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- ID:IN Accessing Quarterdeck via Internet
- Quarterdeck Technical Note (revised 06-28-90)
- by Eric Wieling
- This document is to assist Quarterdeck customers in contacting
- Quarterdeck Office Systems Technical Support Department. My thanks to John
- Chew for providing an invaluable list of general inter-network addressing
- methods.
- Please note that this is the first version of this list. It may contain
- errors or omissions. Quarterdeck Office Systems does not take any
- responsibility for any damages incidental or consequential that may be
- caused by utilizing information contained in this document.
- Please send new information or corrections to this list via FAX at +1
- 213-399-3802 please address it to:
- To : Eric Wieling
- Subj: Inter network addressing
- NOTE: All E-mail on the following electronic information systems should
- remain PRIVATE. Methods of contacting Quarterdeck Technical Support via
- PUBLIC message forums is discussed in another document. Quarterdeck
- strongly recommends the use of PUBLIC message forums for answering
- technical support questions. This allows users to share their technical
- support problems with other users that may be experiencing similar
- problems.
- List of Networks Covered in This Document
- ---- -- -------- ------- -- ---- --------
- applelink AppleLink (Apple Computer, Inc.'s in-house network)
- bitnet international academic network
- bix Byte Information eXchange: Byte magazine's BBS
- compuserve commercial time-sharing service
- connect Connect Professional Information Network (commercial)
- easynet Easynet (DEC's in-house mail system)
- envoy Envoy-100 (Canadian commercial mail service)
- fax Facsimile document transmission
- fidonet PC-based BBS network
- geonet GeoNet Mailbox Systems (commercial)
- internet the Internet
- mci MCI's commercial electronic mail service
- nasamail NASA internal electronic mail
- sinet Schlumberger Information NETwork
- span Space Physics Analysis Network (includes HEPnet)
- sprintmail Sprint's commercial mail service (formerly Telemail)
- InterNetwork Addressing Methods
- ------------ ---------- -------
- CompuServ --> FAX
- To send a message from a CompuServe account to Quarterdeck via fax, send
- your message to:
- FAX 12133993802
- *************************************************************
- Internet/UUCP/UseNet --> CompuServe
- To send a message from an Internet/UUCP/UseNet account to the Quarterdeck
- Tech on Compuserve, send your message to:
- 76004.2310@compuserve.com
- ----
- Internet/UUCP/UseNet --> MCI Mail
- To send a message from an Internet/UUCP/UseNet account to the Quarterdeck
- Tech on MCI Mail, send your message to:
- quarterdeck@mcimail.com
- ----
- Internet/UUCP/UseNet --> BIX
- To send a message from an Internet/UUCP/UseNet account to the Quarterdeck
- Tech on BIX, send your message to:
- qos.rep2@dcibix.das.net
- *************************************************************
- Connect --> CompuServe
- To send a message from Connect Professional Information Network to the
- Quarterdeck Tech on CompuServe do the following:
- Send to CONNECT id: DASNET
- Make first line of message:
- \76004.2310@compuserve.com\@DASNET
- ----
- Connect --> MCI Mail
- To send a message from Connect Professional Information Network to the
- Quarterdeck Tech on MCI Mail do the following:
- Send to CONNECT id: DASNET
- Make first line of message:
- \quarterdeck@mcimail.com\@DASNET
- ----
- Connect --> BIX
- To send a message from Connect Professional Information Network to the
- Quarterdeck Tech on BIX do the following:
- Send to CONNECT id: DASNET
- Make first line of message:
- \qos.rep2@dcibix.das.net\@DASNET
- *************************************************************
- SprintMail (formerly TeleMail) --> CompuServe
- To send a message from a SprintMail account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- CompuServe, send message to:
- [RFC-822=76004.2310(a)compuserve.com @GATEWAY]INTERNET/TELEMAIL/US"
- ----
- SprintMail (formerly TeleMail) --> MCI Mail
- To send a message from a TeleMail account to the Quarterdeck Tech on MCI
- Mail, send message to:
- [RFC-822=quarterdeck(a)mcimail.com @GATEWAY]INTERNET/TELEMAIL/US"
- ----
- SprintMail (formerly TeleMail) --> BIX
- To send a message from a TeleMail account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- BIX, send message to:
- [RFC-822=qos.rep2(a)dcibix.das.net @GATEWAY]INTERNET/TELEMAIL/US"
- *************************************************************
- ApleLink --> FidoNet
- To send a message from an ApleLink account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- FidoNet, send message to the following:
- qos.tech@dawggon.fidonet.org@internet#
- ----
- ApleLink --> CompuServe
- To send a message from an ApleLink account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- CompuServe, send message to the following:
- 76004.2310@compuserv.com@internet#
- ----
- ApleLink --> MCI Mail
- To send a message from an ApleLink account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- MCI Mail, send message to the following:
- quarterdeck@mcimail.com@internet#
- ----
- ApleLink --> BIX
- To send a message from an ApleLink account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- BIX, send message to the following:
- qos.rep2@dcibix.das.net@internet#
- *************************************************************
- BitNet --> FidoNet
- To send a message from an BitNet account to the Quarterdeck Tech on BIX,
- send message to the following:
- qos.tech@dawggon.fidonet.org
- ----
- BitNet --> CompuServe
- To send a message from an BitNet account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- CompuServe, send message to the following:
- 76004.2310@compuserve.com
- ----
- BitNet --> MCI Mail
- To send a message from an BitNet account to the Quarterdeck Tech on MCI
- Mail, send message to the following:
- quarterdeck@mcimail.com
- ----
- BitNet --> BIX
- To send a message from an BitNet account to the Quarterdeck Tech on BIX,
- send message to the following:
- qos.rep2@dcibix.das.net
- *************************************************************
- EasyNet --> FidoNet
- To send a message from an EasyNet account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- FidoNet, send message to the following:
- from VMS use NMAIL to send to
- nm%DECWRL::\qos.tech@dawggon.fidonet.org\
- from Ultrix send to
- qos.tech@dawggon.fidonet.org
- ----
- EasyNet --> CompuServe
- To send a message from an EasyNet account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- CompuServe, send message to the following:
- from VMS use NMAIL to send to
- nm%DECWRL::\76004.2310@compuserve.com\
- from Ultrix send to
- 76004.2310@compuserve.com
- ----
- EasyNet --> MCI Mail
- To send a message from an EasyNet account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- MCI Mail, send message to the following:
- from VMS use NMAIL to send to
- nm%DECWRL::\quarterdeck@mcimail.com\
- from Ultrix send to
- quarterdeck@mcimail.com
- ----
- EasyNet --> BIX
- To send a message from an EasyNet account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- BIX, send message to the following:
- from VMS use NMAIL to send to
- nm%DECWRL::\qos.rep2@dcibix.das.net\
- from Ultrix send to
- qos.rep2@dcibix.das.net
- *************************************************************
- Envoy --> CompuServe
- To send a message from an Envoy account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- CompuServe, send message to the following:
- [RFC-822=\76004.2310(a)compuserv.com\]INTERNET/TELEMAIL/US
- ----
- Envoy --> MCI Mail
- To send a message from an Envoy account to the Quarterdeck Tech on MCI
- Mail, send message to the following:
- [RFC-822=\quarterdeck(a)mcimail.com\]INTERNET/TELEMAIL/US
- ----
- Envoy --> BIX
- To send a message from an Envoy account to the Quarterdeck Tech on BIX,
- send message to the following:
- [RFC-822=\qos.rep2(a)dcibix.das.net\]INTERNET/TELEMAIL/US
- *************************************************************
- GeoNet --> CompuServe
- To send a message from a GeoNet account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- CompuServe, send message to the following:
- send to "DASNET"
- subject line: "76004.2310@compuserv.com!subject"
- ----
- GeoNet --> MCI Mail
- To send a message from a GeoNet account to the Quarterdeck Tech on MCI
- Mail, send message to the following:
- send to "DASNET"
- subject line: "quarterdeck@mcimail.com!subject"
- ----
- GeoNet --> BIX
- To send a message from a GeoNet account to the Quarterdeck Tech on MCI
- Mail, send message to the following:
- send to "DASNET"
- subject line: "qos.rep2@dcibix.das.net!subject"
- *************************************************************
- NASA Mail --> CompuServe
- To send a message from a NASA Mail account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- CompuServe, send message to the following:
- at the "To:" prompt type "POSTMAN"
- at the "Subject:" prompt enter the subject of your message
- at the "Text:" prompt, i.e. as the first line of your message, enter "To:
- "76004.2310@compuserve.com"
- ----
- NASA Mail --> MCI Mail
- To send a message from a NASA Mail account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- MCI Mail, send message to the following:
- at the "To:" prompt type "POSTMAN"
- at the "Subject:" prompt enter the subject of your message
- at the "Text:" prompt, i.e. as the first line of your message, enter "To:
- "quarterdeck@mcimail.com"
- ----
- NASA Mail --> BIX
- To send a message from a NASA Mail account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- BIX, send message to the following:
- at the "To:" prompt type "POSTMAN"
- at the "Subject:" prompt enter the subject of your message
- at the "Text:" prompt, i.e. as the first line of your message, enter "To:
- "qos.rep2@dcibix.das.net"
- *************************************************************
- SI Net --> Compuserve
- To send a message from a SI Net account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- CompuServe, send message to the following:
- M_MAILNOW::M_INTERNET::\76004.2310@compuserve.com\
- or
- M_MAILNOW::M_INTERNET::compuserve.com::76004.2310
- ----
- SI Net --> MCI Mail
- To send a message from a SI Net account to the Quarterdeck Tech on MCI
- Mail, send message to the following:
- M_MAILNOW::M_INTERNET::\quarterdeck@mcimail.com\
- or
- M_MAILNOW::M_INTERNET::mcimail.com::quarterdeck
- ----
- SI Net --> BIX
- To send a message from a SI Net account to the Quarterdeck Tech on BIX,
- send message to the following:
- M_MAILNOW::M_INTERNET::\qos.rep2@dcibix.das.net\
- or
- M_MAILNOW::M_INTERNET::dcibix.das.net::qos.rep2
- *************************************************************
- Span --> CompuServe
- To send a message from a Span account to the Quarterdeck Tech on
- CompuServe, send message to the following:
- AMES::\76004.2310@compuserve.com\
- ----
- Span --> MCI Mail
- To send a message from a Span account to the Quarterdeck Tech on MCI
- Mail, send message to the following:
- AMES::\quarterdeck@mcimail.com\
- ----
- Span --> BIX
- To send a message from a Span account to the Quarterdeck Tech on BIX,
- send message to the following:
- AMES::\qos.rep2@dcibix.das.net
- Copyright (C) 1990 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
- * * * E N D O F F I L E * * *