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- 3214Y00F05basic32NMan Buried Alive
- 2422Y00F08ganymede24Y00C6NPart 3
- 1518Y00F04ruby15Y00C5NHank Christler
- 0819Y00F05topaz08Y00C4N
- 0811Y00S4Y00S0NWe left Mr Jarvis's tale aboard the alien mothership where he was in the
- 0801Nprocess of being examined by beings of an unknown nature, not known to our
- 0801Nown basic nature. Ainsley was meanwhile, of course, in a state of paralised
- 0801Ncoma back on earth, rather like the state of death in that he could not move
- 0801Nand did not breath with his lungs.
- 0801N
- 0806Y13S4NJarvis says: "I really can't tell you what was happening on earth right then.
- 0801NYou want to know that side of the story, then you better ask the mole man.
- 0806Y48S0NYes sir, The Mole is the fella with the facts!"
- 0801N
- 0806Y51C5NThe Mole's account can be found in his new book - `I Saved The Earth From The
- 0806Y12C4NMutant Slime`, where The Mole attempts to set down his side of the story in
- 0801Nsimple words that the layman can follow without need for reference
- 0801Ndictionary, or even basic pamphletery. Although the scope of the book is
- 0801Nrather limited (Moley basicly describes how he slapped uncontious Ainsley
- 0801Nabout the face, to no avail within the 325, cheaply bound pages) it is worth
- 0801Nperhaps borrowing from a friend, or perhaps a lending institution. The book
- 0801Nretails at a meagre $23, or little over, but it is bound in fine board and
- 0801Ncomes with a photo of The Mole on the back, which I now believe has been
- 0801Nslightly touched up around the cheeks' bone! - Read the full article on this
- 0801Nfabulous cover-up in a forthcoming issue! I do not recommend the purchasing
- 0801Nof The Mole's book as it is poor.
- 0801N
- 0801NJarvis has commented on his conditions aboard the vessel in an earlier
- 0801Nsection of this article, but he now remembers no later occurances within his
- 0801Nconfinement. He claims that the aliens were basicly kind to him and tried to
- 0801Ndrive their bore probes only into the fleshy, semi-usful areas of his skin
- 0801Nand organs.
- 0801N
- 0806Y00S4N"It hurt. Yes, I can't pretend it didn't hurt and I still find myself
- 0801Ntoppling out of bed in the night with carcass spasms due to my muscular
- 0801Nanomolies. I try not to cry over it, what can I do about my lack... but it
- 0801Nis tough. I'm coping, though. I coping! Yeah, I'm really trying here."
- 0801N
- 0806Y00S0NJarvis's funeral on earth was sparsly attended. Dave and The Mole had prior
- 0801Narrangements, signing a lucrative deal with Fortein Times. Jarvis's wife
- 0801Nclaimed to be comforting grieving relatives, but rumours pursist about her
- 0801Nhaving an affair with Ainsley's boss, during this period. Jarvis's wife
- 0801Nclaims she only went to Mister Kiddle in grieve, but this hasn't stopped the
- 0801Npoor man's good name being dragged through the National Enquirer by Ainsley's
- 0801Ngutter-slut of a wife.
- 0801N
- 0801NJarvis was dug up by the hound after the beast heard his underground, grave-
- 0801Nyard cries with his supersonic ears. No one believed Jarvis's story at
- 0801Nfirst, but it is up to the believers to topple over the heretic none
- 0801Nbelievers and clense our nation of these blastphemors, who mock the work of
- 0801Nthe great alien sighter, Ainsley Jarvis.
- 0801N
- 0806Y00S4N"Sure I felt bitter about some of the stories in the press. Wouldn't you.
- 0801NThey branded me a street crazy, can you credit it? I wandered around dazed
- 0801Nwith this shock for weeks and as I walked passed my neighbours gardens my
- 0801Nfellow avenuers pulled their children away from me, sending them indoors,
- 0801Nthinking me to be some kind of pervert. Me a pervert. I saw aliens, yes is
- 0801Nthat a crime? I saw aliens yes, yes, yes - but I never layed my palms on a
- 0801Nsingle child I swear. I had kids of my own once. I know what it's like."
- 0801N
- 0806Y00S0NAinsley is in financial trouble today. He's had one too many stock market
- 0801Nflops, one too many lay-offs from jobs, one too many petty thieving offences
- 0801Nand one too many jay walks and similar misdermenours. Perhaps it would be
- 0801Nnaieve to expect us all to believe him... perhaps. I sight the case of
- 0801NAinsley Jarvis up their with the scandal of Watergate and the assassination
- 0801Nof our beloved John Fitz-Gerald Kennedy. Did our noble President die in
- 0801Nvain? Ainsley Jarvis is the greatist state cover-up this century. It is a
- 0801Ndisgrace and a scandal that this is one of the few places you can read freely
- 0801Nabout Jarvis, without being followed by them. They'll get us all soon
- 0801Nenough. It's time to decide what you really believe. Now is the time. Come
- 0801Nbrothers, come sisters wherever you roam.... for the times they are `A`
- 0801Ncha----an---gin.
- *!EOF