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- Hi,
- This is Ken Kofman, sending out yet another _As The Wheel Turns_
- posting. I suppose I should put some sort of copyright notice
- on this, so here goes:
- Copyright, Ken Kofman (c) 1994. All rights reserved except for
- those that Tor and Robert Jordan deserve, and except that anyone
- who wants to copy this material may do so, so long it remains
- unaltered, including this notice, and so long as no fees of
- any kind are charged for its use.
- In other words, enjoy it, show it to all your friends, be inspired
- to run your own game, but since I'm not making any money off of
- this, you shouldn't either.
- I hope I did that right.
- Anyway,
- KenK ken@ictv.com
- **********************************************************************
- The Nine Rods of Dominion
- One to come and one to go
- One above and one below
- One a friend and one a foe
- One to hide and one to know.
- Creation
- Nine Rods rule over all
- Eight Ajah preserve and fall
- Seven Ages of the Wheel
- Six Bound to serve the dead
- Five Flows create the Weave
- Four Peoples born to live
- Three Supports of all the worlds
- Two Powers never to be whole
- One Dragon on the winds of Time.
- Summary of Session 4 of _As the Wheel Turns_ 7-7-94
- And it was after these things had come to pass that
- Auric did exhort his newfound companions to leave
- Baerlon upon the moment, mentioning only the single
- word Whitecloaks. Yet such had become the reputation
- of the Children of the Light, that none questioned
- the reason for Auric's concern. And thus they learned
- naught of Auric's activities on the previous day.
- With great haste, then, were only the most necessary
- arrangements made for immediate departure from
- Baerlon. Auric did wish to travel northward, into
- regions only sparsely inhabited in these troubled times,
- thought it is said that once many people lived north
- of Baerlon, and more than one were the great cities of
- those lands.
- But Jennifer did not agree with Auric's designs, for she
- had come to respect the words of Elaida Sedai of the Red
- Ajah, albeit with a measure of reluctance and reserved
- judgment. Thus was she unswayed by Auric's urgent counsel,
- for if she could not yet travel unto the White Tower of
- Tar Valon, and if she must heed the word of Elaida Sedai,
- who did command her to shun Tar Valon until and unless she
- returned with one of the nine Rods of Dominion, then so
- would she accomplish, even at a great cost, for she would
- not be denied.
- And Auric, wise in the ways of women, did accede to
- Jennifer's insistence, for only southward travel
- would he eschew. For he did believe that a goodly
- distance between himself and Amador could be no other
- than a goodly thing, every mile of added distance
- a small measure of added security, for though the
- Children of the Light know no boundaries save the
- Spine of the World, their greatest power lies to the
- south, in Amador.
- Then did Auric devise a strategem, to divert the
- Children of the Light away from his companions, for
- he did not want them to share in his difficulties.
- And he did take himself to an inn near the southern
- gate of Baerlon, away from the western gate through
- which the others were leaving, Kei and Randy Carter
- and Jennifer and Selene. And in this place did Auric
- begin to relate a tale of his adventures, of a battle
- with Trollocs near Baerlon. Surely this tale could
- be nothing more than sheer fancy, for no Trolloc had
- been seen near Baerlon in many a lifetime, yet Auric
- did continue his tale, and did brandish his sword to
- dramatize his words.
- And the people within the tavern did then heed Auric
- most closely. Moreover, they did heed his brandished
- sword, even those who were not listening to his boasts
- of mighty deeds. And the people of Baerlon did put
- distance between themselves and Auric, and many were
- the murmerings about the previous day's encounter
- between a Darkfriend and the Children of the Light.
- Surely this man, who did bare naked steel within the
- confines of a peaceful tavern, and who spake lies about
- Trollocs and Myrdraal could be none other than the very
- man of whom the Children spoke. And Auric did bear a
- striking resemblance to the Darkfriend whom the Children
- of the Light did describe to any who would listen and to
- many who would not.
- Yet none would assail this foul servant of the Dark One,
- for his skill with the sword was manifest, and none wished
- to test their skills against his. Then did Auric take
- leave of the tavern, making his way toward the southern
- gate of Baerlon. And in a burst of great speed did Auric
- gallop his horse through the gate, and such was the
- guards' suprise that they could not impede his way.
- And the the guards did refrain from shooting him with
- arrows, for they would leave him to the Children of the
- Light and their unkind interrogations. And the
- Children of the Light encamped outside the sourthern gate
- of Baerlon did give chase, and it was some time before
- Auric could evade their search.
- And so it was, even as these events were unfolding, that
- the other companions did come across an injured man, a
- few miles west of Baerlon. The man did call himself Phil,
- and Kei trusted him not, for she the Dragon's Fang did
- figure prominently amonst the images she did see about him.
- And Kei did draw her sword. Then was Phil's heart filled
- with fear most desparate, and he did flee despite his
- wound, yet could he not run with any speed, and soon did
- he stop, heavy of breath.
- Then did Kei and her fellow travellers again reach Phil, and
- Kei no longer kept her sword drawn, for she did realize that
- this man could harm her not. And Jennifer and Randy Carter
- both did recognize Phil's raiment as that of the people of
- Earth, and they did speak words of recognition and assurance,
- and they further spoke about the world in which they did
- find themselves, so different from the place from which they
- came, a place called they named Earth, though their world
- did contain all five elements in great abundance. And Randy
- Carter did surrender to saidar, than she might Heal Phil of
- his injury, yet this wound was beyond her meagre knowledge,
- for the wound was attainted, and she could but close the
- wound that it bled no more.
- Yet Phil was not entirely pleased with his being Healed through
- the One Power, for he was possessed of a strange Talent he did
- name Grey Light. Then was Randy Carter filled with great
- surprise, for such Talents did not manifest in the place she
- called home, the place she called Earth. And the three Earth
- folk did speak many words about the two worlds on which they
- had set foot, even as they did wait with increasing impatience
- for Auric's return.
- And even as impatience waxed into concern, and the conversation
- turned to the subject of the Children of the Light, did Kei espy
- eight Children of the Light riding toward where they did wait
- for Auric. And Kei did vanish into the surrounding foliage, even
- as Jennifer did exhort Phil to say no word unto the Children of
- the Light.
- And so it was, that the Children of the Light did meet the
- travelling companions. And the Children of the Light were
- arrayed in full panoply, as is their wont. Their armor did
- gleam, and even the dust of travelling diminished the splendor
- of their white tabards each emblazoned with a golden sunburst
- not at all. Lances and swords, they did bear, every lance angled
- at a single angle. Very great was their splendor.
- Then did Jennifer engage the Children of the Light in conversation,
- and one Child of the Light, elderly in appearance, looking like
- a kind grandfather might, were he arrayed in the full regalia of
- battle, did speak with Jennifer, and then with Phil. The Children
- of the Light were searching for a foul Darkfriend, who had sought
- the death of an innocent woman only the day before, and who had
- terrorized the people of Baerlon this very day. Knowing
- little and nothing of the Children of the Light, did Jennifer and
- Phil say that which would most incense them, yet did the elderly
- Child of the Light speak kindly unto them, to confess their crimes
- and return unto the Light. But Jennifer and Phil confessed
- nothing, and were told that they would be made to find the Light
- and repent their dark doings in Amador, beneath the Dome of Truth.
- Now Auric had found his way back to his companions after having
- evaded the Children of the Light, and he did watch the conversation
- from afar. And Auric found the predicament inauspicious, so he
- did charge the eight Children of the Light on horseback, yet were
- they ahorse even as he was, and their horsemanship exceeded his
- by a wide measure. Three of them did turn to meet his charge,
- lances ready.
- Yet the remaining Children of the Light did maintain their
- attention on the others. And as much as they did search for
- a place to hide, neither could Randy Carter nor Jennifer
- break away from this encounter, nor could Phil even stand
- to fight, for he was utterly fatigued from having been Healed.
- But Kei did emerge from hiding, striking left and right with her
- curved sword, unhorsing and killing two Children of the Light
- even as they realized their predicament.
- Now only one Child of the Light faced Kei, for three were even
- now on the verge of defeating Auric, a trivial accomplishment
- even for a single Child of the Light, and two were preventing
- Randy Carter, Phil and Jennifer from escaping.
- And Kei did adopt a prowling, defensive posture, The Cat Walks
- across the Deck, for the elderly Child of the Light appeared
- to have great skill, perhaps equal to her own. Yet the Child
- of Light refrained from attack, settling into The Watchdog
- Waiting. But Kei did espy a weakness, a place the Watchdog
- could not see, and she did exploit that weakness, driving forward
- with The Swinging Boom! Then did Kei realize, too late, that
- her opponent was of a skill far surpassing her own, perhaps
- equal to that of a Blademaster. She saw her death in her
- parried blade, yet did the Child of Light retreat instead.
- For even as Kei did engage her opponent, did Jennifer convert
- thought into action. In a quick action did she raise up her
- most puissant ter'angreal of the place called Earth, a powerful
- ter'angreal called The Nine Millimeter Semi-automatic Pistol,
- and she did let loose its power, killing a Child of the Light
- with a great, booming noise. Then did the Children of the Light
- realize they were facing channelers of the One Power, and the
- elderly one did know his remaining Children of the Light
- overmatched. They did retreat with great haste, but in good
- order, yet was the memory of their encounter etched in their
- hearts, for the Children of the Light do not rest whilst any
- person yet lives who has dared to raise weapon to slay a
- Child of the Light.
- Yet they did not flee upon the moment, but deliberately took
- their counsel, deciding how best to avoid the Children of
- the Light, and where to go. Again did Randy Carter and
- Jennifer insist that they continue to Emond's Field and
- then into the Misty Mountains, and again did they prevail.
- It was further decided to travel slowly and secretly.
- And so it was, that two weeks later they arrived in Emond'
- Field, a journey of only a few days. And on the first
- night of that journey, did Randy Carter slip into Dream,
- and she did seek a ter'angreal of Earth called a telephone
- booth, through which the people of Earth talk to one
- another no matter how distant they may be one from the other,
- so long as another telephone booth stands near the other
- person.
- And Randy Carter did look for 'Elaida Sedai' in the Telephone
- Book, a great book of all people and telephones, and she
- did use the ter'angreal to reach for Elaida Sedai, yet another
- answered in her place, a man who knew nothing of Elaida Sedai.
- Again did Randy Carter attempt to speak with Elaida Sedai,
- now manipulating Dream itself to create the telephone link
- between herself and Elaida, this time with great success.
- Then did Randy Carter ask Elaida Sedai how to reach Unknown
- Kadath, and Elaida Sedai told Randy Carter to desist from
- such foolishness, but Randy Carter still wished to know.
- It was with great casualness that Elaida Sedai mocked Randy
- Carter, for she told Randy Carter exactly how she might
- attain Unknown Kadath, and Randy Carter quailed before that
- awesome knowledge, that awesome temptation, but she would
- not sacrifice her friends, even to reach Unknown Kadath.
- Instead, Randy Carter beseeched Elaida Sedai to teach her
- the One Power in Dream, that she might use it to overcome
- the obstacles on the way to Unknown Kadath, rather than
- use the life and soul of her friends. And this request
- did surprise Elaida Sedai, for lacking the Talent of walking
- in Dream, she had not considered the possibility. Yet did
- she agree to teach Randy Carter, but made Randy Carter
- swear an oath by the Light and her hope of rebirth, to obey
- Elaida Sedai's every command until Elaida told her she was
- fully trained. Randy Carter quailed before this grave
- condition, yet did she swear, and so did her training begin.
- And so it was at this time, that Kei noticed a new image
- amongst the auras of Randy Carter, that of a full moon
- reflected off a calm sea, yet this aura was one of many
- strange images, and Kei kept her counsel. Randy Carter
- also spoke nothing of what happened in Dream, except a
- quiet word to Jennifer, who also wanted to learn the Power,
- yet did not ask Randy Carter to bring her into Dream
- for two weeks, for she was slow to recover from her
- injuries suffered in Dream, and did not want to tire herself
- by practicing with saidar.
- But on the last night of their journey, Jennifer found herself
- in Dream with Randy Carter, and she did swear as Randy
- Carter had done before her, and together they learned from
- Elaida Sedai.
- And so it was, on the following morning, that amongst the many
- images surrounding Jennifer, there was that of a full moon,
- reflected off a calm sea.