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- Here is the first edition of Our Loony Ideas for ACoS.
- My apologies for taking so long with this.
- Not that many people submitted this time; how will our ideas rule
- the world if people don't submit?
- Enjoy, and always remember our motto:
- I of course have zero evidence for this, but since when has that stopped
- any of us? (David Wren-Hardin)
- Benedict Walmisley <BWalmisley@wolf.demon.co.uk>
- Gaidal Cain is dead-dead -- Moghedien has killed him to make Birgitte
- 'weep forever'.
- Birgitte has been ripped from the Horn for ever.
- Taim will turn out to be Demandred, but be lured back to light.
- Courtenay Footman <cpf@lightlink.com>
- Mesaana is the architect for the palace Elaida is building.
- Daniel Turney <wizard78@erols.com>
- The bad weather isn't an effect of the dark one but is, in fact, caused
- by the last green man dying. When Nynaeve and Elayne use the bowl, they
- won't change the weather, but instead, they will create a new Nym!
- Dennis Higbee <bnook@li.net>
- Shaidar Haran is actually Lanfear's soul. The 'dar' in Shaidar denotes
- female, and thus, Lanfear.
- Osan'gar is hiding out the Black Tower, but not as a channeler. Like
- Hamila, he is in a non-threating position where it is possible to wield
- much influence with Taim, who leads the BT. He's Henre Haslin, the
- master of Sword, and the M'hael nonsense originated with him.
- Hawk <Mer@cris.com>
- Callandor will be drawn out by someone else, but not by channeling, but
- by simply digging it out. They will take it Rand for the Last Battle.
- The reason that Alanna was asking Egwene and Nynaeve about Rand, Perrin,
- and Mat during the trip to the White Tower was that Verin needed a
- confidant and someone who could help her out, so she told Alanna. The
- reason why Verin told Perrin to beware of Alanna in tSR was because
- Perrin (and the rest of them) tend to do the opposite of what you tell
- them, so by telling him that, Perrin would probably trust/talk with
- Alanna more than he would otherwise.
- Jay Pasquantonio wrote:
- Mazrim Taim is Demandred. He will be turned to the Light in the following
- manner: Min will uncover crucial and convincing evidence that Taim is
- Demandred (not a viewing, but possibly related to one). She will tell
- Rand, who will secretly collect the leaders of the Asha'man to reveal
- this. They will feel betrayed, despite their loyalty to MT. Rand, the
- leaders of the Asha'man, and their ("Warder"-bound wives) will confront
- Taim, and in the ensuing tangle, they will turn him (13 Asha'man channeling
- through their "Warders"). Demandred's conversion is eased by the fact
- that he was originally turned by the Shadow in the Age of Legends, and is
- a good guy at heart.
- Jeffrey R. Naujok
- When Elayne, using info from Egwene, sends Thom to recover some of the
- angreals from the Rhudiean wagons, Thom recovers Moiraine's amulet from
- the fire ravaged wagon in Cairhein. He realizes the only way to bring
- her back from the dead is to call her back as a "Hero of Legends" [from
- ACoS] using the Horn of Valere. He will proceed to the White Tower to
- retrieve the Horn and sound it for Moiraine's Salvation.
- Karl-Johan Noren <k-j-nore@dsv.su.se>
- Ingtar has become a Hero of the Horn.
- The reason a Myrddraal is born as a Myrddraal and not as a run-of-the-mill
- Trolloc is that it has the channeling gene.
- Birgitte will become Elayne's First Prince of the Sword.
- Mack Crockett <ADRVertayk@aol.com>
- Mat will kill Moghedian after a Nynaeve/Moghedian fight where Moghedian
- wins.
- Lan will fight his cousin (Isam) in a very interesting sword fight.
- Moiraine will return from the dead as one of the heroes of the Horn
- (albeit a very little known one).
- Mazrim Taim is not Demandred, Dashiva is (that's why he keeps laughing at
- something).
- Michael Gonzalez <mpg@crown.net>
- Mat inadvertently rescues Lanfear, while rescuing Moiraine. Lanfear
- turns out to be the (prophesied) Daughter of the Nine Moons, and
- Mat ends up marrying her.
- Rob Strong <balthamel@geocities.com>
- Mat will be so in love with tDotNM, that his loyalties will be confused
- and he will become her general once he has won her trust and make life
- hell for Rand, until he finally comes to his senses and persuades the
- Seanchan to join with Rand.
- Egwene will be so impertinent with Rand when they meet (thus fulfilling
- Elaida's Foretelling about the Dragon Reborn knowing the Amyrlin's anger)
- that he will declare war on her and all but destroy the SAS. After doing
- so, Rand is horrified at what he has done, and goes into hiding as a
- peasant, thus fulfilling Min's viewing of him in a beggar's cloak.
- Semirhage's charge is Egwene, because Semirhage is Meri, Egwene's
- exceedingly unpleasant maid.
- Steve Monahan wrote:
- All of the Aiel will die. The remnant of a remnant refers to the Tinkers.
- The Tinkers will be the only Aiel to survive TG.
- Steven Cooper <sacooper@ozemail.com.au>
- The woman with the silver-and-shadow disguise Alviarin is talking to
- in the COS prologue is NOT actually Mesaana at all -- Alviarin just
- thinks she is. I think she's really Moiraine *and* Lanfear -- merged
- into one entity a la Luc & Isam, as a result of their adventures in
- Eelfinnland.
- Timothy Bruening <tsbrueni@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us>
- While Nynaeve and Lan are still in or near Ebou Dar, Myrelle will die.
- Nynaeve will Bond Lan as her Warder to save his life.
- The Ta'veren abilities of Rand, Mat, and Perrin explain why no one ever
- mentioned Cadsuane (a legendary, 295 year old AS) within ear or eye shot
- of Robert Jordan's pen, typewriter, or computer.
- Elaida has assigned Seaine to root out traitors in the Tower. Elaida
- will plant evidence against Alviarin, while Alviarin will plant evidence
- against Elaida.
- When Rand learns of the Seanchan invasion, he will decide to have Mat
- blow the Horn of Valere to bring back Artur Hawkwing, then order Hawkwing
- to order the Seanchan to surrender, since the Seanchan are descended from
- armies Hawkwing sent across the Aryth Ocean. The major obstacles to this
- plan are that the Horn is in the Tower (controlled by Elaida) and Mat is
- in Seanchan occupied Ebou Dar.