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- What plea did Bess Myerson enter at her 1988
- trial for shoplifting?Guilty
- What's TV weatherman Willard Scott's favorite
- meal of the day?Breakfast
- Whose death had millions singing: "Imagine
- there's no heaven ..."?John Lennon's
- What late great TV comedian had a Brooklyn
- bus station named for him?Jackie Gleason
- Who sat beside Michael Jackson at his 1987
- Tokyo press conference?Bubbles the chimp
- What percentage of profits from Paul Newman's
- saucy food empire goes to charity?One hundred percent
- Who started a 1988 hunger strike to protest
- the use of pesticides on grapes?Cesar Chavez
- What brand of beer did glamor boy Mark Harmon
- agree to plug?COORS
- What executive's 1987 salary averaged $143 a
- minute?Lee Iacocca's
- Who was the first Russian to appear on the
- cover of "Life" in the 1980s?Mikhail Gorbachev
- What late Hollywood star's used oak bed
- brought in high bids at a 1987 auction?Rock Hudson's
- What Democrat's 1988 primary campaign was
- supported by singer Paul Simon?Paul Simon's
- What 1988 beauty title was taken by a
- titillating Thai named Porntip Nakhirunkanok?Miss Universe
- What presidential hopeful named three of his
- children Yusef, Jacqueline and Santita?Jesse Jackson
- What British car company once employed future
- comedian Jay Leno as a mechanic?Rolls-Royce
- What member of Hollywood's "Black Pack" was
- nicknamed "Money"?Eddie Murphy
- What widow did Raisa Gorbachev quote John
- Lennon's song "Woman" to at a peace confab?Yoko Ono
- What rebel rocker stole Melissa Gilbert from
- pretty boy Rob Lowe in 1987?Billy Idol
- What puck pusher's wife cried when hearing
- she'd been compared with Yoko Ono?Wayne Gretzky's
- What Bible thumper labelled pornographers
- "the scum on an otherwise tranquil pond"?Jimmy Swaggart
- What horror writer confessed that he always
- leaves the light on in hotel bathrooms?Stephen King
- What was Martin Scorsese studying to become
- before he was bitten with the desire to direct movies?A priest
- Who allegedly accused Lia Belli of having
- an affair with Zsa Zsa Gabor?Melvin Belli
- What's the first name of Oliver North's wife?Betsy
- What presidential hopeful attended college at
- North Carolina A&T?Jesse Jackson
- What country does Donald Trump's wife Ivana
- hail from?Czechoslovakia
- What seven-year-old girl often practiced with
- eight-year-old Boris Becker?Steffi Graf
- What 1988 presidential hopeful claimed his
- favorite recipe was turkey tetrazzini?Michael Dukakis
- Who had a hand in "Lady" and "Three Times a
- Lady"?Lionel Ritchie
- Which Chicago clergyman grabbed the most
- political headlines of the decade?Jesse Jackson
- What president entered the world in Milton,
- Massachusetts?George Bush
- What's Matthias Rust's favorite landing
- strip?Red Square
- Who sent roses to Kim Carnes in 1981?Bette Davis
- What did actor James Hayden die of after
- playing a heroin addict on Broadway?A heroin overdose
- What former presidential candidate did Italy
- hire to cover the 1988 Democratic Convention?Gary Hart
- What color was Nancy Reagan's coat at her
- husband's first inaugural parade?Red
- What screen star did Malcolm Forbes present
- with a purple Harley in 1987?Elizabeth Taylor
- What Motowner was shot to death on April
- Fool's Day?Marvin Gaye
- What university did Brooke Shields graduate
- from in 1987?Princeton
- Who did New Jersey missy Suzette Charles
- replace as a title-holder in Atlantic City?Vanessa Williams
- What presidential hopeful pushed his Dodge
- Aspen's accelerator with size 10-D shoes?Michael Dukakis
- What late pianist's driver's license brought
- $4,100 at a 1988 auction?Liberace's
- Who was elected mayor of Palm Springs the
- year Cher won an Oscar for Best Actress?Sonny Bono
- What work by Handel was played while Chris
- Evert walked down the aisle in 1988?"Water Music"
- What name did Charles and Diana say Prince
- Henry would be called around the palace?Harry
- Whose marriage to a blond 12 years his junior
- made world headlines in 1981?Prince Charles'
- What architect, who spearheaded the design of
- Nazi concentration camps, died in 1981?Albert Speer
- How do you spell the last name of the star of
- "The Terminator" and "Conan the Barbarian"?S-c-h-w-a-r-z-e-n-e-g-g-e-r
- How many birthday candles did Michael Jackson
- blow out on August 29, 1988?Thirty
- What U.S. law enforcer did colleagues dub "No
- Problems Ed"?Ed Meese
- What comedian and moviemaker said: "Showing
- up is 80 percent of life"?Woody Allen
- Whose Manhattan triplex boasts 29 handcarved
- marble columns in the living room?Donald Trump's
- What macho author declared that marriage "all
- comes down to who does the dishes"?Norman Mailer
- What British royal sagely noted: "I have a
- brain the size of a pea"?Princess Diana
- What 1988 offense saw Joan Kennedy placed on
- one year's probation?Drunk driving
- What feminist writer eschewed a bra for
- bandaids on her 50th birthday?Gloria Steinem
- Who relaxes while he sweats in his yacht's
- bulletproof sauna?Donald Trump
- Who pleaded: "Why shouldn't people who love
- God be successful"?Jim Bakker
- What magazine did feminist sexpert Shere Hite
- pose for in 1971?"Playboy"
- What did Cher say was "the only grounds for
- divorce in California"?Marriage
- What former Democratic presidential contender
- spent 1987 studying Buddhism in Japan?Jerry Brown
- What designer's handbags filled five shelves
- at Imelda Marcos's palace?Aldo Gucci's
- What South African cleric did the high-minded
- Jerry Falwell brand a "phoney"?Archbishop Desmond Tutu
- What 5-foot-4-inch author died in 1984?Truman Capote
- What is Sally Ride's scientific calling?Physicist
- What American went horseback riding with
- Queen Elizabeth in June, 1982?Ronald Reagan
- Who is Britain's best-known former
- kindergarten teacher?Diana, Princess of Wales
- What religious leader visited dying AIDS
- patients while barnstorming the U.S. in 1987?Pope John Paul II
- What album did Bruce Springsteen say
- encouraged the "need for community"?"Born in the U.S.A."
- How many guitars does Chuck Berry tote around
- on tour?One
- Who had the sides of his custom Chrysler
- station wagon decorated with piano keys?Liberace
- Who has "taken us right up there where we
- belong" according to Quincy Jones?Michael Jackson
- What radio humorist admitted to owning 17
- pairs of red socks?Garrison Keillor
- Who founded the Sundance Institute to fund
- do-good independent films?Robert Redford
- What Asian language did Michael Dukakis
- learn?Korean
- What credit card did Candice Bergen and Ray
- Charles endorse in the 1980s?AMERICAN EXPRESS
- What is Clint Eastwood's favorite kind of
- music?Jazz
- What college renamed its assembly center
- for late basketball star Pete Maravich?Louisiana State University
- What actress told "Time magazine": "I want
- to prove that spirituality is profitable"?Shirley MacLaine
- What British royal's jewels raised
- $50 million for AIDS at a 1987 auction?The Duchess of Windsor's
- What former Velvet Undergrounder resurfaced
- in a "Rock Against Drugs" TV message?Lou Reed
- Who's pictured ankle-deep in water playing
- with a toy yacht in "AMERICAN EXPRESS" ads?Dennis Conner
- What rocker is jumping over the headline in
- "Life"'s "Year in Pictures '85" issue?Bruce Springsteen
- What pint-sized popster made a historic
- flight to Johannesburg in February, 1985?Paul Simon
- What kiss-and-tell "Playboy" poser appeared
- on Geraldo Rivera's first TV show of 1988?Jessica Hahn
- What unlikely color did Sylvester Stallone
- paint his Malibu pad in 1988?Pink
- What female athlete's gleaming smile lit up
- "Life"'s 1984 "Year in Pictures" cover?Mary Lou Retton's
- What Canadian province was Madonna's mother
- born in?Quebec
- What New York City realtor advised: "A little
- hyperbole never hurts"?Donald Trump
- What monosyllabic thespian did Donald Trump
- call "a diamond in the rough"?Sylvester Stallone
- What screen star entered the world as Thomas
- Mapother IV?Tom Cruise
- What Republican's 1988 primary campaign was
- endorsed by 34 former NFL footballers?Jack Kemp's
- What guy gabbed: "My brother was the athlete.
- I was always in training to be mayor"?Ed Koch
- Who admitted to being controversial author
- Shere Hite's publicist, Diana Gregory?Shere Hite
- Which of The Mamas and the Papas had the
- best-selling book of memoirs?John Phillips
- What kidnap victim tells her side of the
- story in the book "Every Secret Thing"?Patty Hearst
- What age did Bill Cosby write about reaching,
- in the book "Time Flies"?Fifty
- What rock star's life did Albert Goldman
- chronicle in a controversial 1988 biography?John Lennon's
- What chief executive officer followed up a
- bestseller with "Talking Straight"?Lee Iacocca
- What TV talker penned "Tell it to the King"?Larry King
- What Italian tenor is pictured on 1987 U.S.
- stamps?Enrico Caruso
- What color clothes does Tom Wolfe like best?White
- Who penned "The Making of 'The African
- Queen'" more than 35 years after it was made?Katharine Hepburn
- What world leader's 1987 tome was subtitled
- "New Thinking for Our Country and the World"?Mikhail Gorbachev's
- What TV babbler burbled: "I didn't get ahead
- by sleeping with people. Girls, take heart!"?Barbara Walters
- What soprano said she was "the Beatles of
- opera"?Beverly Sills
- What sexy rocker did Madonna dub "The Midget"?Prince
- Who puffed on a pipe constantly during
- the Iran-Contra hearings?Rear Admiral John Poindexter
- Who asked for permission to build a mission
- near Chernobyl in 1987?Mother Theresa
- What animal fell on and killed Reagan
- Commerce Secretary Malcolm Balridge?A horse
- What former Nazi finally did himself in by
- strangulation with an electrical cord?Rudolf Hess
- What veteran evangelist took to the hospital
- with a bite from a brown recluse spider?Billy Graham
- What Soviet power plant's ex-director is busy
- spending 10 years in a labor camp?The Chernobyl nuclear power plant's
- Who sang nursery rhymes during a 1987 57-hour
- rescue from an abandoned well shaft?Jessica McClure
- What group did the AFL-CIO vote back into
- their fold in 1987 after a 30-year absence?The Teamsters
- What prospective Supreme Court justice had
- his hopes dashed by a vote of 58-42?Robert Bork
- Who was Ed Meese's top pick when a new
- Supreme Court justice was needed in 1987?Douglas Ginsberg
- What European country's president claimed he
- tried to stop U.S. arms sales to Iran?France's
- What black entertainer admitted to owning six
- Nehru jackets?Sammy Davis Jr.
- What billionaire silver-lover said in 1980:
- "A billion dollars isn't what it used to be"?Nelson Bunker Hunt
- Who earned a paltry 49 electoral votes in a
- presidential election?Jimmy Carter
- What headmistress told Scarsdale, New York
- police in 1980: "I shot him. I did it"?Jean Harris