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- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y00C1Nby
- 1620Y00F06taurus16Y00C4NFishBoy...Panda
- 0814Y00F05sharp08N
- 0811Y00C5Y00S4N"My musical and visual stuff has attracted a lot of attention from members of
- 0801Nthe leftfield art scene. Don't belive me? Read this section of an interview
- 0801Nwith me that was printed in the Guardian just weeks before me having to fake
- 0801Nmy own death due to the improper sexual advances of over enthusiastic fans in
- 0811Y27C1Y27S2Nthe street. Or something." - Fishboy:
- 0806Y00J0N
- 0816Y00C3Y00S0Y16C1NDerek ArtBloke: Fishboy, your artistic genius is said to have redefined
- 0801Ncontemporary vision. How do you feel about this?
- 0811Y00C6Y09C1NFishBoy: I've always said If you throw enougth shit at a wall then some of it
- 0801Nwill stick.. But then I've also always said that due to Chaos Theory some of
- 0801Nthat shit will eventually splat in the shape of a cosmic butterfly.
- 0811Y00C3Y03C1NDA: After your opus "Roswell - The Truth Is Obvious" took full advantage of
- 0801Nthe Amigas unique 4 colour mode you regressed back to monochrome. But Why?
- 0811Y00C6Y03C1NFB: Well using all those colours, I mean, I'll be honest here, I felt like a
- 0801Nwhore. I like the ultra minimilist approach which explains my new single: "A
- 0801Nfew loops and the odd sample".
- 0811Y00C3Y03C1NDA: Yes. But the response from the Amiga Scene wasn't too promising with your
- 0801Nearly stuff was it?
- 0811Y00C6Y03C1NFB: Huh?
- 0811Y00C3Y03C1NDA: 17 bit Bit PD?
- 0811Y00C6Y04C1NFB: I don't know what you mean.
- 0811Y00C3Y03C1NDA: Didn't they refuse to distribute the Executioner and Invasion of The
- 0801NCrabs videos on account of them being of: "Insufficient quality to warrent
- 0801Nrelease".
- 0811Y00C6Y04C1NFA: Let me tell you about 17-bit PD, they refused to distribute "Jesus On
- 0801NCheese" by The S.H.I.T.T.S. owing to the same excuse. They're scared man,
- 0801Nthey've bought into something that they can't control. It will swallow them
- 0801Nboyee.
- 0811Y00C3Y03C1NDA: Wasn't Executioner made with Videotracker and the premier Atari ST paint
- 0801Npackage Neochrome?
- 0811Y00C6Y03C1NFB: No comment.
- 0811Y00C3Y04C1NDA: You can't actually draw can you?
- 0811Y00C6Y04C1NFB: Yes.
- 0811Y00C3Y03C1NDA: You can't can you?
- 0811Y00C6Y04C1NFB: Thats an elitist view of art. Your just supressing anything new and raw
- 0801Nbecause it belongs to the people and you can't steal it for the supposedly
- 0801N"Cultural" people.
- 0811Y00C3Y03C1NDA: What are you going to do when people notice your a useless slacker who
- 0801Nnicked all his ideas off hardcore punk album sleeves.
- 0811Y00C6Y03C1NFB: I'm planning to move into films. My first production entitled "Good
- 0801NFriends" is about this bunch of friends right, and the sexual chemistry,
- 0801Ntensions, supressed phobia and prejudice and all sorts of social stuff that
- 0801Ngoes on between them.
- 0811Y00C3Y03C1NDA: And what happens?
- 0811Y00C6Y03C1NFB: They play a game of monopoly. Its a metaphor for society in general. In
- 0801Nthe last scene after everybody's been shot and is dieing this guy writes
- 0801N"Cunt" on the board in his own blood before dieing.
- 0811Y00C3Y04C1NDA: And I've heard you've signed a top band to to the soundtrack.
- 0811Y00C6Y04C1NFB: Yeah, we had a lot of choices: Primal Scream, Radiohead, The Jesus And
- 0801NMary Chain. In the end we settled for Butt Trumpet.
- 0811Y00C3Y04C1NDA: Fishboy. Thank you.
- *!EOF