- What Hollywood observer's autobiography was
- titled "From Under My Hat"?Hedda Hopper's
- What singer-actress was Al Jolson's third
- wife?Ruby Keeler
- What was Marilyn Monroe's natural hair
- color?Brown
- What Detroit Lions defensive lineman turned
- to acting after retiring from football?Alex Karras
- What film figures in the most questions in
- "Trivial Pursuit"'s Silver Screen Edition?"Gone with the Wind"
- What country was Anthony Quinn born in?Mexico
- What Hollywood gossip columnist appeared in
- more than 100 films?Hedda Hopper
- Who does Carrie Fisher call Mom and Dad?Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher
- Who wrote "How to Get a Man, How to Keep a
- Man, and How to Get Rid of a Man"?Zsa Zsa Gabor
- What two wars did Al Jolson entertain the
- troops in?World War II and the Korean War
- Who was Marilyn Monroe's second husband?Joe DiMaggio
- What comic was known as "The Perfect Fool"?Ed Wynn
- What actor is the son of Ed Wynn and the
- grandson of silent-film actor Frank Keenan?Keenan Wynn
- What 1956 movie spawned a hit single for
- Doris Day?"The Man Who Knew Too Much"
- What actress has George C. Scott married and
- divorced twice?Colleen Dewhurst
- Who ordered his newspapers not to advertise
- or run reviews of "Citizen Kane"?William Randolph Hearst
- Who was the first screen actress to have her
- name posted in marquee lights?Mary Pickford
- Who came into the world as Muni
- Weisenfreund?Paul Muni
- Who married aircraft worker Jim Dougherty
- when she was 16?Marilyn Monroe
- What singer-actor has been called "The
- Monster with the Golden Charm"?Frank Sinatra
- Who is actor James MacArthur's actress
- mother?Helen Hayes
- What western is the most-shown on
- television, according to "TV Guide"?"The Magnificent Seven"
- What was Mae West's bust size at the peak of
- her career?Thirty-eight inches
- What did actor John Garfield's friends claim
- led to his death by heart attack in 1952?Being blacklisted
- Who did Ray Bolger say "just plain wore
- out"?Judy Garland
- Whose house was Roman Polanski visiting when
- he got into trouble with that 13-year-old?Jack Nicholson's
- Who did Richard Burton marry after divorcing
- Elizabeth Taylor for the second time?Susan Hunt
- Who did French existentialist Jean-Paul
- Sartre once call "the hottest actress alive"?Marilyn Monroe
- What was Humphrey Bogart's middle name?DeForest
- What actor's been called "the thinking
- woman's Steve McQueen"?Paul Newman
- What horse had his front hooves immortalized
- in cement?Trigger
- What's been described as "Sodom-by-the-Sea"
- and "72 suburbs in search of a city"?Los Angeles
- Who was Joan Rivers referring to when she
- quipped: "Jail bait to him is an embryo"?Roman Polanski
- How many times did Mae West marry?One
- What actress was married to Robert Taylor
- from 1939 to 1951?Barbara Stanwyck
- What kind of grog does Orson Welles flog on
- television?Paul Masson wine
- Who was the first woman nominated for the
- best director Oscar?Lina Wertmuller
- What chronic problem did Judy Garland start
- taking pills for as a teenager?Being overweight
- Who did Eddie Fisher dump to marry Elizabeth
- Taylor?Debbie Reynolds
- Who came into this world as Bela Blasko?Bela Lugosi
- What's the title of David Niven's first
- volume of memoirs?"The Moon's a Balloon"
- What onetime president did actress Gene
- Tierney date regularly during his Navy days?John F. Kennedy
- What's Italian director Antonioni's first
- name?Michelangelo
- What was James Cagney's natural hair color?Red
- What film were Richard Burton and Elizabeth
- Taylor making when they fell in love?"Cleopatra"
- Who grew up as Elmore Rual Torn?Rip Torn
- What film was reviewed by one critic with
- the observation: "Loved Ben. Hated Hur"?"Ben-Hur"
- What actress endowed Ernest Hemingway with
- his nickname, Papa?Marlene Dietrich
- Where was Ingrid Bergman born?Stockholm
- Who was Lucille Ball's first husband?Desi Arnaz
- Who's the only actress listed in a standard
- dictionary?Mae West
- What actor was known as both "The Great
- Profile" and "The Great Lover"?John Barrymore
- What Clark Gable film brought the undershirt
- industry to the brink of bankruptcy?"It Happened One Night"
- What child star once quipped: "I remember
- when I was three and unknown"?Shirley Temple
- What year did Groucho Marx, Bing Crosby and
- Charlie Chaplin all die?1977
- Which of Frank Sinatra's children was held
- for a ransom of $240,000?Frank Jr.
- Who once exclaimed: "I've got rainbows up my
- ass, honey!"?Judy Garland
- Who wrote the book "I Am Not Spock"?Leonard Nimoy
- What character did Humphrey Bogart appear as
- on the June 7, 1954, cover of "Time"?Captain Queeg
- What actress was the highest-paid woman in
- the U.S. in 1935?Mae West
- What actress's best performances are
- arguably her designer jean ads?Brooke Shields's
- What kid was the top box-office attraction
- from 1939 to 1941?Mickey Rooney
- Who came into the world as Doris von
- Kappelhoff?Doris Day
- Who was the first actress to appear on the
- cover of "Life", on May 3, 1937?Jean Harlow
- What actress's picture adorned the A-bomb
- dropped on Bikini Atoll in 1946?Rita Hayworth's
- Who was dubbed "The Queen of Hollywood" in
- an Ed Sullivan poll?Myrna Loy
- What did Marlene Dietrich have yanked to
- accentuate her cheeks?Her rear molars
- What actor has made the most appearances in
- annual lists of box-office biggies?John Wayne
- What did the Hollywood sign in the Hollywood
- Hills originally read?Hollywoodland
- Who was Cary Grant's second wife, once
- called the world's wealthiest woman?Barbara Hutton
- What film were Marlon Brando and Tarita
- making when they hooked up?"Mutiny on the Bounty"
- What film caused a surge in sales of music
- by Ravel?"'10'"
- Whose career was resurrected late in life by
- his appearance in "The Sunshine Boys"?George Burns
- Who was Charlie Chaplin's last wife's
- father?Eugene O'Neill
- How did Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine
- spell their last name in school?B-e-a-t-y
- What actor was suspended by Warner Bros. 11
- times for refusing roles?Humphrey Bogart
- Which of Tony Curtis's real-life spouses
- played his wife in "Houdini"?Janet Leigh
- What's the largest movie theater in the
- U.S., with 5,882 seats?Radio City Music Hall
- Who donated his Oscar to Boys' Town?Spencer Tracy
- Who flogged Coke before marrying into Pepsi?Joan Crawford
- What TV soap opera did Christopher Reeve of
- "Superman" fame star in?"Love of Life"
- Who was the first actor to appear on the
- cover of "Time", on July 6, 1925?Charlie Chaplin
- What kind of flower was named for Richard
- Burton by the New York City Botanical Garden?A rose
- What's the traditional cultists' starting
- time of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"?Midnight
- What actress made the cover of the magazine
- "Elle" at the age of 15?Brigitte Bardot
- Who's Richard Benjamin's wife?Paula Prentiss
- Why did Marilyn Monroe convert to Judaism?To marry Arthur Miller
- Who placed her skate marks in cement at
- Grauman's Chinese Theatre?Sonja Henie
- What song did Jeanette MacDonald sing at
- Jean Harlow's funeral?"Indian Love Call"