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- $0$0$0$0$0$0$0$ CHEAP TRUTH 5 0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0
- EDITORIAL. "Exploring a 21st Century Pop Ideology"
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- Guest grump Sue Denim vents her spleen on the crop of '83:
- This year's Nebula Ballot looked like a list of stuff that Mom and
- Dad said it was okay to read. Mom and Dad really liked Connie Willis'
- "Firewatch" last year; it's about this student that gets all self-righteous
- and rebellious and everything, but it turned out Father knows best after all.
- This year Mom and Dad really like STARTIDE RISING by David Brin and
- Greg Benford's AGAINST INFINITY. STARTIDE RISING especially; I mean, this is
- the kind of writing that Mom and Dad grew up on, full of "Golly's" and
- blushes and grins. And aren't those dolphins cute? They talk in poetry that
- sounds like it came right out of READER'S DIGEST. They'd rather hear that
- somebody "muttered an oath" or came out with some made-up word like "Ifni!"
- than be told that they really said "shit" or "shove it up your ass,
- motherfucker."
- No sex, of course, or maybe just a noise in the night in somebody
- else's tent. And it has a nice moral, too -- something Mom and Dad have
- always known, though it hasn't always seemed that way these last couple of
- decades -- that WE are better than THEY are, and that's enough to pull us out
- of any trouble, particularly when THEY are slimy alien scum.
- The Benford book is scary in spots -- this Ganymede place they're
- trying to fix up seems almost REAL in places, and this terraforming isn't
- anything like the way Uncle Frank went about fixing up his cabin by the lake.
- But everything's okay, because the hero, Manuel (isn't that a foreign name?)
- is everything they would want a son of theirs to be: a perfect neutered
- little adult. He doesn't curse or masturbate or even THINK about girls.
- As for that weird alien artifact, well, if we can't understand it, we
- can always try and kill it. That seems like a good level-headed approach.
- Mom and Dad like Kim Stanley Robinson's "Black Air" for novelette.
- It's so nice to read a straightforward historical story, like that Frank G.
- Slaughter used to write, and it's just too bad he had to tack on that fantasy
- mumbo jumbo at the end just so he could sell it. But then that nice Joanna
- Russ did the same thing last year with "Souls," and isn't it nice that she's
- not mad any more and writing unpleasant books like THE FEMALE MAN?
- Mom and Dad are looking forward to the 1984 Nebulas, because they're
- sure that nice Mr. Robinson is going to be up for their favorite book so far
- this year, THE WILD SHORE. They like to see the OLD stories, and what could
- be more comfortable and familiar than living on the farm after they drop the
- Big One? Nope, nothing scary here. The hero tried to tell Mom and Dad that
- he's not a virgin, but they know better. He never seems that interested in
- sex anyway.
- Mostly they like the ending, where Henry discovers that he is a
- *WRITER*. It seems to agonize him terribly to write, but he is just so
- wonderfully sensitive. And Mom and Dad love the moral of the book, which is
- just like that Judy Garland movie: "There's no place like home."
- Maybe the people who vote for the Nebulas are still afraid of their
- Moms and Dads; maybe they're not Moms and Dads themselves. That would
- explain why they don't vote for books with real ideas and real sex and real
- language in them.
- And yes, Mom and Dad, there were still books like that being written,
- even in 1983. John Calvin Batchelor wrote one called THE BIRTH OF THE
- PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF ANTARCTICA that was not only real SF but real
- literature, at one and the same time. Rudy Rucker's THE SEX SPHERE is witty
- and stylish and takes on sexual stereotyping with breathtaking candor. Even
- Paul Preuss, whose BROKEN SYMMETRIES tries hard to be a soap opera and a spy
- story, still makes big league points about the way politicians use scientists
- and people use each other.
- These people are going to keep writing this sort of book no matter
- how many Nebulas Brin and Robinson and their ilk manage to rack up. Watch
- out, Mom and Dad. They're out to get you.
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- While other media have made fantastic leaps in power and
- distribution, publishing remains a smokestack industry. Now word processors
- and videotex media have arrived: rude intrusions into the ivied halls of
- literary culture.
- These new technologies are pantingly ready to lay rude hands on the
- lilied flesh of literature, and the resulting indecencies are extremely
- promising opportunities for SF. Straight literature has never taken
- technology seriously, and as a result it has lobotomized itself. As it
- flounders in an increasingly senile search for its audience, its vigorous
- bastard child, science fiction, might conceivably lead this technological
- revolution and make itself the dominant mode of literary expression in the
- 21st century. We owe it to ourselves to try.
- We can learn from another successful synthesis of art and technology:
- 20th century pop music.
- There has been a long alliance between SF and pop music, from the
- jazz of the '40's and '50's through to today's hi-tech rock. These despised
- genres have fermented happily together over several decades, borrowing one
- another's audiences and terminologies. ("New Wave" for one: a term drawn
- from SF and applied to rock through the mutual tradition of fanzines.)
- Now, through the new art form of rock videos, we are confronted with
- a blazingly vigorous new medium that exploits a host of new technologies to
- dazzling effect. Consider the list: electric guitars, synthesizers,
- recording technology, video cameras, satellite transmission, cable, and
- television, all dedicated to the noble effort to blow the minds of today's
- youth. Is it any wonder that parents clamor for grotesque "lock-boxes" to
- keep their kids from mainlining MTV twelve hours a day? These are the same
- archetypal parents who have been tossing out boxes of comics and rocket-ship
- books for the past 50 years, for identical motives.
- Recently we have been treated to the appalling spectacle of SF
- figures allying themselves with the forces of reaction. "Kids don't read any
- more," they whine. The kids are down the street popping quarters into video
- games instead of publishers' pockets; they're home watching MTV. What should
- writers and publishers learn from this?
- A sense of shame. Why aren't kids lined up eight deep for the latest
- issue of ISAAC ASIMOV'S? Why isn't ANALOG doled out from locked crates by
- frowning members of the PTA? Because they are DULL. Worse than dull;
- they're reactionary, clinging to literary-culture values while a cybernetic
- tsunami converts our times into a post-industrial Information Age.
- It is little wonder that rock videos, like Napoleon, have pulled
- SF's crown from the gutter and placed it on their own heads. Movement,
- excitement, color, reckless visionary drive: you will find these in
- abundance in the work of video directors raised from birth on SF.
- Consequently they are producing not only excellent SF but SF often better
- than that in the written media.
- Consider a work like Culture Club's KARMA CHAMELEON, an irresistable
- alternate history where 19th century blacks and whites frolic together under
- the benevolent aegis of transvestite Rastafarianism. As social statement,
- this blows away the pallid efforts of modern SF's white-bread legions of
- feminists and libertarians.
- Has there ever been an adolescent power fantasy to compare with Billy
- Idol's DANCING WITH MYSELF, where the apotheosis of vicious teenage angst
- capers under the flaming eyes of Oktobriana, lust-goddess of the Soviet
- pornographic underground? Or a fantasy pastorale with the vividness of
- SAFETY DANCE by Men Without Hats, with its subtly monstrous combination of
- 18th century gypsy merriment and the ominous whine of banks of synthesisers?
- Already rock videos have seized the imagination of SF's golden-age
- audience of 14-year-olds. SF is missing out on this action for very real and
- cogent reasons. The problem is not the purported illiteracy of today's
- decadent youth, but their sheer lack of interest in a genre sleepwalking its
- way into the middle-aged pipe-and-slippers comfort of the NEW YORK TIMES
- Bestseller List.
- The graying of SF has left it with a cadre of established writers who
- are rightfully reaping the harvest of years of dedication. But we must not
- be misled into thinking this a sign of robust health. It is to a great
- extent the result of a cultural power vacuum created by the abject collapse
- of straight literature. Unless SF acts now to recapture its sparkle, we may
- expect a crippling long-term drain of future writers. Today's young
- visionaries will ignore SF's inbred tail-chasing for the wide-open spaces of
- video.
- This is a challenge akin to those of other smokestack industries: a
- crying need to re-think, re-tool, and adapt to the modern era. SF has one
- critical advantage: it is still a pop industry which is close to its
- audience. It is not yet wheezing in the iron lung of English departments or
- begging for government Medicare through arts grants.
- SF has always preached the inevitability of change. Physician, heal
- thyself.
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- CHEAP TRUTH On-Line 809-C West 12th Street, Austin, Texas 78701. NOT
- COPYRIGHTED. Vincent Omniaveritas, editing. Shiva the Destroyer, systems
- operation. "All Power to the Imagination"
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