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INI File | 1996-11-13 | 16.8 KB | 295 lines |
- [continued]
- ****
- "I don't know why I didn't get it before," Andrea said ruefully.
- "Flavio and Chad practically waved it in my face."
- John Novak shrugged. "Plot purposes. When you're utterly
- incapable of subtlety-- in foreshadowing as everywhere else-- you need to
- give your characters some pretty impressive blind spots."
- "Huh?"
- "Never mind."
- Andrea relaxed back against the tree and stretched her ankle. She
- thought she'd be able to put weight on it again before long. "But... Mr
- Novak, I still don't understand what you were doing, or how you convinced
- everyone else to leave the group. Let alone..." Her voice trailed off
- bitterly, and she glanced up at him with a hint of the old distrust. "Let
- alone why you handed over rasfwr-j to _them_."
- "It's quite simple, really," said John Novak, smiling with
- complete self-confidence. "As you know, for years _they_ have accused us
- of elitism... of imposing impossibly difficult and unnecessary standards
- on newbies, of flaming anyone who doesn't fit into our little clique, of
- dismissing all questions with reference to the all-hallowed FAQ. They
- have boneheadedly refused to adjust their grammar, their line lengths, or
- their spelling for the sake of anybody else's comprehension. They have
- demanded the right to equal treatment... by which they mean that our great
- rec.arts newsgroup must be reduced to equality with their bogus alt.group,
- our standards reduced to equality with their standards, our knowledge to
- equality with their ignorance, and our reasonable demand for evidence to
- equality with their irrational glorification of opinion. For years, they
- have been trying to seize power, to devour rasfwr-j and drag it down to
- their level.
- "So I have given them what they so desperately desired. I have
- removed the elite from their group and left the result to them. As the
- final implication of their demands, I have even arranged that unholiest of
- all alliances: the merger with afrj. They are free to make of it what
- they will... and may they enjoy it!" His eyes were fierce. "I fear they
- will not enjoy it long."
- "No!" Andrea exclaimed, horror in her face. "You... you've
- destroyed rasfwr-j? How could you? You spent more time on it than any
- other _two_ people! You were the standard by which everyone else
- calculated their posting index! Your whole life was poured into that
- group! Couldn't you have tried to redeem it instead of abandoning it to
- destruction?"
- The Humblest Man on the Net smiled gently. "How's that ankle,
- Andrea?"
- Andrea was taken aback. "Well... almost fine, thank you." For a
- moment, she almost suspected him of trying to evade the question.
- "Well, I'm afraid we allow no one who needs crutches of any sort
- past this point... but when you can completely support yourself, I'll take
- you through the valley and show you exactly how I propose to redeem the
- newsgroup."
- She stretched again gingerly. "That would have been sort of tough
- on me if I'd broken my ankle, wouldn't it?"
- The Novak shrugged. "We assume that anyone who has to rely on
- others for support is a leech and a looter. It's worked so far."
- Andrea managed a sardonic smile. "I think I'll be just fine.
- Let's go."
- "Very well." He walked beside her, matching her slow pace, until
- they reached the high outcrop of rock where the gateway had initially
- formed. Andrea gasped audibly; then she stood there for several minutes
- in silence. Finally, she looked over at John Novak with unspeakable
- wonder in her eyes. "It's... it's rasfwr-j."
- He smiled in proud satisfaction. "Well, not precisely. It's
- rasfwr-j as it should be, in accordance to my standards, and built from my
- chosen materials... here in this lonely virtual valley, which no bonehead
- will ever discover."
- Down below, reconstructed in full shining splendor, were all the
- buildings that were currently being bulldozed back on the rec.arts.sf
- hierarchy. But there were no scars or scorch marks in this newsgroup, and
- the handful of people who walked its streets were all vaguely
- recognizable. John Novak captured the whole vista with a sweep of his
- arm.
- "Welcome to alt.antis, home of the Cabal in Exile."
- After a long silence, Andrea looked at him questioningly. "Aren't
- you supposed to add '[TINCIE]' or something?"
- The Novak shook his head. "In this place, no one is allowed to
- hide their innate superiority. No one needs to." He smiled slightly.
- "After all, I _am_ the Humblest Man in alt.antis... which leaves very
- little room for either modesty or humility in anyone else."
- "Of course," Andrea breathed, nodding slowly. "Is Flavio here--
- or the Loy? I assume you're the third of Auntie Erica's favorite
- nephews."
- "Yes, they're both here... and Flavio, in particular, will be
- overjoyed to see you. He chose the most demanding course of us three:
- remaining in rasfwr-j and ensuring that everything of any worth in it was
- eroded or destroyed. It took a heavy toll on him, especially since it
- meant becoming that which every true rasfwr-jian must despise." John
- Novak shrugged. "But now it's over, and we're all here. Would you like
- to see the group itself?"
- "Of course!" Andrea couldn't keep the eagerness out of her voice.
- The Novak continued talking as they walked down the long slope.
- "In alt.antis, anyone who can support their point of view with solid
- evidence is welcome to post on anything they like-- whether on the
- impending oil crisis, the existence of God, or even the Taimandred
- question."
- "That seems more than reasonable. Who's that?" She pointed at an
- older Cabal member a few paces away who was lying back in a reclining
- chair with his ears plugged.
- "That's Joe Shaw. He was one of the first to leave rasfwr-j out
- of insistence on standards. We see him as something of a godfather to our
- movement."
- "Oh. Why is he living way out here-- and why the ear plugs?"
- "Spoiler protection," said the Novak shortly. "Care to keep
- moving?"
- As they descended further, he began to point out individual sites
- and their purposes. "From here you can see the centers for Discussion of
- Future Plots, Prophetic Interpretation, Prose Critique, Character
- Analysis, and Looney Theories. Of course, that last one is considerably
- more limited here than on the old group."
- "Naturally," said Andrea doubtfully.
- "And see that area over there?" The Humblest Man on the Net
- pointed to a region that was surely the most colorful, cheerful, and
- hyperactive in alt.antis. "That's reserved for tangential subjects-- ones
- that have nothing at all to do with the Creator or his works. Quite a bit
- of our more amusing interaction goes on there. Of course, we only allow
- TAN: topics if they meet the strict criteria of being interesting,
- intelligent, current, edifying, and lively."
- "Such as?" Andrea queried.
- The Novak smiled. "Babylon 5," he said.
- They walked on. A half-mile or so down the road, Andrea stopped
- abruptly. "What's all that garbage doing in the middle of your private
- utopia?" There was, to all appearances, a junkyard two hundred feet to
- their left.
- "Oh, that's strictly temporary. Loy's been sending it all to the
- old rasfwr-j group for months now, just to add to the bandwidth clutter.
- Now that the whole place has gone permanently to the dogs, he'll dump all
- the rest on them and have done with it. Tshen's taken over most of the
- venture with considerable zest, I understand. Look, there's the Loy
- now... Ahoy there, you old pirate!"
- Loynar Danneskjold looked up and waved cheerily at them. He was
- working on some project that seemed to involve whipped cream, a nylon
- fishnet, three rather bedraggled chia pets, and five hundred pounds of
- indiarubber. A familiar-looking redhead stood next to him, offering
- assistance and constructive advice.
- Andrea blinked, then looked up at John Novak. "Does Lara know the
- Loy-- and what on earth are they doing?"
- The Novak cleared his throat. "Well, Lara and Loynar are sort of
- like twisted siblings... well, no, there's admittedly more of the
- 'consort' element than that... kindred spirits, I suppose you might say,
- though there's more to it. Um. Let's just say they have a certain, well,
- unique unity that can't really be grasped without grave danger to one's
- sanity. And quite honestly, I don't want to know _what_ they're making."
- Andrea threw back her head and laughed in amazed delight. When
- she spoke again, her voice was almost incredulous. "But how can all this
- possibly exist? Where do you get the power to run everything?"
- "Oh, that." He gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "It all runs
- off the perpetual motion machine I invented over there in the corner.
- Don't bother with such silly technical questions."
- "Oh."
- An hour later, they stood at the outer perimeter of alt.antis
- proper. The Novak turned to her, arms folded across his chest, and smiled
- arrogantly. "Well, have you been adequately impressed by our paradise on
- earth?"
- Andrea looked up at him sadly. "John, I appreciate all this--
- it's quite honestly amazing-- and I truly wish I could stay. But I have
- to at least try to salvage our old newsgroup. I refuse to let it go this
- easily, however pleasant an alternative you've created."
- There was a long pause, and then John Novak rolled his eyes in
- exasperation. "Ms Leistra, have you any idea how long this fucking parody
- _is_? It's reached ludicrous proportions already... and you want to add a
- whole new chapter to it? It won't be postable. No one will want to read
- it. Have you any idea how short the average man's attention span has
- become?"
- She spread her hands helplessly. "What can I say? There has to
- be some adequate closure for my character-- and anyway, _Atlas Shrugged_
- goes on for about one hundred fifty pages after this bit. Are we supposed
- to ignore that entire plot and wrap it all up with a happy alt.antis
- ending, as if this were some kind of cheap Disney animated version?"
- "All right, all right," the Novak snarled. "Can we at _least_
- skip the scenes where you meet all your old friends again in alt.antis?
- We fucking know Flavio and Rick and Hawk are here, along with basically
- everyone else. Everybody on the damn group has got their name mentioned,
- so no one's going to complain if we omit the shlock reunion bits."
- "Okay, fine." Though reluctant, she understood. "And hey, as
- long as we're at it, why don't we cut out the love scenes as well."
- There was another long pause. "Oh. _Now_ I see," the Humblest
- Man on the Net said sourly.
- "No, no, really... it's a question of parody length."
- "Fine, dammit."
- ****
- Andrea's first sight of the old rasfwr-j was as painful as her
- first glimpse of alt.antis had been exhilarating. The once-inspiring
- heights of human discourse had been deliberately smashed and hauled down.
- Flamewars spiralled out of control, laying waste to vast tracts of
- newsgroup and leaving countless casualties sprawled to either side.
- Misformatted posts collided clumsily with each other, while contextless
- responses flew off in random directions, without any intelligible
- grounding. Looters and leeches did their best to survive off what little
- skill and sense was left on the group-- but Flavio's impressively thorough
- program of barbarization had taken its toll. Battles wracked the streets
- over such issues as the identity of Osan'gar and whether Thom was Elayne's
- father. Nearly all of the old order was gone-- vanished with the reviled
- elite.
- Andrea walked cautiously across the newsgroup boundary, dodging
- the occasional random flame and trying to keep out of sight. She had no
- idea of how or where to start defending the cause of rationality and
- netiquette in this wasteland, but she had sworn to at least try. For want
- of any better ideas, she decided to look for any regulars who might (by
- some chance) have not reached alt.antis yet.
- As it happened, she found Dylan.
- He was seated on the burned-out shell of a bulldozer, stained
- ash-gray from head to foot. There was a strong smell of gasoline all
- about him, and several indistinguishably charred forms lying at his feet.
- She took a few steps closer to him, feeling surprisingly tentative, and
- ready to duck any flames he might hurl.
- He glanced up at her; his eyes were slightly glazed. "The
- hell?... Oh, Andrea, it's you. I thought the Novak had already claimed
- you for his little zoo off in the cyberRockies."
- "He did. I came back." As she stepped closer, a startled badger
- scuttled off Dylan's lap and vanished into the darkness. "What about you?
- Didn't he come for you?"
- Dylan grinned. "We spoke. Alas, our views on how to handle the
- situation differed slightly. Besides, I'd only be a fire hazard in
- utopia. Here, I'm doing some _real_ good."
- "I... can see that." She glanced around a bit anxiously. "Is
- anyone else left? Any of the oldbies, I mean?"
- "Nadie. I'm the last holdout." His eyes went out of focus again.
- "And frankly, I think I'll be going out in a blaze of glory myself pretty
- soon. There's only so long a man can live on flames alone."
- "That's really the only solution you can see?" Andrea found it
- hard to believe that her return to the group was completely in vain.
- Dylan chuckled drily. "Now that the Novak's stolen every decent
- poster except my pleasant self? I think so. You can't redeem a newsgroup
- from such a small base, sweetheart. Maybe in a decade or so he'll bring
- back the Cabal to rebuild on my ashes. Until then, though, this place is
- going to hell in a hundred mile-per-hour handbasket."
- Andrea checked her watch gloomily. "We'll see. He said he'd be
- sending a message at about this time, to tell everyone who's been asking
- 'Who is John Novak?' just who he is and why he's done what he's done.
- We'll see how that affects them."
- Dylan laughed cynically. "Oh, believe me, honey, I can't wait."
- Even as he spoke, the western sky grew bright with one colossal,
- incoming post. Its golden cord led back to alt.antis, and in the squalor
- of debased rasfwr-j, every eye could see it. It had a simple subject
- header: WHO IS JOHN NOVAK? As they watched, it opened up, and an image of
- the Novak's great bearded face loomed over the rubble. Distant screams of
- fear and hatred rose from all around them. Dylan grinned fiercely and
- rubbed his hands together.
- The image spoke. "This is John Novak speaking. I have a message,
- addressed to every current inhabitant of rec.arts.sf.written.robert-
- jordan... or should I say, alt.fan.robert.jordan. And listen up,
- boneheads, because I'm definitely NOT going to say this twice."
- Fifty pages later, the entire ruined group was completely silent.
- Andrea blinked twice and shook her head, trying to recover from the
- shell-shock.
- "I didn't know it was _possible_ to use the word 'fuck' that many
- ways," Dylan said softly.
- "Well, I suppose we can only wait to see how they react..." Andrea
- offered doubtfully.
- Five seconds later, a deafening howl of mass rage went up from all
- corners of the group.
- "I'd say that answers that," Dylan grimaced. A band of trolls
- charged past them about twenty yards away, smashing whatever happened to
- be in their way. They were followed by a far more organized group that
- caught sight of the two regulars and began to stalk warily down the alley.
- "Damn. Here comes fafnir again, and I think he means business
- this time." Standing, Dylan stretched lazily. "Well, hey, might as well
- go out while doing all of Usenet a favor."
- The great afrj bonehead approached and threw down the gauntlet
- with a window-shaking roar. "Hey, badger boy-- Asmodean was killed in a
- "Wine cellar. Beautiful." A fierce, fixed grin appeared on
- Dylan's soot-stained face. "If you'll excuse me, milady, I believe I have
- business down the street." He started off, then paused. "Incidentally,
- you can tell Flavio when next you see him that I swear I'll flame him dead
- for resurrecting _that_ one."
- She watched him go, then shrugged, sighed... and ran for her life.
- Ten minutes later she was standing at the border again, where
- Rick, Flavio, Hawk, and John Novak were waiting for her. The newsgroup
- below was an empty black sheet, with occasional flickers visible in the
- streets as flamewars began to spark. They could see the last convulsions
- beginning-- lights darting through the streets, trolls charging like
- animals trapped in a maze. And suddenly a great pillar of fire went up
- from where Dylan had been standing... a self-immolating pyre that wiped
- out the equivalent of five city blocks.
- Andrea moistened her lips. "All right. Enough closure. Let's
- all go back to alt.antis now."
- "About fucking time," growled the Novak. "I _told_ you so."
- "Be nice, John," Hawk warned, taking Andrea's arm.
- "Welcome to the Cabal, Andrea-- because yes, there most definitely
- IS a Cabal," smiled Flavio.
- "Novus ordo saeculorum," mused Rick.
- "Let's go home," sighed Andrea. "It's over."
- A second before they left, she cast one last, reluctant glance
- back. Far in the distance, on the edge of the now-dark newsgroup, a small
- flame was waving in the wind-- the defiantly stubborn flame of Dylan's
- Torch. She found herself smiling in spite of herself; then she stepped
- through the gateway and was gone.