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- ===========================
- The Near Side Of The Zone
- -------------------------
- San Francisco, April 4, 1941.
- The Embarcadero, Marina District, about 9:30 P.M.
- A cold, dreary day. The rain had dissipated in the past hour, but the clouds
- still hung over San Francisco harbor and were still bringing deluges to Angel
- Island and points northward. The streets were unusually quiet for a spring
- evening; occasionally, a dog barked, or the sound of a motor car rang
- throughout the deserted alleys.
- The hills, atop which were perched beautiful houses, winding roads and a myriad
- of lives and loves, also hid a dark secret.
- The alley behind "Sam's Bar and Grille" on Beck Street...
- "You have it?" cried the man with the sideburns in the dark black cloak and
- silver scarf to the lone occupant of the aging yellow taxi. He couldn't see the
- face; the dark interior consumed his features, as did the dark glasses he wore.
- The man with the sideburns, whose surname for the record was Darrell, steeled
- himself; his shivering body was reacting to the cold... and perhaps much, much
- more.
- "Of course I do, Mr. Darrell. Keep your pants on." The man in the taxi rolled
- the window down a bit more. Darrell tried to find the taxicab driver, but
- couldn't. The nameless face in the taxi simply removed his glasses and handed
- Darrell a brown-wrapped package. "Guard this with your life. For indeed, it
- will be your life if that gets into the wrong hands. Heed my warning. The chase
- is on. The Blackheart is the prize." Then the nameless man turned the motor on,
- and drove the taxicab away...leaving Darrell standing alone in the alley, with
- his package.
- It started to rain again...
- CAPTAIN'S LOG; Stardate 43051.6
- The Enterprise has arrived in orbit about Gamma Thiopa II, four
- days ahead of schedule due to our abrupt departure from the
- Amber Nine festivities recorded elsewhere in this log.
- This unscheduled layover has given us the opportunity for shore
- leave and personal relaxation time, during which I've instructed
- Mr. Data to undertake a very unusual challenge...
- "The program is working, sir," said Data, picking himself up off the floor from
- the Holodeck Four computer programming access panel in Station 704, Deck 7.
- "Our original programming only allowed for the situations to progress if the
- holodeck were in operation. The adventures themselves would not begin until we
- actually entered. By introducing this new algorithm, we are in essence stepping
- into a moving exhibition. The entire situation may have already taken place
- before we even enter, allowing us the--"
- "You're babbling, Mr. Data," said Jean-Luc Picard, who was wearing something
- not quite Starfleet regulation. He was decked out in typical 1940's fashion,
- brimmed hat, dark jacket, black shoes and a tie. "Once Dr. Crusher and Mr. Worf
- have joined us, we shall get underway."
- Picard's communicator, which he carried on his lapel briefly until he entered
- the holodeck, signalled his attention. "Picard here."
- "Commander Riker here, sir. The USS Prometheus is confirmed as arriving at
- Gamma Thiopa in four days, three point seven hours, present speed. Enjoy your
- leave, sir."
- "I will, Number One. Once you're finished with your duties, you might wish to
- join us....?"
- "I prefer my shore leave on the planet, sir. Mr. O'Brien and I have been
- invited to a poker game by some old friends on the planet."
- "I see," said Picard, smiling. "Enjoy yourself, Commander. Picard out."
- Picard had just cut the circuit closed when he stopped dead in his tracks.
- Before him, Worf was decorated in period costume, brandishing a rather large
- hat on his head to disguise his intently Klingon appearance. But behind him was
- the object of Picard's interest... Beverly Crusher, in a skirt and veil that
- he'd seen before when they'd visited this particular program before.
- "Why, hello, Mr. Hill," said Beverly in a sweet voice, which only made Picard
- smile, remembering the wonderful time they'd had before, and how it had almost
- turned tragic with historian Whalen had been shot, and Cyrus Redblock and Felix
- Leech discovered the world of the Enterprise. No, not again, that was all over.
- Data's program was an amalgamation of a variety of Dixon Hill novels, as he had
- done before with the novels of Arthur Conan Doyle during Dr. Pulaski's tenure
- on the ship.
- "Hello, Miss Crusher..." said Picard, who chuckled. "Sounds so terribly
- non-period. But I digress. Shall we enter?"
- "Program set and ready," said Data.
- "Ready when you are, sir," said Worf. The holodeck doors opened.
- Picard grasped Beverly's arm, and led her into the familiar hallway that held
- the offices of Dixon Hill, Private Investigator. Worf followed, with Data
- behind, looking around himself as he entered.
- The doorway behind them vanished into the wall...
- ...and they were once again in the City by the Bay.
- ****************************************
- ...Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher was off duty. As was normal in his off-hours,
- Wesley was exercising his brain to the utmost. His mom had once again run off
- with Captain Picard, Data, and the others to the holodeck to live out some
- deep-seated fantasy about living in ancient times. "Grown-ups." he thought
- "Sometimes they have to play at games more than those vacuum-headed geeks at
- the Academy. *I* try to act seriously all the time; why can't they?"
- Unfortunately for Wes, little did he realize that that very attitude was the
- reason for his rejection by his peers. He had fallen into the subconscious
- routine of overpowering his less-capable contemporaries with his budding
- genius. Typically, this set him apart from them, and he compensated by spending
- time with adults and with his experiments and with the computer. Speaking of
- which, since Wesley had some spare time on his hands, maybe he could log on and
- finish that "investigation" of the ships' computer banks, putting aside his
- gadget (his force-field, microelectronic, cognitive-biology, and vanilla
- gadget) for now. Noone, not even Data, even remotely suspected he had managed
- to hack out the access codes to the innermost parts of the computer's logic
- circuits...
- ****************************************
- While Acting Ensign Crusher hacked away merrily, prying into things that did
- and did not concern him, interesting things were happening in the rest of the
- ship. Lieutenant T'Fred had moved into her new quarters the day before and was
- now, by no coincidence at all, also exploring her new computer. She had
- recently transferred to the Big E and it had not taken much convincing to get
- the Quartermaster to assign her the room next to Mr. Crusher (no-one else
- wanted to take a chance on being trapped for a famous Crusher lecture on the
- state of the posi-electronic flux flow in the ship's engines.) Had anyone been
- watching, they might have noticed a distinctly un-Vulcan gleam in T'Fred's eyes
- as she hacked alongside Mr. Crusher, seeing but unseen and unsuspected (Mr.
- Crusher was sometimes awfully naive).
- Meanwhile, on the bridge, the officer on duty at Mr. Worf's station frowned
- momentarily as he noticed an unusual energy flux suddenly disturb space
- underneath the saucer section. He investigated briefly, but the anomaly did not
- reoccur and he soon forgot it in the boredom of the watch. It was much more
- entertaining to plan his upcoming leave, he knew of this one place where the
- Orion girls were so... <Well - maybe the rest of this is best left to the
- reader's imagination!>
- In her awesomely fast scout ship Falcon, just now sitting cloaked and
- unsuspected underneath the Big E's saucer section, the wily Romulan agent <008>
- froze, holding her breath until she was sure that the accidental energy release
- had not betrayed her to the quarry. When she was sure she had gone undetected
- she grinned fiercely and exultantly to herself. "Come on, T'Fred!" she thought,
- "Don't fail me now!"
- T'Fred noticed that Wesley was absorbed by one on his experiments and decided
- to make her move. "Let's see these measly Earthlings jump", she said as she
- maneuvered the computer into doing her bidding. She laughed inwardly while,
- recalling the love affair that helped her get this far.
- Oh Jason! You sentimental fool! I did love you in my own way, but you were a
- pawn in a game of high stakes. You had information I needed to be able to get
- my mission accomplished. You have such a brilliant and sexy mind for an
- Earthling; perhaps...
- T'Fred was awakened out of her reverie by the sound of the wailing klaxons.
- "RED ALERT, RED ALERT". As T'Fred got up from her chair to leave, she noticed
- that the ever obedient Ensign Crusher was already out of the door. She looked
- at his computer screen and her eyes froze. There on the screen were access
- codes to the most inner workings of the gallant Enterprise. Since T'Fred had a
- photographic memory, it took no time at all before she had each one memorized.
- As she left her quarters, she asked herself how long it would take before these
- puny beings realized it was a false red alert. She decided it was best not to
- think about it, until this phase of her mission was over and headed toward the
- shuttle bay area to see a comrade.
- 008 maneuvered the Falcon gracefully into the shuttle bay, while maintaining
- the cloak. "Thank you, my friend", she thought to herself. "I knew you wouldn't
- let me down".
- 008 was a half-breed in old English terms. Her father was a Romulan and her
- mother a Human. Her friends called her T'Ala. T'Ala was not welcome by the
- Romulans on her world, but they let her stay because of her father, who was a
- great warrior. She had met T'Fred in a fight as children.
- T'Fred believed that T'Ala should be given a chance to prove herself, before
- being discarded, and helped T'Ala learn the ways of the Romulan Empire and how
- to defend herself against any creature. As the years went by they became fast
- and steady friends and vowed to do the Federation in, for causing the deaths of
- T'Ala's father and T'Fred's mother.
- As T'Fred entered the shuttle bay, which she had prearranged, she spotted her
- friend and stiffly hugged her. "T'Ala it has been many years my friend, since
- we talked of getting revenge; do you have any fears about our forth coming
- mission?" T'Ala looked her friend in the eyes, and noticed a hint of concern.
- "The only thing I fear, said T'Ala is that we will not succeed." T'Fred smiled
- then said, "You have learned the ways of the Romulans very well and I am most
- proud to call you friend. Come it is time for us to cause the Humans pain".
- T'Ala gathered up her belongings and they left the shuttle bay.
- Once in the hallway, no one noticed T'Ala, for she had the fair skin, blue
- eyes, and light blonde hair of her mother. She was very beautiful to look at
- and was looking forward to the companionship of a Human male, even if it was
- just to distract people in order to accomplish the mission.
- ****************************************
- ...Wesley had gotten deep into the inner bowels of the computer's logic
- circuits again. This time he was going REALLY deep, so had to disconnect a few
- cross-relays in the process to prevent security from catching on ("Not," he
- thought, "that I'm doing anything really wrong. I'm just expanding my knowledge
- base!") Little did he realize that he had accidently disconnected the relays
- that connected ship's communications to certain areas, including Holodeck 4.
- Suddenly, the ship's klaxon rung Red Alert. Immediately he slapped a button
- that would momentarily conduct an auto-shutdown of the program he had been
- running and he then ran to the bridge to man his station...
- ...As Wes ran to the bridge, his cabin doors hung open for a moment. Just a
- moment too long to prevent prying eyes from catching the contents of his
- computer screen before auto-shutdown occurred...
- ****************************************
- Meanwhile, on Holodeck 4, Dixon Hill and his friends were once again in the
- City by the Bay. At the offices of Dixon Hill, Private Eye, four travelers from
- another time and place stopped in to take stock and plan their adventure.
- Since it was late in the evening, Hill's secretary had long since left for the
- day.
- "Well, Mr. Worf, what do you think of our little scenario so far?" asked
- Jean-Luc Picard, decked out as the infamous Mr. Hill.
- "Interesting so far, sir," Worf replied "The holodeck makes a convincing
- background. But how exactly do we use this for - enjoyment?"
- 'Hill' smiled. "My Klingon friend, I strongly suspect you would most enjoy
- yourself fulfilling a role you are more comfortable with. Since Data and the
- Doctor already have established identities in this place and time, then let us
- make one up for you." Dix gave it some thought. "You will be Dixon Hill's
- bodyguard, a Mr. Worschfield." Worf grinned. "As we take part in our
- adventures, it will be your job to protect me from attackers, miscellaneous
- thugs, and the myriads of ladies who seem to want to drool over me all the
- time."
- Beverly smiled a secret little smile.
- Worf was nodding appreciably. "Agreed, sir! 'Mr. Worschfield it is!"
- Picard smiled "Very good, then. And call me 'Dixon' here, Mr. Worschfield!"
- "Aye, ss, uuuuhhh, Mr. Hill!" Picard nodded. "Now! Let us see what messages
- await us on this desk to keep us involved for the next four days... Hmm.
- Here's one that looks promising. This case refers to an item known as 'The
- Blackheart'. Intriguing. Let's study this case, and then ask the computer to
- advance the program to daylight hours. Agreed?"
- The others quickly agreed, gathering in close to Dix to find out more about
- this mysterious "Blackheart". Little did they realize that at that very moment
- a ship's klaxon was sounding red alert...
- ****************************************
- First officer William Riker jumped as the red alert sounded. Moments later,
- responding to the alert, Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher returned to the bridge
- and relieved the Vice Admiral who had been navigating in his absence. Quickly
- he realized the nature of the alert.
- "False alarm, Commander" he reported, silencing the alert. "Computer
- malfunction generated by, uh" he hesitated, thinking that the source could very
- well be his own shinanigans. "By a queer neuro-micro-electrical impulse
- cross-relaying through the alarm generator." Wesley techno-babbled. He looked
- at Riker, wondering if he would call his bluff.
- Riker stared at Ensign Crusher. Well, he's the genius, Will thought. "Hmm. It
- sounds serious. Why don't you report to Engineering and correlate your data
- with Mr. LaForge. The Admiral will relieve you."
- "Check, Commander. I'll report right away. I'm sure it's nothing" he
- dissembled, getting up and making way for the feeble old man with medals
- dangling from his chest. Wesley exited from the bridge, watched closely by
- Cmdr. Riker.
- ...It wouldn't be until much, much later that Riker realized that Picard and
- the others hadn't even bothered to ask about the klaxon, even though it was so
- short-lived. And noone, but noone would realize until it was way too late that,
- while all eyes had been on Wesley and Riker, the yellowshirt at the bridge
- security station had overlooked completely the warning signs of a serious
- breach of security...
- ****************************************
- Under the cover of the false read alert, T'Fred and T'Ala slipped back to
- T'Fred's room and settled down to do some serious plotting. With her usual
- skill in hacking, T'Fred had given T'Ala her usual skill in hacking, T'Fred had
- given T'Ala credentials as a visiting scientist, whose main interest was in
- exploring the physics and astro-psychology of the nearest quasars. This would
- allow her to move freely about the Big E and would explain any unusual amount
- of time spent on the computers, should anybody get nosy. The quartermaster had
- obligingly assigned T'Ala a room close to T'Fred's.
- T'Ala settled down on T'Fred's bed and started, "Your mission (And I advise you
- to accept it as the Praetor is in a bad mood this ten-month!) is to learn
- everything possible about the computer software and security of the
- Federation's ships. We must know of their weaknesses and strengths! If
- possible, we are to create subtle weaknesses to our future advantage. The
- Praetor is especially interested in this so-called "holodeck", such decadence
- might prove useful when studied by our psychologists. Once we have attained all
- the data available to us, I will ferry it back to the Empire in the Falcon. In
- the meantime, the Falcon will remain cloaked and silent 10 meters under the
- primary hull. It will be within reach if we need it, but we MUST NOT and WILL
- NOT fail! This is our one chance, old friend! I, at least, will not have
- another opportunity to prove myself. But I know you will not let me down. Now,
- tell me what you know of this ship and her officers..."
- T'Fred smiled to herself. "Well, my friend there is one officer in particular
- that you should find easy to get along with; in fact he will probably find you!
- His name is Commander Riker, very good looking, and likes the ladies a great
- deal. I don't know how true it is, but it is rumored that they are doing
- hormonal studies on him, since his sexual appetite is greater than other human
- males. Perhaps you can show this human how it is done; Romulan style!"
- A wicked smile crossed T'Ala's face as she thought of what T'Fred was saying.
- T'Ala always did have an incurable curiosity for human males and their supposed
- sexual prowess and agreed with T'Fred on pursuing this Commander Riker.
- While T'Fred continued describing the rest of the officers, T'Ala only half
- heard what T'Fred said. "................is an extraordinary officer, very
- intelligent, nice looking, and respected by the crew. While you are busy with
- Commander Riker, I will go to the holodeck and learn it's secrets". Little did
- T'Fred know that the secrets awaiting her would change her and T'Ala's lives
- for all time...
- ...Or those secrets WOULD have changed T'Fred's and T'Ala's lives for all time,
- except for the bizarre set of circumstances taking place at that very time.
- On his way to engineering, Wesley Crusher realized a couple of things. First,
- that he HADN'T been responsible for the false alarm, and that he would actually
- have to find out what was. And second, that Picard hadn't responded to that
- alarm, even momentarily. Which was highly unlike the Captain. He realized that
- he COULD have been responsible for THAT, since his hacking had disabled certain
- internal security systems. Since those logic circuits were necessarily tied
- into intra-ship communications, it was possible he had cut off the holodeck
- from the alarms. As he reached engineering, he told Geordi of his assignment.
- As he got to work, he quickly took a moment to erase the last traces of his
- earlier diversion, reestablishing all internal communications in the process.
- ****************************************
- Meanwhile, in ships' security central, adjacent to the brig area, yellowshirt
- goon #2 was poring over the computer records of the events that occurred during
- the false alarm. He was secretly trying to find a way to show up security goon
- #1 - Worf's direct assistant - due to their rivalry. A rivalry compounded by
- competition during after-hours gambling in the guards' barracks. As he went
- over the transcripts, he quickly noticed the missed security breach at the main
- shuttledeck. Smiling, he traced it backwards to its origin, somewhere near the
- ship's primary hull at the saucer section. Pleased with himself and his
- discovery, and elated at being able to disgrace yellowshirt #1, he went to make
- his report to the officer of the deck, Cmdr. Riker.
- On the bridge, Riker was listening to the report of the guard. As he finished,
- Riker turned to the security goon at Worf's station. "Consider yourself
- relieved of duty until further notice. You are restricted to quarters until
- such time as your presence is requested. Dismissed." He turned to goon #2.
- "Mister, take the security station." The yellowshirt hastened to comply. Riker
- touched the gold badge on his left pectoral.
- "Bridge to Captain Picard."
- On holodeck four, now restored to communications with the rest of the ship
- thanks to Wes, Riker's voice boomed out over the sounds of the street as the
- four adventurers left Dixon Hill's offices. "Merde'", said Picard.
- Looking up at the disembodied voice, Data said "Computer - freeze program."
- Suddenly all action around the quartet came to a halt in mid-action. His voice
- tinged with regret, Picard answered.
- "What is it, Number One?"
- "Captain, over the course of the past hour or so several things have happened.
- First, there was a false Red Alert. Wesley and Geordi are tracing it's cause
- right now. On the other hand, security has located what seems to be a breach of
- both internal security as well as the ship's perimeter."
- Picard's eyebrows shot up. "We heard no klaxon down here, Number One."
- "I suspected as much. I suspect that a saboteur or saboteurs have infiltrated
- the ship, purposes unknown, and that their plans included cutting off internal
- communications to cause confusion. We suspect that a ship is sitting nearby,
- definitely cloaked, which indicates this is a Romulan action."
- "Sound red alert, Number one. And make sure everyone knows that _this_ red
- alert is real. Mr. Data will join Wesley and Mr. LaForge in scanning for the
- ship. Mr. Worf will coordinate the internal search. I will join you shortly on
- the bridge. Picard out."
- Data once again addressed the ceiling. "Computer - save program. Freeze
- continuity at present level. Clear holodeck area. Exit."
- "Acknowledged. Saving current program with time advance feature halted at
- current frame." Then the images on the holodeck faded to a grid pattern, and
- the door leading to the corridor appeared. Picard said "We shall have to do
- this another time. Everyone, change into uniform on the double and get to your
- assigned stations."
- "Aye, sir."
- "Yes, sir."
- "Aye, Captain," were heard as they filed out into the corridor.
- ****************************************
- The voice of Commander William Riker reverberated throughout the corridors of
- the Enterprise while the red alert klaxon sounded once again.
- "Red Alert. All Decks. Red Alert. We have a ship-wide intruder alert. All crew
- members report to their duty stations. All civilians please go to their
- quarters. Security crews report to Lt. Worf on the double. Repeat..."
- As the first officer repeated the alert, T'Fred and T'Ala, who had just left to
- carry out their insidious scheme, looked at each other and realized that all
- their planning had just come to naught.
- "Oh, T'Fred, we are found out! They must have discovered the Falcon!"
- "All is not lost. We can still escape and plague this ship another day. Come
- on, we'll head into the bowels of this ship while we find a way to escape!"
- Grabbing T'Ala's arm, T'Fred started down the corridor toward the turbolift,
- where confused crew and civilians tried to clear the passages so that security
- could begin conducting their search. With the thought of mingling and losing
- themselves amidst the mass of people, and using their disguises to get out of
- their predicament, they suddenly found themselves alone in one stretch of
- passageway with the disgraced security goon #1, on his way to his quarters and
- not looking where he was going. With a vicious smile, T'Fred tackled the
- yellowshirt and wrestled him to the ground. On reflex, the guard started to
- reach for his breastpin to warn his chief.
- T'Ala, seeing his intent, instantly reached past T'Fred and grabbed his wrist.
- "We'll have none of that now!" she spat. "You're our ticket off this ship and
- back across the Neutral Zone!" As T'Fred rolled off of him,
- T'Ala wrestled his arm behind his back, relieved him of the phaser he wore at
- his belt, and said "Now, we have a few questions for you..."
- ****************************************
- Back on the bridge, Captain Picard walked out of the turbolift and took his
- place in the command chair. "Status, Number One" he snapped.
- "All passageways are now clear, sir. Based on the report of the Lt. J.G., here"
- he indicated security goon #2 "we have one intruder who came in through the
- main shuttlebay, probably with inside help. So we have two hostiles, and
- possibly a scout-class ship sitting somewhere on our perimeter even now. Since
- it would have to have been cloaked to even approach us undectected, it must be
- Romulans who have infiltrated the Enterprise."
- Picard nodded. "Your conclusion makes sense, Will. Especially if the hidden
- mole among us was a Romulan disguised as a Vulcan. Mr. Worf, instruct your
- crews to begin doing a check on all Vuclan or Vulcanoid crewmembers or
- passengers. Do nothing to intimate suspicion of a particular individual or the
- race; merely reinforce to them that this is a simple precaution."
- "Aye, sir." Worf uttered. "I suppose they would simply say it is a 'logical'
- precaution."
- Picard smiled. "So they would. Carry on, Mr. Worf."
- "Yessir".
- ***************************************
- Down below, the Romulan spies had questioned the captured yellowshirt and found
- out a few interesting particulars, especially the fact that the Falcon remained
- undiscovered off of the main saucer hull, cloaked and ready.
- "Are you certain of your facts?" T'Ala asked harshly.
- "Absolutely" he answered, eyeing the voluptuous intruder and starting to come
- up with plans of his own. "In fact, your arrival here and your genius in
- getting past me has disgraced me on board this ship. They'll bust me down to
- yeoman, now, and probably assign me to the anti-matter storage section for this
- (the WORST detail on the ship!). If you promise to take me with you, I can use
- my status with security to get you past the checkpoints and off this ship any
- way you choose!"
- The ladies looked at each other at this. "What do you think?" T'Ala murmured.
- T'Fred shrugged. "Hmmm. He SOUNDS sincere, at least for now. And he's obviously
- enamored of your charms." T'Ala blushed a bright green. "And if he's lying we
- can always kill him later. I doubt we'll escape unaided this time!"
- T'Ala agreed, and turned to the traitorous security goon. "Okay, but you don't
- forget who's in charge! Now, tell me your proper name."
- The guard looked nonplused at that. "Do I have to?" he queried. "You see, in
- the Federation, most starship security guards are guys like me who have
- nerdy-sounding names and got picked on as kids. So we go into the Security Corp
- so that we can take out our fustrations with phasers and hide behind nicknames
- like 'yellowshirt' and 'security goon'."
- "Hmm. If that's the case, then why wouldn't a boy with the name of 'Wesley
- Crusher' do the same?"
- "Oh. HIM. TOO much of a wimp, if you ask me!" he said, <snrk>ing.
- "I see. Nevertheless, I won't work with or trust anyone who can't even trust me
- with their true name."
- Grimacing and left with no choice, the goon leaned over and whispered into
- T'Ala's ear. Breaking into a grin at first, soon she was laughing uproariously.
- T'Fred, wondering how bad it WAS, was shushing her. "You'll get us discovered!
- What could possibly be so ridiculous?" T'Ala put her mouth in her friend's ear
- and told her. Soon, both of these normally stoic Romulans where rolling on the
- floor with mirth!
- "All right, all right!" the embarrassed turncoat said, turning pink. "Now that
- you've shown how sympathetic you are, shall we get out of here?"
- The ladies soon stopped laughing and got up. "Yes, let's be on our way. Which
- way, R-R-, oh, heck, Yellowshirt?" she got out.
- "That way" he said, pointing. Immediately the Romulans started off in that
- direction. As they did, the yellowshirt realized that in all their amusement
- they hadn't noticed that the phaser was now sitting on the floor. Scooping it
- up, he quickly secreted it behind his back and under his uniform.
- "Coming?" T'Fred asked.
- "Right behind you!" he answered.
- ***************************************
- Deciding to get to a transporter and beam over to the Falcon, the three
- hostiles headed for Transporter Room 7. As they neared it, they spotted a
- security guard outside the entrance. They quickly came up with a plan to
- distract him.
- T'Ala turned and started to saunter down the corridor. As she reached the young
- yellowshirt, he gulped and told her "You really shouldn't be down here, ma'am."
- T'Ala smiled and engaged the ensign with her beauty for the moments necessary
- for T'Fred to sneak up behind him and knock him senseless with a closed fist.
- Gesturing to their new friend to join them, soon all three of them were inside
- the transporter room, and the now-renegade guard was powering up the
- transporter console and feeding in the coordinates of the Falcon...
- "Guards' personal monitors indicate that the guard at Transporter Room #7 is
- unconscious or otherwise incapacitated." Will Riker said from the security
- console on the main bridge. "Lt. Worf, that must be the work of the intruders.
- Get there on the double!"
- "On my way, Commander!" was the Klingon's curt reply.
- ...T'Fred and T'Ala stood on the transporter pad, helpless to do anything
- except trust security goon #1 to deliver them from this trap. As the console
- powered up, the disgraced security guard thought hard. Musing to himself, he
- thought "Coordinates take only a moment to feed in. I could stun them with the
- phaser, intra-ship beam them to the brig, and tell the guard on duty to raise
- the force field. I'll have captured them single-handedly and regained my lost
- respect instantly!"
- Content with this, he started to put this plan into effect. Then Lt. Worf burst
- into the room with Security Goon #2 right behind him. Taking in the situation,
- and noting that the apparent spies on the platform didn't seem to be holding
- the disgraced guard under any sort of duress, Worf decided that he had to have
- been the "mole" all along. His companion came to the same conclusion as well.
- "Reinhold! How COULD you!!?" he stammered out.
- Enraged by the sound of his first name, and having taken enough abuse that day
- on that score, Lt. J.G. Reinhold Wilburton (alias yellowshirt goon #1) decided
- to throw in his lot with the Romulans after all. Quickly snatching his phaser
- from its hiding place, he gunned down both Worf and his rival with heavy stun
- blasts. T'Fred and T'Ala looked amazed at this. Quickly Reinhold punched in the
- transporter coordinates for the Falcon, hit a 3-second delay, punched the
- auto-wipe and energized. He dived into the beams just as they activated...
- ...and moments later found himself in the tiny control room of the Falcon.
- T'Ala immediately jumped into the pilot's chair while T'Fred and Reinhold
- strapped themselves in.
- "Cloaking device still activated, as are main engines. Z-minus-one-
- thousand-units, T'Fred, and set course for the Neutral Zone!"
- "0270 Mark 5, Aye. Engaging thrusters."
- On the bridge of the Enterprise, Picard and Riker had just received the report
- of the escape of the trio. Data had picked up the direction of the transporter
- beam.
- "I have the hostile vessel located. It is already powered up and underway - I
- have lost their location, Captain."
- "Tractor beams! General Spread!"
- "Too late, Captain. They have already engaged warp engines. Although we know
- they are heading for the Neutral Zone, their cloaking device makes it
- impossible to pinpoint their exact location. I am afraid we have lost them,
- sir."
- Miffed, Captain Picard said "All right. We can't track them, so we can't give
- chase. Any other suggestions? No?" Picard mused. "Lt. Worf!"
- The now-recovered Lt. Worf responded from the transporter room. "Aye, Captain!"
- "Continue your deck-to-deck search for any more possible intruders, though I
- doubt you'll find any. Mr. Riker, prepare a report for Starfleet and any ships
- in the vicinity concerning the basics of this incident and to be on the lookout
- for these interlopers. Mr. LaForge, Mr. Data, I want a complete search of all
- ship's functions to ensure that no sabotage has taken place. We shall maintain
- yellow alert until I'm satisfied all is well. Number One, inform Starfleet I'll
- have a complete report for them as soon as these investigations are complete."
- "Aye, sir. I'll coordinate with the Prometheus as well, still some three-odd
- days out from Gamma Thiopa II."
- Picard nodded. "Make it so. I want hourly updates on this, and a report from
- all department heads within 5 hours." Picard gazed at the viewscreen, which
- just then showed the space from the direction of the Romulan Empire beyond the
- curve of the planet they orbited. "SOMEone out there is looking for a conflict
- of some sort. When one goes looking for a fight, one often finds it. Let's
- make sure we're ready when it comes. IF it comes." he concluded.
- Wesley Crusher paused in his scanning of the space surrounding the Enterprise.
- "But, sir, should we have to stoop to their level?"
- Data answered that question. "Sometimes, Ensign, one must fight fire with fire.
- If the Romulans plan to infiltrate and sabotage this or other Federation
- starships, we must be prepared to answer their tactics with our own."
- "Yes, Data. Mr. Crusher, we aren't going to stoop to their level, as you put
- it, out any malicious reason to 'take their territory', as they would sometimes
- like their allies to believe. Our goal is to keep the peace. Sometimes, when
- your enemy uses less-than-honorable methods of beating you, you MUST respond in
- kind. In order to keep the balance of power. Especially when their forces are
- buttressed by those of us who defect because of some failure on our part or
- their part." he said, thinking of Lt. Wilburton's traitorous acts. "The world
- of Dixon Hill teaches us that honorable men must sometimes do the wrong thing
- for the right reasons. I myself plan to spend more time in that world once the
- current crisis passes. After all, the 'Blackheart' still awaits!"
- The crew smiled at that, agreeing with the sentiment. Picard smiled.
- "All right then. Duty stations, everyone." The crew rushed to comply.
- **************** The End ***************
- Story by Jim Shaun Lyon, David Lambert, Sue Peterson, and Fredricka Black.
- Special Thanks to Eileen Parkman for her 'saves'. Edited by David Lambert.
- (-: A HOM-9/Section 9 Production :-)
- "Sweet Savage Star Trek III: The Near Side Of The Zone"
- (C) 1990 by the Science Fiction & Fantasy Forum
- CompuServe Information Service