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- What's combined with nickel and zinc to make
- German silver?Copper
- What class of creatures are sometimes called
- hexapods?Insects
- What's a number called if it's equal to the
- sum of its divisors other than itself?Perfect
- What female organs are inflamed in
- oophoritis?The ovaries
- What's the term for the water induction
- process in plants?Osmosis
- What would a scientist find out about a
- fossil by measuring its carbon-14 content?Its age
- How many cylinders does a V-8 engine boast?Eight
- Does the Sun rotate?Yes
- What gas filled the ill-fated zeppelin the
- "Hindenburg"?Hydrogen
- What's the common name for the stinging
- insects that belong to the genus "Apis"?Honeybees
- What relative is the ideal donor in a bone
- marrow transplant?An identical twin
- What bird is famed for nesting on chimneys?The stork
- Which are more central to the body's immune
- system - red or white blood cells?White blood cells
- What are stripped from helium atoms to form
- alpha particles?Electrons
- What are the green swallowtail, painted lady
- and red admiral all varieties of?Butterflies
- What craft did NASA leave empty during most
- of its 75-month life in space?Skylab
- What flabby fellow is the world's largest
- seal?The elephant seal
- What modeling material is really calcium
- sulfate hemihydrate?Plaster of Paris
- What metal, also called wolfram, is used for
- the filaments in electric light bulbs?Tungsten
- Where did Ranger 7 crash in 1964 after
- taking 4,316 photographs?The moon
- What do entomologists study?Insects
- What kind of trees is rosin obtained from?Pine trees
- What computer accessory contains a head
- access window and a write-protect cutout?A floppy disk
- What grain is graham flour made from?Wheat
- Which way do stalactites grow - up or down?Down
- Which side of the brain is usually
- responsible for speech?The left
- What three major types did Britain's Luke
- Howard classify clouds into, in 1803?Cirrus, cumulus, stratus
- How many children are born if a woman gives
- birth to nonuplets?Nine
- Which has the greatest wave length - red,
- green or blue light?Red
- What deposits an alluvial fan?A river or stream
- What organ of the body breaks down old red
- blood calls?The spleen
- What was the outermost known planet before
- the discovery of Uranus?Saturn
- What was the favorite drink of Java Man?Water
- What mountain range would you be most likely
- to encounter an ibex on?The Himalayas
- What fibrous mineral was found to be linked
- with the cancer mesothelioma?Asbestos
- What element is there an excess of in the
- blood if you suffer from hypercalcemia?Calcium
- What kind of fish is a bluefin?A tuna
- What's the common term for an alloy that's
- heated to join metals?Solder
- What flower, originally from Turkey, was
- given a name meaning "turban"?The tulip
- What's the earliest known explosive?Gunpowder
- What word does "DIR" stand for in computer
- lingo?Directory
- Do bananas have seeds?Yes
- What did 25,000 couples approach the Eastern
- Virginia Medical School for, in 1980?Test-tube babies
- Do you add oil to the gasoline used to fuel
- a four-stroke engine?No
- What animal is laid bare in the book "The
- Naked Ape"?Man
- What North African tree needs less water
- than any other that bears fruit?The date palm
- What part of Skuldfrid Sjorgren measured
- twice her height?Her hair
- What letter is normally used in physics to
- represent acceleration due to gravity?G
- What large planet's moons did Voyager I
- discover volcanoes and cracks on, in 1979?Jupiter's
- What five-letter word is the common term for
- the skin condition called urticaria?Hives
- What do we call the noise made by a sudden
- spasm closing the windpipe?A hiccup
- What breed was Shamgret Danzas, the tallest
- dog ever recorded?Great Dane
- What continent did apricots, litchis and
- mangos first grow in?Asia
- What element did Martin Heinrich Klaproth
- name in 1789 for a newly-discovered planet?Uranium
- What do ferns, mosses and mushrooms produce
- instead of seeds?Spores
- How many surfaces does a cone have?Two
- What flying creatures come in varieties such
- as horseshoe, sheath-tailed and long-eared?Bats
- What flower, sometimes called a jonquil, is
- named for a self-absorbed Greek?The narcissus
- What are periwinkles - animal, vegetable or
- mineral?Animal
- How many legs does a scorpion run around on?Eight
- Which sex's characteristics are promoted by
- androgens?The male's
- What unit is equal to 745.70 watts?The horsepower
- What branch of mathematics is concerned with
- the gathering and analysis of numerical data?Statistics
- What color is the line around the gums of
- victims of lead poisoning?Blue
- What's the four-letter term in computerese
- for a particular style and size of print?Font
- What's the largest structure ever made by
- living creatures?The Great Barrier Reef
- What plant is codeine derived from?The opium poppy
- What scientific couple shared the 1903 Nobel
- Prize for physics with Henri Becquerel?Pierre and Marie Curie
- What term for a psychotic disorder comes
- from Latin words meaning "split mind"?Schizophrenia
- Where is the thermocline layer - in the
- atmosphere, ground or ocean?In the ocean
- What color is the flame produced when carbon
- monoxide is burned?Blue
- Which are katydids most closely related to - beetles, butterflies or crickets?Crickets
- How many of the five hottest years of the
- 20th century have occurred since 1977?Five
- What's the only planet not named for a god?Earth
- What large African bird is the South
- American rhea most like?The ostrich
- How many strokes of the pen are normally
- used to write the Greek letter pi?Three
- What kind of flowers do North Dakota farmers
- most often grow to protect grain from wind?Sunflowers
- What layer lies between the mesosphere and
- the troposphere?The stratosphere
- What do people usually call their third
- molars?Wisdom teeth
- What color are the handles of most Swiss
- army knives?Red
- What color are most of a whooping crane's
- feathers?White
- What slippery creatures slither to the
- Sargasso Sea to spawn?Eels
- What's the common term for the shape also
- known as a regular hexahedron?Cube
- What element, common in milk, are most
- kidney stones made of?Calcium
- What organs are particularly affected by
- emphysema?The lungs
- How many pairs of sides are parallel in a
- trapezoid?One
- What gem gets its green color from small
- amounts of titanium and chromium?Emerald
- Where in the sea do benthic marine animals
- live?On the bottom
- Which are more common - gallstones or kidney
- stones?Gallstones
- What mineral scores a 10 on the Mohs
- hardness scale?Diamond
- What valuable metal is the best conductor of
- electricity?Silver
- What's the fruit of a hawthorn called?A haw
- What part of a building might a cupola form?The roof
- What are lacustrine deposits laid down in?Lakes
- What machine's parts include a feed dog,
- needle plate and reverse feed button?The sewing machine's
- What depressing group of drugs was barbitone
- the first of?Barbiturates
- What kind of creature is a stargazer?A fish
- What are you unable to tolerate if you
- suffer from photophobia?Light
- What piece of woodworker's equipment is
- traditionally used to make table legs round?The lathe
- What does a geodesist try to figure out the
- size and shape of?Earth
- What's the common term for acoustic energy?Sound
- What's the general term for the illness
- caused by salmonella or ptomaine?Food poisoning
- What does a child normally have trouble
- doing if his adenoids are enlarged?Breathing
- What's a gyroscope normally called when it's
- a child's toy?A top
- What starts going through many a flounder's
- head when it's only a few weeks old?One of its eyes
- What decade saw personal computers first go
- on sale in U.S. retail outlets?The 1970s
- What planet comes closest to Earth?Venus
- What's bloody if a patient suffers from
- hematuria?Urine
- How many sides of the magnetic tape in a
- cassette can be recorded on?One
- What continent boasts the lowest recorded
- temperature?Antarctica
- What does "AT" stand for in IBM computer
- jargon?Advanced technology
- Which geological epoch came first - the
- Cambrian, Devonian or Cretaceous?The Cambrian
- Where have you got a pain if you wake up
- with torticollis?In the neck
- How many atoms are there in a normal
- molecule of oxygen?Two
- What's the common seven-letter term for
- lower back pain?Lumbago
- What valuable metal has the chemical symbol
- Pt?Platinum
- What organs of the body are affected by
- strabismus and trachoma?The eyes
- Which side of the body contains the spleen?The left
- Which floats to the top when gasoline and
- water are mixed?Gasoline
- What's the cube root of one million?100
- What tree-dwelling Australian marsupials did
- fur-seeking hunters kill 600,000 of in 1927?Koalas
- What potentially explosive element has the
- chemical symbol Pu?Plutonium
- What's fermented to make the drink that
- Mongolians call "`airak'"?Milk
- What are angiosperms - animals, plants or sex
- cells?Plants
- How many bananas does the typical American
- eat in a year - 10, 25 or 50?Fifty
- What kind of creatures are kites and
- nightjars?Birds