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- Here are Our Loony Ideas.
- Changes since last issue:
- Erica Sadun and Timothy Breuning have added to their ideas.
- Adrisdad (Arthur Kleiman), Andrea Lynn Leistra, Jared Feehan, John Mann,
- Michael Gonzalez, Michael Sullivan, and Paul Khangure have added their
- ideas.
- Some spelling mistakes have been corrected, and abbreviations expanded
- to full words.
- Here is the compilation of our loony ideas. Enjoy, and always remember
- our motto:
- I of course have zero evidence for this, but since when has that stopped
- any of us? (David Wren-Hardin)
- Aaron Bergman <abergman@minerva.cis.yale.edu>
- Siuan and Leane have some power relating to saidin based on the fact that
- they were healed in the manner of men.
- Adrisdad, aka Arthur Kleiman <adrisdad@earthlink.net>
- Nynaeve will never lose her block. It is all that is protecting her from
- being corrupted by too much power and becoming a new forsaken. When the
- need arises she will be mad enough to channel.
- Alexei Svensson
- Rand will bond Elayne as his warder.
- Mat will sound the Horn again, and Arthur Hawkwing will command the
- Seanchan to follow Rand.
- The Salidar Aes Sedai will strike a deal with the Asha'man to take over
- the White Tower in return for their allegiance.
- Lews Theren will somehow split with Rand and marry Elayne, and Rand will
- accept Aiel ways and marry Aviendha and Min.
- Andrea Lynn Leistra <aleistra@leland.Stanford.EDU>
- Lews Therin's soul was somehow trapped in the Seals after his death. This
- is why he started showing up after several seals had been broken, and why
- he wants Rand to break the remaining seals; the more that are broken, the
- more power has and the better chance he has of gaining control over Rand's
- body.
- Andrew Toth <Beyowulf@usa.pipeline.com>
- The Dark One does not want to take over the world. He will sabotage his
- own world conquest when the time is right. The only reason he bothers is
- strictly for the entertainment value. He enjoys the constant fighting
- between the Forsaken and taking over the world would end his enjoyment.
- A gholam killed Asmodean.
- Angela Furry <angelafy@ns.luk.net>
- Demandred is in Amador among the Whitecloaks.
- Benedict Walmisley <BWalmisley@wolf.demon.co.uk>
- Rand's wound is a inverted weave produced by Ba'alzamon's ter'angreal
- staff.
- Bill Garrett <garrett@cs.unc.edu>
- Herid Fel was killed not because he had stumbled onto a truth about
- the Seals and the Dark One, but because he was barking up the wrong
- tree. The Shadow killed him conspicuously to make people think he was
- headed in the right direction. If the Shadow had wanted to kill Fel
- and hide the truth, it could have arranged any number of inconspicuous
- deaths.... Clumsy Fel trips down the stairs and breaks his neck.
- Eccentric Fel goes on one of his long walks and simply never returns.
- Aging Fel dies quietly in his sleep. Everyone thought his ideas were
- nutty, so killing him and stamping "The Shadow done it" all over the
- murder just draws attention to, and validates, what he was working on.
- Bjorn Christianson <u9401305@muss.cis.mcmaster.ca>
- Berelain is a Darkfriend: she turned to the Dark in hopes of keeping
- Mayene from being overcome by Tear. She was responsible for giving the
- Shadow the information that led the assassination of Herid Fel. The man
- in white in Berelain's future is Galad, and this will lead a great personal
- crisis for Galad: turn in the Darkfriend, as is his sworn duty as a
- Whitecloak, or save his true love.
- Brad M. Lauchnor <eqshw.blauchno@state.ut.us>
- The "end" will involve Rand destroying the DO and the "Wheel of Time"
- making it into the line of time. Time will be linear and no one will be
- reborn and all of these annoying recurrences will cease. When the WoT is
- destroyed Rand (the Dragon) will die but Rand (the farmer) will live
- without those vexing voices in his head. Saidin and Saidar will also be
- destroyed in this process.
- Bryan Ecker <ecker@mail.ameritel.net>
- After Rand looses his hand, Nynaeve will heal it back. After all, "What
- makes a woman able to channel cannot be replaced, once it is removed, any
- more than a hand that has been cut off can be healed back into existence."
- Burr Rutledge<rutlew@rpi.edu>
- The ageless look of AS is a function of the Oath Rod. Siuan and Leane
- will not regain their look until they reswear their Oaths. By the same
- token, Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne will not get it until they swear their
- Oaths (if they ever do). All channelers who do not take the Oaths remain
- young-looking until they die. The Oath Rod also shortens a channeler's
- life span.
- Verin Sedai is not as spooky a character as she is given credit for. Her
- slip, "Moiraine sent me," is not a lie. Instead, it is Verin's interpre-
- tation of the conversation in Fal Dara. Further, she has no way around
- the Oaths, she is just a Very Smart and Old Brown.
- Liah will return to the limelight, fulfilling a prophesy already revealed
- in LoC -- she is the 'one who is no longer'.
- Fully Healing a stilled channeler does not require cross-gender Healing.
- It is a function of which flows are used to bridge the void. Nynaeve will
- have to heal a stilled Moiraine, who is rescued from *finnland by Thom
- (with no help from anyone else), and will discover how to heal her fully.
- Two people who enter the *finnland Doorways together will not end up at
- the same place in *finnland, keeping Thom from taking anyone along.
- The *finn live in worlds which run perpendicular to the time line in
- Randland, as described by Verin. This is what allows them to search a
- life-line of a Randlander -- it is not looking into their own past or
- future. This is important to Thom's rescue attempt and was part of the
- letter that Moiraine sent to him.
- Semirhage has placed herself in Saldaea.
- Chris R. Anderson <chanders@vt.edu>
- Nynaeve will never break her block. At least, not before Tarmon Gai'don.
- Chris Benham <chanders@vt.edu> wrote:
- Rand will be killed at Shayol Ghul during Tarmon Gai'don, and it will be
- Egwene that kills him.
- Courtenay Footman <cpf@lightlink.com>
- Mesaana is the architect for the palace Elaida is building.
- Dave Hemming <surfbaud@waverider.co.uk>
- Logain will become Nae'blis (glory to come).
- Taim is Demandred, but will return to the Light - "There are none so far
- in the Shadow...".
- The bore is a tied-off inverted weave of both saidar and saidin (Lanfear
- and Beidomon) which is why the Hundred Companions (all male) couldn't
- undo it, merely cover it. The grand finale will feature Rand and probably
- Nynaeve undoing it.
- Dave Rothgery <daveroth@WPI.EDU>
- The Red Ajah is a dreadlord recruitment agency, finding men who can
- channel and bringing them to the dark. Those who refuse (like Owyn)
- are gentled or killed unless 13 black sisters and 13 myrddraal are
- available. Elaida is one of the few Reds who doesn't know this, as she
- spent so much time in Caemlyn, not Tar Valon, and isn't Black Ajah.
- David Matsumoto <00matsum@wave.scar.utoronto.ca>
- Davram Bashere's wolf-headed rod, seen when we first meet him, and which
- is actually one of the Nine Rods of Dominion, is passed to Perrin as an
- heirloom. Perrin will be able to use it to call wolves from tel'aran'-
- rhiod in a manner similar to the Horn of Valere calling the Heros of the
- Horn. When Perrin uses the rod at Tarmon Gai'don, he will be nearly
- knocked back by thousands of wolves' responding "We come, Brother".
- Nynaeve will never break her block. Egwene will be the one who uses the
- female statue sa'angreal while linked to Rand using the male statue
- sa'angreal at Tarmon Gai'don as Egwene is the only channeler that Rand
- can truly trust.
- The traps around Callandor are to prevent anyone from channeling it
- out. The one who comes after just has to grab it and pull, and it will
- just come out. (Slightly different from Hawk's).
- The weather can be restored by the bowl ter'angreal but to keep the
- weather 'normal' without repeated use of the bowl ter'angreal, a way to
- restore the Green Man will need to be found.
- Before Rand can face the DO at Tarmon Gai'don, after all of the Forsaken
- are killed (all reincarnations of them), Rand will have to face his MOST
- dangerous opponent, Padan Fain.
- Dennis Higbee <bnook@li.net>
- Lanfear is the soul reincarnated in Shaidar Haran. The clue is the
- 'dar' which denotes sister in the word Shaidar.
- Don Lowe <don.lowe@sci.monash.edu.au>
- Lanfear, who will have taken back her name Mirien, and Lews Therin will
- make the ultimate sacrifice, resealing the Dark One's prison with their
- souls. Rand will survive, and the prophecy that "to live [Rand], he
- [Lews Therin] must die" will be fulfilled.
- Donald Ruhrmund <dwr4@po.cwru.edu>
- The seal given to Rand is a fake. There is still a seal out there
- missing. Furthermore, to defeat the DO Rand must break the seals, but
- not allow them all to be broken through mano a mano fights with the
- Forsaken as the first four were.
- Draconnis, aka Govind Salinas <gsalinas@lonestar.jpl.utsa.edu>
- Machin Shin is from Shadar Logoth. (It popped up after Mordeth and it
- felt a connection with Mordeth/Fain, and it took orders from him. It
- also has nothing against killing Shadowspawn or Darkfriends just like the
- entities at Shadar Logoth. There is a Waygate at Shadar Logoth through
- which it could have entered.)
- Dylan Flynn Alexander <DFA3147@ACS.TAMU.EDU>
- Davram Bashere is a darkfriend. He treats Rand much as Kadere did. He's
- secretly been passing Rand's grand strategy to Sammael and when Rand
- tries it he'll be defeated in detail.
- Edward Hardy wrote: <ehardy@cc.cumber.edu>
- Just as Trollocs were created by the blending of human and animal stock,
- with myrddraal being throwbacks to the original human stock, Ogier were
- also mixed with animals. Shaidar Haran is a throwback of an Ogier-animal
- cross. His size and his ability to negate the one power as if it never
- existed, an ability akin to the power of a stedding, illustrate the
- affinity.
- Eric Truong <erict@po.EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
- Gaidal Cain's and Lews Therin's souls were not reborn into Olver and
- Rand until or just prior to Mat and Moiraine, respectively, meeting them.
- However, Olver and Rand were always predestined to house those souls
- Erica Sadun <erica@cc.gatech.edu>
- "And he shall come out of the old land to guide the return. And ye shall
- know him by his staff--and that the power of the leashed ones shalt be
- nothing to him. And she who is the daughter of the Nine Moons shalt come
- after him and ye shall know her by her crown of the hawk. For he is marked
- by the Raven and she by the Hawk. And she shall lead the return and all
- shall bow to him and revere him as Hawkwing returned." Tales of Prophecy,
- Court of the Return, 4th Age.
- The Dark One is the source of Saidin. So long as he contained in a pure
- dome, he acts as a battery for the male One Power. Even with a hole in the
- dome, he is contained enough. However, the patch disturbed the integrity
- of the dome and created bad harmonic resonance in the Saidin channel.
- How else would the GLotD have any affect on one of the springs of the One
- Power at all?
- There is a Light One on the other side of the world (in Seanchan?) who
- supplies Saidar. (GLotL?)
- Maybe Siuan and Leane are weaker than they once were because they were
- once "bound" like...criminals?
- Nynaeve will be collared when angry, but the a'dam won't work on her
- once she regains her temper and she'll be able to let herself out.
- [Editor's note, included at Erica's request: If Nynaeve is collared,
- to get the collar off, she will have to think about the collar, which
- should make her angry again. It seems to be like a "Don't think about
- elephants" problem.]
- Fred White <fwhite2@unf6.cis.unf.edu>
- In much the way we have seen that people/personalities can be merged into
- one (Isam/Luc, Lews/Rand when Lews fights for control in tel'aran'rhiod)
- Rand will find a way (most likely with Egwene's help) to separate them.
- Thus, Lews and Rand will separate and Lews will indeed die at Shayol Ghul
- and Rand will survive.
- George Oshry <goshry@netvision.net.il>
- On the day of the Last Battle, Demandred and a female Forsaken will use
- the two large sa'angreal to balefire the whole world, themselves included.
- So much balefire, including balefiring the source, will have a different
- effect than normal. It will not kill everyone, but instead will reset the
- whole day before the balefiring occurred. This will be how the "twice
- dawns the day" prophecy will be fulfilled.
- Verin is the daughter of Aemon al Caar al Thorin, king of Manetheren,
- and Eldrene. Verin, although over two thousand years old, is still
- alive because her mother hid her in tel'aran'rhiod (in the flesh, as
- well as in the spirit) to keep her safe from the invading Trolloc army,
- and didn't retrieve her. Verin was only brought out by Corianin Nedeal,
- after about fifteen hundred years had passed, and did not age while she
- was in tel'aran'rhiod. Her 300+ age in real time now is due to effects of
- having spent so much time in TAR.
- Hawk, aka Robyn Goldstein <hawk@gwis2.circ.gwu.edu>
- Callandor will be drawn out by someone else, but not by channeling, but
- by simply digging it out. They will take it Rand for the Last Battle.
- The reason that Alanna was asking Egwene and Nynaeve about Rand, Perrin,
- and Mat during the trip to the White Tower was that Verin needed a
- confidant and someone who could help her out, so she told Alanna. The
- reason why Verin told Perrin to beware of Alanna in tSR was because
- Perrin (and the rest of them) tend to do the opposite of what you tell
- them, so by telling him that, Perrin would probably trust/talk with
- Alanna more than he would otherwise.
- James Fauconbridge aka Faucon <Faucon <hxb107@psu.edu>
- The warder bond is actually bidirectional, with the stronger wielder of
- the One Power in charge. This has simply never been an issue before, as
- no one has ever tried to bond a channeler before Alanna. There is
- absolutely no proof that this is true, but I would love to see Elayne
- mistakenly bond herself as Rand's warder.
- The Dragon is the only soul that has *never* served the Dark One in any
- incarnation. For the Dark One to truly win (break the wheel) it has to
- convert the Dragon. If the Dragon dies, the wheel just turns to a new age.
- Entering tel'aran'rhiod in the flesh weakens the barriers between your
- presently incarnated personality and the archetypical soul that it was
- spun out from. This is what the wise ones meant by "losing a part of
- what makes you human," and the reason the Rand has Lews Therin raving
- in his head.
- Jan Hards <jan@umtali.demon.co.uk>
- Demandred is masquerading as Balwer, Pedron Niall's secretary.
- Jared Feehan <jdfeehan@merle.acns.nwu.edu>
- Mat and Elayne both get captured by the Seanchan at Ebou Dar while the
- rest of the group gets away. Rand tries a covert attempt at breaking them
- out that goes awry, and he gets collared to Elayne forcing Mat to chop his
- hand off.
- Taim is Demandred, but not in the way others think it to be: Demandred
- was killed and resurrected into Taim up in Shayol Ghul.
- Verin's 70 year plan ultimately has to do with Shadar Logoth, and she
- headed off to the Two Rivers in tSR because she knew that Fain was going
- to show up there. Verin will therefore be instrumental in finally
- bringing Fain down.
- Ishamael started the Trolloc Wars with the intent of creating Shadar Logoth
- and hence Mashadar. Mordeth was really a Darkfriend and charged by Ishy to
- help create the hate necessary for Aridhol's transformation into Shadar
- Logoth. Why? Because both Fain and Shadar Logoth are necessary for the
- Last Battle.
- Kari al'Thor was related to Morgase.
- Jay Morrison <???>
- Bran al'Vere is a darkfriend.
- Jeff Raglin <JRAGLIN@utcvm.utc.edu>
- Verin is Bonwhin. A manipulative Aes Sedai who was stilled. There are
- indications that Verin is free of the Oath Rod, and not as powerful as
- she once was, both of which are consistent with having been stilled.
- Mazrim Taim is Not Demandred, but Demandred is...Davram Bashere!
- The "Lews Therin" voice inside Rand is actually a forsaken talking to him.
- Rand is NOT the sea folk's Coramoor
- Jen Skripac <jenskripac@delphi.com>
- Mat, Elayne, and company will be forced to go to Seanchan to find the bowl
- ter'angreal after the *angreal treasure room is looted by Seanchan invading
- Ebou Dar.
- The Daughter of the Nine Moons will be discovered and "returned" by Mat
- and Thom when they enter the Tower of Genji in search of Moiraine.
- Nynaeve's block will be resolved by linking with Elayne to make the bowl
- ter'angreal work & suddenly having to take control of the link for some
- reason
- Jim Harris <magellan@ksu.ksu.edu>
- Rand will take a group of the tinkers/Tuatha'an to the crystal columns
- of Rhuidean. There the tinkers will live through their ancestors' eyes
- and ears, hearing many ancient songs, including the songs that the
- Tuatha'an have been seeking. when the final battle comes, the Tuatha'
- an will hold back the terrors of the Blight by singing the ancient songs
- and restoring normal vegetation to the ground that Rand's army must march
- across. Ogier may or may not be involved in this song.
- Joel, aka People Covered In Fish <joel.hafvenstein@yale.edu>
- Rand will die at Tarmon Gai'don, whether or not he is separated from Lews
- Therin. No wimpy endings.
- Mat is going to eventually seduce Elayne. This provides the ironic
- counterpoint to Rand's "Far Snows" scene, and will make Rand's reunion
- with Elayne even more amusing.
- Taim is Demandred, but will turn to the Light just in time to decide the
- battle with Sammael in Rand's favor.
- The Dark One was the Creator. In creating the world, he trapped himself
- in the Pattern/the Wheel of Time. This limited his power to the extent
- that humanity was able to rebel and successfully seal him away. When Rand
- finally discovers this, in his despair he will do his best to balefire the
- entire universe.
- John Mann <jcm@tomco.net>
- The book will encompass a total of 30 days (3 Randland weeks).
- Elayne, Aviendha and Min will never all be in the same city at the same time.
- The Seanchan will not be in more than two chapters.
- The Shaido will be dealt with once and for all.
- Rand will not be severed, split from Lews Therin, or have MPS.
- The Heros will not be called again by the Horn until after ACoS.
- Lan will suggest that Nynaeve cut her braid, and she will.
- ,
- Karl-Johan Noren <k-j-nore@dsv.su.se>
- Birgitte will become Elayne's First Prince of the Sword
- Sheriam is Black Ajah. When Egwene finds out, she quietly kills her and
- makes Sorilea the new Keeper
- Keith Higginson <keithh@eng2.uconn.edu>
- A women without the ability to channel can use the sad bracelets. (No
- channeling prerequisite is ever stated, and Nynaeve's statement to
- Egeanin "'It is as much an a'dam as you and I are alike, Egeanin'"
- <tSR, Revelations in Tanchico> may be a subtle clue that this is the
- case.)
- Sevanna will literally collar Rand with the sad bracelets, and hence,
- gain the ability to channel vicariously through Rand.
- Rand's "to live you must die" prophecy and Mat's "to die and live again"
- prophecy are intimately related. Rand will die at Tarmon Gai'don, but
- his soul will inhabit Mat's body in Luc/Isam fashion.
- Kenneth G. Cavness <stargoat@tic.com>
- What is pretending to be Lews Therin Telamon in Rand's head is actually
- Ishamael. (Note that Lews Therin didn't appear until *after* Ishy's
- death! haHA!)
- The Aelfinn/Elfinn are in a world of If; one of the worlds that has no
- One Power for women, and thus neither Moiraine or Lanfear can channel.
- This is why the bond with Lan was broken -- they went into a world of
- If -- it doesn't exist in Randland -- and they can't channel.
- Kyle Brown <kyle@bnc53cab.bently.com>
- Verin is head of a third secret faction of Aes Sedai, the Ancient Ones,
- all of whom are over 200 years old, with mysterious membership and goals.
- Rand's reference to a third group of AS is really a reference to this
- group, which made contact through an as yet unseen non-channeling
- emissary. This group will come out in open support of Rand, and force
- the Tar Valon and Salidar factions to mend their fences and support Rand
- as well.
- Larry Homer <afn40452@afn.org>
- Rand knows exactly who will draw Callandor and follow after (probably
- Logain) because one of his questions inside the ter'angreal doorway
- dealt with that issue.
- Mark Langsdorf, aka Frat Rat <mlangsdo@engr.trinity.edu>
- The attack on Demira Sedai in LoC was organized by Verin. The short,
- familiar looking Aiel in the attack was Verin's Warder, Tomas, in
- disguise. Verin staged the attack so she could manipulate the Sedai
- into confronting Rand and keep them from allying with him.
- Matt Orwig <orwig@calvin.covenant.edu>
- Padan Fain, Maichin Shin, Madashar and the Taint are all related as some
- sort of third mad element to the war between good and evil. They were
- pulled into this world when the DO was being sealed in Shayol Ghul ie, he
- was grasping for any possible thing he could find to save him from being
- imprisoned and whatever he does find flows into the very force that was
- used to imprison him. Padan Fain will be a third element to the final
- battle, one not predicted by prophecy.
- Michael Gonzalez <mgonzalez@newscorp.com>
- Mesaana is Silviana, Elaida's Mistress of Novices.
- Rand will soon figure out that Taim is Demandred, but he will either
- a) try to exploit Taim for what he's worth while he can or
- b) try to lead Demandred/Taim back to the Light
- Rand established the school as a direct result of one of the answers that
- he received in 'finnland.
- Sevanna's cube was given to her by Sammael, who found it in his stasis box.
- Lanfear and Moiraine have merged, Luc/Isam style, and will be recognized
- by the Seanchan as the Daughter of the Nine Moons. The whole history of
- the Seanchan was a set-up of Ishamael's to prepare them for Lanfear's
- leadership.
- Michael Sullivan <SULLIVANGM@aol.com>
- Aviendha killed Asmodean.
- Paul Khangure <prk@tartarus.uwa.edu.au>
- Morgase is killed by the Whitecloaks, and they boast about killing a Tar
- Valon trained witch. Gawyn realises his hatred of Rand is unfounded, and
- Galad realises his allegiance with the Whitecloaks is absurd. Both Gawyn
- and Galad head to Caemlyn (independently) where they meet up with Rand
- and Elayne.
- Scott <97sah@williams.edu>
- In the final battle with the Dark One, Lews Therin will take over Rand's
- body/mind/whatever and destroy the Dark One and/or seal the Bore again.
- This will be the salvation of his soul, and he dies in peace, to be respun
- again by the Wheel.
- The White Ajah actually has the most extensive spy network of all the Aes
- Sedai. They are "believed" to have no such network at all, but what could
- be more logical than to keep your spy network totally hidden, since it is
- supposed to be secret?
- Stephen Kent Worsnop <kent@is.dal.ca>
- All of the Aiel who are siswai'aman will die. Only those who do not
- wear the headband will survive Tarmon Gaidon as the remnant of a remnant.
- Steve Frishcosy <snfrishc@Oakland.edu>
- Cuendillar is a physical representation of both saidar and saidin like
- the Eye of the World is a physical representation of just saidin. If you
- just had pure amounts of one or the other Power, they'd be liquid.
- Thomas Lide <aa110943@dasher.csd.sc.edu>
- Gawyn will play a key role in finding/freeing Lord Luc (based on Bunt's
- comment in 'The Last Village', TEotW).
- Tam will lead Illian in a civil war against Sammael, saving Rand and Mat's
- failed offensive.
- Timothy S. Bruening <tsbrueni@wheel.ucdavis.edu>
- Alviarin sends a Gray Man to kill Elaida, then takes over as possibly the
- first Black Amyrlin ever.
- Rand is turned to the Shadow by 13 Black Ajah or Dreadlords and 13 Fades.
- To turn him back from the Shadow, 13 Aes Sedai Gentle him to break his
- ties to the Shadow, then Nynaeve Heals him to restore his channeling
- ability.
- Mat's left eye will be needed to reconstitute the Eye of the World, which
- Rand will need for the Last Battle.
- Graendal in Arad Doman may Compel the Seanchan in Arad Doman to follow
- her orders.
- Egwene and the Salidar AS will Travel to near Tar Valon. Egwene, Nynaeve,
- and Elayne will then take Salidar AS and troops into tel'aran'rhiod
- physically. The AS and troops will travel to the tel'aran'rhiod reflection
- of the White Tower, move into strategically important areas, and then exit
- tel'aran'rhiod, taking the Tower AS by surprise.
- Jaichim Carridin will become leader of the Whitecloaks.
- Tony Zbaraschuk <tonyz@eskimo.com>
- Padan Fain is the Dark One.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Courtenay Footman I have again gotten back on the net, and
- cpf@lightlink.com again I will never get anything done.