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- [Recd: May 26th, 1995]
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- "Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth
- bared, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the last day!"
- "I of course have zero evidence for this, but since when has that
- stopped any of us?" <David Wren-Hardin>
- "Get your FAQs first, then you can distort 'em as you please." -Mark Twain
- "Now, what I want is FAQs. Teach these boys and girls nothing but
- FAQs...Plant nothing else, and root out everything else...Stick to
- FAQs, sir!" --Charles Dickens, _Hard Times_
- CONTRIBUTORS. Active Contributors & Articles Plundered From:
- Dylan Flynn Alexander * Chris Anderson Michael Arnett * Hugh Arai *
- Keith Aschinger * Will Baird * Glen Justin Balmer * Chris Barrera *
- Kevin Bartlett * Brian Bax * Aaron Bergman * Alice Bergmann * Chris
- Bradley * Timothy Bruening * Charles Buckley * Arthur Bernard Byrne *
- Paul W. Cashman * Keith Casner * Christopher Lee Cavender * Randy
- Cerveny * Dennis Hohn-Chong Cho * Damien Cole * Amish Dave * Ruchira
- Datta * Dave "Walls of Books" DeLaney * Roderick Easton * Eric Ebinger
- * Jain Farstrider * J. R. Feehan * Chris Flora * Courtenay Footman *
- Jim "Robin Jim" Ford * Michel Forget * Susan Frager * Jeff Fullmer *
- Carolyn Fusinato * Christian M. Gadeken * Devin L. "Lews Therin"
- Ganger * Bill "Cherry Kool-Aid" Garrett * Helmut Geyer * Judy
- Ghirardelli * Bob Gibson * Jocelyn "who is not Kathleen" Goldfein *
- Robyn "Hawk" Goldstein * Stephen Graham * Gary Greenbaum * Michael
- Guenther * John C. Hansen * Chris Hammock * Michael Hanneman * Stephen
- J. Hardy * Don Harlow * John Hawkinson * Mark Hazen * Nathan Hendrix *
- Clint Hepner * Captain Commander Sean Hillyard * Bob Hofmann * Melissa
- Horn * Justin Howell * Eugene Hung * Matthew Hunter * John Ireland *
- Robert Jordan (duh.) * Robert Kelley * Daniel John Kelly-Harrity *
- Mark Hazen * David "Wee Dave" Kennedy * Jacob Kesinger * Tanya Koenig
- * Pam Korda * Hank Lee * Mike Lemons * Craig Martin Levin * Shen Kiat
- Lim * Edward Liu * Mark Looi * Mike "Sir MPS" Macchione * Tom
- McCormick * Cameron Majidi * Luke Mankin * Jim Mann * Stephanie Mason
- * Roxanne Meida * Kelley Miles * Don Morgan * Joe Morris * David
- Mortman * Roy Navarre * Patrick Nielsen Hayden * John S. Novak III *
- Emmet O'Brien * Michael J O'Malley * Chad "Oilcan"/"Ba'alzamon" Orzel
- * Daniel "Zippy" O'Toole * Anthony Padilla * Rimesh Patel * Simon
- Patterson * Emma Pease * Rhonda Peters * Thomas Petersen * George D.
- Phillies * Jim Phillips * Piglet * Eric C. Piquette * Greg Pobst *
- Heikki Poso * Jeffrey Scott Raglin * Chris Russo * Erica Sadun * Kevin
- Samborn * Jared Samet * Ulrich Schade * Jeff Schneiter * Morgan Donald
- Scott * Viren Shah * Joe Shaw * Vivienne Shen * Zach Simpson * Peter
- Smalley * Will Smit * Jeff Smith * Michael "Darkelf" Steeves * Brian
- Sullivan * Charles L. Stuart * Martin Terman * Aline Thompson *
- Elayne Thompson * Carl Traber * Sven Venema * Jonathan Vessey * Ken
- Warkentyne * Bryon Wasserman * Olaf Weber * Dash Wendrzyk * Greg
- Wheatley * Windsor Williams * Aaron Wong * Edmund Wong * David
- Wren-Hardin * Tony Yoder * Tony Zbaraschuk *
- (Did I forget anyone? Is anyone on here twice? Anybody with a name
- starting with Q , U, or X want to contribute?)
- KEEPER OF THE CHRONICLES: Pam Korda <kor2@kimbark.uchicago.edu>
- (Ca veut dire, the FAQ-keeper)
- REFERENCE CHECKERISSIMO DUDE: Joe Shaw (Official Net Jordan Librarian),
- <joeshaw@csgrad.cs.vt.edu>
- KEEPER OF THE FLAME OF TAR FTP: Viren R. Shah <viren@cc.gatech.edu
- FAQ available by anonymous ftp. to ftp.cc.gatech.edu
- /pub/people/viren/jordan/ There's all sorts of fun
- stuff there besides the FAQ, so check it out.
- MOTHER OF THE FAQ: Erica Sadun <erica@cc.gatech.edu>. She is retired,
- but she started the thing, so you probably shouldn't call her
- a non-entity.
- WWW HOME PAGE: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/ftp/people/viren/www/jordan.html
- html conversion by Helmut Geyer <Helmut.Geyer@IWR.Uni-Heidelberg.De>
- REC.ARTS.SF.WRITTEN.ROBERT-JORDAN FAQ: Posted regularly to r.a.sf.w.r-j,
- news.answer and rec.answers, and archived at rtfm.mit.edu in
- directory /pub/usenet/news.answers/sf/robert-jordan-faq it
- contains general newsgroup information, general author info,
- release dates, etc. Please read this document first if you
- are new to rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan. Keeper is Joe Shaw
- <joeshaw@csgrad.vt.edu>
- [NB: 'Survey Says' sections are from the 3rd Annual Novak-Ghirardelli Survey
- (spring 1995). Sample size: 224 responses. discrepancies in % totals
- are due to people not giving an answer for the question.]
- [NB: Standard Reference Format:
- <Book Abbr.: Chapter #, paperback pg#, Chapter name, hard cover pg#>]
- TWoT/WOT = The Wheel of Time
- TEotW/EOW = The Eye of the World
- TGH = The Great Hunt
- TDR = The Dragon Reborn
- TSR = The Shadow Rising
- TFoH/FOH = The Fires of Heaven
- LoC = Lord of Chaos
- FAQ = WMAK, Wonderful Masterpiece of Assembled Knowledge,
- but FAQ is easier to say (and makes for better puns)
- r.a.sf.w = rec.arts.sf.written (also just "rasfw")
- r.a.sf.w.r-j = rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan (also just "rasfwrj")
- AOL = Age of Legends
- AS = Aes Sedai (or Amyrlin Seat)
- Asm = Asmodean
- BA = Black Ajah
- DO = Dark One
- DF = Darkfriend
- DFS/DS = Darkfriend Social
- DotNM = Daughter of the Nine Moons
- Eg/Egw = Egwene
- El = Elayne
- Ish/Ishy = Ishamael
- LTT = Lews Therin Telamon
- Mog/Moggy = Moghedien
- Mo/Moi/Moir = Moiraine
- MPS = Mad Passionate Sex, Mad Purple Stegosaurus
- MT = Mazrim Taim
- Ny/Nyn = Nynaeve
- OP = One Power
- RJ = Robert Jordan
- SG = Shayol Ghul
- SS = Siuan Sanche
- T'A'R/TAR = Tel'aran'rhiod
- TS = True Source
- TV = Tar Valon
- WCs = Whitecloaks
- WOs = Wise Ones
- WT = White Tower
- YKYBRTMRJW = You Know You've Been Reading Too Much Robert Jordan When...
- CONTENTS: (* = new this FAQ, + updated this FAQ, - same as last FAQ)
- - 0.0 Contents/Acronyms Section
- + 0.1 FAQ introduction.
- - 0.2 What are these Jordan Wheel of Time Books?
- - 0.3 Mis-steps. (Errors along the way)
- - 0.4 What should I do if I've become obsessed?
- - 0.5 What's the deal with these shoddy Tor covers that keep falling off?
- - 0.6 The RJ Hoax/The Great Hoax
- - 0.7 Who Is Robert Jordan, Really? What else has he written?
- + 0.8 Other "Resources"
- - 0.9 What is TAN?
- - 1.1 Who was Beidomon?
- - 1.2 Is Thom Elayne and Gawyn's real father?
- - 1.3 Why do we think that Thom will marry Moiraine?
- - 1.4 Why is Moiraine not dead?
- - 1.5 What was up with Gawyn during the coup?
- - 1.6 Who will marry Mat?
- - 1.7 Who will take Callandor from the Stone? (Logain stuff)
- + 1.8 How does Mat's medallion work?
- - 1.9 Why isn't Elaida Black?
- - 1.10 What is up with Lan, Myrelle, Nynaeve, etc?
- - 1.11 The death of Asmodean.
- - 1.12 Kari Al'Thor--What do we know about her?
- - 1.13 Is Aram a Darkfriend?
- - 1.14 What's up with Mat and the dice Ter'angreal?
- - 1.15 Is Aviendha pregnant?
- - 1.16 Where is Gaidal Cain now?
- - 1.17 What are the Seanchan up to?
- - 1.18 Is Ishamael still alive?
- - 1.19 Tigraine == Shaiel (Rand's mum): an analysis
- - 1.20 Slayer (Isam & Luc)
- - 1.21 The Severed Hand
- - 1.22 The Green Man and the Song (Who is the Green Man, What is the Song,
- Who will find the Song, Who were the Aiel?)
- - 1.23 Verin: Black, Brown, or Purple?
- - 1.25 Why Lanfear may be Good (not just in bed, Roy)
- - 1.26 What's up in Saldaea?
- - 1.27 Who was Mat (in his past lives)?
- - 1.28 Where have we seen ironic foreshadowing?
- - 1.29 Why are we sure that Ba'alzamon is really Ishamael?
- - 1.30 When was Rand's Power Acquisition Fever Syndrome?
- - 1.31 Sad Bracelets, Mazrim Taim/Logain
- - 1.32 Is Mat still linked to the Horn?
- - 1.33 Thought and Memory: Take Two
- - 1.34 More of the Fain
- - 1.35 Jain "McGuffin" Farstrider
- - 1.36 Who was "Silvie?"
- - 1.37 Who ordered Melindhra?
- - 1.38 Why Moiraine is not Black Ajah
- - 1.39 Can Thom Channel?
- - 1.40 Is Sheriam Black Ajah?
- - 1.41 Who is not a Darkfriend?
- - 1.42 Who are Aran'gar and Osan'gar?
- + 1.43 Is Mazrim Taim really Mazrim Taim?
- - 1.44 Who is Mesaana?
- - 1.45 "LTT"--Is he for real, or is Rand loony?
- - 1.46 Why did Sammael claim he had a truce w/ Rand?
- * 1.47 Who will be the New Dreadlords?
- * 1.48 Who is the "one who is no longer"?
- * 1.49 Shadar Haran, Superfade.
- 2.0 WORLD STUFF: Randland history & geography, Power mechanics,
- Character facts, etc.
- - 2.1 The Old Tongue
- - 2.2 What was the Tamyrlin?
- * 2.3 How does Balefire Work? Why doesn't somebody just BF the DO?
- - 2.4 The Seven Seals
- - 2.5 Who's Who in the Families?
- - 2.6 How old is everyone?
- - 2.7 What does each Ajah do (and want)?
- - 2.8 Geography of Randland
- - 2.9 Is there Religion in Randland?
- - 2.10 Who are the Forsaken? Where are they & what are they doing?
- - 2.11 All the Aes Sedai
- - 2.12 Who are the Aelfinn & Eelfinn?
- - 2.13 What are the Songs (not >the< Song)
- - 2.14 What are them icons?
- - 2.15 What did Ogier do of old?
- - 2.16 Were there Ajahs in the Age of Legends?
- * 2.17 Was the Sharom the Dark One's Prison?
- - 2.18 What is the difference between Skimming & Traveling?
- - 2.19 What's up w/the male-female a'dam link where they both die screaming?
- - 2.20 What are those black threads on the forsaken?
- - 2.21 Binding--what's up with that?
- - 2.22 Did LTT balefire himself?
- - 2.23 How Tall is Everybody?
- - 2.24 Where did Artur Hawkwing come from?
- * 2.25 What do Dreamers/Dreamwalkers do?
- * 2.26 Can Black Ajah break the Oaths?
- * 2.27 Where do Trollocs & Myrddraal come from?
- * 2.28 What is the range on sensing other Channelers?
- 3.0 TRIVIAL PURSUITS: References, Sources, Allusions, Parallels, etc.
- - 3.1 Arthur and the Holy Grail
- - 3.2 Trolloc Tribes
- - 3.3 Is the world of Rand a future Earth?
- + 3.4 Christian Parallels
- - 3.5 Various Names
- - 3.6 Dragon Legends
- - 3.7 Norse Mythology
- - 3.8 Stedding & China
- * 3.9 Native American stuff
- + 3.10 Miscellaneous References
- Timeline (not actually in here)
- Loose Threads: Unresolved Stuff
- What is it with those stupid Darrell Sweet Covers?
- 7.0 PROPHECIES: Everything you wanted to know about the future, but
- were afraid to ask.
- - 7.1 Egwene's Dreams
- - 7.2 Min's Viewings
- - 7.3 Various Prophecies
- - 7.4 Dark Prophecy
- - 7.5 The prophecies of the Dragon.
- - 7.6 Perrin's Dreams
- * 7.7 Fourth Age Histories
- - 99.1 How many books will there be?
- + 99.2 When Is The Next Book Out?
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0.0==============================ADMINISTRIVIA==============================
- 0.1..............................................Introduction to this FAQ
- The Wheel of Time FAQ contains writing by many authors. The
- individual authors hold copyright to their respective contributions,
- as cited in the text. The Wheel of Time books, and all quotations
- therefrom, are (c) Robert Jordan. Unattributed material is (c) Pamela
- Korda and Erica Sadun.
- This is the Wheel of Time Wondrous Masterpiece of Assembled
- Knowledge (aka Frequently-Asked Questions list). 'Tis edited,
- and maintained, by myself, Pamela Korda, based upon
- discussion of The Wheel of Time series, on the Usenet group
- rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan. You may feel free to distribute
- this document, provided all citations and attributions are kept.
- This version of the FAQ contains lots of SPOILERS for _Lord of Chaos_,
- so if you haven't read, don't read. There are versions of the FAQ
- from before LOC (i.e. no spoilers, but some out-dated theories) in the ftp
- archive and the WWW page.
- rasfwr-j is a very high-volume group, with about 100-200 messages
- posted each day. In order to keep things reasonable, this huge
- compendium has been created. It chronicles all the "old, discussed to
- death" topics, so that people do not have to keep bringing up the same
- old points again and again. In light of this, please read this
- document before you go posting all your new theories. If you don't
- have time to read the whole thing through, that is okay. It is in
- electronic form, which means you can use your favorite word processor,
- text editor, grep, &c, to scan it for keywords. There is also a
- handy-dandy Table of Contents, a few screens up from here. If you have
- an idea on Tigraine, for example, search for "Tigraine," and read what
- has already been written. This way, if you agree with what has been
- said before, you don't need to waste time saying it again. If you
- disagree, you know the points that need to be taken into consideration
- when you present your theory to the net. It is to your own benefit to
- keep this thing handy for such a purpose.
- Here's what other people have to say about the WOTFAQ:
- "When I came on and asked a dumb question not too long ago, I had
- people tell me to read the FAQ. I protested the tone with which they
- told me, but I went and did it anyway. And you know what? After a
- couple months of participation, I *AGREE* with those
- people."<D.L. "Lews Therin" Ganger>
- This version of the FAQ has been updated to include the results of the
- Third Ghirardelli-Novak Survey (post-LOC). New sections have been
- added on "Who will be the new dreadlords?" "Who is the 'one who is no
- longer'?" "Shadar Haran, Superfade" "How does Balefire work?" "Was the
- Sharom the DO's Prison?" "What do Dreamers/Dreamwalkers do?" "Can BA
- break the Oaths?" "Where do Trollocs come from" and "What is the range
- on sensing channeling?". I have re-arranged the general questions
- section into two parts: Plot stuff (section 1) and World Stuff (sec.
- 2). The distinction is a bit arbitrary, but I think I did a good job.
- Please note the new ftp/www site, the new address for Angreal MOO, and
- the new fan club pointer, which has a bit more info on Carolyn's Wheel
- of Time Club than before, as well as new information of a fan club of
- which I just recently learned about, the Robert Jordan/Wheel of Time
- Club, all in the "other resources" section.
- +.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+
- Other Submission Requests:
- [What topics have been discussed to death and should I include as
- 'calls-for-submission' for next month?]
- [Please help fill out the countries of Randland--Sea Folk,
- Aiel, Seanchan, Shara]
- +.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.+
- 0.2...............................WHAT ARE THESE JORDAN WHEEL OF TIME BOOKS?
- The Wheel of Time, by Robert Jordan:
- Hardcover editions:
- THE EYE OF THE WORLD ISBN 0-312-85009-3, $24.95
- THE GREAT HUNT ISBN 0-312-85140-5, $22.95
- THE DRAGON REBORN ISBN 0-312-85248-7, $22.95
- THE SHADOW RISING ISBN 0-312-85431-5, $24.95
- THE FIRES OF HEAVEN ISBN 0-312-85427-7, $25.95
- LORD OF CHAOS ISBN 0-312-85428-5, $25.95
- Paperback editions:
- THE EYE OF THE WORLD ISBN 0-812-51181-6, $5.99 ($6.99 CAN)
- THE GREAT HUNT ISBN 0-812-51772-5, $5.99 ($6.99 CAN)
- THE DRAGON REBORN ISBN 0-812-51371-1, $5.99 ($6.99 CAN)
- THE SHADOW RISING ISBN 0-812-51373-8, $6.99 ($7.99 CAN)
- THE FIRES OF HEAVEN ISBN 0-812-50974-9
- Published by Tor Books
- Ask for them at your favorite bookstore, or order the paperback editions
- directly from:
- Publishers Book and Audio Mailing Service
- PO Box 120159
- Staten Island NY 10312-0004
- To cover postage and handling, add $1.25 for the first book and $.25 for
- each additional book. Check or money order only; no CODs.
- If you are in Europe, it may be more expedient to pick up the British
- Editions published by Orbit (prices are listed in pounds sterling).
- THE EYE OF THE WORLD ISBN 1-85723-076-0 (L5.99)
- THE GREAT HUNT ISBN 1-85723-027-2 (L5.99)
- THE DRAGON REBORN ISBN 1-85723-065-5 (L5.99)
- THE SHADOW RISING ISBN 1-85723-121-X (L5.99)
- THE FIRES OF HEAVEN ISBN 1-85723-209-7 (L5.99)
- 0.3.........................................MIS-STEPS (ERRORS ALONG THE WAY)
- *It seems to me that early in the first volume Jordan took some time to
- decide whether the marsh-forest in the east of the Two Rivers was the
- Riverwood or the Waterwood. <Don Harlow>
- *In TEotW, Thom teaches Mat and Rand to juggle. By the time they reach
- Caemlyn Mat can perform "six ball circles", which I interpreted as a
- six-ball shower. No way. You could probably count the number of people
- in the world today who can shower six balls to a performance standard on
- the fingers of one hand. Assuming there are any. I've only twice seen
- a five ball shower done well. <David Mortman, others>
- RE::Jain Farstrider:
- From <TEotW: Glossary, 790, entry "Farstrider, Jain", 663> Farstrider
- "vanished in 994 NE, after returning from a trip into the Great Blight
- which some say had taken him all the way to Shayol Ghul." While <TDR:
- Glossary, 696, entry "Travels of Jaim Farstrider, the", 593> says that
- he disappeared shortly after the Aiel War, which is about 20 years ago.
- Note that even in TEotW, all other indications are that Farstrider
- disappeared 20 years ago, just after the Aiel war: Ba'alzamon tells
- Rand <TEotW: 51, 760, Against the Shadow, 638> "Jain Farstrider, a
- hero, whom I painted like a fool and sent to the Ogier thinking he
- was free of me." The man that Loial said came to Stedding Shangtai
- telling them the story about blinding the Eye of the World came just
- after the Aiel War. 'Twould seem to be Farstrider since Ba'alzamon's
- comments followed a reference to the Aiel that told the story to the
- Tuatha'an. So, it seems that the 994 number is wrong. <Joe Shaw>
- * Q: What about those Warders in Caemlyn around Logain in tEotW?
- Didn't Moiraine say that they were all Red sisters? Reds don't
- have Warders! <TEotW: 42, 637-8, Remembrance of Dreams, 535>
- RJ answer, as reported by Tony Z: Moiraine never
- mentioned the sisters escorting Logain (not all of whom were Red).
- The ones with Logain weren't in Caemlyn at the time [evidently they
- stayed with the army, which stayed outside the city--TZ]. Moiraine
- was referring to those that _were_ in Caemlyn.
- *Ba'alzamon's goals: <TGH: 47, 665, The Grave Is No Bar To My Call, 563>
- "But this time I will destroy you to your very soul, destroy you utterly
- and forever." Maybe he forgot <TGH: 41, 588, Disagreements, 497> "Fool!
- You will destroy yourself!" where he stopped Rand from burning himself
- out. Ba'alzamon is either forgetful, confused, or trying to appear so.
- <Morgan Donald Scott>
- *Why does Moiraine wear her great serpent ring on her left hand in <TEotW:
- 2, 27, Strangers, 22-3> and <TDR: 3, 58, News from the Plain, 26> and on
- her right hand in <TGH: 4, 46, Summoned, 39>? I can think of four possible
- reasons:
- a) a cunning plan by Jordan to make us believe sweet,
- innocent Moiraine was at the Darkfriend social.
- b) Moiraine has an evil, identical twin sister who wears
- her ring on the other hand.
- c) It's Moiraine's ring and she can wear it on whatever
- hand she damn well pleases.
- d) none of the above. <Damien Cole>
- *When Rand returns Thom's harp and flute to the gleeman in Cairhien,
- Thom grumbles: "You could at least have kept it (the harp) in tune"
- <TGH: 26, 384, Discord, 323> For travel, harps (and many other stringed
- instruments) are ALWAYS detuned -- the tension on the strings is
- reduced to prevent string wear and possible snapping.<Erica Sadun>
- *In <TDR: 6, 99, The Hunt Begins, 63>, the beginning at-camp scene,
- Perrin tells Min that he loves her like a sister--and that he has no
- sisters of his own. In <TSR: 29, 466, Homecoming, 333>, his two
- sisters and his brother are killed.<Erica Sadun>
- <TDR: 33, 375, Within the Weave, 295> "This road of hard-packed dirt,
- already called the Lugard Road now that they were approaching the River
- Manetherendrelle and the border of Lugard, had been paved once . . . "
- Lugard is a city, not a country, and is the capital of Murandy (to the
- extent that disorganized country has one). Since the city does not
- lie near that River, I doubt a province or such is meant.<Gary Greenbaum>
- <TDR: 41, 477, A Hunter's Oath, 388> Perrin is remembering a confrontation
- between Moiraine and Zarine. "Once she learned the girl thought they would
- lead her to the Horn of Valere, ...then her cold blue stare had taken on a
- quality that made him feel he had been packed ..." Which left me wondering
- whose cold blue stare? Both Moir. and Zarine have dark eyes.<Aline Thompson>
- The quote continues "The Aes Sedai said nothing, but she stared too often
- and too hard for any comfort.", implying that it refers to Moiraine.<JoeS>
- <TEotW: 2, 26, Strangers, 22> <TGH: 4, 45, Summoned, 38>, <TDR: 6, 90, The
- Hunt Begins, 55>, <TSR: 3, 99, Reflection, 71> and <TFoH: 2,95, Rhuidean, 68>
- all describe Moiraine as having "dark eyes", and <TDR: 33, 386, Within the
- Weave, 319>, <TDR: 35, 402, The Falcon, 333>, and <TSR: 2, 54, Whirlpools
- in the Pattern, 40> describe Faile as having "dark, tilted eyes".
- *Metallurgy Mistake, from John Palmer & Don Harlow
- Maybe others have noted this metallurgy mistake, as a engineer this
- bugged me. In the Dragon Reborn, when Perrin takes a day at the
- Smithy, he notes the three quenching media: "As soon as he had made
- the hot-cut, he tossed the glowing metal into the salted quenching
- barrel. Unsalted gave a harder quench, for the hardest metal, while the
- oil gave the softest, for good knives." <TDR: 50, 595, The Hammer, 506>
- Wrong.
- In order of resultant hardness, it goes Oil, Water, Salt Water. with
- Salt water yielding the hardest blade because of best heat transfer
- and higher boiling point than plain water. Oil is softer because of
- slower heat transfer but is commonly used for cutlery because it causes
- less thermal stresses and a tougher blade. (won't break from shock)
- Salt water quench is definitely a harder quench than fresh water. Its
- due to the higher boiling point of salt water precluding the formation
- of an insulating vapor layer over the steel which slows heat transfer
- from the steel to the water.
- *Hey, what's the scoop with Shadowman steel? First, Thom Merrilin runs into
- a Fade and it left him "a little present of a stiff leg." Then
- after the fight where the Aiel come to the rescue of the girls: <TDR:
- 39, 455, Threads in the Pattern, 382> "Shadowman steel kills,"
- Aviendha said, "it does not wound." Finally, Rand's thought
- while fighting a Fade: <TSR: 10, 188, The Stone Stands, 132> "That
- black metal could make wounds that festered, almost as hard to heal as
- the one that ached in his side now." Is there something that I'm
- missing, like it just kills Aiel, or does this qualify as a Jordan
- mis-step?<Dash Wendrzyk> {NB: the obvious explanation is that the Fade
- did not stick Thom with its sword; the Fade just hit him, or something
- --Pam}
- Jain Farstrider's first name is spelled as Jaim throughout the book,
- when its spelled as Jain in TEotW, TGH, and TSR. <Joe "Uno" Shaw>
- *Typographical Errors:
- <TSR: 8, Hard Heads, 111>
- Elayne states that "she had let go of saidin as soon as Egwene
- stood to leave." It should be saidar. [Fixed in the PB version.]
- <TSR: 16, 262-4, Leavetakings, 183-5>
- Loial mentions an Ogier named Laefar from Stedding Shangtai who
- is in Tear, but later calls him Faelar a page later.
- <TSR: 33, 539, A New Weave in the Pattern, 377>
- Perrin calls Tam Al'Thor "Master Al'Vere"; Master Al'Vere being
- miles away at that time. <Courtenay Footman>
- <TSR: 35, 576, Sharp Lessons, 401>
- "Egwene realized Nynaeve's blankets were empty." Unfortunately,
- at this particular time, Nynaeve was in Tanchico with Elayne. It
- should be Moiraine's blankets that are empty. <Jeff Smith>
- <TSR: 54, 913, Into the Palace, 633>
- "If only Egwene had not run into any trouble, they might make it
- out of here [the Panarch's Palace] safely after all." It should
- be Elayne instead of Egwene.
- *<TSR: 47, The Trust of a Viewing, 531> During the Tower Coup, Siuan's
- Warder gets killed. She doesn't notice until she sees his dead body.
- <Michael Hanneman> [Perhaps she was shielded before he died?]
- *In TFoH, on the Cover, we are told that "FLAIDA" (sic) is now Amyrlin.
- *Something very strange happened between 10 and 20 years ago. In
- <TGH: 4, 58, Summoned, 49> the Amyrlin says to Moiraine "I am the fifth
- in a row raised to the Amyrlin Seat from the Blue." Two pages earlier, we
- learn that Siuan Sanche has been Amyrlin for ten years. In <TFoH: 15, 301,
- What Can Be Learned in Dreams, 214>, Moiraine says to Egwene: "In a few
- months it will be twenty-one years since we began the search for the Dragon
- Reborn. Sieren Vayu was raised to Amyrlin shortly after, a Gray with more
- than a touch of Red in her." Were there really SEVEN different
- Amyrlins in the space of a dozen years? (The Blue who held the seat
- when Rand was born, Vayu, and then the five Blues who ended with Siuan
- Sanche.) Or is this just a Jordan mistake?<Courtenay Footman>
- *In <TFoH: 36, 578, A New Name, 409>, Birgitte tells Elayne "You saved my
- life, Daughter-Heir of Andor. I will keep your secret and serve you as
- Warder." But later in <TFoH: 47, 775-6, The Price of a Ship, 550>
- Birgitte verbally scolds Elayne for telling Cerandin she was heir to a
- throne, and doesn't believe it until Nynaeve makes an offhand comment
- in <TFoH: 49, 803, To Boannda, 570>.
- *Rand balefires Rahvin, erasing his actions, etc. However, none of Rand's
- injuries, all sustained at the hands of Rahvin, disappear--they were in-
- stead Healed by Nynaeve afterwards. <TFoH: 55, 949, The Threads Burn, 672-3>
- <Sean Hillyard> [Arguably an effect of either Tel'aran'rhiod or balefire.]
- Arguably the most humorous error yet: Perrin picks up a second horse
- which he calls "Stayer" <LoC: 54, The Sending, 677>. On the way to the
- Battle at Dumai's Wells, Perrin has both his horses, referred to, at one
- point, as "Stepper" and "Slayer" <LoC: 55, Dumai's Wells, 685>.
- In previous glossaries, it says that the AS cannot sense in what
- direction her Warder is. In LOC, Alanna does just that. What gives?
- Edward Liu says that, at a signing, RJ said that the ability is not
- exact, but something like they can only sense distance (and I guess)
- direction in that the feeling of the other person becomes stronger or
- weaker. Tony Z. said RJ said the Glossaries are in error, and that
- there are references in other books to AS sensing the direction of
- their Warders. (Anybody find such a thing? I can't think of one). Joe
- thinks RJ changed his mind, to put it charitably.
- 0.4........................................WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I'M OBSESSED?
- <Judy Ghirardelli>
- Judy G. gives us intelligent advice on treatment of Jordan fanaticism:
- 1. Stop calling the nice lady at you local bookstore, and
- harassing her about when the next book will be out.
- 2. Lay down.
- 3. Stay laying down.
- 4. Try to not think about things like wheels, knives, spears,
- swords, doorways, Piglets, fire, severed hands, plucked out
- eyes, tattoos, leashes, calendars, irons, pincers, still images,
- gentle breezes, FAQs, Towers, wolves, falcons, hawks, hammers,
- axes, Roy, and lastly, DON'T THINK ABOUT RIVERS!
- 5. Now, pick up a copy of _The Tao of Pooh_ and become an uncarved block.
- (p.s. that will be 50 bucks...)
- (p.p.s. The idea of not thinking about Roy while laying down
- is just a generally good practice , and might be applied to all
- the rest of you who won't admit you have a problem ...)
- <Eric Ebinger>
- No, you are not alone in having the cover fall off of your PB copy of TDR.
- What can you do about it? Patrick Nielsen Hayden says that you can send the
- book to Tor, and they will send you a new copy. You can also write a (snail-
- mail) letter of complaint to Tor. The address is on the inside of the books.
- If you want to repair them yourself, Eric Ebinger provides instructions:
- Materials needed:
- dry sandpaper 220 grit
- Walthers Goo (available at finer model train stores everywhere)
- one or more Wheel of Time books, Tor edition with loose or detached covers
- 1. If cover(s) are not yet completely detached GENTLY and carefully detach
- them. A small, sharp knife may be helpful.
- 2. Take sandpaper and briskly sand the back of spine of the book (on the
- glue that failed to hold. Continue until the surface is slightly
- rough (don't over-sand). This should only take 10-20 seconds of
- sanding.
- 3. Lay the cover down on a flat surface with the outside DOWN. Gently sand
- the inside of the binding (where the spine of the book would be,
- if the book was still in its cover) until the wax coating is
- removed. Do not over-sand! The objective is to remove the wax
- coating so that the glue can get a grip.
- 4. Following directions on the package of Goo, spread glue on the binding
- area of the cover. Orient the book so that it's orientation
- matches that of the cover. Press the book binding down on the cover,
- lift,wait two minutes,press the book binding back down on the cover,
- and hold for two minutes.
- 5. Let dry overnight. The book should be better than new.
- 0.6................................THE GREAT JORDAN HOAX--READ THIS SECTION!
- <P. Korda, Joe Shaw>
- In March, 1994, a bunch of net.jordanites met in a small restaurant in
- Arlington, VA. Collectively, they hatched a scheme to spread chaos and
- confusion throughout the internet, and other nets. They were six of
- the most powerful posters ever known, who went over to the Dark One.
- Their names--Bill "the Fain" Garrett, Chad "Ba'alzamon" Orzel, Joe
- "Sammael" Shaw, Mike "Rahvin" Macchione, Judy "Mesaana" Ghirardelli,
- and Joe "Demandred" Morris--should be used to frighten children. As a
- result of their crimes, much false evidence was generated. Following
- is a summary of their false claims as to what Jordan said.
- 1) Somebody close to Rand will turn to the Dark Side.
- 2) There are clues in: _The Westing Game_, "What Lies Hidden," "The Gift
- of a Blade," "The Tinker's Sword."
- 3) RJ thinks we should get our own newsgroup.
- 4) RJ will put a character like Roy in the next book.
- 5) Anything about Cain, Jain, Tam, or Graendal's old man.
- 6) Aram is a Darkfriend (and was at the DFS in TGH).
- 7) There are hidden references to Conan in The Wheel of Time.
- 8) RJ said "Verin is more than just a simple, absent-minded librarian."
- 9) Thom is Elaynes ' father.
- 10) RJ will wrap up the series in the book after _Lord of Chaos_.
- 11) Mazrim Taim is somebody we have already seen, sort of (and related
- theories that Taim == Demandred, Taim killed Asmodean.)
- 12) Thom, Aviendha, Bela, & Marin Al'Vere are not what they seem.
- 13) Aviendha == Ilyena reborn.
- 14) Mat's memories are not real, but the ravings of a madman.
- 15) Mat and Tam can channel.
- 16) He would add a reference to our USENET discussions into a later book.
- 17) Jordan wants to put himself in there somewhere (ala Hitchcock).
- 18) Thought the lightbulb and telephone jokes were a hoot.
- 19) likes the cover art
- 0.7.....................Who is Robert Jordan, and what else has he written?
- "Robert Jordan" is actually a pseudonym for James Oliver Rigney, Jr.,
- under which he has written the "Wheel of Time" fantasy series as well
- as several books of the "Conan" series. (Conan the Invincible, C.t.
- Unconquered, C.t.Magnificent, C.t.Victorious, C.t.Triumphant,
- C.t.Destroyer, C.t.Defender) Other pseudonyms are Reagan O'Neal (_The
- Fallon Blood_, _The Fallon Pride_, _The Fallon Legacy_), Jackson
- O'Reilly (_Cheyenne Raiders_), and Chang Lung (contributions to
- various periodicals including Library Journal, Fantasy Review, Science
- Fiction Review). [Source: Contemporary Authors vol. 140]
- RJ has told several people, at signings and in letters, that if^H^H
- when he complete TWOT, he plans to write another fantasy tale set in a
- Seanchan-like culture. The main character will be a more mature figure
- than Rand, and the tale involves him being shipwrecked in
- pseudo-Seanchan, where whatever is cast up on the shores of one's
- estate becomes one's property, even people. Doubtlessly, there'll be
- many changes from RJ's description to the actual story, but it gives
- us something to look forward to.
- 0.8.........................................................OTHER RESOURCES
- Non-net stuff:
- o Issue 4 of the Waldenbooks 'zine _Hailing Frequencies_ had a little
- interview with RJ. (I believe this was pre-FOH)
- o Nov 1994 Issue of the B. Dalton 'zine had an interview with RJ.
- o FAN CLUBS: If netting isn't fannish enough for you, there are at least
- two RJ-sanctioned Wheel of Time Fan Clubs.
- The Robert Jordan/Wheel of Time Fan Club is a snailmail club. They have
- a bimonthly newsletter, _Threads_. For more information, email "Shosh"
- at <samsyd@ix.netcom.com>, see http://info.cs.vt.edu/~joeshaw/rjwotfc.html,
- or write to:
- Robert Jordan/Wheel of Time Fan Club
- P.O. Box 510744
- St. Louis, MO 63121
- The Wheel of Time Club is a net and snailmail club. They have a
- newsletter, "The Chronicles." For more info, email Carolyn Fusinato
- at <c.fusinato@mail.utexas.edu> or <BJRK57C@PRODIGY.COM>, see
- http://bongo.cc.utexas.edu/~moiraine/wotclub.html, or write to:
- The Wheel of Time Club
- P.O. Box 223022
- Chantilly, VA 22022-3022
- Net Stuff: Available by ftp from ftp.cc.gatech.edu, directory
- /pub/people/viren/jordan
- o Old WOTFAQs, by month. The first LOC FAQ is November 1994. All the
- previous ones have no LOC Spoilers.
- o The Dark One's Dictionary--a spoof of the WOT Glossaries by Bill
- Garrett & Joe Shaw. Very funny.
- o jack-o-shadows.au--Erica Sadun's production of Mat's theme song.
- o some trivia quizzes
- o old.tongue.guide--glossary of Old Tongue phrases
- o second.survey.results--results of the Usenet Novak-Ghirardelli
- survey of plot predictions, pre-LOC.
- o Wheel of Time fanfic
- {?}o /pub/jordan/ATWT--Ken Kofman's on-line WoT-based RPG.
- {?}o /pub/jordan/jordanites--gifs [revised to pngs -- ed.] & jpegs
- of rasfwrj personalities, among other things
- {?}/pub/jordan/Wotclub--stuff about the Wheel of Time fanclub, and other
- stuff from there, such as:
- o charlist.txt--list of characters (I don't know how up-to-date it is)
- o fan art of WOT characters
- More Net Stuff: WWW, MUDs, MOOs, etc.
- o WWW Jordan homepage: http://ftp.cc.gatech.edu/pub/people/viren/jordan
- (maintained by Helmut Geyer)
- o WWW WoT Club Home Page: http://bongo.cc.utexas.edu/~moiraine/wotclub.html
- (maintained by Carolyn Fusinato.)
- o MUDs, etc: fly.ccs.yorku.ca 4201 (Tales of Ta'veren MUSH)
- sarcazm.resnet.cornell.edu 9000 (ANGREAL-MOO)
- Xtreme.aac.iit.edu 9000 (New home of ANGREAL-MOO)
- hub.eden.com 6969 (Age of Legends)
- 9000 (Sanctuary)
- ulantris.csci.unt.edu 4000 (Eternity of Discord)
- {as reported by others. I have not attempted to verify any
- of them. --Korda}
- o IRC: there is an IRC channel #WoT.
- 0.9....................................................WHAT DOES "TAN" MEAN?
- 1) TANgent (SINe over COSine)
- 2) The Ajah who applies ruthless logic to quests after knowledge.
- 3) The color Bela is.
- 4) Oh, you mean wrt rec.arts.sf.written.r-j? Get thee to a
- rasfwr-j FAQ, then!
- 1.0===================USEFUL INFORMATION (SHORT ANSWERS)====================
- 1.1........................................................WHO WAS BEIDOMON?
- 1) One of the male Forsaken
- 2) Somebody who is dead.
- 3) LTT (Why? From <TEotW: Prologue, xv, Dragonmount, xv>: "he who brought
- the shadow...they named Dragon." Was lover of Mierin/Lanfear at some
- point, maybe when the Bore was created. And, <TEotW: 4, 51, The Gleeman,
- 44> "I will tell you of the end of the Age of Legends, of the Dragon,
- and of his attempt to free the Dark One into the world of men." But,
- then again, why would LTT have another name?)
- Why LTT is not Beidomon:
- It would have adversely affected him after the war broke out. Secondly,
- he had likely left Lanfear long before and married Ilyena by that time.
- At Cairhien <TFoH: 52, 889, Choices, 629> he does say that he was never
- Lanfear's. He also says that he had long before lost whatever interest
- in he had her. <TFoH: 6, 172, Gateways, 123>
- 4) Bayle Domon--No reason, except the names sound the same.
- Survey Says: Who was Beidomon?
- Nobody we know: 66% (147) Lews Therin: 2% (4)
- One of the Forsaken: 12% (24) Bayle Domon: 1% (2)
- 1.2...........................WHY MAY THOM HAVE FATHERED ELAYNE AND/OR GAWYN
- Elayne denies that Galad is her brother. Thom was around at the right time.
- Thom clearly had something to do with Taringail's disappearance. Thom was
- Morgase's lover. In <TFoH: 19, 356, Memories, 252>, Morgase thinks about
- Taringail, and how the only good to come of the marriage were "two beautiful
- children." This could be Elayne and Gawyn, or she could mean Galad (adopted)
- and Gawyn.
- Evidence from the Glossary: "A Royal Prince of Cairhien, he married
- Tigraine and _fathered_ Galadedrid. When Tigraine disappeared and was
- declared dead, he married Morgase and _fathered_ Elayne and Gawyn."
- <TEotW: Glossary, 787, entry "Damodred, Prince Taringail", 661>
- Although the glossary entries have been misleading before (e.g.
- Ba'alzamon), I do not think that RJ has ever lied outright in them. I
- personally cannot think of a way that the above could be a sneaky, Aes
- Sedai-like twisting of the truth.
- In <TSR: 17, 277, Deceptions, 194>, Moiraine says Thom was "Morgase's lover
- for a time, _after Taringail died_" (emphasis mine). Here, Moiraine
- is trying to impress Thom with how much she knows. She wouldn't
- include a detail she had any doubt about. To be wrong about something
- in such a situation would indicate faulty research, and Moiraine would
- not risk showing any gap in her knowledge. If she had any doubt at
- all, she wouldn't have mentioned the timing of events. Plus, Thom
- didn't say or think anything to contradict Moiraine's statement.
- If Morgase had been having an affair with Thom while still married to
- Taringail, it is very unlikely that she would have been able to keep it
- entirely under wraps; surely some rumor would have been around, especially
- in Cairhien. However, we see no evidence of such a rumor existing.
- Specifically, in <LoC: 50, Thorns, 628> when Rand mentions to some
- Cairhienin that he means to have Elayne rule Cairhien, the Cairhienin
- think she'd be a good choice, due to her descent from her father Taringail
- Damodred. Somebody says something like "Taringail's greatest dream was for
- his son to be king of Cairhien and his daughter to be queen of Andor." If
- Morgase was unfaithful, surely there would have been some doubt as to
- Elayne's right to the throne of Cairhien.
- In a report from a signing in Seattle, Tony Z. says, "Jordan also
- strongly implied that Thom was not Elayne's father."
- Survey says:
- Is Thom Elayne's da?
- Yes: 29% (66) No: 62% (140) Undecided: 8% (18)
- Is Thom Gawyn's dad?
- Yes: 9% (20) No: 80% (179) Undecided: 11% (25)
- 1.3...........................WHY DO WE THINK THAT THOM WILL MARRY MOIRAINE?
- Moiraine says she knows the face of the man she will marry better
- than El/Eg/Ny know their future husbands. <TSR: 6, 126, Doorways, 90-1>
- This could mean that she will never marry. The reason that seems unlikely
- is because, according to Elayne, Moiraine had some passion in her voice
- when she mentioned husband, despite her attempts to then brush it off.
- After going through the Tear twisted doorway, which only answers personal
- questions, she immediately tells Thom that he will live through the
- next set of adventures. Thom keeps referring to Moiraine as a good
- looking woman with more and more sincerity as time progresses and
- discovers he no longer loves Morgase.
- Possible scenario: How would she know who it was? Being Aes Sedai she'd
- likely have a lot of chances, but here's a guess. When Min describes
- how her viewings work her standard example is this; I see two people
- who have never met and know they will marry--and of course we had both
- Thom and Moiraine in front of her in Baerlon. So, this would also be
- the reason why 1) Moiraine was so sure Thom hadn't been killed by a
- Fade, despite Rand's and Mat's protestations, and 2) why she tells Thom
- "I will see you again. You will survive Tarabon." <TSR: 17, 278, Deceptions,
- 195> (After her little trip through Rhuidean she may have decided that
- perhaps Min was wrong and that Lanfear would kill her.) <Sean Hillyard>
- Survey Says: Will Thom marry Moiraine, if she is alive?
- Yes: 67% (151) No: 25% (55) Undecided: 8% (17)
- 1.4................................................WHY IS MOIRAINE NOT DEAD?
- Well, we don't know what happened after Moiraine & Lanfear fell
- through the twisted doorway into the land of the Foxes. Lacking such
- information, the only evidence we have is: 1) the breaking of Lan's
- bond, suggesting that she is no longer among the living, and
- 2) Egwene's vision <TFoH: 15, 300-1, What Can Be Learned in Dreams,
- 214> of Thom pulling Moiraine's blue jewel out of a fire.
- Ruchira Datta says:"One of you would have been bad enough, but two
- *ta'veren* at once - you might have torn the connection entirely and
- been trapped there." <TSR: 15, 255, Into the Doorway, 178-9> This quote
- is the basis for one of the currently held versions of the possible
- fate of Moiraine and Lanfear; just substitute "channeling combatants"
- for "ta'veren".
- More interpretation on Eg's "blue stone" vision:
- Michael Steeves suggests that it could
- possibly mean that Thom will do something to preserve her dream
- of Rand facing the DO alive and well at Tarmon Gai'don.
- In <LoC: Glossary, entry "Moiraine", 710>, it says "She vanished into a
- ter'angreal in Cairhien while battling Lanfear, apparently killing both
- herself and the Forsaken." That "apparently" definitely leaves the
- question open.
- Survey Says:
- What happened to Moiraine?
- Alive & unstilled: 38% (85)
- Alive & burnt out (un-healable): 26% (59)
- Alive & stilled: 17% (39)
- Dead: 7% (16)
- What was in Moiraine's letter to Thom (more than one answer possible):
- info about the Red Ajah who gentled Owyn: 85% (190)
- info on how to rescue her: 29% (66)
- lovey gooey stuff: 28% (63)
- Survey Says: Will Thom rescue Moiraine, if she _is_ alive?
- Yes: 83% (187) No: 1% (3) Undecided: 5% (12)
- 1.5..................................WHAT WAS UP WITH GAWYN DURING THE COUP?
- Perhaps he was involuntarily bonded to a Black or to a Forsaken. His eyes
- were glazed and he was not necessarily in control of himself <TSR: 47,
- 779-782, The Truth of a Viewing, 539-41>. Alviarin says with some
- confidence that "Gawyn will be brought under control". <TFOH: Prologue,
- 19, The First Sparks Fall, 17>
- Then again, it is personally reasonable to assume that he was in full
- control of his faculties during the coup. By that time, he had
- developed a good & solid hatred for SS, due to Elayne and Egwene's
- mysterious disappearance.
- From his behavior in LoC, it seems pretty apparent that he acted under his
- own will during the Coup, motivated by grief and anxiety over Elayne and
- Egwene. He develops a similar fierce hatred for Rand due to the rumors
- that Rand killed Morgase.
- 1.6......................................................WHO WILL MAT MARRY?
- "To marry the Daughter of the Nine Moons!"
- Daughter of the Nine Moons indicates the heir to the throne of the Seanchan.
- This is most likely Tuon, the second daughter of the Seanchan Empress who is
- mentioned by High Lord Turak in Falme. <TGH: 34, 497, The Wheel Weaves, 420>.
- An outside runner is Berelain, who is descended from Hawkwing and
- thus "of the Blood," literally. Part of that theory is that "half the
- light of the world" refers to Mayene being a great supplier of lamp
- oil.
- In Ebou Dar in <LoC: 52, Weaves of the Power, 641>, Mat runs into a Seanchan
- guy who recognizes the name "Daughter of the Nine Moons." This makes it
- pretty clear that the Daughter of the Nine Moons refers to somebody Seanchan.
- The epilogue makes further clarification <LoC: Epilogue, The Answer, 697>:
- "Perhaps the Return would come soon, and the Daughter of the Nine Moons
- with it." The Daughter is maybe a leader of the Return. It has been
- suggested that the Seanchan themselves don't know who the DotNM is,
- and that the Return will reveal her identity to them. (I gather this
- theory is that the DotNM is some sort of messiah figure for the
- Seanchan, or something like that.)
- Survey Says: Who is the Daughter of the Nine Moons?
- a daughter of the Empress of Seanchan: 60% (134)
- the Empress of Seanchan: 10% (22)
- Seanchan Messiah Figure: 8% (18)
- Cerandin from Valan Luca's show 7% (15)
- Berelain 4% (8)
- Egeanin 1% (2)
- 1.7............................WHO WILL TAKE CALLANDOR FROM THE STONE?
- The "Into the heart" prophecy (see section 7.3), suggests that maybe
- somebody besides Rand is going to remove the Callandor from the Stone:
- "Who draws it out shall follow after".
- Maybe Logain (His future glory)? Now that he is un-gentled and at large,
- he might end up with the Sword That Ain't. Even though somebody
- (Moiraine?) said that Logain would be burnt to a crisp trying to control
- the sa'angreal, we know by now that AS don't know everything.
- Another idea is that somebody using Mat's medallion could get the sword,
- because the Power traps would not affect them. Along these lines,
- somebody may be able to reproduce the effects of the medallion somehow
- and thereby get the Sword. Yet another idea is that somebody could
- physically dig Callandor out, although I dunno how easy it would be to
- dig a hole into the Stone of Tear. Maybe use fireworks a la Mat in TDR?
- Finally, Callandor might just sit there until the Fourth Age incarnation
- of the Dragon comes along.
- In <LoC: 32, Summoned in Haste, 453> Rand thinks about how he modified
- his traps after learning to invert weaves, and makes reference to
- somebody besides himself drawing the sword and "following after."
- Survey Says:
- Callandor pulling: Who will pull the Sword from the Stone?
- Logain: 62% (139) Mat: 2% (5)
- Rand: 12% (26) Galad: 1% (3)
- No one 7% (15) Dragon of the next Age: 1% (2)
- 1.8.......................................HOW DOES MAT'S MEDALLION WORK?
- When Elayne tries to use the Power on Mat in <LoC: 38, A Sudden Chill, 504>,
- she describes the effect as "The flows just...vanished." It seems that the
- medallion works by dissolving or destroying Power Flows. The fact that
- it acts on the actual flows indicates that it probably works on saidar
- and saidin. The medallion only works on direct weaving of Power flows
- against the wearer; indirect effects of the power, such as picking up a
- rock with Air and throwing it, are not blocked. This probably applies to
- lightning bolts, as well, if they are produced by building up atmospheric
- charge with the Power, not by directly weaving the Power. Thus the
- failure of the medallion to protect against the lightning strike at the
- end of TFOH can be explained.
- There is ample evidence that this is the way it works against saidar.
- Elayne & Co.'s extensive testing of the medallion in <LoC: 47, The
- Wandering Woman, 589-593> certainly support the hypothesis. There are
- less data points for saidin. Rahvin's lightning strike certainly worked,
- but that can be explained by the "indirect effects" loophole. (Note,
- however, that Rand believes that the medallion "had not saved [Mat]
- from a man's channeling." Rand doesn't know everything, though.) The only
- other possible data comes from Halima/Aran'gar, who we think channels
- saidin, not saidar. She tries to channel at Mat in <LoC: 44,
- The Color of Trust, 554>, and fails. She did this in an are full of AS.
- If she just went and channeled some weird flow at Mat, surely the
- other AS would be at least curious, especially since the channeler
- was somebody who supposedly doesn't channel at all. (More Evidence
- that Aran'gar does Saidin--<LoC: Epilogue, The Answer, 697>
- [Moghedian's thoughts as she was being freed by Aran'gar] "A woman.
- But that ball of Light had to be saidin!" Moggy is somebody who knows
- the difference. Plus, there is <LoC: Epilogue, The Answer, 698>
- "[Egwene] had felt [Moghedian's] necklace come off, and felt the flash
- of pain that meant a man who could channel had brushed the link.)
- Note further that Mat asked for a way to be free of Aes Sedai _and_
- the _One Power_, not AS and Saidar, or AS or the OP. If the A/Eelfinn
- are bound to grant wishes as stated, then the medallion _must_ protect
- against Saidin as well as saidar.
- Survey Says:
- Mat's medallion protects against:
- Both Saidar and Saidin: 84% (188) Saidar only: 16% (35)
- 1.9.................................................WHY ISN'T ELAIDA BLACK?
- <Erica Sadun, P. Korda>
- Read the following references:
- <TEotW: 40, 606, The Web Tightens, 508> : Elaida doesn't like Rats.
- <TSR: 1, 38, Seeds of Shadow, 29-30>: Elaida thinks about how Rand
- Al'Thor must be stopped from causing trouble in Andor, since Andor and
- its royalty are they key to defeating the DO.
- <TFoH: Prologue, 13-25, The First Sparks Fall, 13-21> and <TFoH: 19, 367,
- Memories, 260>: Elaida is pretty clearly a dupe.
- 1.10............................................WHAT IS UP WITH LAN'S BOND?
- From <LoC: 52, Weaves of the Power, 651-2>, we see that Lan is now bonded
- to Myrelle, as promised by Moiraine. Question now is, what is she going
- to do with it. Moiraine said in <TGH: 22, 322-4, Watchers, 271-3> that
- Myrelle had promised to pass the bond to somebody who would need him when
- the time was right. Moiraine later thinks several things that indicate
- that she has arranged for Nynaeve to get him eventually. <TSR: 21, 337,
- Into the Heart, 236>, <TFoH: 7, 190, A Departure, 135> "He denied...that
- he could ever have her...That, at least, Moiraine had taken care of,
- though he would not know how until it was done." It seems as if Moiraine
- told Myrelle that Ny was to have him. In LoC, we see Myrelle pushing Ny
- to overcome her block--possibly so she can become AS by the time Lan
- gets there, and so can get a Warder? And finally, at the end of LoC
- when Lan shows up, Myrelle wonders if she can "keep him alive long
- enough." Long enough for what?
- Survey Says:
- What will Myrelle do with Lan's bond?
- Give it to Ny: 78% (175)
- Keep it: 8% (19)
- Give it back to Moir: 3% (7)
- 1.11.............................................THE DEATH OF ASMODEAN
- He noticed Asm was gone. He thinks Asm ran away. Note that this
- implies there was no body left. "If they discovered that he had held
- one of the Forsaken prisoner and allowed him to escape...He would deal
- with Asmodean himself if the man ever turned up again."<LOC, ?, A
- Woman's Eyes, 92>
- Whoever killed Asmodean must have:
- a) been recognized by Asmodean
- b) been someone Asmodean did not expect to see, and was terrified of
- c) been able to be in Caemlyn at the time
- d) been able to kill Asmodean near-instantaneously ("The word still
- hung in the air when death took him.")
- e) had a motive for killing Asmodean
- f) been able to dispose of the body
- Any of the Forsaken would fulfill b-f, and maybe a. Padan Fain
- fulfills c, e, and f, maybe d, but a & b are a bit of a stretch.
- 1) Lanfear (but she's missing, presumed dead)
- If Lanfear was alive, where would she go? She would continue her
- revenge on Rand, I think. BUT, having possibly lost her angreal,
- and probably facing a more prepared Rand, and having had some time
- to think about things (like Rahvin ceasing to exist), I don't think
- she'd immediately assault Rand again. Instead, she'd again methodically
- plan to weaken him. I think that it is very reasonable (but all
- hypothetical) for her to kill Asmodean immediately.<Amish Dave>
- 2) Ishamael. Maybe he's been resurrected Aran/Osan'gar style? Problem
- is how would Asmodean recognize him in a new body?
- 3) Mesaana. Any Forsaken would have a reason to kill Asmodean.
- 4) Sammael: might as well get all the unaccounted-for Forsaken in here.
- 5) The Dark One (Shai'....), via the agency of Shadar Haran (Shadow's Hand).
- Same problem as for Ish: why would Asmodean recognize him?
- 6) Fain: Could have been in Caemlyn at the time (via the Ways, if nothing
- else). Would want to kill any Forsaken because they would interfere with
- his plans to be Rand's personal hell. Can use the dagger to kill easily.
- Problems--How would Asm recognize him, and if he did, why would he be
- terrified of him? (Possible explanation is that Asm recognized
- the Mashadar taint on Fain's dagger, as Aginor & Balthamel did at the Eye
- of the world, and _that_ is what he recognized. Problem is,
- that Asm was no longer tied to the DO, and could hardly
- channel, and so how could he recognize Mashadar?) Asm died pretty
- fast ("The word still hung in the air when death took him.");
- the dagger doesn't kill that quickly. There is enough time for the
- stabbed one to gasp, fall to the ground, writhe around a bit, and finally
- die once the Mashadar-taint spreads through his body enough. (see the
- scene in TFOH where he kills the accepted <TFoH: 19, 366, Memories, 259>,
- and the part in TGH where Mat kills the Seanchan guy <TGH: 45, 636,
- Blademaster, 538> NB: This guy seems to die much faster than
- the Accepted) Of course, Fain could have just stabbed him through the
- heart, or cut his throat.
- 7) Other, unlikely, suggestions include, Slayer, Mat, and Egwene.
- From the LoC prologue, we see that Demandred doesn't know what happened to
- Asmodean: "Lanfear has vanished without a trace, just as Asmodean did."
- Hence, Demandred didn't kill him. But the Dark One's response seems to
- imply the DO _might_ be behind what happened to Asmodean: "WHO
- <LoC: Prologue, The First Message, 15>
- In <LOC: 6, Threads Woven of Shadow, 141>, Semirhage thinks to
- herself, "Asmoden. A traitor, and so doomed but he really had
- vanished..." and later, "If the Great Lord moved her here secretly,
- might he not be moving Moghedien or Lanfear, or even Asmodean?" This
- seems to imply that Semirhage doesn't know what happened to Asm, and
- thus that she didn't kill him.
- At a post-LoC signing in Chicago, RJ said that we have all the clues
- to figure out who killed Asmodean. I look upon this statement with
- skepticism.
- Survey Says: Who killed JoaR (Novak-Ghirardelli Survey, 1994)?
- Lanfear: 24% (53) The DO: 3% (6) Graendal: 1% (3)
- Fain: 17% (39) Random minion LTT: 1% (3)
- Shadar Haran: 7% (15) of the DO: 3% (6) Mesaana: 1% (2)
- Sammael: 4% (10) Taim: 2% (5)
- Ishamael: 3% (7) Slayer: 2% (4)
- If we can figure out _why_ he was killed, we might be able to throw
- some light on _who_ killed him. One possibility is that he was the
- target of a pre-meditated assassination. The Shadow (ie the DO and all
- the Forsaken) would want to do this, because he was a traitor. Fain
- would want to do this, because either Fain knew Asm was helping Rand
- or he thought Asm was trying to kill/turn/etc Rand, and didn't want a
- Forsaken to defeat Al'Thor--that is Fain's mission in life. (Then
- again, Fain might not know anything about Asm's existence at all.) If
- it was premeditated, then how did the killer know Asm was heading for
- the wine closet? Maybe Asm was a frequent customer? Maybe the killer
- was hiding there, and took his chance when Asm walked in? Maybe he was
- close enough nearby to observe Asm's movements?
- A second possibility is that Asm was _not_ the specific target of the
- killer; he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Perhaps the
- killer was/is spying/plotting/etc from within the ranks of the Dragon
- Reborn. Asmodean bumped into him on his way to the wine closet,
- recognized him, and got killed to protect his secret. Quoting from the
- relevant passage: "He pulled open a small door, intending to find his
- way to the pantry. There should be some decent wine." Then we have,
- "You? No!" He was going to *look* for wine. He probably opened a door
- to an empty storeroom or hallway. It was *not* a wine pantry. He
- hadn't found it yet. If you reread the passage yourself, it seems that
- it may have even been an accident he ran into his killer (i.e. the
- killer wasn't planning on it, but since Asmodean saw him...). This
- motive fits well with the body being removed/destroyed. If the killing
- was for punishment, it would have made more sense for the body to be
- left, and the death widely publicized, to set an example. So how could
- the body being discovered disclose something about the killer (to the
- other characters)? I can think of 3 possibilities. 1) the killer is
- part of Rand's entourage, and a dead Asm could make people suspicious
- that there was a traitor in the ranks. 2) there is a hole in Rand's
- security, and a dead Asm would inspire people to find it in patch it
- up. 3) the killer is hiding (not necessarily only from Rand--could
- also be from the Forsaken) and a dead body could start folks thinking
- the killer was active. Think how Asm's death started us thinking that
- maybe Lanfear had returned, or that Ish was still around/around again.
- 1.12................................KARI AL'THOR--WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT HER?
- <J. R. Feehan, Anthony Padilla>
- Tam met Kari sometime before the Aiel War. (ref. Tam's ranting in the woods)
- Kari is from Caemlyn. (ref. Moir. in Fal Dara tGH)
- Kari did not give birth to Rand. (ref. Too numerous to quote)
- Kari had red hair. (ref. Nyn at Baerlon)
- Kari, supposedly, had grey eyes which Rand was supposed to have
- inherited. (Uncertain on this one. Any references?)
- "Kari" has dark eyes in Ishy's vision at the end of tEotW. This
- might indicate that the "Kari" in the vision wasn't real. (tEotW
- near the end)
- Kari died when Rand was young, perhaps from a disease that made her
- "waste away" or something. (Uncertain, any Refs?)
- Kari didn't like Tam's sword. (Uncertain, any ref?)
- All Rand can remember of her was her smile. Nynaeve said it was obvious
- that she loved Rand, and that she was very nice. Even still, she was only
- in the Two Rivers for a few years, if all Rand can remember is her smile.
- She probably had known Tam for quite a while, while he was in Andor. At any
- rate, their relationship went on long enough for him to say in his
- fever dream that she "Always said you wanted to have children."
- That "always" would imply that her and Tam didn't get hitched after like
- a month-long romance, and that maybe they'd been married a while before
- they found Rand, and maybe tried to have kids of their own to no avail,
- which would have taken a while to find out.
- At a book signing, RJ is reported to have said that we'll find out a
- little more about Kari later.
- Loony Kari theories: People have thought that Kari was Tigraine
- (somehow still alive after dying on the slopes of Dragonmount) or an
- Aiel Wise Woman looking after Shaiel's kid (which cannot be b/c Moir.
- said that Kari's from Caemlyn) or an Aes Sedai who'd been stilled
- (someone said she was wasting away and that's why she died and Tam was
- her Warder, etc. Wouldn't the White Tower have gotten to Emond's
- Field faster if Kari had been one?) or a Tinker or she was related to
- some Caemlyn noble we know. Don't know why exactly, but she does have
- red hair, and the Caemlyn nobles, who say they're descended from Aiel
- blood, also have red hair.
- 1.13...................................................IS ARAM A DARKFRIEND?
- There is definitely something up with Aram:
- Egwene's Dream <TFoH: 15, 300-1, What Can Be Learned in Dreams, 214> indicates
- that Aram is going to get Perrin into trouble: "...the tinker. Every time
- he moved closer to Perrin it was if a chill of doom shot through everything."
- This may just mean that there is something doom-filled about Aram being
- a tinker with a sword.
- In LoC, Aram doesn't do much besides follow Perrin around. No evidence there.
- Survey Says: Is Aram a Darkfriend?
- Yes: 24% (54) No: 55% (123) Undecided: 21% (46)
- <Erica Sadun, P.Korda>
- The Ter'angreal is described in <TDR: 25, 294, Questions, 237-8>
- Not bloody likely.
- 1. The dice ter'angreal was stolen by the black sisters.
- 2. It is made up of >SIX< not five dice stuck together
- 3. You must be able to >CHANNEL< to use it
- 4. Mat says he has >ALWAYS< been lucky. This is referred to even
- before he got the dagger. The dagger may have influenced
- this or forced him into his ta'veren-hood
- 5. Mat can win at dice with you using >YOUR< dice.
- Note, though, that the dice ter'angreal could possibly be used to
- counteract the probability-twisting effect of ta'veren, eg Mat's luck.
- Could the dice ter'angreal have something to do with the way that Mat
- felt the luck in his head go bye-bye in that inn in Ebou Dar. I
- believe one of Liandrin's BA is in Ebou Dar. Could this have some relation?
- 1.15...................................................IS AVIENDHA PREGNANT?
- Possibly. The WOs have a plot to make Rand "know (the Aiel's) blood
- for (his) own." Aviendha has "been more successful than [the WOs]
- know," according to Amys. <TFoH: 54, 908, To Caemlyn, 643> Then again, they
- could just be meaning for him to fall in love with and marry Aviendha,
- and are congratulating her on 'getting into Rand's pants,' as Sean
- Hillyard so eloquently puts it. Evidence for the latter: Rand has
- asked Aviendha many times now to marry him, and that at one point a
- Wise One comments <TSR: 50, 882, Traps, 570> "I will make you know our
- blood for yours is I have to lay the..." Aiel ask to marry by laying a
- wreath of flowers at a man's feet, ie their goal is marriage and Aviendha
- has been quite successful--all she has to do now is accept.
- If Avi was pregnant, she would surely be showing some symptoms by now. For
- sure she would know it, having missed a few periods. I'm sure that this
- would give her more toh towards Elayne, and yet she doesn't say she's
- pregnant with Rand's child when she confesses to El. She only says she is
- in love with him, and has lain with him. <LoC: 40, Unexpected Laughter, 523>
- Will Rand get any women pregnant?
- Yes: 75% (168) No: 16% (36) Undecided: 9% (20)
- Survey Says: Is Aviendha pregnant?
- Yes: 49% (109) No: 40% (89) Undecided: 12% (26)
- 1.16...............................................WHERE IS GAIDAL CAIN NOW?
- 1. a baby.
- 2. pulled out of Tel'aran'rhiod bodily and an adult.
- 3. time runs differently: Uno
- 4. Aviendha's or Faile's unborn kid.
- 5. Mat's lil' buddy Olver. (Hates Birgitte 'cos she is friends w/ Avi.
- Is an ugly little bugger. Problem: He's about 9 years old, which
- would mean Gaidal's soul was in 2 places at the same time when the
- Heroes of the Horn appeared at Falme--in Olver, and in the battle.
- non-linearity of time in TAR or no, this is hard to believe.)
- Survey Says: Gaidal Cain is...
- Olver: 38% (84)
- Somebody we have not yet met, but we will: 26% (58)
- Nobody. We'll never see him: 12% (27)
- He'll be born to a major character: 8% (18)
- Uno: 4% (10)
- Somebody else (not in the MC question): 1% (3)
- 1.17.........................................WHAT ARE THE SEANCHAN UP TO?
- It seems as if the Seanchan have certainly taken Tanchico. The Seanchan
- spy's thoughts in <LoC: Epilogue, The Answer, 697> indicates that the
- next target is Ebou Dar. Even if they do invade Salidar, the AS are
- gone from there, marching towards the Tower.
- 1.181.....................................................IS ISH STILL ALIVE?
- <Erica Sadun, P. Korda>
- Read the end of TDR. Notice that he has split in two? (Similar to Asmodean
- splitting in TSR, but Asmodean was re-joined.) Does this mean anything? This
- seems >very< troubling. <TDR: 55, 666, What is Written in Prophesy, 570>
- NB: Everybody (all the Forsaken) seems to think he is dead. And they
- found a body.
- Aran/Osan'gar throw a new light on the subject. Even if one of them is
- not Ishy, there is no reason not
- to expect that the DO won't resurrect the servant who has done the most
- for him over the last 3000 years.
- 1.19...................................................TIGRAINE, AN ANALYSIS
- <Ruchira Datta, P. Korda>
- It is a certainty that Tigraine was Rand's mother, Shaiel.
- Tigraine was the Daughter-Heir of Andor, and was married to Taringail
- Damodred. They had a son, Galad. Tigraine and her brother Luc were sent
- to Tar Valon, in the usual tradition of the royalty of Andor. Tigraine
- vanished mysteriously from Tar Valon, never to be heard from again.
- <TEotW: 34, 525-6, The Last Village, 441-2>
- In <TSR: 34, 562, He Who Comes With the Dawn, 392-3>, we learn about Rand's
- mother, Shaiel. Her tale corresponds marvelously with Tigraine's.
- Add to this the fact that many people comment on how Rand looks like the
- Royal Family of Andor (Lord Barthanes <TGH: 32, 464, Dangerous Words, 392>,
- and many Andoran nobles <LoC: 26, Connecting Lines, 380>), the description
- of Luc <TSR: 33, 526, A New Weave in the Pattern, 368>), and there you have
- it.
- In LoC at one point in Caemlyn, Rand finally learns about Tigraine's
- story and is very upset until he figures out that he is not actually
- directly related to Elayne. Thus, he has placed himself in the
- family tree even if no one else has.
- 1.20..................................................................SLAYER
- <John Novak>
- "Who are Slayer, Lord Luc, and Isam? How do they relate to each
- other and the books as a whole?"
- The shortest answers possible are that:
- o Isam is Lan's blood cousin.
- o Lord Luc is the brother of Tigraine, former Daughter-Heir of
- Andor, and thus Rand's blood uncle.
- o Slayer seems to be some amalgamation of the two.
- Our best sources of information for Luc, Isam and Slayer are in
- tEotW, tGH, tSR, and LoC.
- Isam is first mentioned late in tEotW. In <tEotW, 47, More Tales
- of the Wheel, 595>, Agelmar begins his tale of the history of the
- fall of Malkier. Briefly, it is revealed that al'Lan
- Mandragoran is the son of al'Akir and el'Leanna. Al'Akir had a
- brother, Lain Mandragoran, who was wed to Breyan. Lain and
- Breyan were parents to a child named Isam.
- Agelmar goes on to explain Breyan's jealousy and grief over her
- husband's death in the Blasted Lands, and her plot with Cowin
- Fairheart, hero and Darkfriend, to seize the throne for her son
- Isam. This plot failed, and Breyan fled south with her infant
- son Isam, and were overtaken by Trollocs. Their bodies were
- never recovered.
- It was at this time that el'Leanna and al'Akir sent their own
- infant son, al'Lan, south to Fal Moran to safety. The Glossary
- of LoC places al'Lan's birth date in 953 NE, and thus we can
- surmise that these events took place no later than 956 NE.
- Lord Luc is the brother of Tigraine. In <tEotW, 34, The Last Village,
- 441> we learn that Luc died in the Blight while ostensibly in training
- to become the First Prince of the Sword. Tigraine later vanished,
- before properly assuming her throne.
- Later, in <tSR, 34, He Who Comes With The Dawn, 392> we learn
- that Tigraine ran off to become a Maiden of the Spear with the
- Aiel at the directions of Gitara Moroso Sedai, some four years
- before Laman's Sin. The Glossary of tSR places the Aiel War,
- which begun as a direct result of Laman's Sin, from 976 to 978
- NE. Thus, Tigraine disappeared circa 972 NE.
- Finally, in <16, LoC, Tellings of the Wheel, 277> we learn that
- Luc himself may have been sent into the Blight by Gitara Moroso
- Sedai. After his disappearance, a year before Tigraine's flight,
- or about 971 NE, rumors whispered that Gitara sent him to find
- fame, or fate, or the Dragon Reborn or the Last Battle. Given
- her connection with Tigraine's flight, it seems very likely that
- the rumors are true.
- The first reference tying Luc and Isam together in any way comes
- from the Dark Prophecy, scrawled on the walls in Fal Dara after
- the Trolloc raid. A relevant stanza says:
- Luc came to the Mountains of Dhoom.
- Isam waited in the high passes.
- The hunt is now begun. The Shadow's hounds now course, and kill.
- One did live, and one did die, but both are.
- The Time of Change has come.
- <tGH, 7, Blood Calls Blood, 89>
- The exact interpretation of this stanza is uncertain, as we do
- not know who wrote it, nor whom it was meant for. But clearly,
- Isam survived Breyan's flight south as long as circa 971 NE,
- when Luc went north into the Blight. Curiously, Luc and Isam
- would have been roughly the same age, as well. Something
- happened-- one died and one lived-- but somehow, both still
- exist.
- Now, the only time we know of that Luc or Isam enter the picture
- in person, rather than as background, is in those segments of tSR
- set around Perrin's trip back home to the Two Rivers.
- Lord Luc appears as a middle aged man who claims to be a Hunter
- of the Horn who has stayed in the Two Rivers area to help the
- people there rid themselves of Whitecloaks and Trollocs. Is this
- the same Luc who disappeared into the Blight? Almost certainly.
- His age and coloring are correct, and Perrin muses that if he
- resembles anyone, it is Rand. A cousinly resemblance, no
- doubt. Luc is Rand's blood uncle.
- Isam appears only in the Unseen World, and only by implication.
- In <tSR, 28, To the Tower of Ghenjei> Perrin has several
- encounters in the Unseen world. One is with a man who tries to
- kill him, a man with a cold, inhuman scent to Perrin's nose.
- Hopper later identifies this dangerous creature as 'Slayer,' after
- Slayer leads Perrin on a chase to the Tower of Ghenjei. Birgitte
- appears, then, identifies the Tower, connects it with the Aelfinn
- and the Eelfinn, and warns Perrin away from it, and Slayer.
- Later, Perrin sees Slayer in the Unseen World looking much like
- Lan, dressed and styled in the Malkieri fashion <tSR, 42, A
- Missing Leaf, 476>. He muses that the man looked enough like
- Lan to be a brother.
- In <tSR, 53, The Price of a Departure, 614-615> Perrin faces
- Slayer in the Unseen World, and shoots him with an arrow. Slayer
- disappears from the Unseen World, and when Perrin wakes up,
- learns that Lord Luc had suddenly run off as if wounded.
- Here, Perrin connects the two. He notes the simultaneity of the
- wounds, and notes the same icy, inhuman smell from both of them.
- And he also notes that if Luc resembles anyone, it is Rand,
- further reinforcing the fact that this Luc is in fact Rand's
- uncle.
- Finally, in <tSR, 56, Goldeneyes, 645-646> the Trollocs in the
- Two Rivers form a battle cry out of the name Isam. Clearly,
- even though his activities seem limited to the Unseen World, his
- influence extends to the physical flesh.
- So much for evidence. What the Hell does any of this mean?
- The best anyone has been able to do is note that Luc and Isam now
- seem to be separate parts of a single being, aptly named Slayer
- by the wolves he kills in the Unseen World.
- We know from Egwene's training what some of the properties of the
- Unseen World are. Relevant properties here include the loss of
- one's humanity (as in, a cold, icy, inhuman scent coming from
- both Luc and Isam) after going to the Unseen World in the flesh,
- and the Unseen World's tendency to reflect the traveler's mental
- state. Given that Slayer always appears as Lord Luc in the world
- of the flesh and as Isam in the Unseen World, it is a fairly safe
- to assume that Isam is somehow piloting Luc's body.
- >From the stanza, it seems likely that Luc is the one who lived,
- because his body is still wandering around, twitching and talking,
- and that Isam is the one who died. In any other discussion, we'd
- just call this a possession, and be done with it. There are no
- firm answers on how or why Isam was given control over Luc's
- body, nor how much of the future Gitara Moroso saw when she sent
- Luc to his doom.
- However, it should be noted that odd phenomena concerning life
- and death, the mind and memory are hardly unknown in the Wheel of
- Time. Specifically, channelers of skill and strength are
- perfectly capable of forcing spirits bound to wait their next
- incarnation in the Unseen World back into the physical world.
- See Moghedien and Birgitte. Channelers are perfectly able to
- directly and powerfully impose their wills on others through
- Compulsion. The Dark One is capable of taking deceased souls and
- reincarnating them directly into new bodies, as with Aran'gar and
- Osan'gar. (In fact, David Wren-Hardin goes so far as to suggest
- that Aran'gar and Osan'gar have undergone the same process as
- Slayer.)
- It does not seem unlikely that Ishamael, perhaps with the counsel
- or active help of the Dark One could have managed this feat for
- some obscure purpose.
- Survey says: Where's Luc?
- he's now part of Slayer, and will
- not be seen apart from Slayer/Isam ever: 50% (113)
- alive, elsewhere: 17% (38)
- trapped in T'A'R 12% (26)
- dead 7% (15)
- Trapped in *finnland 4% (10)
- Will Perrin free Luc from the Dreamworld?
- Yes: 22% (49) No: 56% (125) Undecided: 19% (42)
- 1.21........................................................THE SEVERED HAND
- The "Severed Hand" controversy centers around several of Min's visions. For
- Elayne, she has seen: 1)A severed hand, not hers <TGH: 24, 362, New Friends
- and Old Enemies, 305>, 2)A red-hot iron and an axe <TGH: 43, 605, A Plan,
- 511>. For Rand, we have: A bloody hand and a white hot iron <TEotW: 15, 216,
- Strangers and Friends, 181>. Here are the theories:
- 1)In <TFoH: 16, 316, An Unexpected Offer, 224> we learned that the
- punishment for stealing in Amadicia is: First Offense--branding (with
- a red-hot iron?) Second Offense--Right hand chopped off. Scenario:
- somebody Elayne knows gets accused of stealing in Amadicia
- (Morgase?Galad? Lini?) and is branded. gets into more trouble, and has
- their hand chopped off. Rand has nothing to do with it. His bloody
- hand is something else. <Pam Korda>
- 2)Elayne gets captured and leashed by the Seanchan. Rand, or somebody else,
- is somehow forced to wear the bracelet (recall that little Seanchan game?
- <TGH: 40, 573, Damane, 484>). Somebody then chops of Rand's hand (with an
- axe) to save the two of them. The wound is then cauterized with a hot iron
- that happens to be lying around. <Judy G, Arthur Bernard Byrne, John Novak>
- 3)Joe Shaw has suggests: During Rand's battle with Ba'alzamon at the
- end of TGH, we have "Rand screamed as he felt [Ba'alzamon's staff]
- pierce his side, burning like a white-hot poker." At the same time,
- he gets a second heron branded onto his hand. <TGH: 47, 666, The
- Grave Is No Bar To My Call, 564> I still think this was the
- fulfillment of Min's viewing about Rand, and that Elayne's similar
- viewing is completely unrelated.
- 4) Galad's hand gets chopped for having stolen the boat in Samara
- from the loony Prophet (according to the Prophet's new law, thieves
- get their hands chopped). Problem: I see this having more to do
- with Ny than with El, since she was the one who told both Galad
- and the Prophet to get a boat for them. <Judy G., again>
- RJ said, at a signing, that he deliberately made Rand like Tew/Chew,
- the Norse god of strife, who lost a hand.
- Survey Says: Will Rand lose a hand?
- Yes: 51% (114) No: 35% (78) Undecided: 14% (31)
- 1.22................................................THE GREEN MAN AND THE SONG
- (tinkers, soldiers, warriors, dragon)
- <Erica S. P.Korda>
- A: He is the last of the Nym, a type of creature which was made of vegetable
- matter. He is described first in <TEotW: 49, 739-40, The Dark One Stirs,
- 621>. However we find out exactly who he is in the fourth book. <TSR: 26,
- 432, The Dedicated, 303>
- "A stir at the end of the field told him one of the Nym was
- approaching. The great form, head and shoulders and chest
- taller than any Ogier, stepped out onto the seeded ground, and
- Coumin did not have to see to know he left footprints filled with
- sprouting things. It was Someshta, surrounded by clouds of
- butterflies, white and yellow and blue...Each field would have
- its Nym, now...the Nym were older than anyone. Some said the
- Nym never died, not so long as plants grew..."
- Many years later, after the breaking, we see him again, this time with
- the characteristic fissure in his face. He is being set to the task
- of guarding the Eye of the World, the Horn, the dragon banner and one
- of the seals. <TSR: 26, 428, The Dedicated, 300-1>
- The Tinkers, an early offshoot of the Aiel, decided to give up their
- duty of hiding *'angreal and instead dedicate their lives to re-finding
- the safety and peace of their past. <TSR: 26, 423, The Dedicated, 296>
- They believe this will come about through finding the "growing song,"
- described in <TSR: 26, 432, The Dedicated, 303>
- "The Ogier began it, as was fitting, standing to sing, great bass rumbles
- like the earth singing. The Aiel rose, men's voices lifting in their own
- song, even the deepest at a higher pitch than the Ogier's. Yet the songs
- braided together, and Someshta took those threads and wove them into his
- dance...The song caught him up, and he almost felt that it was himself, not
- the sounds he made that Someshta wove into the soil and around the seeds."
- The Song is not to be confused with the Ogier Tree-Songs. The Ogier songs may
- be the Ogier part of the growing ceremony described above, or they may be
- something similar, but different in purpose. The Tinkers' Song is the human
- part of the ceremony.
- Survey Says: Will the Aiel and the Tinkers reunite?
- Yes: 42% (94) No: 44% (99) Undecided: 14% (31)
- The primary contenders are Aram, Perrin and Rand. Aram's stated life goal had
- been to find the song until he took up the sword in defense of Emond's Field
- and became 'Lost' to his people. To find the song would reinstate him and
- justify his choice of giving up the peaceful 'way of the leaf'. Perrin on
- the other hand keeps getting faced with the choice of ax or hammer: that is,
- the choice of creation or destruction, war or peace, way-of-the-warrior or
- way-of-the-leaf. Furthermore, Perrin is a contender to find the song because
- of Min's viewing of Perrin standing among the flowering trees. Rand,
- and probably some of the Aiel clan chiefs, have actually _heard_ the
- Song in the glass columns of Rhuidean.
- Further Evidence that Rand will find the song:
- <TEotW: prologue, xv, Dragonmount, xv>
- "ages past and will be in ages to come. _Let the Prince of the Morning
- sing to the land that green things will grow_ and the valleys give
- forth lambs."
- Another opinion is that the Song will not be found. It is a thing of a
- past Age, not of the coming one.
- Survey Says:
- Will the Song be found?
- Yes: 74% (166) No: 18% (41) Undecided: 8% (17)
- Who will discover the Song?
- Perrin: 25% (55) Rand: 6% (14)
- Loial: 12% (27) LTT: 1% (3)
- No one: 11% (24) Mat: 1% (3)
- Aram: 8% (19) Elayas: 1% (2)
- Survey Says: Will Perrin pick the axe or the hammer (whatever that means)?
- The Axe, then discard it for the Hammer: 57% (127)
- The Hammer: 19% (43)
- The Axe: 7% (16)
- The Aiel (formerly the Da'shain Aiel) were the 'Dedicated' who worked
- for the Ancient Aes Sedai. The group was hereditary and had feature of light
- skin, gray or blue eyes and mostly reddish or blond hair. All Aiel could be
- identified by their particular hair style which was cut short with a tail
- hanging in the back. They were dedicated to a life of non-violence, following
- the 'way of the leaf'. The male Aiel worked with the Ogier and the Nym in
- planting as they had the gift of the 'Voice', the seed singing. Although the
- Ogier continue to have 'tree singers', the voice of the Aiel seems to be
- a talent that has disappeared. When the Aiel did their work in the fields,
- they wore light gray and brown 'working clothes' (cadin'sor). The clothes,
- the hair style and the avoidance of the use of weaponry which cannot be
- used for other purposes remains today, but the talent of the Voice is
- currently unknown.
- Survey Says: Are there any Jenn Aiel left?
- Yes: 29% (65) No: 59% (133) Undecided: 11% (25)
- 1.23.........................................VERIN: BLACK, BROWN, OR PURPLE?
- <Sean Hillyard, Mike Lemons, Judy Ghirardelli, Emma Pease, Erica Sadun,
- Pam Korda, Keith Casner, etc>
- 1) In TGH, Verin tells the boys that Moiraine sent her to look after them:
- <TGH: 14, 231, Wolfbrother, 195> "Moiraine Sedai sent me, Lord Ingtar,"
- Verin announced with a satisfied smile. "She though you might need me."
- Moiraine later says that she did NOT send Verin: <TGH: 49, 675, What was
- Meant To Be, 572> "I did not send Verin." Moiraine frowned. "She did
- that on her own. It is pretty obvious that Moiraine is not BA, so that
- implies that Verin lied, and hence must be BA.
- DEFENSE:Verin could have been tricked by somebody masquerading as Moiraine,
- maybe Lanfear. Or, perhaps she managed to find an interpretation of her
- words that could be taken as the truth. (Moiraine wanted somebody to
- watch over you guys, but she couldn't be here...)
- At a signing in Atlanta, RJ said that this discrepancy is not a mis-step.
- Survey Says: What is going on with that?
- Verin was misleading, but in a truthful fashion: 38% (84)
- Verin was lying (violating the Oath): 28% (62)
- A misunderstanding between characters: 16% (35)
- A Jordan mistake: 5% (12)
- One was being impersonated: 3% (7)
- 2) Verin does not give Corianin's notes to Egwene along with the dream
- ring. Relevant passages: <TDR: 21, 241-2, A World of Dreams, 187>.
- Maybe she wanted Egwene to get killed, or caught by some Forsaken?
- DEFENSE: Four reasons that Verin wouldn't want to show the manuscript
- to Egwene: 1) Verin is afraid that Egwene would not continue if she
- knew how dangerous it is. 2) Verin is afraid that Egwene would not
- continue if she knew who or what must be sacrificed. 3) The very nature
- of prophecy requires that it be vague or kept secret. 4) Maybe Verin was
- afraid that _Egwene_ was a Darkfriend. Also, note that she _considered_
- giving the notes to Egwene, but decided not to. If she was withholding the
- notes for a nefarious purpose, she wouldn't have even considered it.
- 3) Her suspicious behavior in the 2 Rivers: a)Misleads Perrin as to why she
- and Alanna are there <TSR: 31, 493-4, Assurances, 345-6>. b)Tells Perrin
- not to trust Alanna, perhaps laying a false trail? <TSR: 33, 533, A New
- Weave in the Pattern, 373>. c)She also knows Luc is the missing Lord Luc,
- Tigraine's brother who disappeared in the Blight. She knows he is mentioned
- in the Dark Prophecy, yet she does not warn anyone about him? Or tell them
- who he is?
- DEFENSE: a) & b) are typical Aes Sedai behavior. As for c)...
- 4) Only three characters have referred to Perrin's choice of hammer or axe:
- Ishamael, Lanfear and Verin. This puts Verin in very suspicious company.
- DEFENSE: Verin is Brown Ajah, and thus is likely to know all sorts of
- obscure things. (Also note that the above statement is somewhat false:
- Egwene also knows about the hammer/axe choice. She dreamed it.)
- 5) Was observed in deep conversation with Barthanes, a known Darkfriend, at
- the party in <TGH: 33, 470, A Message From the Dark, 397> When Hurin
- approached them, Verin waved him away. Perhaps they were discussing
- "business matters?"
- DEFENSE: No, they were just talking about the weather/politics/etc and
- Verin didn't want some Shienaran servant butting into her conversation;
- it wouldn't look right and might make Barth. suspicious.
- 6) In <TFoH: 53, 900, Fading Words, 638> Moiraine mentions to Rand in her
- last letter not to trust Alviarin, who is definitely a Darkfriend, and
- Verin. Additionally, Siuan mentions that Verin never told her about
- giving Egwene a ter'angreal.
- DEFENSE: The former is just an exercise in contrasts. Moiraine is saying:
- "Don't trust ANYBODY. You are rightly suspicious of Alviarin, but you
- should be equally suspicious of those you think you can trust, like Verin."
- As for the latter, why should she tell SS?
- 7) Draghkar Attack on Moiraine. <TGH: 22, 331-3, Watchers, 278-9> Executed
- at least with Aes Sedai help (the warding on them so they couldn't be
- sensed). Moiraine seemed to think that pretty much everyone in the Tower
- had forgotten about these old hermit Aes Sedai. However, we do know one
- individual old enough to remember them who could have ordered the attack
- --Verin.
- DEFENSE: This is totally wimpy speculation, and wouldn't even be here,
- except that somebody might bring it up again. Liandrin (known BA)
- could have easily followed Moiraine there.
- Survey Says: Verin is:
- Basicly good: 75% (168)
- Neither good nor bad--somewhere in the middle: 18% (40)
- Basicly bad: 2% (4)
- 1) Something in those Notes Theory: We know Verin had access to
- Corianin Nedeal's notes. There is something in those notes that Verin
- doesn't want anybody to know about, something so potentially dangerous
- that she'd consider destroying the notes and all the knowledge
- contained therein. What if, in those notes, Corianin Nedeal describes
- how she discovered how to break the Three Oaths in T'A'R? That would
- certainly explain why she wouldn't want Eg to have the notes,
- especially after her speech at the start of TDR about how important
- the Oaths are. This would also explain how she managed to lie about
- Moiraine sending her. Plus, who knows what eldrich knowledge is
- contained in the notes? Who knows what Verin saw when she tried out
- the ter'angreal to go to T'A'R? This could explain all sorts of
- Verinisms. <Keith Casner, Pam Korda>
- 2) Verin == Corianin Theory: Verin is Corianin Nedeal herself, and is
- thus very, very, old. That is how she got her hands on the ring
- ter'angreal. Problem: In <TDR: 21, ?, A World of Dreams, 191>, Verin
- is thinking on Neadeal's notes, and thinks of Nedeal in the third
- person. One doesn't usually refer to oneself in the third person.
- Another problem (which is also present in related Very Old Verin (VOV)
- theories is that if there was a 400+ year-old Aes Sedai lurking around
- the Tower, surely somebody would have noticed by now. <Dave Delany,
- etc>
- 3) Second Foundation Ajah Theory: Verin is a member of a secret
- society whose members preserve ancient knowledge for humanity's need
- at the Last Battle. The existence of the BA shows that it is possible
- for a secret group to exist in the Tower--if there is a group
- dedicated to evil, why not a group dedicated to good? Problem: there
- have always been rumors of the BA. Nothing can be kept secret for
- centuries in a place with so many people in it, and so much scheming
- as the White Tower. And yet, we've never heard any hint of this secret
- group. <Mark Hazen, etc>
- 4) Very Old Verin: Verin is very, very old, and pre-dates the lying
- Oath, and is thus not bound to it. This theory has been proposed as
- part of various Second Foundation Ajah theories, Corianin Nedeal
- theories, as well as independently. problem: Verin would have to be
- 1000+ years old. We have seen no evidence, even in the AoL that
- _anybody_ lives that long, without help from the DO. Plus, wouldn't
- anybody notice that Verin had outlived dozens of Amyrlin Seats?
- Survey says: In which of the following Verin Theories do you believe
- (more than one choice possible)?
- I really have no clue whatsoever
- as to what's up with Verin: 35% (78)
- She's never held the oath rod: 29% (66)
- she's in the "Secret Ajah": 24% (53)
- she's Corianin Nedeal (the last dreamer): 8% (19)
- she is the Creator or an agent of the Creator: 6% (14)
- she's a member of the Jenn Aiel: 6% (13)
- Verin is Black Ajah : 3% (6)
- none of the above (i.e. yet another theory): 19% (40)
- Many pet theories hinge upon this question. From <LoC: 11, Lessons and
- Teachers, 207>, we know that Verin has been working on some plan for
- about 70 years. This sets a lower bound on Verin's age. The only other
- possible clue is <LOC: 43, The Crown of Roses, 549>. Merana Sedai is
- considering the pecking order among the AS in Caemlyn: "Merana had
- been Aes Sedai ten years the day the midwife laid Alanna at her
- mother's breast...Verin was the problem...Five years as novice for
- each, six as Accepted; that was one thing every Aes Sedai knew about
- every other if she knew nothing else. The difference was that Verin
- was older, maybe almost as much older than she as she was older than
- Alanna." We know that the Tower doesn't take women much older than Ny
- for Novices, and an average novice starts at about the age Elayne &
- Egwene did (17-18), for the Very Old Verin folks, lets say both Merana
- & Verin started late--24 (Ny was an exception, I think they only took
- her because she was so strong). So if Alanna is about 35 (a
- reasonable guess), Merana is 24 + 11 years training + 10 years as full
- AS = 45 years older than Alanna, that is, 80 years old. If Verin is as
- much older than Merana as Merana is older than Alanna, then Verin is
- 80 + 45 = 125 years old. So if Merana is right about how much older
- Verin is than she, Verin cannot be much older than 125 years.
- Survey Says: How Old is Verin?
- 100-149 years old: 31% (69) 500-3000 years old: 10% (22)
- 140-199 years old: 16% (36) older than 3000 years: 1% (3)
- 70 - 99 years old: 12% (27) less than 70 years: 1% (2)
- 1.25.................................................WHY LANFEAR MAY BE GOOD
- <Ruchira Datta, korda, and Roy Navarre as the Lanfear Pin-up of the
- Month Club, Carolyn Fusinato>
- Lanfear presents a bit of an enigma. Many of her actions have led some
- people to believe that she is not 100% Evil. The argument is that she &
- Beidomon drilled the Bore into the DO's prison by accident, and only became
- Forsaken after that either due to the DO's direct action, or out of pride.
- Moreover, everyone would link her with all the DO's ravages that followed,
- thinking she released him on purpose, no matter what she did. Being an
- extremely proud person, it would be hard for her to admit that she had just
- made a colossal mistake.
- EVIDENCE: In the "Eyes of Charn" sequence <TSR: 26, 432-437, The Dedicated,
- 303-6>, Charn perceives Mierin as a good person, and maintains this belief
- even after she became Lanfear. Up to TFoH (see refutation), it can be claimed
- that she hadn't done any inarguably evil acts. She has been deceptive - but
- what would one expect from an Aes Sedai? She is jealous and possessive of
- Rand-- but note that she had not done anything to harm her competition, which
- would probably be very easy for her to do. (She met Egwene in Tel'aran'rhiod,
- if I recall correctly, but anyway Egwene had been eliminated from the category
- of "competition" by this time.) She told Ishamael in TDR that she was loyal to
- the Dark One and no other. But in TSR, she suggested to Rand that they
- supplant the DO together. As for the scene at the end of TFoH, she was
- insane and not responsible for her actions. (She dislikes being called Mierin
- in the extreme. This could be taken several ways. One way to take it is that
- she wants her former self to be disassociated from her current evil ways--
- she does not want to be reminded of what she once was, it is too painful.)
- REFUTATION: I have always believed that Lanfear was evil, starting way back
- when we first meet her as Selene in TGH. She made my skin crawl. LTT, an
- "honest man," even the Forsaken admit, said that Lanfear, _even when she was
- Mierin_, loved power more than anything else. What is the DO but the ultimate
- temptation of power? All of her actions in "helping" Rand have not been to
- further his cause against the DO, but to gain his trust and lust, so that she
- could control him. She does not love Rand/LTT;she wants him to be her obedient
- lap-dog, and to serve him up on a platter to the DO, so that she can be the
- most powerful of his servants. She would supplant the DO AND the Creator in a
- second if she could, and then be disappointed that she wasn't powerful enough.
- Having deceived Rand for so long,it would have been simple for her to
- deceive Charn, a follower of the Way of the Leaf.(It is obvious from looking
- at the Tinkers and the Ancient Aiel that Leafers cannot believe that the
- world is a Bad Place with Bad People in it.) But anyway, evidence in TFoH
- closes the case for good. I do not refer to the skinning of
- Kadere, torturing of Egwene & Aviendha, killing of many, and attempted killing
- of Rand, although that provides plenty of evidence in itself, insanity
- or no. I refer to Moiraine's vision in the Rings of Rhuidean.<TFoH: 53, 900,
- Fading Words, 637> If Moiraine had not jumped Lanfear, and let her have her
- way, Rand would be a)dead, or b)Lanfear's love-slave, with the crippled mind
- of LTT. These were Lanfear's plans. They are not the plans of a good person.
- Oh, and if you need further proof, recall the ecstasy with which she describes
- bathing in the DO's presence at Shayol Ghul.
- Note that Lanfear did NOT send the Trollocs who fought Sammael's
- trollocs in TSR. They were sent by Semirhage, on order of the DO. The
- DO, it seems, has been giving Rand aid for some time now, probably in
- the hopes of eventually turning him to the Dark Side. Any "help"
- Lanfear has done for Rand was probably in view of this end. Taking
- credit for rescuing him is certainly not past her.
- Carolyn F. adds, that in a letter she got from RJ, he said that
- Lanfear fixated on possessing a man who never loved her. (I guess LTT
- was just using her for sex, eh?) Her desire for Rand is as much desire
- for power as for him personally. She could get her hands on the
- remote-control ter'angreal for the kick-ass sa'angreal, get credit
- for turning the Dragon Reborn over to the DO. She power for power's
- sake, not for Rand's sake.
- 1.26.....................................................WHAT'S WITH SALDAEA
- There could be some major plot development coming up, with regards to
- Saldaea. We have been getting hints for six books now. In TEotW, in
- Baerlon, there are rumors about trouble up in Saldaea. But they say,
- oh--that's the borderlands-- there is always trouble in the
- borderlands. When we first meet Bayle Domon, he is running from
- Trollocs and Saldaea <TEotW: 20, 312, Dust on the Wind, 262-3>. Then
- again in TGH and TDR Saldaea is mentioned that something is going on
- there. Plus that is where Mazrim Taim was operating...Then in
- TSR,someone in a tavern in Tear says something like Taim was so
- powerful when he fought the Lord of Bashere's army.Then SS thinks that
- with all the trouble there, Tenobia might be pushed off the
- throne--Tenobia is Faile's cousin. And finally, at the end of TFoH,
- Bashere shows up in Caemlyn and makes an agreement for Saldaea's
- support of the Dragon Reborn. In LOC, we learn that Queen Tenobia has
- gone into seclusion at some country palace, and the leader of the Army
- and a good portion of said army are thousands of miles away, under the
- command of the Dragon Reborn. There has been speculation that
- Semirhage's "wilful charge" is none other than Queen Tenobia. (Others
- say it simply refers to the captured Aes Sedai).
- Survey Says:
- Will Faile be the Queen of Saldaea?
- Yes: 72% (161) No: 15% (34) Undecided: 13% (28)
- Is Semirhage's "charge" the captured Aes Sedai Cabriana Mercandes?
- Yes: 48% (107) No: 19% (42) Undecided: 23% (51)
- 1.27............................................................WHO WAS MAT?
- <Don Harlow, Joe Shaw, somebody else>
- It may be that Mat was Aemon of Manetheren, although there is little direct
- proof. It is certain that, in all his lives, he was a military genius.
- There has been a lot of speculation that Mat is the reincarnation of
- an ancient king of Manetheren. It seems to me fairly evident that Mat
- is the reincarnation of a fairly large number of personalities (I
- would say "different" personalities, except I suspect that they were
- all fairly similar). This is evidenced by Mat's pseudo-memories that
- emerge when Jasin Natael is singing a song about a battle at a
- river and how the enemy of Manetheren had mercy on the
- defeated Manetherenites, because they were so brave, etc. Mat
- remembers himself, the king's advisor, being killed by that foe's
- treachery; and then he remembers himself, somebody else, seeing that
- foe, older and grayer, being killed in another battle somewhere else.
- <TSR: 37, 610-1, Imre Stand, 424-5>
- Additionally, he forms the Band of the Red Hand near the end of TFoH,
- which was supposedly a band of heroes who went down defending Aemon
- himself. This looks like another marker, though there's nothing
- directly of Aemon's memories that Mat has.
- TFoH also gives details on the span of his memories, from about
- four or five hundred years before the Trolloc wars and nothing after
- Artur Hawkwing. What this signifies is another question entirely.
- It's clear that Mat was not King of Manetheren in his first memory,
- at least. I agree that Mat is remembering several lives. IMHO, Mat
- is one of the Heroes that the Pattern spins out every so often, and
- he is remembering his previous incarnations. Mat was just a brilliant
- military advisor for the Manetheren kings, not the King.
- Note: it is possible that Mat's memories are not actually those of his
- own past lives, but that when he asked the Foxes to fill the holes in
- his mind, they just put in random memories of various battle
- commanders through the ages.
- 1.28................................WHERE HAVE WE SEEN IRONIC FORESHADOWING?
- <TEotW: 12, 171, Across the Taren, 143> Moiraine tells Egwene:
- "Now you are behaving like a foolish village girl. Most who come to Tar
- Valon must study for months before they can do what you just did. You may
- go far. Perhaps even the Amyrlin Seat, one day, if you study hard and work
- hard."
- <TEotW: 19, 278, Shadow's Waiting, 234>
- "Aemon's warcry, she said - right? Maybe you're Aemon come back again."
- <TGH: 10, 169, The Hunt Begins, 144>
- Mat says: "You put this Aiel nonsense in his head, on top of what's
- already there, and the light knows what we'll have. An Aiel lord
- maybe."
- Nynaeve, just before entering the first arch a Novice must pass through
- to become an Accepted <TGH: 23, 336, The Testing, 283>: "Vaguely, Nynaeve
- thought about her nervousness concerning spiders" Moghedien is also known
- as 'the Spider'.
- Perrin, looking at Ingtar <TGH: 28, 407, A New Thread in the Pattern, 343>:
- "Sometimes, to Perrin's eyes, the crescent crest on the Shienaran's
- helmet looked like a Trolloc's horns."
- Ingtar is revealed at the end of TGH to be a Darkfriend seeking to
- walk in the Light (he sought the Horn for his personal salvation).
- <TGH: 32, 464, Dangerous Words, 392>
- "I am not Aiel, Lord Barthanes, and I am not of the [Andor] royal line,
- either." (Rand to Lord Barthanes, at Barthanes' manor)
- <TSR: 52, 864, Need, 598>
- I was re-reading the part in TSR where Ny talks to Birgitte and
- Cain is around. He reminds Birgitte how mad Spider was when she
- found out Birgitte would fight on the side of LTT. She told
- Birgitte then something like "I will make you weep alone for
- as long as the wheel turns". Birgitte says that Spider said
- it as just a fact that had not happened yet.
- We know in TFoH that Spider makes good on this threat, but
- un-binding her to the Wheel.
- <TFoH: 10, 229, Figs and Mice, 162>
- At one point, early in the book, Ny wishes she could have SS alone for
- just 5 minutes when SS could not channel - she gets her wish with her
- little scuffle in Tel'aran'rhiod.
- <TFoH: 25, 432, Dreams of Galad, 307> Elayne told Egwene in T'A'R' :
- "Egwene, you will be Amyrlin when I am Queen of Andor!"
- All the Forsaken seem to think that Ba'alzamon was Ishamael. e.g. see Mog's
- thoughts in <TSR: 46, 759-60, Veils, 526>.
- <TDR: 21, 237, A World of Dreams, 187> Verin reads a scrap of paper to Egwene
- when giving her the twisted stone ter'angreal. "Heart of the Dark.
- Ba'alzamon. Name hidden within name shrouded by name. Secret buried within
- secret cloaked by secret. Betrayer of Hope. Ishamael betrays all hope.
- Truth burns and sears. Hope fails before truth. A lie is our shield. Who
- can stand against the Heart of the Dark? Who can face the Betrayer of Hope?
- Soul of shadow, Soul of the Shadow, he is -"
- <TDR: 56, 672-3, People of the Dragon, 575-6>, Eg, Ny, Mat, El and Moiraine
- are discussing that Rand could not have killed the Dark One himself because
- a _man's_ body was left. They speculate that Ba'alzamon was Ishamael.
- <TEotW: 14, 204-5, The Stag and Lion, 171>: Ba'alzamon tells Rand:
- "I stood at Lews Therin Kinslayer's shoulder when he did the deed that
- named him. It was I who told him to kill his wife, and his children,
- and all his blood, and every living person who loved him or whom he
- loved. It was I who gave him the moment of sanity to know what he had
- done."
- Lanfear makes some comment that "Ishamael thinks he controls events, but
- I do, really" or something like that. The only other forsaken taking an
- active hand in events is Ba'alzamon. the rest are either still bound, or are
- skulking around in various kingdoms.
- <TSR: Glossary, 987, entry "Ba'alzamon", 686> "In the Trolloc tongue,
- 'Heart of the Dark.' Believed by most, erroneously, to be the Trolloc Name
- for the Dark One." ^^^^^^^^^^^
- <TSR: 46, 760, Veils, 526> Moghedien says: "The other [Forsaken in Tear
- beside Be'lal] sounds like Ishamael to me. All his pride at being
- only half-caught, whatever the price-- there was less human left in
- him than any of us when I saw him again; I think he half-believed he
- was the Great Lord of the Dark--all his three thousand years of
- machinations, and it comes to an untaught boy hunting him down." She
- states right out that Ish was only half bound, and as well confirms
- Egwene's guess that Ish=Ba'alzamon.
- <Erica Sadun>
- 1. OP use: cleansing Bela
- <TEotW: 11, 149, The Road to Taren Ferry, 125>
- Reaction: Baerlon encounter w/Children of the Light,
- <TEotW: 15, 221-6, Strangers and Friends, 186-90>
- Time: about a week.
- 2. OP use: Hitting Trolloc with the boom of Domon's boat.
- <TEotW: 24, 306-7, Dust on the Wind, 258-9>
- Reaction: Mast/trapeze stunt on Bayle Domon's ship
- <TEotW: 24, 357-9, Flight Down the Arinelle, 301-3>
- Time: about four days.
- 3. OP use: calling lightning to escape the inn in Four Kings
- <TEotW: 32, 484, Four Kings in Shadow, 407>
- Reaction: fever/chills at the inn in Market Sharan.
- <TEotW: 33, 504-8, The Dark Waits, 423-6>
- Time: about two days.
- 4. OP use: at the Eye of the World.
- Reaction: Forgetfulness, others?
- Time: nearly instantaneous.
- We assume that they will be used on a faux dragon because the real
- one isn't available.
- Luke Mankin tells us more about the bracelets:
- I think that the collar and bracelets are not all one piece, and that
- they will enable a women to control a male channeler for a distance!
- Here are all the places where it is physically described that I could
- find. Notice that they never mention a -leash-!
- <TSR: 55, 920, Into the Deep, 638>
- "Egeanin touched the collar, pushed the bracelets away from
- the collar. If she felt the emotions trapped in them ... ability to
- channel. `It is not a'dam,` the Seanchan woman said. `That is made
- of a silvery metal, and all of one piece."
- <TSR: 52, 866, Need, 600>
- "...-a necklace and two bracelets of jointed black metal-..."
- <TSR: 54, 905, Into the Palace, 628>
- " ...dull black collar and bracelets... ...wide jointed collar..."
- Since we assume that the Seanchan will get the collars, what will
- they do with their male channeler? OR, will the BA get the collar
- and bracelets through the Darkfriend connection? Wouldn't the best
- means of destroying them be separating them and throwing them in
- say the sea, a volcano, and such?
- Now, of course, the sad bracelets can be used on any of the poor
- sods who signed up to become asha'man.
- Survey Says:
- Who will the Sad Bracelets be used on?
- Rand: 33% (75) Demandred: 3% (7)
- No One: 31% (69) Sammael: 3% (7)
- Taim: 7% (15) Mat: 2% (4)
- Logain: 5% (13)
- Will/did Bayle Domon lose the Sad Bracelets in the ocean?
- Yes: 29% (64) No: 56% (126) Undecided: 12% (26)
- 1.32........................................IS MAT STILL LINKED TO THE HORN?
- There are two points in the story where Mat could be considered to have
- died: when he was hung from the tree in Rhuidean, and when he got hit
- by lightning in the raid on Caemlyn in TFOH. So, is he still linked
- to the horn?
- Firstly, in Tear, <TSR: 15, 253, Into the Doorway, 177>
- [Snakey Answers to "What fate?]
- "'To die, and live again, and live once more a part of what was!'
- Secondly, in Rhuidean, <TSR: 26, 437-8, The Dedicated, 306-7>
- "Letting sword and Power go, he ripped the rope away from Mat's
- neck and pressed an ear to his friend's chest. Nothing.
- Desperately, he tore open Mat's coat and shirt, breaking the
- leather cord that help a silver medallion on Mat's chest. He
- tossed the medallion aside, listened again. Nothing. No
- heartbeat. Dead. No! He'd be all right if I hadn't let him
- follow me here. I can't let him be dead!
- "As hard as he could he pounded his fist against Mat's chest,
- listened. Nothing. Again he hammered, listened. Yes. There.
- A faint heartbeat. It was. So faint, so slow. And slowing.
- But Mat was still alive despite the heavy purple welt around his
- neck. He might yet be kept alive.
- "Filling his lungs, Rand scrambled around to breathe into Mat's
- mouth as strongly as he could. Again. Again..."
- He had no heartbeat! He wasn't breathing! He was clinically dead.
- On that evidence, I really don't see how anyone can doubt, at the
- very least, that Mat actually died. I do grant that we can disagree
- and quibble over the binding of the Horn, but that's a different
- matter. And on that note, Judy is correct-- the phrasing that the
- Amyrlin used at any rate was "So long as you live." <TDR: 20, 233,
- Visitations, 182> I just wonder if anyone ever actually linked
- themselves to the Horn before, then died and then came back to life.
- In other words, is their knowledge absolute in this matter, or is
- this just a turn of phrase? <John Novak>
- Survey Says: Is Mat still linked to the Horn?
- Yes: 69% (155) No: 21% (46) Undecided: 8% (19)
- 1.33.............................................THOUGHT AND MEMORY TAKE TWO
- <Erica Sadun>
- Just another thought while re-reading. Our favorite heros all
- seem to have unusual memories available to them. Meaning:
- 1) Rand has memories of the past through the experience
- at Rhuidean, plus LTT lurking (screaming, more like it)
- inside his head.
- 2) Mat has memories of the past through the past lives
- he has had, which he can now remember.
- 3) Perrin has the memories of the wolves. In TEotW, Elyas
- tells him that wolves remember from the first wolf on,
- so I think that means that wolves have the memories of
- all wolves ever. So conceivably, Perrin would have
- access to these memories.
- 1.34........................................................MORE OF THE FAIN
- Padan Fain was a Lugard peddler, who moonlighted as a Friend of the
- Dark. When it came time for the Dragon to be reborn, Fain was taken
- to Shayol Ghul and made into the Dark One's Hound, to search out the
- Dragon Reborn. Followed the boys to Shadar Logoth and had a run-in
- with Mordeth. Mordeth tried to devour Fain's soul, but couldn't,
- because of the hold the DO had on him. So Fain became part Mordeth,
- part minion of the DO. This is basically what the books tell us.
- Roy Navarre and Tony Z came up with a theory that Fain is actually the
- avatar of the DO. Roy says: First, if you check the glossary, you will
- see that the DO is described as the source of _all_ evil. Hence Mashadar
- must flow from the DO or the glossary is wrong. (We had pages and pages
- of discussion on this in the past). Next, Myself and Tony Z presented
- detailed evidence suggesting that Fain is the avatar of the DO. With
- each broken seal, Fain gets stronger. Thus, the DO has been in our midst
- all this time but we just didn't know it. At first only a trace of him
- in Fain, but growing stronger and stronger until now his presence in Fain
- seems unmistakable.
- Eric Ebinger counters:
- Fain no longer exists. Padan Fain was summoned to Shayol Ghul, was broken
- and reformed into a bloodhound for the DO, as part of which he was imprinted
- by the DO. This happened twice at Shayol Ghul and once in a dream.
- Padan Fain/DO bloodhound went to Shadar Logoth and fell prey to Mordeth.
- Normally, Mordeth would just destroy the existing "soul/personality", but
- Padan Fain's having been "remade" by the DO seems to have changed things
- sufficiently so that there was a slow gradual merging of *all* of the
- different personalities (Fain/Mordeth/DO's imprint). The most accurate
- term for the combination is the name that he took: Ordeith. Over time, the
- Mordeth portion has gained more and more control over the gestalt. The DO's
- imprint has given Ordeith the unreasoning hatred of Rand, Perrin, and Mat.
- There doesn't seem to be much of anything of Padan Fain left. As the
- Mordeth fragment has gained more complete control of the gestalt, Ordeith
- has increased in power. The seeming relationship between the breaking of
- the Seals and Ordeith's power is due only to the fact that as time passes
- Ordeith gets stronger and as time passes the Seals break. The same
- relationship is evident with Rand, Perrin, Mat, Elayne, Egwene, Aviendha
- and Nynaeve.
- Survey Says:
- Is Fain currently the DO?
- Yes: 0% (0) No: 99% (221) Undecided: 1% (3)
- Will Fain BECOME the DO?
- Yes: 14% (32) No: 70% (156) Undecided: 17% (37)
- What is he up to now? Not much, for somebody who is supposedly as dangerous
- as the Shadow. He went to the Fortress of the Light and the White Tower to
- sow seeds of dissension, and make sure Pedron Niall and Elaida would never
- join Rand. He seems to be currently involved in causing Rand trouble, in
- little instances which could, admittedly, build up. He instigated a failed
- assassination of Rand by his ex-WCs in Caemlyn. He might also have been
- responsible for the attack on the Brown AS
- in Caemlyn which ended up driving a rift between Rand and the Salidar AS,
- and sending him into the hands of Elaida's AS in Cairhien, but this could
- just as easily (and more probably) have been part of some Forsaken's
- plot, or a plot by the Tower AS & the Shaido to alienate the Salidar AS
- from Rand. He still has his pet myrddraal.
- 1.35.......................................JAIN FARSTRIDER: WHERE IS HE NOW?
- Jain seems to have a cult following among the Jordanites.
- "Jain lives!" they proclaim. So, as promised, here is a list of all
- the suspects in "who is Jain in disguise" contest.
- 1) Elyas Machera--Both Borderlanders, Elyas is pretty old.
- 2) Tam Al'Thor
- (It is very unlikely that Tam==Jain. Malkier fell a little less than
- 50 years before TEOTW (say 45-50 years), according to Lord Agelmar.
- <TEotW: 47, 708, More Tales of the Wheel, 595>
- At the time, Jain was a young man, say between 17 & 20. Thus,at the
- start of TEOTW, Jain would be 62-70 years old. I would put Tam at 50,
- tops, probably younger. definitely not older than 60.) Plus, RJ has
- said that Tam spent his time away from the 2 Rivers in Illian, which
- precludes his running around the Borderlands and the Blight.
- At a signing in Atlanta, RJ said that Tam & Rand were originally
- the same character--a soldier come home to a small town. This pretty
- much precludes his being Farstrider, no?
- 3) Graendal's old man in wrinkled coat. (This is more likely the Domani
- king she displaced, or that famous general she has working for her.)
- 4) Bayle Domon, because he seems to be very well traveled and likes to
- collect old things, and his talk to Mat about it being "the
- strangeness you see that pulls you to the next horizon."
- <TEotW: 24, 356-7, Flight Down the Arinelle, 300>.
- I cannot think of any more, offhand, although I know there are many more.
- Survey Says: Jain is...
- No one: 50% (112) Tam: 2% (5) w/ Graendal: 1% (2)
- dead: 29% (66) Bayle D.: 2% (4)
- Elyas: 4% (9) Thom: 1% (3)
- 1.36.........................................................WHO WAS SILVIE?
- <P. Korda, Joe Shaw>
- <TDR: 27, 316-9, Tel'aran'rhiod, 257-9>
- Most likely, Lanfear, it was part of her plot to get Rand and/or Mat to
- go to Tear. Egwene and Nynaeve were to be bait to draw him there,
- only Rand was already going there to stop their attacks through his
- dreams. The girls were probably just a backup in case he resisted the
- dreams or learned to shield them on his own. Egwene and Nynaeve were
- to be Be'lal and Ish.s bait to draw Rand, while Liandrin and Co. were
- the bait to draw draw Egwene and Nynaeve. See Perrin's dream about
- the trap in <TDR: 43, 504, Shadowbrothers, 426> (see section 7.6) which
- matches Egwene's dreams about "puppets" in <TDR: 37, 423, Fires in
- Cairhien, 352-3> (see section 7.1). Lanfear was playing along with Ish,
- but working to her own designs.
- There's no doubt (in my mind) that Silvie was Lanfear. And the reason
- for ripping off the ring ter'angreal to throw her out of T'A'R was
- just her cruel streak; Lanfear knew she was a Dreamer since she had been
- haunting the White Tower as Else, and just wanted Egwene to go to the
- Heart of the Stone in T'A'R to make sure the girls decided to go there.
- Once she had accomplished that, why not send her out the hard way?
- After all, Lanfear claimed T'A'R as her domain (even though Mog. was
- stronger there), so there was no need for Egwene to learn too much
- about "her domain." Plus, her precious LTT reborn had once loved this
- girl; I'm sure she couldn't resist inflicting a little pain on her,
- especially since the fact that Eg was bait to draw Rand to Tear meant
- that he still cared about her. That must have drove Lanfear bonkers.
- Survey Says: Who was Silvie?
- Lanfear: 52% (116) Liandrin: 1% (2)
- Mesaana: 6% (14) Semirhage: 1% (2)
- Moggy: 1% (3)
- 1.37..........................................WHO ORDERED MELINDHRA, AND WHY?
- <TFoH: 34, 550, A Silver Arrow, 390> Nynaeve and Birgitte were eavesdropping
- on the Forsaken Conference in Tel'aran'rhiod. Rahvin says, "He [Rand] will
- concentrate on you [Sammael], ... If need be, one close to him will die,
- plainly at your order. He will come for you. And while he is fixed on
- you alone, the three of us, linked, will take him. What has changed to
- alter any of that?" So, it seems Melindhra was ordered to kill Mat with
- a golden bee dagger if the need arose. Mat let slipped to her that Rand's
- going to Caemlyn, instead of "concentrating of Sammael", and she attacked
- Mat right away <TFoH: 51, 871, News Comes To Caemlyn, 617>.
- 1.38..........................................WHY MOIRAINE IS NOT BLACK AJAH
- I thought this was a dead issue, but apparently it is not. sigh. Okay,
- why would anybody think Moiraine was BA? well, during TGH, RJ seems to
- be putting down clues in that direction. namely, she was missing
- during the time of the DFS. Also, she was wearing her ring on a
- different finger than she had before (oh no! not that!!!!). Well, this
- was all a red herring, because since then, we have been privy to
- Moiraine's thoughts, which show that she walks in the light. Okay,
- maybe she has multiple personalities, but I doubt it.
- 1.39.......................................................CAN THOM CHANNEL?
- <Arthur Bernard Byrne, P. Korda>
- Here are the reasons why some people think Thom can channel: 1) The
- mysterious blue flash in Whitebridge/random burns after the Fade
- fight. 2) The White Ajah hypothesis that channeling has a genetic
- link, and that Thom has at least one relative who can channel (Owyn)
- 3) His comment that he "could have done *something*" for Owyn. 4)
- <TFoH: 9, 203, A Signal, 145> Nynaeve says "she could not channel any
- more than Thom". This is taken to be "ironic foreshadowing."
- Objections: 1) The blue flash is an artifact of TEOTW, we also see it
- when Lan battles a Fade. It is probably just something that Jordan
- dropped after the first book. As for the fires, it seems likely that
- there was some sort of riot after the fight, which is why people
- didn't want to talk about it. 2) The genetic basis for channeling is
- not a simple matter at all, in the whole series, we've only heard of
- one channeler who is closely related to another--Elayne (if she's
- Taringail's kid, she's related to Moiraine, if she's Thom's, she is
- related to Owyn). 3) The "something" comment is probably just wishful
- thinking. 4) If Thom was a channeler, he would have to have the
- "spark inborn," since nobody goes around teaching men to channel.
- Thus, he'd have started channeling at about 20, a la Rand. Even if he
- had a block, like Ny, he would have channeled quite a bit in the 30
- or so years since then, more than enough for him to be showing sign of
- madness and the rotting disease. 5) Noting that we have seen of
- Thom's thoughts gives any indication of him being able to channel. 6)
- Rand should probably be able to sense some channeling ability in
- Thom, a la the AS. Then again, maybe he doesn't know what to look for.
- >From a signing in Seattle, Edward "potato" Liu tells us:
- Now, regarding Thom, RJ said a man will not go mad or sick away if he
- never channeled. Thus, he agreed that a male channeler who could be
- taught to channel (as opposed to having the inborn ability) and has
- never channeled would not die from the taint. BUT, when I asked him
- if he ever intended to make people think that Thom could channel, he
- said no. I brought up the hereditary point (i.e. Owen) but he said
- just because your parents have a particular gene doesn't mean you'll
- receive that particular gene. Also he made a point that Owen was his
- nephew so therefore not necessarily very similar gene-wise. When I
- pressed him again on it, he said (I'm quoting) "There is no way in
- hell Thom can channel." All he offered for explanations is that Thom
- is a "mysterious man." Enough said.
- 1.40..................................................IS SHERIAM BLACK AJAH?
- 1) PRO: The scene with the Gray Man in the Tower. Nynaeve points out that
- Sheriam never once wonders about who killed the Soulless. She acts
- rather suspicious in general during that whole scene. <TDR: 15,
- 187-191, The Gray Man, 142-6>.
- CON: She was just being brusque with the kids because she wanted
- them to keep quiet. And why _should_ she wonder who killed
- him in front of the Accepted?
- 2) PRO: Mistress of Novices would be a plum position for a Black Ajah,
- in terms of recruiting (voluntarily, or through the assistance
- of a few Fades).
- CON: Just because it would be a good position, doesn't mean the Black
- Ajah got one of their own into the job.
- 3) PRO: Sheriam's also the perfect operative of the Shadow for the
- tower-in-exile in Salidar. There were many suspicious things
- about her treatment of Elayne and Nynaeve when they arrived in
- Salidar. Sheriam seemed to be the most ardent about confiscating
- the ter'angreal. It won't be too surprising if it's Sheriam who
- gives Nynaeve the hardest time when Nynaeve claims that she's
- captured Moggy in Salidar. Sheriam, by her refusal to believe
- Nynaeve, will be the reason Moggy escapes.
- CON: Again, she's just being Aes Sedai. Why should she let the kids
- keep the ter'angreal, or approve of them galavanting about the
- glove, instead of studying like they should be?
- 4) PRO: Egwene's Accepted test: she says something like "He said they
- could turn him to the Shadow, against his will. Can they?"
- <TDR: 22, 255, The Price of the Ring, 202-3> Sheriam then
- tells her about the 13 Dreadlords + 13 Fades trick, but she
- doesn't wonder who "he" was. Could she already know, from
- the Darkfriend Social?
- CON: Why would a Darkfriend tell Egwene about that trick, so that
- she'd know to watch out for it?
- If Sheriam was a DF, isn't it probable that Halima/Aran'gar would've
- attached herself to her, the Keeper of the Chronicles, instead of a DF
- Sitter of the Hall? or possibly to both?
- Survey says: Is Sheriam BA? Yes: 13% (29)
- 1.41................................................WHO IS NOT A DARKFRIEND?
- There are several characters who we know cannot be Darkfriends. We
- know because Jordan has shown us their thoughts when they are thinking
- about their motivations, their opinions towards the Shadow and the DO,
- or something similarly indicative. These people are:
- Rand, Mat, Perrin, Moiraine, Egwene, Nynaeve, Min, Elayne, Elaida (see
- Section 1.11), Morgase, Thom, Egeanin, Bayle Domon, Pedron Niall, Dain
- and Geofram Bornhold, Siuan Sanche.
- 1.42.........................................WHO ARE ARAN'GAR AND OSAN'GAR?
- We've been told since TEOTW that the DO is Lord of the Grave. It is
- about time he started acting it. In <LoC: Prologue, The First
- Message, 59-61>, we see "Aran'gar" and "Osan'gar," two minions of the
- Shadow brought back from the dead and put into new bodies. It is a
- good first approximation to assume that they are reincarnated
- Forsaken, and not some random Dreadlords. After all, if the DO is
- going to bring people back to life, why not Choose the strongest of
- his servants? So, what Forsaken are available for reincarnation (i.e.
- are dead)? Aginor and Balthamel, the Terrible Two from the TEOTW
- finale, Ishamael, Rahvin and Be'lal, and possibly Asmodean and
- Lanfear. Well, Rahvin and Be'lal died of balefire, and their souls
- are beyond even the reach of the DO. Asmodean was a traitor, and the
- DO apparently lumps him in with Rahvin as having "Died the final
- death" <LoC: Prologue, The First Message, 15>, so it probably wasn't
- him. Aran'gar is not Lanfear, because of Osan'gar's statement
- "Lanfear seemed cautious in contrast [to Aran'gar]." Furthermore,
- Osan'gar cannot be Lanfear because his Forsaken-name had been "given
- in scorn and adopted in pride." Lanfear was the only Forsaken to have
- chosen her own nom de guerre. This leaves us with Aginor, Balthamel,
- and Ishamael.
- Now, Ishamael was not bound like the other Forsaken during the Third
- Age. He was "partly bound," or maybe not even bound at all. There are
- references to this throughout the series, starting with the prologue
- to TEOTW, where Ishamael appears to LTT during the Time of Madness
- (chronologically _after_ the sealing of the Bore). However, Osan'gar
- makes reference to "waking from the long sleep" with an aged body.
- The long sleep is obviously the time spent sealed between the universe
- and the DO's dungeon dimension. Thus, Osan'gar must be either Aginor
- or Balthamel. As to which one, all we really have to go on is his
- comment on having helped make the Trollocs and not liking the Halfmen
- who were an unexpected effect of that experiment. We know that Aginor
- was very involved in creating the various Shadowspawn, and that he was
- unnerved by Fades, spending lots of time trying to discover how they
- "fade." So if we have to choose one or the other for Osan'gar, I'll
- say he was Aginor.
- Now for Aran'gar. She is extremely upset at being put into a woman's
- body, and Osan'gar thinks it is a "fine joke." From TEOTW, we know
- that Balthamel enjoyed "the pleasures of the flesh." That is to say,
- he was a real lech. Thus, it would be a great joke to put him in a
- female body. Furthermore, it is stated that Aran'gar was always
- rather rash. I really wouldn't classify Ishamael as "rash," not with
- his centuries of careful planning. So, it is a good bet that Aran'gar
- was Balthamel. Still, it is not 100% certain; we don't have enough
- evidence to narrow it down to which of the two is Aginor and which is
- Balthamel for certain. And even though Ishamael probably isn't either
- of the two, I would bet that he has been reincarnated in a similar
- fashion, we just haven't seen him yet. (Or, maybe we have, but don't
- know it :).
- Survey Says:
- Who is Aran'gar?
- Balthamel: 57% (128) Asmodean: 1% (3)
- Aginor: 12% (26) Lanfear: 1% (2)
- Who is Osan'gar?
- Aginor: 58% (129) Ishamael: 1% (3)
- Balthamel: 4% (10) Lanfear: 1% (2)
- 1.43..........................................MAZRIM TAIM--IS HE REALLY HIM?
- <reasons nicely compiled by Jared Samet. Contributors Jared Samet, Bill
- Garrett, William Smit, John Schwegler, John Novak, Pam Korda, OilCan, and
- lots of other folks.>
- So, is the Mazrim Taim in LoC the real Mazrim Taim, the Saldean False
- Dragon, or is he the Forsaken Demandred in disguise?
- Here, MT=the character in LoC, general of the Asha'man. Taim=the False
- Dragon we heard about, captured after Falme. Demandred=Forsaken.
- A Scenario for MT to be Demandred:
- The BA, or a Forsaken, or some Trollocs broke Taim free from where he
- was being held in Saldaea. They took him to Semirhage, or someone else
- who could extract every bit of information from his skull (a la the AS
- Cabriana who Semirhage tortures) and drained him dry. Then they killed
- him. Now, Demandred either 1) Looks kind of like Taim in the first
- place, or 2) Looks very different from Taim and is using a partial
- illusion to look like the real Taim. This is why Bashere isn't sure
- that MT is Taim, and why MT says that he shaved his beard.
- This also explains why it is MT who brings up the things only he
- and Bashere know--to convince everybody that he _is_ Taim.
- Then again, MT may really be the original Mazrim Taim. The reason
- we think of Demandred when we see him is not because he _is_
- Demandred, but because he is similar to Demandred in personality--he
- wanted to be the Dragon, he doesn't like being second-best, etc. Taim
- could have the ultimate plan of supporting Rand as much as he can,
- helping him to win the Last Battle. Since Rand is expected to die in
- the Last Battle, Taim plans to bide his time and take control in the
- aftermath. After that, well, as MT says, the winners write the
- histories.
- Here are the indications that MT == Demandred, and arguments against:
- 1)MT knows too much. The test, how quickly he picks up gateways,
- how well he teaches the Asha'man, etc.
- ANSWER: He's supposedly been channeling for 15 years. He had to have
- learned _something_ in that time. Plus, MT mentions to Bashere that he
- used compulsion on two people <LoC: 2, A New Arrival, 76>. Since the real
- Taim did that, the real Taim DID know stuff. As for Gateways, maybe Taim
- is just a fast learner, like Rand, or Nynaeve. In fact, one's ease of
- learning seems to be a direct function of how strong one is in the Power.
- (examples: Rand, Ny, El, Eg are all fast learners, and even SS and Moiraine,
- who are stronger than your average bear, er, AS, spent a relatively
- short time as Novices (3 years?).) This probably has to do with the fact
- that, the stronger you are, the easier it is for you to see the flows
- required for a particular action, and thus can more readily duplicate it.
- 2)The Seal. The story about finding it in a Saldaean farmer's house
- is pretty fishy. Could be that Demandred (posing as Taim) gave it
- to Rand in order to try to gain his trust?
- ANSWER: If MT is Demandred, why would he, and the DO, give a seal to Rand?
- If the minions of the Shadow had a seal, wouldn't they break it? Maybe
- the DO could predict that Rand/LTT would try to break the seal, but
- Demandred couldn't have. MT was certainly shocked when it looked like
- Rand was going to smash it <LoC: 2, A New Arrival, 80-1>. As mentioned,
- it could be that Demandred would want to give it to Rand to get him
- to trust him, but that failed utterly. Or there could be some
- mysterious reason why the DO _wants_ to stay sealed up, at least for
- the time being. (The origin of MT's seal story is somewhat backed by
- Bashere's story to Perrin about a farmer in Saldaea who claimed to be
- the ancestor of the kings of a ancient Kingdom. If MT Farmer ==
- Bashere Farmer it would be plausible that the seal was the last item
- of inheritance. And who better for the farmer to give it to than the
- Dragon Reborn (MT claim before Rand declared himself)
- 3) MT claims to not be affected by the Taint, after 15 years of channeling
- <LoC: 2, A New Arrival, 76>. This seems pretty unlikely (cf. Owyn, who
- was going mad after only 3 years of seldom channeling at all). The only
- Taint protection we know of is linking to the DO.
- ANSWER: Unless Taim was a raving lunatic when he was leading his armies
- as a False Dragon, he must have still been somewhat sane, even after 15
- years. Plus, Logain, who is not a Forsaken, has been channeling for
- six years, and isn't going mad. It seems likely that the ease with which
- one succumbs to the Taint varies widely with the person. Owyn went under
- in 3 years, MT mentions some other guys who lasted for 2 years <LoC: 2,
- A New Arrival, 79>, and Logain has lasted for 6 <LOC: 51, The Taking, 647>.
- 4) MT's reaction to Rand's badges and awards--not pleased to be seen
- as subservient to Rand <LoC: 42, The Black Tower, 543>, just like
- Demandred <LoC: Prologue, The First Message, 56-7>.
- ANSWER: It is entirely possible that Taim is just plain arrogant. Nothing
- says the Forsaken have a monopoly on over-weaning pride.
- 5) LTT thinks of Demandred, and killing him, every time MT is
- around. Is there a method in his madness?
- ANSWER: Possibly, but again, it could just be that Taim is similar to
- Demandred in many ways, and LTT thinks he will betray him like
- Demandred did in the AoL. Anyway, LTT is loony. Plus, LTT seems to get
- this way about all male channelers who are not him/Rand. <LoC: 2,
- A New Arrival, 83> <LoC: 42, The Black Tower, 545>
- 6) The epilogue--"Have I not done well, Great Lord?" The DO's orders
- were to "Let the Lord of Chaos Rule," which seems to refer to Rand/LTT.
- MT, in building the Asha'man, has certainly helped Rand in gaining
- control of the world.
- ANSWER: From Sammael's speech with Graendal <LoC: 6, Threads Woven of
- Shadow, 135>, we know that Demandred may be involved in the Seanchan
- invasion in Tarabon. Maybe this has something to do with it. (If
- Demandred is MT and is also involved with the Seanchan, wouldn't it
- be necessary for him to "disappear" from the farm in order to manage
- his other project? I don't think anybody mentioned anything about MT
- vanishing. Maybe some of his recruitment trips were to the west coast?)
- Or, John Schwegler points out, Remember the intricate setup that
- occurred on the way to the White Tower ... including the Shaido Aiel.
- Perhaps Demandred had a major hand in manipulating the Shaido, and
- orchestrating a scenario that puts Rand at odds with the rest of the
- Aes Sedai(White Tower & Salidar). Neither Egwene nor Elaida will be
- pleased to hear that Rand made their Aes Sedai swear allegiance. Or, this
- could also have been a set up wrt "Let the LOC Rule"--it got the AS to
- swear allegiance to him, plus it probably helped MT gain some favor in
- Rand's eyes.
- 7) MT kills the Gray Man. If he hadn't, Rand might have
- gotten information out of it. Alternatively, it could've been a
- set-up, since MT gates in oh-so-conveniently just in time to waste
- the Gray man.
- ANSWER: Doubtful Rand could get much information from a Gray Man.
- The Gray Men have no souls--they're
- basicly walking killing machines. They probably have some sort of self-
- destruct mechanism, too. Jared Samet remarks: "If I were designing a
- perfect assassin, I'd set him up so that he could never point the finger
- at me. Remember, the Gray Man who comes after Nynaeve in the Tower has a
- knife in him the moment they find him. Besides, the gray Man could only
- tell Rand anything damaging to MT if Demandred had sent him (possible
- I suppose, but why can't Demandred do it himself if thats what the DO
- wants?) A Gray Man with a story implicating Sammael or some other Forsaken
- (easy enough for a channeler to set up) could help MT more than a dead
- one." As for how conveniently MT showed up, recall that strange and
- oddly convenient things happen around Rand all the time.
- Survey Says: Who sent the Grey Man?
- Demandred: 25% (56) Graendal: 4% (8) Fain: 1% (2)
- Sammael: 24% (53) Lanfear: 2% (4)
- Taim: 4% (9) Osan'gar: 1% (3)
- 8) MT's remark on "These so-called Aiel". If he hadn't been around in the
- AoL, why are they "so-called"? <LoC: 11, Lessons and Teachers, 215>
- ANSWER: Well, if Taim knew the old tongue, he might be simply
- saying that he doubts the Aiel are truly "dedicated" to Rand.
- (weak, I know, but I couldn't think of anything better.) William
- Smit says, "Lanfear, who was in the AoL, never doubts that the Aiel
- are the same Aiel, she only says "So different than they once were",
- so I doubt that Demandred would claim the Aiel were only "so-called""
- Then again, it could just be a turn of phrase. Another possible
- explanation is that, if Taim is about 35, which seems reasonable, then
- he was alive for the Aiel War, although probably too young to go east
- to fight. He probably heard tales about Aiel--10 feet tall, breathing
- fire, &c. Here he sees some in Caemlyn peacefully patrolling the streets.
- Not what an average wetlander would expect of Savages From the Waste.
- 9) MT is very strong in the Power. Forsaken-class, even (almost as strong
- as Rand himself) <LoC: 3, A Woman's Eyes, 92>
- ANSWER: The real Taim was thought to be very strong. <TSR: 5,
- Questioners, 85> Just because he's strong doesn't mean he's evil.
- Nynaeve is Forsaken-class, but she's on the Good Guys' side.
- 10) In the prologue, it is said that Demandred never smiles <LoC: Prologue,
- The First Message, 15>, <LoC: Prologue, The First Message, 58>.
- MT doesn't either - at the end of LoC, before "Kneel, or you will
- be knelt", Rand says something like "His expression was as close to a
- smile as he had ever seen it."<LoC: 55, Dumai's Wells, 695>
- ANSWER: Once again, it could just be that Taim and Demandred have
- similar personalities.
- 11) Min's viewing of an invisible man holding a knife to Rand's throat.
- This could indicate that Demandred is the "serpent in the bosom,"
- masquerading as Taim.
- ANSWER: This could be the Gray Man, as Rand thinks. Or, it could still
- be MT, who is not to be trusted, even if he isn't Demandred.
- 12) LTT says to Rand, (approx. wording), "Yes, we should kill Sammael.
- But Demandred first, then Sammael." <LoC: 51, The Taking, 635>
- LTT and Rand know
- where Sammael is. But how does LTT propose to go about killing
- Demandred if he doesn't know where he is? Therefore, they _do_ know
- where Demandred is; i.e., he's MT. (Dash W.)
- ANSWER: I wouldn't take anything LTT says too seriously. He wants
- to die forever and end his suffering<LoC: 18, A Taste of Solitude,
- 299>, but he doesn't want to die <LoC: 46, Beyond the Gate, 560>.
- He says "trust no one" and "the man who doesn't trust is
- dead" or words to that effect. LTT could be confusing Taim and
- Demandred.
- 13.Demandred takes a gateway directly out of TAR while in the Royal palace in
- Caemlyn.Unless Demandred knows some sort of combination
- traveling/leaving TAR gateway then he must be somebody, or pretending
- to be somebody who comes to Caemlyn regularly,and somebody who can
- channel his way into the palace without inviting immediate destruction
- upon himself. We know that MT has been visiting Rand in Caemlyn
- because Rand's thoughts comment on how MT has taught him to block out
- heat, and a few chapters later Rand tells MT that his visits to the
- city would have to stop because Alanna and Verin have shown up.
- ANSWER: Maybe he went out of TAR to someplace that was not Caemlyn. (problem
- here: I don't think we've seen anybody enter/leave TAR via any means
- except gating to the spot in the real world corresponding to the spot
- one is in in TAR.) Also, Maybe Demandred is gutsy enough to enter into
- Rand's turf.
- 14) Bill Garrett says: Something that should maybe be added as a
- separate point is MT's whole challenge/submit behavior. He'll argue
- with Rand about something, telling him it has to be done another way,
- then suddenly he'll agree and say "As my Lord Dragon commands." I
- think it's Demandred trying to do things _his_ way, but suddenly
- remembering the Dark One's orders to do what Rand says. And MT
- sometimes disobeys Rand and frequently does things Rand doesn't
- expect, as with the Asha'man.
- ANSWER: How is this different from the way the Tairen lords behaved?
- Or the Andoran nobility? Or Davram Bashere? Hell, even the Aiel tend
- to do this. Everybody tries to convince Rand to do things their way,
- but when you get right down to it, he's going to do as he damn well
- pleases, and all you can say is "As my Lord Dragon commands."
- Another possibility, which hasn't been debated as fully, is that
- Demandred was always Taim. I don't know if the time scale is right,
- and there are other problems wrt his capture by the AS, etc. Yet another
- question which has been discussed is that Osan'gar is Taim.
- Survey Says:
- Taim is:
- On the enemy's side: 63% (140) On Rand's side: 23% (51)
- Who is Taim:
- Demandred: 51% (115) Aginor: 1% (2)
- Taim: 33% (75) A Forsaken: 1% (2)
- Osan'gar: 4% (9)
- 1.44.......................................................WHO IS MESAANA?
- <Tony Zbaraschuck, Marc Zappala, Pam Korda)
- In LOC, we find out that Mesaana is hiding out in the White Tower
- <LoC: 6, Threads Woven of Shadow, 138>. Naturally, this begs the
- question of _who_ she is. Some folks think that she has taken the
- Rahvin/Sammael/Be'lal/Graendal route, and is posing as a high-ranking
- AS in the Tower. The two most-often-mentioned candidates are Galina
- (the head of the Red Ajah, and the one involved w/capturing Rand) and
- Alviarin (Elaida's Keeper of the Chronicles). The reason for these
- guesses seem to be, in Alviarin's case, that she is in an important
- position, and thus ideal for controlling the Tower. This reasoning
- applies in Galina's place, also, and there is the additional point
- that she somehow managed to escape capture at Dumai's Wells
- <LoC: 55, Dumai's Wells, 690-695>. However, there is much evidence
- against Mesaana being either of these two.
- 1. Why Mesaana is Probably Not Anybody That Anybody Knows:
- None of the Forsaken (except possibly Demandred) have copied an already-
- prominent identity. Rather, they take a little-known or unknown-identity
- and then promote themselves rapidly. This is probably because supplanting
- someone is _not_ easy, requiring as it does almost a total control of
- oneself, and the ability to copy the tiniest habits. Especially in the
- Tower, where Aes Sedai can doubtless read meaning in the tilt of an
- eyebrow or the tapping of a finger. And the head of the Red Ajah would
- be someone well-known to a lot of Reds, and Alviarin was also an
- influential White (she convinced her Ajah to side with Elaida). No real
- easy way to replace either one. (Admittedly, Mesaana could just be a very
- good actress, but there wasn't really any need for it because of point #4.)
- 2. The real clincher: we have a Galina POV episode late in the book, where
- (among other things) she thinks that Min might be a useful tool to "net
- Elaida like a swallow"; "caging [Elaida] would surely weaken Alviarin."
- <LoC: 53, The Feast of Lights, 660>. Mesaana doesn't need any tool
- to pull down Alviarin; Mesaana can just say, "Call me Great Mistress,"
- and Alviarin would be on her knees rather rapidly (or be taught why
- doing so was a good idea -- compare with Moghedien revealing herself
- to the Black Ajah in TFoH.)
- 3. As for Alviarin, when Fain tried to steal the dagger she caught him and
- asked him "Did one of the For- Chosen send you?" <TFoH: 19, 368, Memories,
- 260> No Forsaken would use the term Forsaken instead of Chosen. And if
- she WERE Mesaana, she wouldn't just let him go methinks. The DO wants
- Fain's hide. (Recall Slayer's original mission in the Two Rivers--to slay
- Fain.)
- 4. From <TSR: 5, 115, Questioners, 82>, we know the way the BA is run:
- "Before we left the Tower, I knew only Liandrin, Chesmal and Rianna.
- No one knew more than two or three others, I think." [Amico being
- questioned by Nynaeve and Egwene.]
- From this huge amount of secrecy, we can see that it is possible for
- somebody to run the BA from any position within the Tower. Mesaana
- (who does seem to be pulling strings there, since it is implied the
- capturing-Rand-and-bringing-him-to-the-Tower plot was her plan to get
- her hands on the Dragon Reborn <LoC: Prologue, The First Message, 58>.)
- could be anybody, an AS, or an Accepted, or a novice, or a maid. Since
- it would be much easier to pose as a new student or a servant, instead
- of impersonating somebody else, and possibly being caught out.
- As an additional idea, it has been suggested that Tarna, the Red
- emissary to Salidar is Mesaana in disguise. Not a lot of evidence for
- this, except that in the chapter where Tarna talks to Ny & El <LoC:
- 13, Under the Dust, 232> the chapter icon is the Forsaken icon, and
- there is no other obvious candidate in there to be Forsaken. Of
- course, the chapter icons don't always apply 100%, but every other
- chapter in LOC with that icon has a Forsaken, or reference to one, in.
- Tarna is good friends with Galina <LoC: 13, Under the Dust, 237>, a
- known BA and head of the Red Ajah, so this could be an extensive way
- to control the Tower with a Red Amyrlin. There is evidence against
- this, too--why would Mesaana run her own errands? The problem of a
- previous history raises its head, here, too.
- Survey Says: Who is Mesaana?
- Scullery Maid/functionary: 47% (109)
- Silviana (new Mistress
- of Novices): 5% (11)
- An Aes Sedai: 4% (10)
- An Accepted: 3% (6)
- Laras: 2% (4)
- Danelle: 1% (3)
- 1.45...............................IS LTT FOR REAL, OR IS RAND INSANE?
- <Carolyn Fusinato, korda>
- So, Rand is hearing voices. Is Lews Therin a real entity, or is he a
- product of Rand's taint-maddened imagination?
- OPTION ONE: Two minds inhabit Rand's body; Rand and LTT. Implies that
- Rand is relatively sane still and his problems can be attributed to
- stress, paranoia, fear and another mind trying to take him over and
- that Lews is completely insane. However, it doesn't make much sense
- for LTT to be talking to Rand. If we look at the other people who have
- lived past lives, we don't see this happening. Mat's memories of his
- past life/lives are integrated into his own personality. Same with
- Birgitte--she doesn't talk to "Marion," she says she was once called
- Marion. If LTT _is_ a separate entity, it could imply that Rand is
- just some poor sod who happened to be born into the same body that LTT
- was reborn into, and that not Rand, but LTT is the actual Dragon
- Reborn. OTOH, it was _Rand_ who pulled the Sword that Ain't, not LTT;
- he hadn't even shown up then. There is only one case in which we
- definitely know that two entities coexist in one body: Ordeith.
- However, this wasn't a rebirth. This theory also neglects to explain
- the fact that there is no manifestation of LTT prior to Rand
- channeling.
- OPTION TWO-- b) The LTT personality is the manifestation of Rand's
- encroaching insanity. "...everybody has been telling him he is Lews
- Therin reborn, so he starts perceiving Lews Therin is in his head. Not
- only that, but he finds the voice responds to him. Now he's trying to
- carry on conversations with this voice. It all seems logical to us,
- but then it seems logical (sort of) to Rand, as well. I found myself
- thinking he should tell somebody he was hearing a voice in his head.
- When I thought how absurd this sounded, it struck me that I had been
- fooled into thinking Rand was still completely sane." (James Beavens,
- beavenj@holmes.ece.orst.edu) Then, there is also, "He raised the point
- that Rand's creeping insanity may manifest in much more subtle ways
- than the people of Randland expect..." (from Emmet O'Brien's account
- of Jordan's talk at Trinity College in Dublin) This doesn't take into
- account that "LTT" knows things that Rand could never have known on
- his own--stuff about the AoL, &c. Possibly, Rand's taint-maddened
- subconscious could be constructing the LTT voice out of past life
- memories like Mat's. That is to say, the memories and knowledge
- expressed by LTT are real effects of being somebody Reborn, but the
- LTT voice is not, Rand has multiple personality disorder.
- Survey Says:
- Rand is:
- Going insane, but not there yet: 54% (121)
- sane now, and will not go mad, ever: 30% (68)
- Sand now, but will go bonkers: 12% (27)
- Totally insane right now: 1% (3)
- LTT inside Rand's head is:
- LTT reborn into Rand--he's not really
- mad, there _is_ somebody in his head: 67% (150)
- An effect of both Rand being LTT reborn,
- and going mad: 20% (45)
- A manifestation of Rand's madness: 8% (17)
- None of the above: 4% (10)
- Will Rand lose control to LTT?
- Yes: 62% (139) No: 31% (69) Undecided: 5% (12)
- 1.46......................WHY DID SAMMAEL CLAIM HE HAD A TRUCE W/ RAND?
- <Carolyn Fusinato, John Novak, Don Harlow>
- 1) Andris died in a pool of blood, delivering the message to Sammael
- that there would be no truce and Sammael lied to Graendal. Why would
- Sammael lie? All the Forsaken want to be Nae'blis. All the Forsaken
- think that Rand stands a chance at becoming Nae'blis if he caves to
- the Dark One. Therefore, all the Forsaken want Rand dead. The Dark
- One, on the other hand, most explicitly does _not_ want Rand dead. He
- will punish any Forsaken who kills Rand. Therefore, all the Forsaken
- want to make the other Forsaken paranoid enough to bump Rand off on
- their own. This eliminates _two_ contenders to the title of
- Nae'blis--Rand, and whichever idiot kills him.
- 2) Andris died in a pool of blood, delivering the message to Sammael
- that there would be a truce because someone else intervened to put
- Sammael off his guard while Rand readies his counter-stroke from Tear
- and the Plains of Maredo. Someone who knew that Sammael's emissary was
- meeting with Rand at that moment. Who was present? Bashere, a
- Saldaean named Hamad, some Aiel, and -- hiding behind a column --
- Aviendha. CON-Rand should have been able to feel another man
- channeling or have experienced goosebumps if Aviendha channeled, and
- Sammael's thoughts about manipulating Graendal <LOC: 23, To Understand
- A Message, 349> don't make sense if he isn't lying.
- Survey Says: Regarding Sammael and the Truce:
- He knows Rand rejected the offer,
- and was lying to Graendal: 80% (180)
- He thinks Rand accepted the offer: 10% (22)
- 1.47.......................WHO WILL BE THE DREADLORDS IN THE LAST BATTLE?
- 1) Black Ajah. Pro: loads of channeling experience, and bossing
- people around. Con: not much battle experience, except for Reds who
- hunt down False Dragons, and Greens, who do that sort of thing for
- fun.
- 2) Darkfriend sul'dam, with a damane or two as a Power source. Pro:
- Battle experience. Con: depends upon a possibly non-loyal damane for
- Power. This could cause problems in the middle of a fight. No
- experience in using the OP by oneself.
- 3) Runaway DF damane. Pro: knows how to use OP in battle. Con: not
- much experience in commanding things, making decisions, etc.
- 4) Asha'man. Pro: big motivation to be sworn to the shadow--protection
- >from the Taint. Very skilled at OP in battle. Possibly, a recruiting
- agent right in the camp (Mr. Taimendred? I'd like to join the BLACK
- tower, if you know what I mean.). Con: Some have less experience in
- command, and thus would make poor commanders.
- 5) DF Windfinders. Not much to say pro or con, since we know next to
- nothing about the Sea Folk or Windfinders at all.
- 6) Male Aiel Channellers: Pro: tradition is to go into the Blight to
- fight Shadowspawn until you die. (ObStupidIThinkRJCopiedFrom: Reminds
- you of Klingons, no?) Maybe some don't die, but get picked up and
- offered a second chance at eternal life, sans taint. Con: the Blight
- is NASTY. It's doubtful even an Aiel could survive a long time there,
- if he was bent on fighting. Not likely that many survive long enough
- to get recruited/13-converted. Plus, nobody has ever SEEN these
- supposed Aiel Dreadlords, either in the Blight, at SG, or in Randland.
- 7) Random Joe Randlander who finds out he can channel. Pro: why not?
- again, a great incentive to join up--no taint. If Joe is already a DF
- when he discovers channeling, all the more reason. Con: With all
- those other great candidates, why would the Shadow bother searching
- the populace for the 1:10000+ men who channel?
- 8) Dreadlord Search Program: Darkfriends are screened for the ability
- to channel, and then put into a Dreadlord Training Program. (Liandrin
- was recruited as a DF before she ever went to the Tower. She learned
- some channeling, too (?))
- 9) Non-Channelers. Pro: In TGH, Bors thinks he has a chance of being a
- Dreadlord, even though he cannot channel. Con: You need to be Fain or
- a channeler to have enough power over a fade to command him. We
- already know J. Carradin never stood a chance with a Fade. (Beginning
- of TDR).
- 10) No Dreadlords--the DO has something better. Pro: Look at that shiny
- new Myrddraal the DO has! Even the Forsaken are frightened by it. It
- can scare channelers, channelers can scare normal Fades, Fades scare
- Trollocs. Cut out the middlemen, and make a bunch of Super-Fades to be
- dreadlords? What Lord of Evil needs humans anyway? It's not like he's
- going to leave them around after he wins, after all. Con: Shadar Haran
- is special, we've only seen one of his kind. Maybe the DO can't make
- any more like him. Maybe the DO doesn't want to. SH is too much of a
- mystery to assume he is the first of a new model of Fade.
- So, who are the New Dreadlords? I pick a mix of choices 1-7, with the
- majority being Black AS & DF Asha'man.
- 1.48.................................WHO IS THE "ONE WHO IS NO LONGER"?
- "The key to finding the bowl is to find the one who is no longer."
- <LOC: 19, Matters of Toh, 312>
- Most people think that the One Who Is No Longer is a person. A popular
- suggestion has been Moiraine: "I assumed that what they are referring
- to is Moiraine. Lan cannot feel her any more, and since most of us
- assume she still is alive somewhere, I took it that she qualified as
- "one who is no longer." Most of us believes that Thom is supposed to
- rescue Moiraine at some point in time, and since he is down there,
- along with Mat who as been to A/E land twice already, why not now?"
- says Jim Ford.
- Other suggestions have been Gaidal Cain (the one who is no longer in
- T'A'R), Shemerin (the one who is no longer Aes Sedai), LTT (the one
- who is no longer sane/alive), and Luc (The one who is no longer in his
- body, and maybe even totally dead). Obviously, we need to know "the
- one who is no longer" what?
- Another possibility is that the one who is no longer is not a person,
- but a thing--a building, a landmark, something like that.
- 1.49.............................................SHADAR HARAN, SUPERFADE
- <Bryon Wasserman, Korda>
- What do we know about Shadar Haran?
- 1. The DO holds him in high regard(see the prologue).
- 2. He has considerable amount of power in his own right. The DO's
- favor can be capricious and the forsaken sometimes to not obey him
- absolutely (Graendal believes she can get Sammael to kill Rand even
- though it is forbidden). Since SH taunts and insults the forsaken he
- probably can take care of himself.
- 3.He may or may not have the ability to keep people, or maybe just
- people sworn the the Shadow from channeling. (If the DO had a great
- ability do it to other male channelers or bestow the ability on
- someone else, he would not have let them seal the bore.) (RE: the
- prologue of LOC where Aran'gar & Osan'gar cannot channel. Both channel
- Saidin.)
- 4. The DO trusts him to give directions to the forsaken and manage
- things.
- 5.He apparently has knowledge of the world to organize Halima's scheme
- in Salidar.
- 6.He has not been visibly active until recently.
- 7.Unlike the rest of the forsaken he is apparently absolutely secure
- in his position
- One possibility that has been brought up is that he is Ishamael
- re-incarnated. This would fit criteria 1,2,4,5,6,7 and possibly 3 (we
- know from the end of TDR that Ishy has a number of abilities from the
- DO). Furthermore, assuming Aran'gar & Osan'gar are Aginor & Balthamel,
- this makes us wonder, "If the DO reincarnated those two yutzes, why
- didn't he reincarnate his greatest servant, Ishy?" Assuming he _did_
- reincarnate Ish, then SH is the only new Evil Dude in LOC, besides
- Osan'gar & Aran'gar. However, Shadar Haran has neither done nor said
- anything to indicate that he has had a previous existence, and isn't
- just a new model of Fade. All of SH's attributes can be explained by
- assuming that he was specially created by the DO to have those
- attributes.
- 2.0:::::::::::::::::::::::::WORLD STUFF:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- 2.1..........................................................THE OLD TONGUE
- What is the basis for the Old Tongue?
- A mix of Gaelic, Russian, Spanish, Japanese. Lots of different sources
- not traditionally used to make up fake languages. RJ has only a few phrases
- and a few small guides on usage written down."<Dan Rouk at a book
- signing, 10/94>
- Why doesn't the Old Tongue bear any relation to the New Tongue spoken by
- Rand & Co?
- It probably does, but RJ has kindly "translated" the New Tongue into
- English so that we can read the books and he can make lots of money :).
- The Old Tongue is not "translated" in order to add "flavor" to the story.
- Think of Tolkien. (Who _did_ create entire languages.) Even he didn't
- write The Lord of the Rings in Middle-Earthish.
- 2.2....................................................WHAT IS THE TAMYRLIN?
- Probably some sort of leader of the Ancient Aes Sedai. The Tamyrlin had a
- ring just as the Amyrlin has a seat. From <TEotW: Prologue, xi, Dragonmount,
- xi> Elan Morin grimaced. "Look at you," he said scornfully. "Once you stood
- first among the Servants. Once you wore the Ring of Tamyrlin, and sat in the
- High Seat. Once you summoned the Nine Rods of Dominion. Now look at you!"
- Possibilities--1) Tamyrlin==Male Amyrlin, 2) Amyrlin==corrupted form of
- Tamyrlin
- 2.3..........................................HOW DOES BALEFIRE WORK?
- "When anything is destroyed with balefire, it ceases to exist _before_
- the moment of its destruction;, like a thread that burns away from
- where the flame touched it. The greater the power of the balefire, the
- further back in time it ceases to exist. The strongest [Moiraine] can
- manage will remove only a few seconds from the Pattern...For as far
- back as you destroy [something], whatever it did during that time _no
- longer happened_. Only the memories remain, for those who saw or
- experienced it." <TFOH 6, ??, Gateways, 119> That pretty much explains
- it. Something that is BFed is erased backwards in time, the amount of
- erasing depends on the amount of Power put into the BF. Rand, at full
- power, managed to erase Rahvin back about half an hour.
- 2.4.........................................................THE SEVEN SEALS
- 1) in the eye of the world with the Horn, broken;
- 2) Bayle had one, intact, taken by Turak; Moiraine found it after the
- fight, and it was broken by then.
- 3) Turak had one. Moiraine found it along with (2). Also broken.
- 4) Moiraine found one in the Stone of Tear, intact;
- 5) She found another one in Rhuidean, and made a scratch.
- 6) Nynaeve found one in the Panarch's Palace, broken on the way to Salidar.
- 7) Mazrim Taim gave the last one to Rand, saying it was found in a farmhouse
- in Saldaea.
- Survey Says? Will the DO be COMPLETELY freed before the end of the series?
- Yes: 69% (155) No: 20% (44) Undecided: 10% (22)
- 2.5...............................................WHO'S WHO IN THE FAMILIES
- <Family trees by Erica FAQ-Dowager Sadun>
- (rumored to have Aiel blood) C A I R H E I N
- -=---------------------- +-----------=LAMAN--=BARTHANES
- | | | | | (cousin)
- | (M) clan chief | (Daughter Heir (heir?) (half sister
- | of Taardad | of Andor ---+---------+ of Taringail)
- | | AKA SHAIEL) | |
- | | | |
- | RAND |
- | |
- MORGASE(T)---------------------+--------------+
- |
- GAWYN(T)**
- &
- (Daughter Heir of Andor)
- M A L K I E R I
- ---------------------------------------------
- | |
- | |
- * Merges with ISAM, son of BREYAN to form SLAYER
- ** Possibly bastard of THOM MERRILIN, the gray fox
- = Exact links unknown
- 2.6....................................................HOW OLD IS EVERYONE?
- <Courtenay Footman, Sean Hillyard, Pam Korda>
- RAND: In TFoH, Moiraine notes that it has been almost 21 years since the
- search began for the Dragon Reborn. <TFoH: 15, 301, What Can Be Learned
- In Dreams, 214> That puts Rand's age at about 21, and so he started
- at about 19.
- MAT: the far end of 20 years <LOC REF?>
- PERRIN: about same age as Rand & Mat.
- EGWENE is about the same age as Elayne, 18.
- ELAYNE is 18. <LOC 602>
- MIN is older than Rand, younger than Nynaeve, say 23, starting at 21.
- GAWYN, MAT, and PERRIN are the same age as Rand (21).
- GALAD: Tigraine disappeared in 972 when he was an infant. Puts him at 27.
- NYNAEVE was just old enough to recall Tam bringing baby Rand back to Emond's
- field--say about 5. That puts her at 26 now, 24 at the beginning. This
- agrees with <LOC p.602 REF?>.
- MOIRAINE was Accepted (and about to be raised Aes Sedai) at the end of the
- Aiel War. Age approx. 25 (older Accepted Age) + 21 = mid-forties
- LAN was an infant when Malkier fell, which occurred less than 50 years
- from the start of the series. So Lan is something under 50, say mid-40s?
- LIANDRIN is referred to as young, not just young seeming as are all Aes Sedai,
- about 27.
- ELAIDA has about 5 years (was one of the Accepted who watched over her when
- she was a Novice) on Moiraine, late forties-early fifties.
- SIUAN SANCHE is about the same age as Moiraine--mid-forties, although she
- looks very young due to stilling.
- ISAM was a child when Malkier fell, so he is a few years older than
- Lan, say about 50.
- 2.7.................................................WHAT DOES EACH AJAH DO?
- [Aes Sedai may be translated as 'Servant to All' although they were called
- at times 'Servants of the Light']
- Color Purpose
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Blue Meddle in causes
- Red Prevent another Breaking (i.e., hunt down men who can channel)
- White Philosophers -"Consider the questions of truth with implacable
- logic"
- Green The Battle Ajah - "love men"
- Brown Seekers of old knowledge, librarians
- Yellow Healers
- Gray Arbitrators/Mediators.
- Black Do ya' really need to ask?
- 2.8..................................................GEOGRAPHY OF RANDLAND
- <Contributors: Sean Hillyard, Pam Korda, Courtenay Footman, Nathan "geographer
- of Randland" Hendrix, Ulrich "the heraldry guy" Schade, Eric C.
- Piquette, Justin Howell. Song by Ruchira and Rupa Datta>
- This land is Rand-Land,
- this land's Egwene-Land,
- from Arad Doman
- to the Aiel Waste-Land.
- From Kinslayer's Dagger,
- to the Dragon's Fingers,
- this land was made by LTT.
- >General Notes on Randland/Randworld Geography<
- o Illian is approximately at the same latitude as the Florida Keys <book
- signing info, 10/94>.
- o The timing of Rand & Avi MPS in the Snow <tFoH: 31, ?, The Far Snows,
- 362> is not an error. It is properly indicative of where (part of) the
- Seanchan Empire is located. Seanchan has parts in the north & south
- hemispheres, Rand & Avi were in the south. <book signing info, 10/94>
- Note on Heraldry:
- Randland heraldry sometimes violates our heraldic rules.
- According to our heraldic rules, "white" is the same as "silver."
- "White" is used if the banners are given in their simple version,
- "silver" is used in their normal version. The same holds for
- "yellow" (simple) and "gold" (normal).
- According to our rules, "silver" and "gold" count as "metallic"
- in opposition to "red," "blue," "green," and "black," which
- are colors. In banners metal and color have to alternate. That means
- if the symbol is metallic, it has to be put on a colored field. If
- the symbol is in color, the field is metallic. Thus, every banner
- includes "gold" or "silver." <Ulrich Shade>
- >Altara<
- General: Capital: Ebou Dar. Very wild country, with the women running
- things. Lots of dueling. Neat daggers, which contain a bit of family
- information on them. Interesting dress styles.
- Gov't: Nominal Monarchy. Actually, The monarchy exercises very
- limited control over the country. Current ruler: Queen Tylin.
- Current events: Fractious as always. Border disputes with Amadicia and
- Illian. Salidar AS army marching north, with the Band of the Red Hand
- paralleling them. El, Ny, Mat, and a few others are looking for a bowl
- ter'angreal which can bring rain. The Seanchan may be preparing
- to invade Ebou Dar.
- Tourist Attractions: [What's the name of the Queen's palace?]
- Home of: Can't think of anyone important.
- >Amadicia<
- General: Capital: Amador. Apparently a younger country, as Amador was not
- built by the Ogier. Fractious relations with Altara, Murandy, and
- Ghealdan. Participated in the Whitecloak War against the coalition of
- Altara, Illian, and Murandy.
- Banner: Six-pointed silver star on a red thistle on a field of blue.
- Gov't: Technically a Monarchy, in actuality controlled by Pedron Niall and
- the Whitecloaks. [What's the king's name? I can't remember!]
- Current Events: The northern third or so of Amadicia is occupied by the
- Prophet Masema and his followers, who have routed the
- Amadician national army and appear to have done well against the
- Whitecloaks. The border with Tarabon has been sealed (and moved a few
- miles west). The Whitecloaks are gathering in Amador. Internal
- tensions between Pedron Niall and the Questioners are growing,
- including a possible coup d'etat in the planning stage.
- Pedron Niall has been busy opposing Rand in subtle ways (Tear,
- Cairhien, Altara, Murandy, Illian, Ghealdan). Morgase is here,
- and has been pressured into signing a treaty with the Whitecloaks
- Home of: Pedron Niall, Jaichim Carradin, Jared Byar, Geofram Bornhold,
- Dain Bornhold.
- Tourist Attractions: Dome of the Light
- Survey Says: Will Niall reinstate Morgase to the Lion Throne?
- Yes: 13% (30) No: 77% (172) Undecided: 7% (16)
- >Andor<
- General: Capital city, Caemlyn. Oldest city-state in Randland,
- established not long after the breaking, with Queen of Andor
- the oldest title in Randland. Unique traditions of sending
- the heir and expected first prince to train in the White
- Tower, and having an open Aes Sedai advisor.
- Banner: White lion on a red field.
- Rulers: Matriarchy, with a male advisor and head of the army
- called the First Prince of the Sword. Ruled for the
- last twenty years by Queen Morgase of House Trakand.
- Heir to the throne (Daughter-heir), Elayne.
- Current events: Queen Morgase missing, presumed dead. Lord Gaebril, aka
- Rahvin dead. The Dragon Reborn is holding the throne for the
- Daughter-Heir, Elayne, although there are rumors that she is dead.
- The Two Rivers district has seemingly declared independence. Growing
- discontent among the nobility.
- Home of: Morgase, Elayne, Gawyn, Galad, Gareth Bryne, "Lord Gaebril,"
- Tigraine/Shaiel, Lord Luc
- Tourist Attractions: Palace gardens, reached by climbing Palace wall.
- Map: <TEotW: (before) 13, 172, Choices, 144> (partial map of Andor)
- <TFoH: (before) 54, 906, To Caemlyn, 642> (map of Caemlyn)
- >Arad Doman<
- General: Capital: Bandar Eban. Currently in total civil disorder.
- >Arafel<
- General: Capital: Shol Arbela. One of the Borderlands.
- Banner: Three white roses on a field of red quartered with three red
- roses on a field of white.
- Gov't: Monarchy.
- Current Events: Clashes between Pro- and anti- Dragon factions. The
- Blight border is quiet. I believe there was a False Dragon here
- a few years back. Possible border clashes with Kandor or Shienar.
- Tourist Attractions: Lotsa military stuff.
- >Cairhien<
- General: Capital--Cairhien. National Pastime--Game of Houses, played by
- everyone from the king to Commoners. The previous king, Laman,
- caused the Aiel War by chopping down the Tree of Life sapling to make
- a throne. Highly dependent upon grain imports from Tear & Andor.
- Banner: Many-rayed golden sun rising on a field of sky blue.
- Gov't: Monarchy. Last king: Galldrian of House Riatin (assassinated 998 NE
- by Thom Merrilin). The Dragon, Rand Al'Thor plans to put Elayne Trakand
- of Andor on the Cairhien throne, soon as he finds her.
- Current Events: The recent assassinations of Galldrian and the strongest
- contender for the throne (Lord Barthanes) have left the other Houses
- fighting one another in a random war of succession, leaving the
- country in a state of anarchy. Andor was beginning to look at the
- Cairhienin civil war as an opportunity to expand its borders. To make
- matters worse, the country was recently invaded by a bunch of renegade
- Aiel. The Dragon Reborn has taken power, defeating the Aiel, but has
- yet to find the woman he intends to put on the throne.
- Tourist Attractions: Largest (& most powerful) male-oriented sa'angreal,
- Royal Library--largest collection of knowledge outside Tar Valon.
- Home of: Moiraine, Taringail
- >Ghealdan<
- General: Capital: Jehannah
- Gov't: Monarchy; Queen Alliandre.
- Current Events: The False Dragon Logain ripped through here at the
- beginning of the series, defeated some AS sent to stop him,
- and departed, possibly at the instigation of the Red Ajah.
- Suffered serious riots due to the presence of the Prophet in
- which thousands died. Alliandre is the fourth monarch on the
- Ghealdan throne in the last year (two of the previous three are dead,
- and one is currently married to some businessman), the others
- having been toppled by the Prophet's followers (in one way or
- another). The situation is probably still unstable. Alliandre
- has secretly communicated her support for Rand.
- Tourist Attractions: There probably aren't any left standing.
- Home of: Alliandre, Logain.
- >Illian<
- General: Capital--Illian. Starting point for the Great Hunt for the Horn.
- Traditional enemy of Tear. Climate--Hot and Humid
- Banner: Nine golden bees on a field of dark green.
- Gov't: Mixed government, with a King, a House of Lords (the council of
- Nine), and a House of Commons (the Assemblage)
- Current events: Outset of the Great Hunt. Escalating hostilities between
- Illian and Tear (closing of borders, trade forbidden). Council of Nine
- dominated by Lord Brend, aka Sammael. Really, really big army
- forming outside its borders to invade them. Construction and
- occupation of hill fortifications facing the Plains of
- Maredo. It appears Illian is undergoing full mobilization (it
- would make sense for Sammael to draft everyone that can hold
- a weapon). Something going on between Elaida's AS and Illian.
- Illian agreed to an anti-Dragon alliance with the Whitecloaks.
- [There might have been problems with Altara recently, but it
- could have been a rumor.]
- Tourist Attractions: King's Palace, and its copy, the Hall of the Council
- Home of: Bayle Domon
- >Kandor<
- General: Capital: Chachin. One of the Borderlands.
- Banner: rearing red horse on a field of pale green.
- Gov't: Monarchy.
- Current Events: Clashes between Pro- and anti- Dragon supporters. The
- Blight border is quiet. Possible border clashes with Arafel.
- Tourist Attractions: Lotsa military stuff.
- >Malkier<
- General: _Was_ one of the borderlands, located N of Shienar. Destroyed due to treachery of the last king's sister-in-law (Breyan) and Cowin
- Fairheart (Great Lord & Darkfriend).
- Banner: Golden crane in flight.
- Gov't: Monarchy. Last king--al'Akir Mandragoran. Uncrowned heir--
- al'Lan Mandragoran.
- Current Events--Doesn't exist anymore, has been swallowed up by the
- Blight
- Tourist Attractions: Ruins of the Seven Towers, the 1000 Lakes
- Home of: Lan, Isam, Jain(m) Farstrider
- Map: <TEotW: (before) 46, 688, Fal Dara, 578> (with Shienar)
- >Mayene<
- General: City State on the Sea of Storms, traditionally oppressed by Tear.
- Banner: Golden hawk in flight on a field of blue.
- Gov't: Monarchy-like. Current ruler: ``The First'' Berelain sur
- Pendrag of house Paeron. Ruling line said to be descended from
- Artur Hawkwing.
- >Murandy<
- General: Capital: Lugard. Very fractious country. Allied with Altara and
- Illian against Amadicia in the Whitecloak War. Hostile to Andor.
- Gov't: Loose confederation of lands controlled by various lords. Possibly
- there is a nominal king?
- Current Events: Unstable as always. Logain was defeated by the AS in
- Murandy in the beginning of the series. Hasn't declared for or
- against the Dragon yet, like Altara.
- Tourist Attractions: The Nine Horse Hitch Inn :)
- Home of: Padan Fain
- >Saldaea<
- General: Capital: Maradon.
- Banner: Three silver fish on a field of dark blue.
- Gov't: Monarchy. Current ruler: Queen Tenobia.
- Current Events: Has been having troubles all throughout the series. The
- False Dragon Mazrim Taim ripped through here, gave Davram Bashere
- a hard time, was captured, escaped, and is possibly supporting Rand
- in Andor and at Dumai's Wells. Tenobia is still in charge, and
- appears to have consolidated her position, and there are rumors
- that she has retired to a country estate. Clashes between Pro-
- and anti-Dragon factions. Davram Bashere is in
- Andor with a chunk of the army. The Blight border is quiet.
- Home of: Faile, Davram Bashere, Mazrim Taim.
- >Shienar<
- General: Capital city--Fal Moran. Due to its location (borderlands),its
- society has a strong militaristic streak. Quaint local
- fashion--fighting men shave their heads, except for a
- topknot.
- Banner: Stooping black hawk.
- Gov't: Monarchy, current king--Easar of house Togita
- Current events: Held off Trolloc hoard at Tarwin's Gap (with a little
- help from their friends). Small-scale battles between pro- and anti-
- Dragon factions.
- Tourist Attractions: Lotsa military stuff, nice signal towers
- Home of: Ingtar, Lord Agelmar, Lady Amalisa, Uno, Masema, Hurin
- Map: <TEotW: (before) 46, 688, Fal Dara, 578>
- >Tarabon<
- General: Capital--Tanchico. Local fashion: women wear their hair in
- numerous little braids, men and women wear veils. Symbol--tree.
- Banner: Tree.
- Gov't: Monarchy-ish. There are two independent monarchs, the King and the
- Panarch, each has his/her own duties.
- Current events: Tanchico (and probably some surrounding territory) has
- been occupied by the Seanchan. Probable scattered resistance to the
- Seanchan invasion. Probable desultory civil war with continued
- Dragonsworn troubles. The Whitecloaks have closed the
- border between Amadicia and Tarabon.
- Tourist Attractions: Panarch's museum--artifacts from past ages,
- Illuminators' Guild
- Home of: Liandrin, Aludra
- Map: <TSR: 38, 618, Hidden Faces, 429> (map of Tanchico)
- >Tear<
- General: Capital: Tear. Other cities: Godan. Traditional enemy of Illian.
- Banner: Three white crescent moons slanting across a field of half red,
- half gold.
- Gov't: Council of High Lords. Now directly ruled by the Dragon.
- Current Events: Fall of the Stone of Tear to Rand and the Aiel, and the
- death of Be'lal and Ishamael. Rebellion in Haddon Mirk.
- Tairen army invaded Cairhien, and part of it is massing for an
- invasion of Illian.
- Tourist Attractions: Stone of Tear
- Home of: Juilan Sandar, Siuan Sanche
- >Two Rivers<
- General: Collection of farming communities bounded by the Mountains of
- Mist, the R. Taren, and the White River. Products--tabac &
- wool. The people have a reputation of stubbornness. Quaint local
- fashion--girls wear their hair loose, women wear it braided.
- Gov't: Although it is officially part of Andor, it "has not seen a tax
- collector in six generations, nor the Queen's Guards in seven."
- Each autonomous village is run by two elected bodies--the Women's
- Circle (women), headed by the Wisdom, and the Village Council
- (men), headed by the Mayor. If there is a need for inter-village
- action, it is negotiated by the mayors or Councils of the villages
- Current events: Hunting ground of Slayer (aka Lord Luc). Overrun by
- Trollocs & Whitecloaks as part of Ordeith's plot against Rand.
- Trollocs & Whitecloaks alike dealt with under the
- leadership of "Lord" Perrin. Large influx of refugees from the west.
- Tourist Attractions: Eldrene's Veil, Master Al'Vere's clock
- Home of: do ya have to ask?
- Map: <TEotW: (before) 1, xviii, An Empty Road, xviii>
- Historical Note: In ancient times was Manetheren, destroyed in the Trolloc
- Wars. Sign of Manetheren: Red Eagle
- Survey Says: Will there be a New Mantheren?
- Yes: 73% (163) No: 18% (41) Undecided: 7% (16)
- 2.9..........................................IS THERE RELIGION IN RANDLAND?
- <Erica Sadun, P.Korda>
- "By the Light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, I swear to serve you
- in whatever way you require for as long as you require, or may the Creator's
- face turn from me forever and darkness consume my soul."
- <TFoH: 1, 51, Fanning The Sparks, 39>
- A: YES, but not much. It is pretty secular. It may be closer to many
- pagan religions or in some cases to Judaism rather than Christianity.
- However, like x'ty, there is a dualism between the light and the creator
- who are often spoken of separately and together. Like Judaism, burials
- are as simple as possible to encourage return to the earth. <TGH: 10, 178,
- The Hunt Begins, 151> Like the religions of old merry England, the maypole
- is a fertility ritual. <TEotW: 1, 10, An Empty Road, 8-9> Like Catholicism,
- children are taught catechism <TEotW: 1, 14, An Empty Road, 12>. Wisdoms
- act as priestesses. Like Judaism, marriage is a public announcement to the
- community. <TSR: 53, 890-1, The Price of Departure, 618>
- This does not even begin to touch on the religious aspects of the Aes Sedai.
- They have novices (like nuns), they are considered to be 'servants of all',
- the rituals of acceptance and joining the sisterhood are rigid with
- many religious overtones. They are expected to serve the Light and the
- will of the creator when they join the Aes Sedai. They are almost Buddhist
- in certain ways: in particular the view of the time serpent, the wheel of
- time and the age lace. The Children of Light are another religious
- organization, in this case a religious organization in turmoil with
- inappropriate goals and methods. Finally, we have the Tinkers, a religious
- cult more or less who follow the early Xtian/Calvinist 'Way of the Leaf', a
- cross between pacifism and acceptance of fate <TEotW: 27, 412, Shelter from
- the Storm, 346>. -- Erica
- OTOH, in Randland, the Creator _is_. The DO _is_. No one disbelieves
- in their existence; they are _there_. They are far more concrete and present
- in everyday life than our God(s) is/are in our lives. If you cross the Blight
- to Shayol Ghul, you will find a mountain with a hole in its side and evil
- leaking out. Thus, many of the rituals and other trappings of _organized_
- religion are unnecessary in Randland. Just because we don't see worship going
- on very often doesn't mean it's not being done. Scratch a Randlander, and
- you'll find a quite religious person 9 times out of 10, would be my guess.
- There just isn't quite the need to formalize it the way we do, except on
- occasions which, by their nature, are already formal... i.e. funerals,
- weddings, harvest, etc. Just my humble opinion. -Jocelyn
- Randlanders pray to the Creator for favors, such as relief from the drought.
- <LoC: Prologue, The First Message, 36>
- 2.10..............................WHO ARE THE FORSAKEN? WHERE ARE THEY NOW?
- <Mark Looi, ETC.>
- Q: Who are the Forsaken and where are they at the moment ?
- The Forsaken were 13 of the most powerful Aes Sedai of the Age of Legends.
- They went over to the Dark One's side during the War of the Shadow. Legend
- has it that they were sealed with the Dark One when the Dark One's prison
- was re-sealed.
- The 13 Forsaken (in alphabetical order) are
- *AGINOR (M): Killed at the Eye of the World (by drawing too much of the
- One Power) <TEotW: 51, 756-9, Against the Shadow, 634-5>. Probably
- resurrected as Osan'gar. He was involved in creating the various
- Shadowspawn.
- *ASMODEAN (M): Real name Joar Addam Nesossin <TFoH: 45, 727, After the
- Storm, 516> aka Jasin Natael. Thought by many to be the weakest
- & most cowardly of the Forsaken. Captured by Rand and shielded by
- Lanfear at Rhuidean <TSR: 58, 973-8, The Traps of Rhuidean, 674-7>.
- Toast at the end of TFoH...Twice! No body was found, so most people
- in Randland do not know he is dead, just that he has vanished. The
- DO is unlikely to resurrect him, since THOSE WHO BETRAY [the DO] WILL
- *BALTHAMEL (M): Killed by the Green Man at the Eye of the World <TEotW: 50,
- 751-2, Meetings at the Eye, 630-1>. Probably resurrected as Aran'gar.
- *BE'LAL (M): aka High Lord Samon of Tear, balefired by Moiraine in the
- Stone of Tear <TDR: 55, 651-2, What is Written in Prophecy, 557>.
- *DEMANDRED (M): Real name Barid Bel Medar. Dislikes Rand/LTT
- intensely. <TSR: 58, 975, The The Traps of Rhuidean, 677>. Turned to
- the Shadow because he got tired of being second-best to LTT <TFoH: 3,
- 105, Pale Shadows, 76-7>, <LoC: Prologue, The First Message, 56-7>,
- whom he considered his intellectual inferior in the AoL.
- Possibly involved with the Seanchan <LoC: 6, Threads Woven of Shadow,
- 135>, also possibly masquerading as Mazrim Taim.
- *GRAENDAL (F): Known to currently have a long string of young men and women.
- In the habit of taking aristocrats and making them serve in some
- demeaning aspect, using enough compulsion to fry their brains to make
- them useless, though a conservative player for all that. Currently in
- Arad Doman, having taken over somebody's palace. She has one of the
- World's Greatest Generals working for her, and it seems as though
- all the reported chaos in Arad Doman might not be quite as chaotic
- as it first appears. She appears to visitors as an enfeebled old
- lady. Before turning to the Shadow, she was a celebrated psychiatrist
- in the AOL <LoC: 6, Threads Woven of Shadow, 130-9>, and an acetecist.
- (is THAT a word?)
- *ISHAMAEL (M): Real name Elan Morin Tedronai, aka Ba'alzamon. Probably killed
- by Rand in Tear <TDR: 55, 666, What is Written in Prophecy, 570>. The most
- philosophically-minded of the Forsaken, he came up with many theories on
- the nature of the battle between the Creator and the DO <LoC: 6, Threads
- Woven of Shadow, 133>. Believed by many to be the most powerful Forsaken.
- *LANFEAR (F): Real name: Mierin <TSR: 58, 973, The Traps of Rhuidean, 676>,
- aka: Selene, aka Keille, aka Silvie. Former lover of LTT (Rand).
- May be toast or in Aelfland.
- Survey Says: What happened to Lanfear at the docks?
- She is alive & still has full Power: 54% (120)
- She is alive and is burnt out (can't be Healed): 17% (38)
- She is dead: 8% (19)
- She is alive and stilled (can be Healed): 8% (17)
- *MESAANA (F): The long-anticipated Forsaken in the Tower. <LoC: 6, Threads
- Woven of Shadow, 138>. Was rejected by the Collam Dam, so instead
- of being a researcher, she ended up a teacher. Feels uneasy around
- Semirhage (Don't we all? :).
- *MOGHEDIEN (F): aka Gyldin, aka Marigan. Captured by Nynaeve in Tanchico,
- but escaped <TSR: 54, 909-13, Into the Palace, 631-3> believed to be the
- strongest Forsaken in Tel'aran'rhiod <TSR: 52, 864, Need, 599>. Captured
- by Nynaeve in Salidar and forced to teach her and Elayne. Released by
- Aran'gar and summoned to SG <LoC: Epilogue, The Answer, 697-8>. May be
- in big trouble for letting herself get captured, but will probably get
- a chance to redeem herself.
- *RAHVIN (M): aka Lord Gaebril. Was active in Caemlyn <TDR: 46, 534-40, A
- Message Out of the Shadow, 452-7>. Balefired by Rand in tFOH.
- <TFoH: 55, 948, The Threads burn, 672>
- *SAMMAEL (M): Real name Tel Janin Aellinsar <TFoH: 45, 727, After the Storm,
- 516>, aka Lord Brend of Illian <TDR: 44, 508-9, Hunted, 429-30>. Was
- given scar by LTT, hates Rand. <TFoH: Prologue, 35, The First Sparks
- Fall, 28>. Always wanted to be taller. A great military leader.
- *SEMIRHAGE (F): Has a penchant for gruesome torture. Whereabouts unknown.
- Hates Lanfear. Is very tall, with dark skin & eyes, and likes
- wearing black. Was a brilliant healer who took payment in
- extracting extra pain from her patients.
- Survey Says: Where is Semirhage?
- Seanchan: 16% (36) Borderlands: 4% (9) Salidar: 2% (4)
- Saldaea: 7% (17) Sheinar: 2% (5)
- Tar Valon: 4% (10) Amador: 2% (5)
- 2.11......................................ALL THE AES SEDAI (WAS BLACK AJAH)
- <Emma Pease>
- *Black Ajah
- 2 of each Ajah except red (1) for a total of 13. Still unknown are
- the 1 gray, 2 blues, 1 yellow. ?? means either former Ajah or
- country unknown
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Liandrin red Tarabon leader
- Joiya Byir white ?? eldest and dead at Tear
- Rianna Andormeran white Kandor white streak in hair
- Marillin Gemalphin brown ?? likes cats
- Eldrith Jhondar brown ?? arranges for cats to go away
- Jeaine Caide green Arad Doman
- Asne Zeramene green Saldaea
- Chesmal Emry yellow Ghealdan (one of the best healers known)
- Temaile Kinderode gray Cairhien blue eyes,dark hair,vulpine,cruel
- Amico Nagoyin ?? ?? youngest and dead at Tear
- Berylla Naron ?? ?? lean, manipulative
- Falion Bhoda ?? ?? long-faced
- Ispan Shefar ?? Tarabon dark-haired
- *Elaida's council consists (to start with) of 4 reds, no blues, 1 each
- of yellow, green, and brown, 2 or 3 each of gray and white.
- [not sure whether she is including herself and Alviarin in the
- count]
- Elaida, Amyrlin Seat (red)
- Alviarin, Keeper (white, Black)
- Teslyn, red, Illianer
- Javindhra, red
- Danelle, brown
- Joline, green
- Shemerin, yellow (to be "arrested and reduced to Accepted", according
- to paper's in Elaida's study <TFoH: 49, 819, To Boannda, 581>)
- Andaya, gray
- Evanellein, gray
- *The council at Salidar seems to be
- Sheriam, leader, blue
- Carlinya, white
- Myrelle, green
- Anaiya, blue
- Movrin, brown
- Beonin, gray
- *Other Aes Sedai, current & former (stilled/dead/disappeared/etc)
- Siuan Sanche, formerly blue, Tear, Amyrlin Seat, Warder Alric (dead,
- TSR), stilled (TSR), at Salidar (TFoH), unstilled(LoC)
- Leane Sharif, blue, Arad Doman, Keeper of the Chronicles, Warder unknown,
- stilled (TSR), at Salidar (TFoH), unstilled (LoC)
- Moiraine Damodred, blue, Cairhien, vanished(TFoH), Warder (was) Lan
- Maigan, blue, was at Fal Dara in TGH.
- Aeldene, blue, heads the Blue Ajah's eyes and ears network, missing in
- TFoH.
- Memara, red, sent to Saldaea by Elaida's council
- Verin Mathwin, brown, very old, Warder Tomas, in Two Rivers (TFoH)
- Serafelle, brown
- Andeleas, brown, very old lives in Arafel with her sister,
- Vandene, Warder Jaem?
- Takima, brown, teaches history
- Phaedrine, brown, at Salidar
- Brendas, white, part of the group that healed Mat
- Alanna Mosvani, green, Arafel, same age as Sheriam, Warder Ihvon
- Vandene, green, very old lives in Arafel with her sister,
- Andeleas, Warder Jaem?
- Myrelle, green, on the council ruling at Salidar (TFoH),
- Warders are Nuhel Dromand (Illian), Croi Makin (Andor), Avar
- Hachimi. Rumored to have Married all three of her Warders
- against custom. New Warder--Lan
- Kiruna Nachiman, green, Arafel, rumored to be the sister of the king
- of Arafel. At Salidar, Sent to the waste to find Rand
- Bera Harkin, green, at Salidar, Sent to the waste to find Rand
- Ryma, yellow, caught by the Seanchan
- Another slender yellow was part of the group that went to Fal Dara.
- Ananda, yellow, Min sees her dying
- Edesina, yellow, slender, Min sees a silver collar around her that shatters
- Therva Maresis, yellow, slender, at Salidar
- Nisao Dachen, yellow, short
- Dagdara Finchey, yellow, tall, wide, grey haired, very skilled healer
- Narenwin Barda, yellow, heads yellow ears and eyes network
- Sierin Vayu, gray, Amyrlin before Siuan, dead
- Marras, unknown, probably in charge of the gardens since Faolain was
- sent to her to do some gardening.
- Silviana, mistress of novices under Elaida (TFoH)
- Saroiya, mentioned as an Aes Sedai that someone played a trick on some
- 20 plus years ago.
- Gitara Moroso--She had the Foretelling. She told Tigraine to join
- the Maidens of the Spear, and she died informing the Amyrlin before Sierin
- Vayu, Siuan Sanche, and Moiraine Damodred that the Dragon was Reborn.
- *ACCEPTED: Pedra, Irella, Faolain Orande (at Salidar), Theodrin (at
- Salidar), Nynaeve, Egwene, Elayne, Emara (either novice or
- accepted, at Salidar), Verine (dead TFoH [killed by Fain])
- *NOVICES: Sahra (dead TSR), Else (no longer), Tabiya (at Salidar)
- *IMAGINARY: Sharina (mentioned to Nynaeve in the ter'angreal)
- Beldeine, green, Keeper to Egwene inside the ter'angreal
- Gyldan, black, seen by Egwene in the ter'angreal
- 2.12..........................................WHO ARE THE AELFINN AND EELFINN?
- <Erica Sadun, Sean Hillyard>
- Strange tricksy critters who live in other dimensions. They are
- also known as the Snakes and Foxes for their appearances and have
- long-standing tricksy relationships with humans: giving gifts
- and answers... at a price.
- <TSR: 28, 462, To the Tower of Ghenjei, 323> Birgitte arrives to chat
- up Perrin and talks about the Tower of Ghenjei and the game of Snakes
- and Foxes. "...there's no way to win." "Except to break the rules,"
- she said. "'Courage to strengthen, fire to blind, music to daze, iron
- to bind.'" Poor Mat should have known about these rules, but he's
- tricky and he cheats. Notice that every time Mat is using his "luck",
- he seems to be humming. This may be related.
- We know that The tower of Ghenjei is a route to the realms of the
- Aelfinn & Eelfinn. We also know that the Seanchan, the offspring of the
- "hammer" (Paendrag) hold their symbols to be the tower and the raven.
- And WOULDN'T YOU JUST KNOW, Mat who is due to marry the Daughter of
- the Nine Moons, the heir to the court of Seanchan and who is already
- mixed up with the snakes and foxes just happens to have a magic spear
- with ravens on it. In fact, if you re-regard the inscription on the
- spear, it just may have to do with the Seanchan's bargain and not that
- of Mat.
- "Thus is our treaty written; thus is agreement made.
- Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades.
- What was asked is given. The price is paid."
- <TSR: 26, 439, The Dedicated, 307>
- Remember also, that those marked with the raven are property of the
- court of the Seanchan empress. The other object given to Mat was the
- foxhead. And ITS eye is the symbol of the Aes Sedai. <TSR: 37, 606,
- Imre Stand, 426> Boy, this gets complicated, doesn't it? When Mat
- arrives in the Rhuidean door (foxes), he is greeted and asked about
- the "old treaty". The snake people back at Tear were very insistent
- that he show up at Rhuidean -- insistent enough to answer a whole lot
- of extra questions. Once he gets there, he's given an object which
- directly mentions something about the treaty.
- What we know from the Tear doorway.
- There seems to be some kind of agreement concerning the use of the
- door. Anyone may enter who does not bring a way to make light, iron
- or instruments of music. The snakes will then answer three questions.
- What do they get out of it? According to Moiraine:
- "Sensations, emotions, experiences. They rummage through them; you
- can feel them doing it, making your skin crawl. Perhaps they feed
- on them in some manner. The Aes Sedai who studied this ter'angreal ...
- spoke of a strong desire to bathe afterward." <TSR: 15, 257, Into the
- Doorway, 179>. In addition, the presence of two ta'veren seemed about
- to shake down the whole place.
- What we know from the Rhuidean doorway.
- The foxes also speak of a treaty in using the doorway. Again, no iron
- or musical instruments, or ways to make light. Again, there is the
- prickling of the skin as memories are rummaged through. However, for
- the foxes this does not seem to be payment enough for their services.
- Apparently a 'price' has to be negotiated before 'agreements' are made.
- Mat lucks out (of course) and asks for a way out as one of his
- agreements (It seems extremely likely that he would still be there
- without that), but they still exact a price out of him, and from what
- we can infer of it, it was not pleasant.
- Aludra: I have finally figured out Aludra's entire raison d'etre: the matches.
- Now how can Mat/Thom get over to Nynaeve to get some matches before he heads
- off to A/Eelfland?
- Survey Says: Who will go to A/Eelfland? (more than one choice)
- Thom: 62% (138) Nynaeve: 9% (21) Nobody: 5% (12)
- Mat: 52% (116 Birgitte: 8% (17) Aludra: 4% (9)
- Perrin: 34% (77) Elayne: 8% (17) Lan: 4% (9)
- Olver: 12% (26) Egwene: 7% (16) Avi: 4% (8)
- Rand: 10% (22) Faile: 6% (14) Juilin: 3% (6)
- 2.13.....................................WHAT ARE THE SONGS (NOT >THE SONG<)
- Jeffrey Scott Raglin reports: The Songs of the Wheel of Time:
- Key: ==:These songs have the same tune, but different lyrics and or names
- in different areas.
- ?: No title is actually given; the title is inferred from the lyrics
- Berin's Retreat==The Wind from the North==Hard Rain Falling
- Blue Sky Dawning
- Cock o' the North
- Colors of the Sun==Jolly Jaim==Rhea's Fling
- Coming Home from Tarwin's Gap
- Dance With Jak 'o the Shadows
- Darling Sara==Ferry O'er the River
- Drawing Water From the Well
- Ferry O'er the River==Darling Sara
- Goodman Priket's Pipe==River Iralell?
- Hard Rain Falling==The Wind from the North==Berin's Retreat
- Heron on the Wing
- I Have Loved a Thousand Sailor Men
- I'm Down at the Bottom of the Well
- Jolly Jaim==Rhea's Fling==Colors of the Sun
- Midean's Ford
- Mistress Aynora's Rooster
- My Love is a Wild Rose
- Old Jak's Up a Tree
- Only One Boot
- Only One Bucket of Water
- A Pocket Full of Gold
- Pretty Maids Dancing==Three Girls in the Meadow
- Rhea's Fling==Jolly Jaim==Colors of the Sun
- River Iralell?==Goodman Priket's Pipe
- Rose of the Morning
- She Wore a Mask That Hid Her Face
- The Lugard Girl?==The Dancing Lass
- The Dancing Lass==The Lugard Girl?
- The Fool Who Thought He Was a King
- The Song of the Three Fishes
- The Old Gray Goose
- The March of Death==The Grand Passions Cycle, Movement 4
- The Grand Passions Cycle, Movement 4==The March of Death
- The First Rose of Summer
- The Wind That Shakes the Willow
- The Old Black Bear
- The Road to Dun Aran
- The Old Two Rivers Leaf
- The Tinker Has My Pots==Toss the Feathers
- The Wind from the North==Hard Rain Falling==Berin's Retreat
- The Drunken Peddler==Tinker in the Kitchen
- The Color of Trust
- Three Girls in the Meadow==Pretty Maids Dancing
- Tinker in the Kitchen==The Drunken Peddler
- Toss the Feathers==The Tinker Has My Pots
- Two Horses Running=Two Kings Came Hunting
- Two Kings Came Hunting==Two Horses Running
- Wash the Spears?
- We're Over the Border Again
- What He Said to Me==Will You Dance With Me
- Wild Geese on the Wing
- Will You Dance With Me==What He Said to Me
- 2.14...........................................WHAT ARE THOSE CHAPTER ICONS?
- "I have come here to lick chapter icons and kick ass. And I'm all out
- of chapter icons." <Joe "Uno" Shaw>
- Serpent and Wheel: Aes Sedai, Wheel of Time, Ta'veren
- Ravens: Darkfriends, other minions of the DO
- Dragon's Fang: Darkfriends, other minions of the DO, or Rand
- Harp: Thom Merrilin
- Leafless tree at night: Traveling through woods?
- Heron-mark sword hilt: Rand
- Two leaves from the Tree of Life and Moiraine's staff: Moiraine (TEotW only)
- Flame of Tar Valon: Aes Sedai, Saidar
- Sunburst: Whitecloaks
- Leaves/A Leaf: Ogier, Loial, Waygates, Nynaeve, Wise Women, Tinkers
- Horned skull, trident and a paw: Trollocs
- Wolf: Wolfbrother, Perrin
- Lion Rampant: Andor, Elayne.
- Gnarled, Withered Tree: The Blight
- Ruby-Hilted Dagger: Shadar Logoth Dagger, Mat, Padan Fain.
- Horn: The Horn of Valere
- Portal Stone: Portal Stone
- Rising Sun: Cairhien
- Insect-Like, Horned Helmet: Seanchan
- Tree with lots of leaves: stedding, Ogier
- A'dam: damane, a'dams
- Female silhouettes (One Black, One White): Black Ajah, the hunt for them
- Dice (FIVE): Mat "(Note the five sixes..Yahtzee!!)" -- Joe Shaw
- Crescent moon and stars: Lanfear, Daughter of the Night.
- This one is really note worthy. This icon appears when we
- meet the peddlers (aka Lanfear and Asmodean) in the waste. Had
- I realized it was Lanfear's icon, I would have realized then that
- one of them was Lanfear disguised. Also the same when she appears
- to the girls as Else. -- Judy G.
- Dream Ring: Tel'aran'rhiod
- Waves: A journey over water
- Dragon: Rand
- 8-pointed star and birds: Sea folk
- Two spears & a shield: Aiel
- Bull: Gareth Byrne
- Elephant: Valen Luca's traveling menagerie
- Full Aes Sedai symbol of old: Rand, the Dragon Reborn--"under this sign will
- he conquer"
- Snakey square: Forsaken
- 2.15...............................................WHAT DID OGIER DO OF OLD?
- <Windsor Williams>
- Basically, I'm wondering about the role of the Ogier in pre-Breaking
- society. From what we know in general, the stedding did exist during
- the period, but the Ogier were not bound to them by the Longing as they
- are at the time of the series. So it seems reasonable to assume that
- they were fairly common everywhere, although most common in and around
- the stedding.
- We know they were involved with the seed singing (as per the "through
- the eyes of Coumin" scene <TSR: 26, 432-3, The Dedicated, 302-5>), but what
- other roles did they have? Some clues exist:
- Ogier soldiers - also from the Coumin sequence, right at the beginning
- <TSR: 26, 431, The Dedicated, 302>
- "He could see the next field, lined the same way, beyond the soldiers
- with their shocklances sitting atop armored jo-cars. A hoverfly buzzed
- overhead in its patrol, a deadly black metal wasp containing two men.
- He was sixteen, and the women had decided his voice was finally deep
- enough to join in the seed singing."
- "The soldiers fascinated him, men and Ogier, the way a colorful poisonous
- snake might. They _killed_." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- The "men and Ogier" phrase seems to imply that there were Ogier soldiers
- as well as humans. (At least, it does to me.)
- Ogier as police or enforcers - again, from the Coumin sequence
- <TSR: 26, 434, The Dedicated, 304>
- "Abruptly something struck Coumin in the mouth and his legs buckled; he
- was pushing himself to his knees before he realized he was down. A hand
- put to his mouth came away bloody. He looked up to find an angry-faced
- townsman standing over him, nursing a fist. 'Why did you do that?' he
- asked.
- "The townsman spat at him. "The Forsaken are dead. Dead, do you hear?
- Lanfear will not protect you anymore. We will root out all of you who
- served the Forsaken while pretending to be on our side, and treat the
- lot of you as we treated that crazy old man.
- "A woman was tugging at the man's arm. 'Come away, Toma. Come away, and
- hold your foolish tongue! Do you want the Ogier to come for you?'
- Suddenly wary, the man let her pull him away into the crowd."
- "Do you want the Ogier to come for you?" and the man's response argue
- that the Ogier were enforcers of peace/police of some sort, and effective
- ones as well. I'm guessing that they would come for him for the killing
- of Charn ("that crazy old man"), but maybe it's his statements, instead?
- I hadn't thought of Ogier in terms of soldiers or police before, but these
- passages caught my eye while re-reading the series. We've been told at one
- point or another that old tales refer to Ogier as bad opponents, who rarely
- get angry but are very dangerous when they do. (I can't recall the exact
- place...something about Perrin and some line about Ogier and mountains.
- Anyone else recall where this is?)
- We've seen Loial play an important role a couple of times already (knowing
- the Ways, closing the Waygate in the Two Rivers), but I'm starting to think
- we may see quite a bit more of the Ogier before the series ends.
- 2.16.................................WERE THERE AJAHS IN THE AGE OF LEGENDS?
- <Bill Garrett, Pam Korda>
- RJ said, at a signing, that there were not Ajahs in the AoL. The Ajahs
- were formed within a few hundred years after the Breaking. The colors of
- the Ajahs were probably representative of something in the AoL or a previous
- Age, because the Ajah colors are the colors surrounding the Portal Stones.
- A possible, even probable, scenario of the forming of the Ajahs is:
- Perhaps the AS argued about what was most important... a few said,
- "we must find and stop all the
- male channelers who have gone mad!" while others said, "we must fight
- the Shadowspawn and stay ready to fight them should they return."
- Others might have placed importance on healing the wounded and
- stopping the ravage of disease. Then some said, "We must manipulate
- the governments of the people to make sure they are always ready." A
- few bookish sorts might have thought it was more important to preserve
- old knowledge to keep it from getting lost, and to gather more knowledge.
- "What will happen in troubles to come if our descendants forget even the
- meager things we've learned so far?"
- 2.17................................WAS THE SHAROM THE DARK ONE'S PRISON?
- No. Demandred's analysis <LOC Prologue, The First Message, 15> implies
- that the DO is imprisoned OUTSIDE the world/Pattern, in some sort of
- "Dungeon Dimension." (Read Pratchett for connotation.) The Bore is a
- kind of thinning of the universe, a weakness in the space-time
- continuum, by which the DO can reach out of the Dungeon Dimension to
- affect/enter the Real World. From the RJ Online Q&A session on
- Compuserve (19 October, 1994), RJ says, "The sharom and the collam
- dam are a university/research center." So, the Sharom was some sort
- of HEP (High-Energy Power) research facility that Meiren & Beidomon
- used to create the Bore.
- <John Novak>
- Skimming requires knowledge of destination and Traveling requires
- origin <TFoH: 6, 169, Gateways, 121>. For example, Aviendha Travels
- to Seanchan which she obviously doesn't know a thing about, but she
- knew the bathroom real well.
- Skimming is like getting somewhere by placing yourself on a highway
- system. You can take as many people as you can fit in your vehicle,
- and as long as you know where you are going you can get there. Thus
- you need to know where your destination well in order to get there.
- Traveling is like placing a phone call to somewhere and shifting yourself
- through the phone lines. Thus if you know how to use a telephone (ie you
- have knowledge of the place that you are at) you can place a random phone
- call and hook up with some place that you have never been (what Aviendha
- did) but if you know the number, you can call wherever you want, and go
- someplace specific.
- In <TGH: 40, 573, Damane, 484>, Egwene's sul'dam describes how the Empress
- will sometimes make a man wear the bracelet of the a'dam. Sometimes nothing
- happens, and sometimes "both die, screaming." We see something similar
- happen in <TFoH: 32, 522, A Short Spear, 370> when Rand tries to free the
- damane in Seanchan. What's happening here? Well, it seems as if the men who
- are affected by the a'dam are those who can channel, or who have the ability
- to learn. According to Elayne's study of the a'dam, it works by creating an
- uneven link between channelers, in which the bracelet holder has complete
- control. So possible explanations for the "die screaming" effect are:
- 1) a male & a female are linked, with the man in control. A female must
- control such a link due to the nature of the OP. So the a'dam link is
- backwards, which could have a bad effect. 2) Possibly, they find
- themselves each touching the wrong half of the Source, and cannot stand
- to do this, and consequently experience immense pain and have their
- pitiful lives snuffed out by the overbearing power of the wrong half of
- the OP pouring through their frail bodies. 3) Putting a male in the
- _a'dam_ link somehow creates a "short circuit" in the One Power, frying
- both participants in the link unless they break it pronto.
- 2.20...........................WHAT ARE THOSE BLACK THREADS ON THE FORSAKEN?
- <Robyn Goldstein, P. Korda>
- When Rand battles the male Forsaken, he sees black threads, wires, or
- cords running off from them. This is seen when Rand battles Ishy in
- <TEotW: 51, 759-62, Against the Shadow, 637-40>, and Asmodean in <TSR:
- 58, 965-972, The Traps of Rhuidean, 671-675>. So what's the deal with
- these strings?
- The thick black threads are the Forsaken's connection to the DO. The
- connection with the DO is what keeps the male Forsaken from falling
- prey to the madness taint of saidin (see Asmodean's statements to
- Rand in TSR after his black "thread" was severed). Rand's thread in
- TEotW was silver and thinner because it was from that pure pool of
- saidin that was the Eye of the World.
- We've never seen the threads on a female Forsaken, so it is possible
- that the threads are themselves the protection from the taint. Perhaps
- they act as a kind of filter on saidin, or a conduit through which the
- DO siphons off the taint when the Forsaken draws upon the Source.
- 2.21................................."BINDING"? WHAT'S THAT ALL ABOUT?
- <Summarized by Daniel L. Rouk, edited by Pam Korda>
- To fully illustrate the argument that binding refers to the Oath Rod,
- check Graendal and Sammael's conversation. Graendal is showing off her
- Shara rulers. While discussing the Shara channelers, Sammael asks her
- if they 'bind themselves like criminals'. <LoC: 6, Threads Woven of
- Shadow, 136>
- Sammael thinks he's revealing something Graendal didn't know, but she
- thinks about how she found out from Mesaana <LoC: 6, Threads Woven of
- Shadow, 138>. We find out Mesaana is in the White Tower. The only
- 'binding' that we know about that occurs in the White Tower is the
- bonds willingly taken by Aes Sedai via the Oath Rod. [Not so: it
- could also refer to the AS/Warder bonding.]
- Next scene: <LoC: 6, Threads Woven of Shadow, 139-143> Semirhage is
- torturing the Aes Sedai, and thinking on how she was 'wronged' because
- the Age of Legends Servants didn't understand why she gave a little
- pain with her healing. After all, nobody complained when they owed
- their life to her. She recollects that she was given two choices, to
- be severed, or to accept binding. The actual quote is "to be bound
- never to know her pleasures again, and with that binding be able to see
- the end of life approach," This illustrates that 'binding' is in fact
- as Sammael said, something done to criminals.
- >From these two scenes we can pretty well conclude that the Oath Rod was, in
- fact a tool to restrict criminals. Other aspects of the Oath Rod, such
- as if it is one of the mythical Nine Rods of Dominion, are not answered.
- If the Oath Rod is simply a punishment device then my opinion is that
- it is not a Dominion Rod, and that these are something else.
- The second half of Semirhage's comment, "and with that binding be able
- to see the end of life approach," has been interpreted by some to mean
- that swearing an oath on the Oath Rod somehow causes one's lifespan to
- be shortened, and this is why AoL AS lived longer than modern AS.
- Another thing quoted in support of this theory is the Aiel WO who is
- said to have died at age 300 of a snake bite, but looked quite young
- still. <LoC: 15, A Pile of Sand, 262> These two things are not really
- enough to justify this theory. _Everybody_ in the AoL lived
- longer--possibly something to do with the Tree of Life, or it could
- simply be that there was better medical care, etc in the AoL. There
- has never been any evidence that WOs or Seafolk Windfinders (who
- haven't sworn the Oaths) live an inordinately long time, or that the
- BA live longer than non-Black AS, or even that ordinary AS live so
- much shorter than one would expect. In fact, AS live longer than your
- average Joe.
- Survey Says: Does swearing on the Oath Rod shorten one's lifespan?
- Yes: 46% (103) No: 42% (93) Undecided: 10% (23)
- 2.22............................................Did LTT Balefire himself?
- <Emmet O'Brien, Korda>
- No. He died by ODing on the One Power. RJ said so at the talk he gave
- in Dublin in November 1993. Plus, if he'd BF'd himself, his soul
- wouldn't be available for reincarnation, a la Rahvin, I guess.
- 2.23..............................................HOW TALL IS EVERYONE?
- <Erica "nonentity" Sadun, book signing, 10/94>
- Rand--6'5"-6'6". Perrin--6'2". Mat 5'11". Aviendha 5'8"-5'9". Elayne
- 5'6". Nynaeve 5'4". Egwene 5'2". Moiraine 5'0-5'2".
- 2.24.................................WHERE DID ARTUR HAWKWING COME FROM?
- <Emma Pease, John Novak>
- Artur Hawkwing might have originated in Tear. (Or at least in the area
- presently known as Tear.) Why?
- 1. The symbol of Tear is three crescent moons. A symbol of the
- Seanchan (descendents of Hawkwing's armies) is nine moons.
- 2. Artur hated Aes Sedai. The rulers of Tear hate Aes Sedai. Not
- much as a fair number of people do but Tear has a law against
- channeling which is more than any country except Amadicia.
- 3. Tear had a king before Artur but doesn't after. Perhaps they chose
- no king because no king could live up to what Artur did.
- 4. The Mayene firsts claim to be descendants of Artur. Perhaps a bit
- of a stretch but Mayene may have been part of Artur's original lands
- and after his death his surviving heirs retreated to it (as a place
- where they had many supporters) and split off from Tear. Hence one of
- the reasons the Tairen high lords are so intent on regaining Mayene is
- that they consider it part of Tear. We know that Mayene did not exist
- as a separate country before the 100 years war.
- 4. Tear has never fallen yet Artur ruled all the land between the sea
- and the spine. One way would be if he ruled Tear not by conquest but
- by right of birth or election if the Tairen high lords elected a king
- from among their numbers just as lords of the land were raised to be
- high lords when a high lord died. Note also that Seanchan were also
- promoted to being lords without necessarily a blood right.
- 5. Tear and Seanchan are the only countries who use the title "High Lord."
- 2.25..................................................WHAT DO DREAMERS DO?
- <Emma Pease>
- 1. Entering T'A'R. We know that regular people can do this though are
- not usually aware that they are doing so. At times the forsaken seem
- to pull people into T'A'R (the dreams the boys have in EoTW for
- instance). Also Dem thinks when he sees Elayne in T'A'R (LoC) that
- she has a ter'angreal of the sort the AoL used to teach students how
- to enter T'A'R. My guess is this skill can be taught to any AS and
- perhaps to anyone.
- 2. Entering other people's dreams. This is what Egwene does with
- Gawyn's dream and also the skill the Wise Ones use to pass messages
- around. This does seem to be specific to 'dreamers'.
- 3. Foreseeing via dreams. This can also be done by Wolfbrothers.
- 2.26.............................Can Black Ajah Break the Oaths?
- Yes. In <TSR: 38, 863, Hidden Faces, 438>, Liandrin wishes she had the
- ability to kill with the Power, like Chesmal (another BA. This implies
- that Chesmal can, and has done so.
- In <TFoH: 34, ??, A Silver Arrow, 394>, Liandrin attacks a wounded
- Moghedien, attempting to Compell her. Moggy strikes back, and
- Liandrin says, "Y-you do not understand, Great M-mistress...I only
- wished to help you to have the good sleep." This was DEFINITELY not
- her intention. Her intention was to have Moggy be her obedient slave.
- A few pages later, Liandrin tells Moggy that she will be Moggy's
- "faithful dog," and in the next sentence tries to get Temaile and
- Chesmal to try to betray Moggy. If she meant one, the other must be a
- lie. In <TFOH: 19, ??, Memories, 260>, Alviarin says to Fain, "Now
- answer my questions, or two corpses will be found here in the morning
- instead of one." (The one being the dead Accepted--see? the dagger
- does leave a corpse.) Fain thinks to himself, "There would be two in
- any case, whether he answered her with suitable lies or not; she did
- not mean to let him live." Obviously Fain thinks she can lie, and do
- you really think Alviarin meant to let him go?
- 2.27...........................WHERE DO TROLLOCS AND MYRDDRAAL COME FROM?
- <Robert Jordan>
- {I wrote a letter to RJ in the early months of 1995. One question I
- asked was, "Where do Trollocs come from? Are there male and female
- Trollocs that mate? Are there only male Trollocs that mate with
- animals and/or humans to reproduce? Are Trollocs neuter, grown in a
- big vat at Shayol Ghul? Enquiring minds want to know!" I got a bit
- more of an answer than I'd bargained for. --pam}
- "You know the original source, of course...a blending of human and
- animal genetic material in an effort to produce the "perfect"soldier,
- though as envisioned by somebody who had never seen combat. Yes, there
- are female Trollocs, though you don't want to know more than
- that...there was a clear statement of this actually--that Trollocs
- breed--when where Myrddraal come from was explained. Sometimes a
- Trolloc off-spring is a throwback, but not all the way back to human,
- and twisted. Thus, eyeless but with keen vision, very strong indeed
- though not in Trolloc-class, able to vanish into shadows & reappear in
- other shadows...There are no female Myrddraal; not even the laddie who
- made the Trollocs in the first place knew why...Myrddraal must have
- their "pleasures" with captured human women...there is no possibility
- of cross-breeding--it was tested, during the War of the Power, in the
- crudest sort of way; the Myrddraal isn't sterile, but its sperm kills
- both human and Trolloc ova--and the sex practices and other attributes
- of Myrddraal are such that a very strong woman might retain her sanity
- for six months, but very few do." {did I ask about the sex practices
- of Myrddraal? No, I didn't think so.} "For the record, a Trolloc could
- also have sex with a human...they are now two completely incompatible
- species, so there isn't any possibility of offspring--the Forsaken
- tested that out too...Trollocs are just not interested in human women
- sexually; to them, humans are just another food animal...Trollocs are
- of fairly low intelligence (I told you the designer was never in
- combat), so they would think of it about as we would having sex with
- sheep, though they would do it if ordered to. They'd just like it
- better if they could eat her afterwards." <Robert Jordan>
- And, of course, the diapers of baby Myrddraal don't wave in the
- wind. :) -pam
- A channeler can sense another channeler, under various conditions:
- 1) A female can sense another female, even if neither of them are
- holding the Source at the time. This is a skill which takes some time
- to learn. If one is really good, it is not necessary to see the other
- woman in order to know she is there. (One of the Tower AS sensing Eg
- in Cairhien.) In addition, a female can tell when another is embracing
- the Source, by a great glow surrounding the channeler.
- 2) Females cannot naturally sense male channeling. It may be that
- they can do so through the use of some sort of OP trick.
- 3) Male channelers can sense female channeling, by a prickling
- feeling on the skin. There is some range on this, but I dunno what.
- 4) Male channelers can sense male channeling, as well as other men
- holding the source. <LOC, 2, ?, A New Arrival, ?>The sensing is not as
- obvious as when females sense other females. The range is less: And
- here is another quote which contradicts the idea that men can sense
- men far away: "Women who could channel saw a glow surrounding another
- woman who had embraced saidar and felt her channeling clearly, but he
- never saw anything around Asmodean, and felt little. <TFOH,?,?,?,75>.
- This is with Asm is in the same room.
- However, there seems to be some confusion of exactly _how_ far this
- range is. When Rand is running around trying to balefire the hell out
- of Rahvin, *even though Rahvin is holding saidin*, Rand can't feel
- where he is. Also, Asm describes trying to locate another man
- channeling is "Like trying to find a lion in high grass." <REF: FOH?>
- {NB this quote may be bogus, nobody could find it, but I haven't taken
- it out, because than I will forget to look for it.} After a Draghkar
- attack on Rand's camp, Asmodean tells him that he had sensed the
- Draghkar, but had not done anything about it, since he thought Rand
- could deal with it, which he did. Rand replies: "'Well for you that
- you didn't,' Rand cut him off, sitting cross-legged in the dark. 'If
- I had felt you full of saidin out there tonight, I might have killed
- you.' "The other man's laugh was shaky. 'I thought of that, too.'"
- <FOH: 22, 405, Birdcalls by Night, 287> This little snippet of
- conversation seems fairly clear. Rand obviously felt capable of
- sensing Asm from as far away as Rand was from Asm during the fight.
- Also, in LOC, Rand says to Taim: <LOC: 42,The Black Tower, 545> "If I
- feel a man channel in Caemlyn...and don't think you can stay far
- enough from the Palace that I won't feel it and be safe." (NB: Rand
- may just be bluffing, here. Or it might just be something along the
- lines of "If I hear you use that sort of language in this house, young
- man, I'll wash your mouth out with soap!") Rand was able to sense
- lightening from Sammael (He thinks it is Sammael, at least) during the
- battle of Cairhien. <TFOH: 44, ?, The Lesser Sadness, 495> Maybe the
- ability to sense male channeling is dependent on the strength of the
- particular flow being channeled. This seems to be implied by
- Asmodean when he talks to Rand about blocking Aviendha's gateway to
- Seanchan: "I felt your weave - anybody within a mile could have felt
- it - I never saw anything like it - I didn't know that anyone but
- Demandred could block a gateway that was closing."<TFOH:?,?,?,374>
- 3.0============================TRIVIAL PURSUITS=============================
- Diverse references, sources, allusions, parallels, etc...
- Robert Jordan says:
- "There are elements from Norse, Chinese, Japanese, and American
- Indian mythologies, to name just a few. I think it adds resonance to the
- story, although I've taken great care not to follow the older material in
- any slavish way. Occasionally, I will add in details here or there, and
- then discover that I have done something that is absolutely authentic to
- the myth I was working from." <From Waldenbooks 'zine _Hailing Frequencies_,
- issue #4, reported by Edmund Wong>
- 3.1..................................................ARTHUR & THE HOLY GRAIL
- <Erica Sadun, Korda>
- * Moiraine = Morgaine/Morgan De Fay
- * Morgase = Morgause
- * Tigraine = Ygrainne
- * Egwene = Guinevere
- * Artur = Arthur
- * Callandor = Sword in stone
- * Galad = Galahad _or_ Mordred
- * Gawyn = Gawain
- * Green Man = Green Knight or Green Man (worshiped by Celts)
- * Sa'angreal = San Greal (Holy Grail) or Sang Real (Holy Blood).
- * Wound in side = Fisher King (via Bible)
- * Nynaeve = Nyneve/Vivian (Nemesis of Merlin)
- * Perrin = Parcival
- * Merrilin = Merlin
- * Lan = Lancelot
- * Damodred = Mordred
- * Elayne = ?Elaine? (Lancelot's Wife)
- * Luthair Paendrag = Uther Pendragon (Now Artur's son vs. his Father)
- * Tar Valon = Avalon
- * Elyas, Aram, and Demandred's names are all similar to names of
- Arthurian knights, but I do not remember the actual names.
- Min's vision of Rand's funeral bier:
- In the Arthur legend (or at least the version I've read) Arthur is
- severely wounded and on his deathbed and Bedivere witnesses his
- being taken away on a funeral boat and ferried to Avalon to await
- the time when he is needed again. The only others on the ship are
- three women: 1)Arthur's half-sister Morgan Le Fay (the sorceress)
- 2)The Queen of North Galys 3) The Queen of the Waste Land. It is
- doubtful that RJ means for Rand's women to mirror Arthur exactly.
- It is probable that the women will be Elayne, Min, and Aviendha.
- Add to this the visions in LOC involving 3 women & (probably) Rand
- on a boat.
- And, of course, the fabulous Sword in the Stone
- 3.2...........................................................TROLLOC TRIBES
- <TEotW: Glossary, 798, entry "Trollocs", 668>
- Ahf'frait=Afrits, Bhan'sheen=Banshees, Dha'vol=Devils, Dhai'mon=Demons,
- Dhjin'nen=Djinns, Ghar'ghael=Gargoyles, Ghob'hlin=Goblins, Gho'hlem=Golems,
- Ghraem'lan=Gremlins, Ko'bal=Kobolds, Kno-gmon=Gnomes Al'ghol=Ghouls.
- 3.3.............................................................FUTURE EARTH
- <Erica Sadun, Korda>
- Survey Says: Is Jordan's world under the Wheel our future earth?
- Yes: 52 No: 28
- "Time is a wheel. If you look in one direction, you are looking at
- the past. If you just turn around and look in the other direction,
- you are looking at the future. The books are set in our future
- _and_ in our past, depending on which way you look..."<RJ, second
- America On-line conference, 10/20/94>
- <TEotW: 4, 51, The Gleeman, 43>
- John Glenn:
- "Tell us about Lenn," Egwene called. "How he flew to the moon
- in the belly of an eagle made of fire. Tell about his daughter
- Salya walking among the stars." (Eagle has landed.../Lenn may be
- a merger of LEM (lunar module) and Glenn)
- Salya: Salyut (Russian for star) OR Sally Ride
- Moscow, ICBMS:
- Mosk the Giant, with his Lance of Fire that could reach around
- the world.
- America: Merk the other giant.
- Queen Elizabeth:
- Alsbet, queen of all. (Remains of British Empire/Commonwealth?)
- Mother Theresa: Materese the Healer, Mother of the Wondrous Ind
- Anne Landers: Anla, the wise counselor?
- <TSR: 24, 396, Rhuidean, 277>
- Gautama Buddha: Ghoetam under the tree of life
- <TSR: 11, 209, What Lies Hidden, 146-7>
- In Tanchico Museum at the Panarch's Palace:
- 1. Stylized Three-Pointed Triangle (reeking of greed & pride)
- --Mercedes Benz logo
- 2. Skeletons of Giraffe and Elephant
- <TGH: 49, 678, What Was Meant To Be, 574>
- Loial is reading 'To Sail Beyond the Sunset'
- <TGH: 47, 660, The Grave Is No Bar to My Call, 559>
- "Michael instead of Mikel. Patrick instead of Paedrig. Oscar instead
- of Otarin." St. Michael and St. Patrick? I don't know of a St. Oscar.
- <TEotW: 24, 357, Flight Down the Arinelle, 300>
- Bayle Domon mentions a "mountain hollowed into a bowl, and in its
- center, a silver spike a hundred spans high, and any who comes
- within a mile of it, dies." This could possibly be a big radio
- telescope, or maybe the Age of Legends equivalent.
- 3.4......................................................CHRISTIAN PARALLELS
- (Compare) the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve clans of the Aiel.
- In fact, Jordan mentions that there is (maybe) a thirteenth clan. This
- clan is credited with building Rhuidean -- the holy place (temple if you will)
- of the Aiel. The Israelites also had a people charged with taking care of
- the Ark of the Covenant as well as the religious ceremonies within the temple
- (especially within the Holy of Holies) and those people were the Levites. A
- tribe not counted among the twelve, so in effect a thirteenth tribe also.
- Craig Levin points out that the Levites are counted in the 12 Tribes.
- It's just that Joseph's descendants split into 2 tribes later on, and
- the Levites don't get land, it is their job (theoretically) to care for
- the Lord's Temple and other altars across Israel. Which is even
- better, since there was the Jenn/other Aiel split, and the Jenns' job
- was to take care of Rhuidean/the temple.
- Rebirth/Reborn notion of the Savior. (Although this savior is going to
- do major damage before defeating the evil one). The blood of the
- lamb versus Rand's blood on the rocks of Shayol Ghul.Wound in the side
- a la the Cross. Sea Folk saying Aes Sedai would wash Dragon's feet with
- their hair
- Masema = Saul/Paul: Anti-Rand to rabidly pro-Rand. Also, Masema =
- John the Baptist--the "voice crying out in the wilderness" proclaiming
- the coming of the savior and all that.
- Seven Seals = Seven Seals of Solomon? (revelation)
- "Peace be on you always," Elyas replied, "and on all the People." He
- hesitated, then added, "I will find the song, or another will find
- the song, but the song will be sung, this year or in a year to come.
- As it once was so shall it be again, world without end."..."Peace be
- on you," Elyas said. "And on you," Raen said sadly.
- <TEotW: 27, 412, Shelter from the Storm, 346>
- The former reminds me of the Catholic (maybe Christian in general -
- I'm not sure) prayer called the Glory Be. It goes: "Glory be to the
- Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is
- now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen." The latter quotes are
- reminiscent of the closing of a Catholic Mass, where the priest pronounces
- "Peace be with you" and the people respond "And also with you."<J.Vessey>
- At Easter mass this past spring, I saw an adult baptized for the first
- time in the Catholic faith. They get the person to kneel, pour water over
- their head, and say something like "Now you are sealed". I don't recall the
- exact words, but "sealed" was in it for sure and I recall thinking Jordan
- must be Catholic. Sounds a lot like becoming Accepted to me.<Judy G.>
- In <TGH: 26, 387, Discord, 326> we have the prophecy: "twice dawns the day
- when his blood is shed. once for mourning, once for rebirth." This is
- very similar to the darkening of the sun when Christ is crucified: from
- <Luke 23, verse 44-5>: "And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a
- darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was
- darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst."<Pam Korda>
- <Zach Simpson>
- Matthew 10:34-36 (TEV)
- "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the world. No I did
- not come to bring peace, but a sword. I came to set sons against
- their fathers, daughters against their mothers......a man's worst
- enemies will be the members of his own family." cf: TFOH tailer
- prophecy: "And what was once did come again--in fire and in storm
- splitting all in twain. For his peace...was the peace...of the sword.
- In LOC, some of the rumors about Rand say that he was born of a woman
- touched by no man <LoC: 2, A New Arrival, 78>.
- 3.5.............................................................RANDOM NAMES
- Ba'alzamon = Ba'al, Baelzebub, or Ba'al Shamin (literally, "the
- lord of the heavens," an appellation of Ba'al.)
- Sammael = Either a member of Lucifer's host, or another name for
- Lucifer himself (depending on one's source)
- Graendal = Grendal from Beowulf
- Rahvin = Raven--harbinger of evil. Or, Ravana/Ravan, a demon in
- Hindi/Hindu (which one?) mythology who abducts Sita,
- Rama's wife, in the
- Ramayana. (cf Morgase & Sita: Both Queens, both fall
- under the power of a demon/forsaken, in both cases
- there are doubts by other characters about whether they
- were willing or no) <Emma Pease>
- Lanfear = French l'enfer--name for hell.
- Shai... . = (well you KNOW who this is) : Satan
- [Will Baird notes:Shai...is the Muslim name for
- Satan literally.]
- Be'lal = Belial, Biblical demon, Old Testament
- Asmodean = Asmodeus, Biblical demon, Old Testament
- Tarmon Gai'don = Armageddon, Book of Apocalypse
- Paaren Disen = Paradise, Biblical Genesis
- Wild Hunt = Wild Hunt, of Christian or Celtic legend
- Bel Tine = Beltane, a Druidic holiday
- Shayol Ghul = Sheol, Hebrew for hell; Ghul->Gol or Gul, Arabic
- for Demon.
- Semirhage = Legendary Assyrian queen Semiramis, noted for her
- depravity (see Herodotus) [thanks Tony Z!]
- LTT/Lord of
- The Morning = Lucifer--the morning star?
- Telamon = another character in the Iliad who we might recognize is
- Aias, (Roman: Ajax) one of the most powerful and respected
- warriors of the Greek army. Because there was
- another, unrelated warrior with the same name, Aias was
- also known by his father's name, Telamon. <Peter Smalley>
- Myrddraal = ?Murder All?
- Lothair Mantelar = (Founder of Children of Light)= ?MARTIN LUTHER?
- Aginor = "Recently, a friend of mine had to read the _Iliad_.
- (Homer's story of the Trojan War) In Book 21,
- a character named Agenor attacks Hektor, and is
- defeated. Not much is said about him (Agenor) other
- than that he is "blameless and powerful", and knew
- that Hektor was stronger than he was. He attacked
- anyway, figuring that while Hektor was much more
- combat-capable, Agenor had the gods on his
- side, not to mention the fact that even the powerful
- make mistakes. In a few minutes, Hektor defeats
- Agenor, and Apollo surrounds the loser "in a thick
- mist", and transports him back to Troy. Some
- interesting parallels between this an TEotW's final
- battle: Both Aginors knew that his opponent was more
- powerful Both were full of pride Both attacked
- anyway." <Mike O'Malley>
- Birgitte = Brigit/Brigid, Celtic goddess of fire, poetry, smithing,
- and/or healing.
- Ishamael = Ishmael: In Genesis, Abraham's eldest son (to an Egyptian
- serving girl Hagar) was called Ishmael. Apparently
- Abraham's wife took a disliking to young Ishmael and
- pressured Big Abe into exiling Ish and Hagar into the
- desert. There is a quote about "every hand raised against
- him" some-where but I can't remember it.
- Mesaana = Possibly from Messalina, the notorious third wife of
- Tiberius Cladius Drusus Nero Germanicus, Emperor of Rome.
- Selene = Selena, a Roman, Greek, or otherwise classical (different
- people have told me different things, and I haven't had
- time to look it up) goddess of the moon. (Hence the icon)
- Tuatha'an = Tuatha De Danann, "People of the Goddess Danu." A magical
- race of beings who were supposed to have inhabited
- Ireland at the time of the arrival of the Milesians
- (i.e. humans).
- Illian = Ilion, aka Troy, as in the _Iliad_.
- 3.6...........................................................DRAGON LEGENDS
- <Randy Cerveny>
- Taken from Man, Myth and Magic (volume 5, pages 693-4):
- "The most striking of these is that the dragon in China is not, as in
- the West, a representative or symbol of the powers of evil. On the
- contrary, according to the old Chinese Book of Rites, the dragon as
- the chief of all scaly animals is one of the four benevolent spiritual
- animals. This reflects the general principle stated by Jung that
- 'every psychological extreme secretly contains its own opposite,'
- which is expressed in Chinese thought through the classical doctrine
- of Yang and Tin. That this principle underlies the dragon's
- transformation into a beneficent being is confirmed by Wang Fu's
- statement that the dragon's scales number 117, of which 81 are imbued
- with Yang and 36 with Yin, because the dragon is partly a preserver
- and partly a destroyer. Yang is also the male element and, as its
- representative, the dragon also became at an early period a symbol of
- the Emperor, and appeared on the Chinese flag. During the Manchu
- dynasty, the dragon was held in especial esteem, and everything used
- by the Emperor was described in terms of it: there was the dragon
- throne, dragon bed and so on.
- "Although Chinese dragons appeared at favorable moments to presage
- periods of prosperity, and had been known to emit foam which had
- supernatural powers of fertilization, they could also, when offended
- or disturbed, cause a drought by gathering up all the water of a
- district in baskets, or they could eclipse the sun. To propitiate
- them, the Chinese flew dragon kites, especially at the mumming parade
- in the New Year."
- 3.7..........................................................NORSE MYTHOLOGY
- <Greg Wheatley, Chad Orzel, Jonathan Vessey, Erica Sadun, Pam Korda>
- 1) MAT & ODIN: Has anybody failed to notice that Mat is being set up as Odin,
- complete with wide brimmed hat, a spear with ravens drawn on it which
- are named "Thought" and "Memory", coincidentally enough the names of
- Odin's ravens and will in the future almost certainly lose an eye?
- Also, it seems to me there was a Norse myth involving Odin agreeing
- to be hung from Yggdrasil (or some other unpronounceable Norse thing
- like that) in order to gain wisdom or power or both (he really went
- in for this self-sacrifice thing...)- a definite parallel to Mat
- being hung from the Tree o' Life in Rhuidean.
- 2) MIDGARD SERPENT: wound around the roots of above tree, often envisioned as
- a symbol of eternity--a large serpent swallowing its own tail. Sound like
- any famous Aes Sedai jewelry we know?
- 3) HEIMDALL'S HORN: Heimdall's job was to guard the Rainbow bridge into Asgard
- against the Giants. During the Last Battle (Ragnarok), he was to blow the
- horn to signal the arrayed gods and _dead heroes_ that it was time to
- fight. cf. Horn of Valere. Granted, there are differences - the Heroes
- are bound to the Horn and not to a specific cause,and they live in T'A'R
- rather than the afterlife as such (where they'd fight all day, cutting
- each other to pieces, then get healed at day's end. Always got a kick
- out of that - sounds like a real heavenly afterlife to me), but the
- concept of dead heroes waiting around for the final battle stays the same
- 4) BAD GUY UNDER THE MOUNTAIN: Here is the origin of the archetypical
- Evil Dude Imprisoned in a Mountain. Loki, the Norse "Evil God,"
- (more properly the god of chaos, but he was the antagonist of the
- other gods) was chained up in a cave after he killed the god
- Baldur.The legend
- was that he would escape or be freed just before Ragnarok.
- 5) PERRIN = THOR?? Is it just coincidence that Perrin is impressively
- muscled and has a big hammer, just like a certain Norse god of
- thunder?
- 6) RAND = TEW/Tyr: Tew was a Norse god of war and of justice. This is a
- parallel with Rand bringing strife to Randland, and with his concurrent
- attempts to rule justly and by the rule of law. Tew's arm was
- snarfled off by the monstrous wolf Fenri (Perrin?) when the gods
- chained him. (The gods thus defeated one of their greatest enemies, at
- the loss of one of their greatest assets, Tew's right (fighting) hand.)
- More evidence for Rand losing a hand.
- RJ said at a signing in Atlanta that he deliberately made Mat like
- Odin and Rand like Tew/Chew.
- 3.8........................................................STEDDING & CHINA
- <Sadun>
- The Ogier seem to have named their stedding after places in China:
- Shangtai = Shanghai, or Taishan (one of the sacred mountains) backwards.
- Cantoine = Canton (But "Canton" is not really "Canton" -- it's "Guangzhou".)
- Taijing = Beijing, or some combination of any number of places whose
- names start with Tai (Taishan -- see above -- Taiyuan, etc.) and any
- number of capitols/ former capitols (Beijing, Nanjing ...)
- (Above two stedding mentioned in <TGH: 36, 520, Among the Elders, 439>
- Tsofu = An unfortunate tasteless high protein food?
- 3.9.....................................................NATIVE AMERICAN STUFF
- <Emmet O'brien, P. Korda>
- Wolfbrother--partly derived from the Coyote trickster/hero figure, of
- whom both Mat & Perrin reflect aspects.
- The history of the da'shain Aiel is based on the history of the
- Cheyenne Indians during their several-generation migration from east
- of the Great Lakes to the Rocky Mountains -- a period in which every
- man's hand was raised against them. Similarity between words 'shain'
- and 'Cheyenne' noted by me after hearing this.<Don Harlow at a signing>
- 3.10.................................................MISCELLANEOUS REFERENCES
- 1) Birgitte in Conversation:
- Maerion: Maid Marion
- Mathena: Athena/Artemis
- Zheres: Teiresias? Orion?
- Actually, it was the goddess Artemis who turned the hunter into a stag so he
- would be killed by his dogs, after he saw her bathing. Athena was also
- surprised by Teiresias while bathing, but she blinded him and gave him the
- gift of second sight in return.
- 2) Birgitte's silver bow seems straight out of Greek Mythology. Artemis
- had a silver bow, to match her brother Apollo's golden one.
- 3) Sammael == Napoleon? Sammael is described as a great militarist. He is
- short. His symbol is the golden bee, same as Napoleon.
- 4) Fisher King--a king in the legend of Parsival who had an unhealable wound
- corresponding to the woes of his land. cf Rand's side wound which is not
- Healable.
- 5) Yin-Yang symbol/Ancient Aes Sedai symbol--He also spoke for quite
- some time on the splitting of the One Power into male and female
- halves, and on the disharmony produced when they don't work together..
- this came across as one of the core elements in the origin of WoT.
- [ re: Yin/Yang - leaving out the little dots in the
- symbol is an intentional representation of the lack of harmony between
- male/female Power in RandLand] <Emmet O'Brien, Dublin talk, 11/93>
- 6) The sword forms: It's research (books, not doing), and the forms
- come from Japanese swordfighting and some European fencing, before the
- advent of well-designed and well-made guns made swords obsolete. He
- mentioned one book in particular, but I can't remember the title.
- <matthew hunter at a signing, also mentioned by others>
- 7) Tolkien--The only deliberate connection between WoT and any other modern
- fantasy was giving the first 100-odd pages of TEotW a Lord of the Rings-esque
- flavor, to start people off in familiar territory." <from Dublin talk,
- Emmet O'Brein>
- 8) Wolf-brother--a moosh of various myths from Europe, Native
- Americans, and Australian Aborigines. <America OnLine conference, 10/94>
- 9) Stones/Go--The game of Stones is based on the Asian game Go.
- 10) Tower of Genjhei--There is a Japanese novel called
- _The_Tale_of_Genji_. It is generally considered the first piece of
- work which qualifies as a novel, as the genre is defined today. Note
- the name's similarity to the Tower of Genjhei in tWoT. It was written
- by Lady Murasaki Shikibu in the 11th century Japan.
- 11) Millenarianism (is this a word?): The End of The World will come
- at the end of the millennium, or so some folks say. The year in
- Randland is pretty much congruent with that used in the West of our
- own world. Galldrian of Cairhien was assassinated in 998 NE. Since
- then, one winter has passed (taking us to 999) and most of the next
- year. The Feast of Lights that scandalized Perrin so much (in LoC)
- marks the last day of the old year; the Battle at Dumai's Wells takes
- place some days after that, and so must be early in 1000 NE. Tarmon
- Gaidon is coming soon, folks! <Don Harlow>
- 4.0================================TIME-LINE================================
- >>(Still) Under Construction<<
- >>Thank you for your patience<<
- >>maybe I'll get to it over Christmas Break<<
- 5.0==========================UNRESOLVED PLOT STUFF==========================
- <Jocelyn>
- Perhaps a list of all the plot threads currently being juggled would be a
- handy item to have in the FAQ, eh Pam? Help us keep up with things! :)
- okay, fine. here is a list of main plots under development,
- prophecies which have a direct bearing on them (for more prophecy, see
- the prophecy section.), certain unresolved questions, and other stuff
- that may occur, or may not.
- <from Tony Z.>
- I felt that the following might be interesting. It's an extraction of
- material from GEnie (posted with poster's permission), listing all the
- loose ends and so forth that still need to be tied up,
- ---begin extract---{edited at my discretion--Pam}
- {"Marcus says:"}
- * Mat & the Daughter of the 9 Moons.
- * The Seanchan return has been in the background for 3 books now. It's gotta come
- out in front sometime.
- * Perrin & Faile' marriage problems.
- * The Tower AS vs. the Salidar AS, and Rand getting them to swear to his side.
- * Masema the Prophet needs to attended to.
- * Morgase's adventures in the Fortress of the Light, and Pedron Niall's various
- plots and plans.
- * There are still Shaido wandering around loose that might end up on the
- Dark One's side.
- * Anti-Rand rebels in Tear/Cairhien.
- * The tinkers and the way of the leaf (poss including the rebirth of the Nym)
- {possible finding of the Song, Perrin choosing Hammer/Axe--Pam}
- * Berelain's mysterious man in white
- * Rand and Elayne, Min, & Aviendha
- * Lan and Nynaeve & Valan Luca
- * Egwene's relationship w/ Gawyn.
- * (possibly) Cleansing the taint
- * Birgitte and Gaidal Cain
- * The rest of the heroes of the horn, the horn itself
- * The Sea Folk and their Coramoor
- * A woman using the awful big sa'angreal
- * Callandor, and this unknown more powerful sa'angreal (for men) {possibly may
- not exist--Pam}
- ----
- <don't have the name, here.>
- * Don't forget to add Bayle Domon and Egeanin speeding off to drop the
- sad bracelets in the ocean.
- ---------
- <Pam Korda>
- * is Verin Black?
- * what happened to Moiraine & Lanfear in A/Eelfland?
- * Who killed JoaR? (sorry, couldn't resist :)
- * Thom & the Red Ajah, and whatever else was in Moiraine's letter
- * Padan Fain/Mordeth/Ordeith
- * Moghedien
- * possible re-appearance of Liandrin
- * Perrin & Slayer
- * Perrin's wolf vs. human internal conflict (possibly related to hammer/axe),
- and possible re-appearance of Elyas Machera
- * Aram, The Tinker with the Sword
- * The destruction of the Aiel
- * The rest of the Forsaken: Mesaana, Semirhage, Demandred, Graendal, Sammael
- * Mazrim Taim, and his likely betraying of Rand.
- <Roy Navarre, Thomas Petersen, John Hansen, Joe Shaw, Erica Sadun,
- Pam Korda, Don Harlow, etc.>
- Patrick Nielsen Hayden (pnh@panix.com) wrote:
- : Darrell Sweet is a careful reader and an intelligent man who skillfully
- : paints what his clients ask him to paint; please don't blame him for the
- : decisions of others.
- Well, who can we blame for the cover fiasco, then? :) -- Geoffrey Wiseman
- 1. Moiraine the Midget and Moiraine's Horse the Dwarf Pony (The text refers
- to the lad being amazed at the sight of the huge horses (plural) ridden by
- Lan and Moiraine--the biggest he had ever seen.
- 2. Moiraine's dress is supposed to be a darker blue than her cloak.
- 3. Lan with a Mustache and Goatee?
- 4. Lan in Seanchan armor? Lan isn't wearing his color-fading cloak and
- instead is wearing plate mail. Lan should not be wearing plate mail.
- 5. Lan with TWO swords?
- 6. Moiraine is really UGLY and is wearing White eye shadow to boot - ugh!
- 7. Moiraine's hair is light brown--not dark.
- 8. All the horses are wearing ornamental bridles/saddles-what nonsense!
- 9. No saddle bags on any of the horses.
- 10.Everyone is wearing particularly STUPID clothing -- Rand with that weird
- Robin Hood collar, Moiraine in that awful blue cloak, Perrin's
- feather!?, etc.
- 11.Rand's face changes from the cover to the inside picture.
- 12.Egwene on the outside cover is blond. (Everyone except Rand from 2 rivers
- has dark hair, dark eyes).
- 13.The Draghkar is just a bat.
- 14.The moon is portrayed with far too many degrees of arc for the sky.
- 15.Thom (little itty bitty Thom) is wearing multicolored clothing but NOT
- a cloak!
- 16.Perrin's ax (see inside picture) is the wrong shape. (See the description
- in the first chapter: two/halfmoon-blade counterweighted).
- 17.Egwene's hair is wrong (should be braided), and so is Moiraine's (should
- be loose, not in that elaborate 'do).
- 18.There's an extra guy in the party! Who is that fellow way at the end? Jain
- Farstrider? {M. Hunter, at a signing reports: "The covers aren't
- as bad as we thought they were. The 'extra' character in TEotW really
- was in the book, but was cut out later, because he had too little to
- do. His parts were distributed out to the other characters, but they
- never got around to cutting him from the cover.">
- Timothy Bruening: On the front cover of tEotW, Moiraine is sitting
- crosslegged on a horse. How does she stay on?
- Patrick Nielsen Hayden: Remember all that glue we saved by not
- attaching the covers firmly enough? Well, it had to get used
- somewhere.
- 1. Rand (changing his face again) is way way too short and stocky. He is
- also wearing a really gaudy sword belt. His hair, for some reason
- has gotten a lot of body (perhaps all that Clairol) and seems
- almost curly,and it is not red. His clothes are totally wrong, too.
- The sword is supposed to be curved, as is the Shadar Logoth dagger.
- 2. Loial's ears are not hairy, way too large and Loial himself is only about
- four feet tall!. His boots are just awful: what if it rains? He'd
- walk around with about a gallon or four of extra water in the
- decorative birdbaths of those boots.
- 3. Selene (Lanfear) is wearing one of those dopey dresses -- this one
- with a ton of elastic banding. Do they have elastic in the third
- age or is this another lost art of the Age of Legends. She is not very
- good looking.
- 4. Assuming that this is the scene where Rand steals back the horn from
- Fain, (a) where is the sniffer? (b) why isn't the horn in a box?
- (c) where is the (big enormous) box? (d) why has Loial brought some
- pleasure reading for fighting off Trollocs (maybe its Dickens)
- (e) Why are the Trollocs humans with horns on their helmets? C'mon!
- (f) Why are Trollocs so short, well armed and well armored? (g) Isn't
- it the wrong time of night to have just gotten the horn back
- anyway?
- [John Hansen adds:
- This can only be the scene where Rand steals back the horn. When he and
- Loial arrive back at their camp, Rand sends Hurin off the "outcrop" to
- look at the activity down below. The horn is in a large ornate gold chest
- that is strapped to the saddle of Loial's huge fetlocked horse. Selene
- reaches up and opens the chest pushing the lid up and letting it fall open.
- On her tip-toes she reaches into the chest and Rand quickly reaches over her
- shoulder and lifts the horn out of the chest. It is full night and the
- moonlight glimmers on the horn (which looks like it was drawn correctly).
- No Trollocs are anywhere near at this point. After a moment Rand returns
- the horn to the chest and after further discussion about the curved dagger,
- he puts it in as well and closes the chest. So, the scene (if accurate)
- should have a large horse and a gold chest in it.]
- 1. Rand (hair and face changed once AGAIN) is standing in the middle of a
- large hallway where Callandor hangs mid-air. Isn't this just
- a little inconvenient? What about dusting the sword or people
- wandering by every now and then? Don't you think it deserves
- a room or a niche of its own rather than hanging in the middle
- of the hallway?{Actually, this is right. It is described as hanging
- right in the middle of the Heart.--Pam}
- 2. Perrin (straight hair now, hair too light, held back in Rambo style
- but muscles correct) is holding yet ANOTHER ax -- this a little
- more correct. Mat in really sissy clothing and wrong hair is
- looking on as well. Pardon me, but weren't these guys doing something
- else when Rand was picking up the sword? Weren't Be'lal, Moiraine
- and Ba'alzamon on hand for the Young-Arthur imitation?
- 3. The Aiel here look pretty classy, but the buckler in the book is strictly
- leather and not this copper stuff. Also, this Aiel has black hair!
- C'mon: Perrin with light hair, Aiel with black hair and dark
- complexion?
- 4. On the very side of the book is a picture of I suppose Ba'alzamon. Boy
- is he ugly or what? And wearing that Blue and Purple hat? I wonder
- what he had to do to pick out something that matched his glowing
- teeth so well. Why would anyone's teeth glow? Too much fluoride?
- 1. Rand's now wearing Perrin's headband and has tied his jacket to his
- shoulder. Boy that must be uncomfortable! And must keep those
- orthopedic and reconstructive surgeons real busy. He is again really
- way too short.
- 2. Mat has picked up archery again along with a different face. Archery?
- 3. The peddlers seem to have stolen a tinker wagon.
- 4. Who's the ugly babe making dinner? Aviendha? Wrong hair. Who else would
- wear a dress? A blue dress? NO! SAY IT ISN'T MOIRAINE!?!!!!
- Cooking dinner for the Boys?! Sheesh. (It could be Isendre but
- she is way way way too ugly for that). Anyway, she looks like a
- monkey.
- 5. Who's that leather guy on the left of the wagon? Where did all that
- leather come from out there in the desert? And check out the
- toy Trolloc that someone has stuck in the rocks above Rand's
- right hand shoulder.
- Erica S:
- Well look at TSR. Mat & Rand seem to have switched roles again.
- At least Aviendha does look pretty pretty but her hair is way way
- too long. What's the DEAL with the foxhead. Only one eye please and
- about the size of the palm of the hand. Worn against the skin too
- so we're not seeing it. Rand is way too short and he's been at the
- Prell or VO5 again... Mat does NOT have red or reddish hair. EVERYONE
- (except Rand) from 2-rivers has dark eyes, dark hair. Why are tricksters
- always supposed to have red hair? Does Mr.Sweet ever read a book?
- Pam K:
- Of course the cover art is truly awful; although Mr. Sweet finally got the
- coats right-ish. Rhuidean doesn't look TOO bad; and the Trollocs actually
- look beast-ish, as opposed to men-with-horns-on-their-helmets (TGH). but,
- all the people look goofy, esp. Mat w/ his Clint Eastwood hat. Ah well, I
- suppose I can take the paper bit off. Back to reading!
- Jenny Foss:
- What is that hat Mat is wearing? He looks like Crocodile Dundee. "That's
- not a spear! THIS is a spear!"
- I looked at the cover of LoC in Locus. I think it sucks. It looks like
- a romance novel. Passion of the _Aes Sedai_, or _Untamed Aiel_
- or something.<David Wren-Hardin>
- (1) The flying being in the upper right remains
- (a) a draghkar;
- (b) a pterodactyl;
- (c) Dracula
- (d) Seanchan flying-thing.
- I would vote for (a), but, given the influence of _Jurassic Park_ this
- past year, I would not reject (b) out of hand. {Note that whatever it was,
- it was _not_ in the depicted scene--pam}
- 2) From this picture, we can conclude that Rand
- (a) plays fullback for the New York Jets (the team that Flash Gordon
- quarterbacked);
- (b) suffers from a mild case of acromegaly, brought on (like hair on
- the palms and premature blindness) by adolescent channeling
- ("Look, ma, no hands!") inspired by too many reruns of _Weird
- Science_;
- (c) is the offspring of a marriage not of Tigraine and Janduin but
- of Richard Kiel and David Warner.
- (d) Has yet another face, this time it is the face of Andre the Giant.
- (3) The emblem on the back of the black cloak is obviously
- (a) a dragon having sex with the Daily Planet's world-globe;
- (b) a chapter icon, illegally copied by the Aiel and used on a
- commercial product (a cheap black cloak);
- (c) a mandala from _The Dao of Jordan_.
- (d) some sort of Deadhead sigil.
- (e) A Safeway symbol
- 4) The woman, one supposes, is one of the AS swearing an oath of
- fealty to Rand. However, she looks more like she is sniffing and
- calling him a wool-headed, hairy lummox of a man, thinking with the
- hair on his chest, than like she is swearing eternal obedience.
- 5) Looking at the cover, I felt the title should have been "The Green Ajah's
- Burning Desires" or something. The way those two are looking at each
- other I keep expecting to read about 'smoldering eyes' and 'throbbing
- loins' and whatnot.<Julie Kangas>
- It's not that. It's that Rand is posed like Elvis. Imagine a microphone
- is his right (clenched) hand, and you can just see him waggling his
- pelvis. His facial expression even looks like he just said "uh-huh".
- And Kiruna the Groupie is swooning over the King.<Keith Casner>
- 6) The back of the cover, however, is way cool, with all the dead guys
- and burned wagons. Kudos to Sweet for that one. Tor Should've put that
- one on front.
- -----
- Tony Z:
- This whole cover art thing has been bothering me since I first lay eyes
- on the cover of TEotW. Darrell K. Sweet had always been my favorite cover
- artist! He's done covers for the Lord of the Rings (2 different editions,
- both which I liked), 2 editions of Thomas Covenant series (all 6), the
- second of which I thought were incredible; he's done all of Terry Brooks'
- stuff (I think--most of it anyway). My point is, what's with him? I can
- hardly tell it's by the same guy! Does anyone know anything about him, and
- why his work is degenerating so?
- For more groovy D.K.Sweet cover art, check out some Piers Anthony
- books, L. E. Modesitt 's "Recluse" books, some Barbara Hambly books,
- some Pratchett books (US editions), The Riddlemaster of Hed books, the
- man is everywhere!
- 7.0========================READERS GUIDE TO PROPHECY========================
- 7.1..........................................................EGWENE'S DREAMS
- <TGH: 12, 213, Woven in the Pattern, 180>
- She saw Rand sleeping on the ground, wrapped in a cloak. A woman
- had been standing over him, looking down. Her face was in shadow,
- but her eyes seemed to shine like the moon, and Egwene had known
- she was evil. Then there was a flash of light, and they were gone.
- Both of them. And behind it all, almost like another thing
- altogether, was the feel of danger, as if a trap was just beginning
- to snap shut on an unsuspecting lamb, a trap with many jaws." <YES,
- this is where Lanfear takes Rand & Co into the Portal stone world
- in an attempt to bring Rand under her control>
- <TDR: 25, 290, Questions, 233-4>
- She had dreamed of Seanchan, too, of women in dresses with
- lightning bolts woven on their breasts, collaring a long line
- of women who wore Great Serpent rings, forcing them to call
- lightning against the White Tower.(NO) That had started her
- awake in a cold sweat, but that had to be just a nightmare, too.
- And the dream about Whitecloaks binding her father's hands.
- (YES--Master Al'Vere was powerless to act against the WCs until
- Perrin came along)
- <TDR: 25, 290, Questions, 234>
- There had been a dream of Rand, reaching for a sword that
- seemed to be made of crystal, never seeing the fine net
- dropping over him.(YES-Callandor & Be'lal's trap) And one
- of him kneeling in a chamber where a parched wind blew dust
- across the floor, and creatures like the one on the Dragon banner,
- but much smaller, floated on the wind, and settled into his skin.
- (YES--Rhuidean) There had been a dream of him walking down into
- a great hole in a black mountain, a hole filled with a reddish
- glare as from vast fires below,(NO) and even a dream of him confronting
- Seanchan.(YES/NO--he confronted the Seanchan in TFOH after he & Avi
- MPS'd, but this is most likely not the last time)
- <TDR: 25, 290-1, Questions, 234>
- Perrin with a falcon on his shoulder, and Perrin with a hawk.
- Only the hawk held a leash in her talons--Egwene was somehow
- convinced both the hawk and falcon were female--and the hawk
- was trying to fasten it around Perrin's neck.(YES--Faile & Berelain:
- more to come) That made her shiver even now; she did not like
- dreams about leashes. And that dream of Perrin--with a beard!
- (YES)--leading a huge pack of wolves that stretched as far as
- the eye could see.(YES--@Dumai's wells, but probably not for the
- last time.) Those about Mat had been even nastier. Mat, placing
- his own left eye on a balance scale.(NO--cf "give up half the light
- of the world") Mat, hanging by his neck from a tree limb.(YES--Rhuidean)
- There had been a dream of Mat and Seanchan too but she was willing
- to dismiss that as a nightmare.(NO) It had to have been just
- a nightmare. Just like the one about Mat speaking the Old
- Tongue.(YES--He does it all the time) That had to come from what
- she had heard during his Healing.
- Survey Says: Will Mat lose an eye?
- Yes: 79% (178) No: 13% (28) Undecided: 8% (17)
- <TDR: 37, 423, Fires in Cairhien, 352-3>
- She had dreamed of Perrin with a wolf, and with a falcon, and a
- hawk -- and the hawk and falcon fighting(YES--Faile & Berelain)
- ...of Perrin running from someone deadly,(SLAYER?) and Perrin
- stepping willingly over the edge of a towering cliff while saying,
- 'It must be done. I must learn to fly before I reach the bottom.'
- (Probably NO, but may refer to him mastering his wolf-brotherhood,
- or being a leader, or doing part in the Last Battle) There had
- been one dream of an Aiel and she thought that had to do with Perrin
- too, but she was not sure.(YES--he freed Gaul from the cage in TDR)
- And a dream of Min, springing a steel trap but somehow walking through
- it without so much as seeing it.(YES--the Tower Coup: her return to the
- Tower started Elaida getting suspicious of what SS was up to, which led
- to the coup. Min never realized what was coming. Yet, she got out of the
- Tower unscathed.) ... Mat with dice spinning 'round him...(YES--his
- luck) Mat being followed by a man who was not there ... or maybe
- more than one, but in some way there was no one there(YES-Grey Man)...
- Mat riding desperately toward something unseen in the distance
- that he had to reach(YES-Going to save El/Eg/Ny in Tear), and Mat
- with a woman who seemed to be tossing fireworks about(YES-Aludra).
- An Illuminator, she assumed, but that made no more sense than
- anything else. Men and women breaking out of a cage, then putting
- on crowns.(YES-Forsaken) A woman playing with puppets, and another
- dream where the strings on puppets led to the hands of larger
- puppets, and their strings led to still greater puppets, on and
- on until the last strings vanished into unimaginable heights
- (probably just symbolic of the various degrees of manipulation
- and plotting going on). Kings dying, queens weeping,
- battles raging. Whitecloaks ravaging the Two Rivers(YES). She had
- even dreamed of the Seanchan again.
- <TDR: 48, 553, Following the Craft, 468-9>
- Perrin with a falcon on his shoulder(YES), choosing between ax and
- hammer(NO); A Whitecloak putting Master Luhhan in the middle of a
- huge, toothed trap for bait(YES--The WCs used the Luhhans & Cauthons
- as bait to catch Perrin.); Mat dicing with the Dark One(YES),
- shouting "I am coming!" at her(YES); Rand sneaking through utter
- darkness toward Callandor, while all around him six men and five
- women walked, some hunting him and some ignoring him, some trying
- to guide him toward the shining crystal sword and some trying to
- stop him from reaching it, appearing not to know where he was, or
- only to see him in flashes(YES). One of the men had eyes of flame,
- and he wanted Rand dead with a desperation she could nearly taste;
- Rand in that dry, dusty chamber again, with those small creatures
- settling into his skin.(YES-Rhuidean)
- <TDR: 48, 553, Following the Craft, 468-9>
- Rand confronting a horde of Seanchan.(YES--in TFOH, but probably more to
- come) Rand confronting her, and the women with her, and one of
- *them* was a Seanchan.(NO, probably to come when Rand wants the
- Salidar AS to kneel to him.)
- <TSR: 11, 207, What Lies Hidden, 145>
- Rand as tall as a mountain, walking through cities, crushing
- buildings beneath his feet, with screaming people like ants fleeing
- from him.(Not fulfilled literally, if symbolic, then in progress)
- Rand in chains, and it was he who was screaming.(Possibly
- his capture & torture by the Tower AS) Rand building a wall with
- him on one side and her on the other, her and Elayne and others
- she could not make out. "It has to be done," he was saying as he
- piled up stones. "I'll not let you stop me now."(YES, Rand is becoming
- increasingly isolated from his friends and allies. Will he do something
- everybody else thinks is stupid, like break the seals?) Aiel
- fighting each other, killing each other, even throwing away their
- weapons and running as if they had gone mad(YES). Mat wrestling
- with a Seanchan woman who tied an invisible leash to him(NO--The Dot9M?).
- A wolf - [Perrin] - fighting a man whose face kept changing(YES-Slayer).
- Galad wrapping himself in white as though putting on his own shroud
- (YES/No? White==Whitecloak. Shroud: will he die because of his decision
- to join the WCs), and Gawyn with eyes full of pain and hatred.
- (Possibly refers to the Tower Coup, or thinking Rand killed Morgase, or
- just his generally psychotic state.) Her mother weeping.
- <TFoH: 15, 300-1, What Can Be Learned in Dreams, 214>
- Rand sitting down in a chair, and somehow she knew that the
- chair's owner would be murderously angry at having her chair
- taken (YES--the Lion Throne of Andor...Perrin, lounging with
- Faile on his lap, kissing her while she played with the short-cut
- beard that he wore in the dream. Behind them two banners waved,
- a red wolf's head and a crimson eagle. A man in a bright yellow
- coat stood near to Perrin's shoulder, a sword strapped to his back;
- in some way she knew that he was a tinker, though no tinker would
- ever touch a sword. And every bit of it except the beard
- seemed important. The banners, Faile kissing Perrin, even the tinker.
- Every time he moved closer to Perrin it was if a chill of doom shot
- through everything. (YES/NO--Perrin is set up with Faile, has Aram as a
- bodyguard, has the wolf banner, and the Manetheren banner, but we haven't
- seen any doom related to Aram)...Mat throwing dice with blood
- streaming down his face, the wide brim of his hat pulled down low so
- she could not see his would(NO--Again, giving up 1/2 the light of the
- world), while Thom Merrilin put his hand into a fire to draw out the
- small blue stone that now dangled on Moiraine's forehead. (NO)
- Or a dream of a storm, great dark clouds rolling
- without wind or rain while forked lightning bolts, every one
- identical, rent the earth. (This happened at the Battle of Cairhien)
- <LoC: 15, A Pile of Sand, 258>
- Twice, right on top of each other, she dreamed of taking [Gawyn] by the
- shoulders and trying to turn him to face the other way against his will.
- Once he brushed her hands away roughly; the other time she was somehow
- stronger than he. The two blended together hazily. {NO. Will Eg convince
- Gawyn to join her on Rand's side, or will he continue to hate Rand over
- the chaos he's brought to his life? Related to Min's viewing of Gawyn
- kneeling to Eg or breaking her neck.} In another, [Gawyn] began swinging
- a door closed on her, and she knew if that narrowing gap of light
- vanished, she was dead. {NO, again related to the above & Min's
- viewing--Gawyn has the power to destroy Eg, if he chooses not to
- join her.}
- <LoC: 15, A Pile of Sand, 258>
- Perrin came and stood before her, a wolf lying at his feet, a hawk and a
- falcon perched on his shoulders glaring at each other over his head. {YES,
- ongoing.} Seemingly unaware of them, he kept trying to throw away that
- axe of his until finally he ran, the axe floating through the air chasing
- him. {??? Perrin wants to give up the axe, but he cannot. We have yet to
- decide what the axe symbolizes in general. I think maybe the Lordly life
- Faile has planned for him, and the fighting inherent therein?} Again
- Perrin; he turned away from a Tinker and ran, faster and faster though
- she called for him to come back. {NO. Perrin and Aram's relationship
- doesn't seem to have degenerated so far. It's been suggested that Aram
- represents the exact opposite of what Perrin wants. P. wants to give up
- fighting for a peaceful life. Aram gave up the Way of the Leaf to become
- a soldier.}
- <LoC: 15, A Pile of Sand, 258>
- Mat spoke words she almost understood - the Old Tongue, she thought{YES}
- - and two ravens alighted on his shoulders, claws sinking through his coat
- into the flesh beneath {NO?. probably has to do w/the Daughter of the 9
- Moons and the Seanchan. Raven tattoos on the shoulders mean
- "Property of the Seanchan Empress." These ravens could also represent
- Mat's raven-engraved glaive.} He seemed no more aware of them
- that Perrin had been on the hawk and the falcon, yet the defiance passed
- across his face, and the grim acceptance. {??? Maybe the ravens refer
- to his spear, which he got on his trip to
- A/Eelfland, where he also became a battle-master, which he first fought,
- and has now accepted?} In another a woman, face shrouded in shadow,
- beckoned him toward great danger; Egwene did not know what, only that
- it was monstrous."{NO, I think. Is this woman the Daughter of the Nine
- Moons?}
- <LoC: 15, A Pile of Sand, 258>
- Several concerned Rand, not all bad, but all odd. Elayne, forcing him to
- his knees with one hand."{NO. Possibly concerning the throne of Andor, or
- being Bonded to her as a Warder?} Elayne and Min and Aviendha, sitting
- in a silent circle around him, each in turn reaching out to lay a hand
- on him." {??? They've all had their turns to "lay their hands on him."
- Elayne in Tear, Aviendha in Seanchan Igloo, Min in Caemlyn/Cairhien}
- Him walking toward a burning mountain, something crunching beneath his
- boots. She stirred and whimpered; the crunching things were the seals
- on the Dark One's prison, shattering with his every step." {NO. The
- Mountain is Shayol Ghul. The breaking of the Seals--does it have
- something to do with LTT wanting to break them, and Fel's note?}
- 7.2...........................................................MIN'S VIEWINGS
- <TEotW: 15, 215-6, Strangers and Friends, 181>
- *LAN: Seven ruined Towers/A babe in a cradle holding a sword(YES)
- *THOM: A man--not him--juggling fire/The White Tower(Uncertain.
- either of these could refer to his nephew Owyn, and the Tower
- could also represent future involvement with the AS)
- *MAT: A red eagle(YES-Something to do with his past life/lives as
- a Manetheren general)/A eye on a balance scale(NO-half the light
- of the world, again)/A dagger with a ruby(YES)/A horn(YES)
- /A laughing face(NO)
- *RAND A sword that isn't a sword (YES), A golden crown of laurel leaves (NO,
- But this is obviously the Laurel Crown of Illian),
- A beggars staff (NO), Him pouring water on sand(YES--Making it rain
- at Rhuidean.) Three woman standing over a funeral bier with him on
- it:(NO) A bloody hand and a white hot iron(NO) Black rock wet
- with blood:(NO--"his blood on the rocks of Shayol Ghul")
- <TDR: 6, 99, The Hunt Begins, 62-3> and above.
- *PERRIN: A wolf(YES)/A broken crown(NO, but it has to do w/ his marriage
- to Faile. Maybe Faile is heir to the Saldaean throne?)/Trees flowering
- around him(Uncertain, poss. refers to Loial singing to the trees over
- Perrin's family's grave, or maybe he will find the Song)/
- An Aielman in a cage(YES)/A Tuatha'an with a sword(YES)/
- A falcon and a hawk, perching on his shoulders, both female.(YES)
- A darkness swirling around him.(Uncertain--poss. just meaning
- the shadow was chasing him, or maybe more specific--there are
- Darkfriends near to him? Maybe this is the same darkness Min sees
- around Rand and Perrin, with the fireflies? or maybe something else
- entirely)
- <TGH: 24, 362, New Friends and Old Enemies, 305> <TGH: 43, 605, A Plan, 511>
- *ELAYNE The Rose Crown of Andor(YES), A severed hand, not hers(NO),
- A red-hot iron and an ax.(NO)
- <TGH: 43, 605, A Plan, 511>
- *NYNAEVE: Man's ring of heavy gold.(YES, she has it, but no, she hasn't
- actually done anything with it besides carry it around.)
- <TGH: 24, 362, New Friends and Old Enemies, 305>
- *EGWENE A white flame(YES)
- <TSR: 17, 284, Deceptions, 198>
- *LOGAIN A halo of gold and blue, signifying glory to come.(May have to do
- with being un-stilled, but I think there is more to this.)
- <TSR:1, 25, Seeds of Shadow, 21> <TSR: 47, 786-7, The Truth of a Viewing, 544>
- *GAWYN A heron marked sword, his or threatening(uncertain. Threatening
- could refer to fighting Hammar & Coulin in the Tower Coup)/His banner
- with a field of green rather than white(YES-Younglings' banner)/
- Either breaking Egwene's neck or kneeling to her(NO)
- <TSR: 1, 18-21, Seeds of Shadow, 16-23>
- A silver collar, similar to, or actually, a damane's.(NO)
- [also lots of death and suffering/bones etc.referring to the
- Tower Coup]
- <TFoH: 26, 446, Sallie Daera, 317>
- *SHERIAM: "Rays of silver and blue flashed about her fiery hair,
- and a soft golden light; Min could not say what it meant."(maybe
- has to do w/ her being Keeper? Somehow related to Logain's gold
- & blue aura?)
- <TFoH: 26, 447, Sallie Daera, 317>
- *CARLINYA: "a raven floating beside her dark hair; more of a drawing of
- the bird than the bird itself. She thought it was a tattoo..."(NO.
- tatoo==Property of Seanchan royalty.)
- <TFoH: 26, 452, Sallie Daera, 320>
- *EDESINA: "[...] a silvery collar suddenly appeared, snug around the
- woman's neck, and as suddenly seemed to shatter. Min shivered.
- She did not like viewings connected to the Seanchan. At least
- Edesina would escape somehow."(NO, but Edesina is one of the AS sent
- to Tarabon, where the Seanchan are.)
- <TFoH: 28, 484, Trapped, 343>
- *SS/GARETH BRYNE: 'When Bryne came in, I had a viewing. An aura, and
- a bull ripping roses from around its neck(YES--Bryne leaving Andor
- and Morgase), and ... None of
- it matters except the aura. I didn't even really understand that,
- but more than anything else.' 'How much did you understand?'
- 'If you want to stay alive, you had better stay close to him.'
- Despite the heat, Min shivered. She had only ever had one other
- viewing with an 'if' in it, and both had been potentially deadly.
- It was bad enough sometimes knowing what would happen; if she
- started knowing what might ... 'All I know is this. If he
- stays close to you, you live. If he gets too far away, for too
- long, you are going to die. Both of you. I don't know why I
- should have seen anything about you in his aura, but you seemed
- like part of it.'(NO)
- <TFoH: 50, 835, To Teach and Learn, 592>
- *FAOLAIN: 'A nasty woman,' Min murmured, squinting after Faolain ...
- 'You'd think, if there was any justice, she would have an
- unpleasant future ahead of her.'(NO)
- <TFoH: 50, 844, To Teach, and Learn, 598-9>
- *MARIGAN, NICOLA, and AREINA: (Three women refugees with Ny et al.)
- 'Those three you brought with are trouble, and that is a viewing.'
- 'I only caught glimpses of aura, and just out of the corner of my
- eye. Never when I was looking right at them, where I might have
- made something out.'(YES, Marigan was Moggy. Maybe the other two are
- the 2 BA Mog had with her.)
- Survey Says: Is Nicola one of the BA from Liandrin's group?
- Yes: 25% (56) No: 42% (95) Undecided: 25% (56)
- Survey Says: Is Ariena one of the BA from Liandrin's group?
- Yes: 24% (54) No: 37% (85) Undecided: 29% (66)
- <TFoH: 50, 844-5, To Teach, and Learn, 598-9>
- Elayne leaped off the cliff. "Min, you had a viewing about Rand
- and me, didn't you?" [...]
- "Yes." It was a wary word.
- "You saw that we were going to fall in love."
- "Not exactly. I saw you'd fall in love with him. I don't know
- what he feels for you, only that he's tied to you some way."
- [...] "And you saw there would be someone else. Someone I'd have
- to ... share ... him with."
- "Two, " Min said hoarsely. "And .... And I'm one."
- [...] "Who is the third?"
- "I don't know," Min mumbled. "Only that she has a temper. Not
- Nynaeve."(YES--Avi)
- <LoC: 41, A Threat, 527>
- *RAND: Countless thousands of sparkling lights, like stars or fireflies,
- rushed into a great blackness, trying to fill it up, rushed in and were
- swallowed. There seemed to be more lights than she had ever seen
- before, but the darkness swallowed them at a greater rate, too.[The
- general fight against the Shadow.] And there was something else,
- something new, an aura of yellow and brown and purple that made her
- stomach clench.[Rand's injury at the hands of the Tower AS?]
- <LoC: 41, A Threat, 532>
- *RAND: "I saw an aura around you [Rand] in the throne room. Aes Sedai are
- going to hurt you[YES]. Women who can channel, anyway. It was all
- confused; I'm not sure about the Aes Sedai part. But it might happen
- more than once." [Only happened once. Will some non-AS channelers
- hurt him, now? The Shaido Wise Ones? The Seanchan? The Sea Folk?
- The Sharans? Some Fosaken?]
- <LoC: 41, A Threat, 534>
- *MELAINE: 'You will have two daughters,' Min murmured. 'Twins like
- mirrors.'{NO, but she's pregnant.}
- <LoC: 46, Beyond the Gate, 578-9>
- *RAND and PERRIN: "When you two were together, I saw those fireflies and the
- darkness stronger than ever.... But with two of you in the same room,
- the fireflies were holding their own instead of being eaten faster than
- they can swarm, the way they do when you're alone." {Just a general idea,
- not a definite event. cf the "sparks" Min sees in the inn in Baerlon.}
- "Twice he's going to have to be there, or you [Rand]...." "If he's not,
- something bad will happen to you." "Very bad." Rand: "Then I'll just
- have to keep him around." Min: "I don't know that that will be enough,
- it _will_ happen if he is not there, but nothing I saw said it won't
- because he is. It will be very bad, Rand. Just thinking of that viewing
- makes me...."{??? Once was probably the capture by the AS, the second
- hasn't yet happened, for sure.}
- <LoC: 50, Thorns, 626>
- *MISC. NOBLES: "Maringil...was going to die by poison.(YES) Colavaere...
- would die by hanging.(NOT YET, but she's scheduled to)
- Meilan...would die by the knife.(YES)
- ...Aracome and Maraconn and Gueyam were all going to die too, bloody
- deaths, in battle.(NO)
- <LoC: 50, Thorns, 628>
- *BERELAIN: "a man in white who will make her fall head over heels." {NO.
- Who is it? A Whitecloak? Galad? A Gai'shan? (Rhuarc gets gai'shan-ed
- and Berelain falls in love with him?)}
- Survey says: Berelain's man in white is:
- Galad: 63% (140) A Gai'shain: 2% (5) Perrin: 1% (1)
- Rhuarc: 4% (8) A Whitecloak: 1% (2)
- 7.3.......................................................VARIOUS PROPHECIES
- <TEotW: prologue, xv, Dragonmount, xv>
- O Light of the Heavens, Light of the World, let the Promised One
- be born of the mountain(YES), according to the prophecies, as he
- was in ages past and will be in ages to come. Let the Prince of
- the Morning sing to the land that green things will grow and the
- valleys give forth lambs. Let the arm of the Lord of the Dawn
- shelter us from the Dark, and the great sword of justice defend
- us. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time.(NO)
- The prophecy for the Horn of Valere:
- <TEotW: 26, 389, Whitebridge, 327>
- In the last, lorn fight {Tarmon Gaidon}
- 'gainst the fall of long night, {Victory of the DO}
- the mountains stand guard, {??? The Mountains of Dhoom?}
- and the dead shall be ward,
- for the grave is no bar to my call. {Heroes will fight against the
- Shadow at the Last Battle} (NO)
- Elaida's Foretelling:
- <TEOTW: 40, 614, The Web Tightens, 514>
- 'This I Foretell...and swear under the Light that I can say no
- clearer. From this day Andor marches toward pain and division. The
- Shadow has yet to darken to its blackest, and I cannot see if the
- Light will come after. Where the world has wept one tear, it will
- weep thousands....This, too, I Foretell. Pain and division come to
- the whole world, and this man [Rand] stands at the heart of it.'(YES)
- <TDR: Trailer Prophesy, 675, 578>
- And it was written that no hand but his should wield the Sword
- held in the Stone, but he did draw it out, like fire in his
- hand, and his glory did burn the world. Thus did it begin. Thus
- do we sing his Rebirth. Thus do we sing the beginning.(YES)
- <TSR: 15, 253, Into the Doorway, 177>
- To marry the Daughter of the Nine moons.(NO)
- To die and live again, and live once more a part of what was.(YES)
- To give up half the light of the world to save the world.(NO)
- Survey Says: What does giving up 1/2 the light of the world mean?
- He loses an eye: 78% (174)
- The OP won't work in the next Age: 2% (5)
- Something involving Mayenne & lamp oil: 1% (2)
- _Coramoor_ (Jendai Prophecy):
- <TSR: 19, 315-6, The Wavedancer, 220-1>
- He can wield the One Power ... and he holds the Sword That Cannot
- Be Touched. The Aiel have come over the Dragonwall to his call.
- ... The Stone of Tear has fallen, and war breaks over the nations
- of the land. Those who once ruled have returned, and been driven
- back for the first time. ... The White Tower shall be broken by
- his name(YES), and Aes Sedai shall kneel (YES) to wash his feet and dry
- them with their hair.(NO--icky. Note that the foot-washing thing happens
- in the Amyrlin Seat induction ceremony)
- Wise One Dreaming:
- <TSR: 23, 385, Beyond the Stone, 270>
- (Moiraine, Melaine, and Seana in conversation on Chaendaer)
- "We did not see Egwene or Mat Cauthon at all. It was no more than
- an even chance that the young man who calls himself Rand Al'Thor
- would come. If he did not, it was certain that he would die, and
- the Aiel too.(ONGOING) Yet he has come, and if he survives
- Rhuidean, some of the Aiel at least will survive. This we know.
- If you(Moiraine) had not come, he would have died(YES-she saved him
- from Lanfear at the Docks in TFOH). If Aan'allein had not come,
- you would have died(???). If you did not go through the rings..."
- From Rhuidean:
- <TSR: 25, 408, The Road to the Spear, 285-6>
- The stone that never falls will fall to announce his coming.(YES)
- Of the blood(YES), but not raised by the blood(YES), he will come from
- Rhuidean at dawn(YES), and tie you together with bonds you cannot
- break(I GUESS SO...). He will take you back(YES), and he will
- destroy you(YES, BUT MORE TO COME).
- <TSR: 24, 402, Rhuidean, 281-2>
- MAT'S WISHES: Holes in memory restored/a way to be free of Aes Sedai
- and the Power/Away and back to Rhuidean(YES to all)
- <LoC: Header Prophecy>
- The lions sing and the hills take flight.
- The moon by day, and the sun by night.
- Blind woman, deaf man, jackdaw fool.
- Let the Lord of Chaos rule. {your guess is as good as mine as to whether
- this is actually prophecy or no}
- <LoC: 14, Dreams and Nightmares, 255>
- *NICOLA'S FORETELLING: "The lion sword, the dedicated spear, she who sees
- beyond.(YES? El, Avi, and Min--do they have something special to do?)
- Three on the boat, and he who is dead yet lives."{??? I have yet to
- hear a satisfactory explanation of this one, although it resonates with
- the WOs boat dream, and the King-Arthur funeral deal in one of Min's
- vision} The great battle done, but the world not done with
- battle.{??? perhaps the Last Battle, yet the struggle between the Shadow
- and the Light continues? There'll be more fighting after Tarmon Gaidon?
- There'll be a big battle BEFORE Tarmon Gaidon?} The land divided by
- the return {NO. "return" could be the Seanchan Corenne, or the Return
- of the Great Lord, as spoken of by DFs} and the guardians balance
- out the servants.{YES, the Asha'man and the Aes Sedai.} The
- future teeters on the edge of a blade{metaphorical melodramatics
- --this war is crucial}."
- Survey Says: Does "Land split by Return" refer to the Seanchan?
- Yes: 80% No: 9% Undecided: 8% (18)
- <LoC: 19, Matters of Toh, 312>
- Wise Ones Dreams: "Melaine and Bair dreamed of you on a boat with
- three women whose faces they could not see{??? something to do with
- Min, El, and Avi}, and a scale tilting first one way and then the
- other."{YES--everything seems up in the air now. Rand might win, the
- Shadow might, who knows?} Melaine and Amys dreamed of a man standing
- by your side with a dagger to your throat, but you did not see him.
- {??? Poss a Grey Man, Poss. refers to Taim?} Bair and Amys dreamed
- of you cutting the wetlands in two with a sword. {YES--Randland is
- polarizing into pro- and anti- Dragon factions. there will soon be
- no sitting on the fence.} All three had this dream, which makes it
- especially significant. Rain, coming from a bowl. There are snares
- and pitfalls around the bowl. {NO, but this is obviously the bowl
- ter'angreal El & Ny are looking for} If the right hands pick it up,
- they will find a treasure perhaps as great as the bowl. {NO.
- Maybe there is something else in the bowl room? Angreal, etc?} If
- the wrong hands, the world is doomed. {Well, duh.} "The key to
- finding the bowl is to find the one who is no longer."{NO--???}
- Survey says: Who is the one who is no longer?
- Moiraine: 25% (56) LTT: 4% (8) Green Man: 2% (4)
- Luc: 7% (15) Runaway novice: 4% (8) Corianin: 1% (3)
- Mat: 4% (4) Jain Farstrider: 2% (5) Shemerin: 1% (3)
- <LoC: 26, Connecting Lines, 373>
- Behind the Red Door (in Tear): "He [Rand] knew he had a chance to live,
- if a seemingly impossible one. _If_you_would_live_, _you_must_die_."
- {NO. Maybe means "if you would live future lives, you must die
- (physically) in this one. cf LTT's wanting to die for good, never be
- spun out again.<LoC: 18, A Taste of Solitude, 299>. Or, Rand will die,
- but will get resurrected.}
- Survey says: Rand will
- Die and come back: 46% (102) Not die, not even fake it: 14% (31)
- Die and stay dead: 27% (61) Fake his death: 4% (10)
- 7.4........................................................THE DARK PROPHECY
- This may not be actual prophecy. See Verin's commentary <TGH: 7, ?,
- Blood Calls Blood, 90>. Some may be prophetic, and others may just be
- Shadow propaganda. It is a source of information, though, so here it is.
- <TGH: 7, 105-6, Blood Calls Blood, 89>
- Daughter of the Night, she walks again.(YES)
- The ancient war, she yet fights.(YES)
- Her new lover she seeks, who shall serve her(DOUBTFUL) and
- die(NOT YET), yet serve still.
- Who shall stand against her coming?
- The Shining Walls shall kneel.(NO, not yet)
- Blood feeds blood.
- Blood calls blood.
- Blood is, and blood was, and blood shall ever be.
- The man who channels stands alone.
- He gives his friends for sacrifice.
- Two roads before him, one to death beyond dying, one to life eternal.
- Which will he choose? Which will he choose?
- What hand shelters? What hand slays?
- Luc came to the Mountains of Dhoom.
- Isam waited in the high passes.
- The hunt is now begun. The Shadow's hounds now course, and kill.
- One did live, and one did die, but both still are.
- The Time of Change has come.(YES TO ALL)
- The Watchers wait on Toman Head.
- The seed of the Hammer burns the ancient tree.(YES: Tree is symbol
- of Tarabon)
- Death shall sow, and summer burn(YES: the current draught), before
- the Great Lord comes.
- Death shall reap, and bodies fail (will there be a plague?), before
- the Great Lord comes.
- Again the seed slays ancient wrong, before the Great Lord comes.
- Now the Great Lord comes.(YES)
- 7.5....................................................THE KARAETHON CYCLE
- <TGH Header Prophecy>
- And it shall come to pass that what men made shall be shattered,
- and the Shadow shall lie across the Pattern of the Age, and the DO shall
- once more lay his hand upon the world of man. Women shall weep and men
- quail as the nations of the earth are rent like rotting cloth. Neither
- shall anything stand nor abide...
- Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow...and there shall be
- wailing and gnashing of teeth at his rebirth.(YES) In sackcloth and ashes
- shall he clothe the people, and he shall break the world again by his
- coming, tearing apart all ties that bind. (YES) Like the unfettered
- dawn shall he blind us, and burn us, yet shall the Dragon Reborn
- confront the Shadow at the Last Battle(NO), and his blood shall
- give us the Light(NO. cf "his blood on the rocks of SG, and Min's vision
- of blood on black rocks). Let tears flow, O ye people of the world.
- Weep for your salvation.
- Survey Says: Rand will break the world:
- Figuratively and physically: 52% (116)
- Figuratively: 42% (95)
- Physically: 1% (2)
- <TGH: 22, 328, Watchers, 275>
- Vandene talking to Moiraine:
- 'Five ride forth, and four return.(YES) Above the watchers shall
- he proclaim himself, bannered cross the sky in fire...'(YES: the 5 who
- rode forth were Ingtar, Hurin, Rand, Mat, & Perrin. Rand proclaimed
- himself the DR after the battle at Falme, where he and Ish fought in
- the sky.)
- <TGH: 26, 387, Discord, 325-6> <TSR: 9, 180, Decisions, 126>
- Thom to Rand:
- Twice and twice shall he be marked,YES)
- twice to live, and twice to die,(maybe Rand & LTT?)
- Once the heron to set his path. (YES: Portal Stone World)
- Twice the heron, to name him true.(YES: Falme)
- Once the Dragon for remembrance lost.(YES: Rhuidean)
- Twice the Dragon for the price he must pay .(he has been paying,
- but will there be a Real Big Price, i.e. his life & his blood?)
- <TGH: 26, 387, Discord, 326>
- Thom to Rand:
- Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed.
- Once for mourning, once for birth.
- Red on black, the Dragon's blood stains the rock of Shayol Ghul.
- In the Pit of Doom shall his blood free men from the Shadow.(NO,)
- Survey says:
- Will there be an eclipse when Rand spills his blood?
- Yes: 58% (129) No: 19% (42) Undecided: 20% (45)
- Rand "spilling his blood" refers to:
- the blood of Rand, literally: 62% (139) Galad's blood: 6% (14)
- the blood of the Aiel: 14% (31) Aviendha's child's: 2% (5)
- <TDR: 6, 93, The Hunt Begins, 57>
- Moiraine in conversation:
- He has yet to break the nations(YES), or shatter the world. Even
- scholars who have studied the Prophecies for their entire lives
- do not know how to interpret them all. What does it mean that
- he shall 'slay his people people with the sword of peace, and
- destroy them with the leaf'(YES: Rhuidean)? What does it mean that he
- shall bind the nine moons to serve him?(NO, something to do with
- the Seanchan.) Yet these are given equal weight with Callandor
- in the Cycle. There are others. What 'wound of madness and cutting
- of hope' has he healed?(NO--possible reference to healing the Taint?)
- What chains has he broken(possibly chains binding people to the
- Shadow--Ingtar, Asmodean, Tear, Andor), and who put into chains?
- (Asmodean, maybe? or all the nations he is binding to follow him?)
- Survey Says: Will the Taint be cleansed from Saidin?
- Yes: 85% (190) No: 4% (10) Undecided: 9% (20)
- <TDR: Header Prophesy, ix, ix>
- And his paths shall be many, and who shall know his
- name, for he shall be born among us many times, in
- many guises, as he has been and ever will be, time
- without end. His coming shall be like the sharp edge of
- the plow, turning our lives in furrows from out of the
- places where we lie in our silence. The breaker of bonds;
- the forger of chains. The maker of futures; the unshaper
- of destiny.(General Prophesy, no real judgment needed)
- <TDR: 41, 445, Threads in the Pattern>
- "On the slopes of Dragonmount shall he be born, born of a maiden
- wedded to no man. " (YES)
- <TSR: 3, 99, Reflection, 71>
- His blood on the rocks of Shayol Ghul, washing away
- the Shadow, sacrifice for man's salvation.(NO)
- Survey Says: Will Rand Die?
- No: 17 Yes: 67 (stay dead: 32, resurrected: 35)
- <TSR: 6, 131, Doorways, 93>
- Power of the Shadow made human flesh,(poss. Forsaken, Fain, Slayer, or
- the Bubble of evil at the start of TSR?)
- wakened to turmoil, strife and ruin.
- The Reborn One, marked and bleeding,
- dances the sword in dreams and mist,(this could be a reference to the
- mirror incident in the Stone in TSR)
- chains the Shadowsworn to his will,(YES)
- from the city, lost and forsaken,
- leads the spears to war once more,(YES)
- breaks the spears and makes them see,
- truth long hidden in the ancient dream.(YES)
- <TSR: 21, 349, Into the Heart, 244>
- Into the heart he thrusts his sword,
- into the heart, to hold their hearts.(YES)
- Who draws it out shall follow after,
- What hand can grasp that fearful blade?(NO)
- <TFOH: Header Prophecy>
- With his coming are the dread fires born again. The hills burn, and the
- land turns sere. (YES: the draught) The tides of men run out,
- and the hours dwindle. The wall is pierced, and the veil of parting
- raised.(The DO breaking loose? This phrase calls to mind a phrase from
- the Bible. See section 3.) Storms rumble beyond the horizon, and
- the fires of heaven purge the earth. There is no salvation without
- destruction, no hope this side of death.
- <LoC: Trailer Prophecy>
- The unstained tower breaks and bends knee to the forgotten sign.(YES)
- The seas rage, and stormclouds gather unseen. Beyond the horizon, hidden
- fires swell, and serpents nestle in the bosom. {Something is rotten in
- Randland. People are not what they seem. All is not well.) What was
- exalted is cast down; what was cast down is raised up. (??? the AS
- and male channellers, respectively?) Order burns to clear his path.
- 7.6..........................................................PERRIN'S DREAMS
- <TDR: 43, 504, Shadowbrothers, 426>
- Egwene and Nynaeve and Elayne stood looking at a huge metal cage,
- with a raised door held on a heavy spring. They stepped in and
- reached up together to loose the catch. The barred door snapped
- down behind them. A woman with her hair all in braids laughed
- at them, and another woman all in white laughed at her.(YES: the
- Tairen adventure in TDR)
- <TDR: 43, 504, Shadowbrothers, 425>
- Mat, rattling a dice cup. His opponent stared at Mat with eyes
- of fire. Mat did not seem to see the man, but Perrin knew him.
- "Mat!" he shouted. "It's Ba'alzamon. Light, Mat, you're dicing
- with Ba'alzamon!"(YES)
- <TSR: 28, 458, To the Tower of Ghenjei, 320-1>
- Rand stood amid swirling stormwinds, laughing wildly, even madly,
- arms upraised, and on the winds rode [dragons](NO, unless this is
- a ref to Rhuidean.); hidden eyes watched Rand, and there was no
- way of telling whether he knew it (possibly general--all the
- people watching Rand, e.g. Forsaken, Wise Ones, AS, etc. or maybe
- something more specific that we do not know about); Nynaeve and
- Elayne stalking cautiously through a demented landscape of twisted,
- shadowed buildings, hunting some dangerous beast(YES: Tanchico. cf
- the way Tanchico looks to Egwene in TAR). Mat, standing
- where a road forked ahead of him. He flipped a coin(YES--
- flipped a coin at the Portal Stone,
- to get to Rhuidean), started down one branch, and suddenly was
- wearing a wide-brimmed hat and walking with a staff bearing a
- short sword blade(YES). Egwene and a woman with long white hair
- (Amys--probably not prophetic, but a chance meeting in TAR) were
- staring at him in surprise while behind them the
- White Tower crumbled stone by stone.(YES, but will it be destroyed
- further?)
- <TSR: 53, 882, The Price of a Departure, 612>
- Egwene stood among a crowd of women, fear in her eyes; slowly the
- women knelt around her, Nynaeve was one of them, and he believed
- he saw Elayne's red-gold hair.(YES) That window faded and was
- replaced. Mat stood naked and bound, snarling; an odd spear with
- a black shaft had been thrust across his back behind his elbows,
- and a silver medallion, a foxhead, hung on his chest.(??? Maybe
- the incident in *finnland that got him hung, or maybe something
- yet to come.) Mat vanished, and it was Rand. Perrin thought
- it was Rand. He wore rags and a rough cloak, and a bandage
- covered his eyes.(NO)
- 7.7..................................................FOURTH AGE HISTORIES
- <TEOTW: prologue, xv, Dragonmount, xv>
- And it came to pass in those days, as it had come before and would
- come again, that the Dark lay heavy on the land an weighed down the
- hearts of men, and the green things failed(YES), and hope died. And
- men cried out to the Creator, saying, O Light of the Heavens, Light of
- the World, let the Promised One be born of the mountain(YES),
- according to the prophecies, as he was in ages past and will be in
- ages to come. Let the Prince of the Morning sing to the land that
- green things will grow and the valleys give forth lambs(NO). Let the
- arm of the Lord of the Dawn shelter us from the Dark, and the great
- sword of justice defend us. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of
- time. (from _Charal Drianaan te Calamon, The Cycle of the Dragon._
- Author unknown, the Fourth Age)
- 99.0===========================PUBLISHING STUFF=============================
- 99.1...........................................HOW MANY BOOKS WILL THERE BE?
- However many RJ writes. 3 or 4 more after LOC is what he said at a
- signing in Atlanta.
- 99.2..............................................WHEN IS THE NEXT BOOK OUT?
- Book 7 will be entitled _Crown of Swords_.
- P Nielsen Hayden writes, "So it doesn't come as a rude shock later
- this year, it should probably be confirmed here that, yes, Crown of
- Swords will appear no earlier than the first couple of months of 1996.
- It certainly won't be published in the fall slot previously used for
- Jordan titles.
- "The problem is pretty simple. We've been publishing Wheel of Time books
- about every twelve months, but it takes Jordan about fourteen months to
- write each one. You can do this for a while, but eventually the
- precession catches up with you. It may interest readers of this group to
- know that the manuscript of Lord of Chaos was delivered roughly five weeks
- before we shipped bound books.
- "Obviously, we need to put some more slack into the system, and we're doing
- so by delaying the next one a season."
- So that is 3 or 4 extra months, kids.
- [LOC Paperback]
- >From past experience I'd guess that LOC should be out in PB sometime
- in the autumn of 1995.
- [Other stuff]
- "Also, Jody Lynn Nye, Todd Cameron Hamilton, et. al., are hard at work
- on a compendium, "Guide to the Wheel of Time." They have already
- produced similar books for Anne McCaffrey's Pern & Piers Anthony's
- Xanth. _The Guide to the Wheel of Time_ is scheduled to be released
- with the paperback of _Lord of Chaos_ sometime next fall." <Roxanne Meida>
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