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Text File | 1999-01-01 | 136.7 KB | 1,762 lines |
- The Cave BBS File Section
- Raleigh, NC USA (1992-1998)
- Directory Name : Miscellaneous : 76 files
- ==============================================================================
- CIV .ZIP 1896k Civilization - The Ultimate Strategy Game
- MOSLO .ZIP 13k Moslo. Slow down those pesky DOS programs!
- 10EMP .TXT 0k Top Ten things to do on top of The Empire S. Bldg.
- 1477 .ZIP 1618k qwe
- 18WAYS .TXT 1k 18 ways to be an *&%hole
- 18WAYS .ZIP 1k 18 ways to be an &*%hole
- 1912 .ZIP 79k Fake DOS plus others.
- AMBIENCE.EXE 499k Trip to this demo, it kicks ass!
- ARIS .ZIP 795k
- BAD10 .JOK 26k Some Bad jokes
- BAD12 .JOK 30k Some more BAD jokes
- BAD13 .JOK 35k Even MORE bad jokes
- BARFOOD .ZIP 4k cheap food but dont ask me why
- BARNDEMO.EXE 7k A barney joke program.
- BARSAN .ZIP 6k proff barney is satan
- BBSCOMMA.ZIP 2k Do you have what it takes to run a BBS?
- BIGMONEY.TXT 6k How to lose big bucks with a pyramid Scheme
- BIGMONY .TXT 9k How to lose EVEN MORE MONEY!!!
- BLONDE38.TXT 22k Some blond Jokes
- BTRFLY .ZIP 22k A cool screen saver of butterflies!
- CAVEMSG .TXT 0k Cave stories needed for 5th anniversary - November, 1997
- CAVETXT .TXT 0k The Official Cave TEXT Logo
- CENTURIE.ZIP 145k All of Nostradamus's Quatrains (Prophicies)
- COINSLOT.TXT 14k a cool thing that tells you how to get free credits\arcade
- CORRUPT .EXE 20k a kewl little purity test for windows
- CPUICON .ZIP 129k Computer Icons
- D2_19PAT.ZIP 423k Doom v1.7a v1.9
- DEADMEAT.ZIP 13k a program that will tell you when you'll die.
- DOOM2P16.ZIP 115k Doom v1.666 to v1.7a
- DREAM .TXT 4k A cool story of some dream.
- FAS .HTM 31k "False Authority Sydrome" and Computer Virii - A MUST READ
- FIRE .BAS 0k a little qbasic program I made, FIRE
- FP-224C .ZIP 761k F-prot version 2.24 (September, 1996)
- GAMEICON.ZIP 171k A large pack of game Icons for windows
- GARFY .ZIP 39k a garfield clock
- HACKER .TXT 149k A text file about Hackers, etc.
- HACKHNDB.ZI 3k The Hacker's Handbook. For informational purposes only...
- HACKHNDB.ZIP 3k The Hacker Handbook. For informational purposes only...:)
- HELLRA~1.ZIP 219k a program for AOL
- HRFBACK .ANS 6k A cool brick ansi
- IEDGE .ZIP 57k Investigative Edge.. MUFON Investigating tips.
- INSPACE .ZIP 1312k Inner Space - Cool-ass Win95 game for Nuke
- JIMMYS .TXT 1k A Really cool story about Jimmy that I wrote
- JIVE .EXE 25k Text "filter" converts text into "ebonics"
- KNOTS1_0.ZIP 95k HTML browser: DOS based
- NEWRIP .ZIP 590k New RIP
- ORIG15 .ZIP 390k Changes Doom II to Wolf3d - Use this exe instead
- ORIGINAL.ZIP 2819k Changes Doom II to Wolf3d
- PBTEND .EXE 88k Computer Bartender - Tells you how to make drinks
- POPES .TXT 8k A list of ALL the popes that will ever be
- PRANK .TXT 173k A *ton* of kewl pranks in .txt format TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK
- PS .ZIP 10k Text files DIRECTLY off of the Twisted Metal PSX game
- PULP .TXT 301k The entire script to PULP FICTION
- RETAL .ZIP 456k Retalitor.. COOL Over the MODEM Dog FIghting game
- ROADKILL.ZIP 2k Part of the Roadkill Cafe menu
- ROADKLL2.ZIP 2k Part of the Roadkill Cafe menu
- RULES .TXT 3k Heaven's Gate rules of conduct
- SEX .TXT 13k Funny but (mostly) true facts on sex and animals
- SMASH .FAQ 82k Smashing Pumpkings FAQ
- SONFIRE .TXT 1k Signs that you might be on FIRE
- SPIN .EXE 14k Its a little dos program that messes with dos. It doesn't
- SUBGPAMP.DOC 9k The Church of the Subgenius Pamphlet
- SWDOOM2B.ZIP 3585k Star Wars Doom TC
- TEMPLE .MAP 21k a little thing i worked on in BUILD for DN3D
- TIM .ZIP 81k The Incredeble Machine
- TIM1 .ZIP 722k the incredeble machine
- TIMELESS.EXE 155k A very cool demo, Get this one...
- TLX320-1.ZIP 168k Telix Terminal Program
- TOPTEN1 .TXT 0k The top ten Reasons The Cave BBS was down a while ago
- TURKEY .TXT 3k How to play the card game called Turkey
- VALLEY .EXE 15k Text "filter", translates text to "valley girl" talk
- VIRUS1 .EXE 5k Its a little fake virus you can use to scare your family..
- WAKE .ZIP 0k wake libary access by modem
- WAYNBELL.ZIP 23k A Picture of Wayne Bell, Creator of WWIV
- WOLFNET .ZIP 22k WOLFnet Data Files and Application as of 06/11/97
- YOMOMA .TXT 25k a lot of yomoma jokes
- Directory Name : BBS Lists : 16 files
- ==============================================================================
- 919_0196.ZIP 60k Triangle BBS list for January 1996
- 919_0296.ZIP 58k The 919 Area Code BBS List - February 1996
- 919_0396.ZIP 63k The 919 Area Code BBS List - March 1996
- 919_0496.ZIP 65k The 919 Area Code BBS Listing - April 1996
- 919_1295.ZIP 62k The 919 Area Code BBS List - December 1995
- 919_9606.ZIP 63k The 919 Area Code BBS Listing - June 1996
- 919_9607.ZIP 63k The 919 Area Code BBS Listing - July 1996
- 919_9609.ZIP 59k The 919 Area Code BBS Listing - September 1996
- 919_9611.ZIP 56k Triangle Area BBS List for November 96
- 919_9701.ZIP 49k The 919 Area Code BBS Listing - January 1997
- 919_9709.ZIP 36k 919 Area Code BBS List (September)
- 919_9710.ZIP 36k 919 Area Code BBS List (October)
- 919_9711.ZIP 35k 919 Area Code BBS List - November
- 919_9712.ZIP 35k The 919 Area Code BBS Listing - December, 1997
- RDU1294 .ZIP 41k Raleigh area BBS list for 12/94
- TRI0695 .ZIP 10k Triangle BBS List 06/95
- Directory Name : Music Lyrics : 22 files
- ==============================================================================
- 1984 .TXT 5k Lyrics to Van HAlen album 1984, in HTML setup
- BLACKF .MSC 1k Black Friday - Steely Dan
- BWR .MSC 1k Bloody Well Right - Supertramp
- CHRONICL.TXT 26k The lyrics to the whole album RUSH: Chronicles
- DISTANCE.TXT 1k "The Distance" by Cake
- ELEANR .TXT 1k Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles
- FOO .TXT 11k Foo Fighter lyrics
- GLASON .TXT 1k Glass Onion - The Beatles
- GRINCH .TXT 1k The lyrics from that discophonic Grinch song
- HELTSKL .TXT 1k Helter Skelter - The Beatles
- IMOSLEEP.TXT 1k I'm only sleeping - The Beatles
- INDIGO .TXT 17k Indigo Girls AOL interview transcript in .txt format.
- LIFEGD .TXT 1k Life Been Good by Joe Walsh
- MELLON .TXT 24k Smashing Pumpkin's 'Mellon Collie & The Infininte Sadness'
- PEACFROG.TXT 1k Lyrics to PEACE FROG by the Doors
- POAAF .TXT 15k Marilyn Manson's "Portrait of an American Family"
- SWEET .TXT 1k Marylin Manson's "Sweet Dreams"
- WAX .TXT 12k Sponge's "Wax Ecstatic"
- WBB&P .TXT 12k Stabbing Westward's "Wither Blister Burn & Peel"
- WBD .MSC 0k Won't Back Down - Tom Petty
- WWOL .MSC 1k Werewolves Of London - Warren Zevon
- Directory Name : BBS Programs/Doors/Utilities : 88 files
- ==============================================================================
- 2002V304.ZIP 781k TradeWars 2002 v3.04
- ACT1B .ZIP 48k Across the Tracks LORD IGM
- ACT3 .ZIP 50k IGM for lord some kind like I forgot
- AXEA21B .ZIP 61k Axehandler's Arena LORD IGM
- BA301 .ZIP 61k Back Alley Bar - add on for LORDS
- BAC101 .ZIP 49k BackAlley Church - IGM for LORDS
- BAC202 .ZIP 54k Backally Church LORD IGM
- BACKALLY.ZIP 0k igm for lord
- CAVE10A .ZIP 92k cave you can find stuff like kids,gold.ect
- CLTLRD10.ZIP 42k add Celtic feel to LORD
- CSD61 .ZIP 148k Card Sharks Deluxe Door
- DBMV61 .ZIP 90k Dragon's Breath Mountain LORD IGM
- DTU10 .ZIP 52k Dragon Town Univ.
- EXPATCH5.ZIP 112k patch for exitilius door game
- EXS205-1.ZIP 1004k exitilius door game part1
- EXS205-2.ZIP 981k exitilius door game part 2
- FE0992 .ZIP 271k Falcon's Eye
- FWORLD53.ZIP 123k IGM for lord
- FWORLD54.ZIP 124k Free World, IGM for LORD... opens up the game!
- GALWAR76.ZIP 367k Galactic Warzone-the newest BBS door game version.
- GOC201 .ZIP 277k Godfather of Crime Online Game!
- GRA1_0 .ZIP 62k Warrior's Graveyard LORD IGM
- GWTERM .ZIP 25k Global Wars Terminal program.. for Mouse and fast GW play!
- HOTEL100.ZIP 59k Anastasia's Hotel LORD IGM
- HVAN100 .ZIP 61k igm for planets
- IGME100 .ZIP 41k IGM Expander for LORD
- IGMUNIT .ZIP 20k Program that lets you make LORD IGMS
- JABBAIGM.ZIP 58k Jabba the Hut's palace IGM for Jedi Knights!
- JEDI103 .ZJI 125k Jedi Knights bbs program, it rocks!
- KIRA100 .ZIP 102k IGM for Planets
- KOTH .ZIP 139k King of The Hill Trivia -WWIV BBS Door game
- LANDF100.ZIP 54k IGM for Planets
- LDWHR12 .ZIP 83k Lord's Brothel LORD IGM
- LIFE117H.ZIP 258k LORD Life IGM
- LORD2B5 .ZIP 296k LORD 2. Really cool door game if registered. ANSI world
- LORD32 .ZIP 515k Legend Of The Red Dragon v3.26a Online Game
- LORD355 .ZIP 517k Legend Of the Red Dragon v3.55
- LORDHLP2.TXT 10k Recently De-Classified LORD Cheats and Hints
- LORDICON.ZIP 215k The RIP Icons for LORD
- LOVE110 .ZIP 49k The Love Shack LORD IGM
- MEDOOR .ZIP 84k Medevial War Online game
- MELEE .ZIP 460k An old Version of Melee, an online game.
- NET36 .ZIP 296k Net 36
- OASIS-07.ZIP 46k is an IGM for lord
- OCEAN212.ZIP 65k Ocean View Resort-IGM for Planets
- OO100A .ZIP 475k OOII v1.00 accessories
- OO100B .ZIP 421k OOII Online Game v1.00
- OO110_1 .ZIP 560k Operation Overkill v1.10 1/3
- OO110_2 .ZIP 284k Operation Overkill v1.10 2/3
- OO110_3 .ZIP 559k Operation Overkill v1.10 3/3
- OO111 .ZIP 1368k Operation Overkill v1.11 Ya' know it!!
- OOT-SB .ZIP 608k AWESOME!! Operation Overkill v1.00 ANSI SOUNDBLASTER TERM!
- PARA199 .ZIP 40k Pleasure's Paradise LORD IGM
- PIT403 .ZIP 901k The Pit v4.03... COoL-Ass online game
- PIT416 .ZIP 904k Newest version of The Pit!
- PTEOS200.ZIP 282k Planets:the Exploration of Space...newest version
- PYRAMID1.ZIP 122k Pyramid trivia
- RAE102 .ZIP 88k IGM for Planets
- RTSGAME2.ZIP 179k How to have 2 Lord games running
- RTSL110 .ZIP 179k Tournament Setup for LORD
- SBAR099E.ZIP 70k Sandtiger's Bar LORD IGM
- SC1_WWIV.ZIP 117k Sysop's Companion - Edit User.lst in Windows95
- SHIPREG .ZIP 65k IGM for Planets
- SKULL013.ZIP 69k Old Skull Island (?) LORD IGM
- SNARF102.ZIP 37k Snarf.. Download files without logging on!
- SNDBAR20.ZIP 64k IGm for lord has strengh to buy and other stuff
- TEOS2WB1.ZIP 240k Planets: The Exploration of Space
- TG299 .ZIP 454k The TeleGaurd BBS system for the TeleGaurd Terminal
- TLORD13 .ZIP 67k TeamLord LORD IGM
- TN042096.ZIP 5k Tela∙Net sysop package for 04.20.96.. a new revised net!
- TQ100 .ZIP 156k Treasure Quest - Online Game
- USAGE .ZIP 26k A cool Usage Graph maker for WWIV
- USRDS34P.ZIP 2k USR v.34 MDM file for WWIV
- VGAPLANE.ZIP 1336k its the game vga planet
- VGAXTRA .ZIP 1260k extras for vga planet.
- VIOLET52.ZIP 11k A lord IGM if ya wish to download...
- W424ATXT.ZIP 237k WWIV 4.24a Help files in TEXT
- WALLY10 .ZIP 14k An IGM for the new LORD II game.
- WHRL0296.ZIP 161k WHiRL pakk for 02/96.. for Renegade... RENEGADE RULES!!!!!
- WMAIL456.ZIP 164k WWIVmail .QWK stuff
- WNFOS112.ZIP 56k WinFossil - Fossil Driver for Windows 95 systems
- WSM101 .ZIP 50k WWIV Instance Monitor - Cool
- WSYS17 .ZIP 402k WWIVsys - GREAT collection of WWIV utils in one file
- WWA1-424.ZIP 695k WWIV v4.24 accessories pack
- WWIV424A.ZIP 626k WWIV v4.24a
- WWIVW95A.ZIP 8k Tips on running WWIV in Win95
- YANK108 .RAR 312k Yankees & RedNecks v 1.08.. entertaining hack&slash game..
- Directory Name : TradeWars 2002 : 131 files
- ==============================================================================
- 00INDEX .TXT 12k Descriptions of most files in this DIR
- 2002103D.ZIP 273k Patch to upgrade TW2002 v1.03 to v1.03d
- 2002HLP2.ZIP 20k TradeWars CIM report generator
- 2002V103.EXE 517k TradeWars 2002 v1.03 - Stable Version, Great game!
- 2002V2B8.ZIP 602k TradeWars 2002 v2b8 - Wide Beta 8 - Great game
- BORG102 .ZIP 45k A funky util.. puts the Borg in TRade Wars
- COMMO55 .ZIP 43k Commo 5.5 - Excellent Comm program
- COMPUPGR.ZIP 19k The Computer Upgrade (TWVIEW cutpoint analysis) of 8/12/93
- CRYSTL10.ZIP 36k Add the Crystalline Entity to Tw2002
- DEDIT101.ZIP 58k David Proper's Demon Editor
- FEDFITE1.ZIP 32k Add randomly placed Fed fighters to your universe
- FERR_101.ZIP 39k Ferrengi v1.01 - Gives new abilities to Ferrengi
- GETCIM2 .ZIP 16k Utility to collect CIM reports
- GURUIBM1.ZIP 256k TradeWars Guru - Archive of database scripts
- HAL2002 .ARJ 44k Develops data base for game; optimized for printers
- HOOMAN!2.ZIP 31k Create most ferocious Ferrengi for your universe
- HUMTHIEF.ZIP 2k Qmodem script for Steal/Sell sequence
- IAGOWM11.ZIP 97k Iago's War Manual v1.1 (for v1.03)
- IMPTC .ARJ 41k Modified ship, Imperial Patrol Craft
- INSTMAP .ZIP 13k Map the universe in one day using CIM
- KALWRK27.ZIP 59k Kalworks - Extention kit to add Kal Durak stuff
- LCIM10 .ZIP 50k TW sysop utility - Collect CIM data while local
- LDT105A .ZIP 43k Level diagram tools v1.05a
- MAFIA .ZIP 30k Upgrade of Mafia add on to TW2002
- MALLPICS.ZIP 0k ANSI graphics for TWMall v3.0
- MARKET .ZIP 28k Upgrade to TWMarket v1.5
- METEOR .ZIP 44k Meteor Shower v1.00 by David Proper
- NAMES100.ZIP 39k Sysop util to easily change port and nebula names
- OTHELP15.ZIP 173k ??
- OVERSEER.ARJ 22k Sysop configurable bug use check and penalizer
- PMDLPROT.ZIP 8k Add protocols to power macros
- PORTDEF1.ZIP 30k Add defensive fighters to random ports in universe
- PRO070B .ARJ 183k Another help utility
- PWRMC30S.ZIP 51k Powermacros v3.0 -TW comm program for Commo 5.5
- Q101 .ZIP 56k Adds the creature "Q" to TW
- QMODSCR1.ZIP 7k ??
- QMTWSCR .ZIP 12k ??
- RMSG1 .ZIP 64k Sends random messages to traders
- ROAMSD .ZIP 29k Makes the Stardock roam the galaxy
- ROGUEF10.ZIP 28k "Sprinkes" random amounts of rogue fighters in galaxy
- ROMULAN2.ZIP 9k Creates a Romulan for your TW universe
- RUMULAN2.ZIP 9k add rumulans to you TW game
- SALARY .ZIP 32k Federation Salary v1.00 by David Proper
- SCRUISER.ARJ 2k Modified ship for TW, Rigellian Cruiser
- SDB111 .ZIP 71k Upgrade of StarDock Beta, second SD for TW
- SEDIT2 .ZIP 96k Ship editor version 2
- SHIPEDIT.ARJ 19k TW Ship editor prorgam (for sysops)
- SHIPS102.ARJ 5k Suite of modified ships for TW
- SLICE-10.ZIP 43k A war manual for the beta games -- bugs, tactics, specs
- SUPER .ZIP 18k ??
- TBHV2_0 .ARJ 25k The Bargain Hunter (paired port, "Space Walker")
- TLXTW208.ZIP 283k Upgrade of Telix macros fo TW
- TRADERS3.ZIP 220k TWView's competition, version of 12/03/91
- TRWARS .ZIP 602k TradeWars 2002 v2b8 - Released 9/95
- TW2EDIT2.ZIP 69k Editor for TW2002 v2b3/4/5..
- TW2EXT10.ZIP 58k EXTERN.EXE bugfix for v2b5 (ships records bug)
- TW2TOOLS.ZIP 34k Reads log files and creates file fot viewing online
- TWA .ZIP 86k Trade Wars Analizer v1.00 - Offline utiltiy
- TWALED07.ZIP 39k Sysop utility; aliens editor
- TWARBETA.ZIP 439k Another TW helper!
- TWAST22 .ZIP 187k TW2002 Assistant v2.20 - Excellent offline player Util!
- TWATERM2.ARJ 35k Upgrade to TW VGA term program
- TWBANK1 .ARJ 14k Sysop configurable interest rates
- TWBIBLE1.ZIP 36k TradeWars Bible - Must have for good Strategy
- TWBORG .ARJ 81k Add the Borg to TW2002
- TWCAPD11.ZIP 62k TW2002 Capture Door v1.1
- TWCIT210.ARJ 67k TW2002 Production increaser v2.1
- TWDATA10.ZIP 19k TW database generator
- TWDOC98 .ZIP 26k Trade Wars Doctor - Sysop Util by Gary Ma
- TWE2BA2A.ZIP 227k another race of people to add to your tw game
- TWEGT100.ZIP 25k ??
- TWELWA17.ZIP 43k add moveing planets
- TWEVE045.ZIP 127k Add random events to your TW universe
- TWEXP110.ZIP 90k TW Explorer, Player Utility
- TWFILES2.ARJ 12k Last update of data structures in TW v1.03
- TWFT103 .ZIP 148k TradeWars free terminal v1.03
- TWGARAGE.ARJ 10k FULLY explains using Ship Garages in TW
- TWGEN11 .ARJ 38k Randomly scatters planets in a new game
- TWHELLO .ZIP 0k ??
- TWHELP .ZIP 82k An old Version of TWhelp for TW2002 players
- TWHELP86.ZIP 248k TWHelper v8.6
- TWHELP88.ZIP 242k TWHelper v8.8
- TWHGUI88.ZIP 399k TWHelper v8.8 w/GUI
- TWINFO .ARJ 57k Various useful textfile tips on game (1)
- TWINFO10.ARJ 11k Various useful textfile tips on game (2)
- TWINSTR .ARJ 22k Summary of all commands in TW2002
- TWLAVA10.ZIP 27k TW2002 Lavalite Universe v1.0 - Reverses warp points
- TWLIST .ARJ 1k Known list of Tradewars games
- TWLOG080.ARJ 22k TWLOG lights and bells for the future
- TWMAD085.ZIP 187k Mad Hatter's Universe Expander
- TWMALL30.ZIP 97k Tradewars Mall. Functions - Must have
- TWMAP131.ZIP 76k Generates printed maps
- TWMARKET.ZIP 24k Another Mall-type door. more functions
- TWMIS085.ZIP 89k latest upgrade of Missions add on
- TWMOVIE .ARJ 95k ANSI movie of TW conflict by Stinger
- TWNBUG21.ZIP 42k New version of unbug
- TWPLAN1B.ZIP 15k TWPlanet v1.00
- TWPLANET.ZIP 19k TW sysop util- Coputer upgrades installed planets
- TWPRUNE .ARJ 28k Removes extraneous data from TW directory
- TWROGUE .ARJ 34k Help for managing list of trades/busts
- TWRSTK10.ZIP 32k TW2002 Port Restocker v1.0
- TWSAL120.ZIP 33k TWSalary - Salary from feds for upholding law
- TWSCRNS .ZIP 9k Screens for playing TW2002 on most BBSes
- TWSHIP26.ZIP 105k Ship Editor works with v1.03 and v1.03d
- TWSS .ZIP 2k TW Super Script for Telix - Buy/Sell paired port
- TWSTUFF .ZIP 51k Creates Planet "Wanderer" for tw2002
- TWTC20 .ZIP 25k TW citadel treasury calculator
- TWTERM51.ZIP 603k 3D EGA Term for TW2002 v2.0 - COol
- TWTERM55.ZIP 614k An Excellent Graphiocal interface for TW. (comm, map, ega)
- TWTIPS12.ZIP 29k Tons of Text files for Strategy/Tips
- TWTM100 .ZIP 48k Telemate Scripts for v2 TW2002 - Yes
- TWTOYS .ZIP 156k Sysop utilties fot Blackhole, Mall and Shipedit
- TWTRAK11.ZIP 83k Player Database util - TW TRakker
- TWUCHS .ZIP 10k A proposal for a user-configureable help system
- TWUT101A.ARJ 66k Trade Wars Utilties
- TWUTIL .ARJ 66k Tradewars Utils for players
- TWV11EXE.LHA 88k Amige version of TWview exe only (.91 comp)
- TWV96PL2.ARJ 181k TWView v.96 -Compatible with >1000 sector games
- TWVAL12C.ZIP 33k Another bug fix for TWValue. BIG bug.
- TWVCOLOR.ZIP 3k Color Table for use w/TWVIEW - Examine option
- TWVEXE94.ARJ 93k TWView Suite -TW Database/viewer v.94
- TWVIEW95.ARJ 188k TWView Database program.. great for users
- TWVUKEY1.ZIP 0k Rev 1.0 of color/port-type key for TWVIEW
- TWWORM .ARJ 31k Put a Roaming Wormhole in game to messup calc
- TWXTRA13.ARJ 23k Automates Crai D/L procedure for TWVIEW
- TW_GRAFX.ZIP 27k Some sort of Graphics pack for TW2002
- T_ZPACK1.ARJ 15k Pictures, texts, and reports for any space game
- UNCLOAK .ZIP 29k Cloaking device fails by sysop % detemination
- WARPFAIL.ARJ 13k Creates random wandering black hole
- WEEBANG2.ZIP 42k Universe reorganizer - Jason Boyd
- Directory Name : Quake v1.00 Shareware : 14 files
- ==============================================================================
- Q100-101.ZIP 361k Patch to upgrade Quake v1.00 to v1.01
- QEDE .ZIP 5k Quake Editor - Edits QUAKE saved games - AWESOME!
- QKEPPP20.ZIP 414k Play QUAKE over PPP on INternet!
- QSW100_1.ZIP 1401k Quake v1.00 Shareware 1 of 7
- QSW100_2.ZIP 1400k Quake v1.00 Shareware 2 of 7
- QSW100_3.ZIP 1400k Quake v1.00 Shareware 3 of 7
- QSW100_4.ZIP 1400k Quake v1.00 Shareware 4 of 7
- QSW100_5.ZIP 1400k Quake v1.00 Shareware 5 of 7
- QSW100_6.ZIP 1400k Quake v1.00 Shareware 6 of 7
- QSW100_7.ZIP 393k Quake v1.00 Shareware 7 of 7
- QUAKE .DOC 17k Cheats for QUAKE
- QUAKE92P.ZIP 396k Quake Patch - converts v.91 to v.92 - GET THIS
- QUAKES .TXT 1k Quake Cheats in QUAKE
- QUECRETS.TXT 8k _ALL_ The Secrets in QUAKE and how to get to them
- Directory Name : PC Games : 169 files
- ==============================================================================
- !UNFORG!.ZIP 528k Explore a dungeon and kill stuff. Wierd RPG
- #1BIO .ZIP 613k Biohazard by Apogee ( I think).; Alot like Duke Nukem
- #1BS30 .ZIP 1470k Blake Stone 3D, Wolf3d like game
- #1DUKE .ZIP 261k Duke Nukem v1.0 - The first - A CLASSIC!
- #1GTIX .ZIP 524k Galactix. By apogee, I think. Funky spaceship game
- #1JMAN .ZIP 101k Jumpman Lives by Apogee
- #1KEEN .ZIP 191k Commander Keen 1
- #1KROZ .ZIP 72k Kingdom of Kroz by Apogee.. Cheap as shit - Copies ZZT
- #4DUKE .ZIP 1125k Duke Nukem II, It's cool
- $JILL2 .ZIP 229k Jill Of the Jungle 2
- $SOLAR .ZIP 554k Good Epic Shareware. Fly your ship around a kill stuff.
- $XARGON .ZIP 547k Epic Jill-like game.
- 3DCHESS .ZIP 101k A Cool game of Semi-3d chess for Michael
- 3DDUKE-A.ZIP 1072k Duke Nukem 3D. newest 1st person view game from apogge
- 3DDUKE-B.ZIP 1425k Duke Nukem 3D. 2nd part neads a, c, d.
- 3DDUKE-C.ZIP 1425k Duke Nukem 3D. needs a, b, d
- 3DDUKE-D.ZIP 1422k Duke Nukem 3D. needs a, b, c.
- 3DPOOL .ZIP 115k A pretty cool 3D pool game
- ACKACK .ZIP 112k Ackack, game kinda like missle command.
- ADMIRAL .ZIP 144k battle ship of course
- ALDO3 .ZIP 28k Aldo's Adv 3
- ALDO_ADV.ZIP 26k Also's Adv 1 Like MB and DK
- ALONE .ZIP 1187k Alone in the Dark Demo, cool graphics, very creepy
- ARKANOID.ZIP 229k Supposedly the real Arkanoid!
- ASTRO .ZIP 308k the ultimate astroids clone.
- ASTRO256.ZIP 308k A classic arcade shoot em up game.
- BANANOID.ZIP 42k Bananoid - Like arkanoid - MOUSE ONLY
- BARON .ZIP 1623k The Red Baron - World War II Flying/Fighting Simulation
- BASSCLAS.ZIP 179k A not bad fishing Simulator
- BBLAST10.ZIP 93k Blow up all the pink bunnies as they come over the hill.
- BEGIN .ZIP 108k A cool text Star Trek battle simulation
- BODY .ZIP 1744k Operation Body Count - Yet another crappy Wolf3D cloneDEMO
- BOLOBALL.ZIP 167k BoloBall - cool puzzle-like game
- BONES37 .ZIP 90k Bones - Interesting Semi-RPG TEXT (DOS) game
- BOPPIN .ZIP 1278k a cool puzzle game from apogee
- BOUNCEZ .ZIP 47k here it is Pong lovers: 3D PONG (mouse & cpu opponent)
- BRIX .ZIP 282k Tetris like game.
- BRKFRE1A.ZIP 392k Breakfree - 3D First person Breakout - COoL
- BUBBA .ZIP 218k Red-Neck style parady of Microsoft Bob
- CANNON .ZIP 1313k Cannon Fodder - Awesome overhead Army game
- CAPTURE .ZIP 232k A wierd little game.. Capture the Flag.
- CAPT_COM.ZIP 109k Captain Comic - COol - Kinda like SMB1
- CASTLEPC.ZIP 49k A great clone of Star Castle on the PC
- CDMAN .ZIP 248k CDMan - Like Pacman - VGA - COOL
- CDMAN1 .ZIP 174k CD Man.. A pretty cool pac-man game.
- CHESS . 71k cool chess game
- CHSTER .ZIP 92k Chess Terminal.. Play chess Odamodem
- CLONINV .ZIP 76k A kind of Space Invaders-type game.
- CONNECTX.ZIP 16k A vertical checkers game of new proportions. Fun to play.
- CONQUEST.ZIP 87k A game of siege and...yes, you guessed it--conquest.
- CORNCB .ZIP 368k Corcob Flight simulator. Wierd combat flight simulator.
- CYBER101.ZIP 1000k CyberPuck, cool sport-like 3D game
- DARKAGES.ZIP 46k Role playing maze game, make your own party, blk/wht play.
- DDOWNS .ZIP 605k gamble on the ponies
- DEPTH15 .ZIP 1296k Another game kinda like doom , pretty good
- DESC14 .EXE 2824k Descent v1.4, 3D game in a ship.. Cool!
- DETROIT .ZIP 1461k demo of strategy game on running a auto factory very good
- DN3D11PT.ZIP 603k Duke Nukem 3D Patch: From v1.0 to v1.1
- DOOM1666.EXE 2367k Doom Shareware: Episode 1 v1.666
- DOOM95 .ZIP 4354k DOOM Shareware for Win95 - Also plays DOOM II WADS!!
- DOSMIN .EXE 22k A Simple MineSweeper program for Dos
- DRAGLAIR.ZIP 2140k Dragon's Lair, download Nev_95.zip to crack code.
- DRIVEIN .ZIP 28k Go to a drive in movie - Text - Cheezy!
- ELECTR .ZIP 424k The New Electroman
- EMPIRE .ZIP 144k Save the world from General Silicon
- EOB .ZIP 1531k This is I think Eye Of THe Beholder its ROCKIN!
- EXECUTE .ZIP 531k a awsome side scrolling fighting game very cool.
- GALAXI .ZIP 323k A cool Galaxian Clone - Shareware
- GAZ .ZIP 4901k Gazillionaire
- GLAC14 .ZIP 645k Glactix...Awsome space invaders type game 100 rounds
- GOD .ZIP 717k You play as Thor in an overhead semi-Gauntlet style game.
- GREENSV1.ZIP 260k A pretty cool Mini Golf game for Windows.
- HAMMER1 .ZIP 607k A funky game involving a space ship. I forgot..
- HARRY .ZIP 1238k cool side scrolling game. made by apogee. vga, sblaster
- HEART .ZIP 550k Heartlight !A cool vga graphics stadigy game .Try it!
- HERTC-A .ZIP 2267k Heretic by Id Software. Needs hertc-b.zip. Doom like.
- HERTC-B .ZIP 540k 2nd part for heretic, needs hertc-a.zip. Have fun.
- HOCUS .ZIP 874k Hocus Pocus- realy awsome duke nukem like game- cool
- HUGO .EXE 207k Hugo House Of Horrors, first adventure in the hugo series
- HUGO3 .ZIP 473k Hugo's House Of Horrors.... 3!
- ICE .ZIP 634k a cool ice hockey game
- INDENT15.ZIP 24k Indenture.. Cool simple Adventure clone.
- JAZZ .ZIP 1387k Jazz Jackrabbit - Like Sonic the Hedgehog with a gun. EPIC
- JJXMAS .EXE 1437k Jazz Jackrabbit X-Mas Special game
- JOUST .ZIP 48k a copy of the game joust. fly an ostrach fight'n gladiator
- KERBOOM .ZIP 404k Kerboom, a Ka-Boom clone
- KILO .ZIP 520k KiloBlaster by EPIC - Boring as Stuf
- LASER .ZIP 51k laser chess
- MARBMA .ZIP 87k MarbleMan - Cool puzzle-like game - BoloBall Relate
- MARCLONE.ZIP 104k a pretty decent mario bros. clone
- MARIO .ZIP 43k Mario Bros. VGA - Like the arcade game
- MEDIEVAL.ZIP 634k A fun game with the mythical King Arthur. Recommended!
- MEGA224 .ZIP 615k MegaTron - Mechs - Over the modem or computer - cool
- MEGA305 .ZIP 629k fun little Mech shoot up game :)
- MEGA7 .ZIP 551k MegaTron v7 maze game, can be played ODA MODEM
- MINEF11 .ZIP 43k Minefield Version 1.1 - VGA Required - AwEsOmE
- MINEF20 .ZIP 46k Minefield v2.0 -Minesweeper for dos.. COol!
- ML .ZIP 1346k Metal & Lace Demo game - Fighting
- MODEM-3D.ZIP 171k Modem 3d - Weird pointless Over the Modem game - VGA
- MONOP .ZIP 127k Monopoly - What more can I say?
- MSPACPC1.ZIP 651k An AWESOME Ms. Pacman clone for the PC
- MSWEEP .ZIP 26k The Best Damn Minesweeper game for dos! Like WIN!
- MUSIC .EXE 40k a neat little music video thing that I made
- MUST3 .ZIP 45k Simple 2d flying shoot-em-up game, increasing difficulty.
- MWORLD .ZIP 198k Moraff's World RPG game. Wander through a maze.
- MYSTIC .ZIP 1175k Mystic Towers.
- NEWWRLD .ZIP 247k I forgot.. I think It's like a dungeon game
- NH321PM .ZIP 897k NetHack v3.21 - THE BEST Rogue/Hack Clone of ALL TIME
- NIGHT .ZIP 630k a cool game with a gun and planes. okay.
- NITEMR3D.ZIP 133k Wolfingstin 3D clone. It's ok.
- OILCAP .ZIP 84k Oilcap. Old famous game. Channel oil in a pipe.
- OMF20 .ZIP 2862k One Must Fall v2.0, ODA MODEM, Robot fighting game.
- OTHELLO .EXE 7k Play Othello (strategy board game) on your computer.
- PDP .ZIP 298k The sequel to PURPLE.ZIP.. Kill Barney some more!
- PHANT .ZIP 186k Phantasie - The old awesome original RPG adventue
- PINBALL2.ZIP 818k Epic MegaGames Pinball - Cool
- PK15_PAT.ZIP 122k A patch to take Pong Kombat to v1.5.
- PONGKOMB.ZIP 1005k Pongkombat - Cheap stupid parody of MK and MKII
- POOL .ZIP 123k 8-ball pool game for your pc, kewl!
- PURPLE .ZIP 218k A cool game where you get to kill Barney!
- QTEST1 .ZIP 4215k Quake Test Version!!!!!!!!!!!!
- RAPTOR .ZIP 1959k a neat flying game. like 1943 . realy cool
- RETAL .ZIP 456k Retaliator Flight Sim - Also Over the Modem-AwesomelyCrack
- RISK .ZIP 303k The Risk board game made into a computer game.
- ROCKMAN .ZIP 194k Rock Man - Cool Soleau Software puzzle game!
- ROTT-A .ZIP 822k Rise of the triad from apogee. awsome. needs ROTT-B.zip
- ROTT-B .ZIP 2731k Second part of rise of the triad.
- SANGO .ZIP 1112k a cool fighting game kinda slow but it works-SANGO FIGHTER
- SCORCH11.ZIP 172k Scorched Earth 1.1 - AWESOME - MUST HAVE
- SCORCH15.ZIP 630k Famous old Tank Game. Up to 10 players. KILL!!
- SCW101D .ZIP 294k Space Conquest and Colonization game for windows .
- SF2 .ZIP 121k Stick Fighter II... Street Fighter 2 with stick figures
- SF2IBM .EXE 936k Street Fighter II demo for IBM. Self extracting archive
- SHOOT .ZIP 212k a cool shooting galery thing
- SIEGE12 .ZIP 99k A castles type game. Bad instructions, but fun.
- SKY .ZIP 408k A Cool Space Racing game. It's Cool.. It's Addictive.
- SKYROAD .ZIP 406k skyroads.excellent game
- SODDEMO2.ZIP 720k Spear Of Destiny Demo.. Wolf3d Sequel
- SPHEJONG.ZIP 822k Spherical Mahjongg. Very Cool graphics, and very fun.
- SPIDERMN.ZIP 118k A cool little Spider Man game.
- SSVINT .ZIP 4071k Santa's Secret Valley - Windows 3.1 & Sound Card
- STARWARS.ZIP 45k Starwars: The original arcade game
- STORM .ZIP 608k a cool desert storm game-scud defense-and kill people
- STRIPBJ .ZIP 869k Strip Black Jack--a must have!
- SUITE .ZIP 127k Suite-3D, Wander around in a 3d house, cool, normal
- SUPERMAR.ZIP 124k Super Mario World Clone! COoL
- SUPERZ .ZIP 111k Super ZZT by Epic MegaGames - Bigger - Vol. 7 - COOL
- T2K_DEMO.ZIP 494k Tempest 2000 Demo for the PC by Atari
- TETRIX .ZIP 138k if you don't know what it is its a puzzle game
- TOMBDEMO.ZIP 2143k Tomb Raider Demo - You know, the one with the knockers
- TOWERS .ZIP 1015k You are Baron Baldric in an RPG adveture through towers.
- TRANLAND.ZIP 1026k TransLand. An experimental game from the Origin Archives.
- TV .ZIP 3980k Terminal Velocity
- TYRSW1 .EXE 960k Tyrian Adventure Game by Epic
- VERITECH.ZIP 815k A funky Veritech flight simulator. 486 recommended.
- VGA_ROUL.ZIP 66k Vga Roulette
- WACKY .ZIP 1625k Wacky Wheels by Apogee - Racing game with Animals-4megRam
- WARLORDS.ZIP 652k Warlords, a cool Strategy/RPG game
- WOLF .ZIP 703k wolfenstine 3d upgrade version
- WOLF_3D1.ZIP 387k Wolfenstein 3d by ID - AWESOME 1/2
- WOLF_3D2.ZIP 341k Wolfenstein 3d by ID - AWESOME 2/2
- X-CONTIN.ZIP 279k A 3d polygon-oriented VR game. Funky
- XPS1 .ZIP 3043k Xps1.zip
- ZORK1 .EXE 90k The ORIGINAL Zork I by Infocom -Mother of All TExt Games
- ZZT .ZIP 126k ZZT by Epic MegaGames - ANY monitor - AwEsOmE
- Directory Name : Game Files & Accessories : 35 files
- ==============================================================================
- BESTZZT .ZIP 66k The Best of ZZT games from EPIC, .ZZT fiels
- BJ2PREV .ZIP 112k Some Wolfenstein 3D Add-On, Demo levels of something
- BLDSPRT .ZIP 21k Level for doom2.
- BLUDSPRT.ZIP 21k bloody wad for doom
- BRIAN .WAD 30k Brian's DOOM2 .WAD
- CATHDRL .WAD 191k A DOOM2 .WAD in a Cathedral, COOL
- COMBAT01.ZIP 10k extra levels for ROTT
- COURT .WAD 35k A cool Deathmatch WAD
- CRUSH .ZIP 98k Crush.Wad - The BEST Doom II WAD Ever!
- DEATH .BAT 0k The .BAT file for a Deathmatch
- DM2NIR .WAD 243k listen to nirvana while playing.
- FIR .ZIP 141k cool fireworks display
- FREEZE .ZIP 25k Replaces RPG in DN-3D with a cool Ice Gun
- GORILLA .WAD 13k a small yet cool round for deathmathch for doom
- ICARUS .ZIP 2782k Icarus .WAD - Big levels for DOOM2
- LIFE .BAT 0k Use this to run CO-OP Multi-Player with a different WAD
- LUNA .WAD 519k Luna.wad, Neat big w/story
- MAZER3 .ZIP 300k a cool single or deathmatch wad for doom2; new music too
- MK .ZZT 17k Mortal Kombat ZZT game
- PLYGRND1.WAD 80k Playground .Wad COOL
- PORNDOOM.ZIP 259k what it says
- SIMPSN2I.ZIP 2707k changes sounds, grapics to simpsons stuff. kicks ass!!!
- SOS2 . 231k Patch for doom2. Sailor Moon Patch.
- SUPER .ZIP 30k Demo that shows a super-secret in DN-3D
- TED2 .WAD 30k an awsome deathmatch wad for doom2; good for single player
- TIEPLT .ZIP 58k A neat-o BASIC-ish TIE Pilot game
- TOYSTORY.RST 54k a rst for duke3d
- TRKDOOM2.ZIP 707k Star Trek The enterprise. New sounds. COoL
- UPDATE1 .ZIP 5k Master of Orion 2 Update to version 1.31
- VAST_112.ZIP 1256k D&D character maker. 800 new spells. Several new creatur
- WAR2XED .ZIP 620k Warcraft2 Editor
- WOLF2 .WAD 13k Wolfenstein2.wad
- WOLFIEN .WAD 79k Wolfian.wad.. Wolfenstein?
- WOLFSRC .ZIP 563k The Source Code to WOLFENSTEIN 3D!
- Directory Name : Communications / Internet : 46 files
- ==============================================================================
- 32CFTP18.EXE 483k CuteFTP - Great Windows 95 FTP app
- AOL .HTM 4k About AOL and how it sucks
- CB32E402.EXE 8389k Netscape Communicator v4.01 - Must get; best WEB browser
- COUNTER .ZIP 12k Web Page Counter.. CGI?
- CUTE2032.EXE 823k CuteFTP v2.0 - Windows 95 - EXCELLENT FTP CLIENT
- DANO .ZIP 5k ??
- DSZ0529 .ZIP 90k DSZ - Zmodem Transfer protocol
- EWAN .ZIP 246k EWAN: 16-bit, Windows 3.1 TELNET APP (use w/winsock)
- EXCALTRM.EXE 1400k Excaliber Client, A Terminal for calling Excalibur BBSs
- FLY-1_~1.ZIP 88k ??
- G16E301P.EXE 1029k Netscape Gold 3.01 plus components
- HS2SETUP.EXE 1139k HomeSite version 2 for win95. HTML editor. good one too.
- ICQSET~1.EXE 816k ICQ for Windows 95 - Get your UIN today!
- IVC11 .ZIP 105k Internet Voice Chat - Requires VBRUN300&WINSOCK2.0
- JUNO .ZIP 1342k Juno, a FREE internet E-mail service
- KNOTS1_0.ZIP 95k HTML browser: DOS based
- MAPEDIT .ZIP 117k Great Image Map Maker for WWW
- MIRC392 .ZIP 540k mIRC.. The best IRC client around
- MIRC40 .ZIP 556k mIRC - IRC Chat program for Windows 3.1|both16&32bit
- MODEMD60.ZIP 151k A helpful terminal support program for the modem
- MUSH .LIS 4k A short text list of internet MUSHes
- N16E122 .EXE 1626k Netscape v1.22 - The best Web Browser around. Cool
- N32E301 .EXE 3547k Netscape v3.01 for Windows 95 (32-Bit)
- NETS201 .ZIP 2448k Netscape Navigator v2.01 - Best Web Browser Around
- QM46TD-2.EXE 377k Qmodem Disk 2of 2
- QMD46-1 .EXE 376k Qmodem Disk 1 of 2
- QWKREAD .ZIP 340k A .QWK mail/message offline packet reader!
- RIPTM154.EXE 590k RipTerm - The Freeware RIPscript Terminal! Self-Ext
- RP32_50 .EXE 1387k RealPlayer v5! - Plays RealAudio/Video/Flash
- RT22001 .EXE 1958k Ripterm V. 2.20!!!
- SEARCH .ZIP 5k Search Engine example for WE
- SECRET_T.HTM 7k About AOL and how it sucks
- TERM400 .ZIP 8k Terminate v4.00 Awesome Communications Program!
- TEXTCO~1.ZIP 7k Some web app
- TLX320-1.ZIP 168k Telix - A terminal program that is cool
- TRMPTEL .EXE 69k Trumpet Telnet - Web Browser Telnet Application-A mustHave
- TWSK20B .ZIP 174k Tumpet Winsock v2.0b - Use for SLIP, PPP, TCP-IP
- WEBGUIDE.TXT 1k Some URLs to get you started on the web.
- WEBMASTE.HTM 2k About AOL and how it sucks
- WEBPIN .ZIP 85k A really cool HTML editor
- WHOIS32 .ZIP 24k A Whois/Finger app for windows
- WINNUKE .EXE 188k Nuke People Online Internet
- WPFULL~1.EXE 1234k Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard - Win95
- Directory Name : Utilities : 28 files
- ==============================================================================
- 2MEGFORM.ZIP 26k Makes a disk into a 2 megabyter.
- ARJ .EXE 107k .ARJ (De)Compressor
- BNU202 .ZIP 69k BNU Fossil Driver... COoL
- CAT .EXE 15k Breaks up zipped files so you can put them on disk
- CLEAN115.ZIP 268k Mcaffee Virus Clean v115
- FEDIT12 .ZIP 42k Pretty cool DOS text font editor
- LHA .EXE 33k .LZH (De)Compressor
- MAGICM .ZIP 171k a cool graphics based DOS menu system
- MANYFONT.ZIP 56k Change your DOS fonts with this!
- ORG30SW .ZIP 71k Disk organizer/defragmenter
- PGP23A .ZIP 216k Pretty Good Privacy v23a Encryption Program
- PHONEWIZ.ZIP 51k Must have for BBSers! find out where that # is from!!
- PKE .ZIP 106k Pkunzip, pkzip, pkzipfix.. Etc.. Version E
- PKUNZIP .EXE 28k Pkunzip.ExE
- RAR201 .EXE 267k the most recent ver of RAR, likely the best archiver..
- SAFPAK12.ZIP 53k Disk defrag utility
- SCN-227E.ZIP 421k McCaffee Virus Scanner v2.27
- SITEX10 .EXE 346k Uncompress MANY file formats for WINDOWS 3.1
- SLO .ZIP 0k Slows your computer down for those fast games and etc
- TAR .ZIP 23k Tar and Un-Tar with this (Compression)
- UCPASS .EXE 65k UCPASS - Put Passwords on EXE and COM files
- UNARC .COM 12k A really old 1987 UNARC for .ARC files
- UNSITI .EXE 131k UnSit - Uncompresses STUFFIT(.SIT) files for MSDOS
- VS95I20E.ZIP 1124k mcafee's newest anti-virus program for win95
- WINZIP .EXE 95k Zip and unzip zip files
- X00150 .ZIP 102k X00 fossil driver
- ZOO .EXE 65k Extract those pesky .ZOO files
- ZZTUNLOK.ZIP 33k Unlocks ZZT games so you can edit em
- Directory Name : Sound Files/Utilities : 154 files
- ==============================================================================
- $DBLAST .ZIP 327k Drum Blaster - Sound effects program
- 10KMAN-1.WAV 101k 9 sec wav from the 10,000 Maniacs song "These Are Days"
- 3CHEEKS .WAV 37k Monty Python Wav....
- 911 .WAV 32k Simpsons sound
- ALERT .WAV 57k A female voice ALert! Alert!
- ALF .MOD 102k the begining of alf in mod format
- ALIVE .WAV 51k Frankenstien wav need i say more?
- ALL2EASY.WAV 20k Darth Vader: "All to easy."
- ALTERN8 .ZIP 145k Some Alternitive .MOD file
- AMAILMAN.WAV 51k A mail man notifying your mail is hear
- AMAZING .WAV 40k Goerge from seinfeild
- ANASARCA. 889k a song from my freinds band
- ANIWAV .ZIP 180k animal wav files
- ANVIL1 .ZIP 146k The anvil Song. when their on Blarneys show.
- ATEAM .WAV 730k The whole damn theme song from the A-Team!
- AXEL_F .MID 24k Music from Beverly Hills cop
- BAD .MID 26k michael jackson's bad
- BATMAN .MID 17k what do you think? Its batman music.
- BBFRIES .WAV 54k .wav file of Beavis & Butthead in fast food place, kewl.
- BEAVIS .WAV 247k The opening from Beavis & Butthead, including disclaimer
- BEAVIS1 .ZIP 45k Some Beavis & Butthead wav's.
- BEAVIS2 .ZIP 54k More Beavis & Butthead wav's.
- BEAVIS3 .ZIP 45k Another wav of the morons.
- BIGBURP .WAV 14k A giant belch!
- BIRD2 .ZIP 17k bird wav file
- BIRDHOUS.MID 37k Birdhouse in Your Soul - They Might Be Giants MIDI
- BIRDWHS .ZIP 83k bird wav file
- BOX .WAV 35k .wav file from Monty Python.
- BRAIN .ZIP 245k Pinky & Brain doing their usual thing.
- BRAKJEDI.WAV 202k Brak saying he's a Jedi but his mom took away his lightsab
- BRDSQU .ZIP 17k bird wav file
- BUMMER .WAV 249k a really cool unreleased BECK song!!!
- BUTTHEAD.WAV 132k The opening from Beavis and Butthead, without disclaimer
- BWBW-STR.WAV 47k "the world is a vampire..."
- CANTINA2.MID 50k Music from star wars Mos Eisley Cantina.
- CAREY .ZIP 0k .wav files of Jim Carey
- CHEERS .MID 7k Theme to the show "CHEERS"
- CHICKAD1.ZIP 12k Hmm
- COLDASS .WAV 275k another unreleased BECK song.COOL
- COW .ZIP 26k cow wav file
- CRANBER .ZIP 1103k Wave files of the Cranberries...
- CRICKETS.ZIP 299k really great crickets wav file
- CROW1 .WAV 80k line from the movie "The Crow"
- CROW2 .WAV 37k Line from the movie "The Crow"
- DARKSIDE.WAV 46k darth vadet quote..
- DFGARDNS.WAV 52k Homer: "Duff... Gardens.. Hu-RAH!!!!!"
- DN3D .ZIP 861k duke nukem 3d music (mid)
- DS9 .MID 2k theme from Deep Space Nine
- EEK .WAV 474k The theme song from 'Eek! the Cat'
- ELYSIUM .MOD 127k Cool mod!
- EMPIRE66.MID 85k Ending Credits from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
- EVILHMER.WAV 93k 'I am evil Homer, I am evil Homer....'
- EWOK4 .WAV 28k an Ewok grunt
- EWOK6 .WAV 92k an Ewok chant
- FACE01 .WAV 30k an interesting saying....anyone will like it.
- FART .WAV 31k Monty Python sound, "I fart in your general direction!"
- FLUTIN .WAV 66k Ralph Wiggum plays the flute
- GAMEOVER.WAV 69k Aliens .wav "That's it man.. game over man, game over!"
- GAMPROB .WAV 157k Homer ranting about Marge's gambling problem
- GIJOE .WAV 487k Old G.I.JOE cartoon theme song..
- GINTONIC.WAV 177k Ab-Fab wav file!
- GMBOHEM .MID 51k bohemian raphsody by Queen in GM format. Very good.
- GMBRAND .MID 51k brandenburg concerto in GM format
- GMFIGARO.MID 57k marriage of Figaro in GM format. good.
- GMV .WAV 116k Robin Williams..."Goooood morning vietnam!!!..........."
- GOING .WAV 42k Greedo: "Oota Goota, Solo?"
- GREENDY1.MID 10k When I come around...
- HADOKEN .ZIP 6k "HADOKEN" shouts Ryu, in a .WAV file
- HAL .ZIP 107k Hal for 2001 saying "I am completely operational ...
- HARLEY .ZIP 71k Some Harley Guitar .MOD file.
- HATECOMP.WAV 18k line from "Jurassic Park"
- HITCHCOC.MID 3k MIDI file: Theme song from old Hitchcock Presents show
- HOMEBEER.WAV 26k Homer Simpson sound, "Mmmm...beer!!"
- INSECT .ZIP 14k insect sound files
- ISTANBUL.MID 21k Istanbul Not Constantinople - They Might Be Giants MIDI
- JAWAS .WAV 127k Misc. Jawa sounds
- JUNGLE .WAV 556k a part of your in the jungle by guns n roses
- KHSOLO .MP3 2200k KH of metallica cover solo. 2.3 min. M and M1 are bad
- KINGBIRD.ZIP 15k bird wav file
- KIRKHERE.WAV 14k Quick wave of Captain Kirk.
- LETTER .WAV 110k Homer trying to get a letter from the post office
- LILTWERP.ZIP 26k Wav file of C-3P0 calling another machine a little twerp.
- LOOKSIR .WAV 35k Sandtrooper: "Look sir, droids!"
- LOSER .MOD 237k Loser by BECK!
- MAKAVELI.WAV 36k 2pac song
- MAKEITSO.ZIP 10k Picard saying "makeitso" wav file
- MANIACS2.WAV 5k Clip from the 10,000 Maniacs song "What's The Matter Here"
- MASH .MID 2k MIDI file: Theme song from M*A*S*H
- MASTER .ZIP 90k "What is thy bidding, my master?" Darth V .WAV
- MEXICO .WAV 145k yea,another BECK song
- MGM_LION.ZIP 210k Classic Lion's roar from MGM studios. Windows .wav format
- MIDI .ZIP 238k lot's of midi files
- MIDIS .ZIP 29k some FF3 midis
- MISFITS .WAV 411k a misfits song (punk band)
- MNSTRWAV.ZIP 13k wav file
- MOELIE .WAV 295k Moe on the Simpsons.
- NATALIE1.WAV 320k Natalie Merchant sings Carnival, about 14 secs long.
- NI .WAV 2k Monty Python wave "NI!!!"
- NO-PLAN .ZIP 39k Optimus Prime and Bumblebee talking about a plan
- ORGANIZE.WAV 64k Home Simpson: Mmmmm.. Organized Crime.
- OTHERMN .WAV 173k Homer questioning Marge's faithfulness
- PIECE .WAV 26k some dude, who wants to start a fight....
- PIZAPIZA.WAV 15k Little Caeasers wav file, "Pizza pizza!"
- PRINCE .MP3 788k .mp3 file, 4 minutes long. Metallica B side song.
- PRPMARTN.ZIP 35k bird wav file
- PUKING .WAV 62k Wav file of someone puking.
- RALFVIKE.WAV 33k Ralph Wiggum's a viking!
- RALPH2 .WAV 64k Ralph *can't* fail English!
- RALPHWON.WAV 38k Ralph wins!
- RHIANNON.WAV 456k Stevie Nicks sings Rhiannon live, about 10 seconds long
- ROCKY .WAV 687k The whole themesong to Rocky and Bullwinle!
- RSCOLAF1.WAV 18k Rosco P. Coltrane's laugh from the Dukes of Hazzard
- SALCRUMB.WAV 49k starwars funny sound
- SCOOBY .WAV 461k The theme song from old Scooby Doo. The cool one.
- SCOTTIE .ZIP 112k wav file of scottie from star trek
- SFTHURTS.WAV 9k Eek the Cat: 'It never hurts to help!'
- SFTSHARK.WAV 18k Sharky the Shark Dog: '<grunt> <snort> <grunt>'
- SHAMAN .WAV 42k Bobby Hill is a shaman
- SHOES .WAV 91k Comment about Peggy Hill's shoes
- SKINHEAD.WAV 418k Skinhead, Oi, this is so-so but still dl it
- SMILE .WAV 41k Billy Corgan and Homer Simpson chatting
- SOX7DOS .ZIP 163k A DOS util, change almost any sound file type to another
- SOXPUPET.WAV 77k Homer is afraid of sock puppets.
- SPACEB1 .WAV 83k "Spaceboy I missed you..."
- SPACEB2 .WAV 73k "Spaceboy, they'll kill me."
- ST3 .ZIP 284k a mod player for dos cool
- STAIRWAY.MID 28k stairway to heaven
- STARWAR2.ZIP 1k starwars song in midi format
- STEPIN2 .WAV 155k song by krs-1
- STREET .WAV 524k beging to streetfighter
- STUPHEAD.WAV 64k Homer Simpson calling his dean a "Stupid Head".
- STWAV .ZIP 112k Some really cool Star Trek .WAVs!
- SUGAR .WAV 0k Homer Simpson talking about sugar
- SUMTMBLS.MID 124k good midi file. gm format
- SWTHEME .WAV 831k the Star Wars theme
- SW_WAVES.ZIP 159k 3 .WAV Files from Star Wars. Good for Windows Exit Beeps
- TALKEXCE.ZIP 29k TF Omega Supreme saying "Talk excessive, Time Limted"
- TEXE .ZIP 59k Changes txt files to exe
- TIMEOUT .WAV 868k my freinds band agin
- TRY .WAV 300k Yoda's words of wisdom
- UNDERDOG.WAV 94k There's no need to fear, Underdog is here!
- USANTHEM.MID 13k the us anthem
- VRFLYCAT.ZIP 12k Bird wav file
- WARNRBRO.ZIP 322k sounds from the warner bros. cartoon beginnings .wav form
- WINPLAY .ZIP 156k Plays mp3's. 486 or pentium recommended. CD sound.
- WINWAV30.ZIP 68k wave file maker
- WOOKIE .WAV 34k Ralph Wiggum: "I bent my Wookiee!"
- WOWII .ZIP 64k A Mod Player.. I think it works.
- WV2SDS11.ZIP 32k wav sounds
- WVMKR106.ZIP 33k Wave Generator for windows
- WYLRA .ZIP 243k A music writer.
- XFILES .MID 13k X-FILES theme song MIDI file--AWESOME!!
- YODA .WAV 39k Yoda laughs it up!
- Directory Name : Hints, Cheats, Etc. : 53 files
- ==============================================================================
- ALTERED .TXT 1k Altered Beast cheats TXT for Genesis
- APFAQ24 .ZIP 34k Apogee FAQ 2.4
- APFAQ52 .ZIP 60k Apogee FAQ - All cheats on ALL Apogee games!
- BARDED .ARC 39k A character Editor for Bards Tale
- BARDS .WLK 16k A Bard's Tale Walkthrough
- BARDS1 .ARC 29k Another Character editor for Bard's Tale
- BUILD .ZIP 983k a map builder for duke mukem 3d (reg)
- CHEAT180.ZIP 127k cheat codes for hundreds of DOS games
- CHEATS .TXT 9k Cheats for Duke3d, descent1+2, doom1+2, etc.
- DARKSIDE.ZIP 85k UGE Module for Darkside of Xeen
- DEEP .ZIP 861k Deep, DOOM editor
- DKED20 .ZIP 221k Duke Nukem 1 Level editor
- DM2CHNST.ZIP 8k In Doom2, make your shotgun as fast as your chaingun!
- DOOMEN17.ZIP 74k A program that runs DOOM2 with flags and stuff.
- DUKE3D .FAQ 51k A short Duke Nukem 3D FQ
- DUKE3D .TXT 2k Duke Nukem 3D cheat Codes, Some only work on v1.1
- DUKECODE.TXT 2k The Duke Nukem 3D Cheat Codes.
- DUKEWALK.TXT 38k Walkthrough of Duke Nukem 3D
- ED-MAP .ZIP 442k a map editor for DOOM, DOOM2, Heretic, and Hexxen
- FULL .ZIP 16k full throttle walk through.
- IFRG20ZD.ZIP 134k Use this to play DOOM&DOOM2 over Internet.
- MAPED84 .ZIP 318k MapEdit v8.4 - For Registered W3D, Blakestone, etc.
- MAPEDIT .ZIP 66k Wolfenstein 3d MAP editor! AWESOME
- MK2 .WRI 2k most of the fatalities for the cool people
- MK2PCF .ZIP 9k Mortal Kombat 2 FAQ
- MYSTFIN .ZIP 25k A Myst Walkthru!
- NBAJAM .ZIP 14k All the codes for NBA JAM!!
- NEV_95 .ZIP 282k The Best Code Cracker from those weird punk decoders.
- NVRLOCK .ZIP 158k NeverLock - Takes copy protection off of a bunch of games!
- OMFED .ZIP 28k A REALLY COOL One Must Fall Tournament char editor!!!
- OMFPHO .ZIP 73k One Must Fall Photo Editor
- PSCOD#-S.TXT 31k Sony Playstaion chat codes (A-S)
- PSCODS-Z.TXT 9k Sony Playstation cheat codes (T-Z)
- QUARCRK .ZIP 9k Quarantine Game Copy Protection Crack
- RAGE .WRI 2k codes for streets of rage games for sega
- ROTCHEAT.ZIP 5k cheat codes for ROTT
- ROTSPEC1.ZIP 12k I can't remember if its a editor or map for ROTT
- SANDK .TXT 42k Sonic and Knuckes Walkthrough
- SIERRA .ZIP 72k A bunch of cheats for Sierra games!
- SONICCDE.TXT 5k Sonic 1-2-3-SK Codes for Genesis
- TMETAL .TXT 0k Twisted Metal Cheat codes for PLaystation
- TWIST .TXT 0k Twisted Metal more Cheat codes for Playstation
- U6ITEM .HLP 17k Ultima 6 Object #'s and cheats
- U6OBJS .HLP 26k Ultima 6 Object #'s and cheats?
- U6TELE .HLP 5k Ultime 6 Tele Coords and cheats
- UGE10 .ZIP 111k Universal Game Editor
- VFMOVES .TXT 11k Virtua Fighter I moves
- W3DFAQ46.ZIP 45k Wolfenstein 3D FAQ
- WARCHEAT.TXT 0k All WarCraft II cheat codes!!!
- WOLF3D .FAQ 120k A Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny FAQ
- WOLFED20.ZIP 29k Wolfenstein 3d PIC editor! AWESOME
- Directory Name : Graphics Utilities : 40 files
- ==============================================================================
- AAPLAY .EXE 46k AAPlay - plays .fli files
- AC .ZIP 17k Adds Comments to zip files.
- ADRAW110.ZIP 73k Aciddraw ansi editor
- CSHOW860.ZIP 161k CompuShow 860 - Pretty Cool! DOS
- DPAINT30.ARJ 272k The best damn shareware RIP painter around.
- DRVSRC .ZIP 2k video device
- GIF2ICON.ZIP 11k Convert GIFs to Icons
- GIFCON32.EXE 312k Gif Constructer 32 bit Make animated Gifs!
- GIFDOT .ZIP 80k A cool utility. Prints GIF files on a dot matrix printer.
- GIFNAP .EXE 75k Converts GIF files to NAPLAPS files
- GLCOMP .ZIP 11k Take apart even more GL files
- GL_OM .ZIP 21k Take apart GL files
- GRSPRT .ZIP 75k Grasprint - Plays .GL files
- GWSDOS7F.ZIP 500k graphics workshop for DOS
- ICONDRAW.ZIP 38k AN icon drawer. ok
- LEADVIEW.ZIP 275k LeadView Multi-Viewer for Windows
- LVIEW . 300k A graphics editing program
- MIRIP1 .ZIP 192k A semi-crappy .RIP editor
- MORPHIT .ZIP 145k A cool program that lets to Morph pictures together
- MPEGXING.ZIP 479k MPEG viewer for Windows by Xing software
- MPLAY2 .ZIP 317k Video Player for WINDOWS that plays .AVIs and more
- NEOPNT32.ZIP 657k NeoPaint v3.2 - Image Editing/Painting program for DOS!
- PAINTSHP.ZIP 33k Paint Shop - Converts GIF/BMP/PCX files (Windows v3.0)
- PIXFOLIO.ZIP 184k Pixfolio Multi-Viewer for Windows
- PLAYER26.EXE 2434k Plays VRML-like files (for WINDOWS 95)
- PSP .ZIP 461k Paint Shop Pro for Windows.. Really cool Viewer!
- Q .ZIP 153k the new qpeg
- QPEG0 .ZIP 414k Qpeg, a great GIF, JPG, and BMP viewer!
- QPEG14E .ZIP 404k Quick view for JPG / GIF / BMP and many others
- QPEG15E .ZIP 68k QPEG/586 v1.5e for DOS (Graphics Viewer)
- QPV17A .ZIP 495k Quick .JPG file viewer for DOS
- QUICKFLI.ZIP 9k Plays .fli files
- RDSDRAW .ZIP 132k A random dot stereogram production program..
- SCRNTH .ZIP 66k A Screen Capture thing to GIFs in DOS- A TSR
- THEDRAW .ZIP 281k TheDraw ANSI (.ANS) Maker - Draw Ansis
- VFD_16D .ZIP 82k avi player
- VPIC .EXE 0k best viewer I know
- VPICK .ZIP 221k a gif viewer
- WINGIF14.ZIP 70k WinGif .GIF viewer for Windows
- Directory Name : Graphics Files(.GIF, .BMP, Etc..) : 370 files
- ==============================================================================
- $20 .GIF 43k GIF of a 20 dollar Bill - (C) 1990 USA :)
- 01LARGE .GIF 47k Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Cover - 1997
- 10 .GIF 193k Dragonlance pic
- 12ROSES .GIF 32k A dozen roses in .gif format.
- 1701-E .BMP 499k The new Enterprise! (NCC 1701 E) It kicks ASS!
- 20-DOBBS.GIF 100k THe new plan for US currency!!
- 2BLADES .JPG 23k Blades, the U.K version of Tripwire
- 2MOVIE~1.ZIP 194k two movies
- 2REDLASE.JPG 25k Red Laser, the U.K. version of Cobra Commander
- 3GIRLS .GIF 254k 3 flat good looking girls on beach
- 50MMFC .GIF 34k Picture of the comet Hy
- 65269 .JPG 18k Pathfinder on Mars
- 65317 .JPG 9k Pathfinder on Mars
- 8-BALL .ZIP 27k A cool .FLI animation file of a reflective rotating 8-ball
- 80807_~1.JPG 121k Pathfinder on Mars
- 80808_~1.JPG 18k Pathfinder on Mars
- 80809_~1.JPG 41k Pathfinder on Mars
- 80811_~1.JPG 120k Pathfinder on Mars
- 80812_~1.JPG 18k Pathfinder on Mars
- 80813_~1.JPG 93k Pathfinder on Mars
- 80815_~1.JPG 18k Pathfinder on Mars
- 80816_~1.JPG 22k Pathfinder on Mars
- 80911_~1.JPG 20k Sojourner, first roving vehicle on Mars
- A51-MAP .GIF 188k a map of Area 51.
- ACP125 .GIF 247k nice pic a a babe on the beach
- AE10 .JPG 30k Angie Everhart
- AE15 .JPG 17k Angie Everhart
- AE16 .JPG 20k Angie Everhart
- AE17 .JPG 17k Angie Everhart
- AE18 .JPG 16k Angie Everhart
- AE22 .JPG 32k ANgie Everhart
- AE23 .JPG 31k Angie Everhart
- AE3 .JPG 27k Angie Everhart
- AE4 .JPG 89k Angie Everhart
- AE7 .JPG 72k Angie Everhart
- AHMYGO12.JPG 69k anime chick
- ALICIA .ZIP 178k hot
- ALSKULL .GIF 155k Picture of an "Alien" Skull-It'sNot,Though
- AMG5 .GIF 121k A character from ah my goddess!
- AMG_D2- .JPG 76k another anime chick
- AMOROOM .GIF 208k a room of armor
- ANGELA1 .GIF 197k Angela in yet another Bikini
- ANGELA8 .GIF 183k Angela in a Bikini
- ANGIE .AVI 441k Angie Everthart short SI .avi
- ANGIE1 .JPG 34k Angie Everhart from the SI Swimsuit Issue!
- ANGIE2 .JPG 25k Angie Everhart from the SI Swimsuit Issue!
- ANIMAN .ZIP 332k Animaniacs theme for microsoft plus!
- AP11STN4.ZIP 486k Quicktime VR Movie: Apollo 11 Mission on moon
- AP17STN1.ZIP 397k Quicktime VR Movie: Apollo 17 Mission on Moon
- APOLLO .BMP 251k spoll
- APRIL17 .GIF 181k April, once again, in a Bikini
- APRIL21 .GIF 114k April in a Bikini
- ASTRONOT.BMP 301k astronot orbiting earth
- ATAT .GIF 25k A cool .Gif of ATATs from SW:ESB
- AUG .GIF 96k hot babe in red swimsuit
- AVON03 .GIF 66k hot babe in water
- AVONO2 .GIF 83k
- BABYCHA2.ZIP 690k AVI naked baby dancing...weird
- BALROG .JPG 233k J.R.R.Tolkeins Balrog or Fire Demon
- BAND .JPG 66k Rodian, Bith, and Droopy McCool from ROTJ:sE
- BARB06 .GIF 122k Barbi in a Bikini
- BARB31 .GIF 119k Barbi in a ripped T-shirt!
- BARB33 .GIF 123k Barbi ONLY in a ripped T-Shirt!
- BARB34 .GIF 113k Barbi in a thin floss bikini.
- BARB36 .GIF 110k Barbi in a thin floss bikini.
- BARB43 .GIF 71k Barbi's dress flies up.
- BARB5 .BMP 175k Pamela Anderson as Barb Wire
- BARCODE .BMP 8k kinda cool barcode from a magazine
- BAREFOOT.BMP 69k anime elf chick
- BARON .BMP 4k a picture of a baron of hell from doom
- BASILISK.GIF 364k warrioress vs. basilisk
- BATTLE .GIF 14k wizard vs. red dragon
- BATTLE .JPG 169k great starwars pic w/ millenium falcon & deathstar
- BAY5 .GIF 112k Baywatch Photo
- BBEXPLOD.GIF 20k A Beavis and Butthead logo
- BBOHYEAH.AVI 187k An .avi of Beavis and Butthead
- BBSPACE .GIF 45k bugs bunny in space.
- BBSPLAT .GIF 20k Beavis and Butthead Logo
- BEACHGIR.GI 179k hot chick
- BEASTBOX.JPG 8k JPG of Beast Box (cassette)
- BEATLES .BMP 23k Simple Cyan Beatles Logo
- BECKY .AVI 470k Becky short SI .avi
- BECKY .GIF 91k babe in swimsuit
- BIGGS1 .ZIP 847k Part of the missing Biggs footage from Star Wars (.mov)
- BLUE003 .GIF 308k Awesome photo of asian girl in almost nothing
- BLURR .JPG 13k JPG of the fast talking Transformer Blurr
- BNBPLUS .ZIP 595k beavis and butthead theme for microsoft plus
- BOBA1 .JPG 91k Boba Fett, as seen in Star Wars: Special Edition
- BOBA2 .JPG 27k another pic of Boba
- BOMB1 .ZIP 469k .AVI of Bomb Blast at Concert IN Atlanta
- BOMB2 .ZIP 166k .AVI of Atlanta Bombblast
- BOMB3 .ZIP 204k .AVI of Atlanta Bomb Blast 2
- BOMB4 .ZIP 526k .Avi of Atlanta Bomb Blast 3
- BORGSPR .JPG 36k The Borg Sphere from Star Trek: First Contact.
- BORIS04 .GIF 120k warrioress on a rock
- BORIS1A .GIF 122k four fantasy pics in one
- BOSSTALK.FLI 42k Two bosses Argueing.. .FLI - Dubm
- BRAK5 .JPG 9k Brakk, from Space Ghost
- BUFFY_D . 8k Sarah Michelle Gellar from Buffy the vampire slayer.
- BUMBLEBE.JPG 22k JPG of transformer Bumble Bee
- BUSTING .GIF 159k what the name says
- BVDH0105.GIF 225k Attractive Blonde in Denim
- BW175 .GIF 229k Baywatch Picture
- BW207 .GIF 98k Baywatch Picture
- BW4 .JPG 125k Baywatch Photo
- BW6 .JPG 98k Baywatch Photo
- BWIS01 .GIF 72k Baywatch Picture
- BWIS04 .GIF 94k Baywatch Picture
- BWIS05 .GIF 94k Baywatch Picture
- BWIS09 .GIF 62k Baywatch Picture
- BWIS11 .GIF 81k Baywatch Photograph
- BWIS11 .JPG 18k baywatch photo
- BWIS13 .GIF 87k Baywatch Picture
- C .BMP 43k a beach chick
- C-3PO .ZIP 101k A missing clip from the Empire Strikes Back of C-3PO (.mov
- CAITLIN3.GIF 117k caitlin from Gen13
- CANTINA1.JPG 109k 1/2 of the backdrop to the old Cantina Adventure Playset!
- CANTINA2.JPG 105k 2/2 of the backdrop to the old Cantina Adventure Playset!
- CAPTAMER.BMP 339k a cool picture of captain america
- CARD32 .JPG 13k pic of Dash Rendar
- CAT .GIF 93k an INCREDIBLY cute picture of a cat in hammock
- CAT .GL 109k A .GL animation of a Blimp hitting a Telephone Pole
- CAVE5 .JPG 119k The Cave5 Ansi .JPG File!
- CC001 .JPG 23k Cindy Crawford
- CC002 .JPG 28k Cindy Crawford
- CC006 .JPG 34k Cindy Crawford
- CC007 .JPG 30k Cindy Crawford
- CC008 .JPG 39k Cindy Crawford
- CC009 .JPG 27k Cindy Crawford
- CC011 .JPG 29k Cindy Crawford
- CC012 .JPG 32k Cindy Crawford
- CC013 .JPG 20k Cindy Crawford
- CC014 .JPG 16k Cindy Crawford
- CC015 .JPG 30k Cindy Crawford
- CC016 .JPG 30k Cindy Crawford
- CC018 .JPG 35k Cindy Crawford
- CC019 .JPG 30k Cindy Crawford
- CC020 .JPG 50k Cindy Crawford
- CC021 .JPG 29k Cindy Crawford
- CC022 .JPG 27k Cindy Crawford
- CC023 .JPG 24k Cindy Crawford
- CC024 .JPG 33k Cindy Crawford
- CC025 .JPG 29k Cindy Crawford
- CC026 .JPG 35k Cindy Crawford
- CC027 .JPG 39k Cindy Crawford
- CHEVYSS .GIF 146k white chevy ss
- CHUBBY .FLI 426k VERY GOOD animation of a spider .fli -- very smooth
- CHUMBA .ZIP 1993k An Avi from the Hit artists, ChumaWambas.
- CINDY .GIF 198k a great gif of cindy crawford
- CINDY! .JPG 35k another cindy crawford
- CINDY2 .GIF 207k Cindy Crawford....<sigh>
- CINDY3 .GIF 142k Cindy Crawford in a 1 piece swimsuit
- CINDY6 .GIF 127k Cindy Crawford. Never forget her awesomness
- CINDY8 .GIF 176k Hot Cindy Crawford
- CINDYAUT.JPG 97k An Autographed picture of Cindy Crawford
- CLIFF .GIF 139k an astounding cliff with a sailboat in the water below!
- CO5 .JPG 72k Darth Vader, reaching out to Luke
- COIL .GIF 34k it's a bunch of coils
- COLORMAC.BMP 150k A Cool .BMP background of the Color-Mac
- COMIC1 .JPG 7k comic art of Boba Fett
- COMIC2 .JPG 13k Boba Fett: Bounty on Barkooda
- COMIC3 .JPG 17k Boba Fett
- CONNET13.JPG 28k Jennifer Connley
- CORAL .GIF 146k paladin lady
- CRUISER .GIF 32k The imperial cruiser
- CYBER .BMP 10k a picture of the cyberdemon from doom
- D&D1 .GIF 271k warrior vs. tannari
- DBLS5 .GIF 178k Two women in Bikinis
- DEMISL .BMP 206k Demi Moore in ecstacy
- DEMON .GIF 10k a cool demon thing
- DEWBACK .JPG 11k pictures of a Dewback and Sandtrooper
- DOLORES .GIF 4k Dolores O'Riordan of the Cranberries...
- DOOMEND .BMP 769k the ending picture of doom
- DOOMLG .BMP 210k The Doom Title screen. Good for windows back
- DP22 .GIF 127k Japanimation .gif --- Dirty Pair
- DRACOLIC.BMP 549k it's a dracolich
- DREYF_J1.JPG 120k Julia Louise Dreyfus from Seinfeld.
- DROPDEAD.JPG 39k Cool picture of Michelle Pfeiffer
- DUEL02 .GIF 67k Luke and Vader Dueling
- DUKE .ZIP 436k Dukenukem3d theme for microsoft plus
- EAGLE .GIF 25k An eagle .Gif
- EAGLE .PCX 148k scan of a pouncing eagle
- EC-DSFB2.JPG 28k Gillian Anderson of X-FILES fame
- ELLE1C .GIF 212k Elle, in Bathingsuit, she is so fine!
- EWOKS .JPG 20k picture of those Satanic Ewoks
- FACE1M .GIF 32k A close up of the face on mars - cool
- FETT5 .JPG 23k cool pic of Boba Fett
- FIGHTING.GIF 189k Beavis and Butthead fighting on their couch
- FIRE .ZIP 141k cool fireworks display
- FRACT .GIF 27k Fractals .Gif
- GANDALF .JPG 415k Cool picture of Gandalf, the wizard.
- GARBAGE .JPG 38k Pic of Shirley Manson and Garbage at a concert
- GARBAGE0.JPG 38k GARBAGE the band
- GARBAGE1.ZIP 140k A bunch of pics of Shirly Manson, the girl from Garbage
- GARFCH .GIF 19k Frame: Garfield - "Take me to your cheese"
- GO .BMP 2k a simple bitmap
- GRIMLOCK.JPG 42k JPG of the stupid dinosaur transformer Grimlock
- HANTROOP.JPG 14k pic of Han Solo in Stormtrooper gear
- HKCOJ .GIF 41k Pic of Comet Hyak whatever
- HOMER .BMP 92k its the pic of homer when hes in the computer.
- HOMER .GIF 11k guess. its homer.
- HORSE .ANM 251k an animation of a horse
- HOTROD2 .JPG 24k JPG of Hot Rod A.K.A. Rodimus Prime
- HYAKU .JPG 65k The Comit Hyukatake(?)
- I12467~1.JPG 11k Pathfinder on Mars
- IRONMAN .BMP 342k a cool picture of ironman..
- JCONNELL.JPG 27k Another shot of Jennifer Connley - Nice!
- JEDIPREV.JPG 42k Return of the Jedi:Special Edition poster
- JELLO .FLI 331k jello melting .fli file. pretty neat
- JENNY .GIF 153k Jenny McCarthy
- JETFIRE1.ZIP 309k .FLI of Jetfire transforming to gerwalker mode
- JLENNON .GIF 51k A Picture of John Lennon from "The White Album"
- JP_LOGO .BMP 133k jurassic park logo....
- JWBPEN .GIF 213k John Wayne Bobbit's Famous Severed Penis
- KISS .ZIP 118k missing clip of Luke and Leia kissing from ESB (.mov)
- LASBEAK .JPG 19k JPG of Transformer cassette Laserbeak
- LEBIA .JPG 30k cmoic cover
- LEEANB5 .GIF 119k Almost naked!
- LG9367 .JPG 15k Woman in her underwear
- LG9370 .JPG 23k Woman in her underwear
- LOIS03 .GIF 165k A screen shot of Lois in the Opening.
- LOIS10 .GIF 25k Lois in Superman's Cape
- LOIS10 .JPG 46k Lois (Teri Hatcher) in Superman's Cape. 16 mil. color .JP
- LONELY .GIF 367k babe on bed
- LOOKSIR .GIF 21k Look, sir! Droids!
- LOW_DOOM.GIF 370k Cool DOOMII picture of real people and doom monsters!
- LUKE .JPG 13k Luke, training with lightsaber
- LUXOPC .ZIP 270k An excellent .FLI animation of a lamp.
- LYTHIA .GIF 102k Lythia - Fat, Ugly Bitch - Found at MUSH.FOOBAR.CO.UK 6250
- MANIN .JPG 27k Manin Von Larken from the SI Swimsuit Issue!
- MASK14 .GIF 83k Some hot chick from "The Mask"
- MAX .GIF 8k m-m-m-m-max h-h-h-h-h-headrom
- MEGATRON.ZIP 1457k Transformation of Beast Wars Megatron mail MAXX if you
- MINOTAUR.GIF 402k it's a minotaur
- MIR_VR .ZIP 187k Quicktime VR Movie of the MIR Space station
- MK3PRE .GIF 42k A Mortal Kombat III Preview
- MKH .JPG 13k From Heaven's Gate website: A member
- MKII .BMP 900k The MORTAL KOMBAT 2 Logo.. Check it Sea
- MM .GIF 90k Marilyn Monroe, a picture, a .GIF
- MOCEA1 .GIF 154k Olympic 14yr old gymnast, Dominique Moceanu!
- MONOMAC .BMP 37k A Cool .BMP background of the Mono-Macintosh
- NELSON01.BMP 153k same racing pic as a bitmap
- NELSON01.JPG 34k 1994 Racing Motorcycle Champ hanging a tight curve
- NEVERMIN.JPG 17k Picture of what was left of Kurt's face...real!
- NIRVANA .GIF 86k A pic of the band Nirvana from one of their CD's
- NLOCUTUS.JPG 19k The new Locutus (of Borg) from Star Trek: First Contact.
- NOID .GIF 21k The NOID from the domino comercial many moons ago.
- NUCLEAR .BMP 241k Nuclear explosion, bmp, pretty kewl.
- OPNEW .JPG 79k cool JPG of Optimus Prime
- OPTIMUS .ZIP 520k Transformation sequence of Optimus Primal from Beast Wars
- OPTIMUS1.JPG 5k JPG of Optimus Prime
- OPTIMUS2.JPG 47k another JPG of Optimus Prime
- OUTR .GIF 52k Outrider specs.
- PBGDI001.GIF 215k Hot Babe (Not quite... this is one ugly bitch!)
- PBGSH005.GIF 228k Shandi scantily clad in demin
- PBRAINS .JPG 202k A Can of Pork Brains in Milk Gravy, From my Shelf
- PFM157 .JPG 60k Patricia Ford in a bikini
- POPPING .GIF 330k Great close up of girl in cool swimsuit
- PPEG0011.GIF 58k Jamie Lee Curtis in transparent teddy
- PPEG0012.GIF 229k Another Attractive Picture.
- PPEG0019.GIF 97k Fine looking woman.
- PPEG0025.GIF 125k Another fine looking woman.
- PTRCIA01.GIF 147k Patricia Ford from her calendar. January...
- PTRCIA02.GIF 156k Patricia Ford calendar pic. February..
- PTRCIA04.GIF 167k Patricia Ford calendar pic. April..
- PTRCIA10.GIF 147k Patricia Ford calendar pic. October..
- PUMPKINS.JPG 10k From "The End is the Beginning is The End" Video. SP
- QUEEN .JPG 22k Borg Queen from Star Trek: First Contact
- RASH .JPG 30k B&W Supermodel - Topless but arms covering.
- REBANG .JPG 33k Rebecca Romjin and Angie Everhart
- REBROMJ .JPG 110k Rebecca Romjin as seen in SISWIM
- REBROMJ1.JPG 39k Rebecca Romjin from SISWIM, hot stuff
- REBROMJ2.JPG 33k Rebecca Romjin from SISWIM..
- REBROMJ3.JPG 40k Rebecca Romjin from SI SWIMSUIT Issue
- RED .GIF 36k .Gif of a woman in a red B-Suit
- RED001 .JPG 46k Topless redhead face down on bed
- RED099 .JPG 27k Angie Everhart from some movie. Good shot of face
- RED108 .JPG 22k Gillian Anderson in her underwear. Yes.
- RED115 .JPG 29k Gillian Anderson in a car.. "Hop in."
- RED120 .JPG 18k Gillian Anderson in an interesting piece of cloth
- RED121 .JPG 17k Gillian Anderson in TV Guide photoshoot
- RED125 .JPG 49k Gillian Anderson in TV Guide
- RED186 .JPG 71k Woo hoo.. Topless, but face down on bed.
- RED245 .JPG 73k Angie Everhart - Red-haired beauty.
- RED277 .JPG 41k Beautiful Red Hair.. and body.
- REDW .GIF 17k A Cool B&W GIF of Red Wolf - HIMSELF!
- RIP .ZIP 192k A bunch of .RIP pictures
- ROGER .GIF 32k roger rabbit in Benny
- ROVER2 .ZIP 229k Quicktime VR Movie of some of the Pathfinder pictures 1997
- RS2 .JPG 81k Alicia Silverstone - Pink cowgirl outfit.
- RUST .JPG 56k Megadeth's Rust In Peace logo..
- RWANS .JPG 58k The RedWolf ANSI .JPG File!
- SANCHES2.JPG 18k Stacy Sanches
- SANDRA1 .BMP 149k Sandra Bullock 1
- SANDRA6 .BMP 143k Sandra Bullock 2
- SANDRA7 .BMP 165k Sandra Bullock 3
- SANDRA_2.JPG 55k Sandra Bullock in a bikini. Cool.
- SANDSTOR.ZIP 281k Part of the missing sandstorm footage from ROTJ (.mov)
- SATELITE.JPG 126k a kewl pic I made in truespace.
- SCDOWN .JPG 33k The NEW Schmeli Caborgan logo
- SCHMELI .GIF 4k The Schmeli Caborgan logo
- SCREAM .FLI 26k FLI movie of some blue skulls and a storm, kewl
- SCU106 .GIF 78k nice girl
- SEASPRAY.JPG 20k JPG of Sea Spray if you love Transformers, mail MAXX
- SF2-6 .JPG 12k comics
- SHAD1 .JPG 19k Shadows of the Empire logo
- SHANDI .GIF 270k Nice Blonde in Bathing Suit. Makes Good Wallpaper
- SHOW5 .JPG 19k An excerpt from "Showgirls"
- SILVER1 .GIF 81k Alicia Silverstone
- SILVER2 .GIF 67k Alicia Silverstone
- SILVER3 .GIF 204k Alicia Silverstone
- SILVER4 .GIF 175k Alicia Silverstone
- SILVER5 .GIF 128k Alicia Silverstone
- SIRENS .GIF 647k A Great Borris Vallejo Painting of Topless Sirens.
- SKRAM .JPG 19k JPG of Generation 2 transformer Skram
- SMAUG .JPG 370k The Dragon from the HOBBIT getting killed
- SMAUG .ZIP 60k The Dragon from the HOBBIT
- SNDWAVE .JPG 30k JPG of Soundwave (The transformer with the cassettes)
- SNOWIT1 .GIF 268k 1 of 10 ltd. edition Snow White Lithographs
- SNOWIT2 .GIF 234k 2 of 10 ltd. edition Snow White Lithographs
- ST-FC .BMP 193k Star Trek: First Contact poster. Shows Picard, Data, and
- STA01 .JPG 40k Stacy - From SISWIM 97 - 1
- STA03 .JPG 44k Stacy - From SISWIM 97 - 3
- STA04 .JPG 36k Stacy - From SISWIM 97 - 4
- STA05 .JPG 59k Stacy - From SISWIM 97 - 5
- STA08 .JPG 40k Stacy - From SISWIM 97 - 8
- STA09 .JPG 39k Stacy - From SISWIM 97 - 9
- STACIE1 .GIF 116k Hot woman Stacie in a Bikini
- STACYW .JPG 66k Stacy Williams in SISWIM
- STRIP .BMP 312k Strip Tease movie clip - Demi Moore
- STURM2 .GIF 260k Sturm dead with Laurana standing over him.
- SUZI1 .GIF 145k Suzi in a steamy swimsuit
- TARAN .ZIP 144k AVI of Tarantulas attacking from Beast Wars
- TDRES02 .JPG 34k Drew Barrymore - Slightly younger with long hair - nice.
- THEBAND .AVI 915k The Cantina band from Star Wars
- THUNDER .GIF 91k thunder showing hi tomahawks
- TINA01 .JPG 116k Some girl with a TINY TINY TINY Waist!!!
- TOAD .GIF 90k A Blonde haired Girl. Do you know her?
- TRILOGY .ZIP 350k Star Wars Trilogy BMP. Hi-RES (Impressive)
- VADERSW .JPG 23k Darth Vader choking Captain Antilles
- VEN01 .JPG 27k Vendela - From SI Swimsuit Issue 97 - 1
- VEN03 .JPG 45k Vendela - From SI Swimsuit Issue 97 - 3
- VEN04 .JPG 39k Vendela - From SI Swimsuit Issue 97 - 4
- VEN05 .JPG 65k Vendela - From SI Swimsuit Issue 97 - 5
- VEN99 .JPG 48k Vendela - From SI Swimsuit Issue 97 - 99
- VIKINGVR.ZIP 861k Quicktime VR Movies of Viking 1 and 2 Landers on Mars 1976
- VOYAGE .JPG 31k A cool Blue & White pic of the Voyager - Star Trek
- VS007 .GIF 296k hot babe on beach
- W0030 .GIF 30k a really cool germs poster
- W0033 .GIF 86k a dead kennedys poster
- W0036 .GIF 30k a black flag poster
- W0039 .GIF 26k a p.i.l. poster
- W0042 .GIF 30k another cool germs poster
- W0048 .JPG 62k THE QUEERS (a punk band)
- W0054 .GIF 30k Darby Crash of the germs
- W0152 .JPG 29k billy joe
- W0186 .JPG 81k OPERATION IVY (a punk band)
- W3DTTL .GIF 26k Wolf 3D title Screen .GIF
- WAKKO .GIF 11k a small pic of wakko
- WIDE-COM.GIF 81k Picture of Comet Hyatukitake
- WILEY .GIF 7k wiley cyote
- XFILE0 .GIF 81k A picture of the X-Files's Scully
- YODA .BMP 303k Yoda sitting at his desk.
- YODA .GIF 195k an awsome picture of the all knowing yoda.
- Directory Name : Windows Programs : 42 files
- ==============================================================================
- ACIDWARP.ZIP 86k cool screensaver makes the comp look like it took an acid
- AUTUMN .ZIP 29k A screensaver that makes leaves fall on your screen
- BART .ZIP 90k Some stupid bart simpson thing. good intro
- CHAINS .ZIP 18k A chainsaw Sceensaver
- COWS .ZIP 88k Cows, A screen saver, I think
- CSPOKER .ZIP 1753k CyberStrip Poker Shareware game for Windows v3
- CTHUGA .ZIP 541k Plays your CD and draws graphics to the beat
- DECAY10 .ZIP 9k Decay Screen saver
- DLL .ZIP 241k misc dll's that could help you (VBRUN???)
- FOLDERS .ZIP 410k folders icons in win95
- GCKWIN75.ZIP 516k Geo Clock for Windows - Shows time all over earth
- GREENSV1.ZIP 260k Greens, A golf game
- HEXMIN .ZIP 178k Hex Minesweeper for Windows
- HOME .ZIP 2738k a windows home organizer
- IBMJOY .ZIP 9k An IBM Joystick Driver for WINDOWS v3.1
- INSPACE .ZIP 1258k TOTALLY AWESOME-InnerSpace Fly in ship, MUST GET
- KRNLUPD .EXE 290k Windows 95 Kernel 32 Update - Prevents RAM leaks
- MARLBO .ZIP 21k Marlboro Virtual Cigarette
- MEGAICON.ZIP 153k a lot of icons
- MSDUN12 .EXE 1422k Windows 95 - Microsoft Dial-Up Networking Upgrade!!!
- PAGER .ZIP 60k excellent windows paging program
- PEOPLE .ZIP 86k people icons for windows95
- PK250W32.EXE 660k Pkzip for windows95
- PPONG1 .ZIP 101k 3D-Ping Pong for Windows v3.1
- PSYCH11 .ZIP 56k Psychadelic Screen Saver for Win3.1
- QT32 .EXE 1728k QuickTime for Windows 95 - Excellent
- QTW11 .ZIP 318k Quicktime for Windows Media Player
- RENSTIMP.ZIP 0k Ren & Stimpy Icons
- SCKILL .ZIP 70k Screensaver: Kills Your Screen
- SCRAM .ZIP 674k Rocket Scrambler Game for WIN-Cross Betwn DEFENDER and COM
- SPEAKER .ZIP 26k The Soundblaster on PC speaker DRV for Windows.
- SW_ICONS.ZIP 3k Star Wars Icons
- TWEAKUI .EXE 63k MUST GET - Windows95 "Power Tools" - Nifty tools
- WEBEDIT .ZIP 203k Edit your own web page.
- WINADV21.ZIP 127k The Original ADVENTURE text game updated for Windows
- WINDEX95.TXT 3k A parody of the release of Windows95.
- WINGAMES.EXE 271k A bunch of cool Windows Games
- WINZIP95.ZIP 359k Zip for Win95
- WNCOD261.ZIP 259k Wincode. Encoder/Decoder for Windows.
- WSLAM .ZIP 45k AWESOME Air Hockey game for Windows
- WSOCKUPD.EXE 188k Windows 95 - Microsoft Winsock Update!
- WUNZP107.ZIP 33k a pkunzip for windows
- Directory Name : Macintosh Programs : 13 files
- ==============================================================================
- EXILE .SEA 1824k Exile II - HOT RPG/ADventure Game for MAC
- EXILE2 .SEA 2338k Exile II - HOT RPG/Adventure Game for MAC
- MINSWEP6.SIT 312k Minesweeper - Good version - Macintosh
- PACKIT .BIN 29k Packit - Compressor/Decompressor
- SIMMONEY. 3k Money cheat for SimCity2k
- SOUNDMAS. 55k SoundMaster1.8.2.sit Utility that plays sounds
- STUFEX .SEA 215k StuffIt Expander - (De)Compress .SEA & .SIT files
- TWGUIDE . 83k TradeWars Utility similar to the one for PC.
- UNPACK .BIN 8k Unpack - Compressor/Decompressor
- WWIV1O .SIT 299k WWIV BBS System for the Mac - Rather old
- WWIV2O .SIT 267k WWIV BBS System for the Mac
- WWIV3O .SIT 327k WWIV BBS System for the Mac
- WWIV4O .SIT 247k WWIV BBS System for the Mac
- Directory Name : Amiga Programs : 17 files
- ==============================================================================
- ARGUS .LHA 356k Argus - Hell, who knows what this one is. A Game
- CROAK .LHA 92k Croak II - Frogger Clone for Amiga
- DIMNDCAV.LHA 596k Dimond Caverns - Boulder Dash clone - Amiga
- DOGFIGHT.LHA 136k WWI Dogfight Simulator game - Amiga
- ELDRITCH.LHA 398k Eldrich - Hack 'n slash game for Amiga
- GALAGA .LHA 453k Galaga - Good version for Amiga
- JIV .LHA 202k Jiv - You got me on this one.. It's a game
- LHA138 .RUN 106k LHA v1.38 (De)Archiver - AMIGA
- MPLY14 .LHA 193k Monopoly for the Amiga
- PC2AMIGA.LHA 74k Use IBM HDs for Amigas though Serial port
- TERMDOC .LHA 215k Term 4.5 Documentation - Amiga
- TERMLIBS.LHA 126k Term 4.5 Extended Library - For Term 4.5
- TERMMAIN.LHA 670k Term 4.5 Main Executables - Terminal Program for AMIGA
- VCHESS .LHA 233k VChess - Vector chess game for Amiga
- WIPE .LHA 172k WipeOut - Some nifty Amiga Game
- ZAXXON .LHA 131k Zaxxon - Famous arcade game - Ported from C64
- ZIP .LHA 140k Zip Archiver - Compresses ZIP format - AMIGA
- Directory Name : Atari ST / Other Computers : 61 files
- ==============================================================================
- ACC_1087.ARC 17k THIS IS IT - The Original Control Panel - Atari ST
- ADV95 .ZIP 45k Adventure text game - for HP 95LX
- ANIMOU .ARC 52k Animate your Mouse Cursor - Atari ST
- ANSI18 .LZH 76k Ansi Terminal for the ST
- ANSIST .LZH 8k ANSI driver and Terminal prog for Atari ST
- ART232 .ARC 59k A Drawing program for the ATARI ST
- ASTROI .LZH 44k COoL Asteroids game for the ATARI ST
- BAC .LZH 16k Calculate your Blood Alcohol Content - For the ATARI ST
- BATRIS .ARC 24k Batris for the Atari ST
- BATSOL .ARC 9k Bat Solitare for the ST
- BEAMS .ZIP 34k Beams - game for HP 95LX
- BELLUM .LZH 12k A weird and small Space Invaders clone for the Atari ST
- BERZERK .ZIP 85k Berzerk - Faithful to Arcade - Atari ST only!
- BOOZ .ARC 12k Booz.ARc - Something for Atari ST I think
- CENTPED .LZH 90k Centiped for the Atari ST
- COLONY .ARC 24k Crappy MULE clone for the ST
- CONN246U.LZH 210k ST Program, probably a terminal program
- CPANEL .LZH 24k Enhanced Control Panel Accessory - Atari ST
- CPM .ARC 145k Emulate a CPM machine on your Atari ST - Atari ST
- CYBER .LZH 96k Cyber Something - Defender-like game for the ST
- DCMSTK .ARC 5k Use your Joystick as a mouse - Atari ST
- DCRUNR .ARC 4k DCRUNR.ARC for the Atari ST
- DCSHW1 .ARC 7k A graphics viewing program for the ST
- DESKFX .ARC 30k Desk FX - Neat desktop FX for the ST
- DIGIST .ARC 4k Man, I wish I knew. For the Atari ST
- DSTAR2 .ARC 27k Death Star game for the ST
- DUNGEO .ZIP 69k Dungeon (something) - Game for HP 95LX
- FLS300D .LZH 117k Another ST program.. tell me what it is
- FLY .ARC 67k Fly for the ST
- FROGGER .LZH 32k Frogger for the Atari ST
- GFARO2 .LZH 25k Runs GFA Basic Programs - Atari ST
- GNUCHES4.LZH 300k GNU Chess for the ATARI ST
- GNUCHS .ZIP 46k GNU Chess for the HP 95LX - Great!
- GUCK18 .ZIP 55k Alternate German desktop for ST
- KERMIT .ZIP 59k Kermit terminal program for Linux
- LLAMATRN.LZH 230k Jeff Minter's Famous Llamatron - Excellent Robotron for ST
- MACRD .ARC 19k Reads Macintosh disks on the Atari ST
- MKM221 .ZIP 88k Mouse thing? ST
- MOUSE .LZH 45k Mouse customizer for ST
- MULTFM .ARC 26k Multi-FM - MIDI program for ST
- RUNNER .ARC 82k Runner.ARC for the ST
- SPEECH .ARC 13k Speech SINTH - E - SIZER .TOS program for ST
- SPOLT38 .ZIP 184k Speed Of Light - Best graphics viewer for ST
- SSOD11 .LZH 31k ST program.. SSOD11.LZH
- STZ26 .TOS 136k TOS program for the ST
- SYSINF .ARC 20k System Info for the ST
- TALKER .ARC 25k Speech SINTH - E - SIZER for the Atari ST
- THIEVS .LZH 133k Thief (something) - Online game for ST
- TINYMU~1.GZ 467k TinyMUSH v2.2.3 for Linux
- TLNK40 .LZH 284k BBS program for the Atari ST - TriLink
- TOSDUMP .ZIP 6k Dumps your ST TOS into an Image file to use with EMUs!
- TRANSB .LZH 507k ST Program of some kind
- TTERM214.ZIP 287k Teddy Term - BEST Terminal Program for the Atari ST
- ULT_AR13.ZIP 219k Ultimate Arena ZIP - Like Mortal Kombat, I head - ATARI ST
- ULT_AREN.LZH 216k Ultimate Arena LZH - Like Mortal Kombat, I hear - Atari ST
- UMAUS2 .LZH 53k Another Mouse Customizer for the ATARI ST
- WIZARD .ARC 52k A VERY Beta version of Wizard of Wor - Atari ST
- WORM .ZIP 26k Worm - Game for HP 95LX
- WREST1 .LZH 35k Wrestleing Online game for ST BBS
- WW3 .ZIP 15k World War 3 - Game for HP 95LX
- ZX81 .LZH 96k Emulate a Sinclair ZX81 of your Atari ST - Atari St
- Directory Name : Linux : 30 files
- ==============================================================================
- ASHLIN02.TGZ 105k ash, a small bourne shell clone..
- COPS_104.TGZ 284k COPS, an admin's tool for security checking..
- DOSEMU~1.TGZ 1150k Dos Emulator for Linux
- DOSLINUX.TXT 109k DosLINUX Documentation file
- DOSLNX38.EXE 1406k DosLINUX - Small Linux that runs in DOS
- DOSLNX38.LSM 1k Get this - Part of DosLinux
- DOSLNX38.R00 1406k Get this - Part of DosLinux
- DOSLNX38.R01 1406k Get this - Part of DosLinux
- DOSLNX38.R02 1406k Get this - Part of DosLinux
- DOSLNX38.R03 1406k Get this - Part of DosLinux
- DOSLNX38.R04 1406k Get this - Part of DosLinux
- DOSLNX38.R05 1406k Get this - Part of DosLinux
- DOSLNX38.R06 1351k Get this - Part of DosLinux
- FREEDO~1.GZ 3281k Freedom Lite - X11 Window Manager (great)
- FVWM95~1.TGZ 591k Window manager like Win95 for XFree86
- GZIP-1~1.GZ 46k GNU Zip
- GZIPSY~1.BIN 57k GNU Zip of sorts
- KERMIT .ZIP 59k Kermit transfer protocol
- LINX-001.TGZ 71k the first-ever linux kernel.. for amusement purposes..
- NETSCA~1.GZ 2283k Netscape Navigator v3.0 for Linux
- PACMAN .LSM 0k Needed with PACMAN.ZIP
- PACMAN .ZIP 61k Pacman clone for Linux
- PRONOUNC.AU 40k How Linus Torvalds (Linux's creator) pronounces Linux
- SAST15~1.GZ 280k Asteroids clone - uses SVGA libs
- SLAY12 .TGZ 1k slay, a cool util that kills off a user's processes..
- SMASH .TGZ 18k the smallest linux shell i know.. good for recovery..
- TINYMU~1.GZ 467k TinyMUSH v2.2.3 for Linux
- XASTER~1.TGZ 32k Vector Asteroids for X11
- XBOMB-~1.TGZ 20k Minesweeper for X Window
- XRISK099.TGZ 203k risk for X11R6.. addictive and networkable.
- Directory Name : Computer/Video Game Emulators & Utils : 47 files
- ==============================================================================
- 600V9T9 .ZIP 908k Complicated TI-99/4A emulator
- ALTAIR .ZIP 23k Altair 8088 Emulator for Windows
- APLWINB2.ZIP 427k Apple IIe Emulator for Windows - 32bit
- APPLEMUL.ARJ 2529k Complete APPLE II EMULATOR for Windows
- APPLEPC .ZIP 80k Apple IIe emulator for DOS
- ARCEMU02.ZIP 147k Arcade Emulator - Emulates popular Arcade games - NO ROMS!
- ATARIROM.ZIP 30k Converts 2600 ROM dumps to 16k Bins for Activision EMulato
- COCO2-14.RAR 57k a tandy CoCo2 emulator..
- COLEMDOS.TXT 13k Info on the COleco EMulaTor
- COLEMDOS.ZIP 348k DOS- Coleco Emulator - Use with ROM packs
- CWSDPMI .ZIP 35k CWSDPMI - Just in case you need it for an emulator
- ESNES .ZIP 280k ESNES - A Decent Super Nintendo Emulator
- FMSX-DOS.ZIP 206k Dos - MSX emulator
- GCYST032.ZIP 413k Genecyst v0.32 - Best Genesis Emulator yet - Like Nstcle
- GEM96DEM.ZIP 174k Gemulator96 DEMO - Emulates Atari ST - TOS NOT INCLUDED!!
- GENEM012.ZIP 164k Genesis Emulator v.012 - No ROMs included
- GENEM017.ZIP 428k Sega Genesis Emulator - Good; Emulates Genesis
- GENLP .ZIP 41k Genesis Emulator Front-Loader
- HREMOVER.ZIP 3k A 512k Header remover for those pesky ROM dumps
- INESWIN .ZIP 99k iNES Emulator for Windows - Limited Shareware version
- IPS12 .ZIP 8k International Patching System - Patches files together
- MASAGE61.ZIP 138k Masage - Sega Master System/Game Gear Emulator for DOS
- MENU14 .ZIP 20k *GREAT* menu program for running COleco ROMS-MustHave!
- MGDOS .ZIP 293k MasterGear - Gamegear/Mastersystem Emulator, No ROMs
- NESA .ZIP 13k !FAST! NES Emulator Beta - Written in Assembler - Nosound
- NESTC032.ZIP 462k Nesticle v.032 - The NEWEST and BEST NES emulator around
- NESTC042.ZIP 329k NESticle v0.42, the BEST NES EMULATOR so Far
- NIMG300 .ZIP 24k NES Image v3.00 - Converts .NES Images to .FFE, Pasofami
- PAS26-99.ZIP 4k Paso Fami Upgrade or English thing
- PASOV26B.ZIP 299k Paso Fami NES Emulator - Bad / Japanese
- PCST046 .ZIP 175k PaCifist -VERY GOOD Freeware Atari ST Emulator
- S9XD024 .ZIP 352k SNES9X v0.24 - A Recent version of a good SNES Emulator
- SINVADEM.ZIP 4k Space Invaders Arcade Emulator - ROMs _NOT_ Included
- SLOAD140.ZIP 218k Sega Emulator frontloader for WIN95
- TI85EM~1.ZIP 32k TI-85 Calculator Emulator - OS IMG & ROMs NOT INCLUDED!
- TIEMUL .ZIP 193k A cool, yet illeagal version of the TI Emulator
- UCF-XNES.ZIP 14k PasoFami/SuperPasofami Registration Codes
- VEPROM .TXT 4k How to copy and make Vectrex games.
- VGA .TXT 11k Tells how to make a ST 13-Pin DIN to SVGA cable
- VGB-DOS .ZIP 114k Virtual Gameboy for DOS - Gameboy Emulator
- VGBDOS .ZIP 99k Virtual Game Boy for DOS, Game Boy emulator
- VGBLOADE.ZIP 28k A loader Program for the Gameboy Emulator
- VGBLP .ZIP 30k Virtual Gameboy Front-loader
- VSMC .ZIP 77k Virtual Super Magicom - Super NES emulator for DOS
- VSMC966B.ZIP 37k A Vectrex emulator
- XF25 .ZIP 184k Atari Xformer - Emulates Atari 8-bit PCs.. (XL)
- XLIT020 .ZIP 229k XL_IT - Emulates Atari 800XL
- Directory Name : Classic Computer/Video Game Information : 111 files
- ==============================================================================
- 200LX .GIF 110k A Nice GIF of the HP200LX Palmtop computer
- 22NCE142.RAR 46k 22nice, a CP/M emulator..
- 2600 .JPG 44k A picture of the Atari 2600
- 2600 .TXT 46k all the games for the 2600
- 26DURIB .TXT 6k Talks about the Durability of a 2600 cart.
- 26LOGO .BMP 19k A later Atari 2600 logo
- 5200 .TXT 5k All the games for the 5200
- 7800 .TXT 2k all the games for the 7800
- AARONIX .GIF 87k A picture of my Famicom Clone, The AARONIX
- AARONIX .ZIP 235k A 16Million Color BMP of my AARONIX Famicom Clone
- ACSUP .GIF 33k Cool Picture of the Arcadia Supercharger for te 2600!
- ADVENTUR.GIF 3k Make your own Adventure scenes!
- APPLEI .GIF 170k A Picture of an Apple I from the Smithsonian.
- ASTRO .TXT 3k all the games for the Balley astrocade
- ATARITT .GIF 82k A COoL Picture of the Atari TT
- BOSF .JPG 106k Blades of Steel Screen Shot When Fighting
- CASTVTTL.JPG 160k Castlevania Title Screen
- CHEATS .ZIP 32k Cheats for NES games
- CLEARMS .JPG 40k A Ms. Pacman with a clear cabinet!
- COINOP .DOC 60k A List of some Arcade games
- COLECO .FAQ 115k Colecovision FAQ
- COLECO .GIF 22k A Picture of a Coleco system that never was.
- COLECROM.ZIP 5k A replacement Coleco.ROM for the Coleco emulator
- COLIST .TXT 11k all the games for the Colecovision
- COMPU .GIF 86k A manual cover for the CompuMate for the 2600
- CVG .GIF 221k A collage of some classic video game systems
- DEALER .TXT 1k A list of some atari dealers
- DREAM .GIF 41k Punch-Out!! - Vs. Mr. Dream stats
- EASTER .TXT 4k Some Easter Eggs in 2600 games.
- EMERSN .TXT 0k All the games for the Emerson Arcadia
- GALAGA .JPG 94k Galaga Title Screen for the NES
- GAMEBOY .FAQ 63k Nintendo Gameboy FAQ
- GB2PP3 .GIF 5k Schem: Gameboy link port to IBM Serial
- GBB106 .ZIP 13k Game Boy Basic v1.06 - Basic for the Game Boy
- GBBASIC .TXT 5k Gameboy Basic COMMANDS, Etc..
- GBMAC512.GIF 10k Schem: Mac512k Keyboard to Gameboy link port Conversion
- GBWIN .ZIP 7k Gameboy Assembler program for displaying DOS windows
- GENIE .ZIP 95k All of the NES Game Genie Codes
- INTLST .TXT 10k all the games for the Intellivision
- JAGUAR .FAQ 47k Atari Jaguar FAQ
- KIDICTTL.JPG 131k Kid Icarus TTL Screen
- KIRBYTTL.JPG 235k Kirby's Adventure Title Screen
- LISASC .BIN 502k Apple Lisa Schematics - in Macintosh format
- MASTER-S.FAQ 43k Sega Master System FAQ
- MEGAMAN2.TXT 3k Mega Man 2 hints
- MEGAMAN3.TXT 6k Mega Man 3 hints
- METROID .GIF 36k The Metroid Title Screen
- METROID .JPG 31k Metroid Screen shot
- METUN .GIF 26k A cool Tunnel in Metroid picture!
- MGASTE .GIF 138k The Atari MEGA STe
- MTROID .ZIP 11k Metroid hints and maps.. Cool
- MULE .ZIP 46k M.U.L.E. - _THE FAMOUS GAME_ in .ATR image format
- MUNCHM .JPG 225k Munchman Title Screen - Game for TI-99/4a
- NDOX031 .ZIP 16k Technical Info on the NES
- NES .DOC 15k How the NES works
- NES .TXT 38k Sloppy list of Nintendo Games
- NESCOPIE.LHA 36k Schematics for a NES cart copier
- NESFAQ .ZIP 16k A Terrible NES FAQ
- NESGAMES.TXT 66k Good List of Nintendo games w/Manufacturer
- NESSPEC .HTM 3k Some stuff on the NES's insides
- NEV8 .TXT 270k A BUNCH of NES Game Genie codes! (The Booklet!)
- NINHNT .TXT 8k Hints for NES games
- NINTEND .ZIP 30k How to contstruct a device that copies NES games
- NJ1 .TXT 16k Nintendo Journal Issue 1 - COoL
- NJ2 .TXT 21k Nintendo Journal Issue 2 - COoL
- NJ3 .TXT 25k Nintendo Journal Issue 3 - COoL
- NJ4 .TXT 17k Nintendo Journal Issue 4 - COoL
- NJ5 .TXT 25k Nintendo Journal Issue 5 - COoL
- ODYS2 .TXT 3k All the games for the Odyssey2
- PACKONG .GIF 61k A Pic of the rare cart, Pac-Kong
- PGFAQ .HTM 6k The PowerGlove FAQ in HTML form
- PONGFAQ .TXT 15k The Hilarious PONG FAQ
- PONGHLY .TXT 1k Excerpt from "The Holy Pong" In the beginning..
- PONGSPAC.JPG 37k Computer Space and Pong, 1st & 2nd Video games
- PORT .GIF 154k The Atari Portfolio, IBM compatable Palm-Top
- POWERG .TXT 6k How to make a PowerGlove to PC interface.
- ROMBIBLE.ZIP 15k ROM Bible.. info on NES ROMs
- RYGAR .JPG 171k Cool Screen Shot of Rygar in the Temple thing
- RYGAR2 .JPG 323k Rygar Screen Shot, Vs. Eurga or whatever
- S2600 .TXT 44k Cool info on the 2600 and the 7800
- SAMUS .JPG 302k A Picture of Samus without the Helmet in Metroid.
- SEGA_PRO.FAQ 42k Sega Programming FAQ
- SENSOR .TXT 0k The Sensor Values for the Powerglove
- SGB1 .JPG 193k Title Screen of Super Glove Ball for the NES
- SGB2 .JPG 280k Game Screen of Super Glove ball for the NES
- SMB .GIF 111k Super Mario Brothers 1 title screen
- SMB2END .JPG 127k The Final Ending Screen of Super Mario Bros 2. USE
- SMB2TTL .JPG 222k The Super Mario Brothers 2 Title screen
- SMSFAQ .ZIP 31k A Cool and Recent Sega Master System FAQ
- SMSGAMES.TXT 7k Sega Master system games list
- SNED3P1 .TXT 116k Game Genie codes for SNES 1 of 2
- SNED3P2 .TXT 114k Game Genie codes for SNES 2 of 2
- SNES1084.LHA 12k Hook up a SNES to a Commodore
- SNESBACK.TXT 4k For me to know and for you to know also
- SNESSF .TXT 1k How to play Famicom games on the SNES &likewise
- SNESV151.ZIP 39k Build a SNES pad to IBM joy adapter
- SPECTRUM.FAQ 50k Spectrum ZX80 FAQ
- STACY .GIF 68k The Atari STacy Portable computer
- TBOWL .JPG 109k Tecmo Bowl Title Screen
- TI994A .GIF 22k A picture of the TI-99/4A computer system
- TI994A .JPG 900k The Title Screen of the TI-99/4a Home Computer
- TICARTS .HTM 13k A list of all the TI-99/4A carts ever
- TIFAQ .HTM 10k FAQ on the TI-99/4A
- VECTR .TXT 1k All the games for the Vectrex
- W&W .JPG 302k Wizzzzzards & Warriors Title Screen
- XBANDFAQ.HTM 15k The X-BAND Video Game modem SNES FAQ in HTML
- YARMAN .GIF 86k The Yar's Revenge Manual Cover for the 2600
- ZELDA .TXT 20k The Legend of Zelda Huge hintbook
- ZELDA1 .JPG 242k Zelda 1 Screen Shot
- ZELDA2 .JPG 156k Zelda Screen shot w/sword
- ZELDATTL.JPG 268k Legend of Zelda Screen Shot, Title
- Directory Name : Video Game/Computer ROM & Disk Images : 82 files
- ==============================================================================
- 16KROMS .ZIP 132k 16k ROM images for the 2600
- 4KROMS .ZIP 496k 4k ROM images for the 2600
- 600VDEMS.ZIP 675k Demos for the v9t9 emulator
- 8KROMS .ZIP 293k 8k ROM images for the 2600
- A-ISLAN2.ZIP 121k Adventure Island 2 ROM for the Gameboy
- ADEPT .ZIP 62k Archon II for the APPLE II emu
- ARCHON .ZIP 65k Archon for Apple II EMU
- ASTER2 .ZIP 7k Asteroids Version 2 Arcade ROMs
- BABYPAC .ZIP 16k Baby Pacman Arcade ROMS
- BERZERK .ZIP 13k Berzerk Arcade ROMS (Stern)
- BMPNJMP .NES 64k Bump 'N Jump - NES ROM
- BUBBLE .ZIP 65k Bubble Bobble for the fMSX Emulator - ROM
- BZONE2 .ZIP 12k Battlezone Ver. 2 Arcade ROMS
- CART .ZIP 8k A demo Cartredge for the iNES Emulator
- CARTS2 .ZIP 448k More ROM images for the 2600
- CASTLEV2.ZIP 87k Castlevania 2 ROM for the Gameboy
- COLECO-1.ZIP 315k Coleco ROMs 1
- COLECO-2.ZIP 315k Coleco ROMs 2
- COLECO-3.ZIP 315k Coleco ROMs 3
- COLECO-4.ZIP 312k Coleco ROMs 4
- COLECO-5.ZIP 140k Coleco ROMs 5
- COLECO-6.ZIP 57k Coleco ROMs 6
- COLECO-7.ZIP 52k Coleco ROMs 7
- DASARC3 .ZIP 41k Direct Arcade Emulator, use with ROMS for this
- DBLDRAGN.ZIP 1860k Super Double Dragon - SNES ROM
- DEFENDER.ZIP 21k Defender Arcade ROMS
- DEMOS .LHA 12k DEMOS for the Virtual Gameboy EMU
- DKONG .ZIP 20k Donkey Kong for the MSX emulator
- DONKEY_K.ZIP 21k Donkey Kong Arcade ROMS
- DOTRON .ZIP 76k Discs of Tron Arcade ROMS
- FF5E .ZIP 928k Final Fantasy 5 ENGLISH!!!! -SNES ROM
- FRENZY .ZIP 16k Frenzy (Stern) Arcade ROMS
- FROGGER .ZIP 16k Frogger Arcade ROMS
- GALAGA .ZIP 16k Galaga for the MSX Emulator - COol
- GALAGA1 .ZIP 16k Galaga - NES .ROM
- GALAGANM.ZIP 22k Galaga (Namco) Arcade ROMS
- GAMEPACK.ZIP 109k NES Pack 1 - ROMs for the Paso Fami NES Emulator
- GAMEPK2 .ZIP 278k NES Pack 2 - ROMs for the Paso Fami NES Emulator
- GAUNT1F .ZIP 421k Gauntlet 1 Arcade ROMS
- HARVEST .ZIP 908k Harvest Moon, I think - SNES ROM
- JOUST .ZIP 198k Joust Arcade ROMS
- JRPAC .ZIP 27k Jr. Pacman Arcade ROMS
- LODERUN .ZIP 38k Lode Runner for the APPLE II emu
- MARIO2 .ZIP 75k Super Mario Bros. 2 for NES emulater
- MARIO4 .ZIP 339k Super Mario World ROM for SNES
- MSPAC .ZIP 44k Ms. Pacman Arcade ROMS
- PACMAN .ZIP 13k Pac Man Arcade ROMS.. I think
- PACPLUS .ZIP 13k Pacman Plus Arcade ROMS
- PITFALL .ZIP 80k Pitfall for the Apple II emu
- PUCKMAN .ZIP 13k Puckman (Pacman) Arcade ROMS
- PUZZLE .ZIP 8k Puzzle - Demo game for the Gameboy Emulator
- RET-JEDI.ZIP 231k Return of the Jedi ROM for the Gameboy
- SF2HF .ZIP 3565k Street Fighter 2 Turbo Hyber Fighting Arcade ROMS
- SINVADER.ZIP 5k Space Invaders Arcade ROMS
- SMB1 .ZIP 30k Super Mario Brothers 1 .NES ROM
- SMB2 .ZIP 76k Super Mario Brothers 2 (US) ROM
- SMB3 .ZIP 223k Super Mario Brothers 3 - .NES ROM
- SMSROMS3.ZIP 1295k Sega Master System ROMs 3 - A collections of SMS games
- SONIC1 .ZIP 394k Sonic 1 ROM for Genesis
- SPIFKID .ZIP 178k Spifkid.. Some Gameboy ROM
- SPYHUNT .ZIP 106k Spy Hunter Arcade ROMS
- SPYHUNTA.ZIP 80k Spy HUnter for the APPLE II emu
- SUPERG .ZIP 10k Super Galaxian Arcade ROMS
- SUPERPAC.ZIP 15k Super Pacman Arcade ROMS
- SUPMARIO.ZIP 15k Super Boy 2 for the MSX Emulator
- S_BROS .ZIP 82k Super Mario Bros ROMs for the PasoFami NES EMU
- TEMPROM1.ZIP 19k Tempest Arcade ROMS
- TMNT .ZIP 795k TMNT 4 ROM for the Super NES
- TOS206UK.ZIP 126k Atari ST - Tos v2.06 Rom Dump in English for Emu
- V-MAN .ZIP 1062k Vector Man ROM for Genesis
- VARIROMS.ZIP 44k ROMS for the Direct arcade emulator-Frogger Galaxian, etc
- VECGAMES.ZIP 107k Some Vectrex Games (ROM Dumps)
- WARSROM .ZIP 45k Star Wars Arcade game ROMS.. I think
- WBOWLING.ZIP 17k World Bowling - ROM for Gameboy
- WIZARDS .ZIP 42k Wizards and Warriors ROM for Gameboy
- WONDERB1.ZIP 230k Wonderboy 1 - ROM for Sega Master System I think
- WORLDCUP.ZIP 79k World Cup Soccer - ROM for Gameboy
- ZELDA .ZIP 685k Zelda ROM for the Gameboy
- ZELDA1 .ZIP 63k Legend of Zelda for NES emulater
- Directory Name : Elite Stuff : 20 files
- ==============================================================================
- 1MSTFALL.ZIP 307k One Must Fall Original Demo Version!!
- BT2 .ZIP 497k Bard's Tale 2 - The Real Thing
- CAS12 .EXE 870k Castle of The Winds - Registered!
- EGAMAZE .ZIP 32k Pre-Cursor to MEGATRON. Rare
- JAMMER28.ZIP 4k Doesn't allow bbs to trace your call
- JIL123 .EXE 959k Jill of the Jungle - 1,2,3 Registered!
- KILLWWIV.DOC 5k Read this, Red.
- MINEF11 .ZIP 43k Minefield Orginal, or 2nd 1.1
- OOII997B.LZH 336k Operation Overkill ][, ver 99.7b
- OURBAND .ZIP 893k Cassius's Band Demo
- PIT200B .ZIP 261k The Pit onlin egame, ver 2.00b
- PKCRACK .ZIP 24k Cracks Encrypted pkzip files.
- REDWOLF2.ANS 2k Red Wolf Two Period Ans
- REGDOOR7.EXE 19k Registers some older Online Games-Askmeforthepass
- WACKY-1 .ZIP 1058k wacky wheels
- WACKY-2 .ZIP 1389k wacky wheels
- WOLF1-6 .ZIP 1160k Wolfenstein 3D - Episodes 1-6
- WWIV100 .ZIP 28k WWIV v1.00
- WWIV410 .ZIP 322k WWIV v4.10
- Total Number of Files Listed: 1746
- Total Number of Bytes: 462064k