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- 2426Y00F07titania24Y00J1Y00C1N`In Pale'
- 2417Y00F08ganymede24N
- 2406Y00C5NA Gothic Hyperphysco
- 1513Y00F04ruby15N
- 1506Y00C3Nby Jude/Panda
- 1506Y00J0N
- 0825Y00F11microknight08Y00C4N
- 0801N[If you have entered this article part way through you have fucked up the
- 0801Nwhole process of cunning layout that I have devised. Asshole. You should
- 0801Nread the first two parts - contained in a seperate article - first. If you
- 0801Nhave already read the first two parts and are being sensible about this whole
- 0801Nthing then I formaly apologise. I am sorry. I won't do it again. Slap,
- 0801Nslap, slap, you bad, bad boy.]
- 2439Y00F08ganymede24Y00F04ruby12Y00J1Y00C1N
- 2401NPart Three
- 0919Y00F05prime09Y00C5NDeath At 20,000 Degrees Centilitre
- 0824Y00F05pearl08Y00J0Y00C1N
- 0801NQuaint Danny stirred his bed - he was sure he had hurded a clackety-clackle
- 0801Nof pots in the kitchen down-de-stares. `Clackety-clackle`, there it twas
- 0801Nagain for another time. And with that another `Clackety-clackle`. Danny
- 0801Nquickly got out of sleep and slipped into his slippers. He poked his arms
- 0801Nout of the top of the easy slippers, quiet-like so as not to disturb the
- 0801Nintruder, cause he didn't want to wake him. Danny reached down for his 6
- 0801Nfoot Samarai Saw and screamed himself silly, outloud, when he picked it up by
- 0801Nthe wrong lens, but it was okay cause he kept the screams in.
- 0801N
- 0801NAs he trundled down the star case in his wee willy winky he noticed a
- 0801Nmenacing shadow draw up in the door way to the kitchen. Danny was prepaired
- 0801Nand he lept out of his slippers and onto the figureine standing younder.
- 0801NDanny gave him an upper cut, a lower cut, a swipe, a scratch and a nip, but
- 0801Nstill the mysterious figure would not fall and so he swiped at it. The
- 0801Nfigure had still not had enough so Danny gave him 3 blows to the groin, which
- 0801Nhe later regreted due to the aftertaste. It was only when the figure wacked
- 0801NDanny round his stayed-ankles that did Danny come to realise that it was his
- 0801Nown shadowed figure he had been in unarmared-wombat with. As a Danny
- 0801Ncollapsed into a tarous on the floor it was only then in which he saw the
- 0801Nfrightened young girl cowerding in his porsche. He opened the porch door and
- 0801Nshe fell into his arms and Danny's arms gave way and she fell into his knees
- 0801Nand these parted and she fell onto his skirtinged board and the board was
- 0801Nweak and she crumbeled onto the floor, but the floor was strong and study and
- 0801Nshe fell into the seller. At first Danny could not i-dentalfile this
- 0801Nuncontious girl, but as soon as he started placing kumquats and ruffage foods
- 0801Nabout her bodies it dawned on him that this girl was the spit of his
- 0801Nex-girlfriend - hell, better than spit SHE WAS his ex, which is surely worthy
- 0801Nof a greater bodily recharge. Propaline Fallick, my god, there was a girl
- 0801Nwho brought back some mammeries.
- 0806Y00C5N
- 0806Y00J1N***
- 0811Y00J0Y00C1N
- 0801NA cockney vicar is like a brummie vicar but not as good as. Colin was
- 0801Nspeaking from his parapit. Painful.
- 0806Y00C5N
- 0806Y00J1N***
- 0806Y00C6N
- 0806Y00J0NIt is 2 weeks later you see... I'll just get me glasses and we'll (that is
- 0801NTHE royal wee) be continued in plesently. Heee. Hee. H.
- 0801N
- 0806Y00C1NNow the scene is within the walled of ze little hospital and here we can see
- 0801NLlynds Lee-Hall. What is she doing? My god, she'll surely choke if it comes
- 0801Nout that end.... Ahh, I see it is coming without the other end of her. My,
- 0801Nmy well I never thought I'd see that sort of thingmy happening in my life.
- 0801NIt's a baby! Look mother, look a baby!
- 0801N"What kind of baby is it Llynds? Is it a pink one or a blue one." What does
- 0801Nshe mean she isn't telling. Are you keeping mum, or perhaps it's dad's job
- 0801Nto look after mummy.
- 0801N"NO! No -- don't bite the head off the babies little full-body. It'll leaf
- 0801Na nasty afterbirth in the roofs of you mouse." Good girls don't eat baby's
- 0801Nheads up.
- 0801N"What do you means by that sought of thing Miss Hall? Anyway, that sort of
- 0801Ndigestion is physical imposticle... you couldn't fit it up there it wouldn't
- 0801Nfit. It isn't a dummy you know... yes I know there are teeth marks... how
- 0801Ndid they get there! I think I've just been vile-sectisides me!
- 0801N
- 0811Y00J1Y00C5N***
- 0811Y00J0Y00C1N
- 0801NCowsh1t Allover and Redbutt Saddleons were just both of the 3 wise men. They
- 0801Nbore gifts from Orient and Tarr where the gifts they now bore had been
- 0801Nconsumated in a night of wild pashion - I've never seen any one pashing like
- 0801Nthat for so long and so hard. Redbutt nocked on the bell-bottom of the
- 0801Npassage and she entered the door. Llynds was uncontchientious on the bed,
- 0801Nbut they quickly slapped her about her freshly flossed finger nails and she
- 0801Nwhipped up into a good thing or two.
- 0801NCowsh1t says: "You can take your bloody little gifts and piss off out of
- 0801Nhere", but Redbutt corrects her friend and they pass the gifts, as if water,
- 0801Nto Llynds for hurd baby. It's a baby!
- 0801N"Why have you brought these gifts fourth forward my baby?", Llynds cried her
- 0801Nhair.
- 0801N"Miss Christ your child is the son of god", is what Redbutt is saying.
- 0801N"The son of god, but how can this be?"
- 0801N"Well you've slept around a bit you know, and if you won't take the
- 0801Nre-exquisite preconditons,... well it'll all turn pear shaped, you know."
- 0801NCowsh1t gives her gift to the child. Opair of scissors, well frankly I'm
- 0801Ncharmed. Oh you is too kind, to me, you really are. First the bojangles,
- 0801Nwell I didn't like to say know, but oh they are precious, pork chop.... but
- 0801Nnow this, hmm. What has Redbutt bought. It's an operating slab for the
- 0801Nbaby. It's a baby!
- 0801N"Why have you brought my baby a slap of operations, Miss Saddleons said Miss
- 0801NLee-Hall breaking free of all grammatical law.
- 0801N"Miss Lee-Hall, your child is the son of god and king of all the atteuws so
- 0801N"He's not adue, he's not he's not"
- 0801N"He is adue and all dues to him, but all dues must be snippeted at their
- 0801Nforetitutes. Ha Ha Ha"
- 0801N
- 0801NBoo. Hiss.
- 0801N
- 0801N"My son is not adue"
- 0801N"He is, he is, he is"
- 0801N"He is not. Not. It is not true. It isn't and I deniey it he isn't, isn't.
- 0801NNo No. No."
- 0801N"He is adue cause I say he is"
- 0801N"You and whoose armoury?"
- 0801N"Look he just is adue all right?"
- 0801N"Begging your pardons [that's quite alright, they shouldn't have been there
- 0801Nin the first place] but he is not adue... HE is a [deep breast] SHE." -
- 0801NLlynds child is revealed as a heretic, worse ... A, a... a WOMAN, she must be
- 0801Nburned. But it's a baby! No it still must be melted down wind and sold for
- 0801Nscraps. Ha - ha. You don't melt the daugther of god, you crucify them when
- 0801Ntheir cross. Redbutt has different ideas as she calls over to Catsh1t:
- 0801N"Bring me the testossers own pills..."
- 0801N
- 0811Y00J1Y00C5N***
- 0811Y00J0Y00C1N
- 0801NSome whiles later Alan Key comes in for a cheap joke. Key inspects Llynds
- 0801Nbaby and being of a medicated dispositioned he pays particular attention to
- 0801Nthe babies development.
- 0801N"Miss Hall he has a remarkablely large YOU KNOW you must be proud", says Key
- 0801N"Yes it is a fine umbillycoiledchords I believe I had one just like it
- 0801Nonce... in fact that may be it", say Llynds
- 0801N"No, Miss Hall, what I mean is that I see your baby is remarkably well hung",
- 0801Nhe says.
- 0801N"Yes she...er I mean he, certainly has been to get it that long." replies
- 0801NLlynds whilst glaring at Reddbutt.
- 0801N"He certainly won't have any problems in the showers. Ho-ho", laughs the
- 0801Ndoc in a frankly warned out old punt.
- 0801N"It's okay doc we have our soap on a rope after my brother had that
- 0801N`accident` after P.E. in the changing room." Peters Said had been truely
- 0801Nlucky that day, but he had since regained the ability to walk, with only
- 0801Namiga grimace.
- 0811Y00J1Y00C5N
- 0801N***
- 0811Y00J0Y00C1N
- 0801N"Peters Said is dead", she said.... "Peters Said is dead!", tied up in sticky
- 0801Ntape a blowted his back of head. "Peters said is dead, you know, stone cold
- 0801Ninners bed"
- 0801N
- 0801NSays Zola "How did he die" Suicide! "It can't be true."
- 0801NSays Zola "It's a lie"
- 0801N
- 0801NThat's enough of this song and dance... this is serious Peters's
- 0801Ndead and stoned cold and there is nuttin anyone of us schmucks can do 'bout
- 0801Nit even if we gave a United Damnations.
- 0801N
- 0801NAt Saids foot of his bed are his socks, but when you look beyond the
- 0801Nfermentation of his athelethic foot you'll see what looks like a piece of
- 0801Npaper, but apon closer cross-section you'll actually discover it is a piece
- 0801Nof paper and on that pierced `o` paper you will see, if you was to look at it
- 0801Nwith your eyes facing the right way, up, that this writing has meanings on
- 0801Nit, you see. These writings are a note in which has been written apon that
- 0801Nit is a note of the suicidal nurture, or of that kind of particles nurture of
- 0801Ntype. So you can read this and what does it say? Nothing! But if you
- 0801Ntranslate it into the verbal words from the written you can see or hear that
- 0801Nit is all about how Saids has topped himself all by himself. It goes:-
- 0801N
- 0801N`These are the final words that I shall write... no drat they're in the next
- 0801Nsentance. I'm blowing my brains with a spoon because I am the father of
- 0801Ndarling sister, Llynds baby [It's a baby!] and I can't be arsed with being
- 0801Npointed out as a insetter, so bye then.'
- 0801N
- 0801NZola Ashtray was wrong then. He did do himself away, not murmor like she
- 0801Noriginaly perspected. He must have been pretty desperate to repeatively
- 0801Npound the back of his bran into a pulp with a carving spoon, but then
- 0801Ndesperate men do desperate things to relieve themself, whereas desperate
- 0801Nwomen can hold it in longer, she thought.
- 0801N
- 0811Y00J1Y00C5N***
- 0806Y00J0N
- 0825Y00F11microknight08Y00C4NBut all isn't not as it seams so it is To Be Continued... if you get myself
- 0801Ndrift.
- *!EOF