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- * R E A D I N G F O R P L E A S U R E *
- * *
- * Issue #20 *
- * December 1991 / January 1992 *
- * *
- * *
- * Editor: Cindy Bartorillo *
- * *
- * Reviews by: Cindy & Drew Bartorillo, Dan Ellis, Howard *
- * Frye, Carl Ingram, Darryl Kenning, Janet Peters, *
- * Robert Pittman, Peter Quint, Carol Sheffert, Annie *
- * Wilkes *
- * *
- **************************************************************
- CONTACT US AT: Reading For Pleasure, 103 Baughman's Lane, Suite 303,
- Frederick, MD 21702; or on CompuServe leave a message to 74766,1206;
- or on GEnie leave mail to C.BARTORILLO; or call our BBS, the BAUDLINE
- II at 301-694-7108, 1200-9600 HST.
- NOTICE: Reading For Pleasure is not copyrighted. You may copy
- freely, but please give us credit if you extract portions to use
- somewhere else. This electronic edition is free, but print editions
- cost $2 each for printing and postage.
- **************************
- Here are a few bulletin boards where you should be able to pick up the
- latest issue of READING FOR PLEASURE. See masthead for where to send
- additions and corrections to this list.
- Academia Pomono, NJ Ken Tompkins 609-652-4914
- Accolade! BBS Round Rock,TX Jack Moore 512-388-1445
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- (RFPs downloadable on first call; 9600 HST)
- NOTE: Back issues on CompuServe may have been moved to a different
- library.
- **************************
- Table of Contents
- Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
- Publishers Weekly All-Time First Fiction Bestsellers . . . . 161
- The Phenomenon of SCARLETT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
- Mainstream Fiction Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
- Murder By The Book (Mystery Reviews) . . . . . . . . . . . . 917
- Loosen Your Grip On Reality (SF & Fantasy Reviews) . . . . . 1785
- Frightful Fiction (Horror Reviews) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2851
- Nonfiction Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3463
- **************************
- Here we are, back again with another huge issue full of reading
- material of all kinds. We try to include the best recent, and not so
- recent, books, and we give preferential treatment to books that you
- wouldn't be likely to hear about otherwise. In the pages/screens of
- RFP you'll find reviews, publisher's blurbs, and cover copy, of some
- of the most interesting material we've found over the past two months.
- Maybe a word about RFP's financial situation would be in order here.
- As mentioned before, RFP is a labor of love by readers and for
- readers. We keep our ear to the ground, haunt our local bookstores,
- and pour through the latest literary journals looking for hidden
- treasure. And, of course, we read. But all of this we would be doing
- anyway, and we try to keep the overhead administrative work to a
- minimum. In return, we give the electronic edition away freely, and
- charge $2 per issue for the print edition to help cover printing and
- mailing. We lose a few bucks on each issue, but not enough to really
- complain about.
- Thus, RFP is a not-for-profit concern. Or is the term nonprofit? Or
- how about profitless? Whatever you call it, more money goes out than
- comes in, and everyone here has donated their time and effort. All of
- this is a long-winded way of explaining why we appreciate a little
- financial consideration from RFP readers. If you'd like a mailed
- answer to a question, please include a stamped self-addressed
- envelope. And please don't ask for copies of RFP "on spec" or
- whatever. The money you send is what we give the post office for the
- mailing--if you don't send any money, the post office won't deliver
- anything.
- One more thing: We occasionally have technical difficulties with
- electronic mail. Like our software downloads it then trashes it
- without showing it to us first. Or sometimes the electronic service
- that holds our mail gets rid of it before we get it. Whatever. For
- that reason, I like to announce periodically that we are completely
- caught up on our correspondence here at RFP. If you've been waiting
- for a response to something, and you're still waiting, we probably
- didn't get your letter. Please try again.
- All of us here at RFP hope you and yours have a very happy and safe
- holidays. Don't forget that books make excellent gifts. And happy
- reading...
- **************************
- (1945 to the Present)
- The following list represents the top-selling first fictional books,
- according to hardcover sales only.
- 1. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach (1970; Macmillan;
- 1,400,000)
- 2. Lake Wobegon Days by Garrison Keillor (1985; Viking; 1,386,000)
- 3. The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe (1987; Farrar, Straus &
- Giroux; 745,321)
- 4. Presumed Innocent by Scott Turow (1987; Farrar, Straus & Giroux;
- 712,490)
- 5. The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough (1977; Harper & Row; 675,513)
- 6. Contact by Carl Sagan (1985; Simon & Schuster; 475,000)
- 7. The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy (1985; Naval Institute
- Press; 438,159)
- 8. Love Story by Erich Segal (1970; Harper & Row; 432,532)
- 9. The Miracle of the Bells by Russell Janney (1946; Prentice-Hall;
- 400,000)
- 10. Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann (1966; Bernard Geis;
- 360,000)
- 11. Prime Time by Joan Collins (1988; Simon & Schuster; 327,000)
- 12. The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco (1983; Harcourt Brace
- Jovanovich; 305,749)
- 13. Watership Down by Richard Adams (1974; Macmillan; 305,000)
- 14. The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan (1989; Putnam; 277,365)
- 15. Peyton Place by Grace Metalious (1956; Messner; 250,000)
- 16. From Here to Eternity by James Jones (1951; Scribners; 240,000)
- 17. The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel (1980; Crown; 230,000)
- 18. Two from Galilee by Marjorie Holmes (1972; Revell; 225,000)
- 19. Up the Down Staircase by Bel Kaufman (1965; Prentice-Hall;
- 223,000)
- 20. Jaws by Peter Benchley (1974; Doubleday; 222,000)
- **************************
- SCARLETT, Alexandra Ripley's sequel to Margaret Mitchell's GONE WITH
- THE WIND, is a monster hit. Its publisher, Warner Books, estimates
- that 500,000 copies were sold in the U.S. in just the first week. The
- new #1 fiction bestseller has even revived interest in the original:
- GONE WITH THE WIND is back on the Publishers Weekly bestseller list
- (#12 as I write this) for the first time in over 50 years.
- Now we hear that CBS and a consortium of American and European
- investors has paid nearly $10 million for the film rights. Before
- this, the highest price paid for screen rights was about $2.5 million,
- which went to THY NEIGHBOR'S WIFE by Gay Talese, which was, by the
- way, never filmed. The SCARLETT deal covers American television rights
- and TV and film rights abroad (also videocassette and video disk
- rights). Author Ripley will also receive a percentage of the profits
- of the 8-hour-minimum CBS miniseries, though she is NOT writing the
- screenplay. The miniseries may be released as a feature film abroad.
- SCARLETT will also be appearing (abridged) in your local bookstores in
- audio cassette form, just in time for Christmas. Simon & Schuster paid
- $150,000 for the audio rights.
- Warner Books will probably be releasing SCARLETT in a paperback
- edition in 1992, and don't be surprised if they also put out another
- TV tie-in edition in 1993 when the CBS miniseries is scheduled.
- Those involved will certainly be trying to turn the casting of the
- SCARLETT miniseries into a media circus comparable to that which
- preceded the making of GONE WITH THE WIND. We have heard that they are
- looking for an unknown actress to play Scarlett and an established
- actor to play Rhett Butler.
- **************************
- "Editors are now as obsolete as the hand-crank telephone. Almost all
- the people with experience in editing have had to go freelance.
- They've been replaced by people with the title of editor whose real
- skills and experience were gained in sales, marketing or promotion.
- Books have become products, like cereal or perfume or deodorant."
- ---Alexandra Ripley (author of SCARLETT)
- **************************
- by Cynthia Voigt
- (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-15-135825-7)
- review by Carol Sheffert
- When it's springtime in New York, the upper class comes out to play.
- There's the exceedingly wealthy Theo, juggling his parents, social
- engagements, and a vast array of beautiful women. And Gregor, Theo's
- manservant, unusually intelligent and well-read (he reacts to crisis
- and depression by reading through Dickens, from PICKWICK PAPERS to THE
- MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD), whose carefully chosen words form the
- backbone of this delightful comedy of manners. And let's not forget
- the women of GLASS MOUNTAIN: Sarah, Theo's sister, whose heart leads
- her astray; Prune, the wealthy woman chosen to be Theo's wife; and the
- very rich mystery woman being ever-so-carefully wooed by Gregor.
- GLASS MOUNTAIN is a literate, sophisticated comedy, a modern version
- of a Noel Coward play. The sparkling dialogue, the intricate love
- lives of the characters, the suspense--it all adds up to a delightful
- read that, even at 288 pages, is over far too soon. Will Theo actually
- marry Prune? Will Gregor win the mystery woman? When will the mystery
- woman discover that Gregor is not the wealthy man of leisure he seems
- to be? Will Sarah ever be happy? GLASS MOUNTAIN is irresistible, a
- rare and sophisticated comedy from Cynthia Voigt, who has previously
- been known for her young-adult fiction.
- **************************
- ^ RAY BRADBURY ON STAGE: A Chrestomathy of His Plays
- by Ray Bradbury
- (Primus, November 1991, $12.95, ISBN 1-55611-305-6)
- review by Howard Frye
- Ray Bradbury, one of America's most treasured authors, has written
- novels and short stories, as well as dramas for television, radio,
- theater, and film. Eleven of his best-known plays, out of print for
- more than a decade, are brought together in RAY BRADBURY ON STAGE.
- Originally published in three separate volumes: THE ANTHEM SPRINTERS
- AND OTHER ANTICS is from the time he was living in Ireland and writing
- the screenplay for MOBY DICK, while THE WONDERFUL ICE CREAM SUIT AND
- recent, and the plays tend toward his more futuristic fiction. Three
- of the plays were produced on USA Network's RAY BRADBURY THEATRE.
- The plays include: Pillar of Fire, Kaleidoscope, The Fog Horn, The
- Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, The Veldt, To the Chicago Abyss, The Anthem
- Sprinters, The Great Collision of Monday Last, The First Night of
- Lent, A Clear View of an Irish Mist, The Queen's Own Evaders. RAY
- BRADBURY ON STAGE is an important, and enjoyable, addition to your
- Bradbury shelf.
- **************************
- by P.G. Wodehouse, edited by D.R. Bensen
- (International Polygonics, 1991, $21.95, ISBN 1-55882-100-7)
- commentary from the publisher
- Think of Wodehouse and you think of Jeeves and Bertie Wooster, of Lord
- Emsworth, of Psmith, of Ukridge, of Mr. Mulliner, true enough. But,
- when you come down to it, what motivates these worthies (and
- unworthies)? Running after them, running from them, wooing them,
- placating them, rescuing them, being rescued by them--whenever a
- Wodehouse male goes into high gear, it's almost always something to do
- with a woman, and probably one too good for him at that.
- Pelhem Grenville (Plum) Wodehouse's work displays both a high respect
- and keen relish for women--from demure damsels to frenzied flappers,
- his female characters are usually saner than his men (which isn't
- saying much). Here is an orchard of Wodehouse peaches (and a lemon or
- two): fourteen short stories featuring the outrageous Bobbie Wickham,
- the three ex-wives of millionaire Vincent Jopp, the extortionate Vera
- Prebble, the near-lethal Celia Tennant, the abundantly ripe Maudie
- Wilberforce, Cleapatra herself reincarnate in Cora McGuffy
- Spottsworth, and a basketful more.
- For those for whom romance is not enough, the stories provide useful
- instruction on how to avoid dealing with fiery dragons, the
- consequences of multiple concurrent engagements, weight-loss and
- beauty tips, how to brain a fiance, the perils of ambience, a
- sure-fire method for establishing a film career and detailed
- instructions on imitating a hen laying an egg (a personal fowl). Who
- could ask for more--if indeed as much?
- **************************
- by Len Deighton
- (HarperCollins, 1991)
- review by Robert Pittman
- MAMISTA is the acronym for Movimiento de Accion Marxista, a
- revolutionary group, competing with two other Marxist groups against
- the established dictatorship for the control of Spanish Guiana in
- South America. It is a four-way den of thieves fighting with each
- other, and around them, a muddled and befuddled mass of population
- trying to subsist and function in this society of conflict. Also
- present is the U.S. Government and a special interest group from
- England, both trying to advance their own agendas through
- opportunities provided in the turmoil and confusion of the moment.
- Len Deighton, like many other writers of stories that concentrate on
- spying and espionage, has found the drug trade to be the theme which
- provides the thrills and chills that more recently arose from actions
- situated around East/West cold war subjects. The new setting is still
- populated with the usual cast of characters. There is a despotic and
- brutal government ruling over the citizens of Spanish Guiana. There is
- a clever, crude, amoral revolutionary leader. There is a beautiful,
- young woman, idealistic and dedicated to the revolutionary cause.
- There is an embittered young man with a privileged background from the
- U.S. who has joined the rebels as a statement of protest. There is an
- Australian adventurer and our old friends from the CIA and the White
- House.
- The plot concentrates on one of the rebel groups as it seeks to
- restore its supplies and to find aid and other support that will
- sustain its fight for dominance and control. A particularly graphic
- episode in the adventure is a journey through the Guianaian jungle in
- which the rebels are hampered and beset by almost every imaginable
- adverse circumstance that Mother Nature has to offer. The entire story
- vividly demonstrates the brutality and ineptness that goes hand in
- hand with revolution and the ultimate futility of empty causes.
- This is not one of Len Deighton's best books, but it is worth reading
- and does have a fine, surprise ending.
- **************************
- by Evelyn Kennedy
- (Naiad, 1991, $9.95, ISBN 0-941483-85-1)
- cover copy
- Author Evelyn Kennedy returns to us...in a new story with all the
- passion and eroticism of her all-time bestseller, CHERISHED LOVE.
- Karen Wainwright, married and the mother of two teenagers, reenters
- the nursing profession by taking a job at a women's clinic.
- Her first day on the job is unusual, to say the least. Caught in a
- cross-fire created by anti-abortion forces, she is arrested, along
- with clinic director Dr. Joanna Jordon, and taken to jail.
- To the horror of friends and family, Karen's arrest is recorded by
- television cameras. Quit immediately, orders husband Phillip. But
- Karen refuses.
- And so begins her relationship with Joanna...
- Joanna is undergoing her own conflicts with long-term partner Vicki,
- who has lost patience with Joanna's pro-choice activism and its
- perilous presence in their lives.
- Friendship between Karen and Joanna becomes passionate attraction. But
- both women have carefully constructed worlds to lose: Joanna her
- long-term relationship with Vicki, and Karen her home and children.
- Will Karen and Joanna find the courage TO LOVE AGAIN? If your local
- bookstore doesn't have TO LOVE AGAIN, you can order it directly from
- the publisher by sending the list price, plus 15% for shipping and
- handling to: The Naiad Press Inc., PO Box 10543, Tallahassee, FL
- 32302. Or get your credit card and call 1-800-533-1973.
- **************************
- by Dean Ing
- (Tor, November 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-312-85105-7)
- commentary from the publisher
- Unorthodox archeologist Harry Rex Brown (a Mormon with an "Indiana
- Jones" complex), posing as an anthropologist while illegally
- collecting samples of Mayan artifacts, is chased by guerillas and
- buzzed by a strange plane, certainly not a craft belonging to the
- Mexican Air Force. So begins Dean Ing's new high-tension novel, THE
- NEMESIS MISSION, which stars an intriguing cast of characters,
- including the plane itself--an ultra-light, solar-powered,
- cutting-edge two-person spyplane that can stay aloft for weeks, fly or
- glide at any altitude, and conduct continuous surveillance undetected.
- The Nemesis mission is to avert the plan of Colombian druglord Simon
- Torres (who has moved his operation to Mexico) to smuggle one billion
- dollars in cash and a planeful of hostages from Las Vegas to Mexico.
- Unfortunately, the Nemesis crashes in the Mexican jungle and the
- pilots, Wes Hardin and Colleen Morrison, find themselves caught
- between a CIA rescue team and the murderous guerillas. Ing also
- introduces us to bewildered vacationers (who thought they were
- visiting Mexico to look at condos), FBI agents disguised in
- double-knit and drag, and mystical Mayans, still honoring their
- cultural past.
- RFP NOTE: This one looks like a terrific fast-paced read.
- **************************
- ^ LILA: An Inquiry Into Morals
- by Robert M. Pirsig, read by Will Patton
- 340 minute abridgment
- (Bantam Audio, November 1991, $22.50, ISBN 0-553-47021-3
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- "It's not the nice guys who bring about real social change.
- Nice guys look nice because they're conforming. It's the bad
- guys, who only look nice a hundred years later that are the
- real dynamic force in social evolution."
- LILA is Robert M. Pirsig's first book since the classic ZEN AND THE
- ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE (1974), and is an extension of the
- earlier book. LILA tells the story of the philosopher/narrator
- Phaedrus' experiences with a troubled woman named Lila, but this is
- only a backdrop for his philosophical wanderings. In the course of
- LILA Phaedrus lays the groundwork for an entire philosophic
- superstructure that he calls the Metaphysics of Quality, wherein
- everything is divided into four groups: inorganic, biological, social,
- and intellectual. Along the way he considers Victorian society,
- mysticism, anthropology, William James, insanity, religious
- experience, and above all, Native American culture.
- LILA is not a breezy read, nor is it an easy listening experience;
- this is a tape that requires your attention at all times. The ideas,
- though, are provocative, invigorating, and exciting--LILA is well
- worth the effort. The reader Will Patton (from the movie NO WAY OUT,
- and others) has one of my favorite voices, bringing an intensity and
- enthusiasm to LILA that enhances comprehension. This is an enjoyable
- and challenging book and tape.
- --------------------------
- written and read by Tom Bodett
- music by Johnny B.
- 120 minute unabridged
- (Bantam Audio, November 1991, $15.99, ISBN 0-553-47014-0)
- review by Janet Peters
- Tom Bodett's fictional Alaskan town is called The End of the Road, and
- The Big Garage is a gathering place for the cast of characters that
- reside there. This collection of stories considers such subjects as
- junkyards, fighting, secret fishing holes, romance, and even Ruby
- McClay's Video Round-up. The author's calm, dry delivery suits the
- material, and the piano music of Johnny B. sets the tone perfectly.
- THE BIG GARAGE ON CLEAR SHOT would be particularly of interest to fans
- of television's NORTHERN EXPOSURE. It has the same dry wit, and the
- same warm, human quality.
- --------------------------
- by Scott Turow, read by Grover Gardner
- (Books On Tape, Inc.)
- review by Robert Pittman
- This is a novel of suspense that delves into suicide and deception and
- the resulting emotional battering and puzzling complexities that
- descend into the life of Sandy Stern, a skilled, polished, controlled
- and respected member of the bar.
- Stern returns home from a short business trip, opens his garage door
- and finds his wife slumped behind the steering wheel of her car, dead
- from breathing carbon monoxide. He calls the emergency service,
- contacts his two daughters and his son and then begins to cope with
- the shock, grief and guilt that accompanies this suicidal death.
- In this setting the author begins the creation of his principal
- character on two levels. The first is Stern as a substantial father
- figure and prominent lawyer who is authoritative, responsible and
- knowledgeable. The second is Stern as a man whose comfortable,
- predictable life has fallen asunder, leaving him confused,
- apprehensive and tentative almost to the point of inaction in his
- relationships and the conduct of his daily affairs. He outwardly
- projects the first personality but inwardly lives as the second.
- Skillfully using occasional flashbacks as the story unfolds, Scott
- Turow builds well-developed backgrounds for the principal characters.
- We learn that Sandy Stern was a young immigrant from Argentina who has
- won his current prominence in law circles through hard work,
- dedication and exceptional ability. His wife, Clara, is the offspring
- of a family long established in the community and socially preeminent.
- She is well educated, understands her societal and family
- responsibilities and is confident of her ability to respond to them.
- At the family gathering in preparation for Clara's funeral, two men
- from the office of the district attorney visit the home in an attempt
- to serve a subpoena on Stern's brother-in-law, Dixon Hartnell. Stern
- has somewhat reluctantly served as Dixon's lawyer for many years and
- while loyal to his client, is less than enamored with his business
- ethics and his personal standards of conduct. Dixon owns a large and
- successful commodity brokerage firm and is frequently in conflict with
- tax authorities and with the regulatory agencies that deal with this
- area of business.
- Two mysteries run simultaneously throughout this novel. One centers on
- Clara's suicide and the other on the investigation of Dixon's
- business. At the outset, they are very separate subjects, but as the
- story moves forward, they become intertwined in curious and surprising
- ways. As Stern begins looking into the activities of his wife just
- prior to her death he finds some unusual and unexpected things. She
- has unpaid and unidentified medical charges of which he was not aware
- and he finds that her large personal holdings have been reduced by a
- withdrawal of over $850,000 in the form of a cashier's check:
- recipient unknown! These discoveries trigger Stern's pilgrimage into
- the details of her recent past and thus into a morass of activities
- and relationships that brutally upset his previously held notions and
- totally unbalance and restrict his usual ability to rationally examine
- a problem.
- As he deals with the pain and the puzzle of his wife's demise, he is
- also attempting to cope with the investigation of Dixon's business.
- Dixon is a self-serving individual, full of deceit and one who
- sustains an uncooperative, almost hostile relationship with Stern.
- Stern's allegiance to Dixon is rooted in professional standards and
- familial ties, but he has always had difficulty and some aversion to
- dealing with the man. Dixon is a master of evasion in responding to
- Stern's attempts to understand the nature of the justice department
- investigation. He lies, hides information and professes to know of no
- reason for an investigation of his business. Thus, to Stern falls the
- task of laboriously extracting the ugly details of Dixon's business
- affairs.
- Throughout the story uncertainty plagues Stern. He realizes that the
- fear of knowing is hampering his ability to ask the right questions
- and take decisive actions. He fumbles so often in his opportunities to
- solve his problems that the listener feels a sharp urge to reach in
- and help him. In the end, though, Stern pulls himself together,
- resolves the multiple mysteries and learns several good lessons about
- himself and his family.
- This is a good story made even better by the excellent reading of
- Grover Gardner. Mr. Gardner is an experienced reader--one of my
- catalogs credits him with 69 different titles! He is easy to
- understand and is skilled at projecting a variety of distinctive
- characters with just slight changes of tone and accent.
- THE BURDEN OF PROOF is recorded on 12 one and one-half hour cassettes
- and is well worth eighteen hours of listening time.
- --------------------------
- by Frederick Forsyth, performed by Charles Keating
- 240-minute abridgment
- (Bantam Audio, October 1991, $19.99, ISBN 0-553-07319-2)
- review by Drew Bartorillo
- For years Sam McCready has served with distinction in Britain's Secret
- Intelligence Service (SIS). Now, a top-level decision has been made to
- eliminate some of the SIS's old-style operatives and McCready has been
- targeted for "early retirement." As is the SIS's policy, an appeal of
- the decision is allowed and one of McCready's most determined foes,
- (and long-time friend) Timothy Edwards, presents McCready's top four
- cases as evidence that he should not be forced into retirement.
- One-by-one we hear these four cases as they are presented to the
- appeal board. These are classic cases, dazzling evidence of McCready's
- value--or are they damning proof that he, in fact, should be put
- aside?
- I was more than a little leery of listening to a cassette version of
- what is obviously a top-notch spy thriller. Normally these type
- stories have labyrinthine plots and dozens and dozens of characters. I
- found, though, that THE DECEIVER was very easy to listen to and very
- easy to follow. The four McCready cases that are presented in the book
- are very, very interesting, and I think the first one, about a Russian
- defector, who McCready believes might actually be double agent, is the
- best of the lot and extremely well done. My second favorite was about
- a supposedly "washed up" operative who McCready chooses to take
- possession of a Russian defense department document.
- Charles Keating (recently seen in AWAKENINGS) does a masterful
- job with all the different voices and accents, which made THE
- DECEIVER more of a performance than a reading. This is a good
- tape set for long trips or commuter travel. I personally used the
- tapes to improve one week's commuting to and from work.
- **************************
- by Miss Read
- (Academy Chicago, October 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-89733-352-7)
- review by Janet Peters
- Dora Jessie Saint has been writing timeless tales of English country
- village life under the name Miss Read for over 35 years. Her stories
- are full of old-fashioned values, tiny cottages, spinster ladies,
- high-spirited children, homemade happiness, and lots of good food.
- MISS READ'S CHRISTMAS brings together in one attractively-bound volume
- two of her yuletide stories, "Village Christmas" and "The Christmas
- Mouse". In the first, spinster sisters Margaret and Mary have a very
- special holiday with their annoying new neighbors, and in the second
- elderly Mrs. Berry receives two visitations on Christmas Eve night,
- neither one bearing the slightest resemblance to anything thought of
- by Charles Dickens. Both are delightful, and deserve a place alongside
- our other Christmas classics like A VISIT FROM ST. NICHOLAS and A
- CHRISTMAS CAROL. MISS READ'S CHRISTMAS is recommended holiday reading
- for the whole family.
- If your local bookstore can't get MISS READ'S CHRISTMAS for you, you
- can contact the publisher at: Academy Chicago, 213 West Institute
- Place, Chicago, IL 60610.
- **************************
- edited, with an Introduction and notes, by Martin Gardner
- (Summit Books, October 1991, $20.00, ISBN 0-671-70839-2)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- I have never seen, or even heard of, so many versions of A VISIT FROM
- ST. NICHOLAS, and can't imagine how Martin Gardner managed to hunt
- down all of them. In any case, they're a lot of fun, and with
- Gardner's interesting commentary, beautiful illustrations, all nicely
- bound by Summit Books, THE ANNOTATED NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS makes a
- wonderful gift for the whole family.
- Martin Gardner begins by giving the history of the poem, it's author
- Clement C. Moore, Santa Claus himself, as well as the history of
- Christmas. Chapter 2 contains the complete text of Moore's famous
- poem, and Chapters 3 through 10 collect all the parodies, sequels, and
- other related material. The book ends with a chapter on Rudolf the
- Red-Nosed Reindeer and a lovely G.K. Chesterton piece, "A Shop of
- Ghosts". Among the texts you'll find poems about the Night After
- Christmas:
- 'Twas the night after Christmas, and boy, what a house!
- I felt like the devil, and so did the spouse.
- There are parodies that involve someone other than Santa, such as "A
- Visit From St. Nicholson" by Bob Rivers, Dennis Amero, and Brian
- Silva, which includes a longish monologue that is just perfect for all
- Jack Nicholson impersonators. Computers show up in quite a few of the
- poems, like "A Visit From Saint Woz" by Marty Knight, and even a piece
- called "The Worm Before Christmas by Clement C. Morris--
- I unplugged the net, and was turning around,
- When the worm-ridden system went down with a bound.
- There are parodies by Frank Jacobs from MAD magazine, parodies written
- for special groups, and parodies in dialect, such as "Cajun Night
- Before Christmas by J.B. Kling, Jr.
- Den out on de by-you
- Dey got such a clatter
- Make soun' like old Boudreau
- Done fall off his ladder.
- This year, why get stuck with the same old poem when there are so many
- variants to choose from? Just imagine the looks you'll get when your
- family and friends hear your rendition of "The Booze Before Christmas"
- My houseguests had long since been poured in their beds,
- To wake in the morning with hungover heads.
- **************************
- by J.R.R. Tolkien
- (Houghton Mifflin, 1976, $10.95, ISBN 0-395-59698-X)
- cover copy
- Every Christmas J.R.R. Tolkien, creator of THE HOBBIT and the
- enchanted world of Middle-earth, sent his children a letter from
- Father Christmas--handwritten, illustrated, even with a North Pole
- stamp. This collection is filled with wonderful tales about life at
- the North Pole, enchanted by Tolkien's delightful watercolors and
- fantastical drawings.
- RFP NOTE: A colorful, magical Christmas book by one of the greatest
- imaginative writers of all time.
- **************************
- commentary from the publisher
- 60-minute performance by Jane Alexander
- (Bantam Audio, $9.99, ISBN 0-553-45145-6)
- In a unique listening experience the entire family can enjoy, actress
- Jane Alexander reads traditional Christmas tales and poems handed down
- from generation to generation to guarantee the perfect holiday. From
- O. Henry's poignant tale of love "The Gift of the Magi", to Hans
- Christian Anderson's "The Fir Tree" as well as stirring renditions of
- our best-loved carols, this treasury is brimming with Christmas cheer.
- This audio tape brings all the warmth and wonder of the season into
- your home and will be cherished by parents and children alike.
- **************************
- 40-minute performance by Hal Linden
- (Bantam Audio, $9.99, ISBN 0-553-45147-2)
- Every year families gather to commemorate the brave heroes of Hanukkah
- and the miracle of the light. Here at last is an audio collection that
- brings all the heritage and tradition of one of Judaism's most joyous
- holidays into your home. A CELEBRATION OF HANUKKAH, performed by Hal
- Linden, is a powerful retelling of the stories of Judah Macabee's
- courage and Judith's wisdom. Hal Linden also tells listeners the
- meanings and folktales behind such Hanukkah symbols as the menorah,
- the dreidel, and Hanukkah gelt. And finally, the whole family will
- want to join Linden in singing such beloved Hebrew and Yiddish songs
- of the season as "Rock of Ages" and "Dreidel", specially arranged and
- produced for this collection. This heartwarming audio celebration will
- be enjoyed by all ages throughout the eight days of the Festival of
- Lights and for years to come.
- **************************
- ^ A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens
- 60-minute abridgment performed by Sir John Gielgud
- (Bantam Audio, $9.99, ISBN 0-553-45146-4)
- Sir John Gielgud's dramatic reading of an abridgment of this holiday
- classic brings Dickens's memorable characters to life. The tale of
- stingy Ebenezer Scrooge, humble Bob Cratchit, and beloved Tiny Tim has
- taken a special place in the heart of everyone's holiday tradition.
- This timeless delight of the most famous celebration of Christmas and
- family love shows us the nature of true charity, the power of
- tenderness, and the wisdom of innocence in a coldhearted world that
- will be enjoyed over and over again by listeners of all ages.
- Charles Dickens's classic tale, A CHRISTMAS CAROL, performed by Sir
- John Gielgud. For added shared family pleasure, this audio is packaged
- with a free copy of A CHRISTMAS CAROL.
- **************************
- by John Waddington-Feather, illustrated by Doreen Edmond
- ages 8 and up
- (John Muir, 1991, $5.95, ISBN 1-56261-015-5)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- "You would have thought they'd have seen what was
- happening long before it took place and taken steps to do
- something about it," Quill said.
- "They were--and still are--too greedy. They'd rather live
- in squalor than make their country beautiful again, as long
- as their pockets are full. Their land is a shambles now--a
- wasteland. That's how it got its name. I've never been
- there, but I'm told the whole place is derelict--acres and
- acres of slum houses and poisoned land."
- "And now they've come to the Great Beyond," said Quill
- sadly.
- It's spring and Quill Hedgehog is ready for an adventure. He decides
- to ignore Kraken's warnings and take a trip into the Great Beyond, a
- strange and mysterious land over the mountains that border Domusland.
- On the way he meets Horatio Fitzworthy, a cat with deep secrets and a
- similar taste for adventure. Quill discovers that Horatio is
- originally from the Great Beyond, and was the lord of Fitzworthy
- Castle until his unscrupulous lawyer Mungo Brown took over and
- declared himself President. Mungo then began making financially
- advantageous deals with the Wastelanders, rats from beyond who had
- polluted their own territory until it was barely habitable, and who
- needed new land to plunder. Soon the Great Beyond was dotted with
- factories belching horrid smoke into the air, and the Wastelanders
- were destroying wilderness to make room for slum housing. Horatio has
- decided to take back his Castle, free the citizens of the Great
- Beyond, and expel the hated Wastelanders (and Mungo Brown too), or die
- in the attempt. And Quill decides to help Horatio. Their adventures
- are both comical and thrilling, and QUILL'S ADVENTURES IN THE GREAT
- BEYOND is a great read for all ages.
- "green fiction", featuring Quill Hedgehog--a dedicated
- environmentalist--and his animalfolk friends. They were first
- published in England by author, the Reverend John Waddington-Feather,
- an Anglican priest with three daughters for whom the tales were
- created. The books were nominated for the Library Association's
- Carnegie Medal in 1988 by England's Youth Libraries Group. John Muir
- Publications also has Book Two: QUILL'S ADVENTURES IN WASTELAND
- ($5.95, ISBN 1-56261-016-3) and Book Three: QUILL'S ADVENTURES IN
- GROZZIELAND ($5.95, ISBN 1-56261-017-1).
- You can get QUILL'S ADVENTURES from your local bookstore, or by
- sending the list price, plus shipping and handling ($2.75 for the
- first book and $.50 for each book thereafter) to: John Muir
- Publications, PO Box 613, Santa Fe, NM 87504. They ship UPS, so be
- sure to give them a street address, not a PO box.
- There is also a Quill Hedgehog Club. Members receive a membership
- certificate, a Hedgehog Club badge, and Quill's Club Newsletter, a
- quarterly publication of the latest news from Hedgehog Corner. Members
- will be among the very first to learn about Quill's newest adventures
- and his battles to preserve the environment. Send name, address, and
- $10 to: Quill Hedgehog, Hedgehog Corner, Fair View, Old Coppice, Lyth
- Bank, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England SY3 0BW.
- **************************
- by James Whitcomb Riley, illustrations by Glenna Lang
- ages 3 to 8
- (Godine, October 1991, $15.95, ISBN 0-87923-912-3)
- commentary from the publisher
- WHEN THE FROST IS ON THE PUNKIN is James Whitcomb Riley's exuberant
- ode to Fall on the farm, published by David R. Godine for the 75th
- anniversary of his death. Written in bouncy Hoosier dialect, the
- Indiana poet's classic poem is fun to read aloud, and fun to listen
- to. Glenna Lang's gouache watercolor illustrations follow a little
- girl through fields of pumpkins and other fruits of the harvest,
- orchards, and barnyards filled with gentle animals. At the poem's end,
- one of the pumpkins becomes a jack-o-lantern, and the girl's thoughts
- turn happily to the fall holidays to come. The book's rich, smooth
- colors and simple shapes express the feel of autumn in a way that will
- appeal to children.
- **************************
- adapted and illustrated by Barbara McClintock
- ages 6 and up
- (David R. Godine, November 1991, $17.95, ISBN 0-87923-913-1)
- review by Janet Peters
- THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW selected Barbara McClintock's last
- book, HEARTACHES OF A FRENCH CAT (Godine, 1989), as one of the ten
- best illustrated books of the year. Now she has created a wonderful
- set of 54 19th century-style illustrations for a collection of Aesop's
- fables. McClintock's Wolf, Fox, Crow, Mice, Cat, etc., retain their
- animal features while wearing Victorian clothing and all-too-human
- facial expressions and body language. The detail of fur, clothing, and
- scenery is matched only by the delicacy of the coloring. This is a
- perfect opportunity to share classic Aesop fables, beautifully
- illustrated, with a new generation. A lovely book.
- **************************
- * You may have noticed in an earlier RFP that the Everyman Library, a
- long-time favorite with readers interested in affordable, good-quality
- classics, was recently revived. The new incarnation was launched with
- a champagne party in Spencer House (on St. James Place, London).
- Attending the party were Mick Jagger and his wife Jerry Hall, who have
- ordered a complete set to match their collection of the original
- Everymans.
- * ENCOUNTERS WITH AUTHORS is a collection of 20 interviews with and
- articles about writers like: Evan Hunter, Tennessee Williams, Larry
- McMurtry, Chaim Potok, B.F. Skinner, Richard Eberhart, Eugenia Price,
- John Mortimer, Harry Crews, Alain Robbe-Grillet, etc. These authors
- write fantasy, poetry, mystery, journalism, drama, literary,
- experimental and commercial fiction, and in ENCOUNTERS WITH AUTHORS
- they talk about the art and business of writing. To get a copy, send
- $3 to: Twin Rivers Press, PO Box 119, Ellenton, FL 34222.
- * Anyone interested in publishing should know about PRINTER'S DEVIL:
- GRAPHIC ARTS FOR THE SMALL PRESS. It's a fascinating tri-annual
- publication of information, instruction, and inspiration for anyone
- who publishes (or would like to) on a smallish scale. As they put it:
- "The purposes of this journal are to provide the small press with
- accurate and timely information on all phases of the graphic arts and
- to promote ART and CRAFT in contemporary printing." A single copy is
- $2.10, and a year's worth (USA, First Class) is $6.75. Write to: THE
- PRINTER'S DEVIL, Mother of Ashes Press, PO Box 66, Harrison, Idaho
- 83833-0066.
- * Sidney Sheldon's current bestseller, THE DOOMSDAY CONSPIRACY
- (Morrow), has been bought by Joel Silver and Warner Bros. for
- theatrical development. Arnold Kopelson (producer of PLATOON) has
- bought the rights to Sheldon's next novel, which hasn't even been
- written yet.
- #:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#
- #:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#:#
- editor: Cindy Bartorillo
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Murder By The Book is a division of Reading For Pleasure, published
- bimonthly. This material is NOT COPYRIGHTED and may be used freely by
- all. Catalogs, news releases, review copies, or donated reviews should
- be sent to: Reading For Pleasure, 103 Baughman's Lane, Suite 303,
- Frederick, MD 21702.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- by Nat & Yanna Brandt
- (Foul Play, 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-88150-209-X)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- Veteran newsman Mitch Stevens is teaching college journalism when old
- friend Ham Johnson asks him to take over editing his smalltown daily
- newspaper for a couple of summer months. Ham is scheduled for cancer
- surgery and needs someone he can trust to take over his Southborough,
- Vermont, paper while he's recuperating. Mitch figures he'll also bring
- one of his journalism students as an intern to help out, and while
- he's in Vermont he'll look around for a piece of land that he and his
- actress wife Val could build a house on. It's while he's checking out
- a beautiful and extensive property that he literally falls over a
- decomposing corpse in the woods. The body turns out to be real estate
- saleswoman Vera Tolvey, apparently accidentally shot by a hunter the
- previous November. Locals say that hunting is almost a religion around
- those parts, and everyone knows better than to wander around during
- hunting season without wearing an orange vest. It isn't long before
- there is another mysterious death, and even another, not to mention a
- few fires, and Mitch just KNOWS that something ominous is going on in
- sleepy Southborough. Could it have something to do with the new ski
- resort that local businessmen seem so excited about?
- LAND KILLS is a first-rate mystery: the characters are well-developed,
- the Vermont town is vividly drawn, the newsroom scenes are exciting,
- and the land development/newsroom plot is compelling and nicely paced.
- Foul Play Press says that LAND KILLS is the first novel in a projected
- series, so with any luck we can look forward to many more adventures
- with journalist sleuth Mitch Stevens. Highly recommended.
- The Authors: Nat Brandt is a former newspaper editor and reporter,
- professor of journalism, and editor of AMERICAN HERITAGE and
- PUBLISHERS WEEKLY. He is the author of several books on American
- history, the most recent of which are THE TOWN THAT STARTED THE CIVIL
- been directing, writing, and producing in theatre, films, and TV for
- thirty years. Recipient of 9 Emmies and numerous other media awards,
- she has produced many programs in the arts for TV, including the
- annual favorite holiday presentation of THE NUTCRACKER with
- Baryshnikov.
- **************************
- edited by Edward D. Hoch
- (Walker, 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-8027-3200-3)
- review by Howard Frye
- Once again Edward Hoch has gathered together a uniformly excellent
- selection of mystery short stories. For the first time this selection
- includes all five of the Edgar Award nominees: "Elvis Lives" by Lynne
- Barrett, the Edgar-winner, in which the pleasures and perils of being
- Elvis are examined; "Answers to Soldier" by Lawrence Block, my
- favorite story of the book, about a hitman who deals with the
- particular pressures of his job in his own peculiar way; "Prisoners"
- by Ed Gorman, an excellent sketch of a dysfunctional family that
- Gorman turns upside down with a few sentences at the end; "A Poison
- That Leaves No Trace" by Sue Grafton, in which Kinsey Millhone gets
- involved in a family dispute; and "Challenge the Widow-Maker" by Clark
- Howard, a clever story of pearls and surfing and just desserts.
- "Hello! My Name Is Irving Wasserman" by Stanley Cohen is a delight.
- It's very funny and is a virtual textbook on disposing of a dead body.
- Another favorite of mine is editor Hoch's own story, "The Detective's
- Wife", about a wife who likes to help her husband solve murders. Also
- included are: "Andrew, My Son" by Joyce Harrington, a tale of mental
- illness that gets more horrifying as the story progresses; "Stakeout"
- by Bill Pronzini, in which Nameless pulls stakeout duty; "An Unwanted
- Woman" by Ruth Rendell has Inspector Wexford untangling the
- psychological snarl of a woman, her daughter, and a third "unwanted"
- woman; "The Conjuring Trick" by Julian Symons, a BODY HEAT kind of
- story, and the poor guy gets hoodwinked again; "A Midsummer Daydream"
- by Donald E. Westlake as Dortmunder accused of a theft he, for once,
- didn't commit; and "Three-Time Loser" by Carolyn Wheat, about a lawyer
- who is manipulated by her seemingly innocent client.
- The volume closes with recommended reading lists of novels,
- collections, anthologies, nonfiction, and other short stories, a list
- of major mystery awards, and a necrology of all mystery-related
- 1991 is exactly what the title says. Recommended.
- **************************
- by Peter Lovesey
- (Doubleday Perfect Crime, October 1991, $18.50, ISBN 0-385-42114-1)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- "In the Bristol City Mortuary a body lay on a steel
- trolley. In profile the swell of the stomach suggested
- nothing less than a mountainous landscape. Or to an
- imaginative eye it might have been evocative of a dinosaur
- lurking in a primeval swamp, except that a brown trilby hat
- of the sort seen in 1940s films rested on the hump. The body
- was clothed in a double-breasted suit much creased at the
- points of stress, gray in color, with a broad check
- design--well known in the Avon & Somerset Police as the
- working attire of Detective Superintendent Peter Diamond.
- His silver-fringed bald head was propped on a rubber sheet
- he had found folded on a shelf. He was breathing evenly."
- This is how we meet Peter Diamond, the cranky "last detective" who
- must discover the particulars about a body just found in Chew Valley
- Lake--a naked woman with long red hair. Diamond's usual second in
- command has recently been replaced by John Wigfull, who just may be
- there to keep an eye on him following a scandal over a confession that
- Diamond got from a suspect which later proved to be false. Like his
- brown trilby hat, Diamond is a man out of his proper time period.
- Convinced that true detection is accomplished by hard labor and mental
- exercise, he is surrounded by computers, psychologists, and
- departmental politics. As you might suspect, Diamond's attitudes and
- abrasive behavior isolate him from his colleagues and put his career
- in jeopardy.
- "The lady in the lake" (not the only reference in THE LAST DETECTIVE
- to Raymond Chandler) proves to be a difficult case. Not only is she
- difficult to identify but there is no murder weapon and no apparent
- cause of death. Diamond scorns the use of modern technology in police
- work and instead of a computer check on the dead woman he decides to
- display an artist's portrait of the victim on television. All he gets
- for his pains, however, are a dozen calls from TV viewers convinced
- the dead woman is a soap opera character named Candice Milner. Later,
- when the computer check is finally run, extensive paperwork only leads
- the police right back to Candice Milner.
- Never one to tell a conventional story, Peter Lovesey creates a
- fascinating character in Peter Diamond, a character that allows him to
- explore the nature of a human anachronism: what it's like to be one
- and what it's like to be around one. Lovesey also employs shifting
- viewpoints to good effect in showing the many layers of meaning that a
- death has upon the people who knew her--the effects of the death as
- well as those of the resulting official investigation. THE LAST
- DETECTIVE is a mystery of unusual depth for the discriminating reader.
- **************************
- ^ WALLFLOWER: A Janek Novel
- by William Bayer
- (Villard, July 1991, $20.00, ISBN 0-679-40047-8)
- review by Drew Bartorillo
- Manhattan cop Frank Janek has become bored and disillusioned with
- detective work after solving the case of a lifetime, the infamous
- "Switch" killings. Ordered to take a vacation by his captain, Janek
- goes to Venice to sort things out and get his life back on track. In
- Venice, he meets Monika, the woman of his dreams, and for the first
- time in many years, he is content. Then one day he receives a call:
- his goddaughter Jess has been brutally mutilated and murdered in
- Central Park. Instantly, Janek is back in action. The details that
- emerge reveal a string of murders of seemingly random victims, whose
- only connection appears to be the killer's same horrible modus
- operandi--gluing the victim's genitals--and the same "signature", a
- dead flower left at the scene of each crime. Out to revenge his
- goddaughter's death, Janek uncovers her seedy past--bizarre sex
- rituals, strange obsessions, and illicit relationships. He meets her
- strange and steely best friend, a martial-arts expert; her
- ex-boyfriend, a would-be pornographer; and her brilliant but
- manipulative psychologist.
- William Bayer's previous book about detective Frank Janek, SWITCH, was
- turned into a made-for-TV movie a few years back, starring Richard
- Crenna. For my money, it was one of the best TV mystery movies of
- recent years. With WALLFLOWER, Williamn Bayer continues with the Frank
- Janek character and succeeds in producing a thoroughly enjoyable
- story. As with SWITCH, you know part-way through the story who commits
- the murders, with the remainder of the story being spent resolving how
- the murderer is brought to justice. Some of the murder details in
- WALLFLOWER are a big gruesome, but the book is truly enjoyable and I
- can recommend it to all mystery fans. If Bayer intends to continue
- with the Janek character, I'll be one of the first ones in line to get
- any new story.
- **************************
- ^ IN THE GAME: A Virginia Kelly Mystery
- by Nikki Baker
- (Naiad Press, 1991, $8.95, ISBN 1-56280-004-3)
- review by Carol Sheffert
- Ginny Kelly has known Bev since business school, and now both are
- upwardly-mobile black women living and working in Chicago, both with
- live-in lovers. But now Bev's lover Kelsey has been found shot to
- death in an alley outside one of Chicago's classiest lesbian bars. Was
- it another example of gay-bashing, or was the motive more personal?
- Worried that the police will suspect her friend, Ginny starts asking
- questions, but the answers just lead to more questions. It seems that
- Kelsey was about to be arrested for embezzlement, but then why was she
- apparently broke? When it is discovered that Kelsey had another lover
- back in Boston, Ginny flies to Massachusetts, unable to drop her
- investigation even though Bev no longer seems to be suspected.
- IN THE GAME is an entertaining first novel from Nikki Baker, a new
- talent to watch. The second Virginia Kelly mystery, THE LAVENDER HOUSE
- MURDER, is scheduled to be published by Naiad Press in 1992, and Ms.
- Baker is currently at work on a third, called LONG GOODBYES. I look
- forward to finding out more about Ginny and her friends in Chicago.
- If your local bookstore can't get IN THE GAME for you just send the
- list price, plus 15% for postage, to: The Naiad Press, Inc., PO Box
- 10543, Tallahassee, FL 32302. If you've got your credit card handy,
- you can order by calling 1-800-533-1973. Or, if you'd like to fax your
- order, call 1-904-539-9731.
- **************************
- ^ EXCEPT FOR THE BONES: An Alan Bernhardt Novel
- by Collin Wilcox
- (Tor, November 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-312-93162-X)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- Diane Cutler is an 18-year-old with problems. After her parents
- divorced she was forced to leave California and move to New York with
- her mother and her mother's new husband, billionaire Preston Daniels.
- Diane loves her father very much, yet her socially-ambitious mother
- insists upon referring to Daniels as her "father", even though Daniels
- likes Diane as little as she likes him. As so often happens to an
- unattractive teenager with more money than love, Diane turns to pills
- and indiscriminate sex.
- One fateful night finds Preston at his Cape Cod summer home with his
- latest girlfriend and Diane in Cape Cod on an angry toot. Calmed by a
- few pills, Diane picks up her biker friend and decides it would be fun
- to spy on Daniels, but when they arrive at the house and hide outside
- they discover Daniels removing what appears to be a dead body. They
- follow him to a local landfill, then retire to a motel. The next day
- her biker friend turns up dead, and now Diane is running scared. She
- runs all the way to San Francisco, where an old friend asks private
- investigator Alan Bernhardt to talk to Diane and find out what is
- frightening her.
- The most interesting level of this mystery is watching what happens to
- Preston Daniels' life from the moment he kills his weekend girlfriend.
- A blackmail attempt warns him that he was seen, so he has his private
- pilot, a brutal man with a history of violence, "take care" of the
- problem. Now Daniels has a worse problem: the pilot, who is no where
- near as stupid or timid as the blackmailer was. Each attempt to plug a
- leak only serves to make his problem worse. Detective Alan Bernhardt,
- more realistic than interesting, takes a definite backseat to the
- major players. What sticks in my memory about this story is the tragic
- dance of money, ambition, and influence of the Cutler/Daniels family.
- **************************
- edited by Douglas G. Greene
- (International Polygonics, 1991, $9.95, ISBN 1-55882-086-8)
- review by Howard Frye
- Dame Ngaio (pronounced NYE-oh) Marsh (1895-1982) was the creator of
- some of the wittiest and most sophisticated English mysteries,
- adjectives which also fit her most popular detective, Roderick Alleyn.
- Now all of her collected short fiction appears in one volume for the
- first time, including three featuring Roderick Alleyn. Also appearing
- here are two essays, one of which explains the creation of Alleyn,
- four non-Alleyn short stories, a courtroom drama in the form of a
- teleplay, and a newly discovered story that is probably Marsh's very
- first published fiction. Editor Greene adds a brief biographical
- Introduction, tying up a fascinating package for all fans of Ngaio
- Marsh and Roderick Alleyn.
- bookstore or directly from the publisher by sending the list price,
- plus $1 shipping and handling, to: International Polygonics Ltd.,
- Madison Square, PO Box 1563, New York, NY 10159-1563.
- **************************
- Stories from Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
- edited by Cathleen Jordan
- (Walker, 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-8027-5798-7)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- Here is another great mystery volume from Walker, this one an
- anthology of stories concerning home and family that have appeared in
- ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S MYSTERY MAGAZINE (a continuing source of great
- mystery fiction). I particularly liked "The Moonstone Earrings" by
- Herbert Resnicow. Intelligent but plain Patsy is called in to solve
- the mystery of the stolen earrings by wealthy and pretty Angela. Patsy
- isn't Sergeant Cuff (see THE MOONSTONE by Wilkie Collins, 1868) but
- she's smart, spunky, and much more likeable. Loren D. Estleman's
- "Greektown" was another first-rate story, about Constantine Xanthes
- who is afraid his half-brother Joseph is the Five O'Clock Strangler.
- He hires Amos Walker to discover the truth, and Amos finds a few
- surprises along the way. The most touching story is "A Candle for the
- Bag Lady" by Lawrence Block. Matthew Scudder inherits $1200 from a bag
- lady who wasn't as down-and-out as she appeared. In this story the
- home and family is New York City and its population, and, as in most
- families, there are unseen ties that bind as well as a few dark
- secrets in the attic.
- "The Owl in the Oak" by Joseph Hansen involves a mother-son
- relationship that isn't what it seems to be from the outside, and John
- Lutz's "What You Don't Know Can Hurt You" concerns Danny (of Danny's
- Donuts) and his alcoholic uncle. If Nudger doesn't find out what's
- going on at the clinic where Danny's uncle in staying, it could be him
- that gets hurt. It's brothers and sisters who can't get along in
- Marcia Muller's "Deadly Fantasies", where a young heiress suspects her
- brother or sister of trying to poison her; or is just a delusion? And
- in "A Young Man Called Smith" by Patricia Moyes, Margie and her sister
- Sue must cope with two young men named Smith, one of whom is certainly
- an impostor--but which?
- Most of the stories, like most real-life crime I imagine, involves
- husbands and wives. "Domestic Intrigue" by Donald E. Westlake is
- certainly the cleverest tale, about Mona trying to juggle a rich but
- jealous husband, a poor but sensitive lover, and a blackmailer. Then
- there's Martin Quimby--from Ralph McInerny's "In the Bag"--who gets
- the chance to steal a criminal's money and thereby escape his stale
- marriage. But the money, the criminal, and his wife, have plans of
- their own. "I, Witness" by Nancy Pickard is an odd story. Steve Krebs
- witnesses a possible drowning, then goes home to his unappreciative
- wife. He just can't get the drowning out of his mind. "The Unlikely
- Demise of Cousin Claude" is another example of Charlotte MacLeod's
- talent for upbeat stories about people with goofy names. This one
- involves a visit with Aunt Agapantha and the death of Claude, who got
- his necktie caught in the cream separator. But who wears a tie while
- separating cream? Lastly, John F. Suter's "The Stone Man" concerns a
- stonemason who kills his unfaithful wife; the story soon disappears
- under the weight of confusing details and improbable plot twists.
- HOME SWEET HOMICIDE is a fine anthology of mystery shorts, and a
- subtle reminder that home is sometimes a refuge from the cares of the
- world, and sometimes the scene of the crime.
- **************************
- by Georges Simenon, translated by Caroline Hillier
- (Harvest/HBJ, $5.95, ISBN 0-15-655133-0)
- review by Howard Frye
- This is a good-quality paperback reprint (with an easy-to-manipulate,
- flexible binding) of a 1942 mystery by the great Belgian mystery
- writer, Georges Simenon. Simenon's more than 200 novels are divided
- between his mysteries featuring French policeman Jules Maigret and
- unclassifiable novels of psychological suspense. His books are spare,
- with no unnecessary characters or plot elements, which gives them a
- simplicity that is rare today (exceptions: Bill Pronzini and Joseph
- Hansen). Another distinguishing feature of Maigret mysteries is the
- lack of speculation. The reader follows Maigret as he investigates
- each crime, but he's not an effusive talker, keeping more to himself
- than he reveals to suspects or even to colleagues.
- In this outing, Maigret is called to the Hotel Majestic when a dead
- woman is found stuffed into an unused employee locker in the basement.
- She was a guest in the hotel, the wife of a rich American, staying
- with her husband, son, maid, and governess. The late Mrs. Clark was
- found by the breakfast cook, Prosper Donge, and when a connection is
- discovered between Prosper and Mrs. Clark, he becomes the most likely
- suspect. He doesn't stay the most likely suspect, though, at least not
- with the reader, because Bonneau, apparently the French equivalent of
- the District Attorney and a man Maigret doesn't like, insists on
- taking over most of the case and is convinced that Prosper is guilty.
- Any mystery reader worth a red herring knows that this is an
- infallible sign that Maigret must discover the REAL murderer and
- ultimately show up the pretentious Bonneau, which Maigret does in his
- usual quiet and intense way. MAIGRET AND THE HOTEL MAJESTIC is prime
- Simenon and a very good read.
- **************************
- by Jonathan Latimer
- (International Polygonics, $4.95, ISBN 0-930330-91-9)
- commentary from the publisher
- "A classic you've probably never heard of."
- ---William L. DeAndrea, from his introduction
- Originally published in England in 1941, SOLOMON'S VINEYARD has never
- before been available to the general public in its author's own
- country. (A highly expurgated version entitled THE FIFTH GRAVE was
- offered in the U.S. in 1950, but until now the complete text has only
- appeared in a privately printed limited edition.) The probable reason
- is apparent in the novel's first sentence. SOLOMON'S VINEYARD was too
- realistic for a pre-war America which routinely censored films and on
- occasion banned books. Even today, in a time when more explicit
- material regularly appears in films and on television, SOLOMON'S
- VINEYARD retains tremendous power and vitality. We at IPL are pleased
- and proud to bring home one of the great private eye novels of all
- time.
- (RFP realizes that many of our readers will be in an absolute frenzy
- to know what that first sentence is, so here it is: "From the way her
- buttocks looked under the black silk dress, I knew she'd be good in
- bed." For the rest of the story, you'll just have to get the book.)
- You can get SOLOMON'S VINEYARD at your local bookstore or directly
- from the publisher by sending the list price, plus $1 shipping and
- handling, to: International Polygonics Ltd., Madison Square, PO Box
- 1563, New York, NY 10159-1563.
- **************************
- by Damon Runyon
- (International Polygonics, 1991, $9.95, ISBN 1-55882-106-6)
- commentary from the publisher
- This heretofore-lost book by one of America's most distinctive
- stylists and best-loved writers was published posthumously nearly
- fifty years ago. Until now it has never been reprinted.
- TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS was compiled by Runyon himself shortly before
- his death in 1946 and collects the best of his courtroom reporting
- including a vital account of the Halls-Mills case, where a minister
- and his choir-singer mistress were murdered in an orchard; the
- sensational trial of financier J.P. Morgan; the scandalous
- May-December divorce of Peaches and Daddy Browning; a blow-by-blow
- account of the notorious Snyder-Gray affair; and an insider's view of
- Al Capone, with whom Runyon was said to have dined the night before
- the trial.
- **************************
- edited and with commentary by Douglas G. Greene
- reviews by Cindy Bartorillo
- John Dickson Carr (1906-1977) was one of the writers who made the
- Golden Age of Mystery golden, and was the hands-down master of the
- Impossible Crime, sometimes known as Locked Room Mysteries.
- International Polygonics has been reprinting JDC's mysteries for some
- time, and now they have collected his short fiction in three terrific
- volumes.
- ($19.95, ISBN 1-55882-071-X)
- Dr. Gideon Fell was probably Carr's most popular sleuth, a character
- based on one of his favorite writers, G.K. Chesterton. The earliest
- Dr. Fell short story, "The Wrong Problem" (1936), was written at the
- request of Dorothy L. Sayers, and is included here. You'll also find:
- "Who Killed Matthew Corbin?", a previously unpublished 3-part radio
- script starring Dr. Fell.
- "The Proverbial Murder", an espionage story starring Dr. Fell and one
- of Carr's best short fictions.
- "The Black Minute", another Dr. Fell radio play, that uses a trick
- derived from Harry Houdini's book A MAGICIAN AMONG THE SPIRITS.
- "The Locked Room" (1940), another Dr. Fell short story.
- "The Devil in the Summer-House", a radio play originally written as a
- Dr. Fell mystery, shortened by JDC for production (which involved
- in the removal of Dr. Fell) and so printed. It is here published
- for the first time in its original version with Dr. Fell.
- "The Incautious Burglar", a Dr. Fell story with plot elements that
- were later reused in a Sir Henry Merrivale novel.
- "The Dead Sleep Lightly", a radio script and one of Dr. Fell's
- greatest cases.
- "Invisible Hands", the last short story starring Dr. Fell.
- Also collected in FELL AND FOUL PLAY are several stories of historical
- mystery and romance. There is "The Dim Queen", which was written when
- Carr was 19 years old and is reprinted for the first time. Also
- included:
- "The Other Hangman", which Carr said had "one of my best plots, which
- I should have been sensible enough to reserve for a novel".
- "Persons or Things Unknown", a Christmas ghost story.
- "The Gentleman From Paris", often considered one of JDC's best short
- stories, and it was the basis for the Joseph Cotten movie, THE MAN
- WITH A CLOAK (1951).
- "The Black Cabinet", a mystery with the solution in the last line.
- FELL AND FOUL PLAY finishes with a Locked Room novella, "The Third
- Bullet". Originally published in an obscure British paperback in 1937,
- a heavily-abridged version appeared in ELLERY QUEEN'S MYSTERY MAGAZINE
- in 1948, and the abridged version has been used ever since. FELL AND
- FOUL PLAY includes the very first printing of the original full-length
- version since 1937.
- Hag's Nook (1933) $5.95
- The Mad Hatter Mystery (1933)
- The Blind Barber (1934)
- The Eight of Swords (1934)
- Death Watch (1935)
- The Three Coffins (1935) (British title: The Hollow Man) $4.95
- The Arabian Nights Murder (1936)
- To Wake the Dead (1937)
- The Crooked Hinge (1938)
- The Problem of the Green Capsule (1939) (British title: The Black
- Spectacles) $5.95
- The Problem of the Wire Cage (1939)
- The Man Who Could Not Shudder (1940)
- The Case of the Constant Suicides (1941)
- Death Turns the Tables (1941) (British title: The Seat of the
- Scornful) $4.95
- Till Death Do Us Part (1944) $5.95
- He Who Whispers (1946) $5.95
- Dr. Fell, Detective (1947; short stories)
- The Sleeping Sphinx (1947) $4.95
- Below Suspicion (1949) $4.95
- The Third Bullet and Other Stories (1954; short stories; Dr. Fell
- appears in 3)
- The Dead Man's Knock (1958)
- In Spite of Thunder (1960)
- The Men Who Explained Miracles (1963; short stories; Dr. Fell appears
- in 2)
- The House At Satan's Elbow (1965) $4.95
- Panic In Box C (1966)
- Dark of the Moon (1967)
- NOTE: The prices are for IPL editions. Send the list price(s), plus
- shipping and handling ($1 for first book, .50 for each thereafter) to:
- International Polygonics Ltd., Madison Square, PO Box 1563, New York,
- NY 10159-1563.
- ($22.95, ISBN 1-55882-101-5)
- Merrivale was Carr's most comical detective, who appeared in only two
- short cases, both of which are reprinted here. "The House in Goblin
- Wood" was written in 1946 for ELLERY QUEEN'S MYSTERY MAGAZINE, and
- "All in a Maze" is a 1956 novelette originally published serially in
- England under the name "Ministry of Miracles". You'll find a list of
- Merrivale novels and IPL editions in RFP #19.
- Colonel March is another of Carr's detective characters, this one
- based on his good friend Major C.J.C. Street, who wrote detective
- novels under the names John Rhode and Miles Burton. Colonel March
- headed the most peculiar division of Scotland Yard, the Department of
- Queer Complaints. This is the first time that all nine of the Colonel
- March and the Department of Queer Complaints stories have been
- collected in one volume. Trivia Note: In 1953, Boris Karloff starred
- in a TV series called COLONEL MARCH OF SCOTLAND YARD, based on JDC's
- character.
- Other short fictions included in MERRIVALE, MARCH AND MURDER are:
- "Blind Man's Hood", a 1937 Christmas story that includes a possible
- solution to a real-life murder, the Peasonhall case of 1902.
- "New Murders for Old", another Christmas story.
- "The Diamond Pentacle", a locked-room mystery reprinted here for the
- first time since 1939.
- "Lair of the Devil-Fish", a radio script.
- "Scotland Yard's Christmas", which was written as an exercise in
- getting a character to disappear from a phone booth.
- Also reprinted here is "Strictly Diplomatic" and "The Clue of the Red
- Wig".
- ^ THE DOOR TO DOOM And Other Detections
- ($10.95, ISBN 1-55882-102-3)
- THE DOOR TO DOOM contains the best of Carr's previously uncollected
- work, but begins with a 17-page biography of Carr written by Douglas
- Greene (who is currently at work on a full-length biography).
- Originally published in 1980, THE DOOR TO DOOM did not then contain
- JDC's famous essay, "The Grandest Game in the World", which appears
- now for the very first time in its entirety.
- Five stories of crime and detection are collected in THE DOOR TO DOOM,
- four of which feature Henri Bencolin, the head of the Paris Police and
- the star of JDC's first novel, IT WALKS BY NIGHT (1930). Bencolin also
- appeared in four other novels: CASTLE SKULL (1931), THE LOST GALLOWS
- (1931), THE CORPSE IN THE WAXWORKS (1932; British title: THE WAXWORKS
- There are also six radio plays, including one Dr. Gideon Fell script,
- one ("Cabin B-13") that was the basis for the movie DANGEROUS
- CROSSING, and one ("Will You Make a Bet with Death?") that was
- reworked into a novel (THE 9 WRONG ANSWERS). THE DOOR TO DOOM also has
- three of Carr's stories of the supernatural--one of his favorite
- subjects--as well as two Sherlockian parodies, which were written to
- be performed at the annual meetings of the Mystery Writers of America.
- In both cases, Clayton Rawson played the part of Holmes, Lawrence G.
- Blochman was Watson, and JDC was the visitor. THE DOOR TO DOOM ends
- with two essays, "The Grandest Game in the World" and "Stand and
- Deliver!", the last thing JDC wrote other than book reviews.
- No fan of John Dickson Carr can afford to be without all three of
- these fascinating collections. And I can't overemphasize the worth of
- Douglas Greene's introductions and running commentaries in all three
- of these volumes. His facts, figures, comments, and bits of history
- add to any reader's enjoyment; the volumes would be greatly diminished
- without them. See the note after the Dr. Fell book list for ordering
- instructions.
- **************************
- ^ MURDER ON THE CLIFF: Starring Charlotte Graham
- by Stefanie Matteson
- (Diamond, November 1991, $3.99, ISBN 1-55773-596-4)
- review by Carol Sheffert
- Charlotte Graham, film star since the late 1930s and now an occasional
- amateur detective, is back! (See MURDER AT THE SPA and MURDER AT
- TEATIME in RFP #16.) This time she's staying with friends in Newport,
- Rhode Island, to take part in the Black Ships Festival, which
- commemorates the arrival of Commodore Perry in Japan. The Black Ships
- Festival is also celebrating the 100th anniversary of the suicide of
- the geisha Okichi, the real event that was the inspiration for the
- story of Madame Butterfly. Okichi committed suicide after being
- deserted by her lover Townsend Harris, first American consul to Japan,
- who left her and returned to America, building a house in Newport.
- Charlotte Graham is part of the festivities because she played the
- role of Okichi in the most famous movie made of the historical event.
- The highlight of the celebration will be the appearance of
- Okichi-mago, a beautiful girl who is not only a geisha but it also the
- descendant of the original Okichi and Townsend Harris. Before she can
- grace the Festival, however, she is found at the base of a cliff,
- apparently having committed suicide in exactly the same manner as the
- original Okichi. Although Charlotte doesn't suspect murder until
- mid-book, Okichi-mago didn't commit suicide, of course. But who could
- have done it? Was it her Japanese sponsor, the wealthy Tanaka, angry
- at her love affair with the American sumo wrestler Shawn? Or is there
- some more obscure motive? Once again, Stefanie Matteson weaves an
- entertaining mystery against a fascinating and educational background,
- leaving the reader hoping for more Charlotte Graham mysteries soon.
- **************************
- ^ MURDER IN ORDINARY TIME: A Sister Mary Helen Mystery
- by Sister Carol Anne O'Marie
- (Delacorte, October 1991, $18.00, ISBN 0-385-30226-6)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- Channel 5's Noon News is the set for murder in this fourth Sister Mary
- Helen mystery. Investigative reporter Christina Kelly finds a plate of
- cookies on her chair before air time. She eats one cookie and dies,
- and the police lab later discovers that the one cookie she ate was the
- only cookie poisoned. It also happened to be the only raisin cookie in
- a plate of chocolate chip cookies. Sister Mary Helen was about to be
- interviewed by Christina when she died, and is thereby drawn into the
- case, despite the objections of the police as represented by her old
- friend Kate Murphy (who is pregnant and gives birth during the course
- of the story) and her partner Dennis Gallagher.
- Unfortunately for the reader, the characters are more interesting than
- the mystery. There are two big clues about the murder, and neither of
- them are successfully handled. The first is a huge screaming clue that
- no self-respecting mystery fan could miss and it occurs on page 23.
- Sister Mary Helen, however, doesn't figure it out until page 180. The
- second major clue is a sound clue (the murderer's voice on a tape) and
- the reader is reduced to a frustrated onlooker as both Sister Mary
- Helen and Kate Murphy find something familiar about the voice, but
- can't quite put their finger on what it is. Actually, there is more
- consideration given to Kate's pregnancy than to the mystery, a side
- plot that is handled with charm, making MURDER IN ORDINARY TIME a
- pleasant read for mystery fans who are expecting a baby. The previous
- Sister Mary Helen mysteries are: A NOVENA FOR MURDER, ADVENT OF DYING,
- **************************
- by Jane Haddam
- (Bantam Crime Line, October 1991, $4.99, ISBN 0-553-29255-2)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- This is the fourth in the "Holiday Mystery" series starring former FBI
- agent Gregor Demarkian of Cavanaugh Street in Philadelphia. The three
- previous novels by Orania Papazoglou writing under the name Jane
- DARKNESS. (ACT OF DARKNESS was reviewed in RFP #19.) As the story
- opens, Gregor's friend Father Tibor Kasparian has come to Belleville,
- Pennsylvania, to teach a course in an interdisciplinary program called
- The American Idea at Independence College. Tibor enjoys teaching his
- class, he enjoys feeding the resident tame raven named Lenore, but he
- doesn't enjoy academic politics and he positively loathes the new
- faculty celebrity, Dr. Donegal Steele.
- Dr. Steele was lured to Independence College by the administration
- with instant tenure, a huge salary, and some suspect he was promised
- the now vacant Chairmanship of The American Idea Program. Everyone had
- thought it would go to Dr. Ken Crockett, a longtime member of the
- faculty and a native of Belleville, or possibly to Dr. Alice Elkinson,
- newer but even more academically qualified. Also, Program secretary
- Maryanne Veer won't be happy to see Dr. Steele installed in the
- chairman's office either. Despite the fact that she's been virtually
- running the Program since its inception, Dr. Steele is sure to fire
- her at once. He prefers his women young (Miss Veer is sixtyish), great
- looking, and squeezable.
- You see, Dr. Steele has only been at Independence College for two
- weeks and he's already managed to earn a reputation for sexual
- harassment. Absolutely EVERYONE hates Dr. Steele. So the reader is
- instantly suspicious when Dr. Steele is missing as the narrative
- begins. He was last seen going off to "pop beers". Has someone finally
- gotten fed up, or is he just sleeping off a hangover? When Gregor
- shows up at the college to give a lecture on FBI techniques on
- Halloween Dr. Steele still hasn't shown up, and Gregor meets the
- entire cast of suspects. In addition to the faculty already mentioned,
- there is the bizarre Dr. Katherine Branch, a rabid feminist who also
- seems to believe she is a witch. Then there's the best-looking girl in
- the school, Chessey Flint, whose reputation has been trashed by Dr.
- Steele. Her boyfriend Jack Carroll can't be counted out either. Before
- the reader, or Gregor, can think much more about Dr. Steele, Maryanne
- Veer is poisoned with lye in front of a crowd of people in the school
- cafeteria. No one can figure out how, or why, someone would try to
- kill Miss Veer.
- Gregor Demarkian only has a matter of hours to discover the truth,
- which he will use to turn his expected lecture into a classic "I'm
- sure you all wonder why I've asked you here" speech worthy of Ellery
- Queen. Although I thought the method of attack here was unnaturally,
- and unwarrantably, gruesome, the mystery was exciting to follow. The
- best part is that the reader is allowed to figure out part (but only
- part) of the mystery early. The remainder of the book is read in
- feverish frustration as Gregor strains to catch up. QUOTH THE RAVEN is
- another good mystery from Orania Papazoglou.
- **************************
- ^ MURDER IS GERMANE: A Brigid Donovan Mystery
- by Karen Saum
- (Naiad Press, 1991, $8.95, ISBN 0-941483-98-3)
- cover copy
- Panama, the land of Brigid's birth. Where she adored with her child's
- eyes the blonde and beautiful Georgie Hendryks, who "drove a
- lime-green convertible and rode a white stallion."
- Brigid has returned, to look into the disappearance of an INS agent
- because of his murky association with Monte Cassino, a Maine community
- of nuns.
- Brigid locates Georgie--whose more than warm welcome makes all of
- Brigid's childhood dreams come true. But Brigid's visit also sets into
- motion an inexplicable series of violent deaths and attempts on
- Brigid's own life.
- Brigid must unravel the intricacies of the past, and the skein of
- tangled passions hidden within it, to discover the pattern behind the
- murders. Her very life depends on it...
- MURDER IS GERMANE is both an enthralling mystery and a vivid adventure
- story--set in a lovely, enigmatic land of violence and passion. If
- your local bookstore doesn't have MURDER IS GERMANE, you can order it
- directly from the publisher by sending the list price, plus 15% extra
- for shipping and handling, to: The Naiad Press Inc., PO Box 10543,
- Tallahassee, FL 32302. Or get your credit card and call
- 1-800-533-1973.
- **************************
- ^ A PRIVATE DISGRACE: Lizzie Borden By Daylight
- by Victoria Lincoln
- (International Polygonics, 1967, $7.95, ISBN 0-930330-35-8)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- I've already admitted to my fondness for the Lizzie Borden story. In
- RFP #8 was a list of Borden books and RFP #19 had a review of a recent
- Arnold R. Brown. Of all the Borden books on my True Crime shelf,
- however, my favorite has always been A PRIVATE DISGRACE by Victoria
- Lincoln. Not only is the book more charmingly written than most, it is
- written by someone who actually KNEW Lizzie Borden! Of course Victoria
- Lincoln was a young child when Lizzie was near the end of her life,
- but she stills brings a personal, insider point of view to one of the
- most perplexing cases in criminal history. It is particularly
- difficult for a modern reader to understand Fall River, Massachusetts
- of 1892, but in A PRIVATE DISGRACE we hear directly from someone who
- can bridge the gap for us, explain the 19th-century, insular New
- England town to the 20th-century urban reader. If you can only have
- one Borden book, this is the one to get. (You can order A PRIVATE
- DISGRACE directly from the publisher by sending the list price, plus
- $1 for postage and handling, to: International Polygonics Ltd.,
- Madison Square, PO Box 1563, New York, NY 10159-1563.)
- "In school, I began to make friends of my own age, and
- observed with interest that one was supposed to shudder and
- giggle when Miss Borden's name was mentioned. I asked Mother
- why.
- "'Well, dear, she was very unkind to her father and
- mother.'"
- ---from A PRIVATE DISGRACE by Victoria Lincoln
- **************************
- * We hear that CD Publications (PO Box 858, Edgewood, MD 21040) is
- coming out with a short story collection by Ed Gorman this coming
- spring. It will be called PRISONERS AND OTHER STORIES and will include
- "Turn Away", Shamus Award-winner and Anthony nominee; as well as the
- Edgar nominee, "Prisoners". With a full-color dust jacket and printed
- on acid free paper, PRISONERS AND OTHER STORIES will cost $20.95, plus
- $1.05 shipping and handling. CD Publications is taking reservations
- now.
- * Jean Hager's NIGHT WALKER (Worldwide Library, December 1991, $3.50):
- Some people thought Graham Thornton deserved to die. Thornton's Indian
- employees are convinced the murder of the arrogant owner of the new
- resort lodge in Buckskin, OK, is the vengeful act of a night walker, a
- Cherokee witch. Chief Mitch Bushyhead, however, has a long list of
- human suspects to worry about--disgruntled employees, a vindictive
- ex-wife, a hateful sister, the lover Thornton was blackmailing. Then a
- second murder leaves Bushyhead to a web of secrets, lies and hidden
- depravations...and a killer's desperate final act that hits perilously
- close to home.
- * THE BULRUSH MURDERS: A Botanical Mystery by Rebecca Rothenberg
- (Carroll & Graf, November 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-88184-749-6):
- Microbiologist Claire Sharples flees the academic rat-race of MIT for
- a research position in California's San Joaquin Valley and is
- immediately embroiled in the murder of a young Mexican farm worker.
- Soon she is using her training to unravel a tangle of sabotage, greed,
- and revenge. But Jane Austen takes on Mickey Spillane when Claire
- falls for a taciturn co-worker and is called upon to solve the
- mysteries of the heart as well.
- * William Bernhardt's PRIMARY JUSTICE (Ballantine, January 1992,
- $5.99, ISBN 0-345-37479-7): Ben Kincaid wants to be a lawyer because
- he wants to do the right thing. But once he leaves the D.A.'s office
- for a hot-shot spot in Tulsa's most prestigious law firm, Ben
- discovers being moral and being a lawyer can be mutually exclusive.
- **************************
- ~ Catalogs worth getting:
- The Mysterious Bookshop
- 129 West 56th Street
- New York, NY 10019
- 212/765-0900
- Mysteries By Mail
- PO Box 679
- Boonville, CA 95415-0679
- **************************
- Here is a small addendum to the Christmas Mysteries list in RFP #7:
- Cohen, Charles Silver Linings
- Drummond, John Keith 'Tis the Season to be Dying
- Eccles, Marjorie Death of a Good Woman
- Haddam, Jane Not a Creature Was Stirring
- Jordon, Jennifer Murder Under the Mistletoe
- Long, Manning Vicious Circle
- McGown, Jill Murder at the Old Vicarage
- MacLeod, Charlotte, ed. Christmas Stalkings (anthology)
- O'Marie, Sister Carol Anne Advent of Dying
- Page, Katherine Hall The Body in the Bouillon (St. Martin's,
- Dec 1991)
- Parker, Robert Stardust
- Pulver, Mary Monica Original Sin
- Roberts, Gillian Philly Stakes
- Smith, Joan Don't Leave Me This Way
- Wingfield, R.D. Frost At Christmas
- <-*->:<-*->:<-*->:<-*->:<-*->:<-*->
- < >
- < >
- <-*->:<-*->:<-*->:<-*->:<-*->:<-*->
- << Editor: Darryl Kenning >>
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Loosen Your Grip On Reality is a division of Reading For Pleasure,
- published bimonthly. This material is NOT COPYRIGHTED and may be used
- freely by all. Contributions of information, reviews, etc. should be
- sent to:
- Darryl Kenning CompuServe: 76337,740
- 6331 Marshall Rd. or GEnie: D.Kenning
- Centerville, Ohio 45459 HeavenSoft BBS 513-836-4288
- The Annex BBS 513-274-0821
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- THE KENNING QUOTIENT (KQ) is a rating applied to books read by the
- editor of this section, a number ranging from 0 (which means the book
- is an unredeemable stinker) to 5 (meaning the book is absolutely top
- drawer).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- This year it is almost impossible not to write an editorial or feature
- piece about STAR TREK--it being the 25th anniversary and having seen
- the death of Gene Roddenberry. BTW, one of the best of the things I've
- seen was published in the September 27, 1991 issue of ENTERTAINMENT, a
- magazine I've never read except for that issue with it's 1966 picture
- of Nimoy and Shatner on the cover.
- As an original trekkie who watched the series when it was first aired
- and has been collecting episodes as far back as beta, I feel I have a
- personal vested interest in the whole phenomena--although I guess I
- really can't claim any more insights into the whole thing than anyone
- else. It is absolutely fascinating how a minor show in a rather
- mediocre year for TV has turned into something that pervades society
- from top to bottom. Even if you've never seen any episode of any of
- the Star Trek series, or movies, or books,and yes that does seem hard
- to believe, you still know what BEAM ME UP SCOTTY means! Imagine
- enough of us pressuring the US Government to change the name of the
- first space shuttle to the ENTERPRISE. Not to mention that 25 years
- later after a steady stream (in the last 10 or 15 years) of movies,
- books, and a new series, that another movie with the original cast
- members is due out and is being eagerly awaited by millions.
- "Fascinating, Doctor."
- A lot of folks have called the series "cowboys in space", and if you
- remember that TV cowboy series were very popular in those days,
- however, there is an element of truth in the comment. But there were
- some really GOOD cowboy series done that didn't elicit this kind of
- response. Personally I always thought it was the stories--stories that
- for the most part (some, of course, were absolute bummers) illustrated
- the human condition, and for better or worse showed us in all our best
- and worst parts. While many of them are hopelessly dated now it is
- still amazing to me that many are still indicative of the problems and
- dilemmas that we face today. Even the crew, radical in those days,
- reflected the glimmer of hope we had for the future while still
- retaining the American "cowboy" psyche. And then there is the pride
- that I feel as a SF aficionado who feels gratified that the world
- finally sees at least a little of what I find so rewarding in Science
- Fiction.
- It does make you wonder what archaeologists in the 25th century will
- make of all the plastic models and the scholarly writings about a
- little series that ran only a few short seasons and was clearly not
- even a near miss in its projections of the real future. Hmmm.
- Thanks to all of you, the TV staff and crew members, the authors, the
- actors, the producer, and even the TV executives who took a chance in
- the first place and probably did us all a favor by killing it off in
- its prime.
- Benjamin Svetkey said it best for me in his article:
- dkk
- **************************
- Best Novel: THE VOR GAME by Lois McMaster Bujold
- Best Novella: "The Hemingway Hoax" by Joe Haldeman
- Best Novelette: "The Manamouki" by Mike Resnick
- Best Short Story: "Bears Discover Fire" by Terry Bisson
- FANTASY by Orson Scott Card
- Best Pro Editor: Gardner Dozois
- Best Pro Artist: Michael Whelan
- Best Dramatic Presentation: EDWARD SCISSORHANDS
- Best Semiprozine: Locus
- Best Fanzine: Lan's Lantern
- Best Fan Writer: David Langford
- Best Fan Artist: Teddy Harvia
- John W. Campbell Award: Julia Ecklar
- **************************
- by J.R.R. Tolkien, illustrated by Alan Lee
- (Houghton Mifflin, November 1991, $60.00, ISBN 0-395-59511-8)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- In ancient times the Rings of Power were crafted by the
- Elven-smiths, and Sauron, the Dark Lord, forged the One Ring
- to rule all the others. But the One Ring was taken from him,
- and remained lost until after many ages it fell by chance
- into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo, and was then bequeathed
- to his young nephew Frodo. THE LORD OF THE RINGS tells of
- the quest undertaken by Frodo together with the fellowship
- of the ring: Gandalf the wizard, Merry, Pippin, and Sam the
- hobbits, Gimli the dwarf, Legolas the elf, Boromir man of
- Gondor, and a tall mysterious stranger called Strider.
- Their quest was perilous: to journey across Middle-earth,
- deep into the shadow of the Dark Lord, and destroy the Ring
- by casting it into the Cracks of Doom.
- John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892, and to
- celebrate this centenary Houghton Mifflin has produced this omnibus
- volume of Tolkien's most famous trilogy, certainly the most exquisitly
- beautiful edition of the works ever published. Fifty paintings were
- especially commissioned from the noted English artist Alan Lee for
- this very first illustrated edition of THE LORD OF THE RINGS. The book
- comes shrink-wrapped and is heavy, sturdily bound, with an Index and a
- red ribbon to mark your place. The jacket is foil-laminated, the pages
- are cool and creamy to the touch--but it's still the artwork that
- stands out. This is a book for readers who not only enjoy Tolkien's
- master epic but who love the physicality of books as well. (There is
- also a boxed edition, signed by the artist, for $200.00.)
- The first volume of the trilogy, THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, was first
- published in 1954, followed by THE TWO TOWERS and THE RETURN OF THE
- RING; and this masterwork of one of the world's most distinguished
- philologists still stands as a supreme work of the imagination. THE
- LORD OF THE RINGS has also been loved and read all over the world,
- having sold more than 15 million copies and been translated into 26
- languages.
- In addition to this landmark edition of THE LORD OF THE RINGS,
- Houghton Mifflin is also releasing three other Tolkien-related items
- for the centenary:
- THE ATLAS OF MIDDLE-EARTH, Revised Edition, by Karen Wynn Fonstad.
- Newly revised--one-third of the maps are new--this paperback edition
- includes all the information gleaned by Christopher Tolkien's research
- in THE HISTORY OF MIDDLE-EARTH, including the forthcoming 1992 volume,
- January 1992, $15.95, ISBN 0-395-53516-6)
- THE FATHER CHRISTMAS LETTERS, Third Edition, by J.R.R. Tolkien. These
- charming letters were written for the author's four children in the
- 1920s and 1930s, when he was a struggling young professor during the
- Depression. Restored to print, this delightful book is illustrated in
- full color by Tolkien himself. (Available now, and reviewed elsewhere
- in this issue of RFP, $10.95, ISBN 0-395-59698-X)
- THE TOLKIEN FAMILY ALBUM, by John and Priscilla Tolkien. The text, by
- two of J.R.R. Tolkien's children, weaves together family reminiscences
- with personal, informal family photographs, most of them never before
- published. Publication will be on the anniversary of Tolkien's birth,
- January 3, 1992. ($29.95, ISBN 0-395-59938-5)
- The publisher can be contacted by writing to: Houghton Mifflin Co.,
- 215 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003.
- **************************
- by Frederik Pohl
- (Ballantine Books, 1991)
- review by Robert Pittman
- Frederik Pohl has the capacity to craft stories of science and space
- that reach far beyond the boundaries and horizons of most
- imaginations. In the five books of the Heechee saga, he introduced his
- readers to new concepts and new values of civilizations and "invented"
- new ways to look at time and space. In THE WORLD AT THE END OF TIME he
- holds true to course and requires his readers to take another long,
- forward step with their imaginations. The story introduces the oldest
- and most powerful being in the universe and spans a time frame of more
- than ten-to-the-fortieth power years! He also sets up a situation in
- which a few remnants of humanity are still living at the end of this
- long time span even though the universe is exhausted and contains only
- the cinders of the stars and planets of which it was once composed.
- Wan-To is the super being and super intelligence in the story. It was
- naturally and accidentally created early in the life of the universe
- and exists as a master manipulator of energy. It lives within a star,
- can move from star to star and has several abilities to communicate
- and extend its actions throughout the universe. Wan-To has character
- and personality with traits such as curiosity, mischievousness,
- avarice, treachery and even loneliness. Loneliness, in fact, leads to
- Wan-To's one big mistake in its long life. It has the ability to
- recreate itself and does so several times. At first its offspring are
- playmates and stimulating intellectual companions, but as duplicate
- beings, they also have Wan-To's negative values such as avarice and
- treachery. In time these characteristics surface and the playmates
- become competitors and then enemies.
- Its own procreation sets Wan-To on a lifetime effort to destroy its
- offspring and to defend itself from their duplicate efforts toward the
- same goal. In the process, stars are exhausted and galaxies are
- collapsed as their energies are consumed in the long conflict between
- super beings.
- From the perspective of Wan-To and its fellow super beings, humankind
- is simply a construct of matter, insignificant and utterly beneath
- their notice.
- The fortunes of humanity are affected by the antics of the super
- beings, and the author cleverly and entertainingly carries a human
- story in parallel with the story of Wan-To. It starts with a young
- boy, Viktor Sorricaine, who is in frozen sleep along with a thousand
- other passengers on a 150 year journey to an earth colony planet
- called Newmanhome. Viktor has been in a freezer unit with his mother
- and father for about 112 years into the voyage when the captain of the
- starship decides that it is necessary to wake Viktor's father. He is
- the only qualified astronomer aboard and the captain is concerned
- about erratic activity occurring in a star situated along the path
- that the ship must travel. Following observations, he describes the
- unusual activity as "an anomalously flaring K-5 star." Beyond that, he
- does not understand nor does he ever learn what is really happening.
- The reader, however, by following the Wan-To segment of the story,
- knows that the flaring anomaly is the result of Wan-To and its
- offspring attempting to destroy each other (remember, the super beings
- live in stars).
- After a few weeks of roaming the ship, Viktor is returned to a frozen
- sleep and wakes again 30 years later, still a twelve year old boy,
- when the ship arrives at Newmanhome. The colonists establish
- themselves on the planet and Viktor grows to adulthood as the new home
- for humanity is developed. During this period, Viktor's father and a
- few other members of the scientific community are puzzled and
- disturbed by unexpected and inexplicable events on some of the planets
- and stars within their range of observation. These events get little
- attention and almost no scientific study as most of the population and
- its resources are focused on the development of Newmanhome.
- At the same time, Wan-To and its offspring continue their conflict
- with widespread destructive results. Stars are consumed and energies
- are drawn off entire galaxies in order to sustain the battle between
- the super beings. Ultimately the results are felt by the colony in
- Newmanhome. One of the super beings draws energy from the sun around
- which Newmanhome revolves and the colony is rapidly pushed into an ice
- age. As the planet becomes colder and less able to support life, the
- author develops several interesting sub-themes on social and cultural
- changes arising from the threat of extinction. As food supplies become
- scarce and sources of heat become critical, one solution for survival
- is to return much of the population to a frozen sleep (Pohl calls the
- frozen ones "corpsicles"). Viktor Sorricaine again becomes a corpsicle
- and thus survives the next great impact of Wan-To's battle tactics on
- Newmanhome.
- In a defensive measure against its challengers, Wan-To tears out a
- vast section of the galaxy in which Newmanhome resides, and with
- energies drawn from the Newmanhome sun, starts it speeding through the
- universe. The acceleration is rapid and the speed achieved almost
- stops time relative to the rest of the universe. Eons and eons pass
- and as the universe burns out and becomes a void, the partial galaxy
- continues to exist as a relatively young and viable star system.
- In this time Newmanhome has become a cold, lifeless planet but a few
- of its people have adapted and evolved to allow them a comfortable but
- confined life aboard space habitats. In order to enhance their gene
- pool, they occasionally withdraw and revive male corpsicles as sperm
- contributors (Pohl has these revived ancients making sperm
- contributions at astonishing rates!). Viktor is chosen as a
- contributor and comes awake in a world that bears little relation to
- his past. People have become kinder and more tolerant and have made
- stunning progress in the biological sciences. There is little interest
- in astronomical science and people simply accept the proposition that
- planets are not suitable for human occupancy and that they must make
- their homes in space habitats. Viktor stimulates curiosity about
- astronomy and space and begins a project to restore and repopulate
- Newmanhome.
- Over this incredible time span, Wan-To has succeeded in eliminating
- its offspring and is again the only one of its type in existence. It
- is a lonely and miserable existence in a universe where most of the
- energy is dissipated and Wan-To is resident in a cold star, unable to
- thrive with most of its abilities and sense in a state of suspension.
- In effect, trapped in a dying star in a dying universe.
- Pohl ends the story with Viktor Sorricaine on the road to success in
- rehabilitating the planet Newmanhome and in recreating a new colony
- from the surviving corpsicles. At the same time the quasi-dormant
- Wan-To "senses" the presence of fresh and vibrant stars in the remnant
- of the galaxy that was sent speeding through space so many eons ago.
- The proposition is there - will humankind and Wan-To cross paths
- again? Only Frederik Pohl can tell us and I hope he creates the sequel
- to do so.
- Even without absolute resolution, the ending is not a disappointment.
- The story is well written, fun and exciting to read. The characters,
- while not always likable or admirable, are well drawn for their roles
- in the adventure. Viktor Sorricaine, for example, is not a bright,
- dynamic, heroic figure. He is about average, somewhat dull and
- stubborn to a fault in his personal relationships. Wan-To's powerful
- intelligence is often diminished by his petulance and arrogance. These
- and other character faults condemn Wan-To to a lonely existence and
- Viktor to the frustrations of an unusually long life.
- Overall it is a great adventure story with several "sparkling new"
- concepts for the science fiction fan.
- **************************
- Donald M. Grant, Publisher, has unabridged recordings read by Stephen
- King himself.
- THE GUNSLINGER (AT-1) $29.95
- Add $2 shipping for the first item and $1 for each additional item.
- Add an additional $3 per item for addresses outside the U.S. Send the
- total to: Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc., PO Box 187, Hampton Falls,
- NH 03844.
- **************************
- A Fan's Guide to the Language of Science Fiction
- by Roberta Rogow
- (Paragon House, September 1991, $24.95, ISBN 1-55778-347-0)
- review by Carl Ingram
- Here is the perfect gift for the SF fan on your holiday gift list.
- FUTURESPEAK is a dictionary of over 1,000 terms that pop up in and
- around Science Fiction literature and is absolutely amazing in its
- comprehensiveness. The types of words and expressions in FUTURESPEAK
- include:
- Fan Lingo: Con-Com Mommy, pro-ed, filk, nuke, grazing
- Magazines Terms: letterzine, closedzine, hurt/comfort story
- Scientific Words: genetic engineering, barbecue maneuver, parsec
- Gaming Terms: constitution, proficiency, cronk, chaotic
- Writers: Jules Vern, Rober Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, H.P. Lovecraft
- Filmmaking: matte painting, hook, continuity, hyphenate
- Art: creepy crawlies, control sheet, matting, planetscape
- Publishing Terms: samizdat, mass-market paperback, cross-genre
- Comics Terms: colorist, flaking, graphic album, ashcan edition
- Terms from SF Lit: generation ship, open Universe, Pern, subtext
- Each entry defines the term and explains its usage, and, where
- possible, gives the origin. Author Rogow tries to pinpoint how the
- term evolved, who if anyone started it and why it is a part of the
- language of Science Fiction. For example, she defines "Grok" as "a
- total understanding of one person by another, without the necessity of
- verbalization," then notes that the term was "coined by Robert
- Heinlein in STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND, first published in 1961; taken
- into the language by the Counterculture, for whom the book became a
- kind of icon."
- FUTURESPEAK bears a Foreword by C.J. Cherryh, and four useful and
- entertaining appendices:
- Useful Addresses (SF publications, organizations, conventions)
- Filk Song (Filk Distributors, Filker's Bill of Rights, and several
- filk songs)
- Rotsler's Rules for Masquerades
- Award Rules (for Hugo and Nebula)
- Entertaining and educational, FUTURESPEAK is an excellent addition to
- any SF bookshelf, and would make a particularly fine gift for the
- younger reader just getting into SF. (The publisher may be contacted
- by writing to: Paragon House, 90 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011.)
- **************************
- An Epic High Fantasy of the Halfblood Chronicles
- by Andre Norton & Mercedes Lackey
- (Tor, November 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-312-85106-5)
- commentary from the publisher
- Andre Norton has been acclaimed as the "grande dame of science
- fiction" by LIFE magazine. Mercedes Lackey has been heralded as one of
- the most "brilliant and popular"--as well as bestselling--young
- fantasy writers. When these two masters (mistresses?) of high fantasy
- meld their talents in THE ELVENBANE, the result is, as PUBLISHERS
- WEEKLY says, "one of the season's liveliest and most appealing fantasy
- epics."
- THE ELVENBANE tells the story of the powerful, proud Elvenlords,
- secure in their rule over weak humans and halfbreeds, rulers who on
- the one hand build beautiful, near-perfect cities...and at the same
- time keep legions of slaves for work and entertainment, and prey on
- Elven or human concubines for pleasure. The only cloud in this
- otherwise-perfect world of Elven supremacy is "The Prophecy", which
- portends that magic and fortunes will remake the world.
- The prophecy is passed on to the halfbreed Shana, who grows up to be a
- wizard powerful enough to lead the humans and dragons against the
- cruel elves who rule the land and enslave others. PUBLISHERS WEEKLY
- calls THE ELVENBANE a "fine coming-of-age adventure". BOOKLIST regards
- the book as "dynamic fantasy". And Anne McCaffrey pays tribute to both
- authors: "A damned fine tale, a splendid blend of the talents of two
- excellent storytellers."
- **************************
- by Janet Kagan
- (Tor, 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-312-85220-7)
- commentary from the publisher
- There's a problem on the planet Mirabile with dragon's teeth. The
- humans from Earth sent to colonize the planet on a generations-long
- voyage through space lost some essential information in transit. Now,
- in the early decades of human settlement, the Earth plants and animals
- genetically programmed to proliferate the old species (so that, for
- instance, a cow might give birth to a deer sometimes, that will breed
- true, except that sometimes the deer will give birth to a moose...)
- are occasionally producing mutants. Thus the carnivorous Kangaroo Rex
- is born, and the Loch Moose monster, and the voracious Frankenswine,
- dragon's teeth that threaten the ecology of Mirabile and perhaps the
- very survival of the colonists.
- Mirabile is a frontier planet with a generous mixture of ethnic and
- regional cultures from Earth, and the people are tough, hard-working
- and generally cooperative, fighting for a new life far from home. And
- the toughest of all has to be the ecological troubleshooter Mama
- Jason, a legend in her own time. It's up to her and her teams to
- protect the environment during this wild growth period, with only
- partial scientific knowledge and no genetic roadmap. She has to judge
- the dragon's teeth: are they a useful contribution to the environment
- or must they die--if you can get them before they get you.
- **************************
- by Poul Anderson
- (Tor, October 1991, $21.95, ISBN 0-312-85231-2)
- commentary by the publisher
- For 35 years Poul Anderson has written about the "Time Patrol", the
- far future agency charged with responsibility for the stable
- continuity of human history. Now, in THE TIME PATROL, Tor publishes a
- new novel of Anderson's "Unattached Agent" Manse Everard and the
- Patrol, STAR OF THE SEA, along with all the previous stories in the
- "Time Patrol" series.
- In the new novel, Everard is sent to Northern Europe in A.D. 70 to
- investigate dangerous anomalies in the fabric of known history. At
- this time, according to the historian Tacitus, the Roman Empire is
- engaged in continuing brush-warfare with Germanic tribes along its
- border. Simultaneously, a charismatic warrior cult, led by a brilliant
- young woman, is beginning to surface, threatening the power of the
- Germanic tribes as well as the Romans. Once again, Everard must save
- human history from paradox and chaos, no matter what suffering this
- forces him to "preserve".
- STAR OF THE SEA is the core of Tor's new book which finally collects
- in one volume all the "Time Patrol" stories Anderson has written in
- the last 35 years, including "Gibraltar Falls", "The Sorrows of Odin
- the Goth", and the novel THE YEAR OF THE RANSOM, the little-known
- prequel to THE SHIELD OF TIME (Tor, 1990).
- **************************
- (The sequel to N-SPACE)
- by Larry Niven
- (Tor, November 1991, $22.95, ISBN 0-312-85219-3)
- commentary from the publisher
- In N-SPACE (Tor, 1990), Niven provided his readers with a panoply of
- excerpts from solo fiction, nonfiction, and his collaborative novels,
- representing the first half of his career. PLAYGROUNDS OF THE MIND
- picks up where N-SPACE left off, with award-winning stories, memoirs,
- nonfiction essays in scientific extrapolation, and uncollected
- fiction. Included are such classics as: "Becalmed in Hell", "What Good
- Is a Glass Dagger?", and the Hugo-winning "The Borderland of Sol". The
- reader will also relish comments on and extracts from novels like THE
- RINGWORLD ENGINEERS and THE MAGIC GOES AWAY, articles like "Mars, with
- Craters", and "The Theory and Practice of Teleportation",
- autobiographical essays, and never-before-collected works of hard SF
- in which Niven writes about his alien-filled Known Space.
- **************************
- by Philip Jose Farmer
- (Tor, October 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-312-85036-0)
- commentary from the publisher
- In the 1960s and '70s, Philip Jose Farmer wrote 5 volumes of the
- "World of Tiers" series, classics of contemporary fantasy which take
- place in artificial pocket universes created by the arrogant and
- decadent super-race, The Lords. For the Earthman, Kickaha, the
- greatest and most deadly foe is the Lord, Red Orc.
- The "World of Tiers" books, based loosely on the poetry of William
- Blake, have been in print for the last 25 years. In 1978, Dr. A. James
- Giannini, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Ohio State University,
- decided to use a unique method of psychiatric therapy to treat
- troubled adolescents. His method was based on the "World of Tiers"
- series. His patients, all volunteers, read the series and chose which
- character or characters to identify with and to try, in a sense, to
- become, based on Farmer's settings and ideas. In a daring literary
- maneuver, Farmer then took the idea of Dr. Giannini's therapy and
- turned it into a fictionalized version of a young man in a treatment
- center undergoing such revolutionary therapy.
- That young man is Jim Grimson, whose Tiersian fantasies, as he
- inhabits the fantastic mind of Red Orc, include attacking and maiming
- his father, making love to 20 of his sisters, saving his mother from
- prison and a killer while riding a white horse--all occurring while he
- was 17 years old in October of 1979 and couldn't possibly understand
- that he had created a seemingly ten-billion-year-old universe.
- In this art-imitates-life-imitates-art novel, nearly half the action
- chronicles Jim's exciting and disturbing adventures in other worlds.
- The result is a powerful blend of psychology and fantasy from Philip
- Jose Farmer, who critic Leslie Fiedler called "the single best SF
- writer alive."
- **************************
- by Mary J. Jones
- (Naiad Press, 1991, $9.95, ISBN 0-941483-96-7)
- cover copy
- AVALON...where strong, courageous women prepare to defend the world
- that is theirs.
- Fleeing from Camelot and Arthur's anger, two desperate riders reach
- the sea to meet the waiting boats. In their care is a baby girl--whose
- destiny is to rule the fabled isle of Avalon as Lady of the Lake.
- Named Argante--brilliant one--she will grow to womanhood with her
- soul-friend, Elin. As one of the Daughters of the Goddess, her duty is
- to watch over the Celtic Realms of Ireland, Britain, and Gaul.
- Against her stands a fearsome foe, dark sister of the Goddess Mother,
- Annis the Hag, Queen of the Wastelands.
- The stain of evil has swept over the mainlands as Annis, her dreadful
- Grey Host at her command, brings bloody war and pestilence to the once
- fruitful kingdoms.
- Now, only Argante and the Daughters of Avalon stand between Annis and
- her complete dominion over the Celtic Realms...
- AVALON...a sumptuous tale, a richly detailed, vivid tapestry of a time
- when women reigned supreme. If your local bookstore doesn't have
- AVALON, you can order it directly from the publisher by sending the
- list price, plus 15% extra for shipping and handling, to: The Naiad
- Press Inc., PO Box 10543, Tallahassee, FL 32302. Or use your credit
- card by calling 1-800-533-1973.
- **************************
- by Camarin Grae
- (Naiad Press, 1991, $9.95, ISBN 0-941483-99-1)
- cover copy
- A superb new tale from a marvelous storyteller...Camarin Grae,
- bestselling author of THE SECRET IN THE BIRD and EDGEWISE, reveals
- what it's like to be truly STRANDED...
- Amy is more than a little startled to meet Jenna. Because Jenna has
- taken up residence in Amy's mind. And because Jenna is from the planet
- Allo.
- Jenna, amazed and appalled by Earth's culture, must win the trust of
- Amy and her friend Agatha. Only through them can she locate
- love-partner Billy and friend, Cass, from whom she has become
- separated in transit to Earth.
- Then, for the sake of Earth, they must find and neutralize
- Zephkar--for Zephkar is the reason the three have been sent from Allo.
- Zephkar is already hard at work. Using his invincible powers, he has
- taken over the mind and body of James Lane, and has founded New
- Direction, a fundamentalist religion. And he is forming a political
- party to rule America as a theocracy.
- How can Jenna and her lesbian allies hope to defeat the all-powerful
- Zephkar? And as for Jenna and Billy--how can they manage to love each
- other while inhabiting these strange human bodies?
- Find the answers to all these questions in the most wonderfully
- entertaining story of the year. If your local bookstore doesn't have
- STRANDED, you can order it directly from the publisher by sending the
- list price, plus 15% extra for shipping and handling, to: The Naiad
- Press Inc., PO Box 10543, Tallahassee, FL 32302. Or use your credit
- card by calling 1-800-533-1973.
- **************************
- edited by J. Pournelle and J. Carr
- (Ace, September 1991, $4.50, ISBN 0-441-10591-2)
- review by Darryl Kenning
- This is volume III of THE ENDLESS FRONTIER. It is a collection of
- short stories, articles, and poems from folks like Robert A. Heinlein,
- Norman Spinrad, Doug Beason, John Gillespie Magee Jr. and Jerry
- Pournelle to name just some of them. Like the others in the series
- this is unashamedly a book extolling the virtues of space flight and
- exploration and moving forward to the next frontier of human
- exploration. The pieces in the book are all outstanding--every one!
- Some are classics and THE LONG WATCH by Heinlein still sends a shiver
- down my back--just like it did almost 30 years ago when I first read
- it. This one is a must read if you are interested in space, poems, or
- just like outstanding writing.
- KQ = 5
- --------------------------
- by Allen Steele
- (Ace, October 1991, $4.99, ISBN 0-441-50485-X)
- review by Darryl Kenning
- Allen Steele has written 3 excellent books about the Moon and the
- people who will be the first real inhabitants, the hard space workers.
- (ORBITAL DECAY, CLARKE COUNTY, SPACE) In may ways his stories remind
- me of early Robert Heinlein stories: they are about real people in
- working environments, who face everyday problems and not-so-everyday
- problems.
- LUNAR DESCENT is a detective story and a story about how things really
- work in life projected to the near future. It's a story about how
- they/you/us deal with the gritty aspects of life. I for one am looking
- forward to seeing much more of Steele's writing--it's exciting, it's
- realistic, and it is about people.
- KQ = 4
- --------------------------
- by David Weber
- (Baen Books, October 1991, $4.50, ISBN 0-671-72085-6)
- review by Darryl Kenning
- David Weber has got a winner here--and I'm not exactly sure why. The
- plot is old: An Air Force officer on a routine training flight over
- the moon wakes up a self-aware Imperial Battleship, that gets him,
- gives him extraordinary powers....well you see what I mean. I hate to
- admit this but I think I bought it because of the cover art--I was on
- a trip and was desperate for SF to read.
- And yet, I found I couldn't put down the book. Weber has made this
- rather overused plot line come alive and it works on a couple of
- levels that are intriguing to say the least. I don't want to spill any
- more of the plot--I'll bet you can guess most of it already, but it
- really doesn't matter. This is a book for curling up with on a Friday
- night when the TV has naught but its usual fare. It will keep you
- interested and then you will be looking for more of Weber's stuff--and
- that's probably me you see peering over your shoulder in the
- bookstore.
- KQ = 5
- **************************
- Title Author KQ
- Mutineer's Moon David Weber 5
- A Reasonable World Damon Knight 4
- The January Platoon Kevin Randle 3
- The Mutant Prime Karen Haber 3
- A Trace of Memory Keith Laumer 4
- Immortality Inc. Robert Sheckley 3
- Drifter William C. Dietz 3
- Queen of Angels Greg Bear 2
- The Jupiter War Bill Fawcet (ed) 2
- Lunar Descent Allen Steele 4
- Cities in Space J. Pournelle (ed) 5
- **************************
- commentary from the publisher
- ^A REASONABLE WORLD by Damon Knight ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-50978-1)
- Ten years have passed since the researchers on the ocean-going
- habitat, Sea Venture, accidentally released McNulty's Symbiont into an
- unprepared world. The alien life form has infected and altered
- thousands of adults, and is reproduced whenever a child is conceived
- with a symbiont present. The symbionts are beginning to make
- themselves heard: they will not permit violence, murder or warfare.
- Those who attempt such behavior die instantly. A new dawn awaits
- humanity on Earth, if only those who fear awakening can be made to
- understand.
- ^THERE WON'T BE WAR edited by Harry Harrison & Bruce McAllister
- ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51941-8)
- This international anthology sparks the imagination with an
- exploration of the peaceful development of space. This hopeful volume
- contains brand-new original fiction from: Nicholas Emmett, Gregory
- Frost, Joe Haldeman, Ratislav Durman, Frederik Pohl, James Morrow,
- Robert Sheckley, Jack McDevitt, Jack C. Haldeman II, Charles Stross,
- Marc Laidlaw, Nancy A. Collins, Timothy Zahn, George Zebrowski, Isaac
- Asimov.
- ^EXPLORATIONS by Poul Anderson ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51536-6)
- An outstanding collection of science fiction stories by one of the
- most respected names in the field, EXPLORATIONS contains classic Poul
- Anderson stories, all involving interstellar voyages of discovery.
- Anderson has won many Hugo Awards for his short fiction, and his 1991
- release, THE BOAT OF A MILLION YEARS, was named a New York Times
- Notable Book of the Year.
- ^CONAN THE ROGUE by John Maddox Roberts ($7.99, ISBN 0-812-51411-4)
- Everyone in Sicas wants the priceless object Conan of Cimmeria has
- gone there to find. Beautiful women who offer smiles and kisses--and
- maybe a knife in the back. A priest who may be closer to his goddess
- than he thinks. Noble lords, the bosses of criminal gangs, and a fop
- whose perfumed kerchief may hide poison.
- Everyone wants it, everyone is willing to murder to get it, and
- everyone has a different tale of exactly what IT is. But they are all
- wrong about one thing. None know the horror this object will unleash
- on Sicas. Only one man has any chance of saving them all from a fate
- worse than death. Only Conan of Cimmeria--and even his chances are
- small.
- ^THE DRAGON KNIGHT by Gordon R. Dickson ($5.99, ISBN 0-812-50943-9)
- In 1957, Hugo and Nebula Award-winning science fiction author Gordon
- R. Dickson tried his hand at whimsical fantasy with a novelette titled
- "St. Dragon and the George", a rollicking tale of a man transported to
- a fantastic realm where humans are monsters, and dragons are heroes.
- Twenty years later, Dickson expanded the story into a novel. THE
- DRAGON AND THE GEORGE soon became one of Dickson's most beloved works.
- excellent fantasy adventure that resembles real life as only the best
- fantasy can." It won the Hugo and British Fantasy Awards and
- ultimately sold more than three quarters of a million copies.
- Dickson's loyal fans waited eagerly for a sequel.
- Now, a decade later, Dickson returns to this enchanting world in THE
- DRAGON KNIGHT. KIRKUS REVIEWS wrote: "For fans, it's been worth the
- wait...THE DRAGON KNIGHT moves forward in a steady, amusing way, and
- brings great charm to medieval England and magic lore."
- JIm Eckert, a college professor, awakens one day in the body of a
- dragon in a world where magic is real. Through a series of
- misadventures, he saved his beloved Angela from an evil wizard,
- regained his human form, and became a medieval Baron. Now Sir James
- has suddenly become a dragon again, and can't change back. He has to
- learn to control his magical powers in order to rescue Edward, the
- Crown Prince of England, who has just been kidnapped by the King of
- France.
- Boris Vallejo, the artist who created the memorable cover painting
- for THE DRAGON AND THE GEORGE a decade ago, has produced a delightful
- new painting for THE DRAGON KNIGHT.
- Gordon R. Dickson is one of science fiction's most respected
- authors. In a career spanning nearly four decades, he has earned most
- of the field's highest honors, including two Nebula Awards and four
- Hugo Awards. His most recent works include WOLF AND IRON, THE FINAL
- ENCYCLOPEDIA, and THE WAY OF THE PILGRIM. Mr. Dickson has made his
- home for many years in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.
- ($3.99, ISBN 0-812-51771-7)
- In SWORDSPOINT, Kushner has created an elegant, mannered, and
- decadent city that spans the distance from the slums of Riverside to
- the mansions of the Hill. Here, rich people don't fight their own
- battles. The most talented and sought-after of swordsmen are paid to
- fight their duels--and the most sought-after of these freelancers is
- Richard St. Vier.
- ($2.50, ISBN 0-812-50436-4)
- It was one HECK of a punch.
- Knocked me clear from New England to Olde England, from Connecticut
- to Camelot. Suddenly, there I WAS--with King Arthur, Launcelot, Morgan
- le Fay, and that faker, Merlin. I was trapped in the sixth century,
- surrounded by jousts and chivalry and idiots in armor bashing other
- idiots in armor!
- But I'm resourceful; I look for opportunities. And King Arthur's
- court needed a few improvements. Like soap. Toothpaste. Baseball.
- Electricity, factories, newspapers, telephones, trains,
- bicycles...free elections. In short, these folks needed a double dose
- of gool ole American know-how.
- They needed a Boss. They needed--
- Me.
- **************************
- Here is a list of booksellers around the world that specialize in SF,
- handy to have if you do much traveling or seek specialty stuff for
- your collection.
- Always Superior Books Copper Dragon Books
- 3645 Providence Rd Mark Anderson
- Marietta GA 30062 2430 Agnes Way
- 404-977-2378 Palo Alto CA 94303
- 415-424-1984
- Andromeda Bookshop Bakka Books
- 84 Suffolk ST. 282 Queen Street West
- Birmingham England, U.K. B1 1TA Toronto Ontario, Canada M5V2A1
- 415-596-8161
- B. Barrett Books T.D. Bell
- P.O. Box 6202 Leahy Lane
- Hayward CA 94540 Ballston Spa NY 12020
- Black Hill Books Black & White Books
- The Wain House 111 Hicks St.
- Black Hill, Clunton #11F
- Craven Arms Shropshire, UK SY7 0JD Brooklyn NY 11201
- 05884-551 718-855-2598
- Books Borders Bookstore
- Box 3711 Castleton Corners Mall
- Bartlesville OK 74006-3711 Indianapolis IN
- Ray Bowman Stephen Buhner: Bookseller
- P.O. Box 167 8563 Flagstaff Rd.
- Carmel IN 46032 Boulder CO 80302
- Bump in the Night Books California Book Auction Gal.
- 133-135 Elfreths Alley 965 Mission St.
- Philadelphia PA 19106 Suite 730
- San Francisco CA 94103
- 415-243-0650
- Nicholas Certo Change of Hobbit
- POB 322-L 1433 Second St.
- Circleville NY 10919 Santa Monica CA 90401
- 914-361-1190 213-473-2873
- Cheap Street Cold Tonnage Books
- Route 2 Box 293 Andy Richards
- New Castle VA 24127 136 New Road
- 703-864-6288 Bedfont, Feltham, Middlesex,
- UK TW148HT
- Comic Kingdom II L. W. Currey, Inc.
- 29905 Harper AVe. P.O. Box 187
- St. Clair Shores MI 48082 Elizabethtown NY 12932
- 313-777-2323 518-873-6477
- D.C. Books Dangerous Visions
- David Chack 13563 Ventura Blvd.
- 30 Clifford Dr. Sherman Oaks CA 91423-3825
- West Hartford CT 06107 818-986-6963
- Dark Carnival Bookstore Dark Castle Books
- 2978 Aeline 1861 Adobe St
- Berkeley CA Concord CA 94520
- 415-845-7757
- DMK Books Dragon's Lair Bookstore
- 22946 Brenford St. 110 W. Fifth St.
- Woodland Hills CA 91364 Dayton OH 45402
- 513-222-1479
- Chris Drumm Books Duga's Books
- POB 445 610 Aldama Ct.
- Polk City IA 50226 Ocoee FL 32761
- 407-656-3235
- Dust Jacket Chris Eckhoff
- Dept. LSF 98 Pierrepont St.
- 9835 Robin Rd Brooklyn NY 11201
- Niles IL 60649
- Elsewhere Books Toby English
- 260 Judah St. Lamb Arcade
- San Francisco CA 94122 Wallingford Oxfordshire,
- 415-661-2535 UK OX10 0BS
- Esoterica Book Gallery Excalibur
- 734 Waverly Rd. 1 Hillside Gardens
- Bryn Mawr PA 19010 Bangor Northern Ireland BT192SJ
- 215-527-1260
- The Exiles Bookshop F & SF Book Co.
- Jim Welsh POB 415
- P.O. Box 12071 Staten Island NY 10302-0005
- Silver Spring MD 209908
- 301-365-7016
- John Faley Fantast (Medway) Ltd.
- 322 W. 55 St. P.O. Box 23
- #2C Upwell, Wisbech
- New York NY 10019 Cambs. U.K. PE14 9BU
- Fantasy Connection Fantasy, Etc.
- P.O. Box 676 808 Larkin St.
- Carmichael CA 95609 San Francisco CA 94109
- 916-393-8269 415-441-7617
- Fine Books Co. Dwayne Fund
- David Aronovitz 2657 SW Willow Pkwy
- 781 E. Snell Gresham OR 97080
- Rochester MI 48306 503-661-2729
- 313-651-8799
- Future Fantasy Robert Gavora, Bookseller
- 3701 El Camino Real P.O. Box 928
- Palo Alto CA 94306 Ashland OR 97520
- 408-855-9771 503-482-8891
- Gorgon Books Gryphon Publications
- 102 Joanne Drive POB 209
- Holbrook NY 11741 Brooklyn NY 11228
- 516-472-3504
- Robert Henderson, Bookseller David Holloway, Bookseller
- 2091-B 10th Ave. 6760 SouthWest 76th Terrace
- Honolulu HI 96816 South Miami FL 33143
- Graham Holroyd Inter-Data Systems
- 19 Borrowdale Drive 3280 Sunrise Hwy
- Rochester NY 14626 Suite 265A
- 716-225-4879 Wantagh NY 11793
- It Came From Mt. Shasta David D. Jackson
- Dennis L. White, Bookseller 450 S. Normandie
- POB 1120 #102
- Mt. Shasta CA 96067 Los Angeles CA 90020
- 916-926-2174
- Kadath Press 20th Century Books
- 2 Roman Grove Philip E. Kaveny, Bookseller
- Roundhay Leeds, U.K. LS8 2DT 108 King St.
- Madison WI 53703
- Gerry Kleier John W. Knott Jr., Bookseller
- 2134 McGee 8453 Early Bud Way
- Apt. B Laurel MD 20723
- Berkeley CA 94703 301-725-7537
- 415-843-7571
- Lehner & Co. Barry Levin SF & F Literature
- 1616 Begen Ave. 726 Santa Monica Blvd
- Mountain View CA 94040 Suite 201
- 415-960-3067 Santa Monica CA 90401
- 213-458-6111
- Richard G. Lewis SF/Fantasy Books
- 21 Brewster Road Robert A. Madle
- London England, U.K. E10 6RG 4406 Bestor Drive
- Rockville MD 20853
- 301-460-4712
- Marx Books David A. McClintock
- 4412 18th St. POB 1949
- Lubbock TX 79416 Warren OH 44482
- 216-372-4425
- MJA Books Nebula
- 8470 Dover Dr. 1522, Sherbrooke W.
- Granite Bay CA 95661 #11
- Montreal PQ, Canada H3G 1L3
- New Worlds Bookservice Novel Futures
- Box 10163 402 N. Robinson St.
- N. Charleston SC 29441-0163 Richmond VA 23220
- 804-353-0573
- Kai Nygaard Ocean View Books
- 19421 Eighth Place 1590 Latham St.
- Escondido CA 92029 Mountain View CA 94040
- 619-746-9039 415-965-3721
- Jan L. O'Nale, Bookseller Jim Orbaugh, Bookseller
- Rt. 2 Box 293 1059 Shadowridge Dr. #5
- New Castle VA 24127 Vista CA 92083
- 703-864-6288
- Other Change of Hobbit Other Worlds Bookstore
- 2433 Channing Way 1281 North Main St.
- Berkeley CA 94704 Providence RI 02904
- 415-848-0413 401-331-9140
- Overseas Book Service Pandora's Books
- 232 Hudson St. J. Grant Thiessen
- Suite 2D Box 54
- Hoboken NJ 07030 Neche ND 58265
- 201-792-4565 204-324-8548
- Nick Papaseraphim Polyanthos Park Avenue Books
- 30-56 44th St. P.O. Box 343
- Astoria NY 11103 Huntington NY 11743
- Record Breaker Science Fiction Shop Richerson's Books
- David Chack Carrie Richerson
- Ames Plaza POB 181
- Meriden CT Blanco TX 78606
- 203-237-0133 512-833-5350
- Graeme Roberts Rockaway
- 57 Queens Rd. Box 1508-L
- Leytonstone Woodbridge VA 22193
- London England, U.K. E11 1BA
- 081-539-7095
- Science Fiction + Science Fiction Shop
- POB 10696 163 Bleecker St.
- Rochestr NY 14610 New York NY 10012
- 716-654-5655
- Seattle Book Center Serendipity Books
- 2231 wnd AVe. 1201 University Ave.
- Seattle WA 98121 Berkeley CA 94702
- 415-841-7455
- Wr. Slater Books Christopher Stephens
- 4809 Stockdale Hwy 7 Terrace Drive
- #203 Hastings-on-Hudson NY 10706
- Bakersfield CA 93309 914-478-2522
- Michael Tallan Michael Thompson, Bookseller
- 3477 Yuba Ave. 445 West Pender St.
- San Jose CA 95117 Vancouver BC, Canada V6B 1V2
- Thunder Books John P. Toutonghi
- 144 Cox Crescent 1824-24th E.
- Thunder Bay Ont., Canada P7A 7K8 Seattle WA 98112
- Uncle Hugo's SF Bookstore Waverley Books
- 2864 Chicago Ave. S. 946 9th St.
- Minneapolis MN 55407 #E
- Santa Monica CA 90403
- Weinberg Books James M. Wills
- 15145 Oxford Dr. 3605 Canby Dr.
- Oak Forest IL 60452 Philadelphia PA 19154
- 215-281-1056
- Wrigley-Cross Books Herb Yellin
- 8001A S.E. Powell 19073 Los Alimos St.
- Portland OR 97206 Northridge CA 91326
- 503-775-4943
- Mark V. Ziesing
- POB 76
- Shingletown CA 96088
- 916-474-1580
- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
- * *
- * *
- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
- Editor: Annie Wilkes
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Frightful Fiction is a division of Reading For Pleasure, published
- bimonthly. This material is NOT COPYRIGHTED and may be used freely by
- all. Catalogs, news releases, review copies, or donated reviews should
- be sent to: Reading For Pleasure, 103 Baughman's Lane, Suite 303,
- Frederick, MD 21702.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ^ NEEDFUL THINGS: The Last Castle Rock Story
- by Stephen King
- (Viking, October 1991, $24.95, ISBN 0-670-83953-1)
- review by Annie Wilkes
- "...in America, you could have anything you wanted, just as
- long as you could pay for it. If you couldn't pay, or
- REFUSED to pay, you would remain needful forever."
- "You've been here before." So starts Stephen King's latest novel, the
- story that takes you to Castle Rock for one last, apocalyptic visit.
- You HAVE been there before, haven't you? Castle Rock has been the
- setting of some of King's most memorable tales: THE DEAD ZONE, CUJO,
- filmed as STAND BY ME), "The Sun Dog" (from FOUR PAST MIDNIGHT), "Mrs.
- Todd's Shortcut", "Uncle Otto's Truck", and "Nona". As King wrote in
- the introduction to "The Sun Dog":
- "...a state of entrancement with a fictional setting may not
- be the best thing in the world for a writer. It was for
- Faulkner and J.R.R. Tolkien, but sometimes a couple of
- exceptions just prove the rule, and besides, I don't play in
- that league. So at some point I decided...that the time had
- come to close the book on Castle Rock, Maine, where so many
- of my favorite characters have lived and died."
- And King closes that book with a bang, to be sure. Not quite as
- emotional as many of his other stories have been, NEEDFUL THINGS is
- more psychological, more philosophical. It all begins when a new store
- comes to Castle Rock, a mysterious place called Needful Things, run by
- the enigmatic Leland Gaunt, who manages to be both hypnotically
- charming and viscerally repulsive by turns. What does the store sell?
- Who is Gaunt and where does he come from? What does the name of the
- store mean? Most of Castle Rock will find answers to at least two of
- the questions, to their everlasting sorrow.
- What does Gaunt sell? The one thing you want most in the whole world.
- What does he charge? Only a few dollars, whatever you can easily
- afford, plus a small harmless prank to be played on another resident
- of The Rock. As Gaunt said one time to a man named Hugh Priest,
- "Do you know something, Hugh? The world is full of needy
- people who don't understand that everything, EVERYTHING, is
- for sale...if you're willing to pay the price."
- The story is about greed and jealousy, paranoia and guilt. As the
- customers of Needful Things will discover, when you buy something,
- you're also selling something, and the trade may not be as good as it
- seems.
- "...everyone loves a bargain. Everyone loves something for
- nothing... even if it costs everything."
- NEEDFUL THINGS is about consumerism gone awry, about people who try to
- fill their needs with mere things, not understanding that they become
- things themselves in the process. Sheriff Pangborn must try to save
- what he can of the people of Castle Rock. But can he even save
- himself? What will Needful Things have for him to buy? NEEDFUL THINGS
- is an exciting finish to what has been the most fearsomely
- entertaining town in fiction. Don't miss it.
- **************************
- Donald M. Grant, Publisher, has unabridged recordings of NEEDFUL
- THINGS read by Stephen King himself. Each Part is 9 hours long on 6
- cassettes.
- Part I: Grand Opening Celebration (NT-1) $29.95
- Part II: Sale of the Century (NT-2) $29.95
- Part III: Everything Must Go (NT-3) $29.95
- Parts I, II, and III (NT-4) $89.85
- Shipping is $2 for the first tape, $1 for each additional tape. Add an
- additional $3 per item for addresses outside the U.S. Send the total
- to: Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc., PO Box 187, Hampton Falls, NH
- 03844.
- **************************
- by Ray Garton
- (Mark V. Ziesing, 1991, $22.00, ISBN 0-929480-59-7)
- review by Drew Bartorillo
- Big-rig driver Bill Ketter's wife took their children and left six
- months ago, complaining that he didn't spend enough time at home. She
- had left a few times before, but this time it was for good. On a cold
- winter night, during a moment of lonliness, Ketter invites one of the
- local truck stop hookers, a "lot lizard" as they are called, to spend
- the night with him in his sleeper. When she leaves in the morning, she
- not only takes his money, credit cards and tape deck, but also his
- humanity, drained through two puncture wounds in his neck. From then
- on, the only food that Ketter can eat or drink without throwing up is
- blood. Fresh blood is so much better, but he can't bring himself to
- kill other humans. Blood from local blood banks has to do but he is
- slowly dying from the lack of fresh blood. Ketter is determined to
- find the lair of the vampire lot lizards and their queen, searching
- from truck stop to truck stop for the big-rigs that carry their evil
- coffins. Finally, during a raging winter's storm, he comes
- face-to-face with the evil and the queen mother of the lot lizards
- herself.
- Ever since reading and reviewing LIVE GIRLS (RFP # 5), I have been a
- BIG fan of Ray Garton. After a few novels and short stories, with LOT
- LIZARDS Garton returns to the vampire theme, and the book is superb.
- It was very difficult to put LOT LIZARDS down and I managed to finish
- it in two sittings. I have a weakness for vampire stories and Ray
- Garton is truly a master in this area. Those of you who have read LIVE
- GIRLS will recognize an underlying theme, the results of a vampire
- drinking tainted blood. Think of this as you read LOT LIZARDS. It has
- a lot to do with the outcome of the story. If you like vampire
- stories, then LOT LIZARDS is an absolute must. I'll guarantee you'll
- like it and make you think twice the next time you happen to be at a
- truck stop on a cold and lonely night.
- You can order LOT LIZARDS directly from the publisher by sending $22
- ($50 for a signed, slipcased edition), plus shipping and handling
- (Parcel Post: $3 for the regular edition, $4 for the signed. UPS:
- $3.50 for the regular edition, $4.50 for the signed.) to: Mark V.
- Ziesing, PO Box 76, Shingletown, CA 96088. Phone: 916/474-1580.
- **************************
- All-New Works of Horror and the Supernatural
- edited by J.N. Williamson
- (Maclay & Assoc., 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-940776-26-X)
- review by Howard Frye
- MASQUES IV is another excellent anthology in the MASQUES series,
- gathering some of the very best short frightful fiction from both old
- masters and unknowns. Hundreds or thousands of years from now when
- archaeologists dig up a copy of MASQUES IV they're going to find out a
- lot about what it was like in early-1990s America. For instance,
- there's our love-hate relationship with children. "Children" by
- Kristine Kathryn Rusch tells of child-shaped monsters who prey on male
- members of the McIntyre family. Bruce Boston's "Animal Husbandry" has
- a husband and wife with differing ideas about breeding. And then
- there's the whole subject of child abuse: "The Coming of Night, The
- Passing of Day" by Ed Gorman and "Please Don't Hurt Me" by F. Paul
- Wilson inadvertently form a two-part tale of family violence and child
- abuse, and its legacy for the future. Cameron Nolan's "The Children
- Never Lie" also deals with child abuse, but from a different angle,
- and along the way she makes some good points about the current state
- of the field of psychology.
- Memories of childhood form the basis of both "Savages" by Darrell
- Schweitzer and "Love, Hate, and the Beautiful Junkyard Sea" by Mort
- Castle, the first concerning a Peter Pan-type character who never
- grows up and the second about the magic of childhood--how it's found,
- and how it gets lost again. Relationships between the sexes don't fair
- too well either. James Kisner tells a sharp-edged tale about life,
- sex, and boredom in "Splatter Me an Angel"; John Coyne covers related
- ground in "Obscene Phone Calls". Noise pollution serves as the
- background for Kathryn Ptacek's "Sounds". There are really quite a few
- stories in MASQUES IV that are humorous in whole or in part, one of
- the best being editor Williamson's "Collaborationists", about the
- wives of writers.
- Graham Masterton tells one of the most effective supernatural stories
- in his "The Heart of Helen Day", in which a weary traveler escapes a
- rainstorm by checking into a rundown motel. "Pratfall" by John Maclay
- puts a clown in the middle of the Gulf War--no, I mean a REAL clown,
- in white-face and baggy pants--creating a scene that would have been
- great on CNN. There are even a couple of poems here, my favorite being
- "Whispers of the Unrepentant" by t. Winter-Damon: "I have a freezer
- full of secrets and some most suspicious beef..." I also liked
- "Milestone's Face" by Gary Brandner, dealing with an egotistical news
- anchorman who plays a cruel trick on the wrong bag lady. And if you'd
- told me that sucking someone's eyeballs right out of their head could
- be sensual, I wouldn't have believed you, until I read Rick Hautala's
- "Sources of the Nile".
- Which story was worth the price of the whole book? No question about
- it: "My Private Memoirs of the Hoffer Stigmata Pandemic" by Dan
- Simmons. It's funny, it's sad, and you'll be thinking about it for a
- long, long time. Trust me. In his introduction to the story Williamson
- says that Simmons "creates a new language with which to examine
- ourselves with greater, cleaner conscientiousness", which might sound
- like just so much twaddle, until you read the story. That's EXACTLY
- what Simmons does. And if this is your first Simmons story, boy, have
- you got some great reading ahead of you. (Hint: Start with the
- award-winning SONG OF KALI, move on to the award-winning HYPERION and
- FALL OF HYPERION, then to the award-winning CARRION COMFORT, winding
- up at his recent SUMMER OF NIGHT.)
- MASQUES IV is a sensational anthology of frightening, disturbing,
- funny, sad, puzzling, and thought-provoking short fiction. Absolutely
- top-drawer. By the way, there is also a limited edition version (750
- copies), signed by the contributors, for $49. If there are any left.
- At that price, I'd hurry if I were you. In any case, you can get in
- touch with the publisher by writing to: Maclay & Associates, PO Box
- 16253, Baltimore, MD 21210 (301/235-7985).
- **************************
- Introduction by F. Paul Wilson
- (Dark Harvest, 1991, $21.95, ISBN 0-913165-63-8)
- review by Drew Bartorillo
- NIGHT VISIONS is the annual anthology from Dark Harvest that features
- approximately 30,000 words of original material from three different
- writers. This year Thomas Tessier contribues a novella, James Kisner
- has written 5 short stories, and Rick Hautala contributes seven
- interrelated pieces that he calls "Untciguhunk".
- In Tessier's novella, "The Dreams of Dr. Ladybank", a psychiatrist
- discovers that he can control other people's behavior with his mind,
- but unfortunately it only works with two individuals, and both of them
- are lunatics. In the end, Dr. Ladybank is done in by his own ego, and
- everyone comes to a bad end--rather graphically too. A good read.
- James Kisner's five stories constitute an excellent introduction to
- this writer who isn't as well known as he should be. "Jack's Demon"
- solves the mystery of Jack the Ripper once and for all, with a whole
- new angle on the case. In "The Last Time I Saw Grandma", Jeremy's
- beloved grandmother is dying. After a visit from a tall dark stranger,
- Grandma has bite marks on her neck. Now she'll be there for Jeremy
- forever. In "Moose Oysters", Kurt Kelley hopes to prop up his waning
- masculinity with a meal of moose oysters from a moose he plans to kill
- in the forest. The forest wildlife has a few surprises, though, for
- Kurt. Romero's NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD theme gets a new wrinkle in
- "Born Again", as Reverend Rockwell Healy tries to hellfire and
- brimstone his congregation into a better afterlife. Elmer preys on the
- homeless, specifically anyone who greets him with "Fugya", at least he
- does until he meets Annie.
- Rick Hautala's "Untciguhunk" consists of four tales about a murderous
- entity that emerges from the earth every five years to prey upon all
- living things. These four stories are connected by three folk tales
- explaining the mythology behind the characters, all of them forming a
- sequel of sorts to Hautala's previous novel, LITTLE BROTHERS. I
- haven't read LITTLE BROTHERS yet, but I'd really like to now. This was
- my favorite section of NIGHT VISIONS--the story was imaginative and
- left me wanting to hear more about the Old One and Little Brother.
- You can get NIGHT VISIONS 9 directly from the publisher by sending the
- list price, plus $2 postage (for the first book, $1 for every
- additional book), to: Dark Harvest, PO Box 941, Arlington Heights, IL
- 60006. There is also a deluxe, slip-cased limited edition of 475
- copies, signed by all four authors and the artist, for $55, if they
- have any left.
- **************************
- by Ramsey Campbell
- (Tor, November 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-312-85250-9)
- review by Peter Quint
- I've been a Ramsey Campbell fan for a long time, and always stay on
- the lookout for his appearances in magazines. WAKING NIGHTMARES
- gathers up some of his finest short stories from magazines and
- Campbell is particularly good at remembering and communicating the
- fears of childhood. "Bedtime Story" has a child frightened and
- tormented by an insensitive grandmother, while "Eye of Childhood"
- concerns a monster of a teacher. The children in these stories finally
- manage to strike back, and do so most appropriately in "The Old
- School", where a teacher is trapped in a haunted school. It is only
- when a child is terrorized by a writer--in "Meeting the Author"--that
- he never really recovers.
- Another common theme for Campbell stories, and one of my favorites, is
- getting lost in one way or another. "In the Trees" was one of the
- scarier stories for me, about getting lost in the woods; and the
- protagonist gets lost around the docks in "Playing the Game". A man
- gets lost in time in "Second Sight", as does the reader of M.R. James
- books in "The Guide". A writer gets lost in words in "Beyond Words".
- And a number of lead characters get lost in a shifting reality, a very
- frightening concept.
- "Watch the Birdie" is an unusual story in which the narrator, Ramsey
- Campbell himself, allows us to see how words can make things appear
- and disappear. And, lest you be under the delusion that Ramsey
- Campbell only writes cerebral, heavy-on-atmosphere, low-on-action
- stories, there is the nasty "It Helps If You Sing" and a tale
- reminiscent of E.C. comics called "Jack in the Box".
- Nineteen stories are collected in WAKING NIGHTMARES, representing some
- of Ramsey Campbell's finest fiction. If you haven't taken the Campbell
- plunge, this is the time to do it--Recommended.
- **************************
- ^ THE THRILL OF FEAR: 250 Years of Scary Entertainment
- by Walter Kendrick
- (Grove Weidenfeld, October 31 1991, $21.95, ISBN 0-8021-1162-9)
- commentary from the publisher
- Why do we enjoy scaring ourselves? Why do some of the largest
- industries in the world--including books, films, television,
- advertising, toys and games for all ages, even children's breakfast
- foods--depend so crucially on ghouls, ghosts, and zombies climbing all
- too nimbly out of dark and moldy resting places?
- Walter Kendrick provides an answer with this authoritative history of
- 250 years of horror as entertainment, of those momentary prickles of
- the scalp and sudden intakes of breath that provide mysterious
- pleasure--from THE CASTLE OF OTRANTO and DRACULA to D.C. Comics,
- PSYCHO, and Stephen King. Kendrick's perceptive, humorous, and lively
- history of the unquiet dead is also the story of a process that has
- almost totally removed the aftereffects of death from most Western
- experience, leaving them to cavort in the imagination. The more we
- have tried to sanitize death, to push it away from our consciousness,
- the more it has returned in our entertainments, with the undying
- (until now?) energy of Freddy Krueger.
- RFP NOTE: I thought I recognized the author's name--he also wrote THE
- fascinating book for anyone interested in Victorian fiction in general
- or Trollope in particular. THE THRILL OF FEAR is a very interesting
- book from a literary scholar who is appreciative of the genre without
- being a pushover for anything that goes bump in the night. Walter
- Kendrick, a multifaceted professor of English at Fordham University,
- **************************
- edited by Karl Edward Wagner
- (DAW, October 1991, $4.99, ISBN 0-88677-488-8)
- review by Peter Quint
- Once again Karl Edward Wagner provides horror fans with a wide variety
- of choice fiction. He's been doing it for the last twelve years, so
- it's no wonder he's gotten very good at it. My favorites this time
- include "Identity Crisis" by Patrick McLeod, a wonderfully disturbing
- tale of a person's identity shifting like quicksand. Similar and
- equally good is Nicholas Royle's "Negatives", in which a man named
- Linden inhabits a nightmare world of meaningless work and a reality
- that just won't hold still. The longish "Full Throttle" by Philip
- Nutman irresistibly leads the reader along, watching several youths on
- their way to an unavoidable destiny. And for comic relief there is
- "The Man Who Collected Barker" by Kim Newman, a terrific satire on the
- limited edition horror market (and, by the way, has anyone actually
- SEEN Clive Barker lately?). My favorite, though, the story that gave
- me real physical shivers is "Lord of the Creepies" by Sean Brodrick.
- An unemployed actor named Dave mans a dial-the-dead 900 line, but he
- only PRETENDS to be dead. Dave gets a call that he wasn't prepared
- for. A short story that packs a real chill.
- Several more of the entries are in a humorous vein, like "Books of
- Blurbs, Vol. I" by Mike Newland, a phony book review that is a
- razor-sharp satire of reviewing pretensions. And while we're on the
- subject of reviewers, Ramsey Campbell's "The Worst Fog of the Year"
- has a movie reviewer becoming trapped inside a grade-Z horror epic, a
- scary prospect for any critic. "Elfin Pipes of Northworld" by David
- Drake is a fantasy parody that seems misplaced in a horror anthology.
- Also fairly humorous is "Trophies" by Richard McMahan, if you like
- your humor decidedly black, that is. Have you ever wondered what all
- those stickers are on the sides of big trucks?
- There are a few classical supernatural tales in this years BEST HORROR
- as well. "Walking After Midnight" by C.S. Fuqua is an atmospheric
- ghost story, and if you like yuletide spirits try "The Soldier" by
- Roger Johnson. THE YEAR'S BEST HORROR also includes stories by: Andrew
- J. Wilson, Conrad Hill, J.L. Comeau, Nina Kiriki Hoffman (guaranteed
- to raise the hackles on anti-abortionists), Steve Vernon, D.F. Lewis,
- Joey Froelich, Robert Hood, Charles Ardai, Kim Antieau, James B.
- Hemesath, David Niall, Wayne Allen Sallee, and Ed Gorman. I'd say the
- anthology holds a nice B average all the way through.
- **************************
- edited by Charles L. Grant
- (Doubleday, September 1991, $12.00, ISBN 0-385-24646-3)
- review by Annie Wilkes
- Charles L. Grant has been editing the critically-acclaimed anthology
- series SHADOWS for the last ten years. Now, with FINAL SHADOWS Grant
- ends the series with an extra-large volume of original dark fantasy.
- Inside the covers you'll find an entire photograph album of
- contemporary nightmares: there are haunted houses, menacing strangers,
- free-ranging paranoia, child abuse, the death of parents, success that
- fails to satisfy, and the creeping loss of personal identity. What you
- WON'T find in FINAL SHADOWS is excessive gore or gratuitous violence,
- a nice change from many recent anthologies.
- My favorite stories: "Magpie" by Stephen Gallagher, a well-told
- childhood tale of brains conquering brawn. Lynn S. Hightower's "The
- Magic House", an edge-of-the-seat survival story. "When They Gave Us
- Memory" by Dennis Etchison, in which we find that as our past earns
- our present, so too does our present earn our past--take neither for
- granted. I also particularly liked: "A Father's Dream" by Chet
- Williamson which deals with a father's guilt. Brian Hodge's "Past
- Tense", about mental instability and mannequins. "Fry Day" by Melanie
- Tem wherein a woman deals with personal tragedy and its effect upon
- her. Norman Partridge's "Wrong Side of the Road", a story about the
- pieces of yourself given to your friends--can you ever get them back?
- Several writers deal with the particular problems of artists. Kim
- Antieau's "Medusa's Child" is about a woman who gets her life force
- from tapping the creativity of artists. A painter makes a pact with
- dark forces in "The Dark Places in Between" by Karen Haber. When is an
- older master an "influence" and when is the new artist simply a
- copycat? David Sutton examines this issue in "Photo-Call". "Mulberry's
- Crystal" by Brian Mooney & Stephen Jones is also note-worthy, being a
- very fine Lovecraft pastiche; sort of H.P. without quite so many
- adjectives.
- FINAL SHADOWS also includes stories by: Wendy Webb, Julie R. Good,
- Lori Negridge Allen, Brian Lumley, Bill Pronzini, Peter Tremayne,
- Nancy Holder, Samantha Lee, Michael Bishop, Colin Greenland, Jessica
- Palmer, Guy N. Smith, Graham Masterton, Bernard Taylor, Tanith Lee,
- Mike Chinn, Craig Shaw Gardner, Jack Cady, Juleen Brantingham,
- Nicholas Royle, Sharon Webb, Mark Morris, Ashley McConnell, David S.
- Garnett, and David Morrell. Another fine anthology, and unfortunately
- the last, in Charles L. Grant's wonderful SHADOWS series.
- **************************
- ^WEIRD TALES: Special Thomas Ligotti Issue
- Winter 1991/92 #303
- edited by Darrell Schweitzer
- Thomas Ligotti is a name you may not be familiar with. He's been
- haunting the small presses for some time and finally emerged into the
- world of major publishing with SONGS OF A DEAD DREAMER (Carroll &
- Graf). He writes short stories, and they are usually unusual, bizarre,
- unclassifiable tales, which might explain why mainstream publishers
- haven't been rushing to publish him. But his reputation among critics
- has been excellent, and more readers (like me) are beginning to
- discover how good Ligotti's stories are. This issue of WEIRD TALES has
- three--"Nethescurial", "The Cocoons", and "Miss Plarr", as well as an
- interview with the writer, all of which serve as a terrific
- introduction to a storyteller you should know.
- Elsewhere in WEIRD TALES #303, you'll find a couple of Christmas
- stories: "He Knows If You've Been Bad or Good" by R.G. Evans and
- "Visitors" by Nina Kiriki Hoffman (a writer to watch, trust me), and a
- seasonal, atmospheric story from Tanith Lee called "The Winter
- Ghosts". There is also fiction from Holly Thomas ("Homecoming"), Keith
- Taylor ("Revenant"), and William F. Wu ("Scent of Sandalwood"). There
- is verse by Darrell Schweitzer, Keith Allen Daniels, Robert Frazier,
- Stanley McNail, and Robert E. Howard, and an absolutely huge story by
- editor Darrell Schweitzer, "To Become a Sorcerer", that I'm sure is
- very nice, but isn't my kind of story and my attention wandered.
- WEIRD TALES is $4.95 for a single copy and $16 for a year's
- subscription (4 quarterly issues). Send your money to: Weird Tales, PO
- Box 13418, Philadelphia, PA 19101-3418.
- Vol. #1, Issue #5, 1991
- edited by Jon L. Herron
- Here's another gigantic issue of articles, fiction, poetry, art, and
- news covering the entire spectrum of horror, SF, and fantasy. I've
- been looking around and I still haven't found any other genre magazine
- that gives you so much material for your magazine dollar, and most of
- it is darn good too. There are loads of book reviews, a few movie
- reviews, an article about ALIEN NATION and STAR TREK on TV, an
- interview with Judith Tarr, pages of artwork from featured artists
- William Carr and Nikolai Lokteff, an article by Kevin J. Anderson
- about THE TRINITY PARADOX, and lord knows what all else. (I've usually
- just about finished one issue by the time the next one arrives.)
- I don't have the time or the space to tell you about all the fiction,
- but I can scratch the surface a bit. If you like your prose grisly,
- "Dead Men Tell No Tales" by Rick McMahan is a good one; "Trick of
- Treat" by Tracy Vaughn Moore is the best Halloween story I've read
- this fall; "The Last Vampire" by David Addleman is without doubt the
- shortest vampire story I've ever read, and I really like Addleman's
- "Family Ties" about a nasty grandmother. It's tough to pick one story
- I liked better than any other, but it might be "The Lesser Evil" by
- Richard F. McGonegal, a high-tech High Noon kind of story with a
- twist. Good characters, lots of action, and a few surprises--you can't
- ask for much more than that.
- You can get a sample copy of MIDNIGHT ZOO for $6 (this includes
- postage; the cover price is $4.95), and a 7-issue subscription (6
- bimonthly issues plus the special December edition) will run you
- $29.95, a bargain any way you look at it. Send your check to: Midnight
- Zoo, 544 Ygnacio Valley Road, #A273, PO Box 8040, Walnut Creek, CA
- 94596. (Late breaking news: Midnight Zoo has a 1992 calendar for sale
- for $9.95. It's 11" x 17" spiral bound and includes stories under
- 1,000 words, poems, illustrations, as well as important genre dates
- and other useful information. Send your money to: Calendar, 544
- Ygnacio Valley Road, #A273, PO Box 8040, Walnut Creek, CA 94596.)
- **************************
- commentary from the publisher
- edited by David G. Hartwell
- ($4.99, ISBN 0-812-50966-8)
- Horror fiction has existed since man's earliest days, when spooky
- tales were told around a fire. These stories deal with humanity's most
- powerful emotions: fear, love and hope. Contributors to THE MEDUSA IN
- THE SHIELD include Clive Barker, Ramsey Campbell, Thomas M. Disch,
- Dennis Etchison, William Faulkner, Henry James, Stephen King, D.H.
- Lawrence, Richard Matheson, Flannery O'Connor, Edgar Allan Poe, and
- Joanna Russ.
- **************************
- ^ SIBS
- by F. Paul Wilson
- typography and cover illustration by Phil Parks
- commentary by the publisher
- After vowing never to return, Kara Wade is back in New York City.
- She's come to claim the body of her twin sister Kelly, and to find out
- how she died. There's no secret as to the cause of Kelly's death--a
- nearly-nude twelve-story plunge from a room in the Plaza Hotel--but
- Kara is determined to learn what led to that plunge.
- Kelly was a bright, ambitious, dedicated nurse. Why was she in the
- hotel room that night? Who was with her? Was her brutal death a
- terrible accident, a desperate act of suicide, a clever murder, or
- something else, something far more sinister?
- And why was Kelly dressed like a whore when she died?
- Enlisting the help of an old lover, now a NYPD detective, Kara delves
- into her sister's private life. Startling and bizarre facts begin to
- surface. Instead of answers, Kara finds more questions: Who was the
- stranger Kelly became during the months prior to her death? What was
- behind the perverse, decadent lifestyle she came to embrace so
- passionately?
- Kelly's psychiatrist hints at a terrible secret in Kelly's past. But
- Kara shares that past with her twin. Is the sinister influence that
- drove Kelly into her bizarre double life about to overtake Kara as
- well?
- Limited Edition (Deluxe slip-cased edition of 400 numbered copies,
- signed by both author and artist)....$45.00
- Trade Edition.....$21.95
- Special Edition (26 copies lettered A thru Z in a hand-made solid
- mahogany slip-case)....$125.00
- Send list price, plus $2 postage, to: Dark Harvest, PO Box 941,
- Arlington Heights, IL 60006
- **************************
- * If you have a Collector's taste in horror, SF, and/or fantasy, you
- will definitely want a catalog from BLACK ORCHID BOOKS (PO Box 3236,
- Greenwood, MA 01880; 617/665-5837). The stock is mostly first editions
- and limited editions, which of course gets pretty expensive, but there
- are many books available for $50 and under. I'm not much of a
- Collector, and can't speak for the prices, but on a literary level,
- BLACK ORCHID BOOKS offers some terrific reading.
- * According to Hunter Goatley, in the last issue of LIGHTS OUT! The
- Robert R. McCammon Newsletter, McCammon's next book is called GONE
- SOUTH, about a down-on-his-luck Vietnam vet who accidentally kills a
- person. Not knowing what to do, he goes on the run and is tracked by
- two unlikely bounty hunters: a bad Elvis impersonator and a man who
- grew up in a carnival freak show. GONE SOUTH is tentatively scheduled
- to be published by Pocket Books in August 1992.
- * Speaking of Robert R. McCammon, look for an audio tape abridgement
- of BOY'S LIFE, to be read by McCammon himself, in May 1992. The
- release of the audio tape will coincide with the appearance of the
- paperback edition of BOY'S LIFE.
- **************************
- JUST A THOUGHT: I've just been reading ILIAD, and I've come to realize
- that splatterpunk isn't as modern as I had previously assumed. The
- ILIAD comes from around the sixth century B.C., so you can't say that
- Homer was influenced by Jason or Freddy Krueger. It's a war story,
- about a war fought mostly with spears, and is full of detailed
- descriptions of the damage the weapons inflict upon human bodies.
- Yesterday's reading contained references to an eyeball stuck to the
- spear-point, and today I learned what happens to a dead body that gets
- run over by a chariot. And come to think of it, BEOWULF (a tenth
- century monster-story poem written in Old English) is awfully gruesome
- too. As I recall, once the monster gets done with the fellows in the
- mead hall, there's quite a pile of assorted, unconnected body parts.
- So next time someone bemoans the terrible decadence of modern horror,
- just give them a copy of BEOWULF or the ILIAD. Gross-outs have a long
- and distinguished, if messy, history.
- **************************
- ______________________
- / /
- /______________________/
- by Harvey Pekar
- (Four Walls Eight Windows, 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-941423-64-6)
- review by Howard Frye
- "When I was younger I thought about women constantly...I was
- always running around looking for a good time...Now I've
- matured, my priorities have changed. I'm aware of what's
- really important: CRUSHING MY ENEMIES."
- ---Harvey Pekar
- AMERICAN SPLENDOR is difficult to describe, it's sort of a comic and
- sort of isn't. I should say it LOOKS like a comic, with sequentially
- arranged illustrated frames of scenes and dialogue, but it's not quite
- like any comic book I've ever seen before. AMERICAN SPLENDOR is Harvey
- Pekar, it's his life served up in chunks for the amusement, education,
- inspiration, disdain, amazement, or whatever, of the reader. Harvey
- Pekar is a file clerk in a veteran's hospital in Cleveland, which
- isn't a job that shelters him from much. He has doctor problems, wife
- problems, and you should see what happened when he appeared on the
- David Letterman Show.
- THE NEW AMERICAN SPLENDOR ANTHOLOGY is a collection of the newest
- stories by the cranky-yet-paranoid Harvey Pekar. Each story is
- illustrated by a different artist, a roster which includes names like
- R. Crumb, Drew Friedman, Alan Moore, Jim Woodring, and many others.
- The AMERICAN SPLENDOR series won an American Book Award in 1987 and is
- currently being adapted for a movie to be released in 1992.
- "I love Harvey's stuff, and it makes my day when a new issue
- of AMERICAN SPLENDOR comes out. I think he's a real
- treasure."
- ---Matt Groening
- **************************
- by David Brown
- (Barricade Books, November 1991, $14.95, ISBN 0-942637-35-6)
- review by Carol Sheffert
- Subtitled "David Brown's Guide to Growing Gray (Disgracefully)", this
- is the perfect book for any aging reader who needs a little attitude
- adjustment. David Brown maintains that fading out into dismal
- decrepitude is ridiculous--on the contrary, he firmly recommends dying
- on the job, whatever that job might be. (And it very likely isn't the
- career you began in.)
- Some of his advice is rather particularly for men, and some is even a
- wee bit controversial:
- "Keep some love in your life, whether girl-watching or the
- hard stuff, you will stay young all of your life if you have
- a woman--preferably two of them, in case one falls out."
- As a matter of fact, he heartily advises multiple relationships,
- although he points out that they needn't all be sexual. Still, this
- may not sit well with some wives. But then Brown also holds that
- marriages shouldn't be allowed to stagnate, so it all may work out in
- the end. "Live riotously" is his theme, and THE REST OF YOUR LIFE is a
- very wise, funny, and inspirational book. Great fun.
- David Brown was half of the movie-producing team of Zanuck and Brown,
- who brought to the screen JAWS, COCOON, and THE STING. He hasn't
- retired (of course), he is now producing on his own, and is still
- married to COSMOPOLITAN Editor-in-Chief Helen Gurley Brown.
- **************************
- Discovering the Difference Between Science & Superstition
- by Hy Ruchlis
- (Prometheus Books, 1991, $12.95, ISBN 0-87975-657-8)
- commentary from the publisher
- Superstition still requires that many buildings have no floor numbered
- 13. More than 25 percent of Americans say they believe in astrology.
- Knocking on wood is an almost universal habit. Are these harmless
- notions--or dangerous delusions? Unfortunately, "fairy-tale thinking"
- is still the greatest enemy of progress, and education often bypasses
- the teaching of cognitive skills young readers can use to think
- independently.
- HOW DO YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE? will provide young readers with an
- understanding of the basic nature of science, not just as a body of
- knowledge, but as a way of thinking. Hy Ruchlis addresses the main
- theme by contrasting the Cinderella fable with the way scientists
- establish facts; he describes the scientific method and how it has
- been applied to increase human knowledge. In subsequent chapters,
- Ruchlis demonstrates the unobservable nature of superstition,
- illustrates the dangers of magical thinking using the example of the
- Salem witch trials, explores the contradictions of such elaborate
- superstitions as astrology, and shows how astonishing events can be
- analyzed and explained using rational methods.
- **************************
- researched, written and illustrated by The Middle School Students of
- The Philadelphia School, an Independent School
- (Running Press, $8.95, ISBN 1-56138-028-8)
- review by Janet Peters
- THE PROTECT OUR PLANET CALENDAR 1992, "A 12-Month Calendar of
- Environmental Facts and Positive Actions" is a natural extension of
- our new-found respect for our environment. Celebrating Earth Day is
- good, but caring for the planet 365 days a year is better. Each month
- of this calendar comes with facts and quotations about our
- environment, and each day has a fact, historical reference, or
- recommended action to take care of our only home. On March 24, the
- EXXON VALDEZ had an accident, June 4 tells us that Israel uses 35% of
- its treated wastewater for irrigation, and August 23 tells you where
- to write for the most current information about global warming. THE
- PROTECT OUR PLANET CALENDAR 1992 has plenty of space for plotting your
- visits to the local recycling center and other appointments, as well
- as an entire year's worth of environmental education. Printed on
- recycled paper, of course.
- You can get THE PROTECT OUR PLANET CALENDAR 1992 from your local
- bookstore, or by sending the list price, plus $2.50 postage and
- handling, to: Running Press, 125 South 22nd St., Philadelphia, PA
- 19103.
- **************************
- Coping with America's Third Leading Cause of Death
- by Evelyn Shirk
- (Prometheus Books, October 1991)
- Hardcover: $19.95 ISBN 0-87975-693-4
- Paperback: $14.95 ISBN 0-87975-694-2
- commentary from the publisher
- In just a few seconds--without warning--a stroke can shatter the life
- of its adult victim and radically affect the unsuspecting family. Each
- year 150,000 Americans die and many thousands are disabled as a result
- of stroke and related illnesses. Confused, frightened, and completely
- unprepared family members suddenly find themselves in the role of
- caregiver. What exactly happened? What to do? What to expect? Where to
- turn for help? How to cope? The questions come fast and furious but
- answers are hard to find. AFTER THE STROKE is the compelling account
- of Evelyn Shirk's courageous struggle to face these questions and to
- find her own answers as she accepted the challenge of caring for her
- husband, a victim of multiple strokes.
- Evelyn discusses the "why" and the "how" of a stroke: what happens to
- the body and the mind, why it happens, and what to expect. She
- describes the unforeseen pressures on victims and their families;
- evaluates hospital and nursing home care for those who must endure a
- prolonged illness; details the unprecedented financial burden that
- medical costs place on the middle class; and offers helpful
- suggestions to those who face the anguish, guilt, frustration, and
- loneliness of caring for a stroke victim.
- **************************
- ^ PICTURE THIS: Perception & Composition
- by Molly Bang
- (Bulfinch Press, September 1991, $12.95, ISBN 0-8212-1855-7)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- PICTURE THIS is an inspiring introduction to art for young and old, an
- all-too-brief excursion through the two-dimensional world of shapes,
- colors, and space. The trip begins with the author declaring that this
- red triangle represents Little Red Riding Hood, which I thought was
- kind of bizarre. I mean, I was willing to go along with her idea
- intellectually (red triangle = Little Red Riding Hood), but it didn't
- affect me emotionally. Next we were going through the decisions of how
- to portray her mother, and then how to construct a forest using only
- simple shapes. The forest became tall thin rectangles of varying
- sizes, and the minute the red triangle was placed amongst them, I saw
- it as a picture of Little Red Riding Hood in the forest! It wasn't
- that I intellectually "understood" it to be a representation of LRRH
- in the forest; I really saw it that way. Instantly, I was hooked on
- Molly Bang's every word and illustration, and I stayed up late
- finishing the book.
- The principles of design, as explained by Molly Bang, say that
- diagonals are dynamic, horizontals are static, pointy objects are
- threatening. Whether you create some artworks of your own, as Molly
- Bang strongly suggests, or merely carry your newfound insights to the
- art museum, PICTURE THIS is an experience not to be missed. Highly
- recommended.
- **************************
- by Paul & Sarah Edwards
- (Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1991, $10.95, ISBN 0-87477-633-3)
- review by Carol Sheffert
- THE BEST HOME BUSINESSES FOR THE 90s profiles 70 occupations that you
- can run from home. Each business is described with a brief essay, and
- then the important information is divided into sections:
- * Knowledge and Skills You Need to Have
- * Start-Up Costs (itemized and given both a Low and a High figure)
- * Advantages (what's so great about this particular business)
- * Disadvantages (what isn't so great)
- * Pricing (what you'll charge for your product or service)
- * Potential Earnings (possibilities for growth)
- * Best Ways to Get Business
- * Related Businesses (areas for possible expansion)
- * First Steps (how to get started)
- * Where to Turn for Information and Help
- The great thing about THE BEST HOME BUSINESSES FOR THE 90s is the way
- the information is arranged for ease of access. Not only can you pull
- out whatever particular piece of information you need in a hurry, but
- by condensing the information into small pieces and dividing those
- into categories they've made it so you can grasp the character of a
- business right away. Especially helpful is the "Disadvantages"
- section, which can alert you to potential problems before you fall in
- love with the idea of the job. The authors also have two other new
- books just out from Tarcher: GETTING BUSINESS TO COME TO YOU (written
- with Laura Clampitt Douglas) and MAKING IT ON YOUR OWN. The Edwards'
- WORKING FROM HOME (1986, also from Tarcher) is a standard of the
- field.
- If your local bookstore can't get these books for you, you can write
- to the publisher at: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 5858 Wilshire Blvd.,
- Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Or you can get your credit card and
- order what you want by calling 1-800-288-2131.
- **************************
- by Danny Peary
- (Fireside, November 1991, $17.00, ISBN 0-671-69394-8)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- Here's the perfect Christmas gift for movie fans, an encyclopedia of
- actors and actresses, well-known and obscure, with a brief overview of
- their career and their appeal for fans, as well as a list of movies
- they've appeared in, divided into various recommendation categories.
- "In choosing the actors and actresses...I have been more
- selective, picking only those who have had strong emotional
- impact on at least a fair-sized number of movie fans...they
- each have sparked an unusual, fiery passion..."
- Who appears in CULT MOVIE STARS? About 750 people including: James
- Dean, Greta Garbo, Linnea Quigley, Humphrey Bogart, Randolph Scott,
- Dorothy Stratten, Vincent Price, Peter O'Toole, Traci Lords, Troy
- Donahue, Jack Nicholson, Peter Cushing, Lon Chaney, Veronica Lake,
- Jeff Goldblum, Mae West, Ann Margaret, etc. From Abbott and Costello
- to George Zucco, CULT MOVIE STARS is over 600 pages of fascinating
- information and photographs. Peary's comments about the stars covered
- are obviously well-considered, and he is as good at distinguishing the
- particular sexual appeal of men as he is of women. CULT MOVIE STARS
- also makes a terrific companion volume to Peary's previous CULT
- MOVIES, CULT MOVIES 2, and CULT MOVIES 3, all of which I can heartily
- recommend.
- **************************
- The World's Foremost Mentalist Reveals How You Can Expand Your Powers
- by Kreskin
- (Prometheus Books, September 1991, $14.95, ISBN 0-87975-676-4)
- review by Howard Frye
- Kreskin is an unusual sort. He performs "magic", yet is not exactly a
- magician; he "reads minds" yet doesn't believe in clairvoyance.
- SECRETS OF THE AMAZING KRESKIN explains these paradoxes, as well as
- teaching the reader a series of talents and tricks to enhance their
- own powers (and/or the appearance of such powers). Most of the
- techniques are ordinary tricks or talents taught in many other
- volumes, such as relaxation, focus, concentration, and the like. Quite
- a few demonstrations of unusual abilities involve nothing more than
- knowing more about physics or human biology than your audience does.
- The difference in Kreskin's book is that he pulls all these diverse
- facts, tricks, and talents together and gives the reader a practical
- outlet for them. There are no fuzzy concepts like "Concentration can
- improve performance" here; Kreskin lays out exactly WHAT you should
- concentrate on to accomplish WHAT exact deed or effect. Like the man
- himself, SECRETS OF THE AMAZING KRESKIN is a very interesting book.
- **************************
- Harrowsmith's Sourcebook for Cooks
- by Pamela Cross
- (Camden House, 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-921820-37-2)
- review by Janet Peters
- "...this is a book for everyone who passes through the
- kitchen door, whether reluctantly or compulsively. It is for
- everyone, regardless of level of skill, who likes to cook or
- who wants to like to cook. It is for those who would like to
- explore new avenues in food preparation and for those who
- want food to be fun. It describes the food and the tools and
- some simple but fundamental preparations and cooking
- techniques that can make that goal a reality."
- The first section of KITCHEN WISDOM, "Pantry", introduces the reader
- to common food items that a kitchen is stocked with, tips on buying
- them, storing them, and what kinds of dishes you can create with them.
- The second section, "How-To", explains basic cooking terms like
- simmer, stir-fry, blanch, clarify, al dente, dredge, parboil, etc.,
- and then walks you through a couple dozen fundamental creations such
- as a cake, vegetable stock, mayonnaise, pancakes, and pizza dough.
- Next comes "Tools & Equipment", which discusses various forms of
- technology that you might meet in a kitchen, from the stove and the
- refrigerator, to pasta makers and coffee grinders. A last section
- provides tables and charts for cooking pasta, beans, grains,
- vegetables, using herbs and spices, making recipe substitutions, food
- storage, and a bakeware glossary.
- On one level KITCHEN WISDOM is an excellent textbook for beginning
- cooks (or those whose food savvy has gaps). On another level it is a
- goldmine of delicious recipes for basic kinds of food that real people
- eat. I'm talking about cinnamon buns, biscuits, chili, chocolate chip
- oatmeal cookies, gingerbread, etc. And when you're ready to try
- something a bit more exotic, there are recipes like Groundnut Stew or
- Chinese Dumplings. The photographs accompanying the recipes are
- mouth-watering, dangerous to someone with an empty stomach. If you'd
- like to be able to feed yourself and others with confidence and
- enjoyment, KITCHEN WISDOM is a great book to have.
- If your local bookstore can get KITCHEN WISDOM for you, you can write
- to the publisher at: Camden House Publishing, 7 Queen Victoria Road,
- Camden East, Ontario, K0K 1J0 CANADA.
- **************************
- The HARPER'S MAGAZINE Book of Annotations
- edited by Colin Harrison
- (Delta, November 1991, $10.00, ISBN 0-385-30400-5)
- review by Howard Frye
- Of all of HARPER'S MAGAZINE's innovations in the presentation of
- information (such as the "Forum", the "Index", the "Readings"),
- perhaps none is as entertainingly educational as the "Annotation"s.
- Each double page spread in this collection reproduces some item of
- modern culture and provides marginalia explaining various portions
- thereof. For instance, pages 36 & 37 contain a photograph of a wine
- label, along with 6 paragraphs of information about various parts of
- that label. Other annotated relics include: a surrogate parenting
- agreement, a week's schedule of prime time on PBS, two pages of a
- registration booklet carried by Hiroshima survivors, a gun
- registration form, a lab report from an AIDS test, a funeral contract,
- a baseball bat, Roy Cohn's patient record, the form to open a numbered
- account in a Swiss bank, a South African "pass" that must be carried
- by Africans, a census form...etc.
- You'll be surprised, and thoroughly entertained, to find out what you
- don't know about wine, or television, or funerals, or baseball bats.
- Which is an important life lesson, I think. It's not what you don't
- know about the chemical composition of stars that will do you in, it's
- what you don't know about human-created systems. WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?
- is funny, fascinating, and sometimes even important. Good reading.
- **************************
- ^ CHURCH SCHOOLS & PUBLIC MONEY: The Politics of Parochiaid
- by Edd Doerr & Albert J. Menendez
- (Prometheus, November 1991, $14.95, ISBN 0-87975-708-6)
- commentary from the publisher
- "Parochiaid"--any form of direct or indirect aid to parochial and
- other nonpublic elementary and secondary schools--has given rise to
- the most enduring, bitter, and important controversy in the history of
- American education and church-state relations.
- Edd Doerr and Albert J. Menendez, examining and critiquing the
- attitudes and activities of federal, state, and local government
- regarding parochiaid, offer a searing indictment of the resurgent
- drive to support sectarian schools with tax dollars. Concentrating on
- the last five decades, during which the parochiaid lobbies have gained
- in influence, the authors reveal that lawmakers in 42 states have
- increased tax support of church schools to more than $1 billion per
- year--despite the fact that voters have rejected such aid in 17 of 18
- statewide referenda held since 1966. CHURCH SCHOOLS & PUBLIC MONEY
- includes a state-by-state survey of the most generous giveaways;
- revealing statistics on nonpublic school enrollments; and an
- examination of the biases taught by sectarian schools, particularly
- those operated by Protestant fundamentalists.
- The authors skillfully summarize the case against parochiaid and
- uncover the faulty reasoning of its advocates. According to Doerr and
- Menendez, the sectarian special interests and their political allies
- threaten democratic public education and the constitutional separation
- of church and state.
- **************************
- by Ed Lucaire
- (Prentice Hall, November 1991, $10.00, ISBN 0-13-122367-4)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- Did you know that Mia Farrow has 8 children, three of whom are named
- Satchel, Lark Song, and Summer Song? Did you know that Julia Child is
- 6'2" tall? Did you know that Henny and Sadie Youngman have been
- married since 1928? Do you know the identities of The Hollywood Ten,
- those who refused to cooperate with the House Un-American Activities
- Committee? Do you know which celebrities have had what plastic
- surgery? You'll know all these things once you've gotten yourself a
- copy of THE CELEBRITY ALMANAC, a vastly entertaining collection of
- quotes, lists, and tables of interesting information about the rich
- and famous.
- If you had THE CELEBRITY ALMANAC, you'd know about Melanie Griffith's
- tattoo, and where on her body it hides. You'd know that Al Pacino is a
- high school dropout and that Roseanne Barre has spent time in jail.
- You'd know who the highest-paid athletes are and you'd know that Ed
- McMahon fears heights. There are lists of celebrities' real names,
- birthdates, schools attended, physical handicaps, ethnic origins,
- relatives, religions, political affiliations, incomes, etc. There is a
- list of male celebrities who wear toupees. There are lists of award
- winners and hall of fame inductees. THE CELEBRITY ALMANAC is almost
- 300 pages of information that you probably didn't even know that you
- were interested in, but it's all as addictive as peanuts. It's useful
- for settling arguments, creating trivia quizzes, and anytime browsing.
- **************************
- A Cartoon Preview of the 1990s
- by Toles
- (Prometheus Books, October 1991, $9.95, ISBN 0-87975-709-4)
- review by Peter Quint
- What can you say about a collection of editorial cartoons? That
- they're funny? Toles' work is certainly very funny, although sometimes
- the humor is more of the laugh-or-cry type. I mean how long can you
- think about the Savings & Loan mess, or the national deficit, or the
- environment, the gulf war, urban violence, the space program, etc.,
- without getting pretty emotional one way or the other? Toles' cartoons
- put the laugh track back in Washington, D.C., where it belongs. He has
- won the Pulitzer Prize and his work appears regularly in more than 175
- newspapers and magazines in the U.S. and Canada. If you pay any
- attention at all to what's happening in the world today, you NEED this
- book. Trust me.
- **************************
- Getting Back Together With Your Adult Siblings
- by Barbara L. Johnson
- (Prometheus Books, October 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-87975-682-9)
- commentary from the publisher
- Time and circumstance often separate adult siblings from the family
- closeness they once knew. Based on a decade of research and more than
- 200 personal interviews, this book is filled with abundant case
- histories that reflect the heartening, sometimes heartbreaking, tugs
- and ties that brothers and sisters experience after they have grown
- up.
- BROTHERS & SISTERS also includes guides and self-tests for measuring
- the quality of past and present sibling relationships; a list of
- reasons why adult siblings drift apart; and a list of common
- denominators found in poor sibling relationships, comparing them to
- characteristics of good relationships. Also included are suggestions
- for making renewed contacts and a list of reconciliation pitfalls,
- plus a chapter on effective communication, four practical "problem and
- solution" charts, and a check-list to evaluate reconciliation
- progress. Johnson provides recommendations for successful ongoing
- relationships, ideas for coaxing response from indifferent siblings, a
- sibling code of ethics, and a mini-dictionary with unique ideas for
- putting these tips to work. Summaries at the end of each chapter allow
- for quick review.
- **************************
- by Jeff Herman
- (Prima, 1991, $19.95, ISBN 1-55958-116-6)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- This is an annual guide that is indispensable to writers and would-be
- writers. It is, as the author says, a guide to "the identities and
- specialties of the book-publishing industry's doorkeepers--the
- hundreds of editors and agents who decide what will and will not get
- published." It has chapters that will show you how to make submissions
- to editors and agents; how to write a strong query letter or book
- proposal; how to make sure your unsolicited manuscript gets read; and
- how to improve your odds of getting published.
- The core of the INSIDER'S GUIDE is its Directory of Publishers and
- Editors and the Directory of Literary Agents, but there are also
- chapters about: category fiction, ghostwriting, collaborating,
- University presses, small publishers vs. large ones, the poetry
- business, rejection, vanity publishing, and reading fees. Appendixes
- provide a list of Literary Agent Trade Associations, information about
- Writers' Clubs and Workshops, as well as a sample Author-Agency
- Agreement, a Collaboration Agreement, and a Model Nonfiction Book
- Proposal. A Glossary explains important publishing terms, and there is
- a list of Suggested Readings for further information. The INSIDER'S
- GUIDE is absolutely essential for beginning writers, and the names and
- addresses are useful for anyone who needs to contact editors,
- publishers, or literary agents.
- **************************
- Extending Your Pet's Healthy Life
- by Robert Anderson, DVM & Barbara Wrede
- (Williamson Pub. Co., 1990, $10.95, ISBN 0-913589-46-2)
- review by Carol Sheffert
- Older pets, like older people, have special needs, many of which can
- be met with just a little extra care and understanding. Like raising
- the height of food and water for arthritic pets who have trouble
- stooping. Or providing a place where the animal can be warm and quiet.
- Or changing your pet's diet to something more digestible. It's easy to
- respond to your pet's changing needs when you know what to look for.
- CARING FOR OLDER DOGS & CATS will explain just what kind of changes to
- expect in your aging pet, and how you can work with your veterinarian
- to maintain the animal's health. The authors discuss what you can do
- around the house to make it more comfortable, and safer, for your
- elderly companions, while other chapters consider the changing
- nutritional needs of older pets and the particular problems of
- pollution and poisons. One chapter even devotes space to "Unorthodox
- Therapies" like homeopathy, acupuncture, and herbal medicines. And
- "Knowing When It's the End" will assist the caring owner to make the
- most difficult decision of all. Finally, a last chapter helps pet
- owners to choose a new pet and to apply what they have learned about
- old age to a pet's entire life. CARING FOR OLDER DOGS & CATS is
- essential reading for responsible pet owners.
- If your local bookstore can't help you get CARING FOR OLDER DOGS &
- CATS, you can order it directly from the publisher by sending $10.95,
- plus $2 shipping, to: Williamson Publishing Co., Box 185, Charlotte,
- VT 05445. Or get your credit card handy and call 1-800-234-8791.
- **************************
- Was $80,000 -- Now Only $7.95!
- by the Editors of The Harvard Lampoon
- (Perigee Books, September 1991, $7.95, ISBN 0-399-51665-4)
- commentary from the publisher
- From the outrageous editors of THE HARVARD LAMPOON comes a bitingly
- funny spoof of the Ivy League mystique in A HARVARD EDUCATION IN A
- BOOK. Traditionally reserved for an "ultra-exclusive, tiny elite group
- of wealthy intellectuals", a Harvard education is now available to
- anyone with a sense of humor and $7.95!
- A HARVARD EDUCATION IN A BOOK tells you everything you need to know to
- pass yourself off as a Harvard graduate:
- * Discover the grand old traditions of Harvard University, such as
- "butter-tossing in the Freshman Union", the Primal Scream, followed by
- the Primal Ass-Kicking, and one of the oldest, the tradition of
- "significance" -- the way every action and event on campus inevitably
- ends up having major global repercussions, like the dismantling of the
- Berlin Wall, based on a sophomore's Government paper.
- * Learn basic survival study skills: the "all-nighter" -- "You're
- staying up all night? You've got lots of time. It'd be a shame to
- waste all that time studying. There's a Dick van Dyke retrospective
- on, you know..."
- * Take a fool-proof magazine-style quiz to help you choose your field
- of study with confidence from among such challenging subjects as
- English (lots o' books), Foreign Languages and Cultures (Ooh-la-la!
- Vocabulaire!), Psychology (drooling dogs) and Religion (for EXORCIST
- fans).
- * Reap the benefits of Harvard credentials with advice on networking,
- bluffing real alumni, and telling absolutely believable stories about
- your college days in Cambridge.
- Once you've completed the greatest educational experience of your
- lifetime--ta dah!--A HARVARD EDUCATION IN A BOOK even provides you
- with your own official Harvard diploma, suitable for framing!
- Congratulations!
- THE HARVARD LAMPOON, founded in 1876, is the nation's oldest humor
- magazine. Famous LAMPOON alumni include John Updike, Robert Benchley,
- George Plimpton, William Randolph Hearst, and the Aga Khan. Recent
- grads have gone on to write for "Saturday Night Live", "Late Night
- with David Letterman", "The Simpsons", "Married With Children", "In
- Living Color", and NATIONAL LAMPOON.
- **************************
- by Paul Fussell
- (Summit Books, October 1991, $19.00, ISBN 0-671-67652-0)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- Paul Fussell begins by distinguishing between bad and BAD. Bad is
- simply not good, but BAD...
- "It is something phony, clumsy, witless, untalented, vacant,
- or boring that many Americans can be persuaded is genuine,
- graceful, bright, or fascinating...For a thing to be really
- BAD, it must exhibit elements of the pretentious, the
- overwrought, or the fraudulent."
- BAD OR, THE DUMBING OF AMERICA is about the prevalence of BAD in
- America, which he maintains is a distinguishing characteristic of the
- American people. Each chapter covers another category of BAD, making
- this volume one of the crankiest, crabbiest, and most entertaining
- books I've read in many months. Not since H.L. Mencken (mentioned
- several times by Fussell) have we had a cultural critic of such wit
- and razor-sharp tongue. Consider his pointed definition of
- "collectibles":
- "...objects mass-marketed by the cynical for sale to dupes
- imagining that they are laying up 'exclusive' art objects
- which will increase in value and thus become valuable
- heirlooms to be passed on to grateful offspring."
- I enjoyed having someone else making a case for a favorite hobbyhorse
- of mine: that the very worst shows on television are the news
- programs. Other shows may be dumb, but it's difficult to beat a news
- program for deceit and harmfulness. There were also a few points that
- I disagreed with, such as when he when he was making the point that
- movie remakes are almost always BAD, he particularly made an exception
- for INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS, preferring the 1978 Philip Kaufman
- remake to the 1956 Don Siegel original (I've always greatly preferred
- the original). Agree with him, disagree with him, Paul Fussell's point
- is clear: we need to reassert our critical sense of what is of quality
- and what isn't. Here are a few of Fussell's targets:
- * Advertising, the sine qua non of BAD
- * Architecture, "so ludicrously and expensively pretentious as to
- become ridiculous when occupied by second-rate human beings like us"
- * Beliefs, particularly as trumpeted by New Age practitioners
- * Education, scrupulously designed to discourage the unAmerican life
- of study and contemplation
- * Food, from processed cheese to honey-roasted peanuts to
- dyed-and-polished apples
- * Language, the true soul of America's love affair with euphemism and
- pretentiousness
- * Restaurants, especially those with padded mock leather menus touting
- dishes in metaphors and adjectives reminiscent of BAD lyric poetry
- BAD: OR, THE DUMBING OF AMERICA is provocative, ill-tempered,
- challenging, and perfect for those times when you feel you're
- surrounded by idiots. It's not an illusion--you really are.
- **************************
- The Thinking Person's Guide to How a House Works
- by David Owen
- (Villard, October 1991, $21.00, ISBN 0-394-57824-4)
- review by Howard Frye
- "When I was a boy, my favorite places to play were
- construction sites. Then I became an adult and grew wistful
- whenever I thought of those golden afternoons. My youth is
- gone forever, I would moan as I trudged through the grown-up
- world, paying bills and registering to vote. Then, around
- the time I turned thirty, I made an astonishing discovery:
- if you set your mind to it, being a grown-up can be even
- better than being a kid, because you have more money and a
- car. Grown-ups don't have to steal tiny bits of plywood from
- a building site. They can drive to the lumberyard and buy
- entire sheets."
- "I love buying expensive power tools and using them to wreck
- various parts of my house."
- These two excerpts should give you a feel for the tone of THE WALLS
- AROUND US. What they don't even hint at is the enormous store of
- information provided in this book. For instance, the first chapter is
- devoted to paint: the history of paint and painting houses, as well as
- pages of information about modern house paints, for inside and out.
- There is also a fascinating bit about paint for nuclear power plants
- that will give you a topic of conversation for years. As a matter of
- fact, THE WALLS AROUND US will give you an entire lifetime of
- information to amaze and impress your friends with whenever homeowners
- gather to exchange miseries. There are chapters that will tell you all
- about lumber, electricity, walls, roofing, bathrooms, kitchens,
- plumbing, and how to build the basic skeleton of a house. David Owen
- not only gives you the facts, but the background behind the facts, and
- lots of great anecdotes to make you laugh and scare you to death. He
- tells you stuff like:
- * How to get rid of lead-based paint
- * How to tell the difference between types and grades of wood
- * How to detect and get rid of termites and carpenter ants
- * How to repair cracks in a wall
- * How to do your own electrical wiring and when not to
- * How to fix a leaky roof
- * How to distinguish good-quality building materials from cheap goods
- * How to tell if your toilet is leaking or merely sweating
- * How to decorate your home in an ecologically sound manner
- Owen shows the reader how to plan a building project and how to see it
- through, without ever implying that things have ever gone that
- smoothly for him. For that's the real force behind THE WALLS AROUND
- US--David Owen isn't one of those snotty guys on PBS who deigns to
- speak very slowly and explain the obvious to us nincompoops--Owen is
- one of us! He dorks stuff up just like we do, only he researches what
- he did wrong and figures out what he should have done, then tells us
- about it. THE WALLS AROUND US is great reading for every homeowner.
- "THE WALLS AROUND US is so funny and informative and
- inspiring that, after reading it, I was tempted to locate a
- broken part on my house and actually attempt to fix it,
- although fortunately I located a beer instead."
- ---Dave Barry
- **************************
- edited by George Perkins, Barbara Perkins, and Phillip Leininger
- (HarperCollins, 1991, $45.00, ISBN 0-06-270027-8)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- We have had BENET'S READER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA (Third Edition, 1987) here
- at RFP Central since its publication, and over the last four years it
- has become our most-used literary reference work, standing out from
- the fifty-plus other volumes on our reference shelves. We have found
- that given any particular author, work of literature, term, or
- subject, BENET'S is more likely to have an entry than the other
- encyclopedias. And given any particular piece of information desired,
- BENET'S is most like to be able to provide it. In the field of
- literary research, BENET'S READER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA is a classic.
- And now HarperCollins has produced another BENET'S, a tad larger than
- the first, devoted to American literature (that's American, North and
- South, not just the U.S.). The new BENET'S provides the same level of
- comprehensive and authoritative coverage as the general encyclopedia,
- with entries for: novelists, poets, playwrights, short-story writers,
- essayists, critics, literary works, literary groups and movements,
- newspapers, magazines, journals, places referred to in literature,
- cultural phenomena that have affected literature, historical periods,
- literary genres, genealogies of famous literary families, writers who
- have influenced American thought, and famous historical figures. In
- addition, like the general encyclopedia, the new BENET'S gives
- attention to topics of special interest (comics, science fiction,
- feminism, slave fiction, detective fiction, etc.) and a variety of
- cultures (Native American Prose and Poetry, Afro-American Literature,
- Asian American Literature, etc.).
- another classic reference work from HarperCollins, a standard to be
- used by readers, students, and literary researchers for years to come.
- A monumental accomplishment that will delight any serious reader.
- **************************
- edited by Ron Goulart
- (Facts on File, 1990, $19.95, ISBN 0-8160-2582-7)
- review by Dan Ellis
- "There are only three major vehicles to keep us informed as
- to what's going on in Washington; the electronic media, the
- print media, and DOONESBURY--not necessarily in that order."
- ---President Gerald Ford
- With more than 600 entries covering comic strips, comic books,
- characters, artists and writers, and syndicates, THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF
- AMERICAN COMICS is a comprehensive reference book for the collector,
- fan, or anyone interested in the literary and cultural phenomenon of
- the American comic. You can read the stories behind Batman, Superman,
- MAD Magazine, Calvin and Hobbes, Doonesbury, Little Orphan Annie,
- Bloom County, the X-Men, Archie, Terry and the Pirates, Li'l Abner,
- Dick Tracy, and many many more. You can also find out about the
- creative people behind your favorite comics, people who are so often
- overshadowed by their more outspoken creations. People like Will
- Eisner, M.C. and William M. Gaines, Alex Toth, Basil Wolverton, Steve
- Ditko, Chester Gould, Bob Kane, Joe Orlando, Stan Lee...the list goes
- on and on.
- THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN COMICS is a terrific reference book, both
- entertaining and authoritative, and makes a great companion volume to
- Ron Goulart's previous books: THE GREAT COMIC BOOK ARTISTS and THE
- **************************
- 1990--The Year In Review
- edited by Marilyn J. Matelski, Ph.D.
- (Focal Press, 1991, $21.95, ISBN 0-240-80074-5)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- This volume encapsulates the entire entertainment year of 1990 as
- covered in the industry's #1 periodical: VARIETY. Divided into
- chapters that cover Film, International, Homevideo, Music-Records, and
- Theatre, you'll find reprints of the top stories as well as engrossing
- statistical tables. I particularly liked the All-time Film Rental
- Champs table, covering thousands of films, and the additional list of
- the films broken down by decade. For instance, the top film rental
- from the 1930s is easy--GONE WITH THE WIND--but can you guess what #2
- is? Disney's SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS runs a close second to
- GWTW. Another table listed the most expensive films of each era, and I
- found that 1963's CLEOPATRA actually cost more to make than 1984's
- DUNE. Hard to believe.
- All the major industry awards are listed here, and you'll find several
- articles that attempt to explain why the prices of videotapes will be
- going up in the near future. In the back is an Index of reviews that
- appeared in VARIETY in 1990, a Necrology, and a Glossary of VARIETY's
- sometimes baffling insider jargon. This is a fascinating reference
- book for anyone who loves film, theatre, and music.
- If your local bookstore can't help you get this Review, you can
- contact the publisher by writing to: Focal Press, 80 Montvale Avenue,
- Stoneham, MA 02180.
- **************************
- How We Think, How We Learn & What It Means To Be Intelligent
- by Roger C. Schank
- (Summit, October 1991, $20.00, ISBN 0-671-67855-8)
- review by Howard Frye
- THE CONNOISSEUR'S GUIDE TO THE MIND is sure to be the most unusual
- textbook you have ever seen on the way the human mind works. This is
- largely because Roger Schank doesn't talk as much about the mind as he
- does about food. Food? Yes, food. As a food-lover of international
- scope, Schank regales the reader with fascinating eating experiences
- all over the globe, stopping between mouthfuls to consider the ways in
- which the operation of the brain plays a part in his experiences, and
- in the reading of his experiences. If this sounds confusingly
- recursive, it is, at least at first. He tells stories and then
- discusses the ways in which storytelling helps humans reinforce their
- memories, he samples new foods and reflects on the problem of
- "inference explosion".
- As a matter of fact, Schank's ramblings about food are almost
- entertaining enough to make you forget about the real subject of THE
- CONNOISSEUR'S GUIDE TO THE MIND. (Like the time he put sugar in his
- tea in Tokyo, and the entire restaurant was howling with laughter over
- his bizarre behavior.) On the other hand, I have found that the
- peculiar style of the book is contagious--several times today I have
- caught myself thinking about what I was thinking about, or wondering
- about something I did without thinking. For an entertaining and
- educational stroll through the corridors of your own mind, you can't
- do much better than THE CONNOISSEUR'S GUIDE TO THE MIND.
- **************************
- Over 250 Inventions That Will Change Your Life By 2001
- by Malcolm Abrams & Harriet Bernstein
- (Penguin, 1991, $10.95, ISBN 0-14-014523-0)
- review by Janet Peters
- Each listed innovation is given Odds (on its showing up), an ETA, and
- an idea of a Price. Some products are given Odds of 100%, meaning that
- they exist now. Such products include Vivid Effects TV, a rather
- unbelievable computer simulation that you can interact with
- physically. Other almost-products are: Self-Watering Plants, the
- Stolen Vehicle Location Service, and Chateau Bow Wow. Some of the
- products are fascinating, like A La Carte Hotels that provide a decent
- room and practically nothing else, even sheets cost extra; the point
- being that you only pay for what you need. Other products are very
- encouraging, like Braille Handrails. Still other products are rather
- alarming: Would you want to try a Microwave Fryer? All of the
- innovations make amusing reading, particularly for you Sharper Image
- types who need something a little stronger. The only element lacking
- from MORE FUTURE STUFF are some badly-needed illustrations; the few
- (very few) simple line drawings just aren't sufficient. Luckily, you
- don't need a picture to imagine the benefits of a Self-Parking Car.
- (And if it would also wash itself and come when called, I'd buy one
- tomorrow.)
- **************************
- Easy-to-Make, Easy-to-Use Recipes for Hundreds of Everyday
- Activities and Tasks
- edited by Paula Dreifus Bakule
- (Rodale, September 1991, $23.95, ISBN 0-87857-979-6)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- Whether you are interested in products that are ecologically gentler,
- cheaper, or just want to assume a greater responsibility for your own
- life, homemade materials have many advantages over store-bought.
- RODALE'S BOOK OF PRACTICAL FORMULAS is a large collection of hundreds
- of recipes and directions for making a wide variety of useful things.
- There are chapters devoted to car care (Windshield Scratch Remover,
- Rust Inhibitor, etc.), food (Homemade Pizza, Christmas Cider, etc.),
- gardening (Basic Compost, Soilless Mix for Rooting Cuttings, Slug
- Traps, etc.), beauty (Cucumber Toner, Banana-Cream Mask, Basic Body
- Lotion, etc.), health (Chapped Lips Salve, Sore Throat Soother, etc.),
- home repair and remodeling (Hand-Mixed Concrete, All-Purpose Oil-Based
- Wood Stain, etc.), housekeeping (Upholstery Cleaner, Heavy-Duty
- Laundry Presoak, Olive-Almond Soap, etc.), crafts (Hand-Crafted
- Candles, Baker's Clay, Flower-Drying Mixes, etc.), pet care (a variety
- of food, health, and grooming products for cats, dogs, and more exotic
- pets), and outdoor life (Beef Jerky, Pemmican, Blister Remedy,
- Athlete's Food Remedy, etc.).
- Throughout RODALE'S BOOK OF PRACTICAL FORMULAS are shaded sidebars
- entitled "Good Idea!" that contain practical advice and helpful hints.
- In the back of the book there is a list of Supply Sources. (Not buying
- readymade products doesn't allow you to create materials out of thin
- air.) Making your own products is ecologically responsible,
- economical, personally rewarding, safer, healthier, and frequently a
- lot of fun; and RODALE'S BOOK OF PRACTICAL FORMULAS is a comprehensive
- guide to self-sufficiency for the whole family. Recommended.
- **************************
- by Charles Phillips
- (Abbeville, October 1991, $29.95, ISBN 1-55859-206-7)
- review by Dan Ellis
- "According to Archie's creator, it was a deliberate attempt
- to produce a popular comic book character who was the
- antithesis of Superman... [John Goldwater] first got the
- idea for a 'normal' teenager from ANDY HARDY, a very popular
- radio show..."
- Almost as many people know Archie Andrews, America's favorite
- teenager, as know Superman or Batman. As a cultural icon, Archie has,
- since his creation in 1941, stood for the idealized super-normal
- adolescence that none of us actually had, but so many of us wanted,
- dreamed about, even remember. Bob Montana drew Archie in the beginning
- and continued to do so until his death in 1975, and he referred to
- high school as the three best years of his life.
- "He gave the strip the emotional strength of his own
- nostalgia to create an idealized picture of teenage life
- that we all recognize, but none of us quite lived."
- In ARCHIE: HIS FIRST 50 YEARS, Charles Phillips gives us a brief but
- thorough history of comics, allowing him to place ARCHIE in proper
- context. Various chapters comment on the appeal of ARCHIE, the
- evolution of ARCHIE, the success of ARCHIE merchandising, and an
- inside glimpse of the steps involved in the creation of an ARCHIE
- comic. In addition, twelve of the best multi-page ARCHIE stories are
- reproduced in full, along with dozens of classic covers and extracted
- panels. You'll get to meet Archie Andrews and the other Riverdale
- residents: Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Jughead (real name: Forsythe
- P. Jones), Reggie Mantle, Mr. Weatherbee, Miss Grundy, Pop Tate, etc.
- ARCHIE: HIS FIRST 50 YEARS is an enjoyable trip through Archie's past
- and our own.
- **************************
- THE DHARMA BUMS by Jack Kerouac, read by Allen Ginsberg. Two
- cassettes, 3 hours (abridged); $15.95; ISBN 0-944993-29-X. Audio
- Literature launches its Twentieth Century Voices series with Jack
- Kerouac's powerful autobiographical novel about a pair of offbeat
- wanderers searching for the meaning of life. Poet Allen Ginsberg, one
- of Kerouac's closest friends, movingly evokes the exuberant style and
- vision of the man who was an inspiration to the literary and popular
- culture of the 50s and 60s.
- **************************
- by Michael O'Neill
- (Villard, October 1991, $17.00, ISBN 0-679-40698-0)
- review by Carol Sheffert
- ZOOBABIES is a charming collection of studio portrait photographs of
- baby animals, many of them endangered species, taken by celebrity
- photographer Michael O'Neill. Each portrait comes with the animal's
- name, species, sex, birthdate, habitat, and a brief description.
- There's Muni the European Roe Deer who is still unsure of her balance
- (she took her very first steps during the photo session), Coda the
- Timber Wolf who is appropriately caught in mid-stride, Dakin the very
- laid-back Koala, Besar the Sumatran Tiger who already has an
- impressive snarl. An endearing collection for animal lovers of all
- ages.
- A Behind-the-Scenes Look at ZOOBABIES:
- GOBLIN (10-month-old Siamang gibbon): This tiny little creature had a
- problem letting go of the thing most dear to him--a furry monkey doll.
- Throughout the whole photo shoot this precious little monkey clung
- lovingly to his toy.
- BOB (5-year-old Sumatran orangutan): This little tyke was so
- hyperactive that O'Neill had to shoot him from behind the bars of his
- cage. During his photo session, Bob ripped down the canvas backdrop,
- pulled the camera out of O'Neill's hands, spat grape pits at the crew,
- and sprayed O'Neill's assistant from across the cage. Ironically,
- Bob's final portrait makes him look like an angel--he is shrugging his
- shoulders despite the havoc he has caused.
- JATI (Indian elephant, birthdate unknown): Highly intelligent, Jati
- was the most curious of all the zoobabies--he had to check out the
- studio and see what he was getting himself into before getting his
- picture taken. Like a well-trained detective, Jati probed the set with
- his long trunk to make sure it was safe. Despite his large size, Jati
- slowly and carefully tip-toed his way, inch by inch, onto the canvas
- in front of the camera.
- SLEEPING BEAUTY (8-month-old pot-bellied pig): Orphaned by her natural
- mom, Sleeping Beauty grew attached to her human surrogate mom (to say
- the least). Every time O'Neill tried to take her picture, she would
- squeal so loudly that O'Neill had to wear earplugs. Her plump little
- body kept finding its way onto "momma's" lap. Although Sleeping Beauty
- would have preferred a family portrait, O'Neill managed to sneak a
- shot of her when she was finally ready to stand on her own.
- **************************
- by Matthew J. Costello
- (Wiley, 1991, $12.95, ISBN 0-471-52975-3)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- From the ancient game of Senet to video games; from the physical
- (Miniature Golf) to the cerebral (Chess, Scrabble); from the oldest
- simulations (like Monopoly) to the very latest (role-playing games,
- interactive murders to solve, and the National Survival Game). THE
- GREATEST GAMES OF ALL TIME is a tiptoe through the historical garden
- of challenges, recreation, and competition. Not only does the reader
- get the lowdown on all the great games--like the REAL story behind
- Monopoly, how weird Bobby Fischer is, and how Arneson and Gygax
- created Dungeons & Dragons--but also actual GAMES. The illustrated
- gameboard and printouts of the rules are given for over 30 games.
- There is Nim, The Checkered Game of Life, a Monopoly Trivia Quiz,
- Dudeney's War Puzzle Game, The Cave of Madness (a solitaire
- role-playing adventure), Battle (a wargame), a few Pictionary puzzles,
- Flimflam--Fact or Bluff?, and loads of others.
- THE GREATEST GAMES OF ALL TIME is fun to read and some of the games
- included are very entertaining to play--a first rate gift for any
- game-player on your holiday list.
- **************************
- And Thousands of Other Things to be Miserable About
- by Susan Klingman
- (Running Press, 1991, $6.95, ISBN 1-56138-034-2)
- review by Howard Frye
- What makes you miserable? Deforestation? Kids carrying guns to school?
- Ted Koppel's hair? Elvis impersonators? Knowing you have amounted to
- all you are ever going to? Or maybe the real downer for you is simply
- the passage of time and the mile markers along the way. Like:
- * the year you don't find Halloween haunted houses scary anymore
- * the moment you realize your child may never live at home again
- * knowing this is the last time you will ever see someone
- * when the first friend of your age dies
- You'll find all of these depressing ideas in Susan Klingman's
- delightfully gloomy LOVE, MILDEW, & PAPER CUTS, a compendium of
- everything that's ever rained on your parade. From national icons of
- despair ("the picture of John F. Kennedy, Jr. saluting the casket of
- his father") through the political ("being called, 'one of those
- left-wing, radical, hippie types' by a right-wing, radical, fascist
- type") and the surreal ("the fact that Mickey Mouse has a pet dog") to
- the ridiculous ("hole punchers that make cockeyed holes"). Every page
- of LOVE, MILDEW, & PAPER CUTS is a guaranteed conversation starter.
- If your local bookstore doesn't have LOVE, MILDEW, & PAPER CUTS, you
- can order it directly from the publisher by sending the list price,
- plus $2.50 postage and handling, to: Running Press, 125 South 22nd
- St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.
- **************************
- ^ ENVIRONMENTAL VACATIONS: Volunteer Projects to Save the Planet
- by Stephanie Ocko
- (John Muir Pub., 1990, $15.95, ISBN 0-945465-78-5)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- "At first glance, volunteer science vacations appear to have
- been designed for the gullible: for a hefty sum, you will be
- able to spend your vacation working your fingers to the bone
- for someone else. You will also get to bunk with strangers,
- possibly cook your own food, and use a latrine. The
- temperature might be 105 degrees Fahrenheit all day
- everyday, and the guy in charge is no cruise director.
- Forget your designer swimsuit; you'll need industrial-
- strength shorts."
- Admittedly, these "vacations" aren't for everybody. They're often
- physically demanding, they're not glamorous, and they're not cheap,
- but they DO give you possibly the best chance you'll ever get to make
- a real contribution to the future of this planet and the life forms on
- it. The specific opportunities at any particular time vary, but
- typical Environmental Vacations might be
- "digging for artifacts of the ancient Anasazi in the
- American Southwest, tracking hamsters in Siberia, listening
- for volcanoes in Yellowstone, counting monkeys in Liberia,
- bird-watching in China, helping to build a city of the
- future in the Arizona desert, and diving to a wreck off
- Belize."
- The basic idea behind Environmental Vacations is helping scientists
- with their fieldwork. Whenever a scientist finds himself in need of
- assistance, he contacts one or more organizations that specialize in
- bringing together willing workers and work opportunities. When you
- contact the organization, you are given a list of projects that need
- workers--you pay the organization and they make the arrangements. Your
- money is used to pay for your living expenses while working, part goes
- toward the research project itself, and part goes to the middleman
- organization.
- Why would people pay good money for this? Basically for the education,
- for the challenge, and for the satisfaction of participating in a
- worthwhile project. About a third of the science project volunteers
- will go on to sign up for yet another such vacation, some people have
- made Environmental Vacations a regular part of their lives. Author
- Stephanie Ocko is a veteran of five such vacations herself and she
- fills her guide with firsthand accounts of volunteers on projects
- ranging from archaeology to immunization to animal behavior. She
- discusses the problems that might arise in the field and gives
- practical tips on food, water, visas, seasickness, clothing, legal
- problems, and creatures to avoid both on land and in the water.
- ENVIRONMENTAL VACATIONS also includes a directory of over 60
- organizations that accept paying volunteers and an index.
- (The second edition of ENVIRONMENTAL VACATIONS is due out in February
- 1992: 248 pages, $16.95.)
- **************************
- ^ FAST FACTS ORGANIZER: A Deluxe Daily Planner
- (Running Press, $14.98, ISBN 0-89471-994-7)
- review by Carol Sheffert
- The FAST FACTS ORGANIZER is another of those all-in-one organizers
- that keep all your important information in one place and that goes
- with you everywhere. More feature-packed than most, the FAST FACTS
- ORGANIZER includes:
- * Fold-out 2-year calendar
- * Compartments for coins, credit cards, calculator, & licenses
- * Credit card register
- * Entertainment planner
- * Tear-off note pad
- * Goal planner
- * Restaurant directory
- * Weights and measures tables
- * Hotel directory
- * Gift register
- * Insurance register
- * Personal note pages
- * Snap-out ruler/place marker & ballpoint pen
- At Your Office:
- * Area code map
- * Spacious 2-year appointment calendar
- * 3-year reference calendar
- * Daily schedule sheets
- * Business suppliers phone directory
- * Project planner
- * Income & expense ledgers
- * Business receipt envelope
- At Home:
- * Emergency directory
- * Calorie & nutrient guide
- * Weight & fitness journal
- * Recipe directory
- * Menu planner
- * Fast-food nutrition guide
- * Clean-up checklist
- * Grocery list
- * Baby-sitter instructions
- * Medication register
- * Packing checklist
- * Personal yellow pages
- * Home receipt and warranty envelopes
- The features might remind you of the very expensive personal
- organizers, but the cover is definitely not leather and the price is
- low enough to make you think it's a misprint. At $14.98, the FAST
- FACTS ORGANIZER is not only a terrific tool for keeping your own life
- from unraveling, it's a Best Buy for Christmas gifts too, particularly
- for students (who have more to keep track of than most). Refills are
- available from the publisher.
- If your local bookstore doesn't have the FAST FACTS ORGANIZER, you can
- send the list price ($14.98), plus $2.50 for postage and handling to
- the publishers at: Running Press, 125 South 22nd Street, Philadelphia,
- PA 19103 (215/567-5080).
- **************************
- The Almanac of Famous & Infamous People
- by Susan Stetler
- (Visible Ink, 1991, $13.95, ISBN 0-8103-9409-X)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- 1) Who were the Chicago Seven?
- 2) Who were the members of the rock group Black Sabbath?
- 3) Who was Cecil Day-Lewis?
- Every time you find yourself asking, "Who's that?", this is the book
- you should reach for. Almost 600 pages with listings of 13,000 people
- will answer just about any Who? question you can come up with. Each
- listing gives full name, pseudonyms, a brief description, a list of
- major accomplishments, birth and death dates and locations. The people
- are divided into major groups:
- Stage & Screen
- Madams, Models, Myths & Blood Lines
- Artists
- Saints, Sinners & Suffragettes
- Music Makers
- Potentates, Politicians & Militants
- Scribes
- What if you have a name and absolutely NO idea who it is? No problem,
- just look the name up in the Index where everyone is listed
- excellent reference book for the whole family, and it makes a
- superlative book for bedside or coffee table browsing.
- Answers:
- 1) Rennie Davis, David Dellinger, John Radford Froines, Tom Hayden,
- Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Lee Weiner. They were political
- activists who disrupted the 1968 Democratic National Convention
- with antiwar demonstrations. (page 370)
- 2) Terry Geezer Butler, Ronnie Dio, Jan Gillan, Anthony Iommi, Ozzie
- Osbourne, William Ward. (page 258)
- 3) Poet laureate of England (1968) who also wrote detective stories
- under the name Nicholas Blake. (page 454)
- **************************
- by Ed Regis
- (Addison-Wesley, August 1991, $8.95, ISBN 0-201-56751-2)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- "Five Gs positive at launch, followed by three Gs negative
- when the chute snaps out--Eyeballs IN!, Eyeballs OUT!--all
- of this in about sixty seconds."
- ---describing the plans for Evel Knievel's rocket launch
- over the Snake River
- Meet Bob Truax. He has degrees in aeronautical and mechanical
- engineering as well as a master's in nuclear engineering. He believes
- that NASA designed the space shuttle all wrong, and that there's no
- reason why individuals shouldn't be blasting themselves into space in
- their own personal spaceships. He's even built a personal spaceship,
- and you shouldn't laugh because the U.S. Navy bought it from him for
- $750,000. Bob Truax also believes that old age can be cured.
- Meet Hans Moravec. He believes that within fifty years people will be
- able to download themselves into a computer, freeing themselves of the
- limitations of biological existence. He has also come up with four
- different ways in which this downloading might be accomplished.
- Meet Eric Drexler. He invented the field of nanotechnology and
- believes that some day tiny DNA-sized robots that he calls
- "assemblers" will be able to manipulate individual molecules, maybe
- even atoms. This would enable us to take human cells that have
- deteriorated due to age or disease and FIX them, put them back the way
- they were before the problems occurred. The assemblers would also be
- able to manipulate any other kind of matter, allowing us to make
- anything that's physically possible.
- You can meet Truax, Moravec, Drexler, and many other like-minded
- CONDITION. You'll find out where the frontiersmen of the late 20th
- century are and what they're thinking about. You'll get the latest
- ideas on the big issues: Immortality, Artificial Life, Space Colonies,
- Delaying the Heat-Death of the Universe, etc. You'll read about ideas
- like squeezing the sun and towing black holes around the universe. One
- forward thinker has already taken it for granted that he will be
- downloaded into a computer and will be able to beam himself around the
- universe as a cosmic tourist. His big worry now is What if his tour
- takes so long that some stars and galaxies don't stick around long
- enough for him to get there? (I'm worried about paying the bills next
- month, and he's worried about outliving galaxies.) GREAT MAMBO CHICKEN
- & THE TRANSHUMAN CONDITION is fascinating, it's fun, and there is more
- food for thought per page than any book I've seen in a while.
- Recommended for readers who like to think about six impossible things
- before breakfast.
- (You're probably wondering what Great Mambo Chicken is all about.
- That's what you get when you breed chickens in 2-1/2 gravities. For
- the Transhuman Condition you're just going to have to read the book.)
- **************************
- by Alice Kahn
- (Poseidon Press, 1991, $8.95, ISBN 0-671-74193-4)
- review by Carol Sheffert
- "The New Age is getting older but shows no signs of wising up."
- This collection of short essays, most of which originally appeared in
- the The San Francisco CHRONICLE, is usually funny, occasionally
- hilarious, once in a while even touching, but always entertaining. You
- can read about Kahn's early years in the balcony of the Lawndale
- Theater, how she almost wrote a screenplay for Spielberg, what she
- thinks about Chain Saw Editors, her very brief career as a model,
- phone sex, the cultural promiscuity of baby boomers, unisex bathrooms,
- and a women's consciousness-lowering session in a yuppie bar. She
- discusses life passages for which there is no Hallmark card, and frets
- that "Being an adult...is the most behaviorally boring thing on
- earth." Kahn talks about the time her mother pretended to be a
- transvestite named Ramona to get a good seat at a San Francisco drag
- club, and reports on the phenomenon of channeling which she says is
- "the rage among bored-again New Agers". Alice Kahn amuses with charm
- and wit, illuminates our shared culture while lampooning our excesses.
- **************************
- by The Print Project
- (HarperPerennial, 1991, $15.00, ISBN 0-06-273061-4)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- I love this book for two main reasons:
- 1) I do most of my shopping by mail, and
- 2) I don't like to spend any more than I have to.
- First off, mail-order shopping is easy, it gives me a greater
- selection of goods that I would otherwise have, and it forces me to
- shop wisely. All the catalogs that have items that I need or want get
- fanned out on the table, and I sit in front of them with my checkbook.
- Instead of buying whatever product happens to be near me at the time,
- I can choose which of my wants or needs gets filled first. Sometimes I
- just pile the catalogs on the coffee table in the order of importance:
- the item I need most on top, all the way down to that electric hedge
- clipper that would be nice but that I could live without. Then, as the
- money comes in (IF it comes in), I order the merchandise.
- THE WHOLESALE-BY-MAIL CATALOG 1992 is a big help if you're going to
- take up mail order. All the vendors are listed by type of merchandise,
- and in addition to a paragraph of description you get header
- information that includes: address, phone number, how much the catalog
- or brochure costs, what the savings are like, acceptable methods of
- payment, what basic kind of product(s) they sell, whether they have a
- storefront, whether they ship to Canada, whether they ship to APO and
- FPO addresses, whether they accept phone orders, whether they give an
- additional discount to readers of THE WHOLESALE-BY-MAIL CATALOG, and a
- "$" code that gives a subjective rating of worth to the bargain
- hunter. Armed with all that information, you can quickly find the
- vendors who are most likely to have what you want at the best possible
- price. Considering that many places give extra discounts for readers
- of THE WHOLESALE-BY-MAIL CATALOG, it shouldn't take more than one or
- two purchases to more than refund your $15.
- **************************
- A wealth of information and inspiration for stencillers
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- If your local bookstore doesn't carry the Storey Publishing titles you
- want, you can order directly from the publisher by sending the list
- price, plus $2.75 shipper per order, to: Storey Communications, Inc.,
- PO Box 445, Pownal, VT 05261 or get your credit card and call
- 1-800-827-8673.
- **************************
- edited by Robert Unmacht
- (Focal Press, 1991, $29.95, ISBN 0-240-80137-7)
- review by Howard Frye
- THE M STREET RADIO DIRECTORY is an annual summary of the M Street
- Corporation's database of radio stations in the U.S. and Canada. The
- stations are listed by state (and by city within state), by call
- letters, by frequency, and by "market". The information given for the
- stations includes: city, call letters, power, AM antenna
- configuration, FM antenna height, format, frequency, owner, address,
- phone number, applications and permits, and any available ratings
- estimations.
- For professionals employed in radio, public relations, or advertising,
- the applications are obvious. But I've found the DIRECTORY useful at
- home next to my radio as well. By scanning the format codes for radio
- stations in my general area, I could see at a glance why I have
- trouble finding classical music on either dial; my area is largely
- "CW" (Country) and "EZ" (Easy Listening). But by taking note of the
- few classical music stations, I have managed to tune in several
- sources of music I was previously unaware of.
- If you have trouble getting THE M STREET RADIO DIRECTORY, you can
- reach the publishers by writing to: Focal Press, 80 Montvale Ave.,
- Stoneham, MA 02180. The M Street Corporation's database is much bigger
- than what is shown in this DIRECTORY. Customized reports of stations,
- ownership, market information or mailing labels are available through
- their Alexandria, Virginia, office. You can reach them by writing to:
- M Street Corporation, PO Box 3568, Alexandria, VA 22302, or by calling
- 703/684-3622 (FAX: 703/684-0320).
- **************************
- ^ IN THE COMPANY OF CATS: A Tribute to the Feline
- (Andrews and McMeel, 1991, $15.00, ISBN 0-8362-7986-7)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- To Willie
- Who lives in a world I cannot enter
- And knows many things beyond my perception,
- Whose demands are paramount,
- And who alone interrupts my work as pleases him,
- For he speaks always with love
- In pianissimo purrs and muted meows
- ---Raymond Bushell (THE INRO HANDBOOK)
- Neither maudlin nor syrupy, catching the character of cats in brief
- brushstrokes of words and images, IN THE COMPANY OF CATS does justice
- to its subject. With small snatches of fiction, poetry, quotes,
- photographs and paintings, the animal who is now estimated to be the
- most popular pet in the world is illuminated from differing
- perspectives. The words are drawn from such notables as: George Eliot,
- P.G. Wodehouse, Cleveland Amory, Sir Walter Scott, Kingsley Amis,
- Robertson Davies, Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, Henry David Thoreau,
- and many others. Lovingly assembled, beautifully reproduced, and
- sumptuously bound, IN THE COMPANY OF CATS makes a wonderful gift for
- the cat lovers in your life.
- --------------------------
- Greens, Games, and Guaranteed Fun for Your Favorite Feline
- by C.E. Crimmins
- (Running Press, November 1991, $12.95, ISBN 1-56138-050-4)
- review by Carol Sheffert
- CAT'S PICNIC comes with seed packets for Catnip and Cat Salad (wheat
- and oats), and the whole book is structured around growing treats for
- your pampered pet. Part One starts you off with everything you need to
- know to get your crops started, including why your cat will like them.
- Part Two is called "What to Do Until the Picnic Begins", and covers a
- wide variety of cat toys, games, snacks, and other activities that you
- can share with kitty. Sprinkled throughout are cat facts, care hints,
- and quotes about cats, entertainment to inform and delight anyone who
- shares their space with a cat. Part Three concerns harvesting your
- crops, with a host of presentation ideas to suit any feline
- temperament. CAT'S PICNIC makes an excellent gift for the new cat
- owner, and the Cat Salad is a novel idea even for veteran cat people.
- You can get CAT'S PICNIC from your local bookstore, or by sending the
- list price, plus $2.50 postage and handling, to: Running Press, 125
- South 22nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.
- --------------------------
- by Richard H. Gebhardt
- (Howell Book House, October 1991, $24.95, ISBN 0-87605-841-1)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- THE COMPLETE CAT BOOK is without a doubt the most comprehensive book
- about cats and cat ownership I have ever seen. This oversized book
- includes a Preface by Betty White, a brief history of cat evolution
- and the cat-people connection, an introduction to cat anatomy, a
- description of over 40 breeds (with a history, official Standard, and
- personality for each one), the care and maintenance of a pet cat, all
- about cat reproduction, an introduction to cat showing and judging,
- and a glossary of cat-related terms. On top of all that THE COMPLETE
- CAT BOOK contains more than 120 color and black-and-white photographs,
- as well as addresses of cat registries and feline health and welfare
- organizations.
- The pictures are wonderful, and I particularly enjoyed the chapters on
- the history of the cat. The sections devoted to each of the breeds are
- invaluable for selecting your next pet, and the chapters on catshows
- are fascinating, even if you only go as a spectator. Author Richard H.
- Gebhardt is an internationally known judge and breeder of pedigreed
- cats. He was the first American to judge in Continental Europe and the
- first international judge of all breeds. From 1968 to 1980 he served
- as president of one of the oldest and the largest cat registry in the
- world, Cat Fanciers' Association. THE COMPLETE CAT BOOK is a fine
- addition to any cat-person's bookshelf and makes a great gift.
- You can contact the publisher by writing to: Howell Book House, 866
- Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022 (212/702-3800).
- --------------------------
- ^ GREAT CATS: Majestic Creatures of the Wild
- by Consulting Editors Dr. John Seidensticker & Dr. Susan Lumpkin
- (Rodale Press, September 1991, $40.00, ISBN 0-87857-965-6)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- GREAT CATS is a breathtaking oversized book of photographs, drawings,
- and text about one of this planet's most fascinating animals. From the
- housecat to the lion, GREAT CATS explains and illustrates what cats
- are, how they got that way, how they function (and why), and how they
- interact with other animals--like people. The photographs alone are
- worth the price of the book. They capture all species of cats in all
- their many moods, from cheetah cubs playing in the grass to an ocelot
- stalking its prey. But don't let the photographs keep you from the
- text too long, because it is fascinating material including the latest
- discoveries about the origins of cats, a history of the relationship
- between cats and people, as well as comprehensive information about
- all 37 species of living cats.
- Nearly 40 internationally renowned experts from all over the world
- share their observations about how cats live, breed, socialize, and
- interact with their environment. GREAT CATS is entertaining,
- educational, and breathtakingly beautiful. For cat people and nature
- lovers, GREAT CATS is irresistible. (You can contact the publisher by
- writing to: Rodale Press, Inc., 33 East Minor Street, Emmaus, PA
- 18098-0099 (215/967-5171).
- **************************
- by Peter Dyson
- (Sybex, 1991, $26.95, ISBN 0-89588-850-5)
- review by Carl Ingram
- If you've been using PC Tools for awhile, you know that the menus are
- great as long as you know where you're going, and the on-line help is
- not all that helpful. Of course, they provide you with documentation,
- but it's divided into multiple books and I can never find the one I
- want when I want it. Now that I have UNDERSTANDING PC TOOLS 7, there
- are no more problems. This is the manual I should have had from the
- beginning. Everything I could ever want to know about PC Tools, all
- gathered together for me in one book, with one index in which I can
- look up any subject from Creating Macros to Passwords for Phone
- Directory Files.
- Here is the layout of UNDERSTANDING PC TOOLS 7:
- Installing and Running PC Tools 7
- 1. An Overview of PC Tools
- 2. Installing PC Tools
- 3. Using PC Tools
- File and Program Management Tools
- 4. Using PC Shell
- 5. Using the Program Manager
- Disk Recovery and Data Protection Tools
- 6. An Introduction to Disk and Directory Structure
- 7. Preventing Data Loss with the Recovery Tools
- 8. Managing Files, Directories, and Hardware with the System Tools
- 9. Protecting Files with the Security Tools
- 10. Backing Up Your System
- 11. Operating a Remote Computer with Commute
- 12. Using the Windows-Only Tools
- Desktop Tools
- 13. Working with Notepads, Outlines, the Clipboard, and the Macro
- Editor
- 14. Figuring with the Four Calculators
- 15. Increasing Your Efficiency with the Appointment Scheduler
- 16. Using the Database
- 17. Telecommunications Made Easy
- 18. Using DeskConnect and the Desktop Utilities
- Reference Tools
- 19. Troubleshooting
- 20. The PC Tools Complete Command Reference
- In the first week I had UNDERSTANDING PC TOOLS 7 on my desk, I used it
- to recover from a disastrous session with the Color Configuration (I
- can't believe how difficult it is to change PC Tools' colors. There IS
- such a thing as too many options.), help me add a few programs to my
- Program List, and install CP Backup. In winging my way around the
- volume, I discovered that on every left-hand page, just under the page
- number, is what chapter you are in. Couple that with the index that is
- printed inside the front and back covers, and you can find any general
- subject in seconds. UNDERSTANDING PC TOOLS 7 is an excellent reference
- book for anyone who wants to get the most from PC Tools, a very
- powerful but complicated collection of programs.
- --------------------------
- by Jonathan Kamin
- (Addison-Wesley, August 1991, $22.95, ISBN 0-201-56766-0)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- Despite the fact that I have been using PC Tools for over a year, and
- have had version 7.0 for several months, I found some valuable new
- information within 3 minutes of picking up this terrific book. This is
- a testament to the logical organization and readable typography of PC
- TOOLS 7.0 AT WORK. The Table of Contents will direct you to an
- interesting subject and, once there, the information practically leaps
- off the page. Colored headers, illustrations, emphasized text, and
- outlines help you get to the facts you want and skip over the rest.
- General outlines of each chapter are given at the beginning and at the
- end, making quick reviews a breeze. And, as RFP noted in a previous
- review of an Addison-Wesley computer book, the large, emphasized page
- numbers at the outer corners make flipping to a particular page as
- easy as it should always be, but seldom is.
- Here's a breakdown of PC TOOLS 7.0 AT WORK by chapter:
- For the New User: Getting Familiar with Your Computer System
- Introducing PC Tools
- Installing PC Tools 7.0
- Exploring Your System
- Introducing PC Shell
- Computer Housekeeping
- Preventive Maintenance
- Data Security
- Backing Up and Restoring Hard Disks
- Disaster Recovery
- Advanced Shell Functions
- Launching Applications
- Introducing the Desktop Manager
- Creating and Editing Text: The Notepads
- Organizing Your Thoughts: The Outliner
- Remote Control: The Macro Editor
- Organizing Your Time: The Appointment Scheduler
- Organizing Information: Databases
- Instant Communications: The Autodialer
- Talking to Your Applications: The Clipboard
- Instant Numbers: The Calculators
- The ASCII Table
- Connectivity
- PC Tools and Windows
- Appendixes:
- The DOS Configuration Files
- Fine-Tuning Your Installation
- A Short Course in Hexadecimal Thinking
- As you can see, a lot of ground is covered, but then PC Tools is a
- very large set of programs. While the documentation that comes with PC
- Tools is better than most, it is still basically linear, forcing you
- to read entire chapters to discover a few facts. Now that I have PC
- TOOLS 7.0 AT WORK, I'm already trying out a few applications that I
- had previously put off until I had more time, like the Appointment
- Scheduler and the Notepads. Now that I can extract the information I
- need more quickly, I can explore new facets of PC Tools in just a few
- spare moments. (What was the new information I picked up right away?
- That PC Tools can change the date and time of a file, something I do
- all the time and have been loading an outside program to accomplish.
- Until now.)
- --------------------------
- ^ VENTURA TIPS & TRICKS (3rd Edition)
- by Ted Nace with Daniel Will-Harris
- (Peachpit Press, 1991, $27.95, ISBN 0-938151-20-7)
- review by Drew Bartorillo
- VENTURA TIPS & TRICKS, winner of the 1990 Reader's Choice Award from
- PUBLISH magazine, explains how to use Ventura Publisher more
- effectively, offering a wealth of shortcuts, special techniques,
- undocumented features, work-arounds for bugs, and tips on speed,
- safety, and printing. The book also addresses the overall desktop
- environment, providing extensive information on computer
- configurations, peripheral hardware, the operating system, graphics
- software, clip art, fonts, and third-party resources. All versions of
- Ventura Publisher from 2.0 to the Windows and DOS/GEM Gold series are
- covered with differences between the versions pointed out when
- applicable.
- VENTURA TIPS & TRICKS is divided into the following areas:
- > Which Ventura Is Right for You?
- > How Ventura Works
- > Configuring Your System
- > Printers/Monitors/Scanners
- > Managing Files
- > Preparing, Loading, and Editing Text
- > Working With Style Sheets
- > Formatting Text
- > Tables and Equations
- > Pagination
- > Document Layout Strategies
- > Using Graphics/Graphic Tools/Clip Art
- > Encapsulated PostScript
- > Screen Snapshots
- > Using and Adding New Fonts, Font Tools
- > Speed/Safety/Printing Tips
- > Memory Limitations and Solutions
- > Utilities
- > Printing Labels/Envelopes
- > Voodoo Tricks
- > Using Ventura Without a Mouse
- > Resources
- > Graphics Program Compatibility
- It's obvious from this list that VENTURA TIPS & TRICKS is a very, very
- extensive reference publication for Ventura Publisher. According to
- the publisher, VENTURA TIPS & TRICKS is the only book to receive the
- official endorsement of Xerox Corporation, vendors of the Ventura
- Publisher program. I wish that I had known about this book over two
- years ago, when I first started using Ventura Publisher. It would have
- made learning the program and becoming productive with it much easier.
- Of particular interest is the way that the book is presented. The
- method of giving tips--followed by a thorough explanation--is
- especially helpful. Of note also is the spattering of common, everyday
- questions and concise, helpful answers that appear throughout the
- book. For a reference book, it is also very easy to read. I found
- myself just sitting back and enjoying reading through page after page
- in my spare time. VENTURA TIPS & TRICKS now has a permanent place on
- my computer reference bookshelf and I can highly recommend it to all
- Ventura Publisher users.
- Peachpit Press has an entire line of useful computer books (such as
- WINDOWS EDITION). You can contact them by writing to: Peachpit Press,
- Inc., 2414 Sixth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710; or by calling
- 415/548-4393 or 800/283-9444.
- --------------------------
- by Dale Lewallen
- (Ziff-Davis, 1991, $24.95, ISBN 1-56276-019-X)
- commentary from the publisher
- PC/COMPUTING GUIDE TO EXCEL 3.0 is your step-by-step tour of
- Microsoft's powerful and versatile Excel 3.0 spreadsheet program
- running under Windows. PC/COMPUTING technical editor Dale Lewallen
- teaches by example, and presents dozens of clear, well-illustrated
- exercises that will show you how to apply Excel to real-world
- situations.
- Whether you're new to graphical spreadsheets or looking for a way to
- enhance your skills, you'll find the help you need in PC/COMPUTING
- GUIDE TO EXCEL 3.0, including how to...
- * Build a simple spreadsheet from the ground up, with clear,
- step-by-step instructions
- * Format worksheets and change formats with ease
- * Turn your spreadsheet data into professional-quality 3-D charts and
- graphs
- * Increase your productivity with mathematical analyses and
- sophisticated programming techniques
- * Exchange data between Excel and other programs
- Use this book as a learning guide to master Excel's wide range of
- features, and keep it on your bookshelf as a convenient reference to
- Excel's many capabilities.
- --------------------------
- The Definitive Object-Oriented Problem Solver
- by Gary Syck
- (Waite Group Press, 1991, $24.95, ISBN 1-878739-04-2)
- review by Drew Bartorillo
- THE WAITE GROUP'S TURBO PASCAL HOW-TO is for Turbo Pascal programmers
- who already know Turbo Pascal and want ways to give their programs a
- more professional look. THE WAITE GROUP'S TURBO PASCAL HOW-TO presents
- hundreds of typical programming problems with their creative solutions
- in a standard easy-to-use reference format.
- Some sample problems presented in the book are:
- How do I...
- Test whether ANSI.SYS is in use?
- Stuff keys into the keyboard buffer?
- Make sound effects?
- Make formatted data-entry fields?
- Make a file-management program?
- Solve simultaneous equations with matrices?
- Sort strings into dictionary order?
- Display the BIOS data area?
- Draw 3-D objects?
- Each problem contains a question, a description of why the problem
- comes up, a program solution including code, comments, cross
- references, enhancements, and cautions. Problems and solutions are
- divided into the following categories:
- > Interacting with the User
- > File and Devices
- > Mathematical Operations
- > String Manipulation
- > System Programming with Turbo Pascal
- > Object-Oriented Programming
- > Graphics
- > Turbo Pascal Routines from Computer Science
- > Utility Programs and Units
- > Using Turbo Vision and Turbo Pascal for MS Windows
- I found THE WAITE GROUP'S TURBO PASCAL HOW-TO to be full of useful
- tips that have and will help me tremendously in my Turbo Pascal
- programming. The problems listed above are just a small sampling of
- the wealth of information available in the book. As is indicated in
- this list, a wide range of problems are solved. And these are common,
- everyday problems, not ones that no one will ever encounter, as is the
- case with most Turbo Pascal reference books. My copy of the book is
- full of markers, indicating areas of my previous programming that can
- be upgraded with this new-found information. Beware, though, that more
- than a basic knowledge of Turbo Pascal programming is necessary to
- make full use of the book. There is no basic "how to do Turbo Pascal"
- section. It is assumed that you know what you are doing going in. One
- thing I wish was in the book is an index of all the "How do I..."
- topics. Going through, page-by-page, picking out the "how do's" is not
- putting the book to its most efficient use. All-in-all though, the
- book is a must-have for any Turbo Pascal programmer's reference
- library and one purchase you surely won't regret.
- A companion disk for THE WAITE GROUP'S TURBO PASCAL HOW-TO is
- available, from the publisher, for $19.95. The disk includes all of
- the Turbo Pascal program listings contained in the book, organized by
- chapter, and pre-tested and debugged. Given the vast amount of useful
- program code in the book, purchase of the companion disk should be
- seriously considered.
- --------------------------
- by Keith Weiskamp, Loren Heiny & Namir Shammas
- (Wiley, 1989, $22.95, ISBN 0-471-61841-1)
- review by Drew Bartorillo
- POWER GRAPHICS USING TURBO PASCAL takes you inside Turbo Pascal's
- powerful graphics features and gives you a variety of useful programs
- that will help you utilize these versatile graphics tools for a wide
- range of applications. In POWER GRAPHICS you will find in-depth
- instruction on building graphics tools, techniques for designing
- graphics-based user interfaces, fundamentals of two- and
- three-dimensional graphics programming, creating real-life animation
- and presentation graphics, and interactive applications, including
- painting and CAD programs. POWER GRAPHICS explains all the
- capabilities of the Borland Graphics Interface (BGI), including
- drawing commands, fonts, and text.
- POWER GRAPHICS is broken down into the following chapters:
- >> The BGI Quick Tour
- >> The BGI Drawing Functions
- >> The BGI Fonts and Text
- >> Presentation Graphics
- >> Graphics Techniques in Two Dimensions
- >> Animation
- >> Creating Mouse Tools
- >> Working With Icons
- >> Pop-up Windows in Graphics
- >> Interactive Drawing Tools
- >> A Paint Program
- >> A CAD Program
- >> Three-Dimensional Graphics
- POWER GRAPHICS is by far the most detailed graphics-oriented book I
- have in my Turbo Pascal reference library. Of special interest are the
- mouse tools and a complete CAD program. One drawback to the book is
- that it is current as of Turbo Pascal 5.0 and does not include any of
- the object-oriented or Turbo Vision programming tools available with
- today's Turbo Pascal 6. If you don't want to spend the time, and make
- all the errors, entering the extensive source code in the book, there
- is a set of disks available for $15, plus $5 shipping and handling,
- that contain all the source code presented in the book.
- --------------------------
- by Larry Gonick
- (HarperPerennial, 1991, $9.95, ISBN 0-06-273097-5)
- review by Carl Ingram
- The title of this book might have you expecting a computer-related
- joke book, but THE CARTOON GUIDE TO THE COMPUTER is actually a heavily
- (and charmingly) illustrated textbook that is witty, entertaining, and
- educational. From the very beginnings of language, numbers, and
- information theory, Larry Gonick tells of the origin and rise of the
- computer. Once the computer is no longer a stranger from the outside,
- Gonick tears off the cover and allows the reader/student to
- progressively zoom in on the computer an discover the mysteries that
- lie within. Binary numbers, logic gates, electronic versus
- electro-mechanical memory devices, all the way through assembly
- language and higher-level programming languages. An Index allows the
- reader/student to access any particular subject or term.
- Don't be fooled by the cute drawings and the goofy title: THE CARTOON
- GUIDE TO THE COMPUTER is seriously educational. It could be the best
- chance you have of understanding some of the more exotic aspects of
- the digital beasts we share our lives with. Larry Gonick is also the
- (with Mark Wheelis).
- --------------------------
- edited by Eric Raymond
- (MIT Press, September 1991, $10.95, ISBN 0-262-68069-6)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- BOGON FLUX /boh'gon fluhks/ n. A measure of a supposed field
- of BOGOSITY emitted by a speaker, measured by a BOGOMETER;
- as a speaker starts to wander into increasing bogosity a
- listener might say "Warning, warning, bogon flux is rising".
- At last, the complicated jargon of computer enthusiasts and fanatics
- authoritatively and comprehensively codified for one and all. It's
- impossible to pick up THE NEW HACKER'S DICTIONARY and get any more
- meaningful work done for at least an hour. Finding the entry on BOGON
- FLUX leads to QUANTUM BOGODYNAMICS, which leads to PSYTON, and soon
- you're lost in a sea of language that is by turns clever, funny,
- silly, always entertaining, and often wise. Who could resist reading
- or MOUSE DROPPINGS? Do you know how many items are in a SAGAN? Do you
- have the PINK-SHIRT BOOK? Did you take part in the infamous ARC WARS?
- THE NEW HACKER'S DICTIONARY provides over 400 pages of useful terms,
- laws, abbreviations, and graphics, all carefully and amusingly
- explained.
- At the rear of the book you'll find two helpful Appendixes. The first
- collects examples of Hacker Folklore, including several AI Koans.
- Here's one:
- In the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came to
- him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6.
- "What are you doing?", asked Minsky.
- "I am training a randomly wired neural net to play
- Tic-Tac-Toe" Sussman replied.
- "Why is the net wired randomly?", asked Minsky.
- "I do not want it to have any preconceptions of how to
- play", Sussman said.
- Minsky then shut his eyes.
- "Why do you close your eyes?", Sussman asked his teacher.
- "So that the room will be empty."
- At that moment, Sussman was enlightened.
- The second Appendix provides a Portrait of J. Random Hacker, with
- descriptions of his General Appearance, Dress, Reading Habits, etc.
- Lastly is a truly awesome Bibliography. It's short, but the book
- recommendations are excellent. Don't miss THE NEW HACKER'S DICTIONARY.
- If your local bookstore can't help, try writing to the publisher at:
- The MIT Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
- 02142.
- --------------------------
- by Ethan Winer
- (Ziff-Davis, 1991, $29.95, ISBN 1-56276-008-4)
- review by Drew Bartorillo
- BASIC TECHNIQUES AND UTILITIES is a book about power programming using
- Microsoft compiled BASIC. It is intended for people who already
- understand the fundamentals of BASIC programming, but want to squeeze
- as much performance as possible from the BASIC compiler. BASIC
- TECHNIQUES shows you how to go beyond creating programs that merely
- work--it explains how the compiler operates and how it interacts with
- the BASIC runtime library. It teaches you how to write programs that
- are as small and fast as possible. Although the book emphasizes
- Microsoft QuickBASIC and the BASIC Professional Development System
- (PDS), much of the information in the book applies to other BASIC
- compilers such as Power Basic from Spectra Publishing (formerly Turbo
- Basic from Borland International).
- BASIC TECHNIQUES is organized into the following chapters:
- + An introduction to Compiled BASIC
- + Variables and Constant Data
- + Programming Methods
- + Debugging Strategies
- + Compiling and Linking
- + File and Device Handling
- + Database and Network Programming
- + Sorting and Searching
- + Program Optimization
- + Key Memory Areas in the PC
- + Accessing DOS and BIOS Services
- + Assembly Language Programming
- A disk accompanies BASIC TECHNIQUES that contains all of the programs
- and example code for the listings throughout the book. This includes
- all the BASIC and assembly language source code. Also included on the
- disk are a variety of useful utility programs like: DOSWATCH, a TSR
- program that provides a "window" into DOS as it works; FINDTEXT, a
- handy utility that searches a group of files for a specified text
- string; MAP, a system utility that shows all of the programs that are
- currently loaded in memory; and SCRNCAP, a text-mode TSR screen
- capture utility that lets you capture text screen images from any
- application.
- **************************
- Overcoming Shyness and Anxiety in Every Situation
- by Christopher J. McCullough, Ph.D.
- (August 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-87477-542-6)
- A Responsible Guide for Parents, Teachers, Coaches, and Young Athletes
- by Ken Sprague and his son Chris Sprague
- (August 1991, $12.95, ISBN 0-87477-643-0)
- Reduce Stress, Maximize Performance, and Improve Health & Emotional
- Well-Being Using the New Science of Ultradian Rhythms
- by Ernest Lawrence Rossi, Ph.D with David Nimmons
- (September 1991, $17.95, ISBN 0-87477-585-X)
- TO BE A MAN: In Search of the Deep Masculine
- edited by Keith Thompson
- (September 1991, $12.95, ISBN 0-87477-637-6)
- Drawing on the Power of Myth to Meet Life's Most Important Challenges
- by Lorna Catford, Ph.D. and Michael Ray, Ph.D.
- Foreword by M. Scott Peck
- (September 1991, $12.95, ISBN 0-87477-630-9)
- Revolutionary Discoveries About the Brain From the Chemistry of the
- Mind to the New Frontiers of the Soul
- by Judith Hooper & Dick Teresi
- Foreword by Isaac Asimov
- (October 1991, $14.95, ISBN 0-87477-650-3
- A Practical Guide for Men in Quest of Masculine Soul
- by Aaron Kipnis, Ph.D.
- Foreword by Robert A. Johnson
- (October 1991, $19.95, ISBN 0-87477-658-9)
- A Compassionate Guide to Rebuilding Your Life
- by Genevieve Davis Ginsburg, M.S.
- (October 1991, $10.95, ISBN 0-87477-599-X)
- Breaking the Chains of Religious Addiction & Abuse
- by Father Leo Booth
- Foreword by John Bradshaw
- (October 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-87477-657-0)
- A Creative Method for Adult Beginners, Too
- by Mona Brookes
- (October 1991, $12.95, ISBN 0-87477-661-9)
- (Hardcover: $22.95, ISBN 0-87477-660-0)
- Eight Strategies to Develop People, Productivity, and Profits
- by Robert H. Rosen, Ph.D. with Lisa Berger
- (October 1991, $22.95, ISBN 0-87477-655-4)
- 500 Quick and Simple Ways to Heal Yourself Naturally
- by Dana Ullman, M.P.H.
- (November 1991, $8.95, ISBN 0-87477-667-8)
- Using Waking Fantasy and Imagery for Self-Knowledge and Creativity
- by Eric Klinger, Ph.D.
- (December 1991, $12.95, ISBN 0-87477-666-X)
- Managing Sexual Attraction in Working Relationships
- by David R. Eyler, Ph.D. and Andrea P. Baridon
- (October 1991, $18.95, ISBN 0-87477-651-1)
- Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind
- by Ingo Swann
- (November 1991, $9.95, ISBN 0-87477-668-6)
- Archetypal Images That Shape Your Life
- edited by Christine Downing
- (November 1991, $12.95, ISBN 0-87477-664-3)
- A Mother's Workbook for Health and Emotional Well-Being During
- Pregnancy and Delivery
- by Gayle Peterson, Ph.D.
- (November 1991, $11.95, ISBN 0-87477-665-1)
- A Feast of Food and Drink History, Folklore, and Fact
- by Martin Elkort
- (November 1991, $9.95, ISBN 0-87477-662-7)
- Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.
- 5858 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 200
- Los Angeles, CA 90036
- **************************
- ^ WONDER-WORKERS! How They Perform the Impossible
- by Joe Nickell
- for ages 9-14
- (Prometheus Books, October 1991, $11.95, ISBN 0-87975-688-8)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- Nickell investigates the apparently impossible accomplishments of ten
- famous wonder-workers: Ivan Chabert (who was impervious to heat),
- Robert-Houdin (one of the greatest magicians of all time), Daniel Home
- (who could float through the air), Lulu Hurst (whose body was a
- powerful magnet), Evangeline Adams (who could foretell the future),
- Harry Houdini (who could, among many other talents, walk through
- walls), Joaquin Argamasilla (whose x-ray eyes could see through
- metal), Joseph Dunninger (who could read minds), Edgar Cayce (who
- could diagnose illnesses while asleep), and Peter Hurkos (a psychic
- detective).
- WONDER-WORKERS! is both an entertaining book about famous people and a
- textbook on scientific investigation. For each claim of supernatural
- powers, Nickell discusses the possible explanations, many of which are
- very educational in themselves. For instance, the reader learns a good
- deal about the properties of heat while hearing the story of Ivan
- Chabert. Without spoiling the attraction of magic as entertainment,
- the author shows children how to bring a healthy skepticism to any
- claims of special talents or powers. At the end is a note to teachers
- advising ways to use the book in a classroom setting, including
- suggestions for assignments.
- WONDER-WORKERS! is an excellent example of how entertainment and
- education can be combined in one package. A delightful and instructive
- book for any age group. (You can contact the publisher by writing to:
- Prometheus Books, 700 East Amherst Street, Buffalo, NY 14215)
- **************************
- by Edmund J. Bourne, Ph.D.
- (New Harbinger, 1990, $13.95, ISBN 0-934986-85-1)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- "In writing this workbook, my intention has been to 1)
- describe specific skills that you need to overcome problems
- with panic, anxiety, and phobias and 2) provide step-by-step
- procedures and exercises for mastering these skills."
- In our high-stress, fast-paced society, we are subjected to an
- enormous amount of psychological pressure, which in large part
- explains the epidemic of anxiety disorders in recent years. Anxiety
- disorders are the #1 mental health problem among American women and
- second only to alcohol and drug abuse among men. It is estimated that
- 10% of the population have suffered from panic attacks, phobias, or
- other anxiety disorders in the past year.
- "It has been my hope to define in a single volume the full
- range of strategies necessary to overcome problems with
- anxiety. The more of these strategies you can incorporate
- into your own recovery program, the more efficient and rapid
- your progress will be."
- As THE ANXIETY & PHOBIA WORKBOOK stresses, each person's anxiety is
- different and you need to discover for yourself the best way to ease
- your discomfort. The book covers relaxation techniques, exercise,
- coping strategies for panic attacks, nutrition, desensitization,
- overcoming negative self-talk, visualization, self-esteem, expressing
- feelings, medication, assertiveness, etc. And in every case the
- information is specific, the recommendations are concrete. Dr. Bourne
- takes the reader through each step of each therapy technique, advising
- a holistic approach by utilizing as many strategies as seem
- appropriate. THE ANXIETY & PHOBIA WORKBOOK is very helpful, whether
- used by itself or in conjunction with a professional therapist.
- You can contact the publisher by writing to: New Harbinger
- Publications, Inc., 5674 Shattuck Avenue, Oakland, CA 94609.
- **************************
- ^ SAVING GRACES: Sojourns of a Backyard Biologist
- by Roger B. Swain
- (Little, Brown, October 1991, $17.95, ISBN 0-316-82471-2)
- review by Carol Sheffert
- SAVING GRACES is a collection of short pieces of spare, elegant prose
- by Roger Swain, science editor of HORTICULTURE magazine. He talks
- about wolves, hermit crabs, pockets, recycling, turtles, honeybees,
- the sense of smell, water, bats, onion braiding... Each essay is a
- small gem of careful thought about the world we live in. He can find
- vivid memories of childhood and the seed of his life's meaning in a
- horse chestnut, "a pearl of oiled and polished mahogany". Swain
- acknowledges the irresistible impulse to interfere with our
- environment:
- "But who of us is so free of self-interest as to have never
- looked at a blueberry bush and thought muffins, nor played
- in a stream and tried to harness it with a small dam?"
- but he notes the dangers:
- "Water purity is terribly fragile. Like minnows in a lake,
- contaminants spread quickly in the water, making it all but
- impossible to retrieve them once they are released."
- Without sermonizing, Swain celebrates the natural world we live in,
- and reflects on ways in which we can interact harmoniously with it.
- "If we are even half-serious about having wildlife close at
- hand, we should be making room for bats."
- SAVING GRACES is a gentle book that begs to be read outdoors with your
- back against a tree. Roger B. Swain is also the author of EARTHLY
- PLEASURES: Tales from a Biologist's Garden, FIELD DAYS: Journal of an
- Itinerant Biologist, and THE PRACTICAL GARDENER: A Guide to Breaking
- New Ground.
- **************************
- A Business Guide to Cultures & Customs in 12 European Nations
- by John Mole
- (AMACOM, October 1991, $16.95, ISBN 0-8144-7769-0)
- commentary from the publisher
- NEVER take off your jacket in front of German business
- associates. Shirtsleeves are considered sloppy and
- unbusiness-like.
- NEVER send a FAX to a Spanish company, thinking the matter
- will be taken care of. Everything must be confirmed
- orally--and preferably face to face.
- NEVER expect an Italian colleague to take work home at night
- or on weekends. Work is work and fun is fun.
- NEVER assume that a Greek woman is merely support staff. In
- Greece, women have made significant inroads into business
- and are well-represented at all levels.
- "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." That's fine advice if you KNOW
- what the Romans do...or the Parisians...or the Berliners.
- Unfortunately, many Americans business people haven't a clue how
- things are done in other countries. What an American may have meant as
- a humorous remark could be perceived as confusing, weak, or even
- insulting to a European. Not a great entrance into the lucrative
- European market.
- According to author John Mole, "Americans and Europeans have very
- similar business and personal goals. But it is a mistake to assume
- that they have the same ways of ACHIEVING them." In his new book, WHEN
- IN ROME..., Mole looks at each of the twelve countries of the European
- Community. He points out important structural, political, and
- managerial conventions--as well as the more subtle, but equally
- important, social traditions that define a country.
- For instance, Mole explains that if you're invited to dinner at 7:00
- and you're in Germany, come on the dot. In England, come at about
- 7:15. In Italy, 8:00 is about right, and in Greece--show up any time
- during the evening. What about humor? In the Netherlands, Mole says,
- humor is fine, but NOT if the subject is religion. In France, wit is
- highly valued but the standard JOKE is gauche. In England, if you
- don't joke around, you're not being part of the crowd. In Spain a joke
- at your own expense is incomprehensible, and in Germany, don't joke on
- the job at all.
- Based on Mole's personal experiences as well as interviews with 200
- managers from the EC nations, WHEN IN ROME... contains insider's
- information on business organization and structure, political
- frameworks, general management style, and national attitudes toward
- humor, attire, meeting styles, communication, and leadership. In
- addition, Mole provides separate chapters on Americans in Europe and
- Japanese in Europe--what they expect and how they are perceived. As a
- wrap-up, WHEN IN ROME... presents "The Mole Map", a grid formed by
- rating countries by their Organization structure on one axis and
- Leadership style on the other. This graph provides readers with a
- visual comparison of the different cultures.
- You can contact the publisher by writing to: AMACOM, A Division of
- American Management Association, 135 West 50 Street, New York, NY
- 10020.
- **************************
- ^ SNITCH: A Handbook for Informers
- by Jack Luger
- (Loompanics Unlimited, 1991, $16.95, ISBN 1-55950-076-X)
- review by Cindy Bartorillo
- "If you're a typical American, someone has probably already
- informed or snitched on you. Don't be surprised if it's
- happened more than once. This book is about both sides of
- the coin: how to snitch for fun and profit, and how to
- protect yourself from snitches."
- Has anyone ever informed on you? Where did the information in your
- credit rating come from? (Do you know what's in your credit rating?)
- Have you ever gotten a security clearance? Have you ever joined a
- politically-active group? Have you ever broken the law? Do you have
- business rivals? Many activities can increase your chances of being
- the victim of a snitch.
- Jack Luger's SNITCH discusses all facets of the phenomenon, covering
- questions like: What kind of people become informers? What motivates
- them? Who employs them? What can the brand-new informer expect, and
- what is expected of them? How are informers paid? What are the dangers
- of being a professional snitch? And, from the other side of the fence,
- What can you do to protect yourself from informers?
- "If the snitch is your worst enemy, guess who is your
- second-worst? Probably, you are."
- The point Luger is making is that your big mouth can get you into more
- trouble than anything or anyone else. If you've done something you'd
- rather not have written up in the newspaper, DON'T TELL ANYONE. Luger
- goes on to give other hints for personal protection, with specific
- recommendations for particular situations.
- After each chapter is a list of "Sources", which makes a nice list of
- books for further reading if you are so inclined. SNITCH is another
- unusual and fascinating book from the people at Loompanics, producers
- of one of the world's great book catalogs. Other Jack Luger books
- available from Loompanics are: THE BIG BOOK OF SECRET HIDING PLACES;
- SNITCH from Loompanics by sending the list price, plus $3 shipping and
- handling (for 1-3 books; for 4 or more send $6) to: Loompanics
- Unlimited, PO Box 1197, Port Townsend, WA 98368. With an order you
- also get a copy of their huge catalog (a $5 item) for free.
- **************************
- ^ MONET.
- (Phidal Art Series, 1990, $9.95, ISBN 2-89393-049-2)
- review by Howard Frye
- Claude Oscar Monet, born in 1840, became one of the greatest artists
- of all time, despite many personal challenges and traumas. It was one
- of his paintings--IMPRESSION, SUNRISE--that gave a name to a popular
- technique; from that moment on, painters using such a painting
- technique would be known as Impressionists.
- IMPRESSION, SUNRISE, a biographical essay, and 43 other Monet
- paintings, are reproduced in this volume of Phidal's Art Series. With
- the artworks reproduced in glorious color on heavy slick paper, this
- oversized hardcover is amazingly only $9.95. Also included is short
- descriptive text about each painting, like having a museum guide take
- you through Monet's masterpieces.
- The series also include volumes on: Van Gogh (ISBN 2-89393-050-6),
- Degas (ISBN 2-89393-047-6), Renoir (ISBN 2-89393-040-9), Cezanne (ISBN
- 2-89393-042-5), and Gauguin (ISBN 2-89393-041-7), all for the same
- price. At such reasonable prices, the Phidal Art Series would make
- excellent gifts for young people, giving them an introduction to the
- world of fine art that can lead to a lifetime of enjoyment. If your
- local bookstore can't help you, write to the distributor of the Phidal
- Art Series at: Firefly Books Ltd., 250 Sparks Avenue, Willowdale,
- Ontario M2H 2S4, CANADA.
- **************************
- ^ WOMEN OF THE 14TH MOON: Writings on Menopause
- edited by Dena Taylor & Amber Coverdale Sumrall
- (The Crossing Press, 1991, $14.95, ISBN 0-89594-477-4)
- review by Carol Sheffert
- Menopause is a major event in the life of over half the population and
- yet nobody seems to want to talk about it. Nearly the only media
- attention it gets is the occasional snide joke about hot flashes or
- mid-life insanity on TV sitcoms. Yet many women live in fear and dread
- of this natural episode in their biological evolution. Wouldn't it be
- great if they could talk to dozens of other women about
- menopause--sharing information, experiences, strength, and
- inspiration?
- This is the service performed by WOMEN OF THE 14TH MOON, a collection
- of almost 100 articles, essays and poems about menopause written by
- women for women. You'll hear about the suffering and the joy, the
- successes and failures--the experience of menopause isn't quite the
- same for any two women. With the wisdom of those who have blazed a
- trail ahead, every woman has a much better chance of making their
- menopause a personally transforming experience that will enrich the
- second, and best, half of their lives.
- WOMEN OF THE 14TH MOON is insightful reading for women and the men who
- live with them. Highly recommended. You can contact the publisher by
- writing to: The Crossing Press, PO Box 1048, Freedom, CA 95019.
- **************************
- translated by Thomas Cleary
- (Shambhala, October 1991, $19.00, ISBN 0-87773-609-X)
- review by Howard Frye
- The TAO TE CHING, attributed to Lao-tzu, is a Chinese classic of
- Taoism that has been popular in the West for many years, but the
- WEN-TZU (also known as UNDERSTANDING THE MYSTERIES), another of the
- great sourcebooks of Taoist thought, has never before been translated
- into English (or any Western language for that matter).
- Longer than the TAO TE CHING but just as simple, clear, and profound,
- the WEN-TZU is supposed to have been compiled by a disciple of
- Lao-tzu, the contents being mostly words attributed to Lao-tzu
- himself. But as translator Thomas Cleary says,
- "The assignment of authorship in ancient Taoism is generally
- symbolic rather than historical. Names may refer not only to
- supposed individual persons, but also to schools and
- traditions associated with those individuals or their
- circles."
- Thomas Cleary holds a Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Civilizations
- from Harvard University. The translator of over thirty important
- Chinese and Japanese texts, including THE ART OF WAR, he is among the
- most renowned translators of Asian classics of our time.
- FURTHER TEACHINGS OF LAO-TZU is highly recommended to everyone who has
- loved the TAO TE CHING. (Hint: The two books together would make a
- sensational holiday gift.) The publisher can be contacted by writing
- to: Shambhala Publications, Horticultural Hall, 300 Massachusetts
- Avenue, Boston, MA 02115.
- **************************
- by Roger Corman with Jim Jerome
- (Delta, 1990, $12.00, ISBN 0-385-30489-7)
- review by Janet Peters
- Roger Corman is one of the world's most successful film directors and
- producers and is responsible for bringing us movies like: THE LITTLE
- particular favorite of mine, X-THE MAN WITH THE X-RAY EYES. How has he
- done it? At least part of the answer is that his movies make money
- because they're made cheaply. Other filmmakers talk in millions,
- Corman says that many of his films have been made for under $100,000.
- He made the original LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, for instance, for
- $35,000. Corman is also famous in the industry for giving new talent
- their first professional experience. People like Martin Scorsese,
- Francis Ford Coppola, Jack Nicholson, Ron Howard, John Sayles, Gale
- Anne Hurd, Joe Dante, etc.
- In HOW I MADE A HUNDRED MOVIES, Corman tells his story, how he got
- started, the inside scoop on all of his most famous films, and the
- book includes hundreds of anecdotes about the well-known and
- interesting people he has worked with. As an unusual extra attraction,
- many of those people talk back, giving their particular experience of
- Roger Corman in short articles sprinkled throughout the book.
- Roger Corman is as engaging and entertaining in print as he is on
- is a really good read for movie fans, Corman fans, and anyone else who
- is curious about the business of making movies.
- **************************
- * Are you ready for body-building tots? Late next year Doubleday will
- AND NUTRITION by Charles Gaines with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Three
- versions will be released, targeted at different age groups: 2-7,
- 8-11, and 12-14.
- * If you're interested in the MIA issue, you may want to check out
- M.I.A. OR MYTHMAKING IN AMERICA by H. Bruce Franklin, Rutgers
- University professor of English and American Studies. We have heard
- that the book contends that there are no more MIAs in Southeast Asia;
- that the POW/MIA myth was created by the government and aided by
- Hollywood movies. If you want to know more, take a look at the 21-page
- excerpt from Franklin's book in the December issue of ATLANTIC, or
- wait until January when the book hits the bookstores.
- * COMIC RELEASE is a biweekly newspaper devoted to alternative comics,
- like an expanded version of the comics section of your daily paper,
- only entirely different. All you have to do is send them $6 and you'll
- get the next 12 issues, or you can just shoot the moon and send $10
- for an entire year of bizarre, underground-type comics. They tell me
- that unsolicited submissions of manuscripts and artwork are welcome.
- Send your contributions or cash to: Comic Release, PO Box 20661,
- Seattle, WA 98102.
- * If you're feeling flush this Christmas, you might want to consider
- the Sony Electronic Book Player, the portable unit that displays texts
- that have been encoded on 3" CD-ROMs. It was supposed to go on sale
- November 1 1991. The $550 unit comes with book disks for the 26-volume
- WORLD TRAVEL TRANSLATOR. Twenty other book disks are available, priced
- from $29 to $69. Don't look for the Book Player in bookstores, it's
- being sold through electronic retailers only (at least for now).
- * Anyone interested in visualization, particularly in the book
- VISUALIZATION FOR CHANGE (reviewed in RFP #19) by Patrick Fanning,
- should know that Fanning has three visualization audio tapes now,
- available from New Harbinger. The titles are: Visualization for
- Healing Injuries, Visualization for Curing Infectious Disease, and
- Visualization for Shyness. They are $11.95 each. You can reach New
- Harbinger Publications by writing to: 5674 Shattuck Avenue, Oakland,
- CA 94609.
- * For books about deafness, Sign Language textbooks, and books for
- hearing-impaired children, write for a brochure from Gallaudet
- University Press, 800 Florida Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20002-3695.
- * Despite the fact that TIME magazine failed with their audio version
- last year, more magazines seem to be getting on the audio bandwagon.
- BUZZ magazine produced a cassette called THE BEST OF BUZZ which
- collects material from the first 3 issues. Look for an audiotape
- version of PEOPLE magazine (from Dove Books on Tape) early in 1992.
- **************************
- See you in Reading For Pleasure #21, coming February 1, 1992