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- ID:SC Automating DESQview with Scripts
- Quarterdeck Technical Note
- by Bob Perry
- Q.How can I automatically startup DESQview?
- Q.How can I configure DESQview to automatically startup all my
- applications?
- Q.How can I configure DESQview so that when I open a window it
- automatically loads the right file, or otherwise does
- things in that application for me?
- Q.How can I integrate all of the above?
- First, you must have a version of DESQview which is 2.0 or
- greater. Assuming you have this, proceed as follows:
- A fully automated DESQview involves three levels of automation:
- 1-Modification of your AUTOEXEC.BAT,
- 2-Creation of an auto startup script on the DESQview menu,
- 3-Creation of startup scripts for your applications.
- Step One - Loading DESQview upon system boot up.
- By modifying your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you can boot right
- into DESQview. This is our recommended procedure. To do so, you
- only need to add two simple lines to this file:
- cd\dv
- dv
- The first line changes directories to the DESQview directory, and the
- second line executes the program. Users who invoke DESQview with xdv
- would have xdv as the second line.
- Step Two - Creating a startup script on the DESQview menu.
- As described on page 89 of the DESQview version 2 manual,
- the special technique distinguishing a STARTUP script is the "!"
- exclamation point key. This is done as follows:
- -Begin at the original DESQview Open Window menu, with no
- other programs open or running.
- -Hold down the Shift and tap your {DESQ} key, to enter
- the DESQview Learn menu.
- -At first menu, type "=" to Start a Script.
- -At the prompt "Press the key you want to redefine",
- Choose a key you want to define for the script. If you
- don't want to "use up" any keys, try HOLDING DOWN the Alt
- key and then pressing a 3-digit number on the numeric
- keypad (try 2 5 0). This will result in the "key" being
- {250}, a key you will unlikely be typing.
- -The next menu asks you to name your script. Begin the
- name of the script with the exclaimation point character
- "!". The exclaimation point as the first character in
- the script name is the key which makes it an auto-start
- script.
- HINT: As with any DESQview script, use only the alpha-numeric
- keyboard keys when you select from menus. Do not use cursor keys
- or try to teach your mouse a script! Cursor keys are not as
- reliable when selecting from menus and mouse movements, and clicks
- are not keystrokes and therefore cannot be learned in a "Keyboard
- macro."
- -A typical pattern of keystrokes might go like this:
- {DESQ} Open W P (for a word processor)
- {DESQ} Open L 2 (for Lotus 1-2-3, release 2)
- {DESQ} Open D 1 (for DOS (128K) window)
- {DESQ} Open D D (for DESQview Datebook)
- etc.
- -When you've opened all your needed applications in the
- right sequence, hit Shift-{DESQ} again, and hit
- the "-" key to Finish the script.
- -Now in order to have the script available on the next
- time you start DESQview, you must save it. REMEMBER,
- scripts must be saved at the same level of DESQview as
- they were begun, so if this is the main DESQview auto-
- start script, bring up the DESQview menu, hit Shift-Alt
- to bring up the Learn menu, hit "S" for Save and save to
- the default DESQVIEW.DVS file.
- Now, when your AUTOEXEC.BAT file boots you directly into DESQview,
- DESQview will automatically launch your applications in exactly
- the order you want them opened.
- Note that if you have any startup scripts for your applications,
- your DESQview menu startup script will launch these as well! See
- the next section on how to write such an application startup
- script.
- Step 3 - Writing a startup script for your applications.
- With DESQview's powerful Learn feature you can "teach" any
- application to perform the same series of keystrokes each and
- every time that DESQview window is opened. This is particularly
- useful for typing headers, loading a file, displaying application
- directories, configuration alterations, and other routine
- keystrokes that are repeated by the user each time the
- application window is opened.
- -Begin by opening the application program in DESQview.
- -Depress the Shift and tap the {DESQ} key to enter the
- Learn menu.
- -At the first menu, choose "=" to Start Learning.
- -When the prompt "Press the key you want to redefine"
- appears, select some obscure combination of keys that
- you would never hit accidently. Better yet, choose a
- key that doesn't even exist, such as holding down the
- right Alt key and typing 250 on your numeric keypad.
- page 89 of the DESQview manual, this "!" exclamation
- point triggers the automatic startup execution of all
- the keystrokes that will follow.
- -After performing the series of keystrokes that you
- wish to use to automatically execute each time that
- DESQview window is opened, you must again depress the
- Shift and tap the {DESQ} key, and select the "-"
- to Finish the Script.
- -Since the script was begun in the application window,
- bring up the Learn menu and save the script.
- Now your system is fully automated using the DESQview automatic
- startup macro or Learn features described above. Your machine
- will boot up and start DESQview for you automatically. Then
- DESQview will launch your favorite applications for you with
- your DESQview menu startup script. Finally, each application
- you open will perform the necessary keystrokes that you have
- dictated in your application startup script. By the time you
- pour a cup of java and sit down at the keyboard, your machine
- will be custom-tuned to your specifications and ready for your
- work.
- Copyright (C) 1990 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
- * * * E N D O F F I L E * * *