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- 2427Y00F08chicmath24Y00J1Y00C2NThe Need For Floating Wizards
- 1822Y00F08franklin18Y00C5NWilson Crested-Greebe
- 0824Y00F05xfont08Y00J0Y00C1N
- 0801NI should like to thank my friend and colleague, Chamberlain Dave Pickup, who
- 0801Nhas been an invaluable source in the discussion of my inner feelings,
- 0801Nprompting this article. Long and hard have we moved from digression to
- 0801Nobscurity, to repressed desires. He is a man who offers both bathos AND
- 0801Npathos to a scholar like myself. This article is therefore dedicated to the
- 0801Nmemory of a great man and such a tragic, wasted and futile live. Nobody
- 0801Ncould have forseen dear Pickups painfull downfall, leading to his pitiful
- 0801Ndemise into obscurity and herion reliance. I wept and I would be pleased if
- 0801Nyou did too. Thankyou.
- 0801N
- 0811Y14C5Y24C1NThe Wiltshire `Floating' Wizard Man seems to have entered into popular
- 0801Nfolk-lore, mythology within your pages. Suddenly he is being sighted just
- 0801Nabout everywhere. It's just totally crazy! Are we all mad fools? Loopy?
- 0801NGa-ga? Off our bonces??? Are we? Or aren't we? Who can really say. Well,
- 0801Nme actually!
- 0801N
- 0811Y11S4Y24S0NWhile it is undoubtable (although nothing is undoutable in our field of post-
- 0801Nscientific work) that their are some time wasting hoaxters out there just
- 0801Nfabricating wizard sightings, surely some must be real. The odds that the
- 0801Ncountry is blowing this whole mystical event out of proportion are a million
- 0801Nto one, for it is a major happening. This is a major breakthrough for
- 0801Nexperts such as myself, eho for years have looked for something to believe
- 0801Nin. I can only conclude that the increased viewings of The F-W-Man indicate
- 0801Nwe are on the verge of global change! The future is already apon us, even
- 0801Nas we speak.
- 0801N
- 0801NCheeky doubtsters and paranormal mockers amongst you may geer and poo-poo my
- 0801Nstridently held believe that the Wizard is so much more than just another
- 0801Ndrivilling story of deranged crazies. For he is so much more. "To float is
- 0801Nto be", as a far wiser one once said to me. (Wo)Mankind has always delighted
- 0801Nin that which soars in the sky. The flap of a humble bird can excite us no
- 0801Nend. The growl of the jumbo jet as it dilly-dallys about our sky. There is
- 0801Nsomething special about flight than one can just not put ones proverbial
- 0801Nfinger on fully. To fly is to be free and to float, like a Wizard, is
- 0801Ntherefore a step in the ascention to the status of flight. The progression
- 0811Y23C7Y32C1Nof the Wizard Man from `floater' (in the sense of hovering, not in the sense
- 0801Nof a lump of excrament gliding about a toilet bowl, denieing the flush) to
- 0801N`flyer' is compareable to a boy or a girl transcending into heaven, gaining
- 0801Ntheir wings and becoming one of `them.' Isn't it every good boy's dream to
- 0801None day be a fully fledged angel? Well isn't it. Did not Icarus throw away
- 0801Nhis pityful existance to delve into the angels domain. This raises another
- 0801Nmatter of the sun burning one's wings. The attraction of the burning orb,
- 0801Nblinding noble Icarus with it's powerful, hypnotic, yellow glowing thing was
- 0801Nhis death warrant. Let us hope that light too does not blind the Wizard.
- 0801N
- 0801NHe is indeed something special and, I for one hope his love shines down on us
- 0801Nfor eternity. Here's to the Wizard and all he represents.
- *!EOF