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- [Looking back on the whole thing:]
- Subject: Re: Ageless Look and the Oath Rod
- From: julie@eddie.jpl.nasa.gov (Julie Kangas)
- Date: 1996/08/16
- Message-Id: <1996Aug16.184146.1717@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov>
- Sender: news@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov
- References: <4ut573$5ld@cegt201.brad <4v09cq$a55@knot.queensu.ca> <4v0pmn$169@cleon.cc.gatech.edu>
- Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written.robert-Jordan
- In article <4v0pmn$169@cleon.cc.gatech.edu> erica@cc.gatech.edu
- (Erica L. Sadun) writes:
- >In article <4v09cq$a55@knot.queensu.ca>,
- >Wilson Christopher H C <3chcw@qlink.queensu.ca> wrote:
- >:John Novak (jsn@cegt201.bradley.edu) wrote:
- >:: In <4ut0jo$nkb@knot.queensu.ca> 3chcw@qlink.queensu.ca (Wilson Christopher H C) writes: >::
- >:: >Wilson Christopher H C (3chcw@qlink.queensu.ca) wrote:
- >::
- >:: >: Raise the battle cry
- >:: >: "Ageless look by Oath Rod caused"
- >:: >: Holy war begins
- >::
- >:: > Taim is Demandred
- >:: > LTT wants to kill him
- >:: > Lord of Chaos rules
- >::
- >:: Novak looks in awe
- >:: At the monster he has made.
- >:: Someone make it stop.
- >
- >Haikus never stop.
- >Not Fish nor Taim nor Oathrod.
- >Usenet marches on.
- O fond memory.
- Poetic fishes battling
- Fisheating foe Rick.
- -----------------------
- Julie, Barracuda Sister <>< <>< /--------\ /
- <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< /o)))))))))\-/
- "I got tired of losing my gun." <>< >--)))))))))/-\
- \---------/ \
- [What brought that on, you may ask? Here's Mark Loy saying the
- fateful words that started the Great Haiku War, of fond memory:]
- From: mloy@indyvax.iupui.edu (Mark Loy)
- Subject: Re: TAN: Our neighbours (was: Re: QUESTIONS TO ASK Re: Robert
- Jordan Signing in NC!)
- Date: 1995/09/19
- Message-ID: <mloy-190995090138@>#1/1
- references: <436lj4$h2j@kestrel.cqi.com>
- <436ttl$es1@cegt201.bradley.edu>
- <RHONDA.95Sep18042540@delphi.glendon.yorku.ca>
- <1995Sep18.152026.10080@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov>
- organization: IUPUI Physics Dept.
- followup-to: rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan
- newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan
- In article <1995Sep18.152026.10080@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov>,
- julie@eddie.jpl.nasa.gov (Julie Kangas) wrote:
- > And the discussion of fish never *ever* threatened
- > to turn the members of our happy, if slightly crazy
- > and disfunctional, family against each other. Fish
- > are calming influences. Watch fish and your blood
- > pressure will go down. You will admire their beauty
- > and harmony. You will be filled with love for the
- > universe.
- >
- > Give fish a chance.
- >
- "All we are say-ing...is give fish a chance..."
- Everybody!
- Repeat
- ML
- [Julie Kangas commented:]
- From: julie@eddie.jpl.nasa.gov (Julie Kangas)
- Subject: Re: TAN: Our neighbours (was: Re: QUESTIONS TO ASK Re: Robert
- Jordan Signing in NC!)
- Date: 1995/09/20
- Message-ID: <1995Sep20.160249.27703@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov>#1/1
- sender: news@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov
- references: <RHONDA.95Sep18042540@delphi.glendon.yorku.ca>
- <1995Sep18.152026.10080@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov>
- <mloy-190995090138@>
- organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan
- In article <mloy-190995090138@> mloy@indyvax.iupui.edu (Mark
- Loy) writes:
- >In article <1995Sep18.152026.10080@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov>,
- >julie@eddie.jpl.nasa.gov (Julie Kangas) wrote:
- >>
- >> Give fish a chance.
- >>
- >
- >"All we are say-ing...is give fish a chance..."
- >
- >Everybody!
- >
- >
- >Repeat
- Everyone should try to understand the message of
- fish. It will change your life. Fish are love.
- Fish are kindness. Fish are peace.
- Come with me to the airports on the weekends as
- I hand out fish to passing travelers, in hopes
- of making their day a little brighter, a little
- more joyful, and a little more slimy.
- Julie
- Barracuda Sister, Most Arrogant Fish on the Net
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- DISCLAIMER: Roly poly fish <>< <>< /--------\ /
- heads told me what to write. <>< <>< /o)))))))))\-/
- <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< >--)))))))))/-\
- <>< <>< <>< <>< \---------/ \
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Rick Moen chimes in, quoting a related thread of Julie's in which
- she'd said:]
- "And the discussion of fish never *ever* threatened
- to turn the members of our happy, if slightly crazy
- and disfunctional, family against each other. Fish
- are calming influences. Watch fish and your blood
- pressure will go down. You will admire their beauty
- and harmony. You will be filled with love for the
- universe.
- Give fish a chance.
- From: rick@ymir.imat.com (Rick Moen)
- Subject: Re: TAN: Our neighbours (was: Re: QUESTIONS TO ASK Re: Robert
- Jordan Signing in NC!)
- Date: 1995/09/18
- Message-ID: <43kirg$v0u@myrddin.imat.com>#1/1
- references: <436lj4$h2j@kestrel.cqi.com>
- <436ttl$es1@cegt201.bradley.edu>
- <RHONDA.95Sep18042540@delphi.glendon.yorku.ca>
- <1995Sep18.152026.10080@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov>
- organization: Utopia, Ltd.
- reply-to: rick@hugin.imat.com (Rick Moen)
- newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan
- In <1995Sep18.152026.10080@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov>,
- julie@eddie.jpl.nasa.gov (Julie Kangas) writes:
- >What's the friggin matter with fish, huh?
- <...
- >Give fish a chance.
- Barracuda sis
- Urges finny friends on us.
- Good with wasabe.
- Cheers, My pid is Inigo Montoya. You kill -9 my
- Rick Moen parent process. Prepare to vi.
- rick@hugin.imat.com
- [And we were off -- in an escalating war leading all the way
- to this, a month and a half later:]
- Subject: Re: TAN: Our neighbours (was: Re: QUESTIONS TO ASK Re: Robert Jordan Signing in NC!)
- From: rick@ymir.imat.com (Rick Moen)
- Date: 1995/10/27
- Message-Id: <46rhvs$885@myrddin.imat.com>
- References: <1995Oct18.174051.3124@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov> <4669kt$138@myrddin.imat.com> <1995Oct23.203931.26288@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov>
- Organization: Utopia, Ltd.
- Reply-To: rick@hugin.imat.com (Rick Moen)
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written.robert-Jordan
- In <1995Oct23.203931.26288@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov>, julie@eddie.jpl.nasa.gov
- (Julie Kangas) amp-ly provides provender:
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>What's the friggin matter with fish, huh?
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>...
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Give fish a chance.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Barracuda sis
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Urges finny friends on us.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Good with wasabe.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rick the fisheater
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tastes tender finny morsel
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fugu; fish rejoice!
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Toxin-laden chunks
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Enhance spicy, yummy meal.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rickster dies happy.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tetrodotoxin.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Puffers bridge science and myth.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A mindless zombie.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Blow-fish satiates;
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Creates new couch-potato.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Likes Merkin football.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Barbaric feasting,
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fishy cabal avenges.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Piranha in bath.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Amazon taste-treat:
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bath-water sauce not too bad,
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>But shoyu better.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Diverse teleosts
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>conquer all environments.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Killer walking perch.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Spiny-finned dinner
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Thoughtfully walks shore to Rick.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nature's take-out meal.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>Air units attack
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>while ground forces Rick distract.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>Flying hatchetfish.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>>>>Piscatory food
- >>>>>>>>>>>>Outdoes Federal Express:
- >>>>>>>>>>>>Air delivery.
- >>>>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>>>A swimming horror,
- >>>>>>>>>>>hagfish crawls up anus. Feeds
- >>>>>>>>>>>from the inside, out.
- >>>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>>Vexed Rick contemplates
- >>>>>>>>>>Disemboweled newbie corpse.
- >>>>>>>>>>Marinade's not ready!
- >>>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>>Shooting archerfish
- >>>>>>>>>give up old-fashioned droplets.
- >>>>>>>>>Now have tiny Glocks.
- >>>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>>Sagittaria:
- >>>>>>>>Cute on plate with peacemakers.
- >>>>>>>>Crunchy condiments.
- >>>>>>>
- >>>>>>>A giant grouper
- >>>>>>>spies bloated blob of protein.
- >>>>>>>Snacker becomes snack.
- >>>>>>
- >>>>>>Epinephelus,
- >>>>>>Served Hong Kong style: Braised in sauce,
- >>>>>>Spicily fetes clan.
- >>>>>
- >>>>>Grabs small helpless fish,
- >>>>>but hunter becomes hunted.
- >>>>>Camo'd anglerfish!
- >>>>
- >>>>Piscatorius
- >>>>Goes nicely with tarragon.
- >>>>Bulb is gourmet treat!
- >>>
- >>>Rick falls overboard,
- >>>Eager jaws slice and dice flesh.
- >>>Oooh barracuda.
- >>
- >>Pike-shaped aggressor's
- >>Seppuku merits Rick's thanks!
- >>Tasty fresh filets.
- >
- >Rick tries large eel, makes
- >a shocking discovery!
- >It's named Edison!
- Rick's insulated:
- "I dine again, Lews Therin!"
- Tastes good with currants.
- --
- Cheers, My pid is Inigo Montoya. You kill -9 my
- Rick Moen parent process. Prepare to vi.
- rick@hugin.imat.com
- [Early warning could have been spotted by alert observers,
- at the beginning of that same year:]
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan
- From: julie@eddie.jpl.nasa.gov (Julie Kangas)
- Subject: Re: TAN: peeves -n- puns
- Message-ID: <1995Jan9.151052.19808@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov>
- Sender: news@llyene.jpl.nasa.gov
- Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- References: <3el8r3$h6o@cegt201.bradley.edu>
- <3ela0f$mo8@solaris.cc.vt.edu>
- <1995Jan7.152643.6920@midway.uchicago.edu>
- Date: Mon, 9 Jan 1995 15:10:52 GMT
- Lines: 19
- In article <1995Jan7.152643.6920@midway.uchicago.edu>
- bdh4@midway.uchicago.edu writes:
- >In article <3ela0f$mo8@solaris.cc.vt.edu> joeshaw@csgrad.cs.vt.edu (Joe
- >"Uno" Shaw) writes:
- >>jsn@cegt201.bradley.edu (John Novak) wrote:
- >>> julie@eddie.jpl.nasa.gov (Julie Kangas) writes:
- >>> >Would you rather I go back to fish puns?
- >>> No more fish puns.
- >>> Or I will turn them to electrical puns and kill you with them.
- >>
- >>I'd rather burn in eel than plug in to another pun cascade.
- >I think I'll resistor this and tuna in later.
- I knew I should have stayed ohm today. I'm so sad I could fry.
- Julie
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- DISCLAIMER: Roly poly fish | It's good to be at the top
- heads told me what to write. | of the food chain.
- - Don't tread on me -
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Rick.Moen@f1008.n916.z8.rbbs-net.ORG (Rick Moen)
- Sender: UUCP@p0.f201.n914.z8.rbbs-net.ORG
- Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan
- Subject: Re: Tan: peeves -n- puns
- Message-ID: <789645014.5@wyrm.rbbs-net.ORG>
- Date: 08 Jan 95 08:34:52 PST
- Lines: 18
- joeshaw@info1.cc.vt.edu (Joe "Uno" Shaw) wrote:
- > jsn@cegt201.bradley.edu (John Novak) wrote:
- >> julie@eddie.jpl.nasa.gov (Julie Kangas) writes:
- >>> Would you rather I go back to fish puns?
- >> No more fish puns.
- >> Or I will turn them to electrical puns and kill you with them.
- > I'd rather burn in eel than plug in to another pun cascade.
- Socket to him, Joe.
- Cheers, Roly-poly fish puns
- Rick Moen emboldened me to write.
- moen@skeptic.rbbs-net.org
- * Origin: You're in a maze of twisty newsgroups, all alike. (8:916/1008)