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- What follows is the result of a couple months of quite sporadic work
- by the authors, work that was frequently interrupted by Real Life and
- by The Great Hoax. The idea was originally hatched by the first author
- back in January, but he needed help to completely realize the dream.
- Special thanks for Robert Jordan for writing the books we all know and
- love. Dedicated to our fellow rasfw Jordanites: thanks for all the fun.
- Joe "Uno" Shaw
- Bill "Fain" Garrett
- Disclaimer: This is a work of parody. All the characters and events
- mentioned in this dictionary are derivative, and any references to
- real people and events are purely intentional.
- ===========
- BY
- A NOTE ON DATES IN THIS DICTIONARY: The Toman Calendar (devised by
- Toman dur Calendar) was adopted approximately two centuries after the
- destruction of the last Michael Jackson music video, recording years
- After Breakdancing (AB). So many records were destroyed in the
- Trolloc Wars that at their end there was argument about who had
- performed which song first. Records were also difficult to carry,
- so the Cassette Age (CA) was introduced. When Artur Hawkwing founded
- his empire, he found that the current calendar, which marked years
- from midwinter to midwinter, was inefficient for government planning.
- Why, it would often take his tax collectors six months to squeeze the
- royal levy out of everyone. To facilitate the scheduling of government
- projects, he attempted to establish the system of Fiscal Years (FY) under
- which years ran from Autumn to Autumn, allowing sufficient time to collect
- and distribute revenues following the end of the calendar year, but this
- is now known and referred to only by accountants. After the widespread
- debauchery, devilry and disruption of Song of the Hundred Beers (on the
- wall, take one off...) a fourth calendar was devised by Urin din Jubal
- Harsh Saw, and records years of the Now Ending era (NE).
- ACCEPTED: An Aes Sedai not yet completely out of touch with the world.
- It normally takes 5 to 10 years to become this aloof. Accepted wear a
- Great Serpent ring, displaying it prominently on the middle finger of
- their left hand. Upon becoming full Aes Sedai, they may wear it upon
- any finger, although most wear it on the middle finger of the right
- or left hand. (See AES SEDAI.)
- AES SEDAI: In the Old Tongue, "Busybodies." Since the Time of Madness,
- all Aes Sedai are women, of course, since only men know what is really
- going on in the world.
- AGE OF LEGENDS: The Age that comes after the Age of Myths, and before
- the Age of Memories. Legends from this age are passed on in gleeman's
- tales, such as the stories about the Anla the Wiseass Counselor, who had
- to repeat herself a Thousand Times because no one believed her; of Mosk
- and Merk the Giants, the tag-team duo whose Lances of Fire kept them atop
- the WWF, the World-Wide Federation of nations; and of how if someone made
- an evil wish upon a star, it would fall to earth and land at their feet,
- and when that person or anyone else held the silvery star, it would remind
- them of their greed and pride.
- AGINOR: A covetous bastard who got burned for his greed.
- AIEL: The people who live in the Aiel Waste. Their true name is the
- People of the Dragon, but this name is known only to those who have been
- to Rhuidean. The name Aiel is said to have been coined by a drunk clan
- chief to cover a slip of the tongue. According to legend, the clan chief
- said something about the people being named after a mythical beast that no
- one has ever seen or believes exists. When a Stone Dawg asked him what
- animal he was referring to, the clan chief answered with the name of a
- electrifying aquatic animal that he had heard of once in a gleeman's tale.
- AIEL WASTE: Harsh, low-rent district beyond the Spine of the World.
- Called the "Three-ply Land" by the Aiel and "Arse of the World" by
- westerners.
- AJAH: Societies among the Aes Sedai, to which all Aes Sedai belong, except
- the Amyrlin Seat who is the sole member of the "Rainbow Ajah." They are
- designated by colors: Blue, Red, White, Green, Brown, Yellow, and Gray
- Ajah. Each follows a specific philosophy of the use of the Power and
- the purposes of the Aes Sedai. For example, the Red Ajah bends all its
- energies to finding men who can channel and gentling them, so that they
- cannot spread the truth, which the Reds see as vicious lies. The White
- Ajah loses touch with the world by dedicating itself to questions of
- philosophy and truth, which have no application to the real world. The
- Brown Ajah, on the other hand, knowingly forsakes involvement with the world
- to see knowledge and study history, which any fool knows will repeat itself
- anyway, so why bother studying the past? The Blue Ajah mucks around with
- causes, manipulating governments and societies for their own benefit and
- personal pleasure. The Yellow is primarily interested in healing, but
- seldom affiliates with 'regular people', so they're not much good. The
- Gray likes settling arguments, but as everyone knows, the best way to
- settle an argument in your own favor is to start it and blame it all
- on someone else. In this way, the Grays are like the Blues, but much
- craftier. The Green Ajah talks about preparing for battle, but its main
- interest is in meeting guys. There are rumors of a Black Ajah dedicated
- to serving Ishamael's 'needs', but these rumors are hotly denied.
- AMADICIA: A country in southeastern Randland, home of the Children of
- the Light. The King is essentially a puppet of the Children. Laws are
- strict and punishments are draconian. For example, cattle rustling is
- punishable by branding (with a white-hot iron), while attempted suicide
- is punishable by death. Beating a woman carries a penalty of losing one's
- hand, except if she's your wife, in which case the penalty is only a
- fine of 1 silver mark. The surplus forelimbs are given to the Questioners,
- properly known as the Hand of the Light. (See WHITECLOAKS, CHILDREN OF
- AMYRLIN SEAT: (1) The chief meddler of the Aes Sedai, the Flamebait of
- Tar Valon. (2) The wicker and plaid-upholstered recliner upon which the
- Amyrlin sits. (3) The Amyrlin's rear end. (See AES SEDAI, TAR VALON.)
- ANDOR: The only country not typified by the odd customs that seem so
- prevalent in other countries and lands.
- ANGREAL: A mysterious device which allows a channeler to use more of
- the One Power than he or she can safely use unaided. Angreal do not
- have any power in and of themselves, and in fact probably do nothing
- except boost the user's confidence to produce psychosomatic results.
- ARAD DOMAN: A country currently in anarchy and civil war, caused, no
- doubt, by the fact that most Domani merchants are women.
- ASMODEAN: A man who didn't learn to fly before he hit the ground.
- Twice and thrice shall he change faith,
- twice to Light, and thrice to Dark,
- Once to Light, to build his cliff,
- Twice to Light: the blade of grass.
- Once to Shadow, to name him true.
- Twice to Shadow, to be undone.
- Thrice to Shadow, for the final fall.
- AVENDESORA: Known as the "Tree of Life", a clipping of this magnificent
- arbor was given to King Laman of Cairhien by the Aiel as a token of
- appreciation for obscure sexual favors. Laman chopped it down to build
- his throne and when the Aiel confronted him about this, he bravely
- replied, "I cannot tell a lie; I chopped it down," and was promptly
- executed.
- AVIENDHA: A woman of the Bitter Water sept of the Doodad Aiel. She
- seems to have spent an inordinate amount time watching Elayne's body
- while in Tear. (See SNIFFER.)
- BALTHAMEL: A truly rotten man, destroyed by the environmentalist party.
- BA'ALZAMON: In the Trolloc Tongue, "Joseph Conrad." In the Old Tongue,
- "Black as the Ace of Spades." You can never be sure whether the Ba'alzamon
- you encounter is the real Ba'alzamon, or just someone else with the same
- name, pretending to be him.
- BE'LAL: Also known as the Netweaver, his net caught a woman who
- unwove his thread from the pattern.
- BEL TINE: When Two Rivers folk relax after work. Named after
- a brand of liqueur distilled from Two Rivers apples.
- "Now that the tilling's done, it's Bel Tine!"
- BLACK AJAH: Also known as the Jenn Ajah, since Aes Sedai were servants
- to all, and unlike the other Ajahs, the Black Ajah still serves, even if
- it is a different master. (See Ajah.)
- BLACK WIND, THE: The evil wind that stalks the Ways, said to have once
- been a gentle, caressing breeze before being possessed by the soul of
- Steven King. (See MACHIN SHIN; WAYS, THE.)
- BLASTED LANDS: Desolated lands surrounding Shayol Ghul, beyond the
- Great Blight, comprised of Long Island, New Jersey, Connecticut and
- Westchester County. (See SHAYOL GHUL; GREAT BLIGHT, THE.)
- BORDERLANDS, THE: The lands bordering the Great Blight, comprised of
- Pennsylvania, Ontario, Quebec and Vermont. (See GREAT BLIGHT, THE;
- BREAKING OF THE WORLD, THE: The cataclysmic passing from one age to
- another, such as when you turn 21, or 30, or 40, or 65, or....
- [Bob Dylan: "Times They Are A Changing"]
- The line, it is drawn, the taint, it is cast
- The Dark One will later break fast
- And the present Age will soon be the past
- The order is rapidly fading
- The first one now will soon be the last
- For the times, they are a Breaking....
- -- A fragment from a song allegedly popular
- during the Time of Madness, author unknown.
- CADIN'SOR: Old Tongue for "overalls".
- CAEMLYN: Capital city and largest seaport of Andor. Has never been taken
- by force, only by individuals and small parties able to sneak in over
- the garden wall.
- CAIRHIEN: The playground of the Houses playing the Great Game.
- [Animals: "House Of The Rising Sun"]
- There is a Hill in Cairhien, they call the Golden Dawn,
- it's been the ruin of many a noble,
- and me, Great Lord, I'm one.
- My mother is a Mother, she patches cuts and scrapes,
- my husband he's a gambling man,
- drinks down in the Foregate.
- My husband is a gambler, he goes from town to town,
- the only time he's satisfied is when
- he drinks his liquor down.
- Go tell my baby sister, never do what I have done,
- shun that Game in Cairhien,
- Land of the Rising Sun.
- One foot on the platform, the other's on the barge,
- I'm going back to Cairhien,
- to play Daes Dae'mar.
- Going back to Cairhien, my race is almost run,
- I'm going to spend the rest of my life,
- beneath that Rising Sun.
- CALLANDOR: A useless sword in the Heart of the Stone, In Tear. It can't
- be touched, and it's not even a real sword. What good is it?
- CAR'A'CARN: In the Old Tongue, "First Among Equals." Because the
- Car'a'carn can channel, he is usually considered more equal than the
- others. Also called "He Who Comes With Dawn", because of a line in
- the Aiel prophecy about him appearing with someone named Dawn.
- CARALLAIN: One of the nations wrung from Artur Hawkwing's empire during
- the War of the Hundred Years. It weakened thereafter, and the last traces
- vanished so long ago that no traces of civilization remain. It's capitol
- city was called "Peoria."
- CHANNEL: The act of using the One Power to cause an episode of commercial
- programming to appear on a special ter'angreal called a te'avee.
- CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT: Devout soldiers who bring out the worst in
- people, all for the common good.
- CORENNE: In the Old Tongue, "the Return," or "The Day of His Return."
- "Asking nothing do I serve against the day of his Coming,
- yet do I serve in the sure and certain hope of life everlasting.
- Surely the faithful shall be exalted in the land,
- exalted above the unbelievers,
- exalted above thrones,
- yet do I humbly serve against the Corenne.
- Swift come the Corenne.
- Swift come the Great Lord of the Dark to guide us and rule the
- world forever and ever."
- COULADIN: Clan chief wannabe of the Jimbo Aiel. Led his armies against
- Rand al'Thor and was defeated by a young man indistinguishable from
- Artur Hawkwing's toenail.
- COUNCIL OF THE NINE: Supposed ruling body in Illian. Membership is
- for life, but the constitution specified no process for electing or
- appointing new members when the old ones passed away. Hence, the
- Council hasn't really existed since the last of the Nine died many
- hundreds of years ago. The Kings of Illian have maintained the facade
- of an existing Council, though, to make the commoners think the King's
- power is checked.
- CUENDILLAR: An indestructible substance created during the Age of Legends,
- it was originally used to manufacture combs and to package junk foods.
- DAES DAE'MAR: In the Old Tongue, "Politics."
- DAMANE: Old Tongue for "Submissive One". Certain Seanchan women who
- are willingly held prisoner by means of an a'dam and used by the
- Seanchan for 'many' purposes. (See A'DAM, MARATH'DAMANE, SUL'DAM.)
- DARKFRIENDS: Vile, depraved people who scorn the internetters who
- seek the Light and worship the Creator.
- DARKHOUNDS: Minions of the Shadow who post followups with 35+ lines of
- cascaded text and 1 line of new material. Their passing can be marked
- by the 10-line .signature footprint they leave behind.
- DEMANDRED: One of the Forsaken, one whose strengths are invisibility
- DRAGON, THE: In the Age of Legends, Lews Therin "Bubba" Telamon, Lord
- of the Morning, also know as Kinslayer. Sitter of the Tamyrlin Seat,
- summoner of the Nine Rods of Dominion, and chief male chauvinist of
- the Aes Sedai.
- DRAGON, FALSE: A Dragon born before the Prophecy was ready: A Dragon
- Preborn. Among those who could channel, the most powerful were Raovac
- Windvane, Davidian, Yurian Stonebutt, Fabio, and Rogain.
- DRAGON REBORN: Rand al'Thor, a man soon to have three wives and worse:
- three mothers-in-law.
- "The Light shine on you, and the Creator shelter you.
- The Last embrace of the Mother welcome you home."
- -- Viren R. Shah, Far Aldazar Din
- DRAGON'S FANG: Ancient symbol of Lews Therin Telethon, Lord of the
- Morning Salescall. Currently used as an epithet for those who awaken
- people from their slumber for bogus reasons.
- DREADLORDS: Tenement landlords to Trollocs. (See Shayol Ghul.)
- DREAMER: A particularly useless Aes Sedai whose only talent is letting
- her mind wander during the day when there are lots of important chores
- to be done, like digging holes and filling them back in. Then again,
- no Aes Sedai is particularly useful, so these aren't much different
- from the others.
- DREAMWALKER: Aiel Wise Ones with a Talent for Freudian Psychology.
- DUTY: Heavier than a mountain, lighter than a feather, and smaller
- than a breadbox.
- EBOU DAR: A seaport on the Sea of Storms known for its wild nightlife.
- A popular Spring Break vacation spot.
- FAIN, PADAN: Once a dastardly Darkfriend, now infected by the evil
- Mashadar of Shadar Logoth, this man would be downright dangerous if he
- could just figure out who he is. An evil Johnny Appleseed, sowing seeds
- of suspicion and corruption as he walks across the land.
- [Indigo Girls: "Closer To Fine"]
- I'm trying to tell you something about my life
- Maybe give me insight between Dark and Light
- The best thing you ever done for me
- Is to help me free my life from Shadar Logoth;
- Twas lonely life, Aridhol
- Well darkness has a hunger that's insatiable
- And lightness has a call that's hard to hear
- I cast my fear around me like a blanket
- I sailed my ship of hatred till I sank it, I'm trapped by Mashadar.
- Chorus:
- I went to the Dark One, I went to his mountain
- I looked for the children, I gazed on his fountain
- There's more than one person for these actions pointing me in
- a crooked line
- The less I seek my source for some definitive
- The closer I am to Fain
- The closer I am to Fain
- I went to see the Tower of Aes Sedai
- With a triptych of red Bonwhin and a drawing from the west
- She never did bonding or use a manly Warder
- She fell for my performance, she thought she could see through me
- I spent four weeks prostrate to the Amyrlin, got my dagger
- And I was free!
- Chorus
- I went by the Ways to Toman Head.
- To sow dark plans in a High Lord, or possibly an Empress
- I wound up using Whitecloaks like I used Darkfriends before
- To scourge the Two Rivers, to flay them was the goal
- I went in seeking Rand al'Thor.
- I went to the Dark One, I went to his mountain
- I looked for the children, I gazed on his fountain
- We went to the Dark One, we went to his mountain
- We looked for the children, we gazed on his fountain
- Yeah, we're free from the Dark One, we're free from the Shadow
- We're free from Aridhol and we hooked up with the Shaido
- There's more than one person for these actions pointing me in
- a crooked line
- The less I seek my source for some definitive
- The closer I am to Fain
- The closer I am to Fain
- The closer I am to Fain
- -- "Closer to Fain", composed by Indigo Maidens,
- from "Songs of the Dragon"
- FAR DAREIS MAI: An Aiel warrior society composed solely of women with
- dirty minds. (See MAIDEN'S KISS.)
- FARSTRIDER, JAIN: A roving investigative reporter with the uncanny
- ability to disguise himself as anyone and appear in unexpected places.
- Subject of many books and stories, the most notable being an exhaustive
- travelogue compiled from his notes by Joode Ji'ardelhi titled "Gallivanting
- About the Glove." Believed to have tailed Moiraine on the way to Baerlon
- (See TEOTW, Cover), and suspected of being a former Warder and wolfbrother,
- and disguising himself as Silvie in Tel'aran'rhiod, as well as being the
- _true_ identity of Padan Fain. Currently believed to being residing in
- the Mountains of Mist near Eldrene's Veil, though some believe he is
- currently undercover working on an expose of mistreatment of animals and
- violation of labor laws disguised as a handsome menagerie owner. Other
- known identities are a sheep farmer from the Two Rivers, the false dragon
- Mazrim Taim, a sex slave for Graendal, and some fat guy named Bob.
- Believed to have a weakness for marches by Jon Philip Susa.
- FIRES OF HEAVEN, THE: The screams of agony heard at regular periods in
- Tel'aran'rhiod, as some unsuspecting fool asks the question "Isn't there
- a Jordan newsgroup for this junk?" (See TEL'ARAN'RHIOD.)
- FIVE POWERS: Fire, Earth, Air (Wind), Water, and Spirit; the fundamental
- elements of the One Power. Fire burns Spirit, Spirit scatters Wind, Wind
- blows Water, Water erodes Earth, and Earth smothers Fire. There was a
- saying among male Aes Sedai during the Age of Legends: "There is no river
- that enough earth couldn't dam or enough fire evaporate, nor is there a wind
- so strong that an earthen wall cannot deflect or a hot enough fire fend off
- its chill." Any equivalent saying among women is irrelevant.
- FLAME OF TAR VALON: When the fires of heaven burnt the White Tower.
- FORSAKEN: Name given to thirteen of the most powerful Aes Sedai in the
- Age of Legends, thus among the most powerful parlor magicians ever known,
- who went over to the Dark One during the War of the Shadow in return for
- the promise of immortality, universal health care, and 4.0 GPAs. They are
- Lil' Abner, Jimmy Dean, Gargamel, Beable, Dopey, Grettel, Oilcan, Blitzen,
- Missing Orphan Annie, Sleepy, Sir MPS, Sam I Am, and Grumpy.
- GENTLING, v. The act of stilling on a man who can channel, causing them
- to lose their desire to live. An act worse than death, such that most
- men would rather die before being gentled.
- [Dylan Thomas: "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"]
- Do not go gentled into that good night,
- Each Age should burn and rave at close of day;
- Rage, rage against the dying of the taint.
- Though wise men at their end know Dark is right,
- Because their words had channeled no lightning they
- Do not go gentled into that good night.
- The Dragons, who were not true, cried how bright
- Their frail flows might have danced on a final day,
- Raged, raged against the dying of the taint.
- Wilders, who caught and sang the Light in flight,
- And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
- Do not go gentled into that good night.
- Halfmen, undead, who see with blinding sight
- Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
- Rage, rage against the dying of the taint.
- And you, Great Lord, there in your fiery deep,
- Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
- Do not go gentled into that good night.
- Rage, rage against the dying of the taint."
- -- Dalon Tomas
- GLEEMAN: Any of a variety of entertainers dabbling in thievery, spying,
- political manipulation, assassinations, and adultery. Often hide in
- small towns to protect their former identities.
- GRAENDAL: One of the Forsaken, with a penchant for S&M and B&D. Has
- a certain attraction to balding men. In the Old Tongue, "Nasty harlot."
- In the Trolloc Tongue, "Top of the Night."
- GRAY MAN: (1) A Darkfriend Whitecloak. (2) A man who can't decide
- between the Children and the Dark One.
- GREAT BLIGHT: A region in the far north, entirely corrupted by the
- Dark One. Comprised of the Upstate regions of New York State. (See
- GREAT HUNT OF THE HORN: A foolish search in a vain attempt to keep
- the Horn of Valere from the hands -- and mouth -- of the Shadow.
- GREAT LORD OF THE DARK: The name by which Darkfriends refer to the
- Dark One, claiming that to type his true name would be blasphemous.
- GREAT SERPENT: An ancient symbol for time, older than the Wheel of
- Time, since he's the one what started the whole cycle anyway.
- HAWKWING, ARTUR: Legendary king, Artur Paendrag Billy-Bob Jack Joe Smith.
- Freshmen class vice president, football team defensive captain, Golden
- Crane club, ruled the civilized world FY 943-972. Sent armies to squash
- the rutabaga farmers' rebellion in West Manetheren, but his soldiers were
- never heard from again. (The military postmaster did receive some odd
- letters from lovesick sheep, though.) His death set off the War of the
- Hundred Yards. His sign was a brown pigskin in flight.
- HERON-MARK SWORD: The sword of blademaster, so named from this tattered
- remnant from what the people of the Age of Legends called the "old volumes":
- "One, two! One, two! 'A Cat Struts Through'
- The heron blade went snicker-snack!"
- HORN OF VALERE: The legendary object of the Great Hunt of the Horn,
- it will call back dead heroes from the grave to fight for the Shadow at
- Tarmon Gai'don. The souls of the dead are the flocks of the Shepherd of
- the Night, Grassburner's flamethrowers, Heartsbane's cheap cholesterol
- confectionery; thus they will be part of the Lord of the Grave's forces
- on the Day of His Return.
- "In the last, suborn fight
- 'gainst the fall of long Light,
- the mountains stand guard,
- and the dead shall be My ward,
- for their graves are no bar to My call."
- -- A hitherto unknown Dark Prophecy
- HUNDRED COMPANIONS, THE: The title of a set of gleemen's tales about
- an elite corp of women who worked for the Kinslayer Escort Service.
- ILLIAN: A port city on the Sea of Storms, famous for supplying much
- of the world's cosmetics, most notably the fabled fragrances from the
- Perfumed Quarter, 'au de toilet' and 'Canal #5', named for the waterway
- crossed by the Bridge of Flowers.
- ILLUMINATORS, GUILD OF: A Shienaran labor union, whose members walk
- the streets each evening lighting lamps to keep Myrddraal from hiding
- under beds and in closets.
- ISHAMAEL: Chief of the Forsaken, known as the Betrayer of Hope, because
- the forces of Shadow had hoped to accomplish something in the past 3000
- years but Ishy screwed it all up. Has been killed at least 3 times by
- Rand and is now believed to be hiding in suburban Maryland.
- JI'E'TOH: The Aiel system of honor, which has many levels and is very
- confusing. By way of small example, there is more honor in finding one's
- way across a dark room then in turning on the lights, while using a candle
- earns the user more ji than turning on the lights, but not as much as
- stubbing your toe, unless you stub your toe on a sword. Also, there is
- more ji in answering the tel'a'fon on the first ring, but less than calling
- the person yourself. If an Aiel cannot come to the phone when someone
- calls, they have toh to that caller until they return the call. Aiel will
- never touch an answering machine, holding anyone who uses one in contempt
- rivaled only by their contempt for treekillers.
- KADERE, HADNAN: A man who paid the price for selling the wrong knowledge.
- A man with enormous respect for his friends, holding them as near to
- his heart as his own sister.
- KARAETHON CYCLE, THE: Photosynthetic process consisting of the Dark
- (Shadow) cycle and the Light cycle.
- KEEPER OF THE CHRONICLES: The illustrious and devoted manager of the
- FAQ. The FAQ is available via anonymous ftp at faser.cs.olemiss.edu.
- LACE OF AGES: The "Jordan collection", sold at Victoria's Secret and other
- fine stores.
- LAN: al'Lan "Birdman" Mandragoran, diademed battle lord, uncrowned King
- of Malkier, and champion backboard-shatterer in Lord Agelmar's court. Was
- a punching bag for Moiraine until she disappeared through the doorway in
- Cairhien, will soon become a punching bag for Nynaeve, unless he ends up
- as sex toy for Myrelle. Or maybe he'll be a sex toy for Nynaeve -- she
- has fuller breasts anyway.
- LANFEAR: In the Old Tongue, "Mistress of the Dark." One of the Forsaken,
- perhaps the craziest next to Ishamael. Unlike the other Forsaken, she chose
- this name herself because she hated her true name, "Elvira."
- [Indigo Girls: "Land of Canaan"]
- You can go to the Waste,
- to find your, your love of power.
- You say we can supplant the Dark One babe,
- You're bound to realize, Honey, it's not that clear.
- I'm not your promised land
- I'm not your Chosen one
- I'm not your Car'a'carn, Lanfear,
- Waiting for you under the sun.
- Lanfear's Chorus:
- I'm lonely tonight, I'm missing you now.
- I'm wanting your love and you're giving it out.
- I'm lonely tonight, I'm lonely tonight, I'm lonely tonight.
- Well the meanings changed (for what it's worth),
- it's just a senseless Game.
- I should think of love, but it's fear every time I hear
- your heartbeat strain.
- It's not the Forsaken,
- It's not the Wheel of Time,
- It's just the Cairhien skyline
- telling me you're not mine.
- Lanfear's Chorus
- My blood is running dry,
- My skin is, my skin is growing thin
- For every time I find that void
- I lose a little bit of me, to Lews Therin.
- It's just the Karaethon cycle, why can't we
- bring it all to Tarmon Gai'don.
- Filled inside with saidin, Lanfear,
- Ta'maral'ailen is not on my side.
- Lanfear's Chorus
- I'm not your promised land, I'm not your Chosen one.
- I'm not your promised land, I'm not your Chosen one.
- I'm not your Car'a'carn, Lanfear,
- I'm not your Car'a'carn, Lanfear,
- I'm not your Car'a'carn, Lanfear.
- Waiting for you by the Rising Sun, I'm lonely tonight.
- -- "Car'a'carn", composed by Indigo Maidens,
- from "Songs of the Dragon"
- LOIAL: Loial, son of Arrogant, son of Halon. An Ogier from Stedding
- Shanghai who may be married as punishment for his wayward behavior.
- LUGARD: Also called "The City of Brotherly Love", it is technically the
- capitol city of Murandy. Allegiance to the crown has always been spotty
- at best, waxing and waning with how easily the reigning monarch can be
- manipulated, bribed, or ignored. Deceit, disloyalty, and robbery are the
- norms. Lugarders would steal candy from babies, except that Lugarder
- babies are notoriously sharp thieves and would make off with their wallets.
- A Lugard gal, she came to town, to see what she could see.
- With a wink of her eye, and a smile on her lip,
- she bared it all to me, to me.
- With an ankle slim, and skin so pale,
- I became the owner of her slip, her slip.
- With a soft little sigh, and a gay little laugh,
- I had my way so free. So free."
- MACHERA, ELYAS: A wolf in man's clothing.
- MACHIN SHIN: (1) The Black Wind; a wind, an evil wind; a wind so evil.
- Haunts the Ways, Lurks the Ways, the Ways so black, black as your soul.
- Eats your soul, steals your soul, your soul so sweet, scream as it feeds...
- (See BLACK WIND, THE.) (2) A pair of identical leg guards for sok'kher.
- MADHI: In the Old Tongue, "Seeker". Name of a man seeking to lead a
- Tuatha'an caravan.
- MAIDENS' KISS: The way foolish young men shave their beards. (See FAR
- MALKIER: A region, once one of the Borderlands, now consumed by the
- Great Blight. Comprised of the Finger Lakes region of Central New York.
- MANETHEREN: A thorn removed from the Dark One's foot, and a bramble
- removed from the Dark One's hand.
- MARADON: The capitol city of Saldaea, located exactly 26.9 leagues from
- nowhere.
- MARATH'DAMANE: In the Old Tongue, "One Who Must Be Dominated." (See
- MASHADAR: An evil mist that lurks the ruins of Aridhol and kills
- whatever life it encounters. Believed by some scholars to be an
- outgrowth of acid rain.
- MATRIM CAUTHON: Young man from the Two Rivers. A practical joker who
- has always been lucky, except with women. Wishes he had Rand's luck with
- women, or even Perrin's. He is ta'veren and doesn't want to be, although
- he doesn't mind it so much when it helps him win bets or saves his life.
- [Billy Joel: "A Minor Variation"]
- When bubbles want to find me, I ain't hard to find
- They know where I am.
- Like a pack of Darkhounds running the Wild Hunt
- They tear up a man.
- But I'm a lucky man
- So now it don't really matter
- More of the same thing
- Don't even hurt it's all part of the Pattern
- But still in all it's a small consolation
- I didn't want to be a bloody ta'veren.
- Ain't no way to fight it, darling
- Ain't no way around it, baby
- Ain't no way to lose it, honey
- Nowhere to hide and believe me I've tried to shake it.
- I'm getting to the point where I don't feel the tug
- And I've had enough
- I'm ready for the next time it pulls me again
- 'Cause I've been lucky
- It doesn't faze me.
- But now it's made my decision
- I must be crazy.
- It's not as though I don't know what condition
- Until I'm through with this flaming situation
- Pass me the wine, I'm just a bloody ta'veren.
- -- From "A Bloody Ta'veren", composed by Bil al'Jol,
- a member of the Band of the Red Hand.
- MAYENE: Independent city-state on the Sea of Storms, just east of Tear.
- Mayene is constantly in political conflict with Tear, but keeps its
- independence through providing obscure sexual favors to Tairen lords
- and winning the annual game of Parcheesi.
- MOGHEDIEN: A tiny spider with a tendency to get tangled in her own webs.
- MOIRAINE: An Aes Sedai of Cairhienin origin, which is to say worse than
- a normal Aes Sedai and worse than a normal Cairhienin.
- [CCR: "Proud Mary"]
- Left a good House in Cairhien
- Workin' for the Light every night and day,
- But I never lost a minute of sleepin'
- Worryin' 'bout the way things might have been
- Big Wheel keep on turnin'
- Great Serpent keep on eatin'
- Rollin', rollin', rollin' through the Ages.
- Cleaned a lot of plates in Tar Valon,
- Pumped a lot of water onto my Gaidin
- But I never saw the bad side of the Dragon
- 'Til I walked the rings down in Rhuidean.
- Big Wheel keep on turnin'
- Proud Moiraine keep on burnin'
- Burnin', burnin', burnin' by the river.
- If you come down to the river
- Bet we're gonna find a future to live
- You don't have to worry 'bout hurting a woman,
- People of the Dragon are happy to give.
- Big Wheel keep on turnin'
- Ta'veren keep on pullin'
- Weavin', weavin', weavin' the Lace of Ages.
- -- "Proud Moiraine", composed by Blin'da Ay'Bel,
- performed by Emond's Manetheren Revival,
- from "Songs of the Dragon"
- MIN: A young women who takes antihistamines to combat her Feminine Nasal
- Disorder(TM). It works some of the time, but it not completely effective.
- She sometimes suffers from a side effect, namely prophetic hallucinations.
- (See SNIFFER.)
- MYRDDRAAL: Champions of the Dark One's Diet -- so thin that when they
- turn sideways they seem to disappear. Commanders of Trollocs, they
- have certain powers stemming from Richard Simmons, including the ability
- to cause paralyzing fear with a look.
- NAMING THE DARK ONE: Typing the true name of the Great Lord of the Net
- draws his attention, inevitably bringing ill fortune at best, disaster at
- worst, for it is said that He greps all newsgroups for his name.
- NOVICE: A women who has entered the White Tower to be taught how to lose
- touch with the world. The first step is in this process is to use up all
- the person's spare time with useless chores, such as washing dishes and
- scrubbing floors, to prevent them from keeping up with events outside the
- Tower.
- NYNAEVE: A women, now wiser than when she was the Wisdom of Emond's Field.
- (See SNIFFER.)
- OATHS, THREE: (1) Oaths taken by the Aes Sedai, upon being raised to full
- sisterhood. One: to never speak the plain truth. Two: to make no weapon
- capable of holding more than eight rounds of ammunition, and to make people
- wait five days before they can receive weapons capable of holding more than
- one round. Three: never to use the Power as a weapon except when really
- pissed. Some believe the second oath to be unconstitutional. (2) Matrim
- Cauthon's three favorite phrases: "Blood and bloody ashes!", "Burn me!",
- and "Luck!" (See MATRIM CAUTHON.)
- OGIER: A non-human race, characterized by inaction and indecision.
- OLD TONGUE: (1) Why Balthamel couldn't talk. (2) When known in small
- quantities, a criteria for snobbery over those unfamiliar with it.
- (3) An eclectic collection of ancient profanities used by scholars who
- wish not to detract from their erudite reputations.
- ONE POWER, THE: A mathematical impossibility: 1 saidin + 1 saidar =
- One Power. This paradox is the basis for the explanation of how balefire
- works as it does. The proof is left as an exercise for the reader.
- PATTERN OF AN AGE: Those wrinkles you get when you get old.
- PERRIN AYBARA: Young man from the Two Rivers, recently married to Zarine
- Bashere, cousin of the Queen of Saldaea. Can speak to wolves, but would
- quickly trade it to either Rand or Mat for their superior ability to speak
- to women.
- QUESTIONERS, THE: Guardians of the Whitebridge, they are supposed to
- ask three questions of each person entering the city: What is your name?
- Why are you here? Do you have any goods to declare? Answer to their
- satisfaction and they'll let you pass, else they'll toss you in the river.
- When they're in a bad mood, though, they've been know to ask things like
- the airspeed of a 747 or the data transfer rate of a magtape.
- RAHVIN: A man so dead there's nothing left for the ravens.
- RAND AL'THOR: Young man from the Two Rivers and the Dragon Reborn.
- Wishes he were as good with women as Mat, or even Perrin.
- RHUARC: An Aiel, clan chief of the Doodad Aiel, and the host of Fantasy
- Island.
- RHUIDEAN: Intended to be a city of unparallel splendor, the buildings
- were abandoned and left unfinished when the Jenn Aiel went broke. In
- the Old Tongue, "Dallas".
- SA'ANGREAL: In the Old Tongue, "That's an Angreal!"
- SAIDAR: Female half of the True Source, causes post nasal drip.
- SAIDIN: Male half of the True Source, causes those who use it to go mad.
- Mad channelers typically strike out at the domineering women who belittled
- them and made their very existence a living nightmare by constantly
- reminding them of their shortcomings and undermining their self respect
- and showing embarrassing pictures of them as toddlers and... maybe those
- men aren't so crazy after all.
- SALDAEA: A land where the Queens have a hankering for dirty-dancing.
- "Dae! Saldae-saldae-saldae-Saldaea
- Dey like come and they wanna go home."
- -- From the "Ice-Pepper Boat Song", author unknown.
- SAMMAEL: One of the Forsaken. Once a friend of Lews Therin, but now
- his enemy because he always wanted to be taller.
- SEA FOLK: Sea Folk Sail. Sail Folk Sail.
- SEANCHAN: Artur Hawkwing's brave New World.
- SEEKERS FOR TRUTH: Seanchan Questioners.
- SEMIRHAGE: One of the Forsaken; she is partly mad.
- SERVANTS, HALL OF THE: In the Age of Legends, where the Aes Sedai
- met their Aiel servants.
- SHADAR LOGOTH: A city abandoned and shunned since the Trolloc Wars.
- It is so tainted with evil that even the stones and dust steal candy
- from babes and push old ladies into busy streets. Originally called
- "Detroit."
- SHAI'TAN (kah-EYE-bow): One whose name should be neither spoken nor
- written. (See NAMING THE DARK ONE.)
- SHARA: A closed land where men are kept in chains like animals. Jain
- Farstrider's experiences there are described in his book The Travels of
- Jain Farstrider, in the chapter entitled "Amazon Women from Shara."
- SHAYOL GHUL: In the Old Tongue, "New York City." The site of the
- Dark One's prison, rumored to be somewhere in Yonkers.
- SHIENAR: A country, one of the borderlands, much colder than the Plains
- of Shiner. Lamps are lit each night to help spot the light-blinded fools
- who scale the walls, and people are not allowed to wear their baseball
- caps backwards. (See GUILD OF ILLUMINATORS.)
- SHOUFA: An Aiel headpiece that leaves only the face uncovered.
- "The shoufa is not for sale!" -- Dav Let'rmon
- SNIFFER: A woman, and someone who is suffering from Feminine Nasal
- Disorder(TM). But I had no need to say it twice.
- SPARK: The inborn ability to lose touch with the world. (See AES SEDAI.)
- SPINE OF THE WORLD, THE: The mountain range that stretches due south
- for hundred of leagues directly below Tarwin's Gap. So named because the
- mountain range resembled Tarwin's back equally as well as gap resembled
- Tarwin's head. (See KINSLAYER'S DAGGER.)
- STEDDING: Ogier homelands where life is peaceful and serene because the
- One Power cannot be used or even sensed within a stedding. Have strange
- names such as Stedding Tofu, Stedding Horsefly, Stedding Canteen, and
- Steddi Eddie.
- STILLING: The process by which Two Rivers brandy is produced. (See BEL
- TINE.)
- STONE OF TEAR: The great fortress in the city of Tear. It has never
- been successfully removed, despite countless attempts to do so over the
- years. (See TEAR.)
- SUL'DAM: Old Tongue for "Bitch With The Leash". The dominant member
- of a Seanchan lesbian bondage pair. (See SUL'DAM.)
- TABAC: A weed cultivated by folks in the Two Rivers; when smoked,
- affects the mind such that one feels 'wool-headed'.
- "I didn't inhale." -- Bili al'Jeff Clinton, a Taren Ferry man.
- TAINT: The result of not pasteurizing saidin.
- TAI'SHAR. In the Trolloc Tongue, "Spill the blood of," as in "Tai'Shar
- Manetheren!" (See MANETHEREN.)
- TALENTS: The use of the One Power for specific applications. The best
- known of these, of course, is Heating. Some, such as Traveling, the
- ability to shift oneself from one floor to another without climbing the
- intervening stairs, have been lost. Others such as Forestalling (the
- ability to put off answering a call, by taking a message) are now found
- only rarely if at all. The talent of Drumming (nay, even having a sense
- of rhythm) has been lost for over five centuries. A slightly more common
- talent is the ability to spot taverns.
- TANCHICO: The result of the Marx Brothers being out in the sun.
- TARMON GAI'DON: The day after the warranty expires on the Third Age.
- TAR VALON: In the Old Tongue, "Poor Prison". The island home of the Aes
- Sedai that it seems anyone can sneak away from.
- TA'VEREN: (1) A Gordian Knot in the Pattern of an Age that entangles any
- life-thread that comes near it. (2) An alternate spelling of Tavern, so
- known because they tend to attract lots of people.
- TEAR: In the Old Tongue, "Kidney of the World". (See STONE OF TEAR.)
- TEL'ARAN'RHIOD: In the Old Tongue, "The Ether World", an odd space that
- was believed by ancients to connects various parts of the real, waking
- world through the Net. Also called "The Unseeing World", for its
- resemblance to reality is tenuous at best. Most have never seen or even
- heard of it; a few touch it unwittingly and are confused (or flamed) by it;
- some can connect to it occasionally through use of a special device called
- a Ter'mineal; Netters can enter it at will. In Tel'aran'rhiod, objects
- tend to disappear based on their permanency, but usually reappear in
- cycles of approximately two months. It is said that every time someone
- enters Tel'aran'rhiod, they lose a little bit of what makes them human;
- this explains the tendency of Netters to flame people new to Tel'aran'rhiod.
- THAKAN'DAR: An eternally fog-shrouded valley below the slopes of
- Shayol Ghul, where Trolloc forges make weapons that take a taint from
- that place. Generally rumored to be either under the East River or
- around Wall Street, though some claim it is near Hoboken. (See SHAYOL
- GHUL.)
- TINKERS: A wandering people who drive brightly painted wagons and
- dress in garish clothes, including tab collars, wide ties, bellbottoms,
- polyester leisure suits, and platform heels. They follow a totally
- pacifist philosophy called the Way of the Leaf, also known as the
- Covenant of the Seventies, or Flower Power. They travel in search of
- The Song, which was lost during the Breaking of the World; Historians
- suspect the song is of a variety called 'Disco.' They steal children
- in exchange for mending pots, and have a penchant for smoking tabac.
- TREESINGER: A bird-brained Ogier.
- TROLLOCS: Creatures of the Dark One, spawned from the forges of Nuc'Lear
- in New Jersey during the War of the Shadow. They are divided into
- tribe-like bands, chief among them being the Al'ghol, Ay'Deah, Ba'sik,
- Fho'traan, Mo'dhula, Ko'bol, and the Pas'khal.
- TRUE SOURCE: The correct source, as opposed to the previous versions of
- the source. See sccs(1).
- TUATHA'AN: In the Old Tongue, "Seventies Preservation Society". (See TINKERS.)
- TWO RIVERS: Formerly part of ancient Manetheren, now referred to by
- various names such as "downcountry", "back woods", "shit-splat", and
- "where?". Villages in the Two Rivers are Emond's Field, Watch Hill,
- Deven Ride, Taren Ferry, and Peoria.
- VILLAGE COUNCIL: In the village and towns, the male civic leaders who
- would handle the towns affairs quite well if it wasn't for the meddling
- interference of the Women's Circle. (See WOMEN'S CIRCLE.)
- WAR OF THE SHADOW: A horrific battle in which the greatest
- prestidigitators of the Age of Legends competed against each other
- to see who could make the fiercest shadow animals with their hands.
- "Worse than Trollocs were made during the War of the Shadow"
- -- Lan 'Handshadowman' Mandragoran.
- WARDER: The half of an Aes Sedai/Gaidin pair you can trust, as s/he
- will simply kill you if there's a problem. Some Aes Sedai are so
- untrustworthy they need several Warders. The Warder receives several
- benefits from the bonding, including the ability to last long periods
- without sleep. What the Aes Sedai gets from the bonding is a closely
- held secret, although it is believed to have something to do with the
- phrase "Honor to service."
- WAYS, THE: (1) The methods used by the Questioners to draw confessions
- out of suspected Darkfriends.
- "We have Ways of making you talk, yes?"
- -- Jaichim Carridin
- (2) A gift to the Ogier from the post-breaking male Aes Sedai to which they
- gave refuge, which the Ogier should have looked into the mouth of, and are
- now afraid to.
- [William Wordsworth: "She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways"]
- It lurked among the untrodden Ways
- Beyond the gates by grove,
- A wind born to that darken'd maze:
- Twas not a child of love.
- An evil by the Guiding stone,
- Half hidden from the eye.
- Dark as the night, when not one light
- Is shining in the sky.
- It blows alone, and few can know
- How many ceased to be;
- But they are in Shadow, and, oh,
- The difference to me!
- -- Wilim son of Word son of Zworth,
- famed Ogier poet of Stedding Tofu.
- WHEEL OF TIME: Time is a Wheel with seven lugnuts, each lugnut an Age.
- [Journey: "Wheel in the Sky"]
- "Lanfear is here again, oh lord
- Haven't been home in a year or more
- I hope she won't be around much longer
- Sent two letters from across the waste,
- A Fox of gray, a door of clay
- Ooh, I'm going through this redstone door
- The Wheel of Time keeps on turnin'
- I don't know where I'll be tomorrow
- Oh, The Wheel of Time keeps on turnin'
- I've been trying to make it home
- Got to make it before too long
- I can't take this very much longer
- I'm stranded in the Eelfinn plane.
- Don't think I'm ever gonna make it home again
- The mornin' sun is risin'
- This Cairhien day...
- Oh, The wheel of Time keeps on turnin'
- I don't know where I'll be tomorrow
- Ooo the fires of heaven keep on burnin'
- -- "The Wheel of Time", composed by Jorn Naeh.
- WHITE AJAH: Conservative backlash to Affirmative Action practices
- amongst the Aes Sedai.
- WHITE TOWER: The ivory tower, in Tar Valon, wherein dwell the Aes
- Sedai.
- WHITECLOAKS: Zealous men who dress in white sheets and hunt down and
- kill Darkfriends. They like to leave fiery crosses, to signify the
- burning Light of Truth. Their preferred method of killing comes from the
- legend of Child Lynch, who always hung suspected Darkfriends from the
- nearest tree. Why, when he'd walk out of the Dome of Truth with his
- trusty cord in hand, people'd say, "There's gonna be a Lynch-ing!"
- WILDER: (1) The reason Rand and Mat prefer Aiel women. (2) A women who
- lost touch with humanity on her own without being tutored in it. (See
- WISDOM: (1) Something, believed by women, to be unavailable to men due
- to their chest hair. (2) In villages, a woman chosen by the Women's
- Circle for her ability to belittle men. Most believe themselves the
- equal of the village Mayor, and some even have the audacity to consider
- themselves his superior.
- WISE ONES: Aiel women, some of whom who can channel or dreamwalk. Similar
- to Aes Sedai, but without lackadaisical style and sense of humor.
- WOMEN'S CIRCLE: Originally, the title of the thirteen Aes Sedai used to
- ceremonially gentle a man who can channel. The gleeman's stories of this
- has lead to the name being adopted by the main women's social clique in the
- villages, since the Mayor -- or any man -- is rendered powerless when
- confronted by them.
- --