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- From: jsn@cegt201.bradley.edu (John Novak)
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan,rec.arts.sf.written,rec.
- answers,news.answers
- Subject: rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Date: 5 Jul 1997 21:32:48 -0500
- Summary of changes:
- o Four words: _The Path of Daggers_.
- o Damn it, people, update those FAQ pointers.
- for rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan
- Welcome to the rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan Usenet newsgroup.
- Before you rush off to post, we strongly recommend and request that
- you peruse this small document, which attempts to answer the most
- Frequently Asked Questions about Robert Jordan, The Wheel of Time
- series and the rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan newsgroup.
- 1. Who is Robert Jordan?
- 2. What is the Wheel of Time? What are the book titles?
- 3. What's the title of the next book?
- 4. When will the next book be published?
- 5. How many books will the Wheel of Time series end up being?
- 6. Is Robert Jordan on the Net?
- 7. Are there any other books about the Wheel of Time?
- 8. What will Jordan write after he finishes The Wheel of Time?
- 9. What else do I read while I wait for Book 8?
- 10. Are there any Wheel of Time related games?
- 11. Can someone type in an mail me a copy of SaSG?
- 12. What about the artwork?
- 1. How to post so that you don't look like a fool or upset people
- 2. Spoiler Policy
- 3. The TAN Subject Header Convention.
- 1. The Wheel of Time FAQ.
- 2. The Jordan Archives (FTP site and WWW home page).
- 3. Wheel of Time WWW Index
- 1. Fan Clubs
- 2. Online Role Playing Games (MUSH/MOO/MUD)
- * * *
- This newsgroup, rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan, was created in July
- 1994 for the discussion of books written by contemporary author Robert
- Jordan (a pseudonym, see next section). In particular, this newsgroup
- is concerned with his ongoing "Wheel of Time" series, but also covers
- past and future works by him. Fandom is specifically included within
- the purview of this charter. The group is unmoderated.
- The discussions in this group originated in rec.arts.sf.written (the
- general group for discussion of all science fiction and fantasy books),
- where they were carried on for upwards of two years before this group
- was created. A more detailed history by Bill Garrett is available from
- http://www.cs.unc.edu:80/~garrett/jordan/history.html
- * * *
- Q: Who is Robert Jordan?
- A: Robert Jordan is actually a pseudonym for James Oliver
- Rigney, Jr., under which he has written seven volumes of the
- "Wheel of Time" fantasy series as well as seven books of the
- "Conan" series. Other pseudonyms are Reagan O'Neal ("Fallon"
- series; historic fiction), Jackson O'Reilly ("Cheyenne Raiders";
- western), and Chang Lung (contributions to various periodicals
- including Library Journal). [Source: Contemporary Authors vol.
- 140]
- Q: What is The Wheel of Time? What are the book titles?
- A: The Wheel of Time is an in-progress series of fantasy books
- with a very complex plot that has gathered a large following of
- very devoted fans. The books in "The Wheel of Time" series are
- (so far; in order):
- The Eye of the World ISBN 0-312-85009-3
- The Great Hunt ISBN 0-312-85140-5
- The Dragon Reborn ISBN 0-312-85248-7
- The Shadow Rising ISBN 0-312-85431-5
- The Fires of Heaven ISBN 0-312-85427-7
- Lord of Chaos ISBN 0-312-85428-5
- A Crown of Swords ISBN 0-312-85767-5
- All seven are available in both hardcover and paperback editions.
- (Despite popular misconception, there are hardcover editions of
- the first two books. The FAQ maintainer happens to own such
- copies.)
- All of the Wheel of Time books in the United States and Canada are
- published by Tor Books ( http://www.tor.com/ ). UK/International
- versions are published by Orbit. See the Wheel of Time FAQ for
- ISBN numbers and prices (see Section 5.1 for directions on where
- to get the Wheel of Time FAQ).
- Q: What is the title of the next book?
- A: According to Tor's web page, as well as a voice mail telephone
- number which Tor publishing has set up, the title of the next book
- will be _The Path of Daggers_. The Tor phone number is 388-0100 extension
- 701, and is a recording of Robert Jordan himself, giving some details
- of the publishing schedule.
- Q: So when will I be able to buy it?
- A: Again, PNH has not told us, and again, he probably doesn't know
- yet. In an on-line chat, Robert Jordan gave a very tentative guess
- that he would deliver the eighth book in the fall of 1997, which
- means a reasonable publication date is spring of 1998. Eek.
- Quasi-Update: This information has been repeated by Jordan several
- times over the past months in varying locations, signings, and chats.
- Even though the information is not changing, it represents our best
- knowledge.
- Q: How many books will the Wheel of Time series end up being?
- A: In a recent letter from Robert Jordan (published on the Tor
- homepage) he tells us that the series will take at least ten
- books, though he is unsure of the final number.
- Q: Is Robert Jordan on the Net?
- A: No. He understands its addictiveness and can't afford the
- time. If you want to write to him, send a letter in care of Tor
- Books:
- Robert Jordan
- c/o Tor Books
- 175 Fifth Avenue
- New York, NY 10010
- Q: Are there any other books about The Wheel of Time?
- A: Not yet, but one is in the works. The web page for Tor Books indicates
- that _The World of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time_, by Teresa
- Patterson and Robert Jordan, will be published in November of 1997.
- Robert Jordan tells us that the artist is Cameron Hamilton
- (implying that Daryl Sweet will have little or no part), that the
- projected legnth is 80,000 words and 64 color illustrations
- including a complete map of the world, and that there will be
- information in that book not available in any other books.
- There is a recently written short story called "The Strike at
- Shayol Ghul" by Robert Jordan. The story was published as part of
- the Balticon XXX program guide, and details a bit of the events
- leading up to and including the strike at Shayol Ghul.
- WHILE SUPPLIES LAST, you can obtain one by sending six stamps, a
- request for the program guide, and a donation the Reading is
- Fundamental charity in any amount you can afford to the folks at
- Balticon at:
- P. O. Box 686
- Baltimore, MD 21203-0686
- Make any donation checks or money orders payable to the RIF
- charity.
- This short story is now available on-line at the Tor books web
- page, specifically at
- http://www.tor.com/shayol.html
- Q: What will Jordan write after he finishes the Wheel of Time?
- A: Robert Jordan has said that he has plans for a series
- tentatively titled "Shipwrecked", based on a Seanchan-like world
- and events revolving around a character who washes ashore. But he
- doesn't plan to start writing it until he finishes the Wheel of
- Time series.
- Q: What else can I read while I wait for Book 8?
- A: Tor is capitalizing on Jordan's popularity by rereleasing
- some of Robert Jordan's older works.
- A hardcover compendium of three of Jordan's seven "Conan" novels
- is currently in stores as "The Conan Chronicles", and includes
- "Conan the Invincible", "Conan the Defender" and "Conan the
- Unconquered".
- A hardcover of "The Fallon Blood" under Tor's 'Forge' imprint is
- also currently available in stores. It is a historical novel set
- in the Revolutionary War period, and is the first of a three-part
- series. (The sequels are expected to be reprinted in the future
- as well, but are currently out of print.)
- A bibliography of Jordan's works is maintained at:
- http://cegt201.bradley.edu/~jsn/bib1.html
- Q: Are there any Wheel of Time related games?
- A: Not yet, but Mayfair Games plans to release a Wheel of Time
- expansion set for its Fantasy Adventures collectible card game
- sometime in 1996. See their ad inside the back cover of the Lord
- of Chaos US mass-market paperback. (See also Section 6.2 for a
- list of online role playing games.)
- Also, Legend Entertainment Company, which produced the game "Death
- Gate", has reputedly picked up the license to create a Wheel of
- Time PC Game. According to the designer, it will be first person,
- set in a DOOM like engine, but be geared toward multi-person
- play. There is no firm information on a release, but it isn't
- past the concept stage at this point, so the game is a long way
- off.
- Q: Can anyone type up and send me SaSG (or anything else)?
- A: No. No. A thousand times, no.
- No. Not legally.
- Nothing which Robert Jordan has written is in the public domain.
- Everything which Robert Jordan has ever published is covered under
- copyright laws. That means everything. Please note that under
- the Berne Convention, an international agreement to which almost
- all nations (including the United States) are signatory, _all_
- written works are under copyright automatically, even when no
- explicit copyright is mentioned. Seriously. This applies to
- EVERYTHING, most especially published materials.
- For emphasis, the _A Crown of Swords_ prologue, even though
- available through the World Wide Web, is not public domain. You
- may of course add a link to that page in any page you create, but
- the text itself is not public domain.
- For emphasis, the story "The Strike at Shayol Ghul" is not public
- domain. If you receive an electronic copy of this story, be
- advised that it is stolen property in a very real fashion, and the
- person from whom you received it is a thief.
- Asking for electronic copies of Robert Jordan's material to be
- posted or mailed is asking for commission of theft. It is in
- extremely poor taste. Please do not do it here.
- Q: What about the artwork?
- A: That's slightly different.
- Artwork falls into two categories, cover art and chapter icons.
- Cover art may be used, as long as you do not delete any of the
- text from the coer (for instance, Robert Jordan's name, the title,
- quotes on the back, etc.)
- Chapter icons, until recently, were off limits. According to PNH,
- this has changed. It is now permissible to use scanned in chapter
- icons on Jordan-related web pages or printed materials, so long as
- you note that the icons are copyrighted by Tor books and used with
- permission. You MAY NOT place chapter icons on any consumer good,
- nor may you sell them or make money from them.
- Interior maps, unfortunately, are still off-limits. You may not
- scan in and use interior maps.
- * * *
- Section 3.1: General Courtesy:
- Before you post, please read the newsgroup for a while. This is
- the best way to see how things are done, and you'll probably find
- that whatever question/point you wish to pose has already been
- discussed before. You will want to take this into account if and
- when you bring it up.
- We urge all readers to follow these few points of "netiquette" to
- avoid irritating people and to increase the likelihood that people
- respond to your ideas. The idea behind these recommendations is
- two-fold. First, to make the newsgroup run as smoothly and
- pleasantly for all concerned, both old-timer and new user.
- Second, to help the new user communicate efficiently, because
- communication is the prime goal of Usenet. The idea is NOT to
- stifle discussion or add unnecessary restrictions.
- It should also be noted that all of these maxims can and should be
- applied to every Usenet newsgroup, not only this one.
- Section 3.1.1: Read the Wheel of Time FAQ.
- Before posting your brilliant new idea (e.g. "Hey! I think Shaiel
- = Tigraine," or "Hey! Maybe Slayer = Luc + Isam!"), make sure it
- has not been discussed to death months before. The collected
- wisdom of the jordan discussions is available in the form of the
- Wheel of Time FAQ. It is a huge document, and even if you don't
- feel like reading it all at once, you should read it at some
- point, and at least search it for keywords before bringing up
- something that has already been discussed. Details on how to get
- the Wheel of Time FAQ are found in in section 5.1 below.
- Note that just because a topic is covered in the Wheel of Time
- FAQ does not mean you cannot post to the newsgroup about it.
- However, it would be a good idea, and the polite thing to do, if
- you check the WoT FAQ first so that you can consider previous
- discussion of your idea and hopefully discover something we all
- missed.
- Section 3.1.2: Keep quoting to a minimum.
- Only keep as much of the previous post post as is necessary for
- people to know what you are talking about. Summarize wherever
- possible (i.e. instead of 20 lines of included text, summarize it
- in a sentence). Make sure you attribute the right things to the
- right people, and ALWAYS DELETE .sigs WHEN QUOTING. On the same
- token, don't post a reply to a specific post without quoting or
- summarizing at least some of it. The idea is to include *just
- enough* context for people who have not seen the article to which
- you are replying (which can happen quite frequently) to be able
- to understand your comments.
- Section 3.1.3: Use descriptive subject headers.
- If you want to discuss the intermarriages of the royal houses in
- Andor, use a subject line like "Royal Lineage in Andor". Threads
- (lines of discussion) often drift from their original topic.
- When this happens, subject lines might have little to do with the
- content of the articles. Try to avoid this situation by using a
- new title when you start a new thread, and try not to drift from
- the topic too much within a thread. Drift is inevitable, though,
- and when it happens, it's usually appropriate to rename the
- thread. To continue the example above, if the topic shifts from
- royal lineage to Rand's parents to intermarriages in the Two
- Rivers, you might rename the thread "Two Rivers Genealogy (was
- Re: Royal Lineage in Andor)" or simply "Two Rivers Genealogy".
- If it shifts to non-book related material, include TAN in the
- Subject line (see Section 3.3).
- Section 3.1.4: Avoid incendiary language and unconstructive
- criticism.
- Words like "rip-off," "crap," and "semi-literate, brainwashed
- fools" will irritate people, even if that was not your intent.
- If you disagree with someone, tell the group why you disagree;
- don't just call that person names.
- Section 3.1.5: Legibility, readability and other miscellenia.
- Usenet is a media designed to facilitate communication, and the
- rasfwrj newsgroup is a fairly busy newsgroup, with many articles
- streaming in every day. A good way to encourage people to read your
- articles is to present them in a format which makes them pleasing to
- as many eyes as possible. The following are a few helpful hints
- on how to keep your articles legible.
- Make a paragraph form by introducing a blank line between each
- paragraph, and a blank line between quoted text and your own text.
- Put "quote marks" in front of each line of quoted text. Many
- newsreaders do this automatically, by putting a '>' symbol at the
- beginning of each line.
- Keep your line lengths to below 80 characters, preferably
- somewhere in the range of 70 to 75 characters, so that people
- reading news on standard 80 column terminals (that is, most of
- us) can both read and quote your text easily.
- Finally, make some attempt to follow the dictates of English
- grammar. It is a given that people will make mistakes,
- mispellings and the occasional gaffe. No one claims to be
- perfect (for very long). Likewise, we all have our own style.
- But in general, posts which are written in good English, with
- proper capitalization and punctuation are the easiest to read.
- And we all want people to read our posts with the minimum
- possible effort.
- Section 3.2: Spoiler Policy:
- When a new book comes out, some people obtain and read it before
- other people do. People who have read parts of the book want to
- talk about them, but people who haven't gotten that far don't want
- you to spoil the surprises for them. When not everybody has read
- what you want to talk about, be sure to include the keyword
- "SPOILERS" in the subject line along with the title of the book
- you're talking about. For example,
- Subject: LoC: Padan Fain (SPOILERS)
- Just be sure not to spoil the book with the title! Spoiler
- warnings are really important for the first few months after a new
- book comes out and becomes less important after that time. You
- should also include a spoiler warning at the top of the message
- itself, with either a form-feed (control-L) or several (20 or so)
- blanks lines to hide the spoiler from those who do not wish to see
- it.
- Currently accepted practice is to use spoiler warnings for about
- six weeks after the Hardcover release in the United States Due to
- the inherent nature of Usenet and the types of discussion typical
- on rasfwrj, it is virtually impossible to maintain spoiler warning
- for longer periods. Therefore, those of you who wait to buy the
- paperback version are out of luck, unfortunately yet unavoidably.
- Sorry... :-( Consider yourself forewarned, and exercise due
- caution when/if you read rasfwrj (unless you don't mind spoilers,
- of course).
- Section 3.3: The "TAN:" Subject Header
- It is inevitable that there will be threads that do not directly
- pertain to the books, and it is inevitable that this sort of thing
- will annoy some people. In order to keep things civilized, it is
- suggested that such discussions be labeled "TAN:" for
- "tangential." For example:
- Subject: TAN: Warder Applications
- Subject: TAN: Plot Contest
- Subject: TAN: What did Lanfear give Roy for his birthday?
- * * *
- You may note that there are many strange and arcane acronyms and
- abbreviations used on this group. Here are interpretations of the
- most commonly used:
- TWoT = The Wheel of Time (also just WoT)
- TEotW = The Eye of the World (sometimes just EOW)
- TGH = The Great Hunt
- TDR = The Dragon Reborn
- TSR = The Shadow Rising
- TFoH = The Fires of Heaven (sometimes just FOH)
- LoC = Lord of Chaos
- CoS/ACoS = A Crown of Swords
- rasfw = rec.arts.sf.written (also "r.a.sf.w", sometimes "rasw" )
- rasfwrj = rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan (also "r.a.sf.w.r-j")
- AOL = Age of Legends (or America OnLine, depending on context)
- AS = Aes Sedai (or Amyrlin Seat)
- Asm = Asmodean
- BA = Black Ajah
- DF = Darkfriend
- DFS/DS = Darkfriend Social (Two usages: The event in the Prologue
- of TGH, or a real-life meeting of newsgroup members.)
- DO = Dark One
- DotNM = Daughter of the Nine Moons
- Eg/Egw = Egwene
- El = Elayne
- Ish/Ishy = Ishamael
- LTT = Lews Therin Telamon
- Mog/Moggy = Moghedien
- Mo/Moi/Moir = Moiraine
- MPS = Mad Passionate Sex, (c) Mike Macchione
- MT = Mazrim Taim
- Ny/Nyn = Nynaeve
- OP = One Power
- PNH = Patrick Nielsen Hayden (Sr. Editor, Tor Books).
- Randland = The Wheel of Time world. Sometimes used to refer to the entire
- world, sometimes just the mainland areas shown on the maps.
- RJ = Robert Jordan (also referred to as 'The Creator')
- SG = Shayol Ghul
- SS = Siuan Sanche
- TAR/T'A'R = Tel'aran'rhiod
- TS = True Source
- TV = Tar Valon
- WC/WCs = Whitecloak(s)
- WO/WOs = Wise One(s)
- WT = White Tower
- YKYBRTMRJW = You Know You've Been Reading Too Much Robert Jordan When...
- (also IKIHBRTMRJ = I Know I Have Been...)
- And a few of the most common Usenet-wide acronyms:
- AFAIK = As Far As I Know (also AFAIR = As Far As I Remember)
- FAQ = Frequently Asked Question(s)
- FWIW = For What It's Worth
- HTH = Hope This Helps(Helped)
- IIRC = If I Remember Correctly
- IMHO = In My Humble Opinion (also IMNSHO, where NS = Not So; IMNAAHO,
- where NAA = Not At All; IMAO = In My Arrogant Opinion)
- ROFL/ROTFL = Rolling On the Floor, Laughing
- RTFF = Read The Flaming FAQ!
- YMMV = Your Milage May Vary ("Tastes Vary")
- WWW = World Wide Web
- grep = (verb) search, usually a file for key words.
- (from a Unix command to search files for words).
- Ob (prefix) = Obligatory reference to something. (For example, an ObJordan
- is an obligatory reference to RJ, usually in an article that
- would otherwise be off-topic. But usage varies; often, it
- indicates a reference to an inside-joke or past event.)
- YHBT. YHL. HAND. = You Have Been Trolled. You Have Lost. Have A Nice Day.
- Indicates you interpreted words at face value when they
- were intended to be a joke. Enjoy a good laugh, it happens
- to the best of us too.
- * * *
- This FAQ isn't even the tip of the metaphorical iceberg of Robert
- Jordan fandom accumulated on the Internet and other venues. We
- strongly suggest that you download a copy of the Wheel of Time FAQ, a
- much lengthier collection of questions, discussion, humor, and
- fandom. There is also tons more information, collections and humor
- available by anonymous ftp or on the WWW. (See the end of Section 5.2
- for directions on how to use ftp.)
- Section 5.1: The Wheel of Time FAQ.
- The Wheel of Time FAQ is an extensive collection of culled from
- discussions of the Wheel of Time over the past several years. It
- includes summaries of many discussions/conclusions/ideas/theories
- from Usenet and other sources, plus a list of collected prophecies
- from the books for your handy reference. It is STRONGLY
- RECOMMENDED that you get a copy of the Wheel of Time FAQ and check
- if your idea has been already discussed before you post it.
- Pam Korda maintains the Wheel of Time FAQ and posts it to rasfwrj
- as her schedule permits, which is roughly once couple months. You
- can always obtain a copy by sending Pam email at
- kor2@midway.uchicago.edu or by downloading it via anonymous ftp
- from ftp.cc.gatech.edu (the Jordan Archive site; see below). Note
- that there are TWO versions of the Wheel of Time FAQ: one
- contains discussions (spoilers) for book 6, Lord of Chaos; the
- other only contains discussions through book 5, The Fires of
- Heaven:
- /pub/people/viren/jordan/wot-loc.FAQ (through Lord of Chaos)
- /pub/people/viren/jordan/wot-tfoh.FAQ (through The Fires of Heaven)
- (Note that it's "viren" and not "verin"....)
- Both versions of the Wheel of Time FAQ are available on the WWW:
- http://www.cc.gatech.edu/ftp/people/viren/www/jordan/FAQ.html
- http://www.cc.gatech.edu/ftp/people/viren/www/jordan/preLoC.html
- Andy Carlson has set up an automatic server to email copies of the
- Lord of Chaos version of the Wheel of Time FAQ. Send an email
- message to jordan@andyc.carenet.org (subject and body don't matter.)
- Versions of the Wheel of Time FAQ are also available on America
- Online, Prodigy and Compuserve, though they may be out of date or
- modified. On America Online, the WoT FAQ is in the Fantasy
- Library section of the Fantasy and Science Fiction Area (Keyword:
- SF). On Compuserve, it is in the Science Fiction Literature Forum
- Library in the Fantasy Section (GO: SFLIT). On Prodigy, a
- variation of the WoT FAQ is posted on the Science Fiction/Fantasy
- Bulletin Board in the Robert Jordan Topic about once every two
- months in three parts, under the subjects FAQ, GTW, and
- JORDANFAQ. Info on Prodigy Exporting can be found by JUMPing:
- Bulletin Boards under the section entitled "BB How To's."
- Section 5.2: The Jordan Archives (FTP site and WWW home page).
- The Jordan Archives contain an extensive collection of information
- culled from the discussion on rasfwrj and from earlier discussions
- on rec.arts.sf.written. In addition to this FAQ and the Wheel of
- Time FAQ, it contains numberous other submissions ranging from
- humor (filksongs, The Dark One's Dictionary, etc.), results from
- surveys and plot submission contests, collections of information
- from the books (an Old Tongue dictionary, character lists, etc.)
- and much more.
- The Jordan archives are available by anonymous ftp to
- ftp.cc.gatech.edu in the directory /pub/people/viren/jordan and
- various subdirectories.
- All of the archive is available from the Wheel of Time Home Page:
- http://www.cc.gatech.edu/ftp/people/viren/www/jordan/jordan.html
- Or from one of the mirror WWW site:
- Europe (Germany): Helmut Geyer's mirror WWW site:
- http://polyhymnia.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de:8080/jordan/jordan.html
- The Wheel of Time Home Page contains links to the web pages of
- several of the regular posters to rasfwrj, some of whom also have
- Jordan related web pages.
- HOW TO USE ANONYMOUS FTP: Use the login name of "anonymous" or
- "ftp", and type your email address for the password. Type "cd
- /pub/people/viren/jordan" to change to the correct directory, use
- "ls" to see what files are there, and use "get file" (replace
- 'file' with the name of the file) to copy the file to your local
- machine. Also, don't type in the quotes.) For more information,
- ask someone at your local site since they will be able to best
- answer questions regarding your specific software/setup.)
- Section 5.3: The Compleat Wheel of Time WWW Index
- Pam Korda also maintains an index of all the Wheel of Time related
- resources on the WWW at
- http://student-www.uchicago.edu/users/kor2/WOT/WOTindex.html
- * * *
- Section 6.1: Fan Clubs:
- The fan clubs listed below are dedicated to Robert Jordan and/or
- the Wheel of Time. There may be others that I haven't heard of
- because they don't have a net.presence.
- The Wheel of Time Club run by Carolyn Fusinato is now defunct.
- The Robert Jordan/Wheel of Time Fan Club:
- The RJ/WOT Fan Club publishes an 8-10 page bimonthly newsletter,
- "Threads", as "a forum for Jordanites to discuss their views of
- the series in letters and articles, serious or humorous."
- Shosh is no longer associated with the Robert Jordan/Wheel of Time
- Fan Club. Please direct all inquiries to:
- RJ/WOT Fan Club
- P.O. Box 463
- Mansfield, MO 65704
- or: agiddens@mail.orion.org
- Section 6.2: Roleplaying Games:
- There are several online roleplaying games on the internet that
- have Wheel of Time themes or areas. For the MUSHS/MUDs/MOOs,
- basically, just telnet to the site (e.g, "telnet unix.pretend.com
- 8888") and follow the directions on your screen. For more
- information on about what a MUSH actually is, check out the
- rec.games.mud.* newsgroups and their FAQ(s) at
- ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/games/mud-faq
- There exists a list of Jordan-based MUDs at
- http://www.io.con/~sionnach/mud/jordan.html
- Section 6.3: Mailing Lists:
- Ron Festine runs and maintains the Robert Jordan List, for those
- overwhelmed by the bandwidth of the newsgroup:
- A great discussion group, especially helpful to readers new to
- Robert Jordan's books, takes place via email. To subscribe send a
- brief message to rfestine@spider.lloyd.com. Advanced readers are
- welcome also, but please, no jumping on newbies.
- A list is maintained at:
- http://www.icon-stl.net/~samsysd/rjl.html
- * * *
- As always, the most up-to-date version of this FAQ can be obtained
- via anonymous ftp from rtfm.mit.edu (the official news.answers
- archive site, where all FAQs that are posted to news.answers are
- kept), in directory /pub/usenet/news.answers/sf as the file
- robert-jordan-faq.
- On the WWW (World Wide Web), use the URL (Uniform resource locator)
- http://www.landfield.com/faqs/by-newsgroup/rec/rec.arts.sf.written.rober
- t-jordan.html
- or use ftp://joeshaw.bevc.blacksburg.va.us/pub/jordan/robert-jordan-faq
- or ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/usenet/news.answers/sf/robert-jordan-faq for
- a plain text version of the FAQ.
- This FAQ is also available on the rasfwrj archive site
- (ftp.cc.gatech.edu) mentioned above, but it is not currently
- updated automatically every time the FAQ is posted.
- Andy Carlson has set up an automatic server to email copies of
- this FAQ. Send an email message to rasfwrj@andyc.carenet.org
- (subject and body don't matter.)
- Or, you can always send me email at jsn@cegt201.bradley.edu and
- just ask me for a copy.
- As a last resort, you can use the news.answers ftp-by-mail
- server. Send a message to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with the
- following two lines in the body (not the subject) of the message:
- send usenet/news.answers/sf/robert-jordan-faq
- quit
- Be warned that the turnaround time for the rtfm mail server can be
- rather slow.
- * * *
- This FAQ was created by Bill Garrett, Pam Korda and Joe Shaw, and
- is maintained by John S. Novak, III. The authors and maintainer
- wish to thank the many people who have contributed information,
- with Special Thanks to Patrick Nielsen Hayden of Tor Books. This
- document was prepared under strict supervision by the Secret
- Usenet Cabal and has been brought to you by the letter U.
- --
- John S. Novak, III jsn@cegt201.bradley.edu
- The Humblest Man on the Net