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Text File | 1997-01-01 | 99.5 KB | 4,681 lines |
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- x0 y1 x0
- y0 r2 arcto 4{pop}repeat x0 y0 x1 y0 r2 arcto 4{pop}repeat
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- ined in a dictionary)def/VMerror(you have used up all the printer's memory)def
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- tringtype
- ne{( max err string )cvs}if show}exec errordict begin errhelpdict err
- orname
- known{x 1 add y .2 sub moveto errhelpdict errorname get show}if end
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- add y moveto du
- p type/stringtype ne{( max err string )cvs}if show}forall
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- nd}bd end
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- ErrHandler
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- p lmp}if end end
- }stopped
- { countdictstack oldDictCnt lt { Win35Dict begin }
- {1 1 countdictstack oldDictCnt sub {pop end } for } ifelse } if
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- statusdict
- begin userdict begin /lmp {lettertray}bd {lmp}stopped {/lms {3 setpapertray}bd
- /lmp {letter}bd}if end /lmorsr where{pop lms lmp}{userdict /lmorsr /setresolutio
- n load put /setresolution {lmorsr lms lmp}def}ifelse end
- }stopped
- {
- statusdict
- begin userdict begin /lms where {pop}{/lms {3 setpapertray}bd}ifelse /lmp {lett
- er}bd end /lmorsr where{pop lms lmp}{userdict /lmorsr /setresolution load put /s
- etresolution {lmorsr lms lmp}def}ifelse end
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- r /exec load] cvx settransfer
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- n
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- n
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- 848 890 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0
- 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 22 839 869 CB
- 848 890 M 0 0 -9 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39
- 18 804 933 CB
- 830 933 M 26 0 -9 -17 -29 0 12 17 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 813 950
- CB
- 813 955 M 0 5 -29 0 0 -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 23 804 933 CB
- 813 955
- M 0 0 -9 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 808 912 CB
- 834 912 M 26 0 -8 -16 -30 0 12
- 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 816 928 CB
- 816 933 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 9 22 808 912 CB
- 816 933 M 0 0 -8 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 822 890
- CB
- 848 890 M 26 0 -8 -16 -30 0 12 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 7 830 906 CB
- 830 91
- 2 M 0 6 -30 0 0 -6 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 9 23 822 890 CB
- 830 912 M 0 0 -8 -22
- 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 798 869 CB
- 825 869 M 27 0 -9 -16 -29 0 11 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 807 885 CB
- 807 890 M 0 5 -29 0 0 -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10
- 22 798 869 CB
- 807 890 M 0 0 -9 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 40 18 763 933 CB
- 789 933
- M 26 0 -8 -17 -31 0 13 17 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 32 6 771 950 CB
- 771 955 M 0 5 -31
- 0 0 -5 31 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 9 23 763 933 CB
- 771 955 M 0 0 -8 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 766 912 CB
- 793 912 M 27 0 -9 -16 -29 0 11 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs
- 30 6 775 928 CB
- 775 933 M 0 5 -29 0 0 -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 22 766 912
- CB
- 775 933 M 0 0 -9 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 40 17 780 890 CB
- 807 890 M 27 0 -9
- -16 -30 0 12 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 7 789 906 CB
- 789 912 M 0 6 -30 0 0 -6 30
- 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 23 780 890 CB
- 789 912 M 0 0 -9 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3
- 9 17 757 869 CB
- 784 869 M 27 0 -8 -16 -30 0 11 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 765 8
- 85 CB
- 765 890 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 9 22 757 869 CB
- 765 890
- M 0 0 -8 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 18 721 933 CB
- 748 933 M 27 0 -9 -17 -29 0 1
- 1 17 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 730 950 CB
- 730 955 M 0 5 -29 0 0 -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 23 721 933 CB
- 730 955 M 0 0 -9 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 40 17 724 91
- 2 CB
- 751 912 M 27 0 -9 -16 -30 0 12 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 733 928 CB
- 733
- 933 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 22 724 912 CB
- 733 933 M 0 0 -9
- -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 739 890 CB
- 765 890 M 26 0 -9 -16 -29 0 12 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 7 748 906 CB
- 748 912 M 0 6 -29 0 0 -6 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs
- 10 23 739 890 CB
- 748 912 M 0 0 -9 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 40 17 715 869 CB
- 742
- 869 M 27 0 -9 -16 -30 0 12 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 724 885 CB
- 724 890 M 0 5
- -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 22 715 869 CB
- 724 890 M 0 0 -9 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 40 18 679 933 CB
- 707 933 M 28 0 -10 -17 -29 0 11 17 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 689 950 CB
- 689 955 M 0 5 -29 0 0 -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 11 23 679
- 933 CB
- 689 955 M 0 0 -10 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 683 912 CB
- 710 912 M 27
- 0 -9 -16 -29 0 11 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 692 928 CB
- 692 933 M 0 5 -29 0 0
- -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 22 683 912 CB
- 692 933 M 0 0 -9 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 698 890 CB
- 724 890 M 26 0 -9 -16 -29 0 12 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 7
- 707 906 CB
- 707 912 M 0 6 -29 0 0 -6 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 23 698 890 CB
- 707 912 M 0 0 -9 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 674 869 CB
- 701 869 M 27 0 -9 -16
- -29 0 11 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 683 885 CB
- 683 890 M 0 5 -29 0 0 -5 29 0 4
- PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 22 674 869 CB
- 683 890 M 0 0 -9 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 36 17
- 645 912 CB
- 680 928 M 9 16 26 0 -5 -16 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 650 928 CB
- 650 933 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 6 22 645 912 CB
- 650 933 M 0
- 0 -5 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 37 17 659 890 CB
- 695 906 M 9 16 27 0 -6 -16 -30 0 4
- PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 7 665 906 CB
- 665 912 M 0 6 -30 0 0 -6 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 23 659 890 CB
- 665 912 M 0 0 -6 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 36 17 636 869 CB
- 6
- 71 885 M 9 16 26 0 -6 -16 -29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 642 885 CB
- 642 890 M 0
- 5 -29 0 0 -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 22 636 869 CB
- 642 890 M 0 0 -6 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 36 18 601 933 CB
- 636 950 M 10 17 25 0 -5 -17 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 606 950 CB
- 606 955 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 6 23 601
- 933 CB
- 606 955 M 0 0 -5 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 37 17 603 912 CB
- 639 928 M 9 16
- 27 0 -6 -16 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 609 928 CB
- 609 933 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5
- 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 22 603 912 CB
- 609 933 M 0 0 -6 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs
- 36 17 618 890 CB
- 653 906 M 9 16 26 0 -6 -16 -29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 7 624
- 906 CB
- 624 912 M 0 6 -29 0 0 -6 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 23 618 890 CB
- 624 91
- 2 M 0 0 -6 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 36 17 594 869 CB
- 629 885 M 9 16 26 0 -7 -16 -
- 28 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 29 6 601 885 CB
- 601 890 M 0 5 -28 0 0 -5 28 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 8 22 594 869 CB
- 601 890 M 0 0 -7 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 36 18 559 933
- CB
- 594 950 M 8 17 27 0 -5 -17 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 564 950 CB
- 564 95
- 5 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 6 23 559 933 CB
- 564 955 M 0 0 -5 -22
- 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 36 17 562 912 CB
- 597 928 M 9 16 26 0 -5 -16 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 567 928 CB
- 567 933 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 6 22
- 562 912 CB
- 567 933 M 0 0 -5 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 37 17 576 890 CB
- 612 906 M
- 9 16 27 0 -6 -16 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 7 582 906 CB
- 582 912 M 0 6 -30 0
- 0 -6 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 23 576 890 CB
- 582 912 M 0 0 -6 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- g
- r
- gs 36 17 553 869 CB
- 588 885 M 9 16 26 0 -6 -16 -29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6
- 559 885 CB
- 559 890 M 0 5 -29 0 0 -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 22 553 869 CB
- 5
- 59 890 M 0 0 -6 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 34 18 520 933 CB
- 553 950 M 6 17 27 0 -3
- -17 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 523 950 CB
- 523 955 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 23 520 933 CB
- 523 955 M 0 0 -3 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 34 17 52
- 3 912 CB
- 556 928 M 6 16 27 0 -3 -16 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 526 928 CB
- 5
- 26 933 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 22 523 912 CB
- 526 933 M 0 0 -
- 3 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 33 17 538 890 CB
- 570 906 M 6 16 26 0 -3 -16 -29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 7 541 906 CB
- 541 912 M 0 6 -29 0 0 -6 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs
- 4 23 538 890 CB
- 541 912 M 0 0 -3 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 34 17 514 869 CB
- 547
- 885 M 6 16 27 0 -3 -16 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 517 885 CB
- 517 890 M 0 5 -
- 30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 22 514 869 CB
- 517 890 M 0 0 -3 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 239 29 587 955 CB
- 591 983 M 4 22 -228 0 -10 -22 0 -6 234 0 5 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 239 28 587 955 CB
- 825 977 M 0 0 -4 -27 0 5 -234 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs
- 69 19 657 993 CB
- 725 1011 M 59 0 9 18 -59 0 -9 -18 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 60 6 666
- 1011 CB
- 666 1016 M 0 5 -59 0 0 -5 59 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 24 657 993 CB
- 666
- 1016 M 0 0 -9 -23 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 70 19 722 993 CB
- 791 1011 M 59 0 10 18 -5
- 9 0 -10 -18 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 60 6 732 1011 CB
- 791 1011 M 0 0 0 -5 -59 0 0 5 4
- PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 11 24 722 993 CB
- 732 1016 M 0 0 -10 -23 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 34
- 17 482 912 CB
- 515 928 M 6 16 27 0 -3 -16 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 485 928
- CB
- 485 933 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 22 482 912 CB
- 485 933 M
- 0 0 -3 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 33 17 497 890 CB
- 529 906 M 6 16 26 0 -2 -16 -30
- 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 7 499 906 CB
- 499 912 M 0 6 -30 0 0 -6 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3 23 497 890 CB
- 499 912 M 0 0 -2 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 34 17 455 890 CB
- 488 906 M 6 16 27 0 -3 -16 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 7 458 906 CB
- 458 912 M
- 0 6 -30 0 0 -6 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 23 455 890 CB
- 458 912 M 0 0 -3 -22 2
- PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 33 17 473 869 CB
- 505 885 M 6 16 26 0 -3 -16 -29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 476 885 CB
- 476 890 M 0 5 -29 0 0 -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 22 47
- 3 869 CB
- 476 890 M 0 0 -3 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 34 17 431 869 CB
- 464 885 M 6
- 16 27 0 -4 -16 -29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 435 885 CB
- 435 890 M 0 5 -29 0 0 -
- 5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 5 22 431 869 CB
- 435 890 M 0 0 -4 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 34 17 396 869 CB
- 429 885 M 6 16 27 0 -3 -16 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 39
- 9 885 CB
- 399 890 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 22 396 869 CB
- 399
- 890 M 0 0 -3 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 45 17 402 890 CB
- 446 906 M 41 0 3 16 -38 0
- -6 -16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 42 7 405 906 CB
- 405 912 M 0 6 -41 0 0 -6 41 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 23 402 890 CB
- 405 912 M 0 0 -3 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 45 17 411 9
- 12 CB
- 455 928 M 42 0 2 16 -38 0 -6 -16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3 22 411 912 CB
- 413
- 933 M 0 0 -2 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 17 14 451 915 CB
- 451 915 M 0 0 -12 0 6 13 1
- 0 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 55 6 413 928 CB
- 413 933 M 0 5 -54 0 0 -5 54 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 55 22 523 955 CB
- 523 955 M -48 0 -6 -21 47 0 7 21 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4
- 8 7 530 976 CB
- 530 982 M 0 6 -47 0 0 -6 47 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 8 28 523 955 CB
- 530 982 M 0 0 -7 -27 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 54 22 423 955 CB
- 423 955 M -47 0 -6 -
- 21 47 0 6 21 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 48 7 429 976 CB
- 429 982 M 0 6 -47 0 0 -6 47 0 4
- PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 28 423 955 CB
- 429 982 M 0 0 -6 -27 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 96 18
- 416 933 CB
- 420 950 M 4 17 -89 0 -6 -17 91 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 92 6 420 950 CB
- 420 955 M 0 5 -91 0 0 -5 91 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 5 23 416 933 CB
- 420 955 M 0
- 0 -4 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 114 18 913 933 CB
- 925 950 M 12 17 -101 0 -12 -17 10
- 1 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 13 23 913 933 CB
- 913 933 M 0 0 12 22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs
- 102 6 925 950 CB
- 925 955 M 0 5 -101 0 0 -5 101 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 61 229 363
- 836 CB
- 423 1064 M 0 0 -60 -228 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 5 402 359 402 CB
- 363 803 M 0
- 391 4 10 0 -375 -4 -26 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 600 11 359 402 CB
- 359 402 M -4 -10 -
- 595 0 9 10 590 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- 192 192 192 fC
- 441 732 M 0 281 -426 0 0 -281 4
- 26 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- S
- n
- gs 12 120 938 613 CB
- 938 732 M 0 119 -11 0 0 -119 11 0 4
- PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 12 120 938 489 CB
- 938 608 M 0 119 -11 0 0 -119 11 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- 255 255 255 fC
- 128 128 128 hC
- /fm 768 def
- 938 586 M 0 86 -11 0 0 -86 11
- 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- S
- n
- 938 727 M 0 87 -11 0 0 -87 11 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- S
- n
- gs 36 18 64
- 2 933 CB
- 677 950 M 9 17 26 0 -5 -17 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 647 950 CB
- 6
- 47 955 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 6 23 642 933 CB
- 647 955 M 0 0 -
- 5 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 37 17 913 842 CB
- 949 858 M 24 0 12 16 -24 0 -12 -16 4
- PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 25 6 925 858 CB
- 925 863 M 0 5 -24 0 0 -5 24 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 13 22 913 842 CB
- 925 863 M 0 0 -12 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 36 17 884 842 CB
- 919 858 M 24 0 11 16 -24 0 -11 -16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 25 6 895 858 CB
- 895 863 M
- 0 5 -24 0 0 -5 24 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 12 22 884 842 CB
- 895 863 M 0 0 -11 -21
- 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 37 17 854 842 CB
- 890 858 M 24 0 12 16 -24 0 -12 -16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 25 6 866 858 CB
- 866 863 M 0 5 -24 0 0 -5 24 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 13
- 22 854 842 CB
- 866 863 M 0 0 -12 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 37 17 895 820 CB
- 931 83
- 6 M 23 0 13 16 -24 0 -12 -16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 24 7 908 836 CB
- 908 842 M 0 6 -
- 23 0 0 -6 23 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 14 23 895 820 CB
- 908 842 M 0 0 -13 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 37 17 866 820 CB
- 902 836 M 24 0 12 16 -24 0 -12 -16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 25 7 878 836 CB
- 878 842 M 0 6 -24 0 0 -6 24 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 13 23 866
- 820 CB
- 878 842 M 0 0 -12 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 37 17 836 820 CB
- 872 836 M 24
- 0 12 16 -24 0 -12 -16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 25 7 848 836 CB
- 848 842 M 0 6 -24 0 0
- -6 24 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 13 23 836 820 CB
- 848 842 M 0 0 -12 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 40 17 809 842 CB
- 836 842 M 27 0 -10 -16 -29 0 12 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3
- 0 6 819 858 CB
- 819 863 M 0 5 -29 0 0 -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 11 22 809 842 C
- B
- 819 863 M 0 0 -10 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 792 820 CB
- 819 820 M 27 0 -10
- -16 -28 0 11 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 29 7 802 836 CB
- 802 842 M 0 6 -28 0 0 -6 28
- 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 11 23 792 820 CB
- 802 842 M 0 0 -10 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs
- 40 17 774 842 CB
- 802 842 M 28 0 -10 -16 -29 0 11 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 78
- 4 858 CB
- 784 863 M 0 5 -29 0 0 -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 11 22 774 842 CB
- 784
- 863 M 0 0 -10 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 757 820 CB
- 784 820 M 27 0 -8 -16 -3
- 0 0 11 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 7 765 836 CB
- 765 842 M 0 6 -30 0 0 -6 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 9 23 757 820 CB
- 765 842 M 0 0 -8 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 73
- 9 842 CB
- 765 842 M 26 0 -9 -16 -29 0 12 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 748 858 CB
- 748 863 M 0 5 -29 0 0 -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 22 739 842 CB
- 748 863 M 0 0
- -9 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 721 820 CB
- 748 820 M 27 0 -9 -16 -29 0 11 16 4
- PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 7 730 836 CB
- 730 842 M 0 6 -29 0 0 -6 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 23 721 820 CB
- 730 842 M 0 0 -9 -22 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 704 842 CB
- 730 842 M 26 0 -8 -16 -30 0 12 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 712 858 CB
- 712 863 M
- 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 9 22 704 842 CB
- 712 863 M 0 0 -8 -21 2 P
- P
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 40 17 650 842 CB
- 677 842 M 27 0 -9 -16 -30 0 12 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 659 858 CB
- 659 863 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 22 6
- 50 842 CB
- 659 863 M 0 0 -9 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 39 17 615 842 CB
- 642 842 M 2
- 7 0 -9 -16 -29 0 11 16 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 624 858 CB
- 624 863 M 0 5 -29 0 0
- -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 10 22 615 842 CB
- 624 863 M 0 0 -9 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- g
- r
- gs 33 17 497 842 CB
- 529 858 M 6 16 26 0 -2 -16 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6
- 499 858 CB
- 499 863 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3 22 497 842 CB
- 4
- 99 863 M 0 0 -2 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 34 17 461 842 CB
- 494 858 M 6 16 27 0 -3
- -16 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 464 858 CB
- 464 863 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 22 461 842 CB
- 464 863 M 0 0 -3 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 33 17 42
- 6 842 CB
- 458 858 M 6 16 26 0 -3 -16 -29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 429 858 CB
- 4
- 29 863 M 0 5 -29 0 0 -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 22 426 842 CB
- 429 863 M 0 0 -
- 3 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 34 17 390 842 CB
- 423 858 M 7 16 26 0 -3 -16 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 31 6 393 858 CB
- 393 863 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs
- 4 22 390 842 CB
- 393 863 M 0 0 -3 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 33 17 550 842 CB
- 582
- 858 M 6 16 26 0 -3 -16 -29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 30 6 553 858 CB
- 553 863 M 0 5 -
- 29 0 0 -5 29 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 22 550 842 CB
- 553 863 M 0 0 -3 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 33 17 586 842 CB
- 618 858 M 6 16 26 0 -2 -16 -30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs
- 31 6 588 858 CB
- 588 863 M 0 5 -30 0 0 -5 30 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3 22 586 842
- CB
- 588 863 M 0 0 -2 -21 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 596 392 363 412 CB
- 363 803 M 0 391
- -595 0 0 -391 595 0 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 62 1 899 761 CB
- 899 761 M 0 0 61 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 48 1 363 761 CB
- 410 761 M 0 0 -47 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 347 1 481
- 761 CB
- 827 761 M 0 0 -346 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 22 827 782 CB
- 827 803 M 0 -1
- 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 1 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1 1 0 0
- 0 1 0 20 PP
- -1 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 -1
- 0 0 -1 0 -1 16 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 22 898 782 CB
- 898 803 M 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0
- -1 0 -1 0 -1 1 -1 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 1 0 20 PP
- -
- 1 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 16
- PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 73 1 827 782 CB
- 899 782 M 0 0 -72 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 22 4
- 10 782 CB
- 410 803 M 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 1 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 -1 1
- 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 1 0 20 PP
- -1 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 -1 0
- -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1 16 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 22 481 782 CB
- 481
- 803 M 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 1 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0 -1 1 0
- 0 -1 1 0 0 0 1 0 20 PP
- -1 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0
- -1 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 -1 16 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 72 1 410 782 CB
- 481 782 M 0 0 -71 0
- 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- /fm 769 def
- 487 803 M 0 21 -137 0 0 -21 137 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- S
- n
- gs 42 13 572 817 CB
- 613 829 M 39 0 2 12 -38 0 -3 -12 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 42 13
- 647 817 CB
- 688 829 M 38 0 3 12 -38 0 -3 -12 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 15 591 815 CB
- 591 815 M 0 0 3 14 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 593 1 365 782 CB
- 957 782 M 0 0 -592 0 2
- PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 210 27 448 1027 CB
- 448 1036 M 0 -6 -69 0 0 -11 -55 0 0 11 -73
- 0 0 -9 -12 0 0 24 12 0 0 -9 73 0 0 7 55 0 0 -7 69 0 16 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 25 1 890
- 456 CB
- 890 456 M 0 0 24 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 25 1 890 483 CB
- 890 483 M 0 0 24
- 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 16 27 915 457 CB
- 915 483 M 0 -2 -1 0 1 -1 0 -1 0 -2 1 0 0
- -2 0 -1 1 -1 1 0 1 -2 1 0 1 -1 1 -1 1 0 2 0 0 -1 2 0 1 0 1 -1 20 PP
- -1 0 -1 0
- -2 0 0 0 -2 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 16 P
- P
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 15 27 876 457 CB
- 890 483 M 0 -2 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 -2 -1 0 0 -2 -1
- -1 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -2 -2 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -2 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -2 0 0 -1 20 PP
- 0 0 2
- 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 -1 1 -1 0 0 2 -1 1 -1 0 -1 1 -1 1 -1 0 -1 1 -1 0 -1 16 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 4 879 469 CB
- 879 472 M 0 0 6 -3 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 4 880 470 CB
- 88
- 0 473 M 0 0 6 -3 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3 2 883 472 CB
- 883 473 M 0 0 2 -1 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3 3 884 472 CB
- 884 474 M 0 0 2 -2 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 2 2 885 474 CB
- 885 475 M 0 0 1 -1 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 2 3 886 474 CB
- 886 476 M 0 0 1 -2 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 8 6 884 474 CB
- 884 479 M 0 0 7 -5 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 5 885 475 CB
- 885 479 M 0 0 6 -4 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 6 3 886 466 CB
- 886 468 M 0 0 5 -2 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 8 4 886 466 CB
- 886 469 M 0 0 7 -3 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 5 5 889 466
- CB
- 889 470 M 0 0 4 -4 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 3 890 468 CB
- 890 470 M 0 0 3 -2 2 P
- P
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 4 4 891 468 CB
- 891 471 M 0 0 3 -3 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 5 3 891 47
- 0 CB
- 891 472 M 0 0 4 -2 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 7 5 891 470 CB
- 891 474 M 0 0 6 -4 2
- PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 5 4 892 472 CB
- 892 475 M 0 0 4 -3 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 2 2 893
- 463 CB
- 893 464 M 0 0 1 -1 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 2 2 898 467 CB
- 898 468 M 0 0 1 -1
- 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 2 1 899 469 CB
- 899 469 M 0 0 1 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 2 3 900
- 469 CB
- 900 471 M 0 0 1 -2 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3 3 895 464 CB
- 895 466 M 0 0 2 -
- 2 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 5 3 896 465 CB
- 896 467 M 0 0 4 -2 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 2 2 8
- 99 466 CB
- 899 467 M 0 0 1 -1 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 1 1 901 467 CB
- 901 467 M 0 0 0
- 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 2 2 894 464 CB
- 894 465 M 0 0 1 -1 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 2 1
- 897 467 CB
- 897 467 M 0 0 1 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3 1 899 460 CB
- 901 460 M 0 0 -
- 2 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 2 2 903 465 CB
- 904 465 M 0 0 -1 1 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 2 1
- 904 467 CB
- 905 467 M 0 0 -1 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3 1 905 467 CB
- 907 467 M 0 0
- -2 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3 3 899 462 CB
- 901 462 M 0 0 -2 2 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3
- 3 900 463 CB
- 902 463 M 0 0 -2 2 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 3 2 900 465 CB
- 902 465 M 0
- 0 -2 1 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 2 1 901 467 CB
- 902 467 M 0 0 -1 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs
- 3 2 899 461 CB
- 901 461 M 0 0 -2 1 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 2 2 902 464 CB
- 903 464 M
- 0 0 -1 1 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 18 12 901 467 CB
- 901 478 M 0 0 17 -11 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 15 10 910 470 CB
- 910 479 M 0 0 14 -9 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 60 1 660 999 CB
- 660 999 M 0 0 59 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 60 1 725 999 CB
- 725 999 M 0 0 59 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 740 218 363 803 CB
- 1102 1020 M 0 0 60 217 -595 0 -144 -217 4 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 680 46 423 1020 CB
- 1102 1020 M 0 0 0 -45 -679 1 0 44 4 PP
- S
- n
- g
- r
- gs 311 1 792 1020 CB
- 1102 1020 M 0 0 -310 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 244 1 423 102
- 0 CB
- 423 1020 M 0 0 243 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 126 1 667 1018 CB
- 792 1018 M 0 0
- -125 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- gs 126 1 667 1022 CB
- 667 1022 M 0 0 125 0 2 PP
- S
- n
- gr
- 128 128 128 fC
- /fm 256 def
- 679 933 M 0 4 -14 0 0 -4 14 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- S
- n
- 69
- 3 929 M -1 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 -1 0 1 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 -
- 1 0 -1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 20 PP
- 0 1 0 -1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 1 0 1 0 0 -1 0
- -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 20 PP
- 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
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- 1 F
- S
- n
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- ing up PCMCIA Cards or ISA Adapters \(in the docking station\), please follow th
- e procedures listed below:) 2661 SB
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- 303 353 2686 (Ple
- ase ensure that your ThinkPad is using the latest BIOS release for that system.
- Later BIOS releases correct problems that users have experi-) 2686 SB
- 303 403
- 2303 (enced with the earlier releases. Refer to the ThinkPad BIOS section to de
- termine if you need to update your system's BIOS.) 2303 SB
- 190 503 51 (\(2\)) 5
- 1 SB
- 303 503 2633 (Make sure that your software drivers are at the correct rele
- ase level and are setup properly. Refer to the ThinkPad PCMCIA Drivers section
- to) 2633 SB
- 303 553 2692 (see if you need to update your system's PCMCIA device
- drivers. If you are using Point Enablers, please ensure that they are at the l
- atest release) 2692 SB
- 303 603 97 (level.) 97 SB
- 190 703 51 (\(3\)) 51 SB
- 303
- 703 2666 (Determine if any upper memory conflicts exist between the areas claim
- ed by ThinkPad BIOS, Card & Socket Services, Point Enablers, the SCSI) 2666 SB
- 303 753 2579 (Adapter found in IBM Docking Stations, and any ISA Adapters instal
- led in the docking station. Refer to the ThinkPad Memory Map and the) 2579 SB
- 303 803 923 (ThinkPad Dock I & Dock II Memory Map sections.) 923 SB
- 303 903 26
- 35 (The Device Driver DICRMU01.SYS /MA=C800-CFFF \(DOS PCMCIA Resource Map Utili
- ty\) sets the upper memory addresses used by Card &) 2635 SB
- 303 953 2658 (Sock
- et Services. The /MA parameter tells Card Services what locations in upper memo
- ry can be used by PCMCIA cards or Card Services, and) 2658 SB
- 303 1003 1772 (mu
- st match or be a subset of an excluded memory range on the EMM386 line of CONFIG
- .SYS.) 1772 SB
- 303 1103 2651 (Also note that on the ThinkPad 360 \(all models\)
- and Thinkpad 755C or 755Cs, the upper memory areas C000-C0FF and D000-D0FF cann
- ot be) 2651 SB
- 303 1153 526 (used by any PCMCIA cards.) 526 SB
- 190 1253 51 (\(
- 4\)) 51 SB
- 303 1253 2607 (Microsoft Windows can overwrite the upper memory addr
- ess used by Card & Socket Services. To prevent this, add an EmmExclude=XXXX-) 2
- 607 SB
- 303 1303 2660 (XXXX statement to the [386 Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI \(W
- here XXXX-XXXX is the same as the memory region as used in the /MA parameter) 26
- 60 SB
- 303 1353 2518 (for the DICRMU01.SYS driver\). If you are using point ena
- blers, be sure to exclude any upper memory used by the enabler by adding an) 251
- 8 SB
- 303 1403 752 (EmmExclude statement to SYSTEM.INI.) 752 SB
- 190 1503 51 (\(
- 5\)) 51 SB
- 303 1503 2666 (Make sure that no interrupt conflicts exist between T
- hinkPad devices, PCMCIA Cards, the SCSI Adapter found in the IBM Docking Station
- s, and) 2666 SB
- 303 1553 2684 (any ISA Adapters installed in the docking statio
- n. Refer to the ThinkPad Interrupt Assignments section to view the default int
- errupt assignments.) 2684 SB
- 303 1603 2423 (Please note that the ThinkPad Syste
- m Setup Utility allows you to view and change interrupt assignments for many int
- ernal devices.) 2423 SB
- 303 1703 2580 (The Resource Map Utility \(DOS - DICRMU0
- 1.SYS, OS/2 - ICRMU01.SYS\) can automatically detect many IRQs already in use, b
- ut may not) 2580 SB
- 303 1753 2627 (detect all. Try excluding the IRQ of the on
- board SCSI and any ISA Adapters in the Docking Station by adding the /IX=xx para
- meter to the Re-) 2627 SB
- 303 1803 2249 (source Map Utility \(where xx is the I
- RQ number to exclude\). Multiple IRQs may be specified by separating with a com
- ma.) 2249 SB
- 190 1903 51 (\(6\)) 51 SB
- 303 1903 2661 (Ensure that no DMA confl
- icts exist between internal ThinkPad devices and any ISA Adapters installed in t
- he docking station. Please refer to the) 2661 SB
- 303 1953 688 (ThinkPad DMA As
- signments section.) 688 SB
- 190 2053 51 (\(7\)) 51 SB
- 303 2053 2611 (Some ISA A
- dapters in the IBM DOCK I and DOCK II may require the ISA Adapter Timing Fix. P
- lease download YPTF012.EXE from the IBM) 2611 SB
- 303 2103 96 (BBS.) 96 SB
- 1 #C
- statusdict begin /manualfeed false store papertray 2 gt {/manualfeed true st
- ore}if end
- %%PageTrailer
- %%PageResources: font Helvetica
- %%+ font Helv
- etica-Bold
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- /fm 256 def
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- 0 0 0 fC
- 157 105 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 157 124 M 0 -1 -2849
- 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 255 255 255 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0
- 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 153 22
- 89 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold
- /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 143 1518 (Installing Windows 95 on the ThinkPad 360,
- 750, 755C, & 755Cs) 1518 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont fo
- nt
- 190 303 51 (\(1\)) 51 SB
- 303 303 1659 (For complete Windows 95 directions,
- please download TPWIN95.EXE from the IBM BBS.) 1659 SB
- 190 403 51 (\(2\)) 51 SB
- 303 403 2677 (If your ThinkPad is still running the original IBM software prel
- oad, download WIN95SET.EXE as well. This diskette will prepare an IBM ThinkPad)
- 2677 SB
- 303 453 2674 (loaded with the IBM software preload for Windows 95. Th
- e diskette will check the BIOS level of the system, stop the ThinkPad Welcome Sc
- reen) 2674 SB
- 303 503 1838 (from being displayed automatically, and delete OS/2
- WARP and any preinstalled OS/2 applications.) 1838 SB
- 190 603 51 (\(3\)) 51 SB
- 303 603 2649 (It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you update your system BIOS to t
- he latest BIOS release before installing Windows 95 on your system.) 2649 SB
- 30
- 3 653 1269 (Refer to the BIOS section for the latest BIOS level for you ThinkPad
- .) 1269 SB
- 190 753 51 (\(4\)) 51 SB
- 303 753 360 (Install Windows 95.) 360 SB
- 190 853 51 (\(5\)) 51 SB
- 303 853 2587 (The ThinkPad Features Program for Window
- s works on Windows 95. If you install Windows 95 on a blank hard disk or you ha
- ven't installed) 2587 SB
- 303 903 2572 (ThinkPad Features Program, follow the in
- structions of "ThinkPad Features Program - Installing for Windows" in the ThinkP
- ad User's Guide.) 2572 SB
- 303 953 1749 (Please ensure that you are at the lates
- t levels \(refer to Driver Levels section of this document\).) 1749 SB
- 190 1053
- 51 (\(6\)) 51 SB
- 303 1053 2682 (Windows 95 comes with the integrated PCMCIA su
- pport. To use the Windows 95 PCMCIA support functions, refer to the Windows 95
- documen-) 2682 SB
- 303 1103 2323 (tation or on-line help. Note: to use PCMCIA f
- unction, you must run the PC Card Wizard in Control Panel under My Computer.) 23
- 23 SB
- 303 1203 2670 (If you want to use ThinkPad PC Card Director \(or EasyPlay
- ing\), you can still use ThinkPad DOS PCMCIA device drivers. Follow the instruc
- tions) 2670 SB
- 303 1253 2534 (in the ThinkPad User's Guide for "Installing the
- PCMCIA drivers - Installing for DOS." Make sure that you use the latest PCMCIA
- drivers.) 2534 SB
- 190 1353 51 (\(7\)) 51 SB
- 303 1353 2632 (The video device dr
- iver for ThinkPad 360, 750, & 755 systems is included with Windows 95. You do n
- ot need to install the ThinkPad Windows) 2632 SB
- 303 1403 1600 (video device dr
- iver. However, you still need to install the ThinkPad VESA video driver.) 1600
- SB
- 303 1503 2669 (Obtain ThinkPad Video feature diskette and insert it into the
- diskette drive. Go to the DOS command prompt. Then, type A:VINSTALL and pres)
- 2669 SB
- 303 1553 2656 (Enter. The supported display list appears. Using the
- Arrow keys, highlight the display type which you use with your ThinkPad, and pre
- ss Enter.) 2656 SB
- 303 1603 2666 (Follow the instructions on the screen to save
- your display selection; then press F3 to exit the menu. Remove the diskette fro
- m the diskette drive;) 2666 SB
- 303 1653 1812 (then restart the system. The Thi
- nkPad is now ready to work with Windows 95 video device driver.) 1812 SB
- 190 17
- 53 51 (\(8\)) 51 SB
- 303 1753 2670 (The ThinkPad Audio Support Software for Wind
- ows works on Windows 95. If you install Windows 95 over a DOS/Windows 3.x syste
- m on which) 2670 SB
- 303 1803 2654 (you have already installed ThinkPad Audio Su
- pport Software, it is migrated into "Start Menu" automatically. Click "Start";
- click "Programs"; then) 2654 SB
- 303 1853 1223 (click "Audio" to select the Thin
- kPad audio program which you use.) 1223 SB
- 190 2003 51 (\(9\)) 51 SB
- 303 2003
- 1575 (Please note that Plug and Play BIOS is not supported on the ThinkPad 750 S
- ystems.) 1575 SB
- 190 2103 74 (\(10\)) 74 SB
- 303 2103 2148 (If you are using an
- IBM PCMCIA Token-Ring Adapter, download TRCC1.EXE for an updated driver for Win
- dows 95.) 2148 SB
- 1 #C
- statusdict begin /manualfeed false store papertray 2
- gt {/manualfeed true store}if end
- %%PageTrailer
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- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 157 105 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 157 124 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 255 255 255 fC
- 153 2270 M 0
- -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849
- 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 153 2289 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 32 0 0 50 50 0
- 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 143 1641 (Installing Windows N
- T 3.51 on the ThinkPad 360, 750, 755C, & 755Cs) 1641 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /
- Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 190 253 51 (\(1\)) 51 SB
- 303 253 1835 (Update y
- our system BIOS to the latest BIOS release before installing Windows NT on your
- system.) 1835 SB
- 190 353 51 (\(2\)) 51 SB
- 303 353 2686 (If you need to use PCM
- CIA Hard Disk drives, insert the device in the PCMCIA slot before you start inst
- alling Windows NT. NT will only recognize) 2686 SB
- 303 403 1513 (the PCMCIA Ha
- rd Disk at installation time and set up the necessary device driver.) 1513 SB
- 1
- 90 503 51 (\(3\)) 51 SB
- 303 503 2262 (Install Windows NT using the Custom Setup
- Option and specify the video display as Standard VGA \(640 x 480, 16 colors\).)
- 2262 SB
- 190 603 51 (\(4\)) 51 SB
- 303 603 2452 (After NT has been installed, i
- nstall the ThinkPad 750/755 Windows NT Video Device Driver \(see Drivers section
- for file to download\).) 2452 SB
- 190 703 51 (\(5\)) 51 SB
- 303 703 2676 (Windo
- ws NT comes with integrated PCMCIA support for some PCMCIA devices. The PCMCIA d
- evice driver included with Windows NT does not) 2676 SB
- 303 753 2644 (support t
- he IBM 16/4 Token Ring CCA, the IBM 16/4 Token Ring CCA/II or the IBM Auto 16/4
- PCMCIA Token Ring card. When you use these) 2644 SB
- 303 803 2272 (Token Ring c
- ards, you need to install the IBM PCMCIA Token Ring Device Driver. Download TRC
- C1.EXE & TRCC2.EXE.) 2272 SB
- 190 903 51 (\(4\)) 51 SB
- 303 903 2619 (Install th
- e Windows NT version ThinkPad Feature program. Using this program, you can chan
- ge your hardware configuration, display the fuel) 2619 SB
- 303 953 1901 (gauge,
- and set the device stand-by timers \(same as in the Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 en
- vironments\).) 1901 SB
- 190 1053 1261 (Currently, the following functions are no
- t supported on Windows NT:) 1261 SB
- 303 1153 2600 (Suspend/Resume and Hibernati
- on functions are not supported. Power Management function is limited. If you wil
- l make the system going into) 2600 SB
- 303 1203 2688 (suspend mode, the system c
- lock \(time of day clock\) will not be updated while the system is in suspend mo
- de. It is recommended that you not use) 2688 SB
- 303 1253 1682 (suspend mode. If
- you need to save the battery, use Standby mode by pressing Fn+F3 key.) 1682 SB
- 303 1353 2591 (If you use your machine in mobile environment and need to move t
- he system, shutdown NT and power off the machine before you move the) 2591 SB
- 3
- 03 1403 1839 (machine. Physically moving the machine while in standby mode may d
- amage the internal hard disk.) 1839 SB
- 303 1503 2632 (NT does not support advan
- ce power management. Battery life may become shorter depending on the memory si
- ze and type of job you run on) 2632 SB
- 303 1553 1555 (Windows NT. Pay attention
- to fuel gauge to monitor the battery life during operation.) 1555 SB
- 303 1653
- 2629 (Windows NT supports the IBM Dock-I and Dock-II. However, hot/warm docking
- is not supported. To use the device in the Docking station, you) 2629 SB
- 303 17
- 03 1012 (must power off the system prior to docking/undocking..) 1012 SB
- 303 18
- 03 2688 (The ThinkPad 750/755 family SVGA video device drivers has a screen corr
- uption problem when it is installed on 750/755 STN color model. When) 2688 SB
- 3
- 03 1853 2441 (you use STN color model, it is required to use standard VGA \(640x
- 480, 16 colors\) video driver which is included in the Windows NT.) 2441 SB
- 1 #
- C
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- tore}if end
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- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 157 105 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 157 124 M 0 -1 -284
- 9 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 255 255 255 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849
- 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 153 2
- 289 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bol
- d /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 143 786 (Latest Version of ThinkPad BIOS) 786 SB
- 32
- 0 0 42 42 255 0 0 39 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 228 254 324 (ThinkPa
- d Model) 324 SB
- 1353 254 501 (Latest BIOS Part Number) 501 SB
- 2253 254 90 (Dat
- e) 90 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 228 353 851 (36
- 0, 360C, 360Ce, 360P, 360Cs, and 360Cse) 851 SB
- 1353 353 171 (91G1534) 171 SB
- 2253 353 162 (02/21/96) 162 SB
- 228 403 526 (750, 750C, 750P and 750Cs) 526 SB
- 1353 403 171 (91G0716) 171 SB
- 2253 403 162 (03/31/95) 162 SB
- 228 453 122 (750C
- e) 122 SB
- 1353 453 171 (91G0720) 171 SB
- 2253 453 162 (04/26/95) 162 SB
- 228 50
- 3 312 (755C and 755Cs) 312 SB
- 1353 503 171 (91G1533) 171 SB
- 2253 503 162 (02/1
- 5/96) 162 SB
- 228 603 2694 (To view the BIOS Part Number, turn off the computer,
- press and hold F1, then turn on the computer. Hold F1 until the Easy-Setup menu
- appears.) 2694 SB
- 228 653 743 (Select Config followed by SystemBoard.) 743 SB
- 228 753 2091 (To get the latest BIOS for the ThinkPad 360, 750, 755C, & 755Cs,
- download SYTPS142.EXE from the IBM BBS.) 2091 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helveti
- ca-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 923 879 (Upgrading The ThinkPad Flash BIOS) 87
- 9 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 190 1033 38 ( -) 3
- 8 SB
- 303 1033 1569 ( You need an AC adapter and a charged battery pack to updat
- e the system program.) 1569 SB
- 190 1083 38 ( -) 38 SB
- 303 1083 2475 ( If your
- computer is attached to a ThinkPad Docking Station or a port replicator, turn o
- ff the computer and detach it before proceeding.) 2475 SB
- 190 1183 51 (\(1\)) 5
- 1 SB
- 303 1183 880 (Firmly connect the AC adapter to the computer.) 880 SB
- 190
- 1233 51 (\(2\)) 51 SB
- 303 1233 1711 (Insert the System Program Service Diskette
- into the diskette drive and turn on the computer.) 1711 SB
- 190 1283 51 (\(3\))
- 51 SB
- 303 1283 1373 (Select "Update system program" and follow the instruction
- s on the screen.) 1373 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 39 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont
- font
- 303 1334 183 (Warning:) 183 SB
- 528 1334 2329 (Do not turn off or suspend
- the computer until the update has been completed. IF YOU TURN OFF OR SUSPEND TH
- E) 2329 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica
- /font4 ANSIFont font
- 190 1483 38 ( -) 38 SB
- 303 1483 1578 (After the update h
- as been completed, do the following to make the changes effective.) 1578 SB
- 190
- 1583 51 (\(4\)) 51 SB
- 303 1583 1779 (Remove the System Program Service Diskett
- e from the diskette drive and turn off the computer.) 1779 SB
- 190 1633 51 (\(5\
- )) 51 SB
- 303 1633 1688 (Press and hold F1, then turn on the computer. Hold F1 u
- ntil the Easy-Setup menu appears.) 1688 SB
- 190 1683 51 (\(6\)) 51 SB
- 303 1683
- 1068 (If a password prompt appears, type the correct password.) 1068 SB
- 190 173
- 3 51 (\(7\)) 51 SB
- 303 1733 648 (Select Config, then select Initialize.) 648 SB
- 190 1783 51 (\(8\)) 51 SB
- 303 1783 552 (Select OK to initialize system.) 552
- SB
- 190 1883 38 ( -) 38 SB
- 303 1883 1328 (Run the diagnostics to make sure tha
- t the computer runs with no errors:) 1328 SB
- 190 1983 51 (\(9\)) 51 SB
- 303 198
- 3 2108 (Turn off the computer, press and hold F1, then turn on the computer. Hol
- d F1 until the Easy-Setup menu appears.) 2108 SB
- 190 2033 74 (\(10\)) 74 SB
- 30
- 3 2033 1001 (Select Test, then select Start to run all the basic tests.) 1001 SB
- 190 2083 74 (\(11\)) 74 SB
- 303 2083 946 (Verify that OK appears for all of th
- e devices tested.) 946 SB
- 190 2133 74 (\(12\)) 74 SB
- 303 2133 899 (Press Esc t
- o exit Test and turn off the computer.) 899 SB
- 1 #C
- statusdict begin /manual
- feed false store papertray 2 gt {/manualfeed true store}if end
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- iler
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- /fm 256 d
- ef
- 157 105 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 157 105 M 0 -9 -
- 2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 157 124 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 255 255 255 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 153
- 2270 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 153 2289 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0
- 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 1
- 43 2200 (Latest Version of DOS Card & Socket Services Drivers for ThinkPad 360,
- 750, 755C, & 755Cs) 2200 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 255 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSI
- Font font
- 228 263 237 (File Name) 237 SB
- 753 263 435 (Driver Description) 435
- SB
- 1878 263 184 (Version) 184 SB
- 2262 263 210 (File Date) 210 SB
- 2553 263 201
- (File Size) 201 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 228
- 383 303 (IBMDSS01.SYS) 303 SB
- 753 383 701 (DOS PCMCIA Socket Services Driver) 7
- 01 SB
- 1953 383 81 (1.35) 81 SB
- 2291 383 166 (04-05-95) 166 SB
- 2626 383 115 (1
- 4888) 115 SB
- 228 433 320 (IBMDOSCS.SYS) 320 SB
- 753 433 663 (DOS PCMCIA Card Se
- rvices Driver) 663 SB
- 1953 433 81 (2.21) 81 SB
- 2291 433 166 (04-17-95) 166 SB
- 2626 433 115 (29535) 115 SB
- 228 483 309 (DICRMU01.SYS) 309 SB
- 753 483 663 (DO
- S PCMCIA Resource Map Utility) 663 SB
- 1953 483 81 (1.16) 81 SB
- 2291 483 166 (1
- 2-01-94) 166 SB
- 2626 483 115 (10806) 115 SB
- 228 533 315 ($ICPMDOS.SYS) 315 SB
- 753 533 771 (DOS PC Card Power Management Driver) 771 SB
- 1953 533 81 (2.22) 81
- SB
- 2291 533 166 (12-01-94) 166 SB
- 2648 533 92 (4500) 92 SB
- 228 583 301 (AUTO
- DRV.SYS) 301 SB
- 753 583 777 (DOS PCMCIA PC Card Auto Configurator) 777 SB
- 1953
- 583 81 (1.09) 81 SB
- 2291 583 166 (11-11-94) 166 SB
- 2626 583 115 (13644) 115 S
- B
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 783 2206 (Lat
- est Version of OS/2 Card & Socket Services Drivers for ThinkPad 360, 750, 755C,
- & 755Cs) 2206 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 255 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 228 903 237 (File Name) 237 SB
- 753 903 435 (Driver Description) 435 SB
- 1878 90
- 3 184 (Version) 184 SB
- 2262 903 210 (File Date) 210 SB
- 2553 903 201 (File Size
- ) 201 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 228 1013 296 (I
- BM2SS01.SYS) 296 SB
- 753 1013 706 (OS/2 PCMCIA Socket Services Driver) 706 SB
- 1
- 953 1013 81 (1.35) 81 SB
- 2291 1013 166 (03-22-95) 166 SB
- 2626 1013 115 (15997)
- 115 SB
- 228 1063 259 (PCMCIA.SYS) 259 SB
- 753 1063 668 (OS/2 PCMCIA Card Servic
- es Driver) 668 SB
- 1953 1063 81 (1.33) 81 SB
- 2291 1063 166 (03-17-95) 166 SB
- 2
- 626 1063 115 (47622) 115 SB
- 228 1113 287 (VPCMCIA.SYS) 287 SB
- 753 1113 623 (OS
- /2 Virtual Card Services Driver) 623 SB
- 2291 1113 166 (04-22-93) 166 SB
- 2672 1
- 113 69 (592) 69 SB
- 228 1163 279 (ICRMU01.SYS) 279 SB
- 753 1163 668 (OS/2 PCMCIA
- Resource Map Utility) 668 SB
- 1953 1163 81 (1.16) 81 SB
- 2291 1163 166 (12-01-9
- 4) 166 SB
- 2648 1163 92 (8943) 92 SB
- 228 1213 308 ($ICPMOS2.SYS) 308 SB
- 753 12
- 13 776 (OS/2 PC Card Power Management Driver) 776 SB
- 1953 1213 81 (1.22) 81 SB
- 2291 1213 166 (12-01-94) 166 SB
- 2648 1213 92 (5841) 92 SB
- 228 1263 324 (AUTOD
- RV2.SYS) 324 SB
- 753 1263 770 (OS2 PCMCIA PC Card Auto Configurator) 770 SB
- 195
- 3 1263 81 (1.03) 81 SB
- 2291 1263 166 (02-16-95) 166 SB
- 2626 1263 115 (10718) 1
- 15 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 1463 1241
- (Latest Drivers for ThinkPad 360, 750, 755C, & 755Cs) 1241 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 255
- 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 228 1583 462 (IBM BBS File Name) 4
- 62 SB
- 753 1583 435 (Driver Description) 435 SB
- 1878 1583 184 (Version) 184 SB
- 2262 1583 210 (File Date) 210 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIF
- ont font
- 228 1693 305 (PCTPX130.EXE) 305 SB
- 753 1693 307 (PCMCIA Drivers) 307
- SB
- 1953 1693 81 (1.30) 81 SB
- 2291 1693 166 (07-24-95) 166 SB
- 228 1743 308 (UT
- TPG101.EXE) 308 SB
- 753 1743 1131 (Utility Disk #1 \(ThinkPad Utility Programs\)
- - DOS, WIN, OS/2) 1131 SB
- 1953 1743 81 (3.32) 81 SB
- 2291 1743 166 (06-04-96)
- 166 SB
- 228 1793 296 (UTTPG201EXE) 296 SB
- 753 1793 1131 (Utility Disk #2 \(Thin
- kPad Utility Programs\) - DOS, WIN, OS/2) 1131 SB
- 1953 1793 81 (3.32) 81 SB
- 22
- 91 1793 166 (06-04-96) 166 SB
- 228 1843 315 (VWTPE121.EXE) 315 SB
- 753 1843 490
- (Video Drivers - WIN, OS/2) 490 SB
- 1953 1843 81 (1.21) 81 SB
- 2291 1843 166 (07
- -24-95) 166 SB
- 228 1893 301 (AFTPS140.EXE) 301 SB
- 753 1893 836 (Audio Drivers
- - WIN, OS/2 \(For 750 and 755\)) 836 SB
- 1953 1893 81 (1.40) 81 SB
- 2291 1893 16
- 6 (09-27-95) 166 SB
- 228 1943 307 (DDTPS110.EXE) 307 SB
- 753 1943 745 (Pen Devic
- e Drivers \(for 360P and 750P\)) 745 SB
- 1953 1943 81 (1.10) 81 SB
- 2291 1943 16
- 6 (07-13-94) 166 SB
- 228 1993 310 (ATADO200.EXE) 310 SB
- 753 1993 641 (PCMCIA Ha
- rd Disk Device Drivers) 641 SB
- 1953 1993 81 (2.00) 81 SB
- 2291 1993 166 (03-21-
- 94) 166 SB
- 228 2043 320 (VF75XWNT.EXE) 320 SB
- 753 2043 499 (Windows NT Video D
- rivers) 499 SB
- 2291 2043 166 (06-04-96) 166 SB
- 228 2093 335 (UTTPGWNT.EXE) 335
- SB
- 753 2093 967 (Windows NT Utility Disk \(ThinkPad Utility Programs\)) 967 SB
- 1953 2093 81 (1.00) 81 SB
- 2291 2093 166 (09-17-96) 166 SB
- 1 #C
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- n
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- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
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- n
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- 9 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
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- nt font
- 153 143 1082 (ThinkPad 360, 750, 755C, 755Cs Memory Map) 1082 SB
- 32 0
- 0 42 42 255 0 0 39 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 903 264 176 (Location)
- 176 SB
- 1653 264 76 (Use) 76 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFon
- t font
- 903 363 231 (0000 - 9FFF) 231 SB
- 1653 363 245 (System RAM) 245 SB
- 903
- 413 241 (A000 - AFFF) 241 SB
- 1653 413 285 (Video Graphics) 285 SB
- 903 463 238
- (B000 - B7FF) 238 SB
- 1653 463 222 (Mono Video) 222 SB
- 903 513 241 (B800 - BFFF
- ) 241 SB
- 1653 513 200 (Video Text) 200 SB
- 903 563 242 (C000 - C7FF) 242 SB
- 16
- 53 563 168 (Available) 168 SB
- 32 0 0 24 24 0 0 0 23 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont
- font
- 1821 566 13 (1) 13 SB
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- nt
- 903 613 245 (C800 - DFFF) 245 SB
- 1653 613 168 (Available) 168 SB
- 903 663 2
- 38 (E000 - E6FF) 238 SB
- 1653 663 349 (Currently Available) 349 SB
- 32 0 0 24 24
- 0 0 0 23 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 2002 666 13 (2) 13 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0
- 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 903 713 241 (E700 - EFFF) 241 SB
- 1653
- 713 253 (System BIOS) 253 SB
- 903 763 237 (F000 - FFFF) 237 SB
- 1653 763 253 (Sy
- stem BIOS) 253 SB
- 32 0 0 24 24 0 0 0 23 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 303 96
- 6 20 (1 ) 20 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 323 963
- 2626 (Available means open for either PCMCIA card usage, ISA Adapter card usage
- \(in Dock I or Dock II\), or for mapping as upper memory blocks.) 2626 SB
- 303
- 1013 2611 ( Please note that on ThinkPad 360, 755C, and 755Cs systems, PCMCIA c
- ard ROM & RAM cannot be located at C000-C0FF or D000-D0FF.) 2611 SB
- 32 0 0 24 2
- 4 0 0 0 23 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 303 1116 20 (2 ) 20 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42
- 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 323 1113 1109 (Some older versions of
- BIOS only left E000-E5FF available.) 1109 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-
- Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 1263 942 (ThinkPad Dock I & Dock II Memory Map) 9
- 42 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 255 0 0 39 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 303 1374 82
- 7 (Location of SCSI Adapter ROM in DOCK I) 827 SB
- 1653 1374 877 (Location of SC
- SI-II Adapter ROM in DOCK II) 877 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 AN
- SIFont font
- 303 1423 228 (CA00-CBFF) 228 SB
- 903 1423 132 (Default) 132 SB
- 165
- 3 1423 228 (DC00-DFFF) 228 SB
- 2253 1423 132 (Default) 132 SB
- 303 1473 218 (C80
- 0-C9FF) 218 SB
- 903 1473 527 (Selectable by Switch Setting) 527 SB
- 1653 1473 22
- 3 (C800-CBFF) 223 SB
- 2253 1473 527 (Selectable by Switch Setting) 527 SB
- 303 1
- 523 226 (CE00-CFFF) 226 SB
- 903 1523 527 (Selectable by Switch Setting) 527 SB
- 1653 1523 228 (CC00-CFFF) 228 SB
- 2253 1523 527 (Selectable by Switch Setting) 5
- 27 SB
- 303 1573 226 (DE00-DFFF) 226 SB
- 903 1573 527 (Selectable by Switch Setti
- ng) 527 SB
- 1653 1573 218 (D000-D3FF) 218 SB
- 2253 1573 527 (Selectable by Switc
- h Setting) 527 SB
- 1653 1623 218 (D400-D7FF) 218 SB
- 2253 1623 527 (Selectable b
- y Switch Setting) 527 SB
- 1653 1673 223 (D800-DBFF) 223 SB
- 2253 1673 527 (Selec
- table by Switch Setting) 527 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 AN
- SIFont font
- 153 1823 995 (Attaching Devices to the ThinkPad Dock I) 995 SB
- 32
- 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 303 1933 2612 (Some CD-ROM D
- rives, SCSI Attached Scanners, and other devices require either an ASPI \(Advanc
- ed SCSI Programming Interface\) or CAM) 2612 SB
- 303 1983 2644 (\(Common Access
- Method\) driver. This support is provided by the PowerSCSI utility. This utilit
- y does not ship with your IBM ThinkPad DOCK I.) 2644 SB
- 303 2033 1016 (Please d
- ownload POWRSCSI.DSK from the IBM BBS.) 1016 SB
- 1 #C
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- -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 157 124 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 255 255 255 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 15
- 3 2270 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 153 2289 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849
- 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153
- 143 876 (ThinkPad 360 Interrupt Assignments) 876 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 255 0 0 39 /He
- lvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 1042 304 23 (2) 23 SB
- 1267 304 23 (3) 23 SB
- 1492 304 23 (4) 23 SB
- 1717 304 23 (5) 23 SB
- 1942 304 23 (7) 23 SB
- 2167 304 2
- 3 (9) 23 SB
- 2380 304 46 (10) 46 SB
- 2605 304 46 (11) 46 SB
- 2830 304 46 (15) 46
- SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 153 403 712 (Cascade
- Interrupt Req From IRQ 8-15) 712 SB
- 987 403 132 (Default) 132 SB
- 153 453 195
- (Serial Port) 195 SB
- 1200 453 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 1437 453 132 (Default) 132
- SB
- 153 503 227 (Parallel Port) 227 SB
- 1887 503 132 (Default) 132 SB
- 153 553
- 406 (DOCK I Internal SCSI) 406 SB
- 1200 553 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 1651 553 155
- (Optional) 155 SB
- 2326 553 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2562 553 132 (Default) 132 SB
- 2776 553 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 153 603 418 (DOCK II Internal SCSI) 418 SB
- 21
- 01 603 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2326 603 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2562 603 132 (Defa
- ult) 132 SB
- 153 653 432 (Pen \(in 360P & 360PE\)) 432 SB
- 1662 653 132 (Default
- ) 132 SB
- 153 703 286 (PCMCIA Cards) 286 SB
- 1200 703 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 142
- 5 703 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 1651 703 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 1876 703 155 (Optio
- nal) 155 SB
- 2101 703 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2326 703 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 255
- 1 703 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2776 703 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 153 753 626 (ISA Ad
- apters \(In Docking Station\)) 626 SB
- 1200 753 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 1425 753
- 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 1651 753 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 1876 753 155 (Optional) 1
- 55 SB
- 2101 753 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2326 753 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2551 753
- 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2776 753 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 255 0 0 39 /
- Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 854 128 (Note 1) 128 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0
- 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 153 903 2705 (The following interrupts
- are used by the system: IRQ 0 \(Timer\), IRQ 1 \(Keyboard\), IRQ 6 \(Floppy Disk
- ette Drive\), IRQ 8 \(Real-time Clock\), IRQ 12) 2705 SB
- 153 953 1480 (\(Mouse/
- Trackpoint\), IRQ 13 \(Math Coprocessor\), and IRQ 14 \(Hard Disk Drive\).) 1480
- SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 1253 996 (T
- hinkPad 360 DMA Channel Assignments) 996 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 255 0 0 39 /Helvetica-
- Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 303 1414 95 (DMA) 95 SB
- 603 1414 394 (Default Assign
- ment) 394 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 303 1513 11
- 6 (DRQ0) 116 SB
- 603 1513 143 (Unused) 143 SB
- 303 1563 116 (DRQ1) 116 SB
- 603 1
- 563 143 (Unused) 143 SB
- 303 1613 116 (DRQ2) 116 SB
- 603 1613 260 (Diskette Driv
- e) 260 SB
- 303 1663 116 (DRQ3) 116 SB
- 603 1663 143 (Unused) 143 SB
- 303 1713 11
- 6 (DRQ4) 116 SB
- 603 1713 164 (Cascade) 164 SB
- 303 1763 116 (DRQ5) 116 SB
- 603
- 1763 143 (Unused) 143 SB
- 303 1813 116 (DRQ6) 116 SB
- 603 1813 143 (Unused) 143
- SB
- 303 1863 116 (DRQ7) 116 SB
- 603 1863 143 (Unused) 143 SB
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- 15
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- 1 F
- n
- 157 124 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0
- 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 255 255 255 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 153 2289 M 0 -1 -284
- 9 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFo
- nt font
- 153 143 1200 (ThinkPad 750, 755C, 755Cs Interrupt Assignments) 1200 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 255 0 0 39 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 1042 304 23 (2) 2
- 3 SB
- 1267 304 23 (3) 23 SB
- 1492 304 23 (4) 23 SB
- 1717 304 23 (5) 23 SB
- 1942
- 304 23 (7) 23 SB
- 2167 304 23 (9) 23 SB
- 2380 304 46 (10) 46 SB
- 2605 304 46 (11
- ) 46 SB
- 2830 304 46 (15) 46 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFon
- t font
- 153 403 712 (Cascade Interrupt Req From IRQ 8-15) 712 SB
- 987 403 132 (D
- efault) 132 SB
- 153 453 195 (Serial Port) 195 SB
- 1200 453 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 1437 453 132 (Default) 132 SB
- 153 503 106 (Audio) 106 SB
- 1651 503 155 (Optio
- nal) 155 SB
- 2337 503 132 (Default) 132 SB
- 2551 503 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2776
- 503 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 153 553 227 (Parallel Port) 227 SB
- 1887 553 132 (De
- fault) 132 SB
- 153 603 406 (DOCK I Internal SCSI) 406 SB
- 1200 603 155 (Optional
- ) 155 SB
- 1651 603 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2326 603 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2562 6
- 03 132 (Default) 132 SB
- 2776 603 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 153 653 418 (DOCK II In
- ternal SCSI) 418 SB
- 2101 653 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2326 653 155 (Optional) 155
- SB
- 2562 653 132 (Default) 132 SB
- 153 703 255 (Pen \(in 750P\)) 255 SB
- 1662 7
- 03 132 (Default) 132 SB
- 153 753 286 (PCMCIA Cards) 286 SB
- 1200 753 155 (Option
- al) 155 SB
- 1425 753 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 1651 753 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 1876
- 753 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2101 753 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2326 753 155 (Option
- al) 155 SB
- 2551 753 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2776 753 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 153
- 803 626 (ISA Adapters \(In Docking Station\)) 626 SB
- 1200 803 155 (Optional) 15
- 5 SB
- 1425 803 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 1651 803 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 1876 803 1
- 55 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2101 803 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2326 803 155 (Optional) 15
- 5 SB
- 2551 803 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 2776 803 155 (Optional) 155 SB
- 32 0 0 42
- 42 255 0 0 39 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 904 128 (Note 1) 128 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 153 953 2705 (The follow
- ing interrupts are used by the system: IRQ 0 \(Timer\), IRQ 1 \(Keyboard\), IRQ
- 6 \(Floppy Diskette Drive\), IRQ 8 \(Real-time Clock\), IRQ 12) 2705 SB
- 153 100
- 3 1480 (\(Mouse/Trackpoint\), IRQ 13 \(Math Coprocessor\), and IRQ 14 \(Hard Dis
- k Drive\).) 1480 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 1253 1320 (ThinkPad 750, 755C, 755Cs DMA Channel Assignments) 1320 SB
- 32 0
- 0 42 42 255 0 0 39 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 303 1414 95 (DMA) 95 S
- B
- 603 1414 394 (Default Assignment) 394 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /f
- ont4 ANSIFont font
- 303 1513 116 (DRQ0) 116 SB
- 603 1513 355 (Audio \(Except 750
- \)) 355 SB
- 303 1563 116 (DRQ1) 116 SB
- 603 1563 355 (Audio \(Except 750\)) 355
- SB
- 303 1613 116 (DRQ2) 116 SB
- 603 1613 260 (Diskette Drive) 260 SB
- 303 1663 1
- 16 (DRQ3) 116 SB
- 603 1663 143 (Unused) 143 SB
- 303 1713 116 (DRQ4) 116 SB
- 603
- 1713 164 (Cascade) 164 SB
- 303 1763 116 (DRQ5) 116 SB
- 603 1763 143 (Unused) 143
- SB
- 303 1813 116 (DRQ6) 116 SB
- 603 1813 143 (Unused) 143 SB
- 303 1863 116 (DRQ
- 7) 116 SB
- 603 1863 143 (Unused) 143 SB
- 1 #C
- statusdict begin /manualfeed fa
- lse store papertray 2 gt {/manualfeed true store}if end
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- /fm 256 def
- 1
- 57 105 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 157 105 M 0 -9 -2849
- 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 157 124 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 255 2
- 55 255 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 153 2270
- M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 153 2289 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 143 13
- 153 263 1761 (IBM Card
- & Socket Services Drivers for ThinkPad 360, 750, 755C, & 755Cs) 1761 SB
- 32 0 0
- 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 190 423 921 (DEVICEHIGH=C:\\THI
- 1503 423 1347 (\(DOS PCMCIA Socket Services Driv
- er for PCMCIA Socket Services 2.0\)) 1347 SB
- 303 523 2663 (The /D parameter all
- ows warm docking when used with a Dock II docking station. If you are not using
- a Dock II then removing the /D parameter) 2663 SB
- 303 573 2558 (will reduce th
- e amount of upper memory this driver uses by approximately 1KB. Socket Services
- uses between 6KB and 7KB of memory .) 2558 SB
- 190 723 884 (DEVICEHIGH=C:\\THIN
- 1503 723 1309 (\(DOS PCMCIA Card Services Driver for
- PCMCIA Socket Services 2.0\)) 1309 SB
- 303 823 698 (Card Services uses 29KB of
- memory.) 698 SB
- FF) 1206 SB
- 1503 973 691 (\(DOS PCMCIA Resource Map Utility\)) 691 SB
- 303 1073
- 2693 (The /MA parameter tells Card Services what locations in upper memory can
- be used by PCMCIA cards or Card Services, and must match or be a) 2693 SB
- 303 1
- 123 2566 (subset of an excluded memory range on the EMM386 line. The PCMCIA Res
- ource Memory Map Utility Driver does not remain in memory.) 2566 SB
- 190 1273 87
- 1503 1273 799 (\(DOS PC Card P
- ower Management Driver\)) 799 SB
- 303 1373 608 (This driver uses 3KB of memory.)
- 608 SB
- RV.INI) 1426 SB
- 303 1623 2694 (This statement loads the PCMCIA Super Client Dri
- ver \(AUTODRV.SYS\) into upper memory. AUTODRV.SYS recognizes many popular mode
- ms,) 2694 SB
- 303 1673 2630 (3270 cards, and SCSI cards. It does not recognize
- 5250 PCMCIA cards, SDLC cards, or LAN PCMCIA cards. AUTODRV.SYS uses 13KB of) 2
- 630 SB
- 303 1723 163 (memory.) 163 SB
- 806 1923 1581 (Please note that Card & So
- cket Services also requires a 4KB block of upper memory.) 1581 SB
- 1 #C
- statu
- sdict begin /manualfeed false store papertray 2 gt {/manualfeed true store}if en
- d
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- 255
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- /fm 256 def
- 157 105 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
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- n
- 0 0 0
- fC
- 157 105 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 157 124 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1
- 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 255 255 255 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 153 2289 M 0
- -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5
- ANSIFont font
- SB
- 153 263 1325 (Audio Device Driver for ThinkPad 750, 755C, and 755Cs) 1325 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 190 373 51 (\(1\)) 51 S
- B
- 303 373 2645 (The Audio Device Driver used for DOS Audio Support on the Think
- Pad 750, 755C, and 755Cs is only required for DOS Audio Support. It is not) 264
- 5 SB
- 303 423 2555 (required for Audio Support under Microsoft Windows. This Dr
- iver \(TPAUDDD.SYS\) uses up to 58KB of memory. Remove this driver from) 2555 S
- B
- 303 473 960 (CONFIG.SYS if DOS Audio Support is not required.) 960 SB
- 190 57
- 3 51 (\(2\)) 51 SB
- 303 573 1197 (If you are not using Video for Windows or othe
- r full motion video ) 1197 SB
- 1500 573 1165 (applications in Windows, you may b
- e able to save a significant ) 1165 SB
- 2665 573 186 (amount of) 186 SB
- 303 623
- 1051 (memory in the Windows environment by installing a new ) 1051 SB
- 1354 623
- 1185 (version of the Windows Audio Driver that can be almost entirely ) 1185 SB
- 2539 623 386 (loaded into extended) 386 SB
- 303 673 2624 (memory. Full motion
- video with audio is demanding and best performance can only be achieved when the
- Windows Audio Driver is loaded low) 2624 SB
- 303 723 2304 (\(below 1 MB\). Ple
- ase upgrade to the latest Windows Audio Driver and obtain the tpmemhlp.exe packa
- ge from the IBM BBS.) 2304 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSI
- Font font
- 153 873 1404 (VESA Video Driver for ThinkPad 360, 750, 755C, and 755C
- s) 1404 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 190 983 51 (\
- (1\)) 51 SB
- 303 983 2695 (The VESA Video Driver for the ThinkPad 360, 750, 755C
- , and 755Cs is only required if using 640 X 480 X 256 Color Mode \(or higher res
- olutions\).) 2695 SB
- 303 1033 2573 (This Driver \(VESA.EXE\) uses 8KB of memory
- . Remove this driver from CONFIG.SYS if you are running Microsoft Windows in VG
- A mode.) 2573 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 15
- 3 1183 996 (Disabling SCSI BIOS in ThinkPad DOCK II) 996 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0
- 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 190 1293 51 (\(1\)) 51 SB
- 303 1293 2672 (If
- you are not using a SCSI device in the DOCK II or are only using the internal S
- CSI CD-ROM, you can disable SCSI BIOS and reclaim 16KB of) 2672 SB
- 303 1343 261
- 3 (upper memory. SCSI BIOS can be disabled by rebooting the system while in the
- DOCK II, pressing Ctrl A at the prompt, selecting Configure/) 2613 SB
- 303 1393
- 2642 (View Host Adapter Settings, and changing Host Adapter BIOS to Disabled.
- SCSI BIOS can also be disabled by removing the DOCK II's cover) 2642 SB
- 303 14
- 43 1999 (and changing the switch settings on the DIP switch block: Switch 1, 2,
- and 3 to ON. Do not change switch 4.) 1999 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-
- Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 1593 1083 (Memory Management Without PCMCIA Cards
- ) 1083 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 190 1703 51 (\
- (1\)) 51 SB
- 303 1703 2694 (If you do not intend to use PCMCIA Cards, there is n
- o reason to load Card & Socket Services. Remove all IBM Card and Socket Service
- s Device) 2694 SB
- 303 1753 892 (Drivers from CONFIG.SYS \(see previous page\).)
- 892 SB
- 190 1853 51 (\(2\)) 51 SB
- 303 1853 2688 (Review the ThinkPad Memory Ma
- p for your system. Include any upper memory areas not used by adapter cards in
- the Docking Station. Be sure) 2688 SB
- 303 1903 1716 (to exclude the address of
- the SCSI adapter in the Docking Station if SCSI support is needed.) 1716 SB
- 19
- 0 2003 51 (\(3\)) 51 SB
- 303 2003 2612 (If you are not using the monochrome vide
- o mode \(most applications do not\), the Monochrome Video Area \(B000 - B7FF\) m
- ay be mapped \(by) 2612 SB
- 303 2053 2669 (adding I=B000-B7FF to the EMM386.EXE
- line in CONFIG.SYS\). If using Microsoft Windows, add a Device=C:\\DOS\\MONOUMB
- .386 statement) 2669 SB
- 303 2103 738 (to the [386Ehn] section of SYSTEM.INI.) 7
- 38 SB
- 1 #C
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- eed true store}if end
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- n
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- 1 F
- n
- 255 255 255 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -20 -2849
- 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1
- F
- n
- 153 2289 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /H
- elvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 253 1004 (Memory Management With PCMCIA Cards) 1004
- SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 190 363 51 (\(1\)) 51
- SB
- 303 363 2567 (Many PCMCIA card manufacturers provide Point Enablers with th
- eir products. Point Enablers are small programs that provide an interface) 2567
- SB
- 303 413 1934 (directly to the PCMCIA controller; therefore they must be wri
- tten to support a particular type of controller.) 1934 SB
- 303 513 2653 (Point E
- nablers are relatively simple to configure, do not require Card & Socket Service
- s Drivers, consume no memory \(they remove themselves) 2653 SB
- 303 563 2622 (fr
- om memory after configuring the card\), and provide the maximum DOS memory for y
- our ThinkPad. However, with Point Enablers, you must) 2622 SB
- 303 613 2612 (sp
- ecify the slot number of the card \(therefore , the card must always be in a spe
- cific slot\). You must also manually assign any upper memory) 2612 SB
- 303 663
- 2594 (blocks and IRQs used by that card. In addition, hot-plugging of the card
- is prohibited \(in fact, it may damage the card\). If Point Enablers are) 2594
- SB
- 303 713 2194 (provided with the PCMCIA card\(s\) you are using, decide wheth
- er to use the Point Enablers or Card & Socket Services.) 2194 SB
- 190 813 51 (\(
- 2\)) 51 SB
- 303 813 2603 (If you use Card & Socket Services, decide whether to u
- se the Super Client Driver \(AUTODRV.SYS\) or the drivers that are provided with
- your) 2603 SB
- 303 863 2592 (PCMCIA card\(s\). The Super Client Driver automat
- ically recognizes many popular PCMCIA cards \(including modems, 3270 cards, and
- SCSI) 2592 SB
- 303 913 2616 (adapters -- it does not recognize 5250 PCMCIA cards
- , SDLC cards, or LAN PCMCIA cards.\). However, the Super Client Driver can cons
- ume) 2616 SB
- 303 963 1223 (more memory than do the drivers provided with the PC
- MCIA card.) 1223 SB
- 190 1063 51 (\(3\)) 51 SB
- 303 1063 2604 (Determine the amo
- unt and location of upper memory required by your PCMCIA card\(s\), Docking Stat
- ion, and ISA Adapter cards. If possible,) 2604 SB
- 303 1113 2629 (locate upper
- memory required by all PCMCIA cards and ISA Adapters in one contiguous block. I
- f using Card & Socket Services, these drivers) 2629 SB
- 303 1163 1539 (require a
- 4KB upper memory block that can be located anywhere in upper memory.) 1539 SB
- 190 1263 51 (\(4\)) 51 SB
- 303 1263 2676 (Review the ThinkPad Memory Map for you
- r system. Note that for TP 360 and 755C/Cs Systems, PCMCIA Card ROM & RAM addre
- sses cannot) 2676 SB
- 303 1313 2607 (be located at C000-C0FF or D000-D0FF. Excl
- ude from EMM386.EXE's usage the upper memory areas used by \(a\) the PCMCIA card
- \(s\), \(b\)) 2607 SB
- 303 1363 2667 (Card & Socket Services \(4KB\), \(c\) the
- upper memory area used by the SCSI Adapter in the ThinkPad Docking Station \(if
- applicable\), and \(d\) the) 2667 SB
- 303 1413 2688 (upper memory areas used by
- any ISA adapters in the ThinkPad Docking Station. Include any available upper m
- emory areas not excluded above.) 2688 SB
- 190 1513 51 (\(5\)) 51 SB
- 303 1513 26
- 74 (If using Card & Socket Services, modify the DEVICE=C:\\THINKPAD\\DICRMU01.SY
- S /MA=XXXX-XXXX line in CONFIG.SYS. Make the XXXX-) 2674 SB
- 303 1563 2229 (XXX
- X range match the upper memory area used by any PCMCIA cards \(plus the 4KB used
- by Card & Socket Services\).) 2229 SB
- 190 1663 51 (\(6\)) 51 SB
- 303 1663 2612
- (Exclude any memory area allocated to PCMCIA Cards from usage by Microsoft Wind
- ows by adding an EmmExclude=XXXX-XXXX line to the) 2612 SB
- 303 1713 2686 ([386E
- nh] section of the SYSTEM.INI File. Where XXXX-XXXX is the upper memory range a
- llocated to the PCMCIA cards. If you are using Card) 2686 SB
- 303 1763 1900 (&
- Socket Services, the EmmExclude range must match the /MA= range of the DICRMU01.
- SYS Driver.) 1900 SB
- 190 1863 51 (\(7\)) 51 SB
- 303 1863 2588 (If you are not u
- sing the monochrome video mode \(most applications do not\), the Monochrome Vide
- o Area \(B000-B7FF\) may be mapped \(by) 2588 SB
- 303 1913 2669 (adding I=B000-B
- 7FF to the EMM386.EXE line in CONFIG.SYS\). If using Microsoft Windows, add a D
- evice=C:\\DOS\\MONOUMB.386 statement) 2669 SB
- 303 1963 738 (to the [386Ehn] sec
- tion of SYSTEM.INI.) 738 SB
- 190 2063 51 (\(8\)) 51 SB
- 303 2063 2689 (If you ar
- e using an IBM PCMCIA Token-Ring Adapter, an IBM Token-Ring Adapter in a Docking
- Station, or an IBM EtherJet Adapter in a Docking) 2689 SB
- 303 2113 2655 (Stati
- on, download the IBM LAN Client Code from the IBM BBS. This code loads 802.2 Su
- pport, Netbios, the Netware Requester, and a TCP/IP) 2655 SB
- 303 2163 2256 (sta
- ck into extended memory \(not upper memory\). It can reduce the DOS memory cons
- umption of these protocols to 5KB.) 2256 SB
- 1 #C
- statusdict begin /manualfee
- d false store papertray 2 gt {/manualfeed true store}if end
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- r
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- f
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- 849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 157 124 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 2
- 55 255 255 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 153
- 2270 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
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- 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
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- 153 14
- 3 2648 (Sample Configuration: IBM PCMCIA Token-Ring Adapter Installed in ThinkPa
- d 360, 750, 755C or 755Cs System) 2648 SB
- 153 253 819 (Recommended Memory Locat
- ions) 819 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 265 363 745
- (IBM Token-Ring PCMCIA Adapter ROM) 745 SB
- 1278 363 232 (CC00-CDFF) 232 SB
- 26
- 5 413 740 (IBM Token-Ring PCMCIA Adapter RAM) 740 SB
- 1278 413 223 (C800-CBFF) 2
- 23 SB
- 265 463 522 (IBM Card Services \(If Used\)) 522 SB
- 1278 463 228 (CE00-CE
- FF) 228 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 563
- 2490 (Card Services CONFIG.SYS \(Please ensure that you are using the latest Car
- d & Socket Services Drivers\)) 2490 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4
- ANSIFont font
- 265 673 1590 (DEVICE=C:\\DOS\\EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=C800-CEFF I=C000
- -C7FF I=CF00-E6FF) 1590 SB
- 265 723 762 (DEVICE=C:\\THINKPAD\\IBMDSS01.SYS) 762
- SB
- 265 773 779 (DEVICE=C:\\THINKPAD\\IBMDOSCS.SYS) 779 SB
- 265 823 1103 (DEVICE
- 153 873 2270 (Note: Latest I
- BM Token-Ring Credit Card Adapter Drivers are Version 3.06 \(TRCC1.EXE & TRCC2.E
- XE on the IBM BBS\).) 2270 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSI
- Font font
- 153 973 646 (Point Enabler CONFIG.SYS) 646 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40
- /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 265 1083 1594 (DEVICE=C:\\DOS\\EMM386.EXE NOEMS
- X=C800-CDFF I=C000-C7FF I=CE00-E6FF) 1594 SB
- 265 1133 1433 (DEVICE=C:\\POINTTR
- .EXE SB RS=16 MMIO=CC00 IRQ=9 SRAM=C800,16) 1433 SB
- 1953 1133 1048 (Where: SB i
- s Slot B \(Bottom Slot\) and RS is Ring Speed) 1048 SB
- 153 1233 2818 (If you ar
- e using the IBM PCMCIA Token-Ring Adapter in the PCMCIA slot in the Port replica
- tor, you must add the PCIC parameter to your point enabler) 2818 SB
- 153 1283 2
- 771 (device statement: For example: DEVICE=C:\\POINTTR.EXE PCIC=03E2 SB RS=16 MM
- IO=CC00 IRQ=9 SRAM=C800,16. The Port Replicator uses) 2771 SB
- 153 1333 611 (3
- E2 as its I/O port base address.) 611 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold
- /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 1433 759 (Microsoft Windows SYSTEM.INI) 759 SB
- 32 0 0
- 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 265 1493 167 ([386Enh]) 167 SB
- 265 1543 496 (EmmExclude=C800-CDFF) 496 SB
- 894 1543 989 (\(or EmmExclude=C800-
- CEFF if using Card Services\)) 989 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /fo
- nt5 ANSIFont font
- 153 1643 1077 (Setting the Token-Ring ROM & RAM Address) 1077
- SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 153 1753 51 (\(1\))
- 51 SB
- 265 1753 829 (Novell Netware ODI Drivers \(NET.CFG File\):) 829 SB
- 1503
- 1753 908 (Link Driver TOKEN \(Or TOKENCS Or LANSUP\)) 908 SB
- 1653 1803 297 (ME
- M #1 CC000) 297 SB
- 1653 1853 290 (MEM #2 C8000) 290 SB
- 153 1953 51 (\(2\)) 51
- SB
- 265 1953 687 (For IBM LAN Support Native Drivers:) 687 SB
- 1503 1953 936 (DE
- VICE=C:\\LSP\\DXMC0MOD.SYS N ,C800,0,0,0) 936 SB
- 153 2053 51 (\(3\)) 51 SB
- 265
- 2053 1099 (The IBM LAN Support NDIS Drivers \(PROTOCOL.INI File\):) 1099 SB
- 15
- 03 2053 285 (RAM = 0xC800) 285 SB
- 1503 2103 314 (MMIO = 0xCC00) 314 SB
- 1503 21
- 53 282 (RAMSIZE = 16) 282 SB
- 1 #C
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- apertray 2 gt {/manualfeed true store}if end
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- n
- 0 0 0 fC
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- 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 157 124 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 255 255 255 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -9 -28
- 49 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 153 2289 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 3
- 2 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 143 2588 (Sample
- Configuration: IBM PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter Installed in ThinkPad 360, 750, 755C,
- or 755Cs System) 2588 SB
- 153 253 819 (Recommended Memory Locations) 819 SB
- 32
- 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 265 363 683 (IBM Ethernet P
- CMCIA Adapter RAM) 683 SB
- 1278 363 223 (C800-CBFF) 223 SB
- 265 413 522 (IBM Car
- d Services \(If Used\)) 522 SB
- 1278 413 232 (CC00-CCFF) 232 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0
- 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 513 2490 (Card Services CONFIG.
- SYS \(Please ensure that you are using the latest Card & Socket Services Drivers
- \)) 2490 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 265 623 1596
- (DEVICE=C:\\DOS\\EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=C800-CCFF I=C000-C7FF I=CD00-E6FF) 1596 SB
- 265 673 762 (DEVICE=C:\\THINKPAD\\IBMDSS01.SYS) 762 SB
- 265 723 779 (DEVICE=C:\
- 265 773 1105 (DEVICE=C:\\THINKPAD\\DICRMU01.SYS
- /MA=C800-CCFF) 1105 SB
- 153 823 1901 (Note: Latest IBM Ethernet Credit Card Ada
- pter Drivers are Version 2.06 \(ETCC.EXE on the IBM BBS\).) 1901 SB
- 32 0 0 50 5
- 0 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 923 646 (Point Enabler CONF
- IG.SYS) 646 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 265 1033
- 1594 (DEVICE=C:\\DOS\\EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=C800-CBFF I=C000-C7FF I=CC00-E6FF) 1594
- SB
- 265 1083 1155 (DEVICE=C:\\POINTETH.SYS SB IRQ=9 SRAM=C800 IO=300) 1155 SB
- 1803 1083 626 (Where: SB is Slot B \(Bottom Slot\)) 626 SB
- 153 1183 2761 (If yo
- u are using the IBM PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter in the PCMCIA slot in the Port repli
- cator, you must add the PCIC parameter to your point enabler) 2761 SB
- 153 1233
- 2842 (device statement: For example: DEVICE=C:\\POINTETH.SYS PCIC=03E2 SB IRQ=9
- SRAM=C800 IO=300. The Port Replicator uses 3E2 as its I/O port) 2842 SB
- 153
- 1283 262 (base address.) 262 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 AN
- SIFont font
- 153 1383 759 (Microsoft Windows SYSTEM.INI) 759 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0
- 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 265 1493 167 ([386Enh]) 167 SB
- 265 1543
- 494 (EmmExclude=C800-CBFF) 494 SB
- 894 1543 991 (\(or EmmExclude=C800-CCFF if u
- sing Card Services\)) 991 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIF
- ont font
- 153 1703 822 (Setting the Ethernet RAM Address) 822 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0
- 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 153 1813 51 (\(1\)) 51 SB
- 265 1813 829
- (Novell Netware ODI Drivers \(NET.CFG File\):) 829 SB
- 1503 1813 427 (Link Driv
- er PCMDMCS) 427 SB
- 1653 1863 198 (PORT 300) 198 SB
- 1653 1913 103 (INT 9) 103 S
- B
- 1653 1963 232 (MEM C8000) 232 SB
- 153 2063 51 (\(2\)) 51 SB
- 265 2063 1099 (T
- he IBM LAN Support NDIS Drivers \(PROTOCOL.INI File\):) 1099 SB
- 1503 2063 487 (
- RAMADDRESS = 0xC800) 487 SB
- 1503 2113 312 (INTERRUPT = 9) 312 SB
- 1503 2163 319
- (IOBASE = 0x300) 319 SB
- 1 #C
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- tray 2 gt {/manualfeed true store}if end
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- 0 0 0 fC
- 157 105 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4
- PP
- 1 F
- n
- 157 124 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 255 255 255 fC
- 153
- 2270 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -9 -2849 0
- 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 153 2289 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 32 0
- 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 143 946 (IBM PCMCIA M
- 153 253 1212 (Using the IBM Super Client Driver \(AU
- TODRV.SYS\)) 1212 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 190
- 363 51 (\(1\)) 51 SB
- 303 363 1999 (The IBM Super Client Driver will automatica
- lly recognize IBM PCMCIA Modems. Sample CONFIG.SYS file:) 1999 SB
- 453 463 574
- 453 513 1053 (DEVICE=C:\\DOS\\EMM386.EXE NOE
- MS X=C800-CFFF) 1053 SB
- 453 563 762 (DEVICE=C:\\THINKPAD\\IBMDSS01.SYS) 762 SB
- 453 613 779 (DEVICE=C:\\THINKPAD\\IBMDOSCS.SYS) 779 SB
- 453 663 1101 (DEVICE=C:
- 453 713 774 (DEVICE=C:\\THINKPA
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFon
- t font
- 153 913 2612 (Using the IBM PCMCIA Modem Point Enabler \(Note: Not All I
- BM PCMCIA Modems Support this Point Enabler\)) 2612 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /H
- elvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 190 1023 51 (\(1\)) 51 SB
- 303 1023 2592 (The IBM
- PCMCIA Modem Point Enabler \(called PCCOMDOS.SYS\) does not require Card & Sock
- et Services. It does reside in memory and) 2592 SB
- 303 1073 2678 (requires 16K
- B. Using the Point Enabler can save up to 36KB \(if you do not load Card & Sock
- et Services or AUTODRV.SYS\). However, with the) 2678 SB
- 303 1123 1626 (IBM Po
- int Enabler hot-plugging of the card is prohibited \(in fact, it will damage the
- card\).) 1626 SB
- 190 1223 51 (\(2\)) 51 SB
- 303 1223 2598 (Be sure to exclude
- a 4KB block for the modem in upper memory \(On the TP 360 & 755, this block cann
- ot be located at C000-C0FF or D000-) 2598 SB
- 303 1273 2572 (D0FF\). If you are
- also using card services, do not include the 4KB block in the /MA=XXXX-XXXX par
- ameter of the DICRMU01.SYS driver.) 2572 SB
- 190 1373 51 (\(3\)) 51 SB
- 303 1373
- 490 (Sample CONFIG.SYS file:) 490 SB
- 453 1473 1533 (DEVICE=C:\\PCCOMDOS\\PCCOM
- 453 1573 135 (Where:) 135 SB
- 678
- 1573 568 (COM2 is the COM 1, 2, 3, or 4) 568 SB
- 1503 1573 453 (COM 2 is recomm
- ended) 453 SB
- 678 1623 568 (/AMEM is the memory location) 568 SB
- 1503 1623 424
- (CE00 is recommended) 424 SB
- 753 1673 499 (for the modem's 4KB block) 499 SB
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 1823 895 (Using
- the IBM PCMCIA Modem Driver) 895 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica /font4 ANS
- IFont font
- 190 1933 51 (\(1\)) 51 SB
- 303 1933 2597 (The IBM PCMCIA Modem Drive
- r \(called ESTDFM.EXE\) does require Card & Socket Services. It does reside in
- memory and requires 25KB.) 2597 SB
- 303 1983 2658 (Therefore, I recommend that y
- ou use the AUTODRV.SYS driver since it takes less memory. ESTDFM.EXE is loaded
- via the AUTOEXEC.BAT:) 2658 SB
- 378 2083 385 (ESTDFM.EXE S1C2) 385 SB
- 1203 2083
- 135 (Where:) 135 SB
- 1503 2083 407 (S1 is the Slot Number) 407 SB
- 1503 2133 94
- 9 (C2 is the Communications Port \(C1, C2, C3, or C4\)) 949 SB
- 1 #C
- statusdi
- ct begin /manualfeed false store papertray 2 gt {/manualfeed true store}if end
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- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 157 105 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 157 124 M 0 -1 -2849 0 0 1 284
- 9 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 255 255 255 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -20 -2849 0 0 20 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 0 0 0 fC
- 153 2270 M 0 -9 -2849 0 0 9 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 153 2289 M 0 -1
- -2849 0 0 1 2849 0 4 PP
- 1 F
- n
- 32 0 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 AN
- SIFont font
- 153 253 1212 (U
- sing the IBM Super Client Driver \(AUTODRV.SYS\)) 1212 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40
- /Helvetica /font4 ANSIFont font
- 190 363 51 (\(1\)) 51 SB
- 303 363 2224 (The IB
- M Super Client Driver will automatically recognize most Megahertz PCMCIA Modems.
- Sample CONFIG.SYS file:) 2224 SB
- 453 463 574 (DEVICE=C:\\DOS\\HIMEM.SYS) 574
- SB
- 453 513 1053 (DEVICE=C:\\DOS\\EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=C800-CFFF) 1053 SB
- 453 563
- 453 613 779 (DEVICE=C:\\THINKPA
- 453 663 1101 (DEVICE=C:\\THINKPAD\\DICRMU01.SYS /MA=C80
- 0-CFFF) 1101 SB
- 453 713 774 (DEVICE=C:\\THINKPAD\\$ICPMDOS.SYS) 774 SB
- 453 763
- 32 0
- 0 50 50 0 0 0 47 /Helvetica-Bold /font5 ANSIFont font
- 153 963 1237 (Using the
- MegaHertz PCMCIA Modem Point Enabler) 1237 SB
- 32 0 0 42 42 0 0 0 40 /Helvetica
- /font4 ANSIFont font
- 190 1073 51 (\(1\)) 51 SB
- 303 1073 2615 (The MegaHertz PC
- MCIA Modem Point Enabler \(called SETMHZ.EXE\) does not require Card & Socket Se
- rvices. In addition, it removes itself) 2615 SB
- 303 1123 2541 (from memory onc
- e it has configured the modem. This can save up to 49KB \(if you eliminate Card
- & Socket Services\). However, with the) 2541 SB
- 303 1173 2625 (MegaHertz Poin
- t Enabler, you must specify the slot number of the card \(therefore, the card mu
- st always be in a specific slot\). In addition, hot-) 2625 SB
- 303 1223 1397 (p
- lugging of the card is prohibited \(in fact, it will physically damage the card\
- ).) 1397 SB
- 190 1323 51 (\(2\)) 51 SB
- 303 1323 2618 (Obtain the latest Megaher
- tz Point Enabler. Versions before 3.1 do not support the ThinkPad 360 & 755. L
- atest version is 4.3. Be sure to ex-) 2618 SB
- 303 1373 2681 (clude a 4KB block
- for the modem in upper memory \(On the TP 360 & 755, this block cannot be locat
- ed at C000-C0FF or D000-D0FF\). If you are) 2681 SB
- 303 1423 2230 (also using
- card services, do not include the 4KB block in the /MA=XXXX-XXXX parameter of th
- e DICRMU01.SYS driver.) 2230 SB
- 190 1523 51 (\(3\)) 51 SB
- 303 1523 1890 (The S
- ETMHZ program is loaded via the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Format of the SETMHZ.EXE Pro
- gram:) 1890 SB
- 453 1623 739 (SETMHZ.EXE /cn /in /sn /pnnnn /dnnnn) 739 SB
- 453
- 1723 135 (Where:) 135 SB
- 678 1723 384 (/cn is COM 1, 2, 3, 4) 384 SB
- 1503 1723
- 453 (COM 2 is recommended) 453 SB
- 678 1773 302 (/in is IRQ 1 .. 15) 302 SB
- 15
- 03 1773 430 (IRQ 3 is recommended) 430 SB
- 678 1823 431 (/sn is Slot A, B, C, or
- D) 431 SB
- 678 1873 557 (/pnnnn is the memory location) 557 SB
- 1503 1873 424 (
- CE00 is recommended) 424 SB
- 678 1923 632 (/dnnnn is the delay in milliseconds)
- 632 SB
- 1503 1923 412 (1500 is recommended) 412 SB
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- 257 SB
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- .) 1315 SB
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- nced Models Tips in PostScript format.) 1301 SB
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- ipt format.) 885 SB
- 453 2003 257 (760_tips.txt) 257 SB
- 1053 2003 787 (ThinkPad
- 760 Tips in ASCII format.) 787 SB
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