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- 2421Y00F07bookman24Y00J1NI Met Catwomen I Tell Ya!
- 1629Y00F05roman16Y00C4Y00S1Y00S1NA TRUE disection by
- 1611Y00C1Y00S0NDrew Feelgood
- 0819Y00F05sharp08Y00J0N
- 0826Y00C3Y25C5Y29C3Y47C5Y51C3NIs a feline more of a FE(MALE)line or more a feLION? It's not the every day
- 0801Nkind of question, but let's answer it anyway:
- 0801N
- 1619Y00F05roman16Y00C1NSUPPOSITION I>
- 0819Y00F05sharp08Y00C3NA cat is not human.
- 0801N
- 0801N
- 1619Y00F05roman16Y00C1NSUPPOSITION II>
- 0819Y00F05sharp08Y00C3NA cat, though is often classed as a femine beast.
- 0801N
- 0801N
- 1619Y00F05roman16Y00C1NSUPPOSITION III>
- 0819Y00F05sharp08Y00C3NThere have been no recordings of a man impregnating a cat, or a tom cat
- 0801Nimpregnating a woman and either of the girl animals giving birth.
- 0801N
- 0801N
- 1619Y00F05roman16Y00C1NSUPPOSITION IV>
- 0819Y00F05sharp08Y00C3NPictures in specialist Scandinavian magazines would suggest that point III
- 0801Nhas at least been attempted, with varying results.
- 0801N
- 0801N
- 1619Y00F05roman16Y00C1NSUPPOSITION V>
- 0819Y00F05sharp08Y00C3NThere is no evidence that cat/human mutations can not take place, so
- 0801Ntherefore we must admit there is a possibility of the `Cat Woman' being a
- 0801Npossibility.
- 0801N
- 0806Y00C1NWhy all the suppositions? This is why:
- 0801N
- 0806Y00C3NThe following extract was published in a small town fanzine, with a claimed
- 0806Y69S4Nreadership of under 23 persons. The name of the 'zine in question: `Outer
- 0806Y09S0NDiz Vorld', which many readers will appreciate is a very funny pun kind of
- 0801Ntitle for a magazine, playing on the popular movie phrase "My, my that is...
- 0801NOUTER [out of] THIS WORLD!", only with a mock (as this is in no way fully
- 0801Ngenuine) german accent. The extract:
- 0801N
- 0801N
- 2426Y00F07bookman24Y00J1Y00C5NCAT OR WOMAN...CAT?
- 0820Y00F11microknight08N
- 0811Y00J0Y00C4NI don't claim to see aliens. I don't claim to see miracles. I have seen the
- 0801Nfuture of mankind. I saw a woman who was most different from ourselves.
- 0801NCuriously she was cat. Yes! A cat!
- 0801N
- 1624Y00F05roman16Y00J1Y00C5NCAT MUTATION?
- 0819Y00F05topaz08Y00J0N
- 0825Y00F11microknight08Y00C4NThe woman was sighted by myself and G.W. Eliss, lecturer in Mains physics at
- 0801Nthe university compound. The woman was on a hill on a dark, Tuesday night.
- 0801NApart from herself she was quite alone, with the exceptions of mine and Mr
- 0801NG.W. Eliss's presence, which I have already established.
- 0801N
- 0801NThe woman was a slight build with glowing green eyes and moggy paws and tail.
- 0801NThe woman was naked exceeding a thin layer of tabby fur about her neck, legs
- 0801Nand chest. The woman appeared to be half cat-like in form.
- 0801N
- 0801NG.W. Eliss was of the good fortune to have his camera to hand, but before he
- 0801Nwas able to bring the woman into focuss with his single reflex lense I
- 0801Nstumbled onto a small twig, producing a crick sound, in turn making the cat
- 0801Nwoman look towards our direction and then bound into the woodlands, perhaps
- 0801Nto forage for fresh animal meat, although this is supposition.
- 0801N
- 0801NWe have as yet, after many hours of utterly wasted stalking, failed to see
- 0801Nthis woman since, and we are no longer able to look for her due to a police
- 0801Nrestraining order that has been put on us by our neighbours. The Cat Woman
- 0801Nstory, it would appear, is closed.
- 0801N
- 0801N
- 0819Y00F05sharp08Y00C3NWell what did you think of that? My immediate reaction was that the Cat
- 0811Y51C6Y63C3NWoman need not be lost for ever. With the help of the Wanderer readers, I
- 0801Npropose we scour the British Isles and the Isle Of White for the `Cat` until
- 0801Nwe have definitive proof she exists. I would appreciate your support and I
- 0801Npropose that any sightings or even further speculative material should be
- 0811Y61C6Y73C3Nposted in the form of an article or report right HERE within The Wanderer.
- *!EOF