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- ID:NO QRAM and "Nothing Useful To Do"
- Quarterdeck Technical Note
- by Bob Perry
- A. As described on page 1 of your QRAM manual, QRAM has been
- written to perform the following four basic functions on your
- 80286, 8086 or 8088-based PC:
- 1-On PC's with EMS 4 or EEMS expanded memory hardware,
- QRAM converts any EXTRA memory spaces your system may have
- within the high memory address range (640K to 1024K, or
- A000-FFFF hex) into High RAM so you can load and run
- programs there with LOADHI, as described in Chapter 4 of
- your QRAM manual.
- 2-On 80286 PC's with Chips & Technologies NEAT CHIPSet
- shadow RAM, QRAM will do the same as item #1 above, as
- described on page 9 of your QRAM manual, even if you don't
- have an expanded memory card.
- 3-QRAM enables a user, willing to forgo the enhanced
- graphics capabilities permitted by EGA and VGA adapter
- cards, or users with monochrome or CGA adapters, to
- increase the memory used by DOS by as much as 96K. For
- more information on this feature refer to page 11 (the
- NOVIDEOFILL parameter), and page 25 (the VIDRAM program),
- in your QRAM manual.
- 4-On machines that have one, QRAM automatically moves the
- eXtended BIOS Data Area (XBDA), which is normally at 639K,
- into another address space. Doing so usually enables other
- memory management features, such as extending the memory
- available to DOS using the VIDRAM.COM program, and allowing
- larger programs to run in the background in DESQview.
- B. If QRAM determines that none of the above four functions of
- the program can be performed on your system, it will display a
- "nothing useful to do" message to the user. What can the user do
- about this message? After reading Appendix A in your QRAM
- manual, page 37, consider the following:
- 1-In order for QRAM to "find something useful to do", there
- must be MORE THAN 64K of memory spaces available within the
- 604K to 1024K memory address range. The first 64K is used
- for the "page frame", or port hole into the expanded memory
- pool, and cannot, by default, be used by QRAM. See pages
- 11, 37, and 46 or your QRAM manual, and section "C" of this
- technical note on the subject of using the FRAMELENGTH=0
- parameter.
- 2- Perhaps you have not configured your expanded memory card
- correctly to allow more than 64K of memory space above 640K.
- Consult the documentation which came with your memory
- board, or the memory board manufacturer, and be sure all
- switch settings or software setup options have been
- correctly enabled. If you use Manifest to examine the
- expanded memory, you can compare your Expanded Pages map
- with those listed in Appendix D of the QRAM manual.
- 3- Some memory managers (and early versions of other
- managers) will only allow CONTIGUOUS memory areas to be
- mapped. With these drivers, moving their page frame as
- LOW as possible, C000 for example, will allow the rest of
- the memory regions to be used by QRAM. Consult your
- documentation and/or memory board manufacturer.
- 4- Another possibility is that your shadow RAM has not been
- enabled. Again, your documentation or manufacturer might
- be of assistance here. If your Shadow RAM is not enabled,
- then QRAM can't use it.
- 5- QRAM works with your Expanded Memory Manager
- (EMM.SYS). Often a simple typographical error in your
- CONFIG.SYS can prevent your expanded memory manager
- from loading. Be certain your CONFIG.SYS file
- contains a line:
- "device=EMM.SYS"
- where the spelling of the EMM driver matches the one you
- have installed on your system. Watch carefully for a
- banner or statement on the screen saying that it has been
- loaded when you reboot your system.
- 6-Some expanded memory boards, and motherboards with
- expanded memory hardware, supply an EMS 4 driver even
- though the expanded memory hardware cannot provide more
- that 64K of expanded memory at a time. These systems
- give software applications the ability to access expanded
- memory, but the hardware cannot provide the extra support
- for more mappable pages. QRAM needs more mappable pages.
- Some board manufacturers offer upgrade option chips which
- will enhance their hardware support. Contact your board
- manufacturer to see if this may be an option for you.
- C. If your are NOT going to be using expanded memory in your
- programs, QRAM can be made to use your single 64K page frame as
- an area of High RAM. This is done using the FRAMELENGTH=0
- parameter, as described in your QRAM manual. Other programs will
- no longer be able to detect expanded memory, but you will be able
- to use LOADHI to get about 64K of resident programs out of your
- conventional memory (below 640K).
- Copyright (C) 1990 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
- * * * E N D O F F I L E * * *