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- ==============================================================================
- VERSION 2.00a
- TGL+ File List as of July 6, 1989
- ==============================================================================
- This is Version 2.00a of The Graphics Link Plus+ release disk.
- The files contained in the self-extracting archive are described below.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- READ--ME.1ST File containing information too late for the manual and
- latest changes or additions to software, if any.
- READ--ME.2ND This text file
- TGL.EXE Self-extracting archive containing all the following programs
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TGLPLUS.EXE The complete TGL+ program. Version 2.00a
- DTGLGRAB.EXE Version 0.91 of TGLGRAB for DOS. Captures to a PICTOR
- file. We will be upgrading this from time to time.
- WTGLGRAB.EXE A Windows application that allows full or partial screen
- captures to a PICTOR file.
- WIN87EM.EXE A file required by WTGLGRAB for execution. Place in same
- directory as WTGLGRAB.
- TGLKLIB.EXE A file required by WTGLGRAB for execution. Place in same
- directory as WTGLGRAB.
- TXTCVRT.EXE This program converts an ASCII file into a PCX graphics
- file by using your computer's resident ROM font or it
- will use an external font description which is passed to
- it on the command line. (eight fonts included on disk)
- FONT01.SET A Times Roman 25 point font for TXTCVRT.
- FONT03.SET A comical font for TXTCVRT. Letters are upsidedown.
- FONT04.SET This is a "mirror image" font for TXTCVRT.
- FONT05.SET A computer font for TXTCVRT.
- FONT06.SET A screen type font in 10 point
- FONT07.SET A screen type font in 14 point
- FONT08.SET A screen type font in 16 point
- ECOMP.EXE Our in-house file compare utility.
- ZMERGE.EXE This utility merges an external palette file that was
- created by Zsoft's Publisher's Paintbrush versions 1.0
- up to version 1.60 with it's respective PCX file so that
- it will work with versions of Publisher's beyond 1.60..
- TI.EXE This utility checks and reports to the screen the TAGS
- present in a TIFF file and their associated values.
- STRIP.COM Strips the MacBianry header from a MacPaint file.
- SIZE.EXE Reports width and height of PCX/PCC files to the screen.
- MACHEAD.EXE Displays the header information on a MacPaint file.
- FIXPB.COM Corrects the width of some erroneous PCX/PCC files.
- ROTATE.EXE Rotates a PCX file 90, 180, or 270 degrees clockwise.
- Performs on disk so the file size is only limited to
- the PCX file limitation. Supports the PCX file with the
- appended palette. If you are using an external palette
- you must first ZMERGE the palette file before ROTATING.
- Supports B&W, 16 color/gray scale, 256 color/gray scale
- PCX files.
- TVI-LOGO.GIF A sample Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) file of our
- company logo. 320x200x256
- ==============================================================================
- 9600 USR-HST Bulletin Board Service 9600 USR-HST
- ==============================================================================
- For those of you with modems we offer free access to our BBS located in
- our offices. It is a PC-Board BBS operated at 1200 - 19,200 bps with USR
- HST modems. The phone number is 404-769-4171......
- Registration is open and you can download the latest screen capture
- program when you call.
- The BBS is run as an open system for now. Please do not give out the
- number of the BBS to your "friends" unless they are registered users of
- TGL+. If we get too many casual callers we will have to revert back to
- a "closed" system and require everyone to wait until their registration
- cards get back to us in the mail before allowing access. It is much
- easier on us to have it open and as a caller you will have access to the
- latest screen capture software as soon as you call without a several day
- wait.
- The TGL+ package contains two registration cards, one to be mailed to
- HARVARD SYSTEMS, and one to be mailed to TerraVision. The one for
- TerraVision is the one that will get your technical support started.
- Be sure to allow ample time for your registration card to arrive before
- calling and asking for technical support or requesting support via the
- BBS.
- ===============================================================================
- ===============================================================================
- TerraVision, the developers of TGL+, provide the technical support for
- the product. That is why you have two registration cards in your TGL+
- package. Please be sure you mail both of the cards. Each one is
- equally important. You cannot receive support without your "Support
- Registration Card" on file with TerraVision.
- Do not call HARVARD SYSTEMS for technical support !
- Techical support is available from TerraVision only.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Technical support is offered for TGL+ in three different ways:
- 1. Voice Support
- TGL+ registered users receive 60 days of free voice support.
- You can call (404)-769-5641 between the hours of 1:00pm and
- 4:00pm EST for help with TGL+ during the first 60 days after
- you purchase TGL+. Voice support will not be available unless
- your registration card is on file with TerraVision. There will
- be no exceptions to this policy so please don't ask.
- After 60 days if you desire voice support then you will be
- billed at the rate of $50.00 for each 15 minutes, with a 15
- minute minimum. This is payable by Master Card or Visa only.
- Please have your card number available when calling technical
- support after expiration of your 60 day time period.
- 2. BBS Support
- There is no time limit or charge for support via our
- in-house BBS at 1-404-769-4171
- 3. FAX Support
- FAX support is also free for the first 60 days. After your 60
- day support period has expired there will be a flat rate of
- $10.00 per FAX. Payable via Master Card or Visa only. Please
- include your card number on your FAX after the expiration of
- your 60 day time period.
- 4. Contract Support
- Contract support can be purchased by companies that have site
- license agreements with TerraVision or have multiple
- installations of TGL+ within the comapny.
- TerraVision offers reasonably priced support plans for not only
- our products but for support for other products as well.
- Since our business is strictly graphics oriented we can offer
- you excellent technical support for all of your IBM-PC/AT based
- graphics products. So if you need support in the graphics field
- give us a call or send us a FAX today for a quote on your
- particular situation.
- 5. Phone Numbers
- Voice Technical Support - 404-769-5641 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
- FAX - 404-769-8013 24 hours
- BBS - 404-769-4171 24 hours 1200 - 19,200 bps USR/HST
- ===============================================================================
- Thank You,
- Jim Alexander, President
- TerraVision, Inc.