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- ID:EP Which ExPANDED Memory card is best?
- Quarterdeck Technical Note
- Q: Which ExPANDed Memory card should I buy?
- The type of ExPANDed memory card recommended for use with
- DESQview depends on the motherboard configuration of your
- computer. The ability to disable motherboard memory, and the
- amount of memory that can be disabled are determining factors.
- This discussion assumes that the motherboard memory can be
- disabled to a minimum of 256K. If your computer's motherboard
- memory can't be disabled below 512K then skip to the Other
- Choices section.
- Can the board MAP MEMORY BELOW 1 megabyte ?
- In all cases the memory card should be able to MAP MEMORY
- BELOW 1 Megabyte. As an example the Intel Above Board can MAP 64K
- (4 16K pages) below 1 Megabyte BUT NOT BELOW 640K. This board's
- HARDWARE supports EMS 3.2 memory (Adding a EMS 4.0 driver won't
- allow it to MAP MEMORY BELOW 640K. This requires HARDWARE as well
- as the software driver). The Above Board PLUS CAN MAP MEMORY as
- low as 256K (if you have a switchless Above Board you may be able
- to upgrade the board to the "plus" version).
- Can the board MAP MEMORY BELOW 640K ?
- BELOW 640K (The AST RAMpage, PC Technology's RAMpartner, and
- Electronik RAMflex to mention a few can MAP MEMORY down to 0K....
- provided your motherboard memory can be totally disabled).
- This should not be confused with backfilling motherboard memory.
- Backfilling motherboard memory simply fills your DOS program
- memory area back up to 640K. The ability to MAP MEMORY to the
- area between 0 and 640K is MANDATORY for MULTITASKING of several
- large programs.
- ExPANDed memory is allocated in 16K blocks called pages.
- When DESQview opens applications it instructs the memory manager
- to allocate enough of these pages (which may not be CONTIGUOUS) and
- MAKE them APPEAR CONTIGUOUS and map them below 640K. When you
- switch between applications the memory manager has to sort thru
- all these 16K pages....find the correct ones....and map them into
- the area below 640K. This can take a long time to do for a large
- memory area. This may not be apparent to you UNLESS you're running
- communications in the background. If the memory card supports
- alternate page maps, DESQview can instruct the memory driver to
- save these pages to an alternate page map register (again this is
- HARDWARE, and a software driver). When you switch windows DESQview
- instructs the memory driver to call the page MAP rather than sort
- thru all the expanded memory. This is very important if you need
- to run high speed communications in background, or will have
- several large applications running simultaneously. Larger numbers
- of alternate page mapping registers on the board result in better
- multitasking performance when running several programs at once.
- The Intel AboveBoard Plus doesn't have any alternate page mapping
- registers. The AST RAMpage Plus has 23 alternate page mapping
- registers, the Electronik RAMflex has 63. The older EEMS cards
- have 1 alternate page mapping registers. In any case this is an
- important HARDWARE feature for serious multitasking.
- Where can I find out about ExPANDed memory cards ?
- Obtain a copy of InfoWorld's December 12,1988 issue or PC
- Magazine Volume 8, # 21 December 12, 1989 issue (page 169). Both
- articles give a very detailed comparrison of ExPANDed memory
- boards.. Most of the exPANDed memory card manufacturer's boards
- are listed.
- Other Choices
- If you have an 80286 based computer but cannot disable
- motherboard memory, there are two options available. The first is
- the ALL Computers CHARGECARD. While this device doesn't have
- memory on it, in fact it has the ability to convert ALL the
- conventional and exTENDed memory on an 80286 based machine into
- ExPANDed memory and has 15 alternate page mapping registers.
- The second option is to convert the computer to an 80386.
- (Is a 386 better ?)
- YES !!!!!! An 80386 is not only faster than the 8088 and
- 80286 based computers (speed is only one of its many virtues).
- It is incredibly more intelligent ! It has the capability to run
- in Virtual 8086 mode. Used in conjunction with QEMM 386, no
- special memory cards are required, and no motherboard memory
- needs to be disabled. The 80386 can allow QEMM to remap all the
- ExTENDed memory into ExPANDED memory. DESQview 386 (DESQview 2.2
- & QEMM 4.2) can run bit mapped graphics programs like Ventura
- In addition DOS Extended programs that use the VCPI (Virtual
- Control Program Interface) can co-exist with other programs that
- use exPanded memory (Lotus Release 3 is an example). Memory
- protection is available for "Ill behaved programs. These
- capabilities are not available on 8088 or 80286 computers. If
- you're considering this option and have the means (money), don't
- hesitate for a second.
- Copyright (C) 1990 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
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