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- Hi,
- This is Ken Kofman, sending out yet another _As The Wheel Turns_
- posting. I suppose I should put some sort of copyright notice
- on this, so here goes:
- Copyright, Ken Kofman (c) 1994. All rights reserved except for
- those that Tor and Robert Jordan deserve, and except that anyone
- who wants to copy this material may do so, so long it remains
- unaltered, including this notice, and so long as no fees of
- any kind are charged for its use.
- In other words, enjoy it, show it to all your friends, be inspired
- to run your own game, but since I'm not making any money off of
- this, you shouldn't either.
- I hope I did that right.
- Anyway,
- KenK ken@ictv.com
- **********************************************************************
- The Nine Rods of Dominion
- One to come and one to go
- One above and one below
- One a friend and one a foe
- One to hide and one to know.
- Creation
- Nine Rods rule over all
- Eight Ajah preserve and fall
- Seven Ages of the Wheel
- Six Bound to serve the dead
- Five Flows create the Weave
- Four Peoples born to live
- Three Supports of all the worlds
- Two Powers never to be whole
- One Dragon on the winds of Time.
- Summary of Session 11 of _As the Wheel Turns_ 2-8-94
- Then did the company set forth once again toward ancient
- Manetheren, mountain heart of that once great nation.
- Yet only a short distance did they travel, unto a place
- less exposed to wind and water, a place of refuge.
- For more than two days had they fled before the Shadow.
- Through damp chill did they flee, sleeping not and
- resting little. And in days previous did they endure
- the falling rain. Also did they endure falling rock
- and mud from the mountain heights. Other trials did
- these companions endure, yet of these things much has
- already been written. Weary were the travellers, even
- young Haemish of the Water Seeker sept of the Taardad
- Aiel, born of the Waste, and even Telas who did name
- himself Warder, though he spoke ill of the Aes Sedai,
- servants of all. Yet did Phil of Earth, channeller
- of saidin sleep.
- And so it was that Ulric Druss, Blademaster and once
- captain of mighty Tear, did find a place of rest
- acceptable unto him. Still was he wary, still did he
- relax not his guard against the Shadow that cometh by
- day or by night, or against whosoever might assail
- him or his fellow travellers. But no Trollocs or other
- foul minions of the Dark One had Telas discerned, save
- for the remnant of a remnant of a force of five fists
- or more.
- Then at the behest of Ulric Druss did Akhel, and Haemish
- of the Taardad Aiel search along the margins of devastation
- for enemies hithertofore unseen, yet none did they find,
- for the destruction was well nigh complete. Slow was
- their progress and stinging was the air in their nostrils.
- Where the Fire had raced across the ancient forest, only
- the mightiest of trees remained, and these stood as
- charred spires. Smoke hung in the air, mingling amongst
- the mists. Along the margins did the vegetatation
- smoulder, yet did the forest not set itself ablaze, so
- steeped was it in water. And the holocaust extended
- further than the eye could see, a path of death through
- the wilderness, a grand avenue of apocalyptic desolation.
- Yet was their goal further to the north.
- And so it was after a day and a night of rest that the
- company turned again toward ancient Manetheren. Theirs
- was not the sleep of satisfaction, nor was theirs the meat
- of satiation. Cold and huddled was their sleep, and they
- awoke tired still, yet did they not fall from exhaustion.
- Comfortless was the food they ate, yet it filled the body
- and staved off hunger.
- But with even less pleasure did they travel. For many
- days did they ascend further into the mountains. The
- road they had once thought difficult now was recalled
- with longing. At night the mists froze from the cold,
- and by day the air filled not tired lungs however
- deeply breathed. And on some days did they stop to
- hunt, yet was there little shelter from the cold winds
- descending from the higher peaks, and the damp mists
- that penentrated even the warmest garments. And still
- did Phil sleep, bound to a pallet and pulled by a horse.
- Slow was their travel, yet was Jennifer jealous of the
- days lost. Yet too tired was she to learn from Elaida
- Sedai in Dream, nor had she or Randy Carter done so since
- first the Trollocs attacked.
- But after a fortnight and halfway into the next were many
- amongst the company ill from exposure, not Ulric Druss,
- hardy Blademaster and once captain of mighty Tear, nor
- Telas the Warder or young Haemish of the Taardad Aiel,
- who had lived his life in the Waste, nor radiant Selene.
- Yet of the remaining companions, those not already sick
- must soon succumb. Even Jennifer of Earth could continue
- no longer.
- With great reluctance did the companions bow to necessity.
- And Telas the Warder, together with Haemish of the Taardad
- Aiel built a more permanent place of rest. A place of
- comfort did they erect in the wilderness, for even their
- own spirits had been dampened by wind and water. For many
- days would they stay in this place, until full health
- returned unto all, even unto Randy Carter most harshly
- stricken, and even unto Phil who slept the sleep of death,
- though still he breathe. Ulric Druss also helped in this
- work, though wind and weather were enemies less familiar
- to him than armies and swords.
- And when the shelter was completed, then did they turn toward
- hunting meat and gathering wood, and provisioning themselves
- as they could, both for the time spent in resting and for the
- days ahead, that they need halt their journey no longer to
- search for food. Yet some provisions were sorely lacking.
- The ropes and picks brought forth from the Two Rivers were
- lost with the horse that bore them. None had they save for
- the meager equipment found in the cabin Telas revealed. Blankets
- and furs also were few and shared. And then even young Haemish
- of the Taardad Aiel found time to rest, and even Telas the
- Warder.
- And so it was, upon a night no less cold than those previous,
- that Haemish of the Water Seeker sept of the Taardad Aiel did
- find himself again amidst the Aiel Waste, called The Threefold
- Land by the Aiel themselves though they speak little of such
- things and little more of much else, though he slumbered still.
- And he did know himself to be standing before those women of the
- Aiel known as Wise Ones, their eyes fixed upon him. And Haemish
- quailed before their gaze, he who shrank back from nothing. No
- word did they speak unto him, yet did he wither beneath their
- gaze as a wetlander beneath the cruel sun. And still did they
- wait. But no word could Haemish speak, nor could he turn aside
- from their implacable will. Yet patient were the Wise Ones,
- unmoving and unmoved. Like the lifeless rock were they patient,
- like the cruel winds of The Threefold Land that erode even the
- strongest mountain and the surest will were they patient, like
- the water biding its time outside The Threefold Land were they
- patient, and Haemish crumbled beneath their will.
- In torment did he cry out, "I cannot!" yet did they acknowledge
- not his words. Then did Haemish of the Water Seeker sept of the
- Taardad Aiel beseech them and plead that surely there must be
- another way, but still they kept their counsel. Then Haemish
- begged them to do with him as they would, even to kill him, if
- only they would speak unto him.
- Then did one of the women speak unto Haemish. But her gaze did
- not soften nor her expression change by even the smallest amount,
- even as she informed the boy Haemish of the Water Seeker sept
- of the Taardad Aiel that he had not received permision to leave
- his sept.
- And Haemish bowed his head before the Wise One, and admitted that
- he could not accept his fate, and craved permission to substitute
- the perilous search for the Nine Rods of Dominion for that other fate
- of which he spoke not. But the Wise One was not placated, for she
- asked him of ji'e'toh, the code of honor and obligation that is life
- and more than life to the Aiel, the code which the child Haemish had
- in some manner violated. Then did Haemish declare his hope, to
- regain ji and discharge his toh through helping the other companions,
- yet the Wise One relented not. For Haemish had known there could be
- no ji in what he did when first he ran away, nor could he discharge
- his toh. And with these comorting words in his ears did Haemish
- awaken from sleep.
- And so it was that Haemish took himself apart from the other companions,
- and spent his time in solitude, for he could not endure their presence.
- Even by night did he sleep outside in the cold rather than
- accept another's company. But the Wise Ones did haunt his dreams.
- And of all those who sojourned in this place, only Haemish improved
- neither in body nor spirit, and even worsened.
- Yet the other companions did recover their health and their color. And
- so it was that Auric Draco of the Borderlands did speak unto Akhel,
- to pry from him the secrets of which he spoke nothing, yet which surely
- he harbored within. With great contempt did Akhel turn aside that
- which Auric asked of him. Many things did Auric insinuate, that
- Akhel was of Earth, that Akhel was a Darkfriend, that Akhel did in
- secret search for the Horn of Valere, that selfsame horn of which
- much is spoken in myth and legend, though Akhel claims to believe
- in neither. And even as Akhel did turn aside these unspoken accusations,
- and others, so did Auric redouble his attempt to break through
- Akhel's reticence.
- And Jennifer did teach Telas the Warder of the Great Game of her
- people, a game of horsemen and fortresses, of kings and queens,
- of Children of Light and Children of Darkness, and even of pawns
- to be used by the mighty. For many hours did they play, even
- as Jennifer threw off from herself illness and malaise, and they
- spoke of many things. Much did the Great Game of the world from
- which Jennifer came forth, that distant Mirror of the Wheel
- known only as Earth, though some say America, remind Telas of
- another game, that of Daes Dae'mar, the Great Game of this
- world.
- Yet Jennifer did laugh upon learning more of this game, for her
- people also played that game, though they gave it a different
- name, politics. Then did Jennifer wonder why Elaida Sedai
- did send her, Randy Carter and only a few others on so important
- a journey, when the search for the Nine Rods of Dominion, or
- even one of the Nine was surely a task worthy of fully trained
- Aes Sedai and Warders, for there had been no Blademaster amongst
- this company when first Elaida charged Randy Carter to bring
- forth from Manetheren at least one of the Nine Rods of Dominion.
- Nor had Telas the Warder been present, or young Haemish of the
- Taardad Aiel or stealthy Akhel or Keilyndra Din Djanin of the
- Atha'an Miere, or Auric Draco of the Borderlands.
- And Telas was surprised to learn that Elaida Sedai of the Red
- Ajah was involved in the matter of the Nine Rods of Dominion,
- and even more surprised to learn that Kareina Sedai of the
- Green Ajah also had been involved in the forming of the company,
- for the Elaida Sedai and Kareina Sedai did stand on opposite
- sides of the Hall of the Tower, each against the very wall,
- for their complete divergence of perspective had quickly become
- legend in the Tower, though fewer knew that once they had been
- teacher and student.
- And Telas the Warder did speak of his suspicions, that some
- from amongst the Blue Ajah might be responsible for the
- disheveled state of the cabin he had revealed unto them
- more than two fortnights previously. And his words bore
- truth, albeit from a certain perspective.
- Other matters were also discussed, in this place and in this
- time. Then did Jennifer of Earth say unto herself that Daes Daemar
- was not played within her Mirror of the Wheel as she now
- saw it played, for all about her harbored secret thoughts and
- intentions of which they would not speak, save in small increments
- as needed. Yet no word did she speak of her own secret thoughts.
- And so it was that much was spoken, but little said. Many games
- were played, of stones, of Chaes, the Great Game of Jennifer's
- people. Perhaps even Daes Daemar was played, in that time,
- in that place.
- Then did Ulric Druss, Blademaster and once a captain of mighty
- Tear, join in a game of stones. With Auric Draco did he play.
- And the two men did set themselves a wager. One silver mark
- did they set as the stakes of that game. But as is the way
- of those who play stones for silver and for gold, also were
- tokens of doubling provided. And so it was, even as the
- game proceded from the opening claiming of borders to the
- first skirmishes and to the intermediate battles for territory,
- the stakes doubled and redoubled and redouble yet again, for
- the game seemed hotly contested. But when the stakes had
- risen to 32 silver marks, then did Ulric Druss, Blademaster
- and once captain of Tear attack the most secure position
- of Auric Draco, and Auric did see marginal victory become
- overwhelming defeat. But Akhel did watch the game proceed
- in silence, and then he knew Ulric Druss for who he truly
- was, yet spoke know word upon the matter.
- And still did the oppressive weight of secrets unspoken hang
- amidst the air, yet were spirits high. The many days of
- rest had cured the body of illness and the heart of oppression.
- And Ulric did forgive Akhel his baring a dagger against him
- many days ago when first Telas joined them. Haemish and Ulric
- spent much time in the practice their art, and even as Ulric
- defeated Haemish in contests of arms, so did Haemish defeat
- Ulric in contests unarmed, and each took the other's measure.
- And when Telas the Warder no longer was willing to speak about
- Aes Sedai and their maneuverings, or of Daes Dae'mar, then did
- Auric Draco speak, of the Great Game and its maneuverings, and
- how the Shadow pulls many of the strings in secret. For wheresoever
- there is Light, also there is Shadow sequestered in the darkest
- corners, and the deepest hearts of men. But joy spilled across
- Jennifer's countenance upon learning this dark knowledge. For
- now, she said, she understood the purpose of Elaida Sedai, to
- send untrained people who know not of this world on a mission
- of paramount importance, for she trusted not her Sisters in the
- Tower, not even those of her own Ajah. For any person could
- be a Darkfriend, high or low, farmer or Aes Sedai. Even Elaida
- Sedai herself might be not of the Red Ajah, but of the Black.
- And still did Phil sleep.