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- This file contains information for installing QTEST and the Quarterdeck
- White Papers. The Quarterdeck White Papers requires DESQview 2.23 to run.
- If you do not have DESQview, you can view the technical notes with a word
- processor, editor, of file viewer.
- Although the Quarterdeck White Papers and QTEST are copyrighted programs,
- Quarterdeck grants to you a limited license which permits you to distribute
- it to others, on disk or electronically, as long as the program and its
- documentation are not modified in any way, proper credit is given to
- Quarterdeck, and no fee is charged beyond the cost of materials.
- The White Papers diskette is available direct from Quarterdeck for $25 and
- can be ordered by credit card by calling our orders department at (213)
- 392-9851.
- The files included on the disk are:
- QWHITE10.EXE A program that creates the Quarterdeck White Papers
- technical notes (files with the extension ".TEC"),
- QWHITE.COM, the DESQview-specific program for viewing the
- technical notes, and QW-PIF.DVP, the DVP file for using
- DESQview's Add A Program option. The files with the
- extension ".TEC" are normal ASCII files and can be viewed
- using most word processors, editors, and file listing
- utilities. The program QWHITE.COM should be run from the
- DESQview Open Window menu after using Add A Program.
- INSTALL.BAT A batch file for installing the Quarterdeck White Papers
- and QTEST.
- QTEST.COM A utility for determining if QRAM would be useful for
- your system.
- QTEST.TEC A technical note describing how to use QTEST.
- READ.ME This file.
- Installing the programs using INSTALL.BAT:
- If you wish to use the automatic install, place the install diskette in
- a floppy drive (usually A:) and make it the current drive. For example, if
- the install diskette is in drive A, at the DOS prompt type A: and press
- ENTER. Install is started by typing INSTALL and the drive letter where you
- want INSTALL to put its files.
- For example:
- If the diskette is in the A drive and you wish to install to the C
- drive, switch to the A drive by typing A: and pressing ENTER. Then type
- and press ENTER to start the install.
- You should not type a colon (:) after the drive letter. The install program
- will create the directory QWHITE on the destination drive.
- If INSTALL.BAT does not work correctly:
- If the INSTALL.BAT file cannot install the Quarterdeck White Papers
- refer to the notes below on installing the program manually.
- Using DESQview's Add A Program for the Quarterdeck White Papers:
- You should refer to 'Other (Add Program Not in List)' on pages 60-61 of
- your DESQview version 2 manual for help on adding the Quarterdeck White
- Papers to your DESQview Open Window menu. There is also additional
- information in the file QWHITE.TEC. This file will be created by the
- INSTALL.BAT file. In general you will select "Other" from "Add a
- Program" and then specify the QWHITE directory. The next menu will have
- Quarterdeck White on it, if you select the item with either a mouse or
- by using the arrow keys and then pressing the space bar, then the
- program will be added for you when you press Enter.
- Installing the files manually:
- If you wish to install the files to some other subdirectory or you wish
- to perform the installation yourself then use the following steps:
- > create a subdirectory on a drive or use an existing subdirectory
- > copy the files from the install diskette to this subdirectory.
- > switch to the drive and subdirectory where you copied the files.
- > run QWHITE10.EXE to extract the Quarterdeck White Papers
- > Delete the copy of QWHITE10.EXE after running it. You should NOT
- delete the original file from the install diskette if you wish to keep
- it as a backup.
- Installing to a FLOPPY DRIVE:
- If you have a 720k, 1.2k, or 1.4k as a second drive you can install
- the Quarterdeck White Papers to this drive using the install batch file.
- If one of your floppy drives is a 360k drive, you should place the install
- diskette in the 360k and install to the other drive.
- If you do not have access to a high density drive and do not have a
- hard drive you can extract the files for the Quarterdeck White Papers
- using three methods.
- Method 1:
- Find a friend or associate and install to his/her hard drive or high
- density drive. Place a copy of QWHITE.COM on two formatted 360k
- diskettes. Copy half of the files with the extension .TEC on one of the
- 360k diskettes and the other half of the files on the other 360k
- diskette.
- Method 2:
- If you have 400k of extended memory or expanded memory available, create
- a ram disk 400k in size. Install the Quarterdeck White Papers to the
- ram disk. Format two 360k floppy diskettes and copy QWHITE.COM to both
- of them. Place half of the .TEC files on one floppy diskette and half on
- the other. Many versions of DOS include a ram disk program. In most
- cases it will be called VDISK or RAMDRIVE. Refer to your DOS manual for
- information on using these programs.
- Method 3:
- Run QWHITE10 using the /? parameter. This will list the parameters
- QWHITE10.EXE recognizes. The two parameters that you will need are the
- -t and the -e parameters. The -t will list all files that QWHITE10
- needs to create. The -e will allow you to extract individual files. You
- should format two 360k diskettes and extract QWHITE.COM to both of them.
- For Example:
- > To list to the printer all the files that QWHITE10 will create type:
- QWHITE10 -t >PRN
- and press ENTER.
- > To extract the QWHITE.COM to the B drive, place the install diskette in
- the A drive and switch to the B drive by typing B: and press ENTER. At
- the DOS prompt type:
- and press ENTER.
- The -e parameter can be used to extract half of the .TEC files to the first
- floppy diskette and the rest to the second.