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- * R E A D I N G F O R P L E A S U R E *
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- * Issue #21 *
- * February 1992 / March 1992 *
- * *
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- * Editor: Cindy Bartorillo *
- * *
- * *
- **************************************************************
- CONTACT US AT: Reading For Pleasure, 103 Baughman's Lane, Suite 303,
- Frederick, MD 21702; or on CompuServe leave a message to 74766,1206;
- or on GEnie leave mail to C.BARTORILLO; or call our BBS, the BAUDLINE
- II at 301-694-7108, 1200-9600 HST.
- NOTICE: Reading For Pleasure is not copyrighted. You may copy
- freely, but please give us credit if you extract portions to use
- somewhere else. This electronic edition is free, but print editions
- cost $2 each for printing and postage.
- AUTHORS of the reviews, commentaries, etc., published in RFP will be
- found beneath the "header" information (title, book author, publisher,
- price, and so on) enclosed in less-thans and greater-thans, as in
- <<John Doe>>.
- **************************
- First, call your local computer bulletin boards to see if they have
- the latest issue. If not, you can always get all issues by calling The
- Baudline II at 301-694-7108. These issues are ZIPped (compressed) for
- quick downloading and must be unZIPped with Phil Katz's PKUNZIP
- program (IBM). If you need a plain .TXT version, just leave a
- (C)omment telling us which issue(s) you need and when you'll be
- calling back to get them. (Be sure to give us at least 24 hours to get
- your Comment and prepare the files.) If you get the latest RFP, be
- sure to upload it to all the computer bulletin boards that you call.
- Also available on The Baudline II is an Index of RFP reviews
- (RFPINDEX.ZIP) and the latest catalog from Sisters in Crime
- Send $2 to: Reading For Pleasure, 103 Baughman's Lane, Suite 303,
- Frederick, MD 21702. Please specify which issue you'd like. If you
- send a check, be sure it's drawn on an American bank and made out to
- Cindy Bartorillo, otherwise send cash or a postal money order.
- **************************
- Table of Contents
- Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
- Mainstream Fiction Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
- "Lost Stories" by Peter de Jager . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
- Mystery Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885
- Science Fiction & Fantasy Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1965
- Horror Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3257
- Nonfiction Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3946
- **************************
- Welcome to Reading For Pleasure #21. We pride ourselves on being a
- reader's resource, bringing to the public's attention books they might
- be interested in. We include as many details as possible--title,
- author, publisher, price, ISBN, etc.--to give our readers the best
- possible chance of finding the books they want. In most cases books
- not available from the local bookstores can be ordered directly from
- the publisher.
- Reading For Pleasure is free, except for our print edition for which
- we currently ask $2 each to cover paper, printing, and mailing.
- Reading For Pleasure is not copyrighted, meaning that you are free to
- reproduce it in whole or in part, for whatever purposes you like. All
- we ask is that you give proper credit to RFP and the individual
- contributor as being the source of the material. We make RFP freely
- available to give us the maximum possible distribution, and it really
- does work. RFP shows up on computer bulletin boards, at conventions
- and shows, at schools, libraries, and bookstores, and probably many
- other places I'm not even aware of. Publishers and authors like the
- media exposure, and they are then more likely to send us bits of news
- and copies of their books, the raw material from which RFP is made.
- The books are read, and the commentaries written, by dedicated readers
- who would be doing all that reading anyway. They graciously contribute
- their words, for whatever personal reasons, and we're all very
- grateful for their generosity. If you'd like to contribute a paragraph
- or two about a book you've read, please do. You can send it along to
- RFP at any of our addresses, which you'll find on the first
- screen/page of any copy of RFP.
- This brings me to the last point I wanted to mention this time: the
- relative number of books covered each issue in each section. Why are
- some sections so much bigger than others? The number of books in each
- section is a direct result of what kind of books the publishers have
- sent us recently, and what reviews we've had contributed. It has
- nothing to do with any RFP policy of coverage--we don't have one.
- We're here to pass along information and recommendations on any kind
- of book that readers might like. It's just that we can't print what we
- don't get.
- We hope you find lots of good reading for your book list from this
- issue of RFP, and we'll see you again in April, 1992.
- NOTE: For everyone who looked in vain for Peter de Jager's LOST
- STORIES column in last issue, we're sorry. The omission was ours, not
- Peter's, and the column that was to have appeared in December can be
- found in this issue. Our apologies to Peter and his fans.
- **************************
- * Comic book artist Reed Waller (OMAHA THE CAT DANCER) was recently
- diagnosed with colon cancer. A benefit fund has been set up to help
- with his expenses. Send contributions to: Waller Crisis Fund, Box
- 7439, Powderhorn Stn., Minneapolis, MN 55407.
- * As part of the 1991 "Year of the Lifetime Reader" program, a survey
- was sponsored by the Book-of-the-Month Club and the Library of
- Congress's Center for the Book. The survey found, among other things,
- that having a role model of parents who read is the most important
- factor in developing the habit of reading--even more important than
- being read to by parents.
- * The SUNDAY EXPRESS Book of the Year Award, Britain's most valuable
- fiction prize (20,000 pounds), is given to novels that are
- "compulsively readable" as well as stylish and literate. The recent
- winner was Michael Frayn for LANDING ON THE SUN (Viking), and the
- runners-up were: WISE CHILDREN by Angela Carter (Farrar, Straus),
- DIRTY TRICKS by Michael Dibdin (Simon & Schuster), THE INVISIBLE WORM
- by Jennifer Johnston (not yet available in U.S.), FLYING HERO CLASS by
- Thomas Keneally (Warner), and TWO LIVES by William Trevor (Viking).
- * BOOKS OF MAGIC: In 1983, there was MAGIC (Viking), an autobiography
- of the basketball superstar recently diagnosed as HIV positive, which
- should be a Signet paperback ($4.99) by the time you read this. Also
- just out are two "instant" biographies (books written in an instant),
- MAGIC: MORE THAN A LEGEND by Bill Gutman (Harper, $3.99) and THE
- COURAGE OF MAGIC JOHNSON by Peter F. Pascarelli (Bantam, $3.99). But,
- wait, there's more! Random House has just signed a 3-book contract
- with Earvin "Magic" Johnson for an autobiography, a guide to safe sex
- to be written with former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, and a third
- book whose subject has not yet been determined.
- * Daedalus Books has a catalog that you should see. Almost 50 pages of
- great books, each with a long description, and all at terrific prices.
- Write to them at: Daedalus Books, PO Box 9132, Hyattsville, MD
- 20781-0932.
- * SCARLETT by Alexandra Ripley has engendered new interest in the
- original story, GONE WITH THE WIND by Margaret Mitchell. Normally,
- around 15,000 hardcovers of GWTW are sold each year. Last year that
- number increased to over 195,000. Avon's paperback had sold about
- 100,000 copies before SCARLETT was released; afterwards they've sold
- about 750,000.
- * If Oliver Stone's movie JFK wasn't enough for you, just wait.
- Production starts in April on LIBRA, from the book by Don DeLillo
- about Lee Harvey Oswald; Propaganda Films will bring us RUBY; and I've
- just heard that a movie deal is being finalized for Mark Lane's recent
- JFK?
- * There's a new variety of cheap literature available called
- DimeNovels. Actually, the name is misleading--each DimeNovel costs
- $.99, but that still makes them awfully cheap. We haven't seen any,
- but you might want to check them out, either for reading or maybe
- you'd like to write for them. They recognize 12 different genres
- (Sweet Romance, Sensual Romance, Historical Romance, Romantic
- Suspense, Glitz, Mystery, Thriller, Horror, Western, Adventure,
- Fantasy, and Science Fiction.) For more information, write to: Dime
- Store Novels, 1511 SW Park Ave., Mail Stop 100C17, Portland, OR
- 97201-7802.
- **************************
- by Miss Read
- (Houghton Mifflin, December 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-395-57381-5)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- "Miss Read" has written over 30 novels--since VILLAGE SCHOOL in
- 1955--about the charming English country villages of Thrush Green and
- Fairacre. Her devoted readers have made many of these novels
- international bestsellers, and it's easy to see why. Miss Read's
- characters are all real people, but they're all from the nicer side of
- town. Oh, maybe someone drinks a bit more than they should, but there
- are no bank robbers, rapists, child abusers, dope addicts, pimps, etc.
- And therein lies the charm: none of us really lives in a place like
- Thrush Green, but most of us would like to. At least we can visit
- there for a bit, a 244-page visit.
- In FRIENDS AT THRUSH GREEN there are many new developments for the
- townsfolk to talk about over tea. For one thing, Dorothy Walton and
- Agnes Fogerty, two of Thrush Green's former schoolteachers, return for
- a visit. Then the new schoolmaster, Alan Lester, seems a nice enough
- man, but what's going on with his wife and her "migraines"? Are they
- really migraines, or something else? And then there is the distressing
- problem of Bertha Lovelock, who is becoming a bit senile and has taken
- to stealing things, becoming an embarrassment to her sister Violet and
- a diplomatic crisis for Thrush Green tradespeople. The inhabitants of
- Thrush Green face these issues, and more, against the background of
- the changing seasons in the English Cotswolds. FRIENDS AT THRUSH GREEN
- is pure delight.
- **************************
- ^ MERLE'S & MARILYN'S MINK RANCH: And Other Fiction
- by Randeane Tetu
- (Papier-Mache Press, November 1991)
- Hardcover: $14.00 ISBN 0-918949-13-0
- Paperback: $9.00 ISBN 0-918949-17-3
- <<Carol Sheffert>>
- "All of Tetu's characters are 'real people' who travel dirt roads and
- compete with the rain to get things done. Her highly descriptive style
- lends dignity to their impoverished lives and transforms their
- unremarkable experiences into memorable ones."
- Randeane Tetu's gift is the ability to distinguish the truly important
- aspects of our lives from the merely large, or loud. Her craft is a
- prose style of such transparent simplicity that there seems to be no
- barrier at all between the story and the reader. When her gift and her
- craft come together, as in these twenty short fictions, the result is
- a touching, life-affirming experience. These are stories about
- everyday people, the kind who live next door and who pass you on the
- street. They make choices, make mistakes, find hidden strengths,
- achieve victories, and reach epiphanies, all without appearing on a
- television talk show. MERLE'S & MARILYN'S MINK RANCH is quiet
- elegance, humanity captured in words.
- If your local bookstore doesn't have MERLE'S & MARILYN'S MINK RANCH,
- you can contact the publisher at: Papier-Mache Press, 795 Via Manzana,
- Watsonville, CA 95076; 408/726-2933.
- **************************
- by William Harrington
- (Donald I. Fine, December 1991, $19.95, ISBN 1-55611-313-7)
- <<Howard Frye>>
- The Cold War may be over, but international intrigues live on in the
- world of industrial espionage. Colonel Nikolai Kedrov, disillusioned
- but still loyal KGB operative, is assigned to steal the plans for a
- new computer chip from a multinational research company based in
- Berlin. Russ Tobin, former Berlin Station Chief and now a senior CIA
- intelligence analyst, is assigned the job of security for the computer
- chip plans. What happens when these two old Cold Warriors face off is
- the core of this fast-paced, exciting international thriller.
- ENDGAME IN BERLIN is that new breed of suspense story, the
- "post-glasnost international thriller". As William Harrington shows,
- times have changed but international tensions continue. People are
- still people. His depiction of the new Berlin is as interesting as the
- industrial espionage plot. A first-rate page-turner from the author of
- OBERST, FOR THE DEFENSE, and THE ENGLISH LADY (soon to be a major
- motion picture).
- **************************
- George Denkin is a serial killer loose on the campus of a small New
- Hampshire college. He likes to wear his victim's scalps on his head,
- and has constructed his own special "wig shop" in an abandoned
- graveyard vault. A gripping novel that explores the limits of human
- cruelty, sexual perversion, and terror.
- **************************
- Although they've branched out lately, with THE SHAPE UNDER THE SHEET:
- SMALL TOWN, Popular Culture Ink is mostly known for books about music
- makers. They have an entire catalog of books about: Elvis, Chuck
- Berry, the history of rock 'n roll, Motown, Michael Jackson, hot rod
- music, surf music, the Everly Brothers, Phil Spector, punk rock, new
- wave music, Bob Dylan, the Rolling Stones, the 1960s, the Monkees, and
- George Gershwin. And did I forget the Beatles? They have LOADS of
- books about the Beatles. You can probably talk them into sending a
- catalog if you write to: Popular Culture, Ink, PO Box 1839, Ann Arbor,
- MI 48106.
- **************************
- (Taunton Press, January 1992, $37.95)
- For those with the know-how to fix it up, an older house can be a real
- bargain, a good investment, and a treasure--especially in today's
- economy. Professional renovator George Nash has written the definitive
- book that gives readers the comprehensive hands-on knowledge needed to
- bring a vintage home back to useful life. RENOVATING OLD HOUSES has
- over 350 pages brimming with practical information on virtually every
- aspect of renovation. (You can contact the publisher by writing to:
- The Taunton Press, 63 South Main St., PO Box 5506, Newtown, CT
- 06470-5506.)
- **************************
- ^ THRASHIN' TIME: Harvest Days in the Dakotas
- by David Weitzman
- (David R. Godine, November 1991, $24.95, ISBN 0-87923-910-7)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- It's 1912 on the North Dakota farm that belongs to 10-year-old Peter's
- family. The weather is harsh, farmwork requires hard labor from sunup
- to sundown, but the family unit is also strong and neighbors can be
- counted on to help out in a pinch. The excitement this year is that
- "real, scientific farming" has come to Peter's town in the shape of a
- huge steam-powered thresher, a machine that can accomplish in hours
- what would take humans and horses weeks to get done. Peter's family
- can't afford to buy one of the machines, but the neighbors decide to
- form a cooperative, renting the machine together and going from farm
- to farm, turning a laborious farm chore into more of a social event.
- Each person has their own function: the men attend to the hard labor
- in the field, the women cook the vast quantities of food necessary to
- feed everyone, and the children run errands and help out as best they
- can. No one is left out.
- THRASHIN' TIME is an especially lovely volume from a publisher known
- for beautiful bookcraft. The cover, dust jacket, and pages are an
- appropriately creamy wheat color; the illustrations are exquisite as
- well as instructive; and the text is an engagingly well-told story of
- family love, hard work, and cooperation that will delight the whole
- family. THRASHIN' TIME is superb on every level. Highly recommended.
- **************************
- OUTSIDE THE DOG MUSEUM by Jonathan Carroll
- Harry Radcliffe is a prize-winning architect with two women vying for
- his attention and more clients with blank checks than he has time for.
- So what does Harry do? He goes insane. But with the help of the shaman
- Venasque he will recover and decide to work for the Sultan of Saru,
- who wants Harry to build a billion-dollar dog museum in the middle of
- the desert. Soon Harry is consumed by the new project. His dog museum
- will dwarf the work of every other architect. It will touch heaven
- itself.
- **************************
- edited by Robert M. Baird & Stuart E. Rosenbaum
- (December 1991, $14.95, ISBN 0-87975-690-X)
- A nonsexist sexuality education book for children ages 6-10
- by Sol Gordon, illustrated by Vivien Cohen
- (November 1991, $9.95, ISBN 0-87975-686-1)
- by Howard S. Levy
- (January 1992, $29.95, ISBN 0-87975-687-X)
- Prometheus Books
- 700 East Amherst St.
- Buffalo, NY 14215
- 716/837-2475
- **************************
- by Robbi Sommers
- (Naiad Press, 1991, $8.95, ISBN 1-56280-005-1)
- <<Carol Sheffert>>
- KISS AND TELL is a collection of short erotic lesbian fiction. The
- stories are steamy, sexually explicit, and anatomically correct. A
- wide variety of characters, situations, locations, and pleasures are
- detailed. And don't miss "The Joy of Cooking", an explicit guide to
- kitchen utensils and uses for them you may never have considered.
- Robbi Sommers is also the author of previous volumes of erotica:
- PLAYERS ($8.95, ISBN 0-941483-73-8) and PLEASURES ($8.95, ISBN
- 0-941483-49-5). All three can be ordered directly from the publisher
- by sending the list price, plus 15% extra for postage and handling,
- to: The Naiad Press Inc., PO Box 10543, Tallahassee, FL 32302.
- BY THE WAY: If you read gay and lesbian books, you should know about
- the LAMBDA BOOK REPORT, a lesbian and gay book review periodical. It's
- $19.95 ($28.20) for 6 bimonthly issues to the U.S. (Canada). A sample
- copy will run you $3.95. Send your money to: Lambda Book Report, 1625
- Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20009. Or you can order by
- phone by calling 1-800-621-6969.
- **************************
- SATISFYING SOUPS by Phyllis Hobson
- ($12.95, $14.90 postpaid, ISBN 0-88266-690-8)
- by Judy Glattstein
- (Paperback: $17.95, $19.90 postpaid, ISBN 0-88266-686-X)
- (Hardcover: $29.95, $31.90 postpaid, ISBN 0-88266-687-8)
- by Cherry Hill
- ($14.95, $16.90 postpaid, ISBN 0-88266-688-6)
- by Pattie Vargas & Rich Gulling
- ($12.95, $14.90 postpaid, ISBN 0-88266-749-1)
- These books can be ordered directly from the publisher by sending the
- "postpaid" amount to: Storey Communications/Garden Way Publishing, PO
- Box 445, Pownal, VT 05261, or call 1-800-827-8673.
- **************************
- by Judith Eubank
- (Carroll & Graf, January 1992, $18.95, ISBN 0-88184-746-1)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- Meredith Blake has come to the English cathedral city of Exeter to
- work towards a postgraduate degree in 18th century English fiction,
- taking up residence in Edwards Hall, a large 17th century manor house.
- As she is just getting used to university life in England and her
- enigmatic tutor Peter Graham, Meredith begins to experience some kind
- of time shifts, unaccountably finding herself in and around an Edwards
- Hall of some 150 years ago. Soon Meredith is embroiled in a 19th
- century mystery, with an historically unexplained death (in 1836)
- about to happen. Why, and how, does the mistress of Edwards Hall die?
- Will it be murder? Can Meredith prevent it? If she can, should she?
- CROSSOVER combines accepted reality and the supernatural, modern times
- and past history, with a very deft touch, much like Daphne du Maurier
- used to. The changing foreground and background perspectives of the
- two timelines is interesting, and the developing relationship between
- Meredith and her tutor provides a pleasant subplot. All the various
- threads of the story come to a stampeding conclusion that leaves the
- reader breathless, but satisfied. A very fine read from a new literary
- voice.
- **************************
- by Evelyn E. Smith
- (Donald I. Fine, November 1991, $18.95, ISBN 1-55611-219-X)
- <<Janet Peters>>
- Susan Melville is a middle-aged, successful artist living in New York
- City. She has a manager named Jill, a sometimes-boyfriend named Peter,
- and an unusual hobby: she kills people. Not just anyone, of course,
- just people who really deserve it. Like Philip Lord, a pimp who
- specializes in kidnapping preteen runaways from bus depots.
- Occasionally, Jill's husband, who is a shadowy government figure with
- a convenient cover, asks Miss Melville to practice her hobby on
- someone in particular. This time out he wants her to assassinate the
- Begum of Gandistan, a ruthless woman who has taken over her country by
- murdering everyone in her path to the throne. Conveniently, the Begum
- is visiting New York City at the moment, so Miss Melville needn't go
- out of her way.
- But Susan doesn't really want to kill the Begum of Gandistan, and she
- particularly doesn't like exercising her hobby at someone else's whim.
- She is also distracted at the moment, because an old enemy from her
- past, Berengaria Rundle, suddenly has shown up after thirty years
- abroad. Within minutes of their big reunion, Susan feels the desire to
- murder Berry, who has lost none of her aggressive hostility. When Miss
- Melville finally discovers that Berry has been spending all these
- years in Gandistan, becoming the Begum, it's as if Fate had sent Berry
- to New York City to be killed. Of course there are a few complications
- along the way, like the fact that Berry wants Susan dead too, not to
- mention the Mafia boss who has decided he wants to marry Miss
- Melville. MISS MELVILLE RIDES A TIGER is a great romp of an adventure,
- funny and fast-paced. Previous Miss Melville novels have been: MISS
- **************************
- SUCCEEDING AGAINST THE ODDS: Strategies and Insights from the
- Learning-Disabled
- by Sally L. Smith
- (January 1992, $18.95, ISBN 0-87477-674-0)
- by Stuart Miller
- (January 1992, $8.95, ISBN 0-87477-685-6)
- GROWING TOGETHER STAYING TOGETHER: Preserving Marriage and Family
- Relationships in the Face of Personal Change
- by Juerg Willi, M.D.
- (January 1992, $19.95, ISBN 0-87477-589-2)
- ONCE UPON A MIDLIFE: Classic Stories and Mythic Tales to Illuminate
- the Middle Years
- by Allan B. Chinen, M.D.
- (February 1992, $18.95, ISBN 0-87477-677-5)
- Healing From Your Parents' Divorce
- by Mary Hirschfeld, J.D., Ph.D.
- (February 1992, $11.95, ISBN 0-87477-672-4)
- Relationships at Work, at Home, and in the Community
- by Dudley Weeks, Ph.D.
- (February 1992, $20.95, ISBN 0-87477-656-2)
- SINUS SURVIVAL: A Self Help Guide for Allergies, Bronchitis, Colds,
- and Sinusitis (revised)
- by Dr. Robert S. Ivker
- (February 1992, $10.95, ISBN 0-87477-684-8)
- Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.
- 5858 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200
- Los Angeles, CA 90036
- **************************
- by Michael Crichton
- (Ballantine, December 1991, $5.99, ISBN 0-345-37077-5)
- <<Drew Bartorillo>>
- A very special park is being built on an island, 100 miles off the
- coast of Costa Rica. It's sort of a zoo for the rich and famous where,
- for a price, you can spend the vacation of a lifetime. A zoo in which
- the main attraction is real-life dinosaurs from the Jurassic Period.
- Genetic engineering has advanced to the stage where DNA strands can be
- extracted from insects imbedded in amber, fossilized tree sap from the
- Jurassic Period. These insects, in turn, contain the substance of the
- dinosaurs and plants from the Jurassic Period and hence THEIR DNA
- strands.
- Jurassic Park contains specimens from the large and infamous
- Tyrannosaurus Rex down to the smallest fern and plant of the Jurassic
- Period. Meat eaters, as well as plant eaters...all are represented.
- Precautions have been taken so that nothing can wrong. A total animal
- count is monitored every five minutes to ensure that no animals have
- escaped. Electrified fences have been installed surrounding each of
- the areas of the park. To prevent breeding, through genetic
- engineering only female animals are produced. All the park buildings
- have been built with maximum security in mind. Absolutely nothing can
- go wrong.
- JURASSIC PARK is the best Michael Crichton novel I have read to date.
- I especially like the way he blends science with fiction. Like the
- computer printouts, bar charts and graphs that are liberally sprinkled
- throughout the book--they tend to give the story a feeling of
- authenticity and not the pure fiction that it really is. Or is it pure
- fiction? Crichton's novels are not really that far-fetched and could
- be very easily be the reality of tomorrow. I have always been
- interested in computers and the field of anthropology, so JURASSIC
- PARK was easily a hit with me right off. It contained just the right
- level of suspense to keep you wanting more and I was actually
- disappointed when the book came to an end. I can highly recommend
- JURASSIC PARK and look forward to another Michael Crichton novel.
- **************************
- *-----------------------------*
- / /
- / by Peter de Jager /
- / /
- *----------------------------*
- There is a small category of stories I label the 'Illusionist' because
- they create situations forcing you to ask 'is it possible?'.
- It is a rather small category. I have only run across two good
- examples. I read them years ago and yet they have stood up very well
- to a recent rereading.
- Rereading old favorites is sometimes a disappointment. Sort of like
- visiting the neighborhood you grew up in. The colors are not as bright
- nor the trees as tall as you remember. It is still the old
- neighborhood, but it doesn't feel right and you leave with a nagging,
- uncomfortable feeling of having lost something special.
- In writing this column I am continually rereading old stories
- remembered as 'special'. The test for these two stories was simple...
- did they get me questioning my 'knowledge of certain things' again? I
- am happy to tell you they did.
- by Edwin Corley
- (1971)
- The atomic bomb doesn't work!
- A ridiculous claim? What about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? These are the
- immediate objections that come to mind as you read the back cover.
- Of course the atomic bomb works! Any fool knows that...
- Well, once you have read THE JESUS FACTOR, you will ask yourself the
- question 'yes... but what if...???'
- This is the novel's charm. We know the bomb exists and works. Yet
- Corley manages to create a scenario that fits perfectly with our
- present day political situation. He forces us to question what we know
- to be true. The reader is continually rebelling against this ludicrous
- idea, but at the same time, continually asking the question 'what if?'
- Corley uses a clever technique in getting us to believe the 'big lie'
- (or is it a lie?). He scatters little details throughout the book
- about various historically important characters. An example is an
- anecdote about Fermi. How he used little scraps of paper to determine
- the explosive power of the first atomic test. To the best of my
- knowledge, the story is true. Meaning of course, I have heard the same
- story from other 'reliable' sources.
- Another scene describes an encounter with Scott Fitzgerald. When you
- read about Fitzgerald to see if the scene is 'real', you discover it
- to be very possible and perhaps even likely.
- If all the 'little' details are true, then it becomes difficult to
- separate truth from fiction. Corley has created a little game for you
- to play. The rules are simple. He tries to convince you the bomb is a
- fake and you try to maintain your hold on reality. If by the end of
- the book you are asking 'What if...' then Corley has won and earned
- what you paid for the story. It is an enjoyable little game and yes...
- he fairly won the money I paid for my original copy.
- by Allan W Eckert
- (1976)
- The world flips on its axis every 50,000 years!
- A ridiculous claim? What if you believed in this theory? What if you
- had to convince world leaders the world would come to an end in the
- immediate future. That all life will be destroyed unless steps are
- taken to save at least a handful of people?
- Well, this is the premise of the story, and like THE JESUS FACTOR, by
- the end of the novel you will be tempted to move to Mars or some other
- more stable environment.
- Eckert adopts a more aggressive strategy than does Corley. In THE
- JESUS FACTOR you follow someone as he uncovers the 'truth'. In THE HAB
- THEORY the lead character is the one trying to convince people the
- theory is correct. In doing so, he also 'convinces' the reader that
- perhaps property values are a little bit inflated 'all things
- considered.'
- One of the most convincing pieces of evidence presented to support the
- case has stuck in my mind for more than a decade. It has to do with
- the magnetic alignment of minerals in lava flows found at the bottom
- of the ocean. They flip NS to SN at 50,000 year intervals. I did
- enough research at first reading to determine that this was a 'fact',
- but never did find an answer as to why... This is only one of many
- 'facts' used to build the case for the HAB Theory.
- Like THE JESUS FACTOR, reading the novel is a contest of wits between
- yourself and the author. Will he manage to convince you the theory is
- true? Or will you survive his logic?
- There is another reason why these two books are so enjoyable. On their
- own they are 'intellectual' challenges. They are like mystery stories
- in reverse. In a mystery novel you have to figure out who did it. In
- these, you have to figure out how the author is doing it to you. How
- exactly is he winning the argument?
- Together, these novels tempt you to consider the following question.
- If these authors can make cases for 'ludicrous' claims in a mere
- novel... What could the media do if they really wanted you to believe
- something that wasn't so? Interesting question? Yes?
- These are fun reads, if you like to play mind games -and- don't mind
- losing from time to time! Enjoy!
- **************************
- by Margaret Atwood, performance by Helen Shaver
- 2 cassettes, 3 hours
- (Bantam Audio, 1991, $15.99, ISBN 0-553-47023-X)
- Margaret Atwood is an incomparable observer, of both the many textures
- of contemporary life and the logic of irrational behavior. In "Hack
- Wednesday" a columnist balances the turmoil of the news--and the
- newsroom where she works--against the hope and comfort of her domestic
- life. "Wilderness Tips" maps the perilous territories of family
- relationships and infidelity. A grotesque act of revenge for love
- betrayed is made all the sweeter for being wrapped in a truffle in
- "Hairball". A teenage boy at summer camp learns to rough it over the
- rocky terrain of his adolescent desire for a forbidden town girl in
- "True Trash".
- **************************
- by Rosamunde Pilcher, performance by Lynn Redgrave
- Abridged, 2 cassettes, 3 hours
- (Bantam Audio, 1991, $15.99, ISBN 0-553-47006-X)
- Emma Litton could get on with her life until she found out just what
- place she'd had in her father's heart. She'd been going to school in
- Europe since she was 14 then found a job in Paris, always wondering
- what her famous artist father was doing in Japan or America or at
- their cottage in Cornwall. Even after she met Robert Morrow, the
- handsome gallery owner, and rediscovered her stepbrother, Christo, she
- still felt compelled to probe into the truth about her past. But Emma
- might learn too late that it was the truth about herself she had to
- find, and that letting go is the first step to keeping love.
- **************************
- by Rosamunde Pilcher, performance by Kate Burton
- Abridged, 2 cassettes, 3 hours
- (Bantam Audio, 1991, $15.99, ISBN 0-553-45293-2)
- Every family hides something, but Flora Waring discovered a
- devastating deception in hers. At 22 she learned she had an identical
- twin, Rose, who lived with the mother Flora didn't remember at all.
- And when Flora ended up impersonating the high-spirited, spoiled Rose,
- she would have to face how cruel lies can be. When she agreed to
- accompany Rose's fiance to meet his grandmother in a picturesque town
- on the Scottish coast, she would quickly fall in love with the lush
- green countryside, the Armstrong family, and a rare, wonderful man.
- But she would also confront Rose's shocking secrets and a betrayal
- that could break her heart.
- **************************
- by E.B. White, read by E.B. White
- Unabridged, 3 cassettes, 192 minutes
- (Bantam Audio, 1970, $18.99, ISBN 0-553-47048-5)
- This is the story of a kindhearted little girl named Fern who saves
- the life of a very small and very lucky pig named Wilbur. It is also
- the story of Charlotte A. Cavatica, the beautiful, resourceful gray
- spider who lives with Wilbur in the barn and who becomes his best
- friend. Surrounded by his barnyard pals and cheered by Fern's visits,
- Wilbur enjoys each new day...until the old sheep tells him what
- farmers do to pigs at Christmastime. Suddenly Wilbur is terribly
- afraid, but faithful Charlotte promises to spin a clever plan to save
- her humble friend. And with the help of Templeton the rat, she does
- just that. As moving and eloquent now as when it was first written
- forty years ago, CHARLOTTE'S WEB celebrates the sweetness of
- friendship, even when it is tinged by loss.
- **************************
- by E.B. White, read by Julie Harris
- Unabridged, 2 cassettes, 113 minutes
- (Bantam Audio, 1965, $15.99, ISBN 0-553-47051-5)
- Stuart Little is a shy, philosophical little mouse with a big heart
- and a taste for adventure. In spite of his diminutive stature, barely
- two inches tall, Stuart sets forth into the world with some mighty big
- plans: to ride a Fifth Avenue bus, to win a sailboat race in Central
- Park, and to teach school for a day. But Stuart's greatest adventure
- begins when he decides to find his best friend, Margalo, a pretty
- little bird who once lived in a Boston fern in the Littles' house in
- New York City. Climbing into his tiny car, Stuart hits the open road,
- sure he's heading in the right direction, only to find himself in for
- a big surprise. Filled with warmth, wit, and wonder, STUART LITTLE is
- a timeless tale that speaks to the heroic spirit in all of us--no
- matter what our size.
- **************************
- by Louis L'Amour
- Audio Dramatization, 1 cassette, 60 minutes
- (Bantam Audio, 1991, $8.99, ISBN 0-553-47008-6)
- <<Drew Bartorillo>>
- It's the late 1800s: Tell Sackett has been hired to deliver the
- combined gold of a group of prospectors. The challenge? He has to get
- it across land controlled by the Coopers, a nasty gang of bloodthirsty
- bandits. That's enough of a job for any man, but then he runs across
- Christine Mallory, an attractive, difficult city woman who needs
- rescuing. Tell just KNOWS she's going to be trouble, and it's for sure
- she'll slow him down, but what's an honorable cowboy to do?
- This is a full-blown audio drama, with a complete cast, music, and
- sound effects--terrific entertainment for a quiet hour or an average
- day's commute. A first-rate story that I enjoyed tremendously.
- **************************
- by Louis L'Amour
- Audio Dramatization, 1 cassette, 60 minutes
- (Bantam Audio, 1991, $9.99, ISBN 0-553-47017-5)
- <<Drew Bartorillo>>
- The town is Basin City, a town of miners, gamblers, and drifters of
- all kinds. To protect tomorrow's stagecoach that will be leaving with
- over a quarter of a million dollars in gold, the town's businessmen
- hire a new marshall. A gunfighter on the run, Perry accepts the job,
- only to find that protecting the gold isn't his first task. First he
- has to live through tonight without being lynched. One of the
- businessmen who hires Perry is actually behind the series of robberies
- in Basin City. He has hired a couple of gunslingers to take care of
- Perry and make it look like he is the real robber.
- full-blown audio drama, with a complete cast, music, and sound
- effects. This is the second Louis L'Amour dramatization I have
- listened to on tape and I enjoyed it as much as the first. If you're
- looking for a way to relax and enjoy a quiet hour with a really good
- story, try THE TOWN NO GUNS COULD TAME. I bet you'll like it as much
- as I did.
- (all are 60 minutes unless otherwise noted)
- Bill Carey Rides West ($8.95)
- The Black Rock Coffin Makers (LL, $8.95)
- Bowdrie Passes Through (LL, *, $8.95)
- Bowdrie Rides a Coyote Trail (*, $8.99)
- Case Closed--No Prisoners (LL, *, $8.95)
- Down the Pogonip Trail ($8.95)
- Four-Card Draw (LL, $8.95)
- Get Out of Town ($8.99)
- Grub Line Rider ($8.95)
- Keep Travelin', Rider (LL, $8.95)
- Lonigan ($8.95)
- Man Riding West ($8.95)
- McNelly Knows a Ranger (*, $8.95)
- Merrano of the Dry Country ($8.95)
- No Man's Man ($8.95)
- One For the Mohave Kid ($8.95)
- One For the Pot ($8.95)
- A Ranger Rides to Town (*, $8.95)
- Riding For the Brand ($8.95)
- The Road to Casa Piedras (*, $8.95)
- Showdown Trail (LL, performance by Richard Crenna, 180 min., $15.99)
- The Sixth Shotgun ($8.95)
- South of Deadwood (LL, *, $8.95)
- Strange Pursuit (LL, *, $8.95)
- The Strong Shall Live ($8.95)
- Too Tough to Brand (*, $8.95)
- The Trail to Peach Meadow Canyon (LL, performance by Robert Stack, 145
- min., $15.95)
- A Trail to the West (LL, *, $8.95)
- Trap of Gold and Hattan's Castle (LL, performance by Richard Crenna,
- $8.95)
- The Turkeyfeather Riders (LL, $8.95)
- Unguarded Moment ($8.95)
- Where Buzzards Fly (LL, *, $8.95)
- LL = Introduction by Louis L'Amour
- * = a Chick Bowdrie story
- The Chick Bowdrie Audio Boxed Set: SOUTH OF DEADWOOD, A TRAIL TO THE
- WEST, and WHERE BUZZARDS FLY ($19.95, ISBN 0-553-45193-6)
- 0-553-45280-0)
- FOUR-CARD DRAW, and RIDING FOR THE BRAND ($19.95, ISBN 0-553-45230-4)
- **************************
- #:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#
- #:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#
- editor: Cindy Bartorillo
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Murder By The Book is a division of Reading For Pleasure, published
- bimonthly. This material is NOT COPYRIGHTED and may be used freely by
- all. Catalogs, news releases, review copies, or donated reviews should
- be sent to: Reading For Pleasure, 103 Baughman's Lane, Suite 303,
- Frederick, MD 21702.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Presented by the Private Eye Writers of America.
- Best Novel: "G" IS FOR GUMSHOE by Sue Grafton
- Best First Novel: DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS by Walter Mosley
- Best Paperback Original: RAFFERTY: FATAL SISTERS by W. Glenn Duncan
- Best Short Story: "Final Resting Place" by Marcia Muller
- Lifetime Achievement: Roy Huggins
- Presented by the membership of Bouchercon.
- Best Novel: "G" IS FOR GUMSHOE by Sue Grafton
- Best First Novel: POSTMORTEM by Patricia Daniels Cornwell
- Best Paperback Original (tie): GRAVE UNDERTAKING by Jim McCahery
- WHERE'S MOMMY NOW? by Rochelle Krich
- Best Short Story: "The Celestial Buffet" by Sue Dunlap
- */-----------------------------/*
- * Have you seen the latest newsletter/catalogue from THE POISONED PEN?
- If not, you'd better get one right away. Write to: The Poisoned Pen,
- 7100B East Main Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85251. If you're in a real
- hurry, you can call them at: 602/947-2974.
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Stuart Woods
- (HarperCollins, 1991, $20.00, ISBN 0-06-017925-2)
- <<Carol Sheffert>>
- J. Stone Barrington is not your average New York cop. He is of a
- distinguished, though now impoverished, family and is struggling to
- renovate an impressively large house in New York City that is part of
- his inheritance. One evening, walking home from Elaine's, Stone is a
- witness as famous television anchorwoman Sasha Nijinsky plunges from
- the top of a twelve-story apartment building. An on-the-spot news
- camera shows that Sasha, remarkably, survived the fall, at least
- momentarily; but everyone is astounded when Sasha disappears from the
- ambulance on the way to the hospital. Now Stone is involved in a
- front-page case: the media putting pressure on the politicians, and
- the politicians putting pressure on the police. Everyone wants the
- case solved, and they want it solved now.
- Is Sasha alive? Is so, why doesn't she come forward? As the pressure
- on the police department mounts, Stone's boss and partner decide to
- pin the murder on a reasonably likely suspect: the lesbian makeup
- artist who was having an affair with Sasha. Stone is absolutely
- convinced that this woman is innocent, yet he loves his job on the
- police force. What will Stone do? Watching the unfolding events in NEW
- YORK DEAD is irresistible, and doing so kept me up most of the night.
- It wasn't until after I'd finished that I noticed the surreal quality
- of the story. The characters are all at least slightly weird: Stone's
- breeding is unusual for a cop, his Italian partner marries into the
- mob during the course of the story, and his new girlfriend is five
- feet eleven inches of nonstop sexuality. The plot details are odd too,
- and they reach a crescendo of unreality in a grotesque climax worthy
- of Poe or even Lovecraft. And yet, it was all perfectly believable at
- the time! At no point did a wrong note jump out and disrupt the flow
- of the narrative. NEW YORK DEAD is an amazing example of the writer's
- craft, and a very exciting story. Highly recommended.
- */-----------------------------/*
- ^ STEEL GUITAR: A Carlotta Carlyle Mystery
- by Linda Barnes
- (Delacorte, November 1991, $18.50, ISBN 0-385-30013-1)
- <<Carol Sheffert>>
- Carlotta Carlyle is a Boston private detective who's hard to miss:
- she's 6'1" and has red hair. But the P.I. business isn't always
- booming, which is why she drives a cab sometimes to pay the bills. One
- night she picks up Dee Willis, an old college friend who has recently
- become a big-time blues singer. Dee insists upon stopping at a park
- that caters to the homeless in a very poor neighborhood, where
- Carlotta watches her show a photograph around and hand out money. When
- her methods almost lead to violence, Dee hires Carlotta to find
- another old friend, a guitar player who has been down on his luck for
- years. Dee says she just wants to make sure he's OK, but Carlotta's
- not too sure. Dee's motives are found to be more complex, and when one
- of the members of her band is found dead--a death echoing another from
- Carlotta and Dee's past--the case becomes a race against the past to
- save the present.
- STEEL GUITAR is easily one of the best mysteries of 1991, and should
- be on the reading list of any discriminating reader. The characters
- are multi-layered and interesting, the plot is fascinating, the
- suspense fairly crackles, and the book features the best use of a
- background subject--music, specifically the blues--I've read in quite
- a while. Drama, humor, pathos, thrills, it's all here. STEEL GUITAR is
- not to be missed. There are three previous Carlotta Carlyle mysteries:
- */-----------------------------/*
- Strangled Prose (1986)
- Murder at the Murder at the Mimosa Inn (1986)
- Dear Miss Demeanor (1987)
- A Really Cute Corpse (1988)
- A Diet to Die For (1989)
- Roll Over and Play Dead (1991)
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Simon Shaw
- (Doubleday Perfect Crime, January 1992, $16.50, ISBN 0-385-41891-4)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- Mark Harvey's life is not a happy one. He's not happy with his bank
- job, having lost out on the promotion he deserved. He lives in the
- peaceful English countryside but has been cursed with new neighbors
- who give almost continual loud parties. He's got a suicidal lodger
- living in his attic. But his very worst problem, no doubt about it, is
- his wife Maddie. She's fat, shrewish, unfaithful, and has half the
- town convinced that it is Mark who is the villain of the marriage.
- And, worst of all, she's dead, and Mark's killed her. He didn't mean
- to, of course, but he can't count on that having much weight with the
- police. So he puts her in the freezer in the basement.
- But now Mark has another problem. Maddie will be missed. There's her
- obnoxious feminist friend Lizzie, her pathetic lover Roddy, and his
- pretentious new neighbor, Reg, who has become obsessed with wooing
- Maddie, whom he pictures as a beautiful and refined lady. What is Mark
- to do? Virtually by accident he finds himself dressing up and
- impersonating his dead wife. Which might sound like a lot of trouble
- to go through but there are two factors in its favor: (1) Mark finds
- that he makes a damned attractive female, and (2) he discovers that he
- likes it. He even consents to an intimate dinner with the besotted
- neighbor, only to disappear in a rush, leaving a high-heeled shoe
- behind, just like Cinderella. From that point on, Simon Shaw's
- hilarious romp of a story is off, with unscrupulous tabloid
- journalists, bewildered policemen, and a multi-layered plot of
- intertwining misunderstandings and foul-ups that leave the reader
- breathless. It's sort of like Donald Westlake telling an Alfred
- Hitchcock black comedy with a Monty Python accent. But not quite.
- KILLER CINDERELLA is one book you'll just have to experience for
- yourself. It's a lot of fun. This is Simon Shaw's second novel, his
- first being MURDER OUT OF TUNE.
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Margaret Millar
- (International Polygonics, October 1991, $8.95, ISBN 1-55882-114-7)
- <<Janet Peters>>
- Once again we have to thank International Polygonics for bringing a
- terrific novel back into print. Originally published in 1982, MERMAID
- is a story about Cleo Jasper and the lives that she touches. She is
- 22, attends a special school for the learning disabled, and lives with
- her brother, his wife, and their son. When Cleo disappears, her
- brother Hilton hires attorney Tom Aragon to find her. Tom soon
- discovers that a counselor at her school is involved with Cleo's
- disappearance somehow, but he can't be found either.
- As we get to know the characters more intimately, we find that Cleo
- has affected them all deeply. Her specialness, the difference which
- causes everyone to protect and defend her, both ensnares those around
- her and leaves Cleo free of any consequences of her actions. Like the
- mermaid of the title, Cleo is lovely and needs protecting. The key
- phrase is "she needs". And needs. And needs. Loving Cleo is like
- loving a mermaid: you try so hard to give them a normal life, and yet
- your efforts are doomed to failure from the start. If you haven't read
- any of Margaret Millar's wonderful novels of psychological suspense,
- MERMAID is a good place to begin.
- An Air That Kills ($4.95)
- Ask For Me Tomorrow ($4.95)
- Banshee ($5.95)
- Beast In View ($4.95)
- Beyond This Point Are Monsters ($4.95)
- The Cannibal Heart ($4.95)
- The Fiend ($5.95)
- Fire Will Freeze ($5.95)
- How Like An Angel ($4.95)
- The Iron Gates ($4.95)
- The Listening Walls ($5.95)
- The Murder of Miranda ($4.95)
- Rose's Last Summer ($4.95)
- Spider Webs ($5.95)
- A Stranger in My Grave ($7.95)
- Vanish In An Instant ($7.95)
- Wall of Eyes ($4.95)
- If you can't get the Millar novels you want from your local bookstore,
- you can order them directly from IPL by sending the list price(s),
- plus postage and handling ($1 for the first book, $.50 for each
- additional book) to: International Polygonics, Ltd., Madison Square,
- PO Box 1563, New York, NY 10159-1563.
- */-----------------------------/*
- BLACK WIDOW by Patrick Quentin
- With his wife out of town, Broadway producer Peter Duluth is careful
- not to encourage pretty young actresses. But Nanny Ordway seems
- harmless and a tenuous friendship develops, a friendship that lasted
- until the day Iris Duluth returned home, entered her bedroom and
- discovered Nanny Ordway, dressed in pajamas...dead and hanging from
- the chandelier.
- */-----------------------------/*
- ^ BLOOD GAMES: A True Account of Family Murder
- by Jerry Bledsoe
- (Dutton, November 1991, $22.95, ISBN 0-525-93369-7)
- <<Carol Sheffert>>
- In late July of 1988, Lieth Von Stein and his wife Bonnie were
- savagely attacked by an intruder armed with a baseball bat and a
- knife. Lieth was killed, Bonnie nearly so. The police investigation
- discovered a conspiracy between Bonnie's son Chris Pritchard and two
- of his friends at North Carolina State University: Neal Henderson,
- certified genius and obsessive Dungeons & Dragons player; and Bart
- Upchurch, an upper class youth who lived for thrills. BLOOD GAMES is
- the grim story of how three privileged young people plotted and
- executed the murderous attack on Lieth and Bonnie Von Stein.
- When violent crimes are committed by the uneducated, the poor, the
- disadvantaged, we can always comfort ourselves as human beings by
- giving reasons (reasons, not excuses) for their actions: They never
- had the cultural, economic, educational, or social opportunities that
- most of the rest of us have had. But in BLOOD GAMES we meet three
- young people who are, on the surface, examples of America's best and
- brightest, the finest our culture can produce, with every opportunity
- and advantage. What can we tell ourselves when those three people turn
- out to be monsters? Jerry Bledsoe tells the story of these youths, and
- of many of their generation, in BLOOD GAMES, giving the reader an
- unflinching examination of the privileged classes in America in the
- 1980s. Impossible to put down. (Jerry Bledsoe is also the author of
- the previous bestseller, BITTER BLOOD.)
- */-----------------------------/*
- Malice in Maggody (1987)
- Mischief in Maggody (1988)
- Much Ado in Maggody (1989)
- Madness in Maggody (1991)
- Mortal Remains in Maggody (1991)
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Carter Dickson (aka John Dickson Carr)
- (International Polygonics, $5.95, ISBN 1-55882-103-1)
- <<Howard Frye>>
- Originally published in 1948, THE SKELETON IN THE CLOCK is one of the
- very best of Carr's mysteries starring The Old Man, Sir Henry
- Merrivale. (For a complete list of Merrivale books, and their IPL
- editions, see RFP #19.) In this one, a psychic researcher looks for
- ghosts in the execution shed of an old prison. Sir Henry becomes
- involved and is faced with a 20-year-old murder as well as a brand new
- one. Mystery monger Art Bourgeau, in his book THE MYSTERY LOVER'S
- COMPANION (1986), rated THE SKELETON IN THE CLOCK "A True Classic".
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Gallagher Gray
- (Donald I. Fine, December 1991, $18.95, ISBN 1-55611-308-0)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- "We're looking for CLUES, Theodore. For god's sake.
- Haven't you ever read a detective novel?"
- "One or two." In truth, he'd read hundreds. "Have you?"
- "Maybe," she said vaguely.
- Theodore, known to everyone else as T.S. Hubbert, is a 55-year-old
- barely-retired personnel manager who reads paperback mysteries by the
- stack and gives them to a neighbor so nobody will find out. She is his
- Auntie Lil, an 84-year-old retired clothes designer who drinks Bloody
- Marys with extra Tabasco and has stacks of detective magazines at home
- which she hides in the back of a closet. Together they manage to solve
- the murders at Sterling & Sterling, the prestigious banking firm for
- which T.S. had worked for the past three decades. It was on the very
- first day of his retirement, actually, that he got a call to come back
- to the office and help out with the emergency: one of the partners of
- the firm, Robert Cheswick, had been stabbed to death at his desk.
- T.S. decides to compromise--he'll go back to the office temporarily,
- but he won't wear a tie. He finds Cheswick still in his chair, the
- police crawling over the scene of the crime, and the first two clues:
- there is a dead boutonniere on the desk and the dead man's fly is
- open. It will take the keen mind of Auntie Lil to correctly interpret
- these clues, but T.S. will have problems of his own to solve. HUBBERT
- AND LIL: PARTNERS IN CRIME is the first installment of what is to be a
- new series of whodunits. If you like your mysteries light on the
- violence and heavy on the puzzle, be sure to catch the first adventure
- for T.S. and Auntie Lil.
- */-----------------------------/*
- THE WRONG RITE by Charlotte MacLeod writing as Alisa Craig
- Detective Inspector Madoc Rhys of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- takes his family to Wales for a jolly reunion honoring the family
- patriarch...and lands them in a tangle of thievery, skulduggery, and
- bloody bedevilment that reaches its horrendous climax when cousin Mary
- takes an ill-timed leap through the ritual Beltane fire.
- */-----------------------------/*
- ^ PURE COP: Cop Talk from the Streets to the Specialized
- Units-Bomb Squad, Arson, Hostage Negotiation, Prostitution,
- Major Accidents, Crime Scene
- by Connie Fletcher (author of WHAT COPS KNOW)
- (Villard Books, 1991, $22.50, ISBN 0-679-40036-2)
- <<Cherie Jung>>
- Okay, so the title is a mouthful. You'll be able to locate this book
- on the bookstore shelf quite easily with just the "PURE COP" portion
- of the title which is in nearly two inch high lettering, or because
- all of the available copies will be in the hands of browsers as they
- block the aisle. This is one of those books that, once you've picked
- it up and glanced through it, it is hard to put down.
- This is oral history, the likes of which you probably won't find
- elsewhere, except in another Connie Fletcher book. PURE COP presents
- cops, in their own words, as they talk about what it is they do. I
- mean, what they REALLY do--not as television portrays them or
- newspaper reporters depict them. It's as if you are sitting with a
- bunch of cops and talking shop. Nothing deleted, nothing held back. At
- the end of each chapter is a list of the contributing officers and
- their bios, but Ms. Fletcher has not specifically identified who said
- what which makes the reading even more fascinating. You get the
- feeling that no one is tempering their comments for fear of a
- backlash, either from the public at large or from individual police
- supervisors.
- Ms. Fletcher gained access to these police officers and their comments
- through "an accident of birth" as she calls it. Her sister is a
- supervising Chicago Police Department sergeant and has been a cop
- since 1981.
- I can't imagine anyone who would not enjoy this book, but especially
- mystery/crime writers-in-training would be wise to get a copy! You
- won't believe all of the misinformation you have accumulated over the
- years.
- NOTE: Talk to mystery maven Cherie Jung, and many other mystery fans,
- on her computer bulletin board devoted to mysteries, Over My Dead
- Body! Mystery BBS 206/473-4522. You'll find book reviews, news, and
- lots of good mysterious conversation.
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Craig Rice
- (International Polygonics, 1991, $6.95, ISBN: 1-55882-112-0)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- "What the devil are we going to do now?"
- "Search the rest of the place," Helene suggested.
- Jake snorted indignantly. "I suppose you want to go around
- asking everybody you meet if he's seen a bass fiddle case
- with a dead midget in it."
- The dead midget is Jay Otto, a nightclub comedian who specializes in
- cruel humor. He bills himself as the Big Midget, and has given a real
- shot in the arm to Jake and Helene Justus' newly opened nightclub, but
- one critic decided the show shouldn't continue. Now Jake and Helene,
- and their good friend and lawyer John J. Malone, must solve the crime
- before their other good friend Homicide Chief von Flanagan finds out
- that they moved the body into a fiddle case. Which is now missing.
- THE BIG MIDGET MURDERS is a delightful romp through the 1940s Chicago
- world of nightclubs, gangsters, and small-time entertainers. Most of
- the fun comes from watching Jake, Helene, and Malone bicker and
- wisecrack their way through the mystery as clues are overlooked, more
- bodies appear, and witnesses must force them to listen to evidence.
- Somehow everything gets pulled together in the end, with all the
- suspects gathered together in classic fashion, and the mystery is
- solved. A classic mystery by an unjustly forgotten writer.
- 8 FACES AT 3 ($5.95)
- TRIAL BY FURY ($5.95)
- CRIME ON MY HANDS ($7.95; by George Sanders, ghostwritten by Rice)
- If you can't get these books from your local bookstore, you can order
- them directly from the publisher by sending the list price(s) plus
- postage and handling ($1 for the first book, $.50 for each additional
- book) to: International Polygonics, Ltd., Madison Square, PO Box 1563,
- New York, NY 10159-1563.
- */-----------------------------/*
- THE CASE OF THE GILDED FLY by Edmund Crispin
- Gervase Fen, Professor of English Literature at the University of
- Oxford, solves his first recorded case in THE CASE OF THE GILDED FLY.
- The setting is the Oxford Repertory Theatre. The cast includes a
- playwright, a producer, a famous actress, a conniving actress (always
- a highly desirable victim), an organist, two undergraduates, a
- journalist, and an artillery captain. Fen finds murder in the wings
- and suspicion on stage as the curtain rises on one of his most
- intriguing cases ever.
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Ken Weber
- (Running Press, 1991, $6.95, ISBN 1-56138-058-X)
- <<Janet Peters>>
- What do you get when you take a classic puzzle mystery and cut out all
- the unnecessary character development, description, subplots, and
- subtexts? Everything, that is, except for the core puzzle? You've got
- a Five-Minute Mystery, a four- or five-page mystery puzzle, complete
- with setup, clues, and red herrings. You get to pore over the details,
- looking for the one fact that doesn't fit in, the shattered glass on
- the wrong side of the window, the hound that DOESN'T bark in the
- night. Generally, however, Weber's puzzles are bit more sophisticated
- than that. You'll need to pick up on combinations of clues, logical
- inferences that don't match the rest of the story. MORE FIVE-MINUTE
- MYSTERIES gives you 34 tough problems to solve, over 200 pages of
- mystery fun for readers who occasionally like to take their puzzles
- straight.
- (If you can't get MORE FIVE-MINUTE MYSTERIES from your local
- bookstore, you can order it directly from the publisher by sending the
- list price, plus $2.50 postage and handling, to: The Running Press,
- 125 South Twenty-second Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.)
- */-----------------------------/*
- ^ STILL WATERS: A Helen Black Mystery
- by Pat Welch
- (Naiad Press, 1991, $8.95, ISBN 0-941483-97-5)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- When Helen Black hears about the death of her old friend Jill, she
- feels guilty. Jill had been an investigative reporter at one time, but
- had been on a long downhill slide, both professionally and personally,
- for several years. Maybe she could have done more for her old friend,
- and now she'll never know. But when Helen plays the tape on her
- answering machine, she discovers that Jill had called her just before
- she died. Jill left a message that she was onto something big, had
- just spent a half hour hiding the proof, that she was being followed,
- and that she needed Helen's services as a private detective.
- Helen decides to spend a few days at the resort hotel where Jill had
- been staying when she died, and Helen's lover Frieda decides to come
- along. While staying at Still Waters Lodge, Helen comes upon a variety
- of side plots and conflicting motivations, not to mention drunken
- redneck types and a very nasty policeman. What had Jill gotten herself
- involved in, and what happened to her car? To complicate matters,
- Helen is also trying to salvage her relationship with Frieda, who is
- not terribly supportive of Helen's detective work.
- The mystery comes to a dynamic conclusion with a devastating forest
- fire, and Helen discovers the truth at last. A first-rate mystery
- story, and much more. During the course of STILL WATERS, Helen Black
- must wrestle with the moral ambiguities of detective work, making her
- a very unusually perceptive fictional investigator. She realizes that
- her detective work alters peoples lives, and that she has no heavenly
- mandate to right the wrongs of the world. Helen's dedication to her
- job is on probation, needing continuing justification for the risks
- that have to be taken and the disturbance of other people's lives.
- Another unusual note of maturity in STILL WATERS is that the murder
- victim isn't glorified. Jill isn't awarded sainthood for having been
- killed; her actions and motivations must be judged on their own merit.
- All the way around, STILL WATERS is a terrific multi-dimensional
- mystery novel.
- You can order STILL WATERS directly from the publisher by sending the
- list price, plus 15% extra for postage and handling to: The Naiad
- Press, Inc., PO Box 10543, Tallahassee, FL 32302. Or you can call
- their Orders-Only phone: 1-800-533-1973. You might want to treat
- yourself to Helen Black's first mystery as well: MURDER BY THE BOOK,
- $8.95, ISBN 0-941483-59-2).
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Stan Cutler
- (Dutton, December 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-525-93381-6)
- <<Janet Peters>>
- THE FACE ON THE CUTTING ROOM FLOOR stars fifty-something, overweight
- Hollywood detective Rayford Goodman and thirty-something, gay writer
- Mark Bradley, previously seen in BEST PERFORMANCE BY A PATSY. This
- time the adventure begins when a local Mafia boss "asks" Goodman to
- guard a good friend, the famous movie director Claudio Fortunata.
- Coincidentally, Bradley has been assigned to write a biography of the
- same man, and when Bradley shows up for his first interview, he finds
- that Goodman is being arrested--for the murder of Fortunata!
- Complications arise when the murder victim turns out to be someone
- else, and Goodman and Bradley are forced to collaborate on another
- investigation.
- While the plot is engaging, Goodman and Bradley are the stars of this
- show. The two men don't like each other, but have much in common:
- they're both intelligent, good at their jobs, enjoy wisecracking, and
- have crumbling love lives. THE FACE ON THE CUTTING ROOM FLOOR is a
- fine addition to the subgenre of Hollywood Murder Mystery, but with
- one small warning. While the violence in the novel is low-key, and
- most of it occurs off-stage, to be discovered by Ray and Mark, the
- most brutal attack is saved for a tiny kitten, so animal lovers may
- want to reconsider whether or not to read THE FACE ON THE CUTTING ROOM
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Gene Wolfe
- (Tor, December 1990, $17.95, ISBN 0-312-85010-7)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- You may have missed this excellent mystery from Gene Wolfe because of
- a marketing, or rather a shelving, problem. Most of the author's
- previous novels are sold as SF/Fantasy, and many bookstores and
- libraries shelve them in that section, and unfortunately many people
- never noticed that PANDORA BY HOLLY HOLLANDER isn't SF or Fantasy at
- all, but is a very fine murder mystery. Gene Wolfe's style here is
- mature and literate, a spare prose that tells an emotionally wrenching
- story without underlining everything to instruct the reader what
- emotion is now appropriate. Everything that is necessary is there, but
- the reader is allowed space for their own understanding.
- Holly Hollander is the teenage daughter of a wealthy businessman
- living in a town in the outskirts of Chicago, and a more engaging
- heroine for a mystery story you couldn't imagine. Her family owns a
- lock manufacturing business, her father collects books about locks and
- locksmithing while her mother plays her part as the incredibly
- beautiful, shockingly young wife of an older man, and this year it's
- her turn to run the charity fund-raising Fair. As a central
- attraction, Holly's mother buys a very heavy, very old wooden box that
- is inscribed "Pandora" in gold letters. The key was lost long ago, and
- no one knows what's in the box. Elaine Hollander plans to raffle off
- the box, and the local locksmith will open the box for the first time
- at the Fair. Tragically, the box appears to have contained a bomb,
- which detonates when the unfortunate locksmith opens it, also killing
- the man with the winning raffle ticket. Holly, along with many others,
- is injured in the blast and hospitalized. Later, her Uncle Bert, an
- escaped mental patient, is found shot to death in the hospital parking
- lot, apparently killed while trying to visit Holly.
- Holly, and her new-found friend the criminologist Aladdin Blue, must
- solve the crimes as first Elaine Hollander, then Mr. Hollander, come
- under suspicion. Who was meant to be killed by the bomb? Is the murder
- of Uncle Bert related to the bombing? What about those threatening
- calls that the locksmith had been receiving in the weeks prior to his
- death? Where did rare book dealer De Witte Sinclair disappear to after
- the bombing? Aladdin Blue and Holly will discover all the answers, and
- entertain the reader as well, in this terrific mystery with a writing
- style several cuts above the average whodunit. Trust me on this one:
- you'll enjoy PANDORA BY HOLLY HOLLANDER, even if you have to brave the
- SF section to find it.
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Barbara Paul
- (International Polygonics, 1980, $5.95, ISBN 1-55882-110-4)
- <<Carol Sheffert>>
- Shelby Kent knows when people are lying. I mean she really KNOWS; she
- sees a red aura around anyone telling a fib, she's never wrong.
- Naturally, she's in great demand with police departments, but one day
- she gets called to a higher duty by Sir John Dudley, the head of a
- special intelligence agency working for the United Nations. It seems
- that someone has been selling weapons to rebel groups around the
- world; but not just weapons, defective weapons. Why would anyone do
- such a thing? Where do you go to get defective weapons anyway? Soon
- Shelby is caught up in a high-profile case getting heavy media
- attention, much to the disgust of her soon-to-be-ex-husband Eric, who
- can't stand the ribbing he gets for living with a freakish wife who
- nobody, including him, can lie to.
- LIARS & TYRANTS & PEOPLE WHO TURN BLUE is a great comic romp,
- unapologetically unbelievable. Another literate and witty tale from
- You can get LIARS & TYRANTS & PEOPLE WHO TURN BLUE directly from the
- publisher by sending the list price, plus $1 postage and handling, to:
- International Polygonics, Ltd., Madison Square, PO Box 1563, New York,
- NY 10159-1563. Phone: 212/683-2914.
- */-----------------------------/*
- ^ BAGGED: An Extra Corpse in the Hospital Morgue
- by Jo Bailey
- (St. Martin's, November 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-312-06296-6)
- <<Drew Bartorillo>>
- On a hot August night, a hearse pulls up to the Emergency Room door of
- Jackson County Medical Center. This hearse is a little unusual,
- because instead of picking up a body bag, it delivers a bright red
- leather one. Unfortunately it's not one that the hospital is
- expecting. The corpse remains in the morgue, unclaimed and virtually
- unnoticed for two weeks. It turns out that the unclaimed corpse is
- actually one of the hospital's own doctors.
- The new security supervisor, Jan Gallagher, has won her position by
- suing the hospital for sexual discrimination. You can imagine how
- happy this has made everyone else in the hospital. You can also
- imagine how cooperative everyone is when she tries to solve the
- mystery of how and why the good doctor happened to be "bagged".
- Overall, I found BAGGED to be entertaining. You find out within the
- first third of the book who the murderers are and why they committed
- the crime. The rest of the book revolves around the authorities
- finding out who they are and capturing them. BAGGED has a lot of high
- and low points. The beginning was very captivating with the delivery
- and discovery of the body bag. Then the story dragged on and on about
- the security supervisor and her winning of the sexual discrimination
- court case. Then the story picked up with the discovery of who was in
- the body bag and who the murderers were. This switching back and forth
- between the crime part of the story and the personal conflicts between
- the members of the security force and hospital staff tended to wear
- thin after a while. BAGGED would have been much more enjoyable without
- the political subplot.
- */-----------------------------/*
- OUR DOUBTS ARE TRAITORS by Frederick M. Hanson
- A young doctor resigns his residency, having lost his confidence and
- self-esteem. He takes up a general practice in a very small North
- Carolina town, a town where sinister events will soon have him
- involved in medical detective work. Can he solve the mystery and
- regain his self confidence?
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Mary Daheim
- (Avon, November 1991, $3.99, ISBN 0-380-76296-X)
- <<Cherie Jung>>
- Format: paperback original
- Character: Judith McMonigle and her cousin Renie, 2nd appearance
- Status: amateur sleuths
- Locale: British Columbia
- The author presents us with another rousing entry in the "Bed-and-
- Breakfast Mystery series" as Judith (the proprietress of Hillside
- Manor) and her cousin Renie head out for a much deserved
- pre-Thanksgiving vacation in Canada. On the way, they stop to scatter
- Judith's deceased husband's ashes--and what a hoot that is!
- Next, there was a mix up in the hotel reservations and there is
- apparently no room at the inn for Judith and Renie. Then it becomes
- old home week when Judith runs into several former high school
- classmates who are registered at the hotel and they offer Judith one
- of their unused suites. Things quickly become even more involved when
- Judith and Renie discover the body of the local popcorn vendor in the
- hotel elevator. Did I mention that they had only been in town a matter
- of hours when they ended up having tea with this popcorn vendor and
- his raucous parrot? Before he and the parrot ended up dead. And before
- the police became suspicious about two "foreign" tourists who know
- more about the dead guy than anyone else in Canada will admit to?
- You will have to pay attention in order to keep track of all the
- suspects--who did what to whom, and when (lots of secrets in the pasts
- of this gaggle of suspects)--and you will practically need a scorecard
- to remember who was married to whom and when but it in no way
- diminishes the fun of sharing another adventure with these two
- unlikely sleuths!
- If you haven't yet read the first in the series, be sure to pick up a
- copy of JUST DESSERTS (Avon) and be on the lookout for the next in the
- series, HOLY TERROR, which the publisher lists as "coming soon".
- */-----------------------------/*
- by P.M. Carlson
- (Doubleday Perfect Crime, December 1991, $15.00, ISBN 0-385-42122-2)
- <<Carol Sheffert>>
- Ginny lives with her mother Rina, her father Clint, and her mother's
- mother, called Gram, in a Maryland suburb of Washington, D.C. Ginny
- has known for a long time now that she was adopted, and it has always
- been a difficult idea for her to deal with. It is also very difficult
- for Rina, who felt severe guilt over not being able to conceive like
- "normal" women. Now she works hard to make her family just like a
- "normal" family, and by and large she's succeeding. Ginny is a very
- bright and talented teenager, but her psychological problems are
- gaining on her--she's experimenting with drugs, dating another drug
- user, and her grades are falling drastically. Her breaking point
- arrives when Gram, in a fit of temper, kicks her beloved cat. Ginny
- takes her checkbook, puts the cat in her backpack, and heads for New
- York, where the adoption agency is located. Once there, a little
- inspired trickery gets her both the name and the address of her birth
- mother, who just happens to be P.M. Carlson's series sleuth,
- statistician Maggie Ryan.
- While Maggie and Ginny are sorting out their emotions, recriminations
- and guilt, police in Maryland are beginning to investigate the murder
- of a man named John Spencer. He had been briefly met, and insulted, by
- both Ginny and her boyfriend Buck shortly before he was killed. The
- murder weapon, Ginny's pair of scissors, bears only Ginny's
- fingerprints and is discovered in Buck's car. Naturally, Ginny and
- Buck are prime suspects. To help Ginny, and her mother Rina, Maggie
- disguises herself and drives to Maryland to investigate John Spencer's
- murder. Maggie (in disguise) teams up with Rina, both working to save
- the daughter they love.
- BAD BLOOD is a fascinating and illuminating story about adoption, from
- three separate points of view. All three women are vividly drawn
- characters, and their psychological balancing act seems very real. The
- mystery of John Spencer's murder, as well as the rest of the cast of
- characters, only provide a setting and motivations for the behavior of
- the three women, and as such BAD BLOOD falls well with the modern
- Mystery of Character rather than the Puzzle category of mystery
- fiction. BAD BLOOD should win Carlson more fans and send many readers
- seeking out the other seven novels about Maggie Ryan and her actor
- husband Nick O'Connor. (Those other seven books are: AUDITION FOR
- */-----------------------------/*
- ^ THE WINDSOR KNOT: An Elizabeth MacPherson Mystery
- by Sharyn McCrumb
- (Ballantine, 1990, $16.95, ISBN 0-345-36583-6)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- Elizabeth MacPherson is rushing to complete her doctoral research on
- forensic anthropology when her Scottish fiance calls to tell her he's
- been invited--along with 8,000 others--to tea with the Queen. As it
- happens, Elizabeth is an absolute nut about British royalty, and can't
- wait to accompany her fiance, but there's a hitch: the invitations
- only cover the expressly invited person and spouses, no friends or
- fiances. So Elizabeth decides that they'll just have to get married
- within 3 weeks, not next summer like they'd planned. She'll get her
- formidable Aunt Amanda to mastermind the lavish affair.
- While Elizabeth is knee-deep in wedding dress patterns and royalty
- etiquette books, strange things are going on around her. For instance,
- her fiance, Cameron Dawson, has had his garden gnome stolen, one of
- those Tolkien-like statues that people have in their yards. As if that
- wasn't bad enough, the Cameron starts receiving postcards from all
- over the world, from his missing gnome! And then in Chandler Grove,
- Georgia, where the wedding will take place, there are even more
- bizarre events. Like Clarine Mason hearing that her husband Emmet has
- just died in a car accident in California, which wouldn't ordinarily
- be too strange, but Clarine had gotten the exact same phone call five
- years before, and has been living as a widow on the insurance money,
- with a vase of Emmet's ashes on her mantel ever since. So when did
- Emmet die, or is he still alive? When the local sheriff wants to get a
- preliminary analysis of the ashes in Clarine's vase, guess which
- forensic anthropologist he consults?
- THE WINDSOR KNOT is another sparkling comedy-mystery from Sharyn
- McCrumb, witty and very, very funny. Previous Elizabeth MacPherson
- and PAYING THE PIPER. Sharyn McCrumb is also the author of the
- nonseries novel, IF EVER I RETURN, PRETTY PEGGY-O, and the Edgar Award
- winning BIMBOS OF THE DEATH SUN (reviewed in RFP #5).
- */-----------------------------/*
- Novels featuring FBI agents Cuthbert Gibbons and Mike Tozzi.
- Bad Guys (1988)
- Bad Blood (1989)
- Bad Luck (1990)
- Bad Business (1991)
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Georges Simenon, translated by Geoffrey Sainsbury
- (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991, $17.95, ISBN 0-15-155568-0)
- <<Howard Frye>>
- At the opening of MAIGRET AT THE GAI-MOULIN, the teenage Jean Chabot
- and his slightly older and much richer friend Rene Delfosse are
- preparing to commit a crime. They are in a nightclub in Liege,
- Belgium, called the Gai-Moulin; it is very late and the place is about
- to close. Just before closing Jean and Rene pretend to be leaving but
- actually hide behind a door on the steps to the cellar, waiting until
- everyone has left so they can come out and take the money from the
- cash box. Their plans go awry when they leave the cellar only to
- discover a dead body lying on the floor. Jean and Rene flee the
- Gai-Moulin, neglecting to even shut the door in their haste.
- The next day the papers say nothing about a dead man, and the
- employees of the Gai-Moulin are working in the place as if nothing had
- happened. What happened to the dead body? It isn't until a later
- edition of the local newspaper that headlines tell of a dead body that
- has been found--stuffed into a laundry basket and dumped on the lawn
- of the zoo! How did the body get from the Gai-Moulin to the zoo? When
- Rene convinces Jean to dispose of some currency for him, and Jean is
- caught by the police and held for questioning, why does Rene run away
- rather than stay to help his friend? Is the dancer Adele involved in
- the murder?
- MAIGRET AT THE GAI-MOULIN is an unusual Maigret story on several
- counts. First, it doesn't take place in Paris. Maigret solves the
- murder even though it is far outside his official jurisdiction. Also,
- Maigret is generally pretty jolly about solving this case, even though
- many of his cases seem to depress him. The well-drawn characters,
- slightly bizarre plot, spare prose style, and atmospheric settings,
- though, are all as any Simenon fan would expect them. Once again
- Maigret solves a murder with his extraordinary grasp of human nature,
- and MAIGRET AT THE GAI-MOULIN is a great read.
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Valerie Wolzien
- (Fawcett Gold Medal, December 1991, $3.99, ISBN 0-449-14723-1)
- <<Cherie Jung>>
- Format: paperback
- Series Character: Susan Henshaw, third appearance.
- Locale: Hancock, Connecticut
- Status: Amateur sleuth
- Setting: a killer's running amok in suburbia!
- Imagine the Christmas holidays are nearly upon you. Your mother-in-law
- is spending the holidays with you. She arrives days earlier than
- planned and has also just recently fallen in love with a man that you
- can't stand. Imagine also that your best friend's mother is in town
- for the holidays and your two mothers can't seem to get along with
- each other, and to top things off, they both seem to be after the same
- man! Then another friend's ex-husband shows up in her living room with
- a bullet hole in his head...quite dead. But by the time the police
- arrive, the body is no where to be found. And just when you think
- you've figured it all out and think you may have even located the
- missing body, someone moves it again! And don't forget, you've still
- got to get those cheese balls in shape!
- That's the premise of this latest suburban sleuth caper from Ms.
- Wolzien and it is a doozy! It may remind you of Christmases past, with
- or without the dead body. Give it a try. It's bound to take your mind
- off that last minute shopping you've been meaning to get to.
- Ms. Wolzien's two previous mysteries featuring the suburban sleuth are
- */-----------------------------/*
- A FAREWELL TO YARNS by Jill Churchill
- Life's hectic enough for a housewife who must survive the politics of
- a church bazaar and finish the afghan from Hell--without having to
- entertain house guests as well. But her guest's visit is cut very
- short--by murder. Who killed Phyllis Wagner? And who dumped a second
- corpse in the dumpster at the mall?
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Wayne Warga
- (Viking Penguin, 1991, $17.95, ISBN 0-670-83569-2)
- <<Cherie Jung>>
- Format: hardcover
- Character: Jeffrey Dean, 3rd appearance
- Status: rare-book dealer, ex-journalist, ex-CIA courier, amateur sleuth
- Locale: Singapore, Hawaii, California
- Setting: international jade smuggling
- This is the third novel in the series but the first that I have read.
- The author provides an interesting mix of locales and
- characters--enough to hold the attention of most readers. From the
- bustling streets of Singapore to the decaying wreckage of the U.S.S.
- Arizona in the waters of Pearl Harbor, Dean becomes a sometimes
- reluctant participant in the search for the treasure of a smuggling
- operation that would rival any in the recent news reports. Jade is
- being smuggled out of China, via Singapore to Honolulu and on to
- California. People are dying and Dean and his long-time love Rachel
- may soon be counted among the dead if he can't figure out the
- set-up...and the players.
- The two previous mysteries in the Jeffrey Dean series are HARDCOVER
- */-----------------------------/*
- ^ MURDER ON WHEELS: A Hildegarde Withers Mystery
- by Stuart Palmer
- (International Polygonics, October 1991, $6.95, ISBN 1-55882-113-9)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- Hildegarde Withers is a retired schoolteacher given to wearing bizarre
- hats who is most often described as "horse-faced". She is the creation
- of Stuart Palmer, described in THE WHODUNIT (by Stefano Benvenuti and
- Gianni Rizzoni, 1980) as "the greatest of the humorous detective story
- writers". Miss Withers solves her cases at the side of her longtime
- companion Inspector Oscar Piper of the New York City Police
- Department. Piper is a capable enough policeman, but always half a
- step behind Miss Withers. Their ongoing friendship and sleuthing
- competitiveness provides a lighthearted backdrop to all of their
- cases.
- MURDER ON WHEELS, originally published in 1932, begins with the death
- of Laurie Stait, a member of a prominent New York family. He has
- apparently been roped while driving his car, his body whipped out onto
- the street, his neck broken. He is survived by his twin brother Lew,
- who immediately marries Dana, who has been betrothed to Lew for years
- but who was not-so-secretly in love with Laurie. Also in the Stait
- house is mousey little cousin Hubert, oblivious Aunt Abbie, and the
- eccentric matriarch of the household, Gran, who almost never leaves
- the attic (which she shares with an ancient, foul-mouthed, and naked
- parrot). Complicating matters is the fact that the Rodeo is in town,
- with plenty of cowboys skilled at roping a moving target, and at least
- one of whom has good reason to hate Laurie Stait. A tangled web to be
- sure, but Hildegarde Withers straightens everything out in the end.
- (Also available from International Polygonics is Hildegarde Withers'
- first case, THE PENGUIN POOL MURDERS, $7.95)
- NOTE: Stuart Palmer joined forces with fellow humorous mystery writer
- Craig Rice to publish the collection, THE PEOPLE VS. WITHERS AND
- MALONE (1963), featuring both Hildegarde Withers and Rice's lawyer
- sleuth John J. Malone (who can also be seen in THE BIG MIDGET MURDERS,
- elsewhere in this issue). THE PEOPLE VS. WITHERS AND MALONE is also
- available from International Polygonics ($7.95).
- You can get any of the above IPL books directly from the publisher by
- sending the list price, plus postage and handling ($1 for the first
- book, $.50 for each additional book), to: International Polygonics,
- Ltd., Madison Square, PO Box 1563, New York, NY 10159-1563. Phone:
- 212/683-2914.
- */-----------------------------/*
- Lonsdale Walsh found it unpleasant to be convicted of murder,
- especially since he had been convicted on perjured evidence. So Mr.
- Walsh escaped from prison, gathered all the principals in his case,
- and proceeded to stage his own re-trial. He wanted the matter SETTLED
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Robert B. Parker, read by David Dukes
- Unabridged, 4 cassettes, 6 hours
- (Dove Audio, 1991, ISBN 1-55800-433-5)
- <<Drew Bartorillo>>
- Spenser helped Patty Giacomin raise her son Paul when a violent
- divorce split the parents apart. Now, after many years, Paul comes to
- Spenser because his mother has suddenly disappeared. Paul doesn't want
- to go to the authorities about the disappearance and feels that
- Spenser is the only one he can trust to find his mother without asking
- too many embarassing questions. With the help of Susan Silverman and
- Hawk, Spenser discovers that Patty has run off with a bag-man for the
- mob, who himself is trying to stay alive after absconding with a
- considerable amount of the mob's money. Spenser is placed in a very
- precarious position as it turns out that both he and a mob kingpin are
- actually looking for the same person. The mob wants to get their
- revenge by killing Patty's boyfriend, regardless of whether Patty gets
- hurt in the process. Spenser wants to see that nothing happens to
- Patty and, if he can, get her boyfriend off the hook.
- PASTIME is the first Spenser novel I have read or listened to, but I
- enjoyed watching the show on TV with Robert Urich in the lead role.
- This also was the first unabridged tape that I have listened to (6
- hours!), but I thought PASTIME was terrific and couldn't believe how
- fast the 6 hours went by. I listened to the tapes during a recent
- 8-hour car trip and it really helped make the trip seem that much
- shorter. Having been a fan of the SPENSER FOR HIRE TV series, it was
- easy to associate the characters in PASTIME to the ones I was used to
- seeing on TV. This helped me to get involved in the story right from
- the start without having to sort out the characters. The reading of
- the novel by David Dukes was flawless and I especially liked the
- accent he used when reading the part of Spenser's colleague Hawk. I
- can highly recommend PASTIME and look forward to listening to other
- novels by Robert Parker. You can order Dove Audio tapes by calling
- 1-800-328-DOVE (inside California call 310/273-7722 or
- 1-800-345-9945). Dove Audio, 301 North Canon Dr., Suite 203, Beverly
- Hills, CA 90210.
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Elizabeth George, performed by Derek Jacobi
- 2 cassettes, 3 hour abridgment
- (Bantam Audio, 1991, $15.99, ISBN 0-553-45278-9)
- <<Howard Frye>>
- Thirteen-year-old Matthew Whateley was supposed to be spending the
- weekend with a friend from Bredgar Chambers, the expensive public
- school (American translation: private school) they both attend. Other
- people think that Matthew is ill and is in the school infirmary. When
- it is discovered that Matthew is missing, his housemaster at Bredgar
- Chambers asks Inspector Thomas Lynley, an old school friend of his, to
- help. When the nude, tortured body of Matthew Whateley is found,
- Inspector Lynley has a homicide case to solve.
- The theme of WELL-SCHOOLED IN MURDER is that of the predominant code
- of ethics in the British public school system: you don't "tell" on
- your mates, ever. Even as Inspector Lynley begins to see the web of
- interconnecting silences in the case, he finds himself participating,
- as he decides to keep quiet about his old friend's guilty secret as
- long as possible. WELL-SCHOOLED IN MURDER is a complex, fascinating
- whodunit, beautifully read by Derek Jacobi. My only complaint is an
- unnecessary, uninteresting subplot that is resolved in an Epilogue
- that gives the story a ridiculously sentimental, thudding conclusion.
- There is also a Bantam Audio version of Elizabeth George's A SUITABLE
- VENGEANCE (2 cassettes, 180 minutes, $15.99, ISBN 0-553-45286-X),
- performed by Derek Jacobi.
- */-----------------------------/*
- by Sara Paretsky, performance by Christine Lahti
- 2 cassettes, 3 hour abridgment
- (Bantam Audio, 1991, $15.99, ISBN 0-553-47016-7)
- <<Drew Bartorillo>>
- V. I. Warshawski (Vic) drives her sixteen-year-old friend Consuelo,
- who is in premature labor, to a private suburban hospital to have her
- baby. The hospital reluctantly treats Consuelo, who seems to be an
- indigent Hispanic girl who more than likely can't pay her bill. During
- the course of the next 24 hours, both Consuelo and her new-born baby
- die in the hospital and the doctor who treated her is found brutally
- murdered. Upon investigating the deaths, Vic discovers conspiracy and
- greed both in the hospital administration and the doctors that are on
- the hospital staff, and unfortunately one of them is a VERY close
- friend of Vic's. Consuelo's husband, Fabiano, a street punk and
- strong-arm for a local gang leader, doesn't help matters. Vic's
- association with Fabiano and her tenacity lead to a brutal beating
- with Vic getting her face slashed. As a lawyer in the public
- defender's office for years, Vic was associated day after day with
- inner city crime. But now, as a private investigator, she is
- personally involved and determined to find the answers.
- BITTER MEDICINE is my first V. I. Warshawski novel and I really did
- enjoy it. The more books I listen to on tape, the more I find myself
- enjoying them. Having seen the recent, not very memorable, V. I.
- WARSHAWSKI movie with Kathleen Turner in the title role, I immediately
- associated Turner with the role in the book. Christine Lahti's reading
- of the book helped cement the assocation with her deep, husky voice,
- very much like Kathleen Turner's. I can highly recommend BITTER
- MEDICINE to all mystery fans and look forward to listening to or
- reading another V. I. Washawski novel.
- */-----------------------------/*
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- << Editor: Darryl Kenning >>
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Loosen Your Grip On Reality is a division of Reading For Pleasure,
- published bimonthly. This material is NOT COPYRIGHTED and may be used
- freely by all. Contributions of information, reviews, etc. should be
- sent to:
- Darryl Kenning CompuServe: 76337,740
- 6331 Marshall Rd. or GEnie: D.Kenning
- Centerville, Ohio 45459 The Annex BBS 513-274-0821
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- THE KENNING QUOTIENT (KQ) is a rating applied to books read by the
- editor of this section, a number ranging from 0 (which means the book
- is an unredeemable stinker) to 5 (meaning the book is absolutely top
- drawer).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Over the past 25 years or so I have spent an inordinate amount of time
- in bookstores of all kinds - not to mention the small fortune I've
- spent there. Stores with new books only, paperbacks only, hard covers
- only, used books stores and combinations, even bookstores with mini
- restaurants in them. Starting with this issue I'm going to share a few
- of the ones I've found that I like best. Just to be fair, if you have
- a favorite, drop me a note with some info and I'll include it in an
- upcoming edition of RANDOM ACCESS.
- BOOKS & Co is located in Kettering Ohio (Dayton) at 350 E. Stroop Rd.
- in the Town & Country Shopping Center. It is one of the most
- successful independent bookstores I've seen, the largest in Ohio with
- over 125,000 new titles, and has grown steadily over the years based
- upon a solid foundation of customer service and a real understanding
- of people who love books. The number of books and magazines in all
- categories is outstanding, and what with author signings, readings,
- live music of one sort and another, one can stay pretty well
- entertained even if you can't find a book. A couple of years ago a
- local restaurant joined them in the space and now you can get a book
- or magazine, then get goodies to munch while you start reading. A four
- star establishment.
- In Naples Florida, THE BOOK TRADER resides at 170 10th St. NO. Much
- more than your usual used book emporium, The Trader has managed to
- create an ambiance that really encourages browsing - whether you are
- trying to find a SF book or a rare/collectable book or comic you feel
- right at home. The store carries all sorts of books from paperbacks to
- hardbound. In addition, for us tourists, they have a great collection
- of books and booklets on Florida lore and local color of all kinds. As
- a visitor (albeit frequent) I appreciate that kind of material being
- readily available. Don't miss this one.
- Both of these establishments warrant your attention if you find
- yourself in either area. If you do drop in, mention RFP. And if you
- are a little miffed because you want to see your favorite bookseller
- mentioned - well, just let me know.
- It has been an interesting couple of months - first not much in new
- paperback Sf was coming out (that I liked), then Star Trek took off
- again (anyone want to bet on the name of ST VII?). Then, like magic,
- just after the holidays a number of books I'd been waiting for hit the
- stores. That means I've got a nice backlog of books to read, and
- report back to you about. SO MANY BOOKS -- SO LITTLE TIME!
- dkk
- *---------------------------*
- Democracy: an exercise where free men gather together to vote for
- the person who gets to take the blame.
- *---------------------------*
- Best Novel (tie):
- THOMAS THE RHYMER by Ellen Kushner
- Best Novella:
- "Bones" by Pat Murphy
- Best Short Fiction:
- "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by Neil Gaiman & Charles Vess
- Best Collection:
- Best Anthology:
- BEST NEW HORROR edited by Stephen Jones & Ramsey Campbell
- Best Artist:
- Dave McKean
- Special Award/Professional:
- Arnie Fenner
- Special Award/Non-Professional:
- Richard Chizmar, CEMETERY DANCE
- Life Achievement Award:
- Ray Russell
- *---------------------------*
- * Health problems have forced Isaac Asimov to quit his science column
- in FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION magazine after 33 years and 399 articles.
- His upcoming book, FORWARD THE FOUNDATION, has also been cancelled, at
- least for now. Asimov is suffering from congestive heart failure and a
- bad heart valve.
- * Orson Scott Card's new "Homecoming" series begins this March 1992
- with THE MEMORY OF EARTH (Tor). Destined to be a 5-volume sequence,
- Card plans to have all 5 written by the time the first book is
- released, with the remainder showing up at 4-month intervals. The
- titles of the second and third will be THE CALL OF EARTH and THE SHIPS
- * If you have discriminating tastes in SF, Fantasy, Horror, and
- Mystery books, you need a copy of John Knott's catalogue. He carries a
- lot of out-of-print titles, first editions, limited editions, signed
- editions, etc. Many, many selections are under $50. Write to: John W.
- Knott, Jr. Bookseller, 8453 Early Bud Way, Laurel, MD 20723.
- *---------------------------*
- ^ SORCERERS OF PAN TANG: A Stormbringer Adventure
- Dangerous Adventures on the Demon Isle
- by Watts, Morrison, Hagger, Gillan, Krank, Gassner, Bjorksten,
- Johnson, Anderson, Heristandis
- (Chaosium, October 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-933635-6)
- by Behrendt, Gillan, Hagar, Morrison, Szymanski, Watts, Brooks,
- Bjorksten, Gassner, Heristandis, Johnson, Snyder, Trengove
- (Chaosium, November 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-933635-82-6)
- <<Bob Willis>>
- The Elric saga is a popular series of fantasy books by author Michael
- Moorcock. The protagonist of the series, Elric of Melnibone, is the
- antithesis of the stereotypical fantasy hero: he is physically weak,
- intellectual, given to fits of gloom and moody introspection. He
- brings death (and worse) to anything he allows himself to care for.
- Nonetheless, the books are stimulating, and filled with interesting
- characters, situations, and ideas. In short, the world of Elric is a
- natural choice of location for fantasy adventures.
- Game publisher Chaosium, Inc. bought the rights to produce an Elric
- role-playing game. Called STORMBRINGER, it has gone through 4 editions
- and spawned a number of supplemental adventures. Although there has
- not been as much material for STORMBRINGER as has been produced for
- some of their other games, two strong products have recently been
- released.
- SORCERERS OF PAN TANG is a sourcebook and set of adventures centering
- around the island nation of Pan Tang. Newcomers to the political
- scene, they are dynamic, expansionistic, and as nasty as they come.
- SoPT has a great deal of information on Pan Tang, its people and
- institutions, and the dangerous magics that the Pan Tangians control.
- The background information consists of chapters on:
- * Introduction
- * Pan Tang
- * Pan Tangians
- * The Church of Chaos
- * Pan Tang Magic
- * Encounters on Pan Tang
- * Pan Tang Digest
- THere are a total of 5 adventures centered around Pan Tang. These are:
- * See Hwamgaarl and Die
- * Slaves of the Demon Isle
- * Chaos Exultant
- * One Who Laughs
- * Under the Volcano
- The adventures are all well done, and will amuse the referee (and
- terrify the players). The background material is also excellent, and
- will provide the referee with many more adventure ideas. I especially
- like the new rules for summoning demons (magic in this world is done
- mainly through the summoning of creatures), which can be used for all
- sorcerers in a STORMBRINGER campaign. If you run this game, you will
- want this book. Great stuff.
- PERILS OF THE YOUNG KINGDOMS consists of 5 adventures. They are:
- * The Floating Realm
- * The Myrrhn Link
- * The Fang and the Fountain
- * Stolen Moments
- * The Man Who Sold Gods
- Of these, The Floating Realm is the largest, and is more of a
- mini-campaign than an adventure. The adventurers become trapped in a
- strange seaweed sea located in the Oldest Ocean. The adventure
- describes the strange society that has developed in the Realm, and
- allows the players to influence it in a time of change and turmoil.
- The other adventures are also well done, and it is up to the referee
- to decide which ones he would like to use in his game. I found The Man
- Who Sold Gods as a little too weird for my tastes, but The Myrrhn Link
- had a lot of interesting ideas in it. You have a nice variety of
- adventures to choose from: pick which ones will appeal to your players
- and you'll have a winner. If you can't get SORCERERS OF PAN TANG,
- PERILS OF THE YOUNG KINGDOMS, or any other Chaosium product, locally,
- you can contact the publisher at: Chaosium Inc., 950-A 56th Street,
- Oakland, CA 94608-3129; 510/547-7681.
- *---------------------------*
- by John Barnes
- (Tor, December 1991, $17.95 ISBN 0-312-85206-1)
- <<Mike Weber>>
- Melpomene Murray is an adolescent aboard the space colony, the FLYING
- DUTCHMAN, the last hope for humanity's continued survival in the
- cosmos. One day a new kid appears, Theo, born on Earth, where the
- survivors of the Collapse have been leading a brutal life for the past
- 30 years. Theo brings with him all the problems that children on the
- FLYING DUTCHMAN have never known: peer pressure, violence, cliques.
- Mel, her family, and her friends, must learn how to deal with Theo and
- the new conflicts he creates, for they are really humanity's final
- hope. They must harness the wealth of the inner solar system before
- the resource curve flattens out forever. ORBITAL RESONANCE is a SF
- coming-of-age novel by one of the genre's new leading lights--Barnes
- *---------------------------*
- HOOK by Terry Brooks
- What if Peter Pan grew up? And what if, on a visit to London, his own
- children disappeared from their nursery and a mysterious note was left
- behind which led Peter back to the notorious Captain Hook?
- *---------------------------*
- ^ FUTURE CRIME: An Anthology of the Shape of Crime to Come
- edited by Cynthia Manson & Charles Ardai
- (Donald I. Fine, January 1992, $21.95, ISBN 1-55611-312-9)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- As SF writers--and readers--have discovered, the society of the future
- will have new technology, and therefore new kinds of crime. And new
- kinds of criminals. FUTURE CRIME gathers together 15 stories by top SF
- writers that illustrate what crime, and crime-fighting, might be like
- in future human civilizations.
- My two favorites are "Dogwalker" by Orson Scott Card and "The Energies
- of Love" by Kathe Koja. "Dogwalker" is a very touching story about a
- 30-year-old man who, because of a childhood tragedy, is half synthetic
- and half 9-year-old boy. His mind is 30 but his body looks 9, which
- makes it hard to get served in bars. Goo Boy, as he is known, teams up
- with an ex-pimp to pull off a top-level computer caper. The story is
- suspenseful, and Goo Boy's fractured English is a riot. Koja's "The
- Energies of Love" is another tale of obsession and forbidden knowledge
- from the author of THE CIPHER (reviewed in RFP #16), the book that
- launched the Dell Abyss line of paperback horror. In this story, Bobby
- wants to achieve fame as a writer by completing the book his favorite
- author left unfinished at his death. To that end Bobby illegally gets
- past computer security to get direct unmonitored access to the
- author's personality, stored there for academic purposes. The
- experience proves to be more emotionally wrenching than Bobby had
- anticipated. Like Koja's first novel, "The Energies of Love" is odd,
- very involving, and very difficult to describe.
- Lawrence Watt-Evans' "One-Shot" is a provocative short-short about a
- time traveller's ability to change the past. Could JFK's assassination
- have been prevented? Well, yes and no... The interesting thing about
- "One-Shot" is how briefly its points are made. The story seemed to end
- about a paragraph later than the markings on the page, as my mind
- caught up to the ideas presented. The funniest entry in FUTURE CRIME
- is Terry Black's hilarious "The Not-So-Big Sleep", about insurance
- fraud, the reanimation of the dead, and just how annoying zombies can
- be.
- "The Incorporated" by John Shirley is a cautionary tale about the
- Japanese corporate style, and how poorly it suits the American
- character. Isaac Asimov's "The Tercentenary Incident" continues his
- life-long exploration of robotics, with the emphasis this time on
- their use as doubles for politicians. A robot, a politician, who could
- tell the difference? In "The Barbie Murders" by John Varley a murder
- is committed within a religious cult that proscribes personal
- identities--everyone looks alike. So how can you identify the guilty
- party, or anyone else for that matter? Harry Harrison tells a tragic
- story about a society that practices behavioral conditioning on
- children through robot-like teddy bears in his "I Always Do What Teddy
- Says". W.R. Thompson's "VRM-547" involves another robot, this one a
- bit more intelligent than its owner gives it credit for. The possible
- use of teleportation in the commission of a murder is examined in
- Larry Niven's "A Kind of Murder", which also makes a few other
- interesting points about the problems inherent in the technology.
- Robert Bloch's brief "Show Biz" suggests the ridiculous possibility of
- using actors as politicians. (This is a 1959 story, pre-Reagan.) Doug
- Larsen's "Ryerson's Fate" illustrates future crime-fighting techniques
- using DNA identification and virus-tailoring. Very ingenious.
- Fully four-fifths of FUTURE CRIME is really entertaining reading.
- Oddly, when I reviewed my notes on the only three stories that I
- didn't really care for, they turned out to be the only three that are
- original to this volume. I'm not sure what that says, but that's the
- way it played out. "Mech" by C.J. Cherryh is a robocop-type vignette
- that drowns in details. If there had been a plot or characters to
- sustain interest, it would have been more enjoyable. Alan Dean
- Foster's "Lay Your Head on My Pilose" is right out of E.C. comics:
- wife and lover conspire to kill husband, then dead husband gets a
- grisly revenge. A cliche, and I must have missed whatever was "future"
- about the tale. Finally, George Alec Effinger's novelette, "The World
- As We Know It" completely lost me; I felt as if every other paragraph
- had been removed. I read every word and I don't know enough about the
- story to even comment on it.
- Those three stories aside, FUTURE CRIME was a lot of fun. I enjoyed
- the futuristic SF elements, I enjoyed the crimes, and I enjoyed fine
- prose by some of my favorite authors. A good read.
- *---------------------------*
- by Kim Stanley Robinson
- (Tor, December 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-312-85126-X)
- <<Mike Weber>>
- REMAKING HISTORY is a terrific collection of short stories that
- revolve around the whole idea of history: the meaning of history, the
- making of history, the interpreting of history, and how history
- influences the present and the future. Included: "Before I Wake", the
- 1991 Nebula nominee; "The Part of Us That Loves", revised for this
- edition; "Remaking History", a very funny tale about the ways in which
- filmmakers interpret history; "The Translator", a First Contact story;
- "Vinland the Dream"; "A History of the Twentieth Century, with
- Illustrations"; "Rainbow Bridge"; "Muir on Shasta"; "Glacier"; "A
- Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions"; "Zurich"; and the
- controversial South African sequence, "Down and Out In the Year 2000",
- "Our Town", "A Transect" and "The Lunatics".
- Kim Stanley Robinson is the author of the recent trilogy of novels set
- in Orange County, California: THE WILD SHORE, THE GOLD COAST, and
- THE MEMORY OF WHITENESS. A previous collection of Robinson's short
- fiction was the award-winning A PLANET ON THE TABLE.
- *---------------------------*
- ^ HALO
- by Tom Maddox
- (Tor, November 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-312-85249-5)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- "In the early days there was hardware, and there were
- programs, sets of instructions that told the hardware what
- to do. Without organic interaction, these differing modes of
- reality struggled to interact. This is unbelievably
- primitive.
- Then came machine ecologies, and things changed.
- I was among the first and most complex of them. I began as
- a complex but ordinary machine, then changed, opening the
- door to possibility.
- Who am I?"
- ---Aleph
- Aleph is the artificial intelligence that controls the orbital space
- station called Halo. The Halo residents who "operate" Halo are called
- the Interface Collective, and they have an experiment they want to
- try. Jerry Chapman has accidentally suffered massive neural damage and
- is now being kept alive--barely--by machines. The Collective wants to
- try to store the personality of Jerry in the memory banks of Aleph.
- SenTrax, a mega-corporation that co-owns Halo, agrees to the
- experiment but sends data auditor Mikhail Gonzales to keep an eye on
- things and report back.
- Gonzales discovers that Chapman was one of Aleph's designers, and that
- the rescue operation is Aleph's idea, not the Collective's. While
- trying to save Jerry, an entire virtual world is created inside
- Aleph's mind. Gonzales and others visit this world
- through cables connected to implanted sockets in the back of their
- neck and everything seems to be going well until an executive from
- SenTrax shows up and calls a halt to the whole project. The humans are
- unplugged and at the same time the computer-controlled functions of
- Halo begin to fail. Even more alarming is the fact that Aleph no
- longer responds at all. Where has he gone?
- Subjects developed in HALO include: virtual reality, artificial
- intelligence, artificial personalities, Zen philosophy. What's the
- difference between a simulation of a thing and the thing itself? Are
- there any significant differences? If machines are what they are
- because of the people who design and use them, aren't people what they
- are, at least in part, because of the machines they rely on? Is our
- paranoia about losing control to machines wise, or are we merely
- limiting our own possibilities? All of these questions are posed and
- considered in HALO, a book that expands the boundaries of cyberpunk
- while avoiding the many cliches of the subgenre. A good read. (This is
- Tom Maddox's first novel.)
- *---------------------------*
- THE TRIKON DECEPTION by Ben Bova & Bill Pogue
- What happens when Japan, America, and Europe work together in space?
- THE TRIKON DECEPTION opens up the next frontier in technothriller
- excitement with a page-turning novel of intrigue and assassination in
- high orbit. Co-written by the former commander of Skylab.
- *---------------------------*
- ~Short TAKES:
- (John) Keith Laumer (1925- )
- Keith Laumer, after serving in the US Army during WW II, studied
- Architecture at the University of Illinois, then served in th US Air
- Force during the 1950s, and the US Foreign Service in the 1960s. His
- books started appearing in 1963 with A TRACE OF MEMORY, and continue
- today. His foreign service experience has provided the base for his
- very popular Retief series. (Spell the name backwards and you get
- feiter--the phonetic spelling of fighter.)
- *---------------------------*
- by S.M. Stirling and David Drake
- (Baen, February 1992, $5.99, ISBN 0-671-72105-4)
- <<Darryl Kenning>>
- THE HAMMER is the second book in the series called THE GENERAL. This
- story picks up the life of Raj Whitehal, his wife and friends where
- the last book (THE FORGE) left off. In the first book we were
- introduced to the planet, Bellevue, that has been cut off from
- civilization for a long time, and after the inevitable fall of
- civilization has gradually moved back into a feudal existence, but
- with varieties of cultures and religions based upon the computers that
- had pervaded every aspect of life in the long gone "Federation". With
- several different kingdoms holding the land masses, a civilization
- that combines both eastern and western thought, strong religious and
- military tradition, and an early gunpowder-based war machine where the
- warriors ride huge dogs trained like the war horses of the middle
- ages, the stage is set for a series of adventures that will grab
- anyone who enjoys solid Science Fiction storytelling. Of particular
- interest to me is the way the authors manage to combine the best of
- Military SF with a well-thought-out governmental system. Of course
- what creates the dynamic tensions are the positioning of individuals
- based on their ambitions and frailties.
- The book is another outstanding example of the good that can--but too
- often does not--come out of collaborations between individually strong
- authors. In this case the combination has produced a novel that is a
- delight of Byzantine plots and counterplots set in a roughly 19th
- century technology civilization. Even the most jaded SF reader will
- enjoy this one.
- Make a special trip to your favorite bookstore--it's worth it.
- KQ = 5
- *---------------------------*
- by Gordon R. Dickson
- (TOR, February 1992, $5.99, ISBN 0-812-50947-1)
- <<Darryl Kenning>>
- Gordon Dickson is a prolific SF writer who has created a future
- history that has no rival (except perhaps Robert A. Heinlein) called
- THE CHILDE CYCLE. For 30 years the author has been creating a series
- of stories and novels that have been tightly linked to the cycle. SF
- readers of all ages and persuasions wait impatiently for the next
- story/novel to appear. Each is an instant hit.
- YOUNG BLEYS is no exception. It examines the life of Bleys Ahern who
- is familiar to readers of the earlier books. While he has generally
- been cast as the major opponent to the superheroes--Hal Mayne et
- al.--this book makes Bleys a more real person and elevates him to a
- central character in the Cycle. It reinforces the rejoining
- necessities of the splinter cultures--from the DORSAI to the EXOTICS.
- Beware, this book is habit forming. If you really get into The Cycle
- you will have a formidable--and very enjoyable--task of catching up
- with over 30 books. It's worth the risk though. Gordon Dickson shows
- us once again why he is considered by many to be one of the best SF
- authors writing today.
- KQ = 4
- *---------------------------*
- by Stephen Leigh
- (Avon Books, November 1986, $3.50, ISBN 0-380-89961-2)
- <<Darryl Kenning>>
- Stephen Leigh has postulated an interesting universe in which religion
- has once again assumed the central role in the lives of most humans.
- What makes this book a fascinating one is how he has blended the major
- earth religions and skillfully added an alien religious element. The
- human propensity to pervert religious teachings "with the best of
- intentions" adds conflict that is more than a little reminiscent of
- the Inquisition.
- This is not the first novel to try to examine what happens to the
- person who becomes a messiah: the self doubts, the personal tragedy,
- and the unhappiness in those around that person. Mr. Leigh has done a
- creditable job although I must confess that I got a bit weary by the
- end of the novel--and that is a tribute to his skills as a writer.
- Whether or not the basic story subject interests you, you will find
- the treatment well done. Not light reading by any means, this book
- will make you pause and reflect on the Human Condition and frailty,
- and will probably make you reexamine your faith.
- KQ = 4
- *---------------------------*
- ALIEN BLUES by Lynn S. Hightower
- Life's tough for Detective David Silver. His marriage is on the rocks.
- A serial killer's on the loose. And his new partner looks like a
- seven-foot stingray and smells like fresh limes. But Silver needs all
- the help he can get. Human or otherwise.
- *---------------------------*
- by Herbert Burkholz
- (Berkley, May 1989, $3.95, ISBN 0-425-11581-X)
- <<Darryl Kenning>>
- This novel appears to have been published as a mainstream Psychic Spy
- Thriller rather than Science Fiction. It is the story of a small group
- of "SENSITIVES" who are beginning to show up at random in the Earth's
- population. Grabbed by the superpowers at a young age, then trained to
- be spies--after all the ultimate spy is one that can read minds--and
- kept under very tight control, these young people have in many ways a
- very nice life. Except that they are cut down in their early 30s by a
- deadly disease that spares not a one.
- Mr. Burkholz has done a creditable job of dealing with a lot of the
- issues that would surround such talents in a 20th century world. He
- realistically portrays the joys and problems of the young people and
- the fears and needs of the controllers. There have been a lot of
- outstanding SF stories about this subject in SF since the early days.
- Because of that I was pleasantly surprised to find how well this one
- was done. It is a tight, exciting, and suspenseful novel that will
- hold your attention from beginning to end with a few classic twists
- that may surprise you.
- Given the age of this one, you may need to dig a bit through your
- used-book shelves. But if you spot it, grab it. This is just the book
- to curl up with on a cold winter evening.
- KQ = 5
- *---------------------------*
- by Damon Knight
- (TOR, November 1991, $3.99, ISBN 0-812-50978-1)
- <<by Darryl Kenning>>
- Damon Knight has been writing good solid Science Fiction since the mid
- 1950s, and this novel is no exception. It is a sequel to CV and THE
- OBSERVERS. Setting the stage for this series he notes that, "The
- twentieth century was one of great change and turmoil...Counting
- lesser conflicts...the death toll was 92 million." This story takes
- place in about 2005, after the sweeping changes of the early 21st
- century had begun, after the discovery of McNulty's Symbiont,
- discovered aboard the Sea Venture (CV). This extraterrestrial was
- found to have profound effects on humans--effects that were likely to
- wreck what was left of the world order. The CV is turned into a
- gigantic research vessel to do tests on humans to determine actual
- effects of the new being, and to see if there are ways to protect our
- race from those effects.
- The story is rich in the harmonics of the human condition. It shows a
- future that is all too plausible given humanity's tendencies towards
- greed and self-destruction. At the same time it provides the sense of
- wonder that most good SF stories are able to accomplish; wonder and
- hope for the future. Damon's work continues to be well crafted, the
- threads are carefully woven into a rich tapestry that is fun to read
- in both a technical sense and on an emotional level.
- KQ = 4
- *---------------------------*
- by S.C. Sykes
- (Bantam, August 1991, $4.99, ISBN 0-553-28874-1)
- <<Darryl Kenning>>
- With an introduction by Isaac Asimov and an afterward by scientist
- Eugene Mallove, this book is certain to be attractive to devotes of
- "Hard SF". It will also appeal to adventure fans if you get past the
- gaudy cover and day-glo red back. This is really two stories in one.
- The first is a story of one of the world's richest men, shamelessly
- railroaded and sent into exile to the frontier of Mars. It is also the
- story of the Earth, the reactions to the excesses of the 20th Century,
- and the efforts to colonize a planet that is marginally useable, but
- only with great effort.
- I confess that I was not originally receptive to this book. When a
- cover blurb talks about "cutting edge" and "dramatic new series", I
- remember that more often than not I have been disappointed by either
- the story or the technical competence of the author. None of those
- things happened in this book. Sykes has written a rousing good yarn,
- that will hold your attention from start to finish. As far as I can
- see, the technical requirements of writing about Mars, a planet about
- which we now know a great deal, have been well met. The story line is
- just a bit predictable but the author's style carries the story in
- spite of that. This one provide "reading satisfaction" and I for one
- will watch for more in this series of books which for some
- inexplicable reason is called "THE NEW WAVE".
- KQ = 4
- *---------------------------*
- PEOPLE OF THE EARTH by W. Michael Gear & Kathleen O'Neal Gear
- A sweeping epic of prehistory, the true story of the ancestors of
- today's Native American peoples.
- *---------------------------*
- by Jim Munroe
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- "This elevator is for the use of authorized personnel
- only. Please follow Procedure 65(a). You have ten seconds to
- comply, or you will be discontinued in the manner outlined
- in Procedure 65(b). Nine. Eight."
- Frantically, I examined the door (Seven) more closely,
- looking for a handle (Six), and spotted a tiny slot to the
- left (Five). Suddenly (Four) I had more respect for the band
- (Three) of thieves. The flat square of metal (Two) was a key
- of sorts. I (One) pushed it in. (Click) "Thank you," the
- voice said.
- "Level 42. Professor Moriarty, Biomechanics."
- Cinder succeeds in getting to Moriarty's office and finds a tiny
- silver acorn, a remnant of the biological computer humanity had
- managed to develop before trashing the planet with technology and
- escaping in spaceships. Cinder is one of those left behind, small
- bands of people trying to live in harmony with a wounded ecosystem.
- Cinder plants the silver acorn, and thus meets Ironwood, the computer
- whose potentiality was confined within. Ironwood sends Cinder, and two
- of his friends, on a long journey across the sea to what is now left
- of New York, to discover the threat that Ironwood senses is there, and
- to destroy it. Jim Munroe's IRONWOOD is a rousing adventure tale of
- man's relationship to technology and to his planet. Very entertaining
- and highly recommended.
- IRONWOOD is a self-published story of some 66 pages, available from
- the publisher for $2. (Though the author doesn't specify, you should
- definitely send either cash or postal money order, unless you're in
- Canada.) Send your money to: Jim Munroe, 66 Greyhound Drive,
- Willowdale, Ontario, CANADA M2H 1K3.
- *---------------------------*
- <<Mike Weber>>
- THE RED TAPE WAR by Jack L. Chalker, Mike Resnick, & George Alec
- Effinger ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51282-0)
- Three of SF's best writers have collaborated (conspired?) to produce
- this farcical story Millard Fillmore Pierce. Actually, three MFPs.
- Don't ask me to explain--it's about galactic conquest, alien lizard
- people, and characters named Marshmallow and Goodtime Sal. The whole
- thing was written in round-robin style, each writer would write one
- chapter then send the manuscript on to the next guy, trying "to stick
- the next guy in line with a near-insoluble problem". This is a novelty
- book, not high Literature, but it's fun.
- ORC'S OPAL by Piers Anthony & Robert E. Margroff
- ($4.99, ISBN 0-812-51177-8)
- The fantasy series about Kelvin of Rud, the transdimensional hero,
- continues here, after DRAGON'S GOLD (1987), SERPENT SILVER (1989), and
- CHIMAERA'S COPPER (1991). The kingdom is now at peace, but the evil
- witch Zady is still alive and seeks to avenge the death of Zoanna.
- Zady has vowed that Kelvin will pay for Zoanna's death with the death
- of his children Charles, Merlain, and their dragon brother Horace.
- Zady will seek to draw them into a quest of their own, a quest that
- will draw the Confederation into a war it cannot win, and bring death
- and ruin down on all Kelvin holds dear.
- DRAGON SEASON by Michael Cassutt
- ($4.99, ISBN 0-812-50392-9)
- Rick Walsh is an air force officer returning to home base to see his
- girlfriend Maia, but Maia has vanished from the airport, leaving only
- her purse and Walsh's baby, a son he wasn't expecting. He also didn't
- know that Maia is the heir of the Living God of an alternate world,
- and finding her will require Rick to cross the boundary between two
- universes. He will have to battle Maia's kidnappers and trace nuclear
- weapons that were supposedly destroyed here under disarmament treaties
- but are really being taken to Maia's world to destroy her and the
- other members of the ruling family.
- ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51616-8)
- In the far future, long after the polluted Earth has been abandoned,
- one man wages an underground war to bring Earth back to life--even if
- it means taking on a galactic empire. MacGregor Gerswin now hides
- behind his identity as a low-level military bureaucrat as he uses the
- mysterious OER Foundation to amass fortunes, create research, conceal
- arsenals, and fund the destinies of whole cultures. Marked for death
- by the Assassins Guild, Gerswin must become an even more deadly.
- A TRACE OF MEMORY by Keith Laumer
- ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51689-3)
- The ad read: "Help wanted: Soldier of fortune seeks companion in arms
- to share unusual adventure. Foster, Box 19." Legion half-heartedly
- applies for the job, but before he has a chance to say No he finds
- himself on the run; being chased by cops, the CIA and a few very
- unfriendly acquaintances of Foster. And Foster has lost his memory, as
- well as about 30 years of his age! The police think that Legion has
- murdered Foster and replaced him with a 20-year-old, and both Foster
- and Legion are being stalked by "hunters", terrifying and deadly
- creatures of light. Together the two have to follow the clues in a
- centuries-old diary in an attempt to track down Foster's past. What
- they find on the way is a violent confrontation on the other side of
- the galaxy. Laumer is a fine writer and this book looks very good.
- ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51593-5)
- This is CONAN #5, serving up more challenges for the much-muscled one.
- He is stalked by the sultry huntress Jondra, sought by the lovely
- thief Tamira, and caught between the Army of Zamora and Brythunian
- warriors seeking revenge. The mighty Cimmerian must battle hordes of
- Kezankian hillmen, face the sorcerous evil of Basrakan Imalla, and
- finally, slay that which cannot be slain: the Beast of Fire. Just
- another average week for CONAN THE MAGNIFICENT.
- AVATAR: Book Six of Indigo by Louise Cooper
- ($4.99, ISBN 0-812-50802-5)
- The immortal princess Indigo wants to rid the world of the powerful
- demons she unleashed many years ago. Now her quest leads her to the
- Dark Isles, where the Fear lurks, and where she is captured by a
- strange cult and proclaimed to be the Avatar of the Princess of Death.
- The previous books in the Indigo series have been: NEMESIS, INFERNO,
- INFANTA, NOCTURNE, and TROIKA. Louise Cooper is also the author of the
- THE OUTCAST: Book II of The Time Master Trilogy by Louise Cooper
- ($4.99, ISBN 0-812-51973-6)
- The Gods of Order and the Gods of Chaos fight an eternal battle for
- dominion, with mortal men and women as their pawns. Only when a
- balance is struck can mortal beings prosper. When Tarod, the mortal
- incarnation of one of the Gods of Chaos, is born in the era of Order,
- where Chaos has been banned for centuries, the battle for dominion
- flares up again.
- DAYS OF ATONEMENT by Walter Jon Williams
- ($4.99, ISBN 0-812-50180-2)
- High-energy physics meets small-town politics in Atocha, New Mexico.
- Out on the edge of town there's a new advanced technology lab, where
- government scientists experiment with the nature of space and time.
- And on the floor of the police station there is a body--a man full of
- bullet holes. Police Chief Loren Hawn's problem is that the man had
- already been dead for twenty years. What are they doing out there at
- the mysterious lab? A tantalizing story from one of SF's most
- accomplished writers.
- ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51928-0)
- Sam Horowitz and his wife Brandy are private detectives down on their
- luck. Which is why they agreed to trace the banker who skipped town
- with over two million dollars of laundered mob money. Trouble is, the
- trail leads right to G.O.D. Inc., a small multi-universe corporation
- of people who have discovered the pathways to alternate worlds and the
- profits that can be made by such knowledge. When Sam and Brandy
- stumble upon their secret, the only place to hide is within the
- Labyrinth, being chased by assassins from G.O.D. Inc. and their
- alternate selves. This is Book 1 of the G.O.D. Inc series.
- YOUNG BLEYS by Gordon R. Dickson
- ($5.99, ISBN 0-812-50947-1)
- YOUNG BLEYS is a continuation of the story in THE FINAL ENCYCLOPEDIA,
- yet another volume in Dickson's masterwork, the CHILDE CYCLE series
- that has been running for more than three decades. Bleys Ahrens is the
- "other" result of the experiment in human genetic drift which resulted
- in Hal Maynes, the protagonist of THE FINAL ENCYCLOPEDIA and Bleys'
- alter ego. Bleys is a "Friendly Soldier", but cold and inherently
- alienated from humanity. In YOUNG BLEYS, Dickson deals with Bleys'
- early life and chronicles the events that lead to his decision that he
- would literally conquer the galaxy. (See the Darryl Kenning review
- elsewhere in this issue.)
- <<Tor Books>>
- Dickson takes the theme of his series from the word "Childe", a term
- used in the middle ages to describe a young nobleman setting out on a
- quest. His CHILDE CYCLE books, which he began writing in 1956, cover
- 1000 years of the development of humanity from the 14th century to the
- 24th. Ten or more CHILDE books are projected; seven have already been
- completed. But the books in the series stand on their own, even though
- the CYCLE, when completed, in Dickson's words, will connect to form a
- single "novel of thematic argument". Ben Bova calls THE CHILDE CYCLE
- "the grandest saga in the history of SF".
- Dickson was born in Canada, the son of an Englishman and an American
- mother; after his father's death, the family moved to Minnesota where
- he's lived since. Dickson says he always knew he would be a
- "storyteller", but his career was put on hold while he served in the
- Army during World War II. After the war, he returned to the University
- of Minnesota (which he first attended at age 15), and lived in the
- same house with another aspiring writer, the now celebrated science
- fiction author, Poul Anderson. "In the evenings, one of us would knock
- on the other's door and say, 'Let's go get a beer'", says Anderson,
- and they would talk about their work and their dreams. Dickson has
- been a fulltime writer since 1950.
- Currently, Dickson walks five to eight miles a day, writes one or two
- novels a year, lectures at Science Fiction conventions, and tries to
- help fledgling writers. He is one of the original members of the
- Science Fiction Writers of America, and served as that organization's
- President for two consecutive terms in its early years. More than 10
- million copies of his books and short stories have been sold and he is
- also published in England, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan.
- Dickson's achievements have been acknowledged by his peers and the
- publishing industry for years. PUBLISHERS WEEKLY describes him as "one
- of SF's standard bearers". He was first awarded the Hugo in 1965 for
- an abbreviated version of a CHILDE CYCLE novel, SOLDIER, ASK NOT. In
- 1981, he received two more Hugos for "Lost Dorsai" in novella form,
- and "The Cloak and the Staff", a novelette. Gordon R. Dickson has also
- been named a Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writers of America.
- ALTERNATE PRESIDENTS edited by Mike Resnick
- ($4.99, ISBN 0-812-51192-1)
- Just in time for an election year! Here are some of today's most
- popular SF writers imagining what would have happened if we had made
- different choices at the polls. What if Benjamin Franklin had been
- elected the first president? What if Abraham Lincoln had lost the 1860
- election and became one of the great generals of the Civil War? What
- if suffragist Victoria Claflin Woodhull had become President of 1872,
- and transformed the morals and mores of Gilded Age America? What if
- Adlai Stevenson had beaten Dwight D. Eisenhower twice in a row--only
- to be impeached? What if President Goldwater had used nuclear weapons
- in Vietnam? Here are 28 Americas that never happened, but could have.
- Contributors: Jody Lynn Nye, Jayge Carr, Thomas A. Easton, Judith
- Moffett, Ralph Roberts, Jack L. Chalker, Bill Fawcett, Laura Resnick,
- Tappan King, Michael P. Kube-McDowell, Janet Kagan, Martha Soukup,
- Mike Resnick, Jack Nimersheim, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Lawrence
- Watt-Evans, Barry N. Malzberg, Barbara Delaplace, Glen E. Cox, David
- Gerrold, Eileen Gunn, Pat Cadigan, Susan Shwartz, Brian Thomsen,
- Alexis A. Gilliland, Lawrence Person, and Robert Sheckley.
- *---------------------------*
- written and read by Douglas Adams
- unabridged, 4 cassettes, 6 hours
- (Dove Audio, 1991, $24.95, ISBN 1-55800-273-1)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- I've read the book, played the computer adventure game from Infocom,
- seen a dramatization, and even heard a dramatization. But I believe
- that here, in this tape of the author reading his own work, THE
- HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY has found its most true expression.
- Certainly the funniest. Adams' voice is the perfect match for Adams'
- words, giving shades of meaning and character to the prose that are
- otherwise missed. And who can resist the chance to hear their favorite
- story while driving to and from work? This Dove Audio version is not
- abridged, condensed, or otherwise squeezed, every single word is
- preserved for your enjoyment. Everyone is here: Ford Prefect, Zaphod
- Beeblebrox, Trillian, Vogon Jeltz, Marvin, the depressed robot, and of
- course the hapless cosmic traveller Arthur Dent. What a way to spice
- up the daily commute! The Dove Audio version of THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE
- TO THE GALAXY is a keeper. Of the three possibilities: having it, not
- having it, and both having it and not having it, believe me, having it
- is the most enjoyable. You can order Dove Audio tapes by calling
- 1-800-328-DOVE (inside California call 310/273-7722 or
- 1-800-345-9945). Dove Audio, 301 North Canon Dr., Suite 203, Beverly
- Hills, CA 90210.
- *---------------------------*
- Title Author KQ
- YOUNG BLEYS Gordon R. Dickson 4
- THE SENSITIVES Herbert Burkholz 5
- THRESHOLD Janet and Chris Morris 3
- BRAINROSE Nancy Kress 3
- THE HAMMER David Drake &
- S. M. Stirling 5
- THE HOST Peter R. Emshwiller 3
- RED GENESIS S. C. Sykes 4
- FIRST FLIGHT Chris Claremont 3
- IMMORTALITY INC. Robert Sheckley 2
- A TRACE OF MEMORY Keith Laumer 3
- MANUAL Sternbach & Okuda 3
- *---------------------------*
- Don't miss The BTS Company's line of SF/Fantasy/Horror Erotica on IBM
- compatible disks. You'll find more information about their line of
- sexually-explicit fiction in this issue's Frightful Fiction section.
- *---------------------------*
- (From: The Original Series, TNG, The Movies, Gaming)
- Antimatter: This material composed of antiparticles (positrons,
- anti-protons, etc.) that are opposite in charge to the particles (like
- electrons, protons and neutrons) that make up normal matter. When
- antimatter and matter come into contact, they destroy each other,
- leaving only vast amounts of energy. This mater-antimatter
- annihilation, in very carefully controlled form, is used to power the
- warp drive on starships.
- Beaming up: Using a transporter to travel between the ship and a
- planet is known as beaming up or beaming aboard. It is best
- accomplished when used with a communicator, which has a homing device
- built into it.
- Branch School: A general field in which a character will probably
- concentrate his efforts in gaining skills and increased Skill Ratings.
- The branch determines the position (but not the rank) that a character
- is likely to hold.
- Bridge: The bridge is the control center for a starship, where the
- captain and duty officers monitor the ships functions, steer the ship,
- and so forth.
- Class M Planet: A planet that is suitable for Human or Human-like life
- is called a Class M Planet. It possesses an Oxygen/Nitrogen
- atmosphere, free water, a suitable temperature, and so forth.
- Credit: The standard monetary unit in the United Federation Of Planets
- is the credit.
- Department Head: A position of top responsibility on a space vessel.
- Dept. Heads on a Class 1 Starship include Chief Communications/Damage
- Control Officer, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Engineer, Security
- Chief, Chief Helmsman, Chief Navigator, and Chief Science Officer.
- Dilithium Crystals: Rare crystals of dilithium, a variant form of the
- element lithium, are used to control matter-antimatter annihilation
- and convert it into power that can be used by the warp engines and
- other shipboard systems. Their spiral crystalline structure tends to
- break down. This may happen after long use, or sometimes very quickly
- if they are forced to bear greater than normal power loads or sudden
- power surges.
- Energy Barrier: A field of negative energy, called the Energy Barrier,
- surrounds our galaxy. Contact with this field is damaging to starships
- and can cause psionically sensitive individuals to be killed or to
- develop godlike mental powers.
- Federation: A short form of the UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS (UFP).
- Galacta: The standard Federation language, called Galacta, is a
- variant of standard English. For gaming purposes, it is useful to
- consider Galacta as English.
- Hailing Frequency: Hailing frequencies are standard subspace
- frequencies used for ship-to-ship communication. There are a large
- number of possible hailing frequencies, and it sometimes takes a few
- moments for the communications officer to find the one used by a ship
- encountered in space.
- Landing Party: A landing party is any group sent down from a starship
- for exploration, diplomatic negotiations, first contact, or other
- official purpose. The captain usually has responsibility for choosing
- a landing party, though he will respect the advice of subordinate
- officers in their specialized departments. The number of crewman
- assigned to a landing party depends on the size of a ship and the type
- of mission. Below are guidelines for selecting and equipping the three
- basic types of landing parties from a class 1 starship; they can be
- adapted, using imagination and common sense, for use on other vessels.
- Other types of landing parties can be formed by the captain based on
- the needs of the moment.
- It would be rare for both captain and first officer to leave the ship
- at the same time, unless the presence of both were absolutely
- necessary. Neither the captain nor his dept. heads would beam down to
- do a routine survey unless something was unusual or important about
- the mission.
- Exploration Team: An exploration team is sent down to make
- the first survey of a new planet. This team should consist
- of at least one Science officer specializing in botany,
- another in zoology, and a third in geology, two security
- officers, and a medical officer. Often if the survey were
- important enough or especially tricky the chief science
- officer would act as team commander. If not the senior
- science officer present is in command. The Science officer
- should be equipped with science tricorders; the med. officer
- should carry a medical tricorder and a small medikit. All
- team members but the medical officer should carry a Phaser
- I. If the initial sensor scans indicate the presence of
- large, possible dangerous animals the security chief or the
- captain might authorize a security officer to carry a Phaser
- II instead.
- First Contact Team: A first contact team will be beamed down
- to an unexplored planet where a civilization is determined
- to be present. This team normally would make contact only
- with civilizations that could handle the idea of 'men from
- the stars' intellectually and technologically.
- The Prime Directive expressly forbids providing natives with
- technology beyond that they can develop for themselves. This
- prohibition has only been broken where another starfaring
- culture has already disrupted the cultural ecology. In such
- a case, a captain can use his discretion to restore the
- cultural balance if possible; any such actions will, of
- course need to be justified by the Star Fleet Review Board.
- The prime directive calls for direct contact to be avoided
- with civilizations below a technological and intellectual
- level where they can handle the idea of a starfaring race.
- Such planets would be observed from a distance. If close
- contact becomes necessary, the team would disguise
- themselves as natives, where possible. The would be equipped
- with universal translators and no weapon larger than a
- Phaser I.
- Diplomatic Contact Party: A DCP would be sent down when
- making first contact with a civilization sufficiently
- advanced to be approached about the existence of the
- Federation. Such a party is almost always headed by the
- Captain, who is empowered to act as a Federation ambassador
- in establishing friendly relationships with a new culture.
- The captain would select the other members of a DCP based on
- the situation. As many as three security officers would be
- taken along. At least one sciences rep., often the Sci
- Officer, would be assigned to the party as well. Either
- party members might include Sci Officers to collect some
- important scientific data and a Med Officer. The party may
- contain other command personnel acting as observers,
- learning the fine art of diplomacy by assisting the captain,
- and a yeoman might be assigned as the captain's assistant.
- On such a party, neither Sci. nor Med. officers would carry
- tricorders, but one of the captains assistant probably would
- carry a sci. Tricorder for recording diplomatic
- negotiations, making supplemental log entries, and so on.
- Weapons larger than Phaser I would be avoided.
- Neutral Zone: The first Romulan War was an enormous drain on both
- sides, as it was fought for many years with spacecraft at sub-light
- speeds. The Federation, with its many worlds, had the resources to
- maintain the battle, but the Romulans did not and eventually sued for
- peace.
- The Neutral Zone was established between the federation and Romulan
- space. Border posts were placed on both sides of the zone, and all
- ships have been banned from entering the no mans land thus
- established. Romulan pride has reasserted itself in recent years,
- leading to a number of incidents between Fed. and Romulan Vessels.
- Orgainian Peace Treaty: A non-aggression treaty was forced upon the
- Klingon Empire and the Federation by the peace-loving energy beings of
- the planet Organia when the 2 rival groups threatened to start an
- interstellar war over that planet. The Organians, who possess
- incredible powers to manipulate matter, energy and the mind, have
- forbidden open hostilities between the UFP and the Klingons in an area
- of space known as the Organian Treaty Zone along the border between
- the Klingon and UFP spheres of influence. In this area, which does not
- cover the entire Fed-Kling border, the rights of independent cultures
- are protected by the Organians. They award the right to develop
- uninhabited star systems to whichever government shows it can most
- efficiently make use of the areas resources.
- Position: The job held by a Star Fleet Officer. This has nothing to do
- with rank or higher to hold a specific position. Positions have such
- titles as Science Officer, Helmsman, or First Officer.
- Prime Directive (General Order 1): The most important law of the
- Federation is the Prime Directive, which states that no one in the
- Federation may interfere with the normal and healthy development of
- alien life and culture. This means that the federation member cultures
- (and their representatives, like Star Fleet Officers) may not
- influence a world's cultural development by exerting superior
- knowledge or strength, nor by supplying the natives with superior
- technology that they are not yet capable of using wisely. Star Fleet
- officers may not violate the directive, even to save the lives of
- their ship, unless acting to set right an earlier violation or
- accidental contamination of a culture.
- Quadrant: A quadrant is a section of Federation space, arbitrarily
- marked off for navigational purposes. Actually, use of the term
- quadrant is misleading because it usually refers to only four
- divisions of a circle, and there are more than four divisions in the
- Federation sphere of influence.
- Rank: A denotation of military standing. Rank has nothing to do with
- position, except that some positions on some ships must be filled by
- someone of a certain rank or higher.
- Standard Orbit: Standard orbits are holding paths, most often from
- 1000 to 7000 miles above a planet's surface, used by starships that
- keep the ship directly above a selected place on the surface to
- facilitate communications with a landing party. They are calculated
- according to planetary size, gravity, and conditions, as well as to
- the location and orbits of natural and artificial satellites.
- Sometimes, however, local conditions may make a geosyncronous orbit
- impossible, and the ship will not be able to remain above any specific
- spot on the planetary surface.
- Star Base: The federation designates a major Star Fleet installation
- as a Star Base. Used by Star Fleet personnel for administrative
- centers, refueling and resupply bases, repair facilities, recreational
- centers, and so forth, most StarBases are on planets, though some are
- artificial space stations.
- Star Date: Stardating is the standard Federation terminology for
- measuring date and time. It is sequential only while a person remains
- in one place. Keeping track of the date is harder than one might think
- on a faster-than-light ship because of Einsteinian time compression,
- and the method for computing Stardates is Complex. Thus the time
- between Stardate 2244.0 and Stardate 2245.0 will be one day only if
- the ship remains at one location in the STAR TREK universe, but it may
- be entirely different if the ship travels at warp speed between two
- points.
- Stardates are given in the form XXXX.XX, with either one or two digits
- given after the decimal point. Stardates begin at 0000.00 and go to
- 9999.99; then they start over. Stardate 3305.6 would be read as
- "Stardate thirty-three oh five point six" not "Stardate three
- thousand, three hundred five point six".
- STAR TREK fans often create Stardates from normal time, 20th century
- calender dates by listing the last two digits of the year, the month
- expressed as a two-digit number, a decimal point, and then the date
- expressed as a two digit number. Thus July 4th, 1992 would be
- expressed as Stardate 9207.04. This is not the way Star Fleet figures
- Stardate, but it is useful for giving a STAR TREK feel to the Gaming
- sessions.
- Reference Stardates: Because the stardates used in the TV series are
- not in sequence, they are not useful for showing how long it has been
- since Captain Pike commanded the Enterprise, for instance. For gaming
- purposes we will use a system of Reference Stardates to measure the
- absolute passage of time in the STAR TREK universe. They will pass at
- a regular rate, as measured from the communications beacon at the
- center of Federation space. They will form a sort of "Greenwich Mean
- Time" for the events important to STAR TREK history, and we will use
- them in placing events in a timeline.
- The numbering system for Reference Stardates is the same as that given
- above, with one exception. A number followed by a slash will always
- precede the standard Stardate to show the century. The reference
- stardating system will begin with 0/0001.1, meaning January 1, 2000.
- Thus 1/0000.01 is exactly one year later (January 1 2100), and
- -1/0000.01 is exactly 100 years earlier (January 1, 1900). The
- Reference Stardate for July 4th, 1776, is -3/7607.04.
- Star Fleet: Star Fleet is the space navy of the United Federation of
- Planets, charged with the responsibility for the exploration of new
- territory, policing of Federation law within the UFP, and defense of
- the UFP from outside hostile forces. Star Fleet has a military
- structure and uses military terminology, but it is not simply a
- military organization. The role of Star Fleet involves duties beyond
- that of a military arm many times.
- Starship: In the larger sense, a starship is a spaceship capable of
- faster-than-light travel.
- Sub-Light Speed: Speed in space below light speed is called Sub-light.
- Terra: The official designation for the planet Earth, in the star
- system of Sol is Terra. Its moon is called Luna. Terra has been called
- "the cradle of Mankind".
- Warp Speed: Warp Speed is a method of measuring the enormous speeds
- attained by warp drive ships. Warp factor 1, sometimes called Warp 1
- or WF 1, refers to the speed of light (300,000 kph or 186,000mph).
- Warp speeds beyond that are multiples of that speed of light. Warp 2
- is 8 times the speed of light (2x2x2x /8) and warp 3 is 27 times the
- speed of light (3x3x3x = 27). To find the speed, multiply the speed of
- light by the cube of the warp factor.
- Despite these enormous overall speeds, the starship weapons work and
- are targetable because of the maneuver during combat is so small
- compared to the over all speed that it is hardly different from a
- sub-light speed maneuver.
- In the TV episode JOURNEY TO BABEL, for example, an Orion ship
- attacked the Enterprise while it was moving at Warp 8--512 times the
- speed of light! It is obvious, then, that ship warp speed does not
- effect weapons fire, but efficient targeting is another matter.
- Consider an example of current warfare. A man is standing in the
- middle of a street when a small jet streaks overhead. If both the man
- and the pilot each know the other is there, and if both have weapons
- available and ready to fire, each might just get one shot at the other
- as the jet screams by. Even so, without sophisticated electronic help,
- they couldn't hope to hit one another. The jet is gone almost
- immediately, and it will take some time for him to turn around for
- another pass.
- The jet plane vs. pedestrian example is comparable to two starships,
- moving at warp 1 and warp 2. By the time the captain could say "fire
- photon torpedoes!" the other ship is 1,500,000 miles away--a bit far,
- for even STAR TREK weaponry.
- In order to have combat, therefore, it is assumed that the warp speeds
- of the vessels are the same and that their vector through space is
- nearly the same. This means that whether they are moving at warp 1 or
- at warp 10, the two ships are hurling along through space making very
- small maneuvers compared to their overall speed.
- *---------------------------*
- 43125.8 *** Evolution
- 43152.4 *** The Survivors
- 43173.5 *** Who Watches the Watchers?
- 43198.7 *** The Bonding
- 43205.6 *** Booby Trap
- 43349.2 *** The Enemy
- 43385.6 *** The Price
- 43421.9 *** The Vengeance Factor
- 43462.5 *** The Defector
- 43489.2 *** The Hunted
- 43510.7 *** The High Ground
- 43539.1 *** Deja Q
- 43610.4 *** A Matter of Perspective
- 43625.2 *** Yesterday's Enterprise
- 43657.0 *** The Offspring
- 43685.2 *** Sins of the Father
- 43714.1 *** Allegiance
- 43745.2 *** Captain's Holiday
- 43779.3 *** Tin Man
- 43807.4 *** Hollow Pursuits
- 43872.2 *** The Most Toys
- 43917.4 *** Sarek
- 43930.7 *** Menage A Troi
- 43957.2 *** Transfigurations
- 43989.1 *** The Best of Both Worlds
- None *** The Ensigns of Command
- *---------------------------*
- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
- * *
- * *
- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
- Editor: Annie Wilkes
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Frightful Fiction is a division of Reading For Pleasure, published
- bimonthly. This material is NOT COPYRIGHTED and may be used freely by
- all. Catalogs, news releases, review copies, or donated reviews should
- be sent to: Reading For Pleasure, 103 Baughman's Lane, Suite 303,
- Frederick, MD 21702.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- by Dean R. Koontz
- (Putnam, January 1992, $22.95, ISBN 0-399-13673-8)
- <<Drew Bartorillo>>
- Hatch and Lindsey Harrison are on vacation, attempting to recover from
- the death of their 5 year old son. On a snow-swept, hilly road, Hatch
- swerves to avoid a stalled truck and their car plunges down an
- embankment into an icy creek. Lindsey survives the ordeal but, despite
- her best efforts, is unable to save Hatch's life. Due to the
- circumstances of Hatch's death, it is decided that he is a prime
- candidate for a revolutionary new procedure in which a medical
- resuscitation team brings the recently deceased back to life. After
- having being clinically dead for eighty minutes, by far the longest on
- record, the team resuscitates Hatch. After his recovery Hatch has
- unexplained visions of a sadistic and not quite human killer, dressed
- in black and wearing sunglasses, who performs human sacrifices.
- Vassago walks the earth in search of death; yearning for his own and
- violently bringing it to others. Believing that redemption exists in
- blood and sacrifice, he retreats to his hideaway, an abandoned
- amusement park housing secrets of fear and violence beyond the
- imagination. Vassago has unexplained visions of a man he has never met
- with a wife named Lindsey. He decides that he must somehow find this
- couple and make this woman one of his sacrifices.
- HIDEAWAY is by far one of the best horror books I have read recently.
- It is a classic tale of good (Hatch Harrison) versus evil (Vassago)
- with the inevitable confrontation coming at the end. There are plenty
- of plot twists, like the one in which we find out that both players
- actually have a common connection. Vassago is one of the most violent
- characters that you are likely to meet, thank goodness. Koontz's
- descriptions of violence are interesting. You know what's happening
- but the details are left up to your imagination. I can highly
- recommend HIDEAWAY to all horror and Dean Koontz fans. It is truly a
- masterpiece!
- **//----------------------------------//**
- MASTER OF LIES by Graham Masterton
- The Fog City Satan has brutally murdered 24 men, women, and children
- in a series of bizarre, somehow ritualized, killings. Detective Larry
- Foggia is assigned to the case, and a frightening occult experience
- forces him to consult a psychic for help. A skeptic, Foggia confronts
- true evil when his mother becomes a victim of the demonic forces
- gathering in the city and a portion of his soul is stolen by the Fog
- City Satan.
- **//----------------------------------//**
- An Anthology of Urban Fear
- edited by Paul F. Olson & David B. Silva
- (St. Martin's, October 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-312-06328-8)
- <<Annie Wilkes>>
- Olson and Silva are becoming two of dark fiction's finest editors.
- Both came to my attention originally for editing superior horror
- magazines: Olson edited the nonfictional HORRORSTRUCK and Silva THE
- HORROR SHOW, a general purpose horror periodical. Both are gone now
- and both are much missed. Now they are carving out their reputations
- as fine novelists (Olson is the author of NIGHT PROPHETS, while Silva
- has written CHILD OF DARKNESS and COME THIRTEEN), but it's nice to
- have them back as editors now and then, particularly when they can put
- together a line-up such as that in DEAD END.
- I think almost all of the stories here are excellent. "Parade" by
- Lawrence Watt-Evans is a richly provocative allegory in which the
- title event serves as a metaphor of city life, his five lead
- characters being archetypal urban dwellers. An intellectual treat. In
- contrast, Melissa Mia Hall gives a devastatingly haunting look at the
- childhood victims of adult failures in "The Looking Glass Hand". In a
- dreamlike sequence, "Make A Wish Upon the Moon", Charles L. Grant says
- that urban neighborhoods not only are alive, they can also die.
- Shifting back to the human, John Shirley's "Ash" defines the city as
- the overlapping, cascading consequences of the actions, and inactions,
- of all of its inhabitants.
- In "City Hunger", Chet Williamson portrays the subculture of violence
- in the city as a virulent disease as contagious as it is dehumanizing,
- while Thomas F. Monteleone points the finger at drugs as a major cause
- of urban decay in "The White Man". A more ambiguous evil is the
- culprit in Lois Tilton's "Changing Neighborhood", as an aging couple
- watches their part of the city evolve into something malevolent. One
- of my favorite stories was "Open Hearts" by Stephen Gresham, in which
- a cast of oddly endearing misfits illustrates the tiny ledge that city
- folk inhabit, only inches from both salvation and the bottomless pit.
- William Relling, Jr. had one of the grimmer tales, and one of the
- longer titles, with his "The Injuries That They Themselves Procure
- Must Be Their Schoolmasters", about the spread of violence in the
- inner city. In another great contrast with the preceding story,
- Charles de Lint chose to portray the city as a beautiful but hardened
- woman in his poetic "Tallulah". In "Spare Change" by David Bischoff, a
- schizophrenic homeless man seeks change, both money and
- transformation, in a Washington D.C. of Lovecraftian hostility to
- human life. Gene O'Neill's "The City Never Sleeps" is a paranoid dream
- of an urbanite's helplessness, trapped in a city that mutates faster
- and faster; Alvin Toffler's FUTURE SHOCK humanized. Lee Moler produced
- a Dickensian morality play with "Wellspring", in which a modern
- Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by the ghosts of future humanity, people
- mutated by the toxic wastes of commercial greed.
- Elizabeth Massie's "Lock Her Room" is a tale about ghetto-inspired
- insensitivity and the demands of the life instinct. Steve Rasnic Tem,
- an author who shows up way too seldom in bookstores, contributes "At
- the End of the Day", about a man trying to maintain his sense of
- purpose in a city becoming increasingly vague and meaningless.
- Possibly the most philosophical, "The Ash of Memory, The Dust of
- Desire" by Poppy Z. Brite says that cities have more bright lights
- only because there is more darkness to combat and, similarly, the
- haven of the new and exciting is also the home of the unwanted,
- useless, and abandoned. The volume ends with Gary L. Raisor's rousing
- HELL TRAIN, about a locomotive that occasionally shares tunnel space
- with New York's subway. Raisor's skill with characters and dialogue
- turn a simple monster story into a cinematic thriller.
- In the final analysis, there is something for everyone in DEAD END,
- easily the finest "theme" anthology I've read. Even if you don't
- normally keep up with the short story field, DEAD is definitely worth
- your time and money. Don't miss it.
- **//----------------------------------//**
- POST MORTEM edited by Paul F. Olson & David B. Silva
- The editing team that gave us DEAD END brings us yet another
- anthology, this time with stories by: Robert R. McCammon, Kathryn
- Ptacek, Gary Brandner, Charles de Lint, Charles L. Grant, Thomas F.
- Monteleone, Steve Rasnic Tem and Melanie Tem, Janet Fox, William F.
- Nolan, Donald R. Burleson, Thomas Tessier, James Howard Kunstler,
- Melissa Mia Hall, David B. Silva, Gordon Linzner, P.W. Sinclair, and
- Ramsey Campbell.
- **//----------------------------------//**
- by Gillan, Morrison, Hagger, Caleo, Love, Waters, M.Anderson,
- P. Anderson, Watts, Jeffery, Lehmann, Isinwyll, Ligotti,
- Gibbons, Geier, Deitrick, Triplett, Bjorksten
- (Chaosium, 1991, $39.95, ISBN 0-933635-76-1)
- <<Bob Willis>>
- HotOE is a huge adventure for Chaosium's CALL OF CTHULHU role-playing
- game. For those not familiar with CoC, it is based on the writings of
- H. P. Lovecraft, and concerns itself with the investigation of occult
- horrors by intrepid bands of adventurers. The ultimate source of these
- horrors are cosmic beings of such total, mind-numbing power that even
- peripheral contact with them gives a perfect example of the real
- meaning of the (too often cliched) phrase "fate worse than death."
- Success in investigations usually leads to a steady slide into
- madness. Even so, CoC is a very popular game, especially among mystery
- fans. Chaosium is well-known for providing excellent adventures, and
- they appear to have outdone themselves with HotOE.
- It is a HUGE adventure. It is so big that I have not been able to read
- through the whole package. It will provide many nights of adventures,
- and if properly done, will provide all with a memorable experience.
- The adventure takes place in the 1920s (the most popular period for
- setting CoC adventures), and takes place aboard the famous Orient
- Express. I will not give away any secrets concerning the underlying
- plot, but players can expect related and unrelated adventures all
- along the route.
- Another trademark of Chaosium's CoC adventures is the number and
- quality of props and player handouts. HotOE outdoes itself--besides
- the usual maps, clues, and clippings, you get color luggage stickers,
- authentic period passports, a color poster, and cutout railway cars.
- If I had the time, I would love to run this adventure. Recommended for
- all CoC referees ("Keepers"). If you can't get HORROR ON THE ORIENT
- EXPRESS, or any other Chaosium product, locally, you can contact the
- publisher at: Chaosium Inc., 950-A 56th Street, Oakland, CA
- 94608-3129; 510/547-7681.
- **//----------------------------------//**
- ^ TABOO 3
- edited by Stephen R. Bissette & Nancy O'Connor
- (SpiderBaby Graphix, 1989, $9.95, ISBN 0-922003-02-5)
- ^ TABOO 4
- edited by Stephen R. Bissette
- (SpiderBaby Graphix, 1990, $14.95, ISBN 0-922003-03-3)
- <<Peter Quint>>
- Comic books sure have changed over the last ten or twenty years, and
- many of them are written today specifically for an adult market. Some,
- like TABOO, are not for sale to anyone under 18 years of age. Unlike
- many other Adults Only material, however, TABOO is not just a
- collection of feeble stories spiced with gratuitous violence and
- (gasp!) explicit sex. The stories collected in each issue of TABOO
- are, rather, adult in theme and often very disturbing. Difficult
- subjects are treated in a mature way that is often shocking and
- controversial.
- TABOO 3 has stories about Nazi atrocities, insanity, abuse of women,
- sexual perversion, vampires, and another chapter of Alan Moore & Eddie
- Campbell's fascinating account of the Jack the Ripper story "From
- Hell" (apparently begun in TABOO 2). The inside is reproduced in black
- and white, with full color art on the cover, inside and out. The art,
- like the stories, is nightmarish, fascinating, sometimes repulsive,
- thought-provoking.
- A large section of TABOO 4 is devoted to the famous artist Moebius,
- the filmmaker and writer Jodorowsky, and their haunting story, "Les
- Yeux du Chat" (Eyes of the Cat). There is also a great fable by Neil
- Gaiman & Michael Zulli about our treatment of animals; a disturbing
- story about the CIA controlling our lives by D'Israeli, Eyre &
- Robinson; a horrific folk tale by Elaine Lee & Charles Vess; and a
- handful of other nightmares, including another long chapter of Moore &
- Campbell's "From Hell".
- TABOO is like nothing I've ever seen before--horror stories written
- and illustrated by adults for an adult audience. Punches are not
- pulled, endings are not forced into comfortable resolutions. Of
- course, you take a chance with material like this too. Some of the
- tales are tough to forget, and the images can linger long after the
- story is finished. You can contact the publishers by writing to:
- SpiderBaby Graphix, PO Box 442, Wilmington, VT 05363.
- **//----------------------------------//**
- TABOO 5--The latest issue of unusual anthology of dark works.
- **//----------------------------------//**
- Fall 1991 Volume 3 Issue 4
- edited by Richard T. Chizmar
- This extra large issue of CEMETERY DANCE is 120 pages of great
- reading, the very best dark fantasy magazine of fall 1991. You want
- stories? This CD has Andrew Vachss, Steve Rasnic Tem, Ramsey Campbell,
- G. Kyle White, Edward Lee, F. Paul Wilson, and Steven Spruill. If
- there's any common theme here it's the predilection of the authors to
- hint at awful, disgusting, unspeakable things, while letting the
- reader supply the technicolor details. The Vachss story, "Placebo",
- tells about a very handy janitor who takes care of Tommy's night
- monsters. Tem's "Plainclothes" blurs the distinctions between victim
- and victimizer, city and jungle, order and chaos, life and death.
- Campbell tells a mummy story, White tells a Snake Pit story, and Lee
- writes about everyday life in Maryland, with junior mobsters, child
- pornography, Little Red Riding Hood, and oh my yes the big bad wolf.
- Spruill's long story, "Ysex", is an unusual SF psycho-killer mystery
- that has several important things to say about men, rape, and the
- legal system. In this issue you also get the first chapter of F. Paul
- Wilson's SIBS (from Dark Harvest), and if you can resist the book
- after reading it, you're just not human. All of the stories are
- first-rate.
- But wait till you get to the articles! Charles L. Grant contributes an
- analysis of the marketing of horror in recent years: what's gone
- wrong, what hasn't, and a prediction about where it's all going.
- There's an interview with Ramsey Campbell that reviews his entire
- writing career, with a number of interesting and illuminating comments
- from Campbell about his books. Thomas F. Monteleone's "MAFIA" column
- rears its contentious head in CD for the first time, too. If you
- haven't seen one of these, you're in for a treat--Monteleone is the
- only essayist I know of who approaches the confrontational crankiness
- of Harlan Ellison. In this installment he entertains the reader with
- the story of The Jump Shot. You won't forget it. And speaking of
- Harlan Ellison, he contributes an anecdote about Robert Bloch and
- talks to CD about being a writer, the sorry state of editing today,
- and how THE LAST DANGEROUS VISIONS will absolutely positively be
- published, as he so candidly puts it, "before I croak".
- Douglas E. Winter has an article about the "Animal Trilogy" films of
- Dario Argento, and--move over Joe Bob Briggs--Joe R. Lansdale and
- David E. Webb have a new movie review column called "Trash Theatre",
- which these two Texans start off with, what else, the two TEXAS
- CHAINSAW films from Tobe Hooper. It's a great column, which you can
- tell because they use the word "booger" a lot. Elsewhere in CD:
- William F. Nolan defines his own subgenre of horror fiction, and
- there's a great interview with Mark V. Ziesing: the family man, the
- bookseller, the publisher. And to keep you up to date with the latest
- in horror literature, there are reviews by such notables as: Edward
- Bryant, Lori Perkins, Robert Crawford, Roman A. Ranieri, Mike Baker,
- and Bob Morrish.
- CEMETERY DANCE breaks all their previous quality records with this
- issue, which is worth ordering specifically if you don't have a copy
- yet. And if you'd like get CD in your very own mailbox you can send
- them $15/$25/$40 for 1/2/3 year(s) at 4 quarterly copies a year. Make
- the check payable to CD Publications and mail it to: CEMETERY DANCE,
- PO Box 858, Edgewood, MD 21040.
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- ^ INIQUITIES: The Magazine of Great Wickedness and Wonder
- Autumn 1991, Vol. 1 No. 3
- edited by Buddy Martinez
- Here's another fine issue of our latest major player in the horror
- magazine market. More good fiction, great essays, and some really
- helpful book reviews. This time out, all the fiction has one thing in
- common: it's all pretty depressing. Good, you understand, but I
- wouldn't want to read it while sitting on the edge of a tall building.
- Douglas E. Winter's "Black Sun" is a nightmarish future viewed through
- the symbology of the spaghetti western (he seems to be on an Italian
- movie kick lately). My favorite story in the issue is "Brutes" by
- Steve Rasnic Tem, a powerful portrait of the brutalizing effects of a
- dysfunctional family, poverty, and urban crime, all of which adds up
- to a dysfunctional society. (By the way, if you can dig up a copy of
- Tem's EXCAVATION, a paperback release a couple of years ago, read it.
- Great stuff.)
- My second-favorite in this issue is Nina Kiriki Hoffman's "Zits",
- which packs a lot of emotional punch (about child abuse) in a very few
- words. "One Flesh" is a nasty misogynistic tale of reincarnation and
- psychosis by Robert Devereaux, "The Pain Detail" by Wayne Allen Sallee
- and H. Andrew Lynch is a dreamlike, kind of unpleasant story that's
- very hard to describe, and the "Resurrections" this time out (an old
- story chosen and introduced by George Clayton Johnson) is A.E. Van
- Vogt's "Enchanted Village from 1950, a really enjoyable First Man on
- Mars story with a nifty surprise ending.
- This issue also has an excerpt from John Skipp and Craig Spector's
- recent THE BRIDGE, which is about a common dumping site for toxic
- waste in Pennsylvania. As an extra grabber, they have not one but TWO
- associated articles about S&S and THE BRIDGE, as well as a flexi-disk
- containing one of the songs ("No Future") from the soundtrack album
- from THE BRIDGE. When's the last time you read a book that had a
- soundtrack? I'd tell you what the song is like, but I haven't managed
- to dig up a phonograph player yet--I converted to cassettes, and then
- CDs a while back.
- The very best thing about this issue of INIQUITIES is the nonfiction.
- It starts out great with a long interview with Richard Christian
- Matheson, who has got to be the busiest guy in the world. He's been
- writing and producing movies and TV (successfully) for 12 years, he
- writes short stories, his first novel, CREATED BY, is on its way, he
- writes songs, he plays the drums... There is also Part 2 of "Lansdale
- Raves!", which is terrific. Last time out it was the Phone Woman
- story, this time it's the Blind Guy With the Weed Eater story. And
- finally, "A Certain Slant of 'I'" by S.P. Somtow brings up the rear of
- the magazine. This column includes examples of Shakespeare modernized
- by a semi-literate splatterpunker, a discussion of the theology of
- horror, an explanation of the stories of Little Red Riding Hood and
- Adam and Eve, and somehow it all seems to be related. I swear this guy
- could talk about pocket lint and make it interesting.
- Linda Marotta writes an excellent book review section--she's a
- flexible reader and writes eloquently about books. She also discusses
- a number of books you may have missed at the local chain store. All in
- all, another successful issue of INIQUITIES, although they still seem
- to be plagued with printing gremlins: dropped letters, misspellings,
- transposed words, and mangled sentences. But it's the content that
- matters, and in that department INIQUITIES is doing just great. You
- can get INIQUITIES through the mail by sending $4.95/$19.95 for 1/4
- issue(s) (back issues are available, also for $4.95) to: INIQUITIES,
- 235 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 1346, Pasadena, CA 91101.
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- ^ HAUNTS #22
- Fall/Winter 1991
- edited by Joseph K. Cherkes
- I didn't enjoy this issue of HAUNTS as much as I usually do. The
- fiction just didn't seem to be up to their usual standard. I did,
- however, enjoy Mike Hurley's "Brood of the Snow Snakes", which is a
- nice grisly story about a piece of native North Dakota folklore.
- "Infinite Escape" by Don Hornbostel is pretty good too, kind of a
- Twilight Zone-ish endless loop weird tale. I thought Mark Lucas had
- some good things to say in his "Choice Cuts" video review column, but
- maybe that was because I agreed with his opinions (which were, in
- yes).
- "The Man Who Hated Mystics" by Franklin D. Roberts has a professional
- debunker get a lesson from a professional medium, and James S. Dorr's
- "When Cats Are Away" is a fantasy tale about the jewel of Bast. In
- "Aura" by W. Edward Traver, George finally receives his psychic
- inheritance. "Barner Doesn't Live Here Anymore" by Marcy Daniels is
- about the monster that lives under the Golden Gate bridge. Mark
- Tompkins' "The Heretics" tells of a professional torturer who develops
- a conscience, and "A Wrong Turn" by David Lloyd Marshall is about body
- parts from another dimension. All decent, but none really stood out.
- You can get a sample copy of HAUNTS for $3.95 plus $1 postage, or you
- can get a year's subscription (4 quarterly issues) for $13. Send it
- to: Haunts, PO Box 3342, Providence, RI 02906-0742.
- :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- Vol. #1, Issue #5
- edited by Jon L. Herron
- This was another fine issue from the remarkably large, varied, and
- consistently better-than-average MIDNIGHT ZOO. Much of the fiction had
- a Christmas or winter theme--among my favorites of those were: "The
- Recruitment" by C.S. Fuqua, a sentimental and hope-filled tale about
- how Santas are chosen; "Grandma Babka's Christmas Ginger and the Good
- Luck/Bad Luck Leshy" by Ken Wisman, about family traditions;
- "Traveling By Train" by Jay Speyerer, a touching story about losing
- loved ones; and "Tokens of Faith" by David R. Addleman, in which the
- Messiah actually returns, and what the White House does about it.
- Other seasonable tales are provided by: Lois Tilton--"The Longest,
- Darkest Night"; Pamela Holbrook--"A Rough Rider Christmas in Catgut,
- Wyoming"; Claudia O'Keefe--"The Very Last Place She Shopped"; E.B.
- Stambaugh--"Frostbite"; Steven Sharp--"The Extra Seat"; Sandra
- Black--"The Surprise Package"; Michael Robbins--"News Flash"; Kevin F.
- Kerr--"Laptop"; and Carolene Carey--"One Christmas Morning".
- Of the rest of the fiction, I particularly liked "The Rejection of the
- Body-Snatcher" by Dan Lopez a really hilarious slapstick story about
- an alien's attempt to take over a human body. As this alien's luck
- would have it, he accidentally chooses a human suffering from a
- monumental hangover. Also, Darrell Schweitzer's "Leaving" is an
- atmospheric tale about people who have been defeated by life. But
- wait! There's still more fiction: "New Breed" by Dave Smeds, Katharine
- Kerr's "Maternal Instincts", Holly Day's "The Kite", "The Cat of
- Pere-Lachaise" by Emily Gaydos, "Woman in Black" by Beverly Sheresh,
- Brian A. Hopkins' "Silent Encounter", Beverly Wolf's "HI!", and B.J.
- Davenport's "Queenie".
- If you have always thought of poetry as being about Grecian urns,
- Gunga Din, or black birds that speak, it's time for you to check out a
- copy of MIDNIGHT ZOO and see what poets are up to now. The two
- featured poets are Harry Thomas Brashear and W.C. Leadbeater. I can't
- quite get my head in the same place as Leadbeater, but I liked
- Brashear's poems, particularly his very funny "Me Girlfriend's Head".
- "The Passing of the Sidhe" by Mary Shifman is really good too.
- The nonfiction in MIDNIGHT ZOO is up to its usual standards as well.
- Claudia O'Keefe discusses how to avoid common conversational blunders
- when talking to writers, Katharine Kerr talks about books vs. "book
- product", Jacqueline Lichtenberg gives an inside look at the writing
- process, J Moretz has some pithy remarks about the tyranny of modern
- high-tech communications, Rima Saret has a new column of market
- information for writers and a periodical review column, Carol Rivkins
- has research tips for writers, Delores Goodrich Beggs finds hints for
- SF writers in the career and works of H.G. Wells, D. Douglas Graham
- discusses the phenomenon of "manna", Jean Paul Sinistre talks about
- haunted houses, Barry Harrington reviews the Ray Bradbury releases in
- the fall of 1991, and there are book reviews by Don D'Ammassa, Alana
- Garrop & Alexandra Perdue, J Moretz, Cynthia Ward, and Caroline
- Williams. Mark Lucas' movie review column was fascinating--I've
- finally found someone I don't seem to agree with on ANYTHING. And, as
- usual, MIDNIGHT ZOO is chock-full of artwork. The featured artist is
- Bob Giadrosich (whose art is often seen in DRAGON magazine), and there
- is an interview with artist Lea Hernandez.
- If you'd like to see MIDNIGHT ZOO for yourself (recommended), send
- $29.95 ($53.95) for 1 year (2 years), or 7 (14) issues. That buys you
- 6 bimonthly issues plus the gigantic special edition in December. A
- sample issue can be had for $6. Send it to: Midnight Zoo, 544 Ygnacio
- Valley Rd., #A273, PO Box 8040, Walnut Creek, CA 94596.
- **//----------------------------------//**
- SHADOW TWIN by Dale Hoover
- Once Jack's life was under control. But that was before the man across
- the street came knocking on the door...before he saw his son's small
- body shaking like a rag doll in his own powerful hands. Now Jack's
- life careens toward chaos, bursting out of him like the ugly ridges on
- his face. People look at Jack with horror. They know the truth. They
- can see. But how can he learn the truth when he can't bear to look in
- the mirror?
- **//----------------------------------//**
- <<Annie Wilkes>>
- THE JEKYLL LEGACY by Robert Bloch & Andre Norton
- (December, $4.99, ISBN 0-812-51583-8)
- Two of fantasy's Grand Masters have collaborated on this sequel to
- Robert Louis Stevenson's famous story, "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll
- and Mr. Hyde". In THE JEKYLL LEGACY, a penniless woman named Hester
- discovers that she is the niece of Dr. Jekyll and heir to his fortune.
- But claiming her inheritance will make her the prime suspect in
- Jekyll's disappearance, and the target of a dark and mysterious figure
- who just might be Edward Hyde. Robert Bloch is best known for his
- novels of psychological suspense and dark fantasy (like PSYCHO), and
- Andre Norton is the author of the popular Witchworld novels.
- edited by David G. Hartwell (January, $4.99, ISBN 0-812-50967-6)
- Here's another book of horror stories from David Hartwell's acclaimed
- hardcover anthology THE DARK DESCENT, generally considered to be the
- finest collection of short dark fantasy available today. This volume
- of the paperback reprint contains fiction by: Fritz Leiber, Gene
- Wolfe, Charles Dickens, Stephen King, Joyce Carol Oates, Walter de la
- Mare, Ivan Turgenev, Robert W. Chambers, Oliver Onions, Fitz-James
- O'Brien, Shirley Jackson, Ambrose Bierce, Edith Wharton, Algernon
- Blackwood, Thomas M. Disch, Robert Aickman, and Philip K. Dick. Where
- are you going to find a better lineup than that?
- A MATTER OF TASTE by Fred Saberhagen
- (January, $3.99, ISBN 0-812-52575-2)
- His name used to be Dracula, but now, in Chicago, he is known as
- Matthew Maule. In A MATTER OF TASTE, Matthew must face an enemy from
- his past, fellow-vampire Cesare Borgia, who threatens not only Matthew
- but the Southerlands, a family who has befriended him. With Matthew
- rendered comatose by Borgia, the Southerlands must now battle the
- deadly vampire to protect their undead friend who has protected them
- so many times in the past. Saberhagen's previous vampire novels are:
- FRIEND OF THE FAMILY. All are available in paperback from Tor.
- DEMOGORGON by Brian Lumley
- (February, $4.99, ISBN 0-812-51199-9)
- George Guigos, the club footed Antichrist, hires three thieves to loot
- an ancient tomb--three souls for him to steal to ensure his
- immortality. One night, however, his ritual backfired and one of the
- thieves, Dimitrios Kastrouni, escaped. Now middle-aged, Kastrouni must
- contact a man named Charlie Trace, born after the rape of his mother
- and bearing the legacy of his father, a club foot. Kastrouni knows
- that Trace is the son of Guigos, and the two men must join forces to
- destroy Guigos, before they become his next victims. Brian Lumley is
- the author of the popular NECROSCOPE series: NECROSCOPE, VAMPHYRI!,
- **//----------------------------------//**
- THIRTEEN DOORS--Open the door on the terrifying world of the Carnival
- man. A 13-part series brought to life on audio cassettes. Door #1 and
- #2 were reviewed in RFP #17. In the next issue we'll talk about the
- next two doors, featuring stories by Bram Stoker winner David B. Silva
- and Kathleen Jurgens.
- **//----------------------------------//**
- (article from Roc SF Advance)
- ** PRISM OF THE NIGHT by Katherine Ramsland **
- Writers' lives are seldom as interesting as their work, but the life
- of bestselling author Anne Rice is an exception. This exhaustive new
- biography by Katherine Ramsland explores the many facets of a career
- that has captured the public's attention, just as her books have
- reflected something dark and hitherto hidden in the American soul.
- The author, a psychologist and a contemporary of her subject, is
- uniquely qualified to explore the many strands of experience that come
- together in the life of author Anne Rice.
- Ramsland begins her story before her heroine's birth, in the complex,
- exotic milieu of Depression-era New Orleans. The child who later
- became known to the world as "Anne" Rice was in fact christened Howard
- by her poetic father and doomed, alcoholic mother, in a strange
- foreshadowing of the complex gender and sex reversal themes that were
- to occur in her novels both as sub-texts and as explicit themes.
- As a lonely child she took solace in the wilderness of her fertile
- imagination. She later found a partner and lover in the poet Stan
- Rice. Married, the two of them sought both adventure and refuge in the
- turbulent streets of San Francisco's Haight Ashbury district.
- Ramsland's book tells the fascinating story of those years in "The
- Haight"--of the friends the Rice's made, and the changes they went
- through, both together and separately.
- Several major losses have shaped Anne Rice's dark vision, among them
- the devastating loss of a beloved child. It was this experience that
- led to her first published book, INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE.
- Anne believed in her work, but neither she nor her family were
- prepared for the storm of success that greeted her first vampire
- novel. INTERVIEW became a New York Times bestseller, and is still in
- print today. A dark tale of sympathetic evil, it was a book perhaps
- only a child of the '60s could write, reflecting in many ways the
- wisdom of a generation that had dared to seek out new horizons and
- experiences.
- One success wasn't enough for Anne Rice, however. Just as she had
- given horror a new twist, she carried erotica to newer and higher
- levels with her Anne Rampling and A.N. Roquelaure books. PRISM OF THE
- NIGHT (Dutton, November 1991) is the definitive Anne Rice story. This
- comprehensive biography explores every aspect of a unique American
- writer's life and work. The book offers interviews with Anne Rice and
- her friends, excerpts from her poetry and letters, fascinating little
- known episodes, and literary analyses of all twelve of her novels.
- **//----------------------------------//**
- * Stephen King felt that another book was needed between last year's
- NEEDFUL THINGS (the last Castle Rock novel) and this year's upcoming
- DOLORES CLAIBORNE (supposedly more of a mystery story than anything
- else), so he has written a new horror novel called GERALD'S GAME. This
- new book will be published in 1992, and DOLORES CLAIBORNE will be
- moved back to 1993. While there is no direct connection between the
- plots of these 3 books, King felt that a fictional bridge was
- necessary to make the themes of DOLORES CLAIBORNE clearer.
- * If you have discriminating tastes in SF, Fantasy, Horror, and
- Mystery books, you need a copy of John Knott's catalogue. He carries a
- lot of out-of-print titles, first editions, limited editions, signed
- editions, etc. Many, many items are under $50. Write to: John W.
- Knott, Jr. Bookseller, 8453 Early Bud Way, Laurel, MD 20723. His
- selection of horror is fabulous.
- **//----------------------------------//**
- For IBM & compatibles. Complete, original stories you can use in your
- own computer. Stored in ASCII format, compatible with every word
- processing program we have tried (WordPerfect, DW4, Wordstar, PFS
- First Choice, etc.) Enjoy them as written or become your own author
- and change them to meet your personal fantasies!
- Series 1
- ARENA--A newlywed couple is transported into outer space and discover
- a race of ogre-like aliens prepared to invade the Earth. Earth's
- future will ultimately be determined in a contest of sexual endurance.
- When the aliens manage to isolate the young bride from her husband,
- the "contest" begins.
- DROTH--A faraway Gnome Kingdom is threatened by the invasion of a
- vicious Swine Troll and a Death Satyr. To help them, the Gnomes summon
- a descendant of a mighty Droth Warrior. Karen (the sole Droth
- descendant) appears from Earth. She will have to overcome both
- strength and seduction to win the day.
- TARA--Tara, golden-haired beauty, and her man-bird friend (Hawk) are
- on a dangerous journey. In the Kheret Swamp she will encounter the
- powerful coils of the Snake-woman, Nagisse. Before the journey ends,
- she will face Gizem, a multi-tentacled God of Fertility, in a
- ceremonial pit.
- Series 2
- 2164--Two young women are officers in the city's Security Enforcement
- of Controlled Substances (SECS) Division. Incurring the wrath of a
- drug kingpin, he unleashes his most powerful weapon against them. They
- are now being stalked by an android who uses seduction as a killing
- tool.
- INCUBUS--A young archaeologist, in search of her sister, finds herself
- in a desolate town where she discovers the existence of an Incubus.
- What she doesn't know is that it is the center of a cult that worships
- Byra-Yagoth, the supreme lord of the Incubii.
- UNCLE--A whirlwind romance results in a pending marriage at the
- Victorian estate of a young girl's fiancee. The estate, however, is
- haunted by the ghost of his uncle, who has sworn vengeance on the
- family for his death and has his own plans for the wedding night.
- You can order Series 1 or Series 2 for $9.95 ($17.95 for both).
- Available on 5-1/4" or 3-1/2" disk, you must specify which you want.
- New Jersey residents must add 7% sales tax. You MUST include a
- statement that you are 21 years or older when placing an order. It
- would also help if you mention that you saw the products in RFP. Also,
- The BTS Company may have other stories for sale by the time you read
- this, but if you want to write to them for information, be sure to
- include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Send your check or money
- order to: The BTS Company, PO Box 393, Pennsville, NJ 08070.
- **//----------------------------------//**
- *********************************
- * *
- * *
- *********************************
- edited by Rebecca M. Dale
- (HarperCollins, 1990, $20.00, ISBN 0-06-016517-0)
- <<Howard Frye>>
- The NEW YORKER has been called the best magazine ever printed. I'm not
- sure I agree with that assessment of today's NEW YORKER, but in the
- early days it was something special, and one of the writers who made
- it special was E.B. White. He is the author of a book of poetry called
- THE LADY IS COLD as well as the children's classics CHARLOTTE'S WEB
- and STUART LITTLE. He coauthored IS SEX NECESSARY? with James Thurber
- (another NEW YORKER writer) and THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE with Strunk.
- White has won the Gold Medal for Essays and Criticism--American
- Academy of Arts and Letters (1960), the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award
- (1970), and the National Medal for Literature (1971). He was awarded
- the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1963, and in 1973 was elected to
- the American Academy of Arts and Letters. E.B. White is simply one of
- the finest prose stylists America has ever produced. Here is a sample
- of his writing, titled "Save the Grizzlies", originally printed in
- January of 1932:
- "A committee has approached us to ask if we would help in the work of
- protecting and preserving the brown and grizzly bears of Alaska. Need
- we say we will? Once we spent six weeks in Alaska, and although we
- never happened to have an opportunity to protect a grizzly from the
- predatory old paper-pulp interests, which threaten their extinction,
- we always stood ready to. We are still ready. The islands of the
- Inside Passage, where the bears live, seemed to us lovely, perfect. We
- should not want one of them changed by the extinction of so much as
- one bear, or the establishment of even one pulp mill. Grizzlies are
- certainly less dangerous than the tabloids that are printed from paper
- pulp.
- "Of course it is our ill fortune always to see both sides of every
- question. The letter from the Committee on Protection and Preservation
- of Alaska Brown and Grizzly Bears was written, we notice, on paper. In
- other words, the Committee are using paper in their campaign against
- paper pulp. We think they really ought to send out their
- communications on parchment, preferably made from the hides of sheep
- especially killed for the purpose by grizzly bears. You see? We're no
- good in any cause. Too open-minded."
- What more is there to say? WRITINGS FROM THE NEW YORKER collects some
- of E.B. White's wittiest and best pieces. Not to be missed.
- **//----------------------------//**
- by Richard Lederer
- (Pocket Books, November 1991, $20.00, ISBN 0-671-70939-9)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- A new Richard Lederer book is cause for celebration for any reader who
- loves the English language. In his previous books like ANGUISHED
- he has entertained and enlightened thousands. For most of us, Lederer
- is the English teacher we should have had--someone more interested in
- communicating the wonder of language and the fascinating intricacies
- of English than in finding fault with improper usage.
- In these essays, Lederer discusses such a variety of English speakers
- as T.S. Eliot, George Orwell, Ambrose Bierce, Samuel Johnson, Lewis
- Carroll, Shakespeare, and Mark Twain. In "Is English Prejudiced?" he
- wonders
- "If a king rules a kingdom, what does a queen rule? If a man mans a
- station, what does a woman do? If a man fathers a movement, what does
- a woman do? If a man who pursues freewheeling relationships with women
- is a womanizer or a philanderer, what do we call a woman who plays the
- field of men?"
- In "Ya Got Any Good Books Here?" he reprints a list of questions sent
- to him by a high school librarian in Maine, questions actually asked
- by visitors to the library:
- "* Do you have any books about people who get wiped out or mangled?
- * Where are your hysterical novels?
- * I just read MIDNIGHT SUMMER DREAM. Do you have another play by
- Shakespeare?
- * I need an American classic. Not too long, but at least 173 pages.
- * I need a book by Tom Sawyer.
- * I want a book with no chapters. Chapters bug me.
- * Haven't you got something easier than this book? This must have at
- least a thousand words in it.
- * How do I find a book that I don't remember the name of?"
- Ya Got Any Good Books Here? Yeah, I got one, it's called THE MIRACLE
- OF LANGUAGE by some guy named Lederer. It's neat even if it does have
- chapters and more than a thousand words in it. Another keeper from a
- very entertaining writer.
- **//----------------------------//**
- by Leonard Corwen
- (Prentice Hall, January 1992, $10.00, ISBN 0-13-980210-X)
- <<Carl Ingram>>
- I work in an unstable industry, and recently discovered that I'd
- better start "looking around". Two days later I was at the RFP office
- to pick up a couple of books and noticed a new book that had just come
- in for review: YOUR RESUME by Leonard Corwen, so I said, "Let me
- review that one". What a stroke of luck! Later that night I sat down
- with YOUR RESUME and within two minutes I had determined which of the
- sample resumes was best for me and was studying the suggested layout.
- (There are 35 sample resumes and cover letters provided.) Within a
- couple more minutes I had a list of important reminders: what to make
- sure I include in my resume, what to make sure ISN'T in my resume,
- words to include, words to avoid, what to put in the cover letter that
- goes with the resume, etc. The great thing was that the help I got
- from YOUR RESUME was SPECIFIC and I got it FAST. The next day at work
- I turned all of these suggestions into a new resume and had it printed
- out. It's an attractive document, concise--I'm confident that I now
- have put my best foot forward.
- I can't give you an end to this soap opera--I've just sent my new
- resume around and haven't heard anything yet. But it's a nice feeling
- to know that I've done my absolute best, and I don't think I could
- have done that without YOUR RESUME. I should also mention that
- creating the resume is only half of this book. The second half
- discusses Getting The Job: using classified ads, finding the "hidden
- job market", choosing and using employment agencies, how to handle the
- all-important interview, etc. If you need, or would like, a new job,
- you'll find YOUR RESUME to be a very big help. And good luck.
- **//----------------------------//**
- Robert A. Barnett, Editor; Nao Hauser, Food Editor
- With the Staff of AMERICAN HEALTH magazine
- (Dutton, December 1991, $29.95, ISBN 0-525-24908-7)
- <<Howard Frye>>
- Here is the one nutrition guide/cookbook for health-conscious people
- to keep handy at all times. There are essays on the latest findings
- about health and nutrition, help in planning customized menus for your
- own tastes and needs, suggestions for using herbs and spices, hundreds
- of healthy and appetizing recipes, and a special section devoted to
- nutritional profiles of individual foods. Let me give you an example.
- Here's one of the profiles in the Fruit section:
- BANANA. Bananas contain potassium, of course, but also
- vitamins C and B6 and fiber. Bananas are available
- year-round. Purchase those that are light green or light
- yellow and free of bruises. The peel must be removed. If
- exposed to oxygen, bananas will turn brown; dip them in
- pineapple or lemon juice to prevent browning.
- One peeled banana (114g): Cal: 105 Pro: 1g/4% Carb: 27g/92%
- Fat: 1g/4% Sodium: 1mg Potassium: 451mg Fiber 2.2g(.7g
- soluble) C: 17% B6: 33%
- Every recipe has a complete nutrition readout (calories, protein,
- cholesterol, fiber, etc.) and many provide microwave instructions. THE
- AMERICAN HEALTH FOOD BOOK is an invaluable resource in taking control
- of your nutrition and your health. Recommended.
- **//----------------------------//**
- by David D. Busch
- (businessOne IRWIN, December 1991, $34.95, ISBN 1-55623-598-4)
- <<Drew Bartorillo>>
- DR DOS 6.0 CUSTOMIZING TOOLKIT provides an excellent resource to
- readers who want to understand more about the newest release of the
- advanced DOS-compatible operating system, DR DOS 6.0. This CUSTOMIZING
- TOOLKIT is not just another DOS reference book that is sold in book
- stores. It delves into the specialized features of DR DOS 6.0 and
- concentrates on presenting the reader with in-depth discussions of
- these features. The topics covered in CUSTOMIZING TOOLKIT are:
- > Operating System Choices
- > Comparing DR DOS and MS-DOS
- > Installing DR DOS
- > Command Line Power
- > Using ViewMAX
- > DR DOS and Hard Disks
- > DR DOS Security Features
- > Caching in on Performance
- > Introduction to Memory
- > Optimizing Memory
- > Introduction to and Customizing CONFIG.SYS
- > Introduction to Batch Files
- > Customizing the DR DOS Environment
- > Taking Advantage of TaskMAX
- > DR DOS and Other Environments
- A floppy disk is included with CUSTOMIZING TOOLKIT that contains
- simple .COM programs that perform actions not included in DR DOS,
- batch files which use the output of some of the .COM programs to do
- something useful, and stand-alone batch files which can make DR DOS
- more convenient to use. A full chapter in the book is devoted to using
- the files on the floppy disk.
- Also included in the book is a coupon that enables you to purchase
- DR DOS 6.0 for $49.95. This is a savings of $50 off the list price for
- DR DOS 6.0. Since CUSTOMIZING TOOLKIT costs $34.95, you can come away
- with a net savings of $15 and own both the book and DR DOS 6.0.
- I found CUSTOMIZING TOOLKIT to be extremely informative and especially
- helpful in the area of memory management. I recently purchased a new
- computer, a 80386 40Mhz, that came with DR DOS 6.0. Despite the fact
- that DR DOS comes with its own setup program, I never would have
- gotten the most out of my machine without the information in
- CUSTOMIZING TOOLKIT. Having a network card installed in the computer
- caused no end of trouble with upper memory management. Eventually,
- with the help of CUSTOMIZING TOOLKIT I was able to have expanded
- memory and the network card running at the same time. CUSTOMIZING
- TOOLKIT has immediately found a permanent place on my shelf of
- computer reference books and I find myself referring to it frequently.
- **//----------------------------//**
- by Everett Alvarez Jr. with Samuel Schreiner Jr.
- (Donald I. Fine, 1991, $21.00, ISBN 1-55611-310-2)
- <<Carl Ingram>>
- CODE OF CONDUCT is the emotionally wrenching and inspiring story of
- the return and recovery of Everett Alvarez, the first American POW in
- North Vietnam. After 8-1/2 years of isolation and torture (a story
- told in Alvarez's previous book, CHAINED EAGLE), Alvarez was released
- on February 22, 1973. Upon his return he found that his wife, the
- memory of whom had sustained him throughout his captivity, had left
- him. He also found a country still divided, struggling to come to
- terms with the war that led to his ordeal.
- At first crushed, Alvarez soon embarked on a mission to put his life
- back together. He remarried, then went on to earn three degrees in
- higher education. He rose through military and civilian service to
- positions that included cabinet-level meetings at the White House. He
- has become a successful entrepreneur. And he was a keynote speaker at
- the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C.
- CODE OF CONDUCT is a moving personal story of self-reliance, courage
- and perseverance--of ultimate success rising like the Phoenix from the
- ashes of the vast inhumanity man can visit on his fellow man.
- **//----------------------------//**
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- Dr. Adler has been a philosopher for quite a while, having received
- his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1928. He is Chairman of the
- Board of Editors of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Director of the
- Institute of Philosophical Research, Honorary Trustee of the Aspen
- Institute, and a University Professor at the University of North
- Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is also a devout Aristotelian and an
- excellent teacher. If you've ever wondered about questions of ethics,
- morality, or just why Aristotle is considered such a great thinker,
- you can't do better than the two books below.
- ^ ARISTOTLE FOR EVERYBODY: Difficult Thought Made Easy
- by Mortimer J. Adler
- (Collier Books, November 1991, $12.95, ISBN 0-02-064111-7)
- "Almost all of the philosophical truths that I have come to know and
- understand I have learned from Aristotle", says Dr. Adler. Now Collier
- books reprints Dr. Adler's 1978 book, available in paperback for the
- first time. ARISTOTLE FOR EVERYBODY explains what Dr. Adler calls
- Aristotle's "uncommon common sense" with clarity and brevity.
- Beginning with a few thoughts on why anyone should care about
- philosophy, Dr. Adler considers each of the three aspects of human
- life: Man the Maker, Man the Doer, and Man the Knower, along with way
- discussing Aristotle ideas about how each of us can live the very
- best, happiest life possible. The last section of the book takes up
- several knotty philosophical questions such as infinity, eternity, and
- God. An Epilogue relates each part of ARISTOTLE FOR EVERYBODY to
- specific places in the works of Aristotle, very useful for anyone
- planning on tackling Aristotle head-on. (While Aristotle's prose is
- incredibly dense, making a book like this necessary, you should be
- aware that Plato's works, particularly the Dialogues, are very
- readable. While Plato didn't have quite as much to say, he said it
- very entertainingly and his Dialogues can easily be read for the sheer
- fun of it.)
- ^ DESIRES RIGHT & WRONG: The Ethics of Enough
- by Mortimer J. Adler
- (Macmillan, November 1991, $22.95, ISBN 0-02-500281-3)
- This is an expansion of the ideas presented in ARISTOTLE FOR
- EVERYBODY, going much deeper into the question of how to distinguish
- right desires from wrong desires, and real goods from apparent goods.
- Dr. Adler particularly discusses the desires for pleasure, money,
- fame, and power. Possibly the most interesting section of DESIRES
- RIGHT & WRONG is the chapter on "Fundamental Errors in Moral
- Philosophy", in which Dr. Adler (and Aristotle) find fault with some
- of the ideas of other major philosophers. An appendix provides an
- annotated commentary on Aristotle's NICHOMACHEAN ETHICS, another
- invaluable aid for anyone planning to read the original work. Taken
- indispensable for the beginning philosophical student, whether
- enrolled in a school curriculum or pursuing private studies. Dr. Adler
- is a brilliant teacher, his clarity of thought matched by the clarity
- of his prose. Highly recommended.
- Every amateur scholar can benefit by having a shelf devoted to Dr.
- Adler's works. He's written 48 books, and they provide an excellent
- education all by themselves. I would particularly recommend, in
- addition to the above two books, the following: HOW TO READ A BOOK,
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ MIRRORS OF THE SELF: Archetypal Images That Shape Your Life
- edited by Christine Downing
- (Jeremy P. Tarcher, November 1991, $12.95, ISBN 0-87477-664-3)
- <<Carol Sheffert>>
- Psychologists know that our personalities, our selves, are made up of
- many different parts; that, in a sense, each one of us is an entire
- group of inner people. C.G. Jung noted this, and he found that there
- were several inner entities that seem to be shared by many people,
- archetypal entities. MIRRORS OF THE SELF begins with an excerpt from
- Jung's work, then goes on to expand and build upon that foundation. In
- all, this collection of essays from a wide variety of people
- (Jungians, feminists, poets, storytellers) defines 45 distinct images
- from our inner selves.
- For example, your Ego is the "you" that you are familiar with. But
- then there is your Persona, the mask you wear for social acceptance;
- and your Shadow self, repository of all the aspects of you that your
- Ego disowns. There is also your Double, your inner alter ego who
- offers companionship and support. And, most controversially, there are
- the Anima (the inner woman) and Animus (the inner man).
- "To discover these figures at work in our own inner lives is
- to be freed from an identification of ourselves with the
- most familiar side of our personality. We are brought in
- touch with other modes of perception and feeling, with
- forgotten memories, neglected or devalued capacities, and
- repressed energies, which have the power to enrich and
- deepen our lives...As we establish a more conscious relation
- to these archetypal images that live within our own souls,
- we can free ourselves from being driven by THEIR fears and
- desires, by impulses whose power in our lives we may never
- before have directly confronted. We may also learn to make
- use of their wisdom and their energy."
- This is not one of those pop psychology books that teach you how to be
- your own psychologist in just five minutes a day. MIRRORS OF THE SELF
- is a serious exploration of a very interesting aspect of human
- psychology. What's unusual is that this serious book on human
- psychology happens to be entirely accessible to the lay reader.
- Intriguing and thought-provoking. (You can contact the publisher at:
- Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 5858 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200, Los Angeles,
- CA 90036.)
- **//----------------------------//**
- edited by Michael Benedikt
- (MIT Press, October 1991, $24.95, ISBN 0-262-02327-X)
- <<Mike Weber>>
- The "First Steps" of the title refer to the progress of cyberspace
- from the pages of science fiction novels into reality. Or should I say
- virtual reality, because that's what cyberspace is: the "sort of"
- universe where information dwells, and which humans are just beginning
- to visit. But, as a number of cyberpunk SF writers have noticed, the
- radical new technology of cyberspace brings with it both fantastical
- opportunities and major social problems. This collection of essays by
- leading thinkers takes those first steps in exploring the implications
- of our emerging technological capabilities.
- The construction and organization of a cyberspace would require the
- talents of artists and professionals from every field, and as this
- collection demonstrates, it already engages some of the best minds in
- computer science, architecture, the visual arts, philosophy,
- anthropology and industry. Contributors: Michael Benedikt (Univ. of
- Texas at Austin), David Tomas (Univ. of Toronto), Nicole Stenger
- (MIT), Michael Heim (Calif. State Univ., Long Beach), Allucquere
- Rosanne Stone (Univ. of Calif., Santa Cruz and San Diego), Marcos
- Novak (Univ. of Texas at Austin and UCLA), Alan Wexelblat (Bull
- Worldwide Information Systems), Chip Morningstar & F. Randall Farmer
- (Lucasfilm Ltd.), Carl Tollander (Autodesk Inc.), Tim McFadden (Altos
- Computer Systems), Meredith Bricken (Univ. of Washington), Steve
- Pruitt & Tom Barrett (Texas Instruments & Electronic Data Systems),
- and Wendy A. Kellogg, John M. Carroll & John T. Richards (IBM).
- CYBERSPACE: FIRST STEPS also includes an original short story by
- William Gibson, author of the award-winning novel NEUROMANCER, in
- which the term cyberspace first appeared. (You can contact the
- publisher at: The MIT Press, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142.)
- **//----------------------------//**
- Emory Elliott, General Editor
- (Columbia Univ. Press, November 1991, $59.95, ISBN 0-231-07360-7)
- <<Howard Frye>>
- This large, fascinating, and occasionally opinionated volume is
- unusual on several fronts. First, it is difficult to believe, but this
- is the very first book devoted to the history of America's major
- literary form. Second, instead of the more customary format of a
- seamless chronology of This Happened, Then That Happened, THE COLUMBIA
- HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN NOVEL is a roughly chronological series of
- essays by a diverse group of critics and scholars. This thematic
- approach makes for a choppier but more interesting history, as each
- contributor takes on his or her period or subject matter from a
- particular perspective, giving the reader text that is more personal,
- more opinionated, more dynamic, than one expects to find in literary
- histories.
- A third distinctive feature of THE COLUMBIA HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN
- NOVEL is the list of topics covered, many of them receiving their
- first widespread serious attention. Authors considered in this volume
- include Kate Chopin, Frank Norris, Charles Chestnutt, William
- Burroughs, Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison, James
- Baldwin, Philip Roth, Thomas Pynchon, Maxine Kingston, Zora Hurston,
- Thomas Berger, Charles Bukowski, and Joanna Russ, to name just a few.
- Topics discussed include popular culture, lesbian and gay authors,
- romance fiction, modernism and postmodernism, the book marketplace,
- colonialism, realism, western fiction, Caribbean fiction, Canadian
- fiction, Latin American fiction, and the avant-garde.
- The style of most of the contributors is distinctly academic, but the
- book is still readable and interesting enough for the scholarly
- amateur reader. It should go without saying that THE COLUMBIA HISTORY
- OF THE AMERICAN NOVEL is an essential volume for any high school,
- college, or public library. (You can contact the publisher at:
- Columbia University Press, 562 West 113th Street, New York, NY 10025.)
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ PC TOOLS DELUXE 6.0: An Essential Guide
- by Ruth Ashley & Judi N. Fernandez
- (Wiley, 1990, $21.95, ISBN 0-471-52476-X)
- <<Dan Ellis>>
- You might be wondering why I'm mentioning a guidebook for an older
- version of PC TOOLS. The fact is, reaction in many quarters to PC
- TOOLS version 7.0 has been distinctly lukewarm. Some people like the
- snazzier look, others prefer the plainer but hardier 6.0. (Several
- friends have purchased the 7.0 upgrade only to revert to 6.0 after a
- month or two.) For everyone out there who is still using 6.0, for
- whatever reason, I thought you might like to know about PC TOOLS
- DELUXE by Ashley & Fernandez. It's a good, well-written guide that is
- a lot easier to use than the documentation that comes with the
- software. And it's still available from Wiley. You can contact the
- publisher by writing to: John Wiley & Sons, Professional and Trade
- Division, 605 Third Avenue, New York NY 10158-0012.
- **//----------------------------//**
- by Patrick Bultema
- (Mike Murach & Assoc., 1991, $17.95, ISBN 0-911625-61-5)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- In RFP #19 we reviewed a book called THE ONLY DOS BOOK YOU'LL EVER
- NEED, one of the finest comprehensive DOS guides available. Now the
- same author has put together a cut-down version of that book for use
- by the vast numbers of us who need to know the basics of DOS from time
- to time, but who would rather not be confused by a lot of exotic
- details that never come up unless you're a computer technician.
- Between the two books, everyone in your company will be taken care of:
- the Techs get THE ONLY DOS BOOK YOU'LL EVER NEED (Mike Murach &
- Assoc., 1991, $24.95, ISBN 0-911625-58-5), everyone else gets THE
- LEAST YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DOS. As a matter of fact, Mike Murach &
- Assoc. not only have volume discounts for both books (the prices begin
- dropping at 10 copies), but they also have an Instructor's Guide for
- THE LEAST YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DOS, to facilitate in-house training
- for the employees who need basic familiarity with their operating
- system. Both books are clearly written, well-illustrated, and
- logically organized for easy access. This is the only customized
- system of DOS guides I know of--and it's a great idea. You can contact
- the publisher at: Mike Murach & Associates, Inc., 4697 West Jacquelyn
- Avenue, Fresno, CA 93722; 209/275-3335; 1-800/221-5528 (orders only).
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ LAND CIRCLE: Writings Collected from the Land
- by Linda Hasselstrom
- (Fulcrum, November 1991, $19.95, ISBN 1-55591-082-3)
- <<Janet Peters>>
- Linda Hasselstrom lives and works on a cattle ranch in western South
- Dakota, and she writes eloquently of her relationship with the land in
- this collection of her essays and poetry. She discusses
- environmentalism and our interconnectedness with nature from the
- perspective of real personal experience. Her love of the land is not
- an abstraction but a tangible part of her existence, and she shares
- the details of her life and what it takes to live on the high plains.
- Particularly interesting are Hasselstrom's views on animal rights and
- women carrying firearms. LAND CIRCLE makes fascinating reading, an
- excellent and unusual volume for anyone's nature shelf.
- You can contact the publisher at: Fulcrum Publishing, Suite 350, 350
- Indiana Street, Golden CO 80401; 303/277-1623.
- **//----------------------------//**
- by Mike Benton
- (Taylor, January 1992, $24.95, ISBN 0-87833-746-6)
- <<Carl Ingram>>
- In brightest day, in blackest night,
- No evil shall escape my sight.
- Let those who worship evil's might
- Beware my power--Green Lantern's light!
- ---Green Lantern (DC Comics)
- Superhero comics began in the 1940s, but most had disappeared by the
- early '50s. But, wait! Up in the sky--superheroes made a comeback in
- the late 1950s, and by 1963 more than a dozen of the Golden Age
- superheroes were back, along with dozens and dozens (and dozens) of
- new ones. Ultimately, the mass popularity of the superhero comic was
- doomed; by the growing cynicism of the readers and by the glut of
- poor-quality comics. The Silver Age of superhero comics lasted barely
- a decade, but what a decade it was. Mike Benton tells the whole story
- While the first section of the book gives you "The Story", the
- majority of SUPERHERO COMICS OF THE SILVER AGE is a comprehensive
- encyclopedia of The Heroes, The Artists, and The Comics. "The Heroes"
- has an article on each character, with a header consisting of the
- superhero's Secret Identity, any Nicknames, their First Appearances,
- Major Silver Age Appearances, and Other Silver Age Appearances. Heroes
- from Ant-Man to X-Men, heroes like Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, the
- Flash, Green Arrow, and Iron Man. "The Artists" has entries on people
- like Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby, Joe Orlando, Curt Swan, Alex Toth, Wally
- Wood, and Berni Wrightson. And "The Comics" covers just about
- everything you could want to know about the books our superheroes
- appeared in, from ACTION COMICS to X-MEN. Significant Issues are
- listed (with reasons), Major Characters, Dates Published, Artists
- (along with which issues they worked on), and a brief article about
- the book. There is also a Chronology of superhero comic books
- 1953-1970, with all the important events and books listed year by
- year.
- SUPERHERO COMICS OF THE SILVER AGE is another invaluable reference
- book for comics fans and collectors from Mike Benton, a well-known
- authority and speaker in the comic collecting field and regular
- contributor to publications like AMERICAN COLLECTOR, COMIC BUYERS
- GUIDE, and COLLECTIBLES ILLUSTRATED. (A previous, matching volume by
- July 1991, $21.95 ISBN 0-87833-734-2, reviewed in RFP #19.) A
- life-long believer in the "zen" of comics: he learned dating and phone
- etiquette from ARCHIE COMICS, economics from UNCLE SCROOGE, and
- quantum physics from an issue of MYSTERY IN SPACE. He currently lives
- in central Texas, where he patiently watches the skies each night for
- some sign of a space ship bearing a small child from the planet
- HISTORY OF COMICS. You can contact the publisher at: Taylor Publishing
- Company, 1550 W. Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75235; 214/637-2800.
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ BETWEEN HOME AND NURSING HOME: The Board and Care Alternative
- by Ivy M. Down, M.A. & Lorraine Schnurr, Ph.D.
- (Prometheus Books, November 1991)
- Hardcover: $18.95 ISBN 0-87975-619-5
- Paperback: $13.95 ISBN 0-87975-620-9
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- Some of the elderly are in good health and can live alone. Other
- elderly people need round-the-clock care and must live in a nursing
- home. But what about all the people in between; those who don't need
- (or can't afford) full-time nursing care, yet find it difficult to
- live alone? One increasingly popular answer is a board and care
- residential facility, in which a small group of elderly can live
- together in relative independence, while receiving some kind of
- additional daily care. BETWEEN HOME AND NURSING HOME is a
- comprehensive resource guide to board and care homes for caregivers,
- the elderly, and the people who love them.
- In the pages of BETWEEN HOME AND NURSING HOME you'll discover: what
- board and care homes are and how they operate, what to look for when
- choosing a facility, how to monitor the care offered, and what kinds
- of services should be available. In the back is a valuable set of
- appendices featuring important facts about retirement facilities,
- evaluating a residential care facility, state units on aging, state
- agencies with jurisdiction over residential care facilities, a list of
- those who currently serve as their state's long-term care Ombudsman,
- and much more. BETWEEN HOME AND NURSING HOME addresses an important
- subject with vital, practical information for the elderly, their
- families, and professional caregivers. (Prometheus Books, 700 East
- Amherst Street, Buffalo, NY 14215; 716/837-2475.)
- **//----------------------------//**
- by Jon Fisher
- (Loompanics Unlimited, 1991, $16.95, ISBN 1-55950-074-3)
- <<Mike Weber>>
- Everyone talks about "getting away from it all", and the uninhabited
- ocean island has always been a staple of our fantasies. But they don't
- really exist, do they? Actually, there are thousands and thousands of
- deserted islands all over the globe, just sitting there waiting for
- you. Why aren't all the islands overrun with people, just like the
- city where you live? Well, think about it--it takes a mighty hardy
- type to get along on a deserted island. No stores, no electricity, no
- doctors, no television--just you and Mother Nature. Idyllic, yes, but
- also scary. Great challenges and great rewards.
- But maybe you're not totally discouraged, maybe you'd still like to
- think about chucking it all and heading to sea. Where are these
- islands, and which one would be best for you? That's where Jon
- Fisher's UNINHABITED OCEAN ISLANDS comes in. Fisher describes over 180
- specific islands, with maps showing their exact locations. He
- discusses each island's size, climate, vegetation, animal life, water
- supplies, structures, etc. This is great fodder for speculation, no
- matter how serious you are about weighing anchor. Of course, nobody's
- saying you have to move to your island forever--wouldn't a deserted
- island make a great winter vacation?
- Fisher divides the islands he covers into 4 categories: Pacific Ocean,
- Warm Islands; Sub-Antarctic Islands, Pacific Sector; Atlantic Ocean
- Island; and Indian Ocean Islands. If you can't find exactly what you
- want there, Part V points out areas of the world where you can find
- thousands and thousands of other islands for consideration. And in the
- back of the book you'll find a great list of References, directing you
- to further reading to help you make your island fantasy come true.
- Tantalizing reading. (You can get UNINHABITED OCEAN ISLANDS directly
- from the publisher by sending the list price, plus $3 shipping and
- handling, to: Loompanics Unlimited, PO Box 1197, Port Townsend, WA
- 98368.)
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ BLOODY SAM: The Life and Films of Sam Peckinpah
- by Marshall Fine
- (Donald I. Fine, November 1991, $24.95, ISBN 1-55611-236-X)
- <<Howard Frye>>
- Whenever the subject of violence in movies comes up, most people
- nowadays talk about Martin Scorsese, Francis Coppola, or Brian
- DePalma. But the man who first brought extreme violence to movies was
- Sam Peckinpah, who became famous for slow-motion blood-spurting in
- such films as THE WILD BUNCH and STRAW DOGS. Some critics commended
- his visual brilliance and narrative daring, others condemned his
- glorification of violence. Despite, or perhaps because of, the
- controversial nature of Peckinpah's films, he attracted some of the
- top leading men of his day: Dustin Hoffman, James Coburn, Robert Culp,
- Charlton Heston. Peckinpah fought producers constantly, as they tried
- to tone down his movies to appeal to a wider audience. Some of his
- behind-the-scenes battles for creative control even resulted in
- fistfights.
- Peckinpah's story includes encounters with the greats of Hollywood
- from the 1950s through the 1980s, 120 of whom were interviewed for
- this book. His personal life was as turbulent as his films: he was
- married five times, frequently fired large portions of his crews in
- mid-production, and was notorious for his extended alcohol and drug
- binges. BLOODY SAM is the story of an artist who briefly achieved his
- vision in film, but never reached his full potential because of his
- battles with drugs and perpetual unwillingness to submit to authority
- in any form.
- **//----------------------------//**
- by Zofia Archibald
- (Facts On File, 1991, $29.95, ISBN 0-8160-2614-9)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- "Whereas Homer's ILIAD is pre-occupied with heroic morality,
- the ODYSSEY revels in the fantasy of exploration--the 8th
- century BC's equivalent of science fiction."
- While the exact beginnings of human existence may be lost in the mists
- of time, the origin of what we call Western Civilization can be traced
- definitively back to the ancient Greeks. Much of what we know today,
- and most of what constitutes our perspective on the world, is taken
- from the discoveries, thoughts, and writings of the people of
- Classical Greece. Who were these people? What was their land like? How
- do we know what we know about ancient Greece? What remnants of ancient
- Greece remain to be enjoyed today? You'll find the answers to all of
- Zofia Archibald.
- The volume begins with an introductory survey of Greek history in
- brief, with a valuable Time Chart and a map of Greece showing both
- ancient and modern place names. The first of the three main divisions
- is dedicated to The Archaeological Story, how dedicated individuals
- and groups have uncovered the ancient Greeks, from the Roman conquest
- in 197 BC up to the present day. The second section of the book
- gathers together and illuminates what we know today about The World of
- the Ancient Greeks: their politics, economics, commerce, military,
- social classes, cities, religion, and art. The final third of the book
- provides a Gazetteer of Sites, with What You Will See Today along with
- What You Would Have Seen had you visited the ancient site in its
- heyday. A list of museums in the area and a paragraph on How To Get
- There complete the material on each important site.
- interesting prose, it is also a beautiful book of photographs and
- reproductions adorning every page. This book would be invaluable for
- anyone planning a trip to Greece, providing background understanding
- and specific travel hints to make the vacation much more meaningful.
- the armchair traveller, who, through the magic of books, is not bound
- to any particular location or time period. This is a fine book that is
- both interesting to read and lovely to look at. You can contact the
- publisher at: Facts On File, Inc., 460 Park Avenue South, New York, NY
- 10016-7382; 212/683-2244.
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ FACTS PLUS: An Almanac of Essential Information
- by Susan C. Anthony
- (Instructional Resources, 1991, $15.95, ISBN 1-879478-00-5)
- <<Carol Sheffert>>
- Intended primarily for teachers and students in grades 3-9, FACTS PLUS
- is an enormously useful book that should be on every home reference
- shelf. While there are other information almanacs, none that I have
- seen have the variety, the attractive, easy-to-read page design, the
- brevity, or the logical organization of FACTS PLUS. Filled with
- useful, pertinent information, not trivia, I've had occasion to refer
- to FACTS PLUS at least a dozen times in the week that it's been on my
- desk. Sure, I've got the information elsewhere--I have a pretty decent
- reference library--but I'm sure I wouldn't have bothered. Who bothers
- digging out the 20-lb. atlas just to verify a small point of
- geography? Who spends half an hour with their encyclopedia just to
- check on the qualifications for becoming a U.S. Senator? Who would
- interrupt their work for 10 minutes while they search for some book
- that would tell them the two-letter postal abbreviation for Nebraska?
- I'd just guess, or work around the problem, unless it was unusually
- crucial, and I bet you would too. But what if you could answer all of
- these questions, and thousands more besides, in less than 2 minutes
- with a thinnish book that is kept handy on your desk? That's the power
- of FACTS PLUS: the most used information has been gathered, organized,
- and attractively printed, ready for day-to-day use. Here is the Table
- of Contents:
- TIME AND SPACE--Time and Clocks, Time Zones, Calendars, Holidays,
- Days, Months, Seasons, The Universe, The Solar System, The Moon, The
- Space Age
- SCIENCE AND HEALTH--The Atmosphere and Weather, Climates, Geology,
- Energy, Matter, Plants and Animals, Human Body Systems, Nutrition,
- Drugs and Alcohol
- THE EARTH AND ITS PEOPLE--Waters of the World, Land Areas of the
- World, Countries of the World, History, Time Line of History, Notable
- People, Inventions and Discoveries, Man-Made Structures, Major World
- Religions
- THE UNITED STATES--States of the Union, Largest Cities of the United
- States, National Parks, Indians of the United States and Canada,
- Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Forms of Government,
- Speeches and Quotes, Symbols of America, Branches of the United States
- Government, Presidents
- MAPS--North America, The United States, The World, South America,
- Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and Oceania
- LIBRARIES AND BOOKS--The Globe, Reading Maps, Atlases and Types of
- Maps, Graphic Aids, The Library, Parts of a Book, Encyclopedia,
- Dictionary, Almanac and Thesaurus, Newspaper, Periodicals, Telephone
- Directory, Types of Literature, Story Elements, Caldecott Award
- Winning Books, Newbery Award Winning Books, Long Time Favorites
- THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE--The Alphabet, Special Alphabets, Abbreviations,
- Punctuation, Capitalization, Homonyms and Troublesome Words, Spelling,
- Greek and Latin Word Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes, Grammar and Parts of
- Speech
- WRITING, MUSIC AND ART--The Writing Process, Things to Write,
- Prewriting, Proofreading and Editing, Letter Writing, Journal Writing,
- Music, Art and Color
- MATH AND NUMBERS--Mathematics, Place Value, Addition, Subtraction,
- Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Decimal Fractions, Measurement,
- Geometry, United States Money
- HANDBOOK--First Aid, Etiquette, Problem Solving, Discussions, Oral
- Reading, Making a Speech, Presenting a Formal Play, Interviewing a
- Person, Taking Notes, Homework and Studying, Improving Your Memory,
- Taking Standardized Tests, The Research Report, Science Projects
- While FACTS PLUS was designed for, and is being used in, the school
- environment, it is much too useful to be so confined. Ideally, every
- child should have access to a copy of FACTS PLUS, at home and at
- school, not only to supply many of the details that a child needs to
- learn and know in the course of his or her education but also giving
- the child a chance to get used to using a reference volume in the
- easiest and most pleasant possible way. And be sure to get a copy for
- your own desk as well. It'll be the most-used reference book you own.
- You can get FACTS PLUS from the publisher by sending the list price,
- plus shipping and handling ($3 for each book for first class, $1.50
- per book for book rate), to: Instructional Resources Co., 1013 E.
- Dimond Blvd. #188, Anchorage, AK 99515. (By the way, the name of the
- street is actually "Dimond", that isn't a typo.)
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ THEY'RE ALL IN IT TOGETHER: When Good Things Happen to Bad People
- by Donald W. Kaul
- (Andrews and McMeel, 1991, $16.95, ISBN 0-8362-6220-4)
- <<Carl Ingram>>
- When bad things happen to good people. Don't you hate that? So does
- Donald Kaul, and he's been crabbing about it in his syndicated
- newspaper column for 25 years. A self-proclaimed "woolly-headed
- liberal", Kaul makes a nice matching bookend to the conservative, but
- equally cranky, Andrew Rooney. The columns collected here are from the
- last ten years and cover politics, sports, marriage, war, economics,
- religion, and just about every other significant subject to rear it's
- controversial head in the 1980s. Kaul believes in the power of
- negative thinking and has some extremely funny ideas for the expansion
- of capital punishment. He has something wise and funny to say about
- darn near everything--here's a small sample.
- About his columns: "I hope that reading them makes you a better person
- or, if not that, one who is more fun at parties."
- George Bush: "Bush is not only kinder and gentler, he is insipid.
- Personally, I prefer my presidents with larger virtues and darker
- faults. Richard Nixon, for example."
- Marriage: "I've always found that marriage goes better if you don't
- talk to each other before 10 A.M."
- About himself: "People have called me a shallow nincompoop who
- scratches out a meager living by taking cheap shots at his betters.
- That's a lie. I'm not that shallow."
- Domestic arguments: "Fights with one's spouse are different from
- fights with one's children. You can't afford to lose a fight with your
- husband or wife. Neither can you afford to win."
- Religion: "I am neither Christian nor Jew; I am not even an atheist. I
- am one of those who finds spiritual peace in the moral confusion of
- Not Being Sure About Things--an agnostic. I oppose abortion on
- esthetic grounds, I love the Bible as literature, and on the Day of
- Judgment I shall take notes."
- Liberalism: "That's the trouble with being a liberal. You realize that
- if life was fair, you wouldn't be doing as well as you are."
- I could go on quoting like this until I'd copied out the whole book.
- It's that good. Besides, he's right. They're all in it together. So
- the rest of US have got to stick together.
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ LOSER TAKE ALL: The Comic Art of Woody Allen
- New Expanded Edition
- by Maurice Yacowar
- (Continuum, 1991, $14.95, ISBN 0-8264-0551-7)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- "While comedy may be the most widely appreciated art, it is
- also the most undervalued."
- ---from LOSER TAKE ALL
- My favorite book about Woody Allen's work, originally published in
- 1979 and covering Allen's career through MANHATTAN, has now been
- brought up to date. The original text is still there, covering Woody
- Allen's early monologues, the plays, the screenplays for other
- directors, up through his internationally-acclaimed films: WHAT'S UP,
- INTERIORS, and MANHATTAN. The new edition continues with examinations
- Filmography, Discography, and Bibliography are invaluable for Allen
- fans.
- The stated purpose of Yacowar's text is to "define the structure and
- themes" of Woody Allen's works, "to determine what Allen's jokes
- mean". He does an admirable job of it too, the commentary being both
- enlightening and entertaining. If I may turn the tables on Yacowar for
- just a moment, he even allows himself a few small humorous moments of
- his own, as when he mimics Allen's common theme of overblown
- intellectuality in describing INTERIORS as "a Chekhovian vision of an
- O'Neill family, expressed with Bergmanesque rigor." Yacowar fully
- understands the potential of comedy, and he complains
- "...our disrespect for comedy is so deeply ingrained that we
- use the same word, SERIOUS, as the antithesis of both COMIC
- and TRIVIAL. The implication is that nothing important can
- be conveyed by comedy."
- The author clearly outlines the progress of Allen's career and the
- maturation of his art, doing a very creditable job of putting his
- finger on just why we enjoy Allen's creations so much.
- "However funny it is, the Allen canon consistently expresses
- the anxieties of a modern urban sensibility, with its dreams
- of glory and its frustrations, its sense of isolation, and
- its doubts about the existence of a God and the dignity of
- man."
- LOSER TAKE ALL is a great read for Allen fans, also a thoughtful gift
- for the discriminating movie fan on your gift list. You can contact
- the publisher of LOSER TAKE ALL (and many other fine books about
- theater) by writing to: The Continuum Publishing Co., 370 Lexington
- Avenue, New York, NY 10017.
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ KNOW YOUR CAT: An Owner's Guide to Cat Behavior
- by Bruce Fogle, D.V.M., photographs by Jane Burton
- (Dorling Kindersley, November 1991, $19.95, ISBN 1-879431-04-1)
- <<Carol Sheffert>>
- Did you know that:
- * Cats have surpassed dogs as America's most popular pet?
- * Cats can distinguish between salt, bitter, and acid tastes, but not
- sweet tastes?
- * For a cat, humans make good cat substitutes; often they enjoy warmer
- relations with us than with other felines?
- Dr. Fogle's extensive research and personal experience have resulted
- in the most fascinating and informative book about cat behavior I have
- ever read. Add to that the photographs of Jane Burton, which must be
- seen to be believed, and you have a classic cat book that any cat
- fancier will cherish for years. Dr. Fogle talks about how cats
- communicate with posture, facial expression, and vocalizations. How
- cats see things, how they hear, and the importance of touch. He
- discusses a cat's socialization, and how a cat "must be exposed to
- humans during the first seven weeks, or they will always retain a
- timid fear of us". Dr. Fogle examines a cat's mating habits, their
- territoriality, the difference between learned behavior and instinct.
- He also details the maturation of a cat from birth through old age:
- how the senses develop, how the cat learns survival skills, how the
- cat slowly becomes independent, and how old age affects behavior.
- The most amazing aspect of the KNOW YOUR CAT, however, are the more
- than 350 photographs that illustrate every point made in the text. You
- aren't just told that "Folded-back ears show aggression", the text
- points to a photograph of a small kitten with folded-back ears ready
- to attack a littermate. There are only a couple posed studio-type cat
- portraits here, the vast majority are candid shots of cats being cats:
- fighting, washing, stretching, giving birth, playing, etc. The
- publisher says:
- "Specially commissioned for this book, great pains were
- taken to ensure that the pictures would capture actual cat
- behavior. Many of the animals pictured are Dr. Fogle's
- patients (whom he accompanied to the photo sessions), and
- the remainder lived at Jane Burton's country home for six
- months so they could acclimate to their surroundings."
- It just isn't possible to give you an adequate idea of how visually
- enthralling KNOW YOUR CAT is, you have to see it for yourself.
- Fascinating text, irresistible photographs--KNOW YOUR CAT is an
- experience no cat fancier should miss. If your local bookstore can't
- get KNOW YOUR CAT for you, contact the publisher at: Dorling
- Kindersley, Inc., 232 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016,
- 212/684-0404.
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ BE SICK WELL: A Healthy Approach to Chronic Illness
- by Jeff Kane, M.D.
- (New Harbinger, October 1991, $11.95, ISBN 1-879237-08-3)
- <<Janet Peters>>
- Chronic illness changes your life. It often threatens to BECOME your
- life, as your self-image changes from "person" to "sick person" or
- even "victim". Yet some people with chronic illnesses or handicaps not
- only survive cheerfully but seem to positively thrive. Dr. Kane points
- out that most of us will, sooner or later, develop some kind of
- chronic illness, so it is time well spent to consider how to BE SICK
- Dr. Kane provides a variety of specific suggestions about what to do
- and how to approach life with a chronic illness. It's important to
- relax and to deal creatively with the challenges of your health
- problem, and Dr. Kane shows just how this is possible. He discusses
- how to develop the proper attitude, how to maintain confidence, how to
- get the most out of your medical support people, and how to make your
- illness easier on yourself and on those around you. BE SICK WELL is
- full of clear, sound advice from a doctor who now devotes his practice
- to counseling people with chronic and life-threatening illness.
- If your local bookstore can't get BE SICK WELL, you can order it
- directly from the publisher by sending the list price, plus $2
- shipping and handling to: New Harbinger Publications, Inc., 5674
- Shattuck Avenue, Oakland, CA 94609.
- **//----------------------------//**
- by Frederick J. Stare, M.D., Virginia Aronson, M.S., R.D.,
- and Stephen Barrett, M.D.
- (Prometheus Books, October 1991, $13.95, ISBN 0-87975-692-6)
- <<Janet Peters>>
- Every day some test finds another health-endangering food or food
- ingredient, someone invents a new health food fad (vitamin C, oat
- bran, fish oil, etc.), and someone else publishes a new diet book.
- What are we supposed to believe? Will eggs for breakfast lead to a
- heart attack? Is red meat really that bad for you? Should I take
- vitamins? How can you avoid food additives anyway? Which is worse,
- sugar or the chemicals in the sugar substitutes? Just how dangerous is
- a few extra pounds? I could go on like this for hours, and I expect
- you could too.
- YOUR GUIDE TO GOOD NUTRITION is 200 pages of clear, easy-to-grasp
- information that will answer most of your nutrition questions. In the
- back there is a very helpful Glossary and a list of Recommended
- Reading for further information on a variety of related subjects. If
- you're tired of rumors, hearsay, and the cranks of the nutritional
- fringe, YOUR GUIDE TO GOOD NUTRITION is just what the doctor ordered.
- (You can contact the publisher at: Prometheus Books, 700 East Amherst
- Street, Buffalo, NY 14215)
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ CONGREGATION OF THE CONDEMNED: Voices Against the Death Penalty
- edited by Shirley Dicks
- (Prometheus Books, November 1991, $24.95, ISBN 0-87975-679-9)
- <<Howard Frye>>
- Shirley Dicks is the mother of Jeff Dicks, currently on Tennessee's
- death row. In 1979, Jeff unwittingly became an accessory to a robbery
- that resulted in the death of a storekeeper. A bungled defense, the
- misuse of circumstantial evidence, and manipulated testimony led to
- his conviction for murder. Lack of money for adequate legal
- representation has derailed his attempts to appeal his case. Now
- Shirley Dicks is another voice raised in protest against the death
- penalty: inhuman, unfair, and ineffective solution to a problem that
- most of us would rather not think about.
- CONGREGATION OF THE CONDEMNED is an eye-opening and affecting
- collection of essays by a wide variety of people: death-row inmates,
- members of victims' families, legal and medical experts, religious and
- political figures, journalists, entertainers, and people from groups
- such as Amnesty International, the NAACP, and the National Coalition
- to Abolish the Death Penalty. Also among the contributors are such
- well-known personalities as: Senator Edward Kennedy, New York Governor
- Mario Cuomo, Coretta Scott King, journalist Tom Wicker, Mike Farrell,
- and Peter Gabriel. CONGREGATION OF THE CONDEMNED will give just about
- any reader a lot to think about. An important book. (You can contact
- the publisher at: Prometheus Books, 700 East Amherst Street, Buffalo,
- NY 14215)
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ THE ONE MINUTE (OR SO) HEALER: 500 Quick and Simple Ways
- to Heal Yourself Naturally
- by Dana Ullman, M.P.H.
- (Tarcher, November 1991, $8.95, ISBN 0-87477-667-8)
- <<Janet Peters>>
- For too many people today, a "doctor" can be defined as a stiff,
- remote specialist who charges a small fortune to tell us we suffer
- from a Latin word, and who prescribes drugs we've never heard of and
- further expensive and uncomfortable tests to determine medical trivia
- we don't understand. A man who has pictures of our insides on file,
- yet who would be unable to pick us out of a police lineup. Into such
- an environment, THE ONE MINUTE (OR SO) HEALER comes as a refreshing
- and empowering change of perspective. A wide variety of health
- problems are discussed, with clear information given in everyday
- English, and a variety of remedies and treatments are suggested.
- The best aspect of THE ONE MINUTE (OR SO) HEALER is the tone: it
- wanders from good-humored to positively humorous. Nowhere will you
- find the stern, detached seriousness that I have found to be the norm
- with American doctors. Interestingly, Ullman is not part of the
- medical establishment, but is one of the new breed of alternative
- health care professionals. He is the Director and Founder of
- Homeopathic Educational Services and the author of EVERYBODY'S GUIDE
- TO HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES (which has recently been revised and expanded
- and is also available from Tarcher).
- You can contact the publisher at: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 5858
- Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90036.
- **//----------------------------//**
- The Complete Guide to Designing, Building, and
- Operating a Model Railroad
- by Cyril J. Freezer
- (Running Press, 1991, $12.98, ISBN: 1-56138-065-2)
- <<Dan Ellis>>
- Model railroading is a hobby where experience counts, and that's what
- Freezer--editor of RAILWAY MODELLER for more than 25 years--brings to
- the reader in MODEL RAILROADS. In clear, easy-to-follow text Freezer
- outlines the possibilities, the rewards, the hazards, and the
- frustrations of model railroading. From choosing a gauge, deciding on
- a layout, building the baseboard, laying the track, wiring, modelling
- and landscaping, to advanced miniature civil engineering, seemingly
- everything the beginning railway modeller needs to know is contained
- in this attractive book. And, speaking of attractive, the photographs
- and diagrams that highlight every page are fascinating and
- inspirational. If you can read this book without taking up model
- railroading, you simply can't be reached. MODEL RAILROADS would also
- be a great gift for any beginner hobbyist, young or old.
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ THE MAKING OF THE MESSIAH: Christianity and Resentment
- by Robert Sheaffer
- (Prometheus Books, November 1991, $19.95 ISBN: 0-87975-691-8)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- THE MAKING OF THE MESSIAH is a very controversial book, being a
- skeptical investigation into the origins of Christianity. Sheaffer
- finds the primary impetus for the development of Christianity in the
- envy and resentment of the lower classes toward the power and wealth
- of the ruling class of Romans. He also finds many inconsistencies in
- the tenets of Christianity, and seeks the truth behind the myths and
- jargon. Not a book for the blindly devout, THE MAKING OF THE MESSIAH
- is a challenging look at the roots of one of our culture's most
- influential forces. Working from the same ancient sources that
- biblical scholars use--some of them only recently available--Sheaffer
- examines the evidence from a new perspective. Robert Sheaffer is the
- regular columnist for THE SKEPTICAL INQUIRER.
- **//----------------------------//**
- by Richard W. Langer
- (Little Brown, November 1991, $10.95, ISBN 0-316-51388-1)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- Have you seen these new bread machines that are available now? All you
- do is throw all the ingredients into the pot, tell it what time you'd
- like it to be done and, voila, piping hot freshly-made bread on
- demand, with almost no effort on your part. You can set it up before
- you go to bed and wake up to the aroma of fresh bread in the morning.
- What's the catch? Well, for one thing, these bread machines don't
- exactly cost $1.95. Another problem is that the instructions that come
- with the machine tell you how to make white bread, whole wheat bread,
- maybe a sweet bread of some kind, and that's about it. We can't do
- much about the price, but the variety of breads you can make with a
- bread machine has just gotten a giant boost with Langer's THE BREAD
- To begin with, Langer explains some of the basics of bread creation
- and bread machine operation, taking the mystery out of the process and
- giving the reader guidelines for customizing and improving on any
- recipe. (He also explained why all of my attempts to make rye bread
- have turned out so poorly.) After a chapter on the standard types of
- bread--the oatmeal bread is wonderful--Langer continues on with
- chapters of recipes for: Multigrain Breads, Herb Breads, Savory
- Breads, Vegetable Breads, Sweet Breads, Ethnic Breads, Sourdough
- Breads, Quick Breads, and Glazes. There is even a recipe for a
- chocolate bread with peppermint butter to spread on it. THE BREAD
- MACHINE BAKERY BOOK is an absolute essential for every bread machine
- owner.
- **//----------------------------//**
- by Linda Bowman
- (Probus, January 1992, $9.95, ISBN 1-55738-271-9)
- <<Carol Sheffert>>
- Being a pet owner can be very expensive, but it doesn't have to be.
- Linda Bowman has exhaustively catalogued the free and inexpensive
- resources available for you and your pet, everything from how to
- acquire a pet for free in the first place, to handling your pet's
- death when the end comes. In between, with the sources outlined in
- FREE STUFF, you can get pet food, treats, toys, health care,
- insurance, boarding, grooming, education, information, books,
- magazines, newsletters, and catalogs...and pay less for them. There is
- also a wealth of valuable information about pet shows (where loads of
- free stuff is available), contests, hotlines, organizations and
- associations, and how to contact other pet people with your computer.
- Everyone with a pet, or considering getting one, should have a copy of
- FREE STUFF FOR YOUR PET. (If you can't get FREE STUFF at your local
- bookstore, you can order it directly from the publisher by sending the
- list price, plus $3.50 shipping and handling, to: Probus Publishing
- Co., 1925 N. Clybourn Ave., Chicago, IL 60614, or call their order
- line: 1-800-PROBUS-1.)
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ AMBROSE BIERCE IS MISSING: And Other Historical Mysteries
- by Joe Nickell
- (Univ. Press of Kentucky, December 1991, $22.00, ISBN 0-8131-1766-6)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- Joe Nickell loves to investigate mysteries. As a matter of fact, you
- can see a review of another of his books, SECRETS OF THE SUPERNATURAL,
- elsewhere in this issue of RFP. In AMBROSE BIERCE IS MISSING, the
- subject is historical mysteries, and can be read superficially as a
- collection of entertaining accounts of the investigation of various
- puzzles from yesteryear. Read more closely, the book serves as a
- general introductory textbook for the historical investigator. With
- the addition of a glossary, AMBROSE BIERCE IS MISSING would make an
- excellent classroom text for a dynamic course on investigative
- techniques and the application of logic to problem solving.
- Each chapter covers a particular type of historical mystery, with one
- particular example singled out for extensive consideration. In
- "Ancient Riddles" it's the Nazca lines in South America, famous
- evidence of Von Daniken's "ancient astronauts". "Biographical Enigmas"
- discusses the disappearance of Ambrose Bierce. "Hidden Identity" talks
- about the unmasking of the Nazi Ivan the Terrible. "Fakelore" covers
- Swift's lost silver mine, while "Questioned Artifacts" takes up the
- many Daniel Boone signatures floating around. "Suspect Documents"
- handles the famous Bixby letter by Abraham Lincoln. "Lost Texts" looks
- at Cooke's missing edition of SOT-WEED FACTOR. "Obscured Sources"
- deals with Hawthorne's Veiled Lady, while "Scientific Challenges"
- studies the investigation into the Shroud of Turin. Recommended Works
- follow each chapter, providing follow-up reading not of the subject
- but of the highlighted investigative methods. One book he notes in
- several places I can personally add my recommendation to: THE SCHOLAR
- ADVENTURES by Richard D. Altick (1951), a fascinating book.
- Along the way, Nickell considers a wide variety of investigative
- techniques useful for solving historical mysteries: archaeology,
- genealogy, forensic identification, oral histories, forgery detection,
- stylometric analysis of texts, document study, decipherment, literary
- scholarship, literary research, source study, and the many, many
- techniques of laboratory analysis. The result, however, is not a dry,
- academic text but a riveting collection of historical mysteries that
- can stand as "mere" entertainment, or a thought-provoking introduction
- to an exciting field of study.
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ COMING INTO OUR FULLNESS: On Women Turning Forty
- Interviews and Photographs by Cathleen Rountree
- (The Crossing Press, 1991)
- Paper: $12.95 ISBN 0-89594-517-7
- Cloth: $24.95 ISBN 0-89594-518-5
- COMING INTO OUR FULLNESS is a collection of full-page photographs and
- interviews with 18 dynamic women between the ages of 40 and 50, who
- have in common passionate concerns and visions for a new world. They
- are creating their own initiations into middle life and, in the
- process, changing the mid-life crisis to a promising mid-life
- discovery.
- Such celebrated women as Judy Chicago (artist), Maxine Hong Kingston
- (writer), Barbara Boxer (politician), Linda Leonard (Jungian analyst
- and writer), and Cokie Roberts (journalist and political analyst)
- reveal that the second half of a woman's life is a profound
- opportunity for transformation.
- You can order this book directly from the publisher by sending the
- list price plus $2 postage (or $3 postage for UPS) to: The Crossing
- Press, PO Box 1048, Freedom, CA 95019. Or you can order by phone with
- a credit card by calling 1-800-777-1048. Be sure to ask for their
- catalog, because The Crossing Press has quite a variety of interesting
- books.
- **//----------------------------//**
- photographs by Bonnie Schiffman
- text by Bill Zehme
- introduction by Billy Crystal
- (Bulfinch Press, November 1991, $35.00, ISBN 0-8212-1848-4)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- More than 80 of Bonnie Schiffman's photos are included in this tribute
- to the world of the comedian. The old guard is well represented by
- entertainers like George Burns, Milton Berle, Bob Hope, Phyllis
- Diller, and the newer wave by the likes of Whoopi Goldberg, Jerry
- Seinfeld, Eddie Murphy, Tracy Ullman, and so many more. The book is
- not confined to stand-up comics, including comic actors like John
- Goodman and Teri Garr, and even comic artists like Gary Larson and R.
- Crumb. A brief paragraph or two accompanies each photograph, the best
- of them capturing the comedian in both subject and style. Here's what
- Zehme said about Eric Idle:
- "George Harrison, who is wise in such matters, believed that
- the karmic soul of the Beatles was spiritually bequeathed
- directly to the Monty Python fellows. If so, and even if
- not, Idle got to be the Cute One. Know what we mean? Nudge,
- nudge. Usually, he wrote alone, a Python island unto
- himself, but was no less depraved than his mates. After the
- release of their HOLY GRAIL, he was asked what the group
- planned next. 'I said, rather flippantly, "Jesus Christ's
- lust for glory,"' he recalled later. From this--a fine
- offensive lie, borne of exasperation--there sprang THE LIFE
- OF BRIAN, which according to that most contentious of
- Pythons, John Cleese, was 'our masterpiece'. We'll say no
- more! Nudge, nudge."
- While the photos are mostly heavily posed, and are too often centered
- around funny faces and bizarre props, THE ROLLING STONE BOOK OF COMEDY
- still makes a fine scrapbook for comedy fans, good for flipping
- through with friends and remembering favorite skits, routines, movies,
- and other highlights of the comic arts.
- **//----------------------------//**
- Investigating the World's Occult Mysteries
- by Joe Nickell with John F. Fischer
- (Prometheus Books, 1991, ISBN 0-87975-685-3)
- <<Howard Frye>>
- Joe Nickell (see a review of his WONDER-WORKERS! in RFP #20)
- investigates ten different types of apparently supernatural events in
- SECRETS OF THE SUPERNATURAL, using level-headed investigative
- techniques to illuminate subjects that are more often left in the
- hands of unmovable believers or nonbelievers. The author displays his
- understanding of the rigors of logic early on when he says
- "Some skeptical investigators refer to themselves as
- 'debunkers,' which is unfortunate. Although thorough
- investigation may often result in the debunking of fanciful
- claims, to call oneself a debunker implies bias,
- suggesting--rightly or wrongly--that the results are known
- prior to investigation and will always be negative."
- It's nice to have someone point out that nonbelievers can be as
- illogically pigheaded as believers. As has been found by modern
- scientists, most demonstrably in the field of particle physics, so
- often we find exactly what we are looking for. Joe Nickell, however,
- shows an admirable neutral point of view and a willingness to check
- every detail.
- In SECRETS OF THE SUPERNATURAL, Joe Nickell investigates cases of
- hauntings, crystal skulls with extraordinary powers, photographs of
- spirits, amazing disappearances, the bizarre case of two nearly
- identical men who weren't even related to each other, dowsing,
- miraculous paintings, a bleeding door, coffins that move by
- themselves, and spontaneous human combustion. I particularly enjoyed
- the chapter about William West and Will West, two men with similar
- names, similar backgrounds and family, similar dispositions, and
- nearly identical appearance (photos are included), but who were
- apparently not related to each other. The case of the two Wests was
- even a factor in the abandonment of the Bertillon method of
- identification (by physical description and measurements), since that
- method failed to distinguish between two different people.
- SECRETS OF THE SUPERNATURAL is an interesting look at some perplexing
- fringe issues, a little less exciting than the melodramatic accounts
- of true believers but certainly much more rational. Extensive Notes
- and a Bibliography following each chapter point the interested reader
- to further study.
- **//----------------------------//**
- by David Feldman
- (HarperCollins, 1991, $19.00, ISBN 0-06-016294-5)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- David Feldman is back once again with another volume in his
- Imponderables series, in which he brings illumination into the more
- murky corners of the world we live in. In this latest installment, he
- considers such mysteries as: What is the official name of the moon?
- Europa is said to be a "moon" of Jupiter, just like that thing hanging
- in our night sky is a moon of the Earth. Is our moon named Moon? Isn't
- that like naming your dog Dog? Other deep dark secrets probed in DO
- * Why are our fingers different lengths?
- * Why are peanuts listed under the ingredients of "plain" M&Ms?
- * What happens to your social security number when you die?
- * Why don't Radio Shack stores use cash registers?
- * Why is pubic hair curly?
- * How did Dr Pepper get its name?
- * When you wear a girdle, where does the fat go?
- * DO penguins have knees?
- In the back Feldman takes up the issue of "frustables", his word for
- frustrating imponderables that elude conclusive answers. There are "10
- New Frustables", a "Frustables Update" in which Feldman's readers
- improve on some of his material, and "The Frustables That Will Not
- Die", covering the latest news on questions whose answers are still
- out of reach. DO PENGUINS HAVE KNEES? is another fascinating
- installment in this series for the unbearably curious. (Previous
- volumes in the series are: IMPONDERABLES, WHY DO CLOCKS RUN
- **//----------------------------//**
- Mastering the Forces that Shape Personal Reality
- written and read by Deepak Chopra, M.D.
- 2 tape/2 hour abridgment
- (Bantam Audio, October 1991, $15.99, ISBN 0-553-47004-3)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- Dr. Chopra noticed that terminally ill patients frequently reported
- going through a psychological transformation into a state of serenity
- and bliss, and he wondered if it might be possible to achieve a
- similar transformation without the necessity of being ill. Drawing on
- his own medical experiences, evidence from other scientists, and the
- wisdom of poets, philosophers and great thinkers from all over the
- world, Dr. Chopra has put together a theory, or rather a harmonious
- medley of theories, for achieving a liberating personal
- transformation.
- UNCONDITIONAL LIFE is full of fascinating tales of human growth,
- healing, and change, such as the story about the 3 and 4 year old
- autistic children who had not yet learned to walk. Some very clever
- people designed a program in which two chairs were place ten feet
- apart, with a rope strung between them. The children soon learned to
- walk from one chair to the other while holding on to the rope. In slow
- stages the rope was replaced by thinner rope, and finally a mere
- string, and the children could still walk from one chair to the other.
- Then the chairs were taken away and each child was given a short
- length of string to hold in their hand, and soon they were walking on
- their own, grasping that liberating bit of string. In UNCONDITIONAL
- LIFE Dr. Chopra tries to help the listener understand the nature of
- their own consciousness and its power over their lives. Very
- interesting.
- **//----------------------------//**
- ^ AWAKENING OSIRIS: The Egyptian Book of the Dead
- translated by Normandi Ellis; read by Jean Houston
- 2 cassettes/3 hours
- (Audio Literature, 1991, $15.95, ISBN 0-944993-31-1)
- <<Carol Sheffert>>
- The Egyptian Book of the Dead is not exactly a book, it's a collection
- of ancient Egyptian writings about religion and the afterlife:
- prayers, hymns, incantations, poems, etc. We have found these writings
- entombed with the dead and carved onto the sarcophagus or painted on
- the walls of tombs. I was surprised to find that these works sound as
- contemporary as they do. They speak of the nature of divinity and
- man's relationship to it, of how life should be lived, of the common
- failings of human beings. Ellis' translation captures the lyric
- quality of the words very well, and Jean Houston's contribution is far
- more than a mere "reading". She performs, she enacts the words;
- sometimes shouting, sometimes whispering, always dynamic. The Egyptian
- Book of the Dead is a beautiful series of texts, and this performance
- is much more accessible than I would have imagined. Below are a few
- excerpts that caught my attention particularly:
- "Name yourself in your heart and know who you are."
- "I have regretted the past and longed for the future,
- Forgetting to notice the mountain of the present."
- "The god you seek is within.
- The truth you chase lies between your own eyebrows."
- "What I've seen with the eye has been fantasy, perhaps,
- But what I've known with the heart has been truth."
- "Go, then, and make of the world something beautiful,
- Set up a light in the darkness."
- (You can contact the publisher, and request a catalog, by writing to:
- Audio Literature, PO Box 7123, Berkeley, CA 94707. To order any of
- their tapes, you can call their Orders Only phone: 1-800-841-2665.)
- **//----------------------------//**
- by Dave Barry, read by Arte Johnson
- unabridged selections: 2 cassettes, 3 hours
- (Dove Audio, 1991, $15.95, ISBN 1-55800-455-6)
- <<Cindy Bartorillo>>
- In my opinion Dave Barry is the funniest man in print today. There are
- many writers who are humorous, but no one is as laugh-out-loud funny
- as Dave Barry. I was skeptical about Barry on audio tape, though.
- Sounding funny isn't the same thing as being funny on paper. Would
- Barry's jokes translate to sound bytes? The definitive answer is: They
- do if translated by Arte Johnson. His performance of Dave Barry's
- written material is a treasure, and can stand on its own. Spoken
- material IS different from written, and you will probably want to get
- DAVE BARRY TALKS BACK in print and on tape. The book is easier to
- stick inside a copy of NEWSWEEK when you pretend to be too busy
- reading to pay attention to your family, but the tape is better when
- you're driving, unless you laugh so hard you run off the road. On the
- comedy critic's scale, DAVE BARRY TALKS BACK gets a full five rubber
- chickens. You can order Dove Audio tapes by calling 1-800-328-DOVE
- (inside California call 310/273-7722 or 1-800-345-9945). Dove Audio,
- 301 North Canon Dr., Suite 203, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.
- **//----------------------------//**
- ask told to John G. Neihardt, read by Fred Contreras
- (Audio Literature, 1991, $15.95, ISBN 0-944993-36-2)
- <<Carol Sheffert>>
- Originally published in 1932, BLACK ELK SPEAKS tells the story of an
- Oglala Sioux warrior and holy man who lived from 1863 to 1950. Black
- Elk lived through Little Big Horn and Wounded Knee, and was a
- dedicated and spirited defender of Native American rights during his
- lifetime. He told his story to writer John G. Neihardt in an attempt
- to record and preserve Native American culture and traditions. His
- sensitive, moving words tell about his life and his many visions
- without self-pity. His story is difficult to ignore, impossible to
- forget. Fred Contreras, raised by his grandfather in the traditional
- ways of the Tarauhmara Indians, brings an added dimension to Black
- Elk's words; and we can hear them in the slow, cadenced Native
- American speech that originally gave them life.
- (You can contact the publisher, and request a catalog, by writing to:
- Audio Literature, PO Box 7123, Berkeley, CA 94707. To order any of
- their tapes, you can call their Orders Only phone: 1-800-841-2665.)
- **//----------------------------//**
- MONSTER IN A BOX by Spalding Gray
- CAT-DEPENDENT NO MORE! by "Dr." Jeff Reid
- IN AN AVERAGE LIFETIME... by Tom Heymann
- ANXIETY by Bonnie Timmons
- SATISFYING SOUPS by Phyllis Hobson
- PRISONER'S DILEMMA by William Poundstone
- ACCIDENTAL EMPIRES by Robert X. Cringely
- THIS OLD HOUSE KITCHENS by Steve Thomas & Philip Langdon
- .......and a whole lot more!
- **//----------------------------//**