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- Installing Microsoft(**) Windows(**) 95 Upgrade on
- Version 1.00
- Feb. 23, 1996
- The purpose of this document is to assist you in installing
- Microsoft Windows 95 on your ThinkPad 755CD,CE,CSE,CDV,CV,CX
- computer. Please follow the steps in this document carefully.
- This document assumes that you are installing the Microsoft
- Windows 95 Upgrade from Windows 3.10 or Windows 3.11.
- As with any significant change to your computer's operating
- system or software configuration, you should be sure to backup
- all important files including data files before proceeding.
- --------------------------------------
- 1. Obtain Necessary Diskettes
- You will need the following diskettes to ensure that
- the ThinkPad's BIOS, device drivers, and utilities
- are at a level to support Windows 95.
- a. IBM ThinkPad 755CD/CE/CSE/CV/CDV/CX
- System Program Service Diskette
- Version 1.40 or later
- (BIOS Date 09/12/95 or later)
- (SYTPEnnn.EXE package where nnn=140 or higher -
- this is also included in MW95nnnE.EXE package
- below)
- Note 2 b. IBM ThinkPad Mwave DSP Features Diskettes for DOS
- Version 2.00 or later
- (2 diskettes)
- (MWDnnn-1.EXE and MWDnnn-2.EXE packages where
- nnn=200 or higher)
- Note 2 c. IBM ThinkPad Mwave DSP Features Diskettes for
- Windows 95
- Version 2.10 or later
- (2 diskettes)
- (MW95nnnE.EXE package where nnn=210 or higher)
- Note 2 d. Mwave for Windows 95 WAV Patch Diskette
- Version 1.00 or later
- (MW95WAV.EXE package - this is also included in
- MW95nnnE.EXE package above)
- e. IBM ThinkPad Infrared Features Diskette
- Version 2.01 or later
- (IRTPEnnn.EXE package where nnn=201 or higher)
- f. IBM ThinkPad Utility Diskette 1
- Version 3.10 or later
- (UTTP1nnn.EXE package where nnn=131 or higher)
- Note 2 g. Faxworks Voice(**) Diskettes
- Version 3.00.g.058 or later
- (2 diskettes)
- (FWVMWnnn.EXE package where nnn=058 or higher)
- Note 1 h. IBM ThinkPad 755CD Enhanced Video
- Features Diskette
- Version 1.20 or later
- (EVTPEnnn.EXE package where nnn=120 or higher)
- ** = Notice of Trademark. See Trademarks section at the end
- of this document.
- Note 1 = Diskettes required for 755CD and 755CDV only.
- Note 2 = Diskettes not required for some 755CX models. Models
- that do not have the internal Mwave Digital Signal
- Processor (DSP) for sound and modem / telephony function
- do not require these diskettes. If you are installing on
- a 755CX without Mwave DSP, you may skip the steps in the
- procedure that refer to Mwave and Faxworks Voice
- installation.
- The packages may be obtained through the following channels:
- World-Wide Web Server on Internet
- - The file library index for the IBM PC Company
- home page is:
- http://www.pc.ibm.com/files.html
- FTP Site
- - The IBM PC Company FTP server address is:
- ftp.pc.ibm.com/pub/mobiles
- - Logon as anonymous user
- - Enter Internet address as password
- - The phone number is:
- (919) 517-0001
- - Connect through a modem at up to 14,400 bps
- using communication parameters:
- 8 Data Bits
- 1 Stop Bit
- No Parity
- - ThinkPad packages are in Directory 37
- CompuServe(**) ThinkPad Forum
- 2. Update System Programs (BIOS)
- a. Detach your ThinkPad from any Dock or Port Replicator
- and connect the AC Adapter.
- b. Insert the System Program Service Diskette into the
- diskette drive.
- c. Power on the ThinkPad and follow the directions on
- the screen.
- Caution: If during the update you receive a Warning
- that you are about to install system programs
- that are "down level" from those already
- installed, then your ThinkPad already has
- a later version installed. In this case, you
- should select "N" to not continue installing
- System Programs, then exit the utility. Then
- skip to Step 3.
- 3. Initialize CMOS
- This step is necessary to ensure that Windows 95 starts
- with all ThinkPad settings at default.
- a. Power on the ThinkPad while pressing the F1 key. Hold
- the key down until the Easy-Setup screen appears.
- b. Click on Config, then on Initialize.
- c. Click on OK, then on Exit.
- d. Click on Restart, then on OK.
- 4. Is the OS/2 Operating System currently installed on
- your ThinkPad?
- YES => Continue to Step 5.
- NO => Skip ahead to Step 8.
- 5. Do you wish to keep OS/2 on your ThinkPad?
- YES => Continue to Step 6.
- NO => Skip ahead to Step 7.
- 6. Boot Manager should be used to control which operating
- system will be started on your ThinkPad. See the
- Windows 95 SETUP.TXT file for more information. It
- is located on Windows 95 Diskette 1 and on the Windows
- 95 CD in the \WIN95 directory. After you have reviewed
- this document and understand what to do, perform the
- necessary actions and then skip ahead to Step 8.
- 7. Remove OS/2 Warp.
- Do you have a "Delete OS/2 Warp" icon (normally in the
- "OS/2 Warp" Program Group)?
- YES => Double click on the Delete OS/2 Warp icon in the
- OS/2 Warp Program Group. Click Options, then
- click Delete. Click OK for each of the two
- warnings. OS/2 Warp will then be removed from
- your ThinkPad.
- NO => From Windows Program Manager, Click File, Run.
- Then type:
- and press Enter. Click Options, then click Delete.
- Click OK for each of the two warnings. OS/2 Warp
- will then be removed from your ThinkPad.
- NOTE: If you are unable to remove OS/2 from your ThinkPad
- using these techniques, then see the Windows 95
- SETUP.TXT file, located on Windows 95 Diskette 1 and
- on the Windows 95 CD in the \WIN95 directory.
- 8. Make backup copy of system files to be modified.
- This installation procedure will require you to view and in
- some cases modify your CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, and WIN.INI
- files. Before proceeding, we recommend that you make a
- backup copy of these files.
- a. At the DOS C:\ prompt, type "MD C:\TP95PREP" and press Enter.
- b. Type "CD \TP95PREP" and press Enter.
- c. Type "COPY C:\CONFIG.SYS" and press Enter.
- d. Type "COPY C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" and press Enter.
- e. Type "COPY C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI and press Enter.
- This will copy these system files to the C:\TP95PREP directory.
- 9. Remove STRTSCR.EXE (ThinkPad Welcome screens).
- To avoid a possible "Windows 95 Explorer Fault" error
- message, you should remove the STRTSCR.EXE from the
- Windows WIN.INI file.
- a. Start the Windows 3.1 NotePad application from the
- Accessories Program Group.
- b. Click File, Open. Then type "C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI" and
- press Enter.
- c. Find the lines (near the top) that begin with "load="
- and "run=".
- d. If either line contains "C:\SCREENS\STRTSCR.EXE", then
- delete this portion of the line. For example,
- should be changed to:
- Or,
- should be changed to:
- "load="
- e. After the change is made, click File, then Exit. Then
- click "Yes" to save the change.
- 10. Remove unnecessary PCMCIA(**) SRAM, Flash, and ATA drivers.
- If you are installing from CD or a network drive and you
- plan to use the Windows 95 Integrated PCMCIA support
- (recommended), you may want to first disable the PCMCIA
- driver for SRAM, Flash, and ATA type PCMCIA cards. This
- will remove the drive letters (usually D,E,F, and G)
- reserved by the PCMCIA driver. These will not be reserved
- when you install the Windows 95 Integrated PCMCIA support
- later, so disabling this driver before installation of
- Windows 95 will give you a consistent default installation
- drive for any Windows 95 drivers you may install in the
- future. To disable the PCMCIA SRAM, Flash, and ATA driver:
- a. Edit the CONFIG.SYS (using Windows Notepad or another
- editor.
- b. Find any line that contains:
- Place a "REM " in front of this line so that it will
- not be run. For example,
- should be changed to:
- c. Exit the editor and save the change.
- 11. Remove IBM Antivirus for DOS / Windows from the AUTOEXEC.BAT.
- This is necessary since the IBM Antivirus for DOS / Windows
- program is not supported in Windows 95. If you are using
- other virus protection software, you should see the SETUP.TXT
- file on the Windows 95 Diskette 1 or in the \WIN95 directory
- on the Windows 95 CD for information before continuing with
- installation.
- a. Edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT (using Windows Notepad or another
- editor.
- b. Find any line that contains:
- Place a "REM " in front of this line so that it will
- not be run. For example,
- should be changed to:
- c. Exit the editor and save the change.
- ---------------------
- 12. Install Windows 95 Upgrade.
- a. Shutdown Windows and press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to restart
- the ThinkPad to make changes in the previous steps active.
- b. Before starting Windows 95 Setup, read the IMPORTANT items
- below. Then start Windows 95 Setup from Windows and follow
- the directions on the screen.
- IMPORTANT: When Windows 95 asks if you want it to detect the
- Sound, MIDI, or Video Capture Card, do not put a
- check mark in the box beside "Sound, MIDI, or Video
- Capture Card". We will install the Mwave for
- Windows 95 drivers and the Enhanced Video drivers
- after SETUP is complete.
- IMPORTANT: When Windows 95 Setup Wizard shows the Get Connected
- screen and asks if you would like to install support
- for:
- - The Microsoft Network
- - Microsoft Mail
- - Microsoft Fax
- DO NOT select any of these components at this time.
- Click "Next" without checking any of the boxes on
- this screen to continue installation. After you have
- completed installation of Mwave for Windows 95 later
- in this document, you may then install these components
- and the Mwave Modem will be recognized.
- IMPORTANT: 755CD and 755CDV users see the "Swapping of Internal
- CD ROM Drive and Floppy Disk Drive" item in the
- below before proceeding.
- ------------------
- Now that Microsoft Windows 95 is installed, we need to do a few more
- steps to ensure that support for all your ThinkPad's devices is
- installed.
- 13. 755CX with 800x600 (SVGA) LCD Only => Set Display Adapter to
- "IBM ThinkPad 755cx (WD)" (**).
- This step is necessary to ensure that the 800x600 screen is
- supported and to eliminate a horizontal line that follows
- the mouse pointer on the 800x600 LCD screen when the standard
- WD video driver is used in Windows 95.
- a. Right click anywhere on the Windows 95 Desktop.
- b. Click "Properties", then click the "Settings" tab.
- c. Click the "Change Display Type" button.
- d. Click the "Change" Button in the "Adapter Type" block.
- e. Click "IBM ThinkPad 755cx (WD)", then click "OK".
- f. Click "Close" to close each open Display setting box.
- g. Click on "Yes" to restart your computer when prompted by
- Windows 95.
- h. If you want to change the display resolution or color depth,
- see the item "Display Resolution / Color Depth" in the
- Operational Information section of this document.
- (For example, to change display from 640x480 to 800x600).
- 14. Install "Mwave for DOS".
- a. Click Start, Shutdown, Restart the computer in MS-DOS(**)
- mode.
- b. Insert the "Mwave for DOS" Diskette 1 into the diskette
- drive.
- c. At the DOS prompt, type "A:\INSTALL" and press Enter.
- d. After installation is complete, remove the diskette
- from the drive and press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to reboot the
- ThinkPad.
- NOTE: Depending on the Mwave version you may have installed
- in Windows 3.1 or 3.11, you may receive the following
- error messages when you boot to Windows 95 after
- installing MWave for DOS 2.0 or later.
- Mwave Virtual Device Driver Error!
- MWAVE ERROR: VxD003 Unable to register the DSP
- Press any key to continue.
- Mwave Mwsound Driver
- A hardware problem has occurred. Verify that
- your Mwave system is installed and functional,
- and that the Mwave DSP is enabled.
- Do not be concerned if you see these errors at this time.
- They should be cleared after installation of Mwave for
- Windows 95 in the next step.
- 15. Install the Mwave for Windows 95 drivers.
- a. Insert the "Mwave for Windows 95" Diskette 1 into the
- diskette drive.
- b. Click Start, then Run.
- c. Type "A:\SETUP" and press Enter.
- d. Follow the instructions on the screen.
- NOTE: Do not be concerned if you get an error
- message during the installation that the
- MWAVE.INI file was not found.
- e. After installation is complete, remove the diskette
- from the drive and allow Mwave Setup to reboot your
- ThinkPad. If prompted, allow Windows 95 to restart
- again to finish setting up the Mwave DSP device.
- If you previously had the Mwave MIDI support installed on
- your ThinkPad, it is not necessary to update MIDI for
- Windows 95 support. If you do not have MIDI support
- already installed and wish to add MIDI support, please
- obtain the following packages from one of the
- distribution channels listed in Step 1 above:
- MWMIDIW1.EXE Mwave MIDI Disk 1 of 6 (Windows)
- MWMIDI-2.EXE Mwave MIDI Disk 2 of 6
- MWMIDI-3.EXE Mwave MIDI Disk 3 of 6
- MWMIDI-4.EXE Mwave MIDI Disk 4 of 6
- MWMIDI-5.EXE Mwave MIDI Disk 5 of 6
- MWMIDI-6.EXE Mwave MIDI Disk 6 of 6
- 16. Install the Mwave for Windows 95 WAV file patch.
- This patch prevents problems that may occur when the Mwave
- DSP plays WAV files (sounds) of some particular formats. See
- the README.TXT file on the Patch diskette for more details.
- a. Click Start, Shutdown, Restart the computer in MS-DOS
- mode.
- b. Insert the "Mwave WAV Patch for Windows 95" diskette into
- the diskette drive.
- c. At the DOS prompt, type "A:\INSTALL" and press Enter.
- d. The patch installation will attempt to locate all
- possible installed components of Mwave. It will then
- report the locations and ask if this is correct. Type "Y"
- and press Enter. Do not be concerned if you receive a
- message that "Win-OS/2" will be skipped.
- e. After installation is complete, remove the diskette
- from the drive. Type "EXIT" and press Enter to restart
- Windows 95.
- 17. Install ThinkPad Infrared Features.
- a. Insert the ThinkPad Infrared Features diskette into the
- diskette drive.
- b. Click Start, Programs, MS-DOS Prompt.
- c. Type "A:\UINSTALL" and press Enter.
- d. Press Enter twice to accept the default source drive.
- e. Select "Install Windows ThinkPad Infrared Driver" and
- press Enter.
- f. When prompted for installation directory, specify the
- directory where Windows 95 is installed (usually
- g. After installation is complete, exit the UINSTALL utility
- and exit the MS-DOS prompt.
- h. Remove the diskette from the drive and click Start,
- Shutdown, Restart the Computer.
- 18. Install ThinkPad Features from Utility Diskette #1.
- a. Insert the ThinkPad Utility Diskette #1 into the diskette
- drive.
- b. Click Start, then Run.
- c. Type "A:\INSTALLW" and press Enter.
- d. When prompted for installation options, uncheck the box
- for Personalization Editor. (NOTE: If desired, this
- feature may be installed by leaving the check mark in
- the box. It requires Utility Diskette #2 Version 3.00 or
- later (Package UTTP2nnn.EXE where nnn=300 or higher).
- It is not required for running Windows 95 on
- the ThinkPad.
- e. Remove the diskette from the drive and click Start,
- Shutdown, Restart the Computer.
- f. After restarting Windows 95, you may need to relocate
- the Fuel Gauge if it covers an item on your Windows
- 95 desktop (such as the My Computer object).
- 19. Install Windows 95 Integrated PCMCIA support.
- This step will remove the real mode PCMCIA drivers (PC Card
- Director) from the CONFIG.SYS, and install Windows 95
- integrated PCMCIA support to provide Windows 95 plug and
- play support for PCMCIA cards.
- a. Double click My Computer on the Windows 95 desktop.
- b. Double click Control Panel and double click PC Card
- c. Click "No" for the question "Are you using a PC Card to
- install Windows?"; then click Next.
- d. Click "No" when asked if you would like to review the
- changes and then click Next.
- e. Click "Finish", then "Yes" to allow Windows 95 to
- shut down.
- f. Power on the ThinkPad and allow Windows 95 to start.
- 20. Install Faxworks Voice.
- If you are using the Faxworks Voice (Call Center)
- application that was preloaded on your ThinkPad, you will
- need to update it so that it will work properly with
- Windows 95.
- a. Insert the Faxworks Voice Diskette 1 into the diskette
- drive.
- b. Click Start, then Run.
- c. Type "A:\SETUP" and press Enter.
- d. Follow the directions on the screen.
- e. After installation is complete, remove the diskette
- from the diskette drive and click on Start, Shutdown,
- Restart the Computer.
- 21. Dock 2 only => Disable SCSI BIOS in Dock 2.
- If you have a Dock 2 (IBM Machine Type 3546), this step is
- necessary to ensure proper warm / hot docking to the Dock 2
- when running Windows 95.
- This is done by changing DIP switch settings in the Dock 2.
- Switches 1, 2, and 3 should be set to "On" to select "BIOS
- disabled, board active on reset". See the Dock 2 User's Guide
- for instructions.
- 22. 755CD and 755CDV only => Install Windows 95 32-bit CD ROM
- Drivers.
- This step will remove the real mode drivers for the internal
- CD ROM on 755CD,CDV. Windows 95 will then use it's 32-bit
- drivers for optimum performance in Windows 95.
- NOTE: This step will remove the real mode drivers for
- the CD ROM from CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT, so no
- CD ROM support will be available when restarting to
- MS-DOS mode. If you need CD ROM support in MS-DOS
- Mode, see item below titled "Adding Internal CD ROM
- Support for MS DOS Mode" in the Operational Information /
- Troubleshooting section below.
- a. Click Start, Programs, MS-DOS Prompt
- b. Type "edit c:\config.sys" and press Enter.
- c. Locate the lines that contain:
- "IBMTPCD.SYS" (Internal CD ROM Driver)
- d. Move the cursor to the beginning of these lines and type
- "rem " before each line. Select File, Exit, Yes to save
- the file.
- e. Type "edit c:\autoexec.bat" and press Enter.
- f. Locate the line that contains "MSCDEX.EXE".
- g. Move the cursor to the beginning of this line and type
- "rem " before the line. Select File, Exit, Yes to save
- the file.
- h. Type "exit" and press Enter to exit the DOS session.
- i. Click Start, Shutdown, Shutdown the computer. Windows 95
- should shut down and POWER OFF the ThinkPad.
- j. Make sure the internal CDROM drive is in the ThinkPad.
- k. Power On the ThinkPad. Double click My Computer. You
- should see your CD ROM Drive.
- 23. 755CD and 755CDV Only => Install ThinkPad Enhanced Video
- Features.
- a. Insert the ThinkPad Enhanced Video Features diskette
- into the diskette drive.
- b. Click Start, then Run.
- c. Type "A:\EVSETUP" and press Enter.
- d. When prompted for the installation directory, accept the
- default (C:\V7320\).
- e. After installation is complete, remove the diskette
- from the diskette drive and click Start, Shutdown,
- Restart the Computer.
- 24. Installation of Windows 95 is complete.
- Do not be concerned if you see a Red X by a Serial Port in
- the Windows 95 Device Manager. This simply means that the
- port is disabled in the current configuration. By default,
- the external serial port is disabled in ThinkPad Setup, but
- it's presence is still detected by Windows 95. If you need
- to use the external serial port, use ThinkPad Setup to
- disable either Infrared or DSP Modem and then enable the
- external serial port. Then restart Windows 95 and you will
- be able to add the port to your current configuration using
- Device Manager.
- NOTE: In order to avoid possible hardware conflicts, ThinkPad
- Setup requires that you either disable the Infrared
- Device, change the Infrared IRQ, or disable the Mwave
- DSP Modem before you can enable the external serial
- port. The Mwave DSP Modem may still be enabled in
- Windows 95, even if disabled in ThinkPad Setup.
- for important information.
- -----------------------------------------
- 1. Display Resolution / Color Depth
- To select the display resolution and color depth:
- a. Right click on the Windows 95 desktop.
- b. Click on Properties, then Settings.
- c. Select desired resolution and color depth.
- d. Restart Windows 95 if prompted.
- 2. External Display Refresh Rates
- To set the refresh rate for an external CRT:
- a. Click Start, then Thinkpad, then Display, then Advanced.
- b. Select the refresh rate desired for each resolution.
- Note: The refresh rate selected must be supported on
- your external CRT.
- 3. 755CD and 755CDV Only => Swapping of Internal CD ROM Drive
- and Floppy Disk Drive
- 755CD and 755CDV ThinkPads have an internal CD ROM drive in
- the Floppy Drive bay. The CD ROM Drive and the Floppy Drive
- should only be exchanged when the ThinkPad is powered off or
- when it is in the Full Suspend mode. Full Suspend is indicated
- by a single beep when entering suspend.
- Do not swap the CD ROM and Floppy drives while the ThinkPad
- is operating or while it is in the Partial Suspend mode.
- (Partial Suspend is indicated by two beeps when entering
- suspend.) Swapping the CD ROM and the Floppy Drive while the
- ThinkPad is operating or in partial suspend may cause the
- ThinkPad to hang, and may damage the ThinkPad.
- 4. Digital Video
- If you receive the following error message when attempting to
- play a digital video (AVI) file:
- Video not available, cannot find 'vids:cvid' decompressor.
- then do the following to install the needed video compression
- support.
- a. Double click My Computer, then Control Panel.
- b. Click Add/Remove Programs.
- c. Click the Windows Setup tab.
- d. Click Multimedia, then click the Details button.
- e. Is Video Compression already checked?
- YES => Click the box beside Video Compression to uncheck
- the box.
- Click the OK button, then click the OK button on the
- Add/Remove Programs Properties screen.
- Return to step b.
- NO => Continue to step f.
- f. Click the box beside Video Compression to check the box.
- g. Click the OK button, then click the OK button on the
- Add/Remove Programs Properties screen. Windows 95 will now
- install Video Compression from your installation CD or
- diskettes.
- h. You should no longer see the error message.
- 5. Device Support in MS-DOS Mode
- If you're ThinkPad is a 755CD or 755CDV and you want to use
- the internal CD ROM in MS-DOS Mode, see the Item "Adding
- Internal CD ROM Support for MS-DOS Mode" below for
- instructions on creating a unique CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT
- for MS-DOS Mode.
- If you're ThinkPad is a 755CE,CSE,CV,CX then it is usually not
- required to use a unique CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT for
- device support in MS-DOS mode. Instead, the CONFIG.SYS and
- AUTOEXEC.BAT used to start Windows 95 can be used. In this
- case, when you select to restart in MS-DOS mode, Windows 95
- will exit to DOS and an additional DOSSTART.BAT will be run.
- For device support, edit C:\WINDOWS\DOSSTART.BAT and ensure
- that the following lines or similar are present:
- a. SET BLASTER entry should match settings for the Mwave DSP
- as set by ThinkPad Setup, DSP, Sound Blaster(**) section
- for I/O Address, IRQ, and DMA. The values above are the
- default values and should work if you initialized CMOS
- as specified in Step 3 above. Use FASTCFG command to
- confirm Mwave DSP Hardware settings for Sound Blaster.
- b. Path of your DOS Mouse driver may be different. You may
- need to locate your MOUSE.COM and specify the correct
- path.
- c. MSCDEX is only needed if you have a CD ROM drive (for
- example SCSI CD ROM in Dock 1 or Dock 2) that you will
- use in MS-DOS mode. (Substitute the name of your CD ROM
- driver specified in CONFIG.SYS after the "/D:" parameter
- in place of the "xxxxxxxx" on the MSCDEX line).
- d. CALL MWAVE START NOSHOW will activate the Mwave DSP in
- MS-DOS mode to provide sound or modem support. Use
- FASTCFG command to setup the Mwave DSP in MS-DOS mode.
- 6. 755CD and 755CDV Only => Adding Internal CD ROM Support for
- MS-DOS Mode
- If you need to use your internal CD ROM in MS-DOS mode, you
- must create an alternate startup configuration (CONFIG.SYS
- and AUTOEXEC.BAT) that will be used when restarting to
- MS-DOS Mode. To create an alternate startup configuration,
- perform the following steps from the Windows 95 Desktop:
- a. Double click "My Computer", then "(C:)". Then double click
- the "Windows" folder and find the "Exit To Dos" icon. With
- the right mouse button, click this icon. This should open a
- selection window.
- b. Choose "Properties" from the selection window.
- c. "Exit To Dos Properties" Window should now be displayed.
- Select "Program", then "Advanced". The "Advanced Program
- Settings" window should be displayed. Ensure that the MS-DOS
- mode box is checked.
- d. Click the "Specify a new MS-DOS configuration" circle.
- You may now add DOS statements that will be loaded when the
- system is started in MS-DOS Mode. Add the following lines
- Mode if not already listed. These will also ensure that
- you have Enhanced Video, Mwave Audio, a Mouse Driver, and
- EMS memory required for some DOS games.
- "CONFIG.SYS for MS-DOS mode:"
- DEVICE=C:\V7320\V7320MGR.EXE
- DEVICE=C:\V7320\V7320APM.EXE
- "AUTOEXEC.BAT for MS-DOS mode"
- e. After the changes are made, click "OK" and "OK" again to
- close the open windows. This configuration will now be
- used when you restart your system in MS-DOS mode.
- ----------
- To ensure that the Internal CD ROM is recognized in
- Windows 95 after restarting to MS-DOS Mode with internal
- CD ROM support, you will have to do the following:
- - When you are ready to exit MS-DOS mode and return
- to Windows 95, POWER OFF the ThinkPad 755CD,CDV.
- (The ThinkPad must be POWERED OFF to be completely
- reset after the Real Mode CD ROM Driver (IBMTPCD.SYS)
- has been active. Otherwise, Windows 95 will not
- recognize the Internal CD ROM drive.)
- - Power On the ThinkPad. The following message will
- be displayed:
- Windows 95 is now starting your MS-DOS-based program.
- Press ESC now to cancel MS-DOS mode and restart Windows 95...
- - While this message is displayed, press ESC and
- Windows 95 will start and the Internal CD ROM
- will be recognized.
- a. SET BLASTER entry should match settings for the Mwave DSP
- as set by ThinkPad Setup, DSP, Sound Blaster section for
- I/O Address, IRQ, and DMA. The values above are the
- default values and should work if you initialized CMOS
- as specified in Step 3 above. Use FASTCFG command to
- confirm Mwave DSP Hardware settings for Sound Blaster.
- b. Path of your DOS Mouse driver may be different. You may
- need to locate your MOUSE.COM and specify the correct
- path.
- c. CALL MWAVE START NOSHOW will activate the Mwave DSP in
- MS-DOS mode to provide sound or modem support. Use
- FASTCFG command to setup the Mwave DSP in MS-DOS mode.
- 7. Removing DOS Startup Menu in CONFIG.SYS
- If you are currently using a Startup Menu in CONFIG.SYS,
- you may want to skip this menu now that Windows 95 is
- installed. Use of this type of startup menu in CONFIG.SYS
- is usually not required in Windows 95 since Windows 95:
- - Is less prone to Conventional Memory Constraints.
- - Can automatically develop configurations for
- Docked and Undocked states.
- - Can Restart to MS-DOS Mode when required.
- If you would like to skip this menu during startup, do the
- following:
- a. At the DOS Prompt, type Edit C:\CONFIG.SYS and press Enter.
- b. In the [MENU] section of CONFIG.SYS, find the line that
- begins with "MENUDEFAULT=". This line specifies which
- DOS menu selection will be used as default, and the time
- to wait before starting without any input.
- c. If there is a comma followed by a number at the end of
- this line, change the number to 0.
- d. If there is no comma and number at the end of this line,
- add the following at the end of the line with no space
- after the configuration name:
- ,0
- e. Click File, then Exit, then Yes to save the change. At your
- next restart, Windows 95 should use the default startup in
- your CONFIG.SYS without displaying the menu.
- 8. Configuring ThinkPad Hardware Devices in Windows 95
- If you need to change any of your hardware device settings
- such as I/O address, IRQ, or DMA, you need to use the proper
- utility for the device you wish to configure. In some cases
- you will need to use Windows 95 Device Manager and in some
- cases you will need to use the ThinkPad Setup utility. See
- the table below for the utility to use for each device:
- Hardware Device To Change Resource Settings
- --------------- ---------------------------
- Mwave DSP Windows 95 Device Manager
- - Sound Blaster Windows 95 Device Manager
- - MPU-401 MIDI Windows 95 Device Manager
- - Modem Windows 95 Device Manager
- Infrared ThinkPad Setup, Infrared
- Serial ThinkPad Setup, Serial
- Parallel ThinkPad Setup, Parallel
- Enhanced Video ThinkPad Setup, Video Controller
- NOTE: A Red X beside a device in Device manager only means
- that the device is disabled in the current configuration.
- NOTE: The Enhanced Video Device on the 755CD and 755CDV models
- is listed as an "Unknown Device" in the Windows 95 Device
- Manager, but still works properly.
- 9. Horizontal Stripe Following Mouse Pointer on External CRT
- When you attach a high resolution external CRT and switch
- between a MS-DOS full screen session and the Windows 95
- desktop, you may see a horizontal line that follows the
- mouse pointer. If this happens, perform the following steps
- to correct the problem:
- a. Double click My Computer, then Control Panel, then System.
- b. Click on the "Performance" tab, then click the "Graphics"
- button.
- c. Move the "Hardware acceleration" slider one notch to the left.
- d. Restart Windows 95 when prompted.
- 10. 755CD and 755CDV Only => Asymetrix(**) Digital Video Producer(**)
- Capture Tool
- If you are unable to open the Options, Video Format menu in
- the Digital Video Producer Capture Tool, please do the following:
- a. Close Digital Video Producer Capture and close Digital Video
- Producer if open.
- b. Restart Digital Video Producer Capture Tool (but not Digital
- Video Producer).
- c. Retry Options, Video Format.
- d. If it still fails, close Digital Video Producer again and
- restart Digital Video Producer again. Then retry Options,
- Video Format.
- Currently, the Options, Video Format menu only works on every
- other start of Digital Video Producer Capture in Windows 95.
- It does not open at all when the Capture tool is started from
- the tool menu of the main Digital Video Producer. (The capture
- tool must be started directly).
- NOTE: This problem may be fixed in a future release of the
- IBM ThinkPad 755CD Enhanced Video Features (version
- higher than 1.20).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The following terms, used in this publication, are trademarks of the
- IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both:
- Mwave
- OS/2
- OS/2 Warp
- ThinkPad
- Win-OS/2
- The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**) in this
- publication, are trademarks of other companies as follows:
- Asymetrix Asymetrix Corporation
- Compuserve Compuserve, Inc.
- Digital Video Producer Asymetrix Corporation
- Faxworks Voice SofNet, Inc.
- Microsoft Microsoft Corporation
- MS-DOS Microsoft Corporation
- PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card
- International Association
- Sound Blaster Creative Labs, Inc.
- WD Western Digital Corporation
- Windows Microsoft Corporation
- Other company, product, and service names, which may be denoted
- by a double asterisk (**), may be trademarks or service marks of
- others.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1995,1996.
- All rights reserved.
- Note to U.S. Government Users - Documentation related to restricted
- rights - Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions
- set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
- The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any
- country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:
- Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties
- in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not
- apply to you.
- This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical
- errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein;
- these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication.
- IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or
- the program(s) described in this publication at any time.
- It is possible that this publication may contain reference to, or
- information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming,
- or services that are not announced in your country. Such references
- or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to
- announce such IBM products, programming, or services in your country.
- Requests for technical information about IBM products should be made
- to your IBM reseller or IBM marketing representative.