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Text File | 1997-11-13 | 106.9 KB | 3,243 lines |
- datatypes.library/--background--
- datatypes.library/--history--
- datatypes.library/--V45_release--
- datatypes.library/AddDTObject
- datatypes.library/CopyDTMethods
- datatypes.library/CopyDTTriggerMethods
- datatypes.library/DisposeDTObject
- datatypes.library/DoAsyncLayout
- datatypes.library/DoDTDomainA
- datatypes.library/DoDTMethodA
- datatypes.library/DrawDTObjectA
- datatypes.library/FindMethod
- datatypes.library/FindToolNodeA
- datatypes.library/FindTriggerMethod
- datatypes.library/FreeDTMethods
- datatypes.library/GetDTAttrsA
- datatypes.library/GetDTMethods
- datatypes.library/GetDTString
- datatypes.library/GetDTTriggerMethodDataFlags
- datatypes.library/GetDTTriggerMethods
- datatypes.library/LaunchToolA
- datatypes.library/LockDataType
- datatypes.library/NewDTObjectA
- datatypes.library/ObtainDataTypeA
- datatypes.library/ObtainDTDrawInfoA
- datatypes.library/PrintDTObjectA
- datatypes.library/RefreshDTObjectA
- datatypes.library/ReleaseDataType
- datatypes.library/ReleaseDTDrawInfo
- datatypes.library/RemoveDTObject
- datatypes.library/rexx/--rexxhost--
- datatypes.library/rexx/EXAMINEDT
- datatypes.library/rexx/FINDTOOL
- datatypes.library/rexx/GETDTSTRING
- datatypes.library/rexx/LAUNCHTOOL
- datatypes.library/rexx/OBTAINDATATYPE
- datatypes.library/SaveDTObjectA
- datatypes.library/SetDTAttrsA
- datatypes.library/StartDragSelect
- datatypesclass/--datasheed--
- datatypesclass/DTM_ABORTPRINT
- datatypesclass/DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT
- datatypesclass/DTM_FRAMEBOX
- datatypesclass/DTM_PRINT
- datatypesclass/DTM_PROCLAYOUT
- datatypesclass/DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT
- datatypesclass/DTM_WRITE
- datatypesclass/GM_DOMAIN
- datatypesclass/GM_GOACTIVE
- datatypesclass/GM_GOINACTIVE
- datatypesclass/GM_HANDLEINPUT
- datatypesclass/GM_HITTEST
- datatypesclass/GM_LAYOUT
- datatypesclass/OM_DISPOSE
- datatypesclass/OM_GET
- datatypesclass/OM_NEW
- datatypesclass/OM_SET
- datatypesclass/OM_UPDATE
- datatypes.library/--background-- datatypes.library/--background--
- The datatypes.library provides transparent data handling
- abilities to applications. Application developers can register
- their data format with datatypes.library and provide a class
- library for handling their data within other applications.
- * Object Oriented
- datatypes.library implementation is object oriented, using the
- boopsi functions of Intuition. Each data class is implemented
- as a shared system library.
- * Embedded Objects
- datatypes.library provides the ability to embed different object
- types within an application. For example, an application can
- embed an picture object or even an AmigaGuide document browser
- within their application's window. Objects can also be embedded
- within other objects.
- See Examples/embed_datatype/
- * Gadget-like
- Embedded objects are actually boopsi gadgets. That means that
- input handling is done on Intuition's task. Time intensive
- operations, such as layout when the window size changes, are
- off-loaded to a sub-process. Printing, clipboard operations,
- file read/write are also off-loaded to a separate process on an
- as-needed basis.
- See Examples/DTRequester/DTRequester.c
- * Image-like
- Embedded objects can also be treated as boopsi images.
- For example, an application can draw an image into the background
- of it's GUI, without fiddling with any internals of the object.
- See Examples/DTImage/DTImage.c
- * Trigger Methods
- Sometimes it is necessary for an application to provide
- additional controls for navigating through an object. For
- example, with an AmigaGuide object it is necessary to have
- controls for "Contents", "Index", "Browse >", "Browse <". Each
- class implements a method that returns the trigger methods, and
- the appropriate labels, that a class supports. Options can
- also provided to those trigger methods.
- See Examples/DTRequester/DTRequester.c
- * Format Conversion
- As long as the objects are sub-classes of the same class, data
- from one format can be written out as another format. For
- example, it is possible to read in an ILBM file and write out a
- JPEG file, since both data types are sub-classes of PICTURE.
- See Examples/DTConvert/DTConvert.c
- * Future Compatible
- Each class implements a method that returns the supported
- methods within a class. This way an application can ask an
- object if it is capable of any particular method, such as
- DTM_WRITE for example.
- * Data Type Detection
- datatypes.library provides the ability to examine a file or
- the clipboard to determine what type of data it contains.
- See Examples/DoDT/DoDT.c and
- Examples/DTDescrlist/DTDescrlist.c
- * "Supported Tools"
- datatypes.library maintains lists (for each data type) of
- applications which supports this special datatype for their
- actions (browse, edit, info, print, mail etc.).
- These tools can be launched from within datatypes.library.
- This lists can be edited using AddDataTypes (AddDataTypes edit).
- See Examples/DoDT/DoDT.c and
- Examples/DTDescrlist/DTDescrlist.c
- datatypes.library/--history-- datatypes.library/--history--
- V45.4
- - Recompiled with SAS/C 6.58.
- This may fix mc68060 related problems (I was searching for this
- mc68060 incompatibility a long time :-(( ).
- - Fixed a bug in LaunchToolA that the given strings were not
- freed on some conditions.
- Fixed.
- - Fixed a bug (race condition) in RemoveDTObject that
- DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT was executed BEFORE internal RemoveGadget.
- Now DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT is correctly executed AFTER RemoveGadget.
- - Internal Delay's (when waiting for flags in RemoveDTObject and
- DisposeDTObject etc.)
- have been reduced from 1/2 sec down to 1/5 sec.
- - StartDragSelect now sets Result2 (IoErr()) with valid return
- codes.
- - All library calls to datatypes.library are now going througth
- the LVO explicitly.
- - ObtainDataTypeA has been rewritten to get more speed.
- This fixes also some bugs, see below.
- - ObtainDataTypeA: Fixed the bug that a 0 in the comparisation mask
- was treated as an empty mask field.
- Now the 0 is correctly recognized.
- This fixes the bug with the QRT descriptor and some other formats.
- Fixed.
- - ObtainDataTypeA: Endless loop in conjunction with "PostScript"
- descriptors and "DTDescrList". Problem was that the code to get
- the next node from a given node didn't expect that two nodes
- have the same name.
- Fixed.
- - ObtainDataTypeA: Fixed the memory loss of n * 40 bytes (e.g.
- loss of a iffparse.library IFFHandle).
- Thanks to Oliver Robers (oliver@poboxes.com) for reporting the bug.
- Fixed.
- - ObtainDataTypeA: Fixed a bug that an custom compatisation hook
- (e.g. the DTCD code in a descriptor) for IFF forats gets an
- IFFHandle and a file handle. Now only the IFFHandle is given, the
- file handle is NULL (because iffparse.library manages the file
- handle).
- Fixed.
- - ObtainDataTypeA: The clipboard did not work with masks longer
- than 64 bytes.
- Fixed.
- - Increased the stack size of the async layout process from 8192
- up to 16384 bytes. Should be __really__ enougth now.
- - Changed the behaviour of DoAsyncLayout:
- Previously, the DTSIF_LAYOUT flag was used to indicate that a
- layout process is running.
- Now the DTA_LayoutProc attribute is always checked.
- The "normal" Forbid / Permit protection of async layout process
- creation / signalling / deletion has been replaced by an
- internal datatypes.library semaphore.
- - Increased the stack size of the printer process. Should be
- __really__ enougth now.
- datatypes.library/--V45_release-- datatypes.library/--V45_release--
- The datatypes.library V45 has been written to replace the old
- datatypes.library V40.6
- It introduces some interesting new features, fixes some
- inconsistensies and sets more strictly rules when using
- objects.
- - The new datatypes.library V45 supports "tools", which are attached
- to each datatype. Those user-defined tools are defined to handle
- the datatype, an application which uses datatypes is now able to
- select such a tool, search for it and launch it.
- - DataTypes objects can reside inside a intuition requester.
- - Supports GM_DOMAIN, which allows to include a datatypes object
- in environments which uses dynamic layout (like MUI, for example).
- - Implements and describes DTM_OBTAINDRAWINFO/DTM_DRAW/
- DTM_RELEASEDRAWINFO, which allows usage of a datatypes object as
- an image.
- - V45 defines an interface for progressive loading (like GIF
- pictures or SGML/HTML texts).
- - Added some usefull interfaces, such as SaveDTObjectA (DTM_WRITE)
- or StartDragSelect (marking).
- The following list has not been completet yet...
- The new datatypes.library is fully backwards compatible to V40.6,
- but adds new features, and will rely on them if a datatype class
- has a version equal or higher than V45.
- - All subclasses must use a ClassLibrary structure.
- from <intuition/classes.h>, V40.0
- -- snip --
- struct ClassLibrary
- {
- struct Library cl_Lib; /* Embedded library */
- UWORD cl_Pad; /* Align the structure */
- Class *cl_Class; /* Class pointer */
- };
- -- snip --
- This was intruduced to support GM_DOMAIN and other methods
- which does not require an object, and to be consistent
- with other boopsi classes which should have also this interface.
- - All subclasses have to support requesters. I've included
- a small example which explains the usage, see
- "Examples/dtrequester/dtrequester.c".
- Currently, only picture.datatype V42.1, sound.datatype
- and animation.datatype V41 supports this correctly.
- - A DTM_WRITE method with a NULL file handle must be a NOP, but
- returning correct return codes in Resul2 (IoErr).
- This was introduced to check if a particular subclass supports
- DTM_WRITE with DTWM_RAW (local format).
- - V45 introduces an "Application" and a "Subclass" interface.
- This means that the applicability of attributes for applications
- and subclasses are different.
- For example, the DTA_ObjName is (ISGU) for subclasses, and
- (G) for applications.
- (The only exception of this is if an application creates an object
- with DTST_RAM. This application will be allowed to act like a
- subclass).
- - Objects must be able to be added to a window as a gadget
- (AddDTObject), beeing removed from it (RemoveDTObject), added again
- an another window in another screen. This must be repeatable
- in any number (see Examples/Examples/DTRequester.c, '+' and '-'
- keyboard shortcuts).
- - If a datatypes class is not designed to support sub-classes, the
- OM_NEW method MUST reject such an attempt (ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED).
- The following statement handels such a case:
- /* This must not be a subclass of embed.datatype
- * (not implemented nor supported)
- */
- if( o == (Object *)cl )
- {
- /* Ok ! */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Subclasses of embed.datatype are not supported */
- }
- - Check your inputs. Maybe, an application tries to feed a datatype
- object with rubbish.
- A common mistake the datatype classes have today is the missing
- check if the datatype supports the given input handle type (e.g.
- the DTA_SourceType attribute).
- The following code shows the correct check for this (checked
- inside OM_NEW):
- -- snip --
- /* We only support DTST_FILE as source type */
- if( ti = FindTagItem( DTA_SourceType,
- (((struct opSet *)msg) -> ops_AttrList) ) )
- {
- if( (ti -> ti_Data) != DTST_FILE )
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- -- snip --
- Note: The DTA_SourceType attribute is examined from the OM_NEW
- msg (ops_AttrList). You __MUST__ not examine DTA_Handle in such a
- way.
- The DTA_Handle is set up by datatypesclass ONLY, and noone else.
- See OM_GET/DTA_Handle for further explanations.
- - Each datatype should be shipped with an autodoc, which contains
- (at least) the following entries:
- --datatsheed-- Short summary of the datatype
- --input_format-- Description how the input format looks like
- OM_NEW What attributes does the datatype recognize ?
- OM_SET/OM_UPDATE Attributes to set/update etc.
- and so on.
- - Add a general, flexible preferences scheme.
- datatypes.library/AddDTObject datatypes.library/AddDTObject
- AddDTObject -- Add an object to a window or requester. (V39)
- realposition = AddDTObject( window, requester, object, position );
- d0 a0 a1 a2 d0
- LONG AddDTObject( struct Window *, struct Requester *,
- Object *, LONG );
- This function adds a single object to the gadget list of the given
- window or requester at the position in the list specified by the
- position argument.
- When the object is added to the gadget list, the object will
- receive a GM_LAYOUT message with the gpl_Initial field set to
- one.
- If a requester is specified, this function will set the
- window - Pointer to the window.
- A NULL arg is NOP (V45).
- requester - Pointer to the requester (V45)
- object - Pointer to an object as returned by NewDTObjectA.
- A NULL arg is NOP (V45).
- position - Integer position in the list for the new gadget.
- -1 to add to the end of the list.
- Returns the position of where the object was actually added.
- Since V45, DataTypes objects can be added to requesters, too.
- But you can only rely on this feature if the datatype itself
- has the version V45. A requester in which a datatype resides
- must not be closed before the datatype got a DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT msg,
- must not be a DM Requester nor have a GACT_ENGADGET gadget.
- Note that this function __MUST__ not be uses when a datatype
- object is embedded within another BOOPSI gadget. The
- parent object is responsible to pass all required methods
- including initial GM_LAYOUT and DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT to
- the embedded object.
- If a requester was specified, GM_LAYOUT is send manually
- by this function (intuition.library didn't send a GM_LAYOUT,
- OS bug ??).
- RemoveDTObject,
- intuition.library/AddGList
- datatypes.library/CopyDTMethods datatypes.library/CopyDTMethods
- CopyDTMethods -- Clone and modify DTA_Methods array (V45)
- newmethods = CopyDTMethods( methods, include, exclude );
- a0 a1 a2
- ULONG *CopyDTMethods( ULONG *, ULONG *, ULONG * );
- Copy and modify array of supported methods.
- This function is used for subclass implementors, who want to
- add their methods (like DTM_TRIGGER) to the array of supported
- methods.
- methods - Methods array, as obtained by GetDTMethods or DTA_Methods.
- NULL causes the function to return NULL.
- include - Methods to include, ~0UL terminated. May be NULL.
- exclude - Methods to exclude, ~0UL terminated. May be NULL.
- newmethods - New array of methods or NULL (no memory).
- Methods to exclude will simply be overwritten by OM_NEW.
- This is not really a bug, since OM_NEW should appear in any
- DTA_Methods array.
- FindMethod,
- CopyDTTriggerMethods,
- FreeDTMethods
- datatypes.library/CopyDTTriggerMethods datatypes.library/CopyDTTriggerMethods
- CopyDTTriggerMethods -- Clone and modify DTA_TriggerMethods array
- (V45)
- newmethods = CopyDTTriggerMethods( methods, include, exclude );
- a0 a1 a2
- struct DTMethod *CopyDTTriggerMethods( struct DTMethod *,
- struct DTMethod *,
- struct DTMethod * );
- Copy and modify a DTMethods array.
- This function is for subclass implementors for an easy way to
- add their trigger methods to exising ones, or disable some because
- they're internally used.
- methods - Methods array, as obtained by GetDTTriggerMethods or
- DTA_TriggerMethods.
- NULL causes the function to return NULL.
- include - Trigger methods to include. May be NULL.
- exclude - Trigger methods to exclude. May be NULL.
- The dtm_Command and dtm_Method fields may have
- the options described in FindTriggerMethod to
- filter/match out the given entries.
- It is assumed that the dtm_Label and dtm_Command strings are
- valid as long as the object exists. They are NOT copied.
- Subclasses which implements DTM_TRIGGER __MUST__ send unknown
- trigger methods to it's superclass.
- newmethods - New array of methods or NULL (no memory).
- FindTriggerMethod,
- CopyDTMethods,
- FreeDTMethods
- datatypes.library/DisposeDTObject datatypes.library/DisposeDTObject
- DisposeDTObject -- Delete a data type object. (V39)
- DisposeDTObject( o );
- a0
- VOID DisposeDTObject( Object * );
- This function is used to dispose of a data type object that was
- obtained with NewDTObjectA. The shared class library which
- was opened at NewDTObjectA time will also be closed.
- This function will wait for an outstanding print or layout process.
- o - Pointer to an object as returned by NewDTObjectA.
- NULL is a valid input.
- Be sure that the boopsi class struct IClass member cl_UserData points
- to the shared library class base.
- NewDTObjectA,
- intuition.library/DisposeObject,
- datatypesclass/OM_DISPOSE
- datatypes.library/DoAsyncLayout datatypes.library/DoAsyncLayout
- DoAsyncLayout -- Call the DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT method on a separate
- process. (V39)
- retval = DoAsyncLayout( object, gpl );
- d0 a0 a1
- ULONG DoAsyncLayout( Object *, struct gpLayout * );
- This function is used to asyncronously perform the object's
- DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT method. This is used to offload the layout method
- from input.device.
- The DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT method must exit when SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C signal
- is set. This indicates that the data has become obsolete and
- the DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT method will be called again.
- Starting with V45, the stack size increases from 4096 up to 8192
- bytes.
- object - Pointer to the data types object.
- gpl - Pointer to a gpLayout message.
- TRUE for success, FALSE for failure
- - Note that the "AsyncDTLayoutDaemon" process obtains the
- DTSpecialInfo semaphore exclusively before triggering the
- DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT method. It will be released immediately when the
- method is done.
- - When a layout deamon process is started, this function send a
- notify msg with { DTA_Data, NULL }. This msg indicates
- that there are currently no data available in this object.
- When DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT is done, the layout deamon sends a notify msg
- with the following tags:
- { GA_ID, Gadget ID },
- { DTA_Data, object },
- { DTA_TopVert, (dtsi -> si_TopVert) },
- { DTA_VisibleVert, (dtsi -> si_VisVert) },
- { DTA_TotalVert, (dtsi -> si_TotVert) },
- { DTA_TopHoriz, (dtsi -> si_TopHoriz) },
- { DTA_VisibleHoriz, (dtsi -> si_VisHoriz) },
- { DTA_TotalHoriz, (dtsi -> si_TotHoriz) },
- { DTA_Sync, TRUE },
- { DTA_Busy, FALSE }
- datatypesclass/DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT
- datatypes.library/DoDTDomainA datatypes.library/DoDTDomainA
- DoDTDomainA -- Obtain the min/nom/max domains of a dt object (V45)
- retval = DoDTDomainA( o, win, req, rport, which, domain, attrs );
- a0 a1 a2 a3 d0 a4 a5
- ULONG DoDTDomainA( Object *, struct Window *, struct Requester *,
- struct RastPort *, ULONG, struct IBox *, struct TagItem * );
- retval = DoDTDomain( o, win, req, rport, which, domain, tag1,
- ... );
- ULONG DoDTDomain( Object *, struct Window *, struct Requester *,
- struct RastPort *, ULONG, struct IBox *, Tag, ... );
- o - Object like returned from NewDTObjectA
- win - Window the object is attached to
- req - Requester the object is attached to
- rport - RastPort, used for domain calculations
- which - one of the GDOMAIN_#? identifiers from
- <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
- domain - resulting domain box
- attrs - Additional attributes
- Subclass specific.
- Example:
- DTA_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) - Default object font
- used for text calculations.
- retval - The return value returned by GM_DOMAIN or 0UL for an error.
- domain - On success, the domain box will be filled with the
- gadget's domain dimensions for this particular GDOMAIN_#?
- id.
- See "Examples/dtrequester/dtrequester.c" or
- "Examples/dtimage/dtimage.c".
- This function cannot handle the GM_DOMAIN method without
- an object. To do this, you have to use CoreceMethodA
- manually.
- datatypesclass/GM_DOMAIN,
- <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
- datatypes.library/DoDTMethodA datatypes.library/DoDTMethodA
- DoDTMethodA -- Do a datatypes method. (V39)
- retval = DoDTMethodA( o, win, req, msg );
- d0 a0 a1 a2 a3
- ULONG DoDTMethodA( Object *, struct Window *, struct Requester *,
- Msg );
- retval = DoDTMethod( o, win, req, data, ... );
- ULONG DoDTMethod( Object *, struct Window *, struct Requester *,
- ULONG, ... );
- This function is used to perform a method on a datatypes object.
- o - Pointer to an object as returned by NewDTObjectA.
- win - Pointer to a window that the object is attached to.
- req - Pointer to a requester that the object is attached to. (V45)
- msg - The message to send to the object.
- retval - Returns the value returned by the method.
- intuition.library/DoGadgetMethodA
- datatypes.library/DrawDTObjectA datatypes.library/DrawDTObjectA
- DrawDTObjectA -- Draw a DataTypes object. (V39)
- retval = DrawDTObjectA( rp, o, x, y, w, h, th, tv, attrs );
- d0 a0 a1 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 a2
- LONG DrawDTObjectA( struct RastPort *, Object *, LONG, LONG,
- struct TagItem * );
- retval = DrawDTObject( rp, o, x, y, w, h, th, tv, tag1, ... );
- LONG DrawDTObject( struct RastPort *, Object *, LONG, LONG,
- LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG, Tag, ... );
- This function is used to draw a DataTypes object into a RastPort.
- This function can be used for strip printing the object or
- embedding it within a document.
- You must successfully call ObtainDTDrawInfoA before using
- this function.
- This function invokes the object's DTM_DRAW method.
- Clipping MUST be turned on within the RastPort. This means
- that there must be a valid layer structure attached to the
- RastPort, otherwise some datatypes can't draw (FALSE returned).
- rp - Pointer to the RastPort to draw into.
- Starting with V45, a NULL arg will result in a NOP.
- o - Pointer to an object returned by NewDTObjectA.
- Starting with V45, a NULL arg will result in a NOP.
- x - Left edge of area to draw into.
- y - Top edge of area to draw into.
- w - Width of area to draw into.
- h - Height of area to draw into.
- th - Horizontal top in units.
- tv - Vertical top in units.
- attrs - Additional attributes.
- Good args args are ADTA_Frame for animationclass objects (requires
- animationclass V41), which selects the frame beeing drawn.
- TRUE to indicate that it was able to render, FALSE on failure;
- See "Examples/dtimage/dtimage.c".
- ObtainDTDrawInfo, ReleaseDTDrawInfo,
- intuition.library/DrawImageState,
- "Examples/dtimage/dtimage.c".
- datatypes.library/FindMethod datatypes.library/FindMethod
- FindMethod -- find a specified method in methods array (V45)
- method = FindMethod( methods, searchmethodid );
- d0 a0 a1
- ULONG *FindMethod( ULONG *, ULONG );
- This function searches for a given method in a given methods
- array like got from GetDTMethods.
- methods - methods array, like got from GetDTMethods or DTA_Methods
- NULL is a valid arg.
- searchmethodid - method id to find.
- Pointer to the method table entry or NULL if not found.
- /* This macro tests if a given method (like DTM_PRINT) is
- * supported by the given object
- */
- #define IsDTMethodSupported( o, id ) \
- ((BOOL)FindMethod(GetDTMethods( (o) ), (id) ))
- GetDTMethods,
- CopyDTMethods
- datatypes.library/FindToolNodeA datatypes.library/FindToolNodeA
- FindToolNodeA -- Find a tool node (V45)
- tn = FindToolNodeA( toollist, attrs );
- d0 a0 a1
- struct ToolNode *FindToolNodeA( struct List *,
- struct TagItem * );
- tn = FindToolNode( toollist, tag1, ... );
- ULONG FindToolNode( struct List *, ... );
- This function searches for a given tool in a list of tool nodes.
- toollist - struct List * or a struct ToolNode * (which will be
- skipped) to search in.
- NULL is a valid arg.
- attrs - Search tags.
- A NULL arg returns simple the following node.
- TOOLA_Program - name of the program to search for
- TOOLA_Which - one of the TW_#? types.
- TOOLA_LaunchType - Launch mode; TF_SHELL, TF_WORKBENCH or TF_RX
- struct ToolNode * or NULL
- See "Examples/DoDT/DoDT.c".
- This function is not limitted to the (&(DataType -> dtn_ToolList));
- programmers can set up their own lists.
- The (&(DataType -> dtn_ToolList)) entries are valid as long as
- the application obtains a lock to the DataType (as obtained from
- a dt object, ObtainDataTypeA or LockDataType).
- LaunchToolA
- datatypes.library/FindTriggerMethod datatypes.library/FindTriggerMethod
- FindTriggerMethod -- find a specified trigger method in trigger
- methods array (V45)
- method = FindTriggerMethod( dtm, command, method );
- d0 a0 a1 d0
- struct DTMethod *FindTriggerMethod( struct DTMethod *, STRPTR,
- ULONG );
- This function searches for a given trigger method in a given methods
- array like got from GetDTTriggerMethods.
- If one of the "command" or "method" args matches a array item, this
- function returns a pointer to it.
- methods - trigger methods array, like got from GetDTTriggerMethods
- or DTA_TriggerMethods.
- NULL is a valid arg.
- command - trigger method command name (case-insensitive match),
- may be NULL (don't match).
- method - trigger method id,
- may be ~0UL (don't match).
- Pointer to the trigger method table entry (struct DTMethod *) or
- NULL if not found.
- GetDTTriggerMethods,
- CopyDTTriggerMethods
- datatypes.library/FreeDTMethods datatypes.library/FreeDTMethods
- FreeDTMethods -- Free methods array obtained by CopyDT#?Methods (V45)
- FreeDTMethods( methods );
- a0
- VOID FreeDTMethods( APTR );
- methods - Methods array, as obtained by CopyDTMethods or
- CopyDTTriggerMethods. NULL is a valid input.
- CopyDTMethods,
- CopyDTTriggerMethods
- datatypes.library/GetDTAttrsA datatypes.library/GetDTAttrsA
- GetDTAttrsA -- Obtain attributes for an object. (V39)
- retval = GetDTAttrsA( o, attrs );
- d0 a0 a2
- ULONG GetDTAttrsA( Object *, struct TagItem * );
- retval = GetDTAttrs( o, tag1, ... );
- ULONG GetDTAttrs( Object *, Tag, ... );
- This function is used to get the attributes of a data type
- object.
- o - Pointer to an object as returned by NewDTObjectA.
- A NULL arg is valid (V45).
- attrs - Attributes to get, terminated with TAG_DONE. The data
- element of each pair contains the address of the storage
- variable.
- A NULL arg is valid (V45).
- See datatypesclass/OM_GET and <datatypes/datatypesclass.h> for
- attributes.
- retval - Contains the number of attributes the system was able
- to obtain.
- datatypesclass/OM_GET,
- SetDTAttrsA,
- intuition.library/GetAttr
- datatypes.library/GetDTMethods datatypes.library/GetDTMethods
- GetDTMethods -- Obtain methods an object supports. (V39)
- methods = GetDTMethods( object );
- d0 a0
- ULONG *GetDTMethods( Object * );
- This function is used to obtain a list of methods that an
- object supports.
- object - Pointer to an object as returned by NewDTObjectA.
- NULL is a valid arg (V45).
- Returns a pointer to a ~0 terminated ULONG array. This array
- is only valid until the object is disposed off.
- Some (interactive) objects may change the list of supported
- methods during execution. This change is notified by
- an OM_NOTIFY msg which contains the DTA_Sync tag.
- GetDTTriggerMethods,
- FindMethod,
- datatypesclass/OM_GET
- datatypes.library/GetDTString datatypes.library/GetDTString
- GetDTString -- Obtain a DataTypes string. (V39)
- str = GetDTString( id );
- d0 d0
- STRPTR GetDTString( ULONG );
- This function is used to obtain a pointer to a localized
- DataTypes string.
- id - ID of the string to obtain.
- A pointer to a NULL terminated string.
- - Error codes from 1-499 belongs to DOS, error codes from
- 500-999 belongs to ENVOY and error codes from 2000-2099
- belongs to DataTypes. Codes between 2100 and 2999 are
- used to access localizes DataTypes strings.
- - Does not support the ENVOY error code nor the DOS error code space
- (use dos.library/Fault in this case).
- datatypes.library/GetDTTriggerMethodDataFlagsrary/GetDTTriggerMethodDataFlags
- GetDTTriggerMethodDataFlags -- Get data type of dtt_Data value (V45)
- type = GetDTTriggerMethodDataFlags( method );
- d0
- ULONG GetDTTriggerMethodDataFlags( ULONG );
- This function returns the kind of data which can be attached
- to the stt_Data field in the dtTrigger method body.
- The data type can be specified by or'ing the method id (within
- STMF_METHOD_MASK value) with one of the STMD_#? identifiers:
- STMD_VOID - stt_Data MUST be NULL
- STMD_ULONG - stt_Data contains an unsigned long value
- STMD_STRPTR - stt_Data is a string pointer
- STMD_TAGLIST - stt_Data points to an array of struct TagItem's,
- terminated with TAG_DONE
- The trigger methods below STM_USER are explicitly handeled, as
- described in <datatypes/datatypesclass.h>, e.g. STM_COMMAND
- return STMD_STRPTR, instead of STMD_VOID.
- method - dtt_Method ID from struct DTMethod
- type - one of the STMD_#? identifies in <datatypes/datatypesclass.h>
- struct DTMethod htmldtc_dtm[] =
- {
- /* ... */
- "Stop Loading", "STOP", (STM_STOP | STMD_VOID),
- "Load Images", "LOADIMAGES", ((STM_USER + 20) | STMD_VOID),
- "Goto URL", "GOTOURL", ((STM_USER + 21) | STMD_STRPTR),
- /* ... */
- };
- Sets up three methods:
- "STOP" takes no arguments,
- "LOADIMAGES" takes no arguments and
- "GOTOURL" takes a STRPTR as an argument.
- CopyDTTriggerMethods,
- FindTriggerMethod,
- datatypesclass/DTM_TRIGGER,
- "Examples/dtrequester/dtrequester.c",
- "Examples/CloneMethods/CloneMethods.c"
- datatypes.library/GetDTTriggerMethods datatypes.library/GetDTTriggerMethods
- GetDTTriggerMethods -- Obtain trigger methods supported by an object
- (V39)
- methods = GetDTTriggerMethods( object );
- d0 a0
- struct DTMethod *GetDTTriggerMethods( Object * );
- This function is used to obtain a list of trigger methods that an
- object supports. This is so that an application can provide
- the appropriate controls (buttons etc.) for an object. For example,
- an AmigaGuide object needs controls for "Contents", "Index",
- "Retrace", "Browse <", and "Browse >",
- object - Pointer to an object as returned by NewDTObjectA.
- NULL is a valid arg (V45).
- Returns a pointer to a STM_DONE terminated DTMethod list. This list
- is only valid until the object is disposed off.
- To call the method:
- DoDTMethod( object, window, requester,
- DTM_TRIGGER, NULL, (dtm[ button ] -> dtm_Method), NULL );
- Some trigger methods requires an argument. Calling them with
- a NULL argument is WRONG. Use GetDTTriggerMethodDataFlags to
- obtain the type of the requested argument (STMD_VOID means:
- no arguments).
- Some (interactive) objects may change the list of supported
- trigger methods during execution. This change is notified by
- an OM_NOTIFY msg which contains the DTA_Sync tag.
- GetDTMethods,
- FindTriggerMethod,
- datatypesclass/OM_GET
- datatypes.library/LaunchToolA datatypes.library/LaunchToolA
- LaunchToolA -- invoke a given tool with project (V45)
- success = LaunchToolA( tool, project, attrs );
- d0 a0 a1 a2
- ULONG LaunchToolA( struct Tool *, STRPTR, struct TagItem * );
- success = LaunchTool( tool, project, tag1, ... );
- ULONG LaunchTool( struct Tool *, STRPTR, ... );
- This function launches an application with a specified project.
- The application and it's launch mode and other attributes are
- specified through the "Tool" structure.
- tool - Pointer to a Tool structure
- NULL is a valid arg.
- project - Name of the project to execute or NULL.
- attrs - Additional attributes
- NP_Priority (BYTE) - sets the priority of the launched tool
- Defaults to the current process's priority for
- Shell and ARexx programs; Workbench applications
- defaults to 0 except overridden by the TOOLPRI tooltype.
- NP_Synchronous (BOOL) - don't return until lauched application proces
- s
- finishes.
- Defaults to FALSE.
- Other tags are __currently__ ignored.
- FALSE for failure, non-zero for success.
- See "Examples/DoDT/DoDT.c".
- - This function requrires the "RX" command when lauching ARexx
- scripts.
- - This function must be launched from a process, not a simple task.
- - This function is not limitted to use the struct DataType -> dtn_Too
- ls
- tools. Applications can set up their own struct Tool's as long
- as these structures contains no rubbish.
- If you don't know the TW_#? ("which") type of your custom tool, set
- tn_Which to TW_MISC.
- - Should support multiple projects for WB programs.
- - Shell tools should have a setable stack size...
- - The WB launcher does not search the WB path for "Default Tools".
- - The "%a" (Arguments) option for shell launched tools does
- currently not work.
- Will be fixed.
- - The path of the launched tools depends on the parents path.
- If there is no path, shell tools can only launch other tools
- with their full path.
- FindToolNodeA
- datatypes.library/LockDataType datatypes.library/LockDataType
- LockDataType -- Lock a DataType structure. (V45)
- LockDataType( dtn );
- a0
- VOID LockDataType( struct DataType * );
- This function is used to lock a DataType structure obtained
- by ObtainDataTypeA or a datatypes object (DTA_DataType attribute).
- All calls to LockDataType or ObtainDataTypeA must match the same
- number of ReleaseDataType calls, otherwise havoc will break out.
- dtn - DataType structure returned by ObtainDataTypeA. NULL
- is a valid input.
- This function has been made public to allow to get a DataType
- structure from an object (DTA_DataType attribute), and remain the
- reference valid after the object has been disposed off (which
- unlocks the DataType structure locked in NewDTObjectA).
- ObtainDataTypeA, ReleaseDataType
- datatypes.library/NewDTObjectA datatypes.library/NewDTObjectA
- NewDTObjectA -- Create an data type object. (V39)
- o = NewDTObjectA( name, attrs );
- d0 d0 a0
- Object *NewDTObjectA( APTR, struct TagItem * );
- o = NewDTObject( name, tag1, ... );
- Object *NewDTObject( APTR, Tag, ... );
- This is the method for creating datatype objects from
- 'boopsi' classes. (Boopsi' stands for "basic object-oriented
- programming system for Intuition".)
- You further specify initial "create-time" attributes for the
- object via a TagItem list, and they are applied to the
- resulting datatype object that is returned.
- name - Name of the data source. Usually an existing file name.
- attrs - Pointer to a taglist containing additional arguments.
- DTA_SourceType (ULONG) - Specify the type of source data;
- such as coming from a file or clipboard. If source type is
- clipboard, then the name field contains the numeric clipboard
- unit.
- Defaults to DTST_FILE.
- DTA_Handle - Can optionally be used instead of the name field.
- Must be a valid Lock (BPTR) if DTA_SourceType is DTST_FILE.
- Must be a valid IFFHandle (struct IFFHandle *) if DTA_SourceType
- Must be NULL if DTA_SourceType is DTST_RAM.
- DTA_DataType (struct DataType *) - Specify the class of data.
- Data is a pointer to a valid DataType. This is only used when
- attempting to create a new object that doesn't have any source
- data or to force the library to use this class to handle the data
- .
- The datatype given will not be unlocked.
- Defaults to NULL (use ObtainDataTypeA to determinate the file/
- clipboard contents type).
- DTA_BaseName (STRPTR) (V45) - Specify base name of datatype to use.
- This tag should be used rarely (e.g. if a matching descriptor
- does not exists). It must only be used with DTST_RAM.
- Passing both DTA_BaseName and DTA_DataType causes havoc and must
- be avoided.
- DTA_Class (struct IClass *) (V45.3) - Specify the class to create an
- object from. Usefull when creating private subclasses inside
- applications (e.g. when a subclass is needed to superset some
- methods (see "DTConvert" example)).
- DTA_GroupID (ULONG) - Specify that the object must be of this type, o
- r
- NewDTObjectA will fail with IoErr of
- Defaults to 0 (no specific group).
- The following list is a collection of attributes recognized by some
- subclasses. The "Defaults to" are only suggestions, and may or may
- not have this value for a specific class:
- DTA_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) - Specify the default object font
- which should be used.
- Defaults to NULL.
- DTA_NodeName (STRPTR) - Specify the node to load (for those
- datatypes which splits their data into nodes, such as AmigaGuide
- or SGML).
- Defaults to "Main", which means the "Main" entry of the document.
- DTA_Conductor (STRPTR) - specifies the name of the
- realtime.library conductor (for syncronisation of events).
- Defaults to (~0UL) (private conductor).
- DTA_ControlPanel (BOOL) - Indicate whether a control panel should be
- embedded within the object (like animation.datatype, for
- example).
- Defaults to TRUE.
- DTA_Immediate (BOOL) - Indicate whether the object should immediate
- begin playing.
- Defaults to FALSE.
- DTA_Repeat (BOOL) - Indicate whether the object should repeat playing
- (the sound, sample, music or animation).
- Defaults to FALSE.
- DTA_ARexxPortName (STRPTR) - Base name for ARexx port
- Defaults to
- "<(struct DataTypesHeader -> dth_BaseName)>.<unique count>".
- DTA_Progressive (BOOL) - Use progressive loading, if possible.
- Defaults to FALSE.
- GA_Left, GA_RelRight, GA_Top, GA_RelBottom, GA_Width, GA_RelWidth,
- GA_Height, GA_RelHeight (WORD) - Specify the placement of the object
- within the destination window.
- GA_ID (UWORD) - Specify the object ID.
- GA_UserData (ULONG) - Specify the application specific data for the
- object.
- DTA_UserData (ULONG) - Specify the application specific data for the
- object.
- A boopsi object, which may be used in different contexts such
- as a gadget or image, and may be manipulated by generic functions.
- You eventually free the object using DisposeDTObject.
- A NULL return indicates failure. Use IoErr to get error value.
- Following is a summary of the error number used and there meaning
- as it relates to DataTypes.
- ERROR_REQUIRED_ARG_MISSING - Indicates that a required attribute
- wasn't passed in.
- ERROR_BAD_NUMBER - An invalid group ID was passed in.
- ERROR_OBJECT_WRONG_TYPE - Object data type doesn't match
- DTA_GroupID.
- ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE - Not enough memory.
- DTERROR_UNKNOWN_DATATYPE - Unable to open the class library
- associated with the data type.
- DTERROR_COULDNT_OPEN - Unable to open the data object.
- ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Unknown handle type.
- This function invokes the OM_NEW "method" for the class specified.
- STRPTR FileName = "S:User-Startup"
- Object *o;
- /* Simplest way is just to open an existing file */
- if( o = NewDTObjectA( (APTR)FileName, NULL ) )
- {
- /* ... */
- /* Get rid of the object when we are done with it */
- DisposeDTObject( o );
- }
- Before V45, creating a blank text object using
- { DTA_SourceType, DTSR_RAM },
- { DTA_GroupID, GID_TEXT },
- tags, an "ascii.datatype" object was returned. Starting with
- V45, NewDTObjectA returns now correctly a "text.datatype" object.
- AddDTObject, DisposeDTObject, RemoveDTObject,
- intuition.library/NewObjectA,
- datatypesclass/OM_NEW
- datatypes.library/ObtainDataTypeA datatypes.library/ObtainDataTypeA
- ObtainDataTypeA -- Examines a handle and return its DataType. (V39)
- dtn = ObtainDataTypeA( type, handle, attrs );
- d0 d0 a0 a1
- struct DataType *ObtainDataTypeA( ULONG, APTR, struct TagItem * );
- dtn = ObtainDataType( type, handle, tag1, ... );
- struct DataType *ObtainDataType( ULONG, APTR, Tag, ... );
- This function examines the data that the handle points to,
- and returns a DataType record that describes the data.
- type - Type of handle (one of the DTST_#? handle types).
- handle - Handle to examine.
- For DTST_FILE, handle must be BPTR lock.
- For DTST_CLIPBOARD, handle must be struct IFFHandle *.
- For DTST_RAM (V45), handle must be a STRPTR (DataType
- name, equals to the dtn_Name field).
- The handle given will not be unlocked/freed.
- attrs - Additional attributes.
- DTA_GroupID (ULONG) (V45) - GID_#? group to match
- 0 is a valid input.
- DTA_DataType (struct DataType *) (V45) - Search in descriptor
- list starts at this point (maybe result
- of a previous datatype).
- The given datatype will NOT be unlocked.
- NULL is a valid input (start at the begin
- of list).
- - The datatypes.library maintains a sorted list of all the DataType
- descriptors. The descriptor can consist of a function, a data mask
- for the first 64 bytes of the data, and a name pattern.
- The sort order for the list is:
- Descriptors with a function and no mask or name pattern.
- Descriptors with a function and a mask or name pattern.
- Descriptors with no function and a mask or name pattern.
- Within each group, they are also sorted in descending priority
- and descending mask length.
- - ObtainDataTypeA calls with same parameters may return a different
- struct DataType *.
- Same datatypes have the same dth_Name
- Success returns a pointer to a DataType. You must call
- ReleaseDataType when you are done with the handle.
- A NULL return indicates failure. Use IoErr to get error value.
- Following is a summary of the error number used and there meaning
- as it relates to DataTypes.
- ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE - Not enough memory.
- DTERROR_COULDNT_OPEN - Unable to open the data object.
- ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Unknown handle type.
- ERROR_INVALID_LOCK - DTA_DataType attribute passed in
- wasn't valid (V45).
- Before V45, passing a user-defined struct DataType (e.g. the
- dtn_Length is 0UL) to datatypes.library functions may causes
- crashes.
- See "Examples/dtdescrlist/dtdescrlist.c"
- ReleaseDataType, LockDataType,
- "Examples/dtdescrlist/dtdescrlist.c"
- datatypes.library/ObtainDTDrawInfoA datatypes.library/ObtainDTDrawInfoA
- ObtainDTDrawInfoA -- Obtain a DataTypes object for drawing. (V39)
- handle = ObtainDTDrawInfoA( o, attrs );
- d0 a0 a1
- APTR ObtainDTDrawInfoA( Object *, struct TagItem * );
- handle = ObtainDTDrawInfo( o, tag1, ... );
- APTR ObtainDTDrawInfo( Object *, Tag, ... );
- This function is used to prepare a DataTypes object for
- drawing into a RastPort.
- This function will send the DTM_OBTAINDRAWINFO method
- to the object using the opSet message structure.
- o - Pointer to an object as returned by NewDTObjectA.
- Starting with V45, a NULL arg results in a NOP.
- attrs - Additional attributes.
- Returns a PRIVATE handle that must be passed to ReleaseDTDrawInfo
- when the application is done drawing the object.
- A NULL return value indicates failure.
- Good args are
- PDTA_Screen for pictureclass objects and
- ADTA_Screen for animationclass objects.
- See "Examples/dtimage/dtimage.c".
- You cannot handle the same datatypesclass object as a gadget in
- a window/requester and as a image using ObtainDTDrawInfoA/
- DrawDTObjectA/ReleaseDTDrawInfo at the same time.
- But using it as a gadget, then remove it from window, then use it as
- an image is valid and __must__ be supported.
- DrawDTObjectA, ReleaseDTDrawInfo,
- "Examples/dtimage/dtimage.c"
- datatypes.library/PrintDTObjectA datatypes.library/PrintDTObjectA
- PrintDTObjectA -- Call the DTM_PRINT method on a separate process.
- (V39)
- retval = PrintDTObjectA( object, window, requester, msg );
- d0 a0 a1 a2 a3
- ULONG PrintDTObjectA( Object *, struct Window *, struct Requester *,
- struct dtPrint * );
- retval = PrintDTObject( object, window, requester, data, ... );
- ULONG PrintDTObject( Object *, struct Window *, struct Requester *,
- ULONG, ... );
- This function is used to asyncronously perform the object's DTM_PRINT
- method.
- Once the application has performed the PrintDTObjectA function,
- it must not manipulate the printerIO union until it receives a
- OM_UPDATE message that contains the DTA_PrinterStatus tag.
- To abort a print, the application sends the DTM_ABORTPRINT method
- to the object. This in turn signals the print process with a
- Starting with V45, the stack size of the print daemon process
- increases from 4096 up to 8192 bytes.
- object - Pointer to the DataTypes object.
- window - Pointer to the window that the object has been added to.
- requester - Pointer to the requester that the object has been
- added to (V45).
- msg - Pointer to struct dtPrint message
- Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE on error (anoter print in process).
- When the DTM_PRINT method is done, the print daemon triggers a notify
- msg with following contents:
- { GA_ID, GadgetID },
- { DTA_PrinterStatus, dtm_print_retval }
- datatypesclass/DTM_PRINT,
- datatypesclass/DTM_ABORTPRINT
- datatypes.library/RefreshDTObjectA datatypes.library/RefreshDTObjectA
- RefreshDTObjectA -- Refresh a datatypes object. (V39)
- RefreshDTObjectA( object, window, req, attrs )
- a0 a1 a2 a3
- VOID RefreshDTObjectA( Object *, struct Window *,
- struct Requester *, struct TagItem * );
- RefreshDTObject( object, window, req, tag1, ... );
- VOID RefreshDTObject( Object *, struct Window *,
- struct Requester *, Tag, ... );
- Refreshes the specified object, by sending the GM_RENDER method to
- the object.
- object - Pointer to an object as returned by NewDTObjectA.
- NULL is a valid arg (V45).
- window - Pointer to the window.
- NULL is a valid arg (V45).
- req - Pointer to the requester (V45).
- attrs - Additional attributes (currently none are defined).
- AddDTObject, RemoveDTObject,
- intuition.library/RefreshGList
- datatypes.library/ReleaseDataType datatypes.library/ReleaseDataType
- ReleaseDataType -- Release a DataType structure. (V39)
- ReleaseDataType( dtn );
- a0
- VOID ReleaseDataType( struct DataType * );
- This function is used to release a DataType structure obtained
- by ObtainDataTypeA.
- dtn - DataType structure returned by ObtainDataTypeA. NULL
- is a valid input.
- Before V45, passing a user-defined struct DataType (e.g. the
- dtn_Length is 0UL) may causes crashes.
- Starting with V45.4, ReleaseDataType throws an Alert (AN_Unknown)
- if a mismatched (e.g. too many ReleaseDataType's) ReleaseDataType
- was triggered.
- ObtainDataTypeA, LockDataType
- datatypes.library/ReleaseDTDrawInfo datatypes.library/ReleaseDTDrawInfo
- ReleaseDTDrawInfo -- Release a DataTypes object from drawing. (V39)
- ReleaseDTDrawInfo( o, handle );
- a0 a1
- VOID ReleaseDTDrawInfo( Object *, APTR );
- This function is used to release the information obtained
- with ObtainDTDrawInfoA.
- This function invokes the object's DTM_RELEASEDRAWINFO method
- using the dtReleaseDrawInfo message structure.
- o - Object returned by NewDTObjectA.
- Starting with V45, a NULL arg results in a NOP.
- handle - Pointer to an private handle obtained by ObtainDTDrawInfoA.
- See "Examples/dtimage/dtimage.c".
- DrawDTObjectA, ObtainDTDrawInfoA,
- "Examples/dtimage/dtimage.c".
- datatypes.library/RemoveDTObject datatypes.library/RemoveDTObject
- RemoveDTObject -- Remove an object from a window. (V39)
- position = RemoveDTObject( window, object );
- d0 a0 a1
- LONG RemoveDTObject( struct Window *, Object * );
- Removes the object from the window's object list. This will wait
- until the AsyncLayout process is complete. The object will
- receive a DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT message to inform the object will
- be removed.
- If the gadget was in a requester, the GTYP_REQGADGET flag will
- be cleared.
- window - Pointer to the window.
- object - Pointer to an object as returned by NewDTObjectA.
- NULL is a valid arg (V45).
- Returns the ordinal position of the removed object. If the
- object wasn't found in the appropriate list then a -1 is
- returned.
- Note that this function __MUST__ not be uses when a datatype
- object is embedded within another BOOPSI gadget. The
- parent object is responsible to pass all required methods
- including initial GM_LAYOUT and DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT to
- the embedded object.
- AddDTObject,
- intuition.library/RemoveGList,
- datatypesclass/DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT
- datatypes.library/rexx/--rexxhost-- datatypes.library/rexx/--rexxhost--
- datatypes.library provides an ARexx function host interface that
- enables ARexx programs to take advantage of the features of data
- types. The functions provided by the interface are directly
- related to the functions described herein, with the differences
- mostly being in the way they are called.
- The function host library vector is located at offset -30 from
- the library. This is the value you provide to ARexx in the
- ARexx AddLib function call.
- EXAMINEDT - Examine file
- OBTAINDATATYPE - Obtain datatype from a given file, clipboard or
- by other specs
- FINDTTOOL - Find a tool by name, type etc.
- LAUNCHTOOL - Launch a tool
- OBTAINDTSTRING - Obtain datatypes string
- (DEBUG - __PRIVATE__ (Debugging control))
- datatypes.library/rexx/EXAMINEDT datatypes.library/rexx/EXAMINEDT
- EXAMINEDT -- Examine given file
- EXAMINEDT obtains data type and other attributes of the given
- filesystem object.
- FILENAME - filesystem object (file/dir/etc.) to examine
- STEM - Name of stem variable to store data in
- STORAGE - Type of result storage, one of "STEM" or "VAR"
- If STORAGE was set to "VAR", the result is the datatype name.
- On error, the numeric DOS error code is returned.
- If STORAGE was set to "STEM" (and a stem var was given), the
- stem var has the following members:
- DISKKEY Filesystem disk key
- DIRENTRYTYPE Dir Entry Type, one of
- 1 root directory (for UNIX fs)
- 2 directory
- 3 soft link (looks like dir, but may point to a
- file !)
- 4 hard link to directory
- -3 file
- -4 hard link to file
- -5 pipe file
- FILENAME File Name
- PROTECTION Protection
- OTHERPROTECTION Other Protection
- GROUPPROTECTION Group Protection
- ENTRYTYPE Entry Type, see DIRENTRYTYPE for types
- SIZE Size of file in bytes
- DATE Date (AmigaDOS style)
- COMMENT Comment
- OWNERUID Owner User ID
- OWNERGID Owner Group ID
- OWNERUIDNAME Owner User Name
- OWNERGIDNAME Owner Group Name
- BASETYPE Type, one of "binary", "ascii", "iff" or "other"
- DATATYPE File Type
- BASENAME Base Name
- GROUPID DataTypes GroupID, like "syst", "text", "docu",
- ...
- GROUPIDNAME Localized format of GROUPID, like "System", "Text",
- "Document", ...
- The function result contains the error code, (0 on success,
- 1 - 2099 otherwise).
- /* examinedt.rexx */
- PARSE ARG fname
- /* Load the datatypes.library as a function host */
- IF ~SHOW( 'L', 'datatypes.library' ) THEN
- CALL ADDLIB( 'datatypes.library', 0, -30 )
- IF fname="" THEN DO
- SAY "Usage:"
- SAY " rx examinedt <filename>"
- SAY 'var test'
- type = ExamineDT( fname,,VAR )
- SAY type
- SAY 'stem test'
- CALL ExamineDT( fname, dtstem., STEM )
- SAY ' Disk Key:' dtstem.DiskKey
- SAY ' Dir Entry Type:' dtstem.DirEntryType
- SAY ' File Name:' dtstem.FileName
- SAY ' Protection:' dtstem.Protection
- SAY ' Other Protection:' dtstem.OtherProtection
- SAY ' Group Protection:' dtstem.GroupProtection
- SAY ' Entry Type:' dtstem.EntryType
- SAY ' Size:' dtstem.Size
- SAY ' Blocks:' dtstem.NumBlocks
- SAY ' Date:' dtstem.Date
- SAY ' Comment:' dtstem.Comment
- SAY ' Owner User ID:' dtstem.OwnerUID
- SAY ' Owner Group ID:' dtstem.OwnerGID
- SAY ' Owner User Name:' dtstem.OwnerUIDName
- SAY ' Owner Group Name:' dtstem.OwnerGIDName
- SAY ' Type:' dtstem.BaseType
- SAY ' File Type:' dtstem.DataType
- SAY ' Base Name:' dtstem.BaseName
- SAY ' DT GroupID:' dtstem.GroupID
- - Owner User Name and Owner Group Name requires fs support for
- ACTION_UID2UNAME and ACTION_GID2GNAME (like envoy fs).
- - Error handling has been changed in V45. On error, the function
- now returns the error number (1 - 2099), which can be converted
- using rexx/GETDTSTRING; only serious errors (like "non memory")
- will end in a rexx error code.
- datatypes.library/rexx/FINDTOOL datatypes.library/rexx/FINDTOOL
- FINDTOOL -- Find a single tool stem from given pattern
- Find a single tool stem within a TOOLLIST stem as returned by
- TOOLLISTSTEM -- a stem variable with TOOL stems and a TOOLLIST.COUNT
- var.
- START - Start index, beginning from 0.
- Note that the goven index will be skipped, and the search
- starts at the following node.
- Defaults to -1 (e.g. next node is 0).
- WHICH - Type of application
- One of "misc", "info", "browse", "edit", "print",
- "mail".
- Defaults to "", which means: Match all Which-Types
- LAUNCH - Launch mode, one of "shell", "workbench", "rx"
- Defaults to "", which means: Match all Launch-modes
- PROGRAM - Full path of the program to be launched
- The index of the toolstem found or -1.
- datatypes.library/rexx/GETDTSTRING datatypes.library/rexx/GETDTSTRING
- GETDTSTRING -- Get (localized) datatypes string
- Gets a (localized) datatypes string and returns it in RESULT.
- ID -- string number, like DTERROR_#? from
- include:datatypes/datatypes.h
- 2000 - "Unknown data type for %s"
- and so on...
- or
- one of "syst#?", "docu#?", ...
- or
- one of "binary", "ascii", "iff", "other" (or "Miscellaneous")
- Error codes from 1-499 belongs to DOS, error codes from
- 500-999 belongs to ENVOY and error codes from 2000-2099
- belongs to DataTypes. Codes between 2100 and 2999 are
- used to access localizes DataTypes strings.
- NAME -- Name be be inserted into the string
- string
- - Does not support the envoy error code space.
- datatypes.library/rexx/LAUNCHTOOL datatypes.library/rexx/LAUNCHTOOL
- LAUNCHTOOL -- Lauch a tool from given spec
- Lauch a tool with an argument (e.g. project file). As set by the
- TOOL stem, the tool may be lauched from Shell, from Workbench or
- from ARexx.
- TOOLSTEM -- a stem variable with following members
- (this stem var is normally set up by OBTAINDATATYPE (TOOLLIST
- stem)):
- WHICH - Type of application
- One of "misc", "info", "browse", "edit", "print",
- "mail".
- If you don't know the "which"-type of your tool,
- set this to "misc".
- LAUNCH - Launch mode, one of "shell", "workbench", "rx"
- PROGRAM - Full path of the program to be launched
- PROJECT -- Name of the project file to be used (passed as
- an argument to the appliaction).
- SYNC -- Wait for child exit ?
- If set, LaunchTool waits until the invoked program quits.
- PRIORITY -- Set task priority of the lauched application.
- Success or failure
- datatypes.library/rexx/OBTAINDATATYPE datatypes.library/rexx/OBTAINDATATYPE
- OBTAINDATATYPE -- Obtain datatype from given #?
- TYPE -- Type of HANDLE data
- One of "RAM", "CLIPBOARD", "FILE" or "HOTLINK"
- HANDLE -- Handle type.
- For TYPE = "RAM", this is the DataType name to be searched
- for. An empty string is treated as an NULL arg.
- For TYPE = "CLIPBOARD", this is the numeric clipboard unit.
- For TYPE = "FILE", this is the full path of a file/dir
- to be examined.
- TYPE = "HOTLINK" is not implemented yet.
- STEM -- Name of the result stem var
- DATATYPE -- Name of the datatype to start at. Used when scanning
- the descriptor list.
- GID -- Group ID filter, one of "System", "Text", "Document", "Sound",
- "Instrument", "Music", "Picture", "Animation", "Movie".
- If set, only descriptors of this type will be returned.
- Success or failure
- The given stem var has the following members:
- HEADER.NAME - Name of the descriptor
- HEADER.BASENAME - Base name (class library name)
- HEADER.PATTERN - File pattern
- HEADER.GROUPID - Group ID, one of "syst", "text", "docu", "soun",
- "inst", "musi", "pict", "anim", "movi"
- HEADER.GROUPIDNAME - Localized format of HEADER.GROUPID, (e.g.
- "System", "Text", ...
- HEADER.ID - For IFF datatypes, this is the IFF FORM code,
- for other datatypes these are the first four
- letters of the name field
- HEADER.BASETYPE - Base type, on of "binary", "ascii", "iff", "other"
- "Binary", "ASCII", "IFF", "Miscellaneous"
- FUNCTIONNAME - Name of comparisation function
- ATTRLIST - Stem list of datatype prefs tag items
- ATTRLIST.COUNT - Total number of attributes
- ATTRLIST.i.TAG - Name of tag
- ATTRLIST.i.DATA - Data value
- (Not functional without "objecttools.library".)
- TOOLLIST. - Tool nodes stem list, with following members
- TOOLLIST.COUNT - Total number of tool nodes in this list
- TOOLLIST.i.WHICH - "Which" sort of program, one of "misc",
- "info", "browse", "edit", "print", "mail", "undefined"
- TOOLLIST.i.LAUNCH - Launch mode of tool, one of "shell",
- "workbench", "rx", "undefined"
- TOOLLIST.i.PROGRAM - Full path of the tool
- TOOLLIST.i.FLAGS - Hex-Version of toolnodes "flags" field,
- usage should be rare...
- 'i' above means loop-"interator".
- /* $VER: obtaindatatype.rexx 1.1 (19.5.97) */
- PARSE ARG fname
- /* Load the datatypes.library as a function host */
- IF ~SHOW( 'L', 'datatypes.library' ) THEN
- CALL ADDLIB( 'datatypes.library', 0, -30 )
- IF fname="" THEN DO
- SAY "Usage:"
- SAY " rx obtaindatatype <filename>"
- SAY 'stem test'
- CALL ObtainDataType( FILE, fname, dtstem. )
- SAY ' Name:' dtstem.header.name
- SAY ' Basename:' dtstem.header.basename
- SAY ' Pattern:' dtstem.header.pattern
- SAY ' GroupID:' dtstem.header.groupid
- SAY ' ID:' dtstem.header.id
- SAY ' Basetype:' dtstem.header.basetype
- SAY ' Functionname:' dtstem.functionname
- /* ATTRLIST not set up in V45 */
- DO i = 0 TO (dtstem.toollist.count - 1)
- SAY 'Tool Node ' i
- SAY ' Program:' dtstem.toollist.i.program
- SAY ' Which:' dtstem.toollist.i.which
- SAY ' Launch:' dtstem.toollist.i.launch
- SAY ' Flags:' dtstem.toollist.i.flags
- Without objecttools.library, struct DataType -> dtn_AttrList cannot
- be converted into STEM vars.
- datatypes.library/SaveDTObjectA datatypes.library/SaveDTObjectA
- SaveDTObjectA -- Save object's contents (V45)
- success = SaveDTObjectA( o, win, req, file, mode, saveicon, attrs );
- d0 a0 a1 a2 a3 d0 d1 a4
- SaveDTObjectA( Object *, struct Window *, struct Requester *,
- STRPTR, ULONG, BOOL, struct TagItem * );
- success = SaveDTObject( o, win, req, file, mode, saveicon, tag1,
- ... );
- SaveDTObject( Object *, struct Window *, struct Requester *,
- STRPTR, ULONG, BOOL, Tag, ... );
- This function saves the contents of an object into a file.
- The function opens the named file and saves the object's contexts
- into it (DTM_WRITE). Then it closes the file.
- If the DTM_WRITE method returns success and the saveicon option is
- TRUE, matching icon is saved.
- If DTM_WRITE returns 0, the file will be deleted.
- o - Object like returned from NewDTObjectA
- win - Window the object is attached to
- req - Requester the object is attached to
- file - file name to save to
- mode - Save mode, (RAW, IFF etc.), one of the DTWM_#? identifiers
- saveicon - Save icon ?
- attrs - Additional attributs
- Subclass specific.
- For example, animation.datatype V41 recognizes ADTA_Frame (start
- frame to save) and ADTA_Frames (number of frames to save).
- success - The return value returned by DTM_WRITE or NULL for an
- error.
- - Does currently not delete the file on failure.
- - In V45.2 and before, the file was closed after the icon was
- written. This caused Workbench to show the size of the icon
- instead of the real file.
- Fixed.
- - Starting with V45.3, the return value of Close will be watched
- correctly and may cause failure of this function.
- datatypesclass/DTM_WRITE
- datatypes.library/SetDTAttrsA datatypes.library/SetDTAttrsA
- SetDTAttrsA -- Set attributes for an object. (V39)
- retval = SetDTAttrsA( o, win, req, attrs );
- d0 a0 a1 a2 a3
- ULONG SetDTAttrsA( Object *, struct Window *, struct Requester *,
- struct TagItem * );
- retval = SetDTAttrs( o, win, req, tag1, ... );
- ULONG SetDTAttrs( Object *, struct Window *, struct Requester *,
- Tag, ... );
- This function is used to set the attributes of a data type
- object.
- o - Pointer to an object as returned by NewDTObjectA.
- win - Window that the object has been added to.
- req - Requester that the object has been added to (V45).
- attrs - Attributes to set.
- See datatypesclass/OM_SET and <datatypes/datatypesclass.h> for tags.
- datatypesclass/OM_SET,
- GetDTAttrsA,
- intuition.library/SetGadgetAttrsA
- datatypes.library/StartDragSelect datatypes.library/StartDragSelect
- StartDragSelect -- Start drag-selection (V45)
- success = StartDragSelect( o );
- d0 a0
- ULONG StartDragSelect( Object * );
- This function starts drag-selection by the user (marking).
- This function replaces the old flag-fiddling method to
- start drag-select.
- The drag-select will only be started of the object supports
- DTM_SELECT, is in a window or requester and no layout-process
- is working on the object. If all conditions are good, it sets
- the DTSIF_DRAGSELECT flag and returns TRUE for success.
- Starting with V45.4 Resul2 (IoErr()) contains some extra info
- about the cause:
- ERROR_OBJECT_IN_USE -- async layout etc. peding etc.
- o - object like returned from NewDTObjectA
- TRUE for success, FALSE for failure
- datatypesclass/--datasheed-- datatypesclass/--datasheed--
- datatypesclass -- base class for DataTypes
- gadgetclass
- This class is the "base" class for all datatypes. It provides basic
- services and attributes.
- DTM_ABORTPRINT -- Abort an asyncronous print process
- DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT -- Layout occuring on a seperate process
- DTM_FRAMEBOX -- Query or set the environment an object will enter
- DTM_PRINT - Print objects contents
- DTM_PROCLAYOUT -- Layout object on application process
- DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT -- Remove object from window
- DTM_WRITE -- Write objects contents to file
- GM_DOMAIN -- Obtain the min./nom./max. dimensions of an object
- GM_GOACTIVE -- Activate object
- GM_GOINACTIVE -- Deactivate object
- GM_HANDLEINPUT -- Handlde user input
- GM_HITTEST -- Check if object was hit
- GM_LAYOUT -- Layout object
- OM_DISPOSE -- Dispose object
- OM_GET -- Obtain the value of an attribute
- OM_NEW -- Create an dt object
- OM_SET -- Set the values of various attributes
- OM_UPDATE -- Update the values of various attributes
- The following attributes are used by datatypes. Note that
- there is a difference between "Application"- and "Subclass"-
- applicability. The following list are assumptions "How the
- interface should work".
- /* Generic attributes */
- DTA_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) - Pointer to the default TextAttr
- to use for the text within the object.
- Applicability for applications is (IG),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SG).
- DTA_TopVert (LONG) - Current top vertical unit
- Applicability for applications is (ISG),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SGNU).
- DTA_VisibleVert (LONG) - Number of visible vertical units
- Applicability for applications is (ISG),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SGNU).
- DTA_TotalVert (LONG) - Total number of vertical units
- Applicability for applications is (ISG),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SGNU).
- DTA_VertUnit (LONG) - Number of pixels per vertical unit
- Applicability for applications is (ISG),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SGNU).
- DTA_TopHoriz (LONG) - Current top horizontal unit
- Applicability for applications is (ISG),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SGNU).
- DTA_VisibleHoriz (LONG) - Number of visible horizontal units
- Applicability for applications is (ISG),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SGNU).
- DTA_TotalHoriz (LONG) - Total number of horizontal units
- Applicability for applications is (ISG),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SGNU).
- DTA_HorizUnit (LONG) - Number of pixels per horizontal unit
- Applicability for applications is (ISG),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SGNU).
- DTA_NodeName (STRPTR) - Name of the current element within the
- object.
- Applicability for applications is (ISG),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SG).
- DTA_Title (STRPTR) - Title of the object.
- Applicability for applications is (),
- Applicability for subclasses is (N).
- DTA_TriggerMethods (struct DTMethod *) - Pointer to a STM_END-
- terminated array of supported trigger methods.
- (Subclasses may superset to extend this array using
- CopyDTTriggerMethods).
- Applicability for applications is (G),
- Applicability for subclasses is (G).
- DTA_Data (Object *) - Object itself.
- Starting with V45, a DTA_Data == NULL indicates that
- an object hasn't loaded all data yet (progressive loading,
- see DTA_Progressive).
- (Subclasses which implements progressive loading are forced
- to superset OM_GET to indicate with a DTA_Data == NULL
- that loading is currently in process).
- Applicability for applications is (G),
- Applicability for subclasses is (G).
- DTA_TextFont (struct TextFont *) - Default font to use for text
- within the object.
- (This attribute is for subclasses only. Their superclass
- (like text.datatype) will open this font and release it on
- disposal).
- Applicability for applications is (),
- Applicability for subclasses is (G).
- DTA_Methods (ULONG *) - Pointer to a ~0UL terminated array of
- supported methods. (Subclasses may superset OM_GET to replace
- the array with it's extendet array (created using CopyDTMethods))
- Applicability for applications is (G),
- Applicability for subclasses is (G).
- DTA_PrinterStatus (LONG) - Printer error message. Error numbers are
- defined in <devices/printer.h>, PDERR_#? identifiers.
- This tag is notified from the AsyncPrintDaemon, based on the
- return value of DTM_PRINT.
- Applicability for applications is (),
- Applicability for subclasses is ().
- DTA_PrinterProc (struct Process *) - PRIVATE !!
- Pointer to the print process.
- DTA_LayoutProc (struct Process *) - PRIVATE !!
- Pointer to the layout process.
- DTA_Busy (BOOL) - Used to turn the applications' busy pointer off
- and on.
- Applicability for applications is (),
- Applicability for subclasses is (N).
- DTA_Sync (BOOL) - Used to indicate that new information has been
- loaded into an object. A value of 0 indicates that the object is
- still loading (DTA_Progressive == TRUE).
- Applicability for applications is (),
- Applicability for subclasses is (N).
- DTA_BaseName (STRPTR) - The base name of the class (library).
- This tag is currently only used by datatypes.library functions,
- not by the class itself.
- DTA_GroupID (ULONG) - The group a datatype must belong in (one of the
- GID_#? identifiers in <datatypes/datatypes.h>).
- This tag is currently only used by datatypes.library functions,
- not by the class itself.
- DTA_ErrorLevel (LONG) - Error level (one of the RETURN_#? levels
- defined in <dos/dos.h>.
- Applicability for applications is (),
- Applicability for subclasses is (N).
- DTA_ErrorNumber (LONG) - dos.library/datatypes.library error number,
- one of the ERROR_#? identifiers defined in <dos/dos.h> or
- one of the DTERROR_#? identifiers defined in
- <datatypes/datatypes.h>
- Applicability for applications is (),
- Applicability for subclasses is (N).
- DTA_ErrorString (STRPTR) - Argument for datatypes.library error
- (e.g. if the error string has a %s included...).
- Applicability for applications is (),
- Applicability for subclasses is (N).
- DTA_Conductor (STRPTR) - Specifies the name of the realtime.library
- conductor. Will be passed to realtime.library/CreatePlayerA,
- a value of ~0UL sets up a private conductor (recommned).
- Applicability for applications is (I),
- Applicability for subclasses is ().
- DTA_ControlPanel (BOOL) - Indicate whether a control panel should be
- embedded within the object (in the animation datatype, for
- example).
- Applicability for applications is (IS),
- Applicability for subclasses is ().
- DTA_Immediate (BOOL) - Indicate whether the object should immediately
- begin playing.
- Applicability for applications is (IS),
- Applicability for subclasses is ().
- DTA_Repeat (BOOL) - Indicate that the object should repeat playing.
- Applicability for applications is (IS),
- Applicability for subclasses is ().
- DTA_Progressive (BOOL) - Indicate that the object should use
- progressive loading. The datatype will send { DTA_Sync, 0UL }
- notify msgs while loading is in progress; a final
- { DTA_Sync, 1UL } indicates that loading has been finished.
- Applications have to OM_GET DTA_Data to check if loading
- has __REALLY__ been finished. If "Object" is returned
- loading is done, a NULL return value indicates that the object
- is still loading.
- Applicability for applications is (IS),
- Applicability for subclasses is ().
- DTA_CurrentLevel (ULONG) - Notifies the filling level of the object
- when doing (progressive) loading. 0UL means 0%,
- 0xFFFFFFFFUL means 100%.
- Applicability for applications is (),
- Applicability for subclasses is (N).
- DTA_ARexxPortName (STRPTR) - Pointer to base name for ARexx port
- Applicability for applications is (I),
- Applicability for subclasses is ().
- /* DTObject attributes */
- DTA_Name (STRPTR) - (File-)Name of object
- Applicability for applications is (IG),
- Applicability for subclasses is (G).
- DTA_SourceType (ULONG) - One of the DTST_#? identifiers
- Applicability for applications is (IG),
- Applicability for subclasses is (G).
- DTA_Handle (APTR) - Source handle. See OM_GET for the specific
- handle type (BPTR fh, struct IFFHandle *, BPTR lock).
- Note that the handle passed at OM_NEW will NOT be the same handle
- you'll get with OM_GET.
- Applicability for applications is (IG),
- Applicability for subclasses is (G).
- DTA_DataType (struct DataType *) -- datatype for this class.
- Applicability for applications is (G),
- Applicability for subclasses is (G).
- DTA_Domain (struct IBox *) -- Domain box of gadget in absolute
- dimensions.
- Applicability for applications is (G),
- Applicability for subclasses is (G).
- DTA_ObjName,
- DTA_ObjAuthor,
- DTA_ObjAnnotation,
- DTA_ObjCopyright and
- DTA_ObjVersion all (STRPTR) -- The name, author etc. of the source
- data.
- Applicability for applications is (G),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SG).
- DTA_UserData (ULONG) -- User data like GA_UserData
- DTA_FrameInfo (struct FrameInfo *) -- RESERVED
- DTA_SelectDomain (struct IBox *) -- Select area's box, in absolute
- window/requester/screen coordinates.
- Applicability for applications is (G),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SG).
- DTA_TotalPVert (LONG) - Object's page size, in pixels
- Applicability for applications is (G),
- Applicability for subclasses is (G).
- DTA_TotalPHoriz (LONG) - Object's page size, in pixels
- Applicability for applications is (G),
- Applicability for subclasses is (G).
- DTA_NominalVert (LONG) - nominal height of object
- Applicability for applications is (G),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SG).
- DTA_NominalHoriz (LONG) - nominal height of object
- Applicability for applications is (G),
- Applicability for subclasses is (SG).
- /* Printing attributes */
- The printing attributes are only used in conjunction with DTM_PRINT.
- DTA_DestCols (LONG) - Destination X width
- DTA_DestRows (LONG) - Destination Y height
- DTA_Special (UWORD) - Option flags, see <devices/printer.h>
- DTA_RastPort (struct RastPort *) - RastPort to use when printing.
- datatypesclass/DTM_ABORTPRINT datatypesclass/DTM_ABORTPRINT
- DTM_ABORTPRINT -- Aborts a pending print job
- This methods aborts a pendig print job.
- Note that you must wait for the print process before
- you can dispose the object. DisposeDTObject will wait until
- the job exists.
- Returns 0 for now.
- datatypesclass/DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT datatypesclass/DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT
- DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT -- Asyncronous layout
- This method offloads time intensive things like text layout or
- remapping from input.device on a sepeate process. This
- method will only be used when the "AsyncLayoutDeamon" process
- was invoked by DoAsyncLayout in the GM_LAYLOUT method.
- Non-zero for success, 0 for failure.
- datatypes.library/DoAsyncLayout
- datatypesclass/DTM_FRAMEBOX datatypesclass/DTM_FRAMEBOX
- DTM_FRAMEBOX -- Inquire what environment an object requires
- This method is to inquire what environment an object requires,
- which depends on the source data; an object like a picture
- or an animation maybe requires special things like a HAM screen for
- HAM pictures or HAM animations.
- If the FRAMEF_SPECIFY flag is set in the msg, the method tells
- the object to prepare itself to enter the described environment.
- datatypesclass does __currently__ do nothing on the FrameInfo
- structure given, but must be called when an object receives a
- DTM_FRAMEBOX method.
- If the DTA_SourceType attribute equals to DTST_CLIPBOARD,
- the clipboard handle will be closed here.
- Nothing returned.
- datatypesclass/DTM_PRINT datatypesclass/DTM_PRINT
- DTM_PRINT -- print object
- This method should print the contents of the object.
- This method should be superset by the given subclass.
- datatypesclass returns PDERR_CANCEL and sets IoErr to
- A subclass may recognise one of the following attribues:
- DTA_DestCols (LONG) - Destination X width, see <devices/printer.h>
- DTA_DestRows (LONG) - Destination Y height, see <devices/printer.h>
- DTA_Special (UWORD) - Option flags,
- see <devices/printer.h>, SPECIAL_#? defines.
- DTA_RastPort (struct RastPort *) RastPort to use when printing. (V40)
- Must only be used of the datatypes object is used like
- an image (e.g. in a DTM_OBTAINDRAWINFO/DTM_DRAW/
- DTM_RELEASEDRAWINFO cycle). The rastport given should be the same
- passed to DTM_DRAW.
- This tag MUST not be used if the object is used as a gadget.
- Other tags are subclass-specific:
- For example, a animation.datatype (V42) subclass may recognise
- ADTA_Frame (ULONG) - start frame to print
- ADTA_Frames (ULONG) - number of frames to print.
- and so on.
- This method is normally asyncrony launched using PrintDTObjectA.
- The async print process will notify the return value of this
- method as DTA_PrinterStatus.
- Returns PDERR_CANCEL and (result2 == ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED).
- datatypes.library/PrintDTObjectA,
- <devices/printer.h>
- datatypesclass/DTM_PROCLAYOUT datatypesclass/DTM_PROCLAYOUT
- DTM_PROCLAYOUT -- Layout datatypesclass object
- This method should be treated like DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT. The only
- difference is that DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT is triggered by the
- GM_LAYOUT method, which calls the DoAsyncLayout function
- ("AsyncLayoutDeamon" process launched by it), DTM_PROCLAYOUT is
- triggered by the application manually.
- .
- DTM_PROCLAYOUT should not be triggered when the object will be added
- into an window/requester using AddDTObject.
- This method is exacly the same as datatypesclass/GM_LAYOUT.
- datatypesclass/DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT datatypesclass/DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT
- DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT -- Remove a dt object from a window/requester
- Releases resources obtained during GM_LAYOUT/DTM_PROCLAYOUT.
- This method MUST be passed to datatypesclass if an object receives
- datatypesclass/DTM_WRITE datatypesclass/DTM_WRITE
- DTM_WRITE -- Write object to file
- This method should write the contens of an object to a file.
- This method should be superset by the given subclass.
- datatypesclass returns 0 and sets IoErr to ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.
- Class specific.
- For example, a animation.datatype subclass may recognise
- ADTA_Frame (ULONG) - start frame to save
- ADTA_Frames (ULONG) - number of frames to save.
- and so on.
- If a datatypesclass has the version 45 or higher, a NULL
- file handle must be a NOP. This was introduced to check if
- a particular subclass supports DTM_WRITE with DTWM_RAW (local
- format).
- Returns 0 and (result2 == ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED).
- datatypesclass/GM_DOMAIN datatypesclass/GM_DOMAIN
- GM_DOMAIN -- obtain the domain of an datatypes object (V45)
- The GM_DOMAIN method is used to obtain the domain of a
- datatypesclass object. datatypesclass requires an object
- to process this method.
- Subclasses may require a RastPort pointer in gpd_RPort with the
- correct font attributes.
- datatypesclass supports the gpd_Which == GDOMAIN_MINIMUM,
- If the gpd_GInfo (GadgetInfo) is valid (non-NULL), the
- (gpd_Domain . Left) and (gpd_Domain . Top) fields will be filled based
- on the values set with GA_Left/GA_Top/GA_RelRight/GA_RelBottom.
- otherwise these two fields are 0 as noted below.
- If all attributes got are 0, GDOMAIN_NOMINAL and GDOMAIN_MAXIMUM
- fall back to width=600, height=200. This fallback dimensions may vary
- from case to case.
- GDOMAIN_MINIMUM returns 0,0,0,0
- GDOMAIN_NOMINAL returns 0,0,DTA_NominalHoriz,DTA_NominalVert
- If the DTA_NominalHoriz is 0,
- (DTA_TotalHoriz * MAX( DTA_HorizUnit, 1 )) is used instead.
- If the DTA_NominalVert is 0,
- (DTA_TotalVert * MAX( DTA_VertUnit, 1 )) is used instead.
- GDOMAIN_MAXIMUM returns 0,0,
- (DTA_TotalHoriz * MAX( DTA_HorizUnit, 1 )),
- (DTA_TotalVert * MAX( DTA_VertUnit, 1 )).
- datatypesclass does ignore any args, but subclasses may depend on
- some of these tags:
- DTA_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) - Default text font used in object
- Subclasses may superset some of the GDOMAIN_#? cases above,
- but MUST pass unknown or unsupported cases to datatypesclass.
- Replace the hard-coded fallback domain (w=600, h=200) with
- an more smarter way...
- Returns TRUE and fills in the gpd_Domain field if successfull,
- FALSE otherwise.
- datatypes.library/DoDTDomain
- datatypesclass/GM_GOACTIVE datatypesclass/GM_GOACTIVE
- GM_GOACTIVE -- prepare the object to be activated
- Prepare the object to be activated.
- This method falls through to GM_HANDLEINPUT
- datatypesclass/GM_GOINACTIVE datatypesclass/GM_GOINACTIVE
- GM_GOINACTIVE -- Deactivate object
- datatypesclass/GM_HANDLEINPUT datatypesclass/GM_HANDLEINPUT
- GM_HANDLEINPUT -- handle input
- datatypesclass/GM_HITTEST datatypesclass/GM_HITTEST
- GM_HITTEST -- Test if the object has been hit
- The GM_HITTEST queries the object if the given coordinates hits
- the datatypesclass object.
- Returns evertimes GMR_GADGETHIT.
- datatypesclass/GM_LAYOUT datatypesclass/GM_LAYOUT
- GM_LAYOUT -- Layout datatypesclass object
- Layout datatypesclass object.
- This method updates the DTA_Domain box to reflect the absolute
- dimensions of the gadget's domain box and updates the DTA_TotalPVert
- and DTA_TotalPHoriz attributes.
- Gadget relativity is fully supported.
- After all this method falls througth to the DTM_FRAMEBOX method.
- datatypesclass/OM_DISPOSE datatypesclass/OM_DISPOSE
- OM_DISPOSE -- Dispose datatypesclass instance
- This method destroys a datatypesclass object, freeing all resources
- obtained by it.
- This method preserves the IoErr error value.
- Returns the return code from superclass.
- datatypesclass/OM_GET datatypesclass/OM_GET
- OM_GET -- Get a datatypesclass attribute
- The OM_GET method is used to obtain the value of a datatypesclass
- attribute.
- If the attribute to get not recognizes by datatypesclass, the msg
- is passes to superclass (gadgetclass).
- DTA_TopVert (LONG) - Returns (dtsi -> si_TopVert)
- DTA_VisibleVert (LONG) - Returns (dtsi -> si_VisVert)
- DTA_TotalVert (LONG) - Returns (dtsi -> si_TotVert)
- DTA_VertUnit (LONG) - Returns (dtsi -> si_VertUnit)
- DTA_TopHoriz (LONG) - Returns (dtsi -> si_TopHoriz)
- DTA_VisibleHoriz (LONG) - Returns (dtsi -> si_VisHoriz)
- DTA_TotalHoriz (LONG) - Returns (dtsi -> si_TotHoriz)
- DTA_HorizUnit (LONG) - Returns (dtsi -> si_HorizUnit)
- DTA_PrinterProc (struct Process *) - PRIVATE !
- DTA_LayoutProc (struct Process *) - PRIVATE !
- DTA_Name (STRPTR) - File name set in OM_NEW
- DTA_SourceType (ULONG) - Source handle type of DTA_Handle,
- one of the DTST_#? identifies.
- DTA_Handle (APTR) - Handle, as opened by datatypesclass/OM_NEW
- The following table shows the type of handle returned
- (the "DTF_ type"-column below means which type (DTF_BINARY,
- DTF_ASCII, DTF_IFF or DTF_MISC your datatype belongs to; e.g. an
- IFF datatype will only get IFF Handles etc.):
- DTA_SourceType|DTF_ type |Handle type
- ================================================================
- DTST_RAM |DTF_#? |-- Must be NULL.
- --------------+----------+--------------------------------------
- DTST_FILE |DTF_BINARY|(BPTR), like returned from Open
- |DTF_ASCII |(BPTR), like returned from Open
- |DTF_IFF |(struct IFFHandle *), iffparse.library
- | | handle
- |DTF_MISC |(BPTR), like returned from Lock
- --------------+----------+--------------------------------------
- DTST_CLIPBOARD|DTF_IFF |(struct IFFHandle *), iffparse.library
- | | handle
- --------------+----------+--------------------------------------
- --------------+----------+--------------------------------------
- DTA_DataType (struct DataType *) - Returns DataType structure.
- May be NULL !
- DTA_Domain (struct IBox *) - Returns ptr to struct IBox.
- This is equal to the GA_Left/GA_Top/GA_Width/GA_Height box,
- translated into window/requester coordinates, even if the
- GA_#? identifers are relative (GA_Rel#?).
- DTA_ObjName (STRPTR) - Source data name
- DTA_ObjAuthor (STRPTR) - Source data author
- DTA_ObjAnnotatiom (STRPTR) - Source data annotation
- DTA_ObjCopyright (STRPTR) - Source data copyright
- DTA_ObjVersion (STRPTR) - Source data version
- DTA_ObjectID (ULONG) - Object ID
- DTA_UserData (ULONG) - User data, not touched by datatypesclass
- or a subclass (like GA_UserData).
- DTA_FrameInfo - (struct FrameInfo *)
- DTA_SelectDomain (struct IBox *) - Box of selected area in
- window/requester coordinates. Returns NULL is there is
- no selected area.
- DTA_TotalPVert (LONG) - Page height, e.g.
- ((dtsi -> si_VertUnit) * (dtsi -> si_TotVert)) or
- (DTA_Domain . Height) if VertUnit is 0.
- DTA_TotalPHoriz (LONG) - Page width, e.g.
- ((dtsi -> si_HorizUnit) * (dtsi -> si_TotHoriz)) or
- (DTA_Domain . Width) if HorizUnit is 0.
- DTA_NominalVert (LONG) - Nominal object height.
- DTA_NominalHoriz (LONG) - Nominal object width.
- DTA_Data (Object *) - The object itself (V45).
- A NULL return indicates that the object hasn't loaded
- all data yet (progressive loading, see DTA_Progressive).
- (a subclass has to superset OM_GET to set this tag
- to NULL, datatypesclass will everytimes return the "Object"
- itself).
- None known.
- Returns TRUE if the datatypesclass supports this attribute,
- returns the superclass (gadgetclass) return value otherwise.
- datatypesclass/OM_NEW datatypesclass/OM_NEW
- OM_NEW -- Create a datatypesclass object.
- The OM_NEW method is used to create an instance of the datatypesclass
- class. This method is passed to the superclass first.
- After this, datatypesclass opens a handle. The type of handle
- will be selected based on type of input data the class can process
- (e.g. an IFF DataType will get only IFFHandles, to make things
- easier).
- This class cannot be create objects without having a subclass
- ("abstract" class). Starting with V45, any attempt to create a
- object of datatypesclass will be rejected by this method; only
- object's of one of it's subclasses are allowed.
- The following table shows the type of handle returned (the
- "DTF_ type"-column below means which type (DTF_BINARY, DTF_ASCII,
- DTF_IFF or DTF_MISC your datatype belongs to)
- (the handle must be obtained using GetDTAttrsA):
- DTA_SourceType|DTF_ type |Handle type
- ================================================================
- DTST_RAM |DTF_#? |-- Must be NULL.
- --------------+----------+--------------------------------------
- DTST_FILE |DTF_BINARY|(BPTR), like returned from Open
- |DTF_ASCII |(BPTR), like returned from Open
- |DTF_IFF |(struct IFFHandle *), iffparse.library
- | | handle
- |DTF_MISC |(BPTR), like returned from Lock
- --------------+----------+--------------------------------------
- DTST_CLIPBOARD|DTF_IFF |(struct IFFHandle *), iffparse.library
- | | handle
- --------------+----------+--------------------------------------
- --------------+----------+--------------------------------------
- The following attributes can be specified at creation time:
- If the object was created a pointer to the object is returned,
- otherwise NULL is returned.
- datatypesclass/OM_SET datatypesclass/OM_SET
- OM_SET -- Set datatypesclass attributes
- The OM_SET method is used to set datatypesclass attributes.
- Does bounds checking on the DTSpecialInfo's fields si_TopVert,
- si_VisVert, si_TotVert, si_TopHoriz, si_VisHoriz and si_TotHoriz
- and notifies changes.
- DTA_TopVert (LONG) - current vertical position.
- Copied into (dtsi -> si_TopVert); this method returns TRUE for
- a value change.
- DTA_VisibleVert (LONG) - visible area
- Copied into (dtsi -> si_VisVert); this method returns TRUE for
- a value change.
- DTA_TotalVert (LONG) - total vertical size
- Copied into (dtsi -> si_TotVert); this method returns TRUE for
- a value change.
- DTA_VertUnit (LONG) - vertical unit
- Size of one unit in which the DTA_(Top|Visible|Total)Vert
- attributes counts.
- DTA_TopHoriz (LONG) - current horizontal position.
- Copied into (dtsi -> si_TopHoriz); this method returns TRUE for
- a value change.
- DTA_VisibleHoriz (LONG) - visible area
- Copied into (dtsi -> si_VisHoriz); this method returns TRUE for
- a value change.
- DTA_TotalHoriz (LONG) - total horizontal size
- Copied into (dtsi -> si_TotHoriz); this method returns TRUE for
- a value change.
- DTA_HorizUnit (LONG) - horizontal unit
- Size of one unit in which the DTA_(Top|Visible|Total)Horiz
- attributes counts.
- DTA_PrinterProc (struct Process *) -- PRIVATE !
- DTA_LayoutProc (struct Process *) -- PRIVATE !
- DTA_ObjName (STRPTR) - name of object source data
- The string given will be copied into an internal buffer.
- DTA_ObjAuthor (STRPTR) - source data author
- The string given will be copied into an internal buffer.
- DTA_ObjAnnotation (STRPTR) - source data annotation
- The string given will be copied into an internal buffer.
- DTA_ObjCopyright (STRPTR) - source data copyright
- The string given will be copied into an internal buffer.
- DTA_ObjVersion (STRPTR) - source data copyright
- The string given will be copied into an internal buffer.
- DTA_ObjectID (ULONG) - object id
- DTA_UserData (ULONG) - User data, not touched by datatypesclass
- or a subclass (like GA_UserData).
- DTA_SelectDomain (struct IBox *) - selected area box,
- in window/requester coordinates.
- NULL is a valid input (V45).
- DTA_NominalVert (LONG) - nominal vertical size (height)
- DTA_NominalHoriz (LONG) - nominal vertical size (width)
- None kown.
- Changes of the GA_Left/GA_Top/GA_Width/GA_Height
- If any of the DTA_(Top|Visbible|Total)(Vert|Horiz)-attributes
- has been changes, this method returns non-zero (change),
- the return value from superclass (gadgetclass) otherwise.
- datatypesclass/OM_UPDATE datatypesclass/OM_UPDATE
- OM_UPDATE -- Update datatypesclass attributes
- The OM_UPDATE method is used to update datatypesclass attributes;
- it falls througth to OM_SET.
- Starting with V45, OM_UPDATE will explicitly call ICM_CHECKLOOP
- to avoid notify loops.
- See OM_SET
- See OM_SET